Birthday sayings for daughter


2010.07.02 05:48 geoviedo Spider-Man

The subreddit for the Marvel character, Spider-Man

2017.07.15 03:24 cloudform r/GalaxysEdge

A fan group for Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge. The Star Wars themed land at Disneyland Resort in California and Disney’s Hollywood Studios at Walt Disney World in Florida.

2013.11.27 21:11 MrBluebeef Inception is stranger than you think...

"*Oneirology* is the scientific study of dreams. Current research seeks correlations between dreaming and current knowledge about the functions of the brain, as well as understanding of how the brain works during dreaming as pertains to memory formation and mental disorders." -[Wikipedia] (

2024.05.22 01:37 Substantial_Cap_4246 Statements from a dedicated Muslim mother concerning how she views women

My mother has told me many times that if I had been born a girl, she would have locked me in our house, rarely letting me go out and never for fun.
My access to phone and internet would have been highly limited, implying she would have constantly checked my online chats to confirm I wasn't talking to any boys.
She envisions that if she had given birth to a daughter, she would have married her off as soon as she reached the age of 14.
She had a conversation with my father about this hypothetical situation in which I'm born as a female, to which my father replied that it's okay for our son to go out adventuring with his friends and be socially active, but if he had really been born as a girl, I would have beaten her every single day.
She never tolerates me cracking open the origins and roots of her misogynistic ideas. Only once did she get curious enough to seek if I'm telling her the truth about direct statements from Quran and Hadiths or not, so she asked my dad if Islam really views women the way I had described (as a lesser gender and subordinate to the superior gender - man). My dad, calmly, with absolute faith in how the world works, confirmed it all, saying that it's just how God has made it so, that we can't alter God's supreme authority. My mom, now conscious of what is what, protested that man and woman must be equals, that she cannot accept this Islamic teaching.
However, she soon reverted back to ignorance; the foundation is too deep for her to be released from it, and her mental capacity and psychological tolerance for a radical shift in her Reality is too low. She might lose her mind if she were to question her Din/Deen/Religion the way I do.
submitted by Substantial_Cap_4246 to atheism [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:36 softkeroppi scary (?) kids book

Hi guys this has plagued me for literally years atp, i cannot for the life of me remember what this book was called so im hoping if i dump all the information about it i can remember here that Somebody might be able to help?
So it's a kids picture book from the mid-late 2000s (could've been published earlier but thats when i remember reading it) about these two girls who are besties and they're going trick or treating, and they're told specifically not to go in this one house bc a witch lives there or something, but theyre like "hey why not" and go in anyway and they end up being kidnapped. The witch has a daughter (? servant? idk) called Spider too and i rmbr one of the girls being like "what kind of a name is spider" and i Assume they got out ok but i dont remember enough about the book to say.
It was called the name of the house so smth along the lines of like "35 rosemary lane" or something like that pls help!!! i will owe u my life!!
submitted by softkeroppi to childrensbooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:35 Billymays76 My grandma's turning 90 soon and I'm scared.

So very, very soon, my grandmother will be turning 90. I am excited, not many people live until 90, even less without one of the many complications she has. I'm happy for her but I am still so scared.
She's been dealing with delirium since January 7th. However, when she came home around April 23rd, her cognition has improved an astonishing amount. I still can't understand why. My best guess, is simply just the delirium taking a long time to leave the body. The cause of her obtaining it, I still don't know. I wanted to post about it, but the first time it didn't get a lot of attention and I've been trying to find the words for it but still haven't.
She went to the hospital because she fell and has an L1 and L2 mild compression fracture. Thankfully it wasn't too serious, the doctors have confidence she'll recover well, her physical therapist says she's very strong, she doesn't even have to wear the brace that much either. I still get so anxious when she sits down a bit hard and when she tries to bend forward to pick up something though. And she has been getting stronger.
The reason why I'm scared is because I'm scared of the future. Now, her cognition is basically a day and night difference, but she still has hiccups. Most of it can be chalked up to her lack of education when she was a kid, and also the fact that old Hispanic women are INCREDIBLY superstitious. But she still has hiccups. Sometimes she still forgets my brother's name but most times she can guess it right. To be fair, he pretty much never spends times with her.
She still believes someone stole some money from her, which she believed during her delirium. She still gets sad about it and apparently other things were stolen too, but she doesn't react as badly as she did during the delirium. She would literally be so stressed out until she's red in the face and almost passing out. Screaming, crying, literally passing out, then talking when she's passed out and crying too. It was horrific.
Her cognition is still amazing though, her doctor and neurologist were so surprised by that. We told her today "you know your birthday is coming soon right?" And she looks at us with a big grin, and says "did you guys think I didn't know?" And starts laughing. She can recite bible passages very well by memory, though not 100%, still INSANELY impressive.
She is so much more clear, thinks so much more rationally, even when she's crazy tired or just woke up, she is still clear.
I'm scared of the future. I'm scared that she will get delirium again. And delirium can hurt the brain, and even if she doesn't have dementia, it could possibly increase the chances of it more. I'm scared of "jinxing" it. Like I tell someone "yeah her memory is so good" and then right after, she all of a sudden develops the delirium again.
I still remember the morning she woke up with that delirium. It gives me a sinking feeling in my chest when I think of it. Basically almost 5 months of hell. It was so horrible. I'm scared to go through that again. It's to the point, where if she says something that doesn't make sense, my heart starts pounding and I think "oh God no, the delirium's back."
Now, she tells me things that catch me off guard with how clear she is. She told me "we have dominoes to play with in that dresser next to my bed." And she's right. Haven't seen those dominoes in a year and I completely forgot about them.
She remembers the horrible rehab she was in, remembers my best friend and his family, remembers the woman she was friends with at the rehab, etc. During her delirium, she didn't say a single word about the rehab, but now she talks to us about it. Her cognition is frankly amazing. Even with the minor hiccups she has, it's still amazing.
I'm obsessed now with researching everything I can possibly do to make sure her mind doesn't slip again. Cleaning her very well whenever she uses the bathroom so she won't develop another UTI, giving her the most nutritious meals for her mind and body, encouraging her to read more, trying to exercise more, etc.
I know I should be happy now, I am. But I'm still so scared. When her memory started coming back, I thought "I used to pray for times like this" and now I'm praying that her mind doesn't slip again. That she will recover and get stronger than ever because I still have hope. Even after all this, I still do.
We plan to ween her off her Xanax since those are benzos and even then, they don't affect her that much. I'm still very iffy on the dementia "diagnosis" since that diagnosis was made back in June, when she was in that horrific rehab and the nurses there would just tell people, including paramedics she has dementia. Keep in mind, no scan or anything. And when you leave an 89 year old woman in a crap filled diaper, a UTI and a horrific bedsore, yeah, she's not gonna be the most clearest person.
I pray that all these complications will become less serious and her body and mind will recover, and stay recovered. I'm committed to making her as mentally and physically strong as I can. Her other physical therapist literally helped this lady who was over 100 years old, walk and even do a light jog, after years of her being so frail. I pray I'm able to do that for her.
Any advice for any of this? Thanks.
submitted by Billymays76 to CaregiverSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:33 iuliad94 My thoughts about S3 Part 1 after rewatching

