Regrow tooth

Explain Like I'm Five Don't Panic!

2011.07.28 17:21 bossgalaga Explain Like I'm Five Don't Panic!

Explain Like I'm Five is the best forum and archive on the internet for layperson-friendly explanations. Don't Panic!

2024.05.19 07:11 lolwutalyf Apicoectomy risks

Hey I’m getting an Apicoectomy done. I want to know the risks.
Is there jaw bone recession like with the standard tooth removal which leads to asymmetries in the face?
In case of a failed Apicoectomy, will an implant be possible in the future?
Are there chances that the bone doesn’t regrow ?
submitted by lolwutalyf to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 07:36 wtsui AI Legalese Decoder Streamlines Approval Process for Tooth Regrowing Drug Trials
submitted by wtsui to legalselfserve [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 11:36 sauce_ninja Tooth Loose From Trauma

I was at the dentist after taking a hockey puck to the face and he recommended wiring the tooth with molars in the back to keep it steady and to let it regrow. The tooth was a little shattered in the gums allegedly, and is a little mobile. However I got sticker shock when I saw the $5000 price tag and opted out. I was wondering if there were alternatives for ensuring that my tooth regrows in the best shape possible, or if it will even be possible for it to regrow without the wire structure? Thank you for your time, and I apologize for my lack of credentials. Let me know if you need more data to help me make an informed decision.
submitted by sauce_ninja to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:56 kyletoews Cyst in 3rd impacted molar. Emergency surgery

Cyst in 3rd impacted molar. Emergency surgery
So I felt a lump under my mandible 2 weeks ago. Pain quickly followed. Dentist xray showed need for immediate surgery. Got it 10 days. Surgeon said would remove impacted wisdom tooth and use a penrose drain and allow bone to regrow. They were surprised I didn't have a fracture.
Every day right now though it feels like my gums are inflamed casuing jaw tightness and trismus. Not sure how I can manage this.
Anyone know the estimated recovery time or Pain management? Ibuprofen 3 times a day is barely keeping it manageable.
submitted by kyletoews to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 21:41 Chocolate_cake99 Ranking every RTD1 villain in terms of competence

