Make ak47 full auto

Once in a blue moon...

2016.09.01 05:05 iSluff Once in a blue moon...

Once in a blue moon redditors almost transform into self aware creatures. Almost. Submit posts (from anywhere) where people unknowingly describe themselves. ("what did they say about someone else that really applied to them?") NB: Memes aren't people, they can't be Selfawarewolves.

2009.08.28 00:43 designfan Interior Design (Interior Architecture)

Interior Design is the art and science of understanding people's behavior to create functional spaces within a building. It is a multi-faceted profession in which creative and technical solutions are applied within a structure to achieve a built interior environment. These solutions are functional, enhance the quality of life and culture of the occupants and are aesthetically attractive. Please read the rules before posting :

2013.11.18 23:55 aphd GTA Glitches

A place to discuss and share GTA V glitches. Question posts and Cayo/ACT II/Bogdan or other heist posts are NOT allowed unless in relation to a patch. Posting either of these will result in a temporary ban. Further offenses may lead to a permanent ban. ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ Discord:

2024.05.21 13:10 nomeddlihc Eh, don’t care go live and make me laugh you fat nose fool

Eh, don’t care go live and make me laugh you fat nose fool submitted by nomeddlihc to BruceDropEmOff [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:09 DubVicious0 Licensing question

I'm a CAD designer at my full time job and I have access to solidworks outside of work on my work laptop. Can I use their license to jump on fiver and make some extra dough?
submitted by DubVicious0 to SolidWorks [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:09 Known-Rooster-5882 I’m in the same state all the time and don’t feel any emotions - is this dissociation? What meds will help?

I went through a very stressful and traumatic time last summer which made me develop insomnia and anxiety and I wasn’t able to sleep for 3 weeks. Ever since I’ve not experienced my feelings and emotions at all and I’m afraid this is due to dissociation. I also had extreme dizziness for about 8 weeks but this has now disappeared.
However, for the past 9 months I have not felt tired, hungry or full and I also no longer feel the effect of alcohol. I’m on the following anti depressants and anti psychotics: sertraline 200mg, lamotrigine 50mg, quetiapine 400mg and amilsulpride 50mg.
However I’m not sure if it’s helping at all because I just feel like I’m stuck in the same state all the time. It’s really the most horrible feeling and I feel like nothing can make me feel any different and I just feel so empty. I also have a loop of a song constantly stuck in my head 24/7. In addition, I experience social anxiety and feel I can no longer hold a conversation as I feel my mind is blank and I can only focus on how bad I am feeling all the time.
I wanted to hear if anyone else has experienced similar symptoms and what you did to address them? Would TMS work? At this point I’m desperate to try anything as I just want to feel better and I’m not sure how much longer I can go feeling like this.
submitted by Known-Rooster-5882 to MedicationQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:08 12yrsagradstudent Dilemma...

My original surgery date is Thursday, however my OBGYN called yesterday and let me know that the robot may not be operational by then. He's moving practices and will not be able to schedule me until mid July.
Problem is, I'm moving the end of July for my PhD program which means all packing and lifting will fall to my husband. Also, being a month PO and begining my program feels like a daunting start.
If I delay and try to find a practitioner in my new state, I'm afraid they'll make me jump through hoops to verify a hysterectomy is medically necessary or try and gaslight me like my first OBGYN did into thinking my symptoms of 14 day, golfball clot periods and severe anemia were normal.
As everyone's healing journey is different, what I would love to get is input based on personal situations. Would you still get the surgery in July knowing that two life altering events were happening within a 2-4 week period based on your recovery trajectory, or would you wait another summer for a full rest? My OBGYN is leaving it up to me based on my recovery from a D&C fibroid removal he did last year where I was up and at it the next day. I'm 33 and relatively healthy, and seem to bounce back quickly from surgery.
submitted by 12yrsagradstudent to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:08 LumpyCurrent8754 Income tax “debt”