So I actually watched the first 4 episodes when they dropped, but I was very underwhelmed and decided not to post anything as I didn’t want to be negative. I didn’t dislike it, but I was definitely disappointed because I had very high expectations after all the press, the promo and what was being said by the cast and the crew. However, since then I rewatched the 4 episodes and I definitely like it more now after rewatching with no high expectations.
The things I had issues with:
A thing I'm unsure about for now:
Now finally onto the positive stuff:
So these are my thoughts and even though I was disappointed I did enjoy the season overall even if it seems like I have many complaints, it’s still Bridgerton and I just love the show. I feel like my thoughts would be much different with a full picture of the season and not just 4 episodes. I am sure that after Part 2 my feelings about it will be a lot more positive since the storylines will all pay off hopefully. I’m also hoping that they don’t do this split release in the future as I genuinely think it hindered my enjoyment of the season.
submitted by iuliad94 to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:33 Rabbid2022 Hi I'm crab roach daughter Mercedes and I would like to say in advance thank yall for not donating to my mom. She's a scammer and a liar and extort the elders and weak, please don't send your money to this BYTCH.

Hi I'm crab roach daughter Mercedes and I would like to say in advance thank yall for not donating to my mom. She's a scammer and a liar and extort the elders and weak, please don't send your money to this BYTCH. submitted by Rabbid2022 to MAMACOMEDIANRAPPER [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:31 MotorLiterature1228 Younger sister accuses me of SA to try to get her daughter back that she abandoned

So for context and a little back story I am 26m my younger sister is 22f (bekks for reference), we haven't always had a great relationship she's diagnosed bipolar disorder with few other things been in and out of mental wards. She had a kid about a year and a half ago as well as me our kids are 21 days apart. I had to move back home due to some relationship issues and bekks was here already due to her own relationship issues and the fact our bio dad no longer wanted to foot her bills anymore. In our mom's house, while my son was eating solid food already, bekks was giving her daughter baby snacks and milk which caused some major digestive issues for her daughter. Our mom being the saint she is was trying to teach her how to get her daughter onto solids and sippy cups however bekks never listened. She ignored her daughter, left her for our mom to take care of, even let her daughter fall down the stairs 3 separate times because as bekks said herself she thought her daughter knew better. Her daughter was only like 9m-11m old. Eventually she gave her daughter to our mom stating she never wanted to be a mom anyway and left. The last time she had seen her daughter was back in February of this year. Her daughter has majorly struggled with mommy issues every time our mom leaves the room she screams and cries for momma. Bekks has had every chance to see her daughter, our mom hosts family dinner night every Sunday.
A few days ago bekks tried messaging my mom saying she wanted to keep her daughter for a few days or something along those lines. Our mother refused because she has not been around for her daughter, has not financially provided for her daughter, and every time her daughter goes with her she comes back in full tantrum mode and relives her mom abandoning her again basically (if she was around more she wouldn't be like this but she hadn't bothered). Now she is calling the cops lying and saying our mom stole her daughter and now today has tried to call the cops and say that I had SA her daughter back in February when bekks last saw her and saying she found SA evidence on her back then. The detective looked into her file of course and she has a history of falsely accusing SA. I'm thankfully not getting my life turned upside down because of the overwhelming evidence that she is lying however I'm getting tired of her trying to do this to me. She has tried accusing SA against me on her before in the past which had been crazy even got my youngest sister to do it.
My mom tells me not to worry about it but I've wanted to go on fb and just blast her with all the evidence and false accusations to friends and family publicly but I have chosen to vent like this instead. I apologize that its lengthy and if you read all this i thank you for your time. Legally speaking our mother has been handling it so far they haven't needed me. Our mom has also told me not to worry that karma will get her and that karma is momma so I'm sure our mom is fed up with her bs now
submitted by MotorLiterature1228 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:31 LuckyTeresa791321 What are the benefits of continuing to read to my child even though she’s already a fluent reader?

My daughter is 6 and already reads chapter books, very fluently. I’m just curious and would like some professionals opinions. How and/or why/does it still benefit her, for me to read to her? Aside from like bonding between us. She typically reads at least 30mins a day, sometimes up to an hour. Then I read to her every night for bedtime from around 20-30min.
Also just saying this ahead of time, I’m not going to stop reading to/with her for a long time. Please don’t take this as an indication that I plan to stop.
submitted by LuckyTeresa791321 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:25 SixStarz6 Birthday Yesterday and super sad

