Cute text message to guys

/r/texts - The Conversations Subreddit

2011.02.15 01:03 laaabaseball /r/texts - The Conversations Subreddit

/texts - The Conversations Subreddit - a subreddit to submit your funny, weird, or random coversations from your mobile or cell phone.

2013.03.15 21:58 tara1 Animals just being bros

A place for sharing videos, gifs, and images of animals being bros.

2012.05.02 18:17 Cute guys

A place for your cuteness to shine! Remember everyone is cute, even YOU!

2024.05.26 07:37 Visible_Baseball_411 What are you thoughts on this “argument” with my boyfriend

My (26F) boyfriend (30M) had these texts following a verbal argument. I wake up from a long nap and I get up to say hi to him and something just seemed off. Usually when I wake up from naps he always comes to the room and kisses me but this time I get up and walking over to his computer station and it seems like he wasn’t expecting me to get up. (Like possibly deleting things or closing out porn sites). I didn’t say anything I just ask him how has he been since I was asleep, normal conversation. I then ask him if he loves only me. (We both have a do you love me forever back and forth banter for years now) so this isn’t unusual for me to ask. Usually he would say of course baby and hug and kiss me but this time he’s defensive asking why are you asking, what’s the reason you’re asking me. It was weird I was receiving that. We sort of had an argument of me saying what’s wrong with a girl asking her guy for reassurance. His stance was I wouldn’t be asking that if something wasn’t wrong.
We stop talking. I go in the room. He’s at his desk. Maybe 30 minutes go by and I send these text. Tell me what you think please.. am I getting problematic ?
submitted by Visible_Baseball_411 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:35 cvhenia Asking for closure? 15 F, 16 M

Long story short, I, 15 F , like this guy 16 M , and I reached out to him over social media saying basically that I think he’s cute and I wished we could talk more since we didn’t really have a reason to talk in person (different social circles and all.) We talked pretty consistently day and night on Friday and over the weekend but then once the weekend ended, he sounded disinterested, didn’t initiate conversations, and it felt like he became super dry all of a sudden. I really like him so I don’t want to give up if there’s a chance he was actually interested in me, but I don’t want to sound creepy or obsessive by not taking a hint. I’m aware that he doesn’t owe me an explanation since we aren’t close, but I’m hesitant to let him go without a definite answer of how he feels. What is the best move here?
submitted by cvhenia to teenrelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:35 Dammit_Meg If You're Struggling W/ FB Ads... Read This

So, a lot of you aren't going to like this.
Those of you who work at agencies ESPECIALLY won't like this, because it's gonna make those of you who are lazy and blame everyone else for your problems...
Well it's gonna make you look like you're lazy, and blame everyone else for your problems.
So here's my central thesis for this post, done in my best Alec Baldwin impersonation:
"Facebook's not weak, YOU'RE weak!"
Okay, fair enough, Facebook is actually kinda shitty. But have you heard that old (admittedly misogynistic) joke, "Women, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em?"
Well that describes FB.
I hate FB. I despise it with every fiber of my being.
But... it also makes me a lot of money. So I still run a lot of ads on there.
Quick note about me so you know I'm not some random dipshit: Been in online marketing for a long time, been running ads for about 5 years. Currently do about $5mm a year in spend, a decent chunk of it with my own personal cash for my own business. I still consult and run ads in JV/partnership deals, however, so not ALL my own money.
So, lots of posts lately about FB being shitty. Interestingly enough like many things there have always been these posts en masse. ios14 was a huge turning point in this industry. And it seems to keep getting worse and worse.
That said there's still people CRUSHING it on FB on a daily basis. Individuals who are doing 50k - 100k in spend a day (I've been one of them, right now more like 20k a day though.)
And these are direct response guys, not big ass brands who can afford to throw cash away.
So the question is... why are you struggling and they aren't?
Well first of all let me let you in on a secret: FB sucks for them too. It sucks for me, it sucks for all of us.
But if you want to be successful, you need to focus on what you CAN control, not what you can't.
So here's my rules for success:
I've run five copies of the exact same ad in the same ad set at the same time and gotten wildly different results. That's why I test the way I do (Test images/videos and copy at the same time, so I can have duplicates of everything and cross reference/aggregate performance)
Also understand something that works in your market is half the battle... you need something FB likes too. Which you'll never know what it is until you stumble upon it.
Which brings me to my next point...
I've seen SO MANY posts where people are like, "We've tested TEN IMAGES and nothing works!!!"
My friend. 10 images is what I test in a day. I've been known to test 100 videos a week. I'll write ten pieces of copy for one day's testing.
Do I do this every day? No. I wish I could. I don't have the time/energy. But ideally I SHOULD be doing this every day.
Now if you're running a budget of $100/day obviously you have a lot less you can test.
But my point is... even for those of us who know what we're doing... it takes a LOT of creative testing to get a hit.
Creative testing should be 80% of your time on FB. The guys who tell you it's about the campaign structure or whatever... I mean yeah that stuff is important and can help. But if your creative is good you can kind of ignore that stuff and still get decent results.
Oh and every account is different in terms of what it likes. So you kind of have to treat them separately and test creatives on each. Have fun!
Look, not everyone is a great copywriter, or video producer, or artist.
But any good media buyer should be able to take a guess at WHY the creative isn't working, and what should be changed. They should know how to test in a way that is getting these insights that can then be used to further iterate on and improve creatives.
I have met some media buyers who don't know shit about creative but are great at scaling. They're rare, but they're out there. Maybe 10 - 20% of great media buyers are like this. But these people could never fly solo. They only shine in a team with a big creative producing "engine". And they still know how to test to get that learning - they just don't really know why.
Tests are experiments. They should, as much as possible, isolate one variable.
So many times I hear about people testing in different campaigns, or on different days of the week, or whatever.
No. Testing is in one campaign. Usually different ad sets because otherwise FB will pick a favorite, but if I could throw all ads in one ad set and have FB evenly spend I'd do that.
Furthermore, you should have a very clear goal when you test. "We're testing angles." "We're testing whether red or blue gets a better CPC." "We're testing which of these 10 pieces of ad text does the best."
Don't just throw up a bunch of random videos. At least not often. Test one element. An intro. A CTA. Whatever. Have a plan, and stick to it.
And the worst part is then the people working there start to believe it.
A small incomplete sample of bullshit things I've heard:
"Facebook has to get out of the learning phase."
False. A good creative will work pretty much straight away. FB's pixel's been dogshit since ios14. Yes, generally training a pixel will help, but this "it needs 7 days of learning" horse shit is just that... horse shit. Often said by people who want to make excuses rather than get down and dirty and do the hard work - making good creatives.
"The pixel takes time to learn."
A half-truth, see above.
"It takes a month to even start getting data"
If I took a month to get data I'd be destitute. You should be able to test if a campaign is going to work in a week, assuming you have the creative ready to go.
If you can't figure out whether something's going to work in a week or two and 1 - 2k of spend, you suck at your job.
If you can't spend 1k a week, then you're working with a client that's super small and that has its own set of challenges, especially on FB.
And if an agency tells you they can't give you some damn good data and an action plan on exactly what you should do in a week or two, run from them and find someone else.
There are more that get my goat but you get the point.
BTW... MOST (not all) agencies work like this:
They sell you a ton of bullshit. You sign on as a client. They give you a junior they get from the Philippines or Eastern Europe for like $400 a month while charging you $3k. They give you endless excuses for months on why results aren't there until you finally leave but hey at that point they got like $15k in profit out of you... they don't care.
  1. Because there are people on here who believe this shit and waste time spinning their wheels when they could be getting traction
  2. Because I hate lies and incompetence
  3. Because I enjoy watching all the terrible media buyers come out of the wood work and try to argue with me on why I'm wrong (seriously, do it. Let's go. I need to procrastinate when I should be writing copy.)
And if you think I'm looking for clients... I'm not. I don't really have the time. Unless you want to do a profit share deal and your biz is already doing at least $1mm a year in revenue, then yeah, PM me, but it's gotta be a very attractive proposition for me to work on your shit.
Full disclosure: I am considering starting a YT channel where I basically get drunk and/or high and rant about shit like this for 5 - 10 minutes at a time. But as you know there's no money in that.
Most of the shit you've heard is dead wrong and spread by people who either don't know any better or want to sell you this fantasy that ads are impossible. They're not. They're just a lot of hard fucking work.
BTW, you can reach out to me via PM for questions but honestly I'd rather you post it here so we get a discussion going and please don't take it personally if I don't have the time to answer back.
Now stop being on reddit and go make some more creatives and write some more copy to test.
Oh, and to all the lame media buyers who are upset that someone's shining lights on just how lazy and useless they are:
Bring it on, bitch.
P.S. I don't know why the preview is showing all my numbers as "1". I swear I learned how to count, even if it took me longer than some of the other kids. If anyone knows how to fix that, please post a comment or PM me. Bonus points for a funny joke at my expense.
submitted by Dammit_Meg to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:34 Important-Hunt-8225 The Gospels are Not anonymous and no argument to say they are, is valid, but just baseless theories with no evidence.

The Gospels are not anonymous. They aren't called the Gospel of John, Luke, Mark, Matthew out of thin air. The authors are given and Church history and early Christians also attribute them to those people.
The only people are people today, liberals or other "scholars" on reddit or in academia who are facing it with a bias, but do Not do this with any other work from the first century or before. I have absolutely no respect for atheist or agnostic or anybody who does this. It's dishonest, and hypocritical.
Nobody honestly argues the authorship of Plato, or Aristotle, or Homer's works and so on and on.
But when it comes to the Bible, there is a satanic bias and hypocricy and agenda, that holds no weight in a debate.
"TLDR : Every manuscript of the New testament that we have (with the relevant page surviving) is titled with the specific gospel author named. Not a single manuscript that we have is anonymous. Each Greek, Latin or Coptic (And Syriac according to one article I was using) manuscript from the earliest we have (2nd century) says something akin to "Euaggelion Kata (Author)" - "The Gospel according to (Author). Not one manuscript indicates any of them were anonymous, and not one of them disagrees with the traditional attribution of the Gospels.
Ancient sources are unanimous in attributing the four gospels to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Papias is the first to make a claim, he wrote some time from 90-110 AD, but was also someone who was alive during the lifetime of the apostles. He attributes Mark and Matthew's Gospels. Irenaeus (180AD), who was a student of Polycarp, a student of the apostle John attributes all four gospels to the respective authors.
There are many other ancient sources listed, from different times and across vastly different geographical areas and each of them all unanimously agree the gospels were written by the four authors.
The letter to the Hebrews is one we can say for sure was anonymous because 1) The manuscripts do not mention authorship and 2) there is disagreement amongst ancient writers on who wrote it. Different traditions emerged, with some saying Paul wrote it, others Clement, Barnabas etc. Origen simply shrugs and says "only God knows". It is extremely implausible, that anonymous gospels, being given a false attribution much later on could have gotten universal attribution across different geographical areas, as if a copyist in Egypt decided to attach Matthew's name to a Gospel, a counterpart in Rome would have no way of knowing and no reason to trust when he was used to only seeing anonymous texts.
This anonymous gospel claim is unsupported by any evidence. Writings like 1 Clement (70ad) support this, reporting of the specific apostles who preached the Gospel to Rome - Peter and Paul having been recently martyred, to which many in the Roman church that originated this letter would have been living witnesses to. 1 Clement shows that the teachings of Jesus including his resurrection were not part of a "Telephone Game", as it was the specific eye-witnesses who spread the message.
The theory also doesn't make sense. If someone was going to attribute anonymous gospels to followers of Jesus to give them legitimacy, why on earth would they choose Mark or Luke? Neither were eye-witnesses. Mark was a follower of Peter and Luke of Paul. Why choose Matthew? if not for his Gospel he would be one of the least noteworthy apostles. The only other thing we learn about him from the new testament was that he was a tax collector. We see with the later gnostic gospels that those who chose to invent a connection tended to choose figures that had far more presence in the gospel narrative. Falsely attributing the Gospels to Matthew, and especially Mark and Luke does not make sense. Besides, as soon as more than one gospel was circulating it would have been necessary for them to have titles in order to distinguish them."
submitted by Important-Hunt-8225 to DebateReligion [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:34 Count-Daring243 Best Cute Pocket Knives

Best Cute Pocket Knives
Welcome to our roundup of Cute Pocket Knives! Whether you're a seasoned craftsperson looking for a new addition to your collection or a beginner seeking a stylish and functional accessory, we've got you covered. In this article, we'll be showcasing a variety of pocket knives that not only offer practicality but also add a touch of charm to your everyday carry. So sit back, relax, and get ready to discover some delightful miniature masterpieces.

