Esl shopping lesson

ESL Teachers

2013.07.19 08:46 Whales_Vagina23 ESL Teachers

A subreddit for teachers of ESL working in their home countries/English speaking countries. Working in an English speaking country with non-native speakers is a whole different experience than working and teaching abroad. The goal here is for discussion of that experience along with lesson ideas and exchange. Also welcomed are the occasional rants and raves, material sharing, and discussions.

2024.05.21 18:50 DogeLuck Fully in depth report of 5 days without power in Texas Heat

At the time of this post 145 thousand people are still without power going on almost 6 days without power. Tornado wiped out our power grid in select areas throughout Texas. Here's some things I learned and a situation report of my experience living with a very large family of mixed ages.
Context: We had been getting hit with some pretty gnarly weather however business as usual in Texas. I didn't think much of it usually when our grids down they're pretty quick to respond minus the snow storm years back. So when I heard there was a storm brewing I didn't even flinch I always keep some very very basics, battery's, lights, water, 2 weeks minimum of non perishable foods, self defense protection, and ammo, etc. But I hardly consider myself a prepper anymore, but I know some people don't even have that.
I use to be really on top of my preps overtime, however my stockpile had dwindled, as did my thirst for knowledge and hands on experience/training. I just honestly wasn't on top of my game anymore, and quit taking this as serious years ago. This tornado really brought me back to reality, so this post is mostly for entry level preppers looking at some practical advice from a 5 day experience, I fully regret the fact I quit taking this serious years ago.
First Day: Around 6pm, emergency alert on phone stating tornado in your area, seek shelter immediately. Thought ok let's shelter in the master bedroom closet. Wind rocked the house pretty good, could hear limbs from tree's falling, within about 10 minutes the power shuts off, and glancing outside within a hour the streets flooded. The storm had died down, as did the flooding, and it was time to asses the damage in the immediate area. Got in the car, power had blown out pretty much every store/house within a several mile zone. Found one square zone with a few places that had power, got some fast food but waited about 30 minutes because everyone went there.
What I wish I had on day one/ and general notes:
Rain boots: The streets had not only flooded but was blocked by limbs in the roadway. Luckily our flooding wasn't too severe but had it been I wish I did have rainboots so normal shoes didn't get soaked, or some type of beach sandals, etc.
Chainsaw, electric saw, axes, regular saw: Would of come in handy if the limbs in our area blocking the road were any bigger.
Higher up vehicles: Some vehicles couldn't make it through the flood due to being so low to the ground, so take into account your vehicles.
More variety of quality flashlights: Electric Lanterns came in clutch, but wish I had more handhelds, head mounted, and higher end lanterns.
Battery Inventory checks: Wish I had not only more batteries cause you really do burn through these quick, but wish I had checked all my lights battery condition, and stored new batteries in waterproof containers.
Alternative sources to battery's: Not a huge fan of candles due to fire risk, but some not scented beeswax or soy based candles would of came in handy to help ration battery supply. Maybe glass lanterns as well for safety and ease of transport. Glowsticks would of been great option too.
Car chargers: Believe it or not some of us didn't have car chargers for our cell phones cause we mostly charge our phones at home, although we were able to share, wish we had this on day one for all our phones.
Fully charged portable battery bank, or portable phone chargers: If we had this we wouldn't of been out in our cars late at night charging stuff putting us at more risk for being possible victims to crime.
Quality of cell phone, and cellphone provider: Have a POS phone but keep putting off upgrading it? Don't. Luckily mine was good but some of our cellphone providers carriers had better signal then others, some of are phones were in bad shape and it was noted we wish we didn't put off upgrading it sooner. You can't predict how well your provider will do but maybe do your research, unsure how this works but now I can do my research and learn from it. I had 0 issues with boost mobile but other family members weren't so lucky.
Cash: This is obvious but due to us moving towards a cashless society its pretty uncommon, but this would of came in handy due to how many places didn't have power. You can do so much with cash.
Battery powered or rechargeable camping fans: I did have one of these, it even had a light but wish I had more.
Larger ice chest: Now we had a few, but they were smaller. We lost everything in our fridge/freezer besides canned drinks, I mean everything. We had just bought grocery's too, lesson learned.
OTC sleeping medication: We had melatonin, and Tylenol pm, but it was so quiet you could hear a mouse sneeze a block over, until the generators turned on. First two are OK options but given its only going to be cool at night, and we knew tomorrow would be hot, we took kratom to sleep. Check your area some states it's illegal, not recommending it but it's what we used. I wish I had stockpiled more kratom, I took it when I got the flu on top of C word to relieve body aches and found out it really helped me sleep and ease pain/stress. Usually cycle this 3 days on max, one day off to prevent habit forming.
This is really for day two + but ill post this here cause I noticed it on day one:
Backup supply of my personal vices or quitting personal vices: I know this may sound stupid but I am fully addicted to caffeine, and nicotine. I picked my poison and know what I signed up for. Caffeine really? yeah really not sure if you know this but for some people caffeine withdrawal can make you really suffer, and I mean really suffer check out decaf. I was in the process of lowering my caff intake to 1 cup of tea a day, and quit soda. Was one month off soda before the storm came in, but had to relapse due to us not carrying high caff tea on supply.
But yeah stock up on your vices so you aren't going through withdrawals during an emergency. Was on 3mg per ml of nicotine and had to dish out 30$ for a disposable vape thats 50mg per ml at a gas station on day two to prevent withdrawals. So I was on way higher dose of nic then usual due to only being able to purchase what I could find, for reference 50mg per ml if you use that in 10 days thats about a pack of ciggs worth of nic per day. So yeah either quit your vice or stock up, I don't advocate hard drugs at all so this isn't for that but this is mainly aimed at coffee/caff use, etc. Instant coffee packs may be great for some people.
Battery powered radio: Can't stress enough how mentally taxing silence can be long term. We had one, but the battery port crapped out. Lesson learned, test your preps.
Backup food for your pet friends: Luckily I was pretty good on pet food but imagine if I wasn't, and this was more severe.
Water situation: Had a decent amount of drinking water, we had running water. If we didn't I would say I wish I had filled up the giant jugs I bought for flushing the toilet/doing dishes or running through a berkey water filter if we ran out of drinking water. I had bought 5 gallon blue jugs specifically for this years back. However I cleaned them out, and didn't refill, Lesson learned.
2nd Day: We were able to cook some stuff on a gas stove, luckily. People at gas stations were stocking up on ice, filling their gas cans up for their generators, and shelves were getting empty at stores with power only on some things though wasn't too bad cause the power outage was scattered some had power, others didn't. Mostly a waiting game at this point, most of the preps I wish I had on this day were the same as day one, but ill toss in some stuff I wish I had. Obtained a portable battery powered radio, the morale boost was real for everyone, even the dogs.
What I wish I had on day two/ and general notes:
BBQ style lighters to light gas stove: We had two but recently tossed em out due to being empty. Realized I had no bics, and only had one box of matches, feels bad man.
Entertainment: Board games like checkers, board games for kids, chess, basic poker set, etc. These would of been awesome and a great way to keep the kids entertained and the adults, the boredom was real. We hit local goodwill's that had power to look for radios, and cheap prep supplies and games, but no luck.
Third day: By then reality set in for most people, neighbors who could afford to do so booked hotels or bugged out to places with power. The generators really started up by day three, everyone was buying gas for them and you could hear them in almost every direction. Pretty sure some people had it from the start but noticed them more by day three. A lot of people were sitting outside the front of their homes trying to escape the heat. Ice from most places were completely sold out, so you had to really shop around to find any.
Finding news about the power outage day 1-3 was kind of hit and miss, KHOU news updates were pretty short and it took us some time to know how severe the storms damage actually was, cause we were focused on trying to get stuff done around the house and conserving battery. I believe at one point CenterPoint's actual website went down. Mostly resulted to local news channels, and nextdoor app. We couldn't watch live news and had to rely on when KHOU posted youtube videos.
Private security company's hired guards and they started patrolling certain stores that could afford the security, obviously to deter looters. Traffic everywhere was insane in every which direction during peak hours more then usual, PD presence was pretty high, more then usual.
What I wish I had on day three/ and general notes:
Generator: Pretty obvious why, had no experience with them but wish I did, and wish I bought one pre-blackout when I was more into prepping and took time to learn about them and how to use and maintain them properly.
Ham radio: Or something to pick up on local freqs to monitor radio comms for information regarding the storm and local activity if any. I think this may of been better then waiting on local news to post videos.
Day Four: Buddy had power so he dropped off his generator and gave me quick instructions on how to run it, how far away to place them, etc. By day four the temps really ramped up, and this thing definitely kept us cool. When you think of bartering you think of some post apocalypse stuff, but no. In reality you can barter during any emergency, buddy dropped it off free of charge but was able to offer some booze as a thank you. So even if you don't drink stock up on booze/ciggs to barter, never know what you might trade it for. Times are tough in this economy and I honestly didn't have much money to spare, family had to pool our funds together to get last minute preps to survive this, cause we didn't know how long this would really last. In certain areas they said it could be weeks. However the alcohol was a small thank you that I could afford and he was happy so all worked out.
Gas cans were sold out, and extension cord supply's were looking extremely low at local hardware store. From what I overheard they also completely sold out of generators. Honestly wish I knew more about electrical stuff but my buddy gave me a small crash course in wiring everything. You can't just plug it in and pray for the best. Bought the best gauge extensions cords I could afford for our needs, and the distance and hooked it up.
We ran one bedroom AC unit, fans for the dogs, wired a light, and a charging station. Also don't cheap out on gas cans it's not worth blowing your face off or starting a fire, or having it leak. If you get a generator do your research on how to properly run it, and safely fill it. Crime in this area can be fairly high we've had a few drive by shootings and other not so good police involved things. Read this book along time ago about post collapse security, so I blacked out our windows so when we turned lights on no one knew we had power. You may hear the generator, but from the street we look like we don't have anything going for us. My biggest fear was looters from people who were less fortunate or really down bad. We near a common site for homeless people as well so they foot traffic the area.
Generators are very loud, between that and listening to the radio 12 hours a day, I was beginning to audio hallucinate lyrics that weren't there with the radio off, and suffered from heat exhaustion. That and the fact we had homeless in our area and tweekers who might loot I was running off adrenaline a bit. 24 hours almost that night without sleep, and didn't even feel tired. Slept near my firearm until my family woke up at daylight and when daylight hit I knew we were in the clear and I passed out.
What I wish I had on day fou and general notes:
Knowledge of generators.
Knowledge about electricity/wiring them safely.
Security: Some type of physical alarm bell to put on the door like metal door knob alarm bells so it jingles if anyone enters to alert the dogs, had to keep the door slightly cracked so the wires hooked up to the generator would fit. So we couldn't lock the door, which is probably where my anxiety of tweekers coming in came from.
Day Five: Same shit different day, power came on that evening.
Conclusion: Just cause it doesn't look like societal collapse or WW3 prep your shit for emergency's native to your area or go beyond, idc but prep. They ain't coming to help for awhile, or at all if it's very it's up to you and your community to pull through. This was a wake up call, thanks for coming to my prep talk.
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2024.05.21 17:53 Flat_Raspberry_6255 We live rent free in our neighbors head

About six months ago I shared my sweet revenge story enacted by me and my husband (BF at the time). Long story short, our neighbors majorly sucked. Invented their own rules for street parking in a public area despite being one of the few houses with a driveway — a driveway which comfortably fit all of their vehicles but they never used.
All was fine and dandy until we asked if they would mind sharing one spot that was directly in front of our home, a spot they claimed as there’s and would play musical cars with like an elaborate dance routine. They agreed and then bought a beater Jeep to live there pretending as if someone else had claimed the spot. Our retaliation was a series of pranks starting with mailing them an anonymous package of dung as the “shittiest gift for the shittiest neighbors”. It ended with our glorious takeover of said spot for a few months.
As life goes, we moved on to a larger city and now live more than four hours away. We’ve had to go back a few times for various things and a quick drive by showed that they are back to their old ways harassing the neighbors with their entitlement. To each their own I guess. We figured they’d have learned their lesson but ya know, not our problem anymore.
Well last weekend we had to go back to our old city and were out running errands. Mind you this city has nearly a quarter million people living there. We pulled out from a small shopping plaza and not one minute later do we see their mini pull up directly behind us. My husband saw them through the rear view and shouted “OMG! Look who it is!” It took me a second to realize what happened but lo and behold, of ALL the people to pull up behind our car at the stop light in this relatively large city, was them. Dearest J&J, our old shitty neighbors. And we were nowhere close to our old house.
We’ve been long gone for nearly three months and they still recognized us. They pulled up super close to get a closer look. I could see them lean forward over the steering wheel, squint, and snarl. It was them. They followed behind at a far distance until reaching their destination.
They may still be shitty entitled people, but it gave me a huge chuckle to see that we still live rent free in their heads. They’ll always think (and they’d be right) we sent them that first package of manure but truly they’ll never know. And that really brings me the pettiest of joy.
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2024.05.21 17:08 SnuffiABubbleMaster Should I get a flugelhorn?

