Cata enchancement shaman stat priority

Early TLP Min-Max Race and Origin Point Choices. The best for each class.

2024.05.21 21:57 ExedorAgnarr Early TLP Min-Max Race and Origin Point Choices. The best for each class.

Early TLP Min-Max Race Choice.
First off know that Starting stats are pretty low impact, generally if you're broke on a new server dumping points into Strength so you can carry a lot of vendor loot is more helpful than anything else. If you're gonna be able to afford weightless bags early and wear your armor without being overloaded then you can afford to worry about Int, Wis, Stamina, Agil, and Dex. Int and Wis early on are more impactful for classes that use mana than any other stat they can get.
One exception is Charisma. On any toon where you are going to be pulling a ton with Lull/Pacify it will save you from criitcal failures (pacify resists that actually agro the mob.) It is suprisingly very high impact in reducing critical lull failures. Probably the most high impact starting stat overall, but only applies to lull pullers. Also helps you get better prices from vendors so dovetails nicely with the strength meta.
Stamina is more HP which is always great and very early on it's a tough stat to get on gear whereas lots of gear has strength on it from the start. The downside is that at low levels it doesn't give much HP but it does improve as you level.
Dex and Agil are the lowest impact early on, unless your agil is so low (<75) that you take an AC penalty.
Racial innate abilities don't mean much for most classes. Some are particulary low impact. A few are nice-to-haves. But a few are pretty impactful. And since eventually you're going to be capped on every stat and picking that erudite for higher starting Int will be completely worthless whereas your Dark Elf "Hide" skill won't be.
Ogre frontal stun immunity is definitely the highest impact racial ability and generally if your class can be an Ogre he probably should be.
Halflings are the only race to get the Sneak ability. Occasionally very useful for instant indifferent faction with any NPC and sometimes even for actually sneaking past mobs! Really nice for classes that don't get invis, like clerics, warriors and later paladins.
Iksars get a bonus to AC and Regen. The Regen is actually very impactful for Necros early on and more AC is always nice for any class but less valuable for tanks than ogre stun immunity.
Halflings, Wood Elves and Dark Elves all get the Hide ability. Useful for AFK'ing as it's an unlimited duration invis as long as you don't move.
Wood Elves and High Elves have the best origin point early game due to access to 1) the most popular early leveling zones, 2) the Nexus Spires during Luclin and 3) PoK Books that are very close to Kelethin and Felwithe.
Once Frogloks are available they are generally the best Origin point for any class they can be.
Only Gnomes can do the Tinkering Tradeskill so you have to be a gnome if you want to do Tinkering.
Ogres, Trolls and Barbarians all get the ability "Slam", doesn't do much but it's an extra attack with a tiny amount of damage and chance to interupt casters.
Wood Elves and Iksars get the Racial ability to Forage. Slightly useful for Iksars spending a lot of time in lands without access to merchants.
Innoruuk Troll Shaman, Innoruuk Human Clerics, and Innoruuk Dark Elf Clerics can do a simple quest to get a clicky with unlimited charges of the lowest necro/sk snare.
Trolls get racial regen like Iksar which is kinda nice for regenning back health from Cannibalize but combined with the Snare Clicky makes them a reasonable second choice for Shamans after Ogres. The Regen has Negligible impact for WaSk unless you're soloing a lot which is trash exp on official servers compared to grouping.
Small races like Gnome, Halfling, and Dwarf also have an advantage in that you typically don't need to worry about getting a shrink clicky or pots.
Bard - Low impact. Wood Elves best Origin Point.
Beastlord - Ogre for frontal stun immunity or Iksar for AC Bonus.
Berserker - Ogre for frontal stun immunity.
Cleric - Halfling for Hide and Sneak. Dark Elf for Hide and easy Snare Clicky Quest. (Must Choose Innoruuk)
Druid - Halfling for Hide and Sneak.
Enchanter - Dark Elf for Hide or other for preferred Origin point.
Magician - Dark Elf for Hide or other for preferred Origin point.
Monk - Iksar for AC and Regen. (Humans are Cooler though and get better origin points and faction.)
Necromancer - Iksar for Regen. Initially high impact but eventually meaningless as you get raid gear.
Paladin - Low impact except Halfling (if avail) for Hide and Sneak. High Elf for best origin point. Dwarf for best starting stats.
Ranger - Low impact. Wood Elves best Origin Point.
Rogue - Low impact. Wood Elves best Origin Point. Gnome so you don't feel bad about not having a Mask of Tinkering.
Shadowknight - High Impact. Ogre for frontal stun immunity or distant second Iksar for AC Bonus.
Shaman - Ogre for frontal stun immunity or Iksar for AC Bonus and Regen or Troll for regen and easy Snare Clicky Quest. (Must Choose Innoruuk)
Warrior - High Impact. Ogre for frontal stun immunity or distant second Iksar for AC Bonus.
Wizard - Dark Elf for Hide or Gnome for Tinkering, The only class that Doesn't suffer from Dark Elf's terrible origin points.
*Origin points: *
GFay and Felwithe are the best early on and stay really good. Easy access to main early level dungeons, closest possible Luclin Spires, PoK Book in same zone as Kelethin and another PoK book right near Felwithe. Also BB docks are one zone away for quick access to Firionia Vie and Freeport areas.
Second best during classic/kunark is probably Freeport for access to EC tunnel and the docks to BB in Freeport and OT in Oasis and improves in Velious cause of N Ro Docks to Iceclad. Takes a Hit in Luclin cause of no Nexus Spires but there's plenty of Druids and Wizards in Commons to buy a port from.
Nothing changes much in Luclin except Erudites get access to a nearby Set of Luclin Spires.
Once PoP drops it's all about how far you have to run and whether you need to zone to get to the PoK Books.
Froglok Village in Rathe Mountains, Wood Elves in GFay, North Qeynos Classes, and West Freeport Classes all have a PoK book in the same zone as their Origin point and are pretty much the best Origin points.
Lots of others are slightly worse but still above average, like Fewlithe Clerics and Paladins do have to zone once but it's a very short run to the zone line and the Pok book is very closeby outside.
Most others are like a medium run and zoning once, kind of annoying but not a huge deal. Like Rivervale, Cabilis East. Felwithe Int casters have to zone twice but both are very short runs.
The Worst is Basically anything in Neriak but especially third gate like Necros and SK's because they have to zone 3 times and then it's still a long run to the PoK book once you're in Nektulous. A close runner up is West Cabilis, zoning twice and running over canals with crap hanging overhead to get stuck on. 3rd worst is probably Ak'Anon, just feels like forever getting to the zone out and then you still have a way to go to get to the PoK book.
There are a bunch of others that also require zoning more than once or just annoying cities to navigate like Paineel, Erudin, and most guild halls that are in the deeper parts of a multi zone city. Surefall is a zone-twice situation with a bit of a run but at least it's a straight line you can autorun and the Druid port is right inside the zone.
So if you care a lot about Origin Points that have a PoK book in the same zone:
1 Kelethin
2 Rathe Mountains Frogs (Good Deity)
3 North Qeynos Classes
4 Rathe Mountain Frogs (Evil Deity)
5 West Freeport Classes
submitted by ExedorAgnarr to everquest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:47 FreqRL [Build Guide] Buff-barian Earthquake

[Build Guide] Buff-barian Earthquake
I did some research on how the order of buff synergies, because I couldn't find anything about them online. After doing 2-3 short runs to figure out their connecting paths, I figured I'd make a build that uses all buffs (except Haste, because I hate moving too fast).
The result was pretty intense! I managed to get to OL12 without any issue, and was able to facetank it while being AFK (the gif is OL11 but I got to OL12 later on). The run is literally still on-going in the background as I'm typing this guide, so I'm pretty convinced it works.

The Build

Skill selection
Have an exact selection of skills, combined with the Prowess rune to ensure you have every buff, or a way to synergize into them, made stronger by the Synergetic rune. Combine with Earth skills because Earthquake is easy damage and Earth Shield provides immense healing.

Core mechanics

Contrary to my other builds, the core of this build isn't a particular skill, but rather scaling buffs to such a degree that your stats essentially don't matter anymore. In order to get all buffs, we need to use synergies to get them. The only alternative is to take skill that grant us the buff directly, but that would require an insane amount of Skill Mastery runes.
If we want to get the synergy passives, we must have 2 sources for the "start" buff. For example, if we want the synergy passive that grants Bulwark when we get Finesse, we must have 2 sources of Finesse already. Once you get a synergy passive, that passive now also counts as a source for that buff, so you can daisy-chain them to get more synergies. Additionally, we can get Prowess from a Rune, which also counts as a source for the synergies.
Combining all buffs (except Haste), we can get damage, crit chance, crit damage, multicast, armor and block. We can get those stats to such a high degree, that choosing any of these as an actual reward becomes borderline useless. If you've already got 2000% increased damage, getting +15% as a rare reward doesn't do much anymore.
What remains is cast frequency, (some) multicast, health and experience. We also need a bit of movespeed to make it a bit more comfortable during the earlier levels, but as we'll completely stop moving around OL8, we don't need too much of it either. Even though we also get multicast from the Finesse buff, it's the one buff that we don't have any synergies towards so it doesn't get quite as high as the others.


