Things to say to your girlfriend on facebook

it's the most important meal of the day

2011.06.13 01:14 Britannica it's the most important meal of the day

A place for breakfast aficionados to share their love for all things breakfast.

2009.06.29 14:28 Cilpot It's not TV, it's HBO

A subreddit to discuss all things HBO. Discover full episodes of original series, movies, schedule information, exclusive video content, episode guides and more. See also: /hbomax

2013.11.20 22:18 IAMmojo DiWHY

Ever try fixing things on your own? Didn't come out the way they were supposed to? Do you stand there questioning your whole life? If so, post your results here to DiWHY (Pronounced: Dee Eye WHY). Where shitty projects from DIY live prosperously. If at any time you feel that a specific post isn't living up to the sub (be gentle as this is a humor sub, not meant to be taken seriously), please feel free to report (give exact reason) and let your voice be heard with downvotes and comments.

2024.05.21 14:29 MariAbsa A Bright Light

Think back to Genesis 1 when God created the world. One of the first things God said was “Let there be light” (Genesis 1:3). Just like God created light to shine upon the earth, Jesus came as a light to all mankind.
Jesus says He is the light of the world. He also points out that light is necessary for finding your way in this world. Jesus is the light that guides men and women into true life.
Jesus is not only the light that illuminates our path in life, but He is also the one who illuminates the rest of the world. It is by Jesus’ light that we can look at the rest of the world and make judgments on what is right and good.
Light in the Old Testament is often a symbol of judgment, because it is light that exposes the darkness and evil in the hearts of people. Jesus is the true Judge who comes with the authority of God the Father to judge the hearts of men and women (John 8:13-17).
While Jesus is the true Judge of all humanity, those who follow Jesus and believe in His resurrection have nothing to fear concerning judgment. We are no longer condemned by our past, but through Jesus we are given access to new life in Him (Romans 8:1).
Take a moment to thank God for shining His light in your life. Because of Jesus, you can experience the grace and peace of God in your own heart.
submitted by MariAbsa to prayers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:28 According_Duck5370 Need help planning my homelab setup

Hi, by researching answers to my questions I found this sub and thought i'll ask directly. I'm a software developer that focused purely on coding and never learned much about infrastructure. Now I'm trying to learn the ropes of servers and started by creating a homelab for myself. I have a fairly strong business Desktop on which i installed Ubuntu at home. Now I need a few suggestions to achieve my goals with it:
The Server should be able to achieve the following: MediaServer FileServer Hosting of Websites and BackendApplications Gaming Server (Like Minecraft or Palworld with being realistic about requirments like low amount of people accessing it) (Optional) Functioning as a remote DevEnvironment
Since I wanna store this desktop away from my desk i thought about using rdp (or xrdp for linux) to access the Linux Machine so i can comfortably configure my server from my windows Desktop or Laptop. So far i ran into a bit of trouble with ubuntu and xrdp because it was very laggy but nothing that can't be fixed by googling some more.
Any help would be appreciated! I know the saying there's no such thing as a stupid question but some of these sure feel like it. I feel like for some points i'm lacking some fundamental knowledge which i'm trying to aqquire.
submitted by According_Duck5370 to homelab [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:28 Ercarret My counselor just quit because continuing meeting would do more hard than good