So I just got a trumpet not too long ago and I absolutely love it! I love the way the valves work I love holding it and handling it I even love having it just resting in my lap while I talk to people and I’m getting pretty good already knowing all fingering from middle g to low f# by heart in just 2 lessons but there’s 2 simple issues
1 it absolutely sucks! The trumpet itself I mean, for beginners it’s good I guess but it’s a 150 dollar amalgamation I bought off of Amazon and it’s just kinda doesn’t work as well as my other friends trumpets do
So why not just buy a better one? I just don’t really like the sound of it?? I mean I love it of course but I usually play slow ballade jazz pieces and the “heroic” sound of a trumpet just doesn’t fit there
So why am I thinking about buying one so early? I just found a listing for a pretty high quality one for extremely cheap (500$) and I would’ve maybe bought another one but ones from a shop where I live cost like 2000 dollars and up and I don’t have that kind of money
So what do you think?
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2024.05.21 16:04 Acceptable-Mountain ESL Theatre?

Hello, I teach in the US at a school with a large ESL population (many different languages, the main ones are Spanish, Arabic, Swahili, and French). I am the theatre teacher here, and get a wide variety of English speakers in my classes since they're open to everyone (and rightly so). I teach acting, improv, theatre tech, and theatre history and while we do well with mime and physical improv (and simple word association games) I'm having trouble differentiating other lessons in such a way that they're accessible without reducing the content. I'm discouraged from using Google Translate/offering materials in my students' native languages (would be really hard to do considering all of the different Arabic dialects, not to mention kids who aren't literate in their first language, or speak a combination of languages they learned growing up in refugee camps). So yeah, what would you do?
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2024.05.21 14:41 MaynIdeaPodcast #134: Sergio Hernandez - Street Tested Jiu Jitsu, Technique, Originality, and the Value of Apprenticeship

#134: Sergio Hernandez - Street Tested Jiu Jitsu, Technique, Originality, and the Value of Apprenticeship
I sat down with Sergio Hernandez, a jiu jitsu black belt under famed competitor Baret Yoshida, and owner of Pop's Tattoo Shop in City Heights, San Diego.
If you enjoy what I'm doing here every week, please consider leaving a 5-star review on Spotify or Apple, and if you prefer video, subscribe to the YouTube.
Chapters and links are below. To use the hyperlink, just hover over the time stamp or the phrase "Spotify", "YouTube", or "Apple Podcast". I only mention this because the new formatting occasionally hides the links.
(0:00) Intro (2:40) Value of Apprenticeship and Humility (11:26) What is Original? Is Originality Possible? (16:00) Sergio's Lessons from Apprenticeship (21:13) Growing Up Jehovah's Witness (28:12) Turning Down Tattoo Requests (30:29) How Jiu Jitsu Changes People (39:00) Why Blue Belts Quit (45:05) Mindset and Preparation for High-Level Matches (51:57) Real-Life Jiu Jitsu: How Sergio Used BJJ to Stop a Home Intruder (01:06:00) American Graffiti
Apple Podcasts
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2024.05.21 13:37 ExpensiveOrange443 How to Get Business to Show Up in Google Search FAST!

When I first started my journey into digital marketing, one of the biggest challenges I faced was figuring out how to get my business to show up in Google search results. The online landscape felt like an enormous, tangled jungle where my website seemed to be lost among the undergrowth. However, with determination and a few strategic moves, I managed to clear a path and make my business visible on Google.
Getting your business to show up in Google search isn't just about luck—it's about strategy, consistency, and understanding how Google works. The first crucial step is to claim and optimize your Google My Business (GMB) listing. This might seem basic, but it’s the cornerstone of local SEO. Think of GMB as your digital storefront; it’s the first impression many potential customers will have of your business. Ensure your business name, address, and phone number are accurate and up to date. Add high-quality photos, respond to reviews, and regularly update your business information.
I remember when I first updated my GMB listing. It was like flipping a switch—suddenly, my business started to show up more frequently in local searches. This small but significant step can make a huge difference, answering the question of how do you get your business to show up on Google search.
Next, let’s talk about your website. Your site needs to be optimized not only for search engines but also for the user experience. When people ask how to get my business to appear on Google, I tell them to start with their website’s content. Use relevant keywords naturally within your content. Don’t just stuff them in; they need to flow organically. For example, if you run a coffee shop, your blog posts might include phrases like “best coffee in [your city]” or “how to brew the perfect cup of coffee.” These keywords help Google understand what your site is about.
I once worked with a small bakery that struggled to get their website to show up on Google. We revamped their content, focusing on long-tail keywords and providing valuable, engaging information about baking techniques, recipes, and local sourcing. Slowly but surely, they began to climb the search rankings. Their persistence paid off, demonstrating that getting your business to appear on Google search business is not an overnight task but a gradual climb.
Another key aspect is backlinks. When other reputable websites link to your content, it signals to Google that your site is trustworthy and relevant. Think of it like this: if your website is a ship, backlinks are the wind in your sails. They push you forward in the vast ocean of the internet. Reach out to industry blogs, local news sites, or other businesses for guest posting opportunities or collaborations. These backlinks will boost your SEO significantly.
In the early days of my career, I focused on building relationships with local influencers and bloggers. Their mentions and links back to my site provided a significant boost, helping to answer that burning question of how do I get my business to show up in a Google search.
Furthermore, technical SEO cannot be ignored. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, as Google now uses mobile-first indexing. This means that the mobile version of your site is considered the primary version. Speed is also crucial; a slow website can hurt your rankings. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to test and improve your site’s load time.
I recall a time when a slow-loading website almost cost me a major client. After optimizing the images and cleaning up the code, the site’s speed improved drastically. It was a clear lesson in the importance of technical SEO for getting your website to show up on Google.
Lastly, always keep your audience engaged. Regularly update your website with fresh content. This could be blog posts, news about your business, or customer testimonials. Fresh content not only keeps your audience engaged but also tells Google that your site is active and relevant.
In summary, getting your business to show up in Google search involves a mix of claiming your Google My Business listing, optimizing your website content, building backlinks, focusing on technical SEO, and consistently updating your site. By taking these steps, you can ensure that when people search for your services, your business appears prominently in the results. This journey requires effort and patience, but the rewards—more visibility, more traffic, and ultimately, more customers—are well worth it.
So, if you’re wondering how to get your business to show up on Google, start with these foundational steps and watch your visibility grow.
Take Action Now: Want to see your business at the top of Google search? Find out how to get business to show up in Google search like a pro. Click here!
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2024.05.21 12:48 Hotpot-creations Short story - Fantasy: The Alchemist's Apprentice

Short story - Fantasy: The Alchemist's Apprentice
Image by
The Alchemist's Apprentice Story and image by Hotpot AI
The old alchemist's shop was shrouded in mystery, its windows covered in thick layers of dust and cobwebs. The townspeople whispered about the strange concoctions and eerie experiments that took place within its walls. But for young apprentice alchemist, Alex, it was a place of wonder and fascination.
Ever since he was a child, Alex had been drawn to the art of alchemy. He was captivated by the idea of turning ordinary substances into something extraordinary. And when he was accepted as an apprentice by the reclusive alchemist, Master Marcus, he couldn't believe his luck.
But little did Alex know, his journey into the world of alchemy was about to take a dark and dangerous turn.
One day, while rummaging through the dusty shelves of the shop, Alex stumbled upon an ancient book. Its pages were yellowed and tattered, but the words were still legible. As he flipped through the pages, his eyes widened in amazement. The book contained a formula that could transmute emotions into physical substances.
Excited by his discovery, Alex showed the book to Master Marcus. The old alchemist's eyes gleamed with excitement as he read the formula. He explained to Alex that this was a forbidden practice, as it delved into the realm of manipulating human emotions. But Alex was determined to try it, and Master Marcus reluctantly agreed to help him.
They gathered the necessary ingredients and set to work. As they mixed and heated the substances, a strange energy filled the room. And when they finally poured the concoction into a vial, it glowed with a vibrant blue light.
Master Marcus warned Alex of the dangers of their creation, but the young apprentice was too eager to see the results. He took a small sip of the liquid and immediately felt a surge of happiness and joy. Master Marcus, on the other hand, felt a deep sense of sadness and regret.
As they continued to experiment with the formula, they discovered that they could control the intensity and duration of the emotions. They created potions that could induce love, anger, fear, and even jealousy. And with each successful creation, their fame and fortune grew.
But as their potions became more popular, Alex began to question the ethical implications of their actions. He saw firsthand how their creations were affecting people's lives, sometimes for the worse. And as their wealth and power increased, so did their guilt and inner turmoil.
One day, a young woman came to their shop, desperate for a potion that could make her forget a painful memory. Alex hesitated, knowing the consequences of tampering with someone's emotions. But Master Marcus saw an opportunity for profit and convinced Alex to make the potion.
As the woman drank the potion and her memories faded away, Alex couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt. He realized that their creations were not only unethical but also dangerous. And when the woman returned the next day, begging for another potion to erase her entire past, Alex knew they had gone too far.
He confronted Master Marcus, but the old alchemist was too consumed by greed and power to listen. He saw their creations as a means to an end, a way to achieve immortality. And he was willing to do whatever it takes to keep their secret safe.
But Alex couldn't live with the guilt any longer. He destroyed the ancient book and all their potions, vowing to never practice alchemy again. Master Marcus, enraged by Alex's betrayal, tried to stop him but was ultimately consumed by his own creations.
As Alex walked away from the burning shop, he couldn't help but wonder about the true nature of alchemy. Was it really about turning ordinary substances into something extraordinary, or was it a dangerous game of manipulating human emotions?
Years went by, and Alex lived a simple life, far away from the world of alchemy. But every now and then, he would come across someone who had been affected by their potions. And as he saw the pain and suffering in their eyes, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret and sadness.
The mystery of the old alchemist's shop was never solved. Some say it was cursed, while others believe it was simply the result of playing with forces beyond human control. But for Alex, it was a lesson learned the hard way—that some secrets are better left untouched, and some mysteries are better left unsolved.
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2024.05.21 12:34 jaygetslost Experienced Teacher, Weighing Best Options for Teaching License Upgrade

Hi there! TLDR, Canadian with a four year non-teaching BA and around 7 years teaching experience in Asia. I've scoured Reddit for answers and advice, and I'm still very much at odds with the best way forward.
The goal is to improve my employment opportunities and be more competitive going forward in the international school sphere as quickly as possible. I don't plan on teaching in Canada, the US, or the UK at any point. While satisfying various visa requirements is good (and necessary), I would also like to upgrade my eligibility for "higher quality" schools in Asia and elsewhere. I am presently employed at an international curriculum (IGCSE) school in China doing grade 9-10 ESL. Please note I plan on doing an MA next year regardless of the teaching license question, likely in something like "International Adult Education" or some such.
I see two main options. One, doing a full iQTS with PGCE program from September this year. This route gets me a legitimate, well-regarded teaching license and a ton of instructional content for becoming a better teacher. The downside: several universities do not offer the iQTS with the PGCE from September (ie, only the iQTS), and the ones that do seem to require placements at two separate schools and/or across multiple grades (ie, grade 10 and grade 6). In short, it's possibly the most effective option, but it could be very difficult to actually fulfill the requirements of the program. AOR could be an option, but I fear it would be a huge amount of work to retrofit my past lessons plans etc into the AORs portfolio requirements.
Two, a US license with American Board, MTEL, or (unlikely) Moreland. Yes, Moreland seems like the most tried and true route on this, but American Board is a fraction of the time and cost (ie, all of 2-3 months of $1500 USD) and even MTEL seems like it could satisfy most teaching license hiring/visa requirements. Taking this path, I would knock out an American Board and then probably start an MA much sooner. The hesitation here is that an American Board or MTEL would not in fact be adequate for visa requirements, upgrading, etc.
Lastly, you might be wondering why I don't do a Canadian BEd. TLDR, doing one on the ground just isn't feasible at the moment, unless anyone has heard of a fully remote option that's opened up.
So, do you think it's a better route to do a PGCE with iQTS (or even the iQTS alone), do a quick American Board or MTEL, or just do a regular Moreland? Thanks a ton in advance for any feedback!

submitted by jaygetslost to Internationalteachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:31 throwoutbadfriends Aita for ending my friendship of 6 years when my best friend abandoned me while I am dealing with cancer?

