Taking singulair and sudafed pe together

I’ve been ghosting a guy who likes me for 6 weeks and I feel evil

2024.06.10 22:33 stupidfuckingwench I’ve been ghosting a guy who likes me for 6 weeks and I feel evil

I (20F) am a closeted lesbian and I’ve never been In a relationship / went on a date / had anyone interested in me before. My friend (20M) invited me to a gig and it was a great time. I thought we were hanging out as friends until one particular instance during the night where he started to get physically affectionate with me (putting his arm around my waist, and caressing my thigh) I froze in this situation feeling extremely uncomfortable and not knowing what to say, staying quiet. The day after he messaged me saying he’d like to hangout again, i agreed… not taking into consideration how this was probably perceived as me possibly liking him back, when I realised this I logged off socials and I have not been on since. I feel really stupid that it’s taken me THIS LONG to get my shit together and realise how extremely wrong I am for doing all of this. I want to apologise and let him know that I don’t like him romantically, but I also want to let him know that I do value how kind he has been throughout our entire friendship, he is genuinely an amazing guy and he did not deserve the silent treatment at all.
What would have given you the most closure if your ghoster had come back to explain themself?
submitted by stupidfuckingwench to ghosting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:32 iRamak Girlfriend of 1 year broke up with me

Where do I even begin: Me and my girlfriend and I were doing good for 1 yr and a few months until she was getting fed up with not having space and how I act personality wise. Recently, we broke up, and she wants space she didn't give a specified time, and we broke it off. I tried to tough it out, but it's so hard. It's the thinking and the thoughts of being with someone else. My personality isn't bad at all. There would be times when we had misunderstandings about certain things, and I was thinking I was right, but I wasn't. I would apologize and say could we move forward, but she also had her own problems as well, she has alcholism , anxiety, depression, she takes medicine for those and goes to meetings for her alcoholism. We ould differ in opinions, but that's normal. She asked for space but isn't sure she'll come back. She said a few weeks, which is probably 3 to 4 weeks. She said don't rush her and stop contacting her after I did a couple of times due to anxiety, and just in case she is trying to let me down easy. She said she's not letting me down easy, and she loves me still and cries every night cause she's misses her best friend (me). I'm getting mixed signals, but I'm assuming I need to give her space so we can come back together. I hear that saying distance makes the heart grow fonder, saying , "If there's a chance of that, she'll come back." I don't know. I'm just being hopeful (so basically, it's a chance). Her ex-boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend, and she and her only had communication issues. She was complaining about it for a few months and I would try to stop but she did the same thing I tell her to stop drinking and tell me when you think you are or on the verge to tell me and she never did. I made mistakes, but she did also, and I don't think that was fair. I have my life together. I'm almost done with school , have a good paying job(menards), and an internship next year. She is finishing school also but she can't drive cause she has sezuires and stuff so no car (I would drive her everywhere ). I drove her everywhere and helped take her to the hospital and gave her all I had with a fee of problems, but all relationships have communication problems. I was cheated on a mistreated by other partners in the past, and it'ss been a horrible 7 yrs for me, but I haven't been so sure about women ever in my life that I wanted. I want he. I chose her for a reason when I asked her out after class on the last day. So all I'm saying i, has anyone been thru thi, and will she come back? What are some things to do to stop overthinking. I told her I'd wait and she said she'll text me and I'm proving to her that I will(after contacting her again.
submitted by iRamak to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:27 Tr-Andy-21 I’ve slowly began to hate my best friend from childhood

I, 25M, have known, Vincent (26M), since he moved into the country 14 years ago. A bunch of kids in the neighborhood would usually get together in the early evenings to hang out or play soccer. He slowly integrated to the group and we began to speak and hang out a lot. Considering he was the same age as my brother, also 26M, they initially kicked it off faster than me. The real tip in the scale came once I finished high school a year after them and we really had time to spend days or weekends together. We were basically inseparable. He could basically walk in and out of my house at his leisure since my parents also knew him as my closest friend at the time so there really weren’t any restrictions. He already had a car by the time I cleared high school so we would always be on some random mischievous mission, picking up girls or partying somewhere.
He relocated out of the neighborhood in between college which made it a lot more difficult for us to hang out regularly although we remained very close. He obviously found a few new friends to spend his days with whenever I wasn’t available. I feel their influence might have brought about some horrible change in him. He started dating somebody just before Covid and fell head over heels for her. They stayed together for majority of Covid with him bouncing between his place and hers. I wasn’t available during the entirety of that period considering my father was a high risk patient, therefore, I couldn’t risk contact with people that weren’t practicing social distancing.
Circling back to his relationship, She was honestly the worst or rather brought out the worst in him. They constantly fought, both verbally and physically. His girlfriend actually ended up being kicked out of her a place due to one of their fights which got police involved. Long story short, the relationship did a number to his personality. He seemed to lose confidence in himself. He started lying about little things like not having money on a night out but the next day spends a large sum on some random fling. He gained a serious drinking habit that resulted in him totaling a car (Nobody else was harmed but him. Rammed into a telephone pole).
He continued to drink uncontrollably nonetheless against the advice of our friend group. He has also become insufferable when intoxicated because he’s constantly in my ear complaining about this or the other during a night out. His behavior is trickling down to our interactions with acquaintances I.e he once got into a fist fight with a girl’s cousin because she wouldn’t go home with him that night and he came to pick her up that night (The guy even offered him a ride home!) I always ask him to reach out when sober if there’s anything to talk about but I can never get him to truly open up when I try to speak to him when he’s sober.
I’ve been asked by so many friends (and even my brother) why I still tolerate his destructive behavior and it’s because I still remember the great guy he used to be and he shows glimpses of that same guy when we’ve been able to hang out together without alcohol involved. I have a strong fear of abandonment and therefore I believe that I’m hanging on since I too wouldn’t wish that my friend leaves me when I need them the most. With time though, I’ve found myself avoiding extended periods around him or altogether avoiding gatherings that he’s attending. I no longer feel bad when I lie to him that I need to leave early or can’t make it. I want the best for him but I also believe we’re at the age that he needs to take the reigns of his life. I’m at my wits end and I don’t know if we can ever get back to where we were.
Didn’t use his real name for this post so sorry to all the Vincent’s out there
submitted by Tr-Andy-21 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:27 Specialist-Carry4488 [SQD][RECRUITING][SERVER] 7th Ranger Regiment

About us
The 7th Rangers Regiment is a US-based casual mil-sim community that aims to bring players together (experienced or new) through camaraderie to enjoy our common passion of gaming with an emphasis on tactical shooters and Mil-Sims due to our heavy Military/Veteran membership. Squad is the main focus of the community, but we have many subcategories. We have a top 50 NA ranked 100 slot dedicated public server ({7th} 7th Rangers - Operation Quicksilver.) This server rotation consists of RAAS, AAS, as well as a second NA 100 slot dedicated public server ({7th} Rangers - Operation Gothic Serpent) where the map rotation consists of invasion layers. In addition, we host and attend weekly events with other allied Squad clans. These events provide a more structured and tactical gaming experience as you are led through battle by seasoned squad leaders.
Active Duty Roster
The 7th Rangers Regiment Active duty roster is our premiere competitive and cohesive events squad.
with 8 Full squads currently, along with a large group of dedicated reservists looking for an active duty slot.
Events & Trainings
Dedicated Trainings and Event Server - {7th} 7th Rangers - Trainings & Events
We have a dedicated Events team that work to create fun and exciting operations/events. We host our own clan vs clan events as well actively participate in other community's events on a weekly basis. This competitive environment is spearheaded by our Active Duty roster, who practice often and work within their squads for maximum cohesion.
We have also developed multiple trainings that will give you the tools you need to play with advanced strategies and game knowledge. All trainings are conducted by a team of Subject Matter Experts (SME's) who work diligently to keep our information up-to-date. Whether it be helicopters, armor, or infantry, we can teach you the ranger way.
What we're looking for?
We are looking for players who enjoy playing Squad who are seeking a dedicated group to compete against other clans and who want to be part of a community that looks out for each other while pushing every member to be their best.
Must speak English
Must be 16 or older
No location requirements (We have members from NA, EU, Australia, Singapore, etc.)
How to Join 7th Rangers
Once you join our Discord, select a role in the # Enlistment-Office. If you wish to be a member select applicant and ask for an interview in interview-requests and tag a @ Jr NCO or @ NCO Think you've got what it takes to be a Ranger?
Discord: https://discord.gg/7thrangers
Website: https://www.the7thrangers.com/home
submitted by Specialist-Carry4488 to squadup [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:26 confused_in_general_ Am I Wrong for telling my boyfriend about his secret older siblings?

My (16) boyfriend Jack (18) have been together for almost two years. Jack has an older sister Liz (21). Last November, Liz and I were working together and she told me that her dad had another family before but he no longer speaks to them. Jack and Liz have two half siblings who are both much older and have families of their own now.
I didn’t believe her at first so I kinda forgot about the whole thing until a couple months later when she showed me a picture of their older brother who looked exactly like my boyfriend. It was undeniable that she was telling the truth and I felt completely sick.
Liz told me I couldn’t tell anyone including Jack. I kept in the secret for about a day and it nearly killed me. I have severe anxiety and I felt so nauseous that I couldn’t take it anymore so I ended up telling Jack about a day or two after seeing the picture of his brother.
He hasn’t told anyone that he knows. He says he’s not ready to talk to his sister or his parents and I’ve been trying my best to be here for him while he works through this.
Liz told me recently that she went to visit her half siblings and their families. I asked her when she plans on telling Jack. She said never. Apparently she finally told her parents that she knew the secret and there was a giant argument. I haven’t yet told Jack this information (he’s going through a rough time atm) but I plan to soon.
I was hoping Liz would tell him herself and then Jack and I could pretend I didn’t break her trust and tell him myself after she asked me not to. I’ve been feeling incredibly guilty about telling him against her wishes. Jack says that I was right to tell him even if it ruins my relationship with his sister. So was I wrong to tell Jack that he has half siblings?
submitted by confused_in_general_ to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:26 Lance-Spears I’m Just A Small Town Shifter 2 by GS D’Moore Review

I’m Just A Small Town Shifter 2 by GS D’Moore Review
Hey, you crazy cats and kittens. Step into the spear line with me as we talk about the most recent #HaremLit book that I’ve read! This book was a lot of fun, it literally made me laugh several times. With all of the craziness in the world, I think we could all use the relief. I am a new convert to this genre, but alas… I can only afford two new books a month. I shall have to slow down on these, but I am not abandoning this space! Seriously, I love this genre and can’t wait to grow my knowledge and exposure within this space. So, join me on this crazy adventure and dive into the deep end of crazy with me, Lance Spears!
Book Title: I’m Just A Small-Town Shifter 2
Author: G. S. D’Moore
Narrator: Evan Jordan & Sierra Taft
Audiobook Publisher: Podium Publishing
eBook Price: $4.99 USD
Audiobook Price: $29.66 USD or one Audible Credit
eBook & Audiobook Price: $12.48 USD
Pages: 440 Pages
Audiobook Length: 12 Hours 2 Minutes
Keywords: Shifter, Paranormal Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Fairy Tale Fantasy, Werewolf, Bear Shifter, Action, Adventure
A lot has changed for Kirk Jensen. He wasn’t the slightly fat, fast-food-slinging, new guy anymore. His whole existence changed that night he was attacked by a bear, and joined the ranks of Kodiak Island’s shifter community. He even managed to land his dream job on the island’s police force. But Kirk is so much more than just another werewolf shifter. He’s an alpha bear, the most powerful shifter on the island, and wanted by both of the dueling packs as an ally to settle their centuries-long feud.
In his first week as a shifter, he was nearly killed and had to track down those responsible for attacking both packs. Attacks that would have revealed the existence of shifters to the human world. He succeeded, managed to stop a war between the packs, and earned the respect of everyone around him. Not a bad first week for a rookie.
Too bad within a few hours of being released from the hospital, someone tried to kill him . . . again. The fragile peace he was able to forge between the packs is already fraying, and in all the chaos, other supernatural players are coming out of the shadows. If that wasn’t enough, the pair of werewolf women vying for his attention are getting feisty, and others are circling. It looks like it will take nothing less than an alpha bear to keep the island safe, and Kirk is just the shifter for the job.
I figured that since G.S. D’Moore did such a good job on his summary, I would copy and paste it. I think it was spot on, but left you enough room to discover the world as you read. What I liked about it was that it captured the tone of the author’s voice. He also showed the continued escalation of the shifter situation in Kodiak Island, Alaska. Definitely makes me want to move there and hunt shifters so they can turn me, too!
First, this was a harem series, so there were a lot of important characters. However, this was told from one point of view, Kirk Jensen. He’s the male lead of this world and was your Joe Every Man made good. Total wish fulfillment, but I really loved these cats and kittens. All of these characters were well-written and fleshed out. They felt real to me as if I could have a beer with them at the local pub. Which is ironic, given where Kirk’s first job was. Like the last few books that I read in this genre, this was a laid-back story. I loved that the author focused on fun and adventure without needless navel-gazing. Hats off to G.S. D’Moore for his execution; he killed it with these characters!
Kirk Jensen: He’s an orphan with dreams of a career in law enforcement. With a new degree in criminal justice, he moved to a small town in Alaska. He knew that small towns, like the one on Kodiak Island, had openings in law enforcement. At least, he hoped that they did because he went all in with his move. When he gets there, he chases his dream by working at a greasy spoon restaurant as a cook until he can test for the one opening that was coming with one of the local cops’ retirement. From a personality perspective, he is a steady, loyal guy. He’s your average guy, at least until things change when he becomes a shifter. During this novel, we watch as he grows into his uniform and his dynamic as the alpha of his own pack. Well, that pack is small… just his mates, but it’s a start.
Brianna Ahnah: She’s a member of the Ahnah Innuit Werewolf Pack. Her father is the alpha, and she is his only daughter. Her pack is a collection of various indigenous werewolf shifters, but she’s an Arctic wolf herself. Her people run the logging industry on Kodiak Island. She’s petite, maybe 5’3” tall and lithe in stature. Her hair is white, like the fur of her Arctic wolf. From a personality standpoint, she is a calming force and more of the laid-back homebody type. During this novel arc, she learns to put her new pack ahead of her petty rivalry with Serena. Her character growth was fun, and she seemed to blossom under the care of her mate and new alpha.
Serena McCoy: She’s a member of the McCoy Werewolf Pack. Her father is the alpha and came to Kodiak Island in the early 1900s. The pack is a collection of Dire Wolf shifters who run the Kodiak Island fishing companies. She’s a busty ginger with a personality to match the fiery mane. While Brianna is demure, Serena is a tempest of raw sexuality. She’s almost as tall as Kirk and seems very outgoing. During her arc in the second novel, we see her grow into the kind of mate an alpha shifter needs, growing past her party girl phase into true maturity.
June Callahan: She’s a member of the McCoy Werewolf Pack. Her father is Sergeant Callahan, one of the police officers in the Kodiak Police Department who is training Kirk Jensen. We find out that, while still in high school, she’s above the age of consent. She’d been held back a year as she mourned her mother’s death and was in her last year at the high school. Further, we explore her character as she subtly peruses Kirk and is then accused of selling the new illicit narcotic floating around the island.
Plot and Pacing:
This story was plotted to perfection by GS D’Moore. I believed in the character’s transition from human to shifter. And then from shifter to alpha, which was his journey during this novel. It was expertly done and not some rush job to get to the harem parts. Instead, we had several of Kirk becoming the skilled cop he was destined to be. Though I love shifters and werewolves… so my buy-in was easy. I was ready to suspend my disbelief… cause shifters are awesome! It helped that the author made it an easy and enjoyable ride through his coming-of-age adventure.
I truly enjoyed the police procedural parts of this literary journey. We got to watch our favorite bear shifter become a seasoned professional, though with plenty of room to grow. We even watched him learn to run his own pack, becoming the alpha he was destined to become. That growth was one of the central parts of the plot of this novel, so I hope the book three payoff is there.
As far as pacing was concerned, the adventure wasn’t all at once, rushing through the plot to get to the smut. Instead, the author built up to the crescendo, allowing the harem romance to ride second fiddle to a shifter tale. We continued to explore the universe through Kirk’s eyes, but this time, we also got to spend more time with his mates. Those ladies were a lot of fun, especially when they butted heads. I liked that those two weren’t the same character in a different body because their tension kept you on the edge of your seats. The author kept the story flowing smoothly from beat to beat, using the increased romantic tension to fill the lulls so the reader could catch their breath. Again, an awesome showing by D’Moore.
Audiobook Quality:
The audiobook was professionally made by Podium Publishing. The narrators they hired were good, and they kept my attention. There were more obvious inserted corrections where the volumes didn’t match. Even though there were more of them, it still didn’t stop me from enjoying the audiobook. After listening to Evan Jordan or Sierra Taft again, I was impressed. Despite the technical glitches, their vocals were on point. The two worked well together, and I’m becoming more and more of a fan of the two narrator pairings.
Sizzle Factor:
There were more sex scenes in this novel, a dual blowie from Kirk’s ladies and one glorious ‘wham, bam, thank you ma’am’ scene for each of his mates. These scenes were well written and allowed us to visualize things like a smutty movie in our head. That sex was very much normie vanilla, but it was good. Seriously, these scenes were extra steamy… with enough spice to break your measuring stick.
Okay, let’s dive into this book! This was my third harem novel, so I don’t have a lot to compare this to. That said, I really enjoyed what was here. The story was a lot of fun, it was well-written, and the audiobooks were well-performed. On the writing side, G.S. D’Moore has a mastery of the craft that was a pleasure to read and listen to. It was a joy to read, and I plan on checking out more of his books. I’ve already bought the ebook for the next in this series… I was too impatient to wait for the audiobook to come out.
The author communicated with conversational prose, which I’m a huge fan of. This book was a bubble gum summer read for me, something that doesn’t take itself too seriously. I love that. I searched it out in my current reading binges. However, the world-building was so expertly crafted that I wanted to live there too. I wanted to move to Kodiak Island and join the pack so I could get the chics. But that’s the fun of this genre; it is 100% wish fulfillment, and I’m here for it! Seriously, uber fan here.
Next, we’ll talk about the action scenes! If my Veteran Radar still works, I’d put money on D’Moore having worn the uniform in dangerous places. I recognize it because I’ve been there, too. He’s captured the tension of violent and chaotic scenes without losing the cool factor. Even better, it was written in such a way that even non-vets could figure out what he was talking about. The author didn’t dwell on ballistics or the self-important gun porn that some of my fellow Vet Bros love to wallow in. I like those too, don’t get me wrong, but in this genre, I just want something fun and lighthearted. Well, not so much that we skip the action… but I know you’re a smart reader, too. You’re picking up what I’m putting down! Tracking like a VCR, as they used to say.
Given all of that, it’s no wonder that his law enforcement character, Kirk Jensen, was so well written. His sergeant, another shifter, was as well. And even the ex-Marine Police Sergeant Callahan rang true from my own experiences. His other characters were also all believable, and I wanted to hang out with them in real life. This is how I judge the people books where I temporarily make my home, whether I want to go there and meet these folks.
The sex was written with just enough sizzle to seduce you into buying the next book. We’ve covered that above, so I won’t dwell on it… I’ll leave that for you to read in your bunk! Seriously, there could be ladies present and reading over our shoulders!
Moving on to the lore side of the house! With this series, I have enough knowledge of werewolf and shifter lore that I could follow along. I loved the subtle changes I’d never seen before. For example, only an alpha can allow a member of their pack to shift into their animal form. I also liked that there were multiple types of shifters, though we only see bears and wolves in this series so far. Now, I want to know if there are other forms of shifters because this is getting to be a fun world to play in. Another aspect of the lore that this book gave us was the existence of witches and magic, which was a fun rabbit trail for the author to follow. It amused me that, in a world where humans could shift into animals, they questioned whether witches and magic were real.
In a nutshell, this book was amazing and hooked me into buying the next book in this series. I hope it goes longer than a trilogy, but I’m here for it if it does! You’ll want to buy them all too, you won’t regret it!
submitted by Lance-Spears to Haremlit [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:26 iwasnote7user Was MilaR kind of like a s3x worker? What do you think?

I am just wondering -
In Daniel's latest video it was said again that MilaR had no money (-800 eur on her account) and Daniel was paying for everything. Not something new.
I also read rumors she did s3x work in korea.
She dumped him several times when she was not interested in what he had to offer. Someone in love cannot turn on/off their love like that.
Putting all of this together, I now think that she used his love for her (and his desperation due to his love for her) in order to take advantage of him: get the attention from his fans that she loves getting (imo she's a clear low-iq attention seeker) and the money to travel and do fun things together without paying anything. In return he got... I don't need to say what she gave him while he was useful for her.
That being said, I love how some of you guys keep defending her because of pretty privilege. We all know that if dannyboy had taken such financial advantage of someone who loved him, you'd be ripping him apart.
submitted by iwasnote7user to HIMRFAM [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:25 unsaferaisin Dad, I'm stuck.

I don't know what to do. I had a really hard time last month when my lease was up and I really had to confront the end of an 18-year relationship with a good person who was just not right for me. I came through it, though, I'm staying with a friend and keeping my head up and persisting. I thought I was going to have to move away because it's so expensive here; I'd looked for a place for months and it was nothing but expensive single rooms in weirdos' homes (Who refuses to allow a paying tenant to use the kitchen? Who thinks it's right to tell someone they can't work from home or ever have a guest? And then there were the sex pests). I applied for jobs back where I grew up and I actually got interviews for a really good one. It's a government job, pension, health care, the whole deal. They created a Workday account for me this morning so I guess I passed the background check. And now I have to decide.
On paper it's a no-brainer. The money is good, and it goes a lot farther there than it would in California. The agency is a good one, they retain people, and they try to promote from within. I'd have health insurance and all the other benefits. I'd be close to childhood friends who are still there for me even a decade after I moved. I'd be able to cash out my retirement from the state and get rid of all my debt. I think I'd like the job and I know I'm qualified for it. It'd be a chance to do more technical work, and I connect well with one of the team members and think we would work really well together. My high school best friend's parents, who are like my second parents (My home life was not great), are there and they're getting on in age and I'd really like to be there to help them like they helped me when I was a scared teen.
But it's not simple. I have a life here. I have a gym that has been my lifeline through so many things. I'm coming to realize just how many true friends I have here and I regret not having trusted in that sooner. I love the places I go and I love the ocean. I love that I know the people who work at all my favorite stores, and they know me, and I'm part of a community. I have a job that pays well even if it's not what was advertised, exactly. And most of all I love this man I've been involved with for a while now. He makes me a better person. He needs me, though I never wanted him to be dependent. I'm the only person in town who takes care of him; everyone else wants to control him or doesn't care that he's got problems. If I leave, he'll drink himself to death in short order while being treated horribly by people who don't deserve him. If I leave, I'm leaving getting to learn from professional athletes, and I'm leaving him in the lurch for training with the same. I've never loved anyone the way I love him and I take a deep and simple joy in doing small things for him. I'm not ready to give up late-night In-N-Out runs or making doctor's appointments or taking care of our animals or falling asleep on his shoulder. I don't think he'd come with me but I want to pack him and the cat and the bunnies and even the chicken up and bring them with me. It's not just him keeping me here but he's a huge part of it. He's embedded in my heart and though I'll never stop trying, I can't stand the thought of never seeing him again. I know I could visit but it won't be the same.
I know I'll land on my feet no matter where I go. I know I have people who love me in both cities. I know it's dogshit stupid to turn down a decent cost of living and full benefits to stay in Cali and struggle and hope I don't need a doctor. I know that. But I'm stuck and I've been putting off making a decision for months now and...I can't. I thought I would feel at least a little joy to get the job but I don't, and I don't know what to do with that. It's not just fear of change, because I don't really have that and I know where I'd be headed. I don't know how much I should listen to this grief. I know I'm not responsible for anyone but me in this life but I can't pretend I'm not woven into a community and a life in ways that would feel my absence. I would feel his absence, their absence too. What do I do? Do I go and make it, or do I stay and struggle alongside those I love? This hurts so much worse than I thought it would and I just need help sorting it out. I'm paralyzed but now things are moving and I need to commit.
submitted by unsaferaisin to DadForAMinute [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:24 Michael-Afton [F4A] "You're too sweet~" CEO Girlfriend Treats You [Sweet] [Tipsy Listener]

Description: Your girlfriend treats you to a night at a nice restaurant.
Sound of her boots as she walks over to the listener.
Girlfriend: "Looky looky, my cutie is back, looking good as always~"
Girlfriend: "And getting chatted up...as always..."
Girlfriend: "Look, if you get out of here right now I won't even give you a second look, okay?"
Girlfriend: "Then leave."
Girlfriend: "Come here you~"
Sound of her wrapping her arms around the listener, giving them a deep kiss.
Girlfriend: "How is my darling doing?"
Girlfriend: "I'm sorry for my late arrival, work has been...extra difficult today."
Girlfriend: "Aww don't worry about me, I'm alright now."
Girlfriend: "Well I'm here with you aren't I? What else could I need to feel better?"
Girlfriend: "But enough about work, I asked you to come here so I could spoil you."
Girlfriend: "I know, but you really do deserve this."
Girlfriend: "And it's a nice way to make it up to you for being so busy lately."
Girlfriend: "I know you said it's okay."
Girlfriend: "Now that the extra workload is gone, things can return to normal."
Girlfriend: "So why not celebrate by taking my darling to a nice place?"
Sound of a waiter walking over.
Girlfriend: "Oh, good evening."
Girlfriend: "I'll take the dragon roar and a glass of water."
Girlfriend: "What would you like dear?"
Girlfriend: "That will be all for now."
Sound of the waiter walking away.
Girlfriend: "Darling please, you can have whatever you want."
Girlfriend: "This isn't just my night."
Girlfriend: "I'm just saying you should treat yourself."
Girlfriend: "Well the night is still young, so just wait."
Girlfriend: "You will get spoiled."
Girlfriend: "So what are we gonna get?"
Girlfriend: "I'll get whatever you're having."
Girlfriend: "Okay, and what about the appetizer and dessert."
Girlfriend: "Of course, we're getting them."
Girlfriend: Laughs. "I knew you'd pick that."
Girlfriend: "Because it's your favorite dessert."
Girlfriend: "Like how I always pick the cherry ice cream."
Sound of the waiter coming back, placing down the glasses.
Girlfriend: "Thank you."
Girlfriend: "Yes we've decided, we'll take 25, 45, and 34."
Sound of the waiter leaving again.
Audio fades out as the time skip happens.
Girlfriend: "I love it when you wear that shirt."
Girlfriend: "The color just suits you."
Girlfriend: "Oh, so that's why you wore it, sneaky you~"
Girlfriend: "-ey...darling..."
Girlfriend: "Hey, you falling asleep on me?"
Girlfriend: "I mean I don't mind having you sleep on my shoulder, but I think we should go home first."
Girlfriend: Giggles. "Yes you were."
Girlfriend: "Aww, don't pout."
Girlfriend: "Just because we're going home doesn't mean the fun is over."
Girlfriend: "Once we're home we can cuddle up in bed and watch some movies, your pick."
Girlfriend: "Yes, I promise."
Girlfriend: "I pinky swear too."
Girlfriend: "Mhm, I'll be the big spoon."
Girlfriend: "Alright, let's go then."
Girlfriend: "I've called the limo to get us home."
Girlfriend: "No worries, I already paid."
Sound of her helping the listener up.
Girlfriend: "Not so fast, I don't want you to get dizzy."
Girlfriend: "Just take it slowly okay."
Girlfriend: "Yes, just hold onto my arm."
Girlfriend: "Aww thank you, you're very pretty too~"
Girlfriend: "You feeling dizzy?"
Girlfriend: "Do you want to wait for a moment, or should I grab a bag?"
Girlfriend: "Okay, just tell me if it gets worse."
Girlfriend: "No it's okay, it's okay to let loose sometimes."
Sound of them going outside and into the limo.
Driving background ambiance.
Girlfriend: "Get your seatbelt on."
Girlfriend: "Okay."
Girlfriend: "So, how was the night?"
Girlfriend: "I could tell, you've been smiling the entire time."
Girlfriend: "Gosh you're sweet~"
Sound of her kissing the listener multiple times.
Girlfriend: "Everything okay?"
Girlfriend: "No problem, I can turn the climate up."
Girlfriend: "And I can wrap my arm around you~"
Girlfriend: "You can always have more kisses darling, you don't have to ask~"
Sound of her kissing the listener again.
Girlfriend: "Better?"
Girlfriend: "Here, rest your head on my shoulder."
Girlfriend: "You don't have to thank me, darling."
Girlfriend: "This was nothing."
Girlfriend: "There will be many more nights like these."
Girlfriend: "And with my free time back there'll be many mornings like this too."
Girlfriend: Giggles. "Yes, that means we can sleep in together."
Girlfriend: "Whatever you want darling~"
Girlfriend: "I just want to see you happy~"
Girlfriend: "Love you too."
Girlfriend: "I feel like a teddy bear when you squeeze me like that."
Girlfriend: "It's the best feeling in the world."
Girlfriend: "And I get to experience it every morning and evening."
Girlfriend: "Lucky me~"
Girlfriend: "And the-Oh..."
Girlfriend: Giggles. "I knew you would pass out before we got home."
Girlfriend: "Guess we'll watch those movies tomorrow."
Girlfriend: "Not that you'll mind."
Girlfriend: "I think we're both sleeping in after such a long night."
Girlfriend: "Sleep well my dear~"
Girlfriend: "Love you~"
Sound of her playing with the listener's hair as the audio slowly fades out.
Constructive Criticism is welcome, I would love to know your thoughts.
If someone wants to record this and release it on any platform, they can do so if credit and/or a link to this post are provided.
Monetization is okay with all of my scripts, no matter the platform. (This includes platforms like Patreon as well, though if I could, I'd like to listen to the recording at least once.)
If you want to make any changes to the script, please ask me first, unless I have already permitted you to do so for either this or all of my scripts.
List of all of my scripts:
Part 1 - https://www.reddit.com/ASMRScriptHaven/comments/s24un1/master_list_of_my_scripts_f4a_all_are_free_to_use/
Part 2 - https://www.reddit.com/ASMRScriptHaven/comments/1777754/master_list_of_my_scripts_part_2_f4a_all_a_free/
submitted by Michael-Afton to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:24 Lance-Spears I’m Just A Small Town Shifter 2 by GS D’Moore Review

I’m Just A Small Town Shifter 2 by GS D’Moore Review
Hey, you crazy cats and kittens. Step into the spear line with me as we talk about the most recent #HaremLit book that I’ve read! This book was a lot of fun, it literally made me laugh several times. With all of the craziness in the world, I think we could all use the relief. I am a new convert to this genre, but alas… I can only afford two new books a month. I shall have to slow down on these, but I am not abandoning this space! Seriously, I love this genre and can’t wait to grow my knowledge and exposure within this space. So, join me on this crazy adventure and dive into the deep end of crazy with me, Lance Spears!
Book Title: I’m Just A Small-Town Shifter 2
Author: G. S. D’Moore
Narrator: Evan Jordan & Sierra Taft
Audiobook Publisher: Podium Publishing
eBook Price: $4.99 USD
Audiobook Price: $29.66 USD or one Audible Credit
eBook & Audiobook Price: $12.48 USD
Pages: 440 Pages
Audiobook Length: 12 Hours 2 Minutes
Keywords: Shifter, Paranormal Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Fairy Tale Fantasy, Werewolf, Bear Shifter, Action, Adventure
A lot has changed for Kirk Jensen. He wasn’t the slightly fat, fast-food-slinging, new guy anymore. His whole existence changed that night he was attacked by a bear, and joined the ranks of Kodiak Island’s shifter community. He even managed to land his dream job on the island’s police force. But Kirk is so much more than just another werewolf shifter. He’s an alpha bear, the most powerful shifter on the island, and wanted by both of the dueling packs as an ally to settle their centuries-long feud.
In his first week as a shifter, he was nearly killed and had to track down those responsible for attacking both packs. Attacks that would have revealed the existence of shifters to the human world. He succeeded, managed to stop a war between the packs, and earned the respect of everyone around him. Not a bad first week for a rookie.
Too bad within a few hours of being released from the hospital, someone tried to kill him . . . again. The fragile peace he was able to forge between the packs is already fraying, and in all the chaos, other supernatural players are coming out of the shadows. If that wasn’t enough, the pair of werewolf women vying for his attention are getting feisty, and others are circling. It looks like it will take nothing less than an alpha bear to keep the island safe, and Kirk is just the shifter for the job.
I figured that since G.S. D’Moore did such a good job on his summary, I would copy and paste it. I think it was spot on, but left you enough room to discover the world as you read. What I liked about it was that it captured the tone of the author’s voice. He also showed the continued escalation of the shifter situation in Kodiak Island, Alaska. Definitely makes me want to move there and hunt shifters so they can turn me, too!
First, this was a harem series, so there were a lot of important characters. However, this was told from one point of view, Kirk Jensen. He’s the male lead of this world and was your Joe Every Man made good. Total wish fulfillment, but I really loved these cats and kittens. All of these characters were well-written and fleshed out. They felt real to me as if I could have a beer with them at the local pub. Which is ironic, given where Kirk’s first job was. Like the last few books that I read in this genre, this was a laid-back story. I loved that the author focused on fun and adventure without needless navel-gazing. Hats off to G.S. D’Moore for his execution; he killed it with these characters!
Kirk Jensen: He’s an orphan with dreams of a career in law enforcement. With a new degree in criminal justice, he moved to a small town in Alaska. He knew that small towns, like the one on Kodiak Island, had openings in law enforcement. At least, he hoped that they did because he went all in with his move. When he gets there, he chases his dream by working at a greasy spoon restaurant as a cook until he can test for the one opening that was coming with one of the local cops’ retirement. From a personality perspective, he is a steady, loyal guy. He’s your average guy, at least until things change when he becomes a shifter. During this novel, we watch as he grows into his uniform and his dynamic as the alpha of his own pack. Well, that pack is small… just his mates, but it’s a start.
Brianna Ahnah: She’s a member of the Ahnah Innuit Werewolf Pack. Her father is the alpha, and she is his only daughter. Her pack is a collection of various indigenous werewolf shifters, but she’s an Arctic wolf herself. Her people run the logging industry on Kodiak Island. She’s petite, maybe 5’3” tall and lithe in stature. Her hair is white, like the fur of her Arctic wolf. From a personality standpoint, she is a calming force and more of the laid-back homebody type. During this novel arc, she learns to put her new pack ahead of her petty rivalry with Serena. Her character growth was fun, and she seemed to blossom under the care of her mate and new alpha.
Serena McCoy: She’s a member of the McCoy Werewolf Pack. Her father is the alpha and came to Kodiak Island in the early 1900s. The pack is a collection of Dire Wolf shifters who run the Kodiak Island fishing companies. She’s a busty ginger with a personality to match the fiery mane. While Brianna is demure, Serena is a tempest of raw sexuality. She’s almost as tall as Kirk and seems very outgoing. During her arc in the second novel, we see her grow into the kind of mate an alpha shifter needs, growing past her party girl phase into true maturity.
June Callahan: She’s a member of the McCoy Werewolf Pack. Her father is Sergeant Callahan, one of the police officers in the Kodiak Police Department who is training Kirk Jensen. We find out that, while still in high school, she’s above the age of consent. She’d been held back a year as she mourned her mother’s death and was in her last year at the high school. Further, we explore her character as she subtly peruses Kirk and is then accused of selling the new illicit narcotic floating around the island.
Plot and Pacing:
This story was plotted to perfection by GS D’Moore. I believed in the character’s transition from human to shifter. And then from shifter to alpha, which was his journey during this novel. It was expertly done and not some rush job to get to the harem parts. Instead, we had several of Kirk becoming the skilled cop he was destined to be. Though I love shifters and werewolves… so my buy-in was easy. I was ready to suspend my disbelief… cause shifters are awesome! It helped that the author made it an easy and enjoyable ride through his coming-of-age adventure.
I truly enjoyed the police procedural parts of this literary journey. We got to watch our favorite bear shifter become a seasoned professional, though with plenty of room to grow. We even watched him learn to run his own pack, becoming the alpha he was destined to become. That growth was one of the central parts of the plot of this novel, so I hope the book three payoff is there.
As far as pacing was concerned, the adventure wasn’t all at once, rushing through the plot to get to the smut. Instead, the author built up to the crescendo, allowing the harem romance to ride second fiddle to a shifter tale. We continued to explore the universe through Kirk’s eyes, but this time, we also got to spend more time with his mates. Those ladies were a lot of fun, especially when they butted heads. I liked that those two weren’t the same character in a different body because their tension kept you on the edge of your seats. The author kept the story flowing smoothly from beat to beat, using the increased romantic tension to fill the lulls so the reader could catch their breath. Again, an awesome showing by D’Moore.
Audiobook Quality:
The audiobook was professionally made by Podium Publishing. The narrators they hired were good, and they kept my attention. There were more obvious inserted corrections where the volumes didn’t match. Even though there were more of them, it still didn’t stop me from enjoying the audiobook. After listening to Evan Jordan or Sierra Taft again, I was impressed. Despite the technical glitches, their vocals were on point. The two worked well together, and I’m becoming more and more of a fan of the two narrator pairings.
Sizzle Factor:
There were more sex scenes in this novel, a dual blowie from Kirk’s ladies and one glorious ‘wham, bam, thank you ma’am’ scene for each of his mates. These scenes were well written and allowed us to visualize things like a smutty movie in our head. That sex was very much normie vanilla, but it was good. Seriously, these scenes were extra steamy… with enough spice to break your measuring stick.
Okay, let’s dive into this book! This was my third harem novel, so I don’t have a lot to compare this to. That said, I really enjoyed what was here. The story was a lot of fun, it was well-written, and the audiobooks were well-performed. On the writing side, G.S. D’Moore has a mastery of the craft that was a pleasure to read and listen to. It was a joy to read, and I plan on checking out more of his books. I’ve already bought the ebook for the next in this series… I was too impatient to wait for the audiobook to come out.
The author communicated with conversational prose, which I’m a huge fan of. This book was a bubble gum summer read for me, something that doesn’t take itself too seriously. I love that. I searched it out in my current reading binges. However, the world-building was so expertly crafted that I wanted to live there too. I wanted to move to Kodiak Island and join the pack so I could get the chics. But that’s the fun of this genre; it is 100% wish fulfillment, and I’m here for it! Seriously, uber fan here.
Next, we’ll talk about the action scenes! If my Veteran Radar still works, I’d put money on D’Moore having worn the uniform in dangerous places. I recognize it because I’ve been there, too. He’s captured the tension of violent and chaotic scenes without losing the cool factor. Even better, it was written in such a way that even non-vets could figure out what he was talking about. The author didn’t dwell on ballistics or the self-important gun porn that some of my fellow Vet Bros love to wallow in. I like those too, don’t get me wrong, but in this genre, I just want something fun and lighthearted. Well, not so much that we skip the action… but I know you’re a smart reader, too. You’re picking up what I’m putting down! Tracking like a VCR, as they used to say.
Given all of that, it’s no wonder that his law enforcement character, Kirk Jensen, was so well written. His sergeant, another shifter, was as well. And even the ex-Marine Police Sergeant Callahan rang true from my own experiences. His other characters were also all believable, and I wanted to hang out with them in real life. This is how I judge the people books where I temporarily make my home, whether I want to go there and meet these folks.
The sex was written with just enough sizzle to seduce you into buying the next book. We’ve covered that above, so I won’t dwell on it… I’ll leave that for you to read in your bunk! Seriously, there could be ladies present and reading over our shoulders!
Moving on to the lore side of the house! With this series, I have enough knowledge of werewolf and shifter lore that I could follow along. I loved the subtle changes I’d never seen before. For example, only an alpha can allow a member of their pack to shift into their animal form. I also liked that there were multiple types of shifters, though we only see bears and wolves in this series so far. Now, I want to know if there are other forms of shifters because this is getting to be a fun world to play in. Another aspect of the lore that this book gave us was the existence of witches and magic, which was a fun rabbit trail for the author to follow. It amused me that, in a world where humans could shift into animals, they questioned whether witches and magic were real.
In a nutshell, this book was amazing and hooked me into buying the next book in this series. I hope it goes longer than a trilogy, but I’m here for it if it does! You’ll want to buy them all too, you won’t regret it!
submitted by Lance-Spears to haremfantasynovels [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:24 anonymouse2275 AITAH for blocking my "friends" for using me for SHEIN and Temu giftcards?

I posted almost a week ago about how I barely talk to two of my friends from high-school, Lisa and Anne, and while this is a stupid last straw, it made me realize that they consider me to be less than who thought I was to them.
TLDR of last post: I barely talk to them anymore because they seem upset that I'm dating a guy one of them set me up with and that I moved in with him.
So I (still) barely talk to them, but now instead of replying to any of my messages to them, they send me links to sign up to SHEIN and Temu to get $300 gift cards that aren't even real. Personally, I'm laughing at them for being dumb enough to think they'd get the gift cards that don't exist, because I used to be dumb enough to think they did until I never got them. They're just scams to take your information and get more traffic to their apps. At least I learned that at 16-17 and not at 22.
I'm tired of being treated like my only worth is to get them terrible quality clothes and trinkets that never get shipped or break in a week, or as someone to mutually hate because I got my life together and they didn't. I know I sound super hateful right now but after years of dealing with this, I think I'm allowed to stoop to their petty level a little bit. Please read my other post on my profile cause it'll explain this a lot better and I don't really want to get into it again.
submitted by anonymouse2275 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:24 Watpotfaa Food Ideas

I've been to a festival or several in my days and every time I attend one, I learn more tricks and trips to make for a better overall time. Im sure everyone would love to just eat festival food for every meal; I dont know about you, but I simply cant afford that. So I figured I would share some food ideas that I have learned from others over the years and some I have come up with myself. Overall - you will be wanting food that is nurishing, relatively nutritious, filling but not too heavy on the stomach, and most importantly, EASY. This is how I roll.
And yeah thats pretty much it. Add fruits, chips, etc as snacks and you are solid. You dont have to do it this way obviously, but as mentioned several times, its quick, cheap, filling, nutritious and tasty! The last thing you want to deal with while camping and being half spun out is a whole bunch of prep work and cleaning, because despite your plans and best intentions, you bet your spun out ass you are going to take one look at that whole production and say nope. Hope this little guide helps and stay healthy and safe - looking forward to Elements with all of you!
submitted by Watpotfaa to ElementsMusicFestival [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:23 Financial_Hold5044 Recommend colleges + Chance me with current list

I don't really know which of my colleges are target or reach schools, and I would also appreciate if I got more recommendations on a good college for Computer Science, but this is my list (For all colleges, I am doing the earliest possible submission, like Early Decision if applicable):
(Money is not an issue for me)
Safety: UT Dallas, Texas A&M
Target: UT Austin
Reach: UWash, UC System (Berkeley, Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Irvine and Davis), UMD, Stanford, CMU, UIUC
Demographics: Male, Indian, TX, very competitive public high school
Hooks: first generation, "grew up in a predominantly white area"
Intended Major(s): Computer Science or Data Science
ACT/SAT/SAT II: 1530 SAT (790 M, 740 RW)
UW/W GPA and Rank: 3.95 UW, 5.485 W (Weighted GPA is a bit different here, I don't know my 4.0 yet), rank 54/943
AP World (5), AP CSP (5), IB History of the Americas, APCSA (5), IB English, AP Environmental Science (5), AP PreCalculus (5), AP Human Geography (5)
Taking IB History II, IB English II, AP Calc BC, AP Chem, IB Psych, AP Physics I, Engineering, AP Stats
Dual Credit Philosophy, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Art Appreciation, US History (Final grades were 99%)
Honors Algebra 2, Honors Biology, Honors Computer Science/Programming II, Honors English II, Spanish 2 Honors, Honors Chemistry, Computer Science III (AP-like class), Honors Physics. (Took all possible Computer Science classes in my school)
4x National Qualifier in TSA, 1x State Champion in TSA
Qualifying Events in TSA are VR, Webmaster, Manufacturing Prototype and Software Development, while State Champion is VR
Schoolhouse.world Acclaimed Tutor Award
2x Minesweeper.Online Tournament Winner
Hasley Memorial Award Winner (Local Award given to 3 people yearly for experience, impact, distinction, recommendation, and personality by recommendation)
Microsoft Office Associate and Expert Certified
MTA and ITS Java Certified
PCEP (Entry), PCAP (Associate), and PCPP (Professional) Python Certified
USACO Gold Qualifier
AP Scholar with Distinction
3x UT Dallas Battle of the Brains Winner
Congressional App Challenge Winner with my friend
Math UIL 2x State Qualifier in Calculator Applications
Science Olympiad State Qualifier in Disease Detectives and Anatomy/Physiology
2x School Student of the Month
TSA Student of the Month
3x Python Institute Scholar
Researched at the University of Texas at Dallas under a professor in Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning in Python the first year and published a UTD research paper detailing our experiences. In the second year, I mentored new students in the program and participated in further research to amplify my paper to be globally published
Accepted into the competitive HSRA Program at UT Austin in the College of Natural Sciences for Computational Astrophysics, where we use Python and Data Science to analyze databases like GAIA for Astronomy and derive conclusions.
Served as TSA Chapter Committee Leader and Mentor in 3 separate years
Volunteered for 200+ hours of community service throughout high school through Red Cross and Key Club
Interned at numerous companies through the span of 3 years such as Accenture, TATA Quants, and Coforge
Currently in a job with Knowt.io as a member of their Content and Software Development Team, where we work together to address the fast-growing userbase coming to Knowt as an alternative for Quizlet. We have created numerous applications like KnowtAI and expanded our offerings towards all types of global exams. Started in November 2023
Lead Tutor and Content Developer at Schoolhouse.world for its Computer Science department. Through the span of 2 years, I helped thousands of students from over 100 countries learn computing, programming, and artificial intelligence
Competitive coder at hackathons and other events, and mentored hundreds of kids in Python and Java for novice programming
Secretary and Vice President of my school's research club, where I led and supervised a team of 100+ students with a diverse array of scientific interests to write their own research papers and publish it in platforms like RARS and
Competitive Player in Minesweeper for tournaments and mentored new players in summer bootcamps to teach them Minesweeper
Volunteered over 400 hours through the span of 5 years at my local Storehouse (Same place where I got Hasley Award)
Founder of a local non-profit where we work with local governments and companies to not only receive grants but also provide access to technology for under-served areas. I was inspired from my trip to India to teach kids in underprivileged areas the power of programming and Artificial Intelligence just like how I did with Schoolhouse.World. Through the course of 2 years, we now have a strong volunteer base of 25 and have helped over 500 students in our area towards their passion.
Built numerous applications and websites for local companies and for my job at Knowt that required Django, Flask, CSS/HTML/JS, Python, Node.JS, Java, and React
Essays were outstanding, really connected my passion of Minesweeper and programming with my lifelong goals and passions that could be achieved with my Computer Science degree. Supplements were also very well, and I mentioned research and further passion, so I would say 9/10
CEO of the place where I got the Hasley Award: 10/10, She was an amazing mentor and leader for me, and we really bonded well during my 5 years of volunteering there
Research Mentor and Professor at UTD: 9/10, he was also very amazing, and as a lead professor of instruction, he really addressed my thoughts and encouraged me to expand
IB History Teacher: 10/10, he was one of the best teachers I could have asked for in high school. The way he taught the class allowed me to grow and develop more than in any other class before.
Software Development Manager and Mentor at Accenture: 10/10, this was the best ever intern experience I had, and without him, I wouldn't even be here
AP CSA Teacher: 9/10, also an amazing teacher just like my IB History Teacher
Counselor: 9/10, one of the best people I met at school
submitted by Financial_Hold5044 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:23 esdeath14 MIL only invites husband's ex and not me

Husband (31M) and I (25F) have been together for the last 6 years. We have since had two boys ages 4 & 2 and are expecting our 3rd baby this year. My husband has a 14 year old son with his ex who he was together with for less than 2 years and seperated when their son was still a few months old. They were teen parents at the time so I understand that my husbands family was close to said 14 year old boy and his mom.
The thing is that my MIL moved states away about 3 years ago. She has only seen my children a handful of times.. but has never truly shown interest in them. When MIL calls she never asks how me nor the kids are but will ask about my husbands eldest.
I didn't take it to heart as much in earlier years. But past few years I have stopped being invited to family gatherings for no reason. They invite my husband but only direct message him. But husbands ex is always being personally invited to all gatherings including christmas and gifts are being bought for eldest son but not my children.
MIL mother (my kids great grandmother) is getting married this summer. My husband was sent an invitation only regarding him and told if husbands ex couldn't make it to be sure to bring eldest son.
This for some reason hurt more as i am pregnant and it seems they do not care how i feel. My husband said I shouldn't mind and attend by his side anyways. But it just doesn't feel right, I feel out of place especially showing up with a newborn none of them have even asked once about.
I don't understand why they care so much for husbands ex when they were only together for such little time. And I wasn't that old myself when we got together and I was never helped nor loved as much as she was. The teen boy is getting old and doesn't seem to care much for his grandparents.. so I feel it's kind of a way to justify keeping ex around for so long.
Idk I'm just kind of venting. As I'm unsure if I should even care about such things. What do you guys think? Should I stop attending gatherings or just bite my tongue and act like everything is fine. I'm not saying they should cut her off either, I know she is the mother of their grandchild. But if that's the case then I believe they are having favoritism.
Ps Husbands ex is pregnant with her new partner and is being congratulated by my MIL and MIL mother. I believe they're in the makes of throwing her a baby shower. Yet I'm bound to pop any time in next month and was never surprised with anything..
submitted by esdeath14 to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:23 Only_While2625 Should I quit therapy? I feel like I’m being manipulated..

(Sorry for mistakes English is not my first language) I’ve been in therapy for 1 year (one session every week). I do like my therapist and I can definitely see the progress. I chose this person as my therapist because I could tell she’s really into what she’s doing and genuinely cares about her clients..However in last few months things has changed..I don’t feel like I’m getting any useful tools like I did before. Our sessions became just mostly gossiping about my dates or how my sister is arguing with her husband (we don’t live together and it doesn’t really affect me) and whenever I try to shift our conversation in a different directions it just doesn’t work..On our last session I basically just shared with her quotes that motivate me and she’s been just agreeing with me literally praising me and telling how smart I am and whenever I tried to go deeper it just came back to surface level..Maybe it’s also my fault - I understand that to progress in therapy I also have to put in quite a lot of effort but I just feel like there’s no structure and if I’m not trying to go deep we are literally just having some friendly surface-level chat..maybe my therapist believes it is what I need now..however I do try to shift out conversations into more serious direction but it’s just not happening..other thing that REALLY concerns me is that whenever I mention something like going on vacation she immediately says something like ‘ It’s ok we can continue online’ or ‘Good thing we don’t have to make pause in our sessions’ so it feels like she’s really scared of losing me..sometimes she’ll just say something like ‘Some people think they feel better and stop sessions but it’s a huge mistake’ or ‘Clients think they’ll see results from therapy quite soon but it takes really long time’ or even ‘Some people go shopping and travel but therapy is what really important to spend time/money on’ . All this starts to make me feel uncomfortable like I’m being manipulated by constantly being praised, saying what I want to hear from one side and listening to horror stories of how clients left therapy too early and it all went downhill from the other side. I’m really not sure what to do since at the beginning it helped me so much and shifted my mindset but now I almost feel stupid for spending so much money on having a chit-chat..Is it a ‘me problemʼ or my therapist just has zero structure? Has anyone ever experienced something similar..? What would you do..?
submitted by Only_While2625 to TalkTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:22 Pure_Substance_4063 I think I (24F) am dating a (27M) who is a Fearful Avoidant and I don’t know what to do.

We’ve been dating each other for three months and he’s genuinely the sweetest and gentlest man I’ve ever known. Both of our past experiences with our families/ partners are extremely similar and I think we’ve both helped each other heal ourselves and our inner child in a lot of ways. He’s made me believe healthy love does exist, it takes a lot of intentional effort and holding ourselves accountable but it does exist.
But I’m scared he is a fearful-avoidant. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a partner but whenever there’s confrontation or argument his way of coping is by running away and trying to deal with it alone. Yesterday he found out he’s going to have to relocate due to a family emergency and he might be gone for a few years. He thinks the best thing for the both of us is for us to go our separate ways because he has to prioritize his family & family business and he knows he won’t be able to keep me first which he feels is unfair to me and I don’t deserve that.
He feels we’re at a point where we’re trying to figure out the best course of action for our lives and he doesn’t want to influence my life trajectory bc everything is so uncertain. It also has a lot to do with his family member passing away and he feels he has to grieve alone. He’s stern about this decision but I refuse to let go of him because I feel this isn’t worth throwing away an entire relationship.
There are a lot of things I need to work on myself too but I genuinely believe we can heal together and can navigate this relationship together. I want to make him understand that he doesn’t have to grieve alone, it is okay to lean on people, it’s okay to feel emotions, and it’s okay to be sad.
It feels like I’m being stubborn but I’m not doing this because I think this is what I deserve but because this is what I want. I want to show him that he doesn’t have to do anything alone and that he isn’t all these mean & hurtful things he’s believed he is. He is gentle, he is soft and he is kind and I wish I was able to show him how I saw him but I’m scared. I’m scared because I don’t know what the right thing is to do. I don’t know if he’s right and I’m being delusional. For the first time in my life, I’ve cared enough to fight for a relationship but I don’t even know if this is what he wants. He says this decision hurts him too but I don’t understand how he’s able to just drop everything and leave because he believes he needs to grieve alone. I don’t want him to grieve alone. I know we can both provide each other with the love we’ve always wanted but I also want to do what’s best for him. I feel so lost.
TLDR I think I am dating a Fearful Avoidant and I don’t know what to do.
submitted by Pure_Substance_4063 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:22 choice_is_yours Party Of Allah (POA)

I would like to begin by asking a question: How many paths can you follow in this life? The answer is two – we have two paths we can follow. What are those paths? We may say good and bad, right and wrong, truth and falsehood or the Path of Allah and the path of shaitan (satan). These are all correct answers, although for the sake of this post, we will take the last statement (Path of Allah and path of shaitan).
If we are not on Allah SWT’s path then what path are we on? Obvious, right? We would be on the path of shaitan, as there aren’t any other choices. Simply, think of it this way, if we have the choice between drinking water or drinking milk, and we don’t drink the milk, then we obviously choose to drink the water. It’s really quite straightforward.
The question that arises however is what are the requirements of being on the path of Allah and how do we know we are on it? Whatever path we choose to follow, is who’s path we are on and whose party or group we are members of. So this is where we ask ourselves, are we from the party of Allah or the party of shaitan? Previously, we learned about how Allah can be in our intellects. But what if Allah is not in our intellect? Then who is?
We will discuss ayat that tell us who the Party of Allah are and how we can become part of this group. In the Quran Allah refers to his people as believers or Mumins. The thing about the Party of Allah is that it is very exclusive, it comes with many perks and rewards, and it is a challenge to get in and seems near impossible at times, but good things don’t come easy, right? Now, the party of shaitan is the opposite. It is easy to enter, everyone is invited in, and it’s pretty miserable and nasty once you enter. In the party of shaitan you are promised ‘freedom’ and from the outside it looks really good, but once you get in, you see that it’s actually a cesspool of the lowest kind. It’s really no where anyone wants to be.
So whose party are you interested in? Allah’s? I knew it! Well, read on to see if you have what it takes…
Asalamu’alaikum wa Rehmatulahi wa Barakatahu,
The Party Of Allah (POA) is always open to new applicants. There are a few things that are required to get into the POA. They are quite simple and you are guaranteed complete satisfaction with the outcome. Please keep in mind, students who fail to reach these requirements may be denied admission, but the decision ultimately rests with the Commander and Chief. So, dress to impress and do your homework!
REQUIREMENTS FOR THE POA (references included):
#1: Simply, you need to take Allah and His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as allies and follow what they say through the Quran and Sunnah.
“And whoever is an ally of Allah and His Messenger and those who have believed – indeed, the party of Allah – they will be the predominant.” (The Noble Quran 5:56)
#2: A true POA student does not have affection or empathy for somebody who speak against Allah and His Messenger (SAW), even if it is a family member or friend.
“You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last Day having affection for those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred. Those – He has decreed within their hearts faith and supported them with spirit from Him. And We will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him – those are the party of Allah. Unquestionably, the party of Allah – they are the successful.” (The Noble Quran 58:22)
#3: All POA students will be questioned about all that they learn and how they act on that knowledge.
“Then We will surely question those to whom [a message] was sent, and We will surely question the messengers. Then We will surely relate [their deeds] to them with knowledge, and We were not [at all] absent.” (The Noble Quran 7:6-7)
#4: Realize and submit to the fact that there are no defects in the Handbook (Quran) that students study from.
“[All] praise is [due] to Allah, who has sent down upon His Servant the Book and has not made therein any deviance.” (The Noble Quran 18:1)
#5: Students must always be prepared to be tested in different ways throughout their time with the POA.
“Indeed, We have made that which is on the earth adornment for it that We may test them [as to] which of them is best in deed.” (The Noble Quran 18:7)
#6: All test results will be recorded and every student will be rewarded when they pass.
“Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds – indeed, We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds.” [The Noble Quran 18:30]
#7: Students must surrender to the POA leader: Allah. If a student does not submit, SHIRK will be stamped on their file and that file will be closed. Unity and partnership is something that the POA adheres to in this Oath.
‎”Hold tight to the Rope of Allah (His covenant that is our allegiance to “la ilaha ill Allah Muhammad ar-Rasulullah”), all together and be not disunited among yourselves.” (The Noble Quran 3:103]
#8: Again, POA emphasizes the importance of Unity and it’s results. To become a POA member you must believe in the POA leader Allah and His apostle Muhammad (May peace be upon him). In return the POA offers abundant rewards and favours.
“And whoever is an ally of Allah and His Messenger and those who have believed – indeed, the party of Allah – they will be the predominant.”(The Noble Quran 5: 56)
#9: All POA members are provided with a spacious work area. POA members are responsible for looking after their space and use their resources and time wisely.
“O My servants who have believed, indeed My earth is spacious, so worship only Me.” (The Noble Quran 29: 56)
#10: There are ranks that a student can achieve through their position with the POA. The POA is looking for energetic people who are willing to do the job whole-heartedly and selflessly.
‘‘Allah has His own people among mankind.’ They said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, who are they?’ He said: ‘The people of the Qur’an, the people of Allah and those who are closest to Him.” (Sunan ibn Majah)
POA is very proud to say that they are open to new students, young or old at all times. Everyone is a potential candidate and will get a fair and unbiased opportunity to join! For further information, we have provided a link to the POA Handbook (The Noble Quran) below where FAQs can be answered, Insha’Allah.
If the POA student studies diligently and performs to the best of his or her ability with complete sincerity, Allah has set up a retirement plan which is generously tailored just for you. Among many other things, you will receive a free, one-way ticket to Jannah (also known as Heaven) where you will never have to struggle or be tested, all your wishes will be granted, and where you can stay forever.
“Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds – they will have the Gardens of Paradise as a lodging, Wherein they abide eternally. They will not desire from it any transfer.” (The Noble Quran 18:107-108)
*Not interested in the POA? Well, there’s always the POS (party of shaytan). I’ve heard it’s easy to get in, but Hell once you get there. Application process coming soon!
submitted by choice_is_yours to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:21 UOLstudent Ulaw PGDL exam technique tips

I posted previously some overall comments about the PGDL at UoL: https://www.reddit.com/uklaw/comments/1b42im6/quick_review_of_uol_pgdl/ I've now completed my PGDL, got provisional grades today, and will get a distinction. I didn't work very hard at all.
Firstly, the SBAQs (multiple choice questions) are very important, and not just because you will need to do hundreds of them if you do SQE1. They make up 40% of ULaw's grade for each module. I copied/pasted all the past SBAQs I could find into a file for reference. These are comprised of:
Full reasoned answers are given for the above questions, and you can copy into a Word file (I converted them into a JSON file and wrote a quiz app to practice the questions).
There are extra SBAQs specifically in the Business Law book at the end of each chapter, as they don't have a PGDL textbook for this, instead using their SQE one. In addition, you can redeem 40 questions per manual at e.law.ac.uk using the four-lettedigit code at the front of each SQE manual. You will not have the SQE manuals unless you are on the SQE course, or if you buy them (they are supposedly £480 for all 15, but Amazon has them for £264 or you get them for 50% off from Ulaw directly with your student number).
The exams are open book, and therefore you can refer to the past questions and answers during the exam (just do ctrl+f). They sometimes reuse them, and if that happens, free marks for you.
Although the exams are open book, you haven't got time during the exam to do ctrl+f in the textbook to work out all the answers, as there will tend to be a process of reasoning to get to a conclusion. It will definitely pay therefore to have done all the practice questions.
For the coursework, there's not a whole lot to say - they do like you to follow their structure (e.g., 'there are 4 elements: 1, 2, 3 and 4. In this case the 1st element is met because X.'), so do try to do that. It's definitely worth also doing full OSCOLA referencing and making sure you get it spot-on - it makes your work look a lot better. Since you get a month to do it, it's really a good idea to do it ASAP. I didn't bother doing the mock coursework, as it's quite timeconsuming. Reading very throughly on the topic of the coursework and taking notes before you start trying to write the essay is probably the way to go.
For the essay exams it's very important to read the 'specimen' and 'mock' papers they provide. USE THESE! The actual exam questions are often extremely similar. Doing the mock assessments during mock week here is time well spent, because you will get feedback on your structure.
For the real exams, they provide 'advance materials' 24 hours before. Supposedly this is to make notes. IGNORE THIS. You need to write complete essays about every point you can find in the advance material. For example, if the advance material says that 'John is talking about becoming a director of the deceased's limited company but he says he would like to be paid', then you need to write out a complete answer with case references (Re Gee, etc.), which you will copy and paste into the exam booklet.
It is also recommended to keep a copy of the answer booklet (which is a .docx file), rename it to the correct name for each exam, and fill it out in advance. This way you can use the 15 minutes at the end of the exam where you are supposed to be doing admin tasks to instead work on getting more marks.
Having taken copious notes and being intimately familiar with the content of the textbook specifically is something that's likely to help you in the exam. I personally didn't take any notes at all, or do any of the follow-up questions, and got a question about leases vs licences on the 'unseen' section (40% of the essay exam). I had covered this in an insight day but really hadn't read Ulaw's own textbook, so I gave a very weak answer on this question as I didn't really get the point of the question until after the exam - I focused on exclusive possession without giving the other elements of a lease such as 'certain term' or considering the relevance of a premium paid upfront, and I mistakenly believed that Street v Mountford wasn't in the textbook.
Note that you can get a distinction (or merit) by getting a distinction (or merit) in half the credits of the course (for PGDL: 4 of 8, for Masters this is 6 of the 8 PGDL modules, OR 70%+ in the dissertation/SQE1 plus 2 PGDL modules). If you are doing PGDL rather than not Masters, you could for instance get a distinction by merely passing the essay subjects and getting a distinction in the oral and coursework subjects.
The oral has two topics, both of which are provided in advance, but the specific questions asked are not provided. They are done online via video call. I'm very fluent at reading from my script, without necessarily being obvious that I'm reading. On the other hand, I'm less fluent when I get off script and can give irrelevant information. For this reason I found it very helpful to create a Word document using the Headings/Navigation feature in the sidebar to group possible questions under different headings for speedy navigation during the oral. Unless you are very good at putting words together on the fly, I don't recommend taking merely brief notes, but instead prefer full answers to possible questions (refer to the specimen and mock papers in the online portal for help with the kinds of questions you might be asked). I do recommend quite a complete knowledge of the subject area 'just in case' - e.g., if it's board and general meetings, make sure you cover EVERYTHING related to that. OTOH you obviously don't need to prepare anything about, say, partnerships or insolvency. If you want to avoid using a script, you would probably need to spend more time reciting your answers over and over until you can say it perfectly. I didn't feel the need.
submitted by UOLstudent to uklaw [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:21 Daark31 Divorce official today

Hello, I am new here and to posting in general. But I don’t know who else to open up to.
I am 38 male. My wife is 29. We have been together for 8 years. She has a son who is 9 from a previous relationship. In February she asked for time. Our life was too much pressure. She moved in with her brother in a different state. I had hoped we could work it out. I told her I’d do anything she needs. We had been talking fairly regularly but I had not heard from her in two weeks. When we last spoke she told me she would call me the next day. Flash forward to today. I texted her asking if we could talk and she responded right away. I asked how she had been and she was very distracted. I asked if something had changed, why we hadn’t communicated. She said no. Then she said she didn’t know what we would talk about. I regret how I handled it. For weeks I had asked if she wanted a full split, but she said no. She wanted communication. I expressed that I felt taken advantage of. Because I realized the only time we do talk, she asks me to send things. Or laments how money is tight until I offer to pay for things. She laughed and said this is why. That our talks are always negative. And I got emotional. I don’t regret giving her money, but I feel she could have been open about her feelings. And not exploited mine for money. I probably would have given it to her anyway.
I don’t know much how much to share.
I know I was not a good husband. Or father. To be honest we weren’t married, just engaged. I didn’t adopt our son. I was always waiting for the right time. I am immature and depressed. They were struggling when we met and I thought I could save all of us. My family and I are well off and I thought I could create a life for us. But in 8 years I didn’t do enough.
I dont blame her for checking out. Looking back I know she did years ago. We were long distance during covid. She moved in with me 3 years ago. As I look back through pictures I am deleting I see how happy we were the first years. But there is a stark difference in the last two. She wanted romance and dates. I was trying to save for a house and our sons future. A better man would have done both.I always tried to ask if she was ok, offered therapy, to move away from my family if they weren’t accepting enough. They were hard on her. But I guess so was I. I used to think we were better than her family, hers largely abandoned them. They didn’t even call our son on his birthday or Christmas. It’s why I was so shocked she leaving. She hadn’t heard from them in months. I’ve now learned she called her brother a few weeks before leaving to plan.
I don’t blame her for finding someone else in the weeks before she left. I wish she would have been honest about it then, or in the weeks after when she continued to take my money.
But if I’m honest with myself, she has done it in every relationship. It’s how i met her. She was unhappy in her relationship when her brother introduced us. Said he was manipulative. We clicked right away. She told me that she ended it with him, but looking back I question the timing. Because now I am sure that I am the manipulative one in her stories. Maybe it is manipulative to tell your wife it makes you uncomfortable that she is very flirtatious with other men. I’d be more understanding if I hadn’t found out that she was planning a vacation with one of those men, less than a week after she left. I don’t begrudge her moving on so quickly, but I don’t feel like I’ve gotten any truth from her. She told me it was a mistake. The attention was nice. But she wanted to continue communicating.
Now I know why her sons father has never been in their life. She never gave him the paternity test he wanted.
I don’t know what she told her son. He used to think I was his father, I doubt that now. A month before they left he told his teacher he wasnt staying. He started to have problems in school. She and he started fighting almost everyday.
Near the end, he told me she and he were getting a fresh start. I was confused. She said that’s not what she told him. I now understand she probably started planning months ago.
I should have seen it. Done more to try to fix our relationship. But I got distracted. Sometimes I think the distractions were justified, family deaths, owning a small business, etc. but that’s life. I should have just done better.
I want to get angry. I have omitted things that probably make me look better, her worse. But that is my problem. That’s not what a mature adult does. And none of this is impartial or appropriate to share.
I don’t expect anyone to read this. I know I have not done a good job portraying her. She’s great and despite everything I love her and want her to be happy.
Thank you for creating the space.
Have a great week all.
submitted by Daark31 to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:21 bbbritttt25 Dentist reported me to my insurance for missing an appointment!!?? Help ? What happens?

Hello everybody. I was hoping y’all could help me with this situation. My children use comfort dental. They use them for a dentistry as well as orthodontist. We go every month to the orthodontist and we’ve never missed an appointment. I had a last-minute emergency come up and I could not make the appointment and I was unable to cancel within 24 hours because they were closed yesterday. I called them to cancel and reschedule. (Ps I have Medicaid for my kids and all appointments are always bundled together) The receptionist rescheduled me, but then at the end of our conversation, she stated “I will be reporting this to your insurance company for the no call no show” I was confused about what that meant so I asked her and she said it’s not a big deal. We disconnected. I felt uneasy about this! And after several hours, I was still uneasy about this. What does she mean report? And why would she report me to my insurance. What could this possibly mess up. So what I did was I called a different dental location. I spoke to him and asked him if this was normal practice. He was baffled. He said that’s absolutely not normal and that does not do that. He was really concerned about it when I told him that. He said that seems a bit EXCESSIVE. He said maybe they meant they are going to contact the insurance company to pay for any cancellation fees. So I thanked him and told him I’ll find out.
Well, I called my dentist and spoke to the office manager. And she said they don’t charge cancellation fees or no no-show fees. So what they do is instead they will make a report with the insurance company so that way it’s in writing and documentation. I stated I’ve never canceled before and this is extremely excessive and I’m worried about it. She told me I didn’t have anything to worry about and some people cancel every single appointment. She said my insurance company might just call me. I told her I still don’t feel OK about it and she checked on my file and said the representative already issued the report. WOW … I don’t know what to do. This is very bad practice.
Have y’all ever heard of this before. What could happen.? I love my kids a lot and I take their livelihood very seriously. I don’t know what this report could do.
If you work in dental or receptionist, or insurance please help advise. Should I be concerned. This is now on my record forever.
submitted by bbbritttt25 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:21 ObsidianNight102399 AITAH for forcing my fiancé into cutting off his late wife’s family?

I am not OOP. OOP Is u/cutofffamilytaway
Hang on folks, this is a wild one!
Posted in AITAH 3 months ago
I, 25f, am getting married to my fiancé, 29m, in May. When we first got together he told me that he was married from 20-22yrs old to his high school sweetheart (we met when he was 25) but she passed of sepsis from a botched surgery. He didn’t cope well and stayed in contact with her family, namely father and two sisters, 19 and 24.
It was a soft spot for me for a while at the beginning because there was so much history they had that we would not have and it was tough knowing that she was all around him. I never told him and decided to work through it on my own, especially with the fact that he would often spend time with her family during our relationship. Her birthday, their anniversary and anniversary of her death, he’d spend the day with her family. It was uncomfortable at first knowing the man I loved was reminiscing about love he had with someone else but I kept trying to see it from his perspective and the last couple years I am completely secure in our relationship and it doesn’t bother me much any more.
Well, he proposed this time last year and I was over the moon. I love this man with all my heart but I recently learned that he never told them that we got engaged. I’ve been trying local coffee shops the past few months rather than my usual run and tried a new one. His LWs sister worked there and other than being awkward, she did a double take of my engagement ring and looked really unhappy. I didn’t mention it and left.
My fiancé told me that she kept messaging him on social media about it and I wasn’t happy that he kept it a secret. He apologised and was very depleted by it all. He said that he didn’t want to hide me but he didn’t want to hurt them either and that both of us were a huge part of his life. I understand that and let him off the hook slightly, just told him to be upfront with them from now on. That was that. At least I thought so.
A week ago, on Sunday, I got a message from the 24yr old asking if I was happy with myself, that I would never replace his LW and that if she was still alive he’d chose her over me every time. She even said that he only kept me around for me money and something to stick his d*ck in. I ignored it but I can’t say that it didn’t effect me. When you’re in my position, all these points are ones you have to work through and it’s not easy to get over those insecurities. It feels like a knock in the teeth when they’re used against you.
I mentioned it to him and he comforted me and reassured me. He said he’d set boundaries with her and I’d never have to hear from her again. Fine by me.
That was until i found my car with ‘wh*re’ and ‘grave robber’ smeared in red paint. I had saved for this car for a year and it was expensive, very expensive. The tires were slashed and the windows cracked. I asked the store a few doors down for their CCTV camera footage of that night but it was blurry and didn’t catch much. It did manage to catch half a licence plate though and the colour and make of a car. It was his LWs youngest sister’s car.
I told him I was filing a police report and he asked me to hold off until he talked to them first. I told him no but I would if they paid for the damages and apologised to my face.
He set up the meeting for last night and it didn’t go well to say the least. Everyone was shouting. The sisters told me they, yes both of them, had nothing to be sorry for and that I should leave their family alone, including my fiancé in their family. He told them that it wasn’t fair to him to be lonely forever and that he’d hoped they’d be supportive of him finding love again. They told him he was betraying LW and that he never loved her if he’d marry someone else. They didn’t have a problem with him having a new gf because he’d ’realise she was the only one for him’ and get tired of me. Now that hadn’t happened, they were putting their foot down. The youngest told him to tell me that they were right and that he’d never love anyone like LW. My fiancé broke down at the table.
I picked him up and made us leave. I told them I’d be filing a report and suing for damages, and the next time they saw us would be in court. When we got back and calmed down I gave him an ultimatum. Either he cuts contact or we call of the wedding and go out separate ways. I wasn’t going to live my life with this harassment and someday subject my children to their bullying. He said they would never bully a child but I shot him down and said he didn’t expect any of this either.
He called their father, who was fairly chill about it all but still defending his daughters. They say I shouldn’t control him and that I’m horrible for cutting them off. I don’t know what to do. I can’t live like this and I don’t think I should have to just because we’re getting married.
Mini update: https://www.reddit.com/AITAH/comments/1binbr8/aitah_for_forcing_my_fianc%C3%A9_into_cutting_off_his/?share_id=eLxUNL4ZNjUiU633JOI0n&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1
Hey everyone, just a mini update to clear some things up before I have a discussion with my fiancé either later today or tomorrow about my ultimatum.
I didn’t sleep at all yesterday or the night before, for obvious reasons. There’s a ding on my phone at least once an hour from them saying one thing or another, mainly the 19yo and I don’t know what they’ve told people but I’ve got a message from one of their uncles and grandparents calling me horrible stuff too. So obviously they’ve been spreading what’s happened this week and twisting it.
I haven’t blocked them because I want to gain as much evidence as I can for the inevitable case. Regardless of any outcome with my fiancé, I will be suing and filing a criminal case for harassment and vandalism and looking for a restraining order. I just haven’t had the mental fortitude to do so yet. I’m hoping my fiancé will help me.
I haven’t spoken to my fiancé since the argument at the table, other than to tell him they go or I do. It was my choice to give him a couple days space to come to terms with everything and I will contact him when I’m ready. All of this, from the first message till now has been a week. It’s a huge weight to contemplate leaving people you’ve known for 15 years and who you grew up with.
He did set hard boundaries with the sister from the coffee shop as I’ve seen the messages. He said, paraphrasing, ‘you have no right talking to OP at all if this is how you’re going to behave. She doesn’t deserve this and you’ve gone too far. Why are you being like this?’ And she responded with more name calling and back and forth. He ended by saying not to message me again and to make sure everyone else does the same. I was happy with that. At this point only one person in that family had an issue, to my knowledge, so it was silly to have him cut all of them off. It may not be enough for some but it was enough for me to feel safe and comfortable.
For those saying he needs therapy and counselling, he’s already getting it. He’s been getting it since before we even started dating after an incident at work. I don’t know about any of their family though. The first time I had a conversation with any of them was that night.
Some people are wondering what LW died of, and it was a botched weight loss surgery where she died of sepsis. People were wondering if he was somehow the reason behind the surgery, hence the family’s insane reaction, but he was not in the slightest. He likes bigger women and wouldn’t pressure something like that onto her, speaking from experience.
I also want to clear up the not calling the police about the car thing. It was entirely my idea to not file charges in exchange for a face to face apology and damage payment. He only wanted me to wait so that he could talk to her to see if she regretted it and then have her father pay the damages. At the time, we thought it was just the 19yo that smashed up my car, not both daughters. Neither of us wanted to ruin her life. When I found out it was both of them, it was full steam ahead.
Thank you all for your messages and hopefully I’ll have a positive update for you tomorrow.
Edit: I chose for him to take this space apart, it’s not him being indecisive. I said to take time and that I’d reach out so that his decision is thought out. It’s for me. I don’t want to be chosen only to be three kids down the line and stuck in a resentment filled marriage. It’s for me. Please understand that.
Update 1: https://www.reddit.com/AITAH/comments/1bjgpi4/aitah_for_forcing_my_fianc%C3%A9_into_cutting_off_his/?share_id=KyFZhMqG1ASCQsDodLW4N&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1
I text him saying I thought it was time to discuss this and he was back at home not a half hour later. He’d been staying with a friend the couple nights we had no contact. We sat on our bed to talk because my back is sore from all the packing and I wasn’t gonna force myself to sit at the table.
Before we even got to talking he asked if we could cuddle for a minute. It definitely took some of the weight off and we were able to talk like a couple and not awkward strangers because, regardless of some peoples beliefs, we do love each other and it took me a very long time to feel confident in that fact. Before anyone calls me a doormat again, no, I was still sure I would stick to my ultimatum.
The first thing I asked was if he felt he had enough time to make his decision and he said he didn’t need time. He was very shocked and bewildered at how so much could change in just a week and how everything he knew was shook up that he couldn’t think and went numb.
He did apologise that he didn’t take a more defensive stance at the cafe and he doesn’t want to make excuses for it. An explanation was that he genuinely didn’t expect such a vitriolic response. He hid the engagement because he knew they weren’t over LWs death and would be upset at the news. It wasn’t like I would feel upset by them NOT knowing, which I wasn’t really. He’s known these girls since before they were in double digits and he would never have thought them capable of it. It came so far out of left field that he froze.
I asked him if there was any possibility that either of them had a thing for him and he looked very confused and disturbed. I said how I’ve had people tell me it’s not uncommon for siblings to do this after loss and he thought on it. Turns out you were right. He said the 24yo, about 8 months after LWs death made a move and tried to kiss him. He immediately left and told her mother about it (mother and father are divorced now but weren’t then.) She was a minor at the time and messaged him saying she would be 18 soon so it wasn’t a big deal. Her mother made her see the school councillor and didn’t allow her to be alone with him for a while. It was years ago so he’d forgotten it even happened. He said he was sure that wasn’t the case now because it had been so long but I’m not so convinced. Not that it matters anymore.
He opened up his Facebook and gave it to me to read. 24yo had been messaging him which he ignored. She ranged from telling him off to crying and saying how betrayed the family was to trying to manipulate him against me. He said he was sure that he needed to put them behind him, and had been thinking it on and off since he proposed, but couldn’t bring himself to do it. After this week, the fire was lit and he knew what he had to do. It was all just abstract until suddenly it was very real.
He asked me how I’ve been coping and I told him. I felt like I’d done everything right but somehow things turned out worse than if I’d been the jealous type and stopped their contact at the beginning. I tried to be understanding and put in so much effort to be secure in myself and our relationship only for everything I worked on to be thrown in my face like I was a mistress that was cheating with him. He didn’t blink the entire time and just listened. He said he should have been more observant and realised I was struggling with this so that he could help me but I’ve always been the ‘strong one’ so he neglected to and he’ll do better.
As I’ve said in a few comments now, his parents had him in their late 40s and are retired. He hates to involve them in negativity but I was stunned when he said he’s been talking to them about this since the first Facebook message. They were very understanding but his father took a tough love approach. He said the best quote I think I’ve ever heard. ‘Get your act together before the jig is up.’ They offered to come stay for a while and help us move. I don’t think that’s necessary but I really appreciated the thought.
On the subject of moving. I made it clear that I would not be living in this house any longer than I had to and he completely agreed. His parents offered to find us a place in their state if we wanted to have more of a support network and I’m honestly considering it after all this. They’re only a state away from my own family so we’d be a lot better off. His job is remote and I should be able to find work there easily enough.
I’ve been in contact with a friend who’s a mechanic and they’ve quoted me between 1-2k for the damages, but that’s an ‘at cost’ estimate as a discount. A few people have said to get a real statement and to shop around. The real cost is between 4-5k and that’s just for the noticeable damage. My friend thinks they’ve done something to the engine so thank God I couldn’t drive it anywhere. He thinks I may be entitled to a replacement car all together. If so, I will be sure to sue for it and that’s not gonna be cheap.
After all the emotional things were discussed he mentioned when would I be comfortable enough to go to the police. I made clear he was okay with that or id go on my own. He said, the surest I’ve ever seen him, that this is what needed to be done and he wasn’t going to let them continue. He’d done enough to try and shield them but he wasn’t going to let it come at my expense. I’m currently in the bath frothing in bathbombs but we’ll be going to the station as soon as I’m done. He’s down stairs right now printing out the new quotes from the mechanics and the messages 24yo sent him over the past couple days so we can go prepared. People have said that nothing will come of it, and you may be right. But I have to try. Hoping my local police don’t have anything better to do. It’s a small town.
To finish, I made a point of asking again if he would cut them off or I had to go. He didn’t miss a beat and said that they’re no longer going to be a part of his life, even if I decided to leave. He did ask for one last meeting to say goodbye to her parents and to put a close on that part of his life, and to explain to the girls that this is not my fault but his decision after seeing how cruel they were capable of being. After that, we would block them on everything and move forward. I was completely fine with that.
So, there we have it. Writing all this out and being able to talk to people about everything has been both helpful and a good distraction from the dumpster fire that was my life and everything worked out as well as I could have hoped. We’ll see how his meeting goes with them. I’m sure they won’t be very happy about it but that’s not my problem.
Thank you all and I’ll update after they’ve met up.
Update 2: https://www.reddit.com/AITAH/comments/1bnh4lv/aitah_for_forcing_my_fianc%C3%A9_into_cutting_off_his/?share_id=xXGQPN6CJEJ8evCEfVET7&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1
Hey all!
So, seems I’ve been naughty because I got temporarily banned on here for 3 days. In chat someone was calling me every derogatory and sexist term imaginable but I was put in time out for defending myself. I appealed but the appeal took the ban time anyway. Oh well. Sorry this update is taking so long for reasons stated above.
So we drove down to the police station with our block of paperwork and had a couple hours talk. They were so sweet about everything. As some of you expected, they did say I should have come earlier but they didn’t really care because it was only a few days. They said that it often takes people about this amount of time to actually file charges if they weren’t in immediate threat or danger (so unless someone was about to throw punches.) I handed them everything and it looks like I’ve got plenty of evidence. They’ll be contacting my insurance on my behalf to get the ball rolling and so they can come to do a check of my car themselves. And then they can open a claim with me if I want. (They’re not filing a claim, they’re just notifying about the criminal damages) I’ve filed criminal charges for harassment and vandalism and they’ll notify me with more details about my restraining order this week. My fiancé told the police that he was planning on meeting with LWs family and asked if that would contradict my case and they said no. We’re not married at the time of filing so legally we’re too separate entities in the case. Or something.
So, my car is totalled. My mechanic friend, I’m gonna call him Tom because I can’t keep saying ‘my mechanic friend.’ So Tom and his partner at the shop did a full check on my car and this is the damage they found:
Shattered windshield
4 slashed tires
Two broken windows
Paint (obvious, I think)
Unknown substance in the engine oil
Battered bodywork
They said with this amount of damage, I should just go for a new car so that’s what I’ll be doing. If anyone is curious, it was a Volvo. I’d always wanted one and managed to buy one new two years ago. Either they get me a new car if they’d be set back about 60k. Either way I’ll be alright. The amount classifies the vandalism as a felony so they could be looking at jail time too.
My fiancé met with the family on Saturday and Tom sat by the window. I currently live in a one party state so as long as my fiancé consents, the recording can be used in my case. While it may not be as drama filled as some of you may want, it was still pretty stressful to see.
They met at the same cafe that we did before and Tom sat a few tables away. Fiance arrived after their father and before them. For the best because they managed to have a calm conversation for once. Fiancé told him how he was feeling and FIL was very understanding but still trying to minimise. He was saying things like ‘you know they miss LW’ and ‘they’ll come around and just need time to come to terms with you moving on.’ He kept trying to initiate paying for the damages but fiancé wouldn’t talk about it until the sisters arrived. It was like butter wouldn’t melt with the 24yo but 19 came in like the Tasmanian devil.
My fiancé didn’t acknowledge anyone until it had all settled down where then he said this would be his last meeting with all of them and they’d be going their separate ways. He turned to the girls and said that he would miss who he thought they were but the way they could treat people horrified him, especially me. He said that this was all him and they needed to accept that I was not to blame. He even said that it was me who offered the apology in exchange for not filing charges.
The 19yo then interrupted asking what charges and that no one was going to charge them for ‘barely touching’ a car. She was a dear in headlights when he asked what they’d done to the engine oil and the two looked at each other. Seems they didn’t expect me to find that out. Queue up the grovelling. 24yo actually tried to touch his hand and told him he had to stop me pressing charges because this would ruin her and interfere with 19yos college. He said it was too late and the cops should be issuing a warrant soon (it can take a few days. I thought it was an instant thing but apparently not.)
This is when their dad got involved again and said for everyone to calm down and fix this ‘like adults.’ Now he wants his girls to be adults. I see. He asked if fiancé would convince me to drop the charges in exchange for that apology and he’d pay the damages. When my fiancé said it was 60k, the eyes he gave to those women would shave the hair off a cat. The video wasn’t the best but I swear I could see the colour drain from their faces. I may sound awful but I enjoyed it. Call me what you will.
They kept going on about apologising and that they’d pay but he just said it was too late and he was done. He’d tried to be civil but they were the ones that wouldn’t let it go. 24yo actually asked him to set up a meeting with me so they could get to know me and put it all behind us. He didn’t reply and after the silence they piped up again like ‘so she won’t even meet us? So she’s behind all this because she doesn’t want us around. We’ll see about that.’ (Not using exact quotes because I don’t know if I’m allowed so not risking it.) Things like that.
They went on and on and frankly it was funny more than hurtful. But they did incriminate themselves more and more for my harassment case and the nail in the coffin was when 19yo said ‘if we can do that to a car, imagine what else we could do.’ That, my friends, is both a confession and a threat of bodily harm.
My fiancé said one loud stop before wishing FIL well and telling the girls to not come near me. He then got up and left. That’s where the recording ends because we wouldn’t be able to use anything afterwards anyway.
As for moving, we’re pretty much all packed up and have a truck coming on Friday. We’ll be staying with his parents until we find a place. We’re looking at buying this time but might get an RV in the meantime so we’re not all stepping on each other. I doubt his parents would mind at all but.
This is the last update for a while I think. I have a wedding to finish, a venue to change, new invites etc and less than 2 months to do it. Send help. But thank you all for being ears and helping me get through this. If only to distract me from ruminating and digging a huge mental hole.
Final update : 6 hours ago
So it’s been a while, guys. Calling the past few months a rollercoaster wouldn’t quite do it justice. A lot has happened and I hope I don’t leave anything out. Here goes.
So, first off. We’ve moved away. We’re only a couple towns over from my husband’s parents (legally but we kinda just live in their backyard)and my own are the next state over. Hallelujah! It’s been really great living in our new RV and we’ve been able to take small trips now and then too which has been great for a breather. Took a chunk out of our house savings but we’re not too worried about it. Looking for a house has been fun too!
I can’t speak to what might have happened but by a stroke of luck, the warrants came through the day before our moving day and the sisters spent the whole move in police custody. I’m sure it was not as formal as cuffs and interview rooms but I like to imagine it that way. So we didn’t have to deal with any drama that for sure would have happened otherwise.
As I said before, we didn’t block them because we wanted to keep the line open for more evidence and boy was that a good idea! 19yo has only now stopped sending me messages. Started off pleading and hoping for a meet up, then went on to calling me names and such for trying to ruin her life, but the past few weeks have been pure rage which has been draining if entertaining. She says she’ll find me and I’d better watch my back blah blah blah. My printer has been working overtime, as you can imagine. So many receipts to give my lawyer.
24yo is still working on my husband but it reached a head a few days before the wedding. We should have changed the dates but it just wasn’t feasible. We had family from all over that had taken time off work and we really wanted everyone there after all that happened. She tried to call my husband over a dozen times and actually left 2 voicemails. She was crying and hyperventilating saying how she didn’t want to lose him.
For those of you who said she still had a thing for him, Ding Dong! My husband listened to the voicemails with me and she just rambled, it was actually quite sad. She said that she always thought they would be together because they’ve been through so much together and it ‘felt right.’ She blamed him for leading her on and making her fall for him only to choose someone else that he hardly knew. She even said she felt replaced which made me uncomfortable. All of this all the while degrading him for betraying his LW by moving on at all. I genuinely do not understand her logic.
As for my car, we’ve found out what the unknown substance was. It was antifreeze. The entire engine was written off and, with everything else, my insurance launched a case against them for the cost of a new car. I was expecting 60k or so but Tom, my mechanic friend, said to ask for more based on current market value and such. They came back with a new offer of 75k. It took over a month for the money to hit my account but I got it. As for the case, I’m no longer going after them for the repayment, my insurance is, so that’s one less thing I have to worry about. As far as I know, their father is paying for their legal fees but I doubt he’ll pay back the insurance company for them.
There is still a case against them for harassment and threatening behaviour and I’m suing for the money it took to move away and emotional distress. My lawyer says they’ll be liable and it’s looking like they want to settle. I don’t feel great about going for ‘emotional distress’ but after everything they have done, it sure was emotionally distressing! The courts are moving slowly so I don’t have anything new on the criminal case yet, other than that they are going to plead guilty. Shouldn’t be long now and it’s looking like they’re getting probation and mandatory anger management. Not a stint in jail but oh well. At least they’ll both have a record.
My husband was down for a while since we left but he hasn't wavered in supporting me. He's getting back to his old self now that he's settling in at work here and he's enjoying being closer to his parents. It's been great for our relationship too because we all get on so well.
As of the 21st, i'm a married woman. It was very hectic and stressful to change basically our entire wedding in two months but we did it and our guests were so understanding. We had to settle for a few things like our cake and catering, but everything else worked out amazingly. Now, we couldn’t imagine it any other way. It happened as it was supposed to.
All in all, things are going well and thanks everyone who got invested! It’s been a tough journey. I’m just glad to have them out of my life.
submitted by ObsidianNight102399 to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:20 theallthatjaz This may be the final straw with my (24f) narc father

First time poster, long time lurker. I'll keep it brief but I need advice.
My (24f) father (46m) has finally (mostly...) decided to move on from his long-term bullying campaign against me, which has left me with some damage. In 2020, I began spiraling down a dark hole into alcoholism, having been thrown into a global pandemic halfway through college. Living in a single dorm room and being disallowed by my college from leaving most times, I drank earlier and earlier, and always alone.
In 2023, I hit a breaking point and after a medical episode requiring me to go to the ER, my soon-to-be husband and I decided to go stone cold sober. I have never faltered in my sobriety and I am so proud to say it has been six months. The both of us have never felt better and more clear-minded. I read tons of books and articles and once I saw what alcohol was doing to me, I can't unsee it.
I normally don't post much on my social media profiles. In the past, my father used it as another platform to learn more info about me to use against me at the next family function, or to pick a fight in the comments or to make every post about himself. (Sidenote: Even on my birthday last year, he posted to his own Facebook about "his daughter's birthday" without calling or texting me, and without tagging me. His post was showered with congratulations to HIM... exactly what he wanted) Because of these reasons, I have shied away from posting often. I'll maybe post on my socials a couple times a month to avoid all of it. I am enjoying my private, detached, financially independent life with my fiancé.
This time, the day we reached 6 months of sobriety together, I posted my IAmSober app counter, which tracks your progress. I was so proud to share about my fiancé and I's journey and how we supported each other and recommend people try cutting alcohol. Well, even through all the positive comments and congratulations from friends, my father managed to make it about him. I was shocked to see that, rather than liking the post or commenting a congrats (besides, he had no idea how long we'd been sober; he made it clear early on that he was willing to belittle and scoff at us for having "no fun in your twenties" and offering us alcohol consistently. On NYE this year, he insisted with a chortle that my fiancé "doesn't want to stop drinking" keeping with the long-running "joke" that I'm an inflexible dragon lady. Has anyone written a book on narcissistic fathers and misogyny as a weapon?) he posted a cropped screenshot of his own sobriety counter, reading over 60 days.
I wanted to feel happy for him, but the image came with no message, no commentary, nothing. Just the photo under my post. My vulnerable, celebratory post which was difficult to muster. I didn't want to come off as a braggart. At first his actions made me feel disappointed but then, my fiancé started doing the math. The last time we saw him drink was at my younger brother's birthday party....where the most notable happening of the day was my father spilling beer on the cake while cutting it. All over the table, and on enough of the last pieces that I didn't eat any just on principle of not wanting to taste any alcohol. It had only been 30 days prior.
So not only did my NF not congratulate me, his oldest daughter who he swears to everyone who will listen he adores and coddles and is the dad-of-the-decade.
Not only did he not comment...
Not only did he post his own sober counter to make the post more about him and bring him attention and awe...

But it's a fucking lie.

It makes me and my fiancé very upset. This happened only yesterday, and ever since then I have been stewing on this and wondering if I should confront him. I considered taking the comment off my post, since it's unlikely he'll notice. But my heightened fear of him leftover from when I was younger puts up this mental wall. It feels impossible to try and say something about this. Sobriety means a lot to me, and I can't tell if I am overreacting.
Looking for advice... what should I do? Should I confront him about it? Ask him why he lied? Ask if he read my post?
More optional reading: context about my NF: self-centered, overly academic type; belittling began as early as when I was 5 years old; holds resentment toward me, unknown reasons; a big guy, over 6 foot, who used to use his height as a way to block me into spaces and intimidate me as a child; "you are mine" kind of guy; made me lap sit for a long time; used to insist that I "hate him" as early as 7 years old; etc etc, you can fill in the type.
Ask me anything to help. I want some answers before this drives me crazier.
submitted by theallthatjaz to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]
