Pizza oven plans free

Pizza Napoletana

2019.04.29 21:16 erictheocartman_ Pizza Napoletana

Welcome to /neapolitanpizza, a culinary hub for enthusiasts of Neapolitan Pizza, a place where aficionados and novices alike unite to celebrate this iconic dish. Whether you're here to relish in the mastery of artisanal Neapolitan Pizza, or embark on a journey of learning to unravel its timeless charm, you've found your home. Dive in, savor the flavors, share your experiences, and discover the magic of Neapolitan Pizza with us!

2020.05.25 05:19 CrabbyClaw04 Personal pizza is a crime against humanity

Welcome, we enjoy large pizzas only It is a symbol of freedom, America, and our right to good value meals.

2012.12.27 01:26 PabstyLoudmouth Eating healthy on a cheap budget

Eating healthy on a cheap budget

2024.05.22 00:34 Chance-Theory5471 Question about calcium

So I’ve been struggling with what I thought was acid reflux. I’ve been trying to modify my eating habits, stop smoking, cutting back on my diet sodas, trying to do a seed oil free diet when cooking at home, taking melatonin before bedtime, and drinking plenty of water, taking vitamin C, and trying to not eat spicy food or fast food. Then I thought I had a dairy allergy because every time I ate ice cream or drank milk or ate pizza, I felt like I was going to pass out from being dizzy, and lightheaded. I started avoiding dairy. Well then I had an idea today, since I was avoiding dairy, and also had acid reflux, I’ll just take some tums to help with the acid reflux after lunch. I take the tums and everything got 10x worse with lightheadedness and feeling dizzy, almost like in a state of confusion or not knowing what’s going on or being aware of things around me. I’ve felt spacey, lightheaded, and anxious. Well this happened to me the other day and I thought it was acid reflux, but the other day I had taken calcium citrate for similar reasons (not eating dairy so figured I could use some calcium) and gotten a very similar result, so lightheaded like I was gonna pass out and a super spacey feeling all over my body. Could this happen because of a calcium intolerance? Or maybe too much calcium or too little? Why would calcium make me feel so weird?
submitted by Chance-Theory5471 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:33 DapperLee My Brother-in-law has caused entire family to want him gone.