So, in May 2023, my friend (Em f23) and I (f28) had a conversation that started off friendly. Just chit-chat and funny anecdotes from the day. She brought up a situation with her coworker she enjoyed. It involved tourettes and one of her coworkers' specific tics.
I made a comment that I genuinely didn't think much of at the time. It was just some trivia I knew of and thought was interesting. Specifically that people with tourettes can 'catch' or involuntarily copy tics from other people with tourettes. It's something I learned from watching content made by people with tourettes. She made a comment like, "Maybe it's not like that, in this specific situation with my coworker."
Here's where I should have realised she was not interested in my trivia. What I definitely didn't realise was that it in fact made her mad, but I kept pushing anyways because I felt I was correct, that the coworker had picked up the tic from a well know streamer because it was literally identical. Em then stopped answering, after a couple hours of silence I asked her if she was actually mad about what I said and she responded with "Its fucking fine." Cue her not talking to me at all for 3 days. On the third day, she said we needed to have a sit-down conversation about boundaries because she "is having big feelings." her words, not mine.
I was so confused about what would have triggered her wanting to talk about boundaries when the conversation we had was a mild disagreement at worst. I would understand if I said something offensive, but I literally just said a fact and my opinion on her coworker, I didn't try to force her to agree, and there's proof of the streamer with that specific tic so it wasn't like I was lying to be able to one up her or something? I don't know, this whole part of the situation is incredibly confusing to me because she never talked about why that conversation triggered her to give me the silent treatment in the first place or how it led her to wanting to talk about boundaries. In the end, the boundaries she talked about much much later had nothing to do with this conversation even though it seemed to be what caused her to want boundaries. Idk, I'm still very confused about what actually caused her to want to have the discussion after the three days of silence and a minor disagreement.
At this point, still May 2023, I was in severe pain, but I did not know it was cancer yet. I was barely making it through each day with how much I was in pain. The tumor is in my leg, growing out of the top portion of my tibia in a way that has made the tibial platue hollow, or essentially a whisper thin shell of bone filled with slime, sorry but that's the best way to describe it. At any moment, my surgeon told me this later, I could have broken that thin bone and had a collapsed knee joint. I say this so you you know when I talk about pain here, I'm talking excruciating levels of pain.
So walking specifically and everything else was extremely painful, and that was taking a lot of energy and brain space. I told her I was in a ton of pain. I was exhausted and barely scraping by just to keep working while waiting for my doctors visits to hopefully figure out what was wrong. I said I would try to find a day to have "the talk," but things just kept getting worse. By the end of July I had seen four different doctors, three of which thought I was just trying to get drugs, the last one was an orthopedic doctor and she took two minutes of looking at an xray and another minute of looking at my leg to say I most likely had a tumor.
The official on paper diagnosis came in September because of the waiting time to meet with the surgeon, but we knew it was a tumor in August. I was put on essentially bed rest from august to the day I had surgery September 27th. I told Em about the tumor the day I got the MRI results which I had in mid August to prepare for the appointment with the surgeon. Her response was extremely upsetting to me.
Em: "That's a lot to deal with. The possibility of having a malignant tumor is scary and can make you really question life. When you're put into a situation like that, it forces you to look back on your life and reevaluate. You find out what you really want out of life and what you waisted too much time dealing with. That's really tough. I'm sorry I made you feel like you couldn't talk to me about your pain. Being more supportive of each other was something I wanted to talk about. Hopefully, you have a sweet and easy recovery."
That response hurt, it felt like she was saying I had a lot to regret in life and like I didn't have much time left to live to fix my regrets. But I thanked her for the empathy she tried to give and moved on. After that she never checked in on me, never asked how I was or what the plan of treatment was. My surgery was scheduled for the end of Spetember, the day after her birthday. I wished her a happy birthday. Then I let her know after the surgery that everything went well and that I was going to be in the hopsital for a few days. I was loopy on strong pain meds so i also told her that my nurse drew me a cute doodle on my white board, she said ".That's great! Hopefully you heal fast so you can go on a date with her. 😉" which was totally out of the blue. I havent dated anyone in the time Ive know or been friends with Em. Im asexual, and an extreme introvert, dating is not really my thing and she knows this. So that comment was very weird to me. After that she never even texted to check in on me or tried to visit me in the 5 days I stayed in the hospital after the surgery. Keep in mind, we are supposedly best friends.
I almost considered our friendship over by then, but I reached out to her when I was pretty much back on my feet to see what was going on and asked her what the conversation about boundaries was about. I apologized for being too chicken shit to ask about it earlier because I don't do well emotionally with getting criticism even when it's valid and I know I need to hear it. On top of that I was (and still am) dealing with fucking cancer. Not an excuse, it is an explanation though. So I apologized.
Her responses here, copy and pasted from our messages:
"First off I want so say that it's very respectable that you are willing to admit what you did wrong. Thank you for the apology.
Secondly, I don't know if the the conversation is still worth having. I'd be lying if I said I was devastated that we dropped off and didn't communicate for months. To be brutally honest, my life has drastically improved in our time apart. I'm so much more effective and positive. I'm very proud of how far I've come.
That's not to say I believed that you were the soul cause of all of my misfortune. In fact one of the boundaries I wanted to set was actual planned dates instead of spontaneous ones. Because I realized that I was using you like a form of procrastination. I couldn't do the things I needed to do because I chose to hang out with you instead. With my main distraction gone I've been able to thoroughly work through my shit, mental and physical.
When we last hung out I remembered feeling dark and heavy afterwards because it was nothing special. It was just a normal outing for us. I remember feeling angry that what we should have talked about wasn't addressed. Annoyed that it seemed like nothing had changed and that I had not changed. And scared that opening up communication could lead to me falling back into the pit again.
I don't know if we should have the original talk because so much has changed for both of us. We both equally walked over our own thresholds of hell. What I had to say months ago, I believe was true then, but I don't think it will be true now. I think it's quite possible for us to start anew and correct and develop as we go. But I think it would be just as easy to admit our friendship was a great experience. We were there when we needed each other. But it might be time to go our separate ways.
I will say, if we collectively choose to merge back together. I WON'T let it be the same. I don't want you to tell me every tiny dark secret. But I do want you to tell me that you want to stop at game stop and ask me to take you somewhere. Without fear of gas. I want you to tell me if it pisses you off that I take you to only crystal shops or that I talk about spiritually. Because I want to improve. I have no intention of continuing a relationship that doesn't inspire growth or bring me positivity."
So she stopped talking to me, because she had no self-control. She abandoned me during the worst medical crisis of my fucking life, because she doesn't know how to manage her time or her motivation. She punished me, for her problems. To be very specific the spontaneous hanging out was nearly 100% on her. I would ask to hang out rarely, because I never had the chance to because she would be asking to see me multiple times a week.
I'm not a social person, so other than work I don't have much going on and she was my best friend. I wasn't going to say no if I didn't have any other plans. She never brought up that she was procrastinating anything by hanging out with me. Never a peep. Never a hint. Nothing. I had no idea any of that was going on. If I did know I would have been 150,000% there to support her by asking how her goals were going, how her chores were going. Hell I would have helped her do chores as our hang out if she had asked. I did help her with some stuff. Painting her head board, rearranging and cleaning her room, working on crafts when she needed motivation to finish a piece for a friend, being a study buddy when she needed to focus on her mental health books, things like that.
Also in what world is learning to be accountable for your own actions and vacuuming regularly the same as going through cancer? I don't like comparing pain or life struggles usually, but this was a crossed line for me. For her to say her dealing with procrastination was an "equal threshold of hell" as my bone eating tumor and excruciating pain and the fear of it spreading to other parts of my body, it infuriates me still to think about that.
So I am now hurt and angry as hell, that she stopped talking to me over seemingly nothing that I did. I had no idea what was going on with the tourettes coworker conversation that ended in "its fucking fine" from her and then her next message was about her needing to set boundaries. And then she says her life is better without me in it.
Friendship effectively over. Or it should have been.
Here's where I'm a bit of an asshole.
I took her back. I said we could try again. That we both needed to improve but that we could do it better this time. At the time I genuinely believed it. For a couple weeks.
Then the more I thought about laying in that hospital bed, alone, wishing I had someone to distract me from the pain and fear, the more I started to realise her reasons for cutting contact was bullshit. Her wanting to have this big talk about boundaries and the boundaries she wanted were literally nothing I could do they were all her issues with her own decisions and there's was nothing I could change about myself to fix the problem she was putting 50/50 on my shoulders. Her saying her life was better without me when that whole time I was crying over missing her and trying to figure out what I did wrong where I fucked up, what I could do or say to fix it. It all just added up too much and so I sent her one last message.
"I've been doing a lot of thinking and going through my emotions and I think I'm going to step back from whatever this friendship has turned into. I'll be honest I feel betrayed that you didn't even try to support me going through cancer. I understand things were rocky when I got my diagnosis, however if our friendship was important to you on any level I can't understand why you didn't even text me to see how I was doing for months at a time when you knew I was going through one of, if not the most, difficult medical diagnosis humans can get. I felt completely abandoned, especially since the reason we even stopped talking and hanging out was because of your own procrastination issues which I had nothing to do with. If you had even just told me that you needed to get things done before we could hang out I would have supported you unconditionally. Instead you gave a vague "we need to talk about boundaries and being more supportive of each other." And then never supported me in the darkest time of my life so far. It's taken me a while to get to the root of why I feel the way I do, but I don't think I can just let this go like I wanted to. I loved being your friend and it always felt like you valued my friendship too, until you were cutting me off because of your poor time management. I know that will sound harsh, I'm sorry, but it's true. I have my own issues that hurt you, I know that and I really am sorry. I am sorry I could never reciprocate financially, I'm sorry you were the one always picking me up and driving. I'm sorry that I never gave you the birthday or Christmas gifts you wanted. Thank you for all the amazing times. Goodbye."
To clarify the gift thing, I have been very poor for a long time. I am neurodivergent and I struggle to hold down a job. But I hand made her gifts, or cooked for her. The last thing I made for her was a crochet mandala blanket, please look up Radiance Mandala Blanket to see how much effort I went to, she picked the colors and I made her a lap blanket version for christmas 2022. It took her less than a month to complain that she wished she could have picked the colors. SHE DID. I told her to pick a pallet of colors specifically for her blanket and did my best to match the colors she picked with yarn I already owned. It wasn't perfect but I got it as close as I could. I don't like to make a big deal out of things I do for people because giving to the ones I love is literally the easiest thing in the world for me. But to have her act like I didnt try to make it as perfect for her as I could hurt so much.
Anyways, back to me telling her I was done. Her reply back pissed me off, maybe because I was already angry. It felt so patronizing and dismissive. But that might just be because of all the emotions I was already feeling at the time I read it.
Em: "Your feelings are valid. I'm sorry I made you feel abandoned in the hardest time. I wish you the best of luck on your way through life. Fall in love, have your farm, raise your kids, craft wonderful creations, enjoy the many YouTube videos to come, and don't forget to live your best self. I'll take this harsh lesson and apply it to friendships in the future. Live long and prosper, my friend, and have many pleasant wanderings."
Harsh lesson my ass. If it was harsh for anyone it was harsh for me to learn my best friend gave absolutely no shits about me and couldnt be bothered to try and support me through this medical crisis. We haven't spoken since. I have her blocked on everything. So, aita for cutting off Em? Even though I'm angry, I'm conflicted because I still love her, she was my best friend for 6 years.
submitted by throwoutbadfriends to okopshow [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:43 NotAnAsian-Totally [FO4] I can't hear sounds in True Storms

Like i said, i can't hear the weather sounds in True Storms, only the interior sounds. Any help would be greatly appreaciated.
My loadorder:
# Automatically generated by Vortex
*Legendary, rearmed.esl
*Depth of Field Removal.esp
*Vertibird Minigun Replacer (Flak Gun).esp
*Any Armour on Any Clothes - Legendary Edition.esp
*Simple Ballistic Weave Expansion.esp
*Backpacks of the Commonwealth.esp
*Respawnable Legendary Bosses.esp
*Hard Legendary Giant Creatures.esp
*Punt Gun Unique.esp
*Allow Companions Into The Institute.esp
*Extended Grenade Timer 10s.esp
*DV-Very Durable Vertibirds.esp
*DV-Armored Pilots.esp
*Animated Drinking.esp
*Leah's Partial Chems.esp
*IAF - Far Harbor & Nuka World.esp
*Tactical Flashlights.esp
*Tactical Flashlights - Settings.esp
*Binary Pickpocket Overhaul.esp
*Child Posters.esp
*Higher Female Children Voice.esp
*Crimsomrider's 1950s Feminine Outfits.esp
*Riot Shotgun - Unofficial Update.esp
*No Aggro Impact Landing.esp
*WTTO - Colour Targeting HUD.esp
*Better Explosives.esp
*WestTekTacticalOptics - WP.esp
*WestTek Add-On.esp
*Better Thermal Vision.esp
*Pipboy For Everyone - All Dlc.esp
*Pipboy For Everyone.esp
*Skip DIMA memories.esp
*T-51.C Advanced Computer System 2.0.esp
*Quantum Deathclaws V1.1.esp
*Pipboy For Everyone - PIP-Pad.esp
*Beastmaster Quantum deathclaw fix.esp
*Unique Mythic Deathclaws Redux.esp
*Insignificant Object Remover.esp
*Rusty Face Fix.esp
*BE_Enhanced Grenades.esp
*Better Explosives - Grenade Frequency 15.esp
*Realistic Death Physics - ALL DLC.esp
*Pet - Call -Feed Dogmeat.esp
*Marmo1233 - PowerArmorAirdrop.esp
*More Durable Power Armor - 75%.esp
*Fashionable Valentine.esp
*Classic And Funny Death Narriations (Memium).esp
*Death Camera Time (60 seconds).esp
*Companion Infinite Ammo and Unbreakable Power Armour.esp
*Craftable Cyrocells.esp
*AA Better Companions - No Conflicts.esp
*Chemfluence AI Combat Dynamics.esp
*Combat Music Fix - FO4 Edition.esp
*Crimsomrider's Likable Strong.esp
*DLC ammo.esp
*MAKE IT BUN DEM - 10dps for 60s.esp
*MAKE IT BUN DEM - Incendiary Effects 10DPS.esp
*NPCs Use Items.esp
*Smoke-able Cigars.esp
*Sneaky Kills.esp
*UNnaked Power Armor.esp
*Pacifying perks Tweak.esp
*NCRMaskLampFix Flashlight AllVer.esp

submitted by NotAnAsian-Totally to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:46 TheUniclops I feel like I was just born with a broken heart.