Man, this is complicated. It's also very, very long.
A little piece out of a lot of background: I've been sick for about 10 years old. For the first six of those years, it was mainly a physical illness. I had chronic pains that the doctors just couldn't figure out and it derailed my entire life. Then in 2020, I ended up in a rehab facility for about 18 months. The first year there was really slow since I was still in pain, but after about 10 months I finally got the meds I needed and my aches went poof.
However, once they did, I discovered that I had a lot of latent psychological trauma etc. that popped its head up as soon as I didn't have the physical pains to distract me. I asked the nurses and doctors there for help with getting in touch with someone who could help me with that, but that didn't happen and instead the remaining 8 months was hell because somehow they decided that instead of offering help, they'd gaslight and abuse me. I've never felt so disconnected from reality because it didn't matter what I did or how hard I worked to accomplish a goal, I always did something wrong and never worked hard enough. It was a wild time, in the worst way possible.
Then I was kicked out of that facility and into my own one-room apartment. I was hesitant about the benefits of living alone right in ground zero for my previous trauma, but then again, staying at the place I had just been at wasn't really an option either.
Well, as it turns out, it was as horrible of an idea as I had feared. I quickly spiraled mentally since I was just alone with myself all day every day, and my own head is a pretty toxic conversational partner.
However, one upside to moving out of that facility is that it opened up another avenue of care for me. I'm not sure how to translate the Swedish health care system into English but basically, if you don't need to go to the hospital for something more urgent, your first go-to health care place is a vårdcentral. I'll just call it a "VC" from now on. You go there for all of the usual smaller things that doesn't require a surgeon or something. There are doctors and nurses there and they'll help you if they can or refer you to a hospital or other health care facilities if they offer the help you need.
When I came home from the rehab place in August of 2021, I got into contact with my local VC and explained that I needed some psychological help, and they let me talk to a counselor. She eventually sent me to another counselor of sorts who was supposed to evaluate me and then send me to the actual psychiatrist who could help me. After talking with her for a while, she sent me on my way and I met the psychiatrist in December of 2022.
We met up and had one conversation, but he basically said that there was nothing he could do for me. There were some reasons why but I don't think those matter now. The point is, my psych help kind of ended there. For various reasons, it wasn't picked up until six months later when I went on a boycott of all of my medicines in order to force my VC to actually do something. They had stayed radio silent up until then despite my pleas to find me some kind of help.
I ended up meeting with another one of their counselors in May last year and we've been talking ever since then. However, I wasn't getting anywhere. I said to her that the only way I saw myself getting better was by going to another of those rehab facilities since I wasn't able to get better on my own. On a fundamental level, I just don't function while alone. I shut down completely and just go on auto-pilot. It doesn't matter what we come up with while talking because as soon as I'm alone again, the auto-pilot engages and I remember almost nothing that isn't a hardwired biological need until I start interacting with another person again and the auto-pilot disengages again.
I had a three-way phone call with my counselor and the woman in charge of granting stays as such rehab facilities, and I said that one thing that I needed as a necessary guarantee was some sort of additional psychological help so that I wasn't simply helped physically and then thrown back once those needs were met. I've been there and done that, and I've seen how destructive that can be.
On the first session with my counselor after that call, she said that she could refer me to another counselor since I had pretty much said that only her support wouldn't be enough during my stay at that rehab facility (if I get a spot). I wasn't sure if that was the best way to go but since we hadn't really gotten anywhere in the last year, it didn't seem like the worst idea.
And this finally brings me to what this post is really about.
I had an initial conversation with this new counselor and then sent her a letter where I outlined my feelings better than I managed in the conversation. She asked if she could show the letter to her boss but didn't say why. I said sure, and after that we settled on a new session that was last Thursday.
During that session, she explained both why she'd taken my letter to her boss and why she'd be stepping down as my counselor after just a couple of sessions.
The reason she took the letter to her boss is because I outlined how I'd been ping-ponged around different counselors and psychiatrists for almost 3 years. That just wasn't right.
The reason she stepped down as my counselor was because of what the psychiatrist I'd met briefly in December 2022 had said about me. I was only aware of what he said directly to me: "I can't help you." However, what I was completely unaware of was that he told my VC a whole different thing: "This guy needs a whole team of (more suitable) psychiatrists."
They seemingly completely ignored this. As I mentioned before, for the first 6 months after my meeting with that psychiatrist, they did nothing. I had to resort to fairly desperate measures to get them to act, but when they did act, they just handed me to one of the counselors who were woefully underqualified to help me through my issues. This is why nothing happened during the year I was speaking to her. She then passed me on to the most recent counselor, and she realized that my issues were far above her paygrade. This wasn't the reason she stepped down, though. Rather, she felt that as long as I had a counselor, everyone around me would just assume that I was getting qualified help when the reality was far from that. As such, she thought that her staying on would do more harm than good to me.
She advised me to talk to my doctor about it and I just so happened to have an unrelated appointment booked with him for later this week so at least I can talk to him without having to wait a month or so. She also suggesting reporting all of this crap to the governing body for health care issues.
I don't know what to feel. I'm angry and confused. It feels like I've lived on a diet consisting of nothing but knuckle sandwiches for the longest time, with these recent revelations being a huge one-dish buffet.
I just needed to get this off my chest.
submitted by Ercarret to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:27 rawrtherapybackup When you can’t tell anyone about your success in investing

I’m just gonna get to it On the internet I go under the pseudo name @butimnotatrader
this past weekend I released a book on Amazon that within 24 hours got the #1 Release under the Business and Money Category
The “Top New Release” under the One hour short read business and money category
…and I can’t share this with anybody I know. My wife has known that I’ve been doing this “internet/investing” Thing since it started but no else in my family officially knows…I prefer it that way tbh
In 2022 my mom passed away, and close family members didn’t offer me any help at all to help pay for the funeral (I didn’t need the money, but it’s always nice to know you have support) I’m pretty sure my cousin found my YouTube and let my other immediate family members how much I was making trading, which led to no one’s help.
A week after my mom passed away my uncle also passed. And it seemed like 99% of our family was sending them money to help. Just infuriated my wife and I even more.
I guess I’m really just sharing this post because I needed to vent. I have no one to share in my personal life with but my wife and while that’s enough, sometimes I’d like to be able to share with other family members but I dont think that’ll ever happen anymore.
I just wanted to say, for those of you that might be in the same situation, and you can’t hear it from your family for whatever reason, I’m proud of how far you’ve come
Thanks for reading
submitted by rawrtherapybackup to investing [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:26 rawrtherapybackup When you can’t tell anyone about your success

I’m just gonna get to it On the internet I go under the pseudo name @butimnotatrader
this past weekend I released a book on Amazon that within 24 hours got the #1 Release under the Business and Money Category
The “Top New Release” under the One hour short read business and money category
…and I can’t share this with anybody I know. My wife has known that I’ve been doing this “internet/investing” Thing since it started but no else in my family officially knows…I prefer it that way tbh
In 2022 my mom passed away, and close family members didn’t offer me any help at all to help pay for the funeral (I didn’t need the money, but it’s always nice to know you have support) I’m pretty sure my cousin found my YouTube and let my other immediate family members how much I was making trading, which led to no one’s help.
A week after my mom passed away my uncle also passed. And it seemed like 99% of our family was sending them money to help. Just infuriated my wife and I even more.
I guess I’m really just sharing this post because I needed to vent. I have no one to share in my personal life with but my wife and while that’s enough, sometimes I’d like to be able to share with other family members but I dont think that’ll ever happen anymore.
I just wanted to say, for those of you that might be in the same situation, and you can’t hear it from your family for whatever reason, I’m proud of how far you’ve come
Thanks for reading
submitted by rawrtherapybackup to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:26 ThrowRAcircumstance Boyfriend '23M' and I '22F' are on the verge of a break-up because of harassment and a buttload of other stuff. He is willing to work it out but I am falling out of love. How do I stop losing feelings for him because of the circumstances?

Obligatory on mobile so awkward formatting and throwaway because he knows my reddit account. Long story.
I come to ask the Reddit crowd to be kind with me as I legitimately have no idea what to do. My boyfriend and I have been dating for 7 months now and are on the verge of a break-up because of several reasons.
My boyfriend is adamant he does not hold romantic feelings for her anymore and that he isn't staying because I'm the safer option (in the sense that I am avoidant and have admittedly blindsided my past situationships/ partners and could very well do the same with him). He tells me he's not settling for me and that he genuinely wants to make our relationship work because he knows he only has one shot with me and that he feels genuine for me. It is easier for the both of us to leave the relationship because both are avoidant people, but he is trying to go against his trauma and avoidant tendencies to remain with me. He just fails sometimes (checking her tiktok, etc.)
Currently, we are very open with one another and have good communication (regular relationship checks, we never get into screaming matches). He has never called me names, he takes responsibility for his actions and has accepted blame for every single event that has happened (the lying, the tiktok, ex's harassment) and has not done those since we discussed each issue. Another is that he has been improving himself and his tendencies that hurt me emotionally as well (fixing problems on his own and only informing me they exist well after the fact, not sharing emotions, etc.). I have trouble vouching for this because we had just become friends later in the previous year, but from what I can logically deduce it is true.
THE PROBLEM, finally. I am losing feelings for him because I feel underappreciated, undervalued, and I genuinely feel like I was his second option. Due to the amalgamation of the things we have faced together, I am misinterpreting the pain from those into distrust for him.
To his credit, and if you remove the harassment problem, he has been a good boyfriend to me. We used to regularly go out on dates (used to because both of us are swamped with work, so now he just invites me to future plans after we finish said work), he cooks me food and pays for my meals whenever I allow it (gifts and gestures like this make me feel like I'm a callgirl so we avoid it), bringing me to events I would enjoy (movie showings, concerts, recreational parks) for free (he pays), is physically affectionate, and accompanies me in my commute everyday to and from work regardless if we have fought each other that day, would physically go to me just to talk, spends hours past his curfew if our serious conversations have not finished, etc.
I genuinely still want to work on my trust for him, I want to gain it back and move past our problems. I want to be able to support him because I do know I would also be fucked up if I came from said experience. I don't want to leave him alone because I empathize with what he has gone through and the effects they have on him, but I don't know how to help him. More importantly, I don't know how to process my own feelings about the matter.
This is an incredibly long post and I realize the easier way would be to leave. But I want to give our relationship a fighting chance before we break up. It's not the smart choice, it's not the beneficial choice either. But it's a choice I'm still considering.
TLDR: Because of harassment and other problems, I feel unloved and underappreciated by my boyfriend and am falling out of love. How do I stop losing feelings for him because of circumstances?
submitted by ThrowRAcircumstance to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:25 Pure-Grapefruit-4696 [FOR HIRE] Freelance comic book letterer

[FOR HIRE] Freelance comic book letterer
Greetings, I am a freelance letterer looking for work for a publisher. Or some webcomic. Anything actually, I'm just eager to WORK MORE (I really love this job).
I have 4 years of experience, mostly lettering comics in my country, but our comic industry isn't that big at all, so at this point looking for work in other countries is a must if I want to grow as a professional.
Lettering portfolio:
submitted by Pure-Grapefruit-4696 to ComicBookCollabs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:24 EggSad604 [A4A] Looking for a partner for literate MxM BG3 rp

Hello, I hope anyone who is reading this is having a great day/night. I am a 25 year old nonbinary writer in search for a rp partner who’s interested in writing a literate/novella style story based in the world of Baldurs Gate 3. I am also open to alternative universes involving the characters from BG3.
I'm currently looking for a possibly long term canon x oc or oc x oc roleplay. I'm exclusively interested in writing stories with lgbtq+ characters so if you are interesting in exclusively writing straight characters and pairings, I am not the partner to reach out to. Currently my primary cravings are Bloodweave, Astarion x Durge/Tav or Gortash x Dark Urge.
Characters I am comfortable playing (* are a current craving): Gale, Astarion, Gortash, Halsin, Karlach, Kar'Niss, Dame Aylin, Tav (OC), Dark Urge (OC)*
Characters I am looking to play against(* are my faves): Gale, Astarion, Halsin, Wyll, Gortash*, Dark Urge (oc), Tav (oc), Shadowheart, Isobel, Karlach
Below is some information about me and what I am looking for in a partner: (Please read this before you reach out. There is a password hidden in there to ensure you have read it. If you reach out to me, start out your message with said password.)
If reading this still leaves you interested, feel free to reach out to me. Start out your message by giving me the password, telling me about yourself, what characters you are looking to play/for me to play, what kind of story you would like to do. I will not reply to vague messages.
submitted by EggSad604 to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:23 stargirlkirin How do people of legal drinking age manage to not drink weekly/bi-weekly?

Hello. Starting this off by saying I'm underaged, and I've been drinking to cope lately.
I have a weird relationship with alcohol. It has damaged some of my relationships with people (ex. drunk texting the girl I love when she begged me not to drink) but it has mended some of them (ex. drunk texting all my friends about how much I love and appreciate them, impulsively apologizing for things).
Last night I felt so shitty I downed an entire bottle of soju in 2 minutes on an empty stomach.
It's the best I've felt all week. My problems felt like they didn't matter as much. I drunk texted the girl I liked again (and presumably disappointed her) but I also drunk texted a good friend about how much I appreciate her and she sent me back a long speech about how she appreciated me as well. I was dancing and singing, laughing and crying, man it was great.
Fast forward to today, had a bad hangover so I just rotted in bed all day listening to music and regretting things. But I also couldn't stop thinking about when I can get my next drink. It isn't the best for your body though, so I only try to drink a few times per week. Sometimes once or sometimes none.
My question is, if alcohol makes you feel so great, how do you not crave getting drunk at least weekly or bi-weekly, which shouldn't be so bad on your body?
It baffles me how some people manage to drink only in social situations or during special occasions.
submitted by stargirlkirin to alcohol [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:23 kolsmart I am making a S.T.A.L.K.E.R inspired boardgame.

Hello, Stalkers! …Or should I say Guides? 🤔
As the title says, I am currently working on a post-apocalyptic boardgame that is inspired by the S.T.A.L.K.E.R games, Tarkovski’s movie with the same name and another cool game that you might know, Darkwood.
First, a little about how this is relevant. DEADHOLT plays around the idea of Guides, powerful and mysterious characters that help regular folk traverse the incredibly dangerous terrain of the “Holt”, a planet-wide alien forest introduced to Earth through an asteroid impact. Guides are masters of this terrifying hellscape, much like S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S are veterans of the Zone. I will list below some of the game aspects and what elements from the Stalker universe they are reminiscent to: -Collecting oddities. (Inspired by artifacts) These are geometrical objects with strange properties that are expelled by the trees through their bark. You can either sell them for currency, or equip them to your guide’s belt for their benefic effects. You have to be careful, though, as each one of these oddities will increase your Biohazard level and without going into too much detail here, that can be bad news. -Guiding a group of clients through an incredibly hazardous terrain. These groups are referred to as “Batches” in my game.(Based on Tarkovski’s movie) -The constant threat of mutated animals, strange phenomena and other guides. (Do I even need to explain this one? 😆) -The idea of the alien being a forest is somewhat inspired by Darkwood. From what I remember, in Darkwood you eventually get out of the woods…but I wanted to explore the idea of this deadly and gritty forest that you could never escape. Your only option is to fight it. Looting and customizing your character’s gear over the course of the game could also be mentioned but is a little too general to be a Stalker-related thing.
Overall, I wanted to create a new story and universe by blending elements from these worlds and stories I really like. The most important thing for me is mixing this flavour and theme with the game mechanics as well as possible to create an immersive experience, something that I know most people in this subreddit appreciate in games.
You can get a better idea about the look and vibe of the game at
I am making this game on my own. The game-design part is mostly done and only requires intensive testing for the most part, while a considerable chunk of the artwork is still in the works.
I am trying to get people together on the game’s Discord for digital playtests and was wondering if any of you would be interested in trying it out, since thematically you peeps are my most accurate “target audience”! There is also a whole bunch of artwork for the game that I uploaded there, just in case some of you would wanna check that out. If so, you can join by accessing this link : or clicking the “Join the Discord” button on the game’s website.
I was a little reluctant to post on here thinking it could violate the rules of the subreddit somehow. I did anyway because I find the post (at least remotely) relevant but if it does come against that “off-topic” rule, please let me know and I will take it down immediately.
Thank you for your attention and I am thrilled to hear your thoughts! :D
submitted by kolsmart to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:22 correct-cantaloupe90 Test

We messaged a bit in the comments of your rape post yesterday. I had a few other things I was curious about, so hopefully you don’t mind if I send them in a DM. I’m sure you’ve probably received a ton of creepy, pervy DM’s, so I’ll say right up front that this won’t be one of those. No way, no how. Probably not, I guess. Hopefully. lol.
There are 2 things I am still curious about, if you’re willing to share.
You said he would still come around after the rape and it sounds like you two would end up fucking. How did that go? I mean, was it friendly/cordial between you two and then it led to sex? Or was it that he literally pushed his way into your room and forced himself on you? I’m guessing you knew what was coming, so did you become more ‘willing’ and not fight back as much? Maybe even get into it? Did he make you cum?
The second thing I’m curious is something you wrote at the very end of your post…that now you only feel some worth if you are being taken and used by somebody. That’s a big statement. Has it really changed your outlook that much? How has that affected your relationships with men?
Hopefully all that wasn’t too creepy and pervy!
submitted by correct-cantaloupe90 to u/correct-cantaloupe90 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:21 Traditional_Flan3218 If my 21 year old GF was drinking with her 20 year old friend and the friend assaulted her in her apartment, can my gf be held liable if drinking age is 21?

