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11DPO just some tips to help on the first 10 days - POSITIVE POST

2024.05.19 03:15 AdditionalRemote332 11DPO just some tips to help on the first 10 days - POSITIVE POST

This is my first post here, most likely won't be posting much but this sub has helped me with lots of tips the weeks before surgery, but also made me scared of things that I really didn't have to be so I want to make a positive post to show you that yes you can do this and do well on the first 10 days.
Just for the reference I'm over 40 and had the surgery done because of a shoulde back problem, went from a DD to maybe a C, doctor said wouldn't take much more than that and although some days were tough I look back now and think that went by really fast. Another thing, I went to school for Nutrition so I tried to keep a very good diet pre and post op, I'm already getting out of the track but first week I did great LOL
So here's what worked for me:
Increase your protein intake before and after surgery. I don't really like to eat meat/ chicken every day but I've been doing just because I have to, also eating other kinds of protein.
High fiber diet and lots of water (and walk) - from the beginning I knew I didn't want to take stool softeners or laxatives and because of that I ate lots of salad, fresh fruits (stay away from apples), multigrain bread, ActiviA yogurt, probiotic juice, lots of liquids and I was walking since 1DPO, all started to work on 2DPO and by the 3rd day I was going to the bathroom normally. Also: this is pretty good, cook some dry apricots in water and eat, works better than prunes.
Things that I bought and used:
Couldn't shower for 48h so these rinse free bathing wipes worked amazing to keep me clean. I have to add a note here that I was very scared of showering, after the first shower (seating on a little stool, don't buy a shower chair, just use any little stool with a towel on the seat) I didn't shower for 2 days because I was way too scared and mostly because I was scared to look at my stitches and because I read horror stories here. With prayers and a good pep talk I took a shower all by myself after 2 days.
I bought a mastectomy pillow just because I have 2 dogs and one of them loves to jump on me otherwise I wouldn't have bought
I used lots of pillow to sleep and worked fine, don't waste your money buying those pregnancy pillows, each day you're going to want a pillow in a different place.
These pads are the best to use inside your bra, you will have some drainage and these work perfectly
That leads to bras, what an ordeal. The bra I came from the surgery was some medical bra that is exactly the Carole Martin on Amazon (thanks for someone who wrote about it on this sub), I got an extra one but was horrible, digging on my armpits. That fruit of the loom that everyone raves about it also had the same problem for me, not mention the elastic on top of my incisions. This one is the best bra, it runs big so I have now 2 sizes. For reference Im a 42 on Carole Martin and I'm a L on this bra (bought an XL which works but it's a big too big), doctor said I could use and change my bra no problem
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CQLXQJS2?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details Yesterday a friend who is a RN told me that I could use cortisone cream + AD cream or DESITIN cream on top because most likely the pain on my armpits was because the bra was chaffing my armpits, now Im also using a chaffing gel and things are improving.
And here's the most important tip I'm going to give you, have people with you, tell friends and family that you are having a surgery, it's good to have people praying/ cheering on you, checking on you, bringing you food (although I said many times we didn't need cause I filled my freezer with meals), this part is the most important, makes you feel loved and cherished. You just went/ going through a major surgery and the first few days it's almost impossible to do something by yourself. Having someone helping you out and taking care of you makes a world of difference.
On the 4DPO I went to get my hair washed at the salon, it was great getting out the house, seeing people and being pampered a little bit. Made me feel special and pretty, believe me you will feel very yucky after hospital and surgery. Now I shower and my husband washes my hair, still hurts a lot put my arms up.
My last tip is rubbing alcohol helped clean the sticky from the EKG leads (the sticky pads for monitoring your heart during surgery) on my skin chest, it took a couple of days to realize I had that.
I hope and pray that you (whoever reads this post) have a great surgery and recovery, that you feel very proud of yourself for doing something so brave like this and that you feel pretty confident on yourself before and after the surgery.
submitted by AdditionalRemote332 to Reduction [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:08 SkipToMyNaeNae Which color way of sofas would go with my floors?

Which color way of sofas would go with my floors?
I’m customizing my sofas and having a hard time deciding between the two options. In each picture the bottom fabric is the sofa color way and the top fabrics are the pillow colors.
submitted by SkipToMyNaeNae to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:52 SkipToMyNaeNae Which color way of sofas would go with my floors?

Which color way of sofas would go with my floors?
I’m customizing my sofas and having a hard time deciding between the two options.
In each picture the bottom fabric is the sofa color way and the top fabrics are the pillow colors.
submitted by SkipToMyNaeNae to Decor [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:33 MrPurrface How much money should I bring? Incoming MSc student

Ciao ragazzi, I'm an international student from New York starting my MSc next year. I was wondering what a typical monthly budget for a Bocconi student would look like. I just got an apartment for 1000 euro a month. Would an extra 1500 eur per month be enough on top of that? Enough to go out for dinners, aperitivo, and socialize? Including rent, my budget would be around 2500 euros per month.
How much do students typically spend? Thanks!
submitted by MrPurrface to bocconi [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:11 Professional-Day9849 persepolis f.c