I feel like my furthest back memories of life have always just been sad. I remember in 2nd grade having this big realization that I wasn't like other people, I was different. And it made me SO sad. And that feeling never left.
So much happened growing up, too much to go into. But I grew up with bad folks around. Good parents who loved me, but troubled family members and drug addicts ect. I just remember always feeling alone, isolated, different, sad, and lonely.
BUT. when I turned 19 I made a decision that I was going to work hard to be happy.
But now I'm mid 30's nearing 40. I'm still just.... so sad. Everything I touch falls apart, and I lose everyone I love. I feel like I am cursed. Everyone I love either dies, or forgets about me. I feel like I've always been so forgettable.
I've tried all the things, I have a therapist, I'm on meds.
But nothing really helps with this deep loneliness.
And as I get older, it just hurts more and more every time someone forgets about me. Or when people make me feel like a ghost.
I'm on the autism spectrum and I try really hard to act whatever "normal" seems. But I feel like people always treat me like I'm stupid for acting "happy" or trying to hope for the best outcomes. Sometimes at work when we are discussing important things as a group, I'll say something, everyone will just look glance at me and continue talking over me. Never acknowledge me. This is not just at work.
I was so happy when someone wanted to be my friend, we hit it off and things were so nice for a while. Until she found someone better. We hung out as a group, and they literally ignored me everywhere we went. And I am NOT joking or exaggerating here, but this is a good example of just HOW invisible I am. We drove past a car that was literally ON FIRE. It was up in flames and smoke was just billowing out into the sky. There were sirens coming down the street. I exclaimed "HOLY CRAP THAT CAR'S ON FIRE!!" and pointed. NOTHING. No reaction, they didn't even glance in my direction.
When we went shopping, they did the same, they would sometimes look at me if I spoke, but never responded. I left at one point and decided to just do my own thing. It took them an hour to notice I was gone. And I really believe the only reason they even came to find me was because one of them wanted a ride back to their car. I did it, but they talked on the phone to the other the whole time and ignored me. Even then.
My heart was just so broken, I had really thought I found a friend. Finally. But nope. I just stopped trying, I still text and care for them. But I know neither of them really care about me.
I even tried the whole relationship thing, but that is just too hard for me. I'm not sure if it's the autism or the ace part of me, but really. I just want friendship. Relationship stuff was just so hard and complicated, and I couldn't offer what was needed to the other person.
It's just getting SO exhausting. I feel like every bit of my energy goes into TRYING so HARD to be happy. I really do make an effort. I really believe that most people are good, and I try to be kind and understanding to people. I always try to assume the best, and I try to put love and kindness out into the world any chance I have. I'm working on going into a job where I will be helping people, I just don't want to say what right now. But all that said, it's getting harder and harder everyday to keep pushing myself in this direction. I just feel so tired.
I've been over spending and over eating. I feel so ashamed of myself, the amount of debt I'm in, I used to be so good with money. Everyone would come to me to borrow money. Now I'm in so much debt.
I guess what really triggered my emotions right now is that... Once again I thought I found a new friend. We hit it off so WELL at first. I was maybe too excited, I guess I should learn my lesson. But we had so much fun talking about our silly interests, we had similar hobbies. I just can't express just HOW much fun I had, I hadn't been so happy in So so sooo very long.
And then. They forgot about me too. I don't want to go into detail incase they see this and recognize themselves. I still care about them. I just miss them so much. But like everyone else, they forgot about me.
I wish I wasn't so forgettable. I just want friends. My heart feels so broken.
It's not just that I want something from people. I want people to love. I feel like my heart is so full of love and it hurts. If it wasn't for my pet I don't know what I would do. I love her so much, I give her everything I have.
I'm posting here. But I haven't tried to hurt myself in many, many years. It's just I'm having those daydreams again about how nice it would be to just not exist anymore. I just wish life didn't have to be so painful all of the time. I keep thinking eventually things will get better. But they never have. I wonder if it's even possible for things to ever be ok.
And yeah. I just feel so alone and unlovable. I feel so broken. I feel like if I died tomorrow, only my pet would notice or care. She's the only one who has really made me feel like I have any value. In fact, she's one of the only beings that has really made me feel like a human being.
Anyways, I guess that's enough rambling. Sorry for all the typos, I'm just so exhausting right now and about to knock out for the night. I just really needed to get that off my chest first. I see my therapist tomorrow but I feel like even he doesn't really get it. Maybe strangers on the internet will.
submitted by TheUniclops to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:39 bjpmbw Need some advice: job will expand to add middle school students

I work in a kindergarten through eighth grade school and it’s a pretty great place all around. It’s not quite a title one school but we do have our problems…but not severe. My job is a mixture of coaching newer teachers and small group teaching. So next year my job will expand to include middle school grades. This means I’ll be standing in front of middle school students from grades 6/7 /8. I’m honestly just a little nervous & I really don’t know how to approach this. I’m so used to elementary students, and I’m open to any tips. The teachers that I’ll be working with seem happy to have the extra help because they’re entering a pretty new ESL program situation. I’ve been pretty successful with grades K-5 in terms of getting good rapport with the kids etc. I have had other roles in education including classroom teacher and assistant principal, but I have never really worked with middle school students except for a small period with subbing. Did I mention I’m not exactly young, 56 years. I would love to hear any suggestions about starting off the right way when I go into classrooms to start modeling lessons etc. Besides running away, lol.
submitted by bjpmbw to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:24 leorlev Worst Threads. v2

  1. What's the worst thing you've ever found in your food at a restaurant? ▲11k - 4k Comments
  2. Where was the worst place you've had to take a dump? ▲10k - 5k Comments
  3. What was your worst sleepover experience during your childhood? NSFW ▲8k - 10k Comments
  4. People who can't say no, what is the worst thing you ended up doing for someone? ▲8k - 7k Comments
  5. What's your worst dating experience? NSFW ▲7k - 3k Comments
  6. What's the worst thing you've ever put your finger in? NSFW ▲5k - 3k Comments
  7. What was your worst experience from dating apps? NSFW ▲4k - 2k Comments
  8. What is the worst thing you’ve done to an ex? NSFW ▲4k - 3k Comments
  9. What's the worst thing you have ever done? NSFW ▲2k - 19k Comments
  10. If you are willing to, describe in detail your absolute worst day in life so far. NSFW ▲1k - 3k Comments
  1. Redditors, what is the worst case of “I don’t know how to operate this everyday object” you’ve seen? ▲14k - 6k Comments
  2. Who's the worst comedian that became famous? ▲14k - 14k Comments
  3. What was the worst decision you saw someone else make? ▲14k - 12k Comments
  4. What is the worst thing you've seen a little child do? ▲13k - 5k Comments
  5. What is the worst name you’ve ever heard? ▲13k - 13k Comments
  6. Who is the worst Internet-famous person? ▲11k - 16k Comments
  7. What’s the worst thing somebody has ever done to you? NSFW ▲7k - 6k Comments
  8. Who is the worst person right now on earth? ▲5k - 7k Comments
  9. Which person had the worst downfall in the last 5 years? ▲5k - 3k Comments
  1. Health inspectors of reddit, what's the worst thing you've ever found when inspecting a restaurant/shop? ▲26k - 6k Comments
  2. People who have jobs where you go inside homes, what's the worst thing you've seen? ▲25k - 7k Comments
  3. What's the worst "HR is not your friend" story you've witnessed/experienced? ▲24k - 6k Comments
  4. Former and current Chuck E. Cheese workers, what are some of the worst things to happen to you while working? ▲22k - 5k Comments
  5. Police of reddit: Who was the worst criminal you've ever had to detain? ▲18k - 9k Comments
  6. What's the worst mistake you've seen someone do in their job? ▲16k - 8k Comments
  7. People of Reddit what’s the worst thing that’s happened on your job? NSFW ▲14k - 5k Comments
  8. Casino Employees of reddit, what is the worst you have ever seen someone handle a loss? ▲10k - 4k Comments
  9. Drivers Testing Examiners, what is the worst mistake a new driver has made on a test? ▲9k - 3k Comments
  1. What TV Show had the worst ending? ▲19k - 21k Comments
  2. What's the worst instance of a band fucking up live? ▲16k - 7k Comments
  3. What's the worst attempt at an accent you've ever heard in a movie or TV show? ▲13k - 8k Comments
  4. What's the worst case of a TV show or movie insulting their audience? ▲13k - 19k Comments
  5. What Movie Had The Worst Ending That You Didn't Expect? ▲11k - 8k Comments
  6. What movies teach the viewer the worst life lessons? ▲9k - 7k Comments
  7. What's the worst movie you've ever seen? ▲8k - 12k Comments
  8. What’s the worst episode of a good TV show ever made? ▲6k - 9k Comments
  9. What is the worst decision an author has made? ▲2k - 2k Comments
  1. What's the worst thing about oral sex that nobody talks about? NSFW ▲19k - 8k Comments
  2. What is the worst way someones asked you to leave after sex? NSFW ▲19k - 7k Comments
  3. What was the worst time you mistakenly thought someone was making a sexual advance on you? NSFW ▲16k - 5k Comments
  4. What is the worst sexual experience you've had? NSFW ▲16k - 8k Comments
  5. What is the worst thing to happen to you during sex? NSFW ▲14k - 6k Comments
  6. What’s the worst reason you hooked up with someone? NSFW ▲11k - 3k Comments
  7. What’s the worst thing you’ve had happen to your genitals? NSFW ▲11k - 6k Comments
  8. What is the worst thing your horniness made you do? NSFW ▲10k - 4k Comments
  9. Reddit, what is your worst experience of waking up after a one night stand? NSFW ▲10k - 12k Comments
  10. What's the worst sex you've ever had? NSFW ▲9k - 4k Comments
  11. What's the worst thing you've ever done when horny? NSFW ▲8k - 4k Comments
  1. What's the worst case of design over function that you've ever seen? ▲30k - 16k Comments
  2. What's the worst thing that you WOULD wish on someone? ▲10k - 4k Comments
  3. What is the WORST piece of information you know? ▲8k - 6k Comments
  4. Whats the worst candy to ever exist? ▲4k - 8k Comments
submitted by leorlev to hubposts [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:18 thedamnrobo Crazy ride!

Crazy ride!
I went on a short ride yesterday, mid ride my bike just shut off! The screen wasn’t turning on. I quickly figured its the battery, it died tried to push start it but after few failed attempts of getting it started and with all the mechanic shops closed. I gave up and called towing truck! Learned my lesson to never trust them as i asked the guy if he has a jump started and he said no but once he dropped the bike and took the payment he said let me try it and find if i have the jump start and surprisingly did have one.
Edit: Bikers crossed me during the time of my struggle but no one helped me even after asking for help people just waived and went that was frustrating to see as well!!
submitted by thedamnrobo to versys [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:08 CracklyVessel56 I'm struggling with my thoughts and It's driving me crazy.