Rankings are mostly based off how much of a challenge they were, whether they actually succeeded in their plans, but also on whether they made any serious mistakes that lead to their downfall. Enemies like the Midnight entity for example, you may think would be rated highly, but being so cocky that someone notices things aren't right is such a blunder that I've ranked it pretty low.
This isn't a ranking of which is the most powerful, just their performance against the Doctor.
100 - Won
99-100 - should have won, or lost by own choice.
90-99 - Lost due to bad luck or something that could not have been anticipated by them
80-90 - Was a formidable opponent but ultimately couldn't stand up to the Doctor.
70-80 - Made a serious mistake or multiple minor ones, possibly missed something they could have noticed
60-70 - Made a stupid blunder or were beaten rather easily
20-60 - Made a very stupid blunder that isn't even understandable, its just so stupid.
-0-20 - WHO TF WROTE THIS!!!
1. The Sun - 42 - 100/100, WINS: I know, I know, I'm going to catch hell for this., but it had the Doctor at its mercy along with the rest of the crew. They were lucky it was willing to let them go after they gave the sun particles back. Additionally, there aren't many adversaries that can actually possess the Doctor so successfully that he's completely helpless, they had no other means of escape. There aren't many that can threaten him like this and get away scot free. The fact is, the sun could've killed them if it wanted to, it just didn't want to. The sun wins, the only RTD villain to really do so this definitively
2. The Vashta Nerada - Silence in the Library/ Forest of the Dead - 99.9/100, TIE: Got to give them credit for being the first villains smart enough to take the Doctor's offer and quit while they were ahead. They got a whole world out of it so good on them. I say a tie because they clearly would've liked to feast on the trapped humans, but its pretty damn close to a win I'd say. They killed pretty much the entire expedition crew, and despite the Doctor's threats he didn't appear to have a clue how to stop them. They may not feel like the cleverest, but they are certainly successful, managing to achieve a definitive stalemate.
3. The Wolf - Tooth and Claw - 99.8/100, TIE: Again, a weird one to hype up. The Doctor got something of a win in that he did eliminate the immediate threat, but the Wolf still won himself. Despite being destroyed it achieved its objective, the Queen was infected which makes me wonder why this hasn't come up again. Probably because it'd be weird having an episode about King Charles becoming a Werewolf. I'd also like to add that the Doctor had no plan against the wolf and the monks, he got lucky that two guys had somehow anticipated this decades in advance and set a whole plan in motion to stop the wolf.
4. The Child - Empty Child/ The Doctor Dances - 99.4/100, Lost willingly: Feels kind of unfair because its not a particularly smart villain, but it is a villain the Doctor had no clue how to stop and ended up just getting lucky with.
5. Daleks - Bad Wolf/ Parting of the Ways - 99.3/100, Lost by bad luck: They basically ruled Earth for centuries, even concealing it from the Doctor during the Long Game and I presume they turned his actions in that story to their advantage. Once the Doctor showed up, they actually had a decent plan to deal with him. They held Rose hostage and once the Doctor started a rescue mission, yes they could've killed Rose, but what would that actually have accomplished. By holding Rose, they ensured the Doctor would take a predictable course of action, actually having to expose himself to the Daleks. This actually worked quite well because by keeping Rose close one Dalek actually managed to get inside the TARDIS and take a shot at the Doctor. The Doctor then fled and started the delta wave, and the Daleks massacred the game station to get up to him, and I think the Emperor successfully called the Doctor's bluff. They were very unfortunate, I don't see how they could've possibly anticipated Bad Wolf or what they could've done about it had they known. Every action they took was perfect, in the end they were just outmatched.
6. Dalek - Dalek - 99/100, Lost willingly: This singular Dalek was unstoppable. Successfully manipulated Rose into touching it, taking down half of America's power grid with a single move, massacring everyone in sight, and leveraging Rose to make the Doctor open the vault. The Doctor may have been able to shoot it dead but who knows what could've happened if it wasn't for Rose's DNA contaminating it. I'd say that was some poor foresight on the Dalek's part but I don't see what else it could've done to save itself.
7. Slitheen - Boom Town - 96/100, Lost due to unforeseeable elements: The Slitheen get a bad rep for farting, but they are some of the most competent villains in all of Doctor Who. Blon manages to get a nuclear project off the ground purely to get a lift and manages to silence any critics, though whether she is successful here is questionable. However, on top of this she is even able to anticipate the Doctor coming for her simply by correctly predicting that the Doctor must have some powerful technology of his own that could open the rift. Everything is executed flawlessly only for her to get blindsided by not understanding the nature of the Doctor's TARDIS. Something she could not have anticipated.
8. The Beast - The Impossible Planet/ The Satan Pit - 95.9/100, Lost but should've been a tie, Everyone should have died with it but they got lucky: This thing was imprisoned beneath a black hole and somehow came closer to utterly defeating the Doctor than most. Taking over the Ood, frightening the crew enough to get a lift off Krop Tor, recognising the Doctor as a threat and ensuring he stayed cut off down in the caves. That may have backfired a little as the Doctor was able to make his way into the pit, whereas if he hadn't its debatable whether the Doctor could've stopped the Beast escaping from up on the base. Maybe it was a mistake letting him do that. However, the Beast did have his trump card, which was that the Doctor would have to sacrifice Rose to stop him. Against the right Doctor and companion combo, this would've worked. Look me in the eye and tell me that if this were a Capaldi story with Clara, he wouldn't have let the Beast escape. The Doctor had to sacrifice everyone to stop him and got lucky that the TARDIS fell down in the right place to save his ass. I dread to think how screwed we would be if the Beast actually got loose.
9. The Plasmavore - Smith and Jones - 95.5/100, Lost due to unforeseeable elements: The Plasmavore has the perfect plan, remain undetected, wipe out the Judoon, make her get away. It's only the Doctor's alien physiology that completely blindsides her, and how could she really have anticipated that.
10. The Slitheen - Aliens of London/ World War Three - 90/100, Lost due to unforeseeable elements: Another villain that fails due to not being familiar with the Doctor. These guys are the butt of so many jokes for so little reason when you realize how intelligent they were. They infiltrated the British government and used a spaceship crash to put the planet on red alert to give them access to nuclear weapons. It's so simple yet so genius. Even their handling of the Doctor is fantastic, which is better than most villains that turn into bumbling idiots when the Doctor shows up. They gather all alien experts and lay a trap for them that works flawlessly, only ruined by the Doctor not being human and therefore being immune. They then set the guards on the Doctor forcing him to retreat to a safe room where he was trapped for the remainder of the story. The Slitheen even make a point of severing communications just to keep the Doctor quiet and again they are only foiled by the Doctor's superior tech with Rose's phone. Everything that goes wrong for the Slitheen happens because of how much they don't know about the Doctor. The only thing they maybe could've done better is go for America or Russia, somewhere that doesn't require access codes to use nuclear weapons. Either way, the Slitheen really get screwed by elements they couldn't have anticipated.
11. The Fortune Teller - Turn Left - 89.5/100, Lost, highly competent but outwitted by a superior opponent: Another case of a villain simply being outdone rather than making any real errors. It's scary how overpowered the time beetle is.
12. The Master - Utopia/ Sound of Drums/ Last of the Time Lords - 89/100, Lost, highly competent but outwitted by a superior opponent + a very slight lack of foresight: I have to give the Master a lot of credit for his first two parts, if it was just Sound of Drums he'd be top of the rankings utterly wiping the floor with the Doctor in that episode. However, he managed this with 17 months of prep time, a serious head start, and in a whole year never figured out that the Doctor might have some other plan, nor did he try and find a way to make the paradox machine permanent as his whole plan was vulnerable to being undone. He should've realized the Doctor wouldn't have asked Martha to kill. But I will give some credit that the plan that defeated the Master was utterly ridiculous and nobody in the universe could've predicted that BS. He got beat by plot armour.
13. The Time Lords - The End of Time - 88/100, Lost, mostly due to circumstances beyond their control, but failed to take one chance that could have saved them: They really had their backs against the wall, having to rely on the link to bring the Time Lords back and exactly how that link was established was entirely on the Master's shoulders, so there really wasn't much they could've done to stop the Doctor shooting the white point star. I don't think there's anything Rassilon could've done to ensure the Doctor stay out of the way either, I don't think we've ever seen the Doctor more determined to destroy an enemy before or since, so nothing would've worked. However, Rassilon could've led with the gauntlet and took out the Doctor right away. Maybe that would've made the Doctor pull the trigger and shoot Rassilon, but chances are he'd be able to regenerate. The Doctor had literally just severely injured himself as well so he may not even have managed to get a shot off. I'd put it down to not wanting the Doctor to shoot, but still, not clever.
14. The Sycorax - The Christmas Invasion - 84/100, Lost, defeated by a superior opponent: The plan was good, and was working well until the Doctor woke up. After that point, maybe they should've ignored the Doctor's demand for a duel and just summoned the armada, but considering the weapon Torchwood was setting up and a now royally pissed off Doctor against them, I doubt it would've made much difference. As for the duel itself, credit to the Sycorax leader, he's the only person in all of Doctor Who to actually be a match for the Doctor in a sword fight, at least until he chopped off the Doctor's hand, kind of a shame for him that it backfired, he was actually giving the Doctor quite the challenge until then. After the loss, they're smart enough to just accept defeat and leave, unfortunately Torchwood had other plans.
15. The Family of Blood - Human Nature/ The Family of Blood - 83.7/100, Lost due to one easily made mistake: No nonsense and ready to kill at the drop of a hat. Their scarecrows are nothing to laugh at either. Unfortunately, a minor slip up costs them everything. Though the Doctor does trick them with some kind of misdirection, it's not the smartest idea letting your enemy push buttons on your ship, even if you have no reason to think they have any idea what they're doing.
16. The Master - The End of Time - 83.5/100, Lost. Could have won easily, blundered it: I'd really love to give the Master more for this story, but he got lucky with the immortality gate which makes his conquest less impressive, and his severe underestimation of the Time Lords cost him what should've been a complete and total victory over the Doctor.
17. Daleks - Army of Ghosts/ Doomsday - 81/100, Lost. Failed to deal with some obscure threats: Bit of a step down for the Daleks. Their plan to open the Genesis Ark was a good one, but there's some question as to whether they really needed the Doctor alive when they first encountered him. They had two other time travellers in the room. Having said that, as it was a Time Lord prison ship, they may have come to the conclusion that there may be some other security measures that they might need the Doctor to override. They effortlessly massacre the Cybermen and unleash the ark as planned, their only real mistake was not sending a Dalek to secure the breach so the Doctor couldn't suck them in. You could argue they didn't know that the equipment to do that was all set up and ready for use, but after extracting brainwaves from that Torchwood operative, they should've figured out that there was a danger. To their credit they do send some Daleks to stop the Doctor after the ark is opened, but its too little too late. Still, props to them for having an emergency temporal shift ready in case of such an event. Just might have been a good idea to fit such a thing to the Genesis Ark and flee to a time without the Doctor around and finish opening it there.
18. The Gelth - the Unquiet Dead - 80.5/100, Lost. Made a small but costly mistake: Credit to them for successfully manipulating the Doctor, a rare feat. They lose a lot of points however for not keeping the facade going a bit longer and letting Charles Dickens slip away.
19. The Flood - Waters of Mars - 80/100, Lost, missed a better strategy: Let's make an assumption that the Flood didn't settle on Earth until Maggie saw it during the medbay scene, otherwise it'd make much more sense for the virus to just lay dormant in Andy Stone. Even without Earth, maybe just remain dormant and let everyone touch the water supply. But, oh well, everyone's suspicious now so after that they do alright. They do a decent enough job hunting people down and getting at the shuttle, they probably didn't expect that one guy to kill himself in blowing up the shuttle.
20. The Carrionites - The Shakespeare Code - 77/100, Lost due to some bad luck, but also failing to plug some obscure weaknesses: Actually quite a decent threat. They drew a little too much attention to themselves with drowning the person that got in their way on dry land, otherwise the Doctor might have not even noticed. But they were no nonsense adversaries, the moment they saw the Doctor looking into things they sent Mother Doomfinger to kill him, but of course they were caught off guard by the Doctor's superior knowledge. Lilith then confronted the Doctor later, successfully tricking him into getting a piece of hair from him, then stabbing him in the heart. It would've worked had the Doctor been human, again aliens unfamiliarity with the Doctor bites them in the ass. I do however think they could've killed Shakespeare before the play started, surely it crossed their minds it was possible for Shakespeare to send them back. They had the means to do so, they used the puppet to knock him out. Though maybe they needed Shakespeare in case the play failed for some reason and they would need to use him some more.
21. Krillitanes - School Reunion - 76.8/100, Lost by not taking the chance to eliminate a threat for a good reason + some bad luck: They made two fatal mistakes. The first was making too much noise when they landed. The Doctor only showed up because of UFO sightings and the school getting record results. If they had been more discreet, the Doctor may never have even noticed what was happening until it was too late. Their second mistake was not killing the Doctor on the street, presumably because they thought he could be useful but it doesn't seem like the smartest idea. They deserve some credit though as they did have the Doctor thinking about joining them for a second. Then in that final battle they had the Doctor and the gang cornered and could've easily finished them if it wasn't for the Doctor having an ace up his sleeve in the shape of K9. The Krillitane were also smart enough to use deadlocks which ended up being quite the stumbling block to the Doctor.
22. Vespiform - The Unicorn and the Wasp - 75/100, Lost, Defeated easily by superior opponent: It does a good enough job hiding, even poisoning the Doctor which would've worked if he were human. Ultimately though, he is figured out and easily taken care of by Donna.
23. Mr Halpen - Planet of the Ood - 74.5/100, Lost due to failure to notice a noticeable trap: He has a good reason why he can't kill the Doctor just point blank, and he at least makes sure the handcuffs are high enough quality to stop him freeing himself when he sets the Ood on them. On the other hand, if you're drinking something that is supposed to regrow your hair and your hair starts falling out in big clumps, you should probably at least come to the realization that the drink isn't doing a thing and stop using it. Though it may have been too late anyway.
24. Racnoss - Runaway Bride - 74.4/100, Lost due to failure to recognise a serious threat and missing a chance to eliminate it: I like that she at least tried to talk over the Doctor and not let him monologue, but ultimately she still hesitated in ordering the robots to shoot him. She also clearly should've realized with her base in a precarious position under the River Thames, that once the Doctor got control of the robots she should've understood he had something up his sleeve and taken the offer. Some credit to her for having an emergency teleport to save herself, too bad the Master already had plans for the planet. The plan itself wasn't a bad one, though I do question why she had Lance dose Donna gradually over months instead of just kidnapping someone and doing what she did with Lance, but perhaps there's some other reason, otherwise why bother taking Donna back instead of just using Lance.
25. General Cobb - The Doctor's Daughter - 74.3/100, Lost, defeated by superior opponent but also a very hard to see error: Know your guards a little better, don't put the ones who are easily susceptible to Georgia Moffett's seductive charms on guard duty.
26. The Sontarans - The Sontaran Stratagem/ The Poison Sky - 71/100, Lost due to some bad luck and failing to recognise multiple threats to their plans: Sontarans were pretty clever, even using deadlocks despite not even knowing they would be encountering the Doctor. They also located and procured the TARDIS, and kept a tight hold on the factory. Although investing in some actual bulletproof armour would've been a good idea even with the whole cordalane signal. They also anticipated an attack from the Doctor and shut down the teleports to prevent such a thing, but were unfortunately foiled by unknowingly bringing Donna aboard in the TARDIS. It may also have been a good idea to keep a closer eye on Luke Rattigan considering he was making terraforming equipment and the Sontaran's were trying to terraform the Earth to their conditions. Also, maybe the Sontarans should've been able to tell the Doctor was trying to send a discreet message to Donna he wasn't exactly subtle, but oh well. Most of it can be explained by simple Sontaran arrogance and shoot first mentality, but it still is a weakness of theirs. I could take off some points for Martha's clone being terrible at faking being Martha in front of the Doctor, but the Doctor later claims he could tell just by looking at her so there wasn't much hope for her there anyway. Ultimately, should've taken the Doctor's offer and left, but obviously they'd never do that.
27. The Weeping Angels - Blink - 66.5/100, Lost due to falling for a somewhat obvious trap: Admittedly they played well, even sent the Doctor back to the past. However, surrounding an object that they likely know can disappear in an instant. It's clever that the Doctor tricked them but its not the hardest trap to see coming.
28. Midnight Entity - Midnight - 66.4/100, Almost won due to stupid opponents, lost by celebrating too soon: I'm sure you think it must be much higher than this, but here's a tip for when you're stealing someone's voice. Don't sound like you're having fun when the Doctor is being thrown out, no wonder the Hostess realized something was wrong. Her plan may have worked well, but mostly because the people involved, the Doctor included, were too stupid to just shut up and keep their distance. This time it was the Doctor who made some serious blunders that allowed a relatively harmless enemy to get as close to victory as it did.
29. Reapers - Father's Day - 65.5/100, Lost, defeated by superior opponent: Despite how powerful they were, the Doctor did figure out a way to beat them and they were completely reliant on the people inside the church making mistakes in order to get at them. That plan then failed because of Rose causing a paradox, but it would have worked. They also could've been beaten the whole time by just sacrificing Pete, the Doctor just wanted to protect him.
30. Sting rays - Planet of the Dead - 65.4/100, Lost, defeated by superior opponent: They're just predators, they have a goal I guess but it doesn't go well. They're not really smart enough to do anything about it.
31. Macra - Gridlock - 65.3/100. Not really important: They didn't really have a goal in mind, but they were dangerous I guess.
32. Cassandra - New Earth - 64/100, Lost due to poor planning: Her plan completely backfires because she thinks the nuns will just yield to her threat. At least escape the hospital, then send your threats digitally or something. I get she probably didn't expect them to threaten her right back, but come on.
33. The Wire - the Idiot's Lantern - 63/100, Lost due to failing to take a chance to eliminate a recognised threat for a flimsy reason: It's never really clear why the Wire can't absorb the Doctor, however she knew he was dangerous and she could've at least made Mr Magpie restrain if not kill the Doctor while he was knocked out. That probably wouldn't have worked but she certainly messed up by failing to take him out of the equation. I can give her some benefit of the doubt, Magpie may have resisted if she demanded he kill the Doctor.
34. Miss Foster - Partner's in Crime - 59/100, Lost, failed to take a chance to eliminate a recognised threat for no apparent reason: Plan was nice, still managed to get a lot of adipose births out of it. On the other hand, allowing the Doctor to monologue about holding two sonic devices together is pretty stupid. SHOOT HIM! Of course she also made a mistake trusting the adipose and should've heard the Doctor out.
35. Cassandra - the End of the World - 57/100, Lost, failed to take a chance to eliminate a recognised threat for no apparent reason: Cassandra's plan to engineer a hostage situation so she could sue was clever enough, and having the Adherance of the Repeated Meme as fall guys was a good idea too. Unfortunately, she suffered from the typical villain problem of not killing the Doctor when she has the chance. I suppose I can see it as unlikely that the Doctor could get the forcefield back online, but still, there's no reason not to kill him.
36. Clockwork Droids - Girl in the Fireplace - 56.9/100, Lost, failed to take a chance to eliminate a recognised threat for no apparent reason: Same problem, they played well right up until the point they teleport to bring back Madame Da Pompadour. There's no reason to leave the Doctor alive when you are able to kill him.
37. Cybermen - Rise of the Cybermen/ Age of Steel - 49/100, Lost, failed to notice a blindingly obvious threat and failure to plug a serious and obvious weakness: Everything is fine with their plan right up until the final act. Why keep your prisoners next to a system that connects to every Cyberman. I could maybe forgive that, if someone as smart as Lumic was somehow too stupid to realize that the Doctor is obviously up to something when he starts monologuing about the code behind the emotional inhibitor and doesn't tell a single Cyberman to restrain him. Also, workshop the cyber design a little, those cybermen need to move a lot faster, especially if they can only kill by touch.
38. Cybermen - The Next Doctor - 47/100, Lost, failed to plug a serious and obvious weakness: Cybermen really need to stop linking everyone up to one system that can kill them all, especially when someone with a strong enough mind can retain their individuality. Even if Miss Hartigan didn't manage this, the Doctor still could've destroyed them the same exact way. The creation of the info-stamps is also stupid when it can be used against them. Finally, "Just tell me one thing, what do you need those children for," "What are children ever needed for, they're a workforce," GIRL! WHY ARE YOU ANSWERING HIM! YOU'RE ABOUT TO KILL HIM!
39. Professor Lazarus - The Lazarus Experiment - 44/100, Lost, fell for extremely obvious trap: Seems clever enough, and I can see how the Doctor defeating you with a bloody piano might catch you off guard. On the other hand, not a good idea to chase the person who is very obviously trying to distract you, and follow her to the top of a tower when you heard the Doctor tell her to lure him there.
40. Daleks - Daleks in Manhattan/ Evolution of the Daleks - 42/100, Lost due to serious strategic blunders and failure to recognise serious threats: I can at a stretch see Dalek Sec's reasons for keeping the Doctor alive. I can possibly even see their reasons for just restraining the Doctor when they turn on Dalek Sec. He did just work on their experiment, it's possible they might still need him. Having said that, the theatre showdown is where they lose me. The Dalek humans are untested soldiers and the Daleks not only give them weapons that can work on Daleks which is overkill considering their enemies will only be human, but these weapons could feasibly be taken from them. Additionally, when those soldiers turn on them, Thay and Jast just start shooting instead of letting Caan use their inbuilt self destruct button, something Caan is way too slow to use.
41. Absorbaloff - Love and Monsters - 39/100, Lost due to failure to plug a serious and obvious weakness: How can a monster that researched the Doctor this much, not try and think of a way to cover for his extremely exploitable weakness. I'll give him some credit, the Doctor probably would give his life for Elton's, and ultimately his confrontation with the Doctor was not part of his plan so maybe he was caught off guard, but its not the smartest.
42. Jagrafess - the Long Game - 34/100, Lost due to failure to plug a serious and obvious weakness: Credit to him for having the Doctor restrained quickly, and to be fair he got close to getting hold of the TARDIS. However, he loses all those points for having a life support system that is ridiculously easy to hack into.
43. Nestene Conciousness - Rose - 25/100, Lost, Poor security measures, failure to plug obvious weaknesses and respond to serious threats properly: Note to self, when you're a creature of living plastic, and you find someone has anti-plastic on them, get that tube as far away as possible. Also, you had two autons down there, don't just restrain the Doctor, start shooting. Him, Rose, Mickey, just shoot them all. SHOOT THEM ALL! Also you need a lot more security. Two Autons as your only protection, only two, seriously!
44. Daleks - The Stolen Earth/ Journey's End - 15/100, Lost, Failure to plug obvious weaknesses, intentionally creating obvious weaknesses, and exposing these weaknesses to a serious threat. Failing to eliminate a serious threat for very flimsy reasons: Note to self, do not put your greatest enemy in the same room with controls that for some stupid reason can wipe out every Dalek in existence. At least Lumic had a code for you to do that with the Cybermen, here its just dumb. It's the vault, a prison, why are there even controls in there! OK... OK... so maybe you can say Dalek Caan. Maybe he orchestrated it all including this stuff, its still stupid that nobody figured out what he was up to.
45. Max Capricorn - Voyage of the Damned - 13/100, Lost due to unnecessarily delaying a plan: "You can't even sink the Titanic," "Oh, but I can Doctor. I can cancel the engines, from here!" ... OK... SO WHY DIDN'T YOU DO THAT ALREADY! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! I can maybe forgive keeping the Doctor alive for amusement, he's completely unfamiliar with the Doctor and he has several angels with him for security, and to his credit it doesn't seem like the Doctor is able to do much of anything with his monologue this time. But there is no reason why the Titanic crash doesn't happen while the Doctor is still a long way from the helm.
46. Cybermen - Army of Ghosts/ Doomsday - 7/100, Lost due to mindless stupidity: You had such a good run in Army of Ghosts. Then the Daleks show up and... you just keep sending cybermen to just uselessly shoot at creatures your weapons clearly have no affect on. I thought Cybermen were supposed to be logical. Their one intelligent move was teaming up with the Doctor, the rest of the time, God they are stupid.
47. Pyroviles - Fires of Pompeii - 2/100, Lost due to being brain dead: Don't build your base in an active volcano that you can literally cause to erupt at the touch of a button. Just don't. It's common sense. Also when you're a bunch of fire creatures who have been proven to die from a single splash, Earth really isn't the planet you want to be invading, you Idiots. The Doctor even brings this up and they still don't seem to get it. "Water can boil!" Yeah, get started on that, just fly off to Venus or some shit you idiots.
submitted by Chocolate_cake99 to gallifrey [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 06:34 realjasnahkholin Minor cavity - dentist recommends a product that helps regrow enamel. Is this legit?

