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Endoskeleton's Debauchery Quest

2015.07.18 09:51 rainbowsnivy Endoskeleton's Debauchery Quest

A FNAFB fangame made by Protosnivy, FangTheFreak, and Sonic42303 about an endoskeleton who wishes to have a night of debauchery. To do this he must take out Freddy Fuckboy and co. Please enlist, thank.

2015.05.31 03:32 Metal_Blake Now entering the rift

A place to discuss the adventures of Metal_Blake's original the characters through the Fuckboy's universe.

2024.06.11 01:37 Available-Many-5054 Walking red flag! How do I tell him I’m not interested?

I 28F have been speaking to a 35M from Hinge for just over a week now. We clicked right way, he seemed great to talk to, would spend hours talking on the phone and a few days into talking he mentioned he got fired from a job a few months ago for his attitude and was in the middle of getting fired from his current job.. turns out he still had the job, but they bought him into a meeting last week to discuss his late/idleness and he didn’t like what he was hearing so he resigned.. not very wise when you have absolutely nothing else lined up and keep saying you’re trying to get back on your feet financially due to travelling earlier this year. I’ve noticed he has a bad attitude towards certain things and a short fuse which I’ve heard over the phone, but he speaks to me “nice” which I don’t really buy anymore.
For our first meet-up he suggested he come to MY place and I cook for him..! I couldn’t believe the audacity so I pretty much let him know that will never happen and it’ll be more appropriate to be in a public setting (go out and do something) and he agreed. A few days running up to Saturday he started going on about how many bills he had to pay and how that day was an “expensive” day for him lol. I told him I have time in the afternoon on the weekend and that’s it and he was beating around the bush about seeing me for just the afternoon. It’s like he’s still got it in his head that I’m bringing him to my place when I never once spoke of that or suggested such a thing!
There seems to be so many curve-balls and turn offs and since the weekend he’s been blowing up my phone wanting us to be doing phone calls every single day but I’ve been busy working, with family etc. I to run a mile and block him, but I feel like he’s the type to call on different numbers or something. How do I tell him I’m no longer interested??
submitted by Available-Many-5054 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:41 janesmith_99 AITAH for not letting my SIL to use my washer after putting a lock on it?

I 31F do not get along with my SIL at all. Four weeks ago my sister-in-law took out my load of laundry out of the washer before the tub even filled up and started its cycle. And when I found out that she did this I was livid. I told my husband what she did and that I will not tolerate this disrespectful behavior any longer. He asked our niece if she started a load of wash and she said no she had just gotten home from school she didn't know who was washing. I told him it had to be SIL because she was the only one who was home at the time. And I also told him I started the washer while she was in the shower. Quick Info our laundry room is in the back and it's open but also in the back is the restroom which you have to enter the laundry room to get to the restroom. So even if she got out of the shower she would have heard the washing machine start its cycle. My husband calls our dad (my FIL) to let him know of the situation that is going on. FIL calls SIL to see what's her side of the story. He calls back and informs us that she said no one was using the washer and since no one was using the washer she decided to throw her laundry in it and do a load. I interrupt him immediately and say that's BS because I started the washer while she was in the shower so for her to say that no one was using it was a total lie. He did his best to calm me and my husband down but we were super upset. And we had had enough of SIL acting so disrespectful towards us. I informed FIL that I will be putting a lock on the washer and that only he, husband and I would be the only ones to use it. He wasn't happy of this response and told us when we would use SIL washer she never forbid us from using it and I also replied back with me and husband have never done anything disrespectful towards her. Husband and I go to eat talk about what's the next move that we plan to do I told him I was dead serious about putting a lock on the washer. But it would take a few days for my order to come in so we decided with just taking away the extension cord. Two days after the incident father-in-law calls husband and ask if we could return the extension cord I was hopping out of the shower when I heard husband and father-in-law have this conversation over phone our room is adjacent to the restroom and we have our own private entrance our door was cracked open so I was able to hear their conversation. I overheard father-in-law say he would just get an extension cord to give SIL if we didn't return the extension cord we took away I replied loudly with it wouldn't matter if you purchase another extension cord because you wouldn't be able to use the plug cuz the lock literally goes on the plug itself. Sister-in-law heard this because she was in the back in the laundry room and I knew it upset her because she just went back inside the house and slam the door. Before husband went back to work from his lunch break my package was delivered. And I couldn't wait to put on the lock after putting on the lock I had to run errands. And then I stopped by my mother's house see my daughter who she was taking care of. As soon as I get to my mom's house my phone starts to ring and guess who it is father-in-law. I let it ring and go to voicemail because I just didn't want to talk. He leaves a voice message and then dials back again this time I answer. He asked what can sister-in-law do so she can start using the washer again. I told him she lost her privileges to use mine and husband's washer with her being so disrespectful. That even if she were to apologize she needs to understand that her actions have consequences. Father-in-law doesn't like confrontation and doesn't like to be put in the middle in situations he plays Peacekeeper but you can only keep the peace for so long before the other shoe drops. Let me tell you a little thing about sister-in-law she's between 35 to 40 has two kids and refuses to grow up. She believes that it is the parent's duty to take care of their child even if they're a grown adult AKA provide for them when they cannot provide for themselves. I laughed because the audacity of her to say something like that was wild for me to hear. She has said to her parents that she doesn't like working because she doesn't like to be told what to do. When I've heard this I was like oh my God no one likes to be told what to do at their jobs but guess what that's life unless you start your own company become your own CEO your own president someone's always going to tell you what to do. So father-in-law tries to talk to me to reason with me and allowing her to use the washer. But this time her story changed she said that there was no one in the back taking care of the laundry. I was confused by her statement like why do I have to be in the back waiting for an entire wash cycle which is between 45 to an hour depending on the settings you set it on. I mean I wait at the laundromat when I have to take certain things to to the laundromat. But at home I am not going to wait by my washer for my load to finish. So it was weird that she had changed her story. But my father-in-law also knows that I do not get along with sister-in-law whatsoever. So why would I make up this whole situation up? She literally triggers my stress and anxiety. I literally do my best to avoid her in this house if I see she's in the kitchen I wait until she leaves if I say she's in the back in the laundry room I wait if I hear her going to the restroom I wait I literally have to walk around eggshells around here and it's literally putting my mental health at risk. I have had verbal confrontations with her and literally the next day after having those conversations with her I've ended up at my mother's house for 2 to 3 weeks because I could not stand being in this house with her. My nerves were shot. By the second week of her not using the washer father-in-law and I were in the back having a conversation from his trip he had out of state for a wedding. She comes to the back to smoke but we're blocking her way so she waits. While me and father-in-law are conversating she rudely interrupts us. And starts addressing father-in-law asking about when can she start using the washer again. And he asked her did you apologize to your brother and your sister-in-law? She says yeah I messaged brother telling him I'm sorry. Father-in-law ask okay have you apologized to sister-in-law? Her reply was I apologize to brother so it's extended to sister-in-law. I was dumbfounded by that reply like who thinks this way. By apologizing to my husband her brother it's a automatic extension of her saying I'm sorry to me. Like what I don't understand. Then she has the audacity to say well sister-in-law is being rude she's not even facing me while I'm talking to her. So this got me a little heated when I heard this. I turn around and tell her first of all you never address me second of all if you want to speak to me you don't just come in and really interrupt someone whose conversating with someone else you say excuse me I would like to talk to the both of you. So I made her address me properly I was raised old school AKA traditionally. I did get an apology but I only felt that she apologized because she was made too. But her apology was only for taking out the clothes. I brought up that yes she took out clothes out but the washer was being used the cycle had started and you literally stopped an entire wash cycle. But she keeps trying to Gaslight me saying the washer was never on but the clothes were only in there. And that's what gets me the most. I don't understand why someone thinks it's okay to do what they do and then try to say something else. She literally tried to make me look like I was a liar. When everyone knows that I don't like her and why would I try to start fights with her if I can't stand her I could care less about her. So even after she apologized I still don't allow her to use the washer am I the a hole for sticking to my guns?
submitted by janesmith_99 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:29 Kopfkino_55 Parents claim I ruined our relationship with a lie and now I just don’t care to fix it

I am so sorry for how long this is, but there are many things that happened and were said in this story that need to be addressed to really give a full picture of events.
For context, I (22f) have always had a pretty close relationship with my parents, specifically my mother. We talk a lot about various topics but one thing I have never done is talk to her about my private life, as in nothing intimate or extremely personal. I still live at home but attend university out of state which is where this story starts.
I had just come home for my university's winter break and my current partner decided that they wished to come visit my family and I so I got that all set up to happen. My parents knew about my partner for a while and leading up to them meeting my partner my mother felt that it was important to consistently ask me if I’d ever had sex with my partner and to monitor my status of getting birth control. I lied to her and said I hadn't done it before but I was looking into birth control (which that part was true). I don’t know why she was so fixated on this but it's important for later.
Everything up until that last full day my partner was here felt completely fine. The only issue I saw was how open and honest my partner was about a lot of things in their life, more specifically that they had gone to juvie when they were younger, participated in a few different drugs and shrooms in the past, and expressed some more controversial opinions of specific things but nothing crazy to warrant a harsh opinion from my parents. The last night they were here my parents came up to me and my partner and expressed they wanted to sit down and have a chat. This conversation they sat us down to have was just your classic teen lecture about sex and drugs. Like to put it in perspective my father lectured my partner about drugs and how bad they were. Then my mother stared my partner dead in the eyes and asked them if we’ve ever had sex. My partner said yes to which we got lectured about sex and how a pregnancy would ruin our lives. She then got upset that I had sex without birth control. To which I agree birth control is important and I should have been looking into it sooner but we weren’t stupid and practiced safe sex. It was just so embarrassing to be sat down and lectured about drugs and sex like we were children and keep in mind my partner was there this entire time too.
I thought that conversation was the worst of what they’d do but I was severely mistaken. It's safe to say my parents hated my partner and expressed that I could do better. My mother at least had some valid reasons as to why she didn’t like my partner but then started going off on all these crazy assumptions about them. And by assumptions I mean, her whole reasoning for most of these is just because my partner “seems like the type of person to do so”. Some of my favorites include that they thought my partner was cheating on me (which they don't have any proof for), that they are just a liar and probably stole from our house. For context on that one, the day we hung out with my sister we had ordered some street food we were just carrying around and eating and we went to look through some stores. My partner said they have never found one of those little keychains that have your names engraved on it so when we walked into one store my sister had found one and showed it to them. They thought it was cool but didn’t want to buy it so they carried it around until we found the place my sister got it from. Well they got distracted with the food we were carrying so when we walked out of the store my partner realized they still had the keychain and they immediately went and put it back. My sister told this to my parents which is why my mom was so adamant that my partner was a thief and then proceeded to ask if I had ever seen my partner steal to which I said no. She then accuses me of lying to her and references this keychain story, claiming that my partner willingly stole it and the only reason they put it back was because me and my sister kind of gave them a shocked look when they showed it to us after walking out. By far the best thing she said was this: my mother like a day later comes up to me and just straight ups asks if we had sex in her house, to which I said no and she claimed “I wouldn’t be surprised if they left a condom wrapper in this house just rub it in that they f*** our daughter”. And to top it all off, my parents asked me if there was a way to get my university grades and started threatening me if I wanted to have a partner and go on dates, they wanted to monitor my grades which thank god they can’t without me personally sending it.
While talking my mother also expressed her disappointment that I lied to her about my sex life and she feels betrayed and no longer has any trust in me. I expressed that it wasn’t okay for them to lecture my partner as they did and how mortifying that was but my dad responded that he would have loved it if his partner's parents did that and just acted like he was a saint for doing it. He also mentioned that my partner opened up the conversation when they had mentioned they’d done shrooms previously. I can kind of see this reasoning but it also doesn’t warrant a lecture about drugs just because they said they used to do them and my parents never had any reasoning as to why they brought sex into the conversation either besides my mom just being weirdly obsessed with knowing and them not wanting me to ruin my life getting pregnant.
On these terms I left to go back to college and I didn’t message or contact them for most of that time until my mom sent a message expressing she wanted to talk. To summarize, she just went on about how this whole situation made her stressed, how my parents just wanted what was best for me, and then lectured me about lying and how she thought we had a better relationship than that. She expressed again how hurt she was and how we would need to work on our relationship. I did apologize for lying but tried to tell her it was not my obligation to tell them about my private matters. I thought they crossed boundaries with me and I didn’t appreciate how they handled that whole situation and said I no longer felt comfortable discussing my relationships and private matters with her. I also expressed wanting to work on our relationship but quickly regretted my words when she just ended the conversation with “that begins with being open and honest” and that she would respect my boundaries from now on. Of course that weekend when we call the first thing she asks about is my relationship, if we’ve broken up yet and if I’ve gotten on birth control so thank you mother to our nonexistent boundaries.
When I came home for the summer my parents obviously wanted to chat. So we did, and they proceeded to basically just blame me for everything that had happened because I lied to them about not having sex. They started by requesting an in-person apology for lying which I did because, I am aware that I should have not said no when they asked but I should have instead said that I wasn’t comfortable telling them that. They continued that they wanted me to acknowledge that if I hadn’t lied to them then things would not have been as bad as they were and because I lied things turned out how they did. They did acknowledge that they felt bad for having judged my partner so harshly but somehow because I lied that's why they didn’t like my partner and judged them so poorly in the first place. My mother then asked what “boundaries'' she was meant to follow (she did the little hand quotation as well for that). It felt very disrespectful when she asked but I’m sorry mother, how is asking someone about very personal and intimate things not crossing boundaries for you? I tried to explain that I thought it was unacceptable to want to inquire about your child's sex life (it's just disgusting in my opinion, I sure as hell wouldn’t want to know that) and I didnt want to talk about that again. My dad responded that it's just a parent's job to worry and that's why it's okay to ask these personal things to which I had to answer and tell them about. They then proceeded to treat my lie like it was the most relationship shattering thing they have ever experienced and how they no longer have trust in me and that I will need to work very hard to get that back with them. I never got any in-person apology for anything they did and nothing I said has clearly gotten through to them which is why I just sat there and apologized and said nothing more. They then had the audacity to be upset and complain that it doesn’t feel like I try to make the effort to contact them when I’m at school and away from home. Geez, I wonder why.
A couple weeks after that conversation my mom also sat me down again to say her peace about things and get it off her chest that my partner was never welcome back to their home again, she still thinks they’re cheating on me for some reason and just doesn’t understand why I won’t listen to their concerns and end my relationship. She also complained she hates how I just sit there in silence without saying anything but to be honest I just genuinely don’t care anymore. I did not feel comfortable telling my parents about my private matters and they didn't seem to understand that and just focused on the fact that I lied and nothing else. I also don’t appreciate that they shifted all the blame to me and I just truly do not know where to go from here with them considering they can’t acknowledge how I feel very hurt in this matter too and I don't respect or have trust in them anymore either. I also felt very pressured and forced to get on birth control but my parents would never acknowledge they were wrong for that as to them it's just my responsibility as a woman to protect myself and if I wanted to have sex I have to be on it. I’m tired of trying to reason with them and genuinely just don’t care to fix our relationship because I know for that to happen I will just have to take all the blame and deal with their constant nagging and bragging for all the things they did for me when me and my partner probably break up (not because of my parents, just differing long term goals).
I am mortified and disturbed that they thought anything they did was okay all under the excuse of just wanting what's best for me. I am scared to know what they will do in the future with other circumstances but at this point I have no intention of ever telling them about my relationships again and if anything I’m not sure how much of a relationship I even want with them in the future once I can move out.
submitted by Kopfkino_55 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:39 SciFiTime The Terror Of Old Terra (Galaxy, We Are Back) (Part 2)