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persepolis f.c
Geschichte von Persepolis F.C.
Persepolis F.C. ist ein renommierter Fußballverein mit einer faszinierenden Geschichte. Gegründet wurde der Verein im Jahr 1963 und ist seitdem zu einem der erfolgreichsten Clubs im Iran geworden. Der Name "Persepolis" ist eine Hommage an die antike Stadt Persepolis, die einst die Hauptstadt des persischen Reiches war und für ihre Pracht und ihren Reichtum bekannt ist.
Die Anfänge von Persepolis F.C. waren bescheiden, aber der Verein entwickelte sich schnell zu einer dominanten Kraft im iranischen Fußball. In den 1970er und 1980er Jahren gewann Persepolis mehrere nationale Meisterschaften und etablierte sich als Top-Team im Land. Die Unterstützung der Fans war dabei ein wichtiger Faktor, da die Anhänger von Persepolis bekannt sind für ihre Leidenschaft und Hingabe.
In den folgenden Jahrzehnten erlebte Persepolis Höhen und Tiefen, aber der Verein blieb ein fester Bestandteil der iranischen Fußballszene. Besonders bemerkenswert ist der Gewinn der AFC Champions League im Jahr 1991, als Persepolis zum ersten Mal in seiner Geschichte den Titel des besten asiatischen Vereins gewann.
Heute ist Persepolis F.C. immer noch einer der führenden Fußballvereine im Iran und hat eine große und treue Fangemeinde. Der Verein hat zahlreiche Spieler hervorgebracht, die zu nationalen und internationalen Stars wurden, und seine Geschichte ist eng mit der Entwicklung des iranischen Fußballs verbunden. Persepolis bleibt ein Symbol für Stolz und Leidenschaft für Fußballfans im Iran und darüber hinaus.
Spieler und Trainer von Persepolis F.C.
Persepolis F.C., auch bekannt als "Team Melli", ist einer der führenden Fußballvereine im Iran und genießt eine große Fangemeinde sowohl im Land als auch international. Der Verein hat eine reiche Geschichte und viele talentierte Spieler und Trainer haben im Laufe der Jahre dazu beigetragen, seinen Erfolg zu formen.
Einer der bemerkenswertesten Spieler von Persepolis F.C. ist Ali Parvin. Parvin, ein ehemaliger Mittelfeldspieler, gilt als einer der größten iranischen Fußballspieler aller Zeiten. Er spielte eine Schlüsselrolle in den erfolgreichen Jahren des Vereins in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren und gewann zahlreiche nationale Meisterschaften und Pokale. Nach seiner Spielerkarriere widmete er sich dem Trainerberuf und führte das Team zu weiteren Triumphen.
Ein weiterer bedeutender Spieler in der Geschichte von Persepolis F.C. ist Ali Daei. Daei ist bekannt als der führende Torschütze in der Geschichte des internationalen Fußballs und hat auch während seiner Zeit bei Persepolis F.C. seine Torgefährlichkeit unter Beweis gestellt. Seine Fähigkeiten vor dem Tor und sein Führungsstil machten ihn zu einer Legende des iranischen Fußballs.
In Bezug auf Trainer hat Persepolis F.C. einige herausragende Persönlichkeiten hervorgebracht. Branko Ivanković, ein renommierter kroatischer Trainer, hatte einen großen Einfluss auf den Verein während seiner Amtszeit. Unter seiner Leitung gewann Persepolis F.C. mehrere nationale Titel und erreichte auch Erfolge auf internationaler Ebene.
Insgesamt hat Persepolis F.C. im Laufe seiner Geschichte viele talentierte Spieler und Trainer hervorgebracht, die zum Erfolg und zur Legendenbildung des Vereins beigetragen haben. Mit einer starken Fanbasis und einer stolzen Tradition bleibt Persepolis F.C. ein herausragender Name im iranischen Fußball.
Erfolge von Persepolis F.C.
Persepolis F.C., der iranische Fußballverein mit Sitz in Teheran, hat eine beeindruckende Erfolgsgeschichte, die ihn zu einem der dominantesten Teams im iranischen Fußball gemacht hat.
Seit der Gründung des Vereins im Jahr 1963 hat Persepolis zahlreiche Erfolge auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene erzielt. Auf nationaler Ebene hat der Verein zahlreiche Meisterschaften in der Iran Pro League gewonnen, wobei die Anzahl der Titel im zweistelligen Bereich liegt. Diese Kontinuität und Dominanz im iranischen Fußball haben Persepolis zu einem der erfolgreichsten Vereine des Landes gemacht.
Darüber hinaus hat Persepolis auch auf internationaler Bühne Aufmerksamkeit erregt. Der Verein hat mehrere Teilnahmen an der AFC Champions League verzeichnet und war in verschiedenen Spielzeiten äußerst wettbewerbsfähig. In der Saison 2018 erreichte Persepolis sogar das Finale des Wettbewerbs, was seine Fähigkeit unterstreicht, sich auch auf internationaler Ebene zu behaupten.
Ein Schlüsselfaktor für den Erfolg von Persepolis ist die starke Unterstützung seiner Fans. Die Leidenschaft und Hingabe der Anhänger des Vereins sind legendär und haben dazu beigetragen, eine inspirierende Atmosphäre zu schaffen, die es dem Team ermöglicht, auf dem Platz sein Bestes zu geben.
Insgesamt sind die Erfolge von Persepolis F.C. ein Beweis für die harte Arbeit, das Talent und die Entschlossenheit sowohl der Spieler als auch des Trainerstabs. Ihr Engagement für Exzellenz hat den Verein zu einem Synonym für Erfolg im iranischen Fußball gemacht und wird zweifellos weiterhin Inspiration für zukünftige Generationen von Spielern und Fans sein.
Aktuelle Saison von Persepolis F.C.
Die aktuelle Saison von Persepolis F.C. hat bisher eine Mischung aus Höhen und Tiefen geboten. Als einer der führenden Fußballvereine im Iran hat Persepolis eine lange Geschichte und eine treue Fangemeinde. In dieser Saison haben sie hart gekämpft, um ihre Position an der Spitze der Tabelle zu verteidigen.
Das Team hat sich intensiv auf die Herausforderungen vorbereitet und ist mit einer klaren Strategie in die Saison gestartet. Unter der Leitung ihres erfahrenen Trainers haben die Spieler ihr Bestes gegeben, um in jedem Spiel zu glänzen. Trotz einiger Rückschläge haben sie sich als hartnäckige Gegner erwiesen und wichtige Siege errungen.
Die Fans von Persepolis F.C. haben das Team leidenschaftlich unterstützt und für eine beeindruckende Atmosphäre in den Stadien gesorgt. Ihre Unterstützung hat den Spielern zusätzliche Motivation gegeben und zu einigen spektakulären Leistungen auf dem Platz geführt.
Während die Saison noch nicht vorbei ist, ist Persepolis F.C. auf einem guten Weg, um ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Mit harter Arbeit, Entschlossenheit und der Unterstützung ihrer Fans sind sie zuversichtlich, dass sie am Ende der Saison triumphieren werden.
Insgesamt hat die aktuelle Saison von Persepolis F.C. gezeigt, dass sie ein Team mit großem Potenzial sind und dass sie bereit sind, alles zu geben, um ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Die Fans können stolz sein auf das, was das Team bisher erreicht hat, und gespannt sein auf das, was noch kommen wird.
Fanbasis und Unterstützung für Persepolis F.C.
Persepolis F.C. ist einer der führenden Fußballvereine im Iran und genießt eine breite Fanbasis und Unterstützung sowohl im Inland als auch international. Gegründet im Jahr 1963 hat der Verein eine reiche Geschichte und eine starke Präsenz in der iranischen Fußballlandschaft.
Die Fanbasis von Persepolis F.C. ist äußerst leidenschaftlich und engagiert. Die Anhänger des Vereins, bekannt als "Red Army", sind bekannt für ihre Treue und Hingabe, die sie bei jedem Spiel zeigen. Ihre Unterstützung ist nicht nur auf das Stadion beschränkt, sondern erstreckt sich auch auf soziale Medien, wo sie aktiv die Spieler und das Team unterstützen.
Die Popularität von Persepolis F.C. geht jedoch über die Grenzen des Iran hinaus. Der Verein hat eine beträchtliche Anzahl von Fans auf der ganzen Welt, insbesondere in Ländern mit einer großen iranischen Diaspora. Diese Fans verfolgen die Spiele des Vereins mit Begeisterung und unterstützen ihn durch den Kauf von Merchandising-Produkten und die Teilnahme an Fanveranstaltungen.
Die Unterstützung für Persepolis F.C. ist auch auf die Erfolge des Vereins zurückzuführen. Mit zahlreichen nationalen Meisterschaften und Pokalsiegen hat der Verein eine starke Position im iranischen Fußball etabliert. Diese Erfolge haben dazu beigetragen, die Fanbasis weiter zu stärken und neue Anhänger anzuziehen.
Insgesamt ist die Fanbasis und Unterstützung für Persepolis F.C. ein zentraler Bestandteil des Erfolgs des Vereins. Die leidenschaftlichen Fans tragen dazu bei, eine inspirierende Atmosphäre zu schaffen und das Team zu Höchstleistungen anzuspornen, sowohl auf als auch neben dem Spielfeld.
submitted by Professional-Day9849 to u/Professional-Day9849 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:52 madsmish Our experience in the first 12 weeks with our reflux baby