No family , no friends and now I know why I have given up more than once before. My wife tells me there were all kinds of birthday wishes on facebook. When it was actually 2 of her friends that I don’t know and one friend that I have known for as long as I have known my wife. I am not out to her.
I am out to nobody but my wife. It’s been a rough few years. Last time(done it a few times) I quit hormones we moved and when I finally realized it’s not going away and HRT had to be permanent, I lost contact with all my close trans friends and now I hate myself.
The guilt my wife makes me feel when I do something towards my transition just brings me so far down I don’t want to wake up in the morning.
My main dysphoria is hair. Any hair drives me nuts. Body hair is manageable with an epilator now that I have been doing it so long. But the face is truly driving me nuts. I am about to do a 3 hour Electrolosis appointment. And adk for forgiveness after. And what do I do instead of focusing on myself. I start a charity. I take money I don’t have so I can get my charity a legally a 501c3 tax exempt status. I don’t know how to run a charity. All I want to do is help others. But I am so sad for myself I can barely keep things afloat.
My wife does not know how to talk to someone. Without seeing all the negatives and none if the good things.
She knows nothing about my charity. And really nothing about my transition. What I do instead of discussing things with her is I just go do it and ask forgiveness later. Told her when I started HRT just enough to get my mind right. Knowing full well I would need enough to make my breasts grow. I knew I wanted full dose including progesterone. If she found out I was taking progesterone. She would want to know why. Not sure she would like it if she knew I wanted big breasts in the first place and that’s what I actually planned. She did not like it when the nipples got Huge but she got used to them.
She keeps saying she is still attracted to me. But she never makes the first move. And when I try she doesn’t want it. Damn I am horny and my libido has not changed. I can still perform well. It sucks so bad.
Got my nails don’t light pink. She made me feel like crap and then the next day got over it. Got my toes white. Gave me crap about them then 30 mins later said she really likes them. She always asks why I want something. I tell her because it makes me happy. She just does not get it at all.
She really does not get why a man like me wants to get my nails done. Yes I said man. If I even tried my female name and pronouns with/around her it would be a big fight.
When all this came to light she told me she likes men. And she is not attracted to women. And not sure she would stay with me if I transitioned fully. So fast forward and no body hair. Painted toes and hands. 38D and still growing. I have way more women’s clothes than male clothes. I wear capris and flip flops almost everyday. I am pretty feminine except for my face. She said she would not stop me but probably won’t stay if I go all the way.
She also said the I can experiment with makeup and get a wig and leave the house en fem if I was going out with other girls. But I know the first time she saw me fully made up it would not be a good experience for me. Already told me I would be an ugly woman. So that’s why I am scared to death to go out fully dressed. Besides I know nobody in Southern California any more to go out with.
You know I would just leave but I do love her very much and I am financially secure with her. I know I would survive without her. But no more vacations and etc. I thought a slow approach would work. It seems it is but the time it is taking is getting to me.
Sorry I am just rambling about things that make no sense. Probably better if I quit existing. No body fucking cares!!
submitted by SixStarz6 to TransLater [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:25 Head_Reputation_1623 WIBTA for not allowing my(22f) boyfriends(52m) daughter (31f) to stay in our home?

Throwaway bc I am not about to post this dumpster fire on my main acc.
So basically we've been an item on and off for the past 3-ish years or so but the last time we've been officially dating (before this stint) he revealed to me he has a daughter he's low to no contact with.
The baby mama passed away a long time ago so she's not involved in this mess (honestly good for her genuinely she seemed like a sweet woman and does not need to be part of this) but his daughter recently lost her job and he wants to offer her a stay with us until she gets back on her feet which could be like, forever.
Here's the thing though she IS his daughter and I wouldn't mind if she wasn't THE MOST annoying girl ever. Having this essential stranger who is 10 years older thn me is already awkward, and like I said she is SO annoying. He's shown me her socials and the way she even types gets on my nerves.
Like. Her twitter and insta. Not to be mean but like just the most trying too hard to be quirky aging millenial, unsolicited opinions no one gaf about. Cheugy is the right word ig. Just the most obnoxious woman. Its 2024 and she still posts about "ugh normal people don't get me i'm so creative and different" stuff like that. Absolutely deep fried early 2000s tumblr not like the other girls memes. One of her recent ones was talking about ppl being excited for pumpkin spice coffee and how she only drinks water like it's MAY in 2024 no one is thinking about this but you and your weird friends (who apparently you can't stay with) and she's THIRTY ONE WHOLE YEARS OLD
Ugh I'm getting off tracked but like-
I don't even get why he wants to do this bc like I said they are low contact and she still occasionally puts him on blast on her socials (yeah I went through her accounts idc) to this day saying he was a bad dad bc he didn't spend enough time w her (wtf? he was a single dad with a job be for real, seriously that's everything he didn't abuse her or anything he was just busy?)
So yeah I don't want her in the house bc I know she's just gonna bitch at him all day and be weird about me dating her dad even tho from the few phone calls I've overheard he takes it like a champ but like. I don't wanna hear it IRL and I don't want to live in the same house as this annoying weird stranger so I guess Im asking would I be an asshole to say no to him.
As in please tell me I CAN say NO to this whole mess lol? like ik he loves her but she seems like the WORST and it would be SO awkward
submitted by Head_Reputation_1623 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:23 Significant-Win2037 I 26F, stuck in toxic/abusive cycle with ex M28, for 1 1/2 years. How would you handle this?

My ex (M28) and I(F26) were together for 1 1/2 years. The first year was fine. He became extremely codependent on me very fast. I’ve always been a vulnerable person so I blame myself for letting it happen. Long story short, we were together for a year after he decided he wanted to go to law school. His school was an hour away, so he moved up there to be closer. This was in August. I was finishing up my masters degree in October and my plan was to move up there. I let him take most of my furniture for his apartment thinking I would be there soon. The very first week he was there, he followed only women that were in his class. I will admit I was very insecure because he did not make our relationship very public, which is why I did the creeping. He posted a picture of me once in his insta, but this was after countless arguments. Fast forward to September. Things seemed off, we fought a lot. He didn’t have a car so I was the one driving to see him every weekend. My birthday weekend came along and he did nothing special for it. I actually drove him to get his new car on my birthday. We broke up a week later. We decided to get back together in December. He was home for break and I thought we could work things out. Fast forward to February, we had a big argument and he told me while we were broken up he started dating someone else. I didn’t think much of it, because we were broken up and I had no control over him. Although we stayed in contact the entire time we were broken up. I go to his apartment one weekend in march and I see the girls name that he had been seeing on his phone. He never stopped seeing her. I let her know, and turns out there was another girl as well that I let know too. They were supportive and told me everything I wanted to know. We went no contact after this. We decided we both needed to be alone. I was starting a new job, he had finals coming up. After his finals we decided to talk again. I thought we were on the path to fix things. He stayed with me one night and low and behold that same girls name popped up on his phone. They decided to get back together during the time we were broken up again. I confronted him and her about it. He reassured me that it meant nothing and I was his person and BEGGED me not to give up on him. I gave him another chance. I laid it all out and told him it was now or never and that I couldn’t do this anymore. A week later, I stay with him and see her name on his phone yet again. He shows me the messages and it was nothing about their relationship and he was just checking on her because her roof fell in on her house. I get upset, and then he blames it on me for looking at his phone. The next day he tells me he can’t be with me and that he has too many problems and that he is f*cked up in the head. When I broke down and cried to him he told me I was being selfish and was just trying to make him feel bad for what he had done. I also battle with mental health issues and he told me I was selfish to be depressed when I have a nice car, nice house, and a good job. He basically yelled and cussed me out for what he did. How do I handle this? How do I wrap my head around the fact that I dated this person for so long and cared for them so much, and they treat me this way? I’m not saying that I’m innocent in everything. I just do not understand. In the same breath that he yelled and cussed me out and told me I was selfish, he also told me I was perfect and he loved me and I did nothing wrong.
In retrospect I have noticed a lot of narcissistic qualities about him. He has even admitted to me that he cannot feel empathy towards others. I guess I should have ran then.
I’m so confused and sad. How would you handle this?
submitted by Significant-Win2037 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:21 country-blue Society normalises abusive mothers towards their sons.