If you want, you can support me on my YouTube channel. @ SciFiTime
Standing on the Dominator's bridge, Commander Holden stared out at the ruined remnants of the Castalan battlegroup fleeing before him. As the last enemy ship disappeared into hyperspace, he felt only a sense of cold satisfaction. The trespassers had learned their lesson. No other would dare invade territory under Earth's protection anytime soon.
Yet beneath his impassive facade, Holden knew he was born for war and battle. As the most feared commander in the UE Space Force, he knew his methods pushed the boundaries of what was strictly necessary. But to him, strength and order were the only things that kept lesser species from descending into chaos and conflict. His fleet existed to enforce Earth dominance, and expand Earth's controlled space once again, like it was 1,000 years ago, by whatever means required.
Earth had isolated itself for long enough; it was time to retake what was theirs once again. Earth would no longer send spy probes to gather intelligence on alien species; now it was time to send in the fleet. Those Castalans had invaded out of ignorance, not malice, but they had been warned, and their deaths would truly send a message. Holden shook his head slightly. Softness would only invite more threats to Earth's hard-won security. Strength, not mercy, was the true path to peace.
A beeping signaled an incoming transmission. "Commander, we've intercepted new intel. Several colonies in the Veridian system, close to our border, have come under attack." His second-in-command's voice held a note of excitement. "Sensors identify the aggressors as the Rython Armada."
Holden frowned. The aggressive Rython had long coveted those mineral-rich worlds, according to probe intel. An open conflict could endanger countless lives, but that was the way of war. "Set course for Veridian at once. And signal the fleet; we deploy with force. Send message to Rythons to leave. If they refuse, teach them a lesson just like the Castalans. Our goal is to liberate the colonies and include them under Earth's jurisdiction. I do not care if we provoke a war."
His crew replied with crisp acknowledgments. As the ship accelerated into jump space, Holden found himself hoping this confrontation could be resolved through battle. Diplomacy was for the weak. But if the Rython refused to withdraw, he would not hesitate to finish them as he had the Castalans. By any means necessary, he would keep Earth and his people safe. Even if it meant burning the whole galaxy.
As Holden's fleet dropped out of hyperspace in the Veridian system, the scale of the Rython assault became clear. The crew of the Dominator worked like a well-oiled machine, under Holden's command. Energy pulsed through the ship as engineers diverted extra power to weapons and engines. Navigators charted the fastest route through the combat zone while scans analyzed the disposition of enemy forces.
Lieutenant Marek greeted Holden as he stepped onto the bridge. "All ships report jump complete, Commander. We're implementing attack plan Gamma."
Holden nodded curtly. Plan Gamma called for an alpha strike against the largest Rython vessels to destabilize their formation. "Engage cloaking and move us into strike position."
The fleet vanished as new cloaking tech blended their signatures with the backdrop of stars. Marek tracked their position through the engagement display, highlighting targets in glowing grids. "Two minutes to range, all squads standing by."
Holden stared intently at the display, calculating angles and trajectories. Weakness would mean defeat, and defeat would mean death for the Earth's expansion. He had to crush Rython with the first blow, just to show them who's boss, in this part of the galaxy. But long battles would be much more fun, he knew Rython where no match for his fleet. "Take us to within 500 klicks of the assault cruisers. Full spread on my mark."
The Dominator glided unseen through the melee, Rython ships oblivious as Earth's wrath closed in. Across the bridge, fingers hovered over controls, with weapons primed. Holden counted down silently. Three, two, "Mark!
Cloak dropped, the fleet roared into the fray like avenging spirits. Plasma lances, and neutron cannons loosed in a single apocalyptic salvo. The assault cruiser buckled under multiple hits, energy barriers flickering madly before surrendering in a thermonuclear blast. Two support frigates nearby dissolved in chains of explosions.
Chaos reigned among the Rython as hidden threats materialized from nowhere. But Holden gave them no chance to rally. "Second wave, pound the command ship. Squad leaders, hit designated targets then clean up survivors at will.
A hurricane of fiery death erupted as Earth's might was unleashed. The command ship took a barrage that would have vaporized a small moon, its magazines detonating in a fireball visible even through the viewports. Without direction, the Rython fractured as squadrons swarmed their flanks.
Holden scowled, unsatisfied. Victory was within his grasp, yet a dozen enemies still stood against him. "All vessels, form a perimeter and advance bombardment. No quarter for any ship that does not immediately power down its weapons." Stern-faced crew members carried out his grim directive without hesitation.
The remaining Rython found themselves surrounded on all sides by Earth's juggernauts, outgunned and outnumbered. One by one they conceded, knowing retreat or resistance meant oblivion. Only a single frigate continued firing desperately, missiles streaking towards the Dominator in a final act of suicidal defiance.
"Intercept and destroy," Holden's voice rang cold as an executioner's bell across the bridge. Point defense unleashed hellish streams of fire, that intercepted every warhead. Yet the frigate drove towards them relentlessly, ramming its dying bulk against the Dominator's shields.
The shields flared dazzlingly white but held fast, deflecting the collision that would have shattered both vessels. As its burning hulk tumbled away into the abyss, Holden felt only contempt for such a hopeless, futile gesture. Casualties would be tallied later, but his fleet had emerged unbroken from the trial of annihilation.
"Commander, the last colonies report all hostiles eliminated. No signs of further resistance," Marek reported. "The Veridian system is secure."
Holden nodded once in acknowledgment of a mission accomplished. But inside, he seethed with barely restrained fury. The audacity of these Rython dogs to attack, what was rightfully Earth's could not go unanswered. "Set a course for the Rython home world. And send a broadcast on all frequencies: the Earth's armada is coming for retribution. Any who stand against us will face oblivion."
His officers chorused their assent, hands flying across consoles to ready the fleet for the next confrontation. Holden strode from the bridge, already planning his thrust deep into Rython space. Their worlds would burn, until the last ember of defiance was snuffed out, and from the ashes would rise a new era of unity under Earth's banner. Peace through conquest, it was the only way non-humans could hope to understand.
Days of frenzied preparation passed. Engineers worked ceaselessly to resupply and rearm each ship. Daily simulation drills, honed combat skills to a razor's edge. All the while, sensors monitored the Rython home world, for signs they understood the doom hurtling towards them.
Holden had not expected capitulation, but he hoped for signs of weakened resolve. Instead, he found only increased military activity, and evacuation of civilian centers. It seemed the Rython chieftains had courage, if not sense, left in them yet. No matter, their people would learn obedience, one way or another.
The day of reckoning arrived. Holden stood atop the command spire of the Dominator, gazing at a billion stars. Somewhere out there, vengeance waited to be wrought. "All fleets, initiate final approach. Transit from cloak, to real space on my command." He activated the ship wide comm.
"Jump in 3,2,1, now!"
With a metaphysical wrench, thirty mighty ships materialized in low orbit of the lead Rython planet. Before them lay sprawling industrial zones, and fortified compounds, staging grounds for the invaders who had dared strike at Earth's borders. Alarms shrieked across the terraformed surface, as defending ships launched in ragged squadrons, scrambling to form battle lines.
But it was too late. Holden's juggernauts descended like hammers of ruin, neutron lances punching through orbital plates. Planetary guns shattered under cascades of kinetic rounds. Fighters and corvettes vaporized mid-turn, as plasma engulfed their engines. Within the hour, all aerial and orbital defenses lay in fiery ruins.
The Dominator swept towards a centralized command spire, jutting above a flat plain. Scanners showed hundreds of soldiers, and vehicles massed outside its perimeter, preparing to make their last stand.
Holden narrowed his eyes. "Target and fire main batteries."
Twin lances of blinding energy stabbed down, shearing through ferrocrete walls, cerametal armor, and flesh with equal disregard. When the light faded, nothing remained, but a smoking crater exhaling ghosts of steam. The battle was over, the planet theirs to police, as they saw fit.
Word of legendary Earth's fleets reappearing after millennia, spread swiftly through subspace comm buoys.
Any who harbored thoughts, of defying humanity's reclamation, were left in no doubt of the consequences. As for the conquered Rython, their remaining worlds would be dismantled, and used to fuel Earth's unstoppable expansion. This was only the opening chapter, in a grand resurgence that would see mankind, reclaim dominion over the stars.
Holden stared out from his spire, dreaming of fresh glories still to come.
The future was his to shape, by force and fire.
submitted by SciFiTime to u/SciFiTime [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:37 SciFiTime The Terror Of Old Terra (Galaxy, We Are Back) (Part 2)

