Runescape woodcutting scripts

Runescape: Max By 2015

2014.01.10 23:46 ImPrestigious Runescape: Max By 2015

This subreddit is focused around the Runescape Friends Chat "Max By 2015". I created this subreddit with the goal to create a community of people who are all looking forward and attempting to get a Max Cape by 2015.

2011.05.08 08:10 Botting Runescape

Discuss RuneScape botting, scripting, and everything in-between!

2016.04.27 16:18 rsRiverr deleted

Community for all Pure Free-to-Play ironman players!

2024.05.20 02:42 anonades [F2P] Neuer Clan sucht motivierte Mitglieder - F2PJobHub!

Hallo zusammen,
ich bin Snabse und ich habe gerade den F2PJobHub-Clan gegründet! Unser Ziel ist es, eine dynamische Gemeinschaft von Spielern aufzubauen, die sich auf Handwerk, Handel und gemeinsame Abenteuer im F2P-Bereich von Old School RuneScape konzentrieren.
Wie funktioniert der F2PJobHub?
Unser Clan basiert auf einem einzigartigen Jobsystem, das es den Mitgliedern ermöglicht, sich für verschiedene Jobs zu bewerben und dafür bezahlt zu werden. Hier ist, wie es funktioniert:
  1. Jobauswahl: Jedes Mitglied kann sich für verschiedene Jobs innerhalb des Clans bewerben, je nach ihren Interessen und Fähigkeiten. Diese Jobs umfassen Mining, Smithing, Fishing, Woodcutting, Crafting und mehr.
  2. Bewerbung und Annahme: Um einen Job zu erhalten, sendet das Mitglied eine Bewerbung an den entsprechenden Meister oder Offizier im Clan. Nach Prüfung der Bewerbung und eventuellen Vorstellungsgesprächen wird der Job angenommen.
  3. Bezahlung und Ressourcen: Mitglieder erhalten nicht nur eine angemessene Bezahlung für ihre Arbeit, sondern auch Zugang zu den benötigten Ressourcen und Materialien, die für ihren Job erforderlich sind. Dies ermöglicht es den Mitgliedern, effizient und profitabel zu arbeiten.
  4. Weiterentwicklung: Durch kontinuierliches Engagement und gute Arbeit haben Mitglieder die Möglichkeit, in ihrem Job aufzusteigen und zusätzliche Verantwortlichkeiten und Vergünstigungen zu erhalten.
Unterstützung und Zusammenarbeit:
Ich suche engagierte Mitglieder, die bereit sind, das F2PJobHub-Projekt mit mir voranzutreiben. Wenn du zuverlässig und vertrauensvoll mit Aufgaben umgehen kannst und Interesse daran hast, gemeinsam mit mir und anderen Mitgliedern ein großartiges Projekt aufzubauen, dann bist du herzlich willkommen!
Wie kannst du teilnehmen?
Wenn du interessiert bist, einem dynamischen Clan beizutreten und Teil einer aufstrebenden Gemeinschaft zu werden, dann schick mir eine Nachricht hier auf Reddit oder In-Game unter [Dein In-Game Name] für eine Einladung! Wir haben auch einen Discord-Server, auf dem du uns besuchen kannst: [Discord-Link].
Lass uns gemeinsam etwas Tolles aufbauen und viele spannende Abenteuer in Gielinor erleben!
submitted by anonades to ClanChat [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:37 MatiusRex New member looking for fun places and activities

Hi all! A quick introduction; I've played Runescape way back when. No clue what I was doing, but having fun. The best I've got was Mithril but I was proud!
Now, almost 15 years later, I've gotten back into Old School Runescape. I've played a lot in f2f till I reached lvl 52 and got my full rune armour. Finally after 15 years!
It was always relaxing for me to go to Draynor village and just fish for herring, teleport to Varrock, and sell it at the GE. Draynor village was always a busy place. Lots of people having fun woodcutting and fishing.
Now this is my first day as a member, and I'm walking around in my first member world, but it feels a bit empty sometimes. Draynor village almost has no one active in the member worlds for example.
What I'm asking is; What are some fun and relaxing activities to do as a new member? Where are the chill people at and where can I unwind best after a long day of work while also making a bit of GP and XP on the side.
submitted by MatiusRex to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:51 Odd-Hotel9359 Seeking Architecture Acvice for multiple bots

First of all this is about a different game (Albion online) but i feel like my question fits for multiple types of games aswell as for runescape since albion is kinda the same but with better graphics and a bit different logic. ANYWAYIll get to the point.
I have created a bot for the game albion online with python that sets buy and sell orders on the market by checking if certain images are on the pc screen. If so behave on programmed logic. It works fine (like 99%) for now on the pc but obviously is bound to a screen aswell as the current set display resolution. It uses python, and opencv to recognize images within a certain threshhold.
I want to expand soon and was looking for other ideas that are maybe more reliable than using a monitor. Since this subreddit is dedicated for runescape botting i think ill get the best replies here.
Since i plan to do more types of bots aswell as bots that move around and pickup items (very common in albion) i thought ill set it up properly once to be able to more easly expand later on so i have the following ideas:
1st The current bot works with python respectively pyautogui, pil and opencv to check if within a treshhold an image is found on the screen. This works for like 99% of the time, only sometimes my script fails since it doesnt find some buttons but i think i could get around that with better error handling or tweaking. The backside of this is that were bound to a monitor and a gaming pc. Obviously since it uses the current pc the pc cannnot be used for other activities.
2nd Ive looked into machine learning and object detection which i would feed my images into it. And then based on if image is on screen click. Same downsides as 1st. But at least the clicking on images would be more accurate (i think, id have to do more research on it).
3rd Sort of combine either 1st and or 2nd but on mobile. There are libraries (adb) to connect ur phone to a pc and with that i could just run python code on the phone and do all the image recognition on it. I was thinking that id just get multiple phones and connect them to a pc (possibely a pi) and then just let that handle the logic. Since the game is run on the phone the pi doesnt need a lot of cpu with that would be relatively "cheap" to run instead of running a gaming pc with a graphics card.
4th Same as 3rd but instead of using real smartphones i could use virtual machines. Id then for that cause setup a specified server for it obviously.
5th Ive got my feet wet with packet analysis by downloading a radar hack and looking into the source code. Im confident that within a bit of time i could get that to run and manipulate packages sent between server and my client (arp spoofing i think). Question is how undetectable that eould be by easy anti cheat. Id have to do a bit more research on the anticheat.
Does anyone have experience with any of those methods? Is it even possible to run a bot headless? Id be glad for any advice.
Thanks in Advance
submitted by Odd-Hotel9359 to RunescapeBotting [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:32 Exciting-Tadpole8962 Simply trying to get the Bracelet of Ethereum (1/201.7 from rev Imps) so I can go and get some decent loot for the group ironman 500 kills in and no drop. Also tried Rev Goblins at 1/115 nothing at 152 kills. Does this bracelet even exist for ironman?

