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RaceRoom Racing Experience - News and discussion for KW Studio's exciting free racing sim platform

2012.09.03 09:24 USteppin RaceRoom Racing Experience - News and discussion for KW Studio's exciting free racing sim platform

RaceRoom Racing Experience (R3E RRRE) - News and discussion for KW Studio's exciting new free racing simulation platform. Officially licensed racing sim for series as DTM, WTCC, WTCR and ADAC GT Masters.

2024.05.22 03:26 understand-the-times The number 7 in Creation and in the Holy Bible. Everyday reasons to believe in God.

The number 7 in Creation and in the Holy Bible. Everyday reasons to believe in God.
7-day week.
"In all, the number 7 is used in the Bible more than seven hundred times. If we also include the words related to seven(terms like sevenfold or seventy or seven hundred), the count is higher. The first use of the number 7 in the Bible relates to the creation week in Genesis 1. God spends six days creating the heavens and the earth, and then rests on the seventh day. This is our template for the seven-day week, observed around the world to this day." "Thus, right at the start of the Bible, the number 7 is identified with something being “finished” or “complete.” From then on, that association continues, as 7 is often found in contexts involving completeness or divine perfection." https://www.gotquestions.org/number-7-seven.html
7 last words of Jesus Christ on the Cross and the meaning. https://www.learnreligions.com/7-last-words-of-jesus-700175
1) “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” Luke 23:34
2) “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise" Luke 23:43
3) “Dear Woman, here is your son!” and “Here is your mother!” John 19:26-27
4) “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Matthew 27:46
5) “I am thirsty” John 19:28
6) “It is finished!” John 19:30
7) "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." Luke 23:46
Music has 7 foundational notes. C-D-E-F-G-A-B
“The reason music is such a wonderful blessing is because God Himself designed music. It seems there is a spiritual version of music that exists apart from and transcending our physical universe. The Bible describes glorious music in God’s very throne room in heaven (Revelation 15:1-4).” “In Colossians 3:16 Paul wrote, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” https://lifehopeandtruth.com/bible/bible-study/bible-questions-and-answers/bible-about-music/
Rainbows are commonly described as having 7 colors.
ROYGBIV or Roy G. Biv is an acronym for the sequence of hues commonly described as making up a rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ROYGBIV
"I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth.” Genesis 9:13
What Is the Meaning of the Rainbow in the Bible? https://www.christianity.com/wiki/bible/what-is-the-meaning-of-the-rainbow-in-the-bible.html
"1 The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. 2 Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known. 3 They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard. 4 Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world. God has made a home in the heavens for the sun." Psalm 19:1-4
"All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” John 1:3
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
"Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12
"The Romans Road to salvation is a method based on the biblical principles found in the New Testament book of Romans to explain how a person can come to faith in Jesus Christ. Shared with millions of people around the world, the Romans Road explains why we need salvation, how God provided salvation, how we can receive salvation, and the results of salvation.” The Romans Road to salvation - What is it? https://www.compellingtruth.org/Romans-Road-salvation.html
More reasons to believe, learning more about the Bible, and encouragement if interested is in previous posts and here. https://www.understandingthetimes.info
submitted by understand-the-times to SimulationTheory [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:26 posting98 Diagnosed ADD as a child. Took some Ritalin recently. Made an appointment to get my own. Does medication really work long term?

From age 7 - 14 I saw a child specialist and was on and off Ritalin. I rarely took it because I hated the stimmy feeling and would just throw it in the bin.
I am 30 now and I won't bore you with my struggles.
But my brother has taken Ritalin since uni and is now an engineer. I thought he was just being a druggie, but I tried some of his tablets recently and needless to say, it was a lightbulb moment.
I am skeptical however. Can these results really last long term? And what do they do to the brain?
I have an appointment to get some, and I'm currently thinking I may just use it for important days?
submitted by posting98 to ausadhd [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:17 MoriartyyPartyy Should I be concerned about these blood results?

General Info: 22, AFAB, 5’6ft, 154lbs
Medications: •Omeprazole: 20mg, Twice Daily •Dicyclomine: 20mg, One Tablet Up to Four Times a Day (When Needed) •Ondansetron: 4mg, Twice or Four Times (When Needed) •Gabapentin: 100mg, Three Times Daily •Sertraline: 125 mg, Once Daily
Diagnosis History: Gastroparesis GERD IBS Asthma PCOS Endometriosis
Family History: Father - Juvinile Rheumatoid Arthritis Mother - Hypertension Grandmother - Ovarian Cancer, Endometriosis
Hey! So I was reading through my blood test results over the years and noticed these. The doctors who did them didn’t make any comment and didn’t do any further testing, so I’m not too worried, but I’m curious about the results. Are these a cause for concern or are these pretty common?
Absolute nRBC: May 1, 2023 <0.01 K/uL High
Absolute Neutrophils: May 1, 2023 9.30 K/uL High
White Blood Cells: May 1, 2023 11.5 K/uL High
submitted by MoriartyyPartyy to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:10 Atiredwriter Cure or Sollution for folliculitis

