Funny cell phone text symbols

/r/texts - The Conversations Subreddit

2011.02.15 01:03 laaabaseball /r/texts - The Conversations Subreddit

/texts - The Conversations Subreddit - a subreddit to submit your funny, weird, or random coversations from your mobile or cell phone.

2014.07.24 19:41 Roflmoo Context-Free Comic Panels

Individual comic panels from comics that stand on their own as bizarre, funny, or interesting. Old and new panels welcome!

2012.05.01 22:53 miderpan LOL Grindr

Funny screenshots & memes from the homogeosocial app Grindr

2024.05.21 15:46 Moist_Cheetah_8701 Unlock Old phone pin?

Hi , I've held onto My old android phone as a backup phone. It's a Moto G7 Power. My current phone is an Samsung Galaxy A42. I have been wanting to see my photos on my old phone, turned it on to realize I had set a pin that I can not Crack! Is there a way to retrieve this? I was thinking of putting my current Sim card in it , would this change anything ? Any help would be appreciated, my dad passed away last week and really wanting to get into it just for those photos and videos . I have my current phone backed up to Google, really not sure about the old phone but know I did turn it on a couple times after switching and there was old texts / photos on there even without service. Thank you for ANY HELP !!!!
submitted by Moist_Cheetah_8701 to motorola [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:45 Moist_Cheetah_8701 Unlock old phone pin?

Hi , I've held onto My old android phone as a backup phone. It's a Moto G7 Power. My current phone is an Samsung Galaxy A42. I have been wanting to see my photos on my old phone, turned it on to realize I had set a pin that I can not Crack! Is there a way to retrieve this? I was thinking of putting my current Sim card in it , would this change anything ? Any help would be appreciated, my dad passed away last week and really wanting to get into it just for those photos and videos . I have my current phone backed up to Google, really not sure about the old phone but know I did turn it on a couple times after switching and there was old texts / photos on there even without service. Thank you for ANY HELP !!!!
submitted by Moist_Cheetah_8701 to phonehelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:44 Acubb2448 Giving day for oishei children’s hospital

Hey guys I volunteer the phone system here at the radiothon at oishei’s if anyone wants to donate please call 716-719-1033 or text help to that number. Thank you
It’s for the kids!!
submitted by Acubb2448 to Buffalo [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:44 Moist_Cheetah_8701 Unlock old phone pin?

Hi , I've held onto My old android phone as a backup phone. It's a Moto G7 Power. My current phone is an Samsung Galaxy A42. I have been wanting to see my photos on my old phone, turned it on to realize I had set a pin that I can not Crack! Is there a way to retrieve this? I was thinking of putting my current Sim card in it , would this change anything ? Any help would be appreciated, my dad passed away last week and really wanting to get into it just for those photos and videos . I have my current phone backed up to Google, really not sure about the old phone but know I did turn it on a couple times after switching and there was old texts / photos on there even without service. Thank you for ANY HELP !!!!
submitted by Moist_Cheetah_8701 to AndroidHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:43 Moist_Cheetah_8701 Unlock old phone pin?

Hi , I've held onto My old android phone as a backup phone. It's a Moto G7 Power. My current phone is an Samsung Galaxy A42. I have been wanting to see my photos on my old phone, turned it on to realize I had set a pin that I can not Crack! Is there a way to retrieve this? I was thinking of putting my current Sim card in it , would this change anything ? Any help would be appreciated, my dad passed away last week and really wanting to get into it just for those photos and videos . I have my current phone backed up to Google, really not sure about the old phone but know I did turn it on a couple times after switching and there was old texts / photos on there even without service. Thank you for ANY HELP !!!!
submitted by Moist_Cheetah_8701 to SmartphoneHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:42 xoxo_kiki_dna Why would he (33m) tell me he will think about it when I (27f) asked him for commitment knowing we both wanted marriage?