If you want, you can support me on my YouTube channel. @ SciFiTime
Standing on the Dominator's bridge, Commander Holden stared out at the ruined remnants of the Castalan battlegroup fleeing before him. As the last enemy ship disappeared into hyperspace, he felt only a sense of cold satisfaction. The trespassers had learned their lesson. No other would dare invade territory under Earth's protection anytime soon.
Yet beneath his impassive facade, Holden knew he was born for war and battle. As the most feared commander in the UE Space Force, he knew his methods pushed the boundaries of what was strictly necessary. But to him, strength and order were the only things that kept lesser species from descending into chaos and conflict. His fleet existed to enforce Earth dominance, and expand Earth's controlled space once again, like it was 1,000 years ago, by whatever means required.
Earth had isolated itself for long enough; it was time to retake what was theirs once again. Earth would no longer send spy probes to gather intelligence on alien species; now it was time to send in the fleet. Those Castalans had invaded out of ignorance, not malice, but they had been warned, and their deaths would truly send a message. Holden shook his head slightly. Softness would only invite more threats to Earth's hard-won security. Strength, not mercy, was the true path to peace.
A beeping signaled an incoming transmission. "Commander, we've intercepted new intel. Several colonies in the Veridian system, close to our border, have come under attack." His second-in-command's voice held a note of excitement. "Sensors identify the aggressors as the Rython Armada."
Holden frowned. The aggressive Rython had long coveted those mineral-rich worlds, according to probe intel. An open conflict could endanger countless lives, but that was the way of war. "Set course for Veridian at once. And signal the fleet; we deploy with force. Send message to Rythons to leave. If they refuse, teach them a lesson just like the Castalans. Our goal is to liberate the colonies and include them under Earth's jurisdiction. I do not care if we provoke a war."
His crew replied with crisp acknowledgments. As the ship accelerated into jump space, Holden found himself hoping this confrontation could be resolved through battle. Diplomacy was for the weak. But if the Rython refused to withdraw, he would not hesitate to finish them as he had the Castalans. By any means necessary, he would keep Earth and his people safe. Even if it meant burning the whole galaxy.
As Holden's fleet dropped out of hyperspace in the Veridian system, the scale of the Rython assault became clear. The crew of the Dominator worked like a well-oiled machine, under Holden's command. Energy pulsed through the ship as engineers diverted extra power to weapons and engines. Navigators charted the fastest route through the combat zone while scans analyzed the disposition of enemy forces.
Lieutenant Marek greeted Holden as he stepped onto the bridge. "All ships report jump complete, Commander. We're implementing attack plan Gamma."
Holden nodded curtly. Plan Gamma called for an alpha strike against the largest Rython vessels to destabilize their formation. "Engage cloaking and move us into strike position."
The fleet vanished as new cloaking tech blended their signatures with the backdrop of stars. Marek tracked their position through the engagement display, highlighting targets in glowing grids. "Two minutes to range, all squads standing by."
Holden stared intently at the display, calculating angles and trajectories. Weakness would mean defeat, and defeat would mean death for the Earth's expansion. He had to crush Rython with the first blow, just to show them who's boss, in this part of the galaxy. But long battles would be much more fun, he knew Rython where no match for his fleet. "Take us to within 500 klicks of the assault cruisers. Full spread on my mark."
The Dominator glided unseen through the melee, Rython ships oblivious as Earth's wrath closed in. Across the bridge, fingers hovered over controls, with weapons primed. Holden counted down silently. Three, two, "Mark!
Cloak dropped, the fleet roared into the fray like avenging spirits. Plasma lances, and neutron cannons loosed in a single apocalyptic salvo. The assault cruiser buckled under multiple hits, energy barriers flickering madly before surrendering in a thermonuclear blast. Two support frigates nearby dissolved in chains of explosions.
Chaos reigned among the Rython as hidden threats materialized from nowhere. But Holden gave them no chance to rally. "Second wave, pound the command ship. Squad leaders, hit designated targets then clean up survivors at will.
A hurricane of fiery death erupted as Earth's might was unleashed. The command ship took a barrage that would have vaporized a small moon, its magazines detonating in a fireball visible even through the viewports. Without direction, the Rython fractured as squadrons swarmed their flanks.
Holden scowled, unsatisfied. Victory was within his grasp, yet a dozen enemies still stood against him. "All vessels, form a perimeter and advance bombardment. No quarter for any ship that does not immediately power down its weapons." Stern-faced crew members carried out his grim directive without hesitation.
The remaining Rython found themselves surrounded on all sides by Earth's juggernauts, outgunned and outnumbered. One by one they conceded, knowing retreat or resistance meant oblivion. Only a single frigate continued firing desperately, missiles streaking towards the Dominator in a final act of suicidal defiance.
"Intercept and destroy," Holden's voice rang cold as an executioner's bell across the bridge. Point defense unleashed hellish streams of fire, that intercepted every warhead. Yet the frigate drove towards them relentlessly, ramming its dying bulk against the Dominator's shields.
The shields flared dazzlingly white but held fast, deflecting the collision that would have shattered both vessels. As its burning hulk tumbled away into the abyss, Holden felt only contempt for such a hopeless, futile gesture. Casualties would be tallied later, but his fleet had emerged unbroken from the trial of annihilation.
"Commander, the last colonies report all hostiles eliminated. No signs of further resistance," Marek reported. "The Veridian system is secure."
Holden nodded once in acknowledgment of a mission accomplished. But inside, he seethed with barely restrained fury. The audacity of these Rython dogs to attack, what was rightfully Earth's could not go unanswered. "Set a course for the Rython home world. And send a broadcast on all frequencies: the Earth's armada is coming for retribution. Any who stand against us will face oblivion."
His officers chorused their assent, hands flying across consoles to ready the fleet for the next confrontation. Holden strode from the bridge, already planning his thrust deep into Rython space. Their worlds would burn, until the last ember of defiance was snuffed out, and from the ashes would rise a new era of unity under Earth's banner. Peace through conquest, it was the only way non-humans could hope to understand.
Days of frenzied preparation passed. Engineers worked ceaselessly to resupply and rearm each ship. Daily simulation drills, honed combat skills to a razor's edge. All the while, sensors monitored the Rython home world, for signs they understood the doom hurtling towards them.
Holden had not expected capitulation, but he hoped for signs of weakened resolve. Instead, he found only increased military activity, and evacuation of civilian centers. It seemed the Rython chieftains had courage, if not sense, left in them yet. No matter, their people would learn obedience, one way or another.
The day of reckoning arrived. Holden stood atop the command spire of the Dominator, gazing at a billion stars. Somewhere out there, vengeance waited to be wrought. "All fleets, initiate final approach. Transit from cloak, to real space on my command." He activated the ship wide comm.
"Jump in 3,2,1, now!"
With a metaphysical wrench, thirty mighty ships materialized in low orbit of the lead Rython planet. Before them lay sprawling industrial zones, and fortified compounds, staging grounds for the invaders who had dared strike at Earth's borders. Alarms shrieked across the terraformed surface, as defending ships launched in ragged squadrons, scrambling to form battle lines.
But it was too late. Holden's juggernauts descended like hammers of ruin, neutron lances punching through orbital plates. Planetary guns shattered under cascades of kinetic rounds. Fighters and corvettes vaporized mid-turn, as plasma engulfed their engines. Within the hour, all aerial and orbital defenses lay in fiery ruins.
The Dominator swept towards a centralized command spire, jutting above a flat plain. Scanners showed hundreds of soldiers, and vehicles massed outside its perimeter, preparing to make their last stand.
Holden narrowed his eyes. "Target and fire main batteries."
Twin lances of blinding energy stabbed down, shearing through ferrocrete walls, cerametal armor, and flesh with equal disregard. When the light faded, nothing remained, but a smoking crater exhaling ghosts of steam. The battle was over, the planet theirs to police, as they saw fit.
Word of legendary Earth's fleets reappearing after millennia, spread swiftly through subspace comm buoys.
Any who harbored thoughts, of defying humanity's reclamation, were left in no doubt of the consequences. As for the conquered Rython, their remaining worlds would be dismantled, and used to fuel Earth's unstoppable expansion. This was only the opening chapter, in a grand resurgence that would see mankind, reclaim dominion over the stars.
Holden stared out from his spire, dreaming of fresh glories still to come.
The future was his to shape, by force and fire.
submitted by SciFiTime to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:06 tearsofsatoru Routines In The Night - [1630]. Feedback, please? :)

Bzzzt. The sound wasn’t external, but a low and persistent cacophony deep within my head. It vibrated through my bones, pulsed through my nerves — dragging me forcefully from the abyss of sleep. There was a constant ringing in my ears with the rhythm you’d expect in a build up to a psychedelic beat drop. My throat felt like sandpaper, drier than a Marlboro in an ashtray. The more I felt the sensations of my internal structure, the more it began to feel more like a forced eviction, rather than the usual waking up.
With the sickly echo of a storm raging in my skull, I tried to get up. My body felt like a ship anchored to a port — it refused to move. I forced myself up, but where was this up? In my tug of war with consciousness, I hadn’t even made an attempt to pierce through the crimson fog that hung heavy in the atmosphere. As shabbily as I live, this wasn’t my usual brand of dishevelment, not even close. A cold, unforgiving concrete slab for a mattress, scarce remnants of what appears to be a wallpaper all around the floor. Shadows twisted into grotesque shapes in the faint light, perhaps dancing to the eerie noises that echoed throughout.
I squinted my eyes, in an attempt to focus on the shadows. They vanished, and the noises stopped. There was no other option, I had to keep moving. Strange red light bled through a narrow opening in the room, my only escape. With a pounding heart, I crept through. The rough concrete scraped my skin. My heart was playing jumping jacks with my anxiety — the tightly enclosed space only making it more erratic. There was light at the end of the tunnel, except that it was blood red.
I got out, and there was it all again — the soundtrack of my adventure along with the harmony of the shadows, all dancing behind me. Jesters making a mockery of my attempt to get out, perhaps — or cheerleaders celebrating my initial checkpoint? A distorted voice echoed in my head. Though I was in the middle of an unsettling score, this was a voice I could recognise even deaf. “When in doubt, it’s both”. With a bitter chuckle at my misery, memories of my time with him flashed in my mind. He always gave the most cryptic advice, the kind that never made sense until it would hit you like a low-blow one fine day. And this? This wasn’t one of those days. There was no scope for any mental clarity in this oppressive atmosphere, not with these contortions performing their macabre dance, closing in on me.
Oh, my sincerest apologies. In the midst of my waves of nostalgia, I forgot to describe the scene to you, didn’t I? In my escape attempt, I had stepped into a hallway. Like the grotesque choreography behind me, the red lights in front of me performed a ballet as well. Swinging to and fro, they partially illuminated the hallway, similar to the shades of a dying sun. Their morbid jig painted caricatures of fear throughout the hallway. There was a blind spot in my head, a bullet-shaped hole where my wits used to be. Call it anxiety, but I wanted to dig inside my skull and yank out the decaying carnation.
Walking ahead, all I saw were doors. Flat on the damp floor, choking the walls on both sides, plastered crookedly on the ceiling. It certainly wasn’t deja vu, but the layout felt too familiar — perhaps it was a distorted recollection of a nightmare? Some of the doors were sealed shut — like a crime scene and reeked of blood, while some were ajar, revealing glimpses of the darkness within. Unlike me, my companions were more excited to see the scene. Chills ran down my spine, how did I even end up here?
A wave of nausea continued to hit me as I marched forward, desperately trying to ignore the ever-present doors. New additions to my auditory nightmare were screams, raw and crisp, from the other sides of my enclosure — ordering me to open the doors and set them free. In my life, I had been in and out gnarly settings at numerous instances — however this one felt different. Perhaps, this was fate’s way of communicating. Warning me that my luck had finally run out.
I did not pay any heed to the desires for freedom. The lurking presences behind me were enraged at my decision. I could feel their growing malevolence deep within my soul. The symphony had come to an end to reveal the rot underneath. I had stepped over the edge. The cartoon moment when the gravity waits for the coyote to realise his mistake before the plunge. Instead of looking down, I ran forward — a desperate gamble against the darkness closing in on me.
Each stride put more distance between me and the growing rage of my enemies. Their growing rage and feelings of contempt had inspired the prisoners. Hurling abuses, primal, raspy howls — their screams loud enough to break and distort their voices. All concluding to a common sentiment — “open the goddamnn door!”. It was a demand I couldn’t afford to cater to. My lungs burnt like fire, my legs ached with every pounding step. My luck had indeed run out. Fate presented to me an illusion of choice. Whether I continued to ran, or gave up, I would eventually succumb to the darkness giving chase. It was only a question of how sweaty and filthy I would taste to them.
To add to my growing troubles, I reached the end of the hallway. It was a door with “stay out” spray-painted in white. When you throw the instructions out the window, odds are you’ll go that way too. I stormed inside the door and bolted it shut. The room was surprisingly familiar. [redacted], I reckon. For a moment, I thought I was finally home. Little did I know, I had played exactly the cards they wanted me to play.
The past is a gaping hole. You try to run from it, but the more you run, the deeper, more terrible it grows behind you, its edges yawning at your heels. Your only chance is to turn around and face it. But it’s like looking down into the grave of your love, or kissing the mouth of a gun, a bullet trembling in its dark nest, ready to blow your head off. A frail creature ran around me, tilting its head — a silent question in it eyes as it licked my feet. The walls smeared with blood, a ghastly sight.
I slammed my eyes shut, determined to escape the scene. I retraced my steps, while the creature brushed intensely against me. A familiar yet intense longing to reach down and stroke its fur, to grab it and give it a kiss ran throughout my body. My chest began to ache. It was the genius of the hole; no matter how long you spend climbing out — you can still fall back down in an instant. This was all but a cruel echo, a carefully construed fragment to lure me back in.
“Oh hush, my dear.”, I let out with trembling lips and I ran away. The creature screamed, reciprocating my yearning. A heartbreaking cry that dismantled my soul. This wasn’t my heaven, it was a cruel mirage. However, there are things in life you can never choose — how you feel being one of them. My memories clawed out my insides, my eyes bled with tears. A constant reminder of all that I had lost, and suddenly it all made sense. It wasn’t a forceful eviction, it was my night’s routine. The house of horrors. The room began to shudder as the horrifying truth sank in. Perhaps, this entire system was structured to collapse when the prisoner began to break the fourth wall.
The doors were ripped from their hinges. It was as if the world was making a last attempt to save itself. Everything let out all at once, the monstrosities with the stench of impending death left me numb. The Pandora’s box was open at last, spewing forth venom strong enough to bring Gods to their knees. This time, it wasn’t me who marched forward. I was a petrified spectator, forced to watch the incoming tide of soul-crushing despair. It wasn’t the world’s end, it was my end.
A horrifying grin reflected across the face of my adversary as he thundered towards at me — determined to end this twisted dance once and for all. This wasn’t my first waltz here, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. Instinctively, my hand fumbled into my pocket only to be greeted with a glint of steel. A knife. Each time the means of escape gets more painful than the last, a grim remainder of this inescapable cycle. A silent battle raged within me, the urge to face the danger head-on.
Nevertheless, I had the key to my lock. Haphazardly taking the knife out, the coldness of the steel exactly opposite to the raging inferno within me. There was a catch to my story though, the blade wasn’t to be raised in defiance but..
And it stopped dead in its tracks. Perhaps in awe of what it had just witnessed or perhaps in dread. The audacity of my choice, the disboedience to the laws of the cycle seemed to have dealt the final blow to the house of horrors. A middle finger raised not just for it, but for the entire system trying to hold me captive. This was a part of my routines in the night. To live on, I have to die in every iteration — but not at their hands.
submitted by tearsofsatoru to WritersGroup [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 21:17 PallHoepf Over the fence