Okay, so for this post there are a lot of people involved (this has been going on for a while) so I'll list up here who's who. This is my wife's family. I'll be using code names when appropriate:
Father-in-law - FIL
Mother-in-law - MIL
Wife(oldest daughter) - Wife
Second daughter - Sarah
Third daughter - Lana
Fourth daughter - Ruth
Second daughter's husband - BIL
Third daughter's fiancee - Karl
My daughter - daughter
Second daughter's older son - Danny
Second daughter's younger son - Aaron
And me as me
I know this is long but bear with me TL;DR Brother-in-law has snapped the last straw for the family and we are all starting to cut ties with him
 BIL's family has their own side of the story that I'm barely familiar with, so it won't be brought up here. We first met BIL way before they got together; Sarah bought a house as a group of friends with her boyfriend at the time, and BIL and his second wife at the time. We didn't interact with him much. We just heard a few stories about him from their friend group. Eventually this situation broke down and BIL and his second wife left and vandalized Sarah's home on the way out. They let their dogs poop all over the floor, stole some miscellaneous items, poured water in their lawn mower gas tank, etc. He did this to Sarah, his future third wife. We thought this guy was out of our lives forever. Sarah eventually came to stay on my couch after she sold the house. She lived with me and my wife for roughly 3 months. Then she went and rented an apartment a few miles away. No sooner than a few weeks did we find out she was dating future BIL, and a few weeks after that we found she was pregnant. He met the family and stated that he wanted to be a part of it. He blamed all his past transgressions on his second wife. We questioned him at the time if he was still with his second wife. He said no, and that he was officially divorced. My wife looked up the public court records and found out that he didn't file divorce papers until 11 days after we asked that question. A small lie but considering our history of knowing him it was concerning. BIL is a big gun enthusiast. About 1 months after they told us Sarah was pregnant, while cleaning a gun at home he shot himself in the hand. Again, we were concerned but Sarah assured us he was a changed man and this was just an unfortunate accident. His hand healed but he didn't do his physical therapy that seriously so his hand is still kind of jacked up. I feel this is important because he kind of has a history of not following through on what he says. During Sarah's pregnancy we found out that BIL seriously beat one of their dogs back when they bought the house together. We also figured out he diagnosed himself with bipolar, but refused to go to a doctor to get an actual diagnosis. The whole family at the time was distracted by all of this because during Sarah's pregnancy my wife went through a major medical struggle that resulted in multiple surgeries and a months-long stay in the hospital. We were so focused on that the BIL details just kind of came and went at that moment. Sarah gave birth to Danny during COVID lockdown. We were so excited and we all were very active in Danny's life. Time would pass and we just kind of got used to BIL being despite the fact that he often would miss family events. BIL and Sarah would move into a house on my in-laws property just down the road from in-laws house. MIL became their primary caregiver as she could work it around her job and still make decent money. As 4 years have passed my MIL, FIL, Lana, my Wife and I all take shifts of watching their now 2 kids for them, for free. MIL also watches my daughter but significantly less that their son's. 2 years would pass after Danny was born and everything seemed OK. There would just be hints in they way he talked about who he really was. He would say something in casual conversation like "man, there seems like there are too many black people in commercials these days" or "I don't know why we are forcing women's sports to be a thing." Bigoted stuff like that, but veiled enough so there was plausible deniability. I would often call him out on it, so he really grew to not like me. This all changed at his 30th bday. He had a big party with a lot of alcohol and weed with dozens of friends. My wife and I didn't go because we are not party people. Lana and Ruth went to the party. Sarah was also there. During this party BIL went outside and decided to "mud" his jeep through the creek beside their house. This was possibly with Karl but I'm not sure of that to this day. Karl has recently come into the picture prior to this event and was previously friends with BIL for a long time. The jeep got stuck and flooded for obvious reasons. After trying to get it out of the creek by multiple means, they gave up and left it there. I believe it took almost 2 days to get it out. He went back to the party and as everyone got progressively drunk and high, my 2 sister-in-laws Lana and Ruth (I believe) criticized BIL for getting his car stuck in a creek while playing. BIL verbally assaulted them and demanded they get out of his house. They left in tears. They drove separately, and Lana had gotten buzzed so they both got in Ruth's car and drove to my house. They sat and vented to my wife and I for a while, and eventually I offered that we should go do something fun to take their minds off of it. My wife and I drove them to Taco Bell and we got some food and drove around town for a while and made jokes in the car. After they cooled off and were in a better mood they said that Lana needed to go get her car from the party. In a flurry she accidentally left her keys inside her sister's and BIL's house. We drove them over just in case anything sketchy happened but Lana and Ruth didn't want us to go inside, so we waited out in the car. She didn't think it would be a big deal to walk in, but as her and Ruth did BIL immediately got in her face and demanding she gets out or else. Ruth went to talk to someone else at the party and didn't notice this at first. BIL shoved Lana against a wall and held her there. Everyone apparently stood in stunned silence as this happened. He then shoved her to the ground, grabbed her around the ankles and started pulling her across the floor. As he was threatening to do even worse, Ruth ran up and jumped on his back and gave him a head lock. She screamed at him to stop but before BIL could anything about this everyone finally woke up and pulled them apart. Ruth helped Lana up and they ran out of the house onto the front porch sobbing. My wife saw this and got out of the car and yelled at them to get back in our car. We drove up to the in-laws house. By then it was past midnight. MIL was about an hour away working her job and FIL was up in his room asleep. The sisters went and woke him up and explained the situation through tears. They also called MIL to inform her of the situation. He got ready and ask me to go with him down to the house to get some answers. The sisters stayed up at the house. We drove down in his car and when we got out the entire party was ready for us and greeted us at the car. Literally over a dozen people, most of whom I did not recognize started screaming what happened at both of us simultaneously. Everyone was clearly very drunk. FIL looked overwhelmed, so I raised my hands and tried asking everyone to stop for a second and go one by one telling their bit of the story. BIL stopped me mid sentence and pointed his finger in my face. I noticed he had his other hand on a holstered hand gun. He yelled out "You don't have a say here! You're barely even part of this family." For context, I had been with my wife for over 11 years at that time and he hadn't even married Sarah yet and had been there about 2 1/2 years. FIL backed up and told me that I need to stop talking and that I was being a problem. I backed off and went over the yard to Sarah and Karl. I asked Sarah what happened and she told me that she didn't see what happened and that she wasn't very aware of what was going on now. Karl would barely answer the same question. I walked back over to FIL but he told me to back off and that I really wasn't needed there. Admittedly I felt pretty insulted and just decided to walk back to his house and get my car and go home with my wife. We eventually left after FIL came back to the house. We found out later that BIL had pulled his gun out and threatened to kill himself if FIL didn't leave. Out of fear of what he would do, my in-laws were pretty afraid to take action at this point. A lot of the situation was his word against someone else's and Sarah went on a tour around to the friends and convinced them not to take any of this to the police. She then tried to smooth things over with the family and offered that BIL would apologize to everyone. He then refused, stating that Ruth was the real aggressor and that she assaulted him. He eventually agreed to apologize to just FIL for causing a problem and I think some half-hearted apologies to Lana and Ruth. The whole situation was swept under the rug but an unease has existed over the family since