Income tax “debt”
I recently got an alert from IRD saying I have some “debt” I need to pay. My first thought was odd since for the 2023-2024 FY I have just been working as a casual employee since I have gone back to Uni. After looking through my Income summary, it turns out this debt is from 2022-2023. At this point I realised exactly what was going on.
In 2022 I was employed fulltime by a company, but towards the end of the year they stopped paying their employees including me. However, the company kept “filing” salaries (as in the IRD records that we were getting paid even though we weren’t, and I can see it in my income tax records, too). I left at the end of that year but they kept “filing” my salary until Feb 2023 (I don’t know why).
When income taxes were assessed last year, IRD said I owed them money. I disputed this and explained the situation. They simply said the debt will remain in my account and I will have to go to the Employment Relations Authority. Now, the company I worked in has been put into liquidation. In fact, it was IRD that filed for its liquidation. I pointed this out to IRD last year (when the liquidation process was just beginning) but it led to nothing. The debt remained.
What are my options here? I’m a poor student who doesn’t have an extra $400. It stings twice because I would be paying tax on income I did not receive in the first place.
submitted by LumpyCurrent8754 to PersonalFinanceNZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:07 Revolutionary_Elk812 [PROMO] Rando'Knights: An offline figurine gacha

[PROMO] Rando'Knights: An offline figurine gacha
Hello everyone!
Rando'knights is a figurine collection game. You get money, buy figurines, expose your teasures, get more money. You can then upgrade/modify your figurines to create unique sets, worth even more! It's all about RNG and Collection so I think some of you may enjoy it!
I talked about it in this subreddit last year and got a lot of feedback and suggestions, so thank you very much! Because of that, I made a lot of changes and here is a summary:
  • A new tutorial system to help players discover the game little by little
  • New offline and idle features to collect figurines while doing something else
  • Removed Advertisement! Now game can be played for free with 95% of content unlocked, a premium purchase to unlock everything, and more in-app purchases to buy tokens (pay to fast, not recommended for standard game experience)
  • New game mechanic to get more and more tokens, daily
  • New late game feature: figurine can have reverse parts (Color change), can you make a full reverse figurine?
  • New figurine sets and pets, to collect even more!
  • New filter system, to create and save custom filter settings and use them in different scenes
  • And lot of quality of life and bug fixes!
For those who want to see some ingame footage, here is a trailer of the game:
Trailer of the game
Finally, the download links:
Google Play
App Store
I hope you'll enjoy the game and don't hesitate to give some feedback !
submitted by Revolutionary_Elk812 to gachagaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:07 Revolutionary_Elk812 [PROMO] Rando'Knights: An offline figurine gacha

[PROMO] Rando'Knights: An offline figurine gacha
Hello everyone!
Rando'knights is a figurine collection game. You get money, buy figurines, expose your teasures, get more money. You can then upgrade/modify your figurines to create unique sets, worth even more! It's all about RNG and Collection so I think some of you may enjoy it!
I talked about it in this subreddit last year and got a lot of feedback and suggestions, so thank you very much! Because of that, I made a lot of changes and here is a summary:
  • A new tutorial system to help players discover the game little by little
  • New offline and idle features to collect figurines while doing something else
  • Removed Advertisement! Now game can be played for free with 95% of content unlocked, a premium purchase to unlock everything, and more in-app purchases to buy tokens (pay to fast, not recommended for standard game experience)
  • New game mechanic to get more and more tokens, daily
  • New late game feature: figurine can have reverse parts (Color change), can you make a full reverse figurine?
  • New figurine sets and pets, to collect even more!
  • New filter system, to create and save custom filter settings and use them in different scenes
  • And lot of quality of life and bug fixes!
For those who want to see some ingame footage, here is a trailer of the game:
Trailer of the game
Finally, the download links:
Google Play
App Store
I hope you'll enjoy the game and don't hesitate to give some feedback !
submitted by Revolutionary_Elk812 to gachagaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:07 IntelligentLaw2284 Gameboy Enhanced Firmware v0.5 for M5Stack Cardputer More than twice the FPS and Custom Controls, 12 Colour and Super Game Boy modes.