This skill uses the Unexpected Arsenal rune to allow all weapon-specific skills to be selected freely.
Skill Selection
For the Bulwark (block) and Finesse (multicast) buffs, we use Whirlwind and Double Slash. Double Slash has the added benefit of also applying the Debilitated debuff on enemies, reducing their damage dealt. Since both skills grant both buffs, we immediately apply for both synergies. However, Finesse synergizes into Bulwark, which we already have 2 sources for. Still, more block is never bad, and it provides an extra chance to trigger Bulwark's synergy, which goes into Aptitude (crit damage). This is our only source for Aptitude, so the extra chance to trigger it isn't unwelcome.
Whirlwind is almost exactly the same as Double Slash, just without the Debilitated debuff.
For Prowess (damage) and Resilience (armor), we primarily use Heavy Strike and the Prowess rune. Like previously mentioned, the rune counts as a source of Prowess and allows us to synergize into Resilience. That synergy passive then becomes the second source, allowing us to synergize Resilience into Form (crit chance).
Heavy Strike also applies Bleed, but we don't actually scale it so it doesn't do much in the bigger picture.
To make the build actually deal damage, we include Earthquake, which is one of the highest damaging abilities in the game, due to the Brittle stacks it applies and the Colossal buff.
Brittle stacks on enemies increases the damage of future hits by a flat value. This means that you're better off using a skill that does a ton of small hits, instead of using slow but heavy-hitting skills. Earthquake itself is a skill that does a ton of small hits, which means it both applies a lot of Brittle, and take great advantage of those stacks. Further more, as you get higher level and start casting Earthquake more often, you'll both apply more Brittle and hit more often, which makes Earthquake particularly powerful.
The Colossal stacks provided by Earthquake also make Earthquake itself hit a much bigger area. With enough multicast and skill-chaining, we can get Earthquake to cover pretty much the entire arena. This is another way in which casting Earthquake faster make Earthquake more powerful in general.
An easy second choice for an Earth skill is Earth Shield. Not only does it also provide another source of Resilience to allow us to synergize Form from, it also provides massive amount of healing. With the amount of block and armor this build is already stacking, this healing can make us borderline immune to anything but one-shots if we get enough multicast and skillchaining.
For our 6th and final skill, we use Scent of Blood. We've got a pretty big stack of Finesse building and Scent of Blood is just an easy stack of Cast Frequency. It also creates a feedback loop where we get Finesse stacks from attacking, but Scent of Blood makes us attack faster, resulting in more Finesse stacks, make Scent of Blood stronger, and so on. This makes scaling Scent of Blood slow at first, but once it picks up, it is easily maxxed out.
Do be aware that the Cast Frequency provided by Scent of Blood doesn't apply to Scent of Blood itself. You'll need to scale some skill-specific cast frequency for Scent of Blood, and keep an eye out for any Duration passives as well to get 100% uptime.
As always, skillchaining is the main way to scale the build, as it allows you to bypass the long cooldowns. The most important one is Swing-to-Earth, since we really need a ton of Earthquake and Earth Shield casts to get end-game damage and healing. Swing-to-Slam is also fine for getting more Prowess and Resilience stacks.
Synergies are really what makes this build work. It's the best way of scaling our buffs into the ridiculous amounts. There's not much to be said about them, since they're just passive rewards, but they are on par with some legendary rewards for this build.
Skill Choice
The Earth kills I chose are largely because Earthquake is mega-OP and Earth Shield honestly is as well. You could probably swap them out for Holy skills without losing too much, since they also provide some healing, but I don't think you'll be able to deal as much damage. If you don't mind losing the healing, I doubt there's a skill you couldn't make work with this setup.

Rune choice
Versatility Runes:
It's the usual combo of Endless Refill and Reroll Mastery to get easy skills selection, and we need Unexpected Arsenal to get acces to Heavy Strike. I wanted Heavy Strike since it's fast, but it's not a requirement for the build specifically.
You could swap out Unexpected Arsenal for anything you want, but then you need to change Heavy Strike for any other skill that at least grants Prowess. I'd recommend Armor Shatter. It's a bit slower, but it does provide the Shattered debuff, which might be nice.
Tenacity Runes:
The most important one by far is the Divine Legacy rune, which is (in my opinion) easily the best rune in the game. By cleverly saving and using your locks only at every 25th level, you can get 3 legendary passives every 25 levels, which is just crazy. This is probably true for almost every build, so you'll see this section in a lot of my builds.
Synergetic is super important for really getting the most out of the buffs you get from your skills, as is the case for any build that focuses heavily on buff or damaging debuffs.
You need the Battle Proficiency rune for triggering the Prowess into Resilience synergy, but that synergy isn't mandatory for the build to work since Earth Shield already grants Resilience. It's probably the best choice, but you can swap it out as needed.
Critical Mastery is super effective for our build since we can reach around 1000% crit chance at our highest point through Aptitude stacks. That's an easy extra 250% extra crit damage, which is pretty significant.

Stat priorities

These are the priorities for "basic" stats. Skill chain, type-synergies ( like "more damage per ice skill for non-ice skills", and legendary rewards are almost always better.
Prioritize in order:
Buff Synergies
Any buff synergy is good, even those that provide armor or block. Buff Synergies are so good, I personally consider them on-par with several Legendary passives don't do as much for our build (like Physical Damage for example).
It's a bit weird to have Health listed this high, but in reality, we really don't need much else. Our buff provide such insane base stats, that we really don't need to worry about our damage output.
You might want to get some Cast Frequency or other stats at first to get the build going, but it's really not necesary to overinvest. It might not make your start the quickest, but this is a marathon-build, not a sprinter. Likewise, you'll probably want some movespeed to make dodging easier, but you won't be need to do much dodging in the end-game, so don't go overboard. Increased Experience is honestly pretty good for this build, since most of your power will come from the Legendary skill-chain and multicast passives and boosting Scent of Blood to get your cooldowns lower.

That's the build!

It's not very suprising that stacking a ton of buffs would result in a killing machine, but I didn't quite expect to be so unkillable. This was definitely one of the more fun builds to do, since I had to figure out which buffs synergize to what and which skills to take to get the daisy-chain started effectively.
In the GIF that I linked at the start of this post, I actually did the build semi-wrong, since I didn't take the Prowess rune (even though I intended to at the start). I only later noticed that it was missing, and only then found out that Earth Shield also provided Resilience, so that was pretty lucky for me. Fortunately, you guys have this build so you don't need to make the same mistake I did :)
If you haven't seen it, please have a look at my previous build, the Conflagrate Barbarian.
submitted by FreqRL to SoulstoneSurvivors [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:14 fortnitedude43590 Build / Team Building / Kit Questions - FAQ Megathread V3

Build / Team Building / Kit Questions - FAQ Megathread V3
You may also check this guide at

Kit Explanation

Firefly is a 5-star Fire Destruction character. Her kit focuses around two phases:
The basic state, with a skill that costs 40% of her max HP to gain 60% of her max Energy; and the Complete Combustion state she can enter for a limited time by using Ultimate.
In Complete Combustion state, Firefly gains an enhanced Basic Attack and Skill, a good amount of SPD, Weakness Break Efficiency which lets her break enemies faster, and Super Break DMG against broken enemies.
The enhanced attacks in Complete Combustion state (enhanced state for short here on out) also heal herself. The Enhanced Skill implants a Fire weakness on all targets. In both forms, Firefly also takes reduced damage the lower her HP is, and gains bonus Break Effect based on her ATK.
In short, she cycles between a form that sacrifices HP to get energy, and a stronger form that gets huge benefits from Break.
Firefly has a kit with powerful dual stat scaling, no innate supportive capabilities and high SP consumption, which means her best role is that of a Hypercarry supported by multiple amplifiers.

Sample Setups

These are merely samples! You can choose your teams freely, there’s good freedom for the sustain in particular. For replacements, check the sections further down the guide. For different supports, use their regular builds.
Standard Team: Firefly, Harmony Trailblazer, Ruan Mei, Gallagher
This is the default Break team, highly synergistic and what most people will be running. It requires a single extra limited character in Ruan Mei, and has very high payoff. Gallagher, Break Firefly’s best sustain from a damage standpoint, is a free event reward in Firefly’s patch.
Budget Team: Firefly, Harmony Trailblazer, Asta, Gallagher
A team featuring 3 free characters and Firefly, for anyone who doesn’t have Ruan Mei. Has very high performance for the cost.
LC: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest > On the Fall of an Aeon > Indelible Promise
Relic Sets: 4-Pc [Iron Cavalry Against Scourge], or [2-Pc Break Effect set bonus + 2-Pc Break Effect set bonus] + 2-Pc [Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern], or [Talia]
Main Stats: ATK% Body / SPD Boots / ATK% Sphere / Break Effect Rope
Substats: Enough SPD to get to 210 in enhanced state, then as much Break Effect as possible (ATK% also good, not as good as BE)
Harmony Trailblazer
LC: Past Self in Mirror > Memories of the Past > Meshing Cogs
Relic Sets: 4-Pc [Watchmaker], or [2-Pc Break Effect set bonus + 2-Pc Break Effect or SPD set bonus] + 2-Pc [Talia], or [Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern], or [Fleet]
Main Stats: HP% or DEF% Body / SPD Boots / HP% or DEF% Sphere / Break Effect Rope
If you only have one Past Self in Mirror or Memories of the Past, HTB has priority on using the better one, as it uses both better than Ruan Mei. HTB has priority on using Watchmaker as well.
Substats: Enough SPD to be faster than Firefly and/or meet Talia’s requirement, then all-in on Break Effect (middle priority to improve)
Ruan Mei
LC: Past Self in Mirror > Memories of the Past > Meshing Cogs
Relic Sets: 4-Pc [Watchmaker], or [2-Pc Break Effect set bonus + 2-Pc Break Effect or SPD set bonus] + 2-Pc [Vonwacq], or [Penacony], or [Fleet]
Main Stats: HP% or DEF% Body / SPD Boots / HP% or DEF% Sphere / Energy Regen Rope
Substats: Break Effect (minimum 100%, can stop at 160%) + SPD (middle priority to improve)
LC: Meshing Cogs
Relic Sets: [2-Pc Break Effect set bonus + 2-Pc Break Effect or SPD set bonus] + 2-Pc [Penacony], or [Fleet]
Main Stats: HP% or DEF% Body / SPD Boots / HP% or DEF% Sphere / Energy Regen Rope
Substats: Enough SPD to be faster than Firefly, then all-in on Break Effect, more SPD is good too (low priority to improve)
LC: Multiplication / What is Real? (Multiplication is priority if it feels safe enough)
Relic Sets: [2-Pc Break Effect set bonus + 2-Pc Break Effect or SPD set bonus] + 2-Pc [Talia], or [Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern], or [Fleet]
Main Stats: Outgoing Healing Body / SPD Boots / HP% or DEF% Sphere / Energy Regen Rope
Substats: As much SPD as possible, Break Effect is good as well (low priority to improve)
Note: The Planar set bonuses are the least important part of the builds for anyone but Firefly. If you get the main stats on other sets, or even incomplete sets, it’ll only result in a minor decrease in team performance.