I want to start by saying this is coming from a male perspective, so obviously I know mothers can be abusive towards daughters too, but that’s not what I’m focusing on right now.
But basically, society lets behaviours that would be seen as deeply abusive and harmful in any other context get a free pass when mothers do it because “that’s just what mothers do.”
Think about all the jokes about “Latina moms be like:” or “you know you ain’t had a black mother till your ass get beat for having a dirty room 😂😂” etc. Or all the jokes in films, shows etc about a strong, capable man cowering in fear any time his mother shows up (Trevor from GTA, Principal Skinner from the Simpsons, etc.) (also yes I know Trevor is a complete asshole anyway but that’s beside the point.)
Basically, there’s this idea that mothers can be abusive, overbearing, manipulative, cruel, cold, belittling, even violent etc to their sons but they get a free ride because that’s how moms are “supposed to be.” It feels like the modern equivalent of women being told they’re their fathers / husbands property and can’t do anything on their own without their permission, except without any pushback.
Anyway just my two cents. This dentist recommends using chocolate milk to rinse your mouth.
submitted by country-blue to The10thDentist [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:16 ElenorClemm AITHA for getting divorced because I was tired of insisting on couples therapy because of my postpartum depression and he wouldn't accept?

At the fisrt, sorry for my english, i'm a little oxidated, but i'll try my best. (it's not my original lenguaje)
But first, a little of context:
It's an story by 7 years. I did meet my (not still) ex-husband on a convention of Anime, i did in cossplayed by Electra and he was Tony Stark, he was had a girlfriend and I was in a toxit relationship (story i'll tell in other time). But in that day, i swear, i did wish had him, i did fall in love. We talk just a little moment, we take a photograph and we keep going with our lives.
One year latter, when i'd brake up my relationship, i fall down in a horrible depression and 1 try to unsiscribe by the life. I'd try to grow up and join a group of single peopple just search fun. I'd was surprised to find that boy again in that group.
Uno month latter, we'd be in a relationship. After two years, we was marrige. Whitout anything more than love, we start this new stage, in the night of weddings, i got pregnant.
At that moment, i wasn´t know i had anxiety and depression cronique, and during pregnancy it only gets worse, and our relationship wasn't the best, we fight a lot, especially because I felt very unprotected by my partner: when we went out there were men who made bad comments to me and I even had to walk home alone after work, not to mention that there were a couple of occasions in which, due to the times , I could only prepare food and run to work, without eating a bite, to be surprised when I returned that he alone finished the food without leaving me anything.
Added to that, the first four months of pregnancy and marriage, he was without work, I had to take care of the household alone; Added to this, to lighten the burden a little, a relative did us the favor of renting us well below the value he had, his house which was uninhabited. Imagine my shame when he asked for the rent and I didn't have the money to pay because my husband didn't go out looking for work. If they hadn't given him an ultimatum, he would have spent years like this, until he asked for a job at the only company where they don't fire anyone.
All of this caused me to spend the entire pregnancy stressed and worried.
The last straw was the day my baby was born, which coincided with my husband's birthday. I had a complicated birth, in which they had to do an emergency procedure: I was hospitalized for two full days, alone, without eating or drinking anything (For those who don't know, the medical service in Mexico is beyond terrible). Not to make it long, my birth was more than complicated; and my mortification was no less when all my relatives, when they were able to come see me, kept telling me how mortified they were, on the other hand my husband looked like a child at Christmas because they brought him gifts for his birthday, even my best friend from school.
When my baby was born, I was aware that I wasn't feeling well, so I decided to take some time to recover before returning to work. And for those who are wondering, it's not like I had a great job, our economic position was not good at all, but my depression only got worse since my baby was born, the complications of childbirth made me feel terribly guilty just thinking about it. that something could have happened to my baby.
Day after day, even though I did not work and did not contribute financially to the house, I made an effort to ensure that the little money that came into the house was enough for everything: milk, diapers and food. Despite everything, I always made sure to prepare a good breakfast and lunch for my husband to take to work, I got up before him so I could have that attention with him; Imagine my disappointment when he often returned with the food intact from when she prepared it for him and told me that he had preferred to buy something to eat. This only made me feel like I was useless. Added to the fact that on more than one occasion he even left the front door of the house open for us: a woman who had just had surgery and a newborn baby, in a neighborhood where, in open secret, it was hot for organized crime, added to the fact that I I felt insecure around him.
My family kept making comments to me about how bad my husband felt for me, how bad I looked (comments that I questioned, because my family never liked my husband). Despite the bad things, he had his attempts to be thoughtful and considerate (in the wrong way or causing me more problems, but I understood that it was his way of showing that he cared).
This was when I began to understand that my husband was like that, disconnected from reality, it was his shell of protection since he practically grew up in foster homes with "relatives" or "acquaintances", many of them were very violent and mistreated him, making him feel alone and vulnerable. I learned much of this from him, the rest his mother herself came to tell me and the rest was a matter of adding 2 + 2.
When I assimilated this and that the situation would not improve, when my baby turned 9 months old, I decided to look for a job, fortunately I found a way to work from what I studied (because yes, I have a degree), and with very humanitarian bosses. those who didn't even mind me occasionally taking my baby to teach classes with me (because yes, I ended up teaching at a basic level). Thanks to this, the situation at home improved a little, but the arguments did not stop over small things, more than anything everything he did or did not do bothered me. I guess it was because of the exhaustion of dealing with everything alone, and for anyone wondering, no, he practically didn't help me with the baby issues; With the household chores (just washing the dishes and sometimes sweeping the common areas), I took care of the rest, in addition to always making sure the house was safe for a one-year-old baby.
One of the breaking points for me (this occurs in the dark time of the pandemic when we all lock ourselves at home), your company was one of the last to send them to rest, however, since my sector was related to dealing with children, I was one of the first sectors to confine themselves to home, so now I was doing homme office. One morning I realized that the man not only lost the keys to the house, but he took mine to leave, locked them and left them stuck outside the door, leaving me locked in with my baby without the possibility of getting out if anything arose. emergency. If it hadn't been for my father, who came to visit me to see how he was doing, who knows what would have happened. Get an idea of ​​how little he cared about the safety of his family.
These, among other things, added up over the years, until I began to ask him, as a last chance to save our marriage (because at this point, I felt broken and discouraged), I insisted that we seek help, couples therapy or at least individual therapy, but he didn't listen to me or wasn't interested. Until the first time I packed my and my baby's things, he realized that I was serious and that I would leave him, he still didn't want therapy, not even when I was honest with him and told him that there were many things that I couldn't do. forgive him, especially for the pregnancy; What did happen was that he began to collaborate more at home and finally began to take responsibilities with our son.
The facts:
What ended up being the final break was a day of extreme heat, where the weather was useless and there were no technicians operating in the area. My son, now 3 years old, is very hot and in any heat his nose tends to bleed a lot, especially that weekend he was very tired, despite that, the only solution I could think of was to put the pool inside the house ( to avoid having it under the sun), I clarify that at that time we lived in a small two-bedroom apartment, which yes, I admit was an impractical solution but it was the only thing that occurred to me. Even before I did it, I notified him of what I was trying to do, not to ask for permission, but just to notify him so he wouldn't be taken by surprise.
When he got home, he didn't say hello, he didn't say anything, he just left his things and left the house to get a taxi. When I caught up with him to ask him, he said he was going to his mother's house to get an air conditioning unit that he planned to bring to install to solve the problem, to which I gave him my list of problems with it, because we didn't have permission to make modifications to begin with. Thus in the department, adding the amount of electricity it used, transportation, among others. To which he also responded with his list of drawbacks that he saw with my solution. The point is that the argument escalated and ended with him throwing the water into the garden and me locking myself in the room with my daughter, enduring the heat of the day.
Neither of us spoke to each other the rest of the day, in the morning, the first thing I did was pack my things and my baby's things discreetly. I called my parents to tell them what had happened and they were more than willing to receive us (something that did not make me so calm because, yes, one of the reasons why I married him in a hurry was that my parents were a cornerstone of my anxiety and depression).
The next night, with my things packed, I waited for my husband to drop the bomb, tell him that he was leaving with our son, he cried a lot, he begged me for another chance; That time I didn't shed a single tear, not because I didn't love him, despite everything, I followed him and I still love him, but I realized that I was loving him more than I loved me and my daughter. . I didn't cry because I spent years crying alone and falling asleep with tears.
I asked him if he would prefer to end the relationship peacefully, where we could still rescue our friendship, before reaching a point where I couldn't even tolerate seeing him.
That was the only time when he finally said that he would take therapy, but I no longer believed him. I know he did it just to convince me, but in the end he wasn't going to do it. So I decided to leave the next day with my things. It was the last time we talked about it.
At the moment:
We have a year apart, we decided to give ourselves a few months to settle in and calm our spirits. Despite this, we have still kept in touch through our daughter, when it is her turn to visit or when she brings him an errand.
I don't deny that I still love him, and now I'm the one who would like our marriage to be fixed, but he is the first to say that he feels better now.
Now that I am living with my parents, my symptoms of anxiety and depression have not improved at all, on the contrary. I don't know if I ever feel like going back to him was a desperate attempt to get out of my parents' house, because he was the only person who made me feel understood and that there was nothing wrong with being who I was (I did). which has mainly contributed to my mental health), because I clarify, my son has a disability and since his diagnosis, he has not contributed much either, I have been with the support of my family in the face of that, but not with my ex-husband or the his family, so I use practically all of my salary on my son and his basic needs; His father gives me alimony for him, but only the equivalent of $20 dollars a week, against medication a month that costs about $100, plus his therapies and special attention.
So I ask.
AITAH for asking my husband for a divorce for refusing to go to therapy?
I really appreciate that you take the time, I know that it is not a short or brief story, I will try to answer your questions in the comments if I have not been clear in any aspect. Right now I'm a mess, I'm discouraged because my situation is currently not good, my profession wears me out emotionally and mentally, added to the condition of my son who makes me feel like I'm not doing things right...
I need to know that there is something in life that I haven't done so badly. In advance, thank you Reddit community.
submitted by ElenorClemm to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:15 ElegantHovercraft116 I 23M stupidly texted my 22F ex and her parents after breakup. Advice?

