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2024.05.21 13:20 GooseThatWentHonk Saw this little fella in my schools hallway, Wayne County, Michigan

Saw this little fella in my schools hallway, Wayne County, Michigan
Love their brown markings though!
submitted by GooseThatWentHonk to spiders [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:12 Octobottom Don't Wait To Update Voter Information

Don't Wait To Update Voter Information
Just got my new voter registration card in the mail. Now is the time to update voter information, names, addresses, etc. This is your reminder to not wait until the fall.
submitted by Octobottom to trans [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:41 Maxcactus Anne Arundel County teacher arrested for alleged sexual abuse of several elementary school students

Anne Arundel County teacher arrested for alleged sexual abuse of several elementary school students submitted by Maxcactus to AnneArundelCounty [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:33 Hlorpy-Flatworm-1705 Triple, no, Quadruple the Fun!

The Fullmer County Records Department poated announcement that this year has had the highest number of quadruplets they have ever seen, with 8 lucky couples bringing home 4 babies each. Help them out by creating a list of names using the criteria below.
  1. Addison and Melanie Wexner were only joking a little when they told their son Oliver he could give their new baby a cars name. The humour then faded when he not only held them to it (in a guilting way only a 6 year old can) but when they found out theyd need 4 child-appropriate car names. While their three sons and daughter all have names in the top 100 most popular names, they can thank their big brother for their unique middle names.
  2. Mercedes Johnson lost her late husband, Jimmy, in a car accident but she gained four new babies to always keep his memory alive. She game her two daughters middle names that rhyme with her stepdaughter's Brynn and two sons middle names that rhyme with her stepson, John's name. All four of her children also have first names that start with J.
  3. What happens when you add four baby boys to a math teacher and English teachers lives? For Eric and Damien Hodges, it equaled four of the cutest authomathematician namesakes youve ever met.
  4. Greg Waldvogel figured agreeing to his wife naming their next child after someone from her favourite TV show so long as he couls name their first-born after his favourite football player, Tom Brady, despite her being a daughter. His wife, Rebecka, has never liked little Tommie's name but seems to have gotten the last laugh since her ultrasound showed that she not only gets to name their son after the queens on Rupaul's Drag Race, but she gets to name all four boys after the queens. Though Greg must admit, he is impressed that she managed to make their names work the way she did.
  5. Linguaphiles Jodi and Trey Sutherland were thrilled to find out they would be adding four new little girls to their household. Lovers of all things language, particularly archaic ones, the pair agreed when they had their first baby, Ire Eustolia, to give all their children beautiful yet rare names so they could share some of the love for names that history buried. Through their four daughters, who all have names from ancient times like their big sister, we think theyve continued to achieve their mission.
  6. Chase Lipiec was a little annoyed to admit that a political debate between his father and fiance, Rhea James, led to the names of their children. After becoming fed up with her father-in-law's blatant disregard for gender neutrality, she decided she not only was not going to have a gender reveal as her in-laws wanted but that all four babies would have gender neutral first and middle names. Sure enough, it wasnt until three weeks after their birth that it was revealed to the elder Lipiecs that they had three new granddaughters and a new grandson.
  7. Lovers of old school rap and R&B music, Chelsea and David Barnes decided to name their all of their kids after the singers from their wedding playlist. Though the 2012 playlist is a little dated by music standards, their daughter Aaliyah Sadé will be sharing the name compliments with her two brothers and two sisters.
  8. Hanleigh and Giordano Anastasi are avid travellers who are taking the next step in life by becoming parents. Though they didnt know the step would be so big and leave them scrambling to find enough names for their new litter, they still want to do the naming tradition of colour, American county, and a Sicilian name [a requirement of Gio's grandmother] that they had planned when they first started trying to create a family, even if the order gets switched around. Luckily, the full long names fit all four girls well, and there are plenty of nicknames to go around as well!
submitted by Hlorpy-Flatworm-1705 to namegames [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:57 New-Spring-3040 Tired of talking about boyfriend’s ex during custody battle

My boyfriend (40m) and I (42f) both went through long-term breakups before dating. Both relationships have children with those exes. Surprisingly my ex and I have developed a decent coparenting relationship. I have full custody and he visits with the kids when he can (we live in different states).
My boyfriend had a mutually agreed 50/50 with his ex until he took a new job in a different county and we decided to move in together. We haven’t physically moved in yet because she and her parents have been manipulating his son (10) to act out. I’ve been really supportive so far, but since we had to delay the move (about a week ago) it feels like we talk mostly about her behavior. She was really mean to his daughter from a previous relationship (edited to add he was married) and there were giant red flags their entire relationship. She would take out huge loans to go on vacation and he would have to pay them back. She also got pregnant (10 yr old) while sleeping with multiple people when they were supposed to be exclusive and essentially trapped him. He says he stayed out of a sense of loyalty to his children but eventually the accumulation of disrespect, cheating and just plain mean behavior outweighed the guilt of only seeing his kids half time.
He is an amazing father. He is really wonderful with both my kids and his. We have talked marriage and he even said he wants to have a baby together within the year. I’ve honestly never been more in love. But it feels like she’s now the primary topic of conversations. I get it, she practically neglects the children leaving them in school/daycare from 6a-6p every day because she’s “too busy” working from home. And since finding out we were moving in together, calling me the other woman, she’s been really manipulative and controlling. Not letting him see the kids whenever she can find an excuse (currently there is no legal agreement in place).
How can I continue to be supportive and limit how much of our lives are spent talking about her?
Tl;dr How can I continue to be supportive and limit how much of our lives are spent talking about his terrible ex?
submitted by New-Spring-3040 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:46 Glad-Rice-556 My parents shouldn't have had kids.