Stat Building

210 SPD while transformed is not detailed in a trace, but is the requirement for Firefly to get a 4th action within her Ultimate without external sources of action advance, and also 3 actions on a wave change while the countdown is currently on the action bar. Because of that, it’s extremely important to attain this breakpoint.
Reaching it will generally require SPD boots, together with another source of speed, like the Forge set bonus, substats or smaller buffs such as Ruan Mei’s talent.
A stable 165 SPD while untransformed, equaling 225 SPD while transformed, is the breakpoint for getting 3 Enhanced Actions in the first cycle without any external Action Advances. This speed will require a decent amount of substats, but is worth considering if and only if 0-cycling is one of your goals
Break Effect/Attack
Firefly’s main scaling stat is Break Effect, as most of her damage is Break DMG. She also converts ATK into BE, which makes ATK% very close to BE for her scaling per percentage. Since BE sources often give out more than ATK% sources, BE is still the higher priority.
There is a breakpoint of 360% BE for her personal Super Break DMG, and that should be attained by all means, which should not be difficult with proper support and heavy BE investment. Attaining more BE by all means is how Firefly does her damage.
Her multipliers and several other benefits towards building Crit have been completely destroyed with Beta v3. Crit stats are completely wasted on Firefly.

Light Cones

Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest, her signature LC, is the best option as with every DPS in the game. Break Effect is uncommon in Destruction LCs, and this gives a big chunk of it together with a debuff that helps Firefly deal Super Break DMG.
Its importance for her seems to be about average when compared to other DPSes’ signature options for themselves - she is not as signature-reliant as Blade or Acheron. Aeon, mentioned below, is a great F2P replacement.
On the Fall of an Aeon, the Herta Store LC, gives Firefly a huge chunk of ATK%, which gets converted into more BE. It also has very high base ATK to increase the value of other sources of ATK%. This should be your default F2P choice.
Indelible Promise is her best 4* option, giving a good amount of Break Effect, the stat she wants the most. It does need a high Superimposition to be great, which is something inaccessible to most players.
Flames Afar, mentioned here due to the frequent talk about it pre-beta, is not a good option for Firefly despite Sam being in it. Firefly needs BE or ATK% for her damage scaling, and Flames Afar offers neither of them, so its effect is useless on her.
Other Light Cones are inferior and not recommended.

Relics and Planars

Iron Cavalry Against Scourge, a set being introduced together with Firefly’s release in 2.3, is her undisputed best option. Break/Super Break DMG is the majority of Firefly’s damage profile, and the significant DEF ignore is one of the biggest sources of damage increase you can have.
2-Pc/2-Pc Set combos are a great option for Firefly. With 3 sets that give BE to mix and match between, you can pick the combinations with the best BE substats you can find. Iron Cavalry’s improvement is sizable, but the performance of 2-Pc/2-Pc sets is still high enough for re-farming to not be necessary.
Genius of Brilliant Stars, aka Quantum set, is also a solid option. It also features DEF ignore stacking that works on Break DMG, but will provide less of it in most situations and also has a worse 2-Pc effect. Just as above, if you’ve saved up Quantum pieces with high Break Effect, they’ll serve you well.
Longevous Disciple, mentioned here due to the frequent talk about it pre-beta, has several issues with uptime and not giving Firefly one of her two scaling stats, so its effect is useless on her.
Other set options are not recommended, as they’ll be outdone by 2-Pc/2-Pc builds.
Planar Sets:
Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern and Talia: Kingdom of Banditry both give massives amount of Break Effect to contribute to your main damage and are almost identical in benefit. Both of their conditions are automatically met in enhanced state.
All other options are worse. Typically, the gap between Planar sets for characters is quite small, but the Break sets offer a lot of that stat, and since it’s unlikely to have good BE pieces saved up in other sets, it’s recommended to farm either Forge or Talia.

Team Building - Amplifiers

Harmony Trailblazer - Firefly and Harmony Trailblazer’s kits seem to have been practically made for each other. HTB’s biggest fault of only buffing Break Effect is fixed by Firefly’s kit converting it directly into damage scaling, while Firefly’s high innate BE and incredible break value on Enhanced Skill will help her deal extremely high Super Break DMG. These two should be together in teams at basically all times.
Differently from Boothill, who doesn’t use HTB in his most optimal teams, Firefly has more upfront break to access Super Break DMG quicker, especially with the help of Gallagher or Bronya, and can’t trigger default Break DMG by herself. In general, Break characters are highly recommended to stick together, both to amplify each other and to get Super Break DMG, so the other two currently in the game, Ruan Mei and Gallagher, go very well here.
Ruan Mei - A fantastic fit, almost every part of Ruan Mei’s kit greatly benefits Firefly. Weakness Break Efficiency helps her break enemies faster and improves Super Break DMG, RES PEN is a modifier that also works on Break damage, and the passive SPD and BE help Firefly get to her thresholds. An easy choice to put into any team.
Ruan Mei’s E1 will be a good improvement to these teams, with its DEF ignore stacking with Iron Cavalry’s set bonus for exponential growth.
Asta - Asta is a good budget option for Break teams when lacking 5* Harmony units. Her ATK buff is directly converted into more BE for Firefly, and the high break value on her skill means she can deal significant Super Break DMG and help Firefly break enemies faster.
Asta’s speed buff can give Firefly’s enhanced state a fourth turn with no speed investment, but it can only be ready for the first one in specific conditions - an E6 Asta with Meshing Cogs, an ERR rope and using technique instead of Firefly’s. Because of that, it’s recommended to still run Speed boots on Firefly.
Asta is recommended to build towards Break Effect in her substats as she doesn’t have high stat requirements elsewhere.
Hanya - Hanya’s benefits are very similar to Asta’s, but Asta is a free character with upsides to Hanya. Use Hanya as a budget option if you just don’t like Asta.
Bronya - Bronya works incredibly well with Firefly. More actions in Enhanced State have very high value, and Bronya gives more than any other support. With E0 Firefly’s SP consumption, though, those teams need to finish fights incredibly quickly before they run dry of SP. When Firefly is E1, Bronya becomes a better option.
The required speed tuning for optimization is pending with v3 changes, but is likely to be very demanding on Bronya’s side.
Silver Wolf/Pela - Both of these characters help stack DEF reduction, which affects Super Break DMG. The damage increase from this is solid, and they can be considered budget options.
Robin - Almost none of Robin’s benefits work with Firefly, as her ATK buff does not contribute to Firefly’s ATK > BE conversion. With that in mind, Robin ends up being close in performance to Asta as a teammate. Even if she’s E1, just use her on your other team.
Tingyun - Tingyun’s main appeal, the energy battery, is of low benefit to Firefly. Since Firefly’s Enhanced Skill generates no energy, Tingyun needs Huohuo to cut a turn of downtime. Her ATK buff is beaten out by Asta, and most other benefits are wasted.
Sparkle - Sparkle’s DMG% and crit buffing is entirely wasted on Firefly. Her Action Advance is extremely difficult to make use of with Firefly’s changing speed and will not give many enhanced actions.
Yukong - Yukong’s skill’s value is practically tossed out the window with Firefly’s self-action advance and speed buff. With her ATK% buff being unreliable and Yukong providing nothing else towards Firefly’s breakpoints, she’s not a good option at all.

Team Building - Sustains

Firefly is not very picky with sustains. Even still, there are some preferences. Her high SP consumption favors sustains that can generate high amounts of SP.
Gallagher - Gallagher is a perfect fit for Firefly. Generating insane amounts of SP due to his ultimate’s action advance and Multiplication, coupled with helping break Fire weak enemies which Firefly creates and increasing their Break DMG received, Gallagher can be considered the optimal sustain from a damage standpoint despite his 4* status.
E1 is an important breakpoint for Gallagher, letting him contribute massive amounts of Break before Firefly’s first action to let her break enemies quicker. Gallagher does this by using Skill to get to full energy on his first turn > Ultimate > Enhanced Basic.
Other Fast Abundances - This includes Natasha, Lynx, Bailu and Luocha. Having high speed on these helps make up for Firefly’s SP consumption to give your support units more freedom, and since the DPS is typically the weak link of the team survivability-wise, Firefly’s innate tankiness helps mitigate the weaker healing provided by Natasha, Lynx and Bailu. Multiplication is recommended, but if it feels too unsafe, feel free to use a more healing-oriented LC.
Aventurine - Firefly does not have any reservations against being played with a shielder. Her self-action advance happens infrequently enough that it shouldn’t lead to Aventurine’s shields falling off, and with Firefly being tankier than most DPS, Aventurine’s need to use skill decreases even more, making him a very safe sustain option that also provides good SP.
Huohuo - Huohuo’s SP consumption is a poor fit for Firefly, the ATK buff from her ultimate lasts too little to be worth much, and the energy battery is useless for Firefly herself unless you waste another slot on Tingyun. Huohuo is still a strong character against any CC-heavy fights and smooths out most supports’ rotations, though.
Fu Xuan - Fu Xuan’s low SP generation is an issue when being ran with Firefly, but if that’s accounted for with your other support choices, Fu Xuan functions moderately well - she’ll still be as safe as she is with anyone, but her Crit buff will not benefit Firefly at all.