TLDR: Irrationally texted my ex parents after a breakup saying mean shit about her no threats just emotional dumb shit. Regret how childish I came off and feel like part of my healing even to move on fully is apologizing to grow. But I don’t want to bother as other redditors have exclaimed I should be lucky no restraining orders have been put out or I’m not in jail. I admit I said ugly shit but nothing that comes to threats or harm. Lmk please
Ex texted a bestfriend behind my back ending of last year ruining the friendship. Broke up with her, during that time I rekindled with someone else while occasionally texting my ex still not back together. Felt like I missed the warmth of my ex and dropped the new girl going back to my ex fully beginning of this year. Missed the support and love from my ex that I never truly got. Girl told me ex about our dirty laundry, causing trust issues in the whole relationship. Trust me when I tell you I felt more than guilty. I balled my eyes out with her and not even for getting caught for the reaction she had and how fragile she always was to me. I mention what she had does because stupidly I should have left when I had the chance. Even other instances where she had initiated things, I knew it might have not been the healthiest but she showed other signs of real true love. Tried fixing them by removing girls, sharing location, etc. I felt scared my ex is gonna get revenge and started being distant at the end which pushed her away as well. I thought we would get back together as always, found out she’s been adding guys she removed a long time ago. I got upset and texted her ugly nasty shit, and texted her dad saying his daughter is nasty etc. I thought by doing this I’d move on quicker by burning bridges, he told me to leave them alone I’m being childish. I understand I fucked up and fully agree. She’s done things and I know I shouldn’t have let be, but staying and getting revenge wasn’t the way. I’m realizing that as the hours even go by everyday I think about it. I want to apologize to the parents for the lack of character I had because I never ONCE disrespected them in their house, to their face. I called them Mr and Mrs always and always asked if they needed anything. I talked to a close female friend who said this stuff needs time and I can apologize if I’d like and if it makes me feel better, or write a letter and burn it. My parents said that’s not my character and said apologize if you feel necessary as I wasn’t raised like that. I feel like it’s too late to backtrack on the stupid shit I said. Am I being selfish by sending a text? I just want this weight off my chest of being the shitty person at the end at least to her parents who didn’t need any of that.
Is it smart to reach back out to the parents to show respect as an adult or just let them be? I know this was a lot but it’s on my heart and brain everyday since. I know I was emotional for no reason as I had done hurt to her in the past too. Seeing her move on so fast is what bothered me but I see she wanted me to feel what she felt. I just feel bad sitting on the thought that I left her parents with such a bad image of myself even thought it doesn’t matter anymore just doesn’t sit with me. Help?
submitted by ElegantHovercraft116 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:12 SouthMaintenance3438 I (M24) was told by my gf (F22) that she feels her love for me is now more platonic (caring type of love) than romantic and also felt sexual feelings for a coworker a week ago. We’ve been dating for a little over 2 years and still both virgins