Gameboy Enhanced Firmware v0.5 for M5Stack Cardputer More than twice the FPS and Custom Controls, 12 Colour and Super Game Boy modes.
I've been eager to reach this point; when I can say that I have met my original goals when I started working with this firmware approx 2 weeks ago. Customizable controls, savegames, no memory limitations save for the cost in performance. A slew of other features I couldn't help but implement along the way too. v0.5 is now live on m5burner.
I've spent the time avoiding the user interface work I finally did yesterday, instead optimizing the rendering and memory subsystem to get more than twice the performance of my last announced release(v0.48). Super Mario Land 2 and Donkey Kong Land show more than a 100% improvement in frame rates (17fps -> 53fps in the overworld for super mario land 2)
The next steps planned:
Save States
Some more options; custom palette, performance related things
debug w/ Pokemon, figure out why it restarts the firmware
about information screen crediting Matteo Forlani for concept implementation; any one else who ends up contributing.
And in the would be nice category:
Wifi link-cable; I doubt it would get much use but the hooks for it all appear to be present in peanut_gb.
Custom borders (I wont sacrifice ram for this, but I could stream it from the sdcard, it is not redrawn during normal gameplay)
Any other ideas? If there are any pixel artist out there, there is room in the ROM for a cardputer themed border and I'm more than willing to entertain submissions in that area as well, with full credit of course going to the author(s).
Changelog since I started:
* added bottom menu bar with instructions to the main rom selection menu, pres ESC or ' key (same thing) to enter the settings menu either from the main menu or while playing a game
* added options menu, can be entered from the menu or from within a game; displays the 8 main controls with their current setting, saves settings when closed
* added restore defaults for config menu
* settings are saved to gbconfig.dat; delete this if you are having any issues
* Reimplemented memory subsystem to use progressive partial page seeking/pruning; the original memory management code was the first I had typed in 14 years; after some thought I devised something much more suitable for a real time environment. This resulted in the average page seek time being much lower, and distributes maintenance of the paging system across successive calls. The results are the largest improvement to speed to date. Over double the frame rates from before; less stutter, smoother page transitions in memory. Donkey Kong Land averages around 45fps now; Super Mario land 2 gets an average 53fps on the overworld.
* Reduced rendering workload 6.25% by modifying peanut_gb to inherently skip lines that aren't visible due to scaling.
This prevents the engine from having to process the layer and sprite data for these lines all together. Why 6.25%? because 9 lines are skipped which is 6.25% of the lines that were rendered previously.
* Refactored graphics code; ~120,000 less operations a frame
* Scrolling behaviour and screen content differences no longer effect rendering performance Titles such as final fantasy or even super mario land 2 show a huge improvement in overworld movement speed.
17.05.2024: v0.483 Pushing this now as a BUG FIX RELEASE
* Fixed bug in main menu causing selection to only move upward; you can now navigate properly again.
* added FPS display while Fn button is held, causes slow down which is subtracted from the FPS display. This is so I can evaluate performance improvements more than anything else, but it doesn't hurt to have so I'm leaving it in.
* new borders are on hold while I make decisions about the internal format (leaning towards argb1555,presently 565)
16.05.2024: v0.482
* Added Analogue Pocket 12color palette category with 44 palettes
* Automatic 12color(AP) palettes mapped as per Analogue Pocket suggested mappings for:
Mario 1/2/Wario Land/Balloon Kid/F1 Race/Tetris
* added Cottage Daytime SGB border
* Fixed 12colours not being assigned until palette select bug
* regularly mapped controller up/down/a now functions in addition to arrow/enter keys in main menu to allow a single hand posture for the entire interface if desired.
15.05.2024: v0.481
* proper gameboy startup sequence, may help compatibility with some games.
* Message boxes now will display any emulation errors reported by peanut_gb
* Attempts to access ROM address outside of the available cartridge ROM will display an appropriate message
14.05.2024 v0.48 Added 12 colour mode, with the 12 palettes the game boy colour could apply to old game boy games as the first of this mode, but more to come in this area.
*Super gameboy support added for screen borders with gameboy skin set as default, followed by 1 (for now) of the official borders from the hardware itself. Activate by holding Fn and pressing '[' and cycle borders by holding Fn and pressing ']'. Because these are the same keys used for other visual modifications, I hope using the combination of Fn and these keys is intuitive.
* Super gameboy palette support added for balloon kid, the legend of zelda links awakening and kirbys pinball land
* Various other small tweaks you probably wont notice.
12.06.2025 V0.47 Added first iteration of Super Gameboy Mode with all 32 official palettes that were included with the original hardware. Nintendo included a table on the device to map certain games to certain palettes, and that functionality is partially implemented. Mario 1/2/Wario Land, F1 Racer and Tetris all autodetect and assign their colour scheme. This mode can be toggled on and off at any time during play with the '[' button, and the current cycle palette button will cycle through the 32 included palettes. Games with defined profiles with start with that palette selected automatically when Super Gameboy Mode is engaged for the first time each session.
*Lots of user interface changes; message boxes will appear to describe your palette selections, among other things - no console style debug remains in normal operation.
*Another 4k of memory allocated to ROM storage, may smooth out some edge cases of stuttering.
*Improved readability in the main menu; and made highlighted selection more apparent.
*Added smooth transitions to splash screen.
*Disabled unused (for the moment) configuration file
11,05.2024:: 0.44 squished a bug, added palette control, press ']' to cycle between presets.
b/w, gameboy(original), gameboy pocket and gameboy light (in that order).
Huge performance improvements for larger ROMs with over 110k more ram available to the memory sub-system. Palette values are from for accuracy.
10.05.2024:: 0.41 added savegame support. if a game uses it's onboard ram constantly though, use the manual backup button (=). The save feature will only automatically engage after the cartridge ram has been left untouched for a second.
08.05.2024: v0.4 forked from gb_cardputer, added memory management subsystem (paging) to manage random access to roms of any size the filesystem supports.
Yellow bars on either side of the display momentarily indicate that the cartridge ram has been backed up. The savegame format will not be changing, its a simple binary dump.
Have fun!
submitted by IntelligentLaw2284 to M5Stack [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:06 Sorry-Wait-7549 Scammed

