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2012.04.29 00:56 Irunongames Emergency Medicine

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2011.10.24 19:15 Joe Biden

Together, we can finish the job for the American people. Are you with us? Join our campaign to re-elect Joe Biden today!

2024.05.22 03:15 Ok-Independent-8648 What’s going on with me

Hello everyone, I’ve been spiraling out of control lately because of my feminine health and the unknown towards it. My hyper focus lately has been mycoplasma and ureaplasma… I’ve ordered an at home test and have an appt to get tested by a urine sample (I know the swab is more accurat) but that’s the most that can be offered to be here in my town.
Long story short, 12 years ago, I took monistat which caused clumpy discharge that never went away. Just last year, I gained a fishy/garbage odor smell that atleast gets better with water and overall good diet and care. But it’s still somewhat present.
The scary part for me is…. I’m scared that I have an overgrowth of these bacteria’s and it’s insane that doctors don’t know about it and majority of gynos don’t do it either. Just two places (planned parenthood and another gyno place) I guess the good thing is…. I’m gonna take multiple tests soon.
But overall… could this be anything else other than a potential sti/std? I just got out of a ten year relationship and it’s gonna be so hard to explain all of this when the medical field is already clueless as it is…… I could use positivity and other ways of thinking… I’m in a realllydark place due to the unknown….
submitted by Ok-Independent-8648 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:15 Charming_Method_4048 A high-five for EBF against the odds + your "why" to keep going

This is my first post after following this board since my BF journey began almost 5 months ago. Can I get a virtual high-five & validation for overcoming a ton of obstacles to be able to EBF my first child?:
During my third trimester, a midwife told me I would have difficulty breastfeeding because of "the shape of my breasts" and the fact that I had not gone up a cup size during my pregnancy.
Then, after having to be suddenly induced early term for gestational hypertension, my baby spent a week in the nicu. We missed the golden hour, and his first feeding was donor milk through a feeding tube. I was instructed to pump every 2-3 hours to bring in my milk supply.
As if that all wasn't traumatic enough, a day after he came home from the nicu, I had to be admitted to the hospital for postpartum preeclampsia. I remember being so exhausted physically and emotionally in the hospital bed, not wanting to pump round the clock, and calling the hospital lactation hotline to find out how to have my milk supply dry up, because it all felt so overwhelming. Somehow, I kept pumping, and I think latching my baby when my husband brought him to the hospital to see me, at 8 and 9 days old, gave me the drive to keep going.
Once finally home, I learned that because my baby was initially bottle fed in the hospital, his demand for milk was greater than my milk supply at the time. Fast forward through 7 weeks of triple feeding, supplementing with formula while working to get my milk supply up, and having no clue if I'd be able to EBF, I was finally able to just nurse him without him being immediately hungry after. My milk supply came in full force around week 7 to 8, and I haven't looked back since. My LO has also been sleeping through the night since 3 months old.
The reason I'm seeking validation in this reddit community? Because despite all that I went through, it seems society and loved ones don't really know how difficult it can be to breastfeed, let alone wanting to discuss it. I also have a MIL (who did not breastfeed), who is constantly asking me when we'll be introdudcing solids, looking at my baby and saying, "because then I'll be able to feed you." ....
I'd also love to know your why... how many months in are you, and why do you keep going? Breastfeeding has been magical for me, and it has also been tiring. It has bonded me to my baby, especially after we were initially separated, and it grounds me throughout the day as I navigate this scary new world of motherhood. At the same time, it has been so all-encompassing in a way I didn't expect... having to hydrate and eat a lot of food around the clock, being confined with the baby, etc. I keep going because I know this is best for my baby, and because this is only one moment in time. I'd love to hear your why, as a way to inspire me as I keep moving forward.
submitted by Charming_Method_4048 to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:15 TheChingy Sis in Law... Ugh

My sister in law always brings her kids over to where I live (we live with my husband's dad cuz he's elderly) and her kids just come over, trash the house, and leave. She has 4 kids all under 10 and they come over and put food all over the tables and counters, toys everywhere, even their shoes and jackets just thrown everywhere. They come over and eat mine and my husband's food that we buy and we aren't rich. They don't replace it. She makes plans to come over to the house and doesn't tell anyone. She just drops by without a single word to my husband or I. So I'll be in the shower or something and the kids will be banging on my door wanting to see me but like wth ? Really ? I love the kids but they don't know how to clean up after themselves and we have to parent them every. Single. Time. Girly is just on the couch on her phone making plans with other moms or pitching and complaining about something. MIND YOU: This woman is living the ✨️ dream ✨️. She's a stay-at-home mom/wife and has HER OWN HOUSE that's unfortunately 5 min away from ours. Her house is nice and big, she's got the cars, her husband has a great job with "unlimited PTO" as he says. Yet, she's SO miserable. Like all the time. Her boys do baseball and she's always like "UGH gotta be there at 8 AM hahaha!!" Like, okay? Why do you sign yourself up for this shit? Our house has a pool and I'm dreading it again this year. Last year, she just kept bringing her kids over without telling anyone and so we will be walking around the house and BOOM. A child. Soaking wet running in the house. They leave doors open so our place had a bunch of flies and gnats. She also had the audacity to invite all of her friends over and had a party without even TELLING US. AND! She said that WE had to use the community pool in the neighborhood if we had a problem with it. We pay rent. She has her own house which, by the way, is a total disaster. Sigh... I haven't been able to get this out. So... thank you for reading this far if you did. She's cool when she wants to be... but man... she seriously does not care about anything or anyone. In the past, she's threatened my husband telling him that she'd not let the family see the kids cuz she felt "unwelcomed" at our house. When all we said was to LET US KNOW. I live on high alert because I don't know when a kid will come crashing through the door. Rant over... thanks for reading 🤧 I've held this in for a long time. I talk to my husband, but no one else really knows.
TLDR: Sis in law lacks MAJOR boundaries and walks into our house like she owns the place. Kids come and trash the house and then leave. We are left to pick up the place cuz no one will tell her anything. A RANT.
submitted by TheChingy to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:12 PsychologicalLove676 Mental health break

