
The Billionaire Brain Wave

2024.05.22 04:00 AutoModerator The Billionaire Brain Wave

The Billionaire Brain Wave
ABOUT THE PRODUCT: The Billionaire Brain Wave is based on the latest studies from the Columbia University Neuroscience labs.The key to unlocking creativity and learning is the Theta Wave.
(This is why billionaires like Elon Musk claim they get their best ideas in the shower.)Theta comes from the hippocampus.
A bigger, healthier hippocampus = more Theta.And that’s exactly what the Billionaire Brain Wave does for our customers! Just kick back, listen to the special audio 7 minutes a day and let the success start to pour in. Click Here Website
submitted by AutoModerator to Puravive_review [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:00 Sartre_Brave-Ex NV Xon Paths to Pity in the Age of Inflation

Hey everyone!
Like some of you, I've been eagerly anticipating the release of NV Xon. Will he be the broken unit we all want him to be? We'll find out once we get the datamine. I won't speculate on what little data we get from the news brief. What we can figure out is the pity cost based on the step-ups given and the number of pity tickets it takes to guarantee a single copy. I typically only bother doing pity math when it's a unit I intend to pull for, but with the extreme hike in pity cost here I'm honestly not going to commit unless Xon is deemed the unskippable breaker-to-end-all-breakers upon release.
Pity cost is 17 tickets. Here's the math on some possible paths to pity:
  1. 7 laps on generic step up for 14 pity tix + 3 steps on VC banner for remaining 3 tix = 75k lapis (the lowest possible cost and best deal at this cost)
  2. 8 laps on generic step up for 16 pity tix + 1 step on the VC banner for remaining 1 tick = 75k lapis (same cost as option 1, but worse value in terms of perks and pulls per lapis)
  3. 2 laps on VC banner but skip the last step on the second lap + 3.5 steps on generic = 81k (best bang for buck if you want the VC and pity)
  4. 1 lap on VC banner for the card and 5 tix + 6 laps on generic step up for remaining 12 tix = 82k lapis (inarguably the worst option)
  5. 2 laps on VC banner for 2 cards and 10 tix + 3.5 laps on generic step up for remiainin 7 tix = 87k lapis (only if you want 2 copies of the VC for some reason, but there is no good reason to do this option)
Imo there are really only 2 valid options. If you want the VC and pity you're spending 81k lapis. If you just want Xon guaranteed then you're spending 75k minimum.
Now as for the massive increase in cost, I just don't understand what Gumi is thinking here. Did they not learn their lesson from Wondrous Flash Lightning? Gumi did the right thing after the backlash for increase in pity cost back, as pretty much every banner after her the premium pity cost has been maintained at ~60k and as a pleasant surprise NV+ units have been set at 45k. But it seems Gumi has relapsed and increased the minimum pity to the equivalent of 3 months worth of free lapis. Now we still don't know Xon's kit, but I seriously cannot imagine it is worth this kind of inflation, especially considering how abyssmal our free lapis economy has been this year. *check out Leonal's earlier post if you haven't already: https://www.reddit.com/FFBraveExvius/comments/1cxadym/lapis_of_all_2024_until_now_and_xon_pity_complain/
It definitely feels like a move to capitalize on our hype for a fan favorite. Is this surprising? Nope. Does it still make me angry? Yep. Do note that Gumi releases Xon at the same time that we get a shareable Rank 1 VW worth 10k lapis, yet they're asking up to pay 15k *more* for this unit.
End rant.
submitted by Sartre_Brave-Ex to FFBraveExvius [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:58 ipkandskiIl More teams = more diversity lul (the 3rd brand was in 5th)

More teams = more diversity lul (the 3rd brand was in 5th) submitted by ipkandskiIl to LeagueArena [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:58 nippsftball11 3D Printer = many add-ons

3D Printer = many add-ons
Son got Brio helicopter with cargo trains. I decided he needed a heli-pad. Made grooves for wheels for positioning and notch so ramp sits flush with tracks. Few other 3D printed (tunnel and tracks) in the background
submitted by nippsftball11 to BRIO [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:57 bunni_op-10N Need help on an equation

How do I solve this?
The equation: x2 + y2 - 4x + 2y = b describes a circle
A) Determine the y-coordinate of the center of the circle
B) The radius of the circle is 7 units. What is the value of b in the equation?
submitted by bunni_op-10N to learnmath [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:56 Breedab1eB0y Does anyone else think it would be awesome to have Power Armors and special weapons with them?

