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2010.06.08 15:03 NippleNutz Your android related questions here.

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2013.09.11 18:38 HardwareLust Food Writing

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2024.05.21 20:36 ProfesseurCurling Votre avis sur Grenoble ?

Tout est dans le titre. Quel est votre avis sur Grenoble ? J'ai entendu pas mal d'horreurs sur cette ville où je n'ai jamais mis les pieds. Pourtant sur le papier la ville a l'air chouette : montagnes, rivières, plutôt verte (bien que polluée vu sa localisation), architecture plutôt sympa.
Bref j'aimerai bien visiter un jour mais je suis curieux d'entendre votre avis sur la ville, vos expériences, est-ce qu'il y fait bon vivre, le climat etc.
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses :).
submitted by ProfesseurCurling to AskFrance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:30 Own_Negotiation_7697 Hello, j’ai un problème à mon taf, je sais pas si je suis au bon endroit mais bon

Alors voilà. En cdi depuis janvier, période d’essai validée, aujourd’hui, convoqué dans le bureau du directeur car il a retrouvé des objet dans mon casier que personne ne voudrais volé ( je les ait oublié dedans) pendant cet entretiens, il me dit qu’il veux me virer pacque je suis « ingérable » et que j’ai volé des objets qui sont toujours resté dans mon casier au sein de l’entreprise, il m’a proposer soit de lui donner une lettre de démission d’un mois et demi de préavis le temps de trouver autre chose, ou de me virer sur le champ (je ne connais pas le motif exact mais je pense pour vol ??) j’aimerais savoir quel est la meilleure option pour moi ? Histoire d’indemnité, pôle emploi tout ça tout ça merci !
submitted by Own_Negotiation_7697 to AntiTaff [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:28 kiyomizu-bb-ops Kiyomizu PSO BB - A new vanilla PSOBB server [ENG/JPN]

Hello everyone!,
Today I want to introduce a new PSOBB server that some of you might be interested on, specially if you are a former retail USBB or JPBB player or a diehard vanilla player, it's called 'Kiyomizu PSO BB' and today I've decided to open it to the public after running it in a testing capacity these last 7 months or so.
This server aims to make the PSOBB experience as simple as possible, by offering only the original base game and the official quests and features that SEGA had active at the time of the official JPBB servers shutdown. It also acts like a testing ground for the newserv software which emulates all PSO versions online components created by fuzziqersoftware but specifically in the BB side of things in this case.
By keeping the game in its original untouched state we are aiming for the maximum accuracy for archival purposes which in turn retroactively feeds the newserv project as a whole.
If you are curious about PSOBB, never got the chance to play Episode 4, want to start fresh, or want to know how the game server behaved for us back in the retail days, feel free to check it out its open and running 24/7.
Setup Instructions
Download the official SEGA client and install it (make a backup of this installer too as its the original untouched client of the latest official build)
Download the patch and place the two files 'psobb.cfg' and 'wsock32.dll' in the PSOBB folder located at "C:\SEGA\PHANTASY STAR ONLINE Blue Burst"
Note: You can also change the game language by setting the language flag in the .cfg file, 0 for japanese, 1 for english.
Start the game as usual with the original launcher, and upon reaching the Title Screen, input any username/password combination and login, the account will be created automatically (like in PSU Clementine) and the patch progress will start, let it run for a minute or so as it takes a bit and restart the client.
Official Server Site (I'm still updating some sections with further information)
Hope you like it and see you in-game!
For mods: I would like to also request a server operator badge as this will be my official account for server announcements from now on.
submitted by kiyomizu-bb-ops to PSO [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:25 Quiet-Invite-7540 We are finally getting a FunkoPop of Bon Jovi
submitted by Quiet-Invite-7540 to BonJovi [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:23 InfluenceMinute3175 tired of corrupt small businesses

at this point, nobody is surprised to hear about how the small businesses in lawrence pretend to be something that they’re not. anyone who has worked at a downtown/downtown adjacent business can tell you how different things are behind the scenes. every business has its own version of service culture. people tend to hang out where they work and/or with their coworkers. restaurants usually cultivate unhealthy drinking habits with post-work drink traditions. coffee shops and bakeries that underpay employees, using tips to compensate an hourly wage. bars that encourage unhealthy drinking and drug habits, exploit women who work for them, and have harassment or assault allegations. retail shops that buy cheap unethically produced products and sell them as “handmade”, then force the employees to be salespeople as an excuse to not pay them a proper hourly wage. i think it’s clear to many that it’s nearly impossible to have a completely ethical business practice. although, there’s a certain bad taste that comes with the facade that lawrence small businesses create a positive community. most people that you talk to can tell you how they’ve lost hope for a better work environment through working at business after business where the employers don’t respect or value those that work for them. it’s a special kind of exploitation when you are sold the idea that a smaller businesses can teach you skills and give you freedom and experience that corporate places can’t/won’t. there are very few businesses i feel comfortable supporting anymore. i can’t recommend any of the businesses i’m listing below, primarily because of the terrible ownership and treatment of their employees. (focusing mostly on the downtown area) - Javabreak - 715 - Basil Leaf Cafe - Wheatfields - Great Harvest - Cellar Door Cafe (& Decade when they were still open, same ownership) - Sunflower Outdoor & Bike Shop - Sylas & Maddy’s - ATC - Wildman - The Mad Greek - Minsky’s - The Striped Cow/Third Planet (same ownership) - Leroy’s - The Burgerstand - Merchants - Bon Bon/Taco Zone (same ownership since TZ was bought out) - Henry’s/Grounded (same ownership) - Wildside - Logie’s (probably doesn’t even need to be said, but i’ll include it just because) - Milton’s - Culinaria - Lawrence Beer Company - Wine & Dive - 1900 BarkeBarker on Mass/Taylor’s Donuts (same ownership) - Jazzhaus - McClain’s - Limestone - Louise’s/Big Mill (same ownership) I’m sure there are more places I’m missing, feel free to list them below
submitted by InfluenceMinute3175 to Lawrence [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:23 Relevant_Guide9911 Seeking Pelvic Massager Wand Participants (no cost at product)