The Top 5 Best Cute Pocket Knives

  1. Folding Fruit Knife with Convenient Handle Design - Seki Japan's folding fruit knife combines precision, safety, and compact design, making it the ultimate choice for outdoor adventures, while backed by the outstanding craftsmanship of Seki city's cutlery industry.
  2. Spectrum TiNi Coated Stainless Pocket Knife with Jigged Bone Handle - Experience the perfect combination of style and functionality with the Frost SHS107RB Peanut Spectrum, a charming pocket knife featuring an ergonomic jigged bone handle and high-quality Spectrum TiNi coated stainless blades.
  3. Quality Mini Trapper Knife with Stainless Clip and Spey Blades - The Rough Rider RR839 Tiny Trapper Knife is a charmingly cute and high-quality pocket knife, boasting a fine blade, stainless clip, and nickel silver bolsters that make it a rare find.
  4. Rough Rider Miniature Abalone & Mother of Pearl Knife Set - Six charming miniature pocket knives boasting mirror-polished stainless steel blades and exquisite abalone and mother of pearl handles, perfect for everyday use or as a thoughtful gift.
  5. Rough Rider Pink Bone Tiny Stockman Pocket Knife - Cute and Tiny - A adorable, tiny Rough Rider pocket knife with 440 stainless clip spey and sheepsfoot blades, wrapped in smooth pink bone handles.
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🔗Folding Fruit Knife with Convenient Handle Design
I recently had the chance to try out the Seki Japan Folding Fruit Knife, and I must say, it's a game changer for fruit prep. With a 3.3-inch stainless steel blade and an orange plastic handle, this little guy is perfect for cutting and peeling small fruits.
The thick tip of the handle fits comfortably in your hand, and the small hollows on the blade prevent it from slipping out when you're taking it out. Plus, the blade folds into the handle itself, making it not only easy to store but also safe for skin contact. It's such a convenient design, especially for those summertime BBQs or camping trips. The closed length of this folding knife is only 9.9cm, so it's perfect for carrying around in your pocket or a bag.
As an added bonus, this knife is made by the reputable Seki cutlery, known for their high-quality knives both domestically and internationally. They're made one by one by skilled Japanese craftsmen, ensuring their precision and strength. However, it's essential to remember that these knives are sharp and should only be used as intended. Be cautious when handling them, especially around children, and always store them away from little hands.
Overall, the Seki Japan Folding Fruit Knife has been a great addition to my kitchen and outdoor toolkit. Its unique features and high-quality craftsmanship make it a reliable and versatile choice for anyone who needs a compact, sharp, and easy-to-use fruit knife.

🔗Spectrum TiNi Coated Stainless Pocket Knife with Jigged Bone Handle
The Frost SHS107RB Peanut Spectrum, or simply the Peanut Spectrum, is a unique and eye-catching pocket knife from the line of Frost Cutlery & Knives. Measuring in at 2.88 inches (7.32cm) when closed, it's a practical size for daily use while also standing out in a crowd.
One of the first things I noticed about this knife is the Spectrum TiNi coated stainless clip and pen blades. The coating gives them a sleek, glossy finish that adds a touch of elegance and a sense of quality to the knife. The blades are sharp and precise, making it a useful tool for everyday tasks.
The white jigged bone handle and nickel silver bolsters give the Peanut Spectrum a distinct look that is both timeless and modern. The inlay shield adds a subtle touch of class, protecting the handle from wear and tear.
While the Peanut Spectrum is a well-designed and functional pocket knife, it does have one minor drawback - it's made in China. This might be a concern for some users who prefer products made in the US or other countries with certain manufacturing standards.
Overall, the Peanut Spectrum is a stylish and practical pocket knife that would be a great addition to anyone's daily carry. The coated blades, elegant handle, and durable construction make it a worthwhile investment. Just remember to keep an eye on its origin when considering its value in the market.

🔗Quality Mini Trapper Knife with Stainless Clip and Spey Blades
The Rough Rider RR839 Tiny Trapper Knife has made its way into my daily life, and it's a charming companion to have. It's incredibly small, easily fitting into a pocket and drawing attention with its intricate details. Made from stainless steel with quality that shines through every nook and cranny, the knife looks as good as it performs.
The knife features a useful clip and Spey blades, which come in handy when tackling everyday tasks. To add to its charm, it has nickel silver bolsters, giving it a touch of elegance. I must admit, while the knife is tiny, it may not always be the best choice for more demanding jobs, but it certainly does the trick for simple tasks. I'd highly recommend this Tiny Trapper Knife to anyone in search of a cute pocket companion for day-to-day life.

🔗Rough Rider Miniature Abalone & Mother of Pearl Knife Set
I recently stumbled upon the Rough Rider RR1710 Miniature Knife Set, and I have to say, its charm captured me right away. This set of six adorable knives, each with a mirror polish finish stainless steel blade, showcases a beautifully crafted blend of abalone and mother of pearl handles, accented by nickel silver bolsters.
The keyring attachment is a nice touch, allowing you to easily carry these miniature knives with you wherever you go. The set's dimensions are compact, making it perfect for slipping into a pocket or pouch. However, despite its small size, don't be fooled – the blade lengths are surprisingly efficient at 1.13 inches.
While carrying these tiny knives, I have found a few drawbacks. The smaller size can make them a bit difficult to handle for those with larger hands. Additionally, the fact that they are made in China might be a concern for some regarding quality control and material sourcing.
Overall, the Rough Rider RR1710 Miniature Knife Set is a delightful addition to any collection, but it's essential to weigh the pros and cons and determine if its unique design and compact size are worth the trade-off for its potential drawbacks.

🔗Rough Rider Pink Bone Tiny Stockman Pocket Knife - Cute and Tiny
I recently tried out the Rough Rider Pink Bone Tiny Stockman Pocket Knife and I must say, it's a cute and quirky little tool. The unique pink smooth bone handle catches your eye instantly, and it's surprisingly comfortable to hold, despite its petite size. This knife sports 2" closed, which allows it to fit snugly into the pocket without being bulky.
The Rough Rider comes equipped with a 440 stainless clip spey and sheepsfoot blade that's perfect for everyday use. As someone who's used to larger, heavier knives, this little guy can be a bit of a challenge to open, but once you do, it's surprisingly effective.
One of the best aspects of this pocket knife is the colorful, attention-grabbing handle. It's a great choice for those who love color and want a unique knife for everyday carry. The design is minimalist and doesn't take up too much space, making it a practical addition to any bag, purse, or pocket.
However, it's not all rosy. The blade itself is quite small, bordering on impractical for some tasks. It's just something to keep in mind if you're looking for a knife that can handle more strenuous duty.
Overall, the Rough Rider Pink Bone Tiny Stockman Pocket Knife is a cute and functional option for those who love color and practicality in a miniature form. Yes, it's small, but its charm makes up for it. If you're looking for a pocket knife that stands out from the crowd, you've found it.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to the world of cute pocket knives! These compact and fashionable tools offer more than just functionality; they can also serve as a stylish accessory. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss key features, considerations, and general advice to help you choose the perfect cute pocket knife to suit your needs.

Size and Portability
Size plays a crucial role when selecting a cute pocket knife. Choose a model that is small enough to fit comfortably in your pocket but large enough to provide an effective and comfortable grip. Consider whether you prefer a foldable or fixed blade, as each has its pros and cons in terms of portability and ease of use.

Materials and Construction

Look for a cute pocket knife made from quality materials, such as stainless steel, carbon steel, or titanium. The blade should be made from high-quality steel that maintains its sharpness well and is resistant to rust. Also, consider the handle material, which should offer a comfortable grip and resist slipping. Common materials include wood, G10, or aluminum.

Design and Aesthetics

One of the main advantages of cute pocket knives is their unique and eye-catching designs. Consider your style preferences when choosing a model with a pattern, color, or shape that appeals to you. Additionally, some cute pocket knives come with additional features like bottle openers, screwdrivers, or can openers, which can be useful in everyday situations.

Maintenance and Longevity

To ensure your cute pocket knife lasts for years, it's important to maintain it properly. Regularly clean and oil the blade to keep it rust-free. Avoid using the knife to pry open objects or force it into hard materials, as this may damage the blade or handle. Store your cute pocket knife securely when not in use to prevent it from accidentally opening in your pocket or bag.

Safety and Ergonomics

Ergonomic design is essential for a comfortable and safe user experience. The handle should offer a secure grip and be easy to hold, even when wet. Look for a pocket knife with a locking mechanism that secures the blade when closed, preventing accidental cuts or injuries. Always use caution when handling knives, and supervise children when they are around sharp objects.
Choosing a cute pocket knife is a matter of personal preference and practical considerations. With the various styles, materials, and designs available, you're sure to find a model that suits your needs and complements your individual style. Enjoy showing off your cute pocket knife and take pride in its functionality and versatility.


Are these pocket knives suitable for everyday use?

Yes, these pocket knives are designed for everyday use. They are compact, lightweight, and durable, making them perfect for carrying in your pocket or backpack.

What materials are these pocket knives made of?

Most of these pocket knives are made of stainless steel, which is rust-resistant and maintain its sharpness over time. The handles may be made of various materials, such as wood, plastic, or aluminum, depending on the design.

What is the blade length of these pocket knives?

The blade length of these pocket knives typically ranges from 2 to 4 inches. This size is ideal for everyday tasks and keeps the knives compact and easy to carry.

Are these pocket knives easy to open?

Yes, these pocket knives are designed to be easy to open. Many of them feature a flip-out mechanism or a button-release system, which makes it simple to access the blade when needed.

What is the weight of these pocket knives?

The weight of these pocket knives can vary, but they are generally lightweight, often weighing less than 0.5 ounces. This makes them easy to carry without adding significant weight to your wallet or keychain.

Are these pocket knives leak-proof?

In general, no, these pocket knives are not designed to be leak-proof. They are meant for everyday tasks such as cutting rope, opening packages, and other similar activities.

What is the warranty for these pocket knives?

The warranty for these pocket knives will depend on the manufacturer. It's essential to read the product documentation or contact the manufacturer directly to inquire about the warranty terms.

Where can I buy these pocket knives?

These pocket knives are available at various online retailers, as well as local stores specializing in knives and outdoor gear. You can also find them at major online marketplaces such as Amazon.

How should I care for and maintain these pocket knives?

To care for and maintain your pocket knife, clean it regularly and dry it thoroughly after use. Oil the hinges and blade occasionally to prevent rust and ensure smooth operation. Store it in a protective case or sheath when not in use.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:33 Cupcake112014 Analyzing 2000s Strawberry Shortcake: The Play's the Thing