I went to the dentist for a 6 month hygiene visit as I do every 6 months. There is a minor cavity on one tooth he's been monitoring for a while. He showed me the comparison between the x-rays 6 months ago and this week, and the little divot could be getting worse or it's just the x-ray angle. The dentist recommended a "brand new" treatment that can help grow back enamel slowly over 6-12 months for cavities that don't go deeper than the first layer of enamel. It was so new they didn't have a billing code set up and I had to schedule a new appointment to go back in a couple weeks.
They didn't give the the name of the product and as far as I know, regrowing enamel isn't really a thing. Is this a legitimate and beneficial treatment? Or is it a play for money?
submitted by realjasnahkholin to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 06:32 ultracute007 DentiCore Reviews :2024 Fraudulent Customer Risks Exposed! Are There Any Benefits Of Consuming DentiCore Every Day?

DentiCore Reviews :2024 Fraudulent Customer Risks Exposed! Are There Any Benefits Of Consuming DentiCore Every Day?
A new supplement called DentiCore is being heavily promoted online for natural teeth and gum support, making bold claims it can strengthen teeth, oxygenate gums, remove plaque, and more. However, investigations into DentiCore reveal suspicious marketing tactics and a lack of evidence to support the advertised benefits.
DentiCore first captured attention through advertisements on social media and Google, featuring convincing before-and-after photos and testimonials from people claiming the supplement gave them healthier teeth and gums almost overnight.
The marketing uses exaggerated language like “dentist’s worst nightmare” and “rotting teeth gone in days.” The ads claim DentiCore “oxygenates gums” to reverse decay, inflammation and other oral health issues.

DentiCore Reviews :2024 Fraudulent Customer Risks Exposed! Are There Any Benefits Of Consuming DentiCore Every Day?
But looking closer reveals several concerning red flags surrounding DentiCore, including:
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  • Suspicious Customer Photos – The before and after photos appear doctored and generic rather than real DentiCore users. Some images appear stolen from dental clinic websites.
  • Overstated Claims – Statements like “regrowing rotten teeth in days” are simply not scientifically plausible and unsupported by evidence. Major embellishment of potential benefits.
  • Auto-Shipment Scams – Many complaints of customers being signed up for monthly DentiCore subscriptions without consent after the initial purchase.
  • No Refund Allowed – The website states refunds are offered if customers are unsatisfied, but many report being unable to obtain refunds on unused bottles.
While not definitively a scam, DentiCore exhibits many troubling signs seen with products marketed deceptively online. Let’s scrutinize further whether this supplement offers anything of value for your dental health or is best avoided.

What’s Actually In DentiCore?

The ingredients contained in DentiCore are said to include vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts like chlorella, chicory root, and celandine. However, without an official ingredients list from the manufacturer, there is no way to confirm the supplement contains what is advertised.
Some of the ingredients like vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium could plausibly offer general health benefits. But there is no evidence they can “remineralize” teeth and regenerate gum tissue as claimed.
No ingredients in DentiCore have clinically verified abilities to regrow rotting or missing teeth, prevent cavities, or achieve other such dental health miracles. Beware of exaggerations.