Hello all,
It's a pleasure to meet you. This is Diane, Community Manager with VWELL. VWELL is an intimate wellness company based in City of Industry, California (Southern California).
Our goal is looking for participants to receive a product at no cost, to try and post their real-world experience in the appropriate Subreddit communities. The selected participant will be paid for their effort.
If you are interested, please complete the Google Form below for product selection.
If you have more questions about our campaign, please feel free to DM me directly and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
I look forward to hearing from you!
submitted by Relevant_Guide9911 to HipImpingement [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:20 PoiroMasquer Appel téléphonique

Bonjour bonsoir !
J’espère que vous allez bien, ca fait un moment que je lis des posts dans ce sub mais ca y c’est mon tour 🥲
Habituellement pas très effrayé par les arnaques téléphoniques, je viens de recevoir à l’instant un coup de fil (d’un 06) de quelqu’un qui me demandait si j’avais récemment reçu des appels frauduleux, questions à laquelle j’ai répondu « non, seulement des sms type info antai etc ». Pourquoi ai-je répondu? Car la personne connaissais mon prénom et mon année de naissance, ca m’a vraiment fait froid dans le dos. Par la suite il m’a expliqué que j’avais des virements suspects en direction de l’Espagne (je n’ai pas particulierement cru à cette partie pour être franc). Il m’a ensuite expliqué que je devais faire attention à ce genre d’appels (je m’attendais au fameux plot twist « justement je suis la pour t’aider donne moi tes codes bancaires stp » mais non, j’ai simplement eu un bonne soirée.
Je suppose que c’était un début d’escroquerie mais voyant que je ne mordais pas au coup de « l’appel frauduleux », il s’est arrêté (m’ayant aussi pendant ce court laps de temps prétendu être banquier de « ma ville ».
En vérifiant le numéro avec truecaller, c’était un opérateur lycamobile pour information.
Bref, j’aimerais savoir si cet appel ressemble à une arnaque récente que je ne connais pas, si je devrais m’inquiéter etc (sûrement plus de paranoïa qu’autre chose mais bon, on ne sait jamais !)
Merci pour votre lecture! 😊
submitted by PoiroMasquer to arnaques [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:20 clara59000 Où trouver des T SHIRT de grossiste à LILLE ?

Je précise que je suis un particulier
Lorsque je me balade sur certains sites tels que Wordans, La Maison du T-Shirt, je remarque qu'il existe de nombreux t shirt très basiques, avec toutes les couleurs, un très bon grammage (180-200g/cm2 ce qui est très rare) le tout pour un prix quasiment dérisoire
Or, n'ayant jamais porté ce genre de t shirt, je préfèrerais les acheter en boutique afin de pouvoir les essayer
Connaissez-vous une boutique vendant ces marques-là?
* B&C Collection
* Wordans
* Gildan
* Autre
submitted by clara59000 to Mode [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:20 gabbiez Que anime é esse?

Bom gente minha primeira publicação neste forum, se não puder este tipo de publicação é só me sinalizarem ;)
Então guys, estou querendo decobrir o nome de um anime que apareceu no meu face de recomendação há uns bons meses atras, mas acho q deve ser meio desconhecido pois não consigo achar nada.
Tudo que eu sei é que é um anime de garotas magicas (estilo madoka magica), so que de terror, na imagem do post aparecia algumas criaturas com estilo daquelas imagens de terror japonesas que a gente ve na internet (estilo creepypasta), inclusive acredito que isso fazia parte da premissa do anime, ser meio que um terror dentro da internet mais ou menos, por isso fiquei interessada, mas não anotei o nome. Acredito também que a protagonista tinha cabelo preto e que era um anime novo (2023 mais ou menos)
Preciso saber o nome, voltei a assistir uns animes e lembrei desse que vi e a historia tinha me interessado.
submitted by gabbiez to animebrasil [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:18 Mysterious-Crazy-307 Mon adorable voisin (il va me tuer bientôt)