Hello; About a month ago I was travelling and when I stopped to wait for multiple hours in one of the airports, a really stressed and almost seemingly sincere came and asked me for money for gas; he said his card broke and if I could send it to his friend that she would directly pay in the gas station( pretty stupid premiss I know but I was sleep deprived and pretty hungry no other excuse). So he gave me a phone number with a name and said he will give it back in a couple days; obviously and as I thought he didn't. I thought about looking her up since I have her full name;comes to my surprise they are in a local newspaper from where the airport was at, because theyve been doing this for a while, they always ask for minor quantities so its harder to legally come for them( i just gave him 15 bucks).
Now to my question; I've been feeling like I want petty revenge, just a scare, since they have been doing it to people indiscriminately up and down; I've given people before money when they said it was for drugs or drinks(not much but I have), him coming and making a whole story and being at the verge of crying sounds so manipulative that as I said I would enjoy some little revenge act; I don't know what could I do or what do u guys think, so I come to ask; u think this is so bad or am I just being a pain in the ass?? U think some psychological uncomfortability is fair??
Thanks have a nice day✌🏼
submitted by Sorry-Wait-7549 to MaliciousCompliance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:05 PathSuperb2803 Left Side/Inverted Cases

Hi, i have the pc on my left side, and obviously the glass panel is watching the wall🥲 So, i’m making a new pc, and i absoluty want a frameless continuous glass case (idk how its called) The problem it’s always the same, the glass panel will end facing the wall. I’m searching some inverted case but they’re normal full tower cases with no frontal glass (like the Sharkoon Rev200 or the Segotep T1) I don't know if such houses exist, but in any case thanks for the help
submitted by PathSuperb2803 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:05 mredmo From "Inside 2024 NHL Draft star Cayden Lindstrom’s emergence — and the status of his health" (The Athletic)

From submitted by mredmo to Habs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:04 OkDiscipline1942 Bookkeeping Companies in Dubai, UAE bookkeeping services in Dubai bookkeeping firms in Dubai

Efficient Bookkeeping Services: Streamlining Your Financial Management with

In the realm of business, the meticulous management of financial records is not merely a mundane task; it is the backbone upon which successful enterprises thrive. In the dynamic landscape of Dubai's bustling economy, where businesses flourish and evolve at a rapid pace, the significance of robust bookkeeping services cannot be overstated. This is where steps in, offering unparalleled expertise in accounting and bookkeeping services tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses in the UAE.

Precision in Practice:

At, precision is not just a virtue; it's a standard that defines our approach to bookkeeping. With a team of seasoned professionals adept at navigating the intricacies of financial documentation, we ensure that every transaction, expense, and revenue stream is accurately and meticulously organized. By maintaining pristine records, we empower businesses to make informed decisions, identify areas for growth, and optimize their financial performance with confidence.

Tailored Solutions for Every Need:

Recognizing that each business is unique, offers bespoke bookkeeping solutions designed to align seamlessly with the specific requirements of our clients. Whether you're a startup seeking to establish a solid financial foundation or a well-established corporation aiming to streamline your accounting processes, our customizable services cater to businesses of all sizes and industries. From basic bookkeeping tasks to comprehensive financial analysis, we adapt our approach to suit your objectives, ensuring maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

Embracing Technology for Efficiency:

In an era defined by technological innovation, leverages cutting-edge tools and software to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of our bookkeeping services. By harnessing the power of automation, cloud-based platforms, and integrated accounting systems, we streamline mundane tasks, minimize errors, and provide real-time access to financial data. This not only saves time and resources but also enables businesses to stay agile and responsive in an ever-evolving market landscape.