This reddit has been a treasure trove of information and support. We have seen many stories of other families who are enduring a hard, long few months with a reflux baby. Thank you for helping us feel less crazy and like others understand.
In our experience, we found there isn't a lot of helpful information about how to help a baby going through reflux and how to know if your baby might have reflux. So, we wanted to share our experience in hopes that you will feel less alone and maybe encouraged too!
If you want the story, here it is! If not, skip to the bottom section.
Feeding has been a difficult journey since our daughter was born. She lost over 10% of her weight in 2 days (I am told that is normal for breastfed babies). So, the lactation consultants encouraged me to begin pumping after every feed to increase supply, or 12 times a day. I did this for 4 weeks. While my supply eventually came in, feeding continued to be immensely difficult. After 7 lactation appointments and multiple appointments with the pediatrician, we were greatly discouraged. By the time our daughter was 8 weeks old, she would scream every feed and feeds would take close to two hours. Even giving her a bottle of breastmilk would take more than an hour for her to finish. I was ready to throw in the towel on breastfeeding because I was devastated at how difficult it was. Our daughter would scream and cry more than 10 hours a day. It was awful. I also experienced lots of nipple pain around this time, which added to the frustration.
When our daughter was 8 weeks old, our pediatrician referred us to an Occupational Therapist thinking her suck reflex might have issues. We had a 3 hour appointment with the Occupational Therapist who assessed that she did have some issues with tongue positioning when swallowing and a shallow latch, but her assessment was that reflux was the biggest problem our daughter was facing. We began doing exercises for the latch and tongue issues. Because of the OT's assessment, our doctor prescribed Famotidine for our baby. Now, our baby is almost 12 weeks and is very happy! Breastfeeding is one of her favorite things and is a good experience for us both! She eats in under 30 minutes and most feeds are joyful. There are still hard reflux days where she is unhappy and struggles to latch, but overall it is much better!
Here are the top things we learned:
  1. We learned the signs of reflux our LO was experiencing. For her reflux looked like: Clearing her throat, latching then quickly unlatching, throwing her head back, crying as if she was in pain, tons of spit up (even 30 minutes after she ate), and she needed to be burped a lot.
  2. Our baby developed a fear of reflux which led to a fear of eating. She became defensive during nursing, despite her hunger because she was afraid of acid coming up. She also limited her eating because with reflux she would experience more acid when her stomach was full. So, this was a key reason why our LO fought eating. Knowing she was in pain definitely gave me more grace and patience, but it was so sad to discover that she was afraid to eat.
  3. We began to choose a baby-led feeding position
In the hospital, I was taught the football feeding position and was told to smash her face into the boob so she would latch. Many lactation appointments confirmed this. However, for our reflux baby, this added fear because she would try to pull away but I wouldn’t understand her cue. We learned from the occupational therapist that the baby has to trust that I see her cues of struggle so she can regroup before taking in more milk. This meant, we had to do a breastfeeding position where I was not holding her head and where she could have more freedom to pull away as she needed.
For breastfeeding we did a side-by-side position. Where the baby lays on her side right next to me. This gives her the freedom to pull away as needed. Once we rebuilt trust, I was able to do a cross-cradle position. I still do not hold her head. She can pull away as needed.
We also do this with the bottle. We started with her mostly sitting up, leaned against pillows. When reflux started to bother her, she could pull away and then come back when she was ready.
  1. With our LO, we developed a mantra: When it doubt, pull it out
Anytime we think LO is having trouble and might cough/choke, we started pulling off the breast or tilting the bottle to give her a break.
For our LO, choking means more frustration and fear of nursing. I was concerned she wouldn’t latch back on, but I found it is much better to give her a break then to push her.
  1. Burping
Our LO needed lot of burping. Here's our signs she needed burped immediately: clearing her throat, anytime she starts wiggling a lot, anytime she is choking or coughing, etc.
We got into the habit of always burping every 10mL of the bottle or 4-5 minutes on the breast. I also burp in between sides.
  1. Upright positions make a big difference for our LO
We keep her upright for 20 minutes after a feed so she doesn’t have as much burning acid come up. It’s our way of helping her keep it down.
We had to plan when we'd do tummy time and diaper changes so that our LO wasn't at risk of spit-up (or hiccups). We did it before feeds or after holding upright for a while.
  1. We learned to use a pacifier or LO's hand to help her keep the reflux down
For our girl, we found the swallow reflex can be used with a "dry nipple" (finger, pacifier, etc) to get her to continually swallow. This helps the reflux stay down for her! You and I do it all the time to keep stomach nasties from coming back up.
  1. Celebrate every minute of baby sleep you get
A well rested baby eats so much better. Our LO was much more patient with us during this difficult work of feeding when she had a good nap. Give yourself grace if all you can do is contact naps.
  1. Our experience with Famotidine (Pepcid)
We saw some results immediately.
We saw better results after 5 days
We saw great results after 14 days.
All babies cry. This won't change that. But it's nothing like it was before. Our LO does not throw her head back and most feeds are very positive. She's still fussy in the evening, but that can be normal for all babies.
We think we notice when it wears off, right now we're on a single dose per day. The last feed before her dose, she usually struggles. But that's nothing compared to how it was.
  1. Help your Dr. by eliminating all uncertainty that it truly is a reflux problem.
We have a great pediatrician! But how do you know if a patient really does need medication when there might be something less drastic that would solve the problem? It really helped our dr. that we gave her a detailed account of the symptoms and timing of our LO's problems. It also helped that we happened to need to bottle feed our LO in front of the dr and it was terrible! The dr could see for herself what it was. I also cut dairy and regulated caffeine early. This helped our dr. be confident that a reflux medication was the best next step. We haven't added dairy back in yet. Just happy things are better right now.
  1. Don't be afraid to advocate for you and your baby.
No one will care about your baby as much as you do. Lactation, pediatrics, OT, every professional has a specific purpose and goal that's aligned with what they know best. But YOU are the kid-expert. Trust your gut. If you think something isn't working or your LO isn't alright, advocate. Lactation will hope for a completely breast-fed baby. Which is a wonderful thing. But what's most important is that your baby is happy and healthy no matter how that happens. Formula, pumped, or breast-fed. Many pediatricians will be concerned with the child's development. We hit our milestones, but it came a huge cost of time with 120 minute feeds each time, and very little sleep. Make sure that ALL medical professionals giving you important advice knows your LO's backstory. We made some mistakes with this... That's another post. Taking good notes helped our occupational therapist spot the problem over time.
And when you try new things, get some sort of timeline of how long to try it before there be improvement. Find out if the medication or technique should work after a week or a month. This will help you manage your expectations when you might be feeling hopeless.
  1. Know your milestones
It is normal for certain weeks to be challenging. Knowing our milestones helped us understand the full picture of what our LO was experiencing, not just reflux related. And, it gave us hope that some of the misery wouldn't last forever. Haha.
Non reflux-related breastfeeding lessons
  1. Pump-related
I hurt so bad from pumping and I assumed that was normal. I went through weeks of blanched nipples and very significant nipple pain only to discover I wasn't pumping correctly! Make sure to measure your nipples for your flange size. If you are working with a lactation consultant, they can help with this. Also, I learned to check the breast pump manual to learn about the settings. I have now made some adjustments to the settings. Now that I have discovered these things, my nipple pain has gone away.
  1. Shame when breastfeeding isn't working
I experienced a lot of shame and guilt when breastfeeding wasn't going well. I thought I was a terrible mom and I felt embarrassed that something that should be natural and easy was a nightmare. That led me down all kinds of destructive thoughts, fearing that I wouldn't be a good mom moving forward because this area was hard. I had to learn to reframe things. I had to start to see that any volume of milk my reflux LO got was a win. I had to discipline myself to not compare myself to other moms who could breastfeed in public for less than 10 minutes while I had to make sure to feed in the car, knowing my LO would take over an hour and cry nonstop. I had to learn that if a feed wasn't going well, it isn't a failure to decide to offer a bottle to help LO fill up more quickly. Honestly, I had to learn to lay aside my expectations and do what worked. And, I had to have my identity not wrapped around breastfeeding and my child's success. Just as my LO struggled in this area, she will struggle with more things in the future. I will be a better mom if I can love her through it without feeling shame for where she is at. Having a supportive, loving husband greatly helped when I wanted to throw in the towel. I also found that talking with my counselor and having a space to remember the truth about my baby (i.e. her struggling to breastfeed is because of the reflux, not because I am a bad mom), greatly helped my mental health and my relationship with my baby.
It is the end of week 11 for us and it has changed dramatically for the better! We are on week 3 of the Famotidine. Our baby smiles all the time and is a joy to be around. I am beginning to like being a mom, which I couldn't imagine 2 weeks ago. People say things get better at week 12 and we didn't believe them. We felt hopeless. For us, it actually did get better. But, we know that isn't everyone's story. Regardless of how long you have been struggling with a reflux baby, it is incredibly hard on the whole family. And, I don't know when it will get better for you. My prayer is that it will get better for you very soon because it sucks and is awful. In the meantime, I hope this post helps in some way or at least helps you know that someone else in the world gets where you are coming from.
submitted by madsmish to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:38 On_It_2024 Best orgasm position