(Sorry for the long post)
I wake up in the morning and go by the day. On free time I'd do art, guitar and other things. Life seems to be going great.
In life I've learned many lessons. Learned to adapt. But really though? Did I?
I've struggled with insecurities all my life. Being average income, average intelligence, decent at drawing and painting. Beginner at guitar.
But when I'm in social situations, I often feel left out which is all in my head. I know it is. I feel like a narcissist because of this. Maybe I am. But then I saw my friend being in a band and having great succes. He's veryy good. I'm happy truly I am.
But some other part of my brain which I find very unwishful is jealous. My brain keeps wanting to compete and be better. Get better. I keep feeling this feeling of jealousy and fear of missing out. I also sometimes want to feel praised for my work. Or just be praised. Even for the mundane which I often keep locked inside me, not wanting to give in to those impulses.
Also the insecurity of being short has weighed on me so much that it's the only thing I often think of when I'm with people or walk in public places, trying to compare myself to them in a feeble hope that maybe I can be taller than them. (I'm 5.5 ft).
And it really shouldn't matter.
I don't wanna be praised or want any of the attention and I absolutely shouldn't care about height. And sometimes to compensate, It wants me to feel like I have something more unique. I realize that my thoughts happen automatically. I have become mindful. It's pissing me off that I get them.
One might only dream of knowing what actual thoughts go through your head which are kept in the subconcious.
I read once that when you shop and decide to impulsively purchase something (especially expensive or something you don't need) , you feel a whole bunch of deppressing and hopeless emotions which would be very difficult to deal with if it were concious emotions.
To deal with my problems I often sit there and think carefully and calmly. I think, why should I care? Why does it matter and often think I shouldn't engage in those problems and just leave it. Basically, I don't give a damn mentality. Why should it effect me if I don't care? But I do?
When I've created something great, why should I show it to someone? I've done it a few times, but then what happens? They admire it, are left speechless. But then what? It'll be just the same. The feeling is just emptyness.
Why should I care for praise? Why should I care for the rewards unless?
And how I dealt with my insecurity of being short I ask these following questions:
Am I healthy? Yes
Can I walk? Yes
Am I ugly? No
Am I mentally deficient? No
And etc
But my brain works automatically. A lot of things happen automatically. You don't choose to feel something. It happens because of the enviroment and what happens in that enviroment.
And often the other part of me feels different.
I feel the "WANT" to be taller.
The "WANT" to have more money.
The "Want" to be better in guitar
The "Want" to be better in art.
The "Want" to be better than that person.
I often struggle with my own sexuality as well. (Homosexual.)
At first I was attracted to men, but slowly I became attracted to women aswell.
I hate sex. I am repulsed by it. How would I dare to stare in the mirror ever again after the act?
I really tried to exterminate or minimise my sexual desires.
Why am I attracted to women or men? I understand I have a desire to reproduce. But I find it cruel to bring life to someone who will suffer with the burdens of life. Be it physical or mental. They will suffer and suffer in their own way. Maybe more or maybe less.
Going back on track, I don't want to have sex. I want to remain a virgin forever. I don't want to be destracted by constant sexual desires due to the biological hormones that drove our ancestors to reproduce, keeping our species alive. But I don't want to. I want to be moved by my art and inner peace which I thought I found, but struggle to keep.
I've tried to tell myself to be realistic. I often talk to myself in my room, the voices echoing through the hall, often being heard by my roommate.
I often tell myself that any skill takes time to perfect.
And you should accept what is. If you're short, poor and average intelligence, there is nothing you can do and you should work with the tools you have. And to defuse these emotions which often yet still linger, I use logic. It doesn't work most of the time.
I've realised the filth of my human nature. That sometimes I automatically look down on someone. Maybe I'm a narcissist. I don't know. But as soon as I get those thoughts, I try to shut it down with reason and logic and empathy, trying to put myself in their shoes. Even though someone might be acting nasty towards you, ask yourself why? Even those karens on youtube. What have they gone through? What made them that?
I try to accept the reality that I am in and what I am or how I look, but the emotions of want, jealousy and narcissism comes back. I hope to god I am not a narcissist. I really don't wanna look down on people and treat good people or normal people nasty.
I thought I could control these emotions by being mindful. But I really need help with this because I'm slowly losing it as it eats away at my soul often not sure if I should keep living on. Often asking myself why I'm alive on this planet. What is the purpouse of life?
Is it to reproduce?
Is it to enjoy it?
Is it to suffer?
If being alive is just to be enjoying yourself, it's really boring and I get the feeling I'd feel when i think of heaven where you never suffer for all eternity.
But then living to suffer and to feel pleasures, what was it all for in the end? What is all this actually for? In all the infinite life of the universe, what was this for?
The ancient romans suffered, felt pleasures and went through their own things. But they're all dead now and their civilization only just lives on in hisotry.
But then on the other hand if life was all about reproduction, then I would rather be a bacteria or virus instead of a human although I'm more intelligent and have better cognition than a microbe.
What can I do to calm my mind? Or even change my mind?
What can I do to actually not care about my insecurities and things I can't fix?
How do I just sit there and actually be happy for people that are succesful and not feel left out and want to compete?
How do I control my sexual desires so that I can concentrate on my one true love that is art and guitar?
submitted by CracklyVessel56 to Stoicism [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:51 swe_fisk00 Hmmmmmmmmm dont fall for this pls

Hmmmmmmmmm dont fall for this pls submitted by swe_fisk00 to csgo [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:53 PakPak96 A local cabinet shop was nice enough to give me some of their scrap wood. I made this walnut box to practice box joints, many lessons learned

A local cabinet shop was nice enough to give me some of their scrap wood. I made this walnut box to practice box joints, many lessons learned submitted by PakPak96 to BeginnerWoodWorking [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:11 Sweet-Count2557 Affordable Babymoon Destinations In Florida in 2023

Affordable Babymoon Destinations In Florida in 2023
Affordable Babymoon Destinations In Florida in 2023
Are you expecting a new bundle of joy and looking for the perfect babymoon destination? Look no further than Florida! With its abundance of sunshine, sandy beaches, and Cheap hotels.
Discover Affordable Babymoon Destinations in Florida in this article.
Whether you're seeking relaxation or adventure in equal measure, there are plenty of destinations that won't break the bank. You don't have to be rolling in cash to enjoy quality time with your partner and make beautiful memories on this special trip; let us show you how to do it without breaking the bank!
The sun-kissed city of Miami, Florida, is a tropical retreat for couples looking to enjoy an affordable babymoon.
This destination has a certain allure that captivates visitors, thanks to its renowned beaches, lively nightlife, rich cultural offerings, and delectable cuisine.
Whether it's taking long walks hand in hand along the shoreline or exploring the bustling streets of downtown Miami, freedom lies at every corner here.
The best part? There are plenty of opportunities to save money while still having fun!
With so much to see and do on an affordable budget—from visiting art galleries with free admission days to catching live music performances at local bars—you're sure to experience unforgettable moments together as you embark on your journey into parenthood.
Islamorada is the perfect destination for an affordable babymoon in Florida. Whether you’re exploring the outdoors or enjoying the nightlife, this charming village offers a wealth of attractions that won't break the bank.
The Keys are known for their laid-back vibe and gorgeous sandy beaches – ideal for recharging after becoming new parents! Take time to relax during your visit; stroll along the beach at sunset, sip some freshly brewed coffee on a dock overlooking Morada Bay, or head out on a kayaking adventure to explore nearby islands.
You can also sample fresh seafood from local restaurants, shop for unique gifts with tropical flavors, and listen to live music under starry skies. Islamorada has something special to offer every type of traveler looking for freedom and relaxation while celebrating new parenthood!
St. Augustine
After a relaxing stay in Islamorada, it's time to head on over to St. Augustine! This charming city is perfect for couples looking for an affordable babymoon destination that offers plenty of history and romance.
From the historic attractions – such as Castillo de San Marcos National Monument and the Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park – to budget-friendly accommodations, this Florida gem has something special for everyone.
When you're not exploring centuries-old sites or chilling out at your hotel, there are still plenty of activities worth checking out. Take a romantic stroll through cobblestone streets while admiring some of the oldest buildings in America, enjoy delicious seafood along Bayfront Harbor Marina or take a day trip to nearby Anastasia State Park.
Whether you want a peaceful getaway or an action-packed adventure, St. Augustine promises unforgettable memories with your partner. So pack your bags and start planning for an amazing vacation; after all, it doesn't have to be expensive to make incredible memories together!
Key West
As the saying goes, it’s not the destination but the journey that counts. When it comes to romantic getaways for babymoons in Florida, Key West is a great choice.
This small island city offers couples an opportunity to escape their everyday lives and enjoy the seclusion of a beautiful tropical paradise. From its stunning sunsets to its interesting architecture, there is something special about this unique spot on the map that makes it particularly appealing as a vacation destination.
Key West has plenty of affordable options when it comes to accommodation and dining. Whether you are looking for an intimate bed-and-breakfast or a luxurious resort experience, there are plenty of budget-friendly choices available here.
The waterfront restaurants offer some of the freshest seafood around while also providing spectacular views of the crystal clear waters surrounding the island. Couples can explore downtown together during daytime hours or take advantage of all that nature has to offer by taking a sunset cruise along one of the many waterways found throughout Key West.
For those wanting more adventure, activities like kayaking, snorkeling, fishing, jet skiing and parasailing are popular among visitors year round.
With so much to do and see at such reasonable prices, Key West provides expecting couples with countless opportunities for relaxation and exploration — making it one of Florida's premier destinations for affordable babymoon trips!
West Palm Beach
West Palm Beach is a great spot for an affordable babymoon in Florida. It boasts plenty of relaxing resorts and baby-friendly activities that make it the perfect destination to celebrate your impending bundle of joy!
From quiet strolls along the beach to shopping at boutique stores, there’s something for everyone. You can take advantage of excellent spas and restaurants, or get out on the water with paddleboarding lessons.
For couples looking for a little adventure, you can also explore nature preserves and botanic gardens nearby. The city itself has a vibrant nightlife and family friendly attractions like mini golf courses and amusement parks that are sure to keep you entertained throughout your stay.
West Palm Beach offers plenty of budget-friendly options too; from cozy bed & breakfasts to all inclusive packages. With so much to see and do, it's no wonder why this area continues to be one of the most popular spots for expectant parents who want to enjoy their last moments as just two before they become three!
The sunny city of Naples, Florida is the perfect spot for a babymoon. Nestled on the Gulf Coast and surrounded by pristine beaches, this charming town offers plenty of opportunities to relax before your bundle of joy arrives.
With its gentle waves and warm climate, you can enjoy some quality time together without breaking the bank. Preparing for Baby? Budgeting for a Babymoon? No problem! There are plenty of affordable hotels in the area that provide comfortable accommodations at an unbeatable price.
From luxury resorts with spas and fine dining to cozy cottages tucked away along the coast - there's something here to fit any budget. Plus, nearby attractions like Everglades National Park offer exciting outdoor adventures sure to get your heart racing as you prepare for parenthood.
So take advantage of all that Naples has to offer while getting ready for your little one - it'll be a trip you won't soon forget!
Daytona Beach
Daytona Beach is like a dream come true for babymooners looking to explore affordable attractions in Florida. From the vibrant shoreline, perfect for sunbathing and beach walks, to the exciting car racing activities available at Daytona International Speedway – you'll never be bored during your stay here!
When packing essentials for your trip, make sure to bring along all of the following:
Comfortable walking shoes
A camera or smartphone for photos
Exploring all that Daytona has to offer can be done on foot, by bike, or even with a rented scooter from one of the many businesses around town. Whether it's shopping downtown or trying out some new restaurants, there are plenty of ways to enjoy yourself without breaking the bank.
To top off an amazing babymoon experience in Daytona Beach, take a romantic stroll down its iconic boardwalk as you watch the sunset over the ocean.
Panama City Beach
After experiencing the sun and surf in Daytona Beach, why not explore some of the attractions that Panama City Beach has to offer?
With plenty of budget-friendly activities, planning a babymoon here is ideal for those looking to stay within their means while still having an unforgettable experience.
This destination offers something for everyone - from kayaking right off the shoreline to strolling along the pier or exploring St. Andrews State Park.
Enjoy a romantic dinner as you watch dolphins play in the distance or take a break on one of its many pristine beaches.
No matter what type of adventure you’re seeking, there are plenty of options at Panama City Beach without breaking your bank account.
To top it all off, this coastal city also features nearby shopping malls and restaurants so you can find whatever supplies you need!
All in all, if you're looking for an affordable Florida getaway with lots of fun activities, Panama City Beach should be your next destination!
Clearwater Beach
Clearwater Beach is an ironic destination for those seeking a romantic babymoon getaway. Sure, it’s the home of white sandy beaches and azure blue waters – perfect for relaxing! But there are also plenty of family-friendly activities to keep everyone entertained.
Here are just a few reasons why Clearwater Beach should be your number one choice for affordable Florida babymoons:
Enjoy activities like deep-sea fishing, parasailing, or kayaking around the bay (for your man)
Unwind at any of the numerous spas in town offering couples massages
Explore downtown with its vibrant art galleries, shops, and restaurants
Take advantage of special offers through local hotels and resorts.
But that's not all; Clearwater Beach has something else up its sleeve - unparalleled freedom! From breathtaking sunsets to beachfront strolls along the shoreline, you can rest assured that your time here will be well spent wrapped up in each other's arms...or simply unwinding alone.
So what are you waiting for? Pack your bags and head on down to this amazing destination for a memorable and budget-friendly babymoon experience!
Sanibel Island
Soaring from the sugar white sands of Clearwater Beach to Sanibel Island, a babymoon couple can experience something special. The key is choosing the right spot for your budget and style. With miles of sandy beaches, luxury resorts, and beachfront hotels dotting its shoreline, Sanibel Island offers plenty of options for couples looking for a romantic getaway on Florida’s Gulf Coast.
Luxury ResortsBeachfront HotelsBudget-Friendly OptionsCasa Ybel ResortSandpiper Inn & SuitesSeaside InnSouth Seas Island ResortLighthouse Waterfront InnBlind Pass CondominiumsWest Wind InnSunset Beach HouseJensens Twin Palms Cottages
Whether you’re seeking an exclusive escape or a more affordable island retreat, there are lots of places to stay in Sanibel that will fit your needs. From luxurious waterfront suites with private pools at the Casa Ybel Resort to cozy cottages like the Jenson's Twin Palms Cottage, you'll find all kinds of accommodations that are perfect for enjoying some quality relaxing time together as a couple before their little one arrives. Plus, many properties offer discounts when booking multiple nights – another way to save money while still having an unforgettable babymoon adventure!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Best Time Of Year To Go On A Babymoon In Florida?
A babymoon in Florida is an ideal way to bond with your spouse before the arrival of your little bundle of joy. The Sunshine State offers plenty of opportunities for budget-friendly getaways, whether you're looking for a peaceful beach escape or a fun family adventure.
With its mild climate and diverse attractions, there's no bad time to plan a special vacation together – but some times of year offer more affordable options than others. From springtime festivals to summer sunsets, autumnal evenings spent strolling along the coast, and winter days spent exploring nature trails, Florida has something magical waiting around every corner!
Are There Any Hotels Or Resorts That Offer Special Packages For Babymoons?
Are you looking for the perfect babymoon destination in Florida? You're in luck! There are many hotels and resorts that offer special packages tailored to celebrating impending parenthood.
From budget-friendly options to luxury accommodations, you can find a package that will fit your needs no matter what your budgeting tips may be. Whether it's just the two of you or if you want to make it a larger celebration with family and friends, these packages will provide an unforgettable experience while still fitting within your budget.
So go ahead and plan that dream babymoon without breaking the bank - freedom awaits!
What Activities Are Available For Expecting Parents In Florida?
Florida is the perfect destination for expecting parents looking to take a babymoon. Whether you’re seeking relaxation or adventure, this stunning state boasts so much for couples to explore and experience together.
Pamper yourselves with spa services, get medical advice from professionals if desired, and enjoy plenty of activities that make your special trip even more memorable. From world-class beaches to theme parks, there are endless options for expectant parents in Florida who want an unforgettable journey without breaking the bank.
Make sure to soak up every moment on your babymoon; after all, it's one of the last trips you'll be able to take as a family before welcoming your little bundle of joy!
Are There Any Health And Safety Precautions That Need To Be Taken When Traveling To Florida During Pregnancy?
When traveling to Florida during pregnancy, there are a few important health and safety precautions that need to be taken.
Medication safety is crucial when expecting parents visit the Sunshine State. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking any medication while on vacation in Florida for peace of mind.
Food safety should also be considered; ensure you’re eating freshly prepared food from reputable restaurants or sources.
With some common-sense practices and adherence to these basic guidelines, expectant parents can have an enjoyable babymoon without sacrificing their well-being.
Are There Any Restrictions On Travel For Pregnant Women In Florida?
Traveling while pregnant can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. For those dreaming of an affordable babymoon destination in Florida, there are no restrictions on travel for pregnant women - just some precautions to take and rules to follow when flying.
Imagining the golden sands and swaying palms of Florida beaches may conjure up feelings of freedom and adventure, which is accessible with careful planning. Before booking your flight, make sure you review all airline rules related to pregnancy so that you'll know what will be required during check-in or at boarding time.
With accessibility always top of mind when considering an affordable babymoon destination in Florida, many airlines offer discounts for pregnant women looking to get away.
A babymoon in Florida is the perfect way to celebrate an impending arrival and enjoy some sun-soaked fun. For expecting parents, Affordable Babymoon Destinations in Florida is a good choice.
Planning ahead can help you find incredible deals on resorts and activities, allowing you to create a memorable experience without breaking the bank. With its stunning beaches and balmy weather, Florida will provide an idyllic backdrop for your special journey together as new parents—like a tropical paradise just waiting for you two lovebirds!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:59 chaos_knight_xy Boruto Boudicans ch. 37 part 2