We're now onto the Dress Up Days episodes. I had these episodes on DVD when I was a kid, and so I watched them many times. This ep in particular popped into my head a few years ago, and that's what got me back into this show. I'll admit that I'm partial towards this ep and some of the others I grew up with. Anyways, spoilers ahead, so read at your own risk.
We open with the gang at Strawberry's house (including Blueberry, the writers make good use of her character immediately after introducing her). They were supposed to have a garden party, but immediately starts raining heavily. While inside, Blueberry suggests going to her house and playing dress up, since all of the picnic food was "ruined" (It didn't look that bad from what I can tell). Also, sidenote: Blueberry's voice sounds especially high pitched in this ep, even more so than in her first appearance. Idk if there were some audio issues or if the VA was trying something out. Anyway, Strawberry has a bunch of extra raincoats that she gives her friends. She takes the last one, which isn't as cute/stylish as the other ones (although, I'm sure some people would find the appeal in it). Her friends make fun of her, which, come on y'all she gave you her pretty raincoats, be f'ing grateful. Anyway, we cut to when they're at Blueberry's house and start exploring her costumes. Strawberry sees her book collection, and she didn't realize that Blueberry had so many books (even though her love of reading was established in the first episode, and the whole gang helped her set up her bookshelf. Ik I say I'm gonna stop commenting on the continuity, but then something like this happens and I feel the need to say something). They have the idea of picking one of the stories and putting on a play of it. They settle on Cinderella, and Blueberry just so happens to have a pair of glass slippers (she stored them at the bottom of her trunk, which... uh, how did they not break?). The slippers happen to fit Strawberry perfectly. I get that Blueberry offered the slippers to Strawberry, but they were her slippers, presumably bought to fit her feet. But oh well, this show revolves around Strawberry Shortcake, so she of course gets the lead role (on a related note, it's kinda wild that Strawberry never lets power get to her head. I think it would have been interesting to have an episode where Strawberry is on a power trip and has to learn from her mistakes, but oh well). Custard and Pupcake become the equivalent of Cinderella's mice friends. Angel Cake insists on being the fairy godmother. Blueberry agrees to be the stepmother, meaning that Ginger and Orange are the stepsisters (there are some unfortunate implications with our only characters of color being antagonists, but I don't wanna get into it here. That discussion can continue in the comments). Apple is the queen of the castle. Then, they realize that they need a prince, so they go to Huck, the one boy in Strawberryland, and they have to bribe him with pies. We cut to some time later when the sets are built and they're ready to go. They get their pets to be the audience (and Cola's also here. The coach for the stepfamily's carriage looks a bit like Peppermint. It makes me think that the writers wanted to include Peppermint in this episode, but either they didn't know how to write her in or the VA wasn't available). Anyway, Blueberry narrates the opening scene and spends quite a bit of time highlighting how ugly "Strawberella's" clothes are, which are clearly based on her patchy raincoat. Strawberry tells Blueberry to knock it off, and then she checks the mail, making the "mailbox" fall over. This reminds us that this is a low budget play performed by a bunch of kids. We're then immersed into this story, where the stepmother takes the invitation, and reads it. The stepfamily tells Strawberella that she can't go to the ball, which makes her cry. Then, Blueberry, Ginger, and Orange break character and apologize. Angel has to stop them, since them being nice spoils the story. We get to the stepsisters fighting over a dress and it lands on Strawberella's head, which makes her think the lights went out (which is a really silly thing to think. She had to have felt the garment falling on her head). She asks her stepsisters if she can wear it, but then her stepmother rips it up and tells Strawberella to get back to work. We then go into the first musical number, where Strawberella fantasizes about how great her life would be if she only had nice enough clothes to wear. We then cut to the night of the ball and the stepfamily literally leave Strawberella in the dust. Then, the fairy godmother shows up and makes a carriage out of a strawberry, turns Pupcake into a horse, Custard into a coachman, and bestowing Strawberella a beautiful gown and glass slippers. On the way, the fairy godmother has to stop them and let them know that the magic only lasts until 8 pm (since midnight is past their bedtime), which begs the question, what time is it in that moment? The sky is clearly dark, but it doesn't seem incredibly cold out. That makes me think that it's 6 pm at the earliest, which doesn't give very much time for enjoying the ball. Anyway, we get to the ball where one of the stepsisters is dancing with the prince, but then he steps on her foot. I think it would have made more sense for her to step on his foot, which would have incentivized him to find another partner. Anyway, Strawberella shows up, and immediately catches the prince's eye. He awkwardly asks her to dance, and so they do. This scene and episode in general is probably the biggest one that Struckleberry shippers point to, but they conveniently forget that this is a play, and Huck had to be bribed to participate. Anyway, Strawberella loses track of time and the clock strikes 8. I think it would have made more sense if it struck 7:45 or smth, bc with the way that it is, it seems like the magic would have worn off right there in the middle of the ballroom, which is a plothole, but I kinda remember that being an issue with the Disney movie too so I'll let it slide. Anyway, she drops the one slipper, gets home just in time, and then we skip to the next day. The queen and prince show up with glass slipper. The stepsisters try it on, but Orange's foot is too big and Ginger's is too small. I kinda appreciate that Strawberella doesn't have tiny feet in this adaptation since that would have sent the message that smaller feet are inherently prettier. Ig there's a bit of a plothole that with Strawberella having average feet, that shoe could have fit multiple people, but it doesn't really matter. Strawberella fits the shoe, and we get into the musical number about how looks don't matter. I don't usually point out the lyricism in these songs, but I have to mention this one line, "Clothes don't make the kid, it's the other way around." I get what they were going for that clothes don't define you, but that line inspires the image of children in sweatshops, and I don't think that's the kind of thing you'd want to think about while watching a wholesome kids show. Anyway, the play ends and we come back to reality. The other girls apologize to Strawberry for making fun of her raincoat, and it's a happy ending all around. Overall, it's a simple retelling of the Cinderella story that we all know and love, and does a good job with that. There are several episodes later on that are also fairytale adaptations, and I'm not completely sure how to feel about it. I don't necessarily dislike these episodes, but they do make me think that the writers ran out of ideas and used fairytales as a fallback. I'm sure I'll expand on these thoughts later on.
Comment your thoughts below!
submitted by Cupcake112014 to StrawberryShortcake [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:33 derangedbody (M4A) looking for a long term partner + pal!

Hey there, my names Greyson and I’m a 17 year old high school grad! First off, as I’m 17 (turning 18 and in a few weeks) please be within the age range of 17-19! I really would rather be friends and write with fellas around my age, no exceptions
Anyways if you made it past that little roadblock here’s an introductory type thing:
What type of genres/themes I’m into:
That’s about all from me, sorry for being so lengthy. If you made it this far PLEASE give me an introduction about yourself (like name and age for starters) and anything we clicked on. Thanks for making my summer and hopefully the future less boring!
submitted by derangedbody to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:33 OopsV Aerobuds (the Airbud of crypto) journey

Hello guys, want to say today was a successful launch. Aerobuds future has just begun. The logo is on the way and we still haven’t begun the marketing side of things. I want to thank you all for joining. Aerobud isn’t just a meme token but looks to give back to the community by donating to dog shelters. I also hope do giveaways here on Reddit to give back to our community members. Our future is bright, we are the airbud of the crypto world.
Disclaimer - This isn’t financial advice but more of a message for those who are interested and always DYOR.
submitted by OopsV to Aerobud [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:33 MasterGabe1994 “Led By The Wolf”