then. He stopped coming to family events pretty much altogether. About 4 months after this situation, prior to my daughter being born, he told MIL he was going to bring Danny up to their house so she could watch him for a few hours while he took a nap. His job works long hours so this wasn't out of the ordinary. However, he didn't show up for a while and my MIL started questioning what going on. She called but there was no answer. She drove down to his house and knocked but there wasn't an answer, only Danny crying in the background. She let herself in and found BIL asleep on the couch with Danny actively trying to wake him up. MIL tried to wake him up but nothing for a few minutes. She gave up and wrote a note to let him know where Danny was. BIL didn't notice Danny was gone for 2 hours. He finally woke up, drove up to in-laws house, and yelled at my MIL for just taking Danny without informing him. He took Danny and then left. A few months after that, after my daughter was born, He fell asleep while watching Danny again. This time we found out because when he woke up the front door was open and Danny was gone. He called in-laws for help finding him. My in-laws have a large property (about 200 acres) with a ton of it forested. Danny wandered 1/4 of a mile into the woods and I believe it took roughly a little over an hour to find him. Family questioned him hard this time but he just recoiled back into their house and didn't talk to us much. Sarah continued to defend him and said it was just an accident. Again the police were not notified about any of this. There was always this idea that if we went to authorities about any of this they would just run for it. They would then surprise everyone with the news that they were pregnant again, despite the fact that Sarah had used the morning after pill. This whole time they hadn't married yet. They announced that they were getting married but Sarah told Lana that it was mostly just to help BIL not have to go through bankruptcy a second time. I wasn't sure if this would do anything to help that situation, but that's what Sarah said at one point leading up to the wedding. About a month before the wedding, however, he threatened Sarah that if she insisted on inviting my wife to the wedding he would demand to invite a friend of his that Sarah hated. This friend also used to date BIL I believe. This was his ploy to force Sarah to not invite my Wife or me. The 2 other sisters and MIL all stood in solidarity with us and said that they would also not go if we weren't invited. He eventually relented and they got married a little before Aaron was born. As more kids were added, MIL's childcare duties got much harder. Eventually my wife and I started paying her (not much but something at least. $150 a month) to watch our daughter, but we also did chores for her, bought her food often, and eventually my Wife started taking a few shifts to watch all 3 children. To date, BIL and Sarah have never compensated any of us for our work. It's a little frustrating but we've tried to understand because Sarah and BIL seem to be bad with money. They objectively make more than us yet can't afford to pay MIL anything. Last Thanksgiving, in the middle of dinner, Sarah and BIL decided to have an "intervention" and talk about how we were not treating BIL fairly. They addressed everybody but really honed in on me specifically. This seemed to be because the rest of the family kind of dance in eggshells around them, while to be frank I'm pretty honest about how I feel about them. They seemed to think I was causing the family to turn against him and questioned why I would do that. I told him he lacked humility. He said he didn't understand. I told him that if he admitted to his mistakes and actually apologized about any of the stuff I previously wrote, instead of blaming everyone and everything else then the whole family would feel a bit different about him. A lot of talk was about the 30th b-day and other times when I just ignored him and how he had already apologized about the party. I reminded him that he didn't apologize to most of the family and he blamed Ruth. He then stated that Ruth was the cause of a lot of the problems at that party. He also made a big deal about how the family doesn't trust him with my daughter and kept emphasizing how he has never held her. We finally tried to come to an agreement. I told him I would try to talk to him more and try to understand him better and he said he would try to come to family events more. He also wanted more of a relationship with my daughter. We left and my wife and I were skeptical but we said that if this is who Sarah really wanted to be with, as long as BIL wasn't perceived as a threat he could have more contact with our daughter. We have had way more of a relationship with his kids than he has had with our daughter so I tried to sympathize with that imbalance. Karl also stated later that having known BIL for a long time, he thought he was very sincere. To date, BIL has not asked or tried at any family events to spend any time with my daughter, despite having numerous opportunities. Now to the current situation. About a month ago Lana and Karl announced that Lana was pregnant. This was a revelation due to Lana having a medical condition that made it harder to get pregnant. A lot of excitement was brewing in the family because of this. Karl has been seeming like a good partner to Lana, and proposed to her a little before the pregnancy happened. This is especially pertinent because Lana and Karl moved into a house together right beside BIL and Sarah. A few days ago they were over at Sarah and BIL's house when an argument broke out between Sarah and BIL. BIL demanded that Sarah wasn't an "obedient enough wife" and that if she wanted there marriage to work then she was going to have to get better at serving him. She was upset and they weren't coming to an agreement so he was going to leave, but apparently he was very high so Sarah refused to give him the keys to his car. He got extremely mad and then got a gun, held it to his head, and threatened to kill himself if she didn't hand over the keys. Fortunately, Danny and Aaron were taking a nap during all of this. Sarah called the police during this whole exchange and the operator heard a lot of what BIL said over the phone so based on that they arrived at the house. He apparently drove away and it took the police a bit to find him but once they did he turned himself over. They admitted him to a mandatory 72-hour stay at a psychiatric ward for a mental health assessment. Sarah then came up to the rest of the family (not me or my Wife) and gave them Danny and Aaron. She then went and confided with Lana and Karl about how abusive BIL had been and how life was just miserable right now. A lot of us, especially Karl and my in-laws, were telling her that she needs to leave BIL and file for emergency custody of her children. She seemed to be listening to us and turning a corner, but inexplicably the psychiatric ward allowed BIL to have a phone call with Sarah and they had a long conversation. Suddenly, Sarah shut us all out and completely changed her story. She started defending BIL again. BIL was then let out of the psychiatric ward a day early. Since Karl was working at the time, Lana came to stay with us and then over at her in-laws. We are especially concerned about her safety around BIL due to her being pregnant. They have since cut nearly all contact with us for 4 days now. They have only told Karl that they were getting a new TV because the old one mysteriously broke somehow. They have continued to post on social media like nothing has happened. They have spent 2 days with BIL's family so we aren't sure what their opinion of this is, though we do know a sibling of his has also told Sarah to leave him prior to this latest situation. We don't know what their plans for childcare is because they are wholly reliant upon us. Lana is very reluctant to ever be home alone. Ruth is as well. There are so many other details I haven't mentioned. There have been holes in walls they've had to fix. There is some evidence that BIL is cheating on Sarah, but that evidence is somewhat inconclusive. The bigoted comments for a while now have gotten increasingly misogynistic. It's a lot of 'we need to respect proper gender roles' kind of stuff. There's just too much and I've already written a book on here. I don't really know what to do at this point. Because a lot of this stuff has been swept under the rug it's hard to tell how seriously CPS or police would take our claims. FIL has threatened to kick them out of their very cheap rental they're in now. Who knows what they would do in that scenario. I know this post is detailed and because of that BIL or Sarah might see it, but at this point I wonder if I even give a shit. They've already eluded to keeping their sons from us in the past and the vibes we are getting now is that they are already doing it. And from the bottom of my heart, fuck BIL. 
submitted by DapperLee to u/DapperLee [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:31 Psycroat Podcast refresh