Bonjour a tous, je vous expose la situation sur mon charmant voisin ! J'ai emménagé dans un appartement en colocation l'été dernier, la colocation est avec un bon pote à moi. Les premiers temps se sont passés normalement, mais très vite, nous avons entendu un voisin crier, des choses comme "Venez me chercher bande d'enculés, je vous attends, je vais vous tuer sales petites merdes" et encore d'autres joyeusetés, naturellement j'ai pensé qu'il était au téléphone avec quelqu'un ! Quelques jours après, rebelote, je l'entends hurler sur quelqu'un au téléphone.. jusqu'à là, rien d'anormal me direz vous ?
Mais puisqu'il faisait très chaud l'été dernier, une nuit j'ai dormi la fenetre ouverte, qu'elle bonne surprise j'ai eu quand je me suis fait reveiller par les hurlements de ce fameux voisin, qui était cette fois ci a la fenetre juste en dessous de la mienne, que je pouvais donc entendre de manière parfaitement claire ! "Ça fait des années que vous me harcelez bande de salopards, je vais tous vous tuer, je vais vous découper bande de fumiers ça va très très mal finir pour vous"
Sauf que, cette fois ci, j'entends vraiment très bien, et je dois me rendre a l'évidence, le monsieur n'est pas au téléphone, mais en train de hurler tout seul, ce qui qu'on se le dise n'est pas rassurant..
Tandis que je me fais la douce réflexion que mon voisin est bien atteint, celui ci dit alors "Et toi n°7, t'es la pire des putes, si je te croise dans l'escalier je vais te saigner"
Oh..oh.. C'est moi numéro 7 ! Me suis-je dit alors. Mais pourquoi mon voisin, que je ne connais ni d'Ève ni d'Adam, voudrait il me saigner, alors que je ne le connais absolument pas, pire encore, que je ne l'ai jamais vu ?
Ni une ni deux, je prends mon courage a deux mains. Je ferme la fenetre et appelle mon proprietaire pour lui demander ce que c'est qur ce raffut. Celui ci me reponds que le voisin en question est un vieux monsieur, un peu dérangé, mais qu'il est probablement innofensif, que je devrais aller le voir pour me présenter et dissiper tout malentendu.
Je m'exécute le lendemain matin, et vais rendre visite a ce charmant voisin pour me présenter, a peine ais-je frappé à la porte que celui ci l'ouvre d'un coup sec, il se tenait déjà manifestement juste derrière. La porte désormais ouverte révèle un appartement sale, en désordre, et un monsieur d'environ 60 ans, tout sec, en slip, aux cheveux longs et gras blancs et gras, barbu, qui me regarde d'un regard qui hurle "je suis complètement fou"
Je me présente, lui explique que je l'ai entendu dire qu'il allait saigner le numéro 7, et lui dit que je suis très incommodé puisque c'est moi le numéro 7. S'en suit alors un dialogue sur réaliste, ou celui ci me dit que depuis que je suis arrivé il nous entends hurler, que de toute façon il entends tout, qu'il a entendu quand j'ai dit qu'il "allait payer pour ce qu'il avait fait", et qu'il sait très bien que je fait partis des petits malins qui hurlent son nom dehors dès qu'il a le fenêtre fermées, et qui disparaissent dès qu'il ouvre les fenêtres pour regarder qui est là..
Ouch, mon voisin est très sévèrement atteint, j'essaie pendant longtemps de dissiper le malentendu, de lui dire que je n'ai rien contre lui, que je ne le connais pas, que l'on est tres calme dans l'appartement et qu'il doit vraiment confondre, mais rien n'y fait, il campe sur ses positions ! Je finis donc par prendre congé.
S'en est suivit dans les mois derniers, des hurlements réguliers, avec des "je vais vous v**evous ecarter les csses et vous bidée/je vais tous vous tueje vais vous massacreça va finir en bain de sang/je vais venir chez vous vous égorger.." ect, ect, j'ai contacte plusieurs fois le propriétaire pour qu'il intervienne, mais rien ne change.
Il s'amuse les derniers temps a ouvrir la porte d'un seul coup quand on passe, et à nous fixer sans dire un mot, puis une fois que nous sommes hors de son champs de vision il nous insulte et nous menace, dès que l'on rentre ou sort de chez nous, on l'entend gromeler derrière sa porte, il tambourine parfois sur les murs, parfois il claque sa porte en boucle, c'est très epuisant psychologiquement, et on marche sur la pointe des pieds dans l'escalier, je ne sais pas quoi faire pour que celà cesse, et avec l'augmentation de la fréquence de ses petits happenings surprise, je commence a m'inquieter qu'il mette ses menaces a exécutions!
J'ai pensé à partir bien-sûr, mais étant étudiant je ne roule vraiment pas sur l'or, et ça m'ennuie de devoir quitter mon logement a cause du fou furieux qui vit sous mon plancher.. Je ne veux pas non plus en venir aux mains avec lui, je n'ai pas envie que celà dégénère.
Enfin voilà, c'était mon voisin, et j'espère ne pas le rencontrer armé un couteau dans l'escalier !
submitted by Mysterious-Crazy-307 to LetsNotMeetFR [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:14 BourbonBry123 Lucky pull this afternoon

Lucky pull this afternoon submitted by BourbonBry123 to whiskey [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:11 Sweet-Count2557 The Best Barcelona Restaurants In Spain: 2023 Guide