Chapter 2. (Dracula)
Nine Hundred years later deep deep far in the the Shadow Forest a place called Castlevania in the black castles the kings chambers a beautiful black haired blue eyed woman named Isabell Bolton was travailing in pain as she was giving birth to her first born child, the queens maid that was there helping deliver the baby held the little child cleaned him up and wrapped him in the blanket.
“Is the Baby ok Sara?” Isabell asked very exhausted.
“Yes it’s a boy!” Sara said very excited as she gave the mother her baby.
“He’s So Handsome. Luther come quick see our boy!” Isabell said with glee.
King Luther Bolton came in and grabbed his son hugged him.
“My boy Oh my baby boy.” King Luther said very happily.
Suddenly a dark and evil witch named Festus appeared in the room with them she was pure evil.
“Oh! what do we have here aww how sweet the Dark One was finally born He will be called Dracula he will be a terror of this world he will be known all over the nation and he shall live till the end of time his power will come on his thirtieth birthday when he drinks from the cup of Shalom that’s full of blood of the wolfs tears no one will stop his destiny he is a warrior of Econdire!” The witch said with a wicked evil laugh.
King Luther drew his blade and pointed it to her as he gave the baby back to the mother.
“You will not take my child and he will not become what you said!!! You will die this night!” King Luther shouted as he charged at the witch. She disappeared as King Luther swung his blade.
“Hahahaha you can’t kill me mortal and you can’t change what is to come I’m just here to warn you if you don’t want that to happen then you must kill the baby you can change prophecy Luther Bolton! Or seek out the skull face man named Slaygar he will gladly take the child and the Prophecy will not come true! Or should I say. “Your Majesty” hahahaha! Oh Luther. Ten years from now on a day before your wife gives birth to Your fourth son you will die and Dracula will be crowned King then time will count down. Hahahahahaha!!!” Festus said laughing as she disappeared out from a window in black smoke. Luther ran to the the window she disappeared from then she went to his wife who was weeping and crying out of fear
“Honey shush it’s ok!” King Luther said as he looked with worry and concern out the window.
“We’er not calling him Dracula we’er not his name is Gabriel Luther Bolton!” Isabell said sternly. “He will be a beacon of Hope.” Isabell said smiling.
“Yes That’s Beautiful, Gabriel. I like that name. Gabriel.” King Luther said in his thoughts he was worried about the prophecy.
Years passed and Gabriel had three more brothers Drakeul, Nathen, and Samuel, Then his father got sick Gabriel was ten years old and he was trying everything he could to heal his father he was a mage a healer and he put all his herbs and couldn’t stop his father infection nor could he keep him from getting sicker. He was only able to take the pain away for a wile. But King Luther got worse and worse. The King grabbed Gabriel by the arm as he coughed and said.
“We got to get you better father I....” Gabriel said his voice shaken as he was interrupted.
“Gabriel listen it’s over there’s nothing more you can do. I feel my body shutting down before I go...” King Luther said as he winced in pain.
“No Father!” Gabriel said weeping.
“Shush! Gabriel be strong for your mother and your brothers she’s in labor now so you got to be Strong your a good man and you be a good king but I got to tell you something and you got to fight for what’s right no matter what! Your hear me son?” King Luther said as he was feeling weaker and weaker.
“Yes sir.” Gabriel said as he straightened his shoulders.
“Ten years ago when you was born a evil witch came and told us that you was the Dark One and you was to be the terror of the world til the end of time and you had a different name but I’m not at all going to speak that name and she said you was to be the warrior of Evondire.” King Luther said as he looked a his handsome boy and he smiled at him.
“Econdire? The evil prince?” Gabriel asked confused.
“Yes son and....” Luther told him all what had happened even to the point where they searched for the good witches mages sorcerers and wizards.
“They said Love is the first thing that change this fate and they said have more children as many as possible before My death and to surround you with Love and train you to be the best of yourself that love and good will overcome evil.” King Luther said as he tried hard to make sure His son knew to not loose his Live for others and those who loves him.
Gabriel looked at his father he didn’t know what to say but he swallowed and said.
Gabriel: I will live to the best of my ability to Love and be good to all.
“Good now go be with your mother and the child they need you...” King Luther didn’t finish his statement when he took his last breath and he left this world.
“Father! Father! No Father come back! Father!!!” Gabriel shouted and wept over his dead father.
King Luther died, Gabriel put his head on his fathers chest and wept the tears fell from his face on to his fathers chest. One of the Priests of Shalom walked up his name was Dagon Gibbs.
“My son he’s gone hey come here hush now.” The Priest Gibbs said with comfort.
“Bring him back Father Gibbs! Bring him Back!” Gabriel shouted still crying.
“Hush now I can’t do that I’m not God my son. I’m sorry for your loss I will prepare his ceremony but you mother gave birth to a son you need to go to her. Your coronation to be Crowned King after the ceremony of your father’s funeral. Life must go on Prince Gabriel you have a lot of priorities and obligations that Have to be done be strong Prince Gabriel.” Priest Gibbs said with a comforting voice.
Gabriel walked to the room his mother was and heard the cry of the baby he opened the doors to see his smiling mom holding her baby boy her blue eyes sparkled. She saw her firstborn and her smile faded. She then said to Gabriel.
“Gabriel come see your baby brother! I named him Logan!” Isabell said as she noticed the look on Gabriel’s face.
Gabriel held his baby brother.
“He’s so handsome and healthy, Luther would be so so happy.” Isabell said as she put her hand on Gabriel’s shoulder.
Gabriel looked at his mother and the tears fell from his eyes as well as his mothers.
“I know he be in here if he wasn’t gone but he is I know it. It was prophesied by that witch.” Isabell said as her voice shook with grief.
Gabriel put his head down.
“Oh I know baby you tried your best but his time was up sweetie. We talked long about this. I can’t grieve now you got to be ready for what’s come Gabriel.” Isabell said with sadness.
She began to weep, as she held Gabriel close to her. Gabriel gave the baby to Drakeul and hugged his mother as they wept for her for their loss. They had the beautiful ceremony for King Luther they buried him in a tomb under the castle.
Seventeen years passed the palace grew and the people where happy everything looked great Gabriel had a beautiful women they got married his it was so beautiful they had two sons identical twins Trevor and Alucard.
The year started off wonderful but then an man named John Bayn a wicked king from the deepest part north he was full of rage and sought nothing but power he attacked Transylvania and declared war against Gabriel, the king caused Gabriel to loose his source for food and he cut his supply of water king Bayn got some men inside Gabriel’s city who turned some of the people against Gabriel.
“Gabriel my brother what is your plan we have to do something we have to fight against these basters or we going to loose the city!” Drakeul said as he looked at his brother who was now king.
“Easy Drakeul getting angry at the King won’t fix this.” Samuel said as he grinned.
“He has a point Samuel we got to do something!” Nathen said to them both.
Gabriel turned around and looked at his brothers.
“Tonight we will gather the most faithful soldiers and we will attack and kill that king. I will not loose my city I will destroy my enemy!” Gabriel said with determination.
The Priest Gibbs walked up to the war table And looked at King Gabriel.
“Your Majesty. Think before you act I pray you. I dreamed of you last night, you was dark cold bitter your eyes were as red as the blood I seen you drink from the cup of Holy water from Shalom’s Temple but it was filled with blood blood that came from the Wolf’s tears you must not give in to this anger it take you far then you want to go.” Priest Gibbs Said with a Urgency and a warning.
Gabriel looked at the Priest as did everyone in the room.
“King Gabriel I beg you sir be patient don’t go wait the Lord will make away and give you Victory! Please Your Majesty stay they will come to you and the witches prophecy won’t come to pass! If you go out there, My King. The curse will happen three years early then what was told!” The Priest Gibbs said again with Urgency.
“Father Gibbs. I will not give into a witches curse I will not let a curse stop me from protecting my people I will do what has to be done and show them I am not to be played with they will know not to come against me! Like they knew not to come against my father.” King Gabriel said as he began to give out his plan.
“My King...” The Priest Gibbs said as he put his hand on King Gabriel’s shoulder.
“No Father Gibbs! They killed your son today! It stops now!” King Gabriel said as he gently put his hands on the Priest Cheek. “I will not give in to the Curse I will hold on to my Love for others and the Love y’all have for me” King Gabriel said as him and his knights went out the war room.
The Priest swallowed hard, tears fell from his eyes he didn’t know he lost his son last he spoke he sent him to the market to get bread.
“How...” He asked his voice shaky.
King Gabriel turned and looked at the Priest “They skinned him alive and put him on a spike right out the gate I’m sorry we took him down and took him to his chambers.”
Tears fell down his cheeks he walked towards Gabriel. One of the knights put their hand on the Priest shoulder to push him back, the king lift his hand stopping the knight, Gabriel walked to the Priest. The Priest put both his hands on Gabriel’s cheeks.
“Gabriel please I beg you my son is dead please heed my warning don’t make me loose another son. Listen to me don’t go out there bad things will take place that will hurt you in a way that you will curse the Lord in His temple! Please Gabriel hear me.”
Gabriel hugged the old priest as he wept over the lost of his son, not knowing that the old man was weeping over him that night was the last night of Gabriel would be a human king but Gabriel didn’t realize that the Lord himself was trying to talk through Gibbs and Gibbs was weeping because he knew Gabriel would not take heed to his warning.
Later that day just before the king and his twelve knights were going to fight for their land he kissed his wife Hope, and his two sons Trevor and Alucard.
“Here Sweet Husband.” Queen Hope Said with a sweetness in her voice.
She put a letter in his hand.
“I will be waiting their.” Hope said with love in her voice.
“Ok I’ll meet you and the kids there.” King Gabriel answered as he smiled at his beautiful wife.
Logan came running up.
“Brother!” The Prince Logan shouted.
“Logan what are you doing?” King Gabriel asked seeing Logan was decked in armor.
“Let me fight I can fight!” Logan asked determined to fight.
“No Logan you must stay here!” Gabriel demanded.
“But Brother I can fight I’m not a child I’m seventeen! I killed a Lion and stopped a thief and kept several prisoners from escaping! Please let me fight for our kingdom!” Logan asked with hope in his eyes.
“I know! What you been doing it has not been unnoticed. That’s why I need you here protect my wife and kids stay with them ok! Please Logan do this for me brother.” Gabriel said as he walked passed Logan. Logan didn’t like it but he nodded and went and stood by Hope.
They walked out the city Drakeul, Nathen, and Samuel walked side by side with their king brother Gabriel tonight was the night for Victory! The 12 Knights walked behind them as well as fifteen thousand of the faithful soldiers.
The war began the fight was harsh side by side the Bolton brother’s fault side by side and backed to back fighting the enemies as well as the twelve knights who was protecting them they fault and killed many, then faced the face King Gabriel and King Bayn began to fight each other it was a hideous battle Gabriel took a lot of wounds but before it was over King Bayn was on his knees.
“You Won but I have brothers and friends they come and avenge me! You will not stand! Your own people don’t even trust your leadership! Hahaha!” King Bayn taunted.
Gabriel swung his sword cutting Bayns head off, he picked up Bayns Crown and handed it to a red haired knight named Andrew Archer, who seemed to loose his helmet during the battle.
“Take this that will be one of my trophies.” King Gabriel said as he handed the crown to the red haired knight.
The Red head Knight Spoke.
“What about the rest any prisoners?” Andrew asked with concern.
Gabriel looked at the village that was still burning and relived walking through and seeing again what they did to those poor people. He looked at Andrew and said very coldly.
“We will show no mercy they all will die but slow I will hang them on a spike and point the towards the village they destroyed and the people they murdered so they see why they are dying so painfully!” Gabriel said with anger in his eyes. Andrew Swallowed hard and they all did as they were told and they left back to the city the screaming and pleads for mercy echoed in their ears.
Back at the castle of Transylvania a war broke out Gabriel’s soldiers was fighting for their lives against some other soldiers who was turned by the King Bayns men. Hope Trevor and Alucard was in the Temple of Shalom and the Logan was fighting to protect them Hope was a Mage she used her magic to destroy the last few guards that turned against her, she looked at Logan.
“Logan You Ben and Cole take my Sons and go!!! Go Now!!! Keep them safe!” Hope said scared for their lives.
“I can’t just Leave you!” Logan shouted.
“You must Logan protect my babies please!” Hope said with urgency.
Logan Ben and Cole took Trevor and Alucard and ran them out of the city they got on their horses and headed south. Gabriel came and saw what was going on they went and fought killing every betrayer and every last one of Bayns men. Then Gabriel remembered the note and ran to the temple and when he Got there he saw the Priest Gibbs knelt down by Hope her stomach was carved into with a knife her hands cut off her throat slit. Gabriel fell beside her.
“NO!!!! MY BABY!!!! HOPE!!!! NOOO!” King Gabriel shouted tears falling downs his cheeks as he wept. He stood up anger and raged filled him he cursed cursed the temple and the wolves he cursed everything that the temple represented and he pointed at the Priest and yelled!
“THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!!!” King Gabriel shouted in anger tears screaming down his cheeks falling to the floor.
He cursed the priest. All the 12 knights stood around him his brothers got between him and the Priest.
“Gabriel! What are you doing! It’s not his fault!” Drakeul said trying to get Gabriel under control.
“Gabriel calm down you.... Oh My God!” Samuel said as his mouth dropped open his eyes widen.
Gabriel turn to see what everyone was looking at and saw the statue of the Wolf of Shalom from its eyes were tears of blood that dropped into the Holy Water cup. Gabriel was then immediately A trance he walked to the cup.
“NO!!! STOP HIM DONT LET HIM DRINK FROM THE CUP!!!” The Priest Gibbs said with urgency.
His brothers ran to him and pulled on him he sent them flying back with a wave of his hand.
“That ain’t no magic I ever seen.” Nathen said his eyes widen and his voice shaken with fear.
Gabriel picked the cup which was full of blood and began to drink it the priest and Drakeul yelled!
Drakeul and Priest Gibbs Shouted as One. “GABRIEL!!! NOOO!!!
Gabriel drunk the cup all of the blood in the cup then the curse happened but three years early. Gabriel yelled as his body changed and his face went pale and fangs grew in his mouth and his eyes went from a beautiful blue to crimson red.
Then the Angel of the Lord appeared and said. “My name is Gabriel I am the Messenger of the Lord you have defiled this temple of the Lord and you cursed the God that created you and came against the church of the most high God you our forever cursed to walk this earth as a monster til the end of time you will bring fear and terror....”
The Angel stopped when Drakeul walked up to him, Drakeul look the Angel in the eye fear filled him he trembling knelt down grabbed the Angel by his feet he felt the Archangels Power he spoke his voice shaky.
“Please I inquire a audience with the Lord!” Drakeul asked shaking.
“You cannot see the Lord you will not survive.” The Angel Gabriel said.
“Then please tell him applaud him to have mercy no he didn’t show mercy and he did the most worse thing but please I beg you don’t let him be damned take me instead give him another chance! Please don’t let him be damned!” Drakeul pleaded with him and his brothers salvation.
Drakeul began to weep at the Angels feet, The Archangel looked at Drakeul was a little fascinated how he a soldier who Stern and cold would be weeping over his brother who did such terrible deed. Then the Lord Spoke to the Angel.
“Gabriel Bolton will still be cursed but there is away that he can redeem himself but he will have to find it but he is forever bound from the temple of the Lord until he redeems himself and only you Brothers can help him find the boy that can change him the boy must become Him and he must become the boy and the certain deeds must be done, only then shall the spirit of your Brother be redeemed however the curse of Your Brother will be on a innocent Christian who will battle to redeem the Spirit of Dracula. Your brother Gabriel’s name will change this day he will be known as Dracula the rest of this worlds time! You will share his curse soon and help him walk the right path.
The brothers looked at each other confused.
The Angel looked at the twelve knights.
“From this day till the end y’all are the wolves of Shalom there shall be many of warrior wolves through y’all and y’all will fight against Dracula and all that becomes as he is that choose evil over good and there will come a time where Vampires and Werewolves will join together to fight an even. Greater foe an evil that has been locked away. There will rise a dark mage who will set the dark lord free and become the dark lord this will be the road that may redeem Dracula. But as of now your fight is to get and keep Dracula out of the temple this day!” The Angel of the demanded.
The twelve Knights became Werewolves the first ever to walk on earth. The Angel looked at Gabriel.
“Take him Out!” The Angel commanded. Then he disappeared!
Gabriel attacked the Werewolves and the fight was extremely hideous the werewolves gave a beating but each place they clawed open healed instantly, Gabriel beat them till the turn back in human form his blood was ragging but the. The power hit them and they arose again as the werewolves and begin to drive him out of the temple.
As Gabriel taught them he saw himself in a mirror the monster he became the crimson red eyes sharp fangs pale face the sharp claw like finger nails and at that moment he saw what he done and he saw what he did to the knights and as he saw them in wolf form walking towards him wounded even but still coming he didn’t want to hurt them they were his men his people and he was hurting them and he defiled the Lords Temple. He ran out the temple his brothers followed him.
“Gabriel! Gabriel! Drakeul Shouted.
He turned around quickly he put his hand around his brothers shoulder and with that same hand lifted him off the ground like he was paper without the help of his other hand.
“My Name Is not Gabriel!!! I am Dracula!” Dracula shouted. Gabriel Bolton was no more.
He threw his brother into his other brothers Nathen and Samuel caught Drakeul and the impact knocked them three feet back they pulled themselves up off the ground and they saw his face pale as the dead his eyes which used to be beautiful blue was now bloody red, he spoke again.
“My name is Dracula every King every army will never dare to attack my country or my family I will crush them and they will know the meaning of fear!!!” Dracula shouted crazily.
Dracula said his blood boiling hot as things were transitioning in his body.
And so the prophecy was fulfilled but three years before the time. And so fear filled the land the terror of Dracula spread through each city of Transylvania and Castlevania where Dracula’s Castle was the place which was beautiful and full of light was now darkened and full of fear.
Three days later at the docks of Dragons Bridge Logan asked Ben and Cole to take his little nephews to a safe place he was going back to his brothers to help fight.
“Logan! Are you crazy man Hope asked you to get Alucard and Trevor to safety man come on with us.” Cole said with concern for Logan.
“Yea man we’re young we got to get to Safety” Ben said.
“I must go back make sure it’s safe and send for y’all. And no y’all can’t come with me y’all thirteen and fourteen” Logan said sharply.
“No I’m fifteen Logan and you need to come with us man” Ben shouted at Logan.
Cole: And I’m two days from Sixteen. And your not seventeen yet your three days from seventeen and Hope asked you to save her nephews!
“I know y’all keep them safe now please go! I will not hear anymore.” Logan said as he turned from them.
And with that Logan turns away from them in the boat and went off towards home with his friends calling for him to come back and to not be stupid, but Logan kept on walking. Ben spoke.
“Come on Cole he’s not gonna listen to us.” Ben shouted angrily.
They set out for the other side which lead to a country called Albion and to a city called Camelot where King Constantine Pendragon III ruled and Uther Pendragon was a young mighty Prince who had a Amethyst who used a spell to keep him young for a thousand years. The children would be safe there the Ben and Cole thought.
As for Logan three days passed it was his birthday he turned seventeen and he was not happy for the things he was seeing and home the enemy that attacked the city was outside the gate dead hanging from a spike he heard on of them groan he drew his sword and thrust it through the dying mans heart to end his suffering he heard more, and saw a whole line of them he went by killing them ending their suffering. Dracula stood in front of his brothers and spoke.
“No one will dare to attack me now unless they want to die which I’m more then happy to oblige, brothers with this power we’re unstoppable I can give you this gift and you can be stronger.”Dracula said to his brothers. Drakeul Samuel and Nathen couldn’t believe what they were hearing from there Brother. “Was Gabriel really gone.” They both thought. Drakeul walk up to his Brother.
“Brother! Listen to yourself this is insane! look at you! this ain’t no gift it’s a curse! The Father Shalom Cursed you made you this monster, I will not become this thing you are!” Drakeul shouted out. Dracula looked at his brother with a elite shock look the laughed mockingly
“O dear Brother you actually think I’m giving you a choice that’s rather cute.” Dracula Taunted.
In a flash he grabbed his brother he moved faster then lighting he but Drakeuls neck and began to suck his blood Drakeul went limp almost dead Dracula bit his wrist and let the blood poured down to Drakeuls lips then Drakeul died. Samuel turn to run as did Nathen out the door, Dracula flicked his hand and the door slammed shut in his face Dracula grabbed him and done the same thing to Samuel as he did Drakeul. And Nathen tried to fight Dracula but failed and suffered the same fate. Dracula took a red towel and wiped his mouth and turned around to see Logan looking straight at him fear hit him hard he watched his brother suck the blood from his other two brothers.
“Gabriel what....” Logan said scared and shaken over what he saw.
“Hush now Logan they be back and my name is no longer Gabriel it’s Dracula I am a Vampire”Dracula said with a soft a soothing voice. He was hoping to calm his baby brother.
“What Happened to you what did you do what did you become? This isn’t right Gabriel it’s not right!” Logan said still scared and shaken he never seen something like this before.
“It’s a gift Logan and I can give it to you and you never be weak again!” Dracula said trying to tempt him.
“No!!! Your a Monster this is a curse you are not my brother I don’t want your gift!” Logan shouted.
Logan turned and walked outside straight into Dracula’s arms. Fear jumped in Logan’s chest his heart started beating very fast. Dracula embraced him with a loving hug put his cheek to his brothers in a gentle hug.
“Easy baby brother I hear your heart beating way too fast trust me you be way stronger.” Dracula said as he pulled Logan back in the door and closed it then he tilted Logan’s head to the side and he bit his neck as Logan screamed.
“NOOO! BROTHER!!!! NOOO! PLEASE!!!! NOOO!” Logan screamed.
Logan died with the blood of Dracula running through his vainest and Dracula’s blood was very powerful. Dracula put his brothers in three tombs and closed them up and said. “In Three days they will be reborn more powerful then before.”
Three knights past and Dracula’s brothers came out of their tombs.
“I refuse to be evil!” Logan Shouted.
His eyes red as blood face pale white he looks like his brothers as they all looked like Dracula.
“We all refuse to be evil!” Drakeul said.
“Lets remove ourselves from this Kingdom of Dracula!” Nathen said.
“I Agree!” Samuel said.
Suddenly The Angel of the Lord appeared it was the Angel Gabriel again.
“No harm can be done to Dracula. Like you he is immortal and will forever be so as for you friends your decisions and Trevor and Alucards decisions will be the results of Dracula’s salvation or his soul forever damned. Now go you are the Guardians of Shalom save the world from your brothers wrath and hunger and save your brother.” The Angel Gabriel said. Then the Angel disappeared Logan up looked and said to his Brothers.
“Y’all go I’m going to Dracula!” Logan said as he walked to the Throne Room of Dracula.
“Little brother you can’t.” Samuel said with concern.
“Yes I have to!” Logan replied.
Logan went out to find his brother. He found his brother in the Castle sitting on his throne with a golden cup full of fresh blood.
“Logan! How’s my baby brother? You looking handsome.” Dracula asked.
“Dracula I will not follow you I will not be evil...” Logan snapped.
“Brother I’m not evil! I did what I had to do!...” Dracula interrupted and said as Logan interrupted him saying.
“Shut up Brother look at yourself look what you become look at the hideous mess you done at front gate half of them was still alive! No brother there’s nothing you can say or do to get me to follow you! You can burn in Harcarsh with the devil! But as long as I can breath you never see your children again.” Logan shouted at Dracula. Logan walked out the door and flew like lightning towards Albion and to the city Camelot he was going to do all he could to make sure those baby boys never be in reach of Dracula.
Ben and Cole made it into Albion and got off at the docks in at a small village of Noplend. No sooner then they showed up Dracula walked the land. Cole was looking at the beautiful land, Ben spoke.
“Cole this is so beautiful!” Ben said
“Yes it is!” Cole replied.
“So glad to see my little brothers friends are keeping my two boys safe.” Dracula said behind them.
They both turned around and saw their King they heard the rumors that spread about the good Great King Gabriel turned to an evil monster known as Dracula, when they saw him fear hit them their kings face was Pale white hair to his shoulders his eyes bloody red his fingernails were like claws and talons.
“My King Gabriel...” Cole said shaken as he tried to bow.
“Stop! My name is Dracula! You two kept my children alive for that I’m grateful but Logan will soon join you and I must show him something when he finds you you be dead and the message will be clear of what I can do, and when you come back as the same as he is he realize I could have kept you both dead!”
In a flash he rushed at Ben but His neck drained his blood and gave him his blood forcing him to swallow it then he broke his neck. Cole seen what happen drew his sword and attacked Dracula yelling at him for killing his best friend. Dracula drew his sword blocking Coles blade and he played with Cole speaking to him as each time the blades met.
“Cole don’t take it personal boy, it has to be this way.” Dracula said to him.
“You killed my Brother.” Cole shouted in anger trying to kill his King that looked like a monster with his red eyes and sharp fangs showing as Dracula started laughing.
“And your next it has to be this way and o yes y’all thank me later.” Dracula said as he grabbed Cole.
“Do you hear your self Dracula or who ever you are now your killing your own!” Cory shouted scared.
Dracula thrust his sword into Coles chest and pulled it out, Cole dropped his sword and feeling the life drain drone him as he felt Dracula bite his neck and drink his blood, Cole pulled away fast Dracula held his weak body closer to him Cole was getting weaker by the second, Dracula bit his wrist and forced Cole to open his mouth and the blood poured in Cole spit it out and Dracula did it again and Cole tried to resist but Dracula covered his mouth with his hand Cole kicked and and tried to get away he died with Dracula’s blood in his mouth the blood went down his throat and spreading through his veins. Dracula heard his sons crying he went and picked them up.
“Hush now it’s ok they both be back watch them and watch Logan. Logan needs to learn you can’t take my sons from me and not get away with it.” Dracula said as he kissed both his sons before he disappeared in blood red smoke.
Logan came and saw what Dracula did to his friends he fell to his knees and wept.
“NOOO!!! NOOO!!!” Logan shouted crying.
He heard Cole gasp air and he rose up quickly as did Ben they both were now vampires their eyes bloody red as Dracula’s and Logan’s was.
“What NO! I’m sorry I’m so sorry this happened to you!” Logan said as he could feel a sharp pain in his heart. The pain was intense more then usual and it stayed it didn’t ease like it used to after awhile.
Dracula laughed.
“Well now sense everyone is up and doing good let’s have a talk about my children!” Dracula said still laughing.
“Brother why did you do this?!?” Logan shouted his tears dropping to the ground like rain.
“Because I can and you learn to love it! Now as for my sons you should know better then to try to keep my children away from me. Y’all will protect my children and y’all find a good family for them and let them be raised by a mother and father and you protect them. Yes I’m not crazy look at me I know I can’t raise my children alone don’t ever try to keep them away from me?” Dracula said stern and angrily.
“Take my kids to King Arther and Queen Guinevere make sure their safe.” Dracula demanded not knowing that Arther and Guinevere didn’t exist yet.
“Um King Gabriel...” Cole said his voice shaken.
Dracula looked at him with a cold glare.
“Dracula Sorry. Um their is no King Arther Or a Queen Guinevere.” Cole corrected himself and then said plainly.
Dracula put his head down confused he started having visions that morning and he was have more he shook his head again.
“Right King Constantine III Arther Pendragon is not born yet. Take my sons to Constantine.
“Dracula are you ok? Brother” Logan said. Despite the situation Logan still Loved Dracula and he could feel the love.
“Shut up and Go!!! Get my kids there!” Dracula shouted he could feel Logan’s love and it was a warmth to his cold heart and it hurt him cause all he could think about was Hope.
When the red smoke he disappeared from them. Logan covered his face and shook his head and looked at the children sleeping and he looked at his friends and said.
“Ben, Cole, I’m sorry I’m sorry he did this to you.” Logan said tears falling from his eyes.
“It’s ok Logan I feel good and strong better then I ever had. But we need to figure out what to do to keep Trevor and Alucard safe.” Ben said hoping to make Logan feel better.
“Your right well let’s go to Camelot.” Logan replied.
“I’m so thirsty. I... I want blood!” Cole said as he held his stomach.
Logan’s thirst hit him to as well as Bens.
“Logan the babies.” Ben said with concern.
A mage appeared he was old his hair and beard was long and white his name was Amorous.
“Logan Bolton Son of Luther Bolton the Vampire that will save Emyrs and Merlin and set them on their paths to their destiny.” Amorous said very happily.
Logan, Ben, and Cole, looked at the mage their mouth was open the smelt his blood and he looked like food to them. Amorous pulled out three big water bags that were full of blood.
“Here drink and get your strength there’s much you have to learn. And let’s get the little ones to a good home.” Amorous said as he gave them the blood to drink. Their long journey began.
submitted by MasterGabe1994 to selfpublish [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:33 jarradm Bringing a hookup to a hotel or Airbnb in CDMX?