Hi - sorta long post. I met my girlfriend two years ago while I had my first job and she was graduating college. We were both virgins and she hadn’t done more than kissing a guy before me but had been in two long relationships (four years total). Our relationship started off pretty sexual and, honestly, very spicy. Fast forward a month and we tried to have sex; however, I had performance issues. These issues continued for 6-7 months until we basically stopped trying to have sex as she started her new job and moved to another state (I also had a new job in the same state, so I went with her).
Once she started her new job, over time our sexual intimacy declined a lot. She has a stressful computer science job and works a lot, which she pointed to as the reason for her libido going down. She was also on birth control and multiple medications. Aside from the sex, all other forms of intimacy were amazing (cuddling, kissing, holding hands, etc.). We’ve had our fair share of rough patches and fights, and I personally feel like I haven’t treated her the best. A lot of it was due to her being closed off about sexual topics and trying to improve our sex lives. Basically, sex became a big pressure point, and she was the one who controlled if it happened.
About a year ago, she felt asexual and said maybe sex isn’t important to her and she could live the rest of her life without it (she also barely masturbates, like once every two weeks). I didn’t care about sex at that point since I love her for who she is and could live without it. Also, I should note I gained like 70+ pounds, and she gained weight too, but we were still sexual at points like once a month or every other month (no penetration), so my looks didn’t affect anything. I just became more insecure.
Fast forward to 2024, I get a new job and am working remotely. I fly out a few times to see her (intimacy gets worse to the point where we’re not even changing in front of each other). She said it was because of how I treated her in December (had a huge insecure moment) and we tried to move on. Anyway, she recently started a move to a bigger city for the same company, and I had booked a flight to see her. She said she was excited to see me and spend time. Last night, she calls me and brings up how she feels this is more of a platonic friendship than a romantic one. She mentions how she could never have sex again with me potentially (due to relationship baggage), wants to be in a relationship where sex is easy and not a huge thing, and also how she saw a coworker for lunch and had sexual feelings.
Ultimately, we canceled the flight, but I still talked to her and logic’d some of this out. She originally wanted to take a break to “explore her sexuality,” and then we went back and forth for a few hours to finally understand the situation better. Now we’re taking a one-month break where she just wants alone time to move and break out of this co-dependency and relying on me for everything. We are still both exclusive and not seeing anyone. She mentioned we will probably be back together and not to feel stressed or sad (but I’m so sad). I still have a flight scheduled a few months out for her birthday, and she said to keep it assuming stuff gets better. I feel pretty horrible, and I love her so much. She’s like my best friend, and you’re supposed to marry your best friend. Two-plus years and we yap to each other, hold each other, and just do everything in a relationship except sex. I imagined a full life with her and thought she was the one. Our love was so pure and deep without the need for a sexual connection. Every time we called or hung out, it was always exciting.
I hope after this break we can get back together and continue, but part of me feels like this is the end. She mentioned we should talk more, but I said no contact during this month (we might chat on the weekends). I don’t want to lose such an amazing person.
TLDR: My girlfriend and I had a great relationship without sex due to issues in the beginning. She promised sex isn’t important to her and she might be asexual. I then get blindsided a few days ago when she says she doesn’t have feelings for me anymore and has sexual feelings for her coworker. She’s confused about her sexuality and wanted to initially explore it more, but we talked. Now we’re on a break where we’re not seeing other people for a month without contact so she can do things independently (moving to a new apartment and starting at a new office location), and she said the possibility of us getting back together is 50/50 but probably will happen. I am conflicted, traumatized, and don’t know how to move forward.
submitted by SouthMaintenance3438 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:10 ThrowRabcwhy My [18F]fiance [18M] yelled at me for defending myself against his bosses sexual harassment. should I apologize?

Hey.. I'm recently 18 and my fiance is also 18. I honestly can't share a whole lot of the details around this story. I'm terrified of being caught. I'll probably delete this post later.
My family, we'll they're apart of this.. Cult. I never understood it. I just thought we were normal Christians, but when I was 8 my sister who was only 16 was married off to this guy Chris, and when I was 9 the same thing happened to my other sister when she was 16. This happened again when I was 11. I knew I was next.
When I was 15 my marriage was arranged with this.. Guy. His name was Bill, he was 32. He was an church gower and was suggested by our pastor. I got to meet him a couple times and he was nice. I didn't want to marry him but I had no choice.
I married him the day after my 16th birthday. When I went home with him... I hated it. He wasnt nice anymore. He was married previously to a girl at our church, but he divorced her for "being broken" apparently she was Infertile and after 7 ish months of trying he gave up. But she got remarried immediately with this other guy and she's pregnant..
He immediately tried to Impregnate me. But after a few months he was getting impatient. I think he was realizing that maybe he was the problem.
Bill had a step brother, Gerry. Gerry was an angel... Bill and Gerry were estranged. Their mother had an affair with a darker man, and Gerry was born, it was obvious this was an affair baby. He was dark. I don't want to reveal any details about my location but..dark people are treated badly here. I barely see any..and when I do.. They're on the streets.
Gerry was a saint despite all the hardship growing up.. He was disgusted with his brother and I'd always hear him insulting and ridiculing him.. Anytime he came over he'd take me aside and make sure I was okay.. He was so sweet.. One time when Bill was working late.. Me and Gerry slept together. He was slow.. Careful. I loved it.
That's when I found out I was pregnant. I knew it was Gerry's,but Bill was happy. Gerry knew, I knew. Bill didn't.
It was Gerry's birthday a month ago. He was 18.
Gerry took me aside and asked if I wanted to leave and have a family with him. I didn't even think, I just said yes. I packed my stuff and snuck out two weeks later.
It took a while but we moved far and got an apartment. It was all of Gerry's savings. We were safe for now. It's scary because I was still a minor for one more month. We just need to be quiet and lay low. We were running out of funds so Gerry got a job. It was VERY hard due to the racism and horrible stereotypes Gerry was suffering with.. But he got a job! I was so proud.
I found out Gerry left to go to work in a hurry and forgot his lunch. He'd usually take just a sandwich. He works so hard so I spent 30 minutes making him a way better and nutritional lunch, then brought it to him, I hadn't been out in a while.
I arrived during lunch and Gerry greeted me with a kiss. We were chatting when I gave him his lunch. His work partners were saying how lucky he was, then his boss came over. I introduced myself and he put his hand on my arm and said Gerry was a lucky guy.
Gerry put his arm around me and laughed it off, he said that we were planning my 18th birthday. I think he said this to let the boss know I wasn't over 18 so he'd stop. But he didn't. He put his hand on my chin.. I got flashbacks to Bill.. He used to do that. So I slapped him. I didn't mean to.
Gerry grabbed my arm and pulled me away, apologizing profusely to his boss. He asked me to go. So I left.. Gerry came home a few hours. He seemed distant. I asked and he got really mad.. He didn't yell. But he was definitely angry. He said that he was in deep trouble, and that he understood that what his boss did was disgusting, but he struggled so hard to get a job due to the prejudice and racism. He held my hands and said that he NEEDED this job for me and the baby. He was crying by the end of it. He wiped his tears and gave me a half hearted apology. He slept on the couch and we haven't talked since..
Didn't do something wrong? I think maybe I should go back and apologize to his boss.. Gerry works so hard.. And even though it doesn't seek like it.. He's so genuine. He brings me home flowers every day that he sees on his trail home. He's so excited to meet our baby girl. (He's certain it's a girl)
submitted by ThrowRabcwhy to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:07 Legacycoolshit Britney, Whitney and Bianca