I’m a new grad LPN. I’ve been working for just under year and I realized during nursing school my anxiety got significantly worse. I’ve taken the responsibility of seeking therapy and taking meds to help; I was supposed to be starting back up in a program to transition towards my RN. I didn’t realize it at the time but my anxiety peeked just weeks prior; I withdrew to attempt to get a better handle on my mental health; but now I feel weak for taking the time off. I know mental health matters it’s just hard to accept giving myself care. Have you guys felt like giving yourself time and care challenging?
submitted by PsychologicalLove676 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:12 terradi VA RN new hire Timeline

Wanted to wait until I officially had the job and worked start day before posting anything. Sounds like I just barely squeaked in ahead of a hiring freeze so I don't know how useful any of this will be for anyone looking now -- but figured I'd add a story of success. I know from lurking there haven't been a ton of positive ones.
Interview 11/23
TJO: 1/25/24
FJO: 4/12/24
Start date: 5/20/24
FWIW I am returning to the VA. New to being a nurse in the VA, but coming in with 5 years relevant experience and 3 years previous work in the hospital. Happy to answer questions if it's useful for anyone.
As long as 6 months seemed to me at the time, I am onboarding with people who waited several months longer. It's not easy, but I don't plan to go anywhere for a long while, which makes it worthwhile!
submitted by terradi to usajobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:11 Miserable-Meat-7119 Chance for Northwestern ED for Biomedical Engineering

Background: Hispanic/White male, suburban Illinois, public school
GPA: 4.000 UW, 4.671 W
SAT: 1560 (790 Math, 770 Reading) -- Superscore 1570 (800 Math, 770 Reading)
AP Scores-

submitted by Miserable-Meat-7119 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:09 GJWon Korea Beauty Festival in Junw

Korea Beauty Festival in Junw
Based on foreigners' high interest and preference for K-beauty, the "2024 Korea Beauty Festival," which combines K-hair, makeup, fashion, medical care, and wellness, will be held for a month in June.
The Korea Beauty Festival will be held in major areas of Seoul. The opening ceremony on June 1 will introduce the charm and expandability of K-beauty through a variety of stages, including hair and makeup demonstration shows and performances in collaboration with singing balls and Korean traditional music.
Hongik University (hair and makeup), Seongsu (fashion), Myeong-dong (reward event), and Gwanghwamun (medical and wellness), which are frequently visited by foreign tourists, will be established as specialized bases for each field, and various K-beauty experience events will be held. Foreign tourists can experience experience programs tailored to their specialized fields in each region. In Myeong-dong, a pop-up store will be opened to give K-beauty souvenirs to foreigners who bring beauty-related receipts
In addition, some 320 companies participating in the festival will offer discounts on K-beauty products and beauty services, as well as special memories through company-specific experience events and technical education programs for foreigners. The tourism industry, including aviation and lodging, will also provide additional benefits to attract foreign visitors to Korea. Korean Air and Asiana Airlines will offer discounted flights from overseas to Korea, while the hotel industry will launch and discount exclusive accommodation products for foreigners visiting Korea. The travel industry plans to plan and operate K-beauty-related products.
submitted by GJWon to KoreaSeoul [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:07 generallyalarmed Staying friends / in contact post breakup

Not really sure what kind of advice I’m looking for, I think I just want a place to share feelings I’ve had recently.
My ex and I broke up over a year ago with things ending on good terms, and us agreeing to initial space while we let the break-up settle but that overall we wanted to stay friends. A few months later he started reaching out, and we back slid hard via texting, but eventually things fizzled out again and they’ve stayed that way ever since.
I always thought I wanted to keep him in my life somehow, we had a great friendship and a lot of respect for one another, but honestly now he feels like a stranger. I’m planning a trip to visit some mutual friends that live near him and no part of me wants to reach out to see if he wants to join for any of it, not because I’ve moved on fully, but that it would just feel weird - we aren’t friends any more. And if we aren’t friends anymore, am I just keeping him around on social media in hopes of something happening that never will?
I’m trying to think about this carefully before I delete him, since there would be no going back. We’ve known each other for years, long before dating, and maybe what we have now is all anyone can hope for post break-up. I should be thankful we ended things well and leave it at that.
Maybe I just want to remove him out of a fear he’ll do it first.
submitted by generallyalarmed to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:06 DivaForever Family being selfish or am I wrong.