# Eidolons

As with most other characters, E3 and E5 are minor numerical upgrades that don’t change the kit’s workings. Their pictures are linked for your appreciation, though.
E1 - In Reddened Chrysalis, I Once Rest): DEF ignore is the rare modifier to apply to Break DMG, making it a solid damage increase. The Enhanced Skill not consuming SP moves Firefly’s average SP consumption from around -1.4 SP/t to -0.55 SP/t, which is quite significant in giving more team options as well.
E2 - From Shattered Sky, I Free Fall: The newest busted, whale-bait eidolon. Adding functionally two turns to ultimate state is a hilariously powerful effect, and it’s very easy to make use of it - your Blast attacks will often break main targets and kill adds quickly.
This eidolon is undoubtedly broken, but same as with Acheron’s and Imbibitor Lunae’s, it is not required for Firefly to be a strong character by any stretch of the imagination. Do not feel forced to go for it if you can’t afford it.
E4 - Upon Lighted Firefly, I Soon Gaze: A token effect that is typically covered by your sustain unit. Never worth stopping at.
E6 - In Finalized Morrow, I Full Bloom: RES PEN and Weakness Break Efficiency will both greatly help with your Super Break DMG.
A strong eidolon by itself, but considering its cost is functionally quadrupled due to the minor benefits of E3-E5, the benefit-cost ratio is very low, and if your goal is to increase Firefly’s performance the most you can, early upgrades to supports will be of bigger benefit to her than aiming for E6.
Q: Don’t Ruan Mei and Harmony Trailblazer have anti-synergy with Firefly, since they delay their Break recovery, so you can’t Break them again?
A: With a well-built team, not at all. Even without these delays, enemies will die before being broken twice almost unconditionally. In that case, it’s better to extend the benefits you get from attacking broken enemies, so these delays are a strict upside.
Q: E1, Signature LC, literally anything else OR Ruan Mei?
A: Ruan Mei, and it’s not close. The benefit she provides to Firefly’s damage is unmatched, and she can be considered an essential teammate to maximize Firefly’s damage.
Q: Signature LC or E1?
A: Both are decently close in performance. I’d give the edge to Signature for most players, freeing up your Aeon for use with other Destruction characters.
Q: Does Crit or DMG% affect Break damage?
A: No. The only Relic stat that increases Break damage is Break Effect. The only buffs/debuffs that do are Break Effect increases, DEF reduction/ignore, RES PEN, and Damage Taken increases.
submitted by fortnitedude43590 to FireflyMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:39 Mawksie Pulling and Team Building for beginners

Hi everyone!
Likely the most common type of post in this sub is asking for guidance about what current/upcoming characters would most benefit their account to pull. I've dipped into a few of these threads to offer what insight I have, but I feel like there are some basic principles that are easy to see once you've played for a while that are less obvious when you first start, and talking about those might help more people than handing out fish individually.
Disclaimer: I'm not a hardcore player. I don't whale (monthly passes and NH only). I couldn't recognize a damage simulation calculation if it hit my mother. My main qualification to talk about this is being a person who has played every day since release, and since about three months after that, hasn't gotten less than max stars in every MoC/PF. I'm what I assume most would call a "successful casual" player. So if that's your current goal, I'm hoping I can help.
Second Disclaimer: YOU ARE HERE TO HAVE FUN, IF SOMEONE LOOKS COOL TO YOU, PULL FOR THEM. Everything below is for getting your account on it's feet as fast as possible, but ultimately the only factor in HSR is time. No matter who you pull, your account will have everything it needs eventually, and you WILL get all those stars. If you're in no rush, skip my post since it will only be as valuable as who-to-pull advice as /okbuddytrailblazer. Remember: If you aint mirin' your fun is expirin'

~-~Okay, but who should I pull??~-~

You're first priority should always be a powerful sustain unit.
Because with a reasonable investment, the 4* damage units on your team will do just fine (for now). Pulling a damage unit is tempting in the beginning because big numbers and flashy animations are cool (and listen, I know thats why we're all here), but you don't get to see those big numbers and animations if your damage dealer is dead. The biggest jump in the power and confy-ness of my account was upgrading Bailu to Fu-Xuan. Suddenly my team was surviing long enough to finish fights that seemed like close-calls at best a day prior. My damage was still middling, but at least I was surviving long enough to deal it.
"Okay, but what makes a sustain unit good? Aren't all limited sustains better than 4*/Bailu?"
While most/all limited sustains will broadly be better than 4*/Bailu, they are not all going to be equally valuable to an in-progress account. As of right now, pretty much all of the released sustain units are top tier and worth getting for new accounts, but as more are released, you're going to see units fit more into niches that are much more valuable to more established accounts that can take advantage of those niches, and much less valuable to new accounts that mostly just need to cover the basics.
"The basics" just refers to two things, mainly:
  1. Can your sustain unit heal/block enough damage to keep your units alive?
  2. Can your sustain cleanse/prevent CC effects that would hamper your team's ability to do their job?
So a quick breakdown of the current sustains and how they cover those basics:
  1. Potent single target heals with free casts, and potent off-turn healing means any damage that doesnt outright one-shot your team is healed back to full quickly and easily
  2. His ability when triggered manually or through his passive, cleanses, allowing for quick reactions to CC
  1. Extreme damage mitigation and small heals allow teams to easily survive all but the most punishing content
  2. Once-per-cast ability blocks single or team-wide CC
  1. Insane ability healing output, plus consistent off-turn healing keeps teams alive, albeit at an SP cost
  2. Her ability's target, as well as all recipients of her off-turn healing are cleansed, making pretty much all negative effects complete non-issues.
  1. High value shields that self refreshes if they survive long enough give comfy margins for even big incoming damage
  2. Self-CC immunity plus reasonable CC resist on his shield mean your only real enemy is bad luck
Any of these units will make your main team feel near-invincible.
But what about upcoming sustains? Will they be just as good?
Maybe! We can look at the kits of some 4* sustains to see what more niche sustain kits may look like in the future:
  1. Fair healing output, but requires the injured party to attack or else costs 1SP to heal directly.
  2. Cleanse on ability, but locked behind E2. Only on-turn, costs SP.
  3. Break effect debuff on ult/EBA means synergy with teams that benefits from debuffs/BE.
Gallagher's sustain capabilities aren't much compared to the limited units'. But he has a place in teams that will benefit from his strong debuff, as they may not need as much healing/cleansing due to knocking-the-bajesus out of the enemy before they can attack. Valuable to someone with Acheron? Absolutely! Is he going to keep your level 40 QingQue alive long enough to kill the Deer? Probably not.

~-Okay, I have a plan to get a sustain, can I blow something up now?-~

Yes! But, just like sustains, there are going to be things to look out for to get the most out of your first limited damage-dealer.
1. Is your DPS going to struggle if the enemy is not weak to their element?
2. Is your DPS going to struggle because they lack an essential partner unit you don't own?
3. What situation is your DPS built to handle?
So are other DPS units not worth getting?
Every limited DPS unit in the game has a place and team that makes them amazing. Once your account is getting its full value out of the biweekly challenges, then the best value comes from building synergies.

~-Okay I have my damage dealer, and they're staying alive. Why are my numbers so much lower than the ones I see in screenshots and videos?-~

When you first start HSR, it seems like the real heroes are the damage dealers "WoAw That Acheron just hit an Ult for 850k!"
But did they? or was it the Silver Wolf and Pela standing behind her?
The real excitement now, is in the buffers/debuffers
Limited Harmony (and utility Nihility) units are the last piece to the puzzle. Not only will they give you screenshot-worthy damage numbers, but they have much more broad appeal to teams than other roles.
While certain teams want certain stats more than others, ultimately, stats are stats, and whether that means you're going faster, hitting harder, or getting more energy for ultimates, your DPS units will almost always benefit from a limited support unit.
There aren't that many of them, so lets talk about all of them and what makes them good.
1. Bronya
2. RuanMei
3. SParkle
4. Robin
5. Silver Wolf
6. Harmony Trailblazer

~-I have a character for all three roles! Now what?-~

At this point, you should be able to capable handle at least one side of MoC/PF, and you'll want to shift focus to your second team, but this is much more open ended, so let just talk about some considerations that will make choosing new characters easier. Remember that ultimately your goal is to have teams that can reliably clear the biweekly challenges and SU modules.
1. Do you already have units that have synergy with the new units?
2. Do you have coverage for the weaknesses of your current teams?
3. Is a new unit going to require a ton of investment to come online?


submitted by Mawksie to StarRailStation [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:20 Iarefunny Definitive Norsca: Throgg The Troll King Guide (V5.0.3)(L/VH)