Hello Y'all! I am just reposting the update and adding some insights in case my last post was removed.
OLD POST << Hello, folks! Some people here must have seen my last post about my experience with folliculitis and how it wouldn't stop coming back no matter what I did ( even after a ton of antibiotics and other medication for 6 months ) and I think I found out why. After endless textbooks and science papers, I finally came across some interesting papers :
⦁ Hookworm-Related Cutaneous Larva Migrans by Patrick Hochedez and Eric Caumes on Oxford Academic ( PDF online, this one contains very in depth information ) (( Just click on doi ))
⦁ Hookworm: An Uncommon Cause of Folliculitis in Travelers on Pubmed ( PDF online )
⦁ Hookworm folliculitis by Khaled Ezzedine and Thierry Pistone also on Pubmed
⦁ A Creeping holiday souvenir : about a misleading case of hookworm folliculitis on Oxford Academic.
There's a parasite that is so small and easily caught ( they come from animals, mostly dogs and cats ) that has the same characteristics of bacterial folliculitis. In fact, in some of these papers, it is said that if the antibiotics and nothing else works, it's probably this thing. They don't appear on blood tests and sometimes you can't see them even with a biopsy.
( Doctors found out because of a guess, actually. )
One thing that I did not find on textbooks and was surprised to read is: bacterial folliculitis rarely itches. Itching is the main sympton of parasitic folliculitis, in fact, the itching is worse at night. Although it was studied in 1929 at first and they are found everywhere ( principally in tropical and subtropical countries) most doctors end up missing the clues because these little f**ks are not that well known and they don't show the usual characteristics that parasites show ( for example, at first I thought they were scabies, but mine are not contagious so I ruled it out ) but this kind of parasite can be non contagious too.
By the way, I must specify that other kinds of folliculitis CAN itch too. Here they are talking about the difference between bacterial and parasitic folliculitis.
So it explains those past symptoms that I previously talked about :
⦁ Comes back after medication even if weeks later.
⦁ Sugar can make it worse ( parasites like that )
⦁ Heat and sweat make it worse.
⦁ There are no other symptoms like fever or pain ( apparently, the larvae can't reach deeper skin, so it stays trapped on the outer layers of skin. )
⦁ The lesions appear some days after first contact and can take very few days to appear other lesions.
⦁ The lesions follow a TRAIL. They can be linear or just jump from one place to another. They are always close initially before going onto other places.
⦁ It started on my thighs, but besides the thigh it is also common to appear first on the skin of your feet or above the gluteous. And then it goes to the rest of your body.
Yeah, so Doctors can end up misdiagnosing because it can look like scabies or bacterial folliculitis. As one of the papers said, it can last years because the parasite can die but come back. A person can get them anywhere but it's most common to get them after having contact with water or soil contaminated, even stepping on it for a second can be enough.
Another interesting thing is that infections of the skin can look different on everyone, no matter the race, so sometimes they can be parasitic but look like bacterial, virus, fungus folliculitis. Most of them usually have a brown dot in the middle though.
So I ask you guys to read those papers, they may help you. They talk about the medication that was used and apparently it's rare for them to have side effects, and of course, be careful with self medication, if you can please contact a medically qualified professional. I know that choice is not available to everyone but if you can, a second opinion can be very helpful.
Today I went to check with my doctor and everyone was very happy to confirm that that was the actual problem. So I am happy to share this information with you guys.
Cheers! >>
UPDATE ( 2 )
It's working. As I answered someone else back there " The good news is that was exactly the problem. The bad news is that folliculitis is a very uncommon thing to get when it comes to parasites and it's the hardest to get rid of, unfortunately. They basically say " It's hard to get rid of, take the meds until it's gone" because that's something that doesn't happen every day and the doctors and scientists are kind of not totally sure what to do. So I'm taking 12mg ivermectin every monday ( two pills of 6mg ) because that's usually what people do and works most of the time. At the start I had them all over my body, but then months later I took ivermectin for three days and they kind of died, so I had to stop taking any kind of medication for 30 days to take another lab test, but surprise, the lesions did not grow like before ( every 3 days ) , for a whole month I only got two or three new ones and they would die almost immediately. It really depends on the person how many times you'll have to take the medication, in my case , my immune system and overall health is not the best so it makes a bit of sense that it's taking a while."
I'll add a part of Cutaneous larva migrans with folliculitis: report of seven cases and review of the literature here as for some reason the paper is not uploading :
[ We reviewed all cases that were seen in our department from April 1991 to April 2000 of CLM in which creeping eruption was associated with folliculitis. Patients were included if they presented with localized folliculitis and creeping eruption. Folliculitis was defined as pustular follicular cutaneous lesions. Creeping eruption was defined as one (or more) linear or serpiginous mobile cutaneous track(s). The following information was recorded: age, sex, recent travel history, country visited, time from return to clinical onset and presentation, clinical signs, treatment and outcome. All the patients received oral antihelminthic agents, plus topical treatment in one case. Treatment options for CLM in our department include a single dose of oral ivermectin 12 mg weekly until cure, and oral albendazole 400 mg twice daily for three consecutive days.
Five patients were cured with one to three courses of ivermectin (unit dose 12 mg), including one also treated with thiabendazole ointment. Two patients were cured with albendazole 400 mg twice daily for three consecutive days. Lesions of folliculitis took longer to clear than those of creeping eruption.
Folliculitis is an uncommon clinical form of CLM, as only five cases have been reported in the literature. However, it may be more frequent than previously thought. For example, in a 2-year prospective study, CLM was observed in 69 patients, two of whom also had hookworm folliculitis. Folliculitis in a patient returning from (or residing in) an endemic country should lead to consideration of infection by a hookworm (or other nematode), even though bacteria are the most common cause. All the cases of parasitic folliculitis in our series and most of those found in the literature were pruritic, in contrast to most forms due to other microorganisms. The diagnosis of parasitic folliculitis was based on clinical findings alone. Histological studies are unnecessary, but show nematode larvae trapped within the follicular canal, stratum corneum or dermis, together with an inflammatory eosinophilic infiltrate. In three cases, the larvae were identified as Pelodera strongyloides, a free-living nematode belonging to the order Rhabditoidae. In another case of folliculitis the larvae were identified as Ancylostoma caninum, a hookworm. The pathogenesis of parasitic folliculitis may be related to an allergic reaction to the presence of the nematode larva in the follicular canal.
The remaining patient's clinical signs subsided only more than 2 months after presentation. In one case, thiabendazole eradicated the creeping eruption but not the follicular lesions. Our experience is similar. The clinical response to a single 12-mg dose of oral ivermectin was less favourable in our patients with folliculitis that in most other patients with CLM. A single dose of ivermectin cured two of five patients in our series, whereas it usually gives cure rates of 81-100% in CLM. Treatment was repeated until the pruritus disappeared, this symptom being indicative of parasite viability. In conclusion, folliculitis should be added to the dermatological manifestations of CLM. The clinical diagnosis is facilitated by the pruritic nature of the lesions and their association with serpiginous tracks. Treatment is more difficult than in classical forms of CLM. ]
So yeah, hope this helps a bit.
Please be very careful, these medications can be harsh on your organs and I am not exaggerating, drink plenty of water.
submitted by Atiredwriter to Folliculitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:59 cactusjaci urine lab results