Boruto Boudicans ch. 37 part 2
Meanwhile while all this was happening, John Graham was taking a walk in Bodeland.
Graham loved taking walks in the Boudican settlement, surrounded by walls, he had done it often, despite the many months that have passed.
Every time he does it, he is amazed how, despite being in a different country, the Boudicans have turned it into a landscape similar to mainland Boudica.
Graham enjoyed the constant wonders of walking through town.
A rubber ball hit Graham in his chest, however he did not feal it at all.
Rather he was surprised at where the ball came from, for he wasn't paying attention.
He picked it up.
"Hey, our ball." Said a boy, about six years old, along with other boys holding hurling sticks.
"Oh, is this yours?" Said Graham. "Well, here you go just be more careful where you aim it, I don't want you hit anyone else."
Graham handed back the ball.
"Ok, yessir sir Graham." Replied one of the boys, at once the boys went back to playing their game.
Graham continued on his path, after a while he exchanged a few waves with people on the road.
Graham's people, the people of Bodeland, have accidentally calling him Sir John Graham, from time to time.
And each time, Graham had to correct them. A squire and a knight did look similar in Boudica, the main difference between a squire and a knight was a knight was usually older, around 15 or older.
Although there are a few exceptions, that Graham has heard about, although they may just be rumors.
Graham felt his stomach growl. He decided it was time to eat his fill for breakfast.
He went to the local bakery.
"Mr. John Graham, it has been a while!" said the head baker, Mrs. Baird. "What can I get for you today."
"I shall have jelly tart." Said Graham, putting down a silver coin to pay for the tart, as well as tip. "I need to eat something before studying under the Steward.
"Coming right up." Said Mrs. Baird, turning to her husband, Mr. Baird, who enjoyed baking, while his wife, Mrs. Baird managed everything. "You heard him Larry, make him a jelly tart, larger than usual, and put a poached egg on the side.
Graham was about to open his mouth, but Mrs. Baird spoke first.
"On the house, Graham cracker." Said Mrs. Baird.
"I don't even need that much, Mrs. Baird." Said Graham.
"Oh, come on you are growing boy, you've done so much for us already keeping everyone safe, little knight." Replied Mrs. Baird. "Right, Larry!"
"Right, dear." Replied Mr. Larry Baird.
"Also have to thank you, especially your sister for that cookie recipes." Said Mrs. Baird.
Mrs. Baird then handed Graham his food.
"I'll be sure, to give Mary your regards." Said Graham.
"Good luck on your studies, Graham cracker." Said Mrs. Baird.
Graham left the bakery shop; after that, Mrs. Baird was like another mother to Graham, she cooked the best baked goods he had ever tasted.
He loved everything about Bodeland, well, except for their disdain for his brother in arms, William Wallace.
"Well, nothing is perfect." Though Graham. "But Naruto had won people over, maybe if William tried, he could do the same."
Graham did not reflect any further, he had to go study under the high steward of Bodeland.
The High Steward was Steward Andreas Halliday who was of common birth, yet excelled at Universities in the Papal states, islands east of Boudica, home to the Boudican Church.
Graham himself was an extroverted outgoing guy, however he felt that he fell behind Stewart and William Wallace in certain aspects, mainly smarts and education.
Unlike Stewart and Wallace, Graham struggled reading and learning new information.
He didn't know why, but it just was tough for him. Graham passed his natural Boudican education befitting a squire, but deep down he felt he underperformed.
Graham desired to be a hero like Naruto Uzumaki, and heroes have challenges they must overcome.
So, Graham felt he must overcome his hurdle in education.
So, Graham, with his Boudican money purchased time from the Bodeland High Steward to educate him.
Meanwhile, Ehou and William Wallace were still traveling north.
Ehou felt unnerved, through the ride, looking anxiously at his side dagger.
He had lied to his mother about sleeping pills, rather he actually went to see the doctor.
He had the doctor wipe his visit from hospital records because he wanted it private.
Ehou tried remembering what happened after the tournament, but it was a blank.
William Wallace then stopped the both of them on the road.
William then got off his horse, then took out his mace.
Ehou's blood pressure skyrocketed, he fumbled, fell off his horse, and dropped all his weapons, and ran away.
"Wait, Ehou." Cried Wallace.
But Ehou was gone, he just kept running, and running.
Eventually Ehou found himself in a field, sitting on a stump.
He looked down at the ground, unsure of his life.
He started crying.
"Ehou." Said Wallace, finally caught up. "What has gotten into you, you have been acting weird, ever since after the squire's tourney."
Ehou looked towards William Wallace with tearful eyes.
William was taken aback.
"I killed him!" cried Ehou. "I killed Scrope!"
William was shocked.
"I'm sorry, I lied, I-I can't be warrior anymore." Said Ehou with a sad expression. "Killing is to-to much."
Meanwhile the High Steward of Bodeland was in his place of work in Bodeland.
Steward Andreas Halliday was working on a letter to Shinobi businessmen and work colleagues of his.
A servant came in, with more letters from his business compatriots.
"Thank you, Matthias." Said Andreas.
"My pleasure, sir." Replied the servant.
Andreas continues to read the letters of concern or replies to his own concerns.
He then remembers a meeting he hosted with them.
A meeting about a couple of weeks ago.
"Preposterous." Said one businessman. "This whole idea of peace in the Land of Fire is a joke."
Granted these men were of Shinobi origin, Andreas was surprised to hear men of the Shinobi World up set at the state of affairs in their own country.
"Who thought it was a good idea to put an uneducated brute in charge of a whole village, and it's welfare." Said another. "I get you need a powerful leader in times of war, but we are in "peace.", living in peace is a lot more complicated than living in war."
"It shouldn't be!" said different Shinobi businessmen. "The Hokage takes forever to approve paperwork, business is slow because of him, who though a warrior would be a good businessman, or politician in the time of peace, if you ask me, he is a war leader, not peace leader. One day, I thought he actually got better at economics, but from what I hear the Boudican William Wallace, who is actually educated, did the paperwork with ease, and actually made business for us run smoothly that day, but then it was back to being bad like it is always."
"Don't you dare speak that name, William Wallace!" Said Andreas. "William Wallace is cold blooded murderer."
The businessmen looked at each other after Andreas's statement.
"Anyways, that doesn't matter to us." Replied businessmen. "Whatever your feud with this half-Boudican, Balliol says if the Leaf knew the truth about him, there would be too many questions."
Andreas composed himself.
"Right, forgive me, on to Business then." Said Andreas.
A different businessmen came up with paper.
"Finally, we are going to discuss the Land of Fire government." He spoke. "Times have changed, they are more complicated in peace, than war, we need a Democratic government."
"A democratic government?" said Andreas with surprise. "Interesting, although Boudica didn't have that, not exactly at least. I have had children of nobility be my wards of mine for bit, so they may learn about studies, government, and the people, they would one day rule, then again, we are instilling our values in them, so in a way it is a form of democracy, because we are showing the children of the ruling class how to best rule us, by understanding our struggles. So, I can see my Boudican culture being a form of democracy, if the common folk help raise the future class. It explains why we kept peace for as long as we can remember."
"I agree on the democratic aspect, but you have a Boudican culture, we have a Shinobi one." replied one of the businessmen. "Different cultures require different solutions, right now we live under a dictatorship of uneducated warriors, who think battle can decide leadership in politics, government, and the economy. Same applies to the noble clans, they hold all the power, and their heirs receive it on a silver platter for free, no matter what. Yet us businessmen worked ourselves up from nothing, and yet we have no say in government, we know what is best for the common folk, because we are of the common folk, we create business, we create jobs, we make sure our children understand the importance of working hard and establishing themselves. We need a Democracy, and Balliol will help us achieve it. If we don't succeed, much more crimes will happen under Dictatorship. Doesn't matter if Naruto Uzumaki seems like a good guy, in our eyes, he is an awful Government official, Hiruzen Sarutobi was also considered a good Hokage, yet look what happened under his watch, the Uchiha massacre!"
The Businessmen start murmuring among themselves, agreeing with one another.
"I agree." Said Andreas. "No matter how you look at it, the Uchiha massacre was not justified, they should have known the Uchiha would retaliate for how piss poorly they have been treated. Being blamed by the nine tales attack, racially discriminated against, especially by the Second Hokage, forced to be outcasts of the village, oh even worse guilt tripped one of their own to carry out the massacre, talk about exploitation."
"Correct." Replied one of the businessmen. "We are different, we make sure not to exploit our workers, or else, no-one would support us, in fact, pay your workers justly and treating them well, this way makes more profit for everyone in the long run."
"But Naruto and Sasuke, as well as the other members of the Konoha are just two powerful, no one can stand against them, no wonder there is peace." said one of the other businessmen. "There is peace by fear, because anyone who would go openly against them would be annihilated."
All the businessmen nodded in agreement, so now they have to discuss a different course of action.
"Whatever our course will be gentlemen." Remembered Andreas. "Balliol will come up with the proper procedure, perhaps we may gain influence from Lord Comyn marrying the Princess Asami."
Andreas at that moment stopped remembering the meeting. He was back in his office. He realized he broke his writing quill.
He closed his eyes and sighed.
"We must establish our democracy." Said Andreas to himself. "But first we must be patient."
At that moment, a servant knocked on the door.
"Sir, your scheduled pupil has arrived." Said the servant.
"Very, well, send him in." replied Andreas.
Graham was led in at once.
"I am here Mr. Andreas." Said Graham.
"As usual, shall we start your lessons." Replied Andreas.
Graham nodded.
Andreas began reviewing Boudican Literature and Mathematics with Graham.
"Now how did Beowulf beat Grendel?" asked Andrea quizzing Graham.
"By ripping off, his arm." Replied Graham.
"Correct." said Andreas. "I seem you have improved."
"Even so, I still struggle with the readings." Replied Graham. "When I try to read a page, it becomes hard to focus, I was only able to pass squire education, because I studied with others, but now it has been a while, and now I am ashamed that I am slowly forgetting literature. I can remember my training and skills, for me at least, muscle memory is easier than written memory, although the teachings on magic are a whole different story."