I am 25F. My dad is 65 and mom 60. I only have one sibling and she is 33. I was born in the US and raised in India. My parents were not rich but they raised me and my sister well. Never let us feel that we need to ask for anything. Lived luxuriously. I was always told as a kid that after highschool in India, I have to return to the US, get a degree start working and then I would file for my parents green card since when I was born in the US they only had a work visa and had to return to India. I came to the US when I was 17.5 years old. Got a nursing degree. Successful in my career and working full time as the assistant director of nursing in critical care. I am simultaneously in school full time to get my masters. When I first came in 2016, I lived in a rented room, my parents supported me and used to send Monday for rent. I used to work part time in library and support my food and any other needs like clothes etc. In 2020 when I got my first job, I started sending them money back and so far I am still sending. I did as I was told and I filed for my parents green card and now they are permanent residents. Their plan all along was to move in with me in United States and we would all live together again. During this Journey I met an amazing person who is now my significant other. We plan to get married. My parents dream of living with me is not going to fulfill and I see a huge change in their behavior towards me. I explained to them and apologized and said I know that it was your dream all along and followed every direction that you gave me but I am an adult now. I want to enjoy with my partner and live nuclear like my Parents did. I also said this doesn’t mean I will neglect them but instead of staying in the same house we will have a different arrangement. On the other hand my sister who is 8 years elder got married the same year to a guy who lived in the US and moved here in 2016 as well. I was supposed to go Kansas for an engineering degree instead of nursing but she made a comment regarding who will pick me up from the airport. I was supposed to live in the dorm but because my sister made that comment, I at the age of 17.5 changed plans and went to another state where I received grant and scholarship so my education was basically free for undergraduate. I have visited my sister and she has visited me. We haven’t met in the past two years and she thinks I have no interest in meeting her. We talk on the phone everyday and if I have any vacation days I go to see another country. Last to last year I went to Morocco because my partner lost his father. We went there. Last year I went to France and met my best friend there who was gonna get married in Jan this year. She has some issues which I do not understand. When she was my age she was living her life. I try not to hold any grudge against her when she did not help me in 2016. I explained to her let me enjoy with my partner for now. When I am getting older and married and settled, that’s when people seek out family and meet and stay connected. I told her since I am working so hard let me travel see new places now and she can definitely visit me. I do not have the budget to go see her and then go on a vacation. Now it’s been 2 weeks she is not talking to me and my parents have abruptly come to the US and working in a random motel. I don’t know what to think anymore. Even though I am the youngest in the family I feel the oldest.
submitted by DivaForever to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:06 llola3942 AITA for calling my sister an unfit mother?

My sister G (26) has 2 kids (3F, 1F) and is currently living with me (16F) and my dad (60). She had to move with us because of financial reasons and she's been staying with us for about a year. It's been awful. I wake up to tons of noise. She's either yelling or the kids are. And it's tough because I have school and would like to enjoy my weekends but I can't.
The room she's staying in is a mess. She leaves trash and dishes in our kitchen. She leaves her garbage which has rotten pampers inside. Every time I walk in the kitchen, I lose my appetite. Her bathroom is always horrible to see and use. She clogs the toilet and sink regularly. She doesn't flush either.
But that's not the only thing that bothers me. She dehumanizes people that are in the same situation as her. She made a joke about her own nephews assault. I've not looked at her the same since.
Recently she broke down, saying she was going to put her daughters up for adoption because she couldn't do it anymore.It was a really rough day for her while I was at school. Luckily she had left before I got home. But that's not all.
She handles her children very uniquely and she were to shown how she disciplines her children, there would no doubt be legal action taken. I've thought about talking to the police myself but my dad is sick and can't take care of 2 children. I'm smart and plan on going to college so I sure can't sit around and help care for 2 children.
About a few months later, we got into a heated argument and I called her a bad mom. I told her she should've learned to regulate her emotions before she became one. And then I threatened to called the police but my dad stopped me. Now I'm sitting in my room and can hear the kids downstairs crying for whatever reason and they've been doing it on and off for a minute.
submitted by llola3942 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:04 sunflower99_ My girlfriend (25F) and I (24F) are having a disagreement and I'm not taking it well. How do I get over the feeling of resentment towards her?