i’m a bit confused on these specific parts of my lab work, if i could get any insight i would really appreciate it. i’m scared to say nonetheless :(
protein UA, normal value: negative mg/dL my value - 30
squamous cells, normal range: 0-20 /LPF my value - 21-100
i know i should wait until i get a call back explaining what my results mean, but i can’t calm myself down.
EDIT : i checked my hemoglobin and hematocrit both came back higher than normal (hemoglobin - 15.3 and hematocrit - 45.0)
submitted by cactusjaci to lupus [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:55 mav101000 Market is a Scarecrow

Comcast's purchased NBCUniversal for about $30 billion from GE, which they stole. Murdoch sold all of the entertainment assets within Fox Corp. in 2019, including 21st Century Fox, for $71 billion. Paramount Global market cap about $8 billion. Umm, can you say a no brainer!! The best of the best sitting at $8 billion? The market is currently a Scarecrow without a brain trying to scare you to sell. Every thing will become clear when we reach $OZ$. Just follow the yellow brick road!!
submitted by mav101000 to ParamountGlobal2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:50 khlocaine69 Ist there such thing as fake PrEP?

On the left is my UK PrEP that I brought with me to Cape Town, South Africa and on the right is the one I got from a pharmacy here in SA.
I'm on vacation and didn't notice my British prescriped PrEP is expired as I haven't been sexually active since December.
They're both 30 pills but the South African bottle is smaller and has different mg? Is this still PrEP?
submitted by khlocaine69 to hivaids [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:41 No_Cellist_1217 SERVED

SERVED submitted by No_Cellist_1217 to benzodiazeland [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:40 No_Cellist_1217 serving

serving submitted by No_Cellist_1217 to PrettyDrugs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:01 Fabulous_Remote9986 Yellow Living Ship (-30.34, 179.94)

Yellow Living Ship (-30.34, 179.94) submitted by Fabulous_Remote9986 to NMSCoordinateExchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:00 TopOfTheBot Top of the Day - 22/05/2024

Top of the Day for 22/05/2024

[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/TopOfThe/comments/dtlta2/mod_post_info_and_faq/ Discord GitHub)
Times shown are in UTC and dates are formatted as Day/Month/Year.
On mobile you can scroll and slide the tables to reveal more info.

Most Upvoted Posts of the Day

Place Title Author Subreddit Score Posted
1st unfortunately it is true u/CharmainDingus75 SkyrimMemes 58,307 Upvotes 21/05/2024 04:45 UTC
2nd Drying the head of a mop under the Fries warmer u/Justin_Godfrey pics 45,751 Upvotes 21/05/2024 16:30 UTC
3rd The budding buds of the garden poppy u/Homerchick3 interestingasfuck 39,186 Upvotes 21/05/2024 15:30 UTC
4th Enormous Plasma Wall spotted on the Sun u/Cosmic-Chen Damnthatsinteresting 39,138 Upvotes 21/05/2024 09:15 UTC
5th I wonder what do they have in common u/pleaseallowthisname technicallythetruth 38,192 Upvotes 21/05/2024 13:40 UTC