Everybody wants Norsca to be relevant and good again. With Epidemus, Tamurkhan, Malakai, Kislev, Thrott the Unclean, Malus Darkblade surrounding you, and the WoC update, a lot of people have complained that the Norsca roster feels slim, bare-bones, and their campaign can feel lackluster. That being said, Norsca has an amazing economy (arguably the best), a solid dependable defensive base in Norsca, the capability for rapid expansion, and strong lords so it definitely DOES have a lot going for it, and Throgg himself can lead an extremely frenzied (or rapid) campaign.
TL;DR of How Throgg and Norsca Work
Pros & Cons:
Will try to only give pros and cons relevant to Throgg's faction rather than the Norsca.
Early Game:
You do have a bit of a tough initial battle, but you got it for sure. Let your province allow you to recruit 1 more, recruit and move. Ignore Norsca after you get your initial province, go down, take Malakai out ASAP (very achievable, rush his artillery). get Lair of the Trolls, go down and you'll find Kostatlyn and Azazel fighting, with Kostatlyn wounded. In fact, if you offer to join his war against Azazel, he'll most likely agree to be your vassal (happened in 3 out of 3 playthroughs). Don't let him be your vassal, he won't join wars against Katarin and its in your victory condition to crush him. With this, you have Katarin to crush and you can recruit another lord in Norsca to lead your war to confederate the others.
Build infrastructure buildings ASAP. Minor settlements will have growth building + minor military chains + either the income building (only 150g, so not really worth it), or the building that gives you a wizard hero.
If you decide to raise another army, it could be worth it to wait till Throgg minimizes the global recruit time for trolls. You can save loads of turns and cash because you recruit 3 Ice Trolls per turn. Replace Throggs army with Ice Trolls ASAP though, and make sure that its recruited on the east side of your province because thats significantly faster to reach Throgg with than raising at the capital.
Mid Game:
A decision here: Do you continue conquering past Kislev into the Empire and eventually running into the Chaos dwarves? Or do you conquer the entirety of Norsca and go north? It's up to you. You've probably already accomplished your early victory conditions, so it's entirely up to you.
The ideal composition for non-Throgg armies now are LL, 2 Skinwolf Werekin, 1 Fimir Balefiend, and 1 Sorcerer-Shaman, 6 Skin Wolves, Ice Trolls, and maybe 3-4 ranged units (I add them for flavor but you could just have more Ice Trolls or whatever you want here).
Malus Darkblade will be a PROBLEM. Loads of ranged weapons, artillery, and Malus is a tough, tough guy to beat. Sigvald might also have the legendary heroes with him + upwards of 5-6 armies between him and his vassal who attack you from all sides. Sigvald and Malus will 100% get some of your settlements. You can't be everywhere all at once.
Late Game:
Mammoth doomstacks. Raze settlements. Occupy and paint the map. Do whatever you want. You were done with your objectives in the early game, it's entirely up to you what you want to do now. You've also experienced most of the roster, so it's literally just long term objectives for you. I would actually not advise that you play into the late game, because I am almost certain you will find the campaign stale as hell and the god rewards aren't worth grinding out for, especially now that we have Tzeentch and Nurgle factions.
In this order for Throgg:
Research Tree
Stand Out Units, lords, heros
Overall Rating & Review
If you're an old head who's played a ton of Norsca, it be very enjoyable to play Norsca with the new LLs that surround you. If you're new and own WH1, Norsca is a fun faction that you need no DLC for to have everything. There's no time wasted in this campaign, no down time, it ramps up as fast as it burns out.
Definitely a fun change of pace, a straightforward campaign, it's not where we would probably want Norsca as a faction and they would benefit a ton from just a few more units and some end game goals. That being said, I don't think it deserves the amount of hate I see it getting. It's enjoyable.
Final rating:
8/10+ if you're a Norsca fan.
7/10 if you're neutral.
5/10 if you're a difficulty nut.
Also everyone, it's my second time writing a guide or a review for Total War, so if you have any feedback, please do let me know in the comments! I submit my first guide for Nakai over a year ago, and I still get messages in my inbox and on that thread for it which really motivated me to make another guide. I'll be more than happy to get back to anyone if they have any questions, I had a great time playing this campaign and I love this game!
submitted by Iarefunny to totalwar [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:19 AttackOnGolurk Too much WoW right now

I don’t know who needs to hear this but there is literally too much to do in World of Warcraft to right now. I’m about 2/3 through the meta achievement, I want to get the Mage heroic set and the priest and shaman elite PvP sets (+seasonal PvP mount). Then there is MoP remix. THEN there’s SoD. THEN there’s Cata Classic. Thankfully I’ll be sleeping on Cata, since for me Classic ends with WotLK, despite my love of Goblins. But, like, there’s just too much right now.
submitted by AttackOnGolurk to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:33 Apart_Bluejay $15 shipped for all 6 raven cards

submitted by Apart_Bluejay to sportscards [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:36 Cheeks_Klapanen Bogert Update on Marco Reus (summary in OP)

Bogert Update on Marco Reus (summary in OP)
Bogert’s recent news video starts with a pretty lengthy talk on Reus coming to MLS, here are the bullet points:
  1. CLT is very interested, has had talks with Reus’s camp for months, and have additional talks planned after the Champions League final. Bogert puts Charlotte at the top of the list in terms of MLS landing spots for Reus.
  2. Galaxy are also very interested, but do not have an open DP spot, and do not plan on opening one up. They are hoping that Reus will be willing to take a non-DP contract to play there, similar to what LAFC have done with guys like Chielini and Bale
  3. Reus and his family aren’t very interested in St. Louis, despite the connections to many within the club. Bogert isn’t completely ruling them out, but calls them a “distant third” behind CLT and LAG.
  4. Should Reus decide against Charlotte, the club has made it known they would require compensation far beyond the current record for discovery rights transfer, which is $500k. However, their priority is still to sign the player, not sell his rights.
  5. Reus has other offers from Turkey and the Middle East to consider
  6. Nothing will be decided until the summer. Reus is understably 100% focused on the Champions League final, and will weigh options after BVB’s season is over.
  7. Even if CLT miss out on Reus, Bogert expects us to take big swings and sign two DP’s in the summer window, likely a a #9 and a #10.
Bogert is as reliable as it comes with MLS stuff. I don’t really care what an article in transfermarkt (a stats website whose primary function is estimating transfer values) says about him “rejecting” Charlotte. If Bogert is reporting additional talks will happen, that tells me he has definitely not officially rejected the club. How likely it actually is that he signs here (or in MLS at all) is anyone’s guess, but at this stage it seems that we are still very much a player, and from an MLS perspective, the one in the driver’s seat.
submitted by Cheeks_Klapanen to CharlotteFootballClub [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:33 Au_Plays Discussion about Endless Grinding

I want to start by saying I love this game. I am posting this bc I want to see it thrive. I know this topic has to have been ran into the ground on this subreddit but I wanted to open a discussion to help me understand where we as players stand on the topic right now. Firstly, I apologize to all the people I thought were exaggerating about late endless runs being horrible before this point. With my recent return to the game and shiny weekend I decided to do my first endless run and it is a major success. I have a tinkaton/kartana fusion and a lvl 7500 salt cure leech seed protect metal burst garganacl and I have SSS luck on floor 1500ish. I legitimately dont think I can lose the run unless I just get tired of it.... segway into why I am tired of it lmao. The status and endure tokens NEED to be reworked or taken out of the game imo. As a competitive pokemon player I have always hated sleep and freeze because I think any mechanic that just stops you from playing the game is dumb and here in endless I get slept or frozen 85% of the time I am hit. So I have just quickly thought of a few ways I think it could be remedied.
First and foremost, just fix the lum berry so it works like it does in actual pokemon games. In mainline games lum berry activates as soon as you are statused whereas in pokerogue the berry priorities are all the same meaning it doesnt happen until everyone has taken their turn. I am sure that this was to make coding berries easier but tbh more berries activate immediately once the requirements are met than berries that activate at the end of the turn. Take stat boosting berries and the Super Effective berries, those all activate immediately once you hit 25% HP or are hit by a SE attack respectively. The only post turn berries are the healing ones. I think fixing when all the berries are supposed to proc would change ALOT. Im even down for a berry pouch nerf to balance this out if needed.
Second things, get rid of being able to randomly encounter boss battles outside of the 10s floors. Maybe after floor 1000 you run into a boss every five floors, but having 5 boss battles in 10 floors makes this unbearable at some points. Boss bars paired with endure and status tokens is what actually makes it really annoying. I can deal with non boss pokemon really really easily. This also opens up to more strategy around having a designated boss carry and a faster strong hitter to take out the non boss mons rather than just having the same ole boring 2 strats everyone is forced to run late game.
At the end of the day people play endless to hunt shinies, legendaries, and hidden abilities. It shouldnt be this much of a pain by floor 1500 to do all of that. Endless should be about making cool unique pokemon to run the game with, making cool fusions no one else has done. Using your favorite pokemon in a unique way etc etc. But bc of how the game is setup right now it just feels tedious and none of that is possible. I hope we can all try to help the devs think of ways to fix these issues for players.
submitted by Au_Plays to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:00 StackBorn Combat medic a hard to kill / hard to disrupt support build

He is designed around his capabilities to survive almost everything in order to bring support everywhere on the battlefield. He will lacks "Surgery" as he is more a field operative then a doctor.
I wanted the best survivability possible, so you need high level in :
ROLE : Medtech
Skills to focus on :
In order of priority
At the end of the day under combat drugs :
With that in mind :
submitted by StackBorn to cyberpunkred [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:59 DavidDohDon Vini Jr. transfer listed for 35mill. Demanding near 1.2mill a week in wages

Vini Jr. transfer listed for 35mill. Demanding near 1.2mill a week in wages submitted by DavidDohDon to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:36 UinguZero Can't find that right build for me...