"Graham, remember my question for you." Said Andreas.
"Yes, Mr. Steward." Replied Graham.
"Do you have the answer for my question on Democracy." Said Andreas.
"Well, sir, I like the idea of people choosing who shall rule them." Said Andreas. "I mean personally I don't see, why you asked me the question though."
"Just curious." Said Andreas, looking at Graham.
"One thing for sure." Said Graham, in a joking voice. "I hope they vote for you, instead of me, I'd say I am a half decent warrior, but warriors don't make good peace leaders, if all they did to get there was fight. At the very least, they should have educated businessmen, help them out."
"Exactly, that is why if you were voted, you would be a good leader, you recognize your short comings, and rather than ignore them, you get intelligent people to plug the gaps." Said Andreas, with excitement.
Graham was surprised.
"I guess, I can see where you are coming from." Said Graham.
After a long important conversation, Graham left happy.
Then he had a gut feeling, then smacked his face.
"I am taking a little leap of faith." Said Graham. "Oh, I may have-."
At once, something fast caught his eye, it was fast, but he was faster.
Graham saw it was an owl with an expertly bandage wing, so he followed it.
It was fast, so he had to run.
As he followed, he analyzed the owl. He saw that the brace, it needed to fly with, was made of fine thin wood, flexible enough so the owl could flap its wings.
He followed it for a while, finally going up steps.
Then it finally stopped and landed on a rock bench.
Graham had finally gotten to the place where the Owl had landed.
"There you are! Ibet." Said a girl's voice. "You flew for longer than last time, let me examine your wing."
Graham was amazed, that finally made owl wing cast, was made none other than this girl, about his age.
Graham saw the girl had dark brown, fair skin and grey eyes; she analyzed the owl's wing expertly.
"She is that smart?" thought Graham.
The girl did not notice Graham, rather analyzed her owl, then took out a book to look to for something to help her in regard to the owl.
Graham gave a small smile.
"That's- that's a neat invention for the owl." Said Graham.
The girl looked up at him from her book.
"Oh." She said surprised. "I didn't see you there, Squire."
Graham smiled.
"It is John Graham." Replied Graham.
"John?" she said. "There's too many Johns, you shall be known as Graham to me."
"Fair enough." Replied Graham. "And your name is?"
"Marjory Halliday." Said Marjory. "Daughter of the Bodeland High Steward."
Graham felt he would have trouble remembering that.
"I'll call you Jory for short." Said Graham.
Marjory crossed her arms.
"Marjory is a unique name." said Jory in a disappointed tone.
"Well, Jory sounds better." Replied Graham, smiling.
Marjory closed her book aggressively.
"Are you so forgettable, that you can't remember a name, or do you only remember the sword?" she said in a disappointed tone.
Graham was embarrassed.
"Yes, your right." Said Graham "I am very forgettable, that is why I study under the Steward, your father, I need to sharpen my mind."
Jory was surprised.
"I thought Squire's only need to sharpen their swords." Said Jory.
"Well, what I seek I need to work for, one which I need not sharper my sword, but my mind as well, to sharpen off the dullness of my mind." Said Graham.
Graham bowed before Jory, much to Jory's surprise.
"I need all the learnings, I can get." Said Graham. "Please Jory, accept me as your humble student."
Graham bowed.
Jory's cheeks went pink, but only slightly.
Graham still bowed.
Jory then grabbed him by the ear.
"Ow." Said Graham.
"You are a weird squire, boy." Said Marjory. "And it's Marjory."
"Alright, J-Marjory." Replied Graham.
"Alright then, I accept, but you have to do whatever I tell you, mister." Said Marjory.
Graham was embarrassed.
Marjory put her hand on her chin.
"Alright then, what to teach you?" Said Marjory.
Jory looked at Ibet the owl.
"Analyze Ibet's wing and tell me any observations." Ordered Marjory.
"Um, ok." Said Graham.
Graham went down on one knee and analyzed the owl's wing.
"Well, I can see you sued good leather, thin wood, very thin, like paper to bandage the wing, as well as small string." Said Graham. "And I think, is that tar?"
"Correct, you seem good with observations." Said Marjory.
"But I am a trained Boudican squire, of course, I can make observations, such are needed to win let's say a fight, especially against an armored Boudican opponent." Said Graham.
"But you see an observation, is a key to retaining information, like reading text, that is a form of information in observation." Said Marjory.
"Yeah, I know but I get headaches from reading, while I am at peace swinging my sword." Said Graham.
Marjory flicked Graham's forehead.
"Then drink tea or wear an ice pack." Said Marjory. "There is saying that practice makes perfect."
Graham still analyzed the Owl.
Marjory thought for a second.
"Why does a squire wish for the knowledge of librarians?" asked Jory.
Graham looked towards Jory to answer her question, but he was shocked to find her face so close to his.
Graham fell back a bit.
"Ugh!, you startled me, Marjory." Said Graham.
Marjory sighed.
"Are you going to answer my question or not, weirdo." Said Marjory.
Graham laughed a bit.
"Alright." Replied Graham. "But it is a long story, so sit down."
As he was explaining his reasons to her, Graham remembered how he told Steward Andreas similarly of his reasons, he then thought back to it.
He remembers the scene to a tea.
"I guess, I can see where you are coming from." Replied Graham, in regard to Andreas's question on a leader for Democracy.
Andreas stopped writing.
"Graham." Said Andreas.
"Y-yes, sir." Said Graham.
"I have a daughter who is your age." Said Andreas.
Graham stood attention, he never knew Andreas had a daughter, let alone seen her anywhere before, I mean what man would bring his daughter to his work?
"During the war, my children were scattered, dead or missing, I don't know." Said Andreas. "My youngest daughter is all I have left; she is dear to me."
"Where is he going with this?" thought Graham.
"When you and she are of age, I wish to give her to you to wed." said Andreas.
Graham was shocked.
"B-bride, but sir, you strike me as the type to be strict with whom your daughters would end up with." Said Graham
"Oh, I am strict, in that regard." Replied Andreas. "But you are an exception, you who desires to be a great hero."
Graham felt having a betrothal would be good for him, after all, Andreas's daughter would be a commoner, so any children born would be named Grahams in last name. A betrothal might set a bar to prove himself worthy, in the art of smarts, however when Andreas mentioned Graham's dream of "heroism." Graham blanked.
Why does he want to be a great hero, one as great as Naruto Uzumaki?
"Well, sir." Said Graham. "To be honest, a great hero is one who is powerful, I saw it for myself, when I was younger, I was weak, during the war, I couldn't even fight, I was stuck in a burning house, the rebels lit on fire, I was worried I would die a terrible death, but then I was saved, I saw what someone with power can do, they have the power to save, someone with power isn't weak, however I also learned one does not have power through the sword, but the mind as well."
Graham noticed Andreas eyed him suspiciously.
"But I sir, I don't want power, just for power's sake, well at least not entirely, but to have powers to save others, as I was once saved." Said Graham. "And the power of knowledge and studies to define my reasons for why I fight."
"No need to explain, all humans desire power of a kind." Said Andreas.
"Your daughter?" asked Graham. "Is-is she smart?"
"Oh, yes, quite smart, maybe too smart, she can be gentle, however she is sharp at tung at times." Said Andreas.
Graham sighed with relief.
"Then I accept." Said Graham. "I trust you, Steward."
Andreas was surprised.
"Wouldn't you want to meet first, before giving me an answer." Said Andreas.
"Steward, you have been nothing but kind to me, you have helped me with studies and overcome my dyslexia, at least a little bit." Said Graham with a small smile. "The fact you ask and accept my reasons for self-improvement, means I trust you all the more."
Andreas shook Graham's hand.
"Then it is settled then." Said Andreas.
Meanwhile, Squire John Stewart led an escort with a cartmen, with Mary and her friends.
"Mighty kind of you to escort us, Squire Stewart." Said the cartmen. "But why must you wear a helmet."
"It is no problem." Lied Stewart. "It looks cool."
Stewart was upset with Graham. He thought he would have alone time with Mary, but Graham tricked him.
Mary was distracted talking with her friends in the back cart.
Luckily, he had a helmet on because his face was fixed in a visibly angry look.
The girls in cart were talking about whatever stuff that Stewart did not care about.
Stewart then thought back to what he wanted when making cheer with Wallace and Graham.
"I said I wanted the secrets of this world." Thought Stewart.
Stewart thought more, what he said was a bit of an exaggeration.
He when he was talking about secrets, he more or less meant like intriguing secrets like "Why are we here." "Why do things have such order to them, and yet pure chaos at times."
Or his favorite question, "Why is there something, rather than nothing." A question by a philosopher.
The answer to this question is "It is."
Stewart wanted to think more about the questions, perhaps the mystery of said secrets make them more the enjoyable to interpret, then just given a straight answer.
Then Stewart remembered what Wallace told him all that time back.
"I must be focused, especially when I am on duty." Thought Stewart to himself.
"Hey, Squire!" said one of Mary's friends.
Stewart turned his head.
"Yeah!" replied Stewart.
"So, what did Wallace actually do during the battle, you know instead of fight?" asked the girl.
"Martha!" protested Mary Graham. "Why must you ask a question."
"He did fight!" said Stewart. "He slew many more bandits then either me or Graham."
"Be honest, did he force you to say that." Said Martha. "I mean he is a scary monster right."
"Nope." Replied Stewart.
"I agree, Martha." Said another girl. "He is probably lying, after all it must be hard on this boy, having the traitor as a superior."
Other girls nodded in agreement.
"Enough, girls." Cried Mary. "We are here to enjoy the festival, not talk about negative things, do you really want to sour the mood."
The girls looked at each other.
"Well." Said Martha. "I guess you're right."
"One thing before we stop talking, a word of advice." Said Stewart. "William Wallace is better person than all of you combined, and you would be wise to not hate him, rather forgive him like the Boudican Church has."
The girl crossed her arms without after that.
"Mr. Oneil, when do we get to the festival." Asked one of the girls to diffuse the situation.
"Oh, just a little while." Said Oneil, embarrassed by the argument in the back.
There was silence on the ride, Stewart was soured, but hid it under his helmet.
However, for some reason, he felt a little relieved in his mind.
submitted by chaos_knight_xy to u/chaos_knight_xy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:48 reesespieces2021 I am 33 years old, make $114,900, live in Northern Connecticut, and spent $112 on dog grooming this week!