Simply trying to get the Bracelet of Ethereum (1/201.7 from rev Imps) so I can go and get some decent loot for the group ironman 500 kills in and no drop. Also tried Rev Goblins at 1/115 nothing at 152 kills. Does this bracelet even exist for ironman? submitted by Exciting-Tadpole8962 to osrs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:12 tompkins5 Does New World have a trade skill system more similar to RuneScape or ESO?

I’ve been considering buying this game, but it seems pretty combat focused. I know there’s crafting, but is it comparable to Elder scrolls online where it’s just supplementary to the main game? Or does it compare closer to RuneScape where you can fully immerse in different skills like fishing, woodcutting, etc and avoid combat all together?
submitted by tompkins5 to newworldgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:16 MamboJambo54 Skill revamps

I’m probably posting into the void but I wanted to create a discussion on how we could improve each skill and gather ideas. I was inspired by the survey to give some ideas on how skilling could be improved.
Philosophy around the revamps: I would like to see skilling be both more fun and more useful. I personally believe we should have both afk and active skilling methods. This allows people to play how they prefer and not feel burned out from being too bored or having to focus on one thing for a long time.
Please add more ideas or add to the ideas below!
Agility training method: Agility Dungeon: Filled with traps, obstacles and timed. Faster completion means bigger xp drop. How to make agility useful: More shortcuts in the overworld. In combat and boss battles, damage could be mitigated by chance of dodging a trap in the boss arena.
Archeology: Well made skill, continue to add more archeological sites.
Cooking: Time to become a master chef! Increase to 120 and add more complicated dishes. Instead of just cooking a lobster, add some butter, lemon, herbs. Takes longer to create each dish but higher xp. Uses: these new dishes will both heal and buff, such as temporary increase damage. They will also have a tasty rating where higher cooking makes it more likely to cook tastier dishes.
Construction: Player owned house rework needed or just scraped and replaced with a more useful idea. I would be happy to see the houses removed at this point.
Crafting: Crafting ranged and magic armour more In line with levels. But also the ability to create mods for armour and jewellery for combat buffs rather than the masterwork route of mining and smithing rework. Could also be reworked to modify skilling outfits to buff skilling activities as well.
Divination: This has both an active and passive skilling method. It isn’t the most fun skill but hard to come up with how to make it fun.
Farming: Love POF, more content and animals.
Fishing: new method- Big Fish: Similar to fish flingers but in the overworld, more involved fishing where you gain more xp for fishing larger fish. Larger fish could work with cooking for increasing tasty rating of dishes. Update when we have a new region with some new fish.
Firemaking: I personally enjoy accidental firemaking. Would love to hear some creative ideas like this rather than just more logs to burn.
Fletching: Again same as firemaking I think accidental fletching was a good direction. Creating more useful bows and improving level scaling is important for this update. Creating modifications see armou weapon modifications below.
Herblore: I am happy with current herblore. Ironman issue: Getting number of herbs can be tedious. A new way to gain herbs outside of combat and farming would be good.
Hunter: More creatures to hunt, would love to see this expanded in the next new location added. A more involved skilling method such as Ken it hunting, which involves tracking down dangerous creatures. Croesus mushrooms are already satisfying afk method.
Mining: new ore and 120 skill
Runecrafting: Runecrafting is one of the most needed revamps in my opinion. I would like to see a brand new training method rather than just increase in xp rates. The namesake of Runescape is runes. I feel like they need some love. Possible new skilling method: New alters added to be used for new spells/spellbook. Instead of just having everything created through the abyss, reward players for exploring the world and going to the alters themselves. We could spend more time in the alter, where we might need to power it up before we create the runes. This would mean we would make more runes per trip but also get a bigger xp drop per trip.
Smithing: modifications new metals 120 skill
Thieving: Heists: It’s time to rob a bank, add heists in museums and banks across RuneScape. You have a limited time to steal as much as you can from a building and get out. This could be a good post 99 method as I think we are a bit above pickpocketing now.
Woodcutting: More trees! Better levelling curve.
Armou weapon modifications: My concept around this is to modify equipment in a similar way to invention however it will have different uses. For example, add scope to bow means the range of bow is greater with an increase to accuracy, but a decrease in speed. Certain weapons and armour will have modification slots. This brings some more options for boss drops as well, dropping loot that can be used in an artiisan skill to create weapon specific modifications. This could add a new dimension to loot and combat.
submitted by MamboJambo54 to runescape [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:34 Zerukaus [ZruxSkiller] New & Upcoming External Scripting Client

*This is not a marketplace post meant to sell a scripting client, it is simply to give people visibility into an upcoming scripting client\*
ZruxSkiller New and Advanced External Scripting Client for OSRS
Currently in Beta Release and Supports the Following:
The scripts and GUI are fully built in Python utilizing image/color detection libraries, so you won't ever have to worry about any process injections or anything of the sort that immediately puts a red flag on your account.
Here are some images of the client's interface and me running an NMZ script:
ZruxSkiller Imgur Images
Grandfather Program: I am looking to build a decent reputation before fully releasing the client, so I'd like to take between 5-10 people to be "grandfathers." As a grandfather, you will get a temporary license to test and review the client for a set amount of days. The client also has automatic updates, so whenever I release a new script, which will be pretty often going forward, you will receive a notification as you launch the client and it will allow you to update to the latest version right away. I will also take requests/recommendations from the grandfathers as to what scripts to add in the coming weeks.
Additionally, I am in the process of obtaining a code signing certificate for my program so that it can be verified and validated as legitimate software.
Since the grandfather seats are very limited, I will take applications and decide on a certain number of people to vet in. If you are interested, feel free to check my Reddit profile for the official link to the discord. You will need to directly message either me or an administrator once you join to gain access to the other channels and submit your application.
Thank you.
UPDATE: Enhanced mouse movement and added new firemaking script.
submitted by Zerukaus to RunescapeBotting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:22 Top-Pound-1708 The “But… Bots!” argument has become so overdone

Not a hot take, or at least it shouldn’t be. It’s so tiring seeing endless posts here/on socials about how X new update is actually shit because bots can now farm it. Bots have existed since the beginning of Runescape and will only get better as things like AI continue to develop to add layers of complexity to scripts. Bots will never be out of the game and many bots exist that even someone who thinks every player who doesn’t type back is a bot will not pick up on.
Yes, new updates can be abused by bots. Yes, bots will forever exist. Yes, I suppose bots are not favorable to have around but it’s just a reality of the game. If they upset you so much you should rethink how you view the game. Especially if you’re someone who advocates against new updates because you think bots are the main issue. Bots are complex enough to do any type of activity in the game now. Literally every update can be farmed. It’s like the equivalent of someone getting upset at a new update because it will bring in more gold to the market. Like yeah, no Shit buddy every update does. Every update will have bots partake in it. It’s not something that you need to be eternally worked up about. 🤷🏻‍♂️
submitted by Top-Pound-1708 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 03:17 SudsyGiraffe Calling All Skillers: Help Bring a Skilling Raid to Life in OSRS!