I'm sorry if this is long. To keep you somewhat in the loop I'm 27F, my mother is 53F, sperm donor is 60M, little sister is 25F.
My parents divorced when I was 2 and my little sister was an infant. In the split, our sperm donor took me and left my little sister with my mother. At first there was some kind of visitation happening due to help from social services, however with my sperm donor being a classic narcissist he managed to hide me from them, or evade visitation days claiming we were away somewhere.
My mother at the time was new to the country I grew up in (Nordics), so she didn't speak the language much nor did she know which cultures were normal or how the social service system worked. My mother moved to my home country, married my sperm donor the same year and I was born a year later. He kept her locked up at home, and if she wanted to see friends or go out he would drop her off, give her an hour or so, and pick her up again, complete control. She had no chance of learning more about anything even if she wanted to.
He raised me telling me my mother is an abusive, evil witch who would kidnap me back to her home country if I went to her house. Being a child, of course I believed this, and when she showed up at my school with my siblings so we could see each other I started scream crying. This was when I was 6 or 7. I went home and told him about this, and his response was to 'not believe in her crocodile tears'. She was heartbroken, but I was taught it was fake. If social services showed up with her at our house for visitation, I was told to pull my curtains and hide, not go near windows or make any noise. I didn't know who they were at the time, so I did what he told me to do.
Growing up I also spent a lot of time at my grandparents house since sperm donor had more important things to do (like meet strange women off the internet, engage in shady politics or harass foreign women (he's racist btw). This should've been a safe haven, but he didn't leave me there without giving them a long list of rules regarding how I was to be treated, what I was allowed to eat and what chores I was to do that day. My grandparents, despite being the sweetest people on earth, are extreme enablers and did not dare go against his word, probably in fear of me being taken away from them too.
With sperm donor being a textbook narcissist these things were normal to me. During my childhood I was extremely isolated from other people and their families, I was interrogated if I wanted to see any friends (not that I had many, I was the weirdo kid and got bullied throughout school), and I was forced into multiple different sports. If I got bored of one I had to pick a new one, I was always in at least 2 but sometimes juggled 3 different ones at the same time. I was a kid, maybe 9-10?
He was a hoarder, there were paths through the house you had to walk through cause there was so much stuff everywhere. He'd never throw anything away, and if he did, it was my toys and belongings. He occasionally cleaned up the house for guests, maybe once every few years. When the house became messy again due to his hoarding he blamed me for it and said it was because I left my toys/drawings/pencils out after using them.
There's a lot more to the story of my upbringing but these are the key points. I was emotionally and physically abused and because of that I have been NC with sperm donor for about 7 years now.
I left him when I was 13, lived at my grandparents house for a year (he thought it was because he told me to, cause he got "death threats"), got in touch with my mother (I did not know her at all at this time due to him cutting her out of my life) and at 14 I moved in with my her and little sister. I'd never had a mother figure and so I didn't know what to expect, but what I got was a essentially a friend instead of a mother. I didn't get many rules set for me at her house and so I tried to be a responsible kid and be home on time etc, I didn't want my freedom taken away again. She would hang out with me and my friends if they were over and sometimes she'd let us have a sneaky drink/smoke here and there (towards like 15/16), so to my friends she was the coolest mum. She didn't act like an adult, she unloaded her emotional problems on me, I was the mediator between her and my little sister when they fought and I made sure they communicated and resolved it. I'd listen and hold her when she cried, and give advice as best I could since I was a teenager. She couldn't hold down a job because of her emotional issues, so she relied heavily on benefits and whichever guy she was dating at the time. It wasn't a healthy environment, and all this was projected onto me and my sister.
My mother now lives in South America again and we haven't seen her since 2019, she's not made any arrangements to come back to Europe and visit. She still hasn't learned how to reflect on her behaviour and any attempts to talk to her about her unhealthy habits and behaviours are met with either tears or hostility as she sees it purely as criticism. She won't listen despite several attempts from me and my little sister, because of this we are both LC with her.
I left my home country at 19, I'm an adult now, and I can see so clearly why I'm so messed up, but I just can't let go. I've been in and out of talking therapy, psychiatrists, CBT and grief counselling since I was 17. I know the techniques, I have the tools, and I have been practicing them to get better, but I just don't. I've tried medication too and they work until they stop working, it's pointless. If anything, the more time passes the more sad and resentful I become.
All I want is acknowledgement from either of them, for them to say they were wrong, an apology and some self work, anything. But I am left without a real mother and father. I have great support, my auntie is the closest thing I have to a mother and she's really stepped up in that role, even though she doesn't have to. My boyfriend is amazing and looks after my every need. But I'm so stuck on the past, I can't get over it. I have so many mental issues because of them and I really struggle getting through this life. I know there are people who have had it way worse but it just feels so unfair.
I'm not really sure what I want to get across by posting this. No one has ever acknowledged that sperm donor is a narcissist who took my only childhood away.
Thank you for reading.
submitted by Glad-Rice-556 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:00 Nesclick My parents shouldn't have had kids.