The Best Barcelona Restaurants In Spain: 2023 Guide
The Best Barcelona Restaurants In Spain: 2023 Guide
Are you looking for an escape? Barcelona, Spain is the perfect destination to indulge in all your desires while exploring a wonderful and unique culture. From the picturesque city streets to its world-renowned restaurants, this Mediterranean metropolis will satisfy even the most discerning traveler’s appetite. Whether you are visiting for business or pleasure, here’s why Barcelona should be at the top of your list.
Barcelona Restaurants In Spain is one of Europe's finest. With a wide variety of restaurants ranging from high-end eateries serving traditional Catalan cuisine to bustling tapas bars with delicious local dishes, there is something for everyone. And don't forget about Spanish wine! Sample some of the best vintages that Spain has to offer as you dine al fresco on a terrace overlooking gorgeous views of the city skyline.
No matter what type of experience you're searching for, you can find it in Barcelona's many restaurants. So pack your bags and get ready to explore - freedom awaits!
Historic Cuisine
Barcelona is renowned for its rich culinary heritage. The city offers a broad range of traditional recipes, many of which have been passed down through generations.
This historic cuisine allows visitors to experience the local flavors and regional dishes that have become synonymous with Spanish cuisine.
From classic tapas to freshly caught seafood, Barcelona has something to satisfy every palate. With an abundance of restaurants serving up these traditional dishes, it’s no surprise that dining in Barcelona can be quite a memorable experience. As one discovers the unique flavors found throughout this vibrant city, it's easy to see why Barcelona's food culture is so beloved by locals and tourists alike.
Transitioning from historic tastes to modern delicacies, let's explore some of the delicious offerings available in Barcelona today.
Local Delicacies
Barcelona is one of the most popular cities in Spain for its Great culture, beautiful architecture, and unique cuisine. According to a recent survey by the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, over 60% of tourists visit the city specifically to experience its local delicacies. From sausages made with locally sourced meat to Iberic cheeses and traditional paella dishes, there's something special to try on any given day in Barcelona.
One of the most iconic Catalan dishes is 'Botifarra', a type of sausage that can be enjoyed as part of a meal or simply served with some bread and cheese. It is usually made from pork but sometimes includes other meats like beef or veal depending on the recipe. For those looking for something more adventurous, there are also varieties such as 'Botifarra Negra' which has been seasoned with blood! Local cheese plates are also popular in Catalonia, featuring regional favorites such as Manchego and cabrales.
Paella is another must-try dish when visiting Barcelona; this classic rice-based dish originated in Valencia but has become an integral part of Spanish cuisine throughout the country. The version served in Barcelona often comes loaded with fresh seafood such as clams, mussels, and squid - all cooked together with vegetables, herbs, and spices. Of course, no meal would be complete without dessert: crema catalana is a custard tart topped with caramelized sugar while fideua pasta combines thin noodles with fish broth for a comforting finish to your meal.
Seafood specialties play an important role in many authentic restaurants around town, offering visitors a chance to sample Mediterranean flavors right at their tables.
Seafood Specialties
Barcelona is renowned for its seafood, and it's easy to understand why. The city offers a wide range of delectable dishes that showcase the abundance of fresh catches from nearby seas. From simple yet flavorsome fish alioli to paella bursting with succulent morsels, there are plenty of delicious options available.
Calamari fritters are a popular tapas staple in Barcelona and can be found across many restaurants throughout Spain. These crispy treats come served with a garlic dip and make an ideal sharing dish between friends or family. Alternatively, you could try shrimp Ajillo – prawns cooked in olive oil, garlic, white wine, and parsley. This classic Spanish dish has been enjoyed by generations and is always sure to impress.
For something truly unique, you should sample some octopus stew which comes prepared with saffron rice and vegetables. This hearty meal packs quite a punch and is guaranteed to satisfy even the most discerning foodie cravings!
Tapas and small plates provide an excellent way to explore all the different flavors of Barcelona's seafood scene - so don't miss out on this unique experience!
Tapas And Small Plates
Barcelona has a vibrant and unique food scene, especially when it comes to tapas and small plates. These two traditional Spanish dishes are an integral part of the local culture, offering visitors from around the world an opportunity to sample some of the best regional recipes. Here's what you can expect in Barcelona:
Tapas features fresh fish, vegetables, and meats cooked with traditional flavors like garlic, chorizo, and olive oil.
Small plates prepared with ingredients typical of Catalan cuisines such as jamon serrano (cured ham), patatas bravas (fried potatoes), and pa amb tomàquet (bread with tomato).
Culinary tours through Barcelona’s famous markets where you can learn about the art of making these delicious dishes while sampling some of them yourself.
Tapas bars provide a great way to explore all facets of Spanish gastronomy without having to commit to any one dish or meal. Whether it is lunchtime or late-night snacks, there is always something special waiting for you at every corner! With so many options available, it can be hard to choose which tapa or plate suits your taste buds. Let’s take a look at some popular dishes worth trying on your next trip to Barcelona.
Popular Dishes To Try
When dining in Barcelona, there is a wealth of delicious dishes to try. From mouth-watering paella and fideua to savory patatas bravas and calçots, Barcelona offers an array of flavorful options for any appetite.
DishDescriptionPopularity LevelPaellaA traditional Valencian rice dish made with saffron, vegetables, and either seafood or chicken.High popularityFideuaSimilar to paella but made with short vermicelli noodles instead of rice. Often served with fish or shellfish.Moderate popularityPatatas BravasCrispy potatoes smothered in a spicy tomato sauce. Perfectly salty and full of flavor!Very high popularityCalçotsGrilled scallions are often served with romesco sauce as an appetizer or side dish.Low to moderate popularityEscalivadaRoasted peppers, eggplant, onions, garlic, and olive oil; usually served cold as a salad or tapaModerate popularity
The flavors from this local cuisine reflect the culture of Catalonia - one that is passionate about its unique gastronomy yet open to sharing it with the world. Whether you're looking for something sweet like crema Catalana or savory such as Botifarra amb mongetes (sausage cooked with white beans), you can experience this rich Catalan culture through food when visiting Barcelona. By trying out some popular dishes from around the city, visitors will be able to get a real taste of what eating out in Barcelona is all about - sharing stories while connecting over amazing flavors!