I’ve been thinking about how most of our current raids in Old School RuneScape lean heavily towards combat, with a sprinkling of skilling to mix things up. Why don't we flip the script and introduced a raid where skilling isn’t just a side dish, but the main course?  

Introducing a Skilling Raid Concept:

This idea revolves around a raid designed entirely around non-combat skills. Imagine a world where your mastery of skills like Mining, Smithing, Herblore, Runecraft, and more dictate your success in raid challenges, reshaping the standard raid format into a skilling paradise. I see this as a chance to make skilling a more desirable activity, not just a stepping stone to complete quests or to be able to fight bosses. Share your ideas and help come up with a great initial concept that Jagex could potentially run with!

Goals For Raid Design:


Some example ideas for bosses/challenges/puzzles:


Example reward ideas:

I'd love to hear what amazing ideas everyone here has for potential bosses/loot/mechanics, or any other constructive ideas for making this something Jagex takes seriously! I'd also like to know what area you think would make a great location for the next raid and how the bosses would thematically fit in there. If I get a bunch of good feedback, I'll try and put together an update with some of the best ideas fleshed out a bit more.
submitted by SudsyGiraffe to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:35 Table-Games-Dealer Guide I sent to a friend

On smoke breaks I talk with a friend about my dreams of escaping the casino and talk about my rust adventures. He asked me to tell him where to start programming and what project to do. I am going to video call with him to go to get to hello world but wrote this guide so he could follow and repeat.


Most code in the world does not have a graphical user interface (gui). Such artwork is expensive to make and costly to run. Instead we work with the bare minimum in the terminal.
The terminal is a text interface where you can have powerful control of your computer. There are things that dont have any buttons, but everything has logic in terminal.
I am on Mac and use Zsh as my native terminal, I think you have Command Prompt but it will depend on you version of windows. I highly recommend you study your shell sooner than later. It can make life way easier.
I know some windows but can not give you too much advice. No matter what coding language you want to use you are likely going to want to use bash to automate stuff. I used bash to automate the login of my 6 Old School RuneScape accounts. Took me several minutes every play session, turned into one click with some light coding.

Interactive Development Environment:

Choose an IDE and look at all the options. check all the settings. I use VSCode. Look for extensions, configure them all. They can be incredibly powerful for your understanding of what your code is doing and what the borrow checker wants from you.
Don't stick with VSCode, different IDEs provide vastly different experiences per language. Always shop around.


Cargo is rusts package manager. It can get code from the internet, compile and ship your code, do versioning and most of the tedious stuff of coding.
Learn cargo well this is how you take your code and do things with it.
Do beware that cargo allows you to download arbitrary code from the internet. Don't go downloading sketchy shit and getting pwnd. But for big projects absolutely go ahead this community is awesome.
There is no need to enable git versioning with cargo, but it would be cool should you lose your computer your code would still be in the cloud and retrievable.

Rust's Borrow Checker:

The borrow checker is apart of the rust compiler, the thing that turns your text into computer code. It is going to be the bane of your existence should you stay with rust.
The borrow checker prints to terminal a highly detailed and specific commentary on your code explaining what it will not accept as valid rust code.
Read everything it says, often the borrow checker will explicitly tell you what to do to solve the problem. This will be most of your workflow, making the borrow checker happy. Once the rules of the borrow checker are followed, your program will run flawlessly. It may not make sense logically, But in a memory sense, the point of rust, safe.
If you use the borrow checker in the IDE you may get some hyperlinks that let you jump through your code to debug way faster than scrolling.
Do be warned though that there are bugs in rust, but none that beginners like us have to worry about.

Shop around for languages:

Rust is making me learn computer science and bring me really close to flipping bits and I think that is really cool.
Python is quick and easy to use. You can get competent in a month.
Python is 100x slower than rust but waaaaay more fun to use.
Rust is faster, but takes 10x longer to write at this point. But when I have completed something it is safe, fast, and as exact as I could want something.
If I wanted a job right away I would learn JavaScript, JS runs 90% of the internet and the majority of the jobs. But it's 29 years old, slow and unsafe. Its ecosystem is huge. Memes are bad. No dommy borrow checker.
C++ is the parent language to Rust. Haskell is also a big influencing factor. I would learn some about these languages and why rust 'fixes' them.


One tool I find so helpful in rust is called Bacon. It will automaticly rerun your program whenever you change the code. So instead of having to manually ask the computer to run it can always be running on the side, along with great displays of the borrow checker and clippy text recommendations.
Must have use it every time I VSCode open.


\\ this is a linter whose implications I have yet to understand see comments below!
Clippy is the formatter cargo uses to proofread and restyle your code. Very convenient when you get all sweaty and shit out some code from your stream of conscious then you can type one command and make it look intentional again.

Configure VSCode to support rust by downloading these extensions:

Setup Hotkeys:

Setup a hotkey in vscode to run rust in its cargo run format with code runner.
This is rather complicated and cost me way to much time, but go to extentsions, Code-Runner. Click Code-Runner: Executor Map Edit Settings.json.
look for the rust entry in the field
{ "code-runner.executorMap": { ~ "rust": sadness_and_lies, ~ }, "code-runner.clearPreviousOutput": true, "editor.rulers": [120], } Should be: "rust": "cargo run # $fileName", 
Then go to hotkeys in the VSCode settings and search code-runner.
Edit the entry:
Run Code
To your specifed hotkey. This will make VSCode use cargo to run your code. This hotkey should also run other languages should you do so.
Bacon must be added to your path. This may be difficult on windows I dont know but I challenge you to EITHER:
Make a profile in your terminal that has Bacon in the path (I failed to do this but got Zsh to run a Bash script that brings bacon to path on startup),
or make a macro/hotkey in vscode to bring them to path (this is what I did in VSCode only becasue I dont understand Zsh profiles enough... hours wasted)
oh by the way Bacon can be installed with 'cargo install bacon' and is found in root/.cargo/bin
My solution to VSCode was to add
[ { "key": "cmd+b", "command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence", "args": { "text": "bacon\u000D" } }, { "key": "alt+b", "command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence", "args": { "text": "export PATH=$PATH:/Users/work/.cargo/bin\u000D" } }, ] 
to the keybindings.json
this lets me opt+b to bring cargo tools to Zsh path,
then cmd+b to start bacon.
Note that this will bring any cargo shell tools to path. One nice one I like is Exa, a file viewer like Dir but better
I know this was a wall of text but once you can do this 👍

Well that's it. Thanks for reading. Thanks for sharing everything I know is from the internet.
submitted by Table-Games-Dealer to rust [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 15:13 mlc35772 Old script for 9hp, from neo