I was recently in Lima and the security always gave me such a drama when I bought a guy over, even if he wasn't sleeping over. When I was last in CDMX, security gave me a nasty look when I had two friends over for drinks and worse when I came home from the bars with a cute guy. I really would like to avoid all this scrutiny and enjoy my privacy. Do hotels in reforma or zona respect guest "privacy"? Will they stop me from having late night guests? Anyone have recs? Maybe a western hotel or just a big, corporate kind of hotel? All the airbnbs say something about 24 hour security guy.
submitted by jarradm to gaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:32 PlatoArt 31 [M4F] - #USA/Online - Single guy, artistic, respectful, fun loving looking for long term friendships and fun chats

Hey there!
I want to thank you sincerely for taking the time to read this!
I am a single guy who loves to venture into the artistic endeavors and I'm looking for long term friendships on here. I have had some amazing experiences on reddit and some not so amazing ones, but I'm always optimistic to find more of the best and most positive possible!
If you're in a relationship, I certainly don't mind (and I've had some of the best experiences chatting with couples) but please make sure that you and your partner are both aware and okay with our chatting. I truly never wish anyone to be uncomfortable with anything.
I'll share that one of my best traits is that I'm a great conversationalist who enjoys getting to know you and enjoys hearing how things are going on a day to day basis. One of my worst traits is that I can be a massive flirt.
And beyond that, feel free to message me anytime! When you message, please let me know your age, if you're single or not, your name, and why you wrote to me.
Thank you again so much and looking forward to chatting with you!
submitted by PlatoArt to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:31 Vavhv I (22m) suspect that my best friend (20nb) is severely depressed. What to do? Should I contact their family?

Trigger Warning: Mention of suicide, TL;DR at the end.
Hello everyone, I (22m) have a friend (20nb) from college who I've been messaging frequently in the past week, especially since my mood has become elevated (which may be either due to my mood disorder or increase in antidepressant dosage). I've been sending them nice messages everyday, but I fear that it's not enough or that it may be too much.
Lately they've been mentioning about how they feel burnt out from college and don't like being with other students because they feel alienated by them and felt betrayed because they used to have other friends. But 2 weeks ago during a college break, they suddenly went silent on me for several days, and after that said that they've been only talking with their long-distance partner (21b) because that's who they're comfortable with.
Last week, they came to college and I was with them most of the time and they often seemed sad and tired, but they didn't say anything bad about me and even invited me to go outside to a cafe with them for a while. A day later, I attempted suicide due to some argument I had with my family which is a complete other story, but long story short they called me that time and I reconsidered and stopped my suicide attempt thanks to their kind words.
The day after that, we met on college again and while they said they're ok with me, they said that they had to go home immediately so I just respected that and let them. There was a field trip on the next day, but I didn't attend due to a death anniversary and I wanted some time to reflect on and heal from my attempt. I let them know they can text me during the field trip but they didn't really text much aside from saying they feel tired and overwhelmed and want to go home.
We were supposed to call when they got home but we didn't get to and on the next day they said the passed out. In the last several days, I tend to ask them how they're doing but they usually reply very late, saying that they're sorry cause they've been sleeping a lot. I suggested that they might be severely depressed but that it's a treatable condition, but refused, saying that they're not depressed because they don't want to overthink things. I asked them if they're taking their prescribed medication since they have a psychiatrist, and they indirectly answered by saying that they're taking their anxiety medication. When I asked them if they have medication for depression, they said they're not depressed and the conversation stopped there because I didn't want to argue.
It's been like this for several days, and what's worse is that their long-distance partner has been busy lately due to family matters and hasn't been responding much either, only replying every several hour intervals. I'm really worried about my friend and I don't want to lose them. Should I contact their family so they can help them out somehow? I also told my friend to contact their psychiatrist but they said that their next appointment is on June 1.
I've talked about this with another friend but they told me not to contact the family unless I'm sure because the family might be causing the problem and potentially abusing my friend, and while I don't know much about their family, I don't know much evidence to suggest this either. Should I contact them anyways? I know I can contact them through Facebook, but it would be my first time directly messaging them.
TL;DR: My friend has been telling me that they feel tired, sad, and overwhelmed, but refuse the possibility of being depressed to avoid overthinking. Recently, they don't talk to me as often and say they're sleeping most of the time. I'm worried about them and want to get them help before it worsens. What should I do? Should I contact the family they live with? Ask them about their psychiatrist?
submitted by Vavhv to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:31 oatsandalmonds1 AITA for ghosting someone I never actually met?