Compliance and Confidentiality:

In the realm of finance, adherence to regulatory standards and data confidentiality are non-negotiable principles. At, we uphold the highest standards of compliance, ensuring that our bookkeeping practices align with the latest regulations and guidelines set forth by relevant authorities. Moreover, we prioritize data security and confidentiality, implementing robust measures to safeguard sensitive information and instilling trust and peace of mind in our clients.

Unrivaled Support and Expertise:

Beyond mere bookkeeping, serves as a trusted partner and advisor to businesses seeking to navigate the complexities of financial management. Our team of experienced professionals brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table, offering insights, guidance, and strategic recommendations to help our clients achieve their financial goals and unlock their full potential for growth and success.

In conclusion, at, we understand that effective bookkeeping is more than just a routine task—it's a cornerstone of financial stability and business success. With our unwavering commitment to precision, customization, technological innovation, compliance, and expert support, we empower businesses across the UAE to take control of their finances, make informed decisions, and thrive in today's competitive landscape. Discover the difference that can make for your business and embark on a journey towards financial excellence today.

submitted by OkDiscipline1942 to u/OkDiscipline1942 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:04 danieljones002 Why SaaS Application Development is a Smart Investment: 7 Key Benefits

Investing in SaaS (Software as a Service) application development can provide numerous benefits for businesses looking to stay competitive and efficient. Here are seven compelling reasons to consider this investment:
  1. Cost-Effective: SaaS solutions eliminate the need for expensive hardware and reduce maintenance costs. By paying a subscription fee, businesses can access powerful software without significant upfront investments.
  2. Scalability: SaaS applications are designed to grow with your business. Whether you’re expanding your team or customer base, SaaS can easily accommodate increased demand without the need for substantial changes or upgrades.
  3. Accessibility: With SaaS, your team can access the software from anywhere with an internet connection. This flexibility supports remote work and ensures that your business operations are not limited by location.
  4. Automatic Updates: SaaS providers handle updates and maintenance, ensuring that you always have access to the latest features and security enhancements. This reduces the burden on your IT team and minimizes downtime.
  5. Enhanced Collaboration: SaaS applications often include collaborative features that enable real-time editing and sharing. This fosters better teamwork and communication, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.
6.Security: SaaS providers invest heavily in security measures to protect user data. With features like encryption, regular backups, and multi-factor authentication, you can be confident that your data is secure.
  1. Integration: SaaS applications can easily integrate with other software solutions, creating a seamless workflow across different platforms. This interoperability helps streamline business processes and improves overall efficiency.
Read full article:
By investing in SaaS application development, businesses can enjoy these advantages and more. The cost savings, scalability, and flexibility offered by SaaS make it a smart choice for companies looking to enhance their operations and stay ahead in the market.
submitted by danieljones002 to u/danieljones002 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:04 New_Entrepreneur5471 Is the bonus show kind of a scam?

I'll start by saying the bonus show is not why i became a member. However, i was definitely expecting another full hour of TDPS each day when i became a member, and was pretty disappointed to find its only about 20~ mins.
I could be wrong, but i feel like its pretty standard to make the 'members only shows' around the same length as the free ones? I think thats what the MR do. Not saying David needs to start making them an hour long (although that would be nice lol), I'm just saying i think it would make sense for people to have that expectation, and David should make that clear when plugging the membership.
submitted by New_Entrepreneur5471 to thedavidpakmanshow [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:03 blickywiththestiffy 32-Team Dynasty Startup!
The Ultimate Dynasty
32-Team RB, WR, W/T, W/T, W/T, Q/W/T DL, LB, DB, IDP Flex, IDP Flex, IDP Flex 16 Bench 8 IR 4 Taxi
Snake draft, 3RR, Random 3x Time will be given prior to the start of draft for trades 2hr clock, auto pause 10p - 10a Draft begins when paid and full Required to pay for 2024, 2025 and 2026 seasons upfront
$25/yr - $800 pot Payouts allocated to top 8 finishes
1st $350 2nd $200 3rd $100 4th $50 5th $25 6th $25 7th $25 8th $25
submitted by blickywiththestiffy to SleeperApp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:03 Taste_Blends_2023 Plant-Based Perfection: Vegan Options at South Indian Lunch Buffets

For those who embrace a plant-based lifestyle, dining out can sometimes be a challenge. However, South Indian cuisine, with its rich array of naturally vegan-friendly dishes, offers a delightful solution. In Edmonton, the best Indian restaurants provide authentic South Indian lunch buffets that cater splendidly to vegan diners, offering a feast of flavors that are both satisfying and healthful.