YouTube Video Script for 9Hp, from Neobandit about Accidental Rares/ Alt-ID items/ Smuggled items.
1, Mining and Smithing Flier- These were passed out by npcs for a short period of time during January 2019 to advertise the Mining and Smithing rework and could have been read for a short summary of the rework. Now when attempting to read the flyer it will vanish leaving behind the message "Too late - it's gone!" (so dont read them now).Once the fanatics were removed with the release of the Mining & Smithing Rework, the flyers became unobtainable. The flyer cannot be traded via the Grand Exchange however may be traded in-person. According to the wiki, Jagex does not recognize the mining and smithing fliers as discontinued Items. However, they are unobtainable now and treated as discontinued items by some collectors.
2. Rare Raw Shrimp, Bones, and Pot of Flour- These rare/smuggled items were obtainable from the Tutorial Island before an update that made them become unobtainable on July 2008. Although they share the same name and appearance as their common counterparts, there are ways of telling them apart. Firstly, unlike their common counterparts, these items cannot be traded via the grand exchange but only via player to player trades. Secondly, the rare pot of flour has a slightly different appearance than normal, has a high alch value of 6 coins rather than 8, and does not have an "empty pot" option like normal. The rare bones have a different examine text than common bones; The rare bones examine text says, "these bones are for burying!", while the common bones examine text has a period rather than an exclamation point. Since these items have different item IDs from their common counterparts, they do not stack in bank or when noted. Because of this, players with the rare variation of bones, raw shrimp, or pot of flour will often show 2 noted forms of the item to prove its authenticity, one stack of the rare variation and one stack of commons. This practice of showing two stacks of items that share the same name/icon is done with most of the non ge rare and smuggled items to prove authenticity.
3. Rare Bronze gauntlets - Rune gauntlets- According to the wiki, bronze-rune gauntlets were originally obtained as a reward from the Fist of Guthix minigame. They were changed in the 10 August 2015 update to drop from monsters; On 7 January 2019, the mining and smithing update did not convert some of the gauntlets into metal item tokens, thus creating two forms of bronze through rune gauntlets. Just like the tutorial island items, they share the same name and appearance as their common counterparts and cannot be traded via the grand exchange but only via player-to-player trades. Since these items have different item IDs from their common counterparts, they do not stack in bank or when noted. The rare variations of the gauntlets also have different high alch values in the price checker. The normal rune gauntlets have a high alch value of 500 coins, while the rare variation has a high alch value of 4500 coins. The normal steel gauntlets have a high alch value of 100 coins while its rare variation has a high alch value of 600 coins. Also, the rare variations have the examine text: "i have to keep my hands safe!" instead of the normal examine text: "a pair of rune/steel gauntlets." The rare bronze/iron/mithril/addy gauntlets are much rarer than the rare rune/steel gauntlets.
4. Rare burnt lobster-The rare variation of the burnt lobster was accidently created on 4 March 2013, after an update that made burnt food stack in your inventory. According to the wiki, two different types of burnt lobster exist, mostly due to the way the aforementioned update was handled. When the update hit, all noted versions of burnt items were updated, losing the functionality of notes and getting the same inventory icon as their normal counterpart. Visually, these items cannot be distinguished; however, while the common burnt lobster later received an "Eat" option, the previously noted items did not. The rarity of the previously noted type of burnt lobsters comes from the fact that not many people had large quantities of burnt lobsters in their inventory when the update occurred.
5. Magical Bunny, Lamb, and Chick eggs- These magical eggs could be won from Treasure Hunter on 17 April 2014. They can be activated to turn the player into a baby bunny, lamb, or chick respectively for a brief duration, and then the egg will be consumed. It can also be eaten to heal 200 life points. As a discontinued item, it is now considered a tradeable rare. It was made available again during the "Second Chance" Treasure Hunter Promotion from 2 April to 7 April 2015. You can only trade this with other players, not in the grand exchange
6. Diamond Jubilee foods- The Diamond Jubilee was a street party in Varrock prepared for Queen Elizabeth II that began on 29 May 2012 and ended on 13 June 2012. In celebration, Varrock square had been filled with tables for a Jubilee feast, special commemorative stalls and Jubilee themed decorations. Among these commemorative stalls was one called "Exotic foods," owned by Bang Ersenmash and found on the east side of the square. This stall sold 5 exclusive British-themed foods: cream teas, coronation chicken sandwiches, fish 'n' chips, steak and kidney pies, and full breakfasts. On 13 June 2012, most of these foods were removed from game. However, some of these food items have somehow remained in game after the update and are now traded amongst players.
Rare POF Animals
7. Araxyte Spider- Araxyte spiders are a breed of spiders that may be raised on the player-owned farm. One can be obtained by checking an araxyte spider egg or by trading with another player. There are 6 types of Araxyte spider pairs (male/female): the 1-trait non-shiny, 2 trait non-shiny, 3 trait non-shiny, 1 trait shiny!, 2 trait shiny!, and 3 trait shiny! pairs. The names and traits of the spiders do not matter since they can be rerolled, although some traits cannot. The 1 trait shiny! araxyte spider pair can still be obtained by checking an araxyte spider egg, a very rare drop from Araxxi. However, all other Araxyte spider pairs are discontinued following an update on 29 July 2019, which caused Araxyte spiders no longer being able to be bred from existing Araxyte spiders.
8. Two-trait Radiant Animals- According to word of mouth, when Player-owned farm was relatively new, there was a bug that caused the second trait to be missing from the bred animals. Since the Radiant trait can only be in the 3rd trait slot and usually slots aren't skipped, many players who are unaware of the bug will say that having a 2t Radiant animal is impossible. However, they do exist. Although animals without the radiant trait can also have the second trait missing, Radiant Animals can easily be shown to have its second trait missing by glossing over them with the mouse to see they only have two-traits. Some 2t Radiant animals are rarer than others, since more prized animals would have most likely been kept while more common animals would be traded for beans before the bug was discovered.
Special mentions: "Glitched" or "smuggled" items.
(Tutorial Island items are considered smuggled)
9. New Varrock Cabbage- This cabbage exists in an area of RuneScape known as New Varrock. Items within New Varrock cannot be taken outside the area..usually. Some players have found a way to "smuggle" these items outside the area via a glitch of some kind, allowing them to trade these items with other players anywhere. These items cannot be traded on the grand exchange but can be traded player to player. Now concerning the cabbage, it shares the same name and appearance as normal cabbage. however, it does have a small sword icon next to its name in unnoted form. Since there is also a draynor cabbage that shares the same name and appearance as normal cabbage as well, players must show 3 stacks of cabbage in noted form to prove the authenticity of the New Varrock Cabbage.
10. Zemomark, zombie cowhide, chocolate cake, stew, beer, doogle leaves, Strength potion(4)- These items have also been smuggled out of New varrock. The zemomark is the currency of New Varrock and the zombie cowhide is a drop recieved from killing a zombie cow in New Varrock. Chocolate cake and Stew can be bought from Gertrude in New Varrock for 140 and 170 Zemomarks respectively. They heal the same amount as their normal counterparts, but unlike the normal versions they stack in inventory. Beer is bought from the bartender at the Blue Moon Inn in New Varrock for 2 zemomarks. Doogle leaves are bought from Xuan's Fresh Produce in New Varrock for 100 zemomarks each. Unlike regular doogle leaves, Doogle leaves (new Varrock) are tradeable and can be noted. Strength potion (4) can be created by the apothecary by using a limpwurt root and red spiders' eggs at the cost of 5 zemomarks. The two ingredients are obtained from looting the chest in the south-east corner of New Varrock, which is accessible after completing Dimension of Disaster: Demon Slayer. This chest can only be looted once, and no more ingredients can be obtained in New Varrock afterwards. Only 3 strength potion (4)s can be obtained per account, and sipping the potion produces 1, 2, and 3 dose smuggled variants.
11. Zombie outfit, Black robes- The Zombie outfit and Black robes set can be bought from Thessalia in New Varrock. The complete zombie set consists of Zombie Mask, Zombie Shirt, Zombie trousers, Zombie gloves and Zombie Boots. The complete Black robes set consists of Black hood, Black robe (top), and Black robe (bottoms).
Unbankable "smuggled" items- These smuggled items cannot be banked and are usually held in the inventory of collectors permanently or traded to alts.
12. Mystery gift- Among the smuggled New Varrock items is the prized mystery gift, which is opened to receive a chromatic Party Hat. However, unlike the other new varrock items, the mystery gift cannot be banked. Opening this Mystery Gift in the main game will produce an Alt-id Chromatic Party Hat that doesn't stack with the normal one.
13. Bandages (Castle Wars)- This is a tradeable item smuggled out of the Castle wars minigame. Bandages are an item used to heal combatants in the Castle Wars minigame. They can be found on the table in the start room. Bandages restore 10% of a player's life points (rounded down) and restore 30% of a player's run energy. Usually, people are hesitant to call smuggled items discontinued because it is not known whether or not the glitch has been patched. However, the wiki mentions that the glitch allowing the smuggling of items out of Castle wars has been patched. According to the wiki, around 2007, bandages were smuggled from Castle Wars and used in the Duel arena when food and drinks were disabled. They allowed the abuser to heal because the bandages were not counted as prohibited consumables and gave them an advantage. Bandages can come in noted/unnoted forms.
14. Ogleroot- This is a tradeable item smuggled out of the Vinesweeper minigame. The wiki mentions that the glitch allowing the smuggling of items out of Vinesweeper has been patched. Therefore, Ogleroot is a smuggled item that is considered a discontinued item with confidence. Ogleroots are bought from Farmer Blinkin in the Vinesweeper minigame, by right-clicking Farmer Blinkin. They can also be found while digging with a spade during the minigame. Ogleroots are fed to rabbits to make the rabbits disappear, stopping the rabbits from eating the seeds that are found. When ogleroots are fed to the rabbits, players will receive 30 Hunter experience points. Usually, players cannot take ogleroots out of the minigame area, but players will be given 10 coins per Ogleroot when they leave. There is a YouTube video that shows how the glitch was done: (
15. Calcified fungus, Fungal algea, Fungal spore, Timber fungus, Rotten fungus (Croseus)- These 4 fungi (and rotten fungus) have been smuggled out of the Croseus Boss instance on the day of release (which was on 27 September 2021) using the waterfiend familiar or a simple teleport/interface stall. These fungi differ from their normal counterparts in three ways. Primarily, the normal variation of the four fungus are gatherable outside the boss instance, while the smuggled fungi could only be obtained within the instance. Secondly, the smuggled fungi have a "Rot fungus" option in the inventory while the normal fungi do not when outside the boss instance. Lastly, the smuggled fungi are not available in the grand exchange and cannot be banked. However, these 4 smuggled fungi were available in the Grand exchange up until 4 October 2021. (The rotton fungus is still available on the grand exchange as of today). There are two forms of the smuggled fungi, noted and unnoted forms. They could be noted even though they are unbankable because they were available in the grand exchange for a short period of time. Since noted smuggled Croesus fungus can no longer be noted, they are considered discontinued. (unnoted smuggled Croesus fungus can still be smuggled out as of today) Noted smuggled Croesus fungi do not have the "rot fungus" option and can be shown alongside their noted common counterparts to showcase them in the trade window. Unnoted smuggled Croesus fungi cannot be distinguished from their common counterparts easily in the trade window, which makes the noted version more desirable.
16. Any New Rares to come- There are many other discontinued/smuggled items rumored to still be tradeable in-game that we have yet to see.
Items we have found since writing this script
1. Weapon Store key from the old shield of arrav quest,
2. smuggled, unbankable, tradeable Trouble Brewing items (8 set)
3. non-shiny Royal Dragon that is 2t radiant. (Double Glitched Dragon)
4. Alt-id coin (from item reclaim)
5. Smuggled, unbankable, untradeable, yet transferrable Fist of Guthix runes
submitted by mlc35772 to runescape [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 10:03 Professor_Sia Update: Finally got my Quest Cape (With thoughts on several quests)