Context: My girlfriend I were planning on sharing a party next month since our birthdays are only days apart and I'm going to be visiting her (we are long distance) for the week. The people invited are just her friends whom I get along pretty well and knew beforehand, I have them on social media and regularly communicate with them. My friends and family are obviously not attending bc of the distance. Everything was fine until she asked me if she could invite another friend to the celebration, after the plan was already set in place.
I don't like this particular friend bc of some stuff he did and said in the past. Without giving away too much, he treated her badly for the sake of "humor" to the point other friends had to asked her why she would let him treat her like that. They fought and fell apart last year and then at the beginning of this one, he asked her to reconnect. He apologized but told her that he was just waiting for her to reach out (cause she used to do that every time). At the end, she told him that they couldn't go back to what they were, but they could see how things go. She asked for my opinion and I told her that I wouldn't trust him, but that it was her choice at the end of the day and I wouldn't meddle with it. This, of course, doesn't mean I don't have my own thoughts about it. He was immature and hurt her. She was dealing with a lot of intrusive thoughts and had depressive episodes after all went down, so I developed a grudge against him for this reason.
She told me she wouldn't want to hang out with him just the two of them like before, but that she wouldn't avoid him if he happen to be in the same place. Now, she asked me how I would feel if we invite him. I don't like him and I would rather not see him, if it can be avoided. I wouldn't have said anything if it was just her party, bc she has the right to invite whoever she wants, but since it was a celebration for the both of us and she asked, I was honest. This didn't sit right with her.
We argued and she told me she wanted to invite him anyways, and if I didn't want him there, we should do separate parties so she can invite him to hers. Under normal circumstances, that would've been fine. But as I established before, we are long distance. None of my friends are going to celebrate with me there, so I think the idea is dumb; the only person who's not going to be invited to mine is him, the rest of the guests would be the same if we have two parties, and of course she's going to want me there with her for the hers.
I didn't like the fact that she asked me like I had a choice at all, because at the end it was either we invite him or you make your own party, or we have one party but he gets to come at least for a couple of hours. Either way, he's coming and I have to see him.
I thought I could compromise on it, so I told her it was fine. I'm not going to fill the room with negative energy just bc of this, and the things he did are not unforgivable crimes, I guess. He's just a bad friend.
But what has been bothering me now is that aftwards, she told me that it doesn't make sense that I would hold a grudge towards the ppl that are in her life and have a problem with her.
I had issues with friends in the past and exes that were toxic, and the ppl around me despise them. These problems are none of their business, I know, but isn't normal to hate them if they hurt me, because they care about me? I asked her what does she think about those ppl, and she told me she doesn't have any kind of resentment towards them bc is not her place, so she doesn't get why I could have a negative opinion about her friend at all.
And this has led me to think about the problem as a whole and I don't like it at all. Maybe I'm being selfish, but it makes me feel bad how she's just okay with putting me into a difficult and uncomfortable situation and put this friend, who hurt her in the past, above me. I understand that she might see it as her putting her needs and wants first instead of being a people pleaser with me, but is it wrong of me to think that I deserve to be put first in this situation in particular? The celebration is for me as well and even though I like her other friends, they are not mine, so I'm going to be completely immersed in her space with her people and I don't even get to be completely comfortable because she wants her other friend to be there as well.
And I'm also not sure how I feel about her not having any kind of resentment towards the ppl in my life that hurt me. I can see how she works differently than me and has different opinions, but it kind of makes me feel like she's the kind of person that would say "well, they didn't do anything to me" when asked why she's speaking to your high school bully.
The last couple of days I've been acting distant and I'm not even that excited about my trip anymore, because I know I'm going to have to deal with this once I arrive there and she has, of course, take notice of this. She's now asking me to talk about it and I'm honestly not sure what to say or do. Because truth to be told, I am mad at her, but I mostly feel like she set me aside. And she seems completely fine about it! She even told me she had closure bc I accepted him there and she's not feeling bad about the situation at all.
How do I fix this?
submitted by sunflower99_ to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:04 tini_bit_annoyed The saviorism on poor people in the church….

My parents church is super non denominational and toxic with a psychotic hierarchy (par for the course you know). There was a lady at their church who was estranged from her family ( I WONDER WHY no offense) and she and terminal illness so they took turns sitting with her and giving her free rides and food (nice of them but she had free housing and Medicaid with help and some friends to help out but obviously they had to only helpf rom the church bc thats the only valid thing right?? Anyway, unfortunately, she passed away peacefully in her home recently. My mom used to talk about ho she was weirded out at the help people gave this lady for free bc she thought it was too much and the woman was just benefiting from everyone. After the death, my mom like joined a committee to plan her funeral bc she didnt have a plan before she died. The SAVIORISM is sending me right now. Also then my mom started looking up cremation laws and asking me about it bc im a cancer center nurse (i dont really manage this side of death…..) and was screaming at me bc I snapped and told her to have more respect for the deceased by not being a fake bitch haha. It does not end people…
submitted by tini_bit_annoyed to exchristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:03 SheepherderChoice636 My specialist might have caused me to have unnecessary surgery, should I sue ?

I'm not totally sure if this is medical malpractice or not so I am here to seek advice Background: I started getting sick when I was about 18 and I was diagnosed a few months after I turned 19. It took a long time to get testing done. My first specialist did not do a great job at taking care of me. Because it took so long to dignose me I ended up in the hospital. My first specialist didn't respond back for days while I was in the hospital and I was very frustrated with their care. It didn't feel like they were taking it seriously. While I was at the hospital I met my current specialist (who this post is about) they suggest their clinic which was a bit closer to me so I decided to switch specialist. It went by smoothly the first 3 months. They got me on treatment right away and I was satisfied with how quick things went.
After a few months on the treatment I can tell it wasn't working and my appointment was coming up so I thought I'd let them know during the appointment, it was canceled. No biggie. I made another one, which was 2 months out. Every single one of their appointments is about 2 months out. The day comes, it was canceled. At this point my body was shutting down and I was already not going to work. Made another one, canceled. They explained to me because I was 19, that I was still being seen through child services or something? I was so confused but that was because I use to me on my mother's health insurance plan (we have medical) and then I got my own and had to made a big switch to an adult doctor and get removed from this so call child services, still no idea what that was about. Now, 2 months later after I finally fix the child services issue and insurance. My body gives up and I end up being hospitalized. Where I saw my specialist there. They do a small procedure to check how worse I've gotten and my mayo score increased. They give me steroids and I feel a bit better, I get sent home and told to call to make an appointment with their office again I call and they are able to finally see me. I go to the office. They cancel because my insurance doesn't approve it on time. I literally break down in their office, in tears that one of the other patients their tell something to the front desk and they are able to see me. I think one more apartment was canceled after this instance and I call my insurance and they fix things for me because after that I had not one missed appointment. I had to always call them and make sure they request an authorization to see me because they neve did it on time. I basically went a whole year without seeing my specialist and wasn't on any working treatment and that's why I ended up in the hospital. Now this year, I haven't had any canceled appointments but none of the medication worked whatsoever. It seems the only thing keeping me from getting as bad as I did last year are the steroids, but I can't be on these for long. It's not a viable solution. I've been on several medication, none have worked, at least not the way they would like it to work. So now i have to do surgery. I can't help but feel that this is their fault for not seeing me for almost a year without proper treatment.
Recent issue: I was referred a surgeon this month, I called and they said they can see me for a consultation until the end of June??? But my specialist said this was urgent and I needed surgery soon or I can be at risk getting MUCH worse. So I called my specialist office again, they said we don't understand why it will take so long and they will fix it. They even noted that they give me the wrong surgeon they requested. They said they will fix it as soon as possible. I get a text from my specialist office, they said the surgeon herself would reach out to me. This was Thursday. I wait for a call Friday, nothing. This Monday I call and no one gets back to me. I finally send a text today and they finally tell me. "Oh it looks like we made a mistake". They appointment filled out the form wrong and give me wrong physician to do my surgery. Is that even possible? I imagine those forms are very detailed, how do you make a mistake so bad they give you a different doctor. The two surgeons have different names and are different sex. I'm so confused. They also asked me to stop taking all the medication, even the steroids. They told me to stop taking them 2 weeks ago because I will need surgery soon and I can't be on any medication like that before surgery. I am slowly getting worse. I am lost and completely in the dark. They send they sent in a corrected form today and it should be resolved within 72 hours. But even then, how long will it take to get seen for consultation? When will I get surgery? They told me to stop taking medication so I don't even know if I will make it until then.
Here is where i don't know if I can sue. The doctor himself never made a mistake, I feel like my specialist gave me proper care. But his staff, canceling so many appointments, not giving me any clue as to why they are being canceling, messing up important documentation, causing me to delay needed surgery. His staff are the problem, so do I have grounds to sue and should I?
Important notes: I have ulcerative colitis. When I mean I was in a horrible state last year. I mean I was using the bathroom 30 times a day. Eating once a day. Throwing up bile because I was throwing up on a empty stomach. Blood in my stool every single time I used the bathroom so i lost so much blood. I went through literal shit.
Current: I don't throw up, I am using the bathroom 8 times a day. Slowly increasing back to 10 and still blood. I know it may seem bad and according to my specialist this is still not liveable. But this is so much better then the hell I went through last year. I don't want surgery, I don't know why it had to come to surgery. I am getting a total colectomy, my whole colon is being removed. I hope this bit of information helps. Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by SheepherderChoice636 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:03 Izuckfosta Best way to reach PMHNP