The Vegan-Friendly Nature of South Indian Cuisine

South Indian cuisine is inherently plant-based, utilizing a plethora of vegetables, legumes, and grains, along with an exquisite array of spices and herbs. This culinary tradition lends itself perfectly to vegan diets, making South Indian lunch buffets a paradise for those seeking delicious vegan options. Let's explore some of the vegan delights you can expect at these buffets in Edmonton.
1. Starters to Awaken Your Palate
Kick off your meal with an assortment of vegan appetizers that are both crispy and flavorful. Medu Vada, deep-fried lentil doughnuts, are a popular choice, crispy on the outside and soft inside. Bhaji, vegetable fritters coated in chickpea flour batter, offer a crunchy, savory start. These starters are often served with coconut chutney and tomato chutney, both of which are vegan and packed with flavor.
2. Soups: Sambar and Rasam
Sambar and rasam are quintessential South Indian soups that are vegan by default. Sambar is a lentil-based stew with vegetables and tamarind, providing a tangy, hearty flavor. Rasam, a thinner, spicier soup made with tamarind juice, tomatoes, and a unique blend of spices, offers a refreshing, palate-cleansing experience.
3. Main Courses: Rice and Beyond
South Indian lunch buffets feature a variety of rice-based dishes that are vegan-friendly. Lemon Rice, a tangy rice dish seasoned with turmeric, lemon juice, and mustard seeds, is a refreshing option. Tamarind Rice, infused with the rich flavor of tamarind and a mix of spices, and Coconut Rice, with its delicate coconut aroma, are other delightful choices. Additionally, Pongal, a savory blend of rice and lentils with black pepper and cumin, is a must-try.
4. Curries and Sides: Flavorful and Nutritious
A plethora of vegetable curries and sides await vegan diners. Avial, a mixed vegetable curry cooked with coconut and seasoned with curry leaves, is both creamy and flavorful. Kootu, a stew made from vegetables and lentils, and Poriyal, a dry vegetable stir-fry with mustard seeds and grated coconut, are staples that highlight the best of South Indian vegan cuisine. These dishes are not only nutritious but also bursting with authentic flavors.
5. Dosas and Idlis: Vegan Classics
Dosas and idlis, two iconic South Indian dishes, are typically vegan. Dosas are thin, crispy crepes made from fermented rice and lentil batter, while idlis are steamed rice cakes. Both are usually served with sambar and a variety of chutneys, making for a satisfying and wholesome meal.
6. Desserts: Sweet Vegan Treats
Even South Indian desserts offer vegan-friendly options. Payasam, a sweet dish made from rice, coconut milk, and jaggery, is a delightful way to end your meal. Another option is Coconut Barfi, a rich sweet treat made with grated coconut and sugar, often garnished with cardamom.

Best Indian Restaurant Edmonton: Vegan Dining Destinations

For those seeking the best Indian restaurant in Edmonton to indulge in these vegan delights, several top-rated establishments stand out. Savoy’s South Indian Kitchen, Namaste India, and South India Delight are known for their authentic South Indian cuisine and extensive lunch buffets. These restaurants are dedicated to offering a variety of vegan options, ensuring that plant-based diners can enjoy a full, satisfying meal.


South Indian lunch buffets in Edmonton provide a perfect dining experience for vegan enthusiasts. With a wide range of naturally vegan dishes, from hearty soups and flavorful rice dishes to delicious curries and sweet treats, these buffets showcase the rich culinary traditions of South India. Whether you are a lifelong vegan or simply looking to explore plant-based options, the best Indian restaurants in Edmonton offer an authentic South Indian cuisine experience that is sure to delight your senses and satisfy your appetite.
submitted by Taste_Blends_2023 to u/Taste_Blends_2023 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:03 quality_mute_ The Risks of Overpaying a developer

The risks of overpaying for a developer are something every startup owner should be wary of. I once paid a developer who barely fulfilled the expected result. I was new to hiring and didn’t research the average cost of getting a full-time developer. This cost a financial constraint for my company and as the recruiter, I was heavily blamed. I know better now and here are a few things I can share from my experiences:
Have you experienced any of these risks firsthand?
How did you navigate them?
submitted by quality_mute_ to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:01 Tasty-Start5509 What are the best digital agencies in Sydney, Australia?