ETA: I'm sorry this is such a long post.
I'm 27F, my mother is 53F, sperm donor is 60M, little sister is 25F.
My parents divorced when I was 2 and my little sister was an infant. In the split, our sperm donor took me and left my little sister with my mother. At first there was some kind of visitation happening due to help from social services, however with my sperm donor being a classic narcissist he managed to hide me from them, or evade visitation days claiming we were away somewhere.
My mother at the time was new to the country I grew up in (Nordics), so she didn't speak the language much nor did she know which cultures were normal or how the social service system worked. My mother moved to my home country, married my sperm donor the same year and I was born a year later. He kept her locked up at home, and if she wanted to see friends or go out he would drop her off, give her an hour or so, and pick her up again, complete control. She had no chance of learning more about anything even if she wanted to.
He raised me telling me my mother is an abusive, evil witch who would kidnap me back to her home country if I went to her house. Being a child, of course I believed this, and when she showed up at my school with my siblings so we could see each other I started scream crying. This was when I was 6 or 7. I went home and told him about this, and his response was to 'not believe in her crocodile tears'. She was heartbroken, but I was taught it was fake. If social services showed up with her at our house for visitation, I was told to pull my curtains and hide, not go near windows or make any noise. I didn't know who they were at the time, so I did what he told me to do.
Growing up I also spent a lot of time at my grandparents house since sperm donor had more important things to do (like meet strange women off the internet, engage in shady politics or harass foreign women (he's racist btw). This should've been a safe haven, but he didn't leave me there without giving them a long list of rules regarding how I was to be treated, what I was allowed to eat and what chores I was to do that day. My grandparents, despite being the sweetest people on earth, are extreme enablers and did not dare go against his word, probably in fear of me being taken away from them too.
With sperm donor being a textbook narcissist these things were normal to me. During my childhood I was extremely isolated from other people and their families, I was interrogated if I wanted to see any friends (not that I had many, I was the weirdo kid and got bullied throughout school), and I was forced into multiple different sports. If I got bored of one I had to pick a new one, I was always in at least 2 but sometimes juggled 3 different ones at the same time. I was a kid, maybe 9-10?
He was a hoarder, there were paths through the house you had to walk through cause there was so much stuff everywhere. He'd never throw anything away, and if he did, it was my toys and belongings. He occasionally cleaned up the house for guests, maybe once every few years. When the house became messy again due to his hoarding he blamed me for it and said it was because I left my toys/drawings/pencils out after using them.
There's a lot more to the story of my upbringing but these are the key points. I was emotionally and physically abused and because of that I have been NC with sperm donor for about 7 years now.
I left him when I was 13, lived at my grandparents house for a year (he thought it was because he told me to, cause he got "death threats"), got in touch with my mother (I did not know her at all at this time due to him cutting her out of my life) and at 14 I moved in with my her and little sister. I'd never had a mother figure and so I didn't know what to expect, but what I got was a essentially a friend instead of a mother. I didn't get many rules set for me at her house and so I tried to be a responsible kid and be home on time etc, I didn't want my freedom taken away again. She would hang out with me and my friends if they were over and sometimes she'd let us have a sneaky drink/smoke here and there (towards like 15/16), so to my friends she was the coolest mum. She didn't act like an adult, she unloaded her emotional problems on me, I was the mediator between her and my little sister when they fought and I made sure they communicated and resolved it. I'd listen and hold her when she cried, and give advice as best I could since I was a teenager. She couldn't hold down a job because of her emotional issues, so she relied heavily on benefits and whichever guy she was dating at the time. It wasn't a healthy environment, and all this was projected onto me and my sister.
My mother now lives in South America again and we haven't seen her since 2019, she's not made any arrangements to come back to Europe and visit. She still hasn't learned how to reflect on her behaviour and any attempts to talk to her about her unhealthy habits and behaviours are met with either tears or hostility as she sees it purely as criticism. She won't listen despite several attempts from me and my little sister, because of this we are both LC with her.
I left my home country at 19, I'm an adult now, and I can see so clearly why I'm so messed up, but I just can't let go. I've been in and out of talking therapy, psychiatrists, CBT and grief counselling since I was 17. I know the techniques, I have the tools, and I have been practicing them to get better, but I just don't. I've tried medication too and they work until they stop working, it's pointless. If anything, the more time passes the more sad and resentful I become.
All I want is acknowledgement from either of them, for them to say they were wrong, an apology and some self work, anything. But I am left without a real mother and father. I have great support, my auntie is the closest thing I have to a mother and she's really stepped up in that role, even though she doesn't have to. My boyfriend is amazing and looks after my every need. But I'm so stuck on the past, I can't get over it. I have so many mental issues because of them and I really struggle getting through this life. I know there are people who have had it way worse but it just feels so unfair.
I'm not really sure what I want to get across by posting this. No one has ever acknowledged that sperm donor is a narcissist who took my only childhood away. Despite everything I have now, I feel so lost and alone. No one around me can relate. My little sister didn't grow up with him but she tries to understand. I guess I just want someone to tell me I'm not wrong, that all this did happen, that I was neglected time and time again.
Thank you for reading all of this.
submitted by Nesclick to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:55 aslanproperty Why Choose a New Build Home in Suffolk?

Suffolk, with its charming villages, picturesque landscapes, and vibrant market towns, is a sought-after location for homebuyers. When it comes to purchasing property development in this beautiful county, newly built homes offer a host of advantages that make them an attractive option for many. In this article, we explore the key reasons why choosing a new build home in Suffolk can be a wise and rewarding decision.

Modern Design and Customization

One of the primary benefits of newly built homes is their modern design and construction standards. These homes are built to the latest architectural trends and often incorporate contemporary features such as open-plan living spaces, large windows for natural light, and energy-efficient systems. Buyers also frequently have the opportunity to customize various aspects of their new home, from choosing finishes and fixtures to configuring the layout to suit their preferences.

Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

Newly built homes in Suffolk are constructed with energy efficiency in mind, which translates to lower utility bills and a smaller carbon footprint. They are typically equipped with the latest insulation materials, double-glazed windows, and energy-efficient heating systems. Some developments also include renewable energy sources such as solar panels, making these homes more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Lower Maintenance Costs

When you purchase a newly built home, you can expect lower maintenance costs compared to older properties. Everything from the roof to the plumbing and electrical systems is brand new, reducing the likelihood of unexpected repairs. Additionally, new homes often come with warranties from the builder, providing peace of mind and financial protection for the first few years of ownership.

Incentives and Financial Benefits

Developers of newly built homes often offer attractive incentives to buyers, such as help with moving costs, contributions towards legal fees, or even upgrades to the property. Moreover, there are various government schemes available, such as Help to Buy, which can make purchasing a newly built home more affordable, particularly for first-time buyers.

Community and Amenities

New build developments in Suffolk are often designed with a sense of community in mind. Many include amenities such as parks, playgrounds, and communal gardens, fostering a solid neighborhood spirit. Additionally, these developments are usually situated close to essential services like schools, shops, and transport links, enhancing convenience for residents.

Advanced Safety and Security Features

Safety and security are paramount considerations for any homebuyer. New build homes are constructed to meet the latest building regulations, which include stringent safety standards. Modern homes often feature advanced security systems, such as smoke detectors, burglar alarms, and secure entry points, providing a safe living environment for you and your family.

Prime Locations

New-built homes in Suffolk are often located in desirable areas, offering easy access to the county's natural beauty and cultural attractions. Whether you prefer the tranquility of the countryside, the charm of a coastal village, or the vibrancy of a market town, there is likely a new building development that meets your needs.


Choosing a newly built home in Suffolk offers numerous benefits, from modern design and energy efficiency to lower maintenance costs and community-focused living. These homes provide a hassle-free, secure, and sustainable living environment, making them an excellent choice for a wide range of homebuyers. With the added financial incentives and the appeal of living in one of England's most picturesque counties, a newly built home in Suffolk represents an intelligent investment for your future. Whether you are a first-time buyer, a growing family, or looking to downsize, a newly built home in Suffolk could be the perfect fit for your lifestyle and needs.
If you're interested in learning more about how innovative technology can enhance your kitchen extension, or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
submitted by aslanproperty to u/aslanproperty [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:26 tourdecrate Why are there no social worker focused novels?