Top-Rated Restaurants
Barcelona is home to some of the most celebrated restaurants in Spain, and visitors looking for a culinary experience won't be disappointed. From top-rated restaurants that have been awarded Michelin stars to highly-rated local establishments offering inventive cuisine, there are so many options when it comes to finding the best Barcelona restaurants.
When visiting Barcelona, foodies should head directly to one of the award-winning restaurants in town. These eateries serve up an array of traditional dishes with modern touches, making them popular among locals and tourists alike. Some offer creative takes on classic Spanish fare while others focus on international flavors from around the world - all served up with exceptional hospitality.
No matter what type of restaurant you choose, you can expect quality ingredients and masterful preparation at any of the city's best spots. From haute cuisine to humble bistros, Barcelona has something for everyone who appreciates great food. With such variety available, it's no wonder why this vibrant city draws diners from far and wide.
From savoring exquisite Catalan specialties to sampling innovative global dishes, dining out in Barcelona promises a truly unforgettable experience. Now more than ever before, chefs across the city are pushing boundaries as they craft unique menus that draw upon both regional and international flavors – ready to be explored by curious taste buds!
Vegetarian And Vegan Options
Barcelona offers a wide array of vegan and vegetarian options that are sure to satisfy any palette. Whether you’re looking for an extensive plant-based diet or simply wanting something vegan-friendly, Barcelona is the place to be.
The city boasts many fine restaurants dedicated to providing delicious meals without compromising on taste or nutrition. Vegetarian delights such as hummus platters, falafel sandwiches, and fresh salads are all made with locally sourced ingredients - guaranteeing only the best quality dishes. If you’d prefer something more indulgent, there are plenty of vegan desserts available too! From ice cream sundaes to churros filled with chocolate sauce, it's hard not to find something to suit your sweet tooth cravings.
For those who want something beyond just great food, Barcelona provides some amazing romantic dining spots where couples can enjoy each other’s company in peace. The warm Mediterranean ambiance will add even more charm to the already delectable delicacies served here – making this experience truly unforgettable. With so much variety available for vegetarians and vegans alike – every meal in Barcelona promises to be nothing short of extraordinary. Taking a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life has never been easier when there are so many unique culinary experiences waiting around every corner! Ready for romance? Let's explore the next section about romantic dining spots in Barcelona…
Family-Friendly Venues
Barcelona has plenty of family-friendly venues for a memorable, enjoyable meal. Whether your visit is for business or pleasure with the kids in tow, you’ll find several options to keep everyone happy and full!
Kid-Friendly RestaurantsFamily RestaurantsPescaítoLa FondaOne Fish Two FishEl XiringuitoIpanemaCasa JuanchoYayaboCan LluisPetit ComitéEstimat
These restaurants offer delicious food that can be enjoyed by all ages, making them ideal places to bring the whole family. From casual seafood spots like Pescaito, where you can get fried fish platters served up on newspaper print tables, to more upscale eateries like La Fonda which features Mediterranean cuisine in an elegant setting - there's something to suit every taste and budget. If you're looking for traditional Spanish fare then El Xiringuito offers delicious tapas dishes such as patatas bravas and croquetas. For some more international flavors head over to Ipanema - their Brazilian menu includes picanha steak and feijoada stew.
With so many wonderful family-friendly eateries around Barcelona it's easy to have a great time and fill up without breaking the bank! Plus, each restaurant provides a unique atmosphere perfect for creating lasting memories with your loved ones. So why wait? Go out and explore the city together while enjoying some delectable eats at one of these fantastic family-friendly dining establishments!
Street Food Scene In Barcelona
As if the world was a playground, Barcelona's streets are lined with mouth-watering aromas of Spain's famous dishes. The city is renowned for its vibrant street food scene and night markets that fill up their narrow cobblestone alleyways. From paella to churros con chocolate, there’s something for all tastes in this bustling metropolis. Some of the most popular spots include La Boqueria market on Las Ramblas, where locals and tourists alike can find freshly grilled seafood, cured meats, and cheeses from across the country. El Born is also a great spot for traditional Spanish tapas such as patatas bravas or croquetas de jamon.
For those who want an even more immersive culinary experience, Barcelona has no shortage of small restaurants tucked away in winding side alleys and courtyards serving authentic Catalan cuisine like pan con tomate y jamón serrano—a simple yet delicious combination of tomato rubbed onto toast topped with thinly sliced cured ham. There are also some amazing hidden gems scattered throughout the city offering international flavors like Mexican tacos or Indian curries. No matter what type of cuisine you crave, it won't be too hard to find something satisfying in Barcelona!
The endless array of options available makes it easy to plan your own gastronomic tour through this beautiful Mediterranean city. Whether you're looking for quick bites while exploring during the day or late-night snacks after hitting up one of Barcelona's famed clubs, there's always something tantalizingly tasty waiting around every corner.
Gastronomic Tours
Barcelona's restaurants offer a wide variety of gastronomic experiences for every kind of foodie. Tourists can enjoy an array of culinary tours, tapas tours, cooking classes, and more to get the full flavor of Barcelona. Here are some unique activities that will tantalize your taste buds:
Foodie Tours – Visit local markets or go on guided tastings with experts who specialize in Catalan cuisine.
Tapas Tours – Sample various traditional tapas while exploring the city’s historical streets and monuments.
Culinary Classes – Learn how to prepare authentic Spanish dishes from professional chefs in Barcelona's renowned kitchens.
Cooking Experiences - Take a hands-on approach to learning about Catalan culture by preparing typical meals with experienced locals in their homes.
These gastronomic tours provide visitors with an unforgettable opportunity to savor all that Barcelona has to offer. With its atmosphere and varied flavors, it is no wonder why this Mediterranean metropolis is one of Europe's top culinary destinations.
Visitors can explore the rich history behind the region’s diverse cuisine while discovering new tastes and cultures along the way. From succulent seafood paella to sweet churros con chocolate, there are endless possibilities for creating lasting memories through these delightful dining experiences!