She is face down. She is looking into your face. She is clutching a pillow.
She hears you speak how beautiful she looks. She hears you moan ‘Yes.’
Your right hand is driving the pleasure. Your right hand middle fingers are sliding back and forth as fast as you can across the G.
Your left hand is gently rubbing circles around her belly. Your left hand middle finger top smooth surface below the second knuckle is vibrating her clit as fast as you can.
After the third paroxysm of full body shaking you withdraw abruptly and then resume furiously until she squirts.
You lay on top of her folding her in your arms and look into her eyes.
The first thing she says is “______.”
submitted by On_It_2024 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:09 Necessary_Warning_79 Do you post on instagram for aesthetics or to hype others up/ to be hyped up?

I posted a photo on IG. It never got any likes from people I talk to regularly which I was confused by. And, my “friend” said that photo taking is a skill and unless it’s a Pinterest worthy pic then people aren’t interested. And instagram isn’t there to hype people up. They don’t appreciate raw selves and she’d be a bad friend if she mocked me. But she said my photo just gave passport. She seemed very passionate about it, too. I know I’m beautiful. So I don’t feel the need to post. But, it’d be nice to sometimes hear it too lol or get likes. Anyways. I always hype up friends on IG. And, I thought we were there for a good time. Lol maybe I’m naive. But, imo that doesn’t sound like a statement of a friend. What do you guys think. And she said my pic was.. personal… because, I was fully clothed you couldn’t see anything in bed? Lying on top of a pillow? Like what lol who thinks that when seeing a pic. And it wasn’t sexy in any way. My grandma liked it.
submitted by Necessary_Warning_79 to GenZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:00 Full_Prize_4615 Patients not even trying

I work a rehab hall (short term) in a nursing home. I love helping patients get better and go home. Although some turn long term and move upstairs it's always the goal to do therapy and go home while they are on my hall. Sometimes, I can't help but get frustrated with the patients who don't even try. Who CAN do some things but just tell me they can't without TRYING.. just something about that burns me to the core because there's patients that actually can't and would love the ability to. This one patient I have is completely with it in her mind, but just lays there and wants every single thing done for her. I'm talking she wouldn't even lift her own head when she wanted her pillow adjusted. Her arms work perfect to play on her phone but she demands to grab the fork off her tray and hand it to her. But then she feeds herself perfectly. She just looks at you when she needs rolled for a brief change and is dead weight and doesn't even try to move or help. And on top of that she's rude., I just need some advice because when PT & OT are there she does a lot and they look at me like I'm crazy when I say she's a complete total cere.
submitted by Full_Prize_4615 to cna [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:49 mxndygbx New tater tot!

New tater tot!
The firt one has hella filters, my mom edited it😂 This is Resca, short for Rescatado which means rescued in Spanish. Last Sunday my mom stopped the car and screamed for me to get out and run to "grab it", I was confused but saw the little kitten in the middle of a busy street. My mom saw the car in front of us drive on top of him😭🥲 he was all curled up and shaking, i wanna cry thinking of that moment. He was dirty in car oil, the day before we had a storm and it was pouring the whole day. I think his momma hid him on a car and when the owners drove away he fell on the street. Poor baby was so scared, he hissed when i tried to feed him some milky when i saw he didn't pay attention to solid food. My other cat, Crusty, was born last Feb on my house (his mom is sterilized now🤍) and we didn't plan to keep him but he grew on me, i had to feed him bc he was the runt and two failed adoptions (due to them changing their minds) was all the confirmation we needed that this was his forever home. We have a 15 year old cancer survivor Chihuahua, Crusty helped her adapt to cats and even tho we did not planned to get another cat Rescue came and it feels so natural to have him here.
The last picture is the first time I saw them sleeping together on the little pillow my mom put on Resca's box the first night.
Welcome home, Resca Tado🤍
submitted by mxndygbx to IllegallySmolCats [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:40 mpn000 Mais de 25 marcas são reprovadas em teste de pureza de creatina