My goal is to be a PMHNP, I have about 4 years of Fire and EMS experience as an advanced emt, and have spent 2 years as a mental health tech. I’m wondering what the best most direct route is. I know that nursing patient care is highly encouraged but I was wondering if it would be slightly different for PMHNPs since it’s such a different field. I have an associates in fire science and about 80 college credits. Would it be best to pursue my RN then try and start a PMHNP program while gaining experience, I know direct programs are heavily scrutinized but would this be a option. Looking for honest advice from people in the field.
submitted by Izuckfosta to nursepractitioner [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:02 Accomplished_Buy8799 Going through with killing myself

That’s it, not that anybody cares, but I’m doing it after so much pondering and trying to convince myself out of it, I plan to hang myself from my ceiling fan like ive contemplated I just can’t bear this any longer. We’ll finally see what death is like, so long to whoever sees this
submitted by Accomplished_Buy8799 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:02 ItsTheHermit For disabled trans men, please no judgement, only discussion

I have a question specifically only for the chronically ill/adhd/austistic/mentally ill trans men and mascs who have started testosterone.
As a person with chronic illness and adhd, as well as possible autism and mental illness which includes ocd and depression, hygiene is very difficult specifically showering. Taking a shower is usually an entire day’s worth of spoons and sometimes part of the next day’s as well for me (plus some from the days leading up due to the anxiety) since it causes physical pain and severe anxiety. So showers for me are on a strictly necessary basis (like if I have to leave for work stuff as I work from home 90% of the time or if I plan to run an errand that’s more than just popping to the drugstore for an item, or if I start to have a noticeable odor). I live with other disabled people who are in similar situations and I’m not a particularly stinky person at the moment, but I plan to start T in a couple months (if all goes well) and I’ll be honest what I dread the most is the fact that people talk about being super sweaty and stinky all the time.
I’ve seen lots of people say that they start taking showers 2-3 times a day, but if I even showered once every day I would be bed ridden basically and I’d probably have to close my business because of the extreme fatigue and body pain as I wouldn’t be able to get any work done, much less things that are necessary around the house. I don’t even think I could physically stand to shower twice in one day at this point from just the pain it causes.
I don’t talk about this to people and I’m hesitant to even post this because people are so mean and insensitive to disabled people in general but especially when they say they struggle to brush their teeth or shower more than a couple times a week, but I really want to know if other trans men have gone though the same anxiety and what they did about the issue after starting testosterone.
I’m not a gross person. I regularly change clothes and I wash up. I have ocd that has some relation to cleanliness, but that same ocd makes certain hygiene products and bathtubs and showers extremely stressful for me, so everything is in constant conflict. It’s frustrating and all my life I’ve been lucky to have not been a stinky person (even as a teenager), but it actually almost makes me want to not go on T out of fear of being offensive to other people even shortly after showering, and the only fix for that is something that my body and brain physically can’t do. If I lived alone I wouldn’t care, but I don’t want to make my house worse for my family.
Also, just in case anyone suggests it, no I cannot use a shower chair. I own one because my mother can’t stand for more than a few minutes at a time, but thanks to my ocd, even touching it (much like any other fixture in my showebar soap/wash rags) to put it in the shower for my mom causes severe anxiety because my brain perceives it as unclean and a contamination. Even the thought of sitting on it makes my skin crawl. I wish I could explain why, but it’s just something that is and I wish I could change it.
submitted by ItsTheHermit to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:01 Prestigious_Bill_220 Ugh I’m having the worst day