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Reservations Necessary To Dine In Barcelona Restaurants?
Asking the age-old question of whether reservations are necessary to dine in Barcelona restaurants is like trying to solve a Rubik's cube. It can take some skill and finesse but, with patience and practice, the answer can be revealed!
To begin with, it generally depends on what kind of restaurant you're planning on visiting. For instance, if you choose to visit a high-end establishment downtown then making a reservation may be essential; however, many smaller restaurants don't require one. In Spain specifically, most local eateries will not insist upon an advanced booking - particularly for lunchtime meals or during off-peak hours. Here are three tips that could help:
Look up reviews online – they often indicate if reservations are recommended
Check out the restaurant website – this should have more information about their policies
Give them a call directly – speaking to staff members might give you the clearest insight into their practices
Ultimately though, there’s no need to worry unduly about making bookings since Barcelona has so much delicious food and friendly service readily available! Whether it's tapas bars, seafood cafes or traditional bistros customers just walk right in and enjoy themselves without any hassle. There’s something wonderfully freeing in knowing exactly where your next meal is coming from without having to plan ahead too far in advance. If freedom and spontaneity sound appealing when exploring this vibrant city then luckily there are plenty of options out there which don't require reservations!
What Is The Average Cost Per Person For A Meal In Barcelona?
When it comes to dining out, one of the first questions we all have is what it will cost. When considering Barcelona restaurants, this question becomes even more pertinent. But how much does a meal in Barcelona typically set you back?
The average cost per person for a meal at a restaurant in Barcelona can vary depending on the type of establishment and food chosen. Generally speaking, however, diners can expect to pay anywhere between:
€15 - 20 for an economical lunch or dinner
€25 - 40 for mid-range meals
€50+ for fine dining experiences
It's possible to enjoy delicious Catalan cuisine without breaking your budget; many eateries offer good value sets menus that include starter, main course & dessert from around €20/person. For those looking to save even more money but still eat well, there are numerous tapas bars offering small plates at relatively low prices. It's also worth noting that many establishments offer discounts during certain times such as early bird specials and happy hours where drinks may be heavily discounted or buy one get one free offer.
So if you're planning a trip to Barcelona and want to experience its amazing culinary culture without spending too much money then make sure you do some research ahead of time so you know exactly what kind of deals are available before heading out into town!
Are There Any Restaurants That Serve Traditional Catalan Cuisine?
Are there any restaurants that serve traditional Catalan cuisine? The answer is a resounding yes! Anyone looking for an authentic taste of Catalonia's culinary heritage will find plenty of options in Barcelona. From cozy family-run eateries to Michelin-starred establishments, the city offers something for everyone seeking out unique and delicious dishes.
Catalan cuisine has evolved over centuries and incorporates influences from all corners of the Mediterranean. Traditionally, it is richly seasoned with olive oil, garlic, onions, peppers, and tomatoes. Common ingredients include fish like anchovies and sardines cooked in different ways; vegetables such as aubergines roasted on charcoal or stewed in sauces; meats including pork sausages and grilled lamb; plus stews thickened with almonds or hazelnuts called 'Suquet'. All this can be accompanied by local wines from Penedès and Priorat regions.
In search of these regional specialties, you'll find no shortage of charming restaurants around town offering up some of the best examples of Catalan cooking. Whether it's rustic tapas bars tucked away down cobbled alleys or chic bistros overlooking the port - each one promises you a tantalizing journey through Spain’s most celebrated gastronomic region. So why not embark on your own adventure today – savor the flavors of Catalan culture while exploring its vibrant streets?
What Are The Best Places To Find Street Food In Barcelona?
Finding the best street food in Barcelona is a great way to experience Spain's culture. From traditional Catalan dishes to classic Spanish flavors, there are plenty of options for anyone seeking an authentic culinary adventure. Whether you're looking for a romantic dinner or just want to try something new and exciting, Barcelona has some of the best street food around!
From tapas bars and restaurants serving up delicious paellas to small carts with mouth-watering churros, there is no shortage of incredible places to eat when exploring this vibrant city. One popular option is La Boqueria - one of the oldest markets in Barcelona filled with stalls selling all kinds of tasty treats from fruits and vegetables to cured meats and cheeses. Not only does it offer a variety of local delicacies but also international cuisines like Mexican tacos and Italian pasta.
When it comes to trying out Barcelona's famous street food, here's what you should look for:
Catalan Street Food: Some examples include Pan Bagnat (a sandwich made with tuna), Calçotada (barbecue onion dish), and Escalivada (roasted peppers).
Spanish Street Food: Popular items include Patatas Bravas (fried potatoes topped with spicy sauce), Croquetas de Jamón (ham croquettes), and Tapas de Chorizo (sliced sausage).
Best Street Food in Barcelona: A few top picks are Focaccia con Tomate y Queso Manchego (focaccia bread topped with tomato & cheese), Albóndigas en Salsa Verde (meatballs cooked in green sauce) and Crema Catalana (custard dessert).
These foods represent the country’s rich history and bring people together from all walks of life. Each bite offers a tantalizing mix of flavors that can be enjoyed any time, day or night. So why not take your taste buds on a journey through Spain’s streets by sampling some of its most iconic dishes? With so many unique eateries offering excellent quality fare at affordable prices, you won't be disappointed!
It is clear that Barcelona's culinary scene offers something for everyone. Whether you're looking for traditional Catalan cuisine, a romantic evening out, or just some delicious street food, reservations are not always necessary and the average cost per person seems quite reasonable. But what about the theory that there is no better place to find authentic Spanish fare than in Barcelona? After all of this research, I believe it may be true. The variety and quality of dishes available here really can't be found anywhere else in Spain. If you want to truly experience the best of Spanish cooking, then Barcelona restaurants should definitely be at the top of your list. With so many amazing options to choose from, why go anywhere else?
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:09 russelldarrell Desert Companion's 12th Annual Focus on Nevada Photo Showcase

