Jeanette mccurdy dies

About Therese sending you to the diner

2024.05.17 20:48 shorkfan About Therese sending you to the diner

BIG EDIT: I was totally wrong, lol, but this would've been great so I'm going to leave the post up. As it turns out, it's just a matter of whether or not you go behind the counter.
I've played the game countless times and I assume everyone here is familiar with the quest. Therese sends you to the diner, the thugs try to kill you, then you receive a call (which might differ depending your standing with the sisters).
Then, when leaving the diner, you also have to deal with the police. Except, sometimes the police doesn't spawn. At first I thought it was just some general bugginess with the game, but over time, I noticed something. The police only doesn't spawn in certain conditions. The G.Therese_Seduce (GTS) value needs to be bigger than the G.Jeanette_Seduce (GJS) value, and the GJS needs to be less than 4 (which is also the required value to save both sisters). The game raises or lowers these values as you are kind or mean to the sisters. Also, if the GTS is too low (GTS lower than 3), the cops will also spawn even if GJS is still lower.
This implies that Therese called the cops as insurance for the player to die, if she just doesn't like the player, or is jealous of the player's and Jeanette's good relationship or is afraid the player may side with Jeanette.
submitted by shorkfan to vtmb [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:37 climatebro55 Please suggest me a book that teaches me something about the world, or can change the way I perceive the world around me.

I am a sucker for a memoir and learning something about the world through some theme. I have no preference for fiction or non fiction, or fiction based on non-fiction. I am pretty new to reading novels, but I will list all of what I have read this year (have enjoyed all but one):
Thank you for your help!
submitted by climatebro55 to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:23 Hithisismeimonreddit Books on how to build healthy relationships

Those of us raised by an nparent are (generally) bad at spotting abuse and poor treatment in relationships. This is because we were taught that mistreatment = love. We were programmed to think that the person who loves us should be domineering, disrespectctful, and manipulative.
As a result, I am so bad at identifying and forming healthy relationships. Whenever I am with a healthy person, it feels like something is wrong. But when I am with someone who’s terrible, it feels perfectly fine, and I don’t notice anything’s wrong until a lot later.
What are some books that could help me identify when a relationship is actually healthy/unhealthy? It would be helpful if the books talked about how to spot these negative things in someone. Because my radar is broken af.
Here are some books I have already read:
What are some books you would recommend?
submitted by Hithisismeimonreddit to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:04 No_Grapefruit_5827 “I’m Glad My Mom Died” Jennette McCurdy

“I’m Glad My Mom Died” Jennette McCurdy submitted by No_Grapefruit_5827 to u/No_Grapefruit_5827 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:28 Playful_Bee_9111 Audible memoirs

What are your audible recommendations? Preferably memoir styles. I love fiction but typically read fiction as physical books or on my kindle. When I’m listening I prefer self-help or memoirs.
Some that I’ve listened to recently are:
If I did it (OJ book /goldman family) Long Walk to Freedom, Nelson Mandela Born a Crime, Trevor Noah I’m Glad My Mom Died, Jennette McCurdy Spare, Prince Harry The Woman in Me, Brittany Spears Relentless, Tim S. Grover
Have many more I’ve listened to, but these are my recent. Need some new recommendations please!
submitted by Playful_Bee_9111 to audible [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:40 dreaming_wideawake I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy

I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
Check out this book for Mental Health Awareness Month!
-Nonfiction -Memoir -Mother-Daughter relationships -Child actor -Addiction themes -Eating disorder themes -Anxiety themes -Self-esteem
What would you rate this book?
submitted by dreaming_wideawake to Books4HeritageMonths [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:53 techitachi Jennette McCurdy celebrates "I'm Glad My Mom Died" being a NYT Best Seller for 80 weeks and still the #1 audiobook

Jennette McCurdy celebrates
so happy for her she really deserves it
submitted by techitachi to nickelodeon [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:20 Alert-Emu-5205 Krähenmädchen - Erik Axl Sund