I am planning to update some sidebar links tonight. Does anyone know of any podcasts/newsletters/form of media that are currently active for the CEBL.
Sadly even CEBL is not active on any free podcast service
submitted by Psycroat to CEBLeague [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:31 Aggravating_Rate3271 chance an uncertain STEM student for T10 universities 🙏 (looking for what to improve)

Hello! Here is some of my info. Can I get my chances at the top comp sci and physics schools? In no particular order, I'm looking at Stanford, Princeton, MIT, Cornell, UPenn, Caltech, CMU, Berkeley, Harvard, Yale, Georgia Tech, and other top comp sci programs. I have no idea what my top choice college is right now. Keeping info intentionally vague in some areas. Thanks!
Demographics: Male, White, Private School.
Hooks: None :(
Intended Major: Computer Science/Physics
SAT: 1590 (Paper version back in sophomore year, 800M 790E)
PSAT: 1520 (I'm going to try for national merit finalist in the fall)
Current GPA: 4.0 UW / 5.04 W - correlates to ~98 pct average in AP and Honors courses.
Coursework: 10 APs. Just finished AP exams for 5 of them, the others went as follows. AP Chem (5), AP Comp Sci Principles (5), AP Lang (5), APUSH (5), AP Human Geo (4). Predicting 5s on the following exams this year: Calc AB, Biology, Comp Sci A, good chance at 5s on Literature and Euro but I'm less sure about those two.
Note: planning to take 5 more AP’s my senior year, so total AP count is going to be 15.
ECs (no particular order):
  1. Founded and am currently managing a mental health organization that teaches strategies for improving mental health while also excelling academically. The organization has >10 chapters in 3 different states and 2 different countries, and has ~100 official members
  2. Varsity Rower on my school's rowing team since sophomore year, also rowed in Freshman year and went to scholastic nationals.
  3. Member of High School Honors Jazz Band, earned Superior evaluation at sophomore year MPAs.
  4. Astrophysics research project with professor from top state university, and I co-authored a paper about the project that is now published in two journals.
  5. Elected as one of two Student Council representatives for my grade, and work on organizing school related events as well as managing student suggestions.
  6. Personally founded and managed an initiative to get gluten-free food in local food kitchens due to the lack of Celiac awareness in these organizations. Currently, have facilitated the introduction of gluten free meals into my local food kitchen that serves the community, and am reaching out to even more in the area.
  7. Won a Grand Award at the State Science and Engineering Fair (1st in the Physics and Astronomy category out of the entire state) and qualified to be an ISEF finalist.
  8. Member of another student council organization since sophomore year that helps organize school events.
  9. Another astrophysics research project with top professor in the field (reason why this is so vague is because it's in beginning stages, but I expect it will be just as important and go just as far in science fair as my last one if not farther)
  10. Regular volunteer work (total of 100+ hours) as a Math, English, History, Chemistry, and SAT prep tutor for the past 2 years.
Can I get some chances at those colleges I mentioned above? Stats wise, I'm pretty sure I stack up against other applicants, but I'm not sure if my ECs are strong enough plus the fact that I don't have any hooks. If possible, include the chances for regular vs. early for the colleges that have early programs which offer a significant increase in admission. Also, if you have any other colleges in mind that you think would be a good fit please comment those!
submitted by Aggravating_Rate3271 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:26 siotnoc Conqueror Ryze