Desert Companion's 12th Annual Focus on Nevada Photo Showcase submitted by russelldarrell to bandccamera [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:05 FilhodeOdin Me recomendem games bons para ouvir musica enquanto joga

Preciso de uns games para ficar curtindo enquanto zero umas discografias que to afim de ouvir.
O que me recomendam? Seja offline ou online.
submitted by FilhodeOdin to jogatina [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:57 Ysengrain Refaire la couverture d’un bouquin ?

Refaire la couverture d’un bouquin ?
Salut les bricos, mon guide ornitho fête ses 20 ans cette année et j’aimerai lui refaire une couverture… il est en très bon état hormis ça et a une certaine valeur sentimentale… Avec du carton épais recouvert de simili-cuir, ça fait ? Quelle colle ? Et quelle partie coller ? Quelqu’un a déjà fait ça ? Merci.
submitted by Ysengrain to brico [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:51 Hattori_Hans another one?

2024-5-21 19:49:16
Dear Valued Users, First and foremost, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your continued trust and support in our services. We are acutely aware that your choice to use our products and services is based on the confidence you place in us. Recently, we have faced an unexpected challenge—our system has been subjected to a malicious attack by hackers. Here, we would like to express our sincere apologies to you and assure you that we are doing everything in our power to address this emergency. We understand that this may have caused you inconvenience and concern, for which we are truly sorry. Please trust that our team is working around the clock to ensure the security of your data and the stable operation of our systems. Our technical team has implemented a series of urgent measures, and all data has been fully restored. We are continuously strengthening our security defenses to prevent such incidents from happening again. Your Safety is Our Top Priority To maximize the protection of your account security, we strongly recommend that you take the following precautionary measures: Update Your Password: We advise you to immediately change your account password. Please use a complex and unique password and change it regularly to ensure account security. Review Account Activity: Please carefully check your account's login records and activity history. If you notice any irregularities, please contact us immediately. Consider Re-registering: If you have concerns about the security of your current account, we encourage you to consider deregistering and re-registering for a new account. We will provide full guidance and support to ensure a seamless transition. Our Support and Care We understand that at this moment, you may feel uneasy and uncertain. We will spare no effort to protect your information security and strive to improve the quality of our services. Your satisfaction and peace of mind are our greatest pursuit. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact our customer service or Discord support at any time. Thank you. Once again, we appreciate your understanding and support. We value every user and look forward to continuing to provide you with a safer and more reliable service. May our efforts earn your trust and satisfaction. Warmest Regards, 【KameyMall】 
submitted by Hattori_Hans to kameymall [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:51 Nature_andthe_Woods Praise for Patrick Bradley and Belize/Limpkin Tours

Its taken me a while to get to this review but I cannot recommend this tour company enough! Patrick and his team were the best tour guides I have ever had the pleasure of using. Patrick and his team made the planning easy, the process simple, and left us worry free every day for our tours. We did 3 tours with this outfit: cave tubing, ATM Cave, and Tikal. Every single experience was worth the money and time.
Cave tubing was spectacular, floating through a cave with our wonderful guide was surreal. She had answers to all my questions (which was surprising as a geology nerd) and was incredibly fun to hang out with.
ATM cave was unlike anything I have ever experienced. Patrick was incredibly knowledgeable and fun, answering all our questions we had come prepared with quickly and with ease. I learned so much more than I expected, whether it was about the Maya, the local flora and fauna (another area I nerd out on), or general questions about the area. Patrick brought us in early which was another bonus because as we were leaving the cave it was an insane traffic jam getting out. So thankful we had the cave mostly to ourselves as Patrick starts a lot earlier. An unforgettable and mind blowing experience. Seeing history like that is life changing and would not have been the experience it was without Patrick.
Finally, Tikal. We had done Caracol on our own a few days prior and listened to a walking tour podcast of the site in order to get a little more out of our exploration. Our minds were blown when our Tikal tour guide was the same one as the one we listened to on the podcast! Lion was absolutely incredible and went above and beyond what we would expect from another guide. From helping us through the Guatemalan border, taking us to his own bakery, helping me pick out a very special gift for my partners birthday, and packing snacks and drinks for our hike around Tikal (a life saver!), he made this day not only survivable but incredible. His depth of knowledge was incredible and due to his familiarity with the site, was able to show all the special areas and teach us about everything we wanted to learn.
Although the tours themselves were incredible, the real highlight of using Patrick'scompany for our 5 day stay in San Ignacio was really feeling like we got insight into the local culture, politics, and sentiment of the community. That alone was worth it. Every guide and driver we had was a local and you could tell that Patrick, Lion, and the rest of the team are incredibly tied into the community and passionate about their local area and helping it flourish. You can tell they all really care about giving back, from Lion's teachings of the maya hieroglyphs to local communities, Patrick's involvement with community projects, and everything else they do, their passion shines through.
I was never a tour kind of person, always choosing to self-explore but Patrick and his team has convinced me otherwise. Never before have I been immersed in the local culture so quickly or learned so much while traveling.
My only regret is that because Patrick set the bar so high, he may have spoiled our future tours with other companies because we will always be expecting the same level of quality, knowledge, and fun that he provided. If you need a tour in the San Ignacio area you would be missing out choosing anyone but Patrick and his team. I cannot even begin to thank him enough for what he provided us. He made our experience magical and I will be forever grateful for the tours he provided us with.
submitted by Nature_andthe_Woods to Belize [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:50 CuteFoxTwink I just started this franchise and I was wondering if any of the other generations are like MLP Tales?

So here's the deal, I finally started getting into this! I watched a bit of G1 and really didn't like it, I managed to watch 2 of the movies and a few episodes. Then I watched Tales and fell in love with it!!! It was so comfy and even made me cry a couple times. I loved bon bon :) it's a shame it stopped after 1 season.
Anyway I've started G3 and it's okay I like it better than G1 for sure!! But it's not as good as tales!
submitted by CuteFoxTwink to mylittlepony [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:44 Valuable_Pizza_549 Stuck fermentation?