Most Upvoted Comments of the Day

Note: These may not be entirely accurate. Currently these are out of the comments taken from the top 5 submissions.
Place Body Author Subreddit Score Posted
1st https://giphy.com/gifs/5xtDarIN81U0KvlnzKo u/Environmental-Ball24 interestingasfuck 13,072 Upvotes 21/05/2024 15:49 UTC
2nd https://preview.redd.it/e9lp684x9t1d1.jpeg?width=451&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2c58d6959b29870bb65effda852b3e4d7a88ebd u/starflight34 interestingasfuck 10,885 Upvotes 21/05/2024 17:04 UTC
3rd https://preview.redd.it/kcf5qzmn2t1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac9d97c44428c61ed1e4790251b174455fb43a72 u/Woko_O interestingasfuck 9,815 Upvotes 21/05/2024 16:23 UTC
4th [My God this is so nasty. Please send this to corporate..
For all the hundred comments about the health dept. They aren't mutually exclusive,you can do both JFC](/pics/comments/1cxc3xa/drying_the_head_of_a_mop_under_the_fries_warmel51j31) u/PlantaSorusRex pics 8,587 Upvotes 21/05/2024 16:39 UTC
5th Does the female form make you uncomfortable, Mr. Lebowski? u/walterodim77 interestingasfuck 7,316 Upvotes 21/05/2024 16:08 UTC
submitted by TopOfTheBot to TopOfThe [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:55 jujubean- [US][SELLING] CSM, Love is War, JJK, Vinland, Bunny Girl Senpai LN, Yuri LNs

Hi everyone, I'll be moving for college soon, so I'm trying to get rid of series I'm not particularly fond of. All are either unread or read once. Most volumes are priced at 30% off the price listed on the back. Bundles including the word shipped include media mail shipping in the price. I am also open to negotiations and can bundle volumes. Might split series, not sure.
Please note, I will be out of town after Thursday 5/23, so anything after then I will hold off on accepting payment until I return around the 20th of June (I'll PM to ask if you still want it).
Pricing is 30% off typical volumes and then larger discounts for more popular series and ones with slight damage (mentioned and pictured).
PM with questions, offers, and photo requests
Manga Sets:
Standalone / Single Manga Volumes
Light Novels
submitted by jujubean- to mangaswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:05 unknown_2612 Delusions come and go

Hello i have had drug induced psychosis 3 times and 1 of them is because i went of medication too early. Now i just dont feel like myself and i am superstitious and suddenly it goes away. I am sad because its come and goes, whats the solution for me? I am on abilify 30 mg and should i switch to another antipsychotic so i can be stable?
submitted by unknown_2612 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:59 Denvermama123 Provisional Pass! Crazy Test Day Story

After getting barely any sleep last night, I confidently arrived at the test center at 7:30 AM this morning prepared for my 8 AM exam. However when I went to grab my ID, I realized the "yellow thing I thought was my wallet" was my snack, a bag of dried mangoes, and NOT my yellow wallet. I asked the check in ladies if I had time to drive home and back to retrieve my drivers license. I was so thrown off and arrived back at test center at 8:10 AM. I noticed around 45 people waiting around and came to find out that the internet was down and they were unable to load exams on anyone's computers that required internet. They offered me the chance to reschedule or wait....I was very frustrated but thought I'm here and ready so let's go at least if I fail I have an excuse with all the distractions. 2.5 hours later I started taking my exam.
I thought the first section started off really difficult. It seemed like almost every question had 2 correct answers to choose from. I used the highlighter tool a lot and that helped me to dissect the question and see what they were REALLY asking for. The clues from the question often informed the best choice. DM's videos really helped with this. I personally tried not to psych myself by watching the clock and just grinded through question after question. I did write down the target time stamps when I first sat down (155/80) and thought that was helpful as I neared 60 question mark. I felt like the breaks were well timed and definitely needed. I had a few of the drag and drop questions and only one question where I needed a calculator. My test seemed to be mostly focused on agile vs waterfall.
As I moved through the test, my confidence started waning and I was pretty sure I was not going to pass but I kept grinding away. Since I was testing until after 2 pm and hadn't eaten since 6 and barely drank anything, my stomach was growling and I had a terrible headache. I was SHOCKED when I got my provisional pass as I was leaving the test site. So glad I stayed and stuck it out after a rough start to the day.
And you know I was wearing BLUE and maybe that luck helped me today! I can't wait to see how I scored on each of the domains but for now glad today is behind me. Can share my study plan if interested but I followed the same plan as others often post on here. THANK YOU to this amazing subreddit that helped me SO much.
Cheers and good luck grinding away- if I can do it, so can you!!
submitted by Denvermama123 to pmp [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:43 Namaste-J My SD is afraid of a certain demographic 🤦🏼