Para a galera do brasil que costuma usar creatina
Marcas que impediram judicialmente a divulgação do resultado dos testes:: Segundo a Abenutri, as empresas SUPLEY (fabricante das marcas Probiotica e Max Titanium), INTLAB (das marcas AGE, MonsterFeed, Intlab e Cellucor) e BRG (Integralmédica e Darkness) tiveram seus produtos testados, porém entraram com medidas jurídicas para não divulgação dos resultados.
Marcas de creatina com 0% de creatina : Healthy labs creatina gourmet; Ravenna sports creatina micronized; Impure nutrition creatina; Nft Nutrition creatina 100% pura; Sun food creatine pure; Dymatrix nutrition creatina monohidrate; Iron tech sports nutrition creatina monohidratada; Red bolic creatine monster maca palatinose zma; Airomax creatine; Dark dragon crea delite.
Marcas com variação superior a 20%: Ftw creatina ultra – 20,17%; Body Action creatine double force – 23%; Vitamax Nutrition creatine booster – 23,6%%. Adaptogen hd cret – 24,3%; Absolut Nutrition creatina Flavor – 32,3%; Muscle full creatina – 32,7%; Absolut Nutrition creatina 100% pure – 37,1%; Pro Healthy creatine micronized – 43,3%; Body action web creatine dual power – 46,2%; Healthy time creatina powder – 53%; Body Nutry creatina – 54,5%; R74 Pro healthy creatine – 55,7%; Nitro max max creatina – 59%; Body Nutry suplementos – 86,7%; Natures Now Researches creatine energy now atp – 96,8%.
Produtos aprovados(variação inferior a 20%), em ordem crescente: Master way suplementos creatina com 0% de variação, logo, apresentou 100% de pureza; Elemento puro creadop creapure – 0,30%; Euro nutry creatine powder 100% – 1,20%; Dark lab Acreatine – 1,90%; Adaptogen creatine – 2,10%; Pura vida creatina premium – 2,10%; Equaliv creatina creapure pr – 2,99%; Soldiers nutrition creatina – 3,10%; Atlhetica nutrition 100% creatine flavour – 3,67%; Growth sup monohidratada creatine – 3,70%; Bruthal sports creatina – 3,90%; Iridium labs atlas creatina – 4,30%; Nutrata creatin up – 4,30%; Hero creatina – 9,40%; Black skull creator – 4,35%; Black skull creatine – 4,45%; Espartanos creatina 100% pure – 4,60%; Nutrex research creatine drive – 4,90%; New millen creatine atp – 5,20%; Leader nutrition hi-creatina micronized – 5,30%; Under labz creatine under cret – 5,40%; Adaptogen creatine super – 6%; Wise health creatine monohydrate – 7,70%; Smart fit supps creatina – 8,40%; Strongest supplements – 8,40% Top way creatina – 9,30%; Black skull creatine turbo – 10%; Shark pro energy creatina – 10,33%; Ast sports micronized creatine – 10,70%; Underlabz-nitra fuze creatine fuze – 10,90%; New millen creatina atp – 11%; Universal creatine – 11,70%; Fisio nutri strong creatine pure – 12,20%; Synthe size creatina powder – 12,50%; Evolution nut creatine one pure – 13,40%; Nutrata creatina 100% – 13,50%; Profit lab creatine monohydrate – 13,60%; Vitafor creatine – 13,80%; Evorox nutrition evo creatine – 15,10%; Muke creatina shot diário – 17,87%; Canibal inc. creatina plus – 18,60%.
submitted by mpn000 to brasil [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:37 mpn000 Teste reprova mais de 20 marcas de creatina, algumas continham 0% da substância

Marcas que impediram judicialmente a divulgação do resultado dos testes:: Segundo a Abenutri, as empresas SUPLEY (fabricante das marcas Probiotica e Max Titanium), INTLAB (das marcas AGE, MonsterFeed, Intlab e Cellucor) e BRG (Integralmédica e Darkness) tiveram seus produtos testados, porém entraram com medidas jurídicas para não divulgação dos resultados.
Marcas de creatina com 0% de creatina : Healthy labs creatina gourmet; Ravenna sports creatina micronized; Impure nutrition creatina; Nft Nutrition creatina 100% pura; Sun food creatine pure; Dymatrix nutrition creatina monohidrate; Iron tech sports nutrition creatina monohidratada; Red bolic creatine monster maca palatinose zma; Airomax creatine; Dark dragon crea delite.
Marcas com variação superior a 20%: Ftw creatina ultra – 20,17%; Body Action creatine double force – 23%; Vitamax Nutrition creatine booster – 23,6%%. Adaptogen hd cret – 24,3%; Absolut Nutrition creatina Flavor – 32,3%; Muscle full creatina – 32,7%; Absolut Nutrition creatina 100% pure – 37,1%; Pro Healthy creatine micronized – 43,3%; Body action web creatine dual power – 46,2%; Healthy time creatina powder – 53%; Body Nutry creatina – 54,5%; R74 Pro healthy creatine – 55,7%; Nitro max max creatina – 59%; Body Nutry suplementos – 86,7%; Natures Now Researches creatine energy now atp – 96,8%.
Produtos aprovados(variação inferior a 20%), em ordem crescente: Master way suplementos creatina com 0% de variação, logo, apresentou 100% de pureza; Elemento puro creadop creapure – 0,30%; Euro nutry creatine powder 100% – 1,20%; Dark lab Acreatine – 1,90%; Adaptogen creatine – 2,10%; Pura vida creatina premium – 2,10%; Equaliv creatina creapure pr – 2,99%; Soldiers nutrition creatina – 3,10%; Atlhetica nutrition 100% creatine flavour – 3,67%; Growth sup monohidratada creatine – 3,70%; Bruthal sports creatina – 3,90%; Iridium labs atlas creatina – 4,30%; Nutrata creatin up – 4,30%; Hero creatina – 9,40%; Black skull creator – 4,35%; Black skull creatine – 4,45%; Espartanos creatina 100% pure – 4,60%; Nutrex research creatine drive – 4,90%; New millen creatine atp – 5,20%; Leader nutrition hi-creatina micronized – 5,30%; Under labz creatine under cret – 5,40%; Adaptogen creatine super – 6%; Wise health creatine monohydrate – 7,70%; Smart fit supps creatina – 8,40%; Strongest supplements – 8,40% Top way creatina – 9,30%; Black skull creatine turbo – 10%; Shark pro energy creatina – 10,33%; Ast sports micronized creatine – 10,70%; Underlabz-nitra fuze creatine fuze – 10,90%; New millen creatina atp – 11%; Universal creatine – 11,70%; Fisio nutri strong creatine pure – 12,20%; Synthe size creatina powder – 12,50%; Evolution nut creatine one pure – 13,40%; Nutrata creatina 100% – 13,50%; Profit lab creatine monohydrate – 13,60%; Vitafor creatine – 13,80%; Evorox nutrition evo creatine – 15,10%; Muke creatina shot diário – 17,87%; Canibal inc. creatina plus – 18,60%.
submitted by mpn000 to Maromba [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:35 n0viski pain "down there" (16m)

hi. this is embarrassing to have to ask but i'm wondering if i should do anything about it.
so this morning, around 9:30 am (6 hours ago as of making this post) i was "in the mood" and decided to do my one pillow. afterwards it felt ok but i noticed my tip was red and within a few minutes it started hurting. the tip is very sensitive to almost anything and if anything touches it such as my underwear it hurts. 6 hours later the pain is still there, and the area on the top of my tip is still red.
i think it's probably just like a "rug burn" type of thing, but i don't know. any advice is appreciated, thanks. i'm unsure what else to say, but if you need any other info i can give i can try my best to answer.
submitted by n0viski to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:29 Kuroihane Feathers (Kassandra Curze focused little funny short story)

(Premise: Kassandra stays loyal, she was helped with her condition regarding visions by her sister Sanguinia with whom she grew close.)


“-andra! Kassandra, damn you, help me!” called Regalia. It was so unlike her.
Night Hauntress’ sister knelt next to their Father’s mutilated body. Ignoring all pleas, Kassandra went past the bleeding Emperor and came up to another body lying on the floor of Vengeful Spirit.
Constillation of rubies, Great Angel’s blood covered her blindingly white wings, horrifically decorated her beautiful face. Painting of gold, white and red, Kassandra Curze saw the world in wide strokes of brush, unable to perceive what she saw before her eyes. Unwilling to perceive. Night Hauntress stood there, staring at Sanguinia’s body, her eyes just gazing in nothingness. She never noticed as her Praetorian sister left, holding the Emperor of Mankind under arms.
Lagging units finally caught up to them, entering the sanctum. Warriors from Regalia’s Fists, their Father’s personal guard, Kassandra’s own Atramaentar.
Why did you come? she wanted to ask, The battle is over.
No one dared to come closer to the Night Hauntress as she froze over the Angel. Only Jago made a few steps, approaching the moveless figure of his Mother. Blood Angels were nowhere to be seen, while sounds of rampaging battle were coming closer to the sanctum.
Sudden scream of agony woke Kassandra from this trance. She turned to see the source of the sound. One man, whose height was so unnaturally smaller than that of super-humans he was surrounded by. Young man’s body twitched and squirmed in pain, as he grasped his head, covering eyes, as if trying not to see, pulling hair, as if trying not to think.
Ah, that mortal Sanguinia fancied, the thought was so mundane, it almost seemed as she simply met him in one of Red Tear’s golden corridors, she called him Dove, as I recall. Why is he weeping?
Figure of similar stature came up to Dove. Morgenstern placed a hand on the grieving man’s shoulder. Impression persisting on the assassin's face was impenetrable, but those standing close to him could notice as knuckles on his hand whitened.
Curze once again turned, returning gaze to her beloved sister. The only sister Kassandra could call beloved, even if she was shrugging, doing so. The only sister she wanted to call sister at all. Night Hauntress lowered herself, coming closer to Angel’s face.
You must be tired, she thought, your battle lasted for too long.
In one swift and tender motion Kassandra closed her sister’s eyes.
Night Hauntress stood up. Only now she noticed another figure lying on the deck. Her other sister sprawled dead in the puddle of liquefied flesh and blood, only her bare skull showing from terminator armor. As she slowly came up to Warmistress’ corpse, Kassandra's blank face finally changed, a mask of utter disdain and rage distorting Night Hauntress’ face. Long seconds passed until she moved again.
Loud crunch filled the sanctum, as Kassandra Curze lowered her boot.


“Listen, you–”
“Ceremony protocol has already been decided. You’ll be near her as everyone else.”
Why, once in your damned life, why can’t you stop being an accursed wall of rockcreat bricks?! Kassandra Curze wanted to scream on top of her lungs, as she faced Praetorian of Terra. Night Hauntress wanted to strike her sister down right here and there, she wanted to keep punching this dull stone face, until it would turn into a bloody mush.
She could never understand, thought Kassandra bitterly, I doubt she ever tried.
Image of the past, image of Sanguinia, laughing at something that had seemed funny to her in Night Hauntress words, flashed Kassandra’s mind. She lowered her gaze, trying to hold her composure. Not for herself, but for someone who would be greatly disappointed in her, if she didn’t.
“If that’s all you wanted to talk about, then I shall leave”, Regalia turned, starting to walk away, “I have still many things to ate–”
“Wait!” Kassandra growled.
She dashed, catching her sister’s shoulder. Suddenly, an agonizing flash burned her mind. It was the second time her mind was attacked by a vision of a torn off hand, drifting in space among the debris. As Night Hauntress twitched in pain, she grabbed her head pushing nails deep into skin, trying to dull the vision.
Regalia turned back, embers of blazing anger started to appear in her eyes.
“Ngh–” Kassandra slightly groaned, trying to compose herself.
She managed to stand straight and, heavily breathing, looked in Regalia’s eyes.
“Re– Sister, please, it has to be me”, for the first time Unyielding One saw Night Hauntress to plead, and to plead so sincerely.
For some long moments they looked each other in the eyes, but now Regalia’s contained no fire. She saw something new in those purple eyes. Where previously lived only bitter irony and despair, now flickered determination.
Praetorian’s face softened up, enough only for the primarch to notice. Silent nod answered Kassandra’s plea.


Holding Angel in her arms, Kassandra Curze stepped into the biggest ceremonial hall on Terra. The biggest that wasn’t ruined by the Siege.
The hall seemed endless, countless caryatids supporting the enormous dome of the building, that became a new sky for all those present here. Images of marble and gold covered walls of the hall, images of the Emperor's most glorious victories, most fruitful of his conquests. Seeing them anywhere her eyes could reach, Kassandra felt sick.
What a jest.
She directed her gaze forward. As endless was this hall, as countless were people present here today. All those who fought and survived the Siege, all those who did not make it on time, standards for all those who fell. From simple guardsman to finest warrior of Adeptus Astartes, all these men and women were here today for the guard of honour. The last guard of honour for her who rested in Kassandra’s arms. Honour that could never be enough.
Complete silence. Complete silence surrounded Night Hauntress as she walked forward, only sounds echoing through the space being her own steps and steps of the two Astartes, Night Lord and Blood Angel, carrying Imperial and Blood Angel’s standards. Kassandra felt as if time slowed down the more steps she took.
As she went closer to the stairs of rockcreat podium, Imperial Guard at her sides changed with space-marine legions. Their halved number still seemed as something surreal to her. Night Hauntress knew her Father’s actions will lead to unspeakable tragedy, but to see it herself was something different.
The last of the Astartes were Blood Angels. Five hundred of the entire legion. All that left after the cursed insanity that consumed them. As Kassandra went past and came up to the stairs, with thunderous sound, five hundred warriors knelt in the final personal sign of honour to their Mother. Two Astartes behind Night Hauntress followed them, staying kneeling at the bottom of podium stairs.
Kassandra made a step up. And then another. As she made more steps up that damned stairs, she felt weaker and weaker, as if life itself was sucked out of her body. She did not understand this. All since the battle on Vengeful Spirit, Night Hauntress felt empty, and now an unfamiliar feeling was filling her, as she looked down at her sister's face.
Her sister was dead.
Kassandra felt a lump forming in her throat. She felt as if any other step she took could be the last before she collapses. But she could not allow herself this.
Fighting herself, Night Hauntress reached the top of the podium. She walked up to the stone bed, covered with finest silks, a red pillow laying on them looked as the softest and the most comfortable thing in the world. Kassandra never noticed other primarchs standing near.
Strength was leaving her, her whole existence trembled as she lowered Angel onto the crimson bed.Kneeling of the countless thousands of people shook the ceremonial hall. Kassandra held out a trembling hand to touch Angel’s face, to get one final moment with her sister.
And then she felt something. Something so familiar. Something so similar to Sanguinia playfully brushing Kassandra’s cheek with her wing, once again annoyed with her sister’s fatalistic nonsense.
Kassandra’s muscles finally gave in to her grief. She collapsed to her knees holding on to red silks.
And then the Dark Queen cried.
submitted by Kuroihane to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:50 Zdrobot Is Zoomion Philae 114 decent?