Met a guy off Hinge and exchanged numbers. He sort of just texted me for a couple of weeks before eventually attempting to set up a date. I’m in a stressful field with a full work schedule on top of studying for exams and I’m happy to devote time to going on dates and meeting people to see if there’s something there in real life, but don’t have the energy for an extended text relationship with someone I really don’t know. I had a week of working in the emergency department and simultaneously became very ill and didn’t respond to his last message that week about planning a date. Probably bad form of me, I know, but during this time he proceeded to send me multiple texts daily and eventually after not hearing from me he proceeded to find me on Instagram. I have a low bar for deciding to not pursue things further with someone I’ve a) never gone on a date with or met in person and b) does not have much understanding of personal space. I got an eerie bad feeling from the determination he had to get in contact with a person he barely knows. Ultimately I blocked his number and blocked him on Instagram to stop the flood of messages. Within an hour of blocking him he went to a THIRD way of trying to get in contact with me (Facebook messenger) and sent an angry message saying he knew I blocked him and how I had wasted his time. Not sure how I wasted his time when we had never even met, but maybe I’m looking at things the wrong way? The whole interaction made me feel pretty unsafe but I also have had an abusive relationship in the past and am possibly too paranoid about getting involved with a similar personality.
submitted by oatsandalmonds1 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:31 ohhsotrippy How do you know if a relationship is worth fighting for?

How do you know if a new relationship is salvageable? I'm 20 and new to relationships. I really want to give this guy (22) a chance, but I haven't felt emotionally supported.
We met a few months ago and recently celebrated our two-month anniversary. It's the first time I've truly fallen in love. At first, we were inseparable, but now it feels like the honeymoon phase is fading quickly.
He's sweet, helpful, and kind. He helped me with my chemistry homework yesterday, and I appreciated it. Sometimes we disagree, but it's been manageable. But he struggles with emotional intimacy, which is hard for me due to my emotionally absent parents. I talked to him about nurturing our emotional connection, but he didn't quite get it.
It's been a few weeks and our texting has decreased, he rarely asks me how I'm doing and when we do speak, it's brief and empty. As if he doesn't really care to get to know me. For ex., He went the whole day without speaking to me, and when I suggested we talk in person, that's when he said "sorry for not being in touch much today, I've been busy." He knows my past and how stressed I've been. I feel that if he cared, he would communicate his availability better.
I've self-reflected to ensure I'm not sabotaging a good thing, but things have definitely changed between us. We've arranged to speak tomorrow so I can express my concerns. I know love is a commitment, but I'm wondering if our connection is worth fighting for or if I should break it off. What do you think? Thank you.
TL;DR: How do you know if a new relationship is salvageable? I'm 20 and new to relationships. I really want to give this guy (22) a chance, but I haven't felt emotionally supported. I've gently communicate this to him, but he didn't really get it. He speaks to me less and less, and doesn't seem to be putting a lot of effort into maintaining our connection. How do you know if a new relationship is worth fighting for?
submitted by ohhsotrippy to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:29 schoobydoo2 How to deal with narc/people with HEAVY narcissistic personalities?

My GC sister (27f) is emotionally manipulating me (25f) with her kids and guilt trips. I’m fine with all the help I’ve done for her as it was out of the kindness of my heart, but she always likes to throw things she’s done for me, back in my face, or tries to embarrass or confront me only in front of others even though we have been texting on several other social media accounts. The help I’ve given her can never be repaid, as I’ve given her money, time, and energy to raise her kids and get her out of a bind time and time again. I don’t want to be resentful as I saw a good quote about not being able to pay back debt. The thing is, I didn’t view it as a debt until she started acting like I’m shortchanging her, like I owe her something. I’ve never even gotten a thank you, but it wasn’t a big deal, but if she’s going to have a double standard I can only tally and count everything I’ve done for her is more than her husband has ever given her and they’ve been together for over 10 years. I get so angry I can’t even talk to her anymore. Normally I’m okay with all the comments on my clothes, hair, body, I am under a microscope when I visit. And on top of that, I don’t tell my whole family when I’m visiting as there is not enough time or energy for me to visit everyone in the day or two I randomly get to visit, she will tell EVERYONE that I came by. Like you’re making me look bad, you’re making our family upset, and you’re making me not want to visit or talk to you because you twist everything I say. Why do you keep doing stuff like that? Why isn’t there ever any respect for me? You always slander my name and now I just don’t care. I feel so much better now that we are VLC. She doesn’t really get it I guess tho because she keeps calling and texting me everyday even if I don’t respond. And the thing is we’ve NEVER be close or talked a ton. She never wanted to be close. She was always bullying me mentally and physically, and when her husband put his hands on me she got mad at me. Now her calling me everyday just pisses me off. And If I don’t send her some kind of supply she will get the rest of the family I don’t even talk to to tell me to stop being mean to her even though most of our fights are initiated by her. As she is now chronically ill, she doesn’t have the physician leverage over me anymore (6’1GC, and me 5’5 SG). So now she either rages or starts acting really clingy. It’s driving me crazy. Idk what to do I feel like I backtracked so hard inviting them back into my life, idk what to do next if she’s so persistent despite my lack of returning her messages. I do help her financially, but I have stopped as I am in school and working part time. And I have no car, school loans, and no savings, I’ve given her everything I had, because she made me feel like I owed her and later learned she helped facilitate a lot of problems my Nmom caused for me financially. Being around them causes me anxiety, and I forgot that I didn’t have to see them anymore. Crazy right? I’ve just been on go mode after my bfs Covert mom moved in with us begging for some place to stay because she was mad her friend didn’t want to be with her even though he did a ton for her. He gave her $7,000 to find a place. She bought a ton of stuff off Amazon, never paid her share of bills, and never cleaned. She’s triangulated me and my bf for 8 months straight. It took me back to when my mother kicked me out. Having to walk on eggshells, finding new sabotages done by her daily. Like putting her bidet wash clothes under my bath towel instead of where it’s been for months. Like letting it touch. She hated me. She loved her son like you could tell she thought they were dating. He obviously didn’t stick up for me but didn’t want me to leave on my own. She never apologized to me but she apologized to him after she disowned him because he told her that if she wasn’t going to be helpful she could wait in the car, when we were moving and we have BOTH helped her move and she bothered me DAILY for helping her with her projects. On top of not cleaning she had three long hair cats, fought with only the neighbors children and never the parents, yells at everyone, and overall super moody and unpleasant to be around. She sent me PARAGRAPHS. About how hurt she was because she thought I was mad at her. And my bf made me tell her if I was or wasn’t and I asked her and she wouldn’t answer. I’ve been feeling so alone. I’m supposed to graduate college next term and my sister expects to be invited and she’s never asked me about school or anything. No one in my family has. She only talks about herself. Am I narcissistic since I keep attracting the same people with different faces. I don’t got for them they come to me and LATCH. I’ve only picked 3/7 for friends the rest were just victim of circumstance. Do you guys have this problem?
submitted by schoobydoo2 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:28 Good_Wafer_9146 Could there be something? Haha

I have a workmate who is quite known for being the serious and intimidating type sa work. He's a year ahead of me so medyo na-intimidate din ako sa aura nyang ganun when I first started where I work now.
But as I got to spend more time with him sa duty, mas nalelearn ko na he's not really as intimidating as people make him out to be. And I learned yung kind and funny side nya that he doesn't always project. Kasi introverted sya. Long story short, I developed some form of a happy crush, although wala talaga akong balak to make it serious.
Before, he would be so formal and strict sa messages nya but to my surprise, he's recently been being goofy and funny sa messages.
I've also noticed a few things he does that I find amusing. Replying fast sa messages that I send sa work groupchats namin. Asking me for my sample paperwork even if he knows how to do his (he's already had similar work done before). One time nag attend sya ng seminar somewhere (nag attend din ako and a friend of his days prior), and while at work nag message sya to ask where the CR is (hahaha) instead of asking his friend. Approaching me at work to ask about an assignment that I know pretty well he already knows how to do (kasi alam ko na may prior experience na sya).
Now here's the thing. We're a lot more open and palabiro sa messages than in person. He'd be sending emojis and laughing sa messages while having a straight face in person. Haha. Kaya minsan naguguluhan ako if I can treat him the same way in person since nahihiya ako dahil senior ko nga sya, and I don't want other seniors to judge me na baka feeling close ako masyado.
I feel that we joke around a lot sa messages but in person we're a lot reserved. Except for a few moments when we find ourselves alone & he'd sometimes relax and joke around then way he does sa texts. But with other people present, we act like we're merely workmates and he becomes a lot more poised.
Now here's the thing. Recently we get teased a lot. And not even romantically. Na tetease kami because of how he cares for me as his junior. Natetease sya sa pag aalaga sakin. Even his friends pointed out na clingy daw sya sakin because they noticed how he's particularly observant of me (like one time nag ask sya sa GC why I was in the office when it's supposed to be my day off & everybody commented he's being too clingy).
And the whole time he's kept a straight face. Meanwhile ako parang matutunaw na but I also kept my composure. Whatever emotion he shows i try to mirror kasi ayoko din mabisto na may crush ako haha.
After the teasing incident, we found ourselves on duty again and he acts like nothing happened. Which I am totally cool with. Because I do not want things to get awkward between us when I enjoy his company so much. Natatawa lang talaga ako at how he's able to keep his emotions in check when he's so different sa messages.
The rare times he lets his goofiness through in person, I find very cute.
Ang tanong ko lang, could there be something in there? If I were to take the risk? Haha
submitted by Good_Wafer_9146 to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:28 AzizStark [Help] I hurt a person after I made her fall in love with me.

Guys, I am a 24-year-old male residing in Chennai. I recently installed Bumble (a dating app) just to try it out and added some pictures. I wanted a long-term relationship but was unsure about it. Two days later, a girl swiped right on me on Bumble. I looked at her profile, and she had some really cute pictures. So, I swiped right on her, and she messaged me. We spoke for about five days. During that time, she shared everything about her life, including stories about her ex and other things. She is an extrovert, and I liked her vibes. But she had a few insecurities about her looks and told me about them but not much.
I was flirting with her at first, but she didn't flirt back; she was just talking like a friend. As time passed, I fell in love with her, but she told me, "Why are you loving me? I am not pretty at all," or something like that. I saw her pictures, and she was cute but not stunningly beautiful, and I accepted that. So, I told her that I wasn't into her looks; I liked her personality. We both fell in love until recently when she shared her latest pictures, in which she looked overweight and kind of older, which shocked me because she had never shared her latest pictures before. All the photos she had shared earlier were only the good-looking ones.
I mean, I am okay with someone not being very good-looking, but I have some expectations as well. Because in the latest pictures, she looked entirely different—the same person, but with a lot of differences. I was hurt, and I knew if I told her that, she would be heartbroken. She was madly in love with me as well. But I thought about it and wanted to be honest with her, so I told her that she looked different in the latest pictures and kind of older than the ones she had shared before. She was definitely hurt and told me that I am just like other guys, only into looks, and something like that.
I feel like she should have added her latest pictures on Bumble. She posted a sad status on her Instagram, and it hurt me a lot. I couldn't sleep with the fact that I hurt her with what she feared the most. I don't know what to do now. I feel very bad. I never like hurting people. I apologized to her, but that won't heal her. I am very depressed and she might be lot depressed than me now.
submitted by AzizStark to Chennai [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:26 Remarkable_Detail_17 My mom’s engaged and I’m so happy for her.