Krähenmädchen - Erik Axl Sund
"Krähenmädchen" ist ein packender Psychothriller von Erik Axl Sund, der unter die Haut geht. Die Geschichte beginnt mit dem grausamen Fund eines ermordeten Jungen im Park, dessen Leiche Spuren schwersten Missbrauchs aufweist. Doch es bleibt nicht bei einem Opfer, und die Ermittler stehen vor einem Rätsel.
Die Kommissarin Jeanette Kihlberg bittet die Psychologin Sofia Zetterlund um Hilfe, da eines der Opfer in ihrer Therapie war. Sofia ist spezialisiert auf Menschen mit multiplen Persönlichkeiten und behandelt auch die traumatisierte Victoria Bergman. Doch als Sofia den Verdacht hegt, etwas übersehen zu haben, geraten die Dinge außer Kontrolle.
Die Frage, wie viel Leid ein Mensch ertragen kann, bevor er selbst zum Monster wird, zieht sich wie ein roter Faden durch die Geschichte. Die Charaktere sind tiefgründig und vielschichtig, und die Handlung ist spannend und fesselnd. Der Schreibstil von Erik Axl Sund ist packend und mitreißend, und die beklemmende Atmosphäre des Buches lässt den Leser nicht mehr los.
"Krähenmädchen" ist der erste Band der Victoria-Bergman-Trilogie und besticht durch eine düstere, aber fesselnde Handlung. Wer auf der Suche nach einem packenden Thriller ist, der einen nicht mehr loslässt, wird von diesem Buch begeistert sein. Der Preis von 4,99 € ist mehr als gerechtfertigt für diese packende Lektüre. Ich kann das Buch nur wärmstens empfehlen.
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submitted by Alert-Emu-5205 to books_de [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:02 Far-Imagination2736 Jennette McCurdy celebrates "I'm Glad My Mom Died" being a NYT Best Seller for 80 weeks and still the #1 audiobook

Jennette McCurdy celebrates submitted by Far-Imagination2736 to popculturechat [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 01:14 Exciting_Potato_6717 Jennette McCurdy shares her appreciation for ‘I'm Glad My Mom Died’ being a New York Times Best Seller for 80 weeks

Jennette McCurdy shares her appreciation for ‘I'm Glad My Mom Died’ being a New York Times Best Seller for 80 weeks submitted by Exciting_Potato_6717 to Fauxmoi [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 23:18 -Algebraic When even Spotify knows you have mother issues.

When even Spotify knows you have mother issues. submitted by -Algebraic to BPDmemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 18:46 BamaTransplant0311 Memoirs please!

I got back into reading this year and my first book was Jeanette McCurdy’s memoir “I’m Glad My Mom Died”. Since then, I’ve also read Stanley Tucci’s “Taste: My Life Through Food”, and Anthony Bourdain’s “Kitchen Confidential”. I have a number of other memoirs on my TBR, such as Chanel Miller’s “Know My Name”, Kal Penn’s “You Can’t Be Serious”, and Tara Westover’s “Educated”. Would love more recommendations!
submitted by BamaTransplant0311 to booksuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 18:45 BamaTransplant0311 Suggest Me A Memoir!

I got back into reading this year and my first book was Jeanette McCurdy’s memoir “I’m Glad My Mom Died”. Since then, I’ve also read Stanley Tucci’s “Taste: My Life Through Food”, and Anthony Bourdain’s “Kitchen Confidential”. I have a number of other memoirs on my TBR, such as Chanel Miller’s “Know My Name”, Kal Penn’s “You Can’t Be Serious”, and Tara Westover’s “Educated”. Would love more recommendations!
submitted by BamaTransplant0311 to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 17:07 Dazzling_Sunflowers Books like “i’m glad my mom died”

I loved the book “I’m glad my mom died” bij Jennette mcCurdy and would love some suggestions for smilair books. I like a good read about mental health. But I can’t seem to finish theoretical self help books that don’t have a story line and loved this one. Any suggestions?
submitted by Dazzling_Sunflowers to booksuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 21:30 worriedrose_XO I need something new..