A recent discussion I had on this sub has made me reconsider the viability of conqueror.
Do I think it's better than phase rush?
But it's only because of the survivability phase rush brings to you in lane. It is also kind of tough in a side lane without phase rush at times.
Back to conqueror though....
Some highlights I have noticed:
Some downsides:
I plan on running conqueror more to limit test it's viability. I also might run it in some scrimms. I will get back on the results. Recommend giving it a shot if you are comfortable on ryze.
Ultimately, in my games you cannot give up phase rush into some matchups. It will be trolling. Low elo it should be easy to do all the time. I'm beginning to think conq might be a staple low elo rune. Anything under diamond I would imagine.
Would love to hear some feedback from somw testing anyone wants to do!
submitted by siotnoc to RyzeMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:26 Sweet-Count2557 Best Restaurants in Longview Tx

Best Restaurants in Longview Tx
Best Restaurants in Longview Tx Looking for the best restaurants in Longview, TX? Well, look no further! We've got you covered with our guide to the most delectable dining spots in town.Are you ready to embark on a culinary adventure that will tantalize your taste buds? From the Cajun delights of Dudley's Cafe Grab & Geaux to the mouthwatering options at Texas Roadhouse, there's something for everyone.So join us as we explore the flavors that Longview has to offer. Let's get eating!Key TakeawaysDudley's Cafe Grab & Geaux offers delicious seafood dishes and highlights traditional Louisiana dishes like Gumbo and Crawfish.Texas Roadhouse is known for its wide array of food selections and is recommended for its USDA Choice Sirloin and Fried Catfish.Pizza King, opened in 1965, serves unique and traditional pizza flavors, with the King's Delight being a recommended pizza.Lil Thai House is popular among locals and offers an impressive menu of authentic Thai dishes, with the Gai Pad Khing and Pad Thai being must-try options.Dudley's Cafe Grab & Geaux (formerly Dudley's Cajun Cafe)One of our favorite restaurants in Longview, Texas is Dudley's Cafe Grab & Geaux, formerly known as Dudley's Cajun Cafe. This establishment is renowned for its delicious seafood dishes and its commitment to highlighting traditional Louisiana cuisine. When you visit Dudley's, you can expect to be treated to a delectable array of flavors that are sure to satisfy any seafood lover.One of the standout dishes at Dudley's is their Gumbo, a classic Louisiana favorite that's bursting with rich flavors and hearty ingredients. Another must-try appetizer is the Alligator Sausage, a unique and adventurous option that's sure to excite your taste buds. If you're looking for a more familiar starter, the Cup of Gumbo is always a solid choice.For the main course, we highly recommend trying the Blackened Catfish. This dish is expertly prepared, with the catfish being perfectly seasoned and cooked to perfection. The flavors are bold and the texture is incredibly tender, making it a true standout on Dudley's menu.In addition to their exceptional seafood dishes, Dudley's Cafe Grab & Geaux also offers a warm and inviting atmosphere that's perfect for a casual meal with friends or a romantic evening out. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable, ensuring that your dining experience is both enjoyable and memorable.If you're in the Longview, Texas area and looking for the best restaurants in town, be sure to visit Dudley's Cafe Grab & Geaux. Their commitment to quality and their passion for Louisiana cuisine make them a top choice for locals and visitors alike.Texas RoadhouseWhen it comes to dining in Longview, Texas, we can't help but rave about Texas Roadhouse for its wide array of food selections and reputation for delicious meals. Here's why this restaurant stands out among the best restaurants in Longview, Texas:Delicious Food: Texas Roadhouse is known for serving up mouthwatering dishes that will satisfy any craving. From their juicy USDA Choice Sirloin to their perfectly fried catfish, every bite is packed with flavor and cooked to perfection.Wide Selection: Whether you're in the mood for a steak, ribs, chicken, or even a burger, Texas Roadhouse has got you covered. Their menu offers a variety of options to suit every taste and preference. Plus, they've decadent dessert options available to satisfy your sweet tooth.Lively Atmosphere: Texas Roadhouse isn't just about the food, it's also about the experience. The restaurant has a lively and energetic atmosphere that adds to the enjoyment of your meal. With friendly staff and country music playing in the background, you'll feel right at home.Great Value: One of the best things about Texas Roadhouse is that you get a lot of bang for your buck. The portions are generous, and the prices are reasonable, making it a great option for those looking for a satisfying meal without breaking the bank.So, if you're looking for a restaurant in Longview, Texas that offers a wide selection of delicious food, a lively atmosphere, and great value, look no further than Texas Roadhouse.Now, let's move on to our next restaurant, Pizza King.Pizza KingAnd, let's not forget about Pizza King, a local favorite in Longview, TX, that serves up unique and traditional pizza flavors. Pizza King has been a staple in the Longview community since it first opened its doors in 1965. With its diner-style interior and cozy atmosphere, it's the perfect place to enjoy a delicious slice of pizza.At Pizza King, you'll find a wide variety of pizza flavors to choose from. From classic options like pepperoni and cheese to unique creations like the King's Delight, there's something for everyone's taste buds. The King's Delight is a crowd favorite, topped with pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, onions, and green peppers. It's the perfect combination of flavors that will leave you craving more.But Pizza King doesn't stop at just pizza. They also offer a must-try dessert that's sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. The Apple Pizza is a unique twist on the traditional pizza, featuring a sweet apple topping on a crispy crust. It's the perfect way to end your meal on a sweet note.With its long history in the community and delicious food options, Pizza King is undoubtedly one of the best restaurants in Longview, TX. Whether you're a local looking for a new pizza spot or a visitor wanting to try some local flavors, Pizza King is a must-visit. So, don't miss out on the opportunity to indulge in their unique and