Hi everyone!
Do you think this telescope would be OK for a newbie:
Zoomion Philae 114
Advertised specs are:
It comes with: - 2 eyepieces H 20mm and H 12.5mm, - Barlow 2x, - red dot finder - tripod (looks like an equatorial mount in photos)
It looks like an honest Newtonian telescope to me, since it's compact, but its focal length it not advertised as "1000 mm" or anything like that. Sold for 295 Euros where I live.
Or should I really stretch my budget and get a used Celestron C5 on a "Heavy-duty" Celestron tripod for 700 Euros? My understanding is that it's a spotting-scope version of C5, not a telescope, although the optics are the same. But then I'm not very comfortable spending a sum like that on what is a hobby. Hence this post.
Long explanation of my circumstances follows. Please read below before recommending ordering something from internet stores, believe me I would love to, but..
So, since my childhood I was fascinated by the night sky, unfortunately that didn't go anywhere due to various reasons, I don't want to bore you, so whatever.
Now that I'm in my forties, I thought, maybe I could fulfill that childhood dream of mine, at least to a degree. I do have some budget, but an important thing is that I'm in a small post-Soviet country, so (1) my budget is not comparable to what a westerner in their forties would have, and (2) my choice is extremely limited, basically ordering anything from Amazon or eBay would mean high shipping costs and very significant customs duty. Think doubling the price of anything that is not a pair of binoculars, and is above 150 Euros.
I live in a city, so light pollution is an issue, of course. When (if) i progress in the hobby, I do hope to be able take my family on night trips to spots where it's not as bad, but that would be worth the trouble only if I have something to show them.
Portability is important to me (although I don't expect the scope to be pocketable), since I live in an apartment, and can't realistically observe the sky from my windows (too many trees). Being able to take the telescope out is important.
Also, I do have some experience with photography, so words like 'focal length', 'apperture', 'f-stop' are familiar to me. I do not chase the highest magnification possible, and do understand the value of a sturdy tripod.
I have a Soviet-era Tourist4 10 * 30 monocular, and while its optics are actually very decent (compared to cheap knockoffs anyway), it's quite hard to observe anything in the sky handheld, because of the shakiness.
Also I do have some experience filming the Moon with Panasonic FZ82 superzoom camera, and the cheap tripod really made it an exercise in patience. If you're curious, it worked moderately well for me, and considering the small sensor size of the camera, I would say it worked surprisingly well. I enjoyed my 4K videos where the Moon is visibly floating across the frame, covering it from top to bottom almost entirely (I have used 1.7 teleconverter lens from Panasonic).
But pointing the camera at anything other than the Moon was nearly impossible, since the tripod head would not allow any kind of smooth movement.
submitted by Zdrobot to telescopes [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:18 Myk1984 "It's no surprise AH never called Dr. Michelle Jorden, the expert forensic pathologist, when you compare AH's testimony about the December 15th incident to Jorden's analysis."

Dr Jorden's expert testimony about the December 15th, 2015 incident from Disclosure of Expert Witnesses
Substance of Dr. Jorden's Opinion
Dr. Jorden will testify regarding the pathology of Amber's multiple injuries…Specifically, Dr. Jorden will testify that
(1) the injuries depicted in the photographs reviewed are consistent with Amber's description of the incidents of physical violence;
(2) Amber's description of her injuries is consistent with the type of injuries that would result from the recounted incidents of physical violence
Definitions provided by Dr Jorden
Blunt force trauma: physical trauma or impactful force to a body part resulting from an impact with a dull, firm surface or object. It is different from penetrating trauma, where an object pierces the skin.
Contusion: a region of injured tissue or skin in which blood capillaries have been ruptured. A contusion is a bruise.
Abrasion: rubbing or scraping of the surface layer of cells or tissues from the skin or from a mucous membrane.
Dr. Jorden considered the following photographs taken on December 16th -17th, 2015:
Photos taken on the 16th of December, 2015
Photo 1: 11:44 AM
Photo 2: 11:44 AM
Photo 3: 2:39 PM
Photo 4: 2:40 PM
Photo 5: 2:40 PM
Photo 6: 2:41 PM
Photos taken on the 17th December, 2015
Photo 7: 00:46 AM
Photo 8: 00:46 AM
Photo 9: 10:19 AM
Photo 10: 10:19 AM
Photo 11: 10:20 AM
Dr Jorden identified:
Dr. Jorden will opine that Amber's injuries from this event were caused by blunt-force trauma to the head.
The hairline abrasion appears to have been caused by an acute injury, which is consistent with Amber's description of events.
Not all abrasions result in swelling nor do they result in infection and the appearance of pus.
The photographs do not demonstrate evidence of traumatic alopecia; rather, the photographs show pink/red abraded areas in the scalp, and the hair follicles are intact.
Photo 1: 11:44 AM
AH: It’s a few days later. My face is healing. (AH lied about when the photo was taken to explain the lack of injuries)
Photo 2: 11:44 AM
AH: I had a pretty gross bruise right in my head, my temple. Difficult to see it in this light, but I remember it was pretty ugly.
Photo 3: 2:39 PM
AH: This is my face with a busted lip, which is difficult to see in this picture, but my two black eyes, one is worse than the other…and my broken nose. (Dr Jorden only identified "a contusion under Amber's right eye", not "two black eyes". AH's lip injury doesn't appear until the following day, and Dr Jorden doesn't even mention AH's nose, let alone her "broken nose".)
Photo 4: 2:40 PM
AH: That's my face sometime after Johnny beat me up.
Photo 5: 2:40 PM
AH: This is my face sometime after.
Photo 6: 2:41 PM
EB: I'm just going to draw your attention to an area up here. What, if any, bruising did you sustain in that area? (EB drew big yellow circles on the photo around Amber’s “bruises” because there is nothing there to see)
AH: I had bruising on my temple, my chin, my neck, and the back of my head. I had swelling and pieces of my scalp...ripped, torn. They were gross, and pusey, but this is from the bruising around my temple from one of the blows. One of several blows. (None of the photos depict "bruising on AH's chin, neck, back of my head, or ripped/torn pieces of scalp)
Photo 7: 00:46 AM
AH: I think that's maybe that night or the next night after Johnny left me on the bed. (First appearance of lip injury. The lip is uninjured in photos 1-6)
Photo 8: 00:46 AM
EB: What’s portrayed on your lip?
AH: Well, he busted my lip when he punched me. It's bleeding in this picture. It kept reopening. You know, it's a mouth. Your lips move. (Streak of dry blood on the chin is for dramatic effect...wash your face Amber!)
Photo 9: 10:19 AM
AH: It's a picture of my bruised temple. Johnny had his hand on part of my face with my face down, and he was punching my head, repeatedly punching my head. That's what caused that bruise on my temple.
Photo 10: 10:19 AM
AH: This is my lip a few days later.
Photo 11: 10:20 AM
AH: That's my scalp with a chunk of it missing from when Johnny was dragging me by my hair. (Dr Jorden stated the photographs "do not demonstrate evidence of traumatic alopecia". But rather "pink/red abraded areas in the scalp and the hair follicles are intact".)
That doesnt line up with the testimony from AH who stated
"My head was bleeding from the ripped-out hair, chunks of hair on the floor, all over the place, actually. It was just all over the apartment.”
AH also testified that THIS PHOTO depicted “chunks of my hair that Johnny ripped out while dragging me and punching me”
Or Raquel Pennington's testimony
Q: What is this a picture of, Miss Pennington?
A: The picture is hair pulled back to show the abrasion on the scalp where hair has been removed.
Q: What is this a picture of, Miss Pennington?
A: It's a picture of a clump of Amber's hair on the black carpet in the bedroom, PH4, with my finger there to show the scale of the hair.
Q And how did you know that that was Amber's hair?
A: Hair had been ripped out of her head. This is the colour of her hair. It's her home.
It’s no wonder they scrapped calling Dr. Jorden to testify. After AH’s fictional fairytale of events, there is no way Dr. Jorden could testify in good conscience that the photos are consistent with AH’s description of events.
submitted by Myk1984 to deppVheardtrial [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:51 EfficientEcho1361 what top is this?