Not sure what the proper flair for this should be. But yeah. There’s thousands of novels about cops and criminal lawyers, which I suppose makes sense as they’re necessary for a crime thriller or mystery novel. There’s also tons of authors who write novels with doctors or pathologists as the protagonist. John Grisham somehow made civil law thrilling. There’s novels featuring all kinds of soldiers, mercenaries, and rebels. I’ve seen books starring politicians, teachers, librarians, , corporate execs, IT specialists, park rangers, sex workers, NGO workers, journalists, artists, museum curators, scientists, and psychologists among others.
Why are there practically no novels by or about social workers? Especially that can be considered bestsellers? I feel like there’s so many ways a social worker protag could make for a compelling plot. With all the roles social workers play, there’s plenty of territory for plots and settings. Also, since social workers are so often in solitary opposition to large or powerful systems, it would make for a very natural “Cassandra Truth” or “vs the world” dynamic as a source of conflict. I could see a mystery, drama, or thriller work with a social worker as the main character.
The other thing I’ve noticed is that on the rare occasion that a social worker is depicted in fiction or other media, they aren’t ever really shown “doing” social work. Like when you read John Grisham, he painstakingly walks you through the briefs, the conferences, the legal strategy, and the case law research the characters do between the plot threads. Robin Cook practically teaches a med school class in his novels, discussing surgical procedures, pharmacology, and differential diagnosis in detail. Books with Wall Street protagonists will spend two chapters explaining how the protagonists goes about shorting a stock or in dialogue with a broker. When there’s a social worker in fiction, the only way you know the character’s a social worker is that someone says they’re a social worker or they introduce themselves as one. Sometimes it’s never brought up again. Sometimes the character is shown doing their job, but it’s heavily simplified. There’s no detailed case management shown, no motivational interviewing happening, no case formulation, no documentation, no dialogue from therapy sessions or groups or supervision. I put down one book because the social worker protagonist kept referring to his client as a druggie, hopeless, a lost cause, and a waste of resources and breaking confidentiality discussing the details of the minor client’s life to the county sheriff who came out on a home visit with him. Is it too much to ask to have a social worker who is both a relatable protagonist and thinks and behaves like a social worker?
submitted by tourdecrate to socialwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:24 alice999307 Situational Q&A: NHI (National Health Insurance) and Medical Services-1