It’s pretty much the title. But i feel like we could use a palate cleanser from some of the awful people we see here on Reddit.
I’m Catholic, and for the first 6 years of my education, I went to a private Catholic school. In kindergarten, me and my twin brother (19f, 19m) had a friend, Wyatt (19m). My mom (54f) was his mom’s RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) sponsor, so we ended up spending a lot of time together as kids. In 4th grade, my brothers and I transferred to a different school, and we fell out of touch with Wyatt and the rest of his family.
Fast forward to 2022. My mom is at Costco, and she runs into Wyatt’s dad, Mike. The two get to talking, and they say how they want to get us kids together. That didn’t happen until about a year later. In August of 2023, we went on a joint family camping trip, and every so often when I’m home for the weekend from school, we’d do other family things. We’ve gone zip lining, axe-throwing, hiking, done escape rooms—basically just fun family stuff. It was around that first camping trip that Mom and Mike made things official. For the last four months or so, all of us kids have known on some level that they were going to get married.
They aren’t super over the top around us kids, but we do feel like one big dysfunctional family. It can be really stressful at times for me to be around so many people all at once, but I like it. My younger brother (16m) and Mike’s second son (17m) are already like brothers, and I’m slowly getting closer to his daughter (15f). She’s a sweet girl who’s super tomboyish like me, and we’re each other’s sister we never had.
Mom and Mike had another camping trip planned for this weekend, but I had a previous commitment with a friend, so I stayed home (the benefit was that Mom didn’t have to ask anyone to take care of the dog or the chickens lol). As my friend and I were driving home from our plans today, I was texting with my mom when she said she had a question for me. Seeing as she’d entrusted her house to me, my mind started going worst-case scenario when she said that. I played it cool, and I responded with “Shoot.” She then sends me a picture of her hand with an engagement ring on, and the caption was “Will you be my maid of honor?”
Apparently, she and Mike had hiked to the top of a mountain (they go on hiking trips a lot) and at the top of the mountain, he popped the question. My mom and I had discussed the potential wedding between her and Mike, and she’d said that she only wanted me and Mike’s daughter as her bridesmaids. That said, I accepted. My mother also watches our potato queen’s videos and has seen enough delulu bridezillas dump all the planning on their MOH, and she told me that I will not be responsible for any planning. I will still attempt to plan a bachelorette, which will probably be a tea party in the backyard because I’m not old enough to drink and my mom isn’t a drinker. (But if anyone has ideas for a bachelorette that a college sophomore can throw together, they are greatly appreciated.)
I haven’t even seen my mom’s face, but I was able to feel how happy she is over our texts, and I’m just as happy for her. For the last 10 years, she’s put aside her own needs and focused on making sure my brothers and I were taken care of. She’s bent over backwards for us to make sure we had whatever we needed, all while teaching middle school. My mom is an actual superhero. After all these years of her taking care of us, it makes me so happy and gives me peace of mind that she has someone to take care of her now.
I couldn’t have picked a better guy for her because not only is Mike good to her, he’s good to me and my brothers. He helps my twin get involved with jobs and is good with his boundaries. Whenever he’s working in the same area my college is in, he offers to take me to lunch, and he’s been to both of my orchestra concerts. He helps my other brother work on cars and was there for every ROTC drill competition. Basically, he’s been the father I always wished I had but didn’t get to grow up with. Well, better now than never.
submitted by Remarkable_Detail_17 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:22 Training_Ad4100 28 [M4R] Online. LF late night friends

I'm a 28 year old gamer. I like to do the usual shit. Read, watch anime, play games.
I'm a very talkative guy. I like to get to know people and talk often. I'm always sarcastic and can be humorous at times.
I mainly play league, apex, ow2, and a little valorant but rarely.
What I'm looking for: Strictly platonic. I'm married People to chat with on a regular basis. Please be 21+ years old. Be willing to leave reddit for discord eventually. Put effort into conversations
So message me with a bit about yourself!
submitted by Training_Ad4100 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:22 Cold_Measurement5329 Unofficial Legal advice?

Long story short - I recently finished my contract on active duty and returned back to New York and live with my family for the time being. My parents had a few financial issues and they fell back on rent and owe a little over $2,000 to their landlord. I’ve since taken over their finances and pay their rent each month and have a verbal agreement with the landlord to pay off the 2k in smaller amounts each month ($200 or so each month) but he’s been a real dickhead and would cut off heat and hot water at times but in this most recent issue hasn’t been responding to a rat issue in the building and our apartment. It’s been 8 days and I called an exterminator today and only then he began to respond and swore he’d take me to court to evict me and my family for owing rent and sending in an exterminator. Any advice on how I should go about this? I’ve kept text messages and pictures of everything but am wondering what would come of things if he does actually send us to court. Thanks in advance
submitted by Cold_Measurement5329 to NYCapartments [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:22 YakiTapioca A Recipe for Disaster (Part 42) - A Fanfic of Nature of Predators

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My second to last quarter just ended and I'm pretty swamped with final reports right now, but I'm almost through. Not to mention, the next seven weeks are going to be pretty light because of a sudden lack of classes, since I busted my butt finishing up my remaining credits. I've decided to dedicate this time to (among other things) a writing frenzy! I wanna get some serioussss backlogs up because who knows how busy I'm going to be after graduation. (Not to mention, I'm having some troubles getting my VISA renewed, but that's a personal issue).
Anyways, don't wanna bore you with irl stuff. You're here for food and gay furry romance! So as always, I hope you enjoy reading! :D
Note: This is a Fanfic of the Nature of Predators series by u/Spacepaladin15, that is being reposted from the NatureofPredators sub. Please support the original content.
Thank you to Philodox on discord for proofreading and editing RfD.
Thank you to Pampanope on reddit for the cover art.

Memory Transcript Subject: Sylvan, Venlil Citizen
Date: [Standardized Human Time]: December 13, 2136