Now and again I do have a look what’s going over the fence. As on 10th June we are 3,472 Blanches. I certainly can only speak for myself, but in 1986 I joined, what I at the time perceived to be, a Buddhist group. In 2005 I left a group dedicated to Ikedaism. One might even say that there are 3,472 reasons for leaving Ikedaism, there might only be 3,472 reasons thinking about leaving Soka Gakkai, there might be 3,472 things wrong the way Soka Gakkai is being run, there could be 3,472 hoaxes with a keen interest what it is like being outside Soka Gakkai. I do have an inkling though, that in this subreddit there must be around 3,472 cases unhappy with Soka Gakkai or at least interested in why to be unhappy with Soka Gakkai. Coming from a cult one is used to follow a person (now dead) … I remember somebody way back saying to follow the law NOT the person – could be wrong on this one… we DO NOT do this … over the fence they may have been successful in kicking Blanche out, BUT I do know her voice at least (so she does exists in real life … there are about 250 cases I am not so sure about if they can say the same thing about themselves). So what has Blanche done? She set a table and 3,472 people had the “audacity” to take a seat. What has happened? The host is gone and people still come in and take a seat. Large dinner tables follow their own, somewhat chaotic, set of rules (unheard of when you are in a cult) some get hammered with the drinks, some fall out with each other, some (even more unheard of in a cult) disagree and some (coming from a cult you must be brave now) discuss … a real discussion can you believe that??? That means different opinions at times even, but most of us still sit here talking about old times (thankfully) over, some leave the table and come back later on with a bottle of bubbly or desert. The one common reason we all get together here is … Soka Gakkai … maybe it’s a funeral feast – we are not sure yet, but again I do have an inkling. If I were a Nichiren-Buddhist still (which I am no more, but with a keen interest to understand what happened and with lots of respect for real (Nichiren) Buddhists) I would be somewhat irritated that some people really do think it needs a high-school dropout to explain Nichiren and the Lotus Sutra. I do however know of a group of people who behave like a bunch of self-righteous, arrogant, pompous twats having the cheek teaching others about humanism, Buddhism – while at the same time comparing people (dead or alive) to rats. The only people that come to my mind who made this despicable comparison were these – led by him , in a scene in this movie). There is nothing wrong whatsoever to disagree, to even discuss issues with passion, to fall out with each other – that is a fact of LIFE, but as soon as one starts to de-humanise an opponent a fine line is being crossed and followers of Soka Gakkai have crossed that line again and again and again. As far as I know arrogance is regarded a poison in Buddhism, quite rightfully, and Soka Gakkai (or what is left of Soka Gakkai) is bathing, drowning, in arrogance.
submitted by PallHoepf to sgiwhistleblowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:17 BenEmberley Live Premiere on YouTube (30th June) - A Moonlight Romance for Orchestra

Hi everyone. I'm a freelance composer, conductor and orchestral arranger. I've been composing since 2001 but specialise in arranging videogame music for orchestral performances. Despite writing music since 2001, I've only just completed my first composition for Orchestra.
It's entitled "A Moonlight Romance", and was created via Sibelius, and put a couple of Sample Sets through the file, and along with some audio editing through Audacity, made it as about as realistic as I possibly can.
The piece lasts just over 17 minutes, is quite slow throughout, and comprises of a few different sections. It starts and ends in E flat major (I decided, in this piece, to use specific keys, as every key has an emotional association to it). After an ethereal and ambiguous introduction, the piece begins proper, with a melody in the Oboe d'Amour in C major, with light orchestral backing, interspersed with short but loud, full orchestral passages. After a short Horn solo, the piece quietens down into a soft central Piano and Violin section in B major, echoing the melody from the Oboe d'Amour, with the Orchestra joining in in the background, gradually building up to full capacity again at the end of the section, which leads into a quiet Piano solo heralding the third and final part, based on the Plainsong Chant "Divinum Mysterium" as an ethereal, celestial hymn in E major, and then to F sharp major, before the orchestra warms down in G major to a quiet conclusion, and then back to E flat with only the strings playing, with a quiet descending motif in the woodwind bringing the whole piece to a tranquil end.
The piece is being premiered Live on YouTube on Sunday 30th June, at 21:00 UK Time, or 16:00 EST, and I'd like to invite you all along to the premiere if you're looking for new music to come across. There is a FB link, as well as a link to the YouTube URL where the piece is being premiered. It'd be great to have you there!!
click here for FB event
click here for YouTube link
submitted by BenEmberley to classicalmusic [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:34 Trekkiegirl1987 My Wedding Divided my Family AITA

I (36F) and my husband (38M) got married June of 2020. I had the date set before the pandemic and lock down happened. For some context I picked this specific date as it was my late grandmother's birthday.
When my now hubby purposed to me I was so excited and immediately asked both my cousin (47F) and my best friend both to be my MOHs as I loved them both like sisters. I also had my hubby's bestfriends wife as a bridesmaid. I started Wedding planning as soon as I could. I had the perfect venue (That's a whole other bag of drama). I had my mom, aunt, cousin, cousin's two girls (junior bridesmaids), and bestie with when dress shopping. I picked out the dress of my dreams!
Cut to needing help with other things when it came to the wedding. My mom wanted me to include my cousin in the processes even though she didn't seem too interested. I tried a few times by asking her if she could call a few cake places and set up appointments for my hubby and I. All she could say was that she didn't know my schedule. I worked Monday-Friday at the time and had every weekend free. Whenever I asked for help with anything else she would say her kids had this activity or that activity which i completely understood. So I ended up taking on all of it myself. My bestfriend has her own family as well but works a lot and my other bridesmaid lives and hour and half to two hours away and doesn't know our area.
When it came to bridesmaid dresses I knew I wanted them to be in the same theme but could have different details like neckline and such. My cousin suggested that everyone get their own dress in the color i chose. This is not what i wanted for my bridesmaids. Since our schedules would never line up I took it upon myself to find a website where I could set up an online showroom and invite them all to look and give their opinions. I was also looking for a cost effective option too so nobody had to break the bank on a dress. I found oneI liked as it could be worn in different ways. My out of town bridesmaid bought hers no problem and my mom was nice enough to cover my besties as she was a little short on funds at the time. Enter my cousin. All she could do was complain about the fact the she also had to buy dresses for her girls as well (When all was said and done she would only be paying $220 for 3 dresses at most).
She was going to throw my wedding shower at her house. I do feel this was just a way for her to show off her new house at the time but that's neither here nor there.
Then the pandemic hit and all wedding plans were halted and most canceled dresses were returned the whole bit. I still had my heart set on my date so we decided to have a something small with just close friends and family. We actually ended up deciding to go to a local park ( which happened to be my grandmother's favorite park.) We let everyone know about the change of plans.
This leads to my next thing. All of this was happening during certain political unrest here in the US. Let's just say my cousin and I fall on very different sides of such unrest. When I told her where we were going to get married she sends me a text with a pic of a poster for a protest saying that her and her family didn't feel comfortable going down there. She had the audacity to suggest that i switch location. The thing is this protest occurred the day before and nowhere near where I got married. She said to let her know if we decide to change locations. I just ignored it and hoped she would have a change of heart. She didn't.
This brings me to after I got married. I had no idea she was mad at me until my mom came to me saying that she was saying that I was being a bridezilla during my wedding planning and that I changed since I met my husband and that I wasn't the same person I was before I met him. Even after I got with him I still talked to her all the time, they helped us move out of our first apartment to our second, we took care of her dogs when she went out of town, and even gladly let her youngest daughter hangout with us when her oldest had a volleyball tournament and her youngest plans with a friend fell through. We had my stepdaughter so we took them to the park so they could play.
Anyway, she also said she didn't like the stuff I posted on Facebook about a certain politician. Like I said we don't agree politically. Honestly I don't care what she thinks about my political beliefs. I am allowed to have mine as is she.
I was irritated that instead of coming to me as a fellow adult she went to my mom. My mom tried to fix it unsuccessfully. She can't understand that family doesn't mean the same thing to my cousin as it does to her.
I am not going to apologize for having my own family and my own life.
This whole has weighed on my mind for a long time and it hurts me that our kids never really got to know each other as cousin's because of this.
submitted by Trekkiegirl1987 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:15 Roscuro1 Unable to properly databend with audacity, need help!!

I am getting started with glitch art and I am following tutorials on using audacity to databend an image. However, I am having trouble exporting the file into anything readable.
I converted a jpg into a bitmap. I can open the bitmap file and have it display the correct image without issue. I then import the file to audacity using
File > Import > Raw Data
I open the bmp file with
Encoding: U-Law Big-endian 1 Channel (mono) Start offset: 0 bytes Amount to import: 100% Sample rate: 44100 Hz
To test, I do not change anything about the file and export directly through
File > Export Audio
I end the file name with .bmp and under options I put
Header: RAW (header-less) Encoding: U-Law
I have tried using audacity version 3.5.1 and audacity version 2.1.1 Neither of them worked, and while they don't work in different ways they both don't work at the same point:
I have tried following multiple tutorials to no avail. Maybe there is some hidden setting I need to change for it to work? Any and all help is appreciated!
submitted by Roscuro1 to glitch_art [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:01 Choice_Evidence1983 My mother abused me my whole life, and is now suing me to see my children - I'm fed up!