I am very confused as to why people can’t seem to understand that Whitney is Britney’s mum. For the last few weeks Whitney has proven time and time again that she loves Britney and wants to care for her. It’s love at first sight. People believe in instant love when it comes to romantic relationships in fiction but not platonic or paternal. When Whitney first met Britney she fell head over heels and chose to be her mum because she knew that blood doesn’t mean family.
And in the last episode I teared up when Whitney called Bianca mum during labour. Since Bianca’s return she has declared time and time again that Whitney is her daughter, so in Whitney’s mind there is no difference between Bianca’s love for her and her love for Britney.
And yet, somehow EE fans are being wilfully obtuse in saying the storyline doesn’t make any sense and that Whitney is messing up her life for a kid she just met.
submitted by Legacycoolshit to eastenders [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:07 ttfish94 Got a question peeps, l'm a (30M) wife is (26F) been married 7 years next week. NURSES QUESTION!

So like I said above the wife and I have been married pretty much 7 years and have one child together (4) the beginning of our relationship was pretty normal we both for the most part minus maybe a year in the beginning the exact same work schedule and everything was great. Well my wife graduated nursing school early last year and took a job immediately which was night shift, but I was kinda expecting that from the start, But she always told me that as soon as day shift position opened she would put in for it.... That never happened, Just over a year later and she is still working nights and it sucks ass. Here recently her exact Unit had a job posting for day shift and she refused to put in for in for it until she spoke with her manager and idk if it's just me but that's the last thing I would do!?! I mean if you're worth a damn your manager doesn't wanna lose you right? Well I told her that and she still insisted. I really don't know what to do anymore, my wife has her work besties that she graduated with on the same floor working nights.... So I'm trying to understand a little better am I at fault wanting to push her for days? I truly don't know, it's a really shitty feeling from my prospective because I feel like the wife doesn't really care how me or her daughter feel.. Also to me it feels like our s-x life has gone downhill, she says it doesn't have to happen every day but damn to get turned down after everything I said just hurts. But idk im in the industrial maintenance world so I try not to complain too much but I kinda feel like I'm running out of options.... So if there are any nurses out there that can help me understand what this is that would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks
submitted by ttfish94 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:06 ThrowRabcwhy My [18F]fiance [18M] yelled at me for defending myself against his bosses sexual harassment. should I apologize?

Hey.. I'm recently 18 and my fiance is also 18. I honestly can't share a whole lot of the details around this story. I'm terrified of being caught. I'll probably delete this post later.
My family, we'll they're apart of this.. Cult. I never understood it. I just thought we were normal Christians, but when I was 8 my sister who was only 16 was married off to this guy Chris, and when I was 9 the same thing happened to my other sister when she was 16. This happened again when I was 11. I knew I was next.
When I was 15 my marriage was arranged with this.. Guy. His name was Bill, he was 32. He was an church gower and was suggested by our pastor. I got to meet him a couple times and he was nice. I didn't want to marry him but I had no choice.
I married him the day after my 16th birthday. When I went home with him... I hated it. He wasnt nice anymore. He was married previously to a girl at our church, but he divorced her for "being broken" apparently she was Infertile and after 7 ish months of trying he gave up. But she got remarried immediately with this other guy and she's pregnant..
He immediately tried to Impregnate me. But after a few months he was getting impatient. I think he was realizing that maybe he was the problem.
Bill had a step brother, Gerry. Gerry was an angel... Bill and Gerry were estranged. Their mother had an affair with a darker man, and Gerry was born, it was obvious this was an affair baby. He was dark. I don't want to reveal any details about my location but..dark people are treated badly here. I barely see any..and when I do.. They're on the streets.
Gerry was a saint despite all the hardship growing up.. He was disgusted with his brother and I'd always hear him insulting and ridiculing him.. Anytime he came over he'd take me aside and make sure I was okay.. He was so sweet.. One time when Bill was working late.. Me and Gerry slept together. He was slow.. Careful. I loved it.
That's when I found out I was pregnant. I knew it was Gerry's,but Bill was happy. Gerry knew, I knew. Bill didn't.
It was Gerry's birthday a month ago. He was 18.
Gerry took me aside and asked if I wanted to leave and have a family with him. I didn't even think, I just said yes. I packed my stuff and snuck out two weeks later.
It took a while but we moved far and got an apartment. It was all of Gerry's savings. We were safe for now. It's scary because I was still a minor for one more month. We just need to be quiet and lay low. We were running out of funds so Gerry got a job. It was VERY hard due to the racism and horrible stereotypes Gerry was suffering with.. But he got a job! I was so proud.
I found out Gerry left to go to work in a hurry and forgot his lunch. He'd usually take just a sandwich. He works so hard so I spent 30 minutes making him a way better and nutritional lunch, then brought it to him, I hadn't been out in a while.
I arrived during lunch and Gerry greeted me with a kiss. We were chatting when I gave him his lunch. His work partners were saying how lucky he was, then his boss came over. I introduced myself and he put his hand on my arm and said Gerry was a lucky guy.
Gerry put his arm around me and laughed it off, he said that we were planning my 18th birthday. I think he said this to let the boss know I wasn't over 18 so he'd stop. But he didn't. He put his hand on my chin.. I got flashbacks to Bill.. He used to do that. So I slapped him. I didn't mean to.
Gerry grabbed my arm and pulled me away, apologizing profusely to his boss. He asked me to go. So I left.. Gerry came home a few hours. He seemed distant. I asked and he got really mad.. He didn't yell. But he was definitely angry. He said that he was in deep trouble, and that he understood that what his boss did was disgusting, but he struggled so hard to get a job due to the prejudice and racism. He held my hands and said that he NEEDED this job for me and the baby. He was crying by the end of it. He wiped his tears and gave me a half hearted apology. He slept on the couch and we haven't talked since..
Didn't do something wrong? I think maybe I should go back and apologize to his boss.. Gerry works so hard.. And even though it doesn't seek like it.. He's so genuine. He brings me home flowers every day that he sees on his trail home. He's so excited to meet our baby girl. (He's certain it's a girl)
submitted by ThrowRabcwhy to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:05 luvbrat Retention Frustrations

I am a first year teacher and I have a child up for a possible retention. (2nd grade) She is tier 3 in reading, and has been since December. She had a very hard time reading, comprehension, writing (sometimes does not even write her full name), cries when I don’t read questions and answers more than once because she can’t sound it out, etc. - we had our meeting today. Mom says she can catch up over summer because she has a 70 in reading so she is “passing” and states that all of this comes down to her child’s lack of focus, how she has a very early birthday and my teaching style because “I keep the kids on computers all the time”. (They stay on them max 25 minutes a day during intervention time on iReady, other 20 mins is in groups). She also states that it may be better for her kid to be retained in 3rd grade instead and she will mesh better with the 3rd grade teachers. This child is emotionally immature, on a BP for most of the year for arguing with staff and peers. She is in the 4TH% in reading. She is also possibly traumatized, I had to report to CPS a couple months back and mom knows I did it most likely. I am TRULY worried about this child. Mom has seen the data all year and she is still on the fence. Please tell me I am not overreacting here. This is insane to me.
submitted by luvbrat to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:05 ElegantHovercraft116 I 23M irrationally texted my 22F ex and her parents. Apologize or let them be?

TLDR: Irrationally texted my ex parents after a breakup saying mean shit about her no threats just emotional dumb shit. Regret how childish I came off and feel like part of my healing even to move on fully is apologizing to grow. But I don’t want to bother as other redditors have exclaimed I should be lucky no restraining orders have been put out or I’m not in jail. I admit I said ugly shit but nothing that comes to threats or harm. Lmk please
Ex texted a bestfriend behind my back ending of last year ruining the friendship. Broke up with her, during that time I rekindled with someone else while occasionally texting my ex still not back together. Felt like I missed the warmth of my ex and dropped the new girl going back to my ex fully beginning of this year. Missed the support and love from my ex that I never truly got. Girl told me ex about our dirty laundry, causing trust issues in the whole relationship. Trust me when I tell you I felt more than guilty. I balled my eyes out with her and not even for getting caught for the reaction she had and how fragile she always was to me. I mention what she had does because stupidly I should have left when I had the chance. Even other instances where she had initiated things, I knew it might have not been the healthiest but she showed other signs of real true love. Tried fixing them by removing girls, sharing location, etc. I felt scared my ex is gonna get revenge and started being distant at the end which pushed her away as well. I thought we would get back together as always, found out she’s been adding guys she removed a long time ago. I got upset and texted her ugly nasty shit, and texted her dad saying his daughter is nasty etc. I thought by doing this I’d move on quicker by burning bridges, he told me to leave them alone I’m being childish. I understand I fucked up and fully agree. She’s done things and I know I shouldn’t have let be, but staying and getting revenge wasn’t the way. I’m realizing that as the hours even go by everyday I think about it. I want to apologize to the parents for the lack of character I had because I never ONCE disrespected them in their house, to their face. I called them Mr and Mrs always and always asked if they needed anything. I talked to a close female friend who said this stuff needs time and I can apologize if I’d like and if it makes me feel better, or write a letter and burn it. My parents said that’s not my character and said apologize if you feel necessary as I wasn’t raised like that. I feel like it’s too late to backtrack on the stupid shit I said. Am I being selfish by sending a text? I just want this weight off my chest of being the shitty person at the end at least to her parents who didn’t need any of that.
Is it smart to reach back out to the parents to show respect as an adult or just let them be? I know this was a lot but it’s on my heart and brain everyday since. I was emotional on how she moved on so quick and added everyone she removed for me. But no excuse cause I had done my part in this and my blowing up made it a million times worse. Just want to fix the image with the parents as they were respectful to me and same to them up until I was acting stupid. Let them be?
submitted by ElegantHovercraft116 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:05 No-Mix-2222 Is there a benefit In letting a 15 year old visit her mom who will be in jail for six months instead of just phone calls?

The charge is a check fraud charge and it is a six month sentence. My daughter she seems to be handling it fine. I told her right away about it and she reacted pretty calmly. I told her mom did the wrong thing and is rightfully serving her punishment. They have a good relationship. The main problem I have is she will see her mom in a jail jumpsuit and see guards and other inmates that could be intimidating. Is that ok for a 15 year old to see? Actually my daughter does not seem scared but instead seems excited and enthusiastic to visit. This is strange to me. Do you find this normal? My daughter seems to find the idea of her mom having to wearing a uniform, sharing a room funny. I wonder why she would think it is funny. My wife says bring her if she would like to and my daughter says she would like to but I don’t know if it is a good idea. She hasn’t gone yet so we can still discuss it together
submitted by No-Mix-2222 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:03 JustTired1597 I'm just tired of being the only one putting in effort. Feeling angry and resentful.

So for context I am in a long distance marriage and we have been so for about 7 ish months now. I am a 26 M and my wife is a 24 F. The reason we are apart is because she is doing her masters now.
I have done everything humanly possible to make this long distance thing easier on both of us. I try to facetime everyday, I send her good morning texts, I send her voice notes randomly. I send her bouquets of flowers for her birthday or if she's feeling ill. I Uber Eats her food.
This past eid, I send her a giant care package of all the things she likes. Perfume, her favorite makeup stuff. some cute outfits, etc. And I got nothing.
I'm no saying that I do all these things with the expectation that I get stuff back. I just want the acknowledgment and may some effort?
The thing that ticks me off the most is her entitlement. Like I'll miss a facetime call one day, and then I'll get messages from her asking why I missed calling her and I become the villain. Like you have hands. You can click on my name and call me too.
I'm a hopeless romantic and its so painful to be with someone who does not reciprocate the effort or energy or even a fraction of it.
I think people will comment that I need to tell her this instead of writing it on reddit, but the thing is that I don't want to beg for it, nor do I want to guilt her into it. She should want to.
Anyways, if you read this, thank you. Just needed to vent a bit.
submitted by JustTired1597 to MuslimMarriage [link] [comments]