I have played several classes to lvl 70
But can't really find one that sticks with me.
In diablo2 I loved playing Necro blood golem (untill they needed the that one spell that makes the blood golem insanely powerfully, after that I transformed to a Necro poison nova build
In diablo3 I loved the witch doctor
In diablo4 I loved the stampede waerbear druid
All 3 of these classes are fast pasted, has a good aeo damage and a decent single target damage
In last epoch I tried the Necro, shaman, warlock and druid. However mine of these builds are giving me that same satisfaction or wow effect ....
Maybe I have build it wrong? Didn't stick long enough with it? Or maybe I need to look at other classes?
Any one have any suggestions for me?
Don't get me wrong I love the game and the mechanics behind it (a little disappointed we can't assign stats like str, int, dex, vit ... )
But I can't find that class/build that does it for me....
submitted by UinguZero to LastEpoch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:04 dimitronci Dota Replay Finder

Dota Replay Finder

Ladies and gents, I present to you a tool that allows you to query high MMR and pro matches in which specific things happened. Currently it's only querying matches from PGL Wallachia

Example usage:

Give me every replay from PGL Wallachia in which any hero gets a rampage.

Who would use this?

First and foremost, I hope content creators! Instead of playing random rampages as the background of an analytical video, content creators can select proper video content to show. For example, a content creator is explaining how broken the physical damage build on Zeus is. Now they can query for games where Zeus buys Agh's shard before minute 15:10, buys Manta before 17:00 and gets more than 15 kills throughout the game. And their viewers can follow a game that is relevant to what the content creator is talking about. Analysts for professional teams on the other hand, can use this as a strong analytical tool. For example, they can query all games where Gyro has more than 13k gold at minute 15 in order to analyze farming patterns.

What's new about this tool?

The flexibility in querying. You're not just getting raw stats without context, you can simply describe the type of game you want to find and the finder will find these for you if such exist. I envision this to be beneficial for analytical or content creation purposes.

It's slow!

Once a lot of people start querying simultaneously, things might get a bit slow. If you are a renown community figure and you would like to have your queries parsed quickly, you can DM me in reddit and I'll give you a priority code. Please give me some feedback as well.

Find out more:
submitted by dimitronci to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:07 ValuableAd886 How to gear up arms warrior in MoP Remix?

So I came back to retail for the new MoP Remix and I need some advice on how to gear up my arms warrior. From what I've found on Dragonflight version the stat priority should be: Crit > Haste > Mastery > Versatility, but Remix is different.
Since you only seem to get 1 stat on the armor gear, do you focus on every piece having crit? What about diminishing returns? There is also the matter of leech (I don't know if it's a stat in Dragonflight). Theoretically, if you had every prismatic slot with leech +++ and stam + combined with high HP pool to survive hits you could be unkillable.
Also what Tinker gems are you using compared to other classes/specs? I am a big fan of Windweaver and Vampiric Aura :D
submitted by ValuableAd886 to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:50 sneaky_dangernoodle Air vs AIO

I have a 601 case (love it) and my current Ryzen 7 3700x system is starting to feel a bit dated. I still use the stock fan on that and am very happy with the noise levels.
I'm considering going all out on the next system, i9 or R9, top of the line. I don't care if a CPU gets warm (not about the stats) but of course don't want it throttling. Noise level and pitch are top priorities for me.
Have never used an AIO before, am tossing up between a dark rock elite or silent loop 2 360mm.
Anyone got any real world advice or comparisons? If price was no concern but you wanted the least annoying sounding system, which would you choose? Does that change if you plan to do a little OC?
submitted by sneaky_dangernoodle to bequietofficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:31 CaradogRhys 2023-2024 Season Review

Now that the sun has set on another season it’s time to reflect on our performance throughout and look forward to how next season could go.
TLDR; Much improved season but game management has cost us throughout. Continued strong recruitment for next season especially at Manager position.
Let’s begin with the raw stats.
We finished 10th for the second successive season but amassed our highest points total of 18 in the WSL alongside our best goal scoring season with 26 goals for and our best defensive season conceding 45 goals against. An improvement of 11 more goals scored and 3 fewer goals conceded than last season.
We finished third in our Continental Cup group losing only one game to Manchester United which ultimately cost us progression to the knockouts.
Furthermore, we reached the FA Cup semi final for the first time in our history, dominating lower league teams along the way.
Our top 5 goal scorers (in all competitions):
Rantala - 10
Cayman - 7
Petermann - 6
Tierney - 4
O’Brien/Whelan/Rose - 3
Top 5 assist providers (in all competitions):
Rantala - 7
Momiki - 5
Petermann - 4
Tierney - 4
Takarada - 3
End of season awards winners:
Player of the Season - Rantala
Players player - Rantala
Goal of the Season - Goodwin vs Liverpool
Academy Player of the Season - Kiera Bell
Congratulations to all. Now on to the review proper.
We start with the positives. Recruitment has been great this year. The additions of Petermann, Rantala and Cayman have increased our goal scoring output and the acquisitions of Lietzig, Kop, Thibaud, Rose, Momiki and Takarada has added greater depth and quality to our squad and made us a more competitive team throughout the season.
We very rarely sat in against teams, aimed to play out from the back and press opposition back lines which served us well and earned plaudits from around the league especially early on in the campaign.
Additionally we have a very solid tandem of goalkeepers in Leitzig and Kop that have shown they can be rotated in for each other and not effect the confidence of the team in front of them which is a great bonus.
Finally, we continue to see success in our youth academy with them winning the double of the PGA Plate and County Cup as well as academy players continuing to get minutes in the senior team.
Now, unfortunately, the negatives.
Elephant in the room is the managerial situation. After Kirk’s dismissal for unprofessional conduct and Foster stepping down as interim manager with the conclusion of the season we are now searching for our fourth manager in three seasons in the WSL.
Something is very clearly not right behind the scenes when our last 2 male managers have crossed professional boundaries with players and our last permanent female manager was unceremoniously dismissed hours after a giving a pre match press conference. Questions have to be asked about how our next manager is going to be recruited, monitored and assessed by the higher ups. This inconsistency has been reflected in our on pitch performances and the players must be commended for how they have handled the off pitch turmoil.
To be optimistic, whomever the next manager shall be they need to keep pushing the progressive, attacking football we have developed under Kirk whilst making us a less porous side defensively and able to manage games better and see them out especially when we have the lead.
Which very neatly leads me to our biggest downside this campaign, our game management.
All of our 4 league victories this season came against two teams (Bristol City and Everton) half of those came in the opening two games of the season (where we were briefly top of the league 🙌🏻) and the other 2 came in three games at the end of January/beginning of February. That is a long time to go without success without it effecting not only our league standing but the morale of the team.
It has been a reverse of our previous seasons where instead of seeing us floundering at the bottom to pop up at the end of the season we have watched us have an electric start only to slowly but surely watch our league position erode away.
The story of our season was giving up leads and losing points from winning positions happening 7 times in the league. The most defining examples is being 2-0 up at halftime at home to Arsenal, being the better side only to be decimated in the second half and lose 6-2. Drawing 1-1 in stoppage time to a 10 player West Ham and both games against Brighton. First surrendering a two goal advantage in the final 10 minutes of the away fixture to draw the game and then taking the lead at home to only go 2-1 down, fight back to level the tie but lose to another goal conceded in the last 5 minutes.
Of those 7 leads and potential 21 points lost, if we win against West Ham and Brighton, that’s 9 points in our favour and we would be celebrating a much stronger finish to our season.
With regards to looking forward to next season I do feel we have very strong foundations to build upon and become even more competitive not only in the league but have strong cup runs as proven by our results in a tough Conti Cup group and our semi final appearance in the FA Cup.
As for personnel we have a squad full of internationals with at least half a season of chemistry with each other, excellent training facilities and the privilege of playing at the King Power for home league games.
Obviously we need a quality manager to lead us. I would have jumped at the chance to take on Carla Ward but she is taking time out to spend time with her family. Aside from her I am not so well versed in the women’s managerial landscape to make an educated suggestion. Maybe Melissa Phillips, formerly of Brighton who seemed to have good respect from her players and a decent track record with London City Lionesses and Brighton.
For players I would like to see another striker brought in. When Petermann isn’t available we lack a focal point up top and Siemsen hasn’t been relied upon much when fit.
Cover at full back would be a priority as well. Bott is outstanding and we can always rely on the experience of Cayman but depth is definitely an issue. Ale did a decent job towards the tail end of the season but is only on loan and Nevin has seemingly dropped down the pecking order.
Further depth in the middle with the departure of Whelan and a younger, more modern centre half (think Plumptre) to complement the guile and physicality that we have in place.
A third experienced keeper wouldn’t go amiss to cover for injury to Kop or Leitzig.
I’m genuinely excited to see how he play with a fully fit complement of wingers next year as that is where we are stacked with promise: Rantala, Rose, Cain, Goodwin, O’Brien and Momiki (on occasion) offer a truly dangerous outlet for us and pose any defender a headache.
One final note. Thank you to Whelan for her services as our club Captain for the last two seasons. She has lead by example, never kicked up a fuss not being a starter this season and always given 100% on the pitch. May she enjoy her retirement from football.
Feel free to add your own thoughts and opinions and we look forward to improving further in the off season.
submitted by CaradogRhys to lcfcwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:45 ykzdropdead A few ideas for TWW to improve class gameplay and combat