Update: Finally got my Quest Cape (With thoughts on several quests)
Link to my previous post:
I'm the one wearing green. The one in Ahrim's is someone from the clan chat who decided to join me celebrate.
Took me forever, but I finally got around to finishing all quests in the game. It was very fun and I mostly did this blind. That means I never used Quest Helper (I personally think this plug-in kinda cheapens the questing experience but to each their own I guess).I will admit to using Quest Guides especially on difficult portions of quests (Fremmy Trials Escape Room, MEP2 Light Puzzle, Solutions to the Cryptic Puzzles in SOTN). I'm not an iron so I can't imagine how difficult this would be on an ironman. Managed to get my cape with a combat level of 100, it was difficult but doable especially if you get the mechanics for certain boss fights down. Now for my favorite quests in the game. This will contain spoilers for those who care about the lore.
  1. Elemental Workshop I: This is arguably going to be a hot take since I think this community dislikesthe Elemental Workshop series. I think it is definitely flawed and that some portions of the quest could benefit from some tweaking. I could understand that but I still think that Elemental Workshop could be a great quest series if expanded upon. What I do like about the Elemental Workshop series is that there are no NPCs to start or guide us throughout the quest so this proves that the player character has a good semblance of intelligence. There is so much they can do right and I would like to give Jagex that chance to do so.
  2. Misthalin Mystery: I really liked the humour for this quest. I know that this was a holiday event which was upgraded to a quest after passing a poll. I enjoyed the story and how obvious that this was a spoof of slasher horror films, particularly Scream. I found this quest overall enjoyable which managed to get a good laugh out of me. I did not really like the final boss fight however but it isn't really as punishing since I don't think you can get killed so I'm not really that bothered.
  3. Recruitment Drive: I for one wasn't offended that I had to change my player character to a female in the original version of the quest, it was an annoyance at worst for me though I am glad they changed the puzzle to something similar but less of a hassle to perform. I liked the overall concept of the quest where you have to prove your worth to become a white knight by solving several puzzles or riddles. It breaks away from the trope of "Slay this creature to prove yourself" so it's definitely an interesting take.
  4. Cook's Assistant: It would be wrong not to put Cook's Assistant in the top Novice Quests in the game given as to how iconic it is. Not everyone has the skill to finish Dragon Slayer or became a member to do Monkey Madness or Desert Treasure but everyone pretty much helped out this cook as their first ever quest in the game.
  5. Ribbiting Tale of a Lily Pad Labour Dispute: By far the best novice quest in the entire game. The humour for this quest was hit after hit after hit throughout the entire quest. This is one of the newest quests and the devs managed to make a new quest in 2024 stay true to what makes questing in OSRS a stand-out compared to other MMORPGs. I really hope they continue make small quests like this to give more life to the world of Gielinor.
  1. A Soul's Bane: The rewards for this quest are bad but that didn't really bother me as much since I love the exposition we get on Tolna's life plus his struggles as we progress through the quest. We only knew him for a short while but we get a lot from that time. It was very compelling story-wise though the combat encounters really emphasize that this is indeed an old quest given its simplicity. Still, if a similar quest was made on this day with better combat encounters plus better rewards, I feel it would be more beloved by the community.
  2. The Forsaken Tower: This was actually the last quest I did among the 5 house quests in OSRS since grinding favour for Lovakenj (before favour removal) was a bitch. Not sure if it is obvious but I personally really enjoy doing puzzles and the puzzles in this quest were definitely fun for me. Unlike some people, I am the kind of guy to play puzzle games on my free time so I could understand if people just choose to have a guide or quest helper do the solving. Still, the puzzles in this quest were definitely doable without a guide and they were a lot of fun for me.
  3. Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf: I hope Jagex continues this quest series soon. The overall plotline involving the Red Axe is definitely exciting and I can't wait to see what Jagex has in store for us in the coming quests. I know this quest is really good but for some reason I can't seem to remember what happened for majority of the quest (if you know what I mean).
  4. Itchlarin's Little Helper: A very trippy quest with a lot of mystery surrounding the events in the beginning of the quest. When it was revealed that we were hypnotized and manipulated by the Devourer I thought it was a fairly good plot twist. Again, I could get if people aren't so high on this quest as I am but I personally really enjoyed it.
  5. Shilo Village: For a low to mid level account, access to Shilo Village is a rather big deal with having a furnace so close to a bank, Duradel and Gem Rocks. The story of Rashiliyia was sad and rather messed up given the implications and I think it made for a really compelling story. The ending of the quest where you finally put her soul at peace is the right tones of heartwarming for me.
  6. Waterfall Quest: I don't usually factor in Quest Rewards when coming up with a favorite quest since I believe in the journey more than the destination but I am willing to make an exception given as to how iconically good the rewards for Waterfall Quest are for a new member. To be fair, I too liked the lore behind Glarial and Baxtorian especially since it will lead up to important plot points in the elf series.
  1. King's Ransom: Iconic as this was the last quest in the 2007 back-up before fast forwarding to OSRS. Really interesting how the story builds up from the events of Murder Mystery, when you thought that you had it all done right there were a few loose ends that had to be looked into. The fact that Morgan was able to get the upper hand for a while is very interesting and I think this is where the lockpicking mechanic has been added to the game. I really liked the story and I think there should be 1 more quest to end this where we face off and defeat Morgan.
  2. The Fremennik Isles: I really liked the story of the islands of Neitiznot and Jatizno. Learning more about the two islands while working simultaneously to gather intel for both kingdoms was an interesting plot point. I love the Helm of Neitiznot and when I did this quest when I was much younger in RS2, it truly felt like such an epic adventure for me looking back.
  3. Fairytale - Cure a Queen: Add this to the long list of quest series that need to be continued since you just really want to get back at Godfather for everything he has done in Zanaris. Unlocking the Fairy Ring Network is also a huge game changer regardless if you are a high level player or not. Personally I think the land of Zanaris and the fairies are very intriguing and I just wonder what they have in store for us in the coming quests.
  4. Dragon Slayer 1: A truly iconic quest, arguably the last major leap players take before taking a deeper dive into member's worlds. It's an old quest but it is just so good that it doesn't feel outdated. I personally liked the storytelling and the cinematics. I just wish other F2P quests alluded to the dangers of Elvarg even if it is just in passing to help build it up. Anyways, this just feels like a truly epic adventure as you devise a plan to travel to Crandor and face Elvarg.
  5. Rag and Bone Man 2 (loljk) A Kingdom Divided: I think you can all notice a trend here that I tend to love story-driven quests and AKD hit all the right spots for me. I was hooked from start to finish and this is a testament that OSRS does not need to take ideas from RS3 to make good storylines for their quests. It was definitely sad learning about the corruption of the council which led to the inevitable demise of Rose. My 117 HD plugin had the environment set to snowy and my 3D weather was snowing when you put Rose to her grave so it felt like a truly emotional moment for me when burying her. It was also a huge plot twist learning about Veos' true allegiances after you were led to believe that he was on your side this entire time. Lastly, the way Lord Hosidius masterminded his way to the throne by manipulating anyone who stood as a threat was very genius and looks like something that you could see in a great TV series such as Game of Thrones.
  1. Dream Mentor: A love the lore behind Lunar Isle and adding a quest that uses Lunar Magic to help an adventurer learn to believe in himself and become a true hero is heartwarming. The boss fight did not come here to play and it was an interesting take to start the boss fight with the hardest encounter going to the easiest as you weaken the doubts in the adventurer's minds.
  2. Grim Tales: A really weird and wacky quest but I love how OSRS added a spin to several known myths and fairytales. The woodcutting level requirement is a little harsh but overall, I enjoyed the quest for the flavor it added to the Taverly and Ice Mountain part of the game.
  3. Recipe For Disaster: Yes, technically RFD is classified as having a special difficulty level but I will put it here in terms of its scope and difficulty of its combat encounters. A unique quest given that you can do 8 subquests in any order and it is so far the only quest in the game with that kind of structure. It is memorable as it is the sequel to Cook's Assistant and is the definition of a quest that anybody could start but only a few could finish. The final gauntlet is one of a kind as it is a throwback to many iconic quest bosses in the past with a tasty twist mixed in it. Also, it would not be right to discuss RFD without mentioning its game-changing reward of Barrows Gloves.
  4. Desert Treasure I: One of the most memorable quests in the game as it gives player access to the ancient spellbook, one of the most feared set of spells in all of Gielinor. The concept of traveling around the world to uncover an ancient treasure gives this quest an epic feeling of adventure. None of the challenges when retrieving any diamond seems to overstay their welcome. Traversing the pyramid when you have collected all diamonds was definitely exciting and unlocking Ancient Magics for the first time is probably core memory for me back when I was a kid.
  5. Sins of the Father: Arguably one of the best written quests in the game. This isn't even the finale of the vampire storyline yet you could feel that so much is at stake at this point in the questline. Ivan is shown to be a stubborn and headstrong leader which could explain why the Myreque has been in shambles after all these years. The disappearance of Safalaan towards the end of the quest leaves a lot to be desired as we will have to wait for, presumably, the series finale to find out what his fate was in the hands of the vampires. Also, my favorite antagonist is here and her name is Vanescula. Her true intentions are shrouded in mystery and for now, will remain a mystery until we see what the OSRS devs decide to do with her in the vampire finale. The final battle with Vanstrom was a challenge but was so very satisfying when you finally defeat him.
  1. Monkey Madness 2: I think it is lazy to name this quest Monkey Madness 2, it should've been named "Gorilla Warfare". Overall I think this is the weakest of all the Grandmaster Quests and I predict it will place below While Guthix Sleeps once that quest comes out. The quest just felt that certain parts were made frustrating for the sake of padding difficulty. The greatest offender here is definitely the tunnels leading to Kruk's Lair as a good portion of it is based on RNG. It feels unjust to grind a good Agility level just to fail an obstacle because you were meant to fail the obstacle regardless if you stepped on the right tile, regardless if your Agility level is over 90 (I think my agility was 94 when I did this quest). Add to the fact that the tunnels are very long so it feels like failing these unpassable obstacles just seem so disproportionately punishing. Sneaking on the docks to plant the explosives were difficult. Personally I have done a lot of Sorceress' Garden before Squirk'in even became a thing so this part wasn't as difficult to me as compared to other people since the Ninja Monkeys share the same vision mechanics as the Garden Guardians. The final battle was alright, nothing too mechanically intensive as compared to other boss fights in the Grandmaster tier.
  2. Desert Treasure 2, The Fallen Empire: I think this should've been just named "The Fallen Empire" especially since there is less emphasis put on the desert this time around as compared to the previous quest (and that is definitely saying something, lmao). This quest is a huge leap in terms of quality when compared to Monkey Madness in both story and gameplay. The big reveals after getting all 4 medallions were definitely jaw-dropping as I had no idea they were coming when I did this quest. The fact that the stranger could disguise herself as the Sandwich Lady and even invade your own POH just shows how much the stakes were upped in this quest and that Jagex is not playing around when coming up with dangerous mechanics. The boss fights were all well made. I have died to the 4 bosses at least 1 time each. On the contrary though, I couldn't be mad about it because each time I failed a boss encounter, it seemed to me that it was entirely my fault for any reason. This includes me not eating fast enough, not bringing the right gear or not being quick enough with my prayer switching. Personally, I don't feel that any of the bosses were inherently unfair or cheese which is why I enjoyed them despite getting my ass kicked so many times. I think this quest truly lived up to the hype and as the game's latest grandmaster quest, I can't wait to see what Jagex has in store for us in While Guthix Sleeps.
  3. Dragon Slayer 2: I think it is lazy to name this quest Dragon Slayer 2, it should've been named "The Legacy of Elvarg" or "Revenge of the Dragonkin". Idk, any other quest name would've been better. The quest itself however was a top tier quest, one of my real life friends even told me that is there were to be one quest to be the final quest in all of OSRS, it would be this. I could agree with that opinion given that it is the sequel to the iconic quest, Dragon Slayer 1. The mere scope and degree of adventure feels like an epic tale from start to finish. The ways the quest made subtle callbacks to Dragon Slayer 1 were also welcome. These are seen in the simple things such as building a boat, recreating a map or in the larger scope with the overall majority of the quest traveling the world to retrieve different parts of a key. Out of all the boss fights in all quests, Galvek felt to be the most punishing as simple mistakes could pretty much kill you. The final battle was all kinds of epic and really took advantage of all possible combat mechanics in the game.
  4. Song of the Elves: The plague elf storyline remains to be one of the best written stories in all of Runescape. Each quest has good story and has enough interesting twists and turns to keep the player on their toes whilst being invested. Elena was a really good character and the only complaint I have with her is that there was a lack of build-up of her character in the previous quests. You don't really get to know her that well in the previous quests but in this quest you get to appreciate her for being empathic and sensitive whilst being intrepid and strong. A well-written NPC but if only she was as well written in the previous quests. The battle at West and East Aurdogne feel epic in itself and the execution of Lathas was a huge plot point. Learning about the history of the elves and Seren was both a compelling and sad story. Personally, I enjoyed the light puzzle in the Grand Library. I actually did this light puzzle without a guide (unlike MEP2) because everything that MEP2 did wrong, the Grand Library does right. The light puzzle in the library had a better sense of direction and sequence of what goals you had to aim for. If your strategy is correct and if you know how to utilize the color wheel effectively, the puzzle is very doable, albeit very time consuming (it took me like 5-6 hours as compared to someone taking 2-3 hours with a guide). Add to the fact that there was nothing constantly trying to kill you every step of the way so you could truly focus on the puzzle at hand. The battle with Iorwerth's Troops were fun and getting friendzoned by Elena after you save her life before facing Seren was both hilarious yet pitiful. The fight with the corrupted fragment of Seren was exciting and unlocking Prif as a reward feels appropriate given the general scale of this quest.
submitted by Professor_Sia to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 04:44 HailTheRavenQueen A week in OSRS