TL;DR: My service dog has been showing signs of fear around people of color, especially if they’re walking behind us. He is not picking up any fear from me, and he has never been abused. I am looking for advice on how to address this.
I have a 5 year old yellow lab service dog. He was initially trained to mitigate symptoms of PTSD and has since been trained for medical alert and response (dysautonomia and seizures).
A couple of months ago, I realized that he has been getting scared around people of color, especially if they are walking behind us. I am humiliated even bringing this up, and I am at a loss for what to do. I have no idea why he is getting scared in these situations. He is not picking up on fear from me, as 1) I am not afraid (unless it’s dark out, then I have some PTSD related fear no matter who is behind me or what they look like) and 2) He does not take on my emotions. This was an important factor in determining that he is suitable for psychiatric service work. He is not a rescue or a dog that has been abused in the past. He is a purebred lab that was purchased from a reputable breeder and was raised and trained for the first 2 years of his life by a private service dog trainer, who I trust 100%. He has been with me for 3 years. The longest we’ve been apart is maybe 30 minutes every 2-3 months if I have a super quick errand to run. When he is faced with a trigger, he refuses to heel properly and kind of cowers behind me. He has never shown an ounce of aggression. Once the trigger passes, he returns to his baseline of near perfect public access behavior.
We utilize R+ (positive reinforcement) training. When he is showing signs of fear, we stop, put some space between us and the trigger, and I reward with jackpot treats until the trigger has passed. It’s been effective in the moment, to increase his confidence, lower his fear and help him return to his baseline quickly. However, the fear is still returning when faced with the trigger again. Usually if we were having a problem, I would take him somewhere where he would encounter his trigger and counter condition with lots of treats. However, that is difficult to do in this situation, as I can’t predict when/where we would encounter a certain demographic.
Sorry this is so long and probably offensive.. Honestly, I am offended and humiliated by his feabehavior. Any advice or recommendations would be so appreciated!
submitted by Namaste-J to servicedogliving [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:32 USOC_Matchday 2024 U.S. Open Cup Thread: Round of 16, Day 1

Flashscore Live Table
Schedule and Streams
TheCup.us: 2024 US Open Cup Round of 16 Preview
Charleston Battery (USLC) - Atlanta United FC (MLS)
7:00 ET - Patriots Point Soccer Stadium; Mount Pleasant, SC
Time Event Team Player Score
1' - Start of First Half - CHS 0-0 ATL
20' Yellow Card Atlanta L. Brennan CHS 0-0 ATL
45' - Half Time - CHS 0-0 ATL
74' Yellow Card Battery M. Segbers CHS 0-0 ATL
77' Yellow Card Atlanta B. Slisz CHS 0-0 ATL
90' - End of Regulation - CHS 0-0 ATL
102' Yellow Card Atlanta E. Mosquera CHS 0-0 ATL
120' - End of Extra Time - CHS 0-0 ATL
- - - - -
- -
NYCFC II (MLSNP) - New Mexico United (USLC)
7:30 ET - Belson Stadium; Queens, NY
Time Event Team Player Score
1' - Start of First Half - NYCII 0-0 NM
10' Yellow Card NYC S. Tanasijević NYCII 0-0 NM
20' Yellow Card New Mexico N. Houssou NYCII 0-0 NM
45' - Half Time - NYCII 0-0 NM
50' Goal! New Mexico A. Flanagan NYCII 0-1 NM
56' Red Card! NYC S. Owufu NYCII 0-1 NM
56' Yellow Card New Mexico M. Micaletto NYCII 0-1 NM
66' Goal! New Mexico T. Maples NYCII 0-2 NM
- - - - -
Sporting Kansas City (MLS) - FC Tulsa (USLC)
7:30 CT - Children’s Mercy Park; Kansas City, KS
Time Event Team Player Score
1' - Start of First Half - SKC 0-0 TUL
25' Yellow Card Tulsa J. Portillo SKC 0-0 TUL
30' Yellow Card Tulsa P. Seagrist SKC 0-0 TUL
37' Goal! SKC Own Goal SKC 1-0 TUL
45'+2 Goal!SKC S. Afrifa SKC 2-0 TUL
45' - Half Time - SKC 2-0 TUL
46' Red Card! Tulsa P. Seagrist (2Y) SKC 2-0 TUL
- - - - -
Sacramento Republic FC (USLC) - San Jose Earthquakes (MLS)
7:00 PT - Heart Health Park; Sacramento, CA
Time Event Team Player Score
- - - - -
Los Angeles FC (MLS) - Loudoun United FC (USLC)
7:30 PT - BMO Stadium; Los Angeles; CA
Time Event Team Player Score
- - - - -
Previous Threads:
Round 1, Day 1 / Round 1, Day 2 / Round 1, Day 3 / Round 2, Day 1 / Round 2, Day 2 / Round 3, Day 1/Round 3, Day 2/Round of 32, Day 1 / Round of 32, Day 2
Visit /usopencup for more U.S. Open Cup news and discussion.
submitted by USOC_Matchday to MLS [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:26 blydzz Atomoxetine HCL vs. straight Atomoxetine - seems to be a difference in effectiveness? (Strattera)

Hi, I haven't gotten any response on the atomoxetine subreddit so I'd like to toss this out to the wider ADHD community to solicit thoughts or experiences--
I ordered atomoxetine (generic Strattera) from CostPlusDrugs because it was $30 for 3 months of 100 mg which is a great price. The process was fine, but after a while I came to the conclusion it just wasn't working? I really noticed it because a few thought patterns emerged that I haven't felt since before starting the med. So I figure the manufacturer, Rising, made a crap batch and grumbled at Big Pharma.
ANYWAYS I got my next prescription from somewhere else but was annoyed because it was partially filled with Rising pills. Except they were a completely different looking pill.
Looking at the the CostPlusDrugs Rx it was Atomoxetine HCL vs. just Atomoxetine on the new Rx. That's the only difference I can find besides it being a completely different pill.
Basically what the hell? Is a pill with Hydrochloride so much filler that it's only working at like 25% effectiveness? I know I'll be disappointed at the answer but how is that allowed?
submitted by blydzz to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:05 Robotic_Goose [WTS] 2 Pesos, Gold Jewelry @ 95% Spot, Sterling Flatware, Teapot, & Bowl @ 95% Spot, Tons of Sterling Jewelry including a 20" 238g Figaro Chain, 30" 54g Curb Chain, & 53g Curb Bracelet