Situation 1: Michelle, an international student, will be studying in Hualien County to obtain her degree and hopes to gain a better understanding of the National Health Insurance.
Q1: How and when can I obtain the NHI (National Health Insurance) card? A1: NHI stands for National Health Insurance, which is necessary for all individuals living in Taiwan. Of course, the process of obtaining NHI depends on your residency status as a foreigner living in Taiwan. Let's break down how and when you can get NHI!
Foreign Students If you've come to Taiwan to study at a university, getting NHI is quite straightforward. It's important to remember that foreigners can obtain NHI only after living continuously in Taiwan for six months on an ARC (Alien Resident Certificate), but you are allowed to leave the country once for up to 30 days during this 6-month period. After these six months, your university will collect insurance fees for each semester upon registration. As a student, you'll only need to pay the insurance fee, which is 826 NTD as of 2024, and then wait for notification from the university that your card is ready for collection. Insurance fees are collected from September to February in the first semester and from March to August in the second semester.
International students can be employed part-time in Taiwan. In this case, students with a steady part-time job should be registered in the program as employees through their employers. Don't forget to inform your university about this. The university will reimburse you a portion of the insurance fee you've already paid.
If you are seasonally employed, meaning you are a full-time student who only works during summer and winter vacations for fewer than 3 months and returns to school when classes resume, you do not need to change your enrollment status during the period of employment.
Foreign Workers A foreign worker must be registered in the National Health Insurance Program from the first day of employment. Therefore, those working in Taiwan are not subject to the six-month waiting period. Your employer should register you and be responsible for paying your insurance (formerly known as the "insurance registration organization").
If you're a company chairperson or owner, you need to set up your own insurance registration unit. If you have another primary job, you can be insured through that company or agency without enrolling as a responsible person.
If you're employed but don't have a fixed employer, like being a member of an occupational union, a farmers' or fishermen's association, or are actively involved in farming or fishing, you should enroll in the National Health Insurance through your respective union or association.
If you are working two jobs at the same time, then you should be registered in the NHI program through your main employer. Your main employer is the one where you work more hours; if the hours are similar, then income can be the deciding factor.
Unemployed foreigners If you are unemployed and qualify as a dependent, you should be registered in the NHI program through your employed spouse or direct blood relatives.
If you cannot be enrolled through your spouse or direct blood relatives, you are required to enroll in the program at the local administrative office where your household is registered, under the identity of a "regional citizen."
If you are an unemployed veteran or a dependent of a deceased veteran, then you can enroll in the program through the administrative office where your household is registered under the identity of "veteran."
For more information, please feel free to ask or refer to the NHI handbook (click the specific link below).
Q2: What medical services are covered by the NHI? A2: The National Health Insurance (NHI) in Taiwan covers a wide range of medical services, such as: Outpatient services Inpatient services Emergency care Surgery Laboratory tests Prescription drugs Dental care Mental health services Traditional Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation services The medical payments include diagnosis, assessment, laboratory tests, consultations, surgical procedures, anesthesia, prescriptions, supplies, therapies, nursing care, and covered hospital accommodations. Essentially, all essential healthcare services are included in the system.
Q3: How can I understand the cost of services under NHI in advance? A3: Under Taiwan's National Health Insurance (NHI), patients are required to make co-payments for medical services, including hospital visits, outpatient care, prescription drugs, and various medical procedures.
Let's see a breakdown of typical co-payments for various medical services under NHI! Visiting a hospital or clinic with a referral: Co-payment for Medical Center with referral is fixed at 170 NTD. For Regional Hospital it is 100 NTD. For District Hospital it is 50 NTD. And for Clinic it is 50 NTD. Visiting a hospital directly without a referral costs more: Co-payment for Medical Center without referral is fixed at 420 NTD. For Regional Hospital it is 240 NTD. For District Hospital it is 80 NTD. And for Clinic co-payment remains fixed at 50 NTD. For visiting dentist and traditional Chinese clinics, the co-payment is fixed at 50 NTD regardless of the level of medical institution.
Important to know For patients with a disability identification, the basic co-payment is charged at the Clinic rate (NT$50) regardless of the level of medical institution visited by the patient.
The following situations are regarded as visits with referral: Follow-up visits within one month of a medical visit with a referral sheet, limited to a maximum of four times. The first follow-up visit after outpatient surgery, emergency surgery, or discharge from the hospital. The first follow-up visit within six weeks after childbirth. Therefore, the co-payment for such visits is charged according to the standards of medical visits with referral, and hospitals may issue relevant certificates for patients. During a course of treatment, patients only need to pay the co-payment for their initial visit (excluding rehabilitative physical therapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine traumatology).
Emergency Care Co-payment Standard: Medical Center: 740 NTD Regional Hospital: 400 NTD District Hospital: 150 NTD Clinic: 150 NTD Near-poor Households/Individuals with Disabilities: Medical Center: 550 NTD Regional Hospital: 300 NTD District Hospital: 150 NTD Clinic: 150 NTD
Co-payment cost for outpatient prescribed drugs
Regular prescriptions: If the cost of the medication is equal to or less than 100 NTD: In Clinics and District Hospitals: Patients are exempt from co-payment (no co-payment). In Regional Hospitals and Medical Centers: The co-payment is 10 NTD. If the cost of the medication is equal to or greater than 101 NTD:
In all levels of medical institutions, an additional 20% will be charged for every 100 NTD. For example, if the price of medication is in the 101-200 NTD range, then the co-payment is 20 NTD; if in the 201-300 NTD range, then the co-payment is 40 NTD. In Clinics and District Hospitals: If the medication cost starts from 1001 NTD, the upper limit for co-payment is reached, and the co-payment is fixed at 200 NTD. In Regional Hospitals and Medical Centers: If the medication cost is in the range from 1001-1500 NTD, the co-payment is fixed at 200 NTD.If the medication cost starts from 1501 NTD, the upper limit of co-payment is reached at 300 NTD.
Refillable prescriptions: In Clinics: Patients are exempted from the co-payment. In District Hospitals, Regional Hospitals, and Medical Centers: The first time filling a refillable prescription follows the same rules as outlined above for regular prescriptions. From the second refill onwards, patients are exempted from the co-payment.
Important to know For Traditional Chinese medication co-payment, the same system as that of Clinics is used. Costs under 100 NTD are exempt; for costs equal to or greater than 101 NTD, an additional 20% will be charged for every 100 NTD. At Dental Clinics, outpatient prescription drug expenses are exempted from co-payment. Emergency Care Prescription: For Clinics and District Hospitals: 150 NTD For Regional Hospitals: 400 NTD. For Medical Centers: 750 NTD. I hope now you have a better understanding of how to calculate the cost of medical services under NHI. Feel free to ask more questions or refer to this webpage (click the specific link below).
Q4: What services are completely free under NHI? A4: With NHI, you can access a wide range of medical services at very affordable prices, and some services are fully covered! However, it's always a good idea to ask your doctor or a consultant at the hospital/clinic about which services will be covered.
Let's break down what kind of services can be fully covered under NHI: Basic Medical Examinations: These are routine tests to check your health, like measuring blood pressure, checking cholesterol levels, and assessing kidney function through urine tests. Preventive Services like Vaccinations and Screenings: This includes vaccines to protect against diseases like measles, mumps, and rubella, as well as screenings for diseases like cancer or diabetes. These screenings aim to catch health problems early for easier treatment. Essential Surgeries: These surgeries are necessary to treat a medical condition and improve health or save lives. For example, removing an appendix, fixing a broken bone, or treating a serious infection. Hospital Stays in General Rooms: This means staying in a hospital room shared with other patients (one room with 3 beds or more) and having basic facilities. General rooms provide standard care for conditions that don't require intensive monitoring or specialized equipment. Some Prescription Medications: Certain medicines prescribed by doctors are fully covered by NHI, so patients can get them from the pharmacy without paying anything. These often include essential medications for common conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, and infections. Medications with a cost below 100 NTD will be fully covered or will require a 10 NTD co-payment. Dental care: Most medications prescribed by dentists are fully covered by the National Health Insurance (NHI). However, it's important to note that full-mouth anesthesia is not covered. Also, you have the right to receive two dental cleanings per year fully covered, allowing the general public to get dental calculus removal. People with tooth decay may be eligible, depending on a dentist's evaluation, for fluoride varnish treatment. As long as the cavity does not reach the pulp (where the tooth's nerves and blood vessels are located), it can be fully covered by the National Health Insurance (NHI). Generally, the National Health Insurance (NHI) will cover the extraction of wisdom teeth, supernumerary teeth, and impacted teeth. However, extractions for corrective purposes (teeth that are intact and without decay problems) will not be covered by NHI.
Medical expenses in Taiwan are relatively inexpensive, so don't worry about spending a lot of money when seeing a doctor. Therefore, don't be afraid to go to the hospital.
Q5: In which hospitals can I utilize NHI services, specifically at Hualien hospitals? A5: Here is the list of hospitals in Hualien in Chinese (the English version will be posted and updated later). But if we talk about the most popular hospitals in Hualien where you can definitely get assistance in English, then we can list these hospitals: Mennonite Christian Hospital Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital Hualien Hospital Smiles-Dental
Q6: Is it possible to receive NHI consultation in English? A6: Yes! It is possible to receive NHI consultation in English! The back of the NHI card has a hotline number for inquiries: 0800-030-598, or by mobile phone call 02-412-8678. Calling the number is free of charge.
submitted by alice999307 to LivableHualienFriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:22 Ara_Eiz I (31 f) am estranged from my parents (74m and 69f). Can I fix this?