FYI This will be a very mundane money diary. I am a homebody and pretty low key. I’m not trying to change my spending habits too much but I do try to be mindful of what I spend.
Section One: Assets and Debt
Retirement Balance: $202,167 (181,807 in 401k, 1,587 in Roth, 18,773 in brokerage). I started investing in my 401k as soon as I started at my company in 2012 - I had no idea what I was doing and only put in 3% since I was only making 38k, every year or so as I have made more money I have upped my contribution, currently at 13%.
Equity if you're a homeowner: I currently have about $125k in equity in a condo, I bought in June 2020 so low rates and prices were still low. I put 35k down, and saved for it by living with each of my parents after college while I paid off my student loans.
Savings account balance: $13,294.78
Checking account balance: $8,384.80
Credit card debt: $0 - I pay in full every month.
Student loan debt: $0 paid it off in about 3 years, I got my BA in Communications, and the company I work for paid for the majority of my MBA and I paid out of pocket for the rest.
Section Two: Income
Income Progression: I've been working at my company since 2012 and have held a bunch of different roles. I started at $38,000 and worked my way up to $114,900. I have mostly worked in operations, a little in tech, and most recently took on a role in product at the end of 2023.
Main Job Monthly Take Home: $4713
Deductions (Monthly Totals):
Retirement: Total: $1149 broken down: 401k: $619; Roth 401k: $530 (both of these are company sponsored and I get a 5% match for the traditional 401k)
Social Security: $516
Federal Taxes: $1218
State Taxes: $582
PTO Purchase: $191 (I buy extra time off and can use it at the end of the year or cash it out, it’s basically a christmas fund since I usually cash it out and it pays out right before the holidays)
Health Insurance: $238
Dental: $13
FSA: $50 This is my first year utilizing an FSA and I did it to buy and Oura ring, I’ll probably cancel it for next year
Side Gig Monthly Take Home: $70 (lol) at the end of 2023 I started a life coaching business after working on my certification in the summer. It’s been a slow start but it’s more about doing something fulfilling than it is about making money (for now).
Any Other Monthly Income Here: N/A
Section Three: Expenses
Rent / Mortgage / HOA fees: Mortgage: $1265, this will likely go up this year since they re-evaluated properties last year. HOA is $375/month
Renters / home insurance: it’s in escrow so I have no idea - I get an email once a year and file it away, if it seems high I reach out to my agent
Savings contribution: $100
Investment contribution: $50 into IRA, I’ll be reevaluating soon and adding a monthly sum to my brokerage as well
Debt payments: N/A
Electric: $60-200 depending on the season, last month was $64, August last year was $174
Propane: $100-500 Nov-Apr (used for heat, stove, and water, the April fill lasts until late fall)
Wifi/Cable/Landline: Internet is $51
Cellphone: $45
Subscriptions: Netflix $17, Hulu/Disney/Max $45, Apple $3, Oura Ring $7
Gym membership: I have a home gym for weightlifting and pay $80 for a year of programming, and pay $47/month for my peloton membership
Pet expenses: $181 every 5 weeks for dog daycare, $36 for food (Costco!), and probably $50 for misc things
Car payment / insurance: $387 for my car - recently refinanced and saved $60/month. I’ll still make the $450 payment to pay it off sooner. Insurance is $496 for the next 6 months
Regular therapy: $80/month for 2 appts covered by insurance, this is my copay, and $90/month for maintenance physical therapy
Paid hobbies: does Kindle Unlimited count? I paid for 2 years up front so it’s like $8/month, other hobbies are hiking and traveling, so those are more ad hoc expenses
Day One Monday
7:15am I finally wake up, I tried to wake up earlier but my body and brain just weren’t ready. I get up, get dressed in leggings, tank top, and a sweatshirt, and head down stairs to take my pup R for a walk.
8:00am I make my coffee, toast a bagel, and cut up some strawberries. Then I log onto my work laptop. Not a ton of emails from the weekend which is a plus, and the morning is light on meetings which is AMAZING. I was on vacation 2 weeks ago and I still feel behind so I want to take advantage of the “free time” and get some work tasks done. I do have one meeting at 11:30am but I should be more of an observer.
12:00pm I have therapy during lunch. It’s done online, and I love my therapist. We started working together to help with some food issues I had but now we focus a lot of my childhood trauma and my relationship with my mom.
1:00pm Back to work, but first I heat up some leftover pizza and make ⅓ of a salad bag kit thing for food. I have until 2pm before I have to be in a meeting so I get a little more work done.
4:30pm Meetings wrapped up at 4pm but I linger online for another 30 mins to tie everything up. I head out to take R for her evening walk, then pop into my basement gym for a work out.
6:30pm I am showered, make dinner (asian style meatballs, rice, and snap peas with some teriyaki sauce) and I am ready to sink into my couch. I realized that I can’t renew one of my library books and it’s due Wednesday so my big plan is to read. A lot.
9:30pm I need to go to bed. I pack my food for the office for tomorrow, brush my teeth, take my meds, and let R out one last time and head up to bed. I listen to Ologies (an awesome podcast) to wind down and go to bed a little after 10pm.
Daily total: $0
Day Two Tuesday
5:25am My alarm went off at 5am but I just could not do that. So I snooze until 5:25 and get up, put on leggings and a sports bra, let me pup out, eat a few bites of banana and then head up to do a 20 min peloton ride (Leanne Pop Ride). I finish right around 6am and then get ready for work.
7:00am Out the door! The pup, who is 3 btw so not actually a puppy, goes to doggy daycare today so my commute will take closer to an hour. I get work a few minutes after 8am, toast my bagel and begin going through emails.
12:30pm I am starving. I had to be in person at a company town hall from 11am-12pm and when I got back to my floor the kitchen was super busy so I couldn’t heat up food. I finally do and it’s an ok Factor meal - I’m trying them out to help make work days easier. I also snack on cheetos and some almonds. I should not go 4 hours without eating.
4:30pm After an afternoon full of meetings, including a lovely 1:1 with an old manager, I am off to pick up R from doggy daycare (I buy her daycare days in a package so this is prepaid), but first I pay for parking. $12
5:30pm I take myself for a quick walk while listening to IWT. I’m totally addicted to hearing about other people’s finances. I find money psychology fascinating and have been working on mine a lot for the last couple of years.
6:00pm I put on comfy clothes, wash my face, and heat up leftovers from last night for dinner then settle in for another night of marathon reading. I got through 181 pages yesterday and I make it to 375 (PS. book is The Women by Kristin Hannah - it’s really good but also heartbreaking).
9:30pm It’s bed time again. I brush my teeth, let R out, and head upstairs for bed. I continue listening to Ologies (the episode on bears!) and lights out at 10ish.
Daily total: $12
Day Three Wednesday
6:00am I force myself to wake up for another office day and I am exhausted. I manage to get up, let R out (we usually walk before I leave but it’s raining), and get ready - the office is “dress for your day” so I wear jeans and a black long sleeve shirt with my Rothys. I leave my hair in its wild natural state, throw on some SuperGoop glow screen, a little blush, and lash princess mascara. I leave a few minutes after 7am and get to work at 7:30.
8:00am I have an impromptu working session with my boss, which is really helpful as I prep for a big product launch. I eat the yogurt I planned to eat yesterday as a snack for breakfast with the coffee I made at home. The rest of the morning is filled with meetings.
10:30am I take a quick break and do some online shopping. I gained some weight during covid and I have been slowly building up my new bigger wardrobe so I place an order with old navy for 3 work tank tops, a jean jacket, a pair of cargo joggers, and a work out tank top for $94 - I apparently have enough points for $10 off.
12:00pm After a busy morning, I leave the office to work from home for the afternoon. I pay for parking ($12). I have a quick lunch using a Caesar salad kit and some chicken, and then dive back into meetings.
4:15pm I wrap up work and walk R. By 5pm I sit on the couch, determined to finish this book - because it’s due today, so I have to return it before the library closes at 8pm… I also get a notification that another book is ready to be picked up, so I grab that.
7:00pm BOOK IS DONE! The library is close by so I quickly drop it off, come home, eat and then waste away in front of the TV until 9:30ish when I do my usual night time routine.
Daily total: $106
Day Four Thursday
6:00am My alarm goes off and I am cranky but force myself up. I am not a morning person but I want to get in a peloton ride and this is my only time today. I throw on leggings and a tshirt and walk R. I am on the peloton by 6:45am and do a 30 min Disney Ride with Leanne - I’m apparently on a Leanne kick.
7:30am Quick shower and get dressed in athleisure for the day. I log onto my laptop right around 8am.
12:30pm I have survived another morning of meetings and finally have a break for lunch. I make a quick salad and add some chicken and enjoy this 30 minutes of not being in a meeting.
4:00pm Done with work for the day, I snuck in a walk with R at 2pm. Now we’re off to a former coworker's house for an Italian feast. A group of us get together monthly for happy hours, but P offered to show us her amazing culinary skills so I grab a bottle of red wine from my collection and hit the road.
8:45pm Home after an amazing dinner that included homemade pasta, eggplant and chicken parm, meatballs, and red wine. I don’t drink often so I have a feeling tomorrow will be rough - not necessarily hungover but a little extra tired. I go up to bed at 10pm and fall asleep around 10:30pm.
Daily total: $0
Day Five Friday
7:15am I let myself sleep in a little for a work day. I get up and take R for a walk. I begin work right around 8am. I have meetings all morning (you’ve probably noticed a trend here, I work with a lot of people that are in India and our time only overlaps before 11am) but I block my Friday afternoons to get work done and I am very much looking forward to not having meetings.
12pm I use lunchtime to bring R to the groomers. R is a standard poodle so she goes every 6 weeks and she’s looking a little scruffy. I also stop at Costco for gas ($53.78). I had to schedule a meeting at 1:30pm 🙁 so I make sure I am back with plenty of time to eat lunch before the meeting.
3:30pm I wrap up work early since I have to work Sunday morning. I fit in a quick work out before I go to get R from the groomers and pay for it ($112.10 with tip for a full groom and teeth brushing).
5:30pm Home and time for a Peloton ride. I do 30 minutes, then shower, eat, and take care of R.
8:00pm I finally get to start season 3 of Bridgerton. I only watch 1 episode because I am exhausted. After that I put on an episode of Brooklyn 99 and by 9:45pm I am heading up bed (wild Friday night, I know).
Daily total: $165.88
Day Six Saturday
8:00am I woke up earlier with a killer sinus headache, thanks pollen, but was able to sleep longer and I feel a little better. I get up and let R out, take some ibuprofen with my lexapro, make my coffee and a bagel and head to the couch to relax for a little bit.
11:15am I have a 4th birthday party and a going away party today so I leave to drop my pup off my dad while I’m at the 4th birthday, because his house is on the way and our dogs are besties and love to be together. I stop and grab a card, they asked for no gifts so I honor that ($4.59). I get to the party around 12:30pm (it’s about 30 minutes from my dad’s, but we chatted for a few minutes before I left for the party).
4:00pm People are starting to leave so I decide to head out. Iit was great to see the little ones and some of my family members. I go back to my dad’s to hang out until we leave for the other party, I read while my dog snuggles on my legs and my dad watches TV.
6:00pm we head to the party but stop at a grocery store quickly to grab something to bring. We decide on a cannoli chips and dip platter, and my dad pays.
8:45pm We leave a little early because I have to work in the morning. I had a good time catching up with some people. I get R from my dad’s and end up home at 10pm. I watch a couple episodes of Brooklyn 99 while scrolling instagram, and head to bed at 11pm.
Daily total: $4.59
Day Seven Sunday
7:00am Up and ready for the release. Most of my time working will just be sitting and waiting at my desk for the demo to start so I can sign off on the changes we released to our apps. I was hoping this would be super quick, but there was a problem with another app that is holding up our testing. I do some French lessons on Duolingo to pass some time.
10:15am Finally done with work! I decide to watch an episode of Bridgerton before I do anything else. Season 3 feels different to me, I can’t quite explain it but it just feels off compared to the past 2 seasons.
12:00pm I take R for a long walk, and we run into neighbors along the way and chat a bit. Once I’m home, I have lunch, a smoothie bowl with some special K, and head into the basement to do a work out.
2:30pm I placed a pick up order for groceries and I have to go get them. This is my second week doing it and so far I think it’s saving me time and money. Even with the little bit they charge, I’m not grabbing random snacks that I see as I go. Groceries come out to $47.96.
3:00pm Home, I shower, change the sheets on my bed and decide to rest for the afternoon. I finish a book (The Happy Ever After Playlist by Abby Jiminez), finish the first half of Bridgerton, and return the book to library. I also take R for a walk in a field so she can get some zoomies out.
9:45pm Up to bed. I take a melatonin since I’m not super sleepy and I am out by 10:15pm.
Daily total: $47.96
End totals:
Food + Drink: $47.96
Fun / Entertainment: $0
Home + Health: $0
Clothes + Beauty: $94
Transport: $77.78
Other: $112.10
Lastly, reflect on your diary!
I feel pretty good about this week. Even though it was $331 and change, it was relatively low spend. I didn’t spend much on entertainment but I did go out a few times and had fun. I was able to keep groceries low this week by using things in my freezer and pantry, and doing the order pick up - this saves me a ton of money.
I’m hoping I can continue my lower spend momentum, I love seeing no spend days - and I include days that I pay for parking because I don’t really have a choice and that’s the cheapest full day rate downtown.
I almost spent $500 on a down payment for a trip to Yellowstone - traveling is one of my hobbies. But doing this diary and really thinking about next year made me pause. I’m still considering it but I want to price out if I can do it on my own at a better price.
I do want to not spend much on clothes but rebuilding a casual and professional wardrobe is taking time. I also need to get rid of more clothes that don’t fit me. It’s just such a pain to do it and then I have to decide what to do with them. I used to send them to thredup but now they charge you and it’s just a pain.
I’ll end there - I’m looking forward to your comments.
submitted by reesespieces2021 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:37 orincoro A (funny) list of Pax Archetypes

In no particular order, here is my attempt to list all the Pax “types” we all meet every day.
That’s my partial list. Any other contributions, I’ll be happy to add them.
Edit: some additions
submitted by orincoro to uberdrivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 16:56 Tzilbalba Treasury Bonds vs Notes

Boy was I dumb. I was on auto pilot shopping and looking for some mods and I ran across and item called "Treasury Bond (100)". My eyes went to the "Treasury" skipped over Bonds and then (100) .
In short, I thought oh cool you can sell those too? But alas, I got conned out of 5k caps.
So just a friendly PSA for newer players, don't be a fool like me, bonds are worthless peices of paper and not the Treasury notes you can trade for bullion, lesson learned.
submitted by Tzilbalba to fo76 [link] [comments]