traditional pizza flavors.Lil Thai HouseDuring our visit to Longview, TX, my friends and I decided to dine at Lil Thai House, a popular restaurant known for its impressive menu of authentic Thai dishes. We were excited to explore the flavors of Thailand and indulge ourselves in a culinary adventure.Here are four reasons why Lil Thai House should be on your dining list:Authentic Thai Cuisine: At Lil Thai House, you can expect nothing but the most authentic Thai dishes. From the moment we stepped inside, the aroma of spices filled the air, transporting us to the streets of Bangkok. Each dish was meticulously prepared with fresh ingredients, creating a symphony of flavors that danced on our taste buds.Local Favorite: Lil Thai House is a beloved establishment among the locals of Longview. As soon as we arrived, we could see why. The cozy and welcoming atmosphere made us feel right at home. The friendly staff greeted us with warm smiles and provided excellent service throughout our meal, enhancing our overall dining experience.Must-Try Appetizer: To start our meal, we couldn't resist ordering the Spicy Beef Egg Rolls. These crispy delights were filled with tender beef, aromatic spices, and a hint of heat. Dipped in the accompanying sweet chili sauce, each bite was a burst of flavor that left us craving for more.Unforgettable Main Course: One dish that stood out among the rest was the Gai Pad Khing, a classic Thai chicken stir-fry with ginger. The combination of tender chicken, fragrant ginger, and vibrant vegetables created a harmonious blend of textures and tastes. It was a dish that truly showcased the mastery of Thai cuisine.As we finished our meal at Lil Thai House, we were already planning our next visit. The flavors and hospitality had left a lasting impression on us, making it a must-visit restaurant in Longview. With our appetites satisfied, we eagerly anticipated our next culinary adventure at Papacitas, a renowned Mexican eatery just a stone's throw away.PapacitasAs we entered Papacitas, our mouths watered at the enticing aroma of sizzling fajitas and freshly made tortillas. Located in Longview, TX, Papacitas has been serving delicious Mexican food since its establishment in 1981. The restaurant offers a laid-back atmosphere and a festive interior, creating the perfect setting for a relaxed and enjoyable dining experience.One of the recommended starters at Papacitas is the Beef, Bean & Cheese Nachos. This mouthwatering dish features a generous portion of crispy tortilla chips topped with savory seasoned ground beef, refried beans, melted cheese, and served with a side of guacamole, sour cream, and pico de gallo. It's the perfect way to start your meal and satisfy your cravings.For the main course, the Crawfish Enchiladas are a must-try. These flavorful enchiladas are filled with tender crawfish tails, sautéed onions, and bell peppers, all smothered in a rich and creamy sauce. Served with rice and beans, this dish is a true indulgence that combines the bold flavors of Mexican cuisine with the unique taste of crawfish.At Papacitas, you can expect generous portions, friendly service, and a wide variety of menu options to choose from. Whether you're in the mood for sizzling fajitas, mouthwatering enchiladas, or traditional Mexican favorites like tacos and burritos, Papacitas has something to satisfy every craving.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Vegetarian Options Available at Dudley's Cafe Grab & Geaux (Formerly Dudley's Cajun Cafe)?At Dudley's Cafe Grab & Geaux, there are a few vegetarian options available. The Cajun-inspired menu mainly focuses on seafood and meat dishes, but they do offer a couple of vegetarian choices.You can enjoy their flavorful Veggie Gumbo, which is packed with vegetables and spices. They also have a delicious Vegetarian Pasta dish, featuring a medley of fresh vegetables tossed in a savory sauce.These options provide tasty alternatives for vegetarian diners at Dudley's Cafe Grab & Geaux.Does Texas Roadhouse Offer Any Gluten-Free Menu Items?Yes, Texas Roadhouse does offer gluten-free menu items. They have a wide array of food selections and are known for their delicious food.One recommended gluten-free main is the USDA Choice Sirloin. Another great option is the Fried Catfish.They also have decadent dessert options available.Are There Any Vegan Pizza Options Available at Pizza King?Yes, Pizza King does offer vegan pizza options. They serve a variety of unique and traditional pizza flavors, and they're known for their delicious food. One of their recommended pizzas is the King's Delight.Additionally, they've a must-try dessert called Apple Pizza. Pizza King has a cozy diner-style interior and a welcoming atmosphere.Whether you're vegan or not, you'll find something tasty to enjoy at Pizza King.Does Lil Thai House Offer Any Dishes for People With Food Allergies?At Lil Thai House, we offer a variety of dishes for people with food allergies. Our menu features authentic Thai cuisine, which includes options for those with dietary restrictions.Whether you have a gluten allergy, are lactose intolerant, or have other specific requirements, we strive to accommodate your needs.From our spicy beef egg rolls to our Gai Pad Khing chicken dish, we take pride in providing delicious and safe dining experiences for all of our customers.What Are the Popular Vegetarian Options at Papacitas?At Papacitas, we understand that vegetarian options are important. While they primarily focus on delicious Mexican cuisine, they do offer a few vegetarian dishes.One popular option is the Veggie Enchiladas, filled with a flavorful combination of vegetables and cheese.Another tasty choice is the Spinach and Mushroom Quesadilla, a perfect blend of savory flavors.These vegetarian options at Papacitas allow everyone to enjoy a satisfying meal in a laid-back and festive atmosphere.ConclusionIn conclusion, the culinary scene in Longview, Texas offers a tantalizing array of options that cater to every taste bud. From the bold Cajun flavors at Dudley's Cafe Grab & Geaux to the diverse menu at Texas Roadhouse, there's something for everyone to enjoy.Whether you're in the mood for pizza, Thai food, Mexican cuisine, Italian fare, or American classics, the best restaurants in Longview will surely leave you satisfied.So go ahead, embark on a delectable journey and indulge in the flavors that this charming city has to offer.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:23 cosmicdelfino AITA for sending an out of pocket text that was basically sexual harassment to a girl who was trying to take advantage of me