We met 3 months ago. He was very attentive and kind, always took me out and got me gifts even tho we had just met. We slept together first month of knowing each other. We saw each other almost every day. He was always there for me if I needed him and he always picked me up from places if I was out late and drank or just wanted to spend some time.
Couple days ago I was out and didn’t attend a few of his calls he texted me that it was messed up and that I must’ve been busy. I told him my phone was in my purse it was crowded and loud, I apologized. Next day I was home couldn’t attend a couple of his calls, he said if I was seeing others to let him know he won’t bother. We met up shortly after and he was affectionate as always but I asked him what was up. He said I had never not picked up his calls like that I told him it was honestly just bad timing. He said he’s noticed another guy calling me and not answering and that he thought I was doing the same to him. I told him what happened with the other guy and why I no longer answer that guy. I asked him though … that if he doesn’t want me to see others and I don’t want him to see others why are we not in a serious relationship
He said he used to be the type to ask after a few dates but not anymore. He said he takes time to observe and learn first, I told him no issue with that but it’s been 3 months he should at least know how he feels and if we’re serious. I wasn’t asking him to marry me tomorrow , just to at least have some clarity about us. We both come from a culture of arrange marriage so I told him I will be married with or without him, I just wanted to marry someone I do know and like. My parents and I want marriage in the next couple years and he said that just because I’m on a timeline doesn’t mean he needs to hurry. I told him I don’t mean to rush him but by now he should know if he’s going to make me his. That men know early on, they don’t leave the woman they want walking around single. He told me all his friends are arrange married and it’s not that scary, told me a failed love marriage story. I told him I understand but if he’s not serious about me then he’s wasting my time. That if there’s anything about me that’s holding him back to tell me, he said there’s things he can’t say out of not wanting to hurt my feelings. He said we’ll talk about this but I felt he was bsing me, I got upset and left . He asked me to let him know when I get home I did, he said good night then next day nothing. I texted him saying that idk what to say after last night but I was pretty clear and I’ve been solid since day one and my conscious is clear. He never replied … I removed him off my socials a few hours later.
What could have happened here. What did I do wrong. Any advice please to help a broken heart
TL;DR: I wanted marriage he wanted marriage but when I asked he to be bf/gf he said he’ll think about it
submitted by xoxo_kiki_dna to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:42 Emotional-Effect-374 Why I Think Sleeping on WhatsApp Marketing Is a Mistake - Part 2

In this post, I will address the issues raised by readers in the previous post and discuss a cost-effective and ethical approach to growing your WhatsApp contact list for marketing purposes.
One commenter mentioned, “Nope. Never used WhatsApp and never will. I don't need another app or service to text and call people...that's what my phone does! My clientele doesn't use it, why should I?”
Here are some facts: Over 50 million companies globally use WhatsApp Business for marketing, and 54% of users prefer to receive marketing communications and order updates via WhatsApp.
Sources: Cooby , Statista. There is extensive information available on Google as well.
Another comment stated, “You're forgetting that I simply don't want you messaging me on WhatsApp unless I give you my number.”
Facts: Similar to SMS and email, nobody likes spam. WhatsApp is no different. You should block and report any number that sends unsolicited messages to you.
This brings us to today's topic: How can businesses obtain opt-ins for WhatsApp marketing?
Option 1: Create Click-to-WhatsApp Ads
If you use social media to promote products or run marketing campaigns, it’s an ideal opportunity to encourage customers to connect with your business on WhatsApp. Offering a click-to-chat option in your ads provides an easy entry point for customers to start a conversation, ensuring you have their consent to interact and know how they found your business.
Here’s how to create such an ad: [Create Ads That Click to WhatsApp]
Option 2: Obtain Customer Opt-Ins During Support Interactions
Add a WhatsApp Chat widget on your website using After resolving a customer’s issue, ask if they’d like to receive future notifications and updates. If they agree, send a message outlining the type of notifications they can expect and ask them to confirm their opt-in.
Option 3: Use Pop-Ups
You can collect opt-ins on your website using pop-ups, banners, or CTA snippets in locations that catch your customers’ attention. Clearly communicate the value and benefits of receiving notifications via WhatsApp, such as inspirations, new arrivals, and the latest discounts.
Tools like or Popupsmart can help you create these pop-ups.
Option 4: Ask for an Opt-In at Checkout
Since customers can use WhatsApp to receive crucial notifications like order confirmations, boarding passes, and delivery updates, they are more likely to opt-in during the purchase process. This is particularly effective for retailers, airlines, and logistics companies. Include a checkbox for opt-in at various touchpoints, such as when entering billing or delivery information.
Best Practices to Boost Your WhatsApp Opt-In Rate
To effectively increase your WhatsApp opt-in rate, consider the following strategies:
1. Highlight the Benefits: Clearly convey the advantages of receiving notifications and updates via WhatsApp. Make it evident how it adds value to the customer experience.
2. Respect Frequency: Avoid overloading customers with messages. Find a balance that keeps them informed without being intrusive.
3. Simplify the Opt-In Process: Ensure that the process to opt-in is straightforward and user-friendly. Minimize steps and make it easy for customers to sign up.
4. Integrate Seamlessly: Choose an opt-in method that fits naturally into your existing communication channels and business processes. This will make the transition smooth for both your business and your customers.
5. Provide Clear Opt-Out Instructions: Make sure customers know how to opt-out if they choose to, and promptly respect their requests. Transparency builds trust and reduces the likelihood of complaints.
By implementing these best practices, you can effectively grow your WhatsApp contact list while maintaining a positive relationship with your customers.
submitted by Emotional-Effect-374 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:42 Scary-Perspective-13 Fake owner called my JOB

I was working my THIRD ever night shift at this job. Mind you I do not know any owners or anyone higher than my GM. So some dude called about an hour into my shift and introduced himself as the owner while he did this he aslo texted my actual phone (Which is off I couldn’t reply) saying he was my actual manager but her phone had broke so she was using a different number and said the boss should be calling for a partial payment and to get into the safe. I didn’t think much of it and listened to what he had to say and he started off with saying there was an inspection coming within 30 minutes with a tracking number and their names. Sure enough they showed up and they were legit , they came in and did a BUNCH of cleaning. While they were cleaning he told me to call him from my actual phone , so I gave him a text now number. Through there he directed me to the office where the safe was and told me that he wanted me to get into the safe for when he arrives to pay for a partial payment for a shipment. He directed me to where to find the hammer and then wanted me to download WhatsApp to video call him. So I did and when he answered he looked legit , so I set the phone up and beat the shit out of and flipped a 300 pound safe from 1 to 6 o’clock in the fucking morning. NOT once thought to contact either manager through their actual number. I feel absolutely fucking stupid and played he also got a pic of my ID front and BACK along with my SSN. How do I atleast stop any fraud?
submitted by Scary-Perspective-13 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:42 PuzzleheadedJelly394 confused as to if my ex (18f) still has feelings for me (19m) 8 months later?

so for context me and my ex started dating in january 2023. it was a really good and healthy long distance relationship (NY to FL) and i took many trips to see her and i even went on vacation with her family. we ended in october 2023 in a pretty bad way, but we’ve decided to stay friends. i’ll be honest i never really lost feelings for her, just kind of forgot about them. we started to get close as of recently like facetiming and snapping and stuff but two days ago she got back together w this guy that had ghosted her in april. she still texts me all the time and still wants to facetime me all the time, like for example, she told me that she wants to call today but her bf is coming over so she will call me once he leaves. i have a feeling she still finds me attractive because i catch her staring at me on facetime and also when i send her a snap i look good in she responds with a “🫢” face (not the emoji). anyways we talked yesterday and i asked her if the guy knows about our friendship, she said no. for context he’s a co worker of hers and he knew that we were together for 8 months so if he sees my name in her phone he will know who i am. i told her that if he finds out we’re talking even if it’s completely platonic he will probably break up with her as it is always a red flag if you are still friends with exes if your in a relationship. she said and i quote “im not gonna tell him and if he finds out im just gonna say it’s a different (my name).” i told her that it makes me feel weird and she said “listen it’s not a big deal stop worrying about it.” more context, before i knew about her and this kid, while they were still talking she texted me stuff saying “if you lived here in FL things would be different” (aka if i lived there we’d still be tg) and she also wrote a poem on her spam insta that she stated i was the good path for her yet she always takes the bad paths etc etc (she sent me a screenshot of it and said “you are the good path that i wrote about”) this was all while they were first talking. i know she actually likes this kid because of the way she talks about him but i also don’t know if she still likes me.
submitted by PuzzleheadedJelly394 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:38 Individual-Ad8128 Should I text him this ?

I've been talking to this guy for about a month now, have gone on three dates, and I really like him. However, I feel like I'm the one asking all the questions trying to get to know him, initiating and keeping text conversations going, and initiating talking on the phone. I feel like I'm probably way more into him than him me and I was thinking of letting him know this.
Should I even bother texting him about it? Something Like "Hey, it's been a really good time getting to know you and I really like you but I'm feeling like I'm the one initiating conversations and asking questions to get to you and in an ideal situation I'd like to date someone who gives me the same level of effort I'm giving them. Maybe I'm more into you than you are me, so if your interest is not fully there than I think we should stop dating."
submitted by Individual-Ad8128 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:35 therealSuburbian Just replayed astral chain on hard, you need to play it too.

So I played Astral Chain over 2 years ago and loved it, I’m gonna break down why the game is so great.
Story: Astral Chain has the best story I’ve seen in any platinum game, period. Mgr and Bayo 1 are some of my favourites but those games stories are good in a way that feels somewhat ironic. Mgr is a huge satire, the actual plot of the game is very simple and not all that engaging, instead it feels more like a commentary than an engaging narrative. Bayo 1’s story is so weird and incomprehensible that it ends up being great through how wacky it is. Astral chain though, its story is just good. Not fantastic, but good. The characterisation is actually present, the character arcs are interesting, there’s mystery, emotional moments, and very subtle themes throughout its writing. Astral chain is probably (except god of war) the best crafted narrative I’ve seen in a character action game (even if it isn’t the most memorable).
Gameplay: to be honest, calling astral chain a character action game doesn’t feel too warranted. This is a game with a lot of different gameplay styles in comparison to its peers. Every level has open zones to explore, charming optional side quests (most do not affect your rank if you skip them). Any side content that does affect your rank is often combat focussed, or a mini game that is much better designed than anything you’ll see in bayonetta 1. You also have platforming sections, which are not a strong suit, but are at least engaging in my opinion, they employ your abilities in interesting ways and it never felt like it was taking up too much time away from the action. On top of all this, you of course have the platinum combat system, and it’s amazing. Various abilities, different customisations for your moves, the openness of combos (it feels amazing to air juggle an enemy as both you and your legion puppet kick ass together). The animations in this game are fantastic and every single weapon you get feels interesting and useful (despite axe clearly being the best legion). There are a BUNCH of enemy types, the boss battles are very good too (not mgr or Bayo level, but still very good), and I like how astral chain feels different to other action games. In astral chain, your health bar is very small, this is simply because you are playing as a human, you are not a demigod witch or cyborg powerhouse, so enemies can kill you very quickly. Enemies are therefore slower while dealing bigger damage, giving combat a higher stakes, more risky feel as opposed to a pure power rush (although of course you can still kick ass in this game, don’t get that twisted). Overall, astral chain is another platinum game that has gimmicks, which is what us platinum fans always complain about, but it is my opinion that astral chain implements these gimmicks in ways that are superior to its siblings - they are less frustrating and the ranking system is more generous (dying to an instakill on a motorcycle mini game will not affect your rank, you simply restart the checkpoint). Rankings also encourage creativity over perfection - you WILL get hit during combat, so the game doesn’t punish your for it too hard, instead it rewards big damage combos, and using as much of your toolset as possible.
Style: this is where astral chain falls slightly short and probably why it isn’t revered as much as Bayo dmc or mgr. all those three games have a sense of style that is incredible, Bayo is camp, dmc is also camp, and mgr is a satirical camp. All feel distinct and just infectious in their tone. Astral chain’s tone is more serious and less over the top (it still has some very funny moments though), and it wears its 90s cyberpunk anime influence (most notably evangelion) on its sleeve - this is definitely contributing to my love for the game. Despite its tone not being too memorable, the visuals are fantastic for a fast paced Nintendo switch exclusive action game. It has a cell shaded, anime cyberpunk art style that is simply gorgeous and honestly quite shocking in terms of how good this Nintendo game can look at times.
Conclusion: if you own a switch play astral chain. It’s awesome, oh and when you’re thinking about the best action games tier lists, keep astral chain in your thoughts. Ty for reading!
submitted by therealSuburbian to CharacterActionGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:35 WeepingWillowLotus Broke up with my boyfriend because he refused to communicate. I am in so much pain…

I basically just broke up with my boyfriend. He basically gave me the silent treatment for a week, hanging up on all my calls. His texts never responded to my messages of me pouring my heart out and were extremely vague. We had only been together since this March, but at first we talked everyday.
Then I sent this message a week ago or more:
“Baby...if you think about me all the come you will not talk to me? I feel like I am being held at a distance from you. I don't know what to do except to try and talk to you about it. Also I just realized something that has been bothering me...I wanted to ask you. Yet I feel like I shouldn't because you are already so stressed. Though I do want to be part of this because you are a part of my life and I need communication. I don't want to be left in the dark with whatever is going on right now with you. I want to hear about it all, the good and the bad. I want to be able to call you by the end of the day and you can vent to me. I want more than anything for you to lean on me like a healthy relationship. I don't see it as burden. Remember I did say when you go quiet and don't talk to me about what's going on it does the opposite of what you want. You said you don't want to worry me, but that is exactly what that does. I do not expect you to talk to me at all hours a day. Just a few messages a day and a call every other two days, something like that.”
He basically said this message pissed him off and that I was incredibly self absorbed. After that he refused to talk to me. Before that he was barely talking to me and I was pouring my heart out trying to let him know I am there for him.
Then this morning he finally called me back.
I asked if he actually thought I was self absorbed.
Then he said, “Really that is what you’re worried about?” And hung up.
There was a WHOLE LIST I was worried about, but how the fuck am I supposed to get to that if you hang up on me. He never communicated with me and would shut down. He said I didn’t care, but dammit there are messages of me flooding his inbox sick with worry. I’d almost have panick attacks cause he wouldn’t answer. If there was anyone who didn’t care it was him. My sister said he was still an immature child if this is how he handles conflict, by name calling and shutting down. I knew this wouldn’t work with the way he acts, but it still hurts.
I was trying to do everything in my power to stop us from splitting, but how can you do that if your partner refuses to even talk to you. It is like she said, you shouldn’t be having this many issues this early on into the relationship.
I mean the amount of anxiety he gave me from ignoring my calls, not answering any of my messages and literally giving me vague responses that only led to more questions. It was just too much. In the beginning it felt too good to be true and of course it was. The funny thing is he said he was sorry that we stressed each other out so much, but the only thing that was causing stress is the fact he shuts down anytime you need to talk to him about something serious. I am pissed and I am hurt…
submitted by WeepingWillowLotus to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:31 isisebow What should I do here

I had been seeing this man for about 1 1/2 years, every day or every other day. We didnt make it public because I was unsure how my parents would feel (they kinda racist.) Then he revealed that he has a child to me. He has no social media but snapchat so I would’ve never found it. He said he thought I would judge him so he didn’t say it blah blah blah. I didn’t really care , I was happy for him (she looked like 2-3.) But now my parents really wouldn’t like it since i’m 19 and he’s 25 with a kid. Despite that I was still in love with him so I would be with him anyway. So over the course of the following 6 months leading to the current time, I asked many questions about BM. Is she still in the picture, does he still see her, etc. He insisted he only saw her to pick up his child at times or do family stuff. That’s pretty reasonable I can respect it. He made many many excuses like we can’t make it public bc she may be mad and force child support or not allow me into the family etc. Well yesterday, I was checking this guys sister FB and found BM. Lo and behold there is tons of pics of her and “my man” together (I’ve been talking about him like he’s my man for 2 years and he is friends with all my friends.) I am physically ill to my stomach looking at the pics finding out they have been together the entire time. Do I tell her? I am afraid he will seek revenge on me. I am worried this can cause more turmoil in our already crazy lives. I am genuinely afraid of what he’ll try to do to me if I tell her. I told him that I found out and to go F himself and cut contact. I feel like such a bad person for doing this to his FIANCE (she had a ring on all the pics), she will be really angry at me. Also I discovered he started seeing me right BEFORE he had the baby shes 2. We literally would play games on each others phones or hed be driving and say text this person for me. I never saw her there. He spent 2 Christmas, Valentines, Easter, my bday, etc with me. My brain can’t comprehend how this is possible. Am I missing something? Maybe they’re on and off or just post on facebook to make it look stable when they’re not really together? He would go 3 months in a row seeing me EVERY DAY at times.
submitted by isisebow to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:31 IAmRunning_Late We found evidence of my mother having a sexual affair.

I posted on here a while ago asking for help on how to support my dad while he debated leaving my abusive mother. These past couple of weeks he's been documenting some of the stuff my mother does to him along with photos of her while she is high on whatever prescription drug she can get her hands on. Well last night he showed me multiple photos he took of her text messages to a guy named Jordan which are all sexual in nature. My dad is absolutely distraught and has finally decided to go through with the divorce.
His boss, who is an ex police officer, is helping him hide the photos from my mother as she still checks his phone daily. I've been looking up low income divorce lawyers and in the meantime my dad is starting the process of finding a safe home for my 15 year old brother to live at so he can go to the bank and tell them to take the house and see if there is anything he can do about the bankruptcy. His boss is also helping him save up money for a lawyer and to get away.
I am still trying to convince my dad to come live with me until he can find an income based apartment since as I stated in my last post I have a four bedroom house with plenty enough room to fit both him and my little brother.
We have yet to tell my siblings as my dad and I both agree that none of them would be able to pretend like everything is normal and not go confront my mother. He felt this information was safest with me since I practically have no contact with my mother and I live the furthest away.
submitted by IAmRunning_Late to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:30 idahhan 1 Week in Peru (May 2024)

1 Week in Peru (May 2024)
Trip Report in May: Lima, Cusco, Pisac, Machu Picchu
  • We went on May 12th 2024.
  • We don't speak Spanish but learned basic words to come by.
  • I suggest you get some Sol currency from your home country before arriving. We took 400 Sol with us.
  • I saw some posts suggesting BCP ATM to get cash, I would recommend against it. We used Cajero Banco de la Nacion ATM and we were not charged extra fees (although limit is 400 Sol).
  • You can use credit card in most restaurants in Lima, Cusco, Pisac an Machu Picchu.
  • We bought SIM card in Lima airport from Peru SIM before leaving the free zone. Only passport required. 80 Sol for 5Gb/1week. I suggest you get more than 5G if you are going to browse the internet during your trip.
How to recharge Peru SIM:
  1. Install Mi Cuy App
  2. Choose "Peru SIM" from multiple choice question in the beginning.
  3. Use phone number to login and your passport number as password.
  4. Personally, none of my cards worked to recharge the SIM, I tried both Visa & Master Card).
  5. There is an option to recharge but texting a WhatsApp number were they send someone to you to recharge it but I didn't explore that option.
  • Stayed: 1.5 days (2 days ideal).
  • We used Uber in Lima with no issues.
  • We stayed in Miraflores, I would have stayed in Barranco but there were more options in Miraflores.
  • Explored: Miraflores, Barranco, Centro Histórico.
  • Before booking a restaurant check their opening hours. A lot of restaurants allow reservations half an before closing which can be frustrating.
  • Tips: Book restaurants in advance, locals dine around noon. Tried: Isolina (100 Sol/person, good vibe, food okay) and Al Toke Pez (30 Sol/person, not worth >30 min wait). Other recommended spots: Jose Antonio, Cerveceria Del Valle Sagrado, Don Fernando Restaurant, La Petite France, Central, La Mar, Maido, Osaka.
  • Bars: La Noche De Barranco, Juanito De Barranco.
  • Walk/Visit:
    • Miraflores: If the sky is clear, go to Parque Del Amor and walk on Mal. Cisneros.
    • Barranco: Walk on Av. Almte. Miguel towards Parroquia La Santisima Cruz, Bajada De Baños, Bridge of Sighs, C. La Ermita, Biblioteca Municipal, Museo Pedro De Osma.
    • Centro: St. Martin Square, Jiron de la Union, Lima Main Square, Basilica & Convent of San Francisco, Mercado Central & Chinatown, Larco Museum.
  • Stayed: 3 days (2 days for altitude acclimation).
  • We used Uber in Lima with no issues.
  • Some recommend you go directly from Cusco airport to Ollantaytambo (2 hours drive) to acclimate better to altitude, we didn't do that.
  • Regardless how many days you are planning to stay, if you are visiting museums in cusco or planning to visit Archaeological sites. Consider buying "Tourist tickets" in cash at some sites entrances or in Cusco from "Boleto Turístico Cusco" Av. El Sol 103, Cusco 08002 ,Peru), I added table below but for more or updated details check here
  • YOU CAN NOT get Tourist tickets from "COSITUC CENTRAL OFFICE" outside the Centro area. It's just management office.
  • To acclimate to the elevation, consider the following tips: drink coca tea, avoid alcohol, eat light meals, and rest for the first two days.
  • I took half a 25mg "Acetazolamide" pill from a pharmacy in Lima twice a day without consulting a doctor, but you should consult a doctor before doing so. Stay hydrated, and expect more frequent visits to the washroom due to the medication.
  • Stayed: Airbnb near San Blas Market (east part quieter).
  • Walk/Visit:
    • Explore San Blas Market square, walk east until the end of C. Carmen Alto, then walk up and take a right on C. Tandapata, then up on C. Pasñapakana to reach San Blas Viewpoint (great at sunset). LIMBUS RestoBar looks cool.
    • Explore the city center: Plaza Mayor de Cusco, Museo de Arte Religioso, Museo de Sitio Qorikancha, Plazoleta Espinar, Plaza Regocijo, San Pedro Market.
  • Best prices for souvenirs I found are on C. Hatunrumiyoc & open market in Plaza Regocijo.
  • Shopping: None of the shops have unique merchandise. Compare prices at multiple places, especially shops outside busy zones and away from the Marriott.
  • I doubt that any pure Alpaca wool is sold in these shops, so price items based on their quality and softness unless you are certain it's pure Alpaca.
For food spots, I recommend:
  • Pachapapa for dinner (better call and reserve if you're arriving after 7 PM).
  • Sepia Cusco for a nice lunch (they have a great courtyard).
  • Qura for breakfast or lunch.
  • I heard Pizza is very good in Cusco, so you should try it.
  • I liked Alpaca meat more than Cuy.
Pisac trip:
  • To enter Pisac Archaeological site you need to buy a Tourist ticket circuit 3 which cost 70 Sol/Person. You can buy it in cash at the site entrance or in Cusco from "Boleto Turístico Cusco" at Av. El Sol 103, Cusco 08002 ,Peru more details here here
  • We only visited Pisac from towns around Cusco to hike down from the Archaeological site, which takes about 2 hours. Our trip was short, and we wanted to focus on this hike.
  • If I had another day, I would have also done the Rainbow Mountain hike. For Rainbow Mountain, consider staying in Tinki the night before to start the hike early, as it gets cloudy later. Tinki is 2.5 hours from Cusco.
  • Most agencies offer group trips for around $50 USD/person and private trips for $120/person. We didn't want to visit multiple towns, so we hired an Uber driver (outside Uber) with a good car for 200 Sol for the whole trip (Cusco-Pisac and back), which was cheaper than any agency. We left at 7:30 am and returned by 2 pm. We took food and water to avoid stops on the way to Pisac except for view points of the sacred valley.
  • A cheaper alternative is taking a public colectivo from 28 Puputi St in Cusco to Pisac, then a taxi from Pisac town to the top of the Archaeological site (25 Sol one way). Some posts said taking Collective can be dangerous so avoid this if you are not an experienced traveler.
  • The hike itself is great. Although the car takes you to the top, you still need to climb for about 15 minutes before heading down. The altitude can be challenging, so take your time.
Machu Picchu
Booking Machu Picchu site tickets
  • Which ticket to buy for Machu Picchu? If you just want to visit the site choose " Circuit 1,2 + Inca bridge" or "Circuit 1,2".
  • Circuit 1 is half circuit 2. Take circuit 2 unless you physically can't take around 50 stairs.
  • You have to provide passport number when you book the ticket. They will check your passport when you arrive at the site.
  • We bought Circuit 1,2 + Inca bridge ticket two months before the trip. You can try to book it directly from the government website Gov website but we couldn't find available tickets "Cerrado" there so we bought it from the Joinn us site which worked the same for the same price
  • Don't believe posts that say Joinn Us is a scam. They say that because they have not received the tickets in the email. This is because tickets are not sent to you by email. It would be available on the site on side menu under "tickets" or "Mis entradas". You can download the tickets from Joinnus site.
  • If you are not able to buy Machu Picchu tickets online, you have to be in Agaus Calientes the morning before your visit to buy the tickets.
  • You don't need to print your tickets.
Booking a ride to Machu Picchu:
To arrive to Machu Picchu from Cusco you need to:
  1. Take a bus from Cusco to the train station as no trains leave from Cusco center (Except one, see below).
  2. Take train a to Aguas Calientes.
  3. Take a Bus from Aguas Calientes to Machu Picchu site OR hike up dusty mountain road for 2 hours swarmed by buses with no much room.
Steps 1 & 2 are included in train tickets from Peru Rail or Inca Rail. A few things to note:
  • The main difference between Inca Rail and Peru Rail is step 1. Inca Rail provides a bus ride from Cusco to Ollantaytambo (2 hours + traffic), then a train to Aguas Calientes (1h 40min). They ensure you reach Aguas Calientes, so no need to worry about connections.
  • Peru Rail offers a bus ride from Cusco to Poroy station (30 min) and then a train to Machu Picchu or from San Pedro (5 min) in Cusco center.
  • We chose Inca Rail's "The Voyager Bimodal - light" option, which includes a bus ride from Cusco to Ollantaytambo and then a train to Aguas Calientes in the lowest-cost cabin. The 2-hour bus ride was pleasant, and the cabin quality was good. Paying extra for the 1h 40min train ride isn’t necessary. If I had known about Peru Rail's San Pedro departure, I would have chosen that.
  • Arrive at the station half an hour before boarding. Our Inca Rail bus left early to beat traffic as everyone was present.
For Step 3: Bus from Aguas Calientes to Machu Picchu
  • Only one bus service runs frequently, about every 5 minutes.
  • Tickets can be bought in person, where you'll need to stand in line, or online at Consettur.
  • We bought tickets online to avoid lines, which weren't bad during our visit on May 16th.
  • The round trip costs $24. I don’t recommend hiking up the mountain.
Note: According to EyeWitness: Peru travel book, there’s a cheaper way to get to Machu Picchu if you're on a strict budget. You can take a bus from Cusco to the Hydroelectric station and walk for 3 hours beside the railway tracks to Machu Picchu.
What time is best to visit Machu Picchu
  • If you are doing circuit 2 (which you should as it's the longest hike in Machu Picchu) Temple of the Sun is only open between 1PM-4PM. Temple of the Condor 10am-1PM, Pyramid del Intiwatana 7am -10am.
  • We didn't have a preference, but because we left Cusco at 8:30 am, we arrived Machu Picchu at 1PM. We took the 2PM time slot as we wanted to leave the next morning. No regrets.
  • We didn't hire a guide (you don't need to hire a guide regardless of what other posts say). There are three things you need to know: 1) Follow signs for Circuito 2. 2) Make sure you don’t take the “platforma inferior” turning that happens 250m into the walk. Take "Platforma Superior". 3) If you bought the Inca Bridge ticket, know where to turn to see it. I found this travel blog helpful blog.
  • I used google to read about the different sites.
Aguas Calientes
  • We stayed at Gringo Bill's Hotel. It was decent, but I’d avoid hotels on the main streets due to noise. I didn’t like Aguas Calientes much (we stayed one night). If I had more time, I would have planned a same-day return trip to Ollantaytambo.
  • Some posts mention the hot springs in Aguas Calientes, "Baños Termales (Machu Picchu)." It's more like a public bath and not really worth it, but the hike there is nice.
  • Be cautious with food in Aguas. Many highly-rated restaurants are actually bad. I met a cook who worked there and got the inside scoop. Stick to safe food—avoid raw food and fish, and ask for well-cooked meat, especially burgers. Check the lowest and most recent reviews on Google.
  • We ate at Ponchos, and it tasted good without making us sick. However, we had pizza at Pueblo Viejo, and I’ve had better frozen pizza.
After Aguas Calientes, we took the train and bus back to Cusco, then flew to Lima the same day. Flights from Cusco to Lima are often delayed, so check your flight history if you're on a tight schedule. We left for Lima Airport on a Sunday morning, and the roads leading to the highway were blocked, taking an extra hour to reach the airport.
Overall, it was an amazing trip. Next time, I would stay for two weeks and follow the EyeWitness: Peru travel book's two-week itinerary. I would also definitely do the Salkantay hike.
submitted by idahhan to travel [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:29 PolarisGeneral1000 Why no Stats available in Insta360 Studio for PC?

Well this is ridiculous that the PC version does not support Stats. I am not editing videos on a damn cell phone. Don't need to go blind any faster than normal.
submitted by PolarisGeneral1000 to Insta360 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:27 Cosmic_Dahlia ‘Accidental’ and disruptive calls and texts. Anyone else experience this?

My NMIL has been on a week long alcohol bender and currently on a 2 day silent treatment. My hubs works insane long hours and massive overtime lately and last night we get a call from her at 1am. Of course it startles us awake and he answers and nothing. So he calls back just to make sure everything is okay, and she plays dumb ‘oh I’m sorry I was just cleaning my phone.’ At 1am?!? And this is not the first time. She accidentally calls a lot and usually to break a silent treatment. She has no regard for him. She also blows up his phone with texts during our evening/dinner time. Usually a barrage of questions that require his engagement. I’ll have to make another post about these emotionally incestual strange love bombing texts but does anybody else’s Mother just can’t help themselves and need to be constantly interjecting themselves via the phone when they want attention no matter the time of day?
submitted by Cosmic_Dahlia to NarcissisticMothers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:26 astrality_ Ight bruh BOTH yall getting told off

Ight bruh BOTH yall getting told off submitted by astrality_ to yeat_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:25 SignificanceHonest28 Partner says we both are usually upset if one person is

Recently me (F20) and my partner(F19) have had fights and issues with communication. She told me that when I am upset I should assume she is also upset so we could figure out OUR problem. Last night I got upset over a phone call with her because she started talking about how she’s been anxious about what I was doing for my major in college and the steps I was taking. I recently had a conversation with her where I shared I felt boring compared to her because she has an internship right now and I currently don’t. And when she brought up this conversation where I felt like she didn’t think I was doing enough or knew enough real added to that fear of being boring. I grew up with parents who didn’t go to college and I’ve been doing college on my own and I felt like when I shared what I had been doing to figure out my major and what I wanted to do she saw that as not appreciating what she was saying or trying to help, even though I communicated multiple times I appreciated her help and worry but that this conversation came really quickly out of no where and caught me off guard and that I’d like to continue it another time. But she kept continuing the conversation each time I communicated that I wasn’t ready for this conversation. This led to her speaking over me over the phone and I eventually hung up because I felt like she didn’t respect my boundary. This led to her attacking me over text about me not caring about her helping and that I never do because she’s told me before not to hang up. What gets tricky and hurtful about that is if I communicate I don’t want to continue a conversation she doesn’t get that and our phone calls will go on for hours. Either way I see how hanging up made her mad even more. After her text I shared how that made me feel for her to not listen to me over the phone and she said she wasn’t going to read my texts because they were paragraphs and she didn’t have the capacity. She said she wasn’t going to read that shit and it was like a minefield and that was really hurtful. So eventually I got even more frustrated and was texting saying how hurtful it was and how she crossed my boundary and wasn’t listening to what I communicate. She then texted saying she only wanted to speak over the phone. We tried 2 more times over the phone and each time felt like she was taking control. When I would speak she would interrupt or get mad if I said something she thought to be arguing. She would tell me that clearly I’m not ready to talk and I need to take time. Ultimately, we had this fight for around 4 hours and she wanted me to understand that before I shared my feelings she was the one who was hurt and that the issue was both of us. She told me because I communicated I wasn’t ready for this conversation and I shared that I had been talking to my professors that she felt like I didn’t care about what she had to say or that what she was saying didn’t mean anything to me. So she said that I didn’t think that she could be upset too and I was only thinking about my own feelings. She told me I should always assume that when I’m upset both of us are upset. I told her I don’t think that’s always fair because I can’t assume why she’s upset or if she is upset. In this situation I shared my feelings and because she was pushing the conversation I shared was making me anxious and overwhelmed in the moment she wanted me to know she was upset. I shared that I thought that wasn’t always fair and that we should share when we have feelings but she said she didn’t feel like she could. I don’t know what to do in this situation when it feels like my feelings and reactions to her disrespect become the main point to talk about and act as though I’m the issue. She says 9/10 times we have a problem that both of us are going to be upset but it feels like if I have a problem from something she did it always ends up with me being the problem.
submitted by SignificanceHonest28 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:15 snowsurfer813 Capital One Venture Miles Transfer Issue

I’m trying to transfer my Capital One Venture miles to Emirates. I’ve done this in the past with the same account without an issue. Now, when I go to transfer my miles, the website is asking me for a 2-step verification to confirm my identity and wants to send me a text message with a code. When I click to send a text message for my cell phone number on file it says, “We're unable to verify this number at this time. To continue, you'll need to use a different method” but it’s not giving me a different method and the only method is to use my cell phone number. I’ve called Capital One multiple times and get a different answer from each representative but ultimately no one can help me. Has anyone run into this issue in the past?
Also wondering, if I can’t resolve this and can’t transfer my miles anytime soon. Is it possible to call capital one and transfer my miles to a family member and have them then transfer those miles into my Emirates account from their Capital One account?
submitted by snowsurfer813 to awardtravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:15 sassysami7664 Garmin Venu SQ

I'm not receiving any text notifications through my watch. But I'm receiving all other notifications. I have made sure watch was updated, restarted, phone restarted. Help??
submitted by sassysami7664 to Garmin [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:14 cheriaspen FOX News update- Francis Key Bridge- Cargo ship moved- crew still aboard for two months, cell phones taken by FBI- The Cover up of a Terriorst Attack by the FBI and Mainstream Media. Just like 911, A Major infrastructure destroyed obviously a cyber attack. Taking us over w/o dropping a bomb.

FOX News update- Francis Key Bridge- Cargo ship moved- crew still aboard for two months, cell phones taken by FBI- The Cover up of a Terriorst Attack by the FBI and Mainstream Media. Just like 911, A Major infrastructure destroyed obviously a cyber attack. Taking us over w/o dropping a bomb. submitted by cheriaspen to ProtectAndAlert [link] [comments]