Hello everyone!
Before I start, please be aware that english isn't my native tongue. I am also bad at explaining, so please ask questions if needed, I will try my best anyways.
TL;DR: My parents were abusive and neglective to both, me and my sister. As result, neither lives closeby with me moving to the opposite of our country, hardly visiting. Which pains my father, who's getting second-hand punishments due to our toxic mother's behavior.
I was the oops-baby to my boomer parents when they were already done with having kids. I have an older sister and while I can't say that my life was oh so terrible, I can't for sure say that my life was oh so happy either.
My parents were increadibly bad with alcohol. Not to the point outsiders would see it, but there were many violent episodes at my home. As I grew older, I realized that, while they never were physically violent towards me, they were emotionally abuusive at worst and simply neglective at best. I can hardly look back and say that they knew me or we did fun family activities. My sister, yes, she was 15 years older than me and tried to make up for what our parents lacked at the expense of her own mental health.
To put it frankly, my sister was nothing more than a life thing they checked off their list since they were supposed to have a child at some point, but never grew mentally enough to accept what being a parent means. With me, they told me from toddler age on that I was basically unwanted, somehow still loved, but ultimately should be grateful they didn't aborted me.
The approach to either of us was different, the end result the same. Neither my sister nor me have fond memories of our home, our childhood and we both left pretty early. She, as soon as she turned 18, just to be out of that house. Me, at 20, after graduating and working for a year to leave for my long distance boyfriend (soon to be husband in 3 weeks) and university. While they did differ between my sister and me in all the terms that benefited them and some that I took benefit of (she got a car, got sponsored a private school for her dream profession, fancy vacations vs me, who got a bit more pocket money, got driven to elementary school, softer curfews and didn't have to get a job outside of school) they failed to seperate that I didn't leave out of spite, but because I simply wanted a life on my own. In a strange way, I was both, the favored, golden child and the one that constantly got put down.
They made a lot of fake promises, but never put any truth to their word. Again, my overall feeling was that they simply cared more about that the family looked whole rather than actually be a true family. While I've been living here for nearly 11 years now it wasn't until last christmas that they actually visited. My mother told me to my face that she'll never get over the betrayal of me leaving, really didn't care about how much I wished they had visited me over the first years with my boyfriend (I moved 600km away) and while she knows by head that I am her daughter, she will never see me as daughter by blood again, unlike my sister.
Now comes the problematic part... Usually I could have taken this as sign to go NC. The thing is, my father really is the family type of person. If sober, he's super kind and nothing matters more to him than family. While my sister lives half an hour away from them and still visits often with her children I really can't. I am chronically ill with migraines and other stuff and the least I need is a place to rest. My parents turned my old room into some kind of Harry Potter chamber. You can slap an air matress into that room, surrounded by utilities and stuff they no longer need, but it's far from ideal. Their soloution to my pain is stuffing me with painkillers. Last two times I was there I basically spent my whole visit being out of it and hardly responsive. Even my doctors said I should keep my stress low and excessive painkillers aren't the answer. Plus, I suffer from a brain tumor that's 99% harmless (prolactinome), but has bleeding tendencies and this 1% chance it might harm my seeing nerves, which would leave me to undergo surgery ASAP if it happens. The only sign the doctors gave me that indicates this is happening is 1) strong headaches and 2) disruption in my ability to see. As someone who has frequent migraines (once a month) it makes you really not want to leave for long distances.
Their golden wedding came up and my sister and me pitched in together to book a small vacation in a huge animal sanctuary to fulfill my mother's with of being close to and feeding a giraffe. Both were whole-heartedly disappointed by the gift and really didn't respond much to us after that. Last I heard from them they are looking for an alternative gift.
While this really bummed me we came to conclusion they really just want quality family time... And I am super torn. I know that my father is getting punished for crimes mostly my mother is doing. He probably wished for this typical old grandpa life surrounded by his daughters and grandchildren, happily and loved. My mother probably wishes, or at least, demands the same, seeing how their friends and surroundings are living this exact life.
Can I fix this somehow? Is this worth fixing? I am so conditioned to not stand up for myself against them that I really don't know if what I did by leaving was really betraying them... I just want to be happy and live my life. But I am also tired of being held accountable by a standard they somehow set for me while never putting any effort into upholding the same standard for them towards me. If that makes any sense.
submitted by Ara_Eiz to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:51 ogneez Ideas on where to live? 31 years old male, single, straight

Hello! I’m in Los Angeles and Orange County right now and I like southern CA but it is time for some change with the goal of long term relocation.
I have decided to spend 4 months in Atlanta beginning in July with the goal of spending some time in a few different cities every 3-4 months until I find one I like and could see myself relocating to permanently.
I consult for work so location really location is not an issue; I just need to be close to a decent sized airport but does not have to be a HUB.
What I am prioritizing is cost of living (rent, opportunity to buy a home) and dating (high on the list). I would prefer to not be somewhere cold/snow but it's not necessarily a deal breaker. I like the idea of being in the Southeast but I am flexible. I like places with some walkability.
About Me :
Here is a current list I have started putting together and am open/looking to/for feedback:
I do not want to live in:
Thanks in advance!
submitted by ogneez to relocating [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:44 ogneez Ideas on where to live? 31 years old male, single, straight

Hello! I’m in Los Angeles and Orange County right now and I like southern CA but it is time for some change with the goal of long term relocation.
I have decided to spend 4 months in Atlanta beginning in July with the goal of spending some time in a few different cities every 3-4 months until I find one I like and could see myself relocating to permanently.
I consult for work so location really location is not an issue; I just need to be close to a decent sized airport but does not have to be a HUB.
What I am prioritizing is cost of living (rent, opportunity to buy a home) and dating (high on the list). I would prefer to not be somewhere cold/snow but it's not necessarily a deal breaker. I like the idea of being in the Southeast but I am flexible. I like places with some walkability.
About Me :
Here is a current list I have started putting together and am open/looking to/for feedback:
I do not want to live in:
Thanks in advance!
submitted by ogneez to SameGrassButGreener [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:37 mosquitoitch I just want to go to a mental hospital