Stuck fermentation?
This is my first time making this. I accidentally fucked up and bought 5% smart balance apple juice. I still added sugar, but after about 3 days theres no more foaming/bubbling. Is it stuck? Do i have to throw it out or can i save it? The one on the right is also apple juice (grape flavored) but 100% juice and full sugar so its still going fine. Can i add yeast nutrient to get it going?
submitted by Valuable_Pizza_549 to prisonhooch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:40 neepon_ Mon copain est au bord du burn-out

Ça va être un peu long mais faut que je vous expose un peu le contexte.
Mon copain a 27 ans. Il occupe un job alimentaire en 35h (épicerie) et il est fatigué physiquement et moralement par toutes sortes de choses, notamment les clients qui sont franchement pas polis pour certains. Ceux qui bossent dans la vente ou la restauration je sais que vous savez…
Mais y a aussi les conditions de travail. Il enchaîne des journées de 8h sans pause concrète (une pause clope par-ci par-là quand y a pas de clients… sur son emploi du temps y a bien écrit 20 min de pause, mais vu qu’il est seul pendant son shift, bah il peut pas s’enchaîner les 20 minutes au calme.) Parfois il enchaîne 7j sans jour de repos. C’est le cas cette semaine, il est à bout de nerfs.
De manière général c’est pas quelqu’un qui porte le monde du travail dans son cœur mais paradoxalement c’est un gros bosseur, il a même jamais été au chômage, il s’investi beaucoup et il a énormément de charge mentale au sein de cette petite entreprise (il a deux collègues mais franchement c’est les rois du moindre effort, résultats c’est toujours mon copain qui rattrape leurs bêtises/oublis/pasfaitparcequelaflemme, d’où la charge mentale)
Le truc c’est que là je m’inquiète vraiment pour lui. Je suis déjà passée par un burn-out, je sais à quoi ça ressemble et là ça lui pend au nez. Le matin il se lève épuisé, il est irritable, impatient, il a des crises d’angoisses, des nausées avant d’aller bosser… il mange à peine un vrai repas par jour…
Il a comme projet de quitter ce job en septembre (peut-être même avant vu la tournure que ça prend) prendre quelques mois pour se reposer et se renseigner sur une formation dans l’informatique ou l’audio-visuel afin d’arrêter définitivement les jobs alimentaires. Je suis à fond derrière lui mais… j’ai peur que s’il se fait pas aider le burn-out va fatalement se pointer. Ou qu’il craque avant d’avoir démissionné. Et se remettre d’un burn-out, c’est une épreuve.
Je lui ai suggéré de se mettre en arrêt quelques jours, mais il me dit que ça ne sert à rien, une fois de retour ça sera la même galère. Et il a raison.
C’est un homme sujet à l’anxiété, qui a connu une dépression non suivie dans le passé. Je lui ai déjà conseillé de consulter un psy, il ne le fait pas…
Déjà, côté boulot, est ce que c’est même légal de telles conditions ? Pas de vraies pauses, 7 jours consécutifs… la pire fois il s’est enchaîné 18 jours non stop, à cause d’un collègue parti en arrêt maladie. C’est depuis cette période-là qu’il a vraiment commencé à accumuler fatigue et frustration.
Parmi vous, y a t-il des mecs qui ont connu une situation similaire ? Comment vous avez fait pour vous en sortir, pour tenir bon ? Qu’attendez-vous de votre copain/copine pour vous soutenir dans de tels moments ?
J’aimerai vraiment pouvoir lui alléger les choses…
Enfin, merci de m’avoir lue.
submitted by neepon_ to AskMec [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:39 pourlaculture Réorientation questions

Bonjour tout le monde, je m'appelle tom, j'ai 23ans et actuellement je met des légumes dans un rayon d'un supermarché. Ce n'est pas ma vocation comme vous pouvez le deviner.
J'ai toujours voulu créer des meubles comme mon papa (ébéniste d'art) mais mon parcours n'a jamais été dans ce sens la (mal informé, école de design graphique, armée, désillusion...bref)
Aujourd'hui je me rends compte que c'est ce que j'ai toujours voulu faire et que c'était maintenant qu'il fallait commencer pour pas regretter plus tard
Je souhaite devenir ébéniste d'art et reprendre les études pour apprendre ce métier. Cependant je me suis un peu renseigné et j'ai pas envie de tomber dans une école ou formation bidons.
Alors j'ai quelques questions à vous poser:
D'après mon profil quelle types d'études pourrais m'intéresser ? (Cap ? Dnmade ?)
Quelles écoles privilégiez ?
Avez vous fais une reconversion et pourriez vous partager votre expérience ?
Combien ça coûte et est ce que je peux trouver des financements ?
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses 🙏 j'espère recevoir de bons conseils 🙂
(j'ai posé plusieurs questions mais je le renseigne de mon côté, ça me permet d'avoir plusieurs avis)
submitted by pourlaculture to menuiserie [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:36 zedotalho666 Carro parado sem seguro.

Boas pessoal. Estou aqui com um problema e gostava de saber se alguém me pode dar umas opiniões sobre como resolver o assunto. Tenho a minha mãe internada numa instituição há cerca de um ano, e ela tem o carro dela parado na sua antiga morada. Ela não tem rendimentos nenhuns e eu ainda andei a pagar o seguro do carro para que não o rebocassem. Eu não tenho carta. Entretanto deixei de pagar o seguro, e como o carro está parado já há uns bons tempos, hoje pelo o que parece tentaram rebocar o carro mas aparentemente alguém avisou o meu primo e ele conseguiu fazer com que não rebocassem o dito cujo (não sei como porque ele mora no Alentejo) Eu não quero continuar a pagar o seguro porque 71e fazem me falta. Quais serão as minhas a possibilidades perante esta situação? chamar um reboque e pô-lo num sítio onde não incomode ninguém? Pagar o seguro (que possivelmente já nem está activo) e transportar o carro para ao pé de mim? O meu pai (divorciado da minha mãe) meio que já se disponibilizou para o levar até casa da minha prima, que ela garante que ali não irá chatear ninguém e haverá menos possibilidade de o rebocarem. Mas não o queria fazer guiar um carro sem seguro de um a ponta de Lisboa até aos confins da margem sul. Qual será a melhor solução perante esta situação?
submitted by zedotalho666 to AutoTuga [link] [comments]