Basically this girl tricked me into thinking she wanted to hangout when she really just wanted free photos of her surfing. I ran into her the next day after i had taken photos of her, i had texted her the day before that the photos would cost money since i was running a business , and i had shown her around a beach that day before too since she was from out of town. She made it sound like she wanted to hangout over text, and she bailed on plans that she came up with to go hike after. When i unexpectedly saw her at the beach the next day she was acting all bitchy and was like gaslighting me saying she couldnt hear me talk when she clearly could. Her body language was like she had never met me before and i felt really humiliated. She was basically vibing me out of the place i introduced her to, and i ended up getting pretty pissed. I went back to where she was and from a distance said something like "fuck you, you should get out of here" i then texted her that how she was acting was fucked up and that i deserved an apology. Some time passed and i was still pissed but i was trying to find the humor in the situation. Then i basically really impulsively sent a text that said "ill lick your asshole next time you come back here" basically more just thinking it was funny because it was out of pocket and kind of a rude thing to say. I reflected on what i had sent and basically apologized saying i ultimately thought it was weird, but yeah there was a sexual tension on the first day we met up. She never texted me back i just sent an apology text like the next day after the situation died down.
submitted by cosmicdelfino to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:22 _whataboutbob 6/10-6/21 Roadtrip to AZ, NM, and CO