I am NOT OOP, OOP is u/Ok_Investigator_6011
Originally posted to TrueOffMyChest
Editor’s Note: added paragraph breaks for readability
Editor's Note 2: BSA is Boy Scouts of America, FOIL is Freedom of Information Law
My mother abused me my whole life, and is now suing me to see my children - I'm fed up!
Trigger Warnings: abuse, mentions of alcoholism, emotional abuse and manipulation, past trauma, verbal abuse
Original Post: May 31, 2024
I am a 41 year old, happily married father of 5 children. My wife and I have been married for 20 years and both of us came from fractured, chaotic families. My wife's parents divorced and were both alcoholics. Her father died of liver failure and her mother has cooled off a bit and has retired. My parents went through a vicious, violent divorce when I was a child. My father moved 10 states away to get away from the craziness and my mother has never changed.
Because of our experiences with violent and unstable families, my wife and I have worked extremely hard to be picture-perfect parents and spouses. We've done everything you can think to have a perfect life for our kids. My wife is a sports coach and I'm a scoutmaster with the BSA. Our kids are healthy, engaged, and have everything they need physically and emotionally. This has been in spite of our families, not because of them.
My mother is a terrible woman. She systematically abused me throughout my whole childhood, and continued to be a violent, bitter, mean and aggressive person to me throughout my whole life. I could sit here for hours and write about the things that she's done. She used the courts to destroy the life of my father for decades. Once he was out of the house, she turned her anger at me with physical and emotional violence.
When I was 16, she expelled me from the house and left me homeless. I had to go from house to house, figuring out where to live, and try to graduate high school. I ended up living with an older boy that was about 4 years older than me, and I had to engage in a sexual relationship with him in order to secure that housing. I was not gay, I did not want to be gay, and I had to endure something that destroyed me in order to not be sleeping on the street. When I turned 18, I was able to start working at a better job, and was able to get out of that bad situation and start my life from scratch.
My wife and I have scratched and clawed our way into a stable, middle class lifestyle. We both went to college at night for years and years, and we have good jobs and a house in the suburbs. Out of a sense of duty to our family, I sought to include my extended family in our lives, and permitted a relationship with strict boundaries between my mother and my children. For the most part, she has been fairly stable for about 20 years. I say stable in that we could have routine contact about once per month for that time period, with a minimum of disruptive behavior. She has never acknowledged her abuse to me as she is an extremely selfish person. Everything about our past has been left unsaid.
My mother, over the last 2 years, has become completely unraveled. Her second husband decided to leave her for his own health and sanity, and she has instantly reverted back to the most cruel and the most bizarre behavior imaginable. All aspects of her life have been affected. She is calling the cops, suing him in family court, alienating large parts of her family from one another, all while trying to tell my children about why their grandfather is a bastard for how she feels about him. Once I saw this happening, I said "that's it, not again" and took some action.
At the beginning of this year, I wrote a very courteous note to my mother asking her to re-evaluate the way she's been behaving to me and my family. When I tell you it was neutral and courteous, I really mean it - I checked it like 5 times. She responded by calling me terrible names (ungrateful piece of shit for example) and screaming bloody murder on the phone at me. I blocked her from my phone, then she did the same thing to my wife. So I informed my mother by email that I'd like to maintain distance until she works on herself in therapy or with her divorce mediator. Things lay still for about 6 months.
This morning, I wake up to a series of bizarre emails from my mother asserting that she wants to see my children for their birthday which is coming soon, and that she is giving me 24 hours to provide acceptable dates for permitting visitation or to be prepared for a legal summons to family court. I'm like, wtf???? This woman is the equivalent of a schoolyard bully, following me around in life, tormenting me non-stop until you just want to cry! The worst part of a bully is that when you ask them to lay off you for even 5 minutes, that they just take this as a cue to keep it up even more!
I took one look at this and I was like, holy shit, this woman is clearly out of her fucking mind. Now I know in the post title I said she's suing me - I work in the legal field and I know that until I've been summoned to appear, that I have not been sued. So, no, she's only threatening to sue me right now. Sorry for using the hyperbole. But I'm finding myself in the same bizarre, out-of-touch reality that everyone in this person's life finds themselves.
This batshit insane woman forced me to see my own father at a McDonalds when we were kids for 2 hours every two weeks (as per the court order) while she waited outside in a running car. I was only allowed to see him in this fashion because she hated him and didn't care what this would do to her own kids. There were more than a few times when the clock would strike 8 and she would come screaming into the McDonalds threatening to call the cops and have my dad arrested for kidnapping while grabbing us by the arms and pulling us out of the store. This is what she's capable of doing with family court.
I had a literal, hyperventilating panic attack on the floor of my office this morning. I have sought to be respectful, mature, and use good decision making this whole time. My wife and I have an extremely secure marriage and she is in agreement with me 100% through all of this. I'm finding myself wishing that my mother would just die already, and just please to leave me alone. She's like this inescapable bully that will never, never under any circumstance leave a person alone until she's proven that she can hurt them. I don't even care what she's experienced in her life. I just need to be away from her!
So that's my true off my chest story. I've been living with this shame and fear and lingering self-hatred for 30+ years, all while trying to be super-dad and a great career man. I called a local family law practice today to get a referral. I'm going to ask them to send a demand letter to her, to try and get her to back the hell off, but look at what this has come to! I have to shell money out of my own pocket to protect myself and my kids from my insane mother. I feel like Rodney Dangerfield sometimes. Ironically, the money I'm going to have to send to the lawyer for their retainer is money that I had earmarked for the kids to go to summer camp. So figure that one out.
Thank you for letting me tell you my story. Just typing it out helps.
Relevant Comments
OOP on if there are legal precedent that gives her threats in his area
OOP: New York does provide an avenue for grandparents to sue for custody, although it would turn into a protracted legal fight that will cost me a lot of money and aggravation if she does.
In general, the process is the punishment. I had to deal with family court and CPS, cops etc when I was 10 and my parents were getting divorced. If you wanted to see me literally pass out on the floor, you'd drag me back to family court.
OOP on his mother having the financial means to sue for grandparents rights
OOP: I've seen this woman use the courts to destroy my father for over ten years. The answer is, who knows? I guess I'll just have to wait for a court summons to see what she will do.
Chocolatecandybar_: OP, I'm extremely sad to read it. I suppose you know that, would she sue you, this would more likely bring to her 40yrs horrors being exposed in court and her being denied to stay on the same planet of your kids. So, I suppose that you're here to just get it off and YES YOU DON'T DESERVE IT and definitively yes you are paying for having been a good person
May life repay you and your mom. All my vibes are for you
Update: June 3, 2024
I posted this all on Thursday when I was experiencing a serious amount of turmoil. Since then, I've calmed down a lot and also had the good judgement to talk this over with the important people in my life.
First thing's first, I'd like to thank everyone for the words of encouragement and support that were given. There were some surprising insights from many of the posters, and I found myself agreeing with and appreciating many of the stories of support that were posted by others. I now understand that I am not the only person with a domineering, selfish, easily enraged parent.
To all the people who blamed me for being a victim of my mother, and somehow being at fault for all this: well, I want to use some strong language to you, but I'll just ask you to please think about how fortunate your life has been that you haven't experienced what I have experienced.
So on to the update: As it turns out, only two states in the union have codified grandparents rights (California and New York) and I do live in New York. Basically, in New York a grandparent does not have the automatic right to have access to grandchildren, but a grandparent does have automatic standing to file a petition to be heard in family court. The petition can be squashed, but they can file the petition. I do want to get back to this later.
I did conference with a family law attorney on Friday, and he helped me to understand the situation and craft a strategy. He was generous enough to not require a retainer unless and until I'm served with legal papers. He basically explained that the grandparent does have standing to file a petition based on a pre-existing relationship with the grandchildren, but that she would most likely not be able to overcome the desires of two married parents who are both exercising their judgement for the health and safety of their children. He explained that in NY, our simple desire to terminate a relationship would most likely be overcome in court, however if we introduce some of the specific actions that she's exhibited over the last few years (familial alienation, adult humor near children, uncontrollable anger, hoarding of housecats, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle) that we would very likely prevail in a court setting. He explained that the good thing is that we had already restricted contact between our children and my mother to about once per month, and that in his experience he had never seen a court order for grandparent visitation for more often than once a month, for one hour per session. I try to be reasonable so I said, ok, the worst case scenario is supervised status quo.
I did broach the topic of a restraining order, and I was quickly schooled on how that works. Despite the Reddit attorneys who all assured me that I can automatically get a restraining order, well, I hate to say that you're all completely wrong. An order of protection has to be accompanied by some facilitating act of domestic violence. Because I've only been harassed and alarmed by words, I can't be granted a restraining order period. However, if my mother causes some disorderly act such as coming to my house and causing a ruckus, that could trigger an order if and only if I document it by having the police come and detailing a report. So, keep that in mind next time you recommend a restraining order. They're not easy to get.
The attorney recommended that I send a private cease-and-desist to my mother via certified mail and email. I decided to write a two-page, brutal takedown of this woman in order to a) blow off some steam and b) document in writing my concerns and try to get ahead of her legal maneuvering. I decided to take a two pronged approach. First, I send this cease-and-desist to her on Friday at lunch time via email and also certified mail. Then, I took a page out of her playbook and publicly scorched the earth to apply social pressure to her. I emailed and texted every single member of my extended family (brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, my stepfather, my father) and spoke to several of them to tell them exactly what was happening. Whether they wanted to hear it or not, I sent them intimate details of my mothers abuse and my decision to cut her off for the welfare of myself and my family.
My reasoning there is simple: my mothers abuse thrives in closed doors and embarrassed silence. For 30 years I've had to hear "oh, you know, that's just the way your mother is", while people just stood by and let her act in the most insane and violent ways you can imagine. My mother got angry at my stepfather last year, and tried to run him over with her car, then crashed her car into the front door of his business screaming at him and ranting and raving in public. Do you know what people did? They surely called the police or an ambulance and had her monitored for her safety, right? No! My sister quickly threw her into her car and drove her away so that she wouldn't be arrested. My stepfather was so embarrassed that he took the crashed car, drove it to a parking spot, and then paid out of pocket for the damage to the front of his business. This is what happens in families that are dealing with a crazy person. They cover it up, hoping that it will someday get better. Well I'm not comfortable with this anymore. I sought to publically embarrass and pressure her for a change.
Anyway, by Friday afternoon, my mother got the message and sent me emails telling me that I can "stop attacking her" and maligning her to my family. She indicated that she would abandon any legal efforts to seek visitation with my children. This was a relief, but to be fair I was almost looking forward to having a public forum to describe her antics at court. Nevertheless, it seems like she's backing off for the moment. The fallout and damage to my extended family is most likely severe and permanent. However my wife and I discussed this fully and have decided that this is the direction we're going in. We'll just have to have holidays by ourselves if the family can't be loyal and supportive to me.
On to the last point, and I really want to drive this home. In 1991, my mother conducted an incredibly vicious divorce against my father. I mean, she literally sought to destroy him, and she did. He was completely beaten by her. One of the things that my father told me about just this weekend, was that at the time my grandparents on his side sought to have guaranteed visitation with us after the divorce. My mother actually went to court on that specific topic, and specifically litigated that she was the custodial mother and had sole decision making about who the children would be around. The court ruled at the time that in fact, there was no right for a grandparent to see children, and my mother successfully was able to keep me away from my (very loving and happy) grandparents for years. I was only able to see them during court-mandated visitation with my own father. The law in New York changed in 2000 so that grandparents rights came into effect, too late to help me unfortunately.
I want to really drive this home: the fucking balls on this woman to go to court on her own behalf and state in a court of law that she, as the custodial mother of children, has the sole and ultimate decision on who her children have relationships with, and then to 35 years later attempt to use the changes in law to assert that she has grandparents rights to visitation - despite the wishes of the both parents - was too much for me to bear. That alone made me say, no way, not happening under my watch.
So that's the update. Long winded, yes, but it makes me feel good to type this out. I'm finally able to unburden the unbearable shame and embarrassment of what happened to me to members of my family, and I won't allow myself to be ignored anymore. I'm 41 and my selfish, insane baby-boomer asshole mother is in her mid 70's and has no power over me anymore. I'm sick and tired of bottling this up. Anyone who doesn't like it? They can go suck an egg. I deserve to have loyal and faithful people in my life.
Relevant Comments
Ascholay: Isn't her case now public record? If she believes that only custodial parents should dictate a child's relationship with extended family... isn't that something a lawyer can look up and use?
OOP: I have started the FOIL request at the family court where the divorce was adjudicated, however this will likely take months and months to get the records. I may read them just to more fully understand my family's history.
tattoovamp: The AUDACITY of this beetch!!
OP, you got sound advice from Your lawyer and you outed her to her family. Good job!
Practical-Chest2313: man, i am so unbelievably glad that you stood up for yourself and that you and your wife are united in standing up to your extended family. that’s not easy to do. nobody deserves to be treated like that, but abusers are so, so good at making you believe that you’re the one exception.



submitted by Choice_Evidence1983 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:01 SvenSvenkill3 RANT: I'm sick of people with blatant agendas commenting on YT clips (etc), making ill informed and false accusations about the creators having an "agenda" and "bias" (etc), whilst unashamedly doing the exact same thing themselves and yet never having actually seen the rest of the source material.

Earlier, I was scrolling down the YT shorts in my feed and came upon this 42 seconds long clip from the BBC show, 'Blue Lights', set in Northern Ireland -- it's probably a good idea to watch that clip before reading the rest of this rant.
Now, I've actually watched both seasons of the show and was pleasantly surprised with how it is pretty damn good, especially for a police procedural show, with excellent direction, pacing and editing, smart and nuanced writing, good character arks and progression, and brilliant performances from the entire cast.
And so, as I read the comments on that YT short, I wasn't surprised but still amazed at the amount of idiots who clearly hadn't watched the show but still had the audacity and confidence to comment on it and use the clip to push their misogynistic agendas and all whilst simultaneously accusing the clip/show itself of having an agenda.
Comments such as,
"They care more about his wife than him"
"What’s with people automatically assuming men [sic] did something wrong?"
"The funny part is I know this was made by a woman as he is showing every signs [sic] a woman should be scared of including talking about how they look good in this situation.'
However, apart from the fact that the clip itself, taken on its own, doesn't in any way do anything that justifies or validates such comments, there are two undeniable facts that make such comments completely redundant and expose them for what they truly are (ignorant, assumptive, biased and with a clear agenda of their own):
1 - Before the clip starts, the two policewomen (called to the address because of reports of a disturbance) arrive on scene to find the front door wide open, and they can see through the door and adjacent front window that there has been a violent disturbance of some kind, with a broken small glass coffee table in the hallway and pool of blood beneath it amongst the shards of broken glass, and a trail of blood on the floor leading deeper inside the house. And so the two policewomen pull out their batons and one goes into the house, following the trail of blood as she makes her way through the ground floor, while the other makes her way around the side of the house to the back yard (both of them calling out things like, "Police! Hello? Is anybody home? Is anybody hurt?"). They both then converge outside in the back yard to discover the scene we see in the clip, whereupon the blonde policewoman says to the obviously very inebriated man with blood on his arm and T-Shirt, "You all right? It's OK..." and then, as we see at the start of the clip, she asks him, "Is that your blood?" And THEN upon learning that he's burning his wife's clothes, she asks about his wife's whereabouts.
So yeah, the two policewomen demonstrably DO care about him AND his wife. There's no gender bias in their actions or the writing of all this whatsoever.
Oh, and side-note: the man's wife is fine and hadn't left him, and she appears on scene immediately after this clip ends, calling his name. "Gary! Gary!... What in the name of shite is going on here?" For it turns out that she'd merely stayed the previous night at her sister's place because, as we can see in the clip, her husband has serious mental health issues with alcohol, and he won't quit and/or seek help despite her pleas, and so she was simply completely and utterly exhausted with his shit and nursemaiding him every day for months and months, and she desperately needed just one night away.
Then, in a later scene inside the house, just after we see the wife finishing dressing her husband's arm wound, the blonde policewoman says to the wife, "I'm sorry, I have to ask you this, but has he ever hurt you?" To which the wife replies, obviously being totally sincere and completely honest, "God no. He's a good man. He'd never do that." And we learn that it seems his drinking escalated after he was let go as an English teacher and it's implied it was the drinking which made him lose his job in the first place, a job he absolutely loved ("The drink took everything from him"), and we even see a trophy, "Teacher of the year: Mr White" on one of their shelves -- and so, yeah, it's not as though this is some kind of two dimensional cliched misandrist plotline, you know? It's more nuanced than that. Indeed, in a later scene the husband/Gary/ex-teacheMr White is in the back of their police car and he talks about, "the stamp of nature" (which is the title of this episode), and the brunette policewoman explains to her blonde colleague that this phrase is from Hamlet and that, "It means... changing who you are is really feckin' difficult... But worth a try". For as I typed, this show is pretty damn good and far more nuanced than these right wing incels apparently could ever possibly understand.
2 - The show was created by two men who along with one female writer either collectively or individually wrote all the episodes. In fact, the actual episode this clip is taken from is solely written by one of those two men* (see Edit below). I even pointed this out to one commenter who had replied to the second YT short comment I quoted above by answering that comment's question with this load of nonsense:
"Female writers, thats why theres two female officers on duty together, uk police tend to pair a woman w a man for safety n security reasons. [sic]"
However, his response to me replying to him and pointing out that this particular episode was actually written by a man was,
"And u think they have complete creative control of their work? anything aired on British tv nowadays is either pushing some sort of agenda or the writers are told what to make it about. cant make a "realistic" drama with no realistic features. [sic]"
i.e. he switched from there being fault/agenda on the part of "female writers" to some secret cabal in the BBC telling the writers what to write.
I also later pointed out to him that actually on mainland Britain and in Northern Ireland, women are NOT always paired with men and are often paired together, and there is no rule for or against doing so. Three hours later, he has yet to respond. What a surprise!
Anywhy, to conclude this rant, I see stuff like this ALL the time online: people confidently sharing skewed takes that aren't indicative of what is actually happening in the clip/video they're commenting on and demonstrating that they obviously haven't seen the whole scene/show/series/etc, and yet they STILL have no issue confidently and unfoundedly doing so and claiming there is some kind of "woke" agenda, etc, and all whilst pushing a sexist right wing agenda of their own.
It's absolutely mind-boggling and maddening.