Does anyone else think it would be awesome to have Power Armors and special weapons with them?
Here's my idea for how it works:
Material requirements are ×4 for both the armors and special weapons.
Armor does not restore in combat and comes with its own HP bar. Once down, the hunter pops out and fights as usual.
Armor is more proficient with original weapons.
Increases ammo capacity and ammo count for bows and bowguns. Draws and reloads them faster too. Can duel wield light bow guns (Reloading animation has hunter stuff one gun in armpit while loading the other) and as for wyvern heart and snipe, has 3 times ammo for the special moves.
Insect glaive includes gustcrabs strapped to the Armor so as to compensate for weight, allowing for the classic acrobatics that the weapon includes. Increases melee damage by 2x
Can dual wield long sword
Power armor has cool feature where the hunter can do that thing like the hulk in the avengers when big alien worm crashes into him instead oh knocking player on their butt.
Power armor comes packed with secondary traditional weapon, and can swap between them mid-battle.
Special weapons take up the opportunity to do so and do 3x the damage and can only be used with power armor.
Super bow gun (Light bowgun equivalent) is either 2-barreled or 3-barreled.
3 barrels = less elemental or decoration slots
2 barrels = more elemental or decoration slots.
Super bow gun has a special where it shoots mine ammo. Direct hit is typical explosion, but missing leads to the bullet getting stuck in ground or wall or ceiling and explodes, launching a projectile once a monster crosses it.
Bowcannon (Heavy bow gun equivalent) Same rule for the barrels.
Special attack is launching 2 cannonballs chained to each other and can strangle or trip the monster or tie up a wing. or shoot a piercing harpoon that can slow down the monster or keep it on a least and post depending on the monster or weapon. If a wall or ceiling is struck after going through the monster, then it is even more stuck where it is. Monster will break free. the stronger it is, the sooner.
Throwing dung bombs will stagger most monsters, if not make them flinch hard.
Barrel bombs can be thrown.
Special materials are required for making and repairing power armor. Players will occasionally have to do mining missions that take place underground where newer & smaller & weirder & cooler monsters are introduced. their average sizes are 40-35% smaller than surface level monsters.
and that's about all the ideas I have come up for this.
submitted by Breedab1eB0y to MonsterHunter [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:55 BGodInspired Adapt or Fade Away: Lessons in Spiritual Resilience from the Industrial Battlefield


Embrace Change and Thrive

Let me take you back to a moment we’ve all experienced: standing at a crossroads, faced with the challenge of adapting to new circumstances. It’s a feeling of both uncertainty and opportunity. This brings us to our focal point for today—the importance of evolving your strategic vision to stay relevant and successful, even when the road ahead changes unexpectedly.

The Littered Landscape of Yesterday

“The industrial landscape is already littered with remains of once successful companies that could not adapt their strategic vision to altered conditions of competition.” – Abernathy
Abernathy’s words serve as a powerful reminder of the dire consequences of inflexibility. The world of business, much like life, is ever-changing. Just as companies must pivot to survive, so must we be willing to adapt our own visions and goals.

Biblical Encouragement: Behold, I Am Doing a New Thing!

In Isaiah 43:19, God reassures us, “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
This verse encourages us to perceive the new opportunities God places before us. Embracing change is not just a corporate strategy but a divine call to faith and action. Recognizing this truth helps us trust that, even amid uncertainty, God is paving a way for our success.

The Power of Adaptation: Practical Steps

Here are some practical steps to help you adapt and thrive:

Self-Reflection: Questions to Ponder

Take a moment to reflect on these questions:
  1. In what areas of your life or business have you noticed the need for change?
  2. How has God guided you through significant transitions in the past?
  3. What new opportunities can you perceive in your current situation?

Conclusion: Your Call to Action

Your journey toward success relies on your ability to evolve and stay adaptable. Embrace change with faith and confidence, knowing that God is with you every step of the way.
We’d love to hear from you! Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below: How have you adapted to change in your life or business? What lessons have you learned?
Together, let’s inspire and uplift each other as we navigate our paths to success!
If you like this content, please connect with us at: https://BGodInspired.com
Or dig for more answers yourself with our BGodInspired Bible Tools! Be careful – each interaction is like a new treasure hunt… you can get lost for hours 🙂
Source =
submitted by BGodInspired to BGodInspired [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:55 yoityoit 4D Volume?

Okay, my one sentence question asking skills is horrible which is why I am avoiding quora and Google. I'm currently a bored engineering undergrad on summer break (no internships and you're allowed to boo me, pi = 3) that came across this bizarrely random question in my head.
If how much/total number of something is a 1d value, then area is a 2d value, and volume is 3d. The respective formulas would be l, l * w, and l * w * h. What would this fourth dimension value be called and what would be the name or measurement for this fourth value?
If you're confused about what I am asking call me a dipshit and I will try my best to explain further. It would also be nice to know the names and measurements for other higher dimension values.
submitted by yoityoit to puremathematics [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:54 Carpe3456 Very new to C, and confused why this code works

 #include  void my_strcat(char* dest, char* src) { while (*dest) { dest++; } while ((*dest++ = *src++)); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char s1[7] = "Hello "; char s2[7] = "World\n"; my_strcat(s1, s2); printf("%s", s1); // outputs Hello World printf("%llu\n", sizeof(s1)) // outputs 7 } 
So s1 is a 7 byte string, but somehow I'm able to concatenate another 7 bytes to the end of it and print it out? I would think this would cause a segfault since I'm writing to memory that s1 doesn't own. Also, I'm confused why the size of s1 is still 7 bytes even though printf shows me more than 7 bytes worth of data.
submitted by Carpe3456 to C_Programming [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:53 IncipitTragoedia0 An example of utilizing AI against "fan translation" biases

An example of utilizing AI against
Somewhat an old and boring topic, we know "fan translation" org like ShinraArch often plays some tricks like these:
(from https://x.com/Lenak_K/status/1787672375510651109 )
Afraiding of losing the big share of their "customers (i.e. those who waiting to be spoon-fed)" is normal, it's a bit unfair to simply call those "translators" clotis, just like any other profit-oriented, over-the-top reaction streamers, or commission p*rn artists.
Unlike decades ago, now we have LLM which can do more than Traditional Machine Translation. That RbU interview for example, it's from:
So we get:
add a fun element = fanservice
Ask AI about ZAX's role after providing the background knowledge about the creation history of ZAX:
ZAX is mirrored character of Cloud
AI summerised what the original 20 minutes proto-AC would be like:
Processing img taqe6x7nfu1d1...
submitted by IncipitTragoedia0 to cloudxaerith [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:53 waketurbulence14 Danielle = Bad energy

Danielle has bad energy around her. If I were one of the kids I’d never want to speak around her. Is she an alcoholic?
submitted by waketurbulence14 to outdaughtered [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:52 Strange_Annual How would life possibly evolve to adapt to the extreme conditions of the day and night sides of a tidally locked Earth?

I'm currently brainstorming on a post-apocalyptic Earth. I initially thought of a massive asteroid collision event that drastically slowed down Earth's rotation to be around 1 Earth day = 1 Earth year and basically simulating a tidally locked state, but with regards to the survivability of life, I may have to go back to the drawing board and be a little creative about it. Life has to essentially start over and for the remaining life to evolve and adapt to it. Now, biological understanding would indicate that it would be very difficult to achieve, if not completely impossible, but entertain for a while that life would somehow find its way and thrive even in the extreme conditions of both the perpetual daytime and nighttime side of the world, not just in the habitable twilight zone. How would life evolve to adapt to these conditions? What specific characteristics would they have to gain evolutionarily to adapt? And if humans were to survive and live on these sides, how would they evolve and adapt to it?
Although I understand that its feasibility in the evolutionary biology perspective is questionable, so creative ideas are highly appreciated as well.
submitted by Strange_Annual to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:51 streetsmartstocks Breaking News: FFIE Stock Rockets to New Heights!

🔥 Attention, fellow FFIE space travelers! 🔥
Are you ready for the ride of a lifetime? Buckle up, because Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (NASDAQ: FFIE) is about to launch its electric rocket straight to the moon and beyond! 🌙🚀
Why FFIE? Let me tell you why this stock is hotter than a SpaceX Falcon 9 booster during re-entry:
  1. 🚗 Revolutionizing Electric Mobility: FFIE isn't just another electric vehicle (EV) company. It's a visionary force, designing, developing, and manufacturing cutting-edge EVs that'll make Tesla's Cybertruck look like a Tonka toy. 🚙
  2. 🌐 Global Ecosystem: FFIE isn't content with Earthly roads alone. It's building an intelligent electric mobility ecosystem that spans continents. Mars rovers? Nah, FFIE's got Martian EVs covered! 🌍🔌
  3. 📈 Recent Surge: FFIE's stock price has been on a warp-speed trajectory. Just last week, it soared by 367.21% in a single trading day! 📈💥
  4. 🌟 Meme Stock Magic: Remember GameStop's meteoric rise? FFIE is the new star in the meme stock galaxy. Reddit traders are chanting "To the moon!" and "To Mars!" simultaneously. 🌟🚀
Upcoming Catalysts:
Disclaimer: I'm not a financial advisor, but I've got more rocket emojis than a SpaceX launch. Invest wisely, fellow stargazers! 🌠🚀🌕 I do own this stock.
submitted by streetsmartstocks to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:51 ResponsibilityAny358 Reddit = Orkut

Galera aqui >35 que usava Orkut,vocês sentem que o reddit lembra um pouco o Orkut lá no começo quando não tinha muito de ter informação pessoal,era mais algo focado em debater nos tópicos das comunidades?
submitted by ResponsibilityAny358 to brasil [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:48 TheMends [Spoilers] Proper way of killing a cereal killer. Power armor + buffs = 15 STR.