I’m almost done with “Lisey’s Story” by Stephen King, and it’s made me realize I want to read more stories with women protagonists and authors. I’m a big Stephen King fan, but the protagonists aren’t extremely diverse. I love fiction, but also would enjoy some non-fiction. Perhaps memoirs with plights of women, and LGBTQ+ people as well. Maybe something that will stick with me and navigate themes of overcoming trauma. I enjoyed jennette mccurdys “I’m glad my mom died” and Schuyler Bailar’s “Obie is man enough.” However, Bailar’s book was for a younger audience. I enjoyed it, but would like something more “adult.” Additionally, I would enjoy literature about the situation in Palestine!
submitted by worriedrose_XO to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 18:21 Fb1_girlyb A Laff in the dark

Have you ever heard the story of “A laff in the dark”?
In 1976 a film crew was preparing to shoot “The six million dollar man” at the location of the Pike Amusement park in Long Beach, California. The plan was to film a scene within one of the rides, a spook house called “A Laff in the dark”. The ride was filled with various things to spook you as you rode through in your cart. Things such as ghosts, ghouls, and mannequins. At one point one of the employees spotted a mannequin hanging from a noose and supposedly the director didn’t want it in the shot so they asked it to be moved. When they went to reach for the mannequin’s arm and when the arm broke off the employee was surprised to see that there was a human bone beneath layers of rotting skin. It in fact was not a mannequin, but, a corpse. Not just any corpse but the corpse of Elmer McCurdy an outlaw who died in a gunfight with a police man. One of the most eeriest things about this story is that before finding out that there was a corpse, kids were rumored to have complained about a bad smell where this mannequin was.
submitted by Fb1_girlyb to u/Fb1_girlyb [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 17:27 cmarie22345 Book recommendations for teen client?

Hello! I have a 18 year old female client who currently is going through a rough patch. She has picked up reading as a new way to relax relate to others, and heal from her own trauma. She recently read “I’m Glad My Mom Died” by Jeanette McCurdy and LOVED it.
I want to find a similar book to get as a small gift for her, but haven’t really been able to find a good match.
She prefers it to be non-fiction, about childhood trauma, and written “like a conversation and not like books they make me read in school”. She also has pretty severe ADHD so nothing that requires a ton of focus.
Any ideas?
submitted by cmarie22345 to socialwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 06:41 Puny-human113 Can’t find a book that grabs me

Hey guys! I used to read a lot and fell off in recent years. These days a book has to really suck me in to finish it. Have tried to read some classics recently and could not finish any of them. I did just read I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jeannette Mccurdy and loved that. When I was younger I read and liked lots of books by authors such as Chuck Palahniuk and Kurt Vonnegut. Mostly I like reading books for a specific feeling so it’s hard to describe what I’m really looking for.
submitted by Puny-human113 to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 04:07 Tejas_Jeans April Reads (21-29/52)

April Reads (21-29/52)
Busy Month!
Bride by Ali Hazelwood ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy (audio) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Elantris by Brandon Sanderson ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Hope of Elantris by Brandon Sanderson ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Emperors Soul by Brandon Sanderson ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
White Sand Omnibus by Brandon Sanderson ⭐️⭐️
Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell by Brandon Sanderson⭐️⭐️⭐️
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
The Two Towers by JRR Tolkien (audio)⭐️⭐️⭐️
submitted by Tejas_Jeans to 52book [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 22:52 Alternative-Goat7608 My parents derailed my entire life, blamed me for everything.