I am doing a solo roadtrip to AZ, NM, and CO from 6/10-6/21, meeting up with friends before 6/10 and after 6/21 but free to have company otherwise. My plan is to visit Hopi Reservation (AZ), Navajo National Monument (AZ), Shiprock (NM), Bisti Badlands (NM), Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah Wilderness (NM), and San Juan Mountains (CO).This will be a cultural and hiking trip as I plan to do a fair amount of hiking especially in San Juan Mountains. There is no fee to join, we each pay our own way but I am happy to collaborate on destinations, lodgings, etc.I know this is short notice but if you are interested, please comment on here or send me a DM.
submitted by _whataboutbob to travelmeetup [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:20 glamrock_crunch absolutely no hate to bi women, but why are some of them… like that

i tend to attract only bisexual women and i don’t judge women based on their sexuality or anyone for that matter. my question is, why are they so hard to keep interested?? i am trying to put in effort with one right now because it seems like an expectation, but she’s doing this weird indirect talking thing that just doesn’t work for me. this includes me posting a song i like to my instagram notes and her posting a thirst trap to it the next day. on top of that, it’s her sending me a song or a text and telling me it reminds her of me and then falling off the face of the earth for a week. the other day, she was really targeting a bunch of spam posts to me and i wasn’t a fan of that. i wanted her to just tell me she was free and i would’ve planned something. i am not going to act on an assumption that someone is trying to get my attention because i’m pretty direct. most girls know this ahead of time because i literally sit there like an idiot until they look me in the eye and say “hey, i like you”. i just don’t get it. i’ll admit, i’ve been non committal because men have traumatized me, but i’m trying to show interest in her. if i match her energy, she suddenly shows less interest. i know this relationship is not going to work out and at this point, i’m losing any feelings i’ve had for her because there has been no clear definition of what she wants.
this has been a consistent issue with my dating life and that’s the part that gets me. i find a girl, i like her, suddenly we are talking, and right away she drops off the earth. either getting a boyfriend or just quits showing interest. i’ve been told before that it’s because i have so much going on, or i’m too ambitious and put to much effort into school and work. i will admit, i am a driver and i don’t slow down and making time for anyone is hard. i do wonder if me saying i have finals or things due that i can’t put off has driven her away. i just don’t see the point in brushing off school to go out with someone who is unsure about me. if you aren’t going to be in my life forever, you don’t come over my education.
i just don’t know if this is a me problem or not. i’m going through the post situationship grief right now of thinking i’ll never find a girlfriend, but i know it will pass soon enough too. am i just looking at the wrong girls? my roommates say i should wait until i find someone who is also in college and honestly, i couldn’t agree more. i just want to know if i’m doing something wrong. maybe i’m not prioritizing things properly? idk
submitted by glamrock_crunch to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:19 Doublestack2411 I can't stand when ppl say "God is Good", after something good happened in their life, yet ignore the reality around them when so many suffer. The amount of unawareness in ppl is depressing.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when ppl "thank god" or say "God is Good" because their life is so great or b/c something good happened to them.
Oh, you're cancer free now? Great news, thank the doctors and medicine, not God. You played really good in sports today? Thank yourself, not some imaginary person. It's so frustrating seeing grown adults praising something that doesn't exist. They really think God is somehow helping them when so many horrible things happened to good ppl as well. When you confront them about such tragedies that take innocent lives they can only say "It's God's plan" and that pisses me off.
submitted by Doublestack2411 to atheism [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:18 Useful-Opposite6907 Need job as a dispatcher for dispatching companies i am experienced

I hope this message finds you well I am Tim reaching out to you by refrence providing you with more information about me I specialize in streamlining the logistical process for trucking operations. Here's how I can support your business:
Negotiating with brokers to secure the most favorable load arrangements. Managing all documentation requirements efficiently and accurately. Strategically planning routes to minimize downtime and avoid dead states.
Your prompt response would be greatly appreciated, and I am available to address any questions or concerns you may have. Please feel free to reach out to me
Thank you for considering our services. I look forward to the opportunity to work together.
Warm regards,
submitted by Useful-Opposite6907 to TