First communion sayings

Orbis Non Sufficit

2013.09.08 20:35 SpeSalvi Orbis Non Sufficit

The purpose of this sub-reddit is for storing lectures and class materials for CCD.

2021.01.31 07:06 kaiser_jake Congregation of the Dream Conjurers

The Monastic Congregation of the Dream Conjurers is a religious organization built on the lessons and philosophies we and our predecessors have learned while dreaming. For thousands of Moon Cycles have we dreamed in communion and regailed our visions to one another. There is no entry fee nor initiation rites to become a member. One is first considered an Acolyte until they can recite the verses and hymns without error. The journey of a thousand dreams begins with one. Start your journey today.

2022.10.19 22:28 DarkCommunion DarkCommunion

Dark Communion is a platform for young writers to publish their best short horror stories. At Dark communion the story doesn't end with the reddit page or podcast. Every story published is vetted first as a narration, then as a short or feature film prospect. If You’ve written something that you think could be made into a film, submit it to the dark communion reddit page.

2024.05.16 08:29 No_Pomegranate7134 [Elden Ring] Do you deem the German localization of the game excellent or terrible?

[I play Elden Ring in Japanese (as it is my native language), due to From Soft being a Japanese developer, so is Miyazaki himself.]
The most striking difference is within how they address the main protagonist (you as the player), as in Japanese he or she is referred to as 褪せ人 (lit: "verblasste Person") from the NPC dialog and cutscenes, however in the official German localization, it's: "Befleckten". In regards to the Japanese original, the kanji used is 褪 + 人 but 褪せ is from the ichidan verb:


lit. trad: verblassen / entfärben
Example sentence: 日光で看板の文字がせた。
(Die Buchstaben auf dem Schild sind von der Sonne verblasst.)

人 (Person)

Combine from 褪せる which is now merged as 褪せ人 [あせびと]
I have a rough list of the stuff that is named in Elden Ring, between the Japanese (original) and official German localizations of the game (Though I won't list everything, as it'll be too much).
Legendary Armaments:
日本語 Übersetzung aus dem Japanischen Offizielle deutsche Lokalisierung
マレイー家の執行剣 \1) Das Henkersschwert des Hauses Marais Henkerschwert der Marais
黄金律の大剣 - Großschwert der Goldenen Ordnung
世界喰らいの王笏 \2) Königliche Zepter des Weltenfressers Verschlingerzepter
剣接ぎの大剣 \3) Schwertgelenktes Großschwert Großschwert der Verpflanzung
夜と炎の剣 - Schwert der Nacht und der Flamme
グランサクスの雷 - Blitz von Gransax
蝕のショーテル - Shotel der Eklipse
暗月の大剣 - Dunkelmondgroßschwert
遺跡の大剣 \4) Das Großschwert der Ruinen Trümmergroßschwert
*1 In Japanese: マレー家 ("Haus / Familie Marais") already states that it comes from a family of executioners who resided in the shaded castle.
*2. The presence of Japanese 世界 ("welt") + 喰らう ("essen") then with a portemanteau of the Kanji 王 ("König / königlich") + 笏 ("zepter") forming the word 王笏 [おうしゃく].
*3. From Japanese: 大剣 literally means "großschwert" followed by the noun 接ぎ (lit: "Veredelung") with the word 剣 ("schwert"), as you can see the literal translation from the Japanese name insinuates that the boss used it during battle, as you alrady fought him.
*4. From Japanese: 遺跡 means "Ruinen" (as in abandoned or in ruins) insinuating that the sword is created from ruined stone.
日本語 Übersetzung aus dem Japanischen Offizielle deutsche Lokalisierung
満月の女王レナラ - Rennala, Königin des Vollmonds
最初の王、ゴッドフレイ \1) Der erste König, Godfrey Godfrey, Erster Eldenfürst
ラダゴンの赤狼 - Roter Wolf von Radagon
忌み鬼、マルギット \2) Eine Abscheulichkeit Male, Margit Margit, das Grausame Mal
忌み王、モーゴッド \2) König der Abscheulichkeiten, Morgott Morgott, König des Mals
ゴドリックの軍兵 \3) Soldaten von Godricks Armee Soldat Godricks
火の巨人 - Feuerriese
死竜フォルサクス \4) Fortissax der Todesdrache Lichdrache Fortissax
獣の司祭 (黒き剣のマリケス)\5) Priester der Bestie (Maliketh des Schwarzen Schwertes) Bestienkleriker (Maliketh, die Schwarze Klinge)
黄金律、ラダゴン - Radagon von der Goldenen Ordnung
神肌のふたり - Duo der Götterskalpe
神喰らいの大蛇(冒涜の君主、ライカード)\6) Götterfressende Schlange (Blasphemischer Monarch, Rykard) Götterverschlingende Schlange (Rykard, Fürst der Blasphemie)
ミケラの刃マレニア (腐敗の女神、マレニア) Miquella, Klinge Malenia (Malenia, Göttin der Verderbnis) Malenia, Miquellas Klinge (Malenia, Göttin der Fäulnis)
還樹の番犬 \7) Wachhund des zurückgekehrten Baumes Wachhund des Erdenbaumbegräbnisses
鉄茨のエレメール \8) Elemer von Eisendornen Elemer von den Dornen
百智卿ギデオン \9) Herr Gideon der Weise Gideon Ofnir, der Allwissende
写し身の雫 \10) Schatten einer Person Imitator-Träne
暗黒の落とし子、アステール \11) Astel, Bastard der Finsternis Astel, Stern der Finsternis
星砕きのラダーン \12) Radahn, der Sternzerstörer Sternengeißel Radahn
爛れた樹霊 \13) Wunden Baum Geist Baumgeist mit Geschwüren
接ぎ木のゴドリック \14) Gepfropfter Godrick Godrick, der Verpflanzte
*1. The Japanese title for Godfrey uses the kanji 王 ("König") since he is the elden lord, as opposed to German: they replaced that with "Eldenfürst" [エルデ王子] but the overall expression from the original Japanese is not connotated in German.
*2. The meaning of 忌み isn't conveyed correctly (in both Margit & Morgott) as it literally means "Trauernde" alone, but in the context of the game, it is connotated as "Abscheulichkeit" (from Japanese), which in no way it means "Grausame" So it is obvious that German just got it from English. Also, the presence of both Kanji 鬼 ("Oger / Geist") and 王 ("König") indicates their differences in hierarchical status too. Morgott bares the kanji 王 while Margit has 鬼 within his title, but in German (& English) the one with Margit is lost in translation.
*3. The word 軍兵 is a portemanteau comprising 2 kanji from ゴドリックの軍兵 implying that he was a soldier serving under Godrick at one point, as 軍 ("Armee") including 兵 ("soldat") forms 軍兵 (lit: "Kampftruppen") but this nuance from Japanese gets lost in translation.
*4. Fortissax's title in Japanese is a portemanteau of 2 kanji that have seperate meanings: 死 ("Tod") + 竜 ("Drache") forming the word 死竜 as he has the ability to inflict death blight towards the player, hence the presence of the kanji 死.
*5. In Japanese, Maliketh's title from his first phase has the word 司祭 ("Priester") instead of him being addressed as a cleric.
*6. The Japanese version of Rykard's title bares the kanji 君主 ("monarch / souverän") while in German it has been adapted to "Fürst" instead, but the intended meaning is lost from Japanese.
*7. The word 番犬 - literally means "Wachhund" while a portemanteau of 還 ("zurück") + 樹 ("Baum") are 2 kanji used together coining the term 還樹 - literally means amongst the lines of "Rückführung eines Baumes an seinen ursprünglichen Standort" and の is just a word particle present in Japanese.
*8. Elemer's Japanese title has 2 kanji: 鉄 ("Eisen") + 茨 ("Dornen") forming the word 鉄茨 (lit: "Dornen aus Eisen") saying that Elemer has thorns encompassing his iron armor. (Which is not conveyed directly in German.)
*9. The word 百智卿 beside Gideon's name is comprised of 3 kanji: 百 ("hundert") + 智 ("Weisheit") & 卿 ("Herr") - but 卿 is keigo as it is a very formal word (you only encounter with stuff to do with Feudal Japan.), the word 百智 literally means: "alles wissen" when combined, as the kanji 百 is used in a personified manner (as it is metaphorical) in conjunction with 智 ending with 卿.
*10. The word 写し means "duplizieren" followed by the kanji 身 ("der Körper (eine Person)") + 雫 ("Tropfen (Wasser)") as it spawns with the animation akin to a tear drop, and の is just a word particle present in Japanese, forming the word 写し身の雫.
*11. Astel's title in Japanese states 暗黒の落とし子 ("Der finstere Bastard") while the German localization went for Stern der Finsternis.
*12. 星砕き means "Sternenzerstörer" comprising from the godan verb: 砕く (lit: "zu zerschlagen ") and the kanji 星 ("Sterne") - coining the word from 2 kanji: 星砕き. From German, why did they change it to "Sternengeißel"?
*13. From Japanese, the ichidan verb 爛れる (lit: "Wunde / entzündet sein") is present in the tree spirit's title, while 樹霊 ("Baumgeist") is a portemanteau of the Kanji used 樹 ("Baum") - it's a fancier kanji since 木 is commonly used, but 霊 ("Geist") is also used in conjunction.
*14. Godrick's name in Japanese has the word 接ぎ (lit: "Veredelung") present, followed by 木 ("Baum") which is used here, as opposed to 樹 - found in for instance 黄金樹.
日本語 Übersetzung aus dem Japanischen Offizielle deutsche Lokalisierung
漂着墓地 \1) Angeschwemmter Friedhof Höhle des Wissens
崩れゆくファルムアズラ - Zerfallenes Farum Azula
深き根の底 \2) Tiefgründige Wurzeln Tiefen von Tiefwurz
リムグレイブ - Limgrave
湖のリエーニエ - Liurnia, dem Seenland
啜り泣きの半島 \3) Halbinsel der Verschmutzungshalbinsel Halbinsel der Tränen
ミケラの聖樹 - Miquella's Haligbaum
聖樹の支えエブレフェール - Elphael, Stütze des Haligbaums
モーグウィン王朝 *4 Mohgwyn-Dynastie Mohgwyn-Palast
魔術学院レアルカリア Raya Lucaria Akademie für Magie und Zauberei Akademie von Raya Lucaria
赤獅子城 Schloss des Roten Löwen Schloss Rotmähne
腐れ湖 - Fäulnissee
ケイリッド - Caelid
忌み捨ての地下 \5) Abscheu Untergrund Unterirdisches Reservat der Scham
ストームヴィル城 \6) Schloss Stormveil Schloss Sturmschleier
ゲルミア火山 \7) Gelmir-Vulkan Gelmir
月光の祭壇 - Mondlichtaltar
禁域 Unantastbares Gebiet Verbotene Lände
聖別雪原 - Geweihtes Schneefeld
巨人たちの山嶺 Bergrücken der Giganten Berggipfel der Riesen
アルター高原 - Altus Plateau
*1. From Japanese: 漂着 (lit: "treibend an der Küste") as you can enter via the beach behind, followed by 基地 ("Basis / Friedhof") implies that you are in a graveyard (metaphorically as Limgrave is not far from it, baring a dark undertone.)
*2. 深き根の底 literally translates to "Tiefgründige Wurzeln" but in German, they renamed it as "Tiefen von Tiefwurz" which is very different. From the Japanese adverb: 深き > 深く ("tief") + 根 ("Wurzeln (einer Pflanze / eines Baumes)") due to the presence of large tree branches and roots within the area you tread on, followed by 底 ("Boden (einer Grube / eines Brunnens)") as you're underground.)
*3. The word 啜り泣き is derivatve of the godan verb 啜り泣く ("zum Schluchzen"), followed by the word 半島 ("Halbinsel")
*4. The word 王朝 ("dynastie") is present as it is passed down from family, the Japanese name refers to the fact that the area where you fight Mohg contains Miquella's egg, saying that Mohg is Miquella's half brother.
*5. 忌み捨て literally translates to ("Buße (gegen die Trauer)") implying that Mohg is down there, perhaps he was condmened to be underground (you can find him as a boss, as hinted by the word in Japanese: 地下 ("untergrund").
*6. The Japanese name is closer to the English release as indicated by katakana, but in German they renamed it as "Sturmschleier".
*7. The Japanese 火山 ("vulkan") clearly states that you're not far from the volcano, the manor is even close to it.
Note: It's difficult to convey directly from Japanese > German while keeping the original nuance in-tact, due to how different Japanese is to Indo-European languages.
The annotations within the original Japanese names are marked with * [numbered] there for further explaination, based on my own understanding to convey it from Japanese.
Since most translations into European languages are obviously from the English release of the game, therefore already loosing the intended meaning.
In hindsight:
submitted by No_Pomegranate7134 to AskAGerman [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:28 hsbox Is there a theory which takes 'potential loss' into account?

Please forgive my language, English isn't my first language So the situation we thought of would go like this,
Dave Charlie Choice A Choice B
Choice A (100, 40) (50, 60)
Choice B (120, 30) (70, 20)
For Dave, the dominant strategy is Choice B, and with that knowledge Charlie would choose Choice A to maximize their reward. Normally. Now suppose these two really hate each other for some reason and they value their rewards by "relative gain" where they put the other's loss into account. For example, let's say Charlie chooses A. Then Dave's reward would be (-20, +10) for choice A and (20, -10) for choice B, which translates into -30 for choice A and 30 for choice B, making choice B the better option. Likewise, if Charlie chooses B, Dave's reward would be -60 for choice A and 60 for choice B; choice B would still be Dave's dominant strategy. With that knowledge, Charlie's reward would be (+50, +10) for choice A and (-50, -10) for choice B, which translates into -40 for choice A and 40 for choice B. Basically, it's something like "hey, i know its either (120, 30) or (70, 20). And I know Choice B gives MYSELF 10 less, but I can take away a whooping 50 away from that Dave guy, so I'm going to go wih Choice B. I really want to screw him."
Are there any theories for this kind of equilibrium?
submitted by hsbox to GAMETHEORY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:28 Morltha Sprint Burst and Lithe Nerfs When?

Hi all,
A follow-up to my last post, in which I gave my impressions on the 8.0.0 dev update before Vecna was revealed. Now that we know the massive nerfs to gen-defence aren't being counterbalanced by a new gen-defence perk, I wanted to expand on a key point;
In light of the nerfs to gen-defence, what arguments are there against nerfs to Sprint Burst and Lithe? Let's break it down;
  1. Usage Rate - A key reason Pop and Pain Res are being targeted is due to their high usage rates. In the last stat release; Pop had a run rate of 22%, Pain Res 21%. In the same stats, Lithe was sat at 21% and Sprint Burst 13% (remember, you can't really stack them like you can gen-defence). So if Pop and Pain Res can be nerfed for being overused, why can't Sprint Burst and Lithe?
  2. Pop is being nerfed because it is "too easy to activate". Firstly, downing and hooking a Survivor isn't always easy, but some people think this means that you don't have to go out of your way to activate it (you do. You have to kick a gen within 45s or lose it). Lithe requires you to vault a window, Sprint Burst requires you to... run. If Pop can be nerfed for being too easy to activate, why can't Lithe and Sprint Burst?
  3. Lithe and Sprint Burst are balanced perks, Pop and Pain Res are not. What makes you say this? At best, Pain Res buys you 90s of extra repair time, at the cost of spreading hooks and taking more time to put Survivors on specific hooks. Pop, at its absolute best buys you a whopping 272s (though that's if you get 12 kicks on 99% done gens). Let's say the average gen in 50% done when you kick it, Pop would buy you 146s. Lithe and Sprint burst, in terms of pure distance, buy you 7s per activation (with there being no cap on how many times they can be used). If you reach a safe pallet or window, this can easily be increased to 30s+ per activation. So no, Pop and Pain Res are no less balanced than Sprint Burst and Lithe. So why are the former being balanced or the latter?
  4. They have already been nerfed when Exhaustion was nerfed. Pain Res was already nerfed to max out at 4 uses, and Pop was already nerfed to work on a curve. So clearly preexisting nerfs offer no protection.
So I ask again, can anyone come up with a good argument why Sprint Burst and Lithe shouldn't be nerfed when Pop and Pain Res are getting nerfed?
submitted by Morltha to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:28 CheekyFinder My mom refuses to work after my dad died

Background : I am 21M about to turn 22. I am a recent engg. grad. I earn well for my experience (atleast according to standards of my country). I have a brother (15M) and Mom (43). My dad passed away 2 years back and my mom was always a stay-at-home-mom/doing gigs as a hobby, never as a neccessity.
My mom started to work when my dad passed but was treated v. poorly at the workplace she joined and was paid pennies for working 8-9hrs. She was fired after 6 months. She's been unemployed since then. I want her to have a comfortable life and I earn enough to provide (although at the cost of delaying my own plans for future). Recently she's started taking things for granted, asking for more and more money. Made me join a job that I hated when I got laid off just because "I should not forget that I have responsibilites" which I don't disagree. She just lays around at home doing nothing, not even the gigs she used to do. I asked her to get a job or atleast do something productive (not asking to make money, just do something atleast, start a venture, just anything other than laying around) where she starts crying and being emotional and says "Have I become a burden to everyone", "Pay me back for the years I spent raising you", "You're being hurtful", I don't know how to answer to that.
I endup becoming the villan. My brother says that I am being a tyrant just because I earn and provide doesn't mean I get to tell them what to do. My mom gossips to my nan (her mom) where I am portrayed as a bad son who in turn gossips to my aunts. None of them know or care about what I went through or am going through. I didn't come home for 6-7 months after my dad died and no one bothered to call. Not even my brother and mom (apart from the occasional one from her). My brother's a teen and I know kids that age have "f*ck you stay away you worthless pos" attitude towards authority figures but goddamn does it hurt. I feel like an ATM being tossed around.
My dad left some property which now my mom owns. I asked for a loan on my half of the inheritance to my mom for masters (I can't get an education loan without collateral or really bad terms) she agreed first but stated that I would be abandoning any right to the inheritance if she does that which I agreed to but later she refused stating its her property and my half is the of what will be left of it and my brother needs it more than me for his education (I paid for my own college fees). Whatever's left after that will be divided.
I feel like my mom's the kid and I'm the parent. I see everyone my age cruising around, getting a break and I envy them. Yes I make waaaaaaay more than what my peers by god's grace make but that's at the cost of my mental health. Also making money amounts to nothing since all my money goes to my family.
Am I greedy or irresponsible for wanting a break? How do I deal with this.
submitted by CheekyFinder to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:27 IloveColdCruncPickle I can’t get along with my mom, what should I do?

This is my first time posting so I’m sorry if it doesn’t make much sense or I’m trauma dumping a lot also a couple trigger warnings, I’m not sure where to start off with. Me and my mom used to be pretty close I’d say up until I started high school. Middle of eighth grade I moved to a new city so I was back to trying to find some friends. I’ve been moving around since I could remember, I used to live in Germany where I moved twice, then moved to the US around the Silicon Valley, moved again, and again and again now we’re here. I wouldn’t be explaining this part of my life if I felt like it didn’t have any weight in this situation. Middle school I found a friend, me and her got pretty close, stuck through Covid together. My mom hated her and not even two years into our friendship my mom started accusing her of stealing from us, being a bad influence and overall just being trashy. Her parents were in the middle of getting a divorce and she had a lot of things going on in her life. I dyed my hair red during this time too while being friends with her, she probably was a huge influence on me but that’s also because it was covid and I was bored and who doesn’t start irrationally bleaching and coloring their hair at 14. I think my mom thought she was a bad influence on that part too because she's the one that first started off coloring her hair like purple and pink etc. My mom never of course said anything to my friend but she made sure I would hear of her disapproval concerning her bad influence in my life. I stopped being friends with her freshman year since my parents banned me from having her over or going to her house, I couldn’t drive neither could she and hanging out at each other's houses was pretty much what we did 80% of the time. I was so frustrated and felt trapped because the only friend I really cared about was someone I wasn’t allowed to associate with anymore. I told her I was done being friends with her over text and blamed it on me just being in a dark place and breaking it off. She was confused and called me a week later about something personal but I just dismissed it. Granted there were other things going on in our friendship but I felt terrible about it especially since her parents were going through that divorce and I just left during such a sensitive time. I hate to admit it but I felt so much better since I started making new friends quickly and started sitting with a new group the next day. Mostly guys and other two girls, it worked out fine for the next year. Junior year my grades started dropping so my parents got stricter, started taking my phone, looking through it, screen time etc. I felt like it was a huge invasion of privacy since my mom would look through my texts. Me and my mom also started arguing weekly about whatever it was but when I mean arguing I mean like full on yelling for two hours down in the living room with no stopping. I can’t do anything about it because whenever I say something remotely disproving her so called “facts'' since she always speaks with so much authority on subjects she wouldn’t even know about I’m the one that has to quiet down from my fathers perspective, and I know this will be mostly about my mom but me and my dad have always been close even when we’re fighting within a week we at least make it up. We play the same sports, have the same humor etc. I understand this might look like us disregarding my mom and I know she cares and loves me yet in certain circumstances she doesn’t show it so of course there’s going to be reasons as to why I’m closer with my dad than her. For example I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 4th grade and of course I wouldn’t expect anyone to know that when you're low you need carbs or when your blood sugar is high you need insulin but my mom to this day still does not understand it. I wouldn’t care even if it’s my friend but as my mom you take so much authority over my life and who I can’t or can hangout with but you don’t know the basics of how I have to manage my life behind closed doors in the house that you and I live in every day. That might sound overdramatic but it’s just something I think about. Also growing up, I’m an only child by the way, I would always play by myself whenever we went on vacation for example to the beach etc. it was always my dad that came and played with me in the sand while at sharing his time with me and my mom so my mom wouldn’t gets upset over him leaving her to go play with me. Even now I notice how my mom would always make snarky comments regarding how my dad always treats me like a princess and cares too much over me. Anywho, since I know this is getting pretty long I’ll try to sum it up a bit more. I started liking one of the guys from that group, I would text him on a daily basis just about whatever. We were pretty awkward in person since I’ve never really talked to that many guys and I don’t think he really had much experience either so we stuck it to mostly phones, everyone else in the group also didn’t know. Once my mom went through my phone on one occasion that night, because she would collect it on some nights and read through my messages in bed she saw one message from that guy calling my mom bipolar and me responding with something like it’s fine like I still love her she freaked out. She told me to never talk to him again and that I’m a brat for talking about my family issues outside of the family etc. I honestly had nobody to talk to. The other two girls in the group didn’t really talk to me at this time, I later became really close with one of them though more on that later and I had no other friends in that town so it was really only him. He had a plethora of family issues that I couldn’t even imagine so I felt like he understood where I was coming from at times better than other kids with American parents. Not sure I mentioned but my parents were both born in Eastern Europe and grew up during heavy communism so that definitely affected them and their parenting style. Anywho, my mom sent me a paragraph to show to him, basically telling him to never talk to me again and that he has to apologize to her etc. After a couple months I think he took me out on a date. I'm not sure what to make of it since it was pretty casual. We just got ice cream. I told my parents that he was only picking me up so we could meet with the rest of the group when of course we’re not. The rest of the guys saw us downtown and found out about it. That kinda really sucked since I’m pretty sure one of them liked me so he got really mad and it kind of ruined the group dynamic. The guy I liked stopped talking to me a couple months in since I couldn’t really do much or go anywhere and dating as a result would be hard so he stopped really talking to me it was pretty off and on since I would get mad stop texting him and then he would try to get back texting at me and once I showed him I cared he’d stop. I was so mad at him and the situation that I refrained myself from talking to him, two weeks later he killed himself. I found out because one of the guys from the group faced me and told me. I went downstairs and started crying and formed the sentences explaining it the best I could, pushing a couple words out at a time. In that very moment I felt so hurt and vulnerable by what just happened my mom responded by just looking at me and saying that he had it coming for him since he probably vaped and drank. My dad ran downstairs since he probably heard me crying and the first thing he did without asking me any questions was hug me. For the first time ever he told my mom to shut up since her trying to ask me questions about how he died just made me sob harder. Over the next week my mom was pretty lenient about letting me go out. The next week she started asking what happened to him. Me and my mom were not close at all anymore at this time. You see mothers and daughters talking about guys or what dress they’re gonna wear to the prom etc in the movies. Me and my mom are not like that. On top of that I was overwhelmed with what happened and as someone does overthinking how things could have played out differently. Anyway I refused to tell her anything saying I was too uncomfortable and over the course of the next couple months of senior year she would get progressively mad and irritated at me to the point of arguing and yelling at me for not trusting her and telling her how he killed himself. I to this day told her nothing but she stopped asking. I don’t know how my dad feeds into this since he’s always so Switzerland about everything when I know I’m right in an argument between me and my mom, however when my mom has leverage he takes her side. Anyway, the beginning of senior year was rough. I hated being in that house and really started seriously considering the only options I felt like I had at the time. I started becoming closer to that one girl from the group earlier, spoiler alert my mom strongly dislikes her now too since she’s a liar and since she’s close with her mom but not her dad that means her parents are having marital issues and therefore her mom is a cheater etc. I don’t understand how she goes from one topic to another and sorts these things into her head. She’s my only friend that I’m really close with and I have been for the past these almost two so hearing this is very disheartening since I’m sending off senior year and I can’t do this again being so close to the end of the year. I forgot to mention but during homecoming I drank for the first time and I had one of my guy friends with his girlfriend and that friend that I’m not friends with drop me off. When he dropped me off he didn’t wave to my mom so she now thinks he’s a bastard in her words and disgusting and she deserves and apology for all the times he’s been over to my house etc. which I honestly think is insane because how do you always have so many issues over my friends and why are you so obsessed with 16 year olds, like you really have beef with high school kids as a 50 year old. Anyway the reason I bring that up is because I invited him over a couple weeks ago for some drills to help one of my other friends with mma since me and him used to wrestle and my mom got mad despite him not being there for me but for my other friends benefit. I’m not sure if this makes any sense. I'm trying to explain the issue best I can without saying too much. Anyway my friend, the one that I’m friends with now, the girl and that guy from the group that didn’t wave at my mom are both Latin so my mom started calling them cheaters and dirty etc when they had nothing to do with anything. This argument spiraled over me asking my mom if I can have a sleepover with those friends since we want to bring a new series on Netflix. Also during prom I asked my parents for 10 dollars since I already had twenty in my account and I wanted to buy hair stuff for prom. They gave me the 10 and I said how I was going to catch a ride with friend A so that when friend A picked me up but friend B that I did not mention in the plan picked me up my parents started calling and texting me. To give some background friend B has been close with me since freshman year, probably the only friend my mom has liked and also the only white friend I have not sure if that has anything do with it but there’s that. She’s really sweet and has been invited over multiple times to my house by my parents, they do really like her. Anywho yet since I didn’t mention that friend B was driving the car since my parents didn’t recognize the new car and knew it wasn’t friend A driving yet assumed it was indeed friend B but since I didn’t mention that they took all the money I had in my account which was only 30 dollars but it was what I needed to get my nails and hair gloss and hair spray for prom, I just started breaking down in the middle of target. I was so excited to get my stick on nails etc since I couldn’t afford to get the acrylics since I was paying for all my prom stuff for the most part. By the way I know that the 10 dollars was initially there so I understand taking away that but the other 20 I made selling my clothes on mercari and I had nothing else like no other cash nothing that was the money I worked on to get my prom stuff. It was mostly my dad actually that got mad at this point taking my money etc and than following a got a text from my mom saying I got what I was coming for by acting the way I have been. There were 3 others with me while I was at target so having three of my friends see me breakdown from me only having 14 cents left in my account was so humiliating. I ended up looking great at prom neither less so don’t even worry about that, my hair looked great and I found some old stick-ons in my laundry room and painted them white lol a couple of them popped off during prom but whatever. This has been really long and thanks to whoever spent their time reading through all of this I’m sorry if the read is a bit of a struggle but I just don’t know what to think or do of this situation. Keep in mind I’m 18 now, never have had a boyfriend, never have do anything, kissed, even held hands romantically etc. it’s one thing you know to not care about any of that but the thing is I do and I want to experience being a teenager and going out and going on dates and not worry about my mom flipping out on one of my friends. While we were in Italy one of the tour guys told her to move on the bus to make more room for others and she started cussing him out telling him to f himself etc for telling her a paying customer where to sit. Everyone started staring at us. I did not want to be there. I just kept my head down the entire time and didn’t really talk to my mom out of embarrassment for the next two days. Also after that prom incident I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere after as a result of go to friend B's birthday bash the next day so my mom texted her without my knowledge and told her not to tell me about how I’ve been acting up and one day I’ll learn when I’m her age but it will be too late and that I don’t know what I’m doing and finishing off my apologizing on my part for my behavior and I’m the reason why I can’t go to her party. Which I find so infuriating because one of the main reasons why I don’t tell my mom anything about my personal life is because I simply don’t want her to have that control of knowing what my life is like, I probably tell the teacher I TA for more than my own biological mother. The fact that she preached family issues in the family so heavily and that you should never talk about issues to others yet goes behind my back and tells my friend that my indecent behavior is the reason why I can’t go is so beyond me because where did your ideals go that you preached so heavily about. Every time I’m around my mom especially when she has her flares of anger I just start shaking like you know when you drink something with a lot of caffeine in the morning and you don’t eat anything so mid way through the day you just start getting jittery and anxious, kind of like that. Ok I think I’m done anyway thank you for tuning in cause I really have to start studying for human geo, thanks for reading up until here 🙂.
submitted by IloveColdCruncPickle to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:27 Designer-Spring9330 35me female 45 male husband

We have been married 4 year but together 7 years ,Sooooo lately I have been wanting to have sex with a female ,me being a female as well but I only want to have sex with her or I think of wanting to have sex with the girl I used to have sex with but she and I were never girlfriends we just had sex on the weekends when we stayed over at each other houses or sleep over and I mean back in the day like middle school till like maybe after high school I can actually say I enjoyed another girls touch on me , I don’t want my husband involved or at least I just want him to watch us but idk how to tell him I just want to have sex with a girl and not have him involved. I only had intimacy with one girl ever but that’s because we both just wanted to have or explore with one another and I can honestly say I just want that touch again by another woman but idk how to go about this or even approach this at all . Should I ask my husband yes or no? How can I even see if any one is willing to or how can I get advice my husband is in his 40’s and myself I’m in my 30’s we have talked about having a 3 some but I myself don’t want to have him involved due to that it won’t be his first time but it will be mine .
submitted by Designer-Spring9330 to FanTheories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:27 bbyfrost bf & i are really just at a loss

hi, im pretty new to the whole reddit scene and felt like i didnt have much to post about, but man, i need to talk about this situation im in. any and all advice is welcomed and greatly appreciated. this is not a request for money!
im currently 32 weeks pregnant (was not planned.) just over a month ago, my boyfriend and i were homeless, like sleeping on benches kinda homeless. im 19 and he is 21. he comes from pretty broken home, and i was kicked out when i told my mom about my pregnancy. being thrown out into the real world so young has really not worked out so well for either of us, but recently things were starting to look up. i was able to make amends with my family to move back in & he was able to secure a construction job by sleeping nearby so he was able to walk to the site. on his first paycheck he bought a cash car to sleep in and get him to safer areas at night time. here and there he would let me use the car to doordash for some extra money. all was well for about 2 weeks until we hit a pothole that blew out one of our tires, and when we took it in to have it replaced, we also had to pay to fix the alignment and a leak in the coolant tank. $800 gone just like that. we actually had to get some assistance in paying for that from a couple friends because we didn’t have the full amount that was sprung on us. that was 2 DAYS AGO. so, here we are today, enjoying having the car back running “smoothly” until randomly, no more than 20 minutes after he picks me up, the car starts literally vibrating and jolting while we are driving. he calls up a friend who is supposedly pretty good with cars, and uses a code reader to tell us we need a new battery. we are dead broke after getting this car out of the shop, so after a while we eventually called up our church to see if this was something they could help with, and they actually did. we had to catch a ride there with a friend, but they gave us a brand new battery. we get it hooked up in the car, and nothing changed. so he uses the code reader again, now its saying the spark plugs are misfiring. thankfully our friends were willing to help us out with another $40 on those, and he got to changing them. on the 3rd plug, when he pulled it out, it was covered in black oil. we dried it up, put the new one in, and just by leaving the car idling for a couple minutes, it pooled up again. the car is not safe to drive and we have no means of income without it considering that he is stranded about 30 miles from his job. he is having to sleep in the autozone parking lot tonight. thankfully, yet AGAIN, i got help from my friend to get me an uber home because i have an OB appointment tomorrow, which i also will have to pay back the copay for at some point lol. so now we are a few hundred in debt to our friends with no means of income and it was all for nothing. we literally wasted everyones day away and now im literally drowning in stress because it will more than likely need to be towed. and even if it can be worked on at autozone we are completely out of options to continue trying to fix it. we spent EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS that we did not have only for this to happen 2 days later.
i guess thats it, lol. once again i would like to reiterate that this is not a post to ask for financial assistance, but this car is our lifeline and we have put every dollar we can into it. are there any other things we can do at this point? neither of us have credit so we cant take out a loan through the bank. this is the first car either of us have ever owned. if its useful info, the car is a 2015 nissan altima.
sorry for the long post. i just had an exhausting night and wanted to yap a little about it. thanks for reading and again any advice would be helpful . :)
submitted by bbyfrost to povertyfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:27 samerhxo Single Name Issue During Form Submition

Hey guys, I have a single name, let's say "John" across all my identity and educational documents. Now I don't know how to fill the IELTS registration form as it asks for both first name and last name, did anyone else face the same situation?
submitted by samerhxo to IELTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:27 srry_didnt_hear_you "No production in this sector"?? Can't build outposts no matter what I do... Bug?

Hi! So I just got the outpost station and made two settlers cause I desperately need some research and fun boxes...
The first settler I sent to the scavenger cog symbol that usually says "resources in this location can be scavenged only by building a scavenger outpost to this sector" and gives 1 fun box per hour, now says "no production in this sector" after I click "build outpost" on it...
Same goes for the potential research outpost locations... Apparently no matter which outpost location I click, the only one I can build with production is the survivor outpost.
So what am I missing, Is there a step I have to do first? Does the settler have to be exactly on the location before it'll build anything? The one settler in this image is in the sector I intend to build on (which some internet searches seemed to suggest would work) and still doesn't show anything different... And the only thing I can find online is people saying "it needs to be an outpost poi with a cog around it not a temporary one" which has not been my problem lol.
Thanks for any help you can provide!
submitted by srry_didnt_hear_you to survivingtheaftermath [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:26 Advanced-Address-839 should i give this man a chance whom i met through linkedin

i (26, divorced) met this man (29) on linkedin. he texted me first and i thought it was related to work or connecting or job related. He started flirting out of nowhere so i limited my response and even told him that i am a divorcee so i don’t think he should be involved with me but he was very persistent. he even found my instagram account and started sending me couple reels, very sexual kind of posts, i called him out at this behaviour, to which he responded; “we will feel comfortable taking things forward and we wont have any problem in the future on how things will go.” so i replied that i really don’t like this kind of things with a non-mahram. so he agreed but was still persistent about meeting in person which i denied and said i can’t meet you without my parents knowing. also as a muslim woman i told him if he is really interested in me please talk to his parents and they will talk to mine. lets take it in halal way. but still he is holding onto his ground that we should meet before telling our parents. what should i do please advice.
p.s: he said “i love you” after 3 days of talking p.s.2: he didn’t text me for 2 days and is saying that i should have texted if he didn’t.
submitted by Advanced-Address-839 to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:26 DatScrummyNap Feeling Good

I want to shout to the rooftops but I’ll settle for posting to a niche internet community. My ears are adjusting so I am starting to hear more of the melody in songs I’m learning which is translating to the playing. I am also applying new licks in tunes I know. My timing is getting better and my overall understanding of what I’m attempting to do on this instrument is improving each day.
It just takes consistent practice. Using a metronome. Using backing tracks…and listening to recordings of myself. Playing with live people and sometimes in person lessons. I am just very excited for the musical banjo potential I’m seeing in myself. this is my first instrument I’ve taken seriously and after 8ish years owning the damn thing I can say I feel like I know how to play it
submitted by DatScrummyNap to banjo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:25 catsaremylifesupport I need help... PLEASE

Ever since I moved to Toronto, I've been having so much acne, my hair is falling out, I've been having boils randomly, and my hormones have been all over the place. Is it the water? The food? What do I do??
Context: I am a 24 yr old Female and I stayed in Asia most of my life and I have always had clear skin and alot of hair, granted I had really fine hair. I am a very clean and organized person and I've tried every skin care product but the acne keeps on coming. I sleep well most nights, I eat healthy, I shower everyday (No I don't shampoo my hair everyday), and overall I've been doing the same things as I did back in Asia but again, since I moved to Toronto, my health has just been going down.
I need any and every tips any of you can find please (I WILL DO MY OWN RESEARCH FIRST OFC)
  1. Do shower filters actually work? Which one should I get? I can't afford expensive ones... Maybe around 100-300 cad is fine... (So apparently most cheap water filters only filter out chemicals and don't actually soften hard water... What actually softens hard water is sodium (a specific type?)... Can someone confirm this please?)
  2. What about silk pillowcases? Do they actually work? Which ones should I get?
  3. Skin care tips? Which products are good for acne? For reference, I have very dry and sensitive skin and I often use Korean Skin Care.
  4. Hair care tips? Which products should I try? For reference, I have really thin, high porosity hair, with some damage and LOTS of split ends... I'M ALSO EXPERIENCE EXTREME HAIR LOSS... I'M TALKING CHUNKS EVERYTIME I SHOWER
  5. I haven't gone to the doctors yet mostly because IDK what to say or ask. Is there anything I should be asking? Especially with my health?
  6. Any other tips and recommendations? Any other causes I should look at?
Thank you so much for reading all this way... I hope you guys can help... I've been experiencing extreme anxiety and depression because of everything that's been happening. Yes I'm aware that stress is also a significant cause to this and I am trying to get that check out too. Nonetheless, I really appreciate you guys and I hope anyone who has been experienced the same thingor something similar can read this and also gain someknowledge. Thank you.
submitted by catsaremylifesupport to u/catsaremylifesupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:25 woggyjoggyboggyhoggy Elvanse 30mg 2nd day

Yesterday was my first day of meds - first hour was incredible, got stuff done, felt like that was exactly the point Ive been trying to get to all my life. After that, I crashed heavy - no personality, zombiefied, anxious.. that pretty much lasted all day. People at work asking if im okay.
Today i’ve taken it again and its just making me feel dull as fuck. Zero positive changes, i just feel like a docile version of myself
Has anyone else experienced this? Obviously ive been told to give it a go, don’t give it up just yet but im a firm believer in listening to your body and mines is saying ‘stay away’.
Maybe stimulants aren’t for people like me, I don’t know..
I know it’s I only been two days but its been nothing but negative and I really have lost my personality
Any insight would be great
submitted by woggyjoggyboggyhoggy to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:25 btbtot Going to meet him in 10 hours ❤️

Going to meet him in 10 hours ❤️
Finally! First meeting .. in 10 hours .. OMG the time is moving too slowly! Super excited. My nerves are through the roof! I am having a fast heartbeat from now! Omg is it really gonna happen!! 😍 Dunno how I will act the first second I see him, I feel like I will freeze without saying anything 😂. The meeting will be only for 10 hours 💔during plane layover but it is better than nothing 🥹 Wish me luck ❤️ 5200 km to zeeeeroooo ❤️
submitted by btbtot to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:25 SlurpsMcKenzee Storytime - Tattoo

TLDR - I congratulate myself on preventing my mom from getting a tattoo the day after she was released from the hospital for a minor stroke.
I got a call from my sibling that my mom had just been admitted to the hospital after she started slurring her words and moving oddly. They didn’t know exactly what was happening yet, but we suspected a stroke. I booked a flight out for first thing the next morning.
My mom was going through tests but the ER doctor had confirmed that it looked like she’d had a minor stroke. She would be in the hospital for a few days for observation. Once I knew that she had her phone with her, I texted her to let her know I would be there soon. She wrote back “I wish you weren’t coming” a few minutes later. I remember thinking that it was weird that I didn’t feel anything when I read that. I didn’t respond to it.
The next morning I flew out. Once I got into town, we found out that since my mom appeared stable, they were releasing her.
I was finally alone with her while driving her home, and she started telling me that she “has an appointment tomorrow” in this low, sly voice, which she only uses when she’s telling you something that she doesn’t want anyone to know about. At this point in the story there’s a gap in my memory - I don’t remember exactly how it got revealed, but the appointment was at a tattoo shop.
The next day rolls around, and physically, she isn’t ready to drive. I drive her to the place, and before we get there, she says “Just drop me off and I’ll call you”. There’s no way I was going to do that, but I’m trying to play it cool, so I casually mention that I’d like to see the place. I can tell at that point that she’s slightly uncomfortable with that.
We go in, and I act like I’m just there to do what I said, but I’m listening to the conversation between my mom and the artist. After looking at the sketch, the artist said something to me like “So, are you here for vacation?” She opened a door that I just had to walk through, and I felt all the words flow out so easily.
“I’m here because she was in the hospital for a stroke and was just released yesterday.”
The look on my mom’s face and her body language in that moment were chef’s kiss. Her reaction confirmed my suspicion that she was really going to try to get a tattoo right then.
The owner of the place told her she’d have to stop her blood thinner medication with clearance from doctor before he’d allow his artists to touch her. She claimed to have no idea that if she had tried to get a tattoo, she’d end up bleeding. On the drive home she was silent and sniffling. I was elated.
I’d never turned the tables on her like that. It felt good, and I’ve been holding onto that feeling ever since.
submitted by SlurpsMcKenzee to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:25 Electrical-Gold-6932 I'm in love with my girlfriend's sister

This has been happening for a few years now. But I'll explain how it all started, and how it's been going on.
In 2019, at the beginning of the pandemic, I started visiting the house of a high school friend. A friend told me she was single, so I went to visit her. We got along great, me and her family, and we stayed together for 60 straight days, watching movies during the pandemic since we couldn't go out. In the beginning, there were three of us staying up together at night: her 15-year-old sister, who is now 19, my 28-year-old fiancée, who is the same age as me, and me. We three were very close, but my fiancée already had feelings for me. I said I didn't want to date, but things happened, and now we've been together for 4 years. Where am I going with this? During these 4 years, many things have happened. One of them is that her sister, since she was 15, kept saying she loved me and was always clinging to me, hugging me, asking for hugs. Her family asked me to let her be, saying it was normal and that she was affectionate, and I complied.
Two years into the relationship, despite dealing with deep depression and almost attempting suicide a few times, I started taking medication and thought it was just confusion in my head. But I always responded more to her, the younger sister. I always had an instinct to provide more support. For example, I set up her first computer (we live in poverty), gave her a desk, an office chair for better studying conditions. Whereas my fiancée has different needs that I can't meet right now, like a good job to build a house and get married (we haven't had sex in 4 years because she's a believer and will only do it after marriage - which is fine by me, but clearly, this isn't working).
During this time, other things happened too, like prolonged eye contact between me and this younger sister. There have also been moments of physical intimacy where she puts her legs on mine when we're up late watching TV (which she wouldn't do in front of her mom and sister). But make no mistake, up to this point, we've never done anything. We haven't kissed or anything. There's a lot of loyalty between the parties involved - me, the family, and my fiancée. My fiancée knows about this situation. She seems not to care and says her sister has always seen me as a brother-in-law and possibly a brother. But there was also a moment when I was caressing both, one on my left and the other on my right, and as humans, we know when there's a difference in touch. At some point, I felt a sexual tension between me and her. So, I know she's cautious because we all respect each other. But for me, it's a too conflicting situation. I've taken it to therapy, I've talked to my fiancée, her sister herself knows because I've exposed myself before, and she said, "I don't like him like that," although her actions don't align with that explanation. There are boundaries here that should have been set before, and I'm working on them, but I can't help but think that my feelings are genuine and strong towards this person. I love this family; they mean everything to me. I can't abandon a 4-year relationship with someone I love to be with that person's sister (hurting everyone involved), especially when I'm not sure if we'd have a healthy relationship. Besides, it's unthinkable to imagine what future interactions would be like.
There's something missing in my current relationship. There's no fire, no passion... but I don't know how to make that happen without sex... especially when there's already a sexual tension between me and another human being... please don't blame me, don't blame my sister-in-law, and don't blame the family for us getting to this point. We're humans; we weren't born with a manual. We're poor people trying to achieve happiness without hurting anyone. There are no wrong people here; let's not point fingers. I just can't control my feelings.
submitted by Electrical-Gold-6932 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:24 Fragrant-Ad359 DotA is sooo fun and balanced. It kinda got boring.

Aside from people having to grief your games, there really isn't much to say about hero balances. With the introduction of a volley of new items we can basically build counters for each hero. Of course how balance a game is would depend on your draft and match ups. But an even game 40-50 mins duration game is sooo much fun to play. And supports not being useless by this point lest they build unfavorable items is kinda cool (it even makes Fooking supports have fun).
Point is unless you got brain rotten people, games are kinda enjoyable. Personally Sven has been pretty fun having 1-2 more major items minute 25-30 than enemy makes it rlly strong. But even that gets boring too, hence why I believe patches are essential in keeping this game vibrant and alive. For the next patch (7.36) wether it'd be good or not huge or disappointingly mediocre (hopefully HUGE), it will bring a new variety of novelty to the game which gives me that same high when I first started playing this shitty ahh brain rot game.
submitted by Fragrant-Ad359 to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:24 Mandaconda9 17 month old only says mom/dad

I feel bad because my husband and I are both really quiet people and I am a stay at home mom so not much social exposure to a class. I try to take her to library kids events to socialize, but other kids do not come. Her doctor said she should say at least 3 other words, but everything is momma/dada and we know what she wants so we always just get it for her and say it. Is this a bad sign? She is our first and we have no experience and it's like it's a secret when you ask family what you should do the help her speech.
submitted by Mandaconda9 to Parentingfails [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:23 leeanaaa Chocolate tahini cake with chocolate tahini buttercream!

Chocolate tahini cake with chocolate tahini buttercream!
My first attempt at adding tahini to desserts and it turned out delicious! For some reason I didn't realise that if I'd add coffee to the cake batter like the recipe says I would end up wide awake as coffee in cakes still has caffeine, my mistake! Lovely recipe:
submitted by leeanaaa to Baking [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:23 kirankanchi Long drive

Hi all, I bought a new i20 Asta MT (BLR) in January. First ever car in family so no real high way experience with cars. I have never even done a long ride with 2wheeler (prolly 60km trip at max). I personally never felt safe given the Indian roads and driving conditions (although not true for all). I realised I can’t stay in a protective shell forever and got a 3 star car (I wanted a 4Cyl car on budget).
I have about 350Km city and suburban driving experience. I’m defensive and slow (haven’t crossed 75km). Can you guys suggest what are some of the relatively safer long routes and destinations in South Karnataka and best time to drive for a beginner? Say Madikeri, chikmagalur etc.
I am somewhat scared of Banglore - Mysore express way due to wrong way drivers and aggressive over takers. Is it wise to just stay away from this high way for a beginner ?
submitted by kirankanchi to CarsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:23 johnruby Meursault - Character Speculation & Analysis (based on the source literature)

Meursault - Character Speculation & Analysis (based on the source literature)
I feel embarassed that I've been playing Limbus Company for 2~ weeks and only now I found that he's based on Albert Camus' L'Etranger, one of my favorite novels of all time (I'm native Taiwanese and more familiar with the Chinese translation, therefore I forgot how to spell Meursault in English/French smh).
I know LCB Sinners are only loosely based on the source literature, but I really like both Meursault's characters in the game and in the source, and through this post I want to provide my preliminary speculations of Meursault's in-game story from a more source material oriented perspective.
If you're interested in the novel's plot, here's a previous post summarizing the general storyline. But in short, the novel is entirely narrated from the main character Meursault's perspective, who only speaks in an extremely descriptive and indifferent manner (just like LCB Meursault). His mother passed away at the begining of the story and he couldn't even confidently specify the date of her mother's death, hence the world-famous opening line "Mom died today. Or perhaps yesterday, I do not know." Later in the story, under the overwhelming heat from the sun, Meursault on the beach shot an Arab to death with a revolver and got incarcerated for a year prior to trial. His seemingly indifferent and remorseless attitude towards his crime and defense ended up causing him to be sentenced to death. Before execution, a chaplain visited his cell and asked him to abandon atheism and apathy, to which Meursault furiously refuted that people are all condemned to die one day, so nothing ultimately matters, which is the first time (iirc) Meursault displays any significant amount of human emotion. The novel ends with Meursault alone in his cell, contemplating his imminent death and opening his heart "to the benign indifference of the universe".
So, that's the gist of the novel. "What a weird and somewhat perplexing story" you might say. It's natural for you to want to follow up with the question "what's the story truly about?"
L'Etranger is a very philosophy-oriented story, which means it's more intended to assert a philosophical standpoint or raise a philosophical question rather than trying to be intriguing, entertaining, or straightforward. I'd say Meursault's character is key to understand the novel. He seems weird because the author is not trying to make him realistic or relatable (which doesn't mean he's impossible to relate to, though; I find myself often agreeing with his reasoning throughout the story). He is basically a tool or device, embodying and presenting Camus' absurdism philosophy.
So, what is absurdism? It's a school of thought orignated from existentialism. Existentialism is a broad term used to describe various philosophies that explore the issues caused by human's existence in the universe, such as meaning, purpose, value, free will, and the ramifications of their absence, while absurdism is more laser focusing on the issues dervied from "absurd".
"Absurd" refers to the uncomfortable situation in which humans try to find (often futilely) meaning in a meaningless world, reason with an irrational world, plead against an indifferent word, etc. Due to the conflicting nature of the relationship between humans and the external world, absurdism claims that the entirety of human existence is "absurd" ── It makes no sense and feels hopeless and paralyzing. Absurdism is essentially people trying to figure out how to deal with such an awkward situation. At one point, Camus even seriously discussed if suicide is a legitimate solution for the absurdity of human life (tldr: it's NOT. Don't try it at home.) in his othoer book Le Mythe de Sisyphe.
Back to Meursault. He is basically a thought experiment by Camus, attempting to answer the question: "What if a person is fully aware of the absurdity of human existence? What kind of person he/she will become?" The result is a man who seems apathetic towards human emotion and societal rules, who feels like a stranger (hence the title) in the world. However, deep down he is brutally honest to both himself and others, is perceptive and even somewhat passionate about nature, and is constantly suffering from his acute awareness of absurdity, but will never cover up or trade away this suffering with a lie.
It's worth noting that, from Camus' perspective, Meursault is not the only possible result of a man directly staring into the abyss of absurdity. In his other fantastic work Caligula (minor spoiler ahead!), the main character Caligula is fully committed to fighting aganist the absurdity, and ends up spiraling into madness. Meursault is way more passive and submissive than Caligula, but the starting points of their reasoning are surprisingly similiar: the conlict between humans and the inhuman universe is irreconcilable, and the most important thing in our life is how to continue living happily and fulfilling despite the paradoxical nature of human existence. Also btw, both stories start with (or are triggered by) the death of a close family member: Meursault's mother, and Caligula's sister and lover.
If you're interested in further exploring the concept of absurdity, I'd highly recommend giving Jean-Paul Satre's novel La Nausée a read. This existentialist philosophical novel also presents its main character more as a presentation device than a conventionally engaging protagonist. It's bascially the main character's diary and random thoughts and can hardly be described as a well-structured story. But that's the point: humans crave to be a story character in a world deprived of any storyline. Every time the main character is struck by the feeling of absurdity, he often feels irresistible nausea (hence the title).
Chains of Others
Interestingly, Satre's philosophy may also be relevant in terms of in-game Meursault. Meursault's basic EGO is called "Chains of Others", and its passive is called "Refusal to Judge", which is likely a reference to Satre's world-famous quote from his play Huis clos: "Hell is other people." To be clear, Satre is not saying that other people are always adversaries or hellish. Instead he meant that people become frozen after death, unable any longer to fend off other people's interpretation and judgement. In life, we can still do something to manage the impression we make; but in death, we're left entombed in other people's memories and perceptions.
So, that's all the literary context I'd like to provide here. What can we speculate about in-game Meursault from these source materials?
Tbh, I don't think PM will incorporate many philosophical element into Meursault's backstory, becasue it'd be difficult to make him engaging and accessible to a broader audience. Here's the list of speculations I made based on (very loosely) the source literature mentioned above:
  1. Despite the indifferent and monotonous manner, Meursault probably craves (or used to crave) for purpose, for serving a higher and meaningful cause. This could be the reason why he initially joined N Corp, to find meaning via the religious fanatism.
  2. In his promo trailer, Meursault said "Today, I killed mother. Or maybe it was yesterday." which is quite different from the original quote "Today mother died. Or maybe it was yesterday." Assuming Meursault indeed intentionally kiiled his mother, it could be because his mother disobeyed the religious rules set by N Corp or defied their authority, or something horrible happened to his mother and he had no choice but to end her life (e.g. his mother turned into a Distortion. He did mention he's dealt with Distortions in the past). His cold description of his mother's death could be due to his apathy or nihilist worldview in general, or due to him strictly following N Corp's rules and trying to suppress his normal human emotions.
  3. Meursault mentioned (in Intervallo III) that his mom used to reprimand him the same way Outis does. His mom could've been very strict in raising Meursault, which may contribute to Meursault's monotonous demeanor. Their relationship could've been quite intense before she was killed by Meursault.
  4. In his promo trailer, Meursault said "They are difficult to understand... Nevermind. That was a pointless anecdote. It was a waste of my energy." It seems that he's genuinely perplexed and has difficulty understanding normal human emotion. This line gives me a strong neurodivergent vibe. Therefore I think in-game Meursault genuinely doesn't (fully) understand how human emotion works, while in-novel Meursault intentionally chooses to be apathetic due to his philosophical stance.
  5. In his promo trailer and in the picture of "Chains of Others", it seems that Meursault was on trial in front of a crowd. It could be a reference to the trial scene in the novel. I think in-game Meursault was being tried for his murder (potentially of his mother), similar to in-novel Meursault being tried for murdering the Arab. Her mother could be an important figure within N Corp or the community, hence the dramatic reactions from the crowd.
  6. I think Meursault was genuinely feeling pain and all sorts of negative emotions during the trial. The EGO "Chains of Others" and the passive "Refusal to Judge" may imply that deep down he's trying hard to resist the negative judgement by others or by the crowd shouting in the court, or by his mom, or by his other comrades in the past. But his neurodivergent personality prevented him from wailing or shouting back or seeking help in a conventional manner. Instead, he can only describe the pain in a very objective and detached monologue: "Questions shaped from various emotions smothered my breath slowly."
  7. At the end of his promo trailer, Meursault said "... the sunlight was just overwhelming, that's all.", which is a reference to the novel scene in which Meursault killed an Arab on the beach and attributed such murder to the sweltering sunlight (which I believe is symbolizing the absurdity). I think maybe in-game Meursault killed his mother under a similar circumstance (in an outdoor sunlit environment), but for a different reason. This line could be that he's merely tired of the roaring crowd, and instead of wasting his breath explaining his motivation, he used this random sunlight as an excuse instead. Tbh, I'm not sure what's the meaning behind the "sun" or "sunlight" in terms of Meursault's in-game story. It seems very important to him, but there're too few pieces for me to speculate further.
Overall, I feel that in-game Meursault has less autonomy than the novel version, but their worldview in general could be similar. They both seem aware of the dread of the inescapable silence and indiffernece inherent in the outside universe. But in-novel Meursault had already disenchanted all the illusions of meaning at the begining of the novel, while in-game Meursault seems to still be struggling to find something to grasp onto, to anchor his purposeless and directionless life.
Thank you for the patience reading this long post!
Lastly, I'm no expert in philosophy or literature in general. I'm also very new to the PM universe and unfamiliar with previous games and stories. So if any of the above is laughably misguided for you, feel free to corret me.
submitted by johnruby to limbuscompany [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:23 Fabulous_Coast8564 what could it be?

(23F) 4’9-4’10 don’t wanna say my weight other than that i am overweight but past few months my period has been irregular, it skips a month and then comes and first day i know im going to get it i have like brown blood but only when i wipe? idk what it is?? already have an appointment when my doctor soon but i would like some opinions
submitted by Fabulous_Coast8564 to WomensHealth [link] [comments]