what top is this?
I tried on a bluse at the Brandy Melville in Lison, Portugal past march, and i havent been able to find it in any other stores or online. It looks like the rafaela top (attached) but it had two ties at the back, and it was slightly uncovered, like bare skin wouldve been visible between the ties. it was like 36 euros if i remember correctly. does anyone know what blouse it is or if it was an exclusive?
submitted by EfficientEcho1361 to BrandyMelville [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:43 hhmmzz Just a water bottle

Today I cried when I was making my bed.
I washed my sheets, and while they were still warm and fresh out of the dryer, I decided to put them on the mattress.
As I was stretching to each corner trying to cover it, I’d decided to grab your pillow and lay down awhile.
I remembered the time we were getting ready for bed and you’d asked if I could pass you another blanket.
I said, “Sure, here you go!” And laid on top of you.
You were laughing so hard, and I’d started sliding off of you towards the edge of the bed. I pretended I was hanging from the edge of a cliff and was begging you to save me. I kept saying “This is no laughing matter! Please, H…..!!! Save me! Grab my hand!”
You kept laughing with tears in your eyes and said “stop! I can’t stop laughing! I’m going to pee my pants!”
I laughed so hard, alone in our old room. I laughed so hard. And then I looked at the dresser, and saw the water bottle you’d left the last time you were here. Untouched for two and a half years.
Until today. I threw it away, and I cried.
It was bittersweet. I cried tears of joy and sent a thank you out into the universe for the wonderful memory, and the fact that I got to experience it with you. Some were tears of joy, but I shed some over a sadness that places itself in the act of letting go of someone.
For some reason, I had myself convinced that if these rooms of this house stayed the way that you last left them, you’d come back.
Today, I threw away your water bottle.
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t glance toward the door, hoping you’d come walking through to say “hey, don’t throw that away! I might need it later.”
Today, I threw away your water bottle.
But it wasn’t because you don’t get thirsty in the middle of the night.
Today, I threw away your water bottle, because you’re not coming back.
I’ll run out for some more, if you ever change your mind.
Forever and always, Water. (yours? yours).
submitted by hhmmzz to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:37 ButterflyFishingGirl Bec’s & Dans Bug Blasting Tips n Hacks - 5 months post initial symptoms n much more life b4bugs was so good grateful when I am all better n Bec’s Back Baby xx

there is heaps more to the Bec n Dan story
Pics are life pre infestation n to now 🙃🙃🙃
rebecca. r[mailto:rebecca.medley@pipanz.com](mailto:rebecca.medley@pipanz.com)
submitted by ButterflyFishingGirl to scabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:26 parocita Does anyone else find this game helps them sleep?

I always put all my resources on coin boosts. At sleep time, I lay on my stomach with a pillow under me and just click click click until I pass out.
I used to be dependent on heavy medication like Xanax and Ambien to sleep, so this is BEYOND amazing.
Thanks TreeTop Crew! ❤️
submitted by parocita to virtualbeggar [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:24 Own_Wallaby2435 Thoughts on what to do 314/1 outright bet

£5 free bet returns £1570
Leicester win outright ✅ Derby to be promoted ✅ Real Madrid win league ✅ Tottenham finish top 6 ✅ France to win the euros - remainder
Cash out is currently £235 from a free bet. I would honestly be happy with £1000 so i was wondering how i could potentially lay this?
I feel confident in France winning the euros however I feel like Germany or England can win also.
submitted by Own_Wallaby2435 to SoccerBetting [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:50 Own_Examination_2771 Friday fun

yesterday was probably the shift from hell I had 2 volleyball teams and a dance team all at the same time. I came into work to like 60 arrivals which is not a small number that’s most of our rooms! The teams themselves were not bad I didn’t have a lot of running in the hallways or hanging out in the pool by themselves (thankfully). But they were in general just very needy, lots of need for extra pillows and towels and blankets and I was alone so you see how this started to become a little exhausting.
The real kicker of the day was the amount of rude and grouchy people I had checking in. In particular, I had a woman check in and ask me for a room that wasn’t near the elevator. The room I put her in, in my honest opinion, is not near the elevator. You can’t hear the elevator nor can you see the elevator but to her it was too close to the elevator for her liking. She comes back downstairs and starts yelling at me telling me I need to learn the layout of the building and there’s no reason she should’ve been put in that room and it’s right off the elevator it’s the first room you see (it is not actually!). I look her dead in her eyes and tell her there’s no need to yell at me, it is very easy for me to switch her to a different room, let’s just try to take the tone down a notch. I move her she goes on her way.
Now apparently the new room the housekeepers forgot to put the pillows on the bed, they put them on the table and didn’t come back to put them on the bed. While this is obviously an error, it’s not really that big of a deal, you can just move the pillows to the bed. But of course for Mrs. Hothead this is egregious behavior, she finds one of my housekeepers working on the same floor and starts yelling about the pillows not being on the bed and how the front desk is just so disrespectful, I rolled my eyes at her, the whole nine yards. Now on top of this she also sent a message on our chat system to tell us that we put her in a room near the elevator and she didn’t appreciate that (not sure if she understands the front desk is the one who reads those messages?) and my coworker likes to send out “how was your stay” emails and she made sure to respond and let us know that there were no pillows in the room point blank period! (Even though we now know they were just in the wrong place).
I also had a man call the hotel and ask if we were west or east from NY 81 and I have to be honest w you I do not know. I don’t know nothing about west south north east I don’t have to know because we have these handy things called GPS. He hangs up and then calls the hotel back and my coworker calls back and asks why we hung up on him (I did not). He then comes in like 15 minutes later and my coworker checks him in and he asks her are you the one I spoke to on the phone? She says yes and he tells her she needs a new line of work! I gave him a look that made it clear I did not appreciate the way he was talking to her. And then she’s asking him if the card on file is the one he wants to use and he’s like I don’t know how should I know I don’t know what I booked with why are you asking (we’re supposed to ask?!). And during the whole interaction he’s just yelling about how he can’t hear my coworker when she’s speaking to him and finally he gets his keys and he’s upset that he’s not on the first floor, we only have one king on the first floor and someone was in it, so she offers a queen on the first floor. He scoffs and walks off.
Who pissed in these people’s cheerios? I’m dreading going in today 😔
submitted by Own_Examination_2771 to TalesFromTheFrontDesk [link] [comments]