Determining the "best" digital agency in Sydney depends on your specific needs and budget. Here are some highly-rated agencies to consider:
How can AIADSpace fit in?
If you're researching Sydney agencies, consider AIADSpace as well. Here's how to make an informed decision:
Remember: Before choosing an agency, clearly define your marketing goals and budget. This will help you narrow down your options and find the agency that's the best fit for your business
submitted by Tasty-Start5509 to u/Tasty-Start5509 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:00 Tony_Tanna78 Sony Super Walkman with rechargeable NiCad batteries (1986)

Sony Super Walkman with rechargeable NiCad batteries (1986) submitted by Tony_Tanna78 to vintageads [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:59 Equivalent-Hall7668 I'm suffering from loneliness and isolation for way too long...

The first time I made a real close friendship was in middle 7th grade they were 2 best friends we were talking all day and night even studying together but suddenly after we finished 8th grade they started ignoring me maybe because of my anger issues and rudeness when I was talking about the abuse in my house they thought I'm way too crazy so they dumped me now I'm now in first year of since 9th grade I haven't find any friends in school or online idk why but whenever I talk to someone they're really weird or narcissistic psychopaths I live in a third world corrupted country and I think it's normal for society in this type of countries to be ignorant and immoral but it's crippling I really don't know what to do I reached my peak since the last 2 months I can't get no more than 5 hours of sleep I smoke a lot of cigarettes and some days I don't even sleep at all, I tried to make my brain just forget about all the suffering and problems but YouTube and movies are always talking about brain rotting politics or violence and crime, I always seek socializing but no one likes me and it's too late already it ate up all of my brain I was a smart and fast thinker in middle school I learned English with my friends in middle school in 2 years to the point where we can listen to English songs and understand the lyrics without translation or turning the subtitles on but since they left me I can't learn anything I can't study I can't work I can't sleep it's my fault that I just tried to look for people like them I should have looked for people who are more like me but it's too late and I have just realized lately. 2 full months of insomnia and I really can't figure out who am I or what do I want or what are my interests even if right now if someone just texted me and told I'm like you or I just had a perfect friend I don't know what to say to them it's like I'm socially and mentally dead from the dry and cruel life I'm suffering from insomnia and my family doesn't care they speak loudly, shout and slam doors when I try to catch some sleep (btw I'm so sorry if I can't write correctly I can't focus at all) now the real point is that I'm asking you what is this feeling is my brain damaged or am I just dead does it have a name is it a mental disorder or is it what 5 years of no talking with people do to you when you're still growing up
submitted by Equivalent-Hall7668 to loneliness [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:58 General-Cup3837 How the hell do you date as an introvert? Is online dating even for me?

I'm a guy in my 30s and pretty introverted. I have zero relationship experience in the sense I have never had a girlfriend in my 30 years. I don't have the best social skills but have been working on self improvement. Things have improved but I'm not a social butterfly. I'm not a very good texter in the sense making the texting exchange as entertaining as possible that will result in a date.
I'm told I'm average looking, 6 feet. Not super muscular yet, but I'm working out and exercising for 2 months now. I've been on dating apps for a couple of months, but haven't had a single match yet. Dating apps are pretty much destroying my confidence. I have kind of geeky hobbies, I'm introverted so I don't go to clubs,bars etc.
I'm beginning to wonder, is dating even for me? Dating apps feel like it's a rigged game. I thought it can't be that bad,but from the stories I've heard I'm starting to think they are right.
How the hell do you even date as an introvert that doesn't go to bar, clubs etc? I see people saying all the time just join a book club or something. I've had friends that did that but mostly people are already taken. I only have limited time as I work full time where I also have hobbies like riding my motor cycle, working out, running, gaming, watching movies etc.
submitted by General-Cup3837 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:57 signsalive258 Get Wrapped Up in Success: A Comprehensive Guide to Vinyl Car Wraps

Get Wrapped Up in Success: A Comprehensive Guide to Vinyl Car Wraps
In today's fast-paced world, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to stand out from the crowd. Enter vinyl car wraps – a dynamic marketing tool that transforms your vehicle into a mobile billboard, reaching a vast audience wherever you go.
This comprehensive guide delves into the world of vinyl car wraps, exploring their benefits, types, materials, design considerations, and the installation process. By the end, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to decide if a vinyl car wrap is the perfect marketing solution for your brand.