Whatever I doubt anyone is going to read this or even care but I wanted to write it out here because I’m having a trigger day because my mother showed up in my DMs today telling me she “doesn’t have long” and needs to know where I am.
So basically.. I grew up in a very impoverished, dysfunctional home.. parents always viscously fighting and trying to destroy each other.. father stepped out on the marriage when my brothers and I were young, and got the sake of our family my parents didn’t divorce, they stayed together but hated every minute of it, my father slept on the couch and my mother would berate him, and call him a loser to me any chance she got.
When I was 10, my brothers and I started to work as actors in LA, and it quickly became my parents meal ticket, actually it was their ONLY income. They used the excuse of “we are your managers” to take 40 percent of my earning immediately.. the rationale for the 40 percent was “both me and your father are your managers so we get 40,” because the normal rate for managers is 20 percent. But it didn’t matter that they stole that money like that, because in reality they were taking EVERYTHING. They formed an LLC and listed themselves as president and ceo, and me as an “employee.” Which gave them 100 percent access to every single dollar I ever made.
Literally nothing was saved.. my father broke into my coogan account and stole 90k from it.. for those who don’t know Jackie coogan was an actor whose parents did the same thing to him and he died broke in the streets after making like 10 million dollars. So in the late 90s they made a federal law that required 15 percent of all earning to go into a secured account. Who cares. They got it anyway.
Same thing happened to me. I bought their houses, their cars, paid their bills, paid for my little sisters entire dance career…
They stole about 2 million. Then my mother divorced my father, who claims that he agreed to the divorce on the condition that her house be mine because I paid for it… a claim she says she never agreed to.
They went to war.. and I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. A professional career with many people on payroll, and the man of the house at 12… my mom used this psychology on me… that my dad was useless and I was the real man.. but what’s funny was she only acted like this when she wanted or needed something.. before I was the bread winner I literally had nothing, no needs of mine were ever met or considered. So I learned that praise earned through me doing something “good” was how I took my self worth. I continued to pay for my family even though they harassed me and trolled me every chance they got.
When my dad was kicked out he said he repaid me by “writing the house over to you” but that never happened so hundreds of thousands of dollars will never be recouped.
Then.. as I was a TEENAGER under the most intense pressure, I needed help, and guidance from people who actually cared about my well being as a person and child. But I didn’t get the help I needed instead I self medicated with pot. Just a little pot. But when my dad left the house, and I grew vocal about my mistreatment and about the stolen money.. my mother focused her wrath onto me. She blamed me for “being a drug addict” and for “ruining her family.” She told anyone who would listen that I was violent and disturbed.. worst of all she isolated my younger sister because she “needed to protect her” and raised my sister to mistrust, disrespect and flat out despise and blame ME, for the dysfunction caused by my narc parents.
That wound took a long time heal and was separate from the anger and depression I dealt with for a decade processing what had happened to me.
I grew up alone, no one watching me, in Hollywood, which chewed me up and spit me out. As a teenager I never stopped working, but my 20s were different, Hollywood is fickle and the vultures didn’t sense any meat left on my carcas and despite how hard and how many years I had put into working, I could no longer support myself on my work, and because my mother decided to kick me out of the home that I bought, at 19 after making 2 million dollars by the time I was 18 I was no homeless living in a tent.
And keep in mind also that people would also recognize me sometimes while I was homeless or when I had to enter. The normal work force, getting recognized while I was bagging groceries was really… a difficult lesson to have to experience
My sister is ten years my junior and I treated that girl like a princess in fact the happiest memories of my life were when she was younger. But because of my mother’s lies and manipulations and the fact that she did whatever she could to not be responsible for destroying everything.. my sister grew to resent ME.. and then put the final dagger into my heart when she got pregnant by my childhoods bully.
My parents trolled me on that, posted pictures of them all over their social media… I haven’t spent any time with my father in over a decade but to see him taking happy pictures with my childhood bully really does something to my soul that I can’t explain properly here
Finally I will say a few things here, until I discovered that my mother and father a tire clinical narcissists I had so much confusion and hurt and anger. But just seeing them act textbook actually kind of makes me feel sort of sorry for them. For their disease. Not their character. They aren’t good peole.
It’s encouraging to see the traction and reaction that Jennette McCurdys book got.. to realize people actually care about this..
And to watch quiet on set was like.. eye opening because.. I fucking knew Brian Peck. He worked on Holes. We all knew he was a predator. He tried to with my brother and I but we were different in the sense that we would have thrown fists and Brian knew that and so he didn’t. He knew he could groom Drake.
I was with my family once, two stories to share the character of my father.. we ran into Brian Peck and Drake once on the street, Drake was dressed in all black and he looked SOOOO uncomfortable and embarrassed. We knew Brian was fucking him. My dad LAUGHED at it. Brian’s got another one!!
Then encouraged us to go to Brian’s parties.
The other story is, I grew up with Zach Levi aka Zach Pugh aka Shazam, and when he was younger, my father was so jealous of him, and took me to his work once, while he worked at a car wash, he parked us across the street and laughed and Zach washing the car.
Yep. Thems my folks.
Seeing Zach slay has been awesome knowing it must kill my father
submitted by Alternative-Goat7608 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:25 AlterEgoNiJin Book 7 for 2024 I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy

Book 7 for 2024 I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
Yes, I know the title is quite off, intriguing especially for me who loves my Mama with no questions. This is a memoir of Jennette and how her mother has influenced her career path, decisions and life in general. It was enlightening and my heart went for that inner child in Jennette that had to die inside to make her mom happy. I cried for the mom who, maybe, loved her child in a twisted way. And I cried most especially for that kid who had to "give up" her life just for her mom to be happy. The eating disorders she had to endure. The failed relationships she had just to escape whatever pain she had been feeling. The dreams she had to give up for her mom's dream to come true. It made me realize how also my Mama made a such a great impact in my life. How her unwavering love and sacrifices made me that person as well - one who chooses to love despite other people's misgivings. And I also made me reflect on how as a single parent, how I am influencing Rosing and Dodong to be the person I am teaching them to be.
Just like my Mama and unlike Jennette's Mom, I want my kids to be whomever they wanted to be. To know that whatever choices they make, there will always be that one person whom they can always run to that will accept them no matter what, and that's me.
So yeah, as usual, some snippets from the book that touched my heart and made me cry.
• If my weight isn’t enough to get Mom to wake up, then nothing will be. And if nothing can wake her up, then that means she’s really going to die. And if she’s really going to die, what am I supposed to do with myself? My life purpose has always been to make Mom happy, to be who she wants me to be. So without Mom, who am I supposed to be now?
• You know, I hope you remember to have fun. Life should be fun for a kid.
• Fun isn’t a thing I’m particularly familiar with. Life’s a serious thing. There’s a lot going on in this place. Being prepared and working hard and doing well are far more important than fun.
• I’ve pretended for my job for so long, and for my mom for so long, and now I’m starting to think I’m pretending for myself too.
• I yearn to know the people I love deeply and intimately—without context, without boxes—and I yearn for them to know me that way, too.
• Loving someone is vulnerable. It’s sensitive. It’s tender.
• I’m processing not only the grief of my mom’s death, but the grief of a childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood that I feel I had never truly been able to live for myself. It’s difficult, but it’s the kind of difficult I have pride in.
• Life happens. Love happens. Loss happens. Change and growth happen at different paces for different people, and sometimes the paces just don’t line up. It’s devastating if I think too much about it, so I usually don’t.
• Her death left me with more questions than answers, more pain than healing, and many layers of grief—the initial grief from her passing, then the grief of accepting her abuse and exploitation of me, and finally, the grief that surfaces now when I miss her and start to cry—because I do still miss her and start to cry.
Again, to more meaningful books this year.
Your iyaan 🙂
submitted by AlterEgoNiJin to PHBookClub [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 01:16 Ill-Trick-4559 Seaside book nook 🏖🐬

Seaside book nook 🏖🐬 submitted by Ill-Trick-4559 to crafts [link] [comments]