I feel like fixing my financial health is one of the last big hurdles I need to accomplish before I will start feeling like I am okay with the setbacks and limitations of living with bipolar disorder for the first 12 years of my adult life prior to achieving medical success. I have so much shame. There was financial control and abuse between my parents and one of my traits from growing up in an abusive home is an extreme need for independence regarding survival essentials. Money. Living away from them. Perfectionism and overworking.
I make a good salary in the low 6 figures. My boyfriend wants to move in together. He makes a little more than me but he’s been making this type of a salary the entire time and is in a really good spot financially. I need to talk with him and I just don’t know how to do it right now.
There’s so much shame tied to my debt. I was in law school when I had my first debilitating manic episode and then it all made sense. I was at the part of law school where you finally have enough time and knowledge to start making money part time during school. My plan for the entirety of law school was to work as much as I could to put myself in a good position to graduate on good footing. I was completely unable to work for the entire time from the manic episode a month before my second to last year through the time until I took the bar exam.
At the time, I had a mild amount of credit card debt. A few thousand dollars. I did what I felt I needed to do to get by without needing to rely on my father to get by.
Instead of working that year I started almost 3 years of medication trials and instability. Even hypomania is debilitating as an attorney because it destroys my ability to concentrate and keep an even keel.
But most of all, antipsychotics were continually pushed on me and the physical side effects were debilitating. I slept for 12 hours a day and gained 40 pounds. I couldn’t regulate my body temperature on some of them. Once my beach umbrella blew away and I was literally too slow to grab it and stop it from hitting another persons tent.
I relied on student loans and on credit cards for my third year and it got bad. My first job paid low but was worth the career experience for a year. My brother was sick with cancer, I was studying for the bar, I paid for bar prep, I was in an abusive relationship where I was pressured into paying for everything and where he got me to even pay for his laptop repair claiming that my car stepped on it and broke it. I was so broken down from the med side effects that life was just happening and I tired to get through each day with minimal damage. My parents didn’t believe I was sick and this guy took care of me literally when I was disabled. Except that it was in a manipulative way way. He accidentally exposed my cat to lily toxins and I had to pay $2500 at the vet, he didn’t help with a penny. I couldn’t let the cat go, he saved my life more than once.
My debt got worse. I consolidated and my parents helped me with a loan, but it still got worse when my pay was low. I had a lot of medial expenses. Therapy. Psychologist. IOP. Prescriptions @latuda $86 to poison myself. I also had a nasty colorectal condition that was very upsetting and painful and required surgery.
I was struggling daily with wanting to be alive and debt was a minimal concern. I said ok it won’t be so bad when I make $150K this is temporary. I was still trying to work at a mental capacity that had changed after having a severe manic episode and realizing I can’t just grind my way into success because I’m limited.
I moved away and got a job with better pay. I’m trying, but this is so hard. I still owe my parents money and they can’t forgive it for me because they have their own debt. My mom took it in for me on a 0% card.
My credit score says it’s about a 665-675. I have a lot of debt but a good payment history. I just need help. I need advice to talk to him. I need encouragement.
I’m having such a bad day. My city’s local university is hosting an encampment protest demanding the school “terminate” their Jewish student center because the organization is affiliated with Israel and incorporating “there is only one solution” into marches that have come past my office window at a volume that could be heard anywhere in my office suite.
I am heartbroken and so triggered over this. Apart from the Jewish stuff, the Hitler reference is very triggering for me as a person with a mental health disability because I’m really freaked outabout the recent embrace of physician assisted suicide for mental health. I don’t trust psychiatrists to have my best interest in mind nor do I trust us when we are sick to be rational about a choice like that.
I have an assignment due to a partner who has all but said he thinks I am incompetent and am in anxiety paralysis about it. I’m in doom panic mode thinking about everything that is wrong.
I feel like I want my finances to be private but I don’t want to keep secrets from my boyfriend. I would save $1000/month if I moved in with him. He would save $750. I’m ready for that commitment and he is too but I feel like I need to be transparent before we make such a big step.
Pls help pls advise. Crying in the tub rn 🛀
submitted by Prestigious_Bill_220 to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:01 MariaTheTranscriber Need support/venting

Damn, my job has just been heavy for like a month now. I’m a hospice social worker specifically in a dedicated hospice inpatient unit (owned by my hospice, we’re large and have multiple throughout our city). These units are for actively dying patients or for symptom mgmt and then the patient goes back to where they call “home” (aka I do a decent amount of placement/discharge planning).
Usually it’s a decent mix of the two but lately I am just getting slammed back to back with COMPLEX discharge planning patients. Communication barriers, lack of loved ones/lack of communication from caregivers, and of course all of them need nursing home Medicaid and placement. Luckily we have a Medicaid specialist so I don’t take the FULL brunt of that but basically these patients aren’t “appropriate” for the hospice inpatient unit in the eyes of Medicare/Medicaid so there’s a shit ton of pressure from all the higher ups to get them out. A lot of times they really haven’t been appropriate to come in to the unit to begin with.
However I have no control over admissions and I know these same higher ups are pushing admissions to “take everyone and we’ll deal with it later.” I’m just exhausted. I LOVE hospice work. People tend to be surprised when they hear that but really the death doesn’t bother me as much as these systems issues do. I’m one person up again the giant, fucked up US healthcare system. I became a social worker, not a babysitter or a cop. It’s not in my nature and it’s really not my role to FORCE people into compliance or to move faster through this process but many of the nurses think it is.
I also know I’m just shuffling my patients from our excellent care to these shitty nursing homes and it just sucks. It sucks so much and every day lately I’ve been going to work just knowing it’ll be one more case like this. My social work manager is supportive but at the same time her role is also to keep up the “push.” This has been long and rambling but I just feel so demoralized and disheartened lately.
submitted by MariaTheTranscriber to hospitalsocialwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:01 Fun_Move_6320 just another SAHW agreed to not legally marry