I am (32f) just trying to figure out if I should be done with bf (36m). In my heart, I love him. In my head it's toxic. It should be easy to say goodbye but hopefully you understand it's not that simple.
I am pretty fucking humble. I have never thought I was better than anyone and I know where I come from. A very middle class, white, suburban upbringing. I loved my upbringing but I love exploring so I have lived in so many places. It'd hard to settle down. I, personally, have owned two houses. I'm still in my second. No one else owned my houses with me. Other people have lived with me to help pay for them but i am the only person on the mortgage and any amenities.
I currently live in a beach town, half a mile from the beach. I bought my house 3 some years ago and if I sold it at this point I'd make over 125,000$. I hate it here. I have zero friends. I love doing my job but I hate who i work for. I am a cop and I have been for 7 years. Because I am a female, regardless if I want kids and family, that puts my job at risk quite simply. However I do want kid(s?).
Anyway. Getting to where I need to be. My boyfriend is also a first responder. He lives an hour away and has his own kiddo. We work the same schedule and have the same days off. Because kiddo is in school I personally have to drive to his house any days we have off except every other weekend. I try to be as domestic as possible and make dinner and grocery shop and do laundry when I get there. Neglecting my own needs at home and my own sleep.
Everyone at this point is probably like fucking why yall aren't married. I know. Please. I fucking know.
Anyway. Currently our fight is that he only just listens to me, I never listen to him, I'm unhappy, he makes so much money where he is that he's comfortable just doing that the rest of his life while I'm bored and I want a more rewarding career. He told me my stories and conversations are uninteresting because he's been doing this job 5 years longer than me so he's been there done that and seen everything I have. He told me he doesn't care about anyone else when I tell him stories about what I do or other people i work with. He says I'm too dramatic and I cry too much. We fought earlier because I did not drive to his house so I could deep clean mine and I didn't text him back for 45 minutes. However there has been many days when he doesn't contact me for hours when he has his child and I know he does so i assume he's with it. However I cannot clean for 45 minutes or "I am now in a mood don't text me back".
Why am I doing this? I don't want my kids raised like his are. I've told him that. I don't want to live in the city he lives in because it's horrible. Unless I worked at his job I could not just move in with him and get a job making any where near what I make now because he works for the state not a city or county.
I'm tired. I've been drinking a lot which killed my ex from before him. I can't bring myself to tell anyone I'm drinking more. I'm crying at the drop of a hat. I work an entire town by myself for hours at a time. I'm worn out. I'm tired. I'm being fucking run over by a man who acts like I'm his house wife, fuck buddy and babysitter. I use birth control when all I want is kids because I don't want them with him. Why am I still doing this.
submitted by mosquitoitch to Rants [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:13 andrewhu1345 ALCO Falck EMT

Hi, I'm looking to stack hours up for medic school. I was wondering what the training process for ALCO is (how long) and how easy overtime is to pick up. Also, I haven't been able to get a clear answer of their coverage area. I have past experience in Orange/LA County Falck and am trying to figure out how they differentiate.
Thanks for you time!
submitted by andrewhu1345 to NewToEMS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:04 LocalNewsMatters Voters have until June 4 to fix ballot signatures for tight South Bay parcel tax measure

Santa Clara County voters who participated in the Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District’s May 7 special mail-in parcel tax election still have a few weeks to correct their ballot signatures if errors were made since the outcome could hang in the balance.
submitted by LocalNewsMatters to losgatos [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:21 Bus_Jacaranda_2258 [CA] Single father since birth of child. I have full custody. I have an annulment granted for fraud. Now I want to terminate the mother's parental rights, but the judge refuses?

To preface, DCFS got involved 5 years ago and I was given full custody of my child from Family Court A in one city. I have gotten an annulment since from Family Court B in different city but same county. I asked the Family Court B to terminate the parental rights of the other parent but Judge B refused on the basis that since the Respondent has not completed any mental illness program before visitation rights are restored, I have a quasi-TPR. But quasi is not good enough for me.
I have clear and convincing evidence compiled as exhibits and -- 6 months abandonment vs 4.5 years; suicidal/mentally unstable and has not sought treatment; must complete mental illness program before visitation rights are restored; fugitive/warrant for arrest in both the US and country of origin; illegal immigrant/USCIS alien relative petition canceled and pending deportation; has made zero attempts to exercise visitation rights (one hour per month) in the last 4.5 years.
I want to remove the Respondent from my kid's birth certificate. I don't want to input the Respondent's name on any form or provide gut-wrenching documents to the school. I just want any and all legal documents to show just my kid's name and my name. No other person.
What am I supposed to do to get my TPR granted?
submitted by Bus_Jacaranda_2258 to FamilyLaw [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:18 throwaway3820938098 chance for t25

demographics: asian male, rising senior competitive public school,
Location: NC
intended majors: statistics/data science
Act: 34
gpa: UW:3.87 W:4.61 class rank 18/494
coursework: 12 APs, 7 DE including calc 3
  1. Very selective residential research program at university(15/400+ are accepted. I received a 1000 dollar stipend as well.)
  2. Research project under professor(strong rec letter)
  3. Data analytics internship
  4. Independent research project in machine learning(submitted to several competitions)
  5. VP of FBLA
  6. Founder of AI/ML club
  7. Paid tutor for local organization
  8. Paid camp counselor
  9. Frc programming team member
  10. Golf tournaments
  1. State science fair finalist(first at regionals)
  2. 1st place fbla-state
  3. Fbla state finalist
  4. Frc awards
  5. Junior marshall
Question: how much will my unweighted gpa hold me back? I have an upward trend from sophomore year with mostly As in advanced stem classes. (3 Bs sophomore year to only 1 B in junior year no Bs freshman year)
Schools: UNC, NC State, Georgia tech, duke
submitted by throwaway3820938098 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:17 unbeaten-cactus The Mets, Coffee, and Gospel - Smyrna City Council Recap