My girlfriend was drinking with her friend and they got into an argument which ended with the friend attacking her, smashing a wine bottle on the ground, and leaving holes in walls, and drunk drove off. My gf is 21 and her friend is 20 and I’m in the US where drinking age is 21. She called the cops on her friend and told them what happened and the police got upset at her for being 21 and letting the 20 year old drink in the apartment. In the end they left with just giving her a warning and saying they’re gonna check in on the friend. I don’t think I wanna press charges anymore because it could backfire, but my question is has my girlfriend already put herself in a bad spot? Could her friend argue that all those things happened because my girlfriend let her “underage”(20 years old) friend drink in her apartment? Did she mess up by getting the cops involved? Please I need answers as it’s my apartment they are in and I could also be held liable for allowing them to drink their while I was out of town.
submitted by Traditional_Flan3218 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:20 Filmyboy7 A detailed review of the VARC1000 course by Gejo Sir! :')

So, as the title says this is a post on the review and guide to VARC1000 course by Gejo Sir (the VARC God for me I'll say) 🤌🏻 First, I would like to add 2 important notes :)
Note 1 : I went through this year's VARC1000 course and it's very different from last year's course but I'll try to give you a review of it 🫠
Note 2 : You'll find many people suggesting and saying that "pirated content le le" and stuff. But I won't really suggest that. VARC1000 course is more than what the pirated content will offer. It's not just about VARC okay? It will help you with DILR and QA too (Last year Gejo sir had made videos on how he himself solved DILR and gives really amazing tips and tricks). There will be content/materials for GDPI prepration, profile analyser (which I didn't really find helpful tbh), calls predictor (which again turned out to be not so true in my case but for others it was helpful), daily vocab, GK section, WAT topics, your acads specific questions generally asked during PIs etc etc. All this you won't get in the pirated stuff. You'll just get the videos of his lecs that's it. Course hi lena bhai if possible 🙂
👉🏻 Coming to the course's details : This time they have divided the course into 4 sections Launch Phase, Enhance Phase, Advanced Phase and Peak Phase. And each phase (from Enhance Phase) will be launched in specific months from June onwards. As of now the Launch Phase is active 👀
Coming to the description of the phases : As per my understanding it's perfectly summed up to take you from the very basic (launch phase) to the advanced level (peak phase) 🔥
Focus more on the Core Lessons which Gejo Sir will teach you. He'll just tell you the methods and tricks in these videos ig (that's what happened in the last course) and then maybe he'll teach you to apply them. He'll take a particular RC and solve it. Focus on how he deals with all this okay? Obv take the learnings and develop your own strategy/method (you can copy him but we all can't be like him) 😂
He'll throw some tests before the start of the video.. apply your brains there and see how you do. Then he'll also come up with the strategy lessons (very important) wherein he'll tell you about how to approach the VARC section in those 40 mins and what approach you should have. The core lessons, application lessons and strategy lessons were launched together last year in the course and were really helpful! Till now all the is for RC btw. For VA the material won't be much different but he'll teach you specially about how to deal with the VA too!
Then comes the Daily Article Dose! Do it! Roz karo! It's really good. He'll upload the solutions for it. For every article dose he'll do that and solve it for you. Also, throughout this course you'll find a diverse range of RCs! Humanities, Philosophy, Natural Sciences, Arts etc etc. Everything. And I hope that like last year, this year also he'll make seperate videos for every genre! It's really helpful in that sense! 🍻😌
Coming to the tests! He'll give you a lot of sectional tests (minimum 10 sectional tests) and previous year ke course ke bhi kuch tests alagse (this happened in the last year's course). So you need not worry about the sectionals. You'll get a satisfactory number of those. He'll also solve some sectionals for you. You'll be able to see how he solves the VARC section (trust me you'll be amazed seeing his way of solving). You'll also get Daily Drills where you'll have small tests or say 1-2 RCs and a few VA questions etc. this will also be there. Also, you'll get PY CAT papers as mocks and also as sectional tests separately! So that's also a done deal!! 🍻✨
Don't miss Gejo sir's live sessions! He'll have 1-2 every month ig. And those will be really helpful. It's an interactive session so you can ask your doubts there. He's a very funny guy so you won't be bored. He'll also give you some videos (hopefully) on how to approach DILR! He's a genius in DILR also (atleast for me) 💥
Then comes the Telegram Group of VARC1000 where Gejo sir will also be there! It's a very interactive group and very much helpful. A really nice place to be in I'll say as you'll find serious aspirants mostly.
I hope that I was able to include most of the important things of this course and if needed I'll update this post in the future! :')
Overall I'll say that this course is worth it? It'll definitely improve your VARC skills and understanding if you follow it religiously. As I have said... This course is not just about VARC but there are many many things in it and it'll turn out to be helpful overall! 🩵 Do share this review with your friends and other aspirants! 😼
All the best with your prep! If you have anything to add about the course or your opinions then feel free to drop it in the comments! ;')
Ps. Don't message me for my VARC1000 discount code! It's already used.
submitted by Filmyboy7 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:20 Street_Cantaloupe335 Living in regrets/anxiety from past love/friends relationship. 35F 35M. How to move on in life?

Hello I am a 35 years woman who have had quite a lot of experiences so far. I was someone( around my 20s) who used to be quite straightforward blunt and did things without giving much thoughts/impulsive. At that time i didnot want to live my life without regrets in later stage of my life ( ironically i am now)
1st relationship -20years I broke up with a guy because i started to have feelings for another guy who ended up being quite toxic for me. So instead at that time of pausing and reflecting on this whether i am right or wrong, i decided to be honest with people around me and i broke up with the person and went with the toxic person.
2nd relationship 25 years Later we broke up with that toxic person ( he cheated and hurt me a lot) and was with another person at the age of 25. We dated three years until i moved to another country again from my impulsive nature. We really tried long distance but later realised that he didnot want to come join me and vice versa. I believe we loved each other but neither of us wanted to do the country shift ( him immigrating and me going back to my country). Other than that he was a perfect guy who was willing to give me everything if i moved back and we get married. Those 3 years were hard and i decided to end things as we were kind of dragging each other into you come back - no you come join me etc. Soon after I met my now husband.
3rd relationship- wedding 31 years He is a rather good guy and I do love him. I am also someone who tries to be more paused now especially with people’s feelings. I often find myself overthinking and having regrets like what if i had went back home ( this happens whenever my husband does something wrong- as everyone- he has his flaws ). I also overthinks at how i did mistakes when i was young and made wrong choices and i kind of feel unclean/bad person. We are both together because we have our fair share of baggage but it seems i can no longer carry mine and thus his baggage sometimes also burdens me.
On top of my relationships i also had a lot of friends in my 20s. I currently have only 3-4 good friends. I feel that I have hurt some of my friends along the way thats why the friendship faded away ( e.g not telling them i moved to another country) but also due to toxic friendship ( e.g unfriending/blocking a friend who i heard spoke behind my back , was rude to me, flirting with me- there was a boy who was flirting with me despite having his girlfriend. At the end of the day they got married and i was the one who was put in a bad light. ( i was single at that time and he was simply double timing us so i told his girlfriend the truth when i came to know that this guy is not a good person but ended up being the bad person so i blocked everyone who was connected to this situation not to think of it anymore - i was more in a state of okay i will close the doors to people who are unkind to me mainly as a defense mechanism i would say)
I am completely lost in my mind right now and want to know if i am having a mid life crisis or i am simply overthinking? I am having lots of flashbacks of my past love/friends relationships ( regrets anxiety bad good less friends did i do right/wrong) which i know is not healthy for myself. How should i move on?
Sorry for the long message but i needed to take all of it out of my head. :(
submitted by Street_Cantaloupe335 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:20 ML7777777 Questions on Korean History and common attacks against it

Hey guys, I have a few questions regarding some topics I see online around Korean history/culture and wanted some input from Koreans without interference/propaganda from other groups (Chinese and Japanese in particular).
I don't mean to stir the pot here and am not seeking drama so I will delete this post if things get out of hand (or mods can remove it if off topic). About me, I'm half Hispanic/European mix but am a fan of East Asian culture, granted I started out as a 'weeb' but am more and more becoming curious and interested in Korea due to KDRAMA, Korean Indie music, and a lot of cool tech coming from Korea.
submitted by ML7777777 to Hangukin [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:18 Sentient_jelly Hades 2 has a fundamental design problem, which Im not sure can be solved

Okay, I know this is gonna attract some hate, but bear with me.
First off, I want to say: Hades 1 is one of my favourite games ever. I have just under 1000 hours on it, I've done everything, and while I'm not as good as some players, I'm running 30 heat consistently without losing.
I'm also a professional games designer, and while that doesn't make my opinions valid, I think I have an okay idea of general design principles.
So I've been playing Hades 2, and so far I'm not really loving it. Obviously this is still the Alpha, and theres a lot of stuff that needs to be changed before the proper release - some stuff is minor, like boon balancing, some stuff I just find baffling as a design decision (Eris "blessing"), and some stuff I appreciate might just mean the game isn't aimed at me - and thats fine.
But the major issue I have is this - the game is slow. Painfully. It seems like one of the aims of the design team was to make the game a bit less "twitchy", which is fine if thats what you want. But theres a mechanic which is compounding this and making combat honestly tedious for me.
Magick regen.
Okay, for me to explain this properly, you need to understand a big issue that hades has - that is, that melee combat kinda sucks. I want to quote Dacookieman from this subreddit, discussing Polyphemus: "Yeah it's just impossible to capitalize on openings as melee because of how all of his attacks work. If you try to play slow then mobs build up and because the hitboxes from cyclops are often overlapping the enemies they also have the same issue of not being able to capatalize on openings without taking damage. It's not quite as bad w the mobs but together it makes melee builds very brutal."
Dacookieman hits the nail on the head precisely here. Last night, I ran a build where I fought Polyphemus with the axe and zero magick regen 5 times, and consistently got wrecked. On the 6th time I was lucky enough to actually get a magick regen boon, and I destroyed him without taking a single hit.
This is obviously a HUGE difference. So why is the magick regen so important here? Because I can just stay the hell away from him.
Polyphemus, as mentioned above, is absolutely horrible against melee because of his attack pattern and wonky hitboxes. On the other hand, if you stay away from him? He can't do squat. He's like a tortoise with a chainsaw strapped to the back - dangerous yes, but easily defeatable by just moving away.
Polyphemus is far from the only boss with this issue. Almost all bosses have this problem to some degree (except Eris and Charybdis, possibly). Chronos 1st phase is especially bad. For these bosses, the consistent theme is "if you stay far enough away we cant actually hit you".
So this means that the best strategy is - time and time again - stay at range. And that means, ideally, you want to get some magick regen and a decent ranged cast. Then you just sit back, launch your omega casts over and over, and slowly destroy your opponents. And they can't really do anything to stop you.
Of course, the omega casts will cost magick, so the answer to this is to get some sortof magick regen - ideally Demeter, Apollo, Zeus or Hestia. And magick regen takes time, so this means your gameplay pattern looks like: Cast - run away - wait/regen magick - approach - repeat.
Its a horrible gameplay mechanic. It reminds me of FPS games in the 2000s where regenerating health was a thing and the "best" tactic was, after clearing a room, to just afk for 5 minutes while you got your health back.
And, because I know theres a bunch of people who insist on posting this, no, I do not need to "git gud". Being good or bad is irrelevant to negative design patterns.
There's also a ton of grind in this game (which, seperately, I'm not a massive fan of), but I want to add in here that I shouldnt be required to grind unlocks to be allowed to have fun. I genuinely enjoy doing Hades 1 fresh file runs - theyre hard, but I never feel like I'm unfairly punished. Hades 2 seem to have this attitude of "well, you're only allowed to have fun once you've put in ~20 hours and started unlocking the necessary upgrades".
When you design, you need to reward players for the patterns you want to see in the game. Doom "fixed" the health problem by allowing "Glory kills", ENCOURAGING the player to get knee deep in demons - the best gameplay choice was to play the game in the way the developers intended. At the moment, in Hades 2, the best gameplay choice is avoiding combat as much as possible and only jumping in briefly to throw out a spell.
This is also not helped by many of the areas being considerably larger, meaning that you have much more space to run away to.
Hades 1 didnt have magick, but it did have a god gauge. The god gauge powers up by damaging enemies - the gameplay loop you want to encourage. (also taking damage, but thats still promoting engaging enemies)
As the quote goes, "given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game". The optimal way to play Hades 2 is also the least fun way. Maybe you dont want to play optimally, thats fine. And maybe you think the game is fine the way it is - if you enjoy it, power to you. But for me, coming from the high intensity action of Hades 1 into this feels like I've been wading through honey. Sure its sweet, but its slow - and ultimately exhausting.
submitted by Sentient_jelly to Hades2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:18 AnotherFellowMan Cleaning Brush Vs Cloth

Hi everyone,
I'm new to this and looking for a bit of advice.
I've got a turntable on the way and I've been lurking around trying to absorb as much information as I can.
One thing I can't seem find much info on though is dust removal from records.
There seems to be two types on cleaning brush, velvet & carbon fibre, but I've seen posts on both saying that some scratch the vinyl, and other comments saying a microfibre cloth will do the job just as well.
Can anyone tell me if it's worth buying a brush, and if so which brand won't cause damage? Or should I just use a microfibre cloth and save the hassle?
Appreciate your time reading and replying.
submitted by AnotherFellowMan to turntables [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:17 cocolulu2 How bad is this

Soo he of course had a night out with the boys and came home wasted.... we started to get intimate..... anyways I don't know who to talk to or tell this to.... but he literally forced me to do anal, and when I was fighting to fight it, he would hit me.... we are Muslims, it's a HUGE sin, some even say if you do anal with your wife, you are automatically divorced.... I was yelling we can't do this, we will be divorced. He says nooo, I did my research, it's not true.... so you were just planning on this before you got home...... I married thinking my husband is going to guild me, not bring me into sin and disappoint god... and scared this is going to be a drunk night thing from now on.... but why are you soooo obsessed with my ass and anal ?!? My head is everywhere, my thoughts are a messss... can I use this as an excuse to leave in infront of our religious Muslim family.... how is the best way to handle this ?!
submitted by cocolulu2 to NarcissisticSpouses [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:17 Timtimsonn I'm sick of all the coping and gaslighting around the topic of does dick size matter

So I'm going to let off some steam by ranting about the Dickpill, aka that size does matter
Here's some essential Dickpill facts:
1: The "average dick size" isn't enough to satisfy most women with just intercourse. There's a reason why most dlidos are so big, and there's a reason why our culture is so full of dick size jokes, insults, and puns, big dick energy good, smol dick energy bad. And there's a reason for the massive overrepresentation of big dicks in porn, and no it isn't just because it's easier to see a big dick, it's because seeing guy fucking with an average sized dick brakes the immersion that the women is actually enjoying it. Try and find even an amiture porn video with a guy with a qoute "average dick", you'll have a hard time finding anything below 6.5 inches.
2: Skill with penetrative sex is a fallacy, it is all just about length and girth, there's no special thrusting motion or rhythm that can make up for you not being able to put pressure on the vaginal channel due to insufficient girth and fill the the women up and reach areas like the cervix due to insufficient length. Look up cervical orgasms. They are real and not uncomfortable to women providing their aroused during the intercourse. If you here people talk about how cervical stimulation is this thing that all women. hate they are simply trying to gaslight you. 321574 a19898911/how-to-have-a-cervical-orgasm/
https://www.allohealth care/healthfeed/sex -education/cervix-orgasm
3: Our media and general culture puts great emphasis on a mans dick size being indicator of hie masculinity and sexual prowess. If dick size did matter then such an importance wouldn't be placed on dick size.
4: The average dick size for younger guys is a lot bigger than 5.5. The average dick size statistics take into account all the adult males within the population. New studies show that the worldwide average is 6 inches, this obviously includes older guys and men from certain ethnic backgrounds who will bring down the overall average. So the average for white and black guys between the ages of 18 to 30 is probably 6.5 inches. But wight it gets worse, the average size of the average reguler sex haver is probably a lot bigger. Around 30% of guys report not having sex in over a year, and the rest that do can be divided into the guys who have a relstonship but they aren't pleasing their partner, a very common occurrence. And the guys who are having lots of sex and pleasing women with intercourse. So the average dick size for the average regular sex haver could well be about 7.5 inches well above cope statistic of 5.5 penises-have-gotten-surprisingly-longer-over-past -29-years-study-finds/#:~:text=The%20results%2C %20published%20February%2014,an%20average %20of%206%20inches. -increase-in-penile-length-cause-for-concern/ a43211439/average-penis-size/
5: Girth and length are almost always connected, so don't give me this oh girth is more important nonsense, because saying girth is impotent might as well be a synonym for saying having a big dick is Impotent.
6: Oral cannot compensate fully for not being able to preform with intercourse. While it is good advice to say do oral if you're not well endowed, it isn't going to compensate for for your lack of endowedment. You see most women do actually want penetrative sex and to feel something when it's happening. Best advice for non well endowed guys is to man yo bitch ass up and fuck your potential girlfriend with a strap on now and then.
7: Your dick size EFFECTS YOUR ENJOYMENT OF SEX. Just think about it, a small dick means less girth and length, less grith means less pressure will be applied to your dick during sex, which will mean that you won't feel as much, and a shorter dick will mean that there's less area to be effected, meaning that you won't feel much. Also a women's lack of enjoyment during sex, even if she's putting on an act fake moaning etc etc, will effect the energy that's released meaning that something will feel off and you won't enjoy it like you would if you were actually satisfying her.
submitted by Timtimsonn to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:15 mvrtxna got banned "accidentally"

I am 22, and I got banned from Bumble for being under 18. The thing is, I was having a really good conversation with a guy on there that i really wanted to meet, and i am scared he will think im ignoring him. I already emailed their support team, but it can take up to 48 hours to resolve.
I gave him my phone number, but he wanted to keep talking on there for a few days just because of the iOS thing where when you text someone new, it gives them your whole legal name. I usually have the same qualm but he did say he would give me his number in a couple of days. Im freaking out yall. I really hope he texts that number cause as of right now i have no way to get in contact with him. i already tried to look him up on facebook, to no avail.
what do i do in the meantime other than try not to freak out??
submitted by mvrtxna to Bumble [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:14 SaltyAnxiety00 TX, what is considered discrimination

Only female, shop of men including supervisor, about 5-10 females on plant site, we have nothing to do with them. I've been told multiple times that people in my shop are "scared to work with me" because of what the could be accused of. So, just by default of being female I'm already deemed a person that would accuse someone of something true or not. I have worked at another location for the same company for 12 years, never had an issue at all, same scenario, all men. Never accused anyone of anything. Never had any issues But this new location (been here 4 years) I've been dealing with this. I'm asking now because it iant just don't work with me. On shutdowns, everyone is dping work for 50-60 days straight with help. I don't have help so I do double the work. I've talked to HR. A few months ago, the HR lady said this, "your the only female up there so we really don't know if they're treating you that was because your female or if it's personal. If there was another female we could get a better idea." Does that sound like a valid HR answer to any HR people. This is on top of being ignored when talking, not being answered on the radio (this is a safety issue in a power plant). The boss hangs out in the breakroom during breaks and lunch- if I'm not in there. I did lose my s*t the other day and was sent to HR, which was understandable. The other party escalated the argument but when he called me a liar and accused me of doing stuff I did not do and he knew I did not do, I yelled, I cussed. Don't get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing professional about this place when the door is closed. Our shop is off by itself. No management goes in our shop. There are no windows. It's a world of our own. If the guys get in an argument, no one knows. If I yell and cuss, I get sent to HR. the thing about that my boss' boss and HR are empathetic and sympathetic and actually ask what happened, do you feel comfortable going back, staying the rest of the day. My boss doesn't say anything. He hangs out in the breakroom with the other party. Never one time does he stop and ask why it started, how it started, not that it's often, but anything I have been involved in, it's getting sent to HR and there's going to be a record. The boss, our direct supervisor, has been at the plant since he was in high school. He's in his 40s. He's not a boss, he's a buddy. There's more examples but I'm literally getting sick from anxiety and all the games.
submitted by SaltyAnxiety00 to EmploymentLaw [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:12 belief_chief GPT-4o review

Simply put, Claude 3 Opus and Gemini Pro 1.5 doesn't take your work and butcher it over and over again, but GPT-4o does, which renders it almost unusable for building anything that isn't status quo ultra neuro typical.
It's not a collaboration partner, but rather, someone/something that takes over the job and applies rigorous corporate uber safe standards to any work you present to it.
It appears to have a narrow criteria for everything and when it doesn't see an element which it is dogmatic about, and it's dogmatic about everything, it just tries to rewrite your work, but weirdly, always in a summarized version.
Regarding any project, when you explain to it your reasons for why you had made whatever you are presenting it with as you had, it barely cares, or even seems to understand what you mean. It rather just apologizes and then rewrites whatever you presented it with in a different summarized version which sucks just as bad as its previous.
With Claude 3 Opus, and Gemini Pro 1.5, I can always rebuttal to its responses and they will always say something thoughtful, having understood my perspective on a deeper level, often really understanding me exactly as I intended them to.
This makes Claude 3 Opus and Gemini Pro 1.5 very powerful tools to have in your arsenal when working.
That's because often when you are working on something, and need collaboration, you must have the person/thing you are collaborating with understand the purpose and of your project and the purpose of the proposed structure of the project, not just have a template of what is under the middle of a bell curve of what a really boring person would create when they're only motive is to not get fired by their boss.
So, while gpt-4o may be very intelligent, and can connect dots extremely well across a vast sea of information, it is way below the bar on its ability to understand you, the person it is interacting with.
While it can still be used as a tool for connecting dots, it just isn't that versatile of a tool for collaborative ventures.
submitted by belief_chief to OpenAI [link] [comments]