Website and Company Behind DentiCore Raise Red Flags

There is no official company website for DentiCore with background on the creators, scientific advisors, contact info or company details. The only information comes from affiliate marketing sites like ClickBank designed to promote products.
This lack of transparency about who formulated DentiCore and is profiting from sales is highly concerning. Without an accountable business officially standing behind the supplements, there is ample room for spurious quality, false advertising, and ignoring customer complaints.
Additionally, the marketing sites use nearly identical templates, text and disclaimers as shady supplements like Cortexi and Sugar Defender exposed as scams – likely the same anonymous network of grifters.
While the DentiCore sales pages boast hundreds of 5-star reviews praising its effects, objective customer ratings on independent sites tell a very different story.
On average, DentiCore earns just 1-2 stars from verified purchasers, with complaints including:
  • “No benefits noticed” – No matter how long taken as directed, DentiCore did nothing to improve gum health or dental problems.
  • “Can’t get refund” – Unable to obtain promised refunds for unused bottles returned unopened, company refused refund requests.
  • “Product never arrived” – Customers paid for DentiCore but never received any product, just endless excuses and billing runarounds when inquiring.
  • “Shady auto-billing” – Being enrolled in expensive monthly DentiCore subscriptions without consent after the initial purchase. Difficult to cancel.
Across dozens of comments, real customers consistently report DentiCore had no benefit for their teeth or gums, while posing monetary risks from automatic shipments and refused refunds.

Experts Urge Caution on Dental Health Supplement Claims

Reputable dental organizations like the ADA have strongly cautioned consumers about supplements advertised to cure dental issues like DentiCore. They warn that no pills or liquids have been scientifically proven to rebuild eroded tooth enamel, replace lost teeth, or cure tooth decay and gum disease.
While supplements may support oral health, products promising dental miracles are almost certainly making misleading claims aimed at selling products rather than accurately informing. Patients with concerns about their dental health should stick to proven treatments from qualified dentists

.You can buy the DentiCore supplement only from its official website

submitted by ultracute007 to ReviewerMart [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 14:01 KarakNornClansman Malfunction, by Karak Norn Clansman (Part II) [F]

And so the early Imperium fell upon the breg-shei homeworld and conducted a sanctioned xenocide known as the Farinatus Extermination. This campaign was executed by the VIII and XIX Legions, namely the Night Lords and Raven Guard, both of whom were adept at infiltration tactics. The horror that unfolded in tight confines was great enough to break the psycho-indoctrinated superhuman will of one grievously maimed Astartes of the Raven Guard named Dravian Klayde, who subsequently could not be healed enough to participate in his Legion's nimble shadow warfare. Nicknamed the Carrion by the Night Lords who saved his life from among the carcasses, this shattered Space Marine with his clumsy augmetics was useful only for studies of techno-arcana on Mars, for the frenzied breg-shei swarm had wounded him too gravely in its rabid fight against eradication.
While the Imperial xenocide on the breg-shei cradleworld was successful, it failed to catch every scattered remnant of this spacefaring alien species. And thus surviving pockets of breg-shei would lick their wounds and slowly regrow their civilization back into some semblance of advanced strength. Just as xeno atrocities upon humans during their epoch of weakness in the Age of Strife bred a human hunger for vengeance against aliens, so too did human atrocities upon the breg-shei ensure that the scattered survivors of this alien species would nurture a deep hostility to mankind for untold millennia to come. For the breg-shei would never forgive mankind for the slaughter visited upon them and their birthplanet because of an Imperial Writ of Extermination, and their roaming remnants would savour any opportunity to avenge their fallen ancestors by harrowing humans akin to how a stalking predator savages its prey.
One such instance of vengeance for Farinatus occurred roughly ten millennia after the fall of the breg-shei homeworld, as one of their small hulks came to raid and inflict terror upon Imperial colonists on the moon of Regnan Impri. In response, the Iron Hands Chapter dispatched its Strike Cruiser Ironshod to board the alien hulk and hunt the breg-shei through the rings and moons of gaseous Regnan Magna. Some of the shipborne alien pillagers were caught on the surface of the moon known as Regnan Drey, a dusty indigo orb with low gravity and without air to carry sound, its desert stippled with micrometeorite impacts. This lifeless moon with its purple rocky ridges was whipped by stark radiation from the sunlight, deadly enough to kill an unshielded human in minutes.
Thus this barren wasteland proved a pleasing tribute to the purity and strength of the Iron Hands, for their will and augmetics and armour withstood what frail mortal flesh could not have endured. And so the Astartes turned a skilled hunter into hunted prey, and both forces tried their martial prowess and tactical acumen to the utmost as they sought to outmatch their potent foe.
It was here, in this silent arena of wit and violence, that Veteran-Sergeant Dolmech of Clan Kaargul led his battle-brothers to victory, yet found only humiliation for himself in the end.
This genetic son of the Gorgon slayed a total of onehundredfiftythree breg-shei at close quarters and perfected the art of killing the alien by putting his ceramite boot through its thorax, distending its viscera sacs while twisting his foot sharply around and back, thereby crumpling and snapping the xeno's spinal ridges until its limbs went limp. Indeed, Frater Dolmech learned to make sure that the breg-shei stayed dead. Even harder than killing the monstrosities by trampling them was hitting the quick creatures at range. Instead of aiming for their bodies, Dolmech aimed for ground shots with his bolt pistol, thereby either crippling the xenos' feet or blasting the terrain beneath them to throw off the breg-shei's balance and speed.
Thus was the art of the killer perfected. And the Emperor knew that it was good.
The breg-shei in their turn fought with cunning and speed, employing energy projecting weapons known as synaptic lashes that could burn the brains and nervous systems of living beings. Synaptic lashes had been the cruel bane of human colonists on Regnan Impri, yet small glancing hits from their bulbous projector cells against genhanced Astartes proved survivable, if temporarily debilitating and shaming. For anyone who endured the briefest touch from the energy beam of a synaptic lash would start to sprout nonsense as his fine control was disrupted, thereby filling the vox with strange sounds, obscenities and odd sentences plucked from the victim's stream of consciousness. This infirmity was a demeaning reminder of the weakness of the Iron Hands' remaining flesh.
Truly, the synaptic lash was the scourge of organics.
As the difficult hunt for dispersed groups of breg-shei went on across Regnan Drey, the intense radiation from the star not only lent all vox traffic an odd watery quality, but it also interfered with the Strike Cruiser Ironshod's auguries and made it harder to pinpoint small enemy concentrations with precision. In response, Brother-Sergeant Dolmech devised a bait to lure out breg-shei at a time and place of his choosing.
Librarium evidence indicated that breg-shei senses extended to a spectrum that included battlefield vox, with twelve recorded incidents pointing toward an enemy ability to intercept and comprehend Iron Hands transmissions. Thus Dolmech opened a vox-channel to his squad's servitor-driven Rhino carrier with its train of three supply wagons, and ordered Jothael-004 to move its supply point from deep reserve to a point in the forward line. This point was updated in the Iron Hands' tactical maps and designated as their new anchor disposition. Brother-Sergeant Dolmech would thus give the breg-shei his supply cache in order to pin down the evasive foe in a predicted location.
Thus the sons of Medusa ambushed an ambush.
Indeed, three breg-shei lay in cyst-nests under the coarse regolith. Sensing the approach of the lone vehicle with wagons, they reared up and split off to the sides, saturating the oncoming Mk1 Deimos Rhino with green-white energy from multiple sides while the Rhino's cupola-mounted bolters swung around and fired in vain, its shells missing every shot. Inside the airless armoured carrier, servitor Jothael-004 sat anchored into the control hub of the Rhino, his cortical augmetics enabling the thrall to monitor all of the vehicle's twentytwo pict feeds, which together provided a full-circle moving panorama that the servitor's old human senses could never have been able to manage. As the aliens sprang up from the ground, threat parameters inside the servitor went crimson, thus arming the spite-switches in the towing couplings that would blow up the ammunition wagons rather than let them fall into enemy hands. Gunnery catechisms unspooled across the rebuilt brain of Jothael 004 as it checked on heat status, ammunition counts and target reticules. Combat subroutines were engaged, and hostility protocols were followed as the lobotomized machine slave attempted to shoot down its agile ambushers.
The servitor was the workmanship of Veteran-Sergeant Dolmech, yet its programming did not suffice to hit the dodging xenos. Instead, it was bombarded by multiple streams of energy from synaptic lashes, its sides covered in crawling light. Spurts and arcs of energy coalesced on the inside of the Rhino, causing untold damage to electronics and organic servitor alike. One flanking xeno was fast enough to flatten its body to the ground and let a bolter shell spear past. Then the breg-shei twitched its body along the ground and fired low shots of energy on the vehicle. The servitor driver inside was unable to feel fright from these assaults, and thus Jothael-004 simply filtered its optic feed to compensate for the luminous haze of the lashes.
The greatest damage to the Rhino was done by a nimble breg-shei, who leapt straight up, keeping a strong beam of power from its synaptic lash trained on the centre of the Rhino's frontal plates. It upheld an unfaltering focus of the lash as the breg-shei sank back to the ground in the weak gravity of Regnan Drey.
Since no sound was borne in the vacuum, no incoming din betrayed Frater Dolmech's jump pack as he sped up and hit the vile breg-shei from behind, high above the ground, cleaving the xeno in twain with swipes from his cog-toothed relic axe that were so quick as to become a blur of motion. The slain xeno gave off a reflexive jerk in its manipulator claws, and thereby triggered its synaptic lash one last time. The tumbling energy weapon landed a brushing stroke on its assailant, and for a moment green light danced down the side of of Dolmech's Mark VIII Errant power armour, momentarily stunning the Space Marine.
The brief hit left the right foot numb, and the Astartes' breathing hitched as his multi-lung began spasming. Thoughts and control of self dissolved in an incoherent mess, until the hypno-indoctrinated transhuman suddenly regained his bearing. The minor hit from the synaptic lash was a revolting reminder of the weakness of Dolmech's flesh. At this, a murderous fury overtook Dolmech. His armour and beautiful augmetics had withstood the attack, yet his genhanced flesh was not stern enough to imitate their purity.
The Veteran-Sergeant punched away on his jump-pack and hunted down the two remaining breg-shei in a hateful brawl. Frater Dolmech never noticed the first sign of malfunction, as the Rhino juddered when its tracks received conflicting signals to change their speed.
Dolmech's second kill during the ambush was achieved by exploiting the Rhino as a battering ram, positioning a struggling breg-shei so that it was impacted by the speeding vehicle from behind. The wroth Space Marine then proceeded to pummel the alien on the Rhino's frontal plates, breaking its chitin, shooting its blind head off and letting the xeno's body slide down the front of the Rhino to be crushed under the tracks of both the carrier and the supply wagons to its rear. And all the while, Dolmech never noticed the second sign of breakdown, as the servitor kept the Rhino moving on its own, rolling forward on an arrow-straight course on locked controls, all the while blowing up an indigo dust plume behind it. Jothael-004's master did send a curt interrogatory code before pursuing the last breg-shei warrior, yet the all-clear response that Dolmech received from his servitor proved to be a lie.
Inside the armoured carrier, data traffic between the servitor and the Rhino's control hub had become a tangled mess. Hidden beneath the frontal cupolas, the armoured bolter mountings saw frenetic mechanical activity as sub-systems received repeated orders to reload, switch magazine feeds, jam check and unload in no sensible sequence. Sensors were shut down, dimmed, amplified and reactivated at random, while the servitor's body jolted about as if startled from sleep, again and again. Diagnostics that should have been run on the Rhino's systems went unactivated.
Instead obsessive diagnostics were run over and over on the servitor's own cerebral systems, combing both its flesh and metal brains repeatedly in faulty search of something. The barrage of synaptic lashes had severely damaged both the organic and tech components of Jothael-004, causing its system routines to play havoc in disjointed fashion. A terse signal arrived via the general Iron Hands vox band, as Veteran-Sergeant Dolmech confirmed that he had hunted down and slain the third breg-shei ambusher. Previous orders still applied for the Rhino to move up to the base of a ridge line, designated provisionally secure by Dolmech. This designation should have changed the operations of the servitor by making Jothael-004 revise its threat condition to a lower status, reconfigure its sensor sweeps and confirm its position. Instead the servitor drove the Rhino straight on as it twitched at the controls. Its interface writhed while the threat overlay on the driver's vision remained a throbbing crimson, as if hostiles were still present. Yet all nearby enemies lay dead in the desert.
And all the while this worsening malfunction played out, the synthesized voice of Jothael-004 rang out across the vox-band, relaying fragmented words from a previous life. Words that spoke of unimaginable horror and pain, glimpsed from memories of a fully awake human body and mind ripped asunder to be rebuilt into obedient machine. The servitor was reliving its Blessing of Iron.
Crazed sense-echoes from the final breg-shei's synaptic lash had left battle-brother Dolmech's head ringing after he had made his third kill during the thwarted ambush. It took a while for the Iron Hands Frater to distinguish the disjointed vox-signals from the synaptic cacophony, and even then he proved his fleshly weakness to himself by wasting several seconds in an attempt to identify the broadcasting voice, before Dolmech realized that it came from no organic tongue. While some Iron Hands programmed variations into their servitors' vox-coders for ease of recognition, the Veteran-Sergeant had always dismissed it as frippery. After all, a correctly coded servitor would identify itself with every transmission.
Yet Jothael-004 had not done so. Dolmech's own handiwork was defective, and the flaw was put on full display for his entire squad to see.
At this humiliation, Dolmech took to wrath. He brutalized the battered corpse of his last kill, snapping off a breg-shei limb in an oily spray of ichor before hacking the shell to pieces with his relic axe. In the Space Marine's early days with the Chapter, the young Dolmech had laboured to clear his mind of the emotional background noise that he could vaguely recall from his childhood, from before the days when the Iron Hands had taken him as one of their neophytes. When Dolmech aged and was promoted to take command of an Astartes squad, he had expunged ever more of his frail flesh. And paradoxically, he had come to the conclusion that there was a space for emotions. Namely disgust, hate and contempt.
Disgust led to strength of will. Self-hatred led to cleanliness. All enemies were to be held in contempt.
The shamed battle-brother ceased his raged mangling of the alien corpse, turning to board the Rhino by jump pack in order to correct his servitor's aberrant conduct. Yet his voxed order for Jothael-004 to halt and stand by went unheeded. The servitor did not await its master's hail. Clearly, this incident would slow down the advance of the Iron Hands across the indigo desert by several minutes. That delay was unforgivable, and all this was because Dolmech had to repair the instrument that he had crafted. The weakness of the servitor was his responsibility alone. The punishment from the Chapter would be stern.
Dolmech activated his jump pack and chased the Rhino.
Inside the silent vaccuum of the vehicle, servitor Jothael-004 attempted to speak through its vox-grille set above its sternum. No sound came forth. If there had been air, the synth-voice would have repeated a single word endlessly: Dolmech.
The broken systems of the servitor saw its optical feeds shut down, replaced by scrolling columns of letters in green on black: Dolmech.
To the glitching servitor, this name had a meaning, yet it lacked the consciousness to understand what it meant. The faintest traceries of scrubbed neural paths had been inflamed back to half-life by the synaptic lash of the xenos, and they rang out in clamour as the name passed through the paths: Dolmech.
There was not enough mind left in the mutilated servitor to understand the images that the synaptic lash had whipped out of its suppressed memory. Nonetheless, Jothael-004's cogitator brain went to work on the strange data, pushing it through the combat directives that refused to shut down in its forebrain.
This input of data indicated that extreme physical trauma had been visited upon the servitor. There had been unutterable pain, obliterating and excruciating agony as tools ripped and cut into the trembling flesh of this unit. The diagnostic assessors ran cold analytics that knew not how to manage the overwhelming signals that belied the all-clear report sent by the physical sensors. Machine confusion reigned supreme. Thus self-repair processes called out for priority, as they insisted that there was massive damage inflicted upon its tortured body. Apparently limbs had been severed, and violent intrusions had been made by drill and saw and surgical laser, as an unheeded voice had shrieked for mercy. There had been overriding of attempts to resist or escape. The data was too vivid to ignore. The flood of memories was constant.
The self-repair process at last found a grip by connecting to the active combat protocols in another directive framework. At last, the wetware coding found a process that could resolve this flood of mental data noise, even as ragged slave-inhibitors and broken identification runes never flared up to prevent what happened next.
It was in this moment that the flying Veteran-Sergeant Dolmech remembered that servitor Jothael-004 was not of true Iron Hands make. It had not been built in the culturing vats and tissue-printeries in Clan-company Kaargul's apothecarion. After all, the servitor had been ex-human, picked up from the grubby masses of the Imperium, which was not only the raw material for servitors and Chapter thralls, but also the raw material for Iron Hands Astartes. The flesh is weak.
Long ago, the man that would become Jothael-004 had been extracted from the penal manufactorum Cog-349. It had been disturbed by the optical implant that made up one of Dolmech's eyes, even as it recognized the optics as having been produced in the Cog. It had been afraid of the Blessing of Iron, yet that frail fear had finally left it when it had capitulated the better part of its flesh and mind to the reforging. It had become something more than human, something better than mortal. It had become machine.
That machine was malfunctioning.
Dolmech. The threat that had caused the trauma. Dolmech. The programming that had locked Dolmech as the servitor's master had been ruined by the synaptic lash of the alien. The memory banks managed to connect the name with an image, running it through the combat subroutines and comparing with pict, vox and auspect feeds. Thus the servitor tagged the incoming Frater Dolmech with a vermilion threat rune. The optics feed flared back into action. The servitor that had once been Beneficiari overseer Armicus became still again for a moment, as it scanned its surroundings and found its hostile target.
When Veteran-Sergeant Dolmech of the Iron Hands neared the unstable Rhino, he voxed a command for Jothael-004 to decommission itself in preparation for dismounting and mind-scrubbing. When instructed to confirm and obey, the demented servitor instead gave a code-bark as if confirming a threat signal. It swung around the Rhino's frontal cupola bolters and opened fire.
A shell cracked into the thickened chestplate of Dolmech, stopping him in nothing and dropping him down on top of the second ammo wagon as warning runes flared inside his visor. The Astartes master was completely astonished at this turn of events, unable to comprehend what had just happened for a precious second, as bewilderment filled him. Another bolter round exploded just below his gorget's tall armoured collar, a signum of the Mark VIII Errant power armour that the Brother-Sergeant wore. If the wagon had not jounced and tilted him about on its roof, that bolt shell could possibly have penetrated the collar and hit the helmet seal square on. Dolmech coldly noted that his attacker was using targeting doctrine identical to what he had programmed into his echelon of servitors, whereupon he realized that he had been betrayed by his own cyborg creation. The thrall had rebelled against its master.
Dolmech blasted forward again with a roar, his hateful intent nought but to hack his way into the Rhino and tear his misbegotten servitor apart with his own bionic metal hands. As the Veteran-Sergeant's power axe bit into the hull of the vehicle, damage reports screamed red inside the servitor, mixing the current assault with the harrowing memories of the Blessing of Iron. This sensory barrage broke down the last semblance of order in the servitor's processor-mind. It had been crippled by the breg-shei synaptic lash and then torn open by the relived agony of the forced servitorization. What had once been a functional servitor broke down, and for the first time since Jothael-004 had its humanity torn from it, it felt fear again.
The Rhino's bolters spun and fired in a blind craze, unable to find an angle to hit the enraged Astartes battering his way into his own armoured carrier. The vox-band was filled with bestial screams of hellish terror, as the servitor for the first time gave voice to the pain and fear that had been walled off but not extinguished a lifetime ago. The raw panic of Jothael-004 reached its crescendo when Dolmech finally tore the rear hatch off its mounting, whereupon the servitor triggered the spite-switch.
Both master and slave succumbed to the giant detonation that followed, as all three ammunition wagons lit up on the ridge and challenged the glaring radioactive light of the giant star overhead. The Rhino and its driver were annihilated, whereas the tattered Space Marine was cast far way, tumbling head over heel and losing his helmet somewhere before the corpse lay still in the airless void, his one organic eye and one optic implant both staring dead ahead. Up, up into the silent nightsky where his baleful Imperium stretched thin across the galaxy.
It is the fortyfirst millennium, and there is only violation.
submitted by KarakNornClansman to 40kLore [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 00:31 MrMeeseeksAdvice How long until it's too late for baby teeth

If I'm in my late 20's is it too late for a tooth to regrow if I never lost the baby tooth? If I were to go to a dentist now and have it pulled would my adult tooth grow into the space or will that space be forever empty now unless I get implants? The tooth is the canine if it matters.
submitted by MrMeeseeksAdvice to stupidquestions [link] [comments]

2024.03.12 02:53 RegrowthGuru TELOGEN EFFLUVIUM

Hair is not only an important part of our appearance but also a reflection of our overall health. When significant hair loss occurs, it can be concerning and often leads to questions about the underlying causes. Telogen Effluvium (TE), though relatively common, is a hair shedding condition that often goes unnoticed or misunderstood. In this article, we will explore telogen effluvium, shedding light on its causes, symptoms, and recovery process.


Telogen effluvium is a type of temporary hair loss condition characterized by an excessive shedding of hair. Unlike some other forms of hair loss, telogen effluvium is typically reversible. It occurs when a significant number of follicles suddenly shift from the growth phase (anagen) into the resting phase (telogen). Various factors can be triggers, including physical or emotional stress, illness, major surgery, hormonal changes (such as childbirth or menopause), medications, or nutritional deficiencies. The condition often becomes noticeable a few months after the triggering event, and individuals may experience increased hair loss during daily activities like washing or brushing their hair. While telogen effluvium can be distressing, it usually resolves on its own once the underlying cause is addressed. Once addressed, the affected hair follicles return to the growth phase.


Telogen effluvium is a temporary hair loss condition that occurs when a significant number of hair follicles prematurely enter the resting phase (telogen) of the hair growth cycle. Various factors can trigger this condition, including:
It’s important to note that while telogen effluvium can be distressing, it is typically reversible once the underlying cause is identified and addressed. Hair usually starts to regrow within several months after the triggering event has been resolved.


The primary symptom of telogen effluvium is excessive hair shedding or hair loss. Individuals may notice more hair falling out than usual during daily activities such as washing, brushing, or styling their hair. Here are the key symptoms associated with telogen effluvium:
It’s important to note that it is generally a temporary condition, and hair often begins to regrow naturally once the underlying trigger or stressor is addressed. While the shedding and thinning can be distressing, it is not associated with permanent hair loss in most cases. If you suspect you have telogen effluvium or are experiencing excessive hair shedding, consulting a healthcare professional or dermatologist is recommended to determine the underlying cause and develop an appropriate management plan.


Telogen effluvium is typically a self-limiting condition, and in many cases, hair will naturally regrow once the underlying trigger or stressor has been addressed. However, there are no specific medications or treatments that can speed up the regrowth of hair in telogen effluvium. Instead, the focus is on identifying and addressing the underlying cause or contributing factors. Here are some steps and recommendations for managing telogen effluvium:


Telogen Effluvium may be unsettling when it occurs, but it is often temporary and reversible. By identifying and addressing the underlying causes, managing stress, and providing proper nutritional support, individuals experiencing Telogen Effluvium can look forward to the return of their hair’s natural thickness and vibrancy. If you suspect you have Telogen Effluvium or are concerned about hair shedding, consulting with a healthcare provider or dermatologist is advisable for an accurate diagnosis and guidance on effective management.
submitted by RegrowthGuru to HairlossRecoveryCom [link] [comments]

2024.03.09 19:01 DanReBar New to mass eye floaters

I’m a 48 year old male in fairly good health, no medications, 6’ 200 lbs, wear glasses around +5/6 strength. I’ve had small random floaters like everyone, and never bothered me at all.
I had dental surgery extraction Feb 27 2024 with my own stem cells injected into my removed molar socket to regrow some bone to make a future tooth implant more likely to succeed. I was on antibiotics and pain meds.
March 2 2024, I noticed hundreds of tiny floaters in my dominant right eye - the tooth in question is obviously very close to that eye, but may be completely unrelated. I asked the dental surgeon office, they said it’s unrelated. I saw my general doctor march 5th, he said it was unrelated, I saw an emergency doctor march 8th who did an ultrasound and also said it was unrelated. I’m supposed to get an appointment with an ophthalmologist (hopefully sooner than later), and I have an appointment with an optometrist march 12th.
I would describe all the little floaters similar to a moderate snow storm or rain storm, little flecks, whole field of vision for the right eye. It almost seems like there is two layers, one that is more in focus, the other more blurry, the layer movement seem not to be precisely synchronized, but it’s hard to tell for sure (maybe it’s one layer and there is some internal reflection?). The dots or flecks look like they have tiny halos around many of them. They are mostly translucent with maybe a typical opacity of 20%.
Long chains of darker floaters (opacity 50%) have been growing (that’s the best way I could describe it) and very long at this point. They are very 3 dimensional, like folding proteins. Right now it seems to be consolidated into a single mass of string, but there was a bunch of smaller snakes before. These go in and out of focus, presumably based on where it’s floating around relative to the optical nerve.
There also seems to be a very translucent (opacity close to 0%) lens floaty moving around, that blurs a significant portion of my vision when it’s directly in my field of view. Like when you have a smudge on your glasses. This is particularly annoying because I really can’t see properly when it’s there.
Anyone with comments, please feel free. I’m new to this community and am trying to read through many of the other stories for one similar to mine.
Update: I saw an optometrist on march 12th. Sectioning laser scans and photos were done. Optometrist when through it with me, looking at the layers in the eye. Everything looked normal, but said if curtaining starts, or obvious flashes, get to emergency.
I saw an ophthalmologist on march 15th. It was a quick visit. He is a very busy guy. He looked thoroughly in my right eye, mainly with what I would describe as a hand held magnifier, moving my eye all around, and comparing to my left. He said he wasn’t concerned, a part of aging, and to drop back in a few months for a checkup. Next appointment June 6th.
submitted by DanReBar to EyeFloaters [link] [comments]

2024.03.07 00:30 the_mithral_canvas [OC-Art] Golden Tooth Comb Wondrous Item [The Mithral Canvas] 5e

[OC-Art] Golden Tooth Comb Wondrous Item [The Mithral Canvas] 5e submitted by the_mithral_canvas to DnDHomebrew [link] [comments]

2024.02.25 01:39 reddituser5852024 How can I stop damaging my teeth?

Until college, I never had a hard time with dental care. My teeth are a source of pride to me as they are straight and white, and I never had braces. My smile was my charm...until college. Around this time last year, I decided to add a second charming feature (musicianship), and the first step was of course to make a homemade didgeridoo out of a PVC pipe. I'm no expert but something definitely went wrong and I ended up losing one of my front teeth. The shame I felt was like nothing else I have ever experienced in my life. I got it fixed by the grace of God but now, just a few weeks ago, I chipped my OTHER front tooth while trying to catch just a few dice in my mouth. The resulting hole in my tooth was a perfect triangle and I lost almost all of my friends because of it. I need some advice on how to stop damaging my teeth so that I can regrow my social circle. Anything helps.
submitted by reddituser5852024 to Teethcare [link] [comments]

2024.02.24 04:29 Lachlan_15 Post Jaw surgery need Advice/help With teeth and pain

Post Jaw surgery need Advice/help With teeth and pain
Hello everyone, (Re posting Due to title i wanted to Name of the title to something more better Sorry)
It's been just five months (Jaw Surgery was in October) since my double jaw surgery to correct an under-bite. Unfortunately, my braces broke earlier this week, prompting a visit to my orthodontist. Back in November, four weeks post-surgery, he mentioned the need for a deep clean in January. However, my orthodontist never made the appointment was scheduled. When I followed up on January 31st, he scheduled the deep clean for May and never said anything about my teeth Upon my recent visit, he noted early signs of tooth decay (visible as white spots on my teeth) and rescheduled the deep clean for March 5th. (image attached Sorry for the bad photo)
Since the surgery, I've been using a manual brush as my electric one caused discomfort and irritation to my gums and scar tissue around the bottom of the teeth. Initially, I struggled to brush my teeth for three weeks due to swelling, making it difficult to open my mouth, so I relied heavily on mouthwash instead. I've also resumed flossing twice daily.
Before the surgery, I was praised for my oral hygiene routine of brushing twice daily, water flossing, and mouthwash, though I neglected traditional flossing Due to time constrains (which I now realize was a mistake). This has led to heightened anxiety about my dental health, causing me to abstain from coffee/tea, sweets, and nearly everything, including protein drinks and Meal replacement drinks and really concerned for what I'm eating. I have not done the the following at all Drink sodas Energy Drinks all the time only time I only drank soda once when i was out at the start of this month for a dinner that's the only time. and I've never Smoke or Vape. I do like sweets a little bit and 2 or 3 times i forgot to brush my teeth at night but i brushed them the next morning.
I was advised to clean my teeth at work, but with only one 30-minute break per day during which is when I eat, I find it challenging to brush my teeth there. However, I've started rinsing my mouth out with water after every meal. (I work in a factory so the sinks and the taps aren't the cleanest)
Now, I have a few Major Worry's and concerns:
  1. Shouldn't the deep cleaning have been done earlier, perhaps in December or January?
  2. My electric toothbrush causes significant discomfort, feeling like a jackhammer on my jaw, teeth, and gums, despite No Nerves feeling and sometimes i bleed when i use water flossier where the scar from the cuts are, How can I address this ?
  3. Are the white spots on my teeth reversible or permanent?
  4. I've intensified my oral hygiene routine with more frequent brushing with the electric toothbrush, mouthwash, and fluoride toothpaste all the time. Additionally, I've started applying NeutraFluor 5000 toothpaste to inter-dental brushes and I'm using every-time i brush with a toothbrush now and rubbing it on my teeth and my braces. Is there anything else I should incorporate to improve my situation?
  5. Regarding the recommendation to brushing my teeth at work, is there anything other suggestions I can do given my work situation
  6. How long will it take to see results of my intensified oral hygiene routine?
I've been scouring Reddit and various online resources for answers, feeling quite anxious about the situation. I've also been reading about tooth remineralization gone down about 2-3 Rabbit holes for the past 3-4 days researching everything tooth remineralization and if i can regrow enamel which is a No Sadly. Any additional other advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Lachlan_15 to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2024.02.21 05:55 tgz1986 Severe recession on lateral incisor - next steps?

Hi everyone. Looking for any kind of advice or related experiences on what to do for a crooked incisor that has apparently no gum tissue left to support it. I have gotten opinions from a few dentists, orthodontists, and work done by a periodontist and am getting conflicting answers. Would be helpful to hear from anyone with a similar experience who has had success treating this. Within only the last year, my last dentist noticed I had severe recession on my right lower incisor which is pushed so far forward due to overcrowding that it has almost an entire tooth directly behind it. I had braces for 4 years in high school (I am now 37) and my teeth stayed silent for years; now all of the sudden they are misaligned again. I didn't even realize this tooth had recession until now and am devastated because it probably could have been prevented if my dentist suggested getting orthodontics again sooner. Nevertheless, here I am. My dentist referred me to a perio who grafted the lower 5 teeth including the crooked one. Clearly, the graft was useless as it did not deposit any gum. I did an Ortho consult and the Ortho told me there is no gum left and that the graft was pretty much pointless - $1400 down the drain. I know I'll need to spend thousands of dollars again getting my teeth corrected, but what is the prognosis for this particular tooth? Does it need to just be pulled, since the gum won't regrow and can't be resolved with grafting? If it's pulled, can I still get orthodontics with a missing tooth or will things not line up correctly? I've read that you can't do aligners with implants so that seems out of the question.


Just trying to understand what to do next since none of these specialist ever talk to one another or work cohesively, and dental is a massive financial commitment that I can't afford to have redone, or have more useless work like these grafts.

Thank you in advance.

submitted by tgz1986 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 15:48 nwes3 Dragon’s Tooth Dispersed Camping - Closed

I was up at Dragon’s tooth this weekend and all of the established camp sites around the Boy Scout Trail area are roped off. It doesn’t look like that will be changing anytime soon.
Anyone know why that’s the case? There were some signs about regrowing the area for a native plant. However, that area is so established and contained, it seems like a pretext for something else.
Unfortunate because there are not many other options for car camping in that area.
submitted by nwes3 to VIRGINIA_HIKING [link] [comments]

2024.01.31 02:03 JNura00 Rabbit tooth regrowth

My mini lop, gizmo, recently got his incisors including his peg teeth removed last week. We recently found what looks to be a tooth regrowing can anyone confirm this. Is it not too soon ? It doesn’t look like it’s causing him any pain but just concerned.
submitted by JNura00 to Rabbits [link] [comments]

2024.01.24 11:55 Seattleite_Sat Playable Species: How Many is Too Many?

My project's up to 30, with 210 variants (including the standard versions), including many with wildly non-humanoid body plans, unconventional biology or other major deviations from RPG norms which definitely do have an in-game impact. They're not all done of course, about a third of those variants I haven't even started on and I regret to say a few of the species are a single-digit number of scattered notes right now, but this being the content I most enjoy making I got... let's go with "a little carried away." Not for no reason mind you, and it's maybe not as overwhelming as it sounds, a lot of the variants are pretty small. Let's use one example, folk (the humans most like us) and all their mutations.
The difference between standard folk and all the various mutant folk is usually a single statistically impactful mutation like having three eyes or zero noses which alters their list of senses, and two one-point adjustments in their core attributes. That's literally it, but they're there because of the lore that folk have an assload of disproportionately benign mutations and that needing a bit of representation in-game, my approach to design being very much "worldbuilding comes first, everything else flows from that". Most mutations don't even get a variant, I somehow doubt being born without pinkies or with two on each hand will impact anything substantial and most folk just get something purely cosmetic like heterochromia. (Or they get a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia or something invisible like that.) The ones in the book as variants, the ones that are impactful, are there to sell readers on the idea so that even if a player goes with an ordinary folk they're likely giving them some noticeable abnormality to reflect that and a GM reading it will likely give such features to folk NPCs.
Other species are all pretty idiosyncratic and even folk have some rare, special variants that have huge differences from the base species and heavy lore implications to their very existence, but most variants aren't much bigger than folk mutations so hopefully they give you a decent idea how much content 210 variants actually amounts to and how I got to that insane-sounding number.
I can shelve a bunch of them temporarily, in fact I intend to make multiple passes throughout the process where all I do is move unfinished stuff the game doesn't really need just yet to its own document and save it for when I'm doing supplements later. I don't know how many I should keep in the core rulebook or how many to delay, though. I'm sure 30/210 is too many, I just don't know where the line was crossed. Any advice on determining something like a goal number, or on deciding what to finish and what to save for supplements? I'm dreadful at determining that sort of thing, every piece of content, bit of information and drop of lore feels essential to me, I could use some tips.
Edit: Typo, random "and" where it wasn't needed.
Edit 2: I'm going to elaborate excessively now. Feel free to skip this part if you're not interested in how I'm actually handling having 30 species and 210 variants.
There's five categories these thirty species (technically 35, a few are lumped together) are split into. Humans are a genus of six species that were a single species a 4-digit number of years ago. The four species of goblins are descendents of the setting's Precursors, the (now balkanized to oblivion) alien civilization that decided this isolated star system would be a great tourist trap once terraformed before abandoning the place when it stopped making money, locking the doors on the way out and ditching the poor to fend for themselves in the wilderness. Then there's the primordials, the ten founding species (organized as five in the book) of the extant nations on each of the four worlds with the historical record that reaches the farthest back, all the way back to when they were made so their trials, tribulations, conflicts and most private moments could be secretly recorded for the amusement of tourists. Then there's the nine species those ten claim are their native Kin (on zero evidence, often contradicting eachother). Lastly, there's "spirits", six species of mechanical lifeforms with holographic exteriors of mysterious origin that came about at a time when no known civilization in the system could have possibly built them, people named them spirits FFS, but the idea that they could be natural also seems absurd.
Humans include folk, dwarves, gleaners, gnomes, manikin and giants. Folk are the most like ol' homo sapiens† overall due to being the only ones whose populations weren't isolated during the era of speciation, but that also meant exposure to a metric fucktonne of the mutagenic environmental contaminants everybody else was being isolated by. Dwarves were isolated to the coldest habitable regions in the system (hence the body type) and their variants are genetically identical but are different degrees of hairy (it's epigenetic, some just about have fur but their kid won't if born somewhere less frigid). Gleaners are from the warmest habitable regions in the system are are just about the polar opposite, lanky offshoots of triclops folk whose head and brain have fully adapted to the third eye, their subspecies are those whose ancestors were trapped in an ancient isolationist cult and those whose ancestors escaped and rejoined society at large. Gnomes are from the depths of the main world's largest moon, developing an immunity to local fungal toxins which they accumulate in their adipose tissues and they've got the aposematism to reflect that, their only natural variant just lacks the poison and that's dietary, although the statistical difference suggests perhaps the toxins affect them more than they think. (Still, how often do you see poisonous humans? Aside from your boss.) Manikin are the result of insular dwarfism, being from the islands of the main world where small size conserved the island's limited resources and only giants have more variants since the groups were isolated from eachother long enough to form four natural subspecies. Giants are mostly from the surface of the main world's main moon where the gravity explains their height, the subterranean lunar subspecies is shorter but about the same weight and all three planetary subspecies are noticeably smaller.
Goblins include gremlins, hobgoblins, boglins and lumgobs, none of which have natural variants. Gremlins are little green people (often it's more blue, it depends on sun exposure) and they're both the original and only natural species of goblin. The other three have, respectively, a total (including base species) of 13, 7 and 7 variants, all artificial, most made over the last ~640 years using Precursor designer baby machines by the setting's main villains: A fascist nation-state (whoops, tautology) of supremacist paint-lickers (whoops, another tautology) called the "Elven Empire" that thinks biotech-enhanced eugenics will allow them to conquer the system and subjugate all "lesser races" (they insist "for their own good" but don't you believe it). Others were made by rebels using the same machines (before they had enough experience to understand that such tech is impossible to use morally) and are branded with the name "orc", the Imperial world for "traitor" and originally a slur but also the term they use for eachother. ("The Empire calls us 'traitors.' We take that as a compliment.") Gremlins were left out, the EE thinks they're all degenerate savages that deserve only death and their defectors were barely aware they existed to begin with, but most gremlins are glad their ancestors had no part in such depravity. (Well, most that have any opinion. The actual majority don't give a fuck.)
Primordials include the Dagonites of the main world's Littoral Cultures, the Haddites of the warmest world's Mana Enterprise, the Worldly of the main world's largest moon and the Wyverns and Serpent Dragons of the colder world's Dragon Empire. Dagonites are semiaquatic reptilian pseudo-humanoids with a pleisiosaur neck, haddites are "toothed birds" who fly fine back home but not elsewhere so thankfully they're fast AF on foot, worldly are halfway between a lemur and a kangaroo with color-changing fur, wyverns and serpent dragons are what they sound like but the former are four species and the latter three, also they have feathers in cold climates and are highly dimorphic. That said, don't confuse the nations for the species, most individuals aren't affiliated and would prefer you not assume they are. Dragons especially would really like to stop getting hate-crimed to death over the DE's long history of supremacist nativism, conquest, exploitation, slavery and human sacrifice, thanks. Only worldly have subspecies and only two, the less common being the "Oldworldly" that never abandoned their home moon even after a legion of cybernetic war machines from the void wiped its surface of large-scale civilization.
Kin are where the only unfinished base species are. The named ones are the Theteans and Placodi (octopi and armored thresher sharks with prehensile fins) of the main world, the Orgarrots of the depths of the inhabited moon (six-limbed, six-tailed, eleven-headed colorful weirdos), the Strataceans of the warmest world (lighter than air whale-rays with an arm on their underbelly) alongside an unnamed crustacean and lastly the Ravenoids (what they sound like) of the colder world alongside one each unnamed murine, chiropteran and vulpine kin species. None of them have natural variants.
Spirits mostly take the appearance of previously fictitious creatures from the mythologies of the various cultures of Gnosis, as if their presence wasn't sus enough already. Their species are called "fae", "analogues", "gemini", "lycans", "myrmidons" and "masquerades", all of which have multiple variants and subspecies that vary wildly as their mechanical/holographic nature allows extreme diversity within a single species. Fae have four subspecies but six variants because two of them have such extreme and downright bizarre sexual dimorphism they're split into two variants (that also happens in most primordials and a few kin, but none of those are so extreme or bizarre), for instance dryads and faevians are the same subspecies and yet dryads are tree ladies and faevians are bird boys, albeit that's just what their holographic exterior looks like. Analogues, also known as elementals, have six elemental variants but their actual subspecies copycat a physical sophont like folk or dagonites (so they're basically treated as a template). Gemini have a whopping 15 variants which are actually only 9 subspecies, nagas and mer and centaurs oh my. Lycans' variants are just what physical sophont and two animals they can take the form of by day (and chimerize by night), it's a big ol' mix and match. Myrmidons look like an antropomorphic hymenopteran queen and make smart little automatons as their "hive", their variants are which bug they immitate, bee or ant. Masquerades are parasitic face-stealing copycats with no "true form", their variants determine whether they lean harder on the shapeshifting ("faceless") or the parasitism ("vampires"). Notably, both subspecies of the latter two have unique hybrids ("wasp" and "cubus", respectively) which isn't how the others work for complicated biological reasons I don't think we have time for me to explain in detail with how bloody long-winded I can be.
All but the spirits also have some especially artificial "immortal" variants, which should be beyond known technology, even known Precursor technology, and as they're all sterile somebody's still making them today but none of the affiliated factions that definitely aren't making them themselves will let slip who their super-advanced friends are or how to contact them, for obvious reasons. Immortals stop ageing at a point determined by variety, regenerate over a thousand times faster than the base species, can regrow entire limbs and survive more catastrophic injuries. They do suffer a bit in terms of performance, tend to come up short outside of combat and some stop ageing at profoundly sub-optimal ages, so they're balanced overall but picking an immortal does mean a more forgiving combat experience and they're better suited to higher-combat campaigns than the system's really intended for (particularly for players who aren't good at the combat). This is where ALL of the variants I haven't even started on yet are, but I know two immortal varieties per species need to exist for the sake of fairness and I truly hate putting myself in their creators' headspaces to figure out what they might do with each species so it's a slow process.
So five categories, 4-9 species each, then at the bottom of each species' entry you find "regular variants" and after them "immortal variants". It's split up, then split again a second and a third time, making it less overwhelming than "30/210" makes it sound.
submitted by Seattleite_Sat to RPGcreation [link] [comments]

2024.01.20 22:03 Jeffrey_Marchetti This is an old one but I finally found it, my Attack on Titan OC, the Atomic Titan!

Name: Kazuma Serizawa
Age: 16
Species: human
Classification: Titan Shifter
Titan type: unknown
Height (human): 6'1
Height (Titan): 120 meters
Length: 200 meters
He can sense when godzilla is approaching, since he shares Godzilla's DNA and memories.
He can regenerate as a human
atomic breath (a green beam of energy that pierces through anything. Similar to shin Godzilla, it starts out as a heavy cloud of steam and gas, then ignites from the organ that produces the attack. His jaw can also split like shin's)
Diamond hardening (like the female titan, the atomic titan can harden it's nape when the dorsal plates on the back of his neck get damaged and the soft tissue underneath gets exposed)
Retractable spikes from elbows
Blade at the end of tail
Extreme agility
Supersonic screech: can send out an earsplitting, Deafening screech to incapacitate foes.
Dorsal plate beams: can fire atomic rays from his back like shin Godzilla.
Superheated tail blade: stores energy at the tip of his tail blade. It gets heated up so much that it can slice through concrete and melt metal.
When Kazuma was 6 years old, he suffered heavily from brain cancer. His father fought tooth and nail to find a cure, but was unsuccessful. After word got out that a group of abnormal Titans were slaughtered by something massive, he was sent out to investigate. He took samples, some serum from the spinal cord of one of the Titans and a scale. A small scale that still had remnants of flesh on it. He saw that it continuously regenerated, and was fascinated. He experimented with the two samples, took some samples of Kazuma's blood, and found that the regenerating cells killed off the cancer cells. Though he found this other opportunity, the regenerating cells were also killing the blood cells too. So he combined the serum from the Titans spinal cord, and the regenerating cells. He kept taking samples until one faithful day, he found out the regenerating cells combined with the Titan serum killed off the cancer cells, and Titan serum counteracted the regenerating cells, and protected the blood cells. When the time finally came to inject his son with the cure, all went well. He was fine the next day and started to regrow his hair. He was playing again, and went back to being a normal kid. This came with some side affects. 4 years go by, and he has now become a titan shifter, but an amalgamation, caused by the combination of the Titan serum and the cells, of Godzilla. During the first colossal Titan attack, he witness his father be crushed by his house. Scared, the cells inside his body caused him to titan shift. He towered over the colossal titan and took it down with ease. He then destroyed his village and house, killing his own family in the process . 6 years later, he joins the survey corps and joins Eren's squadron. He constantly has images of Godzilla in his head, seeing Godzilla's memories, and can sense when godzilla is nearby. Godzilla targets him, and sees him as a threat, because he shares his DNA, and he sees him as another member as his species wanting to dethrone him as alpha titan.
submitted by Jeffrey_Marchetti to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.01.18 13:11 person_person2 MLP FIM Overanalyzed S2 E6: The cutie pox

Welcome to my newest analysis of my little pony. Today's episode is the cutie pox, let's get into it.
Apple Boom: "We can be, the three strikes."
Scootaloo: "That makes it sound like we struck out."
In baseball maybe, but in bowling that's a good thing. If you don't like it though you can always go with the turkeys. Cause three strikes in a row is called a turkey, don't ask why I don't know.
So AB's ball stops right in front of the pins, which is pretty funny cause how can she be that bad. Except no its not funny and she's not bad. Bowling lanes need to be keep oiled so balls can't get stuck on them, so she isn't bad at blowing, someone just didn't do their job correctly.
AB just walks into the everfree forest and neither of her best friends try to stop her.
It's also kinda funny how not dangerous the forest is most of the time. Characters walk in and out of it so often it loses any tension very quickly.
Zecora can just casually regrow bones. That's kinda nuts that she can do that with a simple potion.
Twist: "Or is it a powdered doughnut? Cause that would be delicious."
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that's the only time outside of S1 E12 where Twist and AB interact. AB just kinda ditched her after meeting SB and Scoots.
Speaking of which both of them seem annoyed when Twist talks to her.
Why does Cheerilee insist AB give everyone a demonstration? Yeah I know getting a cutie mark is a big deal, but don't they have class or something right now, isn't that a bit more important?
Everyone is surprised by her having two cutie marks, but not one of them mention her defying the laws of physics a minute earlier.
Why is Twilight just watching? She has two cutie marks, Twilight she be closely observing everything with a notepad and quill, this is the biggest thing to ever happen in this town and she's hardly acknowledging it.
AJ: "Congrats on being not just one, but two cutie marks. We're mighty proud of you sis."
I'm gonna bring that, and a few other things this episode up later, specifically when we get to Bloom and Gloom in season 5.
I like that you can tell something is wrong before it's revealed if you pay attention. There are only a few short moments where AB stops what she's doing. It's way more obvious in the scene at the apple homestead, where she says she's exhausted but is still spinning things.
Twilight: "Hay fever, the trots..."
The trots may just be a dumber pun then the horse drawn horse drawn carriages from last season.
Why does everyone in town panic after hearing she had cutie pox, there's no way they all knew about it, but Twilight of all ponies couldn't recognize it.
Zecora just casually has a cure to a mysterious disease that no one knows anything about aside from the basic symptom. That's not that unbelievable considering she fixed a tooth like nothing earlier in the episode, but still pretty convenient.
General thoughts: This episode is alright, nothing to special but pretty good all the same. It's interesting though, we have a Sweetie Belle episode followed by an Apple Boom episode, but Scootaloo doesn't have her first focus episode until season 3.
Next up is the tortoise and the mare, i mean may the best pet win. I hope you all have a wonderful day, and I'll see you then.
submitted by person_person2 to mylittlepony [link] [comments]

2024.01.17 13:24 comics0026 159 - Croconaw by ForesterDesigns [PF2e]

159 - Croconaw by ForesterDesigns [PF2e] submitted by comics0026 to Plifortakune [link] [comments]

2024.01.17 00:59 GFresh1 Gain an animal's ability

Whichever God or Wizard you want offers to enhance you with the ability of an animal from this list

Regrow your teeth like a shark
Regrow limbs like a crab/lobster
Venomous bite with the potency of a black mamba (you can inject up to 12 drops of venom per a canine tooth on the upper row of teeth, venom will take a month to replenish itself)
Able to run as fast as a cheetah but only in 30 second bursts but after which you will have to rest for at least 30 minutes
Mouth pouches like a hamster to store up to 24 pounds of food
Able to extend your jaw like a constrictor snake and swallow things up to twice the size of your head (your throat and stomach will have no problem swallowing and digesting these things as long as it is something you could normally digest.)
Able to extend out your skin to glide like a flying squirrel
Able to generate electricity like an electric eel (doing this will be the equivalent of running for 10 seconds for every one second of charge and you will have to rest to regain charge)
Able to generate the same stench as a skunk at will up to 5 times before you have to wait 10 days for it to replenish.
Able to spray ink like an octopus/squid
An extendable and sticky tongue like a frog/toad
Stingers on your hand that you can retract at will that have the stinging power of a Japanese hornet
Powerful front teeth that will allow you to chew through wood like a beaver
The stomach equivalent to a vulture so that you may eat rotting or raw meat/vegetables with no worries of getting sick.
The jumping ability equivalent to a jumping spider if it were your size, (your legs will be enhanced so that you take no damage when using this ability, but this won't protect you any extra when you aren't using it.)
submitted by GFresh1 to hypotheticalsituation [link] [comments]