Unveiling the Power of Vinyl Car Wraps

Vinyl car wraps offer a multitude of advantages for businesses:
  • Brand Awareness: A captivating car wrap emblazoned with your logo and brand message becomes a rolling advertisement, generating brand recognition wherever it travels.
  • Cost-Effective Marketing: Compared to traditional advertising methods, vinyl car wraps offer a long-lasting and cost-effective way to promote your business.
  • Targeted Reach: Your wrapped vehicle reaches a broad audience, particularly in areas with high traffic. Potential customers who might not have seen your storefront are exposed to your brand.
  • Versatility: Vinyl car wraps can be completely customized to match your brand identity, incorporating vibrant colors, high-resolution graphics, and even your contact information.
  • Vehicle Protection: High-quality vinyl acts as a shield, protecting your car's paint from scratches, fading, and minor road debris.
These benefits make vinyl car wraps a compelling option for businesses of all sizes, from established companies to energetic startups.

A Spectrum of Options: Exploring Different Types of Vinyl Car Wraps

Not all vinyl car wraps are created equal. Here's a breakdown of some popular choices:
  • Full Car Wraps: This comprehensive option covers the entire vehicle, transforming it into a complete branded canvas. It's ideal for maximum brand visibility.
  • Partial Car Wraps: For a more subtle approach, consider partial wraps that cover specific sections like the hood, doors, or trunk. This allows for targeted messaging and cost savings.
  • Spot Wraps: Perfect for highlighting logos, slogans, or contact information, spot wraps target smaller areas like bumpers, windows, or mirrors.
Beyond these, consider options like clear wraps for a subtle protective layer or color-change wraps for a complete aesthetic makeover.

Demystifying Materials: Choosing the Right Vinyl for Your Wrap

The quality and durability of your vinyl car wrap depend on the chosen material. Here are some common options:
  • Monomeric Vinyl: This budget-friendly option is ideal for short-term wraps or vehicles with minimal exposure to the elements.
  • Polymeric Vinyl: Offering superior durability and flexibility compared to monomeric vinyl, polymeric vinyl is perfect for long-term wraps and vehicles exposed to harsh weather conditions.
  • Cast Vinyl: The top-tier choice for high-performance wraps, cast vinyl offers exceptional conformability, making it ideal for wrapping complex curves and contours of a vehicle.
Consult with a professional vinyl wrap installer to determine the best material for your specific needs and budget.

Unveiling the Design Canvas: Crafting a Compelling Wrap

A well-designed vinyl car wrap is key to maximizing its impact. Here are some design considerations:
  • Brand Alignment: Ensure the design seamlessly integrates with your existing brand identity, including colors, fonts, and logos.
  • Clarity of Message: Keep your message concise and easy to read from a distance. Potential customers should be able to understand your brand and offering within seconds.
  • Visual Appeal: High-quality graphics and compelling visuals attract attention and make your wrap stand out from the crowd.
  • Call to Action: Include a clear call to action, such as your website address or phone number, to encourage potential customers to engage with your brand.
Consider working with a professional car wrap designer to create a visually stunning and impactful wrap that aligns perfectly with your brand. To know more about you can visit on this link.

Installation Expertise: The Final Touch

Once the design is finalized, it's time for professional installation. Here's what to expect:
  • Surface Preparation: The vehicle's surface will be thoroughly cleaned and prepped to ensure a flawless application of the vinyl.
  • Vinyl Application: Trained professionals will meticulously apply the vinyl wrap, ensuring a smooth and seamless finish with no bubbles or wrinkles.
  • Post-Installation Care: You'll receive instructions on proper care and maintenance to maximize the lifespan and visual appeal of your vinyl car wrap.
Professional installation is crucial to ensure a high-quality, long-lasting wrap that reflects your brand positively.


If you're looking for a dynamic marketing solution that gets your brand noticed and remembered, a vinyl car wrap is definitely worth considering. With its reach, affordability, and customization potential, a wrapped vehicle can become a powerful extension of your brand, driving brand awareness and customer engagement wherever you travel.
submitted by signsalive258 to u/signsalive258 [link] [comments]