*Edit: I just double checked on IMDB (having previously taken my data from the Wiki) and it seems that episode 3 of the second season was written by another woman (not previously included above). Plus, most importantly, the episode in question in this post, episode 4 of the second season, "The Stamp of Nature", WAS indeed written solely by a man, 'Noel McCann' (his only writing credit on the show), but that Noel McCann isn't one of the two original (male) creators and/or usual and predominantly three writers for 'Blue Lights'. I hope that makes sense!

submitted by SvenSvenkill3 to saltierthankrayt [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:53 Brison96 Help. Please. Losing faith in myself

Following up from my previous post looking for help, I came back from a break after not using my 3D printer for about a year. Wanted to get back into it but I am really struggling to find a way to get the printer to work. I have listed out all the upgrades I’ve done to the printer at the bottom of the page. I am using brand new filament in all of my testings.
In the below explanations, please keep in mind I have been using the store settings option every time I make a change in the UI
Adjusted Z-Probe Offset with Z Probe Wizard Manually leveled/trammed all 4 corners after leveling setting z-home Verified e-steps measure out to 100mm accurately Ran a 9 square first layer leveling which came out nearly perfect
Ran a 20mm xyz calibration cube and it was smushed down to 18mm so adjusted z-steps from 400mm to 444.44mm
Tried to printer another cube but Printer then was giving thermal runaway, so I ran the PID Autotune and adjusted those. Was still getting errors so I replaced the thermistor and redid PID Autotune, got no thermal runaway.
Proceeded to try to do the 9 square leveling but it was under extruding so I replaced my plastic extruder with my all metal extruder and then redid the e-steps again. It’s now feeding 100mm of filament perfectly.
Now, the z-probe offset isn’t accurately homing the z axis down to the bed at 0.00. Redid this with a piece of printer paper to go down to just barely allow the paper to have a little friction. Then did all of the 4 corners. But after doing all 4 corners, the z probe offset wasn’t accurately meeting the bed anymore. It was leaving a large gap at the x/y home spot in the center of the board.
The bed looks like it was off level and raising way too high (no space between hot end and board) on the right side and way to low on the left side (a lot of space between hot end and board). I then thought the X-Axis bar may have been off level so I raised the Z axis all the way to the top of the printer and then used an actual level to make sure the arm was even. Then I homed the printer, set the z-probe offset again and then leveled all 4 corners.
It looked good, but then the filament was not feeding through the nozzle. Cleared any clogs I had with a very fine needle while hot end was at 200C.
Cleaned the bed using dish soap and isopropyl alcohol but still not getting adhesion.
Used the bed leveling option and the printer ran through a 5x5 point probing, tried again but when going to do the print, the hot end doesn’t even touch the bed. As if the Z-probe axis is off again. So I redo that. Then manually level the 4 corners again, but after I do that the center is no longer level with the bed where I had just done the leveling at.
I am so confused. I do not know what to do. Every time i make a change to fix one thing, another thing breaks. Fix “A” -> “B” breaks Fix “B” -> “C” breaks Fix “C” -> “A” breaks
I AM RIPPING MY HAIR OUT. Is there anyone that would be willing to teach me what I may be doing wrong?
Printer Details Below:
Model: Ender 3 Firmware: Marlin 2.1.x bugfix
SD Card Identifier: H8 Motherboard V4.2.2
Processor information: 6D32F303 RET6 AUH4089 AL2139 GigaDevice ARM
Addons: BLTouch v3.1 Auto Bed Leveling Sensor: Metal Leveling Nuts, Stiff Springs and Capricorn Bowden Tube: Metal Extruder: Glass Bed: All Metal Hot End with .4mm Nozzle: New Hot End Thermistor: Dual Z-axis upgrade kit Enclosure:
submitted by Brison96 to ender3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:12 saddad92 Dear customers

Holy mother of god please read this and reread this as long as it takes
I’m more than happy to meet you at the door and hand you your stuff, especially in this heat. I’m more than happy to even walk it to the kitchen and set it on the counter And leave in the garage or just on the door step? Perfect easy consider it done. But just know we do not HAVE TO enter your home whatsoever. Yet alone place your 40 packs of water in your preferred room.
For example, this rant is triggered by a man who kept his water in his office, deep into the house. I’m a grown man and felt wildly uncomfortable being in a strangers home to this degree. Yet alone when I set down the water to go get the other 3 cases and put the bags in the kitchen, you have the audacity to say “that’s not where I wanted it” when I’m going above and beyond for you and literally still have every bag on my left arm and more cases to bring in. THATS too damn high on the entitlement scale for me. If you need help around the house putting your groceries away or staying organized, please get a care taker or some kind of maid because that is not in the scope of our duties. Shop and delivery. Anything else is literally extra at our discretion. And again I’m happy to help but there’s got to be a limit especially with low tips and excessive heat. Or at very minimum don’t be So gad damn rude about it THATS all.
submitted by saddad92 to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:33 muvamerry If a parent is venting on this sub…

Let them vent. This sub is not a place to chastise parents who are grieving and suffering through their baby’s conditions and all the twists and turns that come with a NICU stay. This sub is not a place to expect parents to think logically and rationally and hold no emotion. On the contrary, wouldn’t it be concerning if that were the case with the baby’s parents?
I’m really disappointed by the post I saw yesterday with the mother who was (very understandably) upset about her baby’s condition and was questioning the level of care her baby received after an irreversible event happened. As any GOOD parent would, and should, she questioned the protocol and wanted to ensure this was something that couldn’t have been avoided. How else would she have known, other than by seeking information? Ever heard of a second or third opinion? Or just trying to find answers online when there are no answers in front of you? A commenter literally made a throwaway account that very minute to rag on OP all throughout the thread and shook their finger at OP in regard to why they would have the audacity to question the medical team.
I’ve seen so many comments like this but yesterday’s took the cake for me. If you are a medical professional, PLEASE set your ego down before you logon to Reddit and unleash the frustrations of your job onto NICU parents looking for a safe space to vent. There is no space for you here unless you’re genuinely offering words of support and to lend your knowledge to eager ears. You want to fight? Go fight for the babies you’re caring for. You have a job to do. Go do it. We the parents are doing our jobs day in and day out. We don’t get a break. We don’t get to clock out and go enjoy our evenings.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - this is a NICU PARENTS SUB. NOT A NICU NURSE’S SUB.
submitted by muvamerry to NICUParents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:55 Rhkennard my shelf item is Grass

Im going to put the TLDR here, cause this one is long
TLDR: I have issues with the LDS Church's heavy investment in maintaining its properties, like lush lawns that waste significant resources such as water. This seems hypocritical given the church's vast wealth and the pressing needs of the community, like housing and food for the homeless. I believe the church's resources could be better used to address these needs, reflecting the true spirit of charity and community care that I think Jesus would endorse. Instead, the church prioritizes aesthetics and property management over meaningful, impactful charity.
I'd like to explain my issues with the LDS Church by talking about Grass. Not Marijuana, but Lawn. the lush green stuff your dad obsessed over and used in order to teach you about hard work. I believe that every part of grass, and how it interesects with Latter Day Saint Culture will aptly explain to all interested parties why I hate that religion. My gloves come off here so if you know me, and you found this, and you love this religion, and you want to keep loving me, consider not reading.
Take the typical meeting house for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day saints. My local meeting house is average size among buildings of its size, and it is one fraction of a percent of the total real estate holdings the church has. Some estimates place the value of land owned by the church at 15 billion and about 8 billion of that is estimated to be religious meeting houses. We wont even touch the other 7 billion real estate holdings today, although they play a big part in my overall problem with this church. values a few currently vacant chapels at approximately 1.5 million dollars so we can assume that is approximately the value of most chapels in the US. My local chapel is on 2.5 acres, half the lot is the building itself. Approximately another acre is the parking lot. And the last acre is a beautiful lush green landscape, most of it grass, with a few well placed non-trees.
Before we really get into the grass, let's talk about the building. It sits unused 6 days a week with Hvac running, now active members will say “we have youth activities, and community parties during the week,” so i will clarify that i am speaking in averages. The building gets used for a few hours in the middle of the week, approximately once a quarter it gets used for a few hours for a community party on the weekend, and every Sunday it is used for 8-10 hours for religious services and administration of those services. So I believe it is generous that in a 168 hour week, the church building is unused for 144 of those hours. Regarding HVAC i will grant that when the building is unoccupied the HVAC system runs on a sort of low energy maintenance to manage the costs of making the building comfortable during the 24 hours the building is occupied.
There are 33 rooms, 4 bathrooms designed for public use, and a full sized commercial kitchen, which the church does not allow food to be prepared in for liability reasons, but it is fully equipped to prepare and store food, if membership were allowed to use it that way. So to recap. A large building, supposedly dedicated to the wandering homeless minister of Nazareth, has enough space to comfortably house 26 families of approximately 3 people, or approximately 80 individuals. While I am an atheist, I recognize that many people believe worship is an important part of meeting human needs. So I will say that I would be satisfied if the church housed 33 families in my chapel 6 days a week, or even 5 days a week to allow members to do their parties and youth activities there. Then the church could ask the unhoused living in the building to tidy up after themselves, perhaps clean the bathrooms and vacuum the halls, then clear out so worship could happen. Many religions give conditional charity, so this religion could even say that the housing is conditional on their participation in the services each week. Then they could also have the residents clean and maintain the building. This would satisfy the churches need to make sure that recipients of their charity do something to deserve the charity they are given, because the LDS dont believe that people inherently deserve charity. I personally think that Jesus would probably want his building used for unconditional love and charity, but that is just me. BTW This is one of 5 thousand buildings just like it scattered across the world.
But that isn't even my point, so often Religious people argue that a thing should not be allowed in this world because it goes against the natural order of things. So, let's consider the landscaping of my local church building for a second and see how well it fits into the natural order of its environment. First, several species of lawn, including one of the most prolific in professional landscaping (Kentucky Bluegrass) is an invasive species, brought over from Europe and Asia and cultivated for its aesthetic beauty only. And while we carefully manicure it in front of our modest chapel, it spreads across wilde habitats in the US, choking out entire ecosystems. So if God only wants to honor the natural order of things, perhaps his chapels should not encourage widespread ecological destruction of the naturally occurring flora in my region of the earth.
If my estimate of the size of the lawn, (1 Acre) is correct, the church also dumps, conservatively, 27,000 gallons of water into this particular lawn once a week. Each year, assuming they water every week for spring, summer and fall in utah, they will spend 1 million gallons of irrigation water to keep their non-natural species of lawn vibrant and green. Again this is one building, in the churches 5.8 billon dollar collection of chapels. They will spend 5.2 billion gallons of water to keep all of their grasses green. 6,316,386 gallons of water is estimated to be needed for a functional farm with crops and livestock during a calendar year and so 7 LDS Chapels use the irrigation water needed to operate a functional farm, which produces livestock and produce which we all need to survive. And again, i don't think worship is important, but you might, and my implication here isn't even to stop service, but rather to stop encouraging an unnatural, non-fruit producing plant from growing on the front steps of the chapel.
Even if there was some justified reason for keeping the lord's needest children out of his house. Imagine if the church cultivated fruit bearing trees in their landscaping, that starving unhoused people could pick from freely just like the birds of the sky thereby allowing the lords one true church to fulfill even one small part of its mission of continuing the lord's work.
The real insult i think is that while cultivating this plant which does almost nothing for the world around it, the people managing it have the audacity to imply that it isn't for touching, or walking on, but just to look, and i get it, they have spent millions of dollars in actual dollars and man hours making it look like a norman rockwell painting, and they wouldn't want a poor person to flatten it so it does wavy prettily in the wind, or they wouldn't want a dog to roll around and scratch its back, that might risk the grass! So no touching, “Not for Pets” have some respect for this grass!
The grass at my local chapel has revealed the depths of the church's hypocrisy. I really don't actually care about the grass, but it makes me mad. It shows all the ways that this organization is not actually a church but instead it is a giant multibillion dollar corporation, giving less than a tithe back to the community that it sucks dry. They make minimalist gray block buildings and call them gods house. But god has not been there for some time, they dump billions of gallons of water into grass they don't want a living thing to touch. They have huge wasteful buildings that sit empty while god's children shiver cold in the night, they invest and reinvest and build their wealth for a rainy day while people who worship god through them lose their jobs and their homes.
Can you imagine the beautiful utopia that Utah would be if 5 nights a week the 1800 + chapels opened their doors to the unhoused. And on the steps of each chapel there were apple trees and fruit producing plants scattered across the ground, God loving people would come and tend the massive vegetable gardens, and the needy (ANYONE who needs it) could come and participate in the fresh food grown on God's doorstep. The unhoused essentially living there would be given purpose by being asked to tend to the building and the grounds. They would be given religion when they were asked to participate in Sunday services, the needy children could have a safe place with peers their age one to two nights a week during youth activities. None of this would diminish the church's religious meetings.
I had a faithful member and good friend try to tell me that it is not inherently immoral for an organization to try and hold on to its private assets. And i don't want to debate that here, but my issue with that as a defense of this pharisaical church is that they claim to be God's church, the church of the savior of men, so why are they holding on to private assets and keeping them out of the reach of those who need it?Jesus is the only one who they say can save anyone spiritually, but the church spends billions of dollars to supposedly help jesus save people spiritually by building temples and chapels. They dont trust jesus to do his part. All of this is done while giving out less than a tithe on the physical needs of God's children. Perhaps it is ok for my friend to want to buy a trampoline for his children instead of donating that money to charity. But God would likely love to see his unhoused children in a warm safe shelter, in a building dedicated to him. I don't think an organization claiming to be the one true mouthpiece of God in heaven has a right to keep any of its money to itself.
And perhaps Jesus is waiting for his followers to figure this out before he comes back. You know that they say God works in mysterious ways, but his people don't seem to see that they could be God's hands in solving a few vital and enormous social problems. This could be done if this organization that looks like a church but is in fact a handful of businesses standing on each other's shoulders wearing a trench coat and sunglasses got its act together and actually became what it claims to be. But instead the pretend religion hoards their billions and sucks the world dry like a giant succubus on the backs of good-god fearing people all so that they can build their literal whited sepulchers to the dead, all as disguised real estate investment, it is easy to care for the dead, and it is lucrative. It would take innovation, love and charity to care for the living though. That is what I ask of my former religion. And until it fails to do this I will wash my feet of it.
Some sauces for my rant :
In 1936, the First Presidency said, "Our primary purpose was to set up, in so far as it might be possible, a system under which the curse of idleness would be done away with, the evils of a dole abolished, and independence, industry, thrift, and self respect be once more established amongst our people. . . . Work is to be re-enthroned as the ruling principle of the lives of our Church membership." (Conference Report, October 1936, p. 3.)\~:text=An%20acre%20inch%20is%20the,gallons%20in%20one%20acre%20inch. and
submitted by Rhkennard to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:53 machodannythe PLL Dads and their many many issues