After dating for 5 years, my boyfriend ran into some pretty serious medical issues 2 years ago. I stopped working (2 years ago) to take care of him and the home, full time. We got married last year, except not legally, just ceremonially. The topic of legalizing marriage was a point of contention our entire relationship, sort of. Because had zero issues signing a prenup and even agreed to not legalize it until we started having kids. When we got married we agreed to get a prenup in place and legalize the marriage within the next few months. Well his medical issues did not let up, month after month went by and we were drowning in fear and distractions from what he was going through. Chronic pain, failed surgery, medical treatments. Not to mention his extremely taxing and stressful job. We pushed through and I kept catering to his every want and need. Being his nurse, therapist, personal chef for his health needs(cooking 3x a day), every domestic and emotional labor required to keep the home, and a peaceful place at that, for a primarily WFH-CEO and chronic medical patient. I even helped him close a business deal that made him millions of dollars.
I, of course, operated from a place of love and trust and fore-went setting up any financial safety nets fully expecting things to fall into place eventually. Well, to no one's surprise, things have fallen apart, (no warnings signs, but what can go wrong...) in part due to this mental state on the treatment drug he has been taking. He says I am responsible for his illness. I am heartbroken and have drawn the line. I have endured my fair share of mental maltreatment at the behest of his health issues. I.e. Medication he is taking is known to cause psychological side effects.
Here I am 7 years later, 2 year stale resume, $0 to my name, no joint bank accounts, no shared assets outside of home full of possessions, rental home, and a limitless credit card. While I fully expect some financial support to start my life over, there is no guarantee. I again will be operating on hope and trust that he will do the right thing.
What are my rights? if any. State is Massachusetts
submitted by Fun_Move_6320 to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:00 No_Temporary3103 I found out my boyfriend cheated on me with my sister

I (16y) found out my boyfriend (18y) was cheating on me with my younger sister (14y).
It all goes back to when I was in high school. My family is very strict around the subject we call “love”. My parents didn’t allow me to date, not until I graduated from high school.
However, being a teen, I was a bit of a rebel. After I met my now ex, I instantly fell in love with his charm and stupid grin.
I didn’t want my parents to know so I dated him in secret from my family of five, her older brother (who, surprisingly, got to date BEFORE graduation), herself, and her younger sister.
One day, when I went out with my boyfriend, he would start to act very weird. He would guilt trip me, saying I was hiding the truth from my parents and making up lies about where I was.
I was confused…
I told him that if my parents knew, we couldn’t date so why was he pressing me telling them? He gaslighted me, saying he cared more for his family than I did. It appeared he wanted to break up with me. Perhaps he did, being a cheap cheater.
Around mid April 4 years ago, my phone buzzed at around 5 pm, a text message from my boyfriend. He said he was going to be on a “long vacation” with his family in some far away place.
I asked him if I could see him before he left, but he immediately said I was always nagging him and how I was too desperate.
A week later, after we had barely spoken, I saw his location at my house. I was coming back from a summer slumber party, which I had told both my family and my boyfriend about. I thought it was super strange and I texted him.
A minute later, his location was turned off and he didn’t respond back.

As soon as I got home, I went straight to my sister's room because my parents were out of town and my brother was running errands with his now fiancée.
My sister quickly opened the door and asked what was wrong. I asked if so and so had been here at the house.
My sister, looking very guilty, said she had not seen him.
My sister didn’t know it was my boyfriend, only that we were good friends. He had visited their house before and talked with my younger sister. I tried calling back, but he didn’t answer.
I texted one of his best friends, but NO RESPONSE.
Past forward a couple weeks later when my ex made a ENORMOUS mistake.
I was looking for popcorn for our movie night as a family, when my sister's phone rang. Being nosy, I looked to find it was a familiar number. I answered it to find out it was my boyfriend's voice. I immediately hung up.
I opened her phone ( it was too easy), and saw ALL their messages. He had been sending her selfies of himself and, he was also sending photos of himself at OUR DATES! The typical cheater type, saying he misses her and he wants to see her while he was on his “family vacation”.
I was heartbroken… he was my first boyfriend and I really did love him. But, I have no time for cheaters and, especially, no time for someone who cheats on my sister.
I don’t blame her, because she didn’t know he was my boyfriend. We can all be naive so, after watching the beautiful movie Pride and Prejudice, I took my sister aside and told her everything. We were both upset, but we both agreed to get our revenge.
I am grateful we both share petty minds.
My boyfriend had a very expensive Nintendo Switch in his bedroom that he basically lived on. ( which I gave him for his birthday)
He would cancel plans just to play on that thing (no offense to the gaming community). As my sister had him at our house while I said I was hanging out with my friends, but really I was his house.
The funniest part of it all was he left his room's window open and his Nintendo Switch right out for my grubby hands to take back. Probably going to give it to a more mature child.
Then, I took all the keyboard keys from his computer and hid them in random places, lost like his love for me.
Then I unplugged all of his appliances, even his air conditioner because he could be hot without me.
Then lastly I messed up his diet plan on the refrigerator door, listing all the calories he was supposed to have every day. If he can cheat on me and my sister, he can cheat on his diet.
I have to say, I love being petty. He tried calling me, but I blocked him.
Simple as that.
My sister said she was very sorry, saying they didn’t do anything. Our relationship is stronger and we now understand each other better.
Thanks to my ex, I have had a better life and I have graduated and found a perfect college, with an added boyfriend. Joke is on you.
I noticed on his social media that he hasn’t left home and he is still searching for a victim, which all girls have noticed because some reliable source warns them. My sister is finishing high school and hoping to become a therapist. Cheaters are never successful.
submitted by No_Temporary3103 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:00 Olmecs-Temple Law school admissions counselors are telling me they are still accepting applications - but are they?