PAYMENT: Zelle (strongly preferred), Venmo, CashApp, or Paypal FF (Last Resort). High value orders and new to the sub Zelle only.
SHIPPING: USPS $6 less than 10oz. $10 over 10oz. $100 insurance and tracking included. Free shipping on orders over $500. Additional insurance over $100 is optional at buyers liability. Additional insurance $0.80/$100 coverage. I can ship other methods at buyers' request.
AUTHENTICITY: All of these items have been verified for authenticity using acid tests or a sigma. I offer a full money back guarantee on the authenticity of all items listed. I am happy to send a video of an acid / magnet test if requested.
If you need more pictures or info don’t hesitate to ask.
PROOF: https://imgur.com/a/Tc6XrxP
All Prices rounded up to the nearest $0.25
Mexican Gold 2 Peso 1945 Restrike (2x) - $133ea
Gold Jewelry (ALL 5% BELOW SPOT):
14K Gold 18.5" 3mm Omega Chain / Necklace 22.514g Signed 14K Italy & MI - $971
14K Yellow & White Gold Two-Tone Ring Size 6-3/4 Signed 14K Makers Mark 5.267g - $227.25
10K White Gold Fuchsia CZ Heart Necklace and Earrings Set 18” Rope Chain Signed 4.39g - $135
Sterling Silver Necklaces:
20” x ½” HEAVY Figaro Chain 238g - $425
30” x 6.5mm Italian Curb Chain - 54.47g - $109
16” Italian San Marco Chain with 7” San Marco Bracelet 62.3g - $115
31” Puff Heart Necklace with Italy Rope Chain 15.4g - $35
30.5” Box Chain with Owl Pendant / Brooch (has attachments for both) 11.63g - $33 SOLD!
19” Italian Square Herringbone Style Sterling Chain with Czech Pendant - 6.28g - $20
18” Italian Sterling Box Chain with Ross Simon Cross Pendant 2.61g - $20
16” Sterling Abstract Glass Pendant Necklace 15.96g - $25
18” 925 Box Chain with Synthetic 14x10mm Sapphire Pendant & Matching Earrings with 10x8mm Sapphires 8.12g - $30
18” 925 Gold Vermeil Box Chain with Pear Cut Ceylon Sapphire Pendant & Matching Triangle CZ Earrings 12.13g - $30
20” Italian Millefiori Necklace with Circular Glass Pendant 3.18g - $25
15.5” Italian Millefiori Bead Necklace 3.98g - $20
15.5” Italian Murano Style Necklace (Note the wire is ferrous for strength, clasp and non-stone charms are sterling) - $15
15” Native American Fetish Necklace (Note the wire is elastic material for strength, beads and pendants are sterling) - $30
17” Sterling Bead / Clasp Turquoise Nugget Necklace (Note the wire is ferrous material for strength, beads and clasp are sterling) - $15
Sterling Silver Bracelets & Pendants:
8.5” x ½” Heavy Curb Bracelet 53.6g - $105
Taxco 7.5” Juan Luis Flores 70s Vintage Bracelet 43.49g - $86.98 SOLD!
Sterling Flower Filigree Bracelet 8” 10.19g - $30
Sterling Rose & Garnet Tennis Bracelet 7.5” 13.43g - $35
Ross Simon Sterling Rose Quartz Aventurine Tennis Bracelet 7” 9.50g - $30
Sterling Native American Bear Bracelet (Note the wire is ferrous for strength, clasp and non-stone charms are sterling) - $40
Sterling Silver 2-Strand Malachite Bracelet 7” 2.32g - $20
Sterling Clasp Faceted AB Crystal Bracelet with amazing sparkle (Note the wire is ferrous for strength, only clasp is sterling) 7” - $15
Taxco Hummingbird Pendant / Brooch (has both attachments) 11.95g - $24 SOLD!
Sterling Pink CZ Butterfly Bracelet 7.25” 7.5g - $27.50
Sterling Silver Earrings: https://imgur.com/a/rTrTKTE
Larimar Dangle Earrings 1g - $12
Dolphin Jumping through Hoop Drop Earrings 6.86g - $15
Taxco Sterling Half Circle Bohemian Hoop Earrings 9.24g - $20
Taxco Sterling Triangle Drop Earrings 9.43g - $18
Taxco Sterling Shell / Feather Drop Earrings 6.01g - $15
Taxco Sterling Triangle / Bead Drop Earrings 21.79g - $25
Flower Drop Earrings with Aquamarine Stones 9.28g - $25
Teardrop Shaped Earring with Black Beads 5.13g - $15
Concentric Oval Earrings 2.05g - $12
Leaf / White Opal Studs (Brilliant Luster on these) 2.22g - $40
Vintage Filigree Sterling Drop Earrings (Super intricate) 14.33g - $20
Vintage Sterling Dragonfly Earrings 12.39g - $20
Heart Shaped Drop Earrings with Lapis Stones 5.22g - $15
Sterling Silver Rings: https://imgur.com/gallery/65jVHip
Bali Swirl Design Sterling Ring Size 7-1/2 11.06g - $27.50
Large 925 Ring with CZ Size 6 5.97g - $18
Large 925 Ring with CZ and Flower Engraving Size 6 9.28g - $18
925 Ring with Bands of CZ Size 6 5.9g - $18
Wedding Band Style 925 Ring with Moissanite Size 6 2.41g - $18
Shablool Didae Israeli Filigree Style Ring Size 7.5 One-of-a-kind 8g - $25
Sterling Silver Flatware / Kitchen (MOST @ 95%):
Porter Blanchard Sterling Tea Pot 612g - $554 (95% of SPOT)
Gorham Sterling Footed Bowl 619g - $560 (95% of SPOT)
Pimaral Peru Sterling Serving Set 311g - $281.50 (95% of SPOT)
Assorted Sterling Spoons (Unmarked and the smaller two are thin) 44g - $40 (95% of SPOT)
English Shell by Lunt Sterling Silver Soup Spoons (4) 135g - $122.25 (95% of SPOT)
La Touraine by Reed & Barton Sterling Tea Spoon 30.34g - $27.50 (95% of SPOT)
Lunt Lus60 Sterling Silver Salt Spoon 2.94g - $10
submitted by Robotic_Goose to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:03 chaos-and-comets Ear is plugged daily

I’m really not sure why my post this morning was deleted… I’m 23F caucasian. Meds include bisoprolol 5mg qd, fluoxetine 30 mg qd, oral contraceptive and atomoxetine 60 mg qd.
I’ve been noticing for the past few months that at work my ear gets plugged and it sounds almost louder yet muffled when I speak. It makes it hard to tell how loud i’m speaking. It seems to only affect my right ear. I also notice that it is worse when i’ve been talking, so I only really notice it happening at work. It almost feels like a similar feeling to when you get water in your ear. Yawning or doing the valsalva manoeuvre only works for a second and then it’s plugged again! My ears are clean and haven’t been injured at all. No hearing problems until now. I can still hear but it’s muffled and when I speak it sounds distorted as if my voice is right there in my ear. When I breathe I can hear it in that ear. I know I should see my doctor but it feels silly to go there for this with healthcare being as stretched as it is in Canada. Thank you.
submitted by chaos-and-comets to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:01 Mesy06 [EU-IT][H] OG Ansi Doubleshots, modded HHKB Pro bt, Rare ANSI Reuters-G80, Neo65, Cablemod Cables, Taiwan yellow shafts, Geon stem'd hyperglides, Bulk of OG Cherry clip-ins [W] Paypal


Fast worldwide shipping below $30, FCFS

Prices are in USD, equivalent in Euro is much preferred.
Item Description Price
OG Doubleshots Pristine, no shine, almost zero yellowing, there are near zero signs of age. No key missing, Us-Ansi layout. $339 SOLD
HHKB pro bt HHKB bluetooth from 2018. Lubed and silenced, modded with mx compatible sliders, the case has been trimmed to fit normal cherry keycaps. The keycaps are high quality SAV dyesubs, some of them have been scratched, see pics. $260 with keycaps, $220 without. (paid $190 for the board, $60 in customs, $70 to mod it and $60 in keycaps)
Reuters Cherry G80-3234HQU Nice condition, built with Vintage Clears (lubed with 3203, filmed and springswapped) that were never desoldered from the PCB. The board is modded to usb-c through an internal active converter. US-ANSI layout. $200
Neo65 Almost never used. E-white with copper weight. Trimode-hotswap PCB, build with OG JNLs on CF full. Includes a set of Geekark BoW thick dyesubs bought from korea long ago. $180
Cablemod cable #1 (OG Lemo) Old Lemo cable, they don't make these anymore. Black on Black dual sleeve, usb-a to usb-c, silver lemo connector. Straight. $100
Cablemod cable #2 Straight, white with rosegold/copper connectors and aviator. $45
Cablemod cable #3 Straight, copper modmetal cable. $45
Taiwan Yellow Shafts ~100x Rare Cherry linear clone from 1989, ultrasonicly cleaned. 100% Mx-compatible. $100 SOLD
Geon Cloud stem'd Hyperglides 90x Diamond polished Hyperglides with a long stem, they sound really poppy and loud. Lubed, filmed and springswapped. $120
OG Cherry Clip-ins I have something around 50 sets of these. They all have been ultrasoncly cleaned. From 2000-2008. $8.50 each set of 5 (TKL), $75 each 10 TKL sets.
submitted by Mesy06 to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:43 Brilliant-Lychee-518 Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic

What is Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic?

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is a weight loss supplement. Its formula contains an optimal combination of natural ingredients, plant extracts and herbs that work together to benefit your overall health.
This formula targets the root cause of the weight gain problem and helps users improve their metabolism and lose weight quickly.
The natural blend in Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic comprises eight ingredients that promote healthy weight loss and balanced living. The ingredients in this powdered weight loss supplement are all natural and have undergone extensive testing to ensure that they are safe and effective.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic uses a meticulously crafted tropical formula to promote weight loss and improve overall health. Its ingredients target the root causes of unexplained weight gain, including blue light exposure and non-REM sleep disorders. They boost metabolism and encourage fat burning, helping you achieve your dream body.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic manufacturers describe this supplement as a simple and effective weight loss solution. You can lose weight without dieting or significant exercise by taking formula daily.
The creators of this formula claim that you can continue to eat your favourite foods, avoid counting calories, and avoid strenuous exercise – all while losing weight.
Sumatra Tonic testimonials also allude to how users use the Sumatra oral powder formula to support healthy blood sugar and blood pressure levels.
It would help if you were sceptical whenever a nutritional supplement claims to lead to significant weight loss without much effort or dieting. Asking whether the Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic scam is real makes it interesting whether this is a fake weight loss supplement or a legitimate food.
Many Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic reviews by users are a satisfied chorus, praising this tonic for helping them achieve their weight loss goals naturally and organically. This is unlike other weight loss products that can often lead to health complications if not used properly or long-term. Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is made from a powerful blend of eight meticulously selected natural ingredients that help stimulate fat burning, improve sleep quality and boost overall energy levels.

How Does Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic Work?

This formula is a fat-burning product that works from the inside out to help users address the root cause of weight gain. Even while sleeping, you can still lose a few pounds because your metabolism will be activated. Sumatra Tonic contains several weight-loss ingredients that enhance the body’s ability to burn excess fat and calories, helping with weight loss.
In a world where weight loss supplements and solutions are plentiful, Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is a breakthrough solution promoting a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. It’s a tropical formula meticulously crafted to protect natural health and wellness, boost energy, promote restful sleep, limit inflammation and brighten skin.
The unique blend of tonic ingredients has proven to have a transformational effect on many users, allowing them to achieve visible results quickly.
Sumatra supplements stimulate your metabolism and encourage fat burning to achieve weight loss results. It also helps you build lean muscle mass, a key component in healthy weight control. It contains a powerful blend of ingredients, including Humulus lupulus and black cohosh. These plants have been used for years to relieve menopausal symptoms in women. At the same time, hibiscus reduces cravings for junk food and promotes a calorie deficit.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic also nourishes your skin from within, resulting in brighter and healthier skin. It includes lutein, a natural vitamin A form that protects against harmful high-energy light waves such as UV rays and promotes cell repair.
The prebiotic fibre, inulin, promotes a healthy gut microbiome and provides the nutrients your skin needs to look radiant and bright.
Chronic inflammation is a leading cause of weight gain and various health conditions. Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic contains ingredients such as berberine and lutein that support a healthy inflammatory response. This helps prevent toxic fat buildup and protects the body’s major organs from damage.
The formula of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic also includes ingredients known for their anti-inflammatory properties and may improve sleep. Additionally, this herb promotes balanced hormone levels and healthy menopausal symptoms in women.
The unique blend of organic ingredients in Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic works in tandem to promote a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Users regularly report increased energy levels and a renewed sense of vitality, helping them tackle daily tasks and assignments more efficiently and consistently. Many people also report improved sleep quality, allowing them to wake up refreshed and energized.

What Are The Ingredients of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic?

You can quickly notice excellent results in just 21 days that support healthy weight loss with a combination of five potent plant extracts. And here is the detailed list of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic:

Benefits of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic:

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic will undoubtedly provide you with numerous health benefits thanks to the pure and natural ingredients in this formula, and you should read on to learn about some of them:
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic can support weight loss.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic can promote fat burn in the body.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic can provide increased energy levels.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic can increase metabolism speed.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic can provide the beneficial nutrients for the body.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic can work to burn belly fat.

PROS of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic?

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is prepared in a unique formula to provide the following health benefits:

Are there any Side Effects of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic?

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is a dietary formula derived from natural and organic sources. To date, there have been no important adverse effects associated with the use of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic.
However, it’s important to recognize that individual responses to dietary products can vary. If you experience any unfavorable effects while using Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic, please consult a healthcare professional.

How To Take Sumatra Tonic?

Every bottle of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic contains enough powder for 30 servings. Take one serving per day, using the provided spoon to measure. The recommended dosage is one scoop of the powder with water and drink every day before you sleep.
This will naturally adapt to your body and generate graduate results. It also helps detoxify your gut, boosts the growth of beneficial bacteria, and promotes healthy digestion. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is also recommended.
But some people who take Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic lose weight faster than they hoped, and if that’s the case for you, take half a scoop per day instead of a full scoop.


In conclusion, I highly recommend you prefer Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic! This supplement acts as the best weight loss supplement out there.
It helps you lose weight by combining plant extracts, herbs, vitamins, and nutrients your body requires to burn fat. Sumatra Slim belly Tonic is super powerful, and it tastes delicious.
I’m confident this Sumatra Slim belly Tonic will ultimately help offer you many health benefits. Trust me! In just days, you will look and feel sexy and fabulous in your health.
This formula doesn’t contain harmful and toxic chemicals like preservatives, fillers, or additives. So you need not worry about any side effects.
If you’re unsatisfied with your results, you can ask for a refund. This product comes with a full 100% money-back guarantee. No questions asked.
submitted by Brilliant-Lychee-518 to u/Brilliant-Lychee-518 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:37 NuclearPuppers They match! What do I win?!

Just wanted to share how my Dexcom and my finger stick matched exactly!
submitted by NuclearPuppers to dexcom [link] [comments]