Well. I’ve been wanting to take a swing at the Liars’ fathers for a while, so this is finally the time I do it.
Let’s start off with an easy one: Wayne Fields. Mr Fields did pretty much nothing wrong at all. As a matter of fact, the only thing that even comes to mind is in the first season where Emily comes out as gay. He says to Pam that maybe it could be a phase, and that is literally it. The shortest list on here. And even though he did say that, he was still so supportive about it and just wanted Emily to be happy.
This is where the lists get longer. I’ll go in order of who is more horrid at parenting. Byron Montgomery was half good at being a parent, if you can ignore the infidelity with a student and then asking his teenage daughter to keep it a secret for over a year. So I guess what I’m saying is no, he wasn’t so good. I mean it’s bad enough he cheated on Ella when they’d been together for like 2 decades, but then for him to ask Aria not to tell her was such an awful decision. Not very fatherly, Byron. Although, after a few seasons he became much more bearable and actually cared about his family. I’ll also add that he was the only one who had the right reaction to the Ez*a incident, the man should definitely have gotten a punch in before Mike did. He knew that shit was wrong and tried everything to stop it, and even though he himself dated one of his students (Come on, Byron) at the very LEAST she wasn’t a minor. Although I guess eventually he came around to the relationship… Gross. Aside from that, Byron got better as a parent so he redeemed himself a little bit. I guess.
Moving swiftly on to a personal enemy of mine, Tom Marin. I hate this guy, I really do. First off, we have yet another cheater. It’s almost laughable how all of these parents have affairs. And then he had the audacity to leave Ashley AND Hanna, move in with his mistress and her daughter, and only came back to tell her he was getting married. How mean could you be? And don’t even get me started on Boil’n’Baggies Kate, he paid for her college tuition and didn’t even ask his actual daughter if she had any plans for college? He fills me with so much rage, probably because he’s such a realistic portrayal of a deadbeat. Also, I don’t know if anyone else caught this, but remember when Hanna had to sabotage his wedding, and he told her and Ashley he was moving his new family to Rosewood, meaning Kate was joining Rosewood High? Ashley said something that made me hate him more. Hanna asked why he was doing this to her, and she said something along the lines of “because he loves you and wants to be near you…right?” as if looking for Tom to confirm that. AND HE SAID NOTHING!!! I just know that slimy toad only moved back to get back at her. Anyway, enough about him, onto the next ‘goober.’
Kenneth DiLaurentis. I hardly have words for this one. But here’s a huge paragraph. Let’s paint a scenario. You have two little boys and have just recently welcomed a daughter into the world. You, and your wife, have left the baby in the house alone (?) and one of your boys hears her crying. Because he’s a child and doesn’t know any better, he thinks he can help her by giving her a bath. So that’s what he does. Again, because he’s a child, he doesn’t understand how to properly bathe another child. While you’re outside, you hear the baby screaming, and you run upstairs to see your baby drowning in water. Do you: A. rescue your baby and reprimand your child for this so they know not to make the mistake again, or B. realise that you actually left your baby alone in the house and that it was an accident, and this may actually be your fault for not being with your month old baby? If you picked secret option C, scream at your child and send him to a sanitarium, never visiting him once or even acknowledging his existence to you or your family, then congratulations! You are Kenneth DiLaurentis, worst father of the year! It blows my mind that they never killed his character off. He deserved it and no one would feel sorry about it. Also, he DESPISED Jason all because he knew he wasn’t his son, but I’m failing to see how that’s Jason’s fault? I’m 110% sure children can’t choose if their mothers have an affair with the next door neighbour, so how is resenting Jason fair at all? Blows my mind, truly. I would also like to point out that he hated that Charlotte transitioned into a girl, and hated her wearing dresses and playing with dolls, so that was probably a huge factor into sending her away to Radley. Not cool, Kenneth, not cool.
And finally, it’s the man, the myth, the legend, Peter Hastings! Let’s review. He had an affair with his neighbour Jessica, getting her pregnant, and he tells absolutely no one. He keeps it a secret until his daughter figures it out, and expects to be forgiven. He hates the DiLaurentis family because of this, when it was literally his fault for being a cheating scumbag, and refuses to ever speak to Jason even though it’s literally his son. Then, we find out he has done this twice! with Mary Drake (although he thinks it’s Jessica), then gets her pregnant, and she has twins. Peter and Veronica agree to take one of the children– no adoption involved, they just take one– and raise her as their own, never telling her the truth. They raise her to always be in competition with her sister (Half sister? Cousin? I don’t even know) and then only treat her well if she wins something or gets good grades. They find out she has a drug problem, don’t give her help, and judge her for it. Then, Peter thinks she’s murdered her best friend so he hires a detective to find out. News flash, it isn’t her, it’s actually Melissa who killed somebody, and what does Peter do? Covers it up, makes her promise to never admit it. Not to mention he’s possibly the world’s worst lawyer; destroying evidence, covering up murders, changing former wills? Such a great example to set your many, many children. To put it simply, Peter Hastings was responsible for probably an entire grade of children. He was an awful father, an awful husband and an awful lawyer.
So that’s that. My analysis of the fathers of Pretty Little Liars. If I missed any huge details, do let me know. Congratulations to Wayne Fields for being the only man in Rosewood who was a good father, not to mention the most attractive. I think there’s definitely a correlation there.
submitted by machodannythe to PrettyLittleLiars [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:56 redditspir My partner's best friend gives my anxiety attacks

Hi, all! I've been a quiet watchereader of the community for a while, but I need some outside perspective on a situation of my own.
I'm sorry for the long text. I tried to summarize two years as best as I could.
I (then 24, now 27F) was having a really rough period. I was falling deeper into then still undiagnosed depression. I was married to my ex of nearly 10 years. He is a great man, caring and loving, always took care of me, but we had been together since I was 16 and I just grew apart from him.
For a month, I had a lover. One of the reason for the separation was sexual dissatisfaction and that lover provided that. It was the excitement I'd been missing. I did try talking to my ex about being dissatisfied many times, but things never really got better. At first, it was just sexting with the lover. Then we met up. SA was included. I cut contact and told my then-husband about it and profusely apologised. I understand the hurt that I caused. Mentally, I fell lower, but this is the lowest actions I've ever taken and I deeply regret not having stopped myself. What is done is done. I just hope he belives my apology and regret.
I offered couple's therapy to try to fix our relationship. Despite the love having dissipated, I still care a great deal about him and I tried my very best to fix what we had. Went to quite a few sessons until in one of the them it clicked for me that as great as he is, I want to be alone for now. We separated amicably in June and finalized the divorce in September, shortly after our 2nd wedding anniversary. Around the time of the separation, I also met with mental health professionals and got on meds and started working on myself to get better.
My current partner (B for babe, 35M) and I met at a Discord group. started out as friends. In addition to other topics, I talked about my own mental health and the doubts I'm having in my marriage, he was struggling with mental health as well and he thought he was in love with his best friend ( I think she's about my age, F. Let's call her Haunter) and he wasn't sure how to proceed.
Turns out B and I liked being around each other. We were together before I was officially divorced. I told him about the lover, the SA, everything, and vice versa.
At first, I was quite jealous of the best friend. I was broken, insecure, "maybe I'm just a second option since the best friend thing didn't work out"... My depression hole was nasty, but B stuck through it and was a great support. He explained that it's been a while since his last relationship and his loneliness was just seeking out some comfort, and reassured me many times that Haunter is really more like a little sister to him. I trust him, I trust his words. He has never given me reason to doubt it. Men and women can be just friends and them being friends is not a problem for me.
(Happy to say that I'm mostly recovered now. I have worse days, as does everybody, but I have a much better support network and tools for myself to build myself a ladder from the small depression holes I fall into.)
The Discord group B and I met at is quite large, but we our more active members are quite tight-knit friend group and the lover was also a part of it. In a moderation group, where select few are, lover's creepy behaviour with female community memebrs was discussed. I shared my SA story with only a few. When that shitstorm was rolling, apparently Haunter was also reading because Babe and Haunter happened to be hanging out at that time. So, she was aware that I had a lover while still married and I shortly after that jumped into a relationship with B, her best friend.
B and Haunter met during COVID lockdown and were each other's mental supports. Both of them struggled and they bonded through that.
During our first summer, I saw that B was in quite a heated messaging with Haunter. He said it was about me. I asked permission to read their conversation. He said yes, so I did. TLDR Haunter was bitching about me, what a s*** I am and that B should be careful around people like me etc etc. B got mad at her, shut her down and they didn't talk for a while. Although it was a bit funny at the time, it did hurt me and haunts me still. There was another shit-talking session about me, but I can't recall what exactly was said then.
In a sense, I undestand her attacks against me - I was rather unstable during that period and I, too, would be worried if my friend got into a relationship with someone like that. But I don't think this excuses her words one bit.
On two occasions, early in our situationship, Haunter hanged out at his place and stayed over. I was very uncomfortable about hearing about it the next morning both times. After the second time, I expressed it. He apologised and assured it would never happen again. Haunter got really dramatic and said she now feels like a home-wrecker because I didn't like her staying over.
We've had many cry sessions and talks our insecurities or any worry or small hurts. B is always very reasonable, listents to me, explains things if needed, compromises, promises to be better. I feel understood, supported and loved.
.... unless the cry sessions are about Haunter. Then, instead of understanding, he starts fiercly protecting her. While I've always tried to communicate my hurt at her words, he always explains it away as her anxiety, depression, childhood trauma, repeating her mother's toxic communicative methods etc etc and that' she's actually a very sweet person.
I do understand her somewhat, because my mother hasn't been an angel to grow up with either, but I expect better from adults. Especially after having clawed through major depression myself (my doctor said she hadn't seen anyone with such a high depression score when I first took the test). I don't think it's ever OK to lash out your anger at somebody else.
I started bottling emotions, not talking about Haunter or the hurt that was still inside me. I knew that whenever I brought it up, he would protect her and I would leave feeling even more shit. Unfortunately, I can't hide my emotions very well and he is very attentive to when I start acting differently. He asks, I talk honestly and openly.
B and I talked many times about the three of us sitting down. Later about just Haunter and I, because B and I agreed that perhaps Haunter and I could use B too much as a crutch. The goal was to chat, get to know each other better, to get some bad air out and get on a better footing. I genuinely want to have a positive feeling about Haunter instead of the hurt and dislike I have now. Haunter is B's one of two close friends. I have a circle of around 10 people I can rant to about anything. I don't want to cut him off from his friends. He deserves his as I do mine. But I expect to be treated with respect by his friends.
At one point I decided to write Haunter a message. I politely asked to maybe meet up and her to let me know when she would be OK with it and I want to have a better relationship with her. Her response? Does B know I wrote to her? Why didn't I ask B to set a meeting with her? She doesn't do friends with her friend's partners and was alltogether very confrontational while I was trying to be sweet and accomodating. No, I didn't tell B about writing her because we had just had another teary-eyed discussion about it all. Of course, Haunter texted B right away and B and I had another fight about this. His reason for being upset with me? Haunter isn't in a good headspace and he knows better how to approach her and I just made everything so much worse.
In one or another cry session, I expressed a desire for a direct apology from her. She had apologised to him about what she said about me, but I feel like since those words were directed towards me, I deserve it more. He agreed and said he'd talk to her about it. As far as I know, she should know that I read that conversation and those nasty worth directed at me.
The cry sessions happen every few months when I'm done waiting for him to take action and bring the topic back up. In one of them, I finally managed to get through to him the hurt I feel when he "explains away" her behaviour, never saying it was wrong or that I have the right to feel hurt. That he is always on her side (also a topic we've fought about, because he doesn't think he is. He says he's trying to explain and make me understand her), that I'm hurt about him not taking action etc. Every time I feel understood and heard and hopeful after a cry session, but then nothing changes. He did say that time that I have every right to feel hurt and that her behaviour was wrong and he was mad at her, too.
One time, Haunter asked me (through B) about my experience with certain anti-depressants because she was starting her journey. Honestly, it hurt me. She has the audacity to spew absolute shit towards me, never apologises or tries to remedy the situation, is constantly hostile towards me and then asks for help??? I helped, because I try my best not to be petty.
From his side I know that he cut contact with Haunter for quite a long while to make me more comfortable. I've never asked for this. I've never frobade him from talking to her (even though I would very much like if she just disappared from our lives), they've met up afterwards as well, just the two of them. I've always hoped he'd talk about me wanting a resolution, but nothing so far. One of the reasons this has been going on for so long is because B and H don't talk on a regular basis and meet up maybe one or two times a year and he insists on "apologise to OP" being a face-to-face talk because of her mental health. And apparently Haunter has asked if I still didn't like her more than once.
I have major anxiety any time I see them texting and it has gotten worse over time. I go from cheery to holding back an anxiety attack in a second when I see her name on his screen. The situation is not resolved for me. Every time they hang out, I have hours-long anxiety attacks at home where I ball my eyes out.
The last cry session was on the day he was supposed to hang out with her, but it got cancelled. It was my work day and my anxiety had been ramping up the whole day. I had a "cry alone at home and don't ever tell him" planned. I still cried, but since he was at home, we talked about the same things we always talk about. I want an apology, every cry session I think about leaving, I'd rather leave than ask him to drop a friend, him not doing anything hurts ... He promised he'd take up the topic when they meet. And I've been waiting since .... yet another time. I've lost count a long time ago.
(side rant: I'm a bit dumbfounded, because he's trying to keep both his love and his friend. He has said that should I leave, he would cut off Haunter as well, because he couldn't be friends with the person who caused his breakup... but he can't do anything actively to keep it from happening???)
Over the two years, I've set some boundaries. I don't want him telling her anything about me. She is not welcome in our home.
Occasionally, I ask how Haunter's doing. Partly to build up some positive connections with her name, partly to show positive interest and respect in his friends, and partly to sneakily maybe remind him to work on what he has promised.
I just.. don't know how to proceed.
Should I wait and trust that he will talk to Haunter about it? Should I bring it up again and risk another cry-session/fight?
I assume that some of you are going to recommend a break-up. I don't think I'm just there yet. Other than being fiercly protetive of his friend, to a degree where I feel like Haunter's mental health is of more value to him to mine, he is a great man. He is here for me 100% emotionally, mentally, physically.. except when it comes to Haunter.
submitted by redditspir to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:31 carmelion Audio Quality Help