As the title says, I’ve reached out to several schools who said they are still accepting applications (some the deadlines have passed, some they have no) but from what I’m reading on here even February and March applications are considered late. Will I be seriously considered? Do I need to blow the median out of the water to be considered at these schools? Or is there usually space since most of the schools I’m applying to aren’t ranked very high.
Right now I’m applying to CUA’s part time day program and it’s the one I’m most interested in. My grad work was all on CUA campus, I like it there, love the library, I live nearby, and the fact that I can do part time during the day is what sold me. I’m also planning to apply for online programs at Dayton, case western, southwestern, northern Ohio, maybe CSU. I’ll probably apply for GULC’s evening program but i can’t imagine I’d be considered this late without anything amazing. I was going to send my application over before LSATs because evening program is test optional. The evening schedule would honestly be difficult since I have young kids but if I did get in might be worth trying to workout a new child care schedule with my ex to make things work.
I was planning on starting fall 2025, and the VA is footing the entire bill. I was just accepted into this program in (applied once in the fall, denied, then re-applied and accepted) and now that I’m in, I have to start within a year. If I don’t, I have to re-apply and risk not being accepted for the program / funding.
So I’m going to try and go to law school. If not they’ll pay for another degree- but law is really what I’m interested in.
3.7gpa undergrad majored in history and psych (this was over a decade ago) president of psychology honor society and ROTC scholarship. (This far out from graduation seems silly to also list things like fraternity, mission trips, volunteer work, etc when I have so much more recent life experience - but should those things be include?
3.8 gpa MTS degree (theology) 1.5 years PhD work in theology. Never started dissertation. Reading comprehension in Latin, Attic Greek, Spanish, Italian.
7 years total teaching experience (social studies, Latin, and theology), 5.5 years high school.
Certified strength coach, also ran my own training business on the side during Covid and after for a bit. Not sure if that helps on the resume but won’t look bad.
Should have one strong academic letter from PhD program which was over 5 years ago - he is going to write one this weekend - and already have a strong letter form my principal (which I wrote for him and he edited a bit). Waiting to hear back from a second professor but last class I took with him was fall 2018 and they just started their summer vacation I might not hear back from him in time).
Signed up for LSAT in June. I had to convince LSAC just to let me register late (successful in that at least). My verbal GRE after undergrad was 164 (score no longer valid), and that was before learning Greek and Latin. My reading comprehension has always been very strong. I’m good at looking for flaws in logic in arguments since had to do that enough in grad school (besides theology I studied both the ancient and modern philosophers). The logic games I just started learning today - I can do them slowly but think I’ll be able to get them down quick by using the strategies from 7sage.
I’m gonna write my personal statement this weekend, ordered transcripts yesterday so I should have everything besides LSAT scores ready when transcripts come in which is hopefully by June 1.
I see a lot of people talk about “softs.” I think mine are good. How I do on the lsat I’m sure will be a big determining factor. Going to do a diagnostic tomorrow.
I’m only looking at part time programs right now because I have a full minivan’s amount of young kids who need their dad in their life as much as possible because of some unfortunate life circumstances.
submitted by Olmecs-Temple to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:54 gremnol Has anyone had any success with reporting doctors to the CPSO? I just had a terrifying experience.

I recently had a doctor instruct my nursing team to stop providing me with medical aid during a (complex focal) seizure (effectively withholding medication) as he believed I was faking, and he told them to squirt saline solution in my eyes to prove it. He openly laughed at me before leaving the room. My nurses were in shock, and once I was able to communicate clearly again I had a total panic attack.
This was only 4 days after being discharged after a 2 week stay in the acute care unit, which began with 4 days in the ICU, during 2 of which I was intubated and comatose. I almost died after going into respiratory arrest during status epilepticus. I unfortunately made my way back later that week after another abnormal seizure, as per my previous doctor’s instructions.
I have well-documented epilepsy, but according to him I’m “known for faking” (I have never met this man before in my life, and now feel compelled to dig into my medical records to address wherever this claim is coming from). I was in absolute disbelief that someone would accuse me of faking not even 3 weeks after I almost lost my life, and would advocate for my nurses to ignore me. I had to practically relearn how to walk, talk and use my phone over the course of those first 4 days in the ICU and I am frankly traumatized.
I reported him to patient relations and his behaviour is going to be discussed with his supervisor (who, lucky for me, happens to be the man who oversaw my care in the ICU when I was comatose, so he is very in the know concerning my situation). They advised me to escalate it to the CPSO, however, as there isn’t much they can do as he is a part-time contractor, and he is more likely to receive real repercussions that way, in their opinion.
This isn’t the first time I’ve been treated this way, and I’m feeling defeated. I was just hoping to hear some success stories about reporting abusive doctors and getting some sort of results, as I feel there have never been consequences for the abuse I’ve dealt with over the years.
Thanks for reading.
Edit: I have reason to believe this doctor has previous complaints made against him based on information I found online.
submitted by gremnol to ontario [link] [comments]