Went to my first City Council Meeting in quite some time. I ended up sitting next to an older guy, with a thick New Yorker accent, and a Mets sweater. He seemed to be drinking coffee or spitting into it? He asked me if I was with the MDJ, and why I was taking notes - repeatedly, and loudly throughout the meeting. He promised a show, come public comment time. I deflected his questions.
First off, all the normal things we do before every meeting: pledge, invocation from a local pastor, blah blah blah.
Next up, the good stuff - the mayoral report. We met our “Mayor for the Day”, a kindergarten student who also participates in beauty pageants! Luckily, she didn’t have to sit through the budget, like the rest of the audience chose to. She got to leave once the agenda started. Solid candidate if she chose to run against Norton when she gets to middle school. Watch out Derek!
The proclamations came next, with the Citizen’s Academy graduation. The even got diplomas and their name called out! That’s more than I got from Georgia Tech’s commencement. Then, the BEST part of the entire meeting. The Mount Zion Baptist Church is nearly as old as the city of Smyrna, itself – at 147 years old! We met the oldest person in the congregation, who in her words, was “still a virgin and only 16 years old”. She said she hoped God gives her another year, so maybe she’ll have time to fix the first part. Then, we got a short acapella gospel song, at the behest of the mayor. Fantastic! The most entertaining/moving part of the entire night. I implore you to go to the Smyrna City Council Videos just to watch this one section.
There was a zoning hearing next, moving onto the boring stuff. There is a new development of six-townhomes at 3410 Atlanta Road. They were building a bit more densely than the zoning, so they required some sort of zoning approval. Apparently, an adjacent HOA was VERY concerned that something annoying would be built next to them, so there was a long engagement process with the HOA. It always baffles me, how property owners can stop a process. Why don’t we regulate nuisances instead of uses? What if it were some fancy bodega, wouldn't that be nice? This was approved per Zoning Board recommendation, as it should be. I was disappointed that the road connectivity to the surrounding neighborhoods was poor, but it looks like they will interface well with Atlanta Road.
Moving on, was the budget. I won’t bore you with the details, as this portion ran on for 40 minutes. Here are some highlights. Apparently, the Cobb Intergovernmental Agreement continues to drag out, as reported elsewhere. So, the payments for the services Smyrna provides, instead of Cobb since we live in city limits, continue to be delayed. ARPA funds are running low. Apparently, there are transfers from the Sewer and Water fund to the general fund, which seems problematic, as Cobb County has recently encountered. (I need to investigate this more). There’s also a lot of money for traffic calming in the budget, which is surprising, as Smyrna’s major roads are anything but calm. Maybe more improvements are on the way.
Then there were a lot of agenda items. Dehumidifiers, engineering, etc. These breezed through approvals, and there were few questions. If I were City Council, I’d be dozed off by now. One interesting item was moving through a grant approval process for the Chattahoochee Riverlands Recreational Trail, in partnership with the Trust for Public Land. Woohoo! This will provide a paved trail, upgrading a gravel one, but still has to be approved through the Federal Grant process, provided by the Federal Highway Administration.
Finally, came consent agenda, where a lot of small items get approved at once. Atkins Park's special events for Smyrna Pride, approval of minutes, re-appointments to boards, etc.
And the moment we’ve all been waiting for – public comment! Only one person signed up, and it was the Mets guy siting next to me. Plot twist – it was Alex Backry, the perennial mayoral candidate. He complained about spending and transparent government. He had some good points about openness and budget overruns for projects like Windy Hill. By that point, I was a bit tired, and so was everyone else.
submitted by unbeaten-cactus to Smyrna [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:08 Jlangley22 Help Recreating an Old Airline Logo

Help Recreating an Old Airline Logo
Help Recreating an Old Airline Logo
Hi everyone,
I’m hoping someone can help me with a special project. My friend has a couple of old school pictures of her dad when he was a kid, and they feature a logo from an airline called Hogan that used to fly out of Butler County Regional Airport in Ohio. My friend’s dad and his brother had matching jackets with this logo, and she wants to recreate the logo onto a new jacket for her dad as a heartfelt gift.
We’ve tried Googling the company, but we couldn’t find any clear images of the logo. I even reached out to the Hogan charter service that exists now but haven’t heard back.
I’m hoping someone here could take the pictures we have and enhance or clarify the logo so we can use it for the new jacket. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance for your help! Tipping for anyone that can make this happen.
submitted by Jlangley22 to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:02 tamigal Local Schools

Hi, I’m new to the area but am looking for any perspectives on local elementary schools. Anyone willing to share your experiences (good or bad) with any Logan or Cache County elementary schools, or the area charter schools? I’m also interested in how satisfied folks are or aren’t with special ed services (especially for ASD) in area schools. I know in some areas charter schools aren’t always the greatest at supporting SpEd needs, but perhaps the ones here are decent? Any input would be so appreciated, thanks.
submitted by tamigal to Logan [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:38 LeiferMadness4 Constantly being forced to move grade levels as a new teacher: am I being targeted?

Hey guys,
I really need your advice on a situation. For background information, I'm an elementary teacher with a middle school english endorsement and a masters degree. I started teaching three years ago. After a year I switched counties. When I was being interviewed for the job I really got along with the principal. She gave me the 4th grade position I was hoping for. I felt like I would be a good fit at the school so I took the job. During the summer the prinicpal moved and a new princical took over.
Anyways I taught 4th grade and I got good evaluations, not great but good. I was never put on an improvement plan or anything like that and was told I was mostly effective with a few small things to work on. Cool, that's what I expect as a new teacher. I was told at the end of last year I would be moving to third grade. When I asked why they told me I "had a year of experience there" and they needed 2 3rd grade teachers because others were leaving. Sure, that makes sense to me. They also moved another one of the 4th grade teachers to 3rd.
This year I had GREAT evaluations , being marked effective in 7/8 categories. At my mid year my principal even told me I had grown a lot and was an excellent educator. She then asked me if I wanted to stay in third grade. I told her I really did like third grade and was fine being there, but I also really like 4th and 5th grade and would be okay being moved there if that is what the school needed.
Fast forward to 2 weeks ago. At my summative my principal told me she was moving me to 1st grade. She said my test scores just weren't high enough. I reminded her that half my class was flagged for reading remediation and I was the only class that received no support, and that my test scores were very similar to the other 3rd grade class, just slightly lower. She told me I am "better suited" for 1st grade. In 4th grade my test scores were the highest in the grade level.
I have no experience with 1st grade. I am once again having to start over. I am beyond frustrated.
Furthermore, there is a teacher in my current team who specially asked if she could be moved to 1st. She has also moved 4 other teacher to postions they did not want, and 2 of them have quit due to this.
If she really didn't like me, she would have fired me like she did the other 2 new teachers this year. I personally think she is trying to drive me out.
One more relevant thing, I did put in a transfer request in January for a school closer to my house, but there were no positions open. My principal knows this because I let her know, as is district policy.
My coworkers and I are so frustrated. Our opinions are blatantly being ignored. I know I'm an adequate educator. She said so herself.
Right now I am interviewing for middle school positions in my county. It's not my first choice, I really do love teaching elementary school, but I cannot keep being moved.
Please let me know any advice or suggestions that you have for me.
submitted by LeiferMadness4 to Teachers [link] [comments]