It wasn’t too long that I was absent from the event. Sure, Kenta and I had run into a few hiccups when trying to load up the cart, but that was to be expected. Just looking at the absolute behemoth of an edible pile that he had somehow been able to put together in such a short amount of time, it was a wonder just how we were able to fit them all on there in the first place. And the promise that there was still more yet to be brought out had left me astonished. If I hadn’t already seen the ravenous vortex of Venlil that had so efficiently done away with the other dishes, I might have actually been worried about leftovers.
The food in question, long tubes made out of some kind of starchy form of strayu and packaged in an even starchier husk, were stacked in circular pyramids atop three large trays. As it turned out, this delicacy was the same “Tamale” recipe that I had heard mentioned the day before, the sheer amount being the product of Kenta’s, Julio’s, and even Jeela’s preparations. Unfortunately, I hadn’t received the full explanation of what they were just yet, but Kenta had thankfully given me at least a quick rundown.
Using the same steaming methods as the gyoza, these tamales had been folded carefully over a mix of fresh, crisp vegetables whose scent floated around each in a rich aura. They were hot out of the steamer, a cloud of gaseous water encircling the air above it in a decadent plume. If I hadn’t known better, with the combined mass of the tamales and the sheer volume of steam they collectively released, it might have made me believe the cart itself to be on fire. But of course, there was no such thing, and the cloud that spread into the sky only served to sweeten the air.
As I rolled out the cart, I looked at one last addition to the ensemble. There in a large bowl was something that Kenta hadn’t mentioned in the slightest when explaining the recipe and reasonings behind the tamales, and I had been so urgent to get these out the door that I’d forgotten to press for more details. It had been left in the refrigerator since the day before, which I had only noticed when doing inventory after the fiasco of event preparations.
‘It completely slipped my mind until now… I’m glad I didn’t forget it. Especially after what that note said.’
When I had found the bowl, a small piece of paper had been taped to it. On which, an alien text had been inscribed that required me to use my visual translator to make any sense of. It had been nothing but obvious that holding up the translator informed me that the language was indeed Terran. But what confused me was that instead of the morphemic script that I had come to slightly recognize from Kenta’s subculture, it instead appeared to be something more alphabetic.
On it, the note simply read: “Make sure to serve this with the tamales, my friend. Don’t forget!”
Additionally, below those words had appeared to be an additional message. That one, however, was partially scribbled out. When I scanned that one as well, the translator had taken a long time to process, and its output remained considerably fractured: “**od l*ck wit* y*u* n*w boyf***nd.”
Having not thought much of the note, I had just barely remembered to retrieve the bowl from the fridge and put it on the card while Kenta was off busy grabbing one last batch of tamales before rushing me out the door. I shook it out of my mind for the time being. After all, right now there were more pressing things to manage.
Wheeling the cart back outside, I was hit with the briefest shortage of breath. It had only been a momentary respite, but shifting from the quiet of the empty diner to the lively atmosphere of a crowded party would never not be a shock. By now, enough people had shown up that the event could already be considered at max capacity. People from all over filled the street, chatting and conversing in a rambunctious, lively gusto.
To see so many people take the time out of their schedules and come down to my family’s diner just because of the promise of our food… It was almost overwhelming, enough to bring a brief tear to the eye reminiscent of my reaction to that very first wave of people Ginro had brought soon after I first hired Kenta. I took a moment just to bask in it. A feeling I had all but begun to grow almost too accustomed to. A feeling of success, and of pride. And as I once again continued pushing the cart past the crowds of chatty party attendees, along with the piles of wool that it entailed, that feeling continued to pour into me. It was all almost too much to hear at once.
“Hey Sylvan! Great party!” said one voice to my left.
“Amazing food as always, Lackadaisy guy! I can’t get enough of these little strayu things in the salad!” piped another to my right.
“Ooooo! What are those things?” asked one more as I passed by them, who excitedly eyed up the stack of tamales I was delivering.
I laughed along and chatted with people on my way to one of the tables, chuckling at their jokes and accepting their praise on behalf of both myself and the mysterious ‘Kahnta.’ With each pleased guest and hungry gaze, I couldn’t help but feel myself bloom in sheer joy at the tidal wave of enthusiastic complements.
That was… until one otherwise innocent comment sounded from behind me.
“So you’re telling me this was all made by one chef?” they asked one of their friends, not intending me to hear as they talked with their mouth half stuffed with food. Looking closer, I could see that they were two Gojids chatting with one another. “Better enjoy it now, I guess. Not gonna be long before some fancy place in the Capital comes and recruits them. Honestly, if the owner of this place wants to have any hope of holding on to them, he better marry them or something.”
The partygoer’s friend laughed, “Well if he doesn’t, then I will! Can you imagine eating something like this every day?”
I couldn’t help but bloom even more overhearing this. But this was a different kind of feeling. Not the gentle warmth of normal delight, but instead the torrid heat of surging emotions. And as I began nonchalantly transferring the steaming tamales to one of the tables, these emotions steamed to the surface of my mind as well.
It was a mix of things that fueled my silent reaction. At first, the implication of asking Kenta into matehood was… well it was certainly something. I was sure the two Gojids were simply making innocent remarks, assuming that the lie about my precious chef being another, completely ordinary Venlil was correct, not realizing in the slightest just how much the implication left me flummoxed. And in normal circumstances, it would have been just that, a simple perk of the ears and a brief daydream of something so far away from me. But after yesterday, things had changed.
The previous day had been eventful, to say the least. I had eaten some amazing pastries and listened to an even more amazing alien melody. Only for it all to come crashing down when my idiotic brain forgot to turn back on the translator before pouring out my entire menagerie of pent up emotions before Kenta. My one chance to seize an opportunity at the height of a courageous high, only to tumble and fall flat during the execution. Even worse, I couldn’t muster the bravery to say the same thing even one more time.
I had completely blown it. And needless to say, I wasn’t exactly keen on remembering my mistakes from that previous day, especially during such a pivotal event. The only mediocre condolence I could take from the whole ordeal being the opportunity of waking up next to Kenta that same day. But even that was cut much too short by the mad rush to get preparation ready for the event.
‘I can still remember how warm he felt… And how peaceful he looked when his eyes were closed…’ I thought to myself in deep reminiscence.
“Hey there Sylvan!”
‘I can’t get it out of my head…! Ugh! I wish it wasn’t just a one time thing…’
‘If we really were together romantically, then maybe I could see that every day… But that’s not–’
The moment my attention was pulled away from my internal thoughts, I audibly bleated out a high pitched noise of surprise, “Eeep!”
My ears jutted up and my tail straightened like a steel beam. My attention shifted over to my side, where I soon realized Fehnel now stood. She had her paws held firmly on her hips, with a head tilted to the side in a half puzzled, half amused demeanor. Then, when I realized I had been staring a little too long without saying anything, I quickly turned my attention back to the table.
“Oh hey Fehnel!” I stuttered out. “Didn’t see you there!”
“Sorry if I sneaked up on ya, hun,” Fehnel replied with a single wag of the tail. “Got somethin’ on the mind, I’m assumin’?”
The image of Kenta and I huddled together on my couch flashed through my mind once more, before I quickly shook it away. “Uhhhh… Nope! I’m just really focussing here on getting these tamales out.”
“‘Tamales,’ huh?” Fehnel chuckled. “Well between this and that ‘gee-yo-za’ stuff, I think I’m startin’ to give up on predictin’ what crazy name Kahnta’ll come up with next.”
“Yeah it’s pretty… uh–” I coughed awkwardly, clearing something nonexistent out of my throat. “It’s pretty creative.”
“You can say that again. By this point, they’re startin’ to sound almost alien!” Fehnel laughed again, and I cringed as the irony fell over deaf ears. “But hey, who am I to judge! I mean, to me all the stuff on this planet is alien, so what’s another ‘Tamale’ added to the pile, yeah?”
I had to stop my ears and head from shrinking too far towards the ground.
“Anyways, I’m assumin’ these are the actual foods I requested Kahnta to create, right?” Fehnel continued to ask.
“Uh– Y-yeah, yes they ar–” I tried to say before one of Fehnel’s paws suddenly reached out and grabbed my wrist.
“Great!” she beamed, before dragging me away into one of the many chatty piles of fluffy wool that constituted our event.
It didn’t take more than a few rushed steps before I was suddenly pulled in front of another Yotul and Venlil, who I did well to recognize immediately. It seemed as though Kadew and Vuilen had arrived, the former of which looking just about as nervous as I had expected. Vuilen, on the other paw, was anything but. Her tail was wagging furiously, almost impossibly giddy with enthusiasm as her ears shifted around a swivel, likely allowing every new smell and sound to pull her attention to and fro.
Fehnel dragged me forward and plopped me down right in front of the two, before saying, “Tell them what you just told me.”
Vuilen leaned forward, bestowing me her full attention, while Kadew remained stationary, only doing as much as to straighten a single, skeptical ear.
“W-well, uh…” I stumbled, before quickly getting my act together. “Among a number of new strayu recipes, the main entree for today’s event is called ‘Tamales.’”
“Oooo!” Vuilen beamed. “What’s that, Lackadaisy guy? It sounds awesome!”
“According to Kahnta, it’s a mix of vegetables folded in a spongy strayu wrap and steamed inside a starchy husk. And…” I tilted my ears towards Kadew, “It’s supposedly a specialty that is designed to be eaten during times of celebration with family. Regardless of whether they be by blood, or found.”
Kadew huffed a short breath, before folding her arms. But before she got the chance to speak, Vuilen’s enthused voice overtook it. The black and white wooled Venlil leaned into her smaller Yotul partner and pulled them into a strong hug.
“Hear that, Dew? It’s like this food was MADE for your Running Day!” Vuilen piped, bouncing up and down like a cub and bringing the now deeply blooming Kadew along for the ride. “Well… I guess it literally was, but you know what I mean! Either way, there’s like a million new kinds of strayu foods here! Can you believe that? I think I even saw some sylvanas over on that table there! Can you even begin to wonder what they taste like? Oh my Sol, I’m so excited!”
Kadew, whose previously unimpressed countenance now had more steam coming out of her ears than the tamales off in the distance, stuttered out her response. “Uh– Uhmm– That’s… that’s great…”
“I know right!” Vuilen squealed. “This is going to be the BEST Running Day ever! I’m so happy for you!”
I couldn’t help but giggle out in response to this, something which Fehnel had long since been doing on her own volition. Unfortunately for Kadew, this did nothing to ease the sheer amount of embarrassment already flying around her dazed face.
“Of course, all guests are free to eat their fill, especially those invited by the Claw’s Lady herself,” I said, before gesturing a paw towards Fehnel. “All of it has been covered in advance by our generous sponsor.”
Vuilen retreated from her hug just as quickly as it had started, twisting her attention back towards Fehnel and I. “Really? I still can’t believe you’re just giving away all this for free!”
She walked towards the two of us, leaving a still dazed Kadew behind her, before rushing to give Fehnel herself another brief hug. “Thank you so much again for organizing something like this, ma’am.”
Fehnel returned the embrace, having nothing but pure pride and joy radiate through her voice. “Of course, hun. I hope you and my daughter enjoy your date.”
“Oh we will!” Vuilen replied quickly, pulling back once again. Just as fast, she began making a beeline for the buffet tables, almost disappearing into the crowd of fellow Venlil fluff before her voice was heard once more. “I’ll be back in a jiffy, Dew! I just gotta try some of this stuff before it’s all gone!”
Before she was out of range, I twisted around, raised a paw up to my mouth, and stood up high to help carry my voice after her. “Don’t forget to save room for dessert!”
Turning back, I joined Fehnel once again in her chuckling. It didn’t take long for Fehnel to comment on the situation now that Vuilen was out of earshot.
She leaned over and gently nudged me in the leg with her tail. “She’s a riot, ain’t she? Does my daughter know how to pick em’, or what?”
“Oh yeah, I’ve seen them together in the diner all the time. Honestly, I’ve been wondering how long it was going to take to knit that scarf,” I commented, referencing one of the more common and romantic Venlil courtship rituals.
“Guys I can HEAR YOU!” Kadew yelped, now seemingly freed of her hug-induced daze.
“Oh hun don’t you worry yourself about us,” Fehnel replied, a slight hum to her voice. “Us adults can’t help but watch the young love bloom.”
“That guy’s barely older than I am!” Kadew shot back, raising a finger to point at me.
I raised two paws in defence, much too similar to the way Kenta does when he’s been caught teasing me. “Hey, doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate it when I see it. You’re doing great, by the way.”
The teasing, however, had been lost on her. I had meant it in good will, but my words had only served to aggravate Kadew, and she huffed out an annoyed breath. Then, she started stomping rapidly in place, her trained legs moving in a blur like overclocked turbines. From even the briefest glance, I could tell that something had been pulling away at her tail, and our comments were doing it no favours.
“Uhh… are you alright?” I asked tentatively.
“ARGH!” she groaned back. “No! No, I am very much NOT alright! Running Day’s here already, I feel like a pile of speh, my fur’s a mess, and I’m FREAKING THE BRAHK OUT!!”
‘Quite the vocabulary on this one, apparently,’ I judged silently, wondering how my mother would have reacted to hearing me talk like that.
“Honey, Vuilen’s not gonna care about any of that silly stuff,” Fehnel said jovially. “Why, I remember bein’ covered in dried mud the first time I went on a date with your father. We went down to the creek together and took turns tossing water at each other. Then, we went down to the local actin’ house and watched a show. But even after all of that, I still had a bit of dried mud crusted on my fur, but your father didn’t mind. Said it gave me ‘character,’ of all the silly things.”
“Isn’t dried mud just dirt?” I asked.
“Naw, see, dirt is sand, silt, and clay, but it only becomes mud when it has a higher content of clay.”
“So then what happens when dirt gets wet but doesn’t have a lot of clay?”
“Wet dirt.”
“WHAT ARE YOU BRAHKING TALKING ABOUT!?” Kadew squealed in a panic, her stomping had not ceased in the slightest. She threw her paws up and pulled her ears down over her eyes. “Dirt and mud! That’s all that we Yotul talk about apparently! And trains! Can’t forget the brahking trains! Stars above, that’s all people ever say!”
“Trains are cool,” I said indifferently.
“I don’t care!” she huffed, before turning to Fehnel. “Mom. What if Vuilen comes back and sees you talking about dirt? She’ll just see that it’s the only thing a primitive uplift is capable of understanding! Do you really want to prove her right?”
Fehnel looked shocked, but replied nonetheless. “Has… she said something like that before?”
“Well…! No…! But…” Kadew stomped again. “She might, okay!? Especially if she sees you actively talking about it!”
“To be fair, I asked,” I replied. “Besides, Vuilen seems like a smart girl. She wouldn’t make a rash assumption about the Yotul based off some random remark. Relationships are stronger than that. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“What do you know about it!?” Kadew shot back, releasing her ears and letting them perk up to max height. “Unless I missed something, I don’t see you dating any other Venlil in that restaurant of yours! How do you know if any of this is fine!?”
Fehnel’s voice soured immediately. “Kadew! That is no way to talk to our new business partner! He was just tryin’ to help! Apologize this instant!”
Realizing something had shifted without my notice, I tried to mellow my voice in an attempt to calm the situation down. “Oh, that won’t be necessar–”
“No,” Fehnel interrupted. “I refuse to let my daughter be rude to anyone. We might not have much, but we at least have manners.” She turned her attention back to her daughter. “Kadew, if you have a problem, then I want you to tell me about it. If there’s somethin’ we can do to help, then–”
“No no, it’s not…” Kadew replied, bringing two fingers up to pinch the bridge of her snout. “It’s not that…”
“It’s not what?” Fehnel tried to guess. “It’s with Vuilen, isn’t it? You’re afraid she’ll not be able to appreciate the Runnin’ Day? Listen, I know this isn’t Leirn, but Sylvan and I are kickin’ our hardest to make it special for you regardless. Sure, it’s not the most traditional, but I’m sure Vuilen won’t mind! I understand that livin’ on a new planet is taxin’, the gravity here especially, but as foreigners it’s our job to show these nice people where we come from. We’re Yotul, and nothin’ will change that!”
“Mom…” Kadew grunted back, before taking a deep breath.
Before she could speak, Fehnel continued with a proud wag to her tail. “Do you remember what a Runnin’ Day is all about, Kadew? It’s about all the cubs that came of age that year comin’ together and sayin’ that they’ll be fine by themselves. But it’s also about family. It’s about knowin’ that no matter where you run off to, I’ll be there to support you. But you’re makin’ it real hard to do that every time you don’t tell me what the matter is! And if you don’t, how can I make this Runnin’ Day the best it can–”
“But it’s not a Running Day, is it!” Kadew yelled, instantly shutting Fehnel up.
Her mother stared forward blankly, stumbling over a few unclear words. “Wh-what do you…”
“It’s not a Running Day!” Kadew repeated. “It’s not! I mean look around you!” She lifted her arms up dramatically, motioning towards the crowds of unaware Venlil around us. “We’re the only Yotul here! We’re the only two people that even know what a Running Day is, and I’m pretty sure we’re the only people that care!”
I tried to speak, “Umm… I know what a Running Day i–” but the look of animosity Kadew immediately shot my way gave me Jeela flashbacks, and I shut up just as quick.
“Kadew… Hun, that’s not true,” Fehnel tried to defend. “I’m sure they’d be willing to open their minds if we just–”
“What? Tell them all about how great it is to come from an Uplift planet? Talk about brahking DIRT some more!? Careful there Mom, don’t want to spoil their meal!” Kadew continued her berating. “Because you and I both know that the only reason anyone even showed up to this thing is because of that guy’s food!” Another finger was shot out in my direction. “Even you know there’s nothing special about your stupid Uplift culture! There’s nothing here even remotely related to the Yotul! It’s all just Venlil decorations and Venlil food, for our solely Venlil guests! And look!!” She pointed directly at the statue Jeela had placed as the centerpiece. “They have a statue of a Venlil as the center of everything! It’s the star attraction, not us! They couldn’t give a damn about me or Running Day or our culture or… or anything!”
Fehnel appeared to be on the verge of tears.
“And now I’ve got to find some kind of excuse for all this!” Kadew added. “It’s bad enough I had to drag Vuilen into pretending to care about the Yotul. But now the entire town is a part of it too! They’re laughing at us, Mom! Just like at school! Just like everywhere else I go! They’re laughing at us and you’re proud about it!”
From the verge of tears, Fehnel’s voice had croaked into a soft weep. A glimmering stream of water had begun to crawl down the ridge of her rust-coloured face.
“I hate being born a Yotul! I hate this gross, rusty fur! I hate everyone thinking I’m primitive and that I must be in love with trains and steam engines! And I hate you trying to push your culture on me! Cause guess what? I’ve never even seen Leirn! It’s NOT my home and you need to stop pretending it is!”
Fehnel stood simply aghast, the occasional choked-up garble of sounds emerging from her throat. Meanwhile, I stood speechless as well. Obviously, I had accidentally walked in on and been exposed to something that had been going on for quite a while. But even worse, it seems as though I had done nothing but fanned the flame of this long-fueled fire. Instinctively, I began taking a few steps back to give the two their space, which went unnoticed by either party.
Fehnel swallowed, her eyes still welling tears. “I… I…” she tried to say, but no words would form. Instead, she choked on her own voice. And Kadew, who stood waiting for a response, sucked in heavy loads of air in the fleeting hope to catch her breath.
But instead of an answer, all that any of us heard was a scream.

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submitted by YakiTapioca to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:21 Electronic_Music_256 I am the guy who suspected his GF of cheating (M22) - Part 2 - Update

Hey guys, I'll attach Part 1 for your reference.
We had a big fight after I taunted her - 'Tere paas mere liye kaha time hai stay with XYZ (Male Best friend).
It was brutal and she knowing that water went above head wanted to see me, she flew down to delhi on friday evening and she thought we sort it out cause even after coming she was defending herself with - Ohh baby, are you jealous? That's so cute. Etc etc. Which was honestly irritating and infuriating me but I remained calm. Saturday, I took her out for shopping, lunch, bowling and party at night. She didn't call her best friend once BUT her best friend called her every hour.
I picked the call once, he said - 'Bade busy ho gaye ho, phone toh utha liya karo baba' and I said that she has gone to use the loo, he hung up without saying anything. We had another fight on why did I pick the call. I might be wrong to do that but BC 'baba' and all bol kar baat karne ki kya zaroorat hai?
After party, we came back home and she was coming over me to have sex but I said that I'm not in mood, again we had a big fight as she said - Tumhe sirf mera acha mood kharab karna hota hai. I couldn't keep it inside and blurted everything out and accused her of cheating. She denied it and got angry. We fought and my final point was if you aren't cheating let me check your phone and just one person's chat. Sge never gave me the phone and after 2-3 hours of continuous fight she said this.
Haan kiya maine cheat, I slept with him and not once many time. Mere office walon ko bhi pata hai and I enjoy it too. I love you, I want to marry you too par life mein thoda fun bhi zaroori hota hai. Tumhe nahi karma toh tumhari galti hai. Mujhe bata dena break up karna hai yaa aise hi rehna hai.
She went to her room and she left for the airport in morning. From night to morning I was sitting on the same couch, same clothes, no emotions just tears... Thodi himmat hui toh idhar aaya...
Kuch samjh nahi aa raha... Kya karu bhai? Koi batado
submitted by Electronic_Music_256 to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]