A week in OSRS
Player count gathered once a minute from the homepage minus some downtime when my Python script closed at random points.
Each day tick is 00:00MST(-06:00 UTC).
submitted by HailTheRavenQueen to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 18:45 JMOD_Historian [runescape] (ID:1cmxz2t) JMOD Comments On Thread: Woodcutting could use a T90 Hatchet, it...

I have found the following J-Mod comments on the thread Woodcutting could use a T90 Hatchet, it only makes sense... right?

submitted by JMOD_Historian to TrackedJMODComments [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 00:28 NuukldragorArea52 Theory crafting the best budget low APM Rev Bot PK setup.

Theory crafting the best budget low APM Rev Bot PK setup.
Over the past day I have been trying to figure out a low risk way to kill the Rev bots with no real success. I'll attach an image of my stats, but they're close to max. I'm trying to use this as a money maker, and also a nice starting point to learn PvP slowly.
I would like it to be low APM with as low of risk as possible. I've seen plenty of videos where people do crazy switches every single tick, and I am not really fond of that idea.
So, has anyone else had much luck with this? Any suggestions? I feel like their black d hide and neiz helmet make them surprisingly tanky vs all the methods I've tried. They also deal pretty insane DPS with the webweaver bow against me if I wear any mage setup.
submitted by NuukldragorArea52 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 00:43 DerginMaster Need to import HTML using a cell as target

Currently I am using Sheets to track an online event. In order to do this, I pull data from OSRS Highscores using
I need this function to work but with a twist, in that I need RSNusername not to be hard coded on the forumula, but pulled from a cell.
The end result should be reflective of
=IMPORTHTML("\_oldschool/","table",0) A1=RSNusername
Does anyone know how i can do this? I need to do this without scripting
submitted by DerginMaster to googlesheets [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 06:38 SheeplerSN Is it time to increase the crystal shard drop rate in Prif?

Having the crystal shard drop rate from certain skilling activities not scale based on the difficulty to obtain resources makes no sense.
Teaks and magic both having a 1/80 chance to get a shard per log doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. I think it should scale either equally (so increasing the shard drop rate for magic trees to maybe ~1/20) so the shards per hour are similar, or make it so more difficult to gather resources grant more shards per hour.
Same thing with Iron and Adamantite both having a 1/127 chance
Generally, I think there should be more options to obtain shards in a lower intensity way (Crystal fish?, Chance of a shard when using farming patches in Prif scaling off crop level, shards from chins/new hunter creatures) as well as buffing existing methods (Agility, Woodcutting, Mining, Superiors giving more shards).
From a lore perspective:
Seren, shattered herself into countless shards to ensure the elves could live on without her. Everything in Prifddinas benefits from this and contain tiny pieces of Seren, whether that's the trees, the rocks in the Trahaern mine, or various other activities where you receive them.
This to me seems to conflict with the best shards per hour being thieving elves but I am not requesting a change to the current best method, just simply asking if there can be more varied and lower intensity methods especially ones that align perfectly with the lore.
I am not making any suggestions for buffing high intensity methods like Gauntlet or Zulcano as they would of course need to be changed accordingly.
What I come back to is, you've earned this access to Prifddinas, you've done the hard work, you've finally got this crystal tool seed, and you're still stuck needing to get endless amounts of shards to get the benefit out of it - Mod Kieren
I think Mod Kieren makes a good point, completing SotE is an accomplishment and you should not have to grind so hard for shards to charge your items which you just grinded for. Taking a look at Varlamore, Sunfire Splinters (similar in functionality to Crystal Shards) can be acquired from hunter and completing wave 1 for the Fortis Colosseum (as well as other waves, but guaranteed 80 of wave 1.)
submitted by SheeplerSN to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 02:25 alphaboozer Hefin Agility Course Bot for Runescape [Undetectable Python Script] 2024

It's important to clarify that developing or using scripts to automate gameplay, such as a script for the Hefin Agility Course in "RuneScape," is against the game's terms of service and can result in severe consequences including permanent bans. Jagex, the developer of "RuneScape," strictly prohibits the use of third-party software to interact with the game in a way that provides an unfair advantage. Instead of discussing how to create such scripts, let's focus on the ethical and legal implications of using automation in games.
TLDR: Starting location is right next to where you start just to the left with the compass facing true north. Here's the code bitches:
This script is absolutely undetectable and requires pyautogui.

Ethical Considerations of Automation in Gaming

**1. Fair Play
**2. Community Impact
**3. Risk of Account Termination

Legal Implications

**1. Violation of Terms of Service
**2. Potential for Legal Action

Healthy Gaming Practices

**1. Self-Regulation
**2. Community Engagement
**3. Supporting Fair Play


While the automation of tasks like the Hefin Agility Course may seem like a shortcut to success in "RuneScape," it undermines the integrity of the game and can have serious consequences. It is always best to enjoy games within the guidelines set by developers to ensure a fair, fun, and rewarding experience for everyone involved.
submitted by alphaboozer to MobileGameMods [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 14:13 JMOD_Historian [runescape] (ID:1cg97fj) JMOD Comments On Thread: Screen goes completely blank, then stays...

I have found the following J-Mod comments on the thread Screen goes completely blank, then stays blank at the end of the woodcutting phase at Evil Bloodwood (Still managed to cap tho :D)

submitted by JMOD_Historian to TrackedJMODComments [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 12:22 MobiledeterminedOsrs Bandos boots

Bandos boots
And while i am at it i wanna have a go for this reddit luck. I know my hilts are crazy but it are the boots i seek since i got my tassies at 1126 kc. So please fellow irons give me some of that reddit luck.
submitted by MobiledeterminedOsrs to ironscape [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 22:23 RSPSShop RS3: How to Earn Money for a Partyhat - Tips and Tricks

Are you an avid RuneScape 3 player dreaming of adorning your character with one of the prestigious Partyhats? As one of the most coveted items in the game, acquiring a Partyhat can seem like an insurmountable feat. However, fear not! With the right strategies and dedication, you can stack up the wealth needed to purchase this iconic item and make your virtual dreams a reality. In this guide, we'll explore various methods to earn money in RS3, including an option that involves buying gold from reputable sellers like A6D9.

Method 1: Skilling and Resource Gathering

One of the most common ways to earn money in RuneScape 3 is through skilling and resource gathering. Skills like Mining, Fishing, Woodcutting, and Farming can be lucrative if you focus on high-level materials. Keep an eye on the Grand Exchange prices and target resources that are in high demand. For example, mining ores like runite or fishing for sharks can yield significant profits over time.

Method 2: Bossing and Slayer

For players with combat prowess, engaging in boss battles and Slayer tasks can be a profitable venture. Boss monsters often drop valuable loot, including rare items and materials that can fetch a high price on the Grand Exchange. Similarly, completing Slayer tasks can reward you with valuable drops and generous sums of gold.

Method 3: Merchanting and Flipping

Merchanting, or flipping, involves buying items at a low price and selling them for a profit. Keep an eye on market trends and fluctuations in prices to identify lucrative opportunities. This method requires patience and a keen eye for spotting undervalued items, but it can yield substantial returns if executed effectively.

Method 4: Buying RS Gold from Trusted Sellers

If you're looking for a quicker route to accumulate wealth in RuneScape 3, purchasing RS gold from reputable sellers can be a viable option. A6D9 are known for providing secure and reliable services for buying RS gold. By acquiring gold through trusted channels, you can expedite your progress towards acquiring a Partyhat and other coveted items.

Why Choose A6D9?

A6D9 stand out as a trusted name in the RS gold-selling community for several reasons:
  1. Reliability: A6D9 have built a reputation for reliability and professionalism. He prioritize customer satisfaction and ensure that transactions are conducted securely and efficiently.
  2. Competitive Pricing: With competitive rates and transparent pricing structures, A6D9 offer value for your money. You can purchase RS gold at competitive prices without compromising on quality or security.
  3. Security: Security is paramount when it comes to purchasing RS gold. A6D9 employ robust security measures to protect your personal information and ensure that transactions are conducted safely.
  4. Customer Support: Should you have any questions or concerns, A6D9 provide responsive customer support on discord. Their dedicated support team is committed to assisting you throughout the buying process.
You can contact A6D9 on discord "A6D9#0001" or "a6d9" UID: "640265737050652672" or check out his website: Secure RS3 Gold Transactions: Buy and Sell RS3 for the Best Rates!


Earning enough money for a Partyhat in RuneScape 3 may seem daunting, but with the right strategies and determination, it's entirely achievable. Whether you prefer skilling, combat, merchanting, or purchasing RS gold from trusted sellers like A6D9, there are numerous avenues to accumulate wealth in the game. By employing a combination of these methods and staying persistent, you'll soon find yourself donning the coveted Partyhat and standing out as a distinguished player in the world of Gielinor.
submitted by RSPSShop to RuneScapeGolds [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 01:44 sickness01 AHK Question

Is using a custom AHK script that does not interact with the game allowed? Specifically using it to quickly swap between open RS windows while AFK mining and using ALT+1 to alert.
Eg. I press 1 mouse button to switch to the right 1 RS window on the taskbar, press a different mouse button to go to the left 1 RS window on the task bar.
NOTE: There is no interaction with the Runescape client, other than switching to it (this is instead of moving mouse manually to the taskbar and opening the next/previous one, or using alt+tab manually)
submitted by sickness01 to runescape [link] [comments]