This post felt rambly but they're just some cool ideas, I didn't care for its' structure
Underwhelming Major Cooldowns
A few long cooldown spells still feel very underwhelming to press. Trueshot, Beastial Wrath, Berserk, Icy Veins, Recklessness, Avatar and the likes. Comparatively, think of Havoc DH Metamorphosis and how much it does by pressing one button. It's a really long leap with customized distance and landing spot, a very strong stun, an incredible animation, visual character transformation, modifies your abilities AND provides rotational changes. And I felt that the hero talent trees would be a great way to fix this issue, or at least try to fix that.
For example: Icy veins would now have a long cast, and would throw three Glacial Spikes at 50% (or 75% or some other percentage, insert a fair % here) effectiveness on use as a baseline. With the Frostfire hero talent tree, Icy Veins would now throw 3 pyroblasts at X% effectiveness on top of that. Fun, strong, useful, more dynamic, balanced and extremely appealing visually.
A similar approach could be taken with Trueshot and other underwhelming CDs. Just as a another comparison for context, Arcane Mage used to have Arcane Power, and extremelly undewhelming "press this for 35% more damage" button. It was then transformed into Arcane Surge, a long-cast very hard hitting ability that changes your rotation even more than AP did, and now even has a lot more interactions with talents and Mana, your main resource as arcane mage. It was very well received by the mage community and, personally, I now like a lot more playing the spec just because of that. Ascendance for shamans received somewhat of a similar treatment.
My main point is: Major cooldowns should do more and feel more amazing when you press them.
On the recent topic of remaking some hero talent trees, here are some ideas
What if Trickster Rogue would have Tricks of the Trade as its' main functionality, and it could work kind of like a soft support spec, buffing party members and mainly your Tricks target. So for example, Tricks would now give a massive buff (either damage, HP, survivability or some or all) to your Tricks target, on top of doubling its' threat effectiveness (or some percentage).
Your major cooldowns could be then amplified, either receiving all the bonus you've given with Tricks upon activation aswell as spreading your tricks buffs to more party members.
What if Rider of the Apocalypse Unholy DK would have the mounted combat while army of the dead is up, not only in open world. Makes a lot of sense thematically and gameplay wise. DKs need mobility, they're a wheelchair class, this would make it much more fun, engaging and fair to DKs.
Edit: alright I kept cooking, here's a few more examples on the CD changes
Berserk could apply a rake, a thrash, a fully stacked rip AND a fully stacked ferocious bite to your target, on top of what it already does regarding rotational changes, resource management and ability priority.
Celestial Allignment could cast a wrath, a starfire, a starsurge and a fullmoon on your target.
Tree of Life could cast a Tranquility at 1/4 the duration on use.
Avenging Wrath/wings could cast a wake of ashes, a final reckoning and that hammer strike that substitutes templar's verdict and becomes the main spender that I forgot the name.
Elementals could do a lot more for Ele shaman. It's their main spec thematic but currently it does not feel like that at all. Elementals could have a cast time to summon, could be visually bigger, deal a lot more damage, do a massive ability when they're summoned, and last a little shorter. Fire makes lava burst have NO CD AND NO CAST TIME during its' duration. Same for storm ele and lightning spells. Earth ele could make your earth spells deal a little less damage, but have no cost and no cd.
submitted by ykzdropdead to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:54 SetsunaYukiLoL Press The Attack VS Conqueror. Which one is better? (Experiment)

We lost Lethal Tempo. Narrowing our choices to Grasp and Fleet for better laning, and Press The Attack or Conqueror for better all-ins. Press The Attack got changed so now you deal 8% more damage until you leave combat with champions, after proccing the 3-hit effect. But which all-in keystone is better? I put it to the test.

Things to Note:

The Test:

Dummy stats raised to 50/50
For the following Sheen tests, Sheen is procced 3x times. First with Q, Second with E2 recast, Third with last W. If you didn't know, you can proc Sheen if you manually recast your E.
Dummy stats raised to 70/70, 1500 hp
From now on, Combo is now just spamming every button (but still doing auto > W), for 5 seconds -> This is because CDs and AtkSpd can vary, so timing sheen is based on the situation. For consistency, i will just press my buttons as fast as possible (except for W).
Legend: Alacrity is now maxed
Dummy stats raised to 100/100, 2000 hp
Dummy stats raised to 150/150, 3000 hp.

My Conclusion: Press The Attack is usually better damage-wise, as it makes your short trades better, while scaling just as well as Conqueror in long fights and late game. However, Conqueror healing might matter in long fights.

I hope this helps you. If you think i missed something in testing, feedback is appreciated,
submitted by SetsunaYukiLoL to Jaxmains [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:16 Little-Unit-1770 [Online][5e][Saturday Afternoons / Evenings in GMT][21+] seeking Queer / Women / NB players for a homebrew-ish, roleplay-focused game

Hey there everyone! I’m Z (he/they) & I’m looking to run a slow-paced, roleplay-heavy game with a focus on queer players & narratives. Experience doesn't matter, I love having newer players in my games!
A little about me - I'm 32 and I’ve been playing since 2017, mostly as a DM. Before the pandemic I ran a lot of local store games and ‘how to DM events’ for adults, as well as library games for kids. It took me a while to adjust to playing online but now I prefer it, as it’s allowed me to find a whole new love for the game playing with different kinds of people and focusing on intentionally creating a safe space for those who don’t feel comfortable at most tables.
Format - I would like to run weekly voice sessions on discord (with optional cameras) using roll20 as our VTT & the option to roleplay via text on the server throughout the week, with either other PCs or NPCs - I also like doing lore drops this way, or giving previews to other things that are happening in the world. I like dndbeyond for character sheets (and I’m happy to share all my content), but as long as I can see them, you can run them wherever. I am bad about using music bots on discord, so I would love it if someone knew how that all worked and could help with that, otherwise I can share playlists on spotify.
Scheduling - Important note - I am NOT in GMT, I am in MST! I would like to play anytime between 8am MST in the mornings and let’s say 4pm or so on Saturdays, so this would be afternoon / evening in GMT. I am NOT good at time zones but I will try my best! Thankfully, discords 'events' help a lot with translating timezones, but please bare in mind I'm a dumb american. Again we’d be shooting for every week, but obviously life happens and we might need to take a week off. It would also be lovely if you have a slightly flexible schedule just in case, as I can occasionally play on Sundays or Mondays during the same time frame as well. Sessions can be anywhere from 2 hours to 4 or 5 hours, depending on the amount of roleplay. I leave a lot of space in my game for in-character conversations, so if you are someone who gets bored easily / doesn’t care about the game if it doesn’t directly involve your character, this is not the game for you.
Mechanics - we’re playing 5e* and the asterisk represents all the stupid rules that make the game less fun that I ignore or change. I care more about the story and roleplaying than the mechanics, I very much default to the ‘rule of cool’ or letting the dice decide your fate. I am very much on your side and if it ever feels like I’m not, please let me know. The basics are I don’t make you track food/arrows/ etc. and if you forget or misunderstand something major I’ll remind you or clarify. I also don’t care too much about times for donning / doffing armor and using action economy to pull out a weapon - we’ve all woken up well past our alarm and still made it to work on time; you can get your armor on for that middle of the night combat.
In a similar manner, we’re playing Dragons of Shipwreck Isle* where the asterisk represents all the parts of the adventure that I’m gonna change and try to make more interesting. I would ask for y’all not to metagame and look up the adventure, but mostly because if you’re comparing the module to what I run, it’s not going to line up and it will probably end up frustrating you. I am also looking at other modules as well but instead of listing them all, in the question on the form where I ask if you’ve played this specific module before, please list all of the ones you’ve played instead of just saying yes or no.
Hard lines / veils in game - racism / sexism / homophobia / transphobia are NOT built into my fantasy worlds; we deal with that enough irl. I also don’t fuck with slavery, SA (this includes during combat, assault is assault even if they are a ‘bad guy’) or ERP. Anything sexual will be implied / fade to black, but I would prefer things not get too sexual. I don’t mind in character romance between PCs, but I would appreciate a heads up if you want an NPC romance for your character - and I will be checking in with everyone about your comfort level with this, if you want absolutely no flirting towards your character from any NPC please let me know that as well.
I will also stay away from harming kids / pets / elderly, and anything you would like to list as a hard line (something you don’t want showing up in the game at all) or veil (something that can be alluded to, just not graphically detailed). I will say there are heavy themes of undead present in the module at the beginning, and zombies / undead are a personal favorite monster of mine to use so PLEASE do not apply to this game if you don’t like fighting undead! My descriptions can get graphic at times when it comes to monsters & combat, but I will likely gross myself out before it becomes too gratuitous.
Triggers - even if you don’t think it will come up in game, triggers can unfortunately pop up with silly memes or jokes ooc. If there’s a certain image / idea that totally squicks you out and you don’t want them included ANYWHERE on the server, please let me know! Everyone’s comfort is a top priority to me, and keeping your triggers out of our safe space is really important to me.
Morality - I love moral ambiguity, but I genuinely don’t want any evil aligned characters. This is a collaborative game that requires everyone to work together to some extent; you don’t have to be instant best friends in character, but you will need you to communicate and check in ooc if tensions rise up in character. Play your character true to their actions, but make sure that their actions are fun and interesting for everyone involved, not just you.
I also always allow non-lethal combat options, such as knocking sentient creatures unconscious. I encourage trying to persuade / lie / bargain with those you have captured, but I will not condone outright torture. That said, there will be humanoid bad guys who won’t always be the most reasonable people, and may not collaborate.
Safety Tools - outside of open communication in discussing boundaries & triggers, I encourage the ‘X card’ method - whenever anyone gets uncomfortable and wants to immediately stop a scene, you can send a literal ‘X’ in either the main chat or to me privately and we will stop immediately. Ideally, we can get on the same page easily about comfort levels and everyone here will feel okay coming to me with any issues they have, but we are all human and things can pop up.
Expectations - The only thing I really ask out of y’all as my player is for open communication and I will always try my best to do the same. If something isn’t vibing with you or it makes you uncomfortable, even if it’s something little, please tell me. I expect you to be engaged with the story, and encourage you to keep some sort of notes / inventory / ‘to do list’ for the game. I also would really appreciate feedback - not just for how I run the game, but what you want to see in the game so I can put it in there. If someone’s character is interested in a specific realm of study in history / arcana / nature, I can build that into the lore. Same thing if you want to find a specific item or learn how to do a certain skill - let me know either in or out of character and I’ll try to make it happen!
Starting point - I am intentionally keeping this part loosey-goosey to accommodate players backstories & experiences. Mechanically, you will start at either level 1 or 2 with Point Buy for stats, and I am imagining getting to at least level 5, but it really depends. The loose idea I have right now is that y’all are traveling on a ship from Neverwinter to an island where you will likely be for several weeks in character, but I want to leave the overall ‘why’ up to the individual players and group.
If you haven’t been put off by the amount of text, please click the link below and apply. If you thought this was too much and you skimmed the post to find this link, you’re probably going to get bored before you finish applying lol best of luck!
submitted by Little-Unit-1770 to LFG_Europe [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:55 Little-Unit-1770 [Online][5e][MST][Saturday Mornings / Afternoons][21+] seeking Queer / Women / NB players for a homebrew-ish, roleplay-focused game