[Spoilers] Proper way of killing a cereal killer. Power armor + buffs = 15 STR. submitted by TheMends to fo4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:48 samosamancer DOW in Greenfield, Iowa

DOW in Greenfield, Iowa
90-99m/s = 201-221mph or 324-357kmph.
submitted by samosamancer to tornado [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:46 FS-Rob0341 [WTS] AR15 H1 Buffer Assembly, LWRC Stock, GGP G19 Threaded Barrel, TangoDown Gen 3/4 Ext slide stops, AR9 Buffer, BCM Charging Handle

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/1U0Daxl
AR15 Buffer Assembly - I believe the tube & spring are BCM. BAD H Buffer and brand new end plate - $48
LWRC Stock - Great condition aside from a small cut in the rubber pad on the side - $39
New Frontier Armory 8oz AR-9 Buffer - $25
BCM Charging Handle - Mod3B - $42
Grey Ghost Precision Glock 19 Match Grade Threaded Barrel for Gen 3/4 - less than 1k rounds of use - $85
(x3) TangoDown extended slide stop/release for Gen 3/4 - $15 each, or $40 for all 3
Add on only = LaRue FDE - $8
More photos in timestamp link
PayPal, Venmo, Cashapp - F&F ONLY with no notes
Comment before sending message
Dibs = listed price & must be paid within 45min or will void
submitted by FS-Rob0341 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:45 emmasgotnolife Free ancient in new update?

Free ancient in new update?
Didn’t have golden cheese (or white lily still 😭) before now and they just gave us a free one? Not complaining at all. Just need white lily now and I’ll have them all
submitted by emmasgotnolife to CookieRunKingdoms [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:45 Cyr13lGame Free REESE'S Big Cup with Potato Chips - Win REESE'S Big Cup with Potato Chips on Playbite

Free REESE'S Big Cup with Potato Chips - Win REESE'S Big Cup with Potato Chips on Playbite submitted by Cyr13lGame to PlaybiteCyr13lGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:44 BeenThinkinOf William Bowery = William Burroughs??

William Bowery has been playing on my mind for ages! Even before all the drama…
May be a stretch but Matty’s biggest influence especially when he was younger and at the start of his career was the controversial novelist William Burroughs. He was heavily influenced by his novel “Queer” which deals with heroin addiction and the character Allerton is a lot like Matty in many ways or at least influenced him heavily (he even has the name tattooed on his arm).
I just can’t imagine Joe Alwyn writing those songs on Folklore & Evermore. I’m sorry I just can’t. Especially with the way he ALWAYS evades the questions of the album writing process, plus he hasn’t written a single song since so it really begs the question… was it really him? I never want to be a conspiracy theorist but I have strongly held the belief that it was a nice financial parting gift from her for her infidelity (physical, emotional or otherwise), an apology, and a clever PR plot to save face all in one.
But knowing how similar those names sound has always played in my head as a covert nod to Matty (a message in a bottle, if you will). Especially because he was so vocal about wanting to produce her acoustic album and then she returns from pink pop Lover with the lead single ‘exile’ literally describing the hug/reconnection at the NME awards. Plus the direct line between Matty’s speech at the same award show and ‘cowboy like me’.
(Also she had not really participated at any UK award shows since 1989, but to show up at the NME’s not even the BRITS. Plus, hello, she missed the Grammys for it! She wanted to be in that room = Mastermind!)
To me it’s the most clever hidden in plain sight detail of this whole saga that I haven’t seen anyone else mention yet.
She’s a mastermind, you have to give her that lol.
submitted by BeenThinkinOf to taylorandmatty [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:42 GoodLuckGiraffe Growth = toss or yeast & keep?

Growth = toss or yeast & keep?
I left this starter at room temp for the last week covered with cheese cloth to try and get it more sour. I looked at it today and found this discoloration. It's it okay to use or should I toss it? It's in the hooch on top.
submitted by GoodLuckGiraffe to Sourdough [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:40 Mike-E-angelo 🚀 New Featured Market Product: Gray Scales Of Justice - ⚡2.75

🚀 New Featured Market Product: Gray Scales Of Justice - ⚡2.75
📢 Published 🚀 Gray Scales Of Justice by J Roc Johnson on the Featured Market, 1 license @ ⚡2.75
($2.75 -- ⚡1 = $1USD always)
submitted by Mike-E-angelo to StarbeamOne [link] [comments]