I've recently gotten into voiceovers for audiobooks as I transition careers (mostly because it's something that's always interested me...especially because I've spent a large portion of my life reading books aloud in a classroom setting). I'm on ACX and have six or so open contracts with three of my narrations already live on Amazon.
Currently my setup is: - MAONO condenser XLR microphone - Pyle multi-channel mixer
The room I record in is isolated from noise, not wide-open and echo-y at all, and I use a foam isolation shield around my microphone just in case (and a pop shield, of course).
I generally record into GarageBand where I utilize the noise gate to try and get rid of any additional background noises or my own breaths/pops. And then to get it to Audible ACX standards, I export into Audacity to use the Normalize and Limiter functions (even though I know these are plausible to do in GarageBand, I just know how to do it in Audacity more efficiently).
The issue lies in my inexperience though: Despite anything I do (playing with gain, tightening all my cables, moving things as far apart from each other as I can), there is ALWAYS some background noise. And my biggest desire is super-clean audio because, since most of my contracts are of course indepedent-publishers since they're through ACX, I feel that they may be more okay with it being less-than-perfect quality. But if I ever want to expand beyond that, I feel that the quality will negatively impact any future, more professional prospects.
I've gone through TONS of FAQs, tutorials, how-tos, and the like to try and figure anything out, but I can't quite land on anything that works and/or fixes what I'm going for. The closest thing that I found that I thought was going to help was using Audacity's "Noise Reduction", how ever while it eliminates any static-y kind of sounds, it gives the rest of the audio a sort of "underwater" sound that I don't like.
If anyone is experienced and/or generous enough to give me any advice and/or help out at all, I would be exceptionally grateful. All my equipment is relatively fresh (within the last two months), so I'm not sure if it's that or not. Thank you!
Here are a few audio samples for what I'm talking about: Plain audio - no noise gate or anything.
Audio with noise gate (at -46).
Audio with no noise gate, but with Audacity's Noise Reduction.
submitted by carmelion to VoiceActing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:31 carmelion Audio Quality Help

I've recently gotten into voiceovers for audiobooks as I transition careers (mostly because it's something that's always interested me...especially because I've spent a large portion of my life reading books aloud in a classroom setting). I'm on ACX and have six or so open contracts with three of my narrations already live on Amazon.
Currently my setup is: - MAONO condenser XLR microphone - Pyle multi-channel mixer
The room I record in is isolated from noise, not wide-open and echo-y at all, and I use a foam isolation shield around my microphone just in case (and a pop shield, of course).
I generally record into GarageBand where I utilize the noise gate to try and get rid of any additional background noises or my own breaths/pops. And then to get it to Audible ACX standards, I export into Audacity to use the Normalize and Limiter functions (even though I know these are plausible to do in GarageBand, I just know how to do it in Audacity more efficiently).
The issue lies in my inexperience though: Despite anything I do (playing with gain, tightening all my cables, moving things as far apart from each other as I can), there is ALWAYS some background noise. And my biggest desire is super-clean audio because, since most of my contracts are of course indepedent-publishers since they're through ACX, I feel that they may be more okay with it being less-than-perfect quality. But if I ever want to expand beyond that, I feel that the quality will negatively impact any future, more professional prospects.
I've gone through TONS of FAQs, tutorials, how-tos, and the like to try and figure anything out, but I can't quite land on anything that works and/or fixes what I'm going for. The closest thing that I found that I thought was going to help was using Audacity's "Noise Reduction", how ever while it eliminates any static-y kind of sounds, it gives the rest of the audio a sort of "underwater" sound that I don't like.
If anyone is experienced and/or generous enough to give me any advice and/or help out at all, I would be exceptionally grateful. All my equipment is relatively fresh (within the last two months), so I'm not sure if it's that or not. Thank you!
Here are a few audio samples for what I'm talking about: Plain audio - no noise gate or anything.
Audio with noise gate (at -46).
Audio with no noise gate, but with Audacity's Noise Reduction.
submitted by carmelion to voiceover [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:17 Abject_Sir Resources to be your own sound engineer?

I'm just getting into voice acting and I realized I know precious little about post-production. I've got my booth set up but I'm looking for advice on any resources for post-production. I have some experience.editing audio but you know of any resources about creating your own demo, mixing sounds, finding royalty free sounds and music and voice manipulation I would appreciate it.
I'm looking at a couple of YouTube tutorials on how best to use Audacity but I figure it's wise to to ask actual voice actors what the best resources.that you've used are.
In particular, I'm interested in any resources about manipulating your voice for roles like orcs for video games, audio books etc. But of course I'm keen to hear any advice.
submitted by Abject_Sir to VoiceActing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:29 Icy-Establishment209 PILOT

Project Africa, Meet: Project Eurasia
… Don’t settle for one continent, when you can run the length of two… or even The Three Americas.
What’s up, you extraordinary freaks of nature:
I hear Reddit is the place to make things happen.. A small task is afoot
Ultra marathoners: will no one best the King, Russ?
Or is he a generational talent?
This remarkable achievement left the world stunned and at least one person motivated to find those who are dedicated to match or exceed this accomplishment:
Shock the world: surmount these odds and rewrite the rulebook. I seek to ignite this pioneering spirit once more, to help contenders achieve the unthinkable…
I offer new stakes:
Shanghai to Lisbon (Yes, it is possible)

Similar objective; entirely different story.
I certainly acknowledge that this mission has the potential to become a groundbreaking documentary. I am very excited to watch as it unfolds its powerful message to the world.
Diluted by our own self-imposed limits, we humans are a remarkably capable species.. We’ve been doing this for hundreds of years.
Though I consider myself to be in phenomenal condition & an extreme limit pusher— I’m in no way capable like Russ and these others to endure that run— however, that’s not why I am compelled to write my first post in 29(M) years.
Russ & co. have set the bar high for the rest of the under-funded and highly “un”qualified lunatics.
They’ve shown there’s always room to redefine what’s “possible”..
At this moment I am seeking to assemble a capable and committed team to donate 8 or more months of their lives towards the task at hand. ⏳ that’s all— what else have we to do anyway?? Maintain the image we’ve spent our whole lives masquerading?
Or must we prefer to wait in line through Americas underfunded and overcrowded/ever-expansing parking lot system, inching our way towards the “American Dream” and ultimately that final day...
Which was the dream again?
Take your life back.
We intend to honor the world through impossible stories, still remaining to be experienced & uncovered: showcasing the grit, resilience, and sheer audacity of those who dare to undertake this relentless pursuit of the extraordinary—a journey that will leave us all forever changed.
Separate yourself from the crowd.
I believe us to be underestimating our opportunities and the great potential of this story: The Life changing ones, forget the instant global recognition coming on day one..
Here’s an opportunity to embrace and spread cultures,
The potential to make a difference in your life and that of others,
To transcend border.
As executive producer and logistics manager: I volunteer my leadership services and resourceful intuition/travel instinct, including the assistance of planning and organizing this expedition and routes associated. I will help assure the success, safety and effectiveness of the expedition.
Passionately-skilled as an adventurist, photojournalist & travel videographer, they tell me I have “it”. The goal isn’t monetary compensation, but instead— a global impact. The type of shit you’d do for free
Though Russ’ crew were not “professionals” by the Hollywood definition of the word, you’ll soon remember the power of a great story and a lens!
Furthermore, I’d have no hesitations documenting this expedition: offering a pivotal perspective behind the camera as well as a pen. Similarly, I’ve no objections to acting as director in such cases. I’d just prefer to focus more on the logistical side: I will recruit people better than me.
Show me the runner and I will do all I can to help turn this into reality. I’ve no choice now..
I live for the journey and its story, You can send us in a Toyota Corolla, I will accompany the runner on a bike, I don’t give a single fuck. This has to get done.
What I have:
What we need:
After sleeping on Russ, sponsors are ready & eager to jump on that next opportunity. Show the commitment. Fortunately, in this limelight we’re gifted with little resistance attaining their attention. The market is proven and it is susceptible to our impression.
Redbull, I don’t even like your shitty drinks— but isn’t this like exactly the opportunities you search for? You basically sell “ideas” in a liquid form.
Go pro? Where did you go?
A team makes all the difference, which is why I stress to possess the same desire, commitment and determination towards this goal- just as the “goal achiever” would.
It’s a story waiting to be told.
I will promptly, and without hesitation, quit TFOO my job and drop it all to buy a flight to Shanghai when a determined team is assembled for this. I swear on ALL mothers.
Proceeding forth:
Charitable causes provide the leverage. It seems to be the best course of action. (Y’all don’t understand how fuckin’ strong my wife is)
*It includes dangers beyond our preconception— tis not a death wish, but a once in a lifetime experience.
*Don't expect a cute vacation or comfort. A price to pay in order to break records and achieve the unthinkable. I for one do not wish to limit our possibilities on our search for the “impossible”.
*Burn the boats at shore, we’ve no choice but to succeed. 80% of the journey is adapting in the field, the other 20% is simply getting yourself there.
Eurasia carves its own path.
-Offering unique perspectives in new environments, with new culture, and new hurdles to overcome.
People love watching others achieve these goals; they feel they are right alongside you, similarly achieving theirs. After all, it is you who is in their pockets.
Through this triumph, we garner worldly attention, shedding the illusion of “borders”, connected— all cheering one person: united as one team. Isn’t a “movement” simply when a goal is achieved simultaneously by the whole?
What is evident is that the opportunity of its expanse hasn’t been fully explored, recognized and realized.
(Thanks for paving the way, Russ!)
You see, Eurasia is primed to happen.. The hints began to amass since Russ’ completion of the goal just nearly a month ago.. One might infer it’s on its way to be somewhat of a trend, but at the very least: a statement.
Must we sit out again? Project Earth is upon us:
*Alexander_campbell- currently walking the world now.
*Liamtheimpaler- biking from Alaska to Argentina.
*France: entirety biked.
*Germany: In the midst of being run.
*Lambros running Australia.
*Several are traveling the width of the US; one biking Alaska to Chile, others running barefoot?
*Katherine Lowrie ran the totality of South America. Over 17,000km with her husband.
***Countless in Asia.. but no runners..
(Edit): the list keeps expanding..
Perhaps this is an opportunity to compete for the finish line involving two or more teams? Fuck it, bring in the sport of competition for the great world race.
Dream big.
This your call to action
Understand the TREMENDOUS amount of work put into planning and ensuring the arrival of the goal— the athlete will also have to be physically prepared as well as mentally. But when the right pieces of the puzzle are brought together, we could do this ASAP.
May this message not fall on deaf ears — Our dreams remain as dreams until first action is taken. There’s no limit to our possibilities as a species. Let’s step into that world.
because i think that’s the whole point of this..
In this thread… offer your schemes, comments or productive critique:
If you aspire for something extraordinary and think you’re up for this task, come forth and tell us why you make a good fit. Hell, if you would even like to help fund or sponsor, I won’t stop you. Make your voice known.
Project_Eurasia is on Instagram, you can tell me I’m delusional there.
Let’s make it happen.
No "influencers".
No sellouts.
This message unto the realm of universal possibility. Awaiting to unfold and materialize as it will
and all it takes is a single moment to change everything.
. . . -Andy
submitted by Icy-Establishment209 to ProjectEurasia [link] [comments]