Hey everyone! I know this is long, but please read it throughly, I am looking for the perfect players! The application isn't short either, and I don't want to waste your time. I will be keeping the application up and reposting through the week, so there's no rush!
I also really shouldn't have to say this, but it keeps happening: please don't harass me for wanting to run a safe table for people. Or, if you do, at least acknowledge the irony. . . This is a handicapped parking space; I know it's empty, but so are the dozens of spaces around it.
A little about me - I’m Z (he/they) & I’m looking to run a slow-paced, roleplay-heavy game with a focus on queer players & narratives. Experience doesn't matter, I love having newer players in my games!
I'm 32, and I’ve been playing since 2017, mostly as a DM. Before the pandemic, I ran a lot of local store games and ‘how to DM events’ for adults, as well as library games for kids. It took me a while to adjust to playing online but now I prefer it, as it’s allowed me to find a whole new love for the game playing with different kinds of people and focusing on intentionally creating a safe space for those who don’t feel comfortable at most tables.
Format - I would like to run weekly voice sessions on discord (with optional cameras) using roll20 as our VTT & the option to roleplay via text on the server throughout the week, with either other PCs or NPCs - I also like doing lore drops this way, or giving previews to other things that are happening in the world. I like dndbeyond for character sheets (and I’m happy to share all my content), but as long as I can see them, you can run them wherever. I am bad about using music bots on discord, so I would love it if someone knew how that all worked and could help with that, otherwise I can share playlists on spotify.
Scheduling - I would like to play anytime between 8am MST in the mornings and let’s say 4pm or so on Saturdays, and again we’d be shooting for every week, but obviously life happens and we might need to take a week off. It would also be lovely if you have a slightly flexible schedule just in case, as I can occasionally play on Sundays or Mondays as well. Sessions can be anywhere from 2 hours to 4 or 5 hours, depending on the amount of roleplay. I leave a lot of space in my game for in-character conversations, so if you are someone who gets bored easily / doesn’t care about the game if it doesn’t directly involve your character, this is not the game for you.
For this reason, I prefer running smaller groups, 3-4 being the sweet spot.
Mechanics - we’re playing 5e* and the asterisk represents all the stupid rules that make the game less fun that I ignore or change. I care more about the story and roleplaying than the mechanics, I very much default to the ‘rule of cool’ or letting the dice decide your fate. I am very much on your side and if it ever feels like I’m not, please let me know. The basics are I don’t make you track food/arrows/ etc. and if you forget or misunderstand something major I’ll remind you or clarify. I also don’t care too much about times for donning / doffing armor and using action economy to pull out a weapon - we’ve all woken up well past our alarm and still made it to work on time; you can get your armor on for that middle of the night combat.
In a similar manner, we’re playing Dragons of Shipwreck Isle* where the asterisk represents all the parts of the adventure that I’m gonna change and try to make more interesting. I would ask for y’all not to metagame and look up the adventure, but mostly because if you’re comparing the module to what I run, it’s not going to line up and it will probably end up frustrating you. I am also looking at other modules as well but instead of listing them all, in the question on the form where I ask if you’ve played this specific module before, please list all of the ones you’ve played instead of just saying yes or no. I don't like feeling like I need to trick my players into playing attention during the game, so I like players who pick up on these details.
Hard lines / veils in game - racism / sexism / homophobia / transphobia are NOT built into my fantasy worlds; we deal with that enough irl. I also don’t fuck with slavery, SA (this includes during combat, assault is assault even if they are a ‘bad guy’) or ERP. Anything sexual will be implied / fade to black, but I would prefer things not get too sexual. I don’t mind in character romance between PCs, but I would appreciate a heads up if you want an NPC romance for your character - and I will be checking in with everyone about your comfort level with this, if you want absolutely no flirting towards your character from any NPC please let me know that as well.
I will also stay away from harming kids / pets / elderly, and anything you would like to list as a hard line (something you don’t want showing up in the game at all) or veil (something that can be alluded to, just not graphically detailed). I will say there are heavy themes of undead present in the module at the beginning, and zombies / undead are a personal favorite monster of mine to use so PLEASE do not apply to this game if you don’t like fighting undead! My descriptions can get graphic at times when it comes to monsters & combat, but I will likely gross myself out before it becomes too gratuitous.
Triggers - even if you don’t think it will come up in game, triggers can unfortunately pop up with silly memes or jokes ooc. If there’s a certain image / idea that totally squicks you out and you don’t want them included ANYWHERE on the server, please let me know! Everyone’s comfort is a top priority to me, and keeping your triggers out of our safe space is really important to me.
Morality - I love moral ambiguity, but I genuinely don’t want any evil aligned characters. This is a collaborative game that requires everyone to work together to some extent; you don’t have to be instant best friends in character, but you will need you to communicate and check in ooc if tensions rise up in character. Play your character true to their actions, but make sure that their actions are fun and interesting for everyone involved, not just you.
I also always allow non-lethal combat options, such as knocking sentient creatures unconscious. I encourage trying to persuade / lie / bargain with those you have captured, but I will not condone outright torture. That said, there will be humanoid bad guys who won’t always be the most reasonable people, and may not collaborate.
Safety Tools - outside of open communication in discussing boundaries & triggers, I encourage the ‘X card’ method - whenever anyone gets uncomfortable and wants to immediately stop a scene, you can send a literal ‘X’ in either the main chat or to me privately and we will stop immediately. Ideally, we can get on the same page easily about comfort levels and everyone here will feel okay coming to me with any issues they have, but we are all human and things can pop up.
Expectations - The only thing I really ask out of y’all as my player is for open communication and I will always try my best to do the same. If something isn’t vibing with you or it makes you uncomfortable, even if it’s something little, please tell me. I expect you to be engaged with the story, and encourage you to keep some sort of notes / inventory / ‘to do list’ for the game. I also would really appreciate feedback - not just for how I run the game, but what you want to see in the game so I can put it in there. If someone’s character is interested in a specific realm of study in history / arcana / nature, I can build that into the lore. Same thing if you want to find a specific item or learn how to do a certain skill - let me know either in or out of character and I’ll try to make it happen!
Starting point - I am intentionally keeping this part loosey-goosey to accommodate players backstories & experiences! Mechanically, you will start at either level 1 or 2 with Point Buy for stats, and I am imagining getting to at least level 5, but it really depends. The loose idea I have right now is that y’all are traveling on a ship from Neverwinter to an island where you will likely be for several weeks in character, but I want to leave the overall ‘why’ up to the individual players and group. It will likely take about a dozen or so sessions, but I am happy to play for as long as my players want to keep doing things in character!
If you haven’t been put off by the amount of text, please click the link below to apply. If you thought this was too much and you skimmed the post to find this link, you’re probably going to get bored before you finish applying lol
best of luck!
submitted by Little-Unit-1770 to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:37 OptimizedNSystem Now that I’m finally e1s1, I wanna flex my stats a lil bit

Now that I’m finally e1s1, I wanna flex my stats a lil bit
My chest piece is still kinda eh but I’ve been slaving away for a long time to get this far and im proud of my build. Now if only my dr ratio wasn’t so mid, I’d crush anything with the follow up comp lol
submitted by OptimizedNSystem to TopazMainsHSR [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:16 spectradawn77 How do you prioritize item stats on fresh WT4?

BIL item before Tempered and MW has:
From a character who just touched WT4, how do you build up to BIL stats? Get all gear to Ancestral no matter what rolls, now what’s next in priority?
When do you do rolls? When you have 1 of the 3 slots or 2?
Do you add a Gem Slot if you have 2 or more of the stats needed?
iLvL is mostly important for weapons, correct?
I’m assuming if I find an item with AB stats and another with BC, AB should be the better one to keep since that’s the stat priority? Most builds I see have a priority order of up to 4-6 stats, usually.
What do you do if you have all 3 matching stats, but now none are maxed out? (Maybe too over the top for most players, I assume?)
Pretty much, how can I make comparing loot a bit easier for my eyes…
submitted by spectradawn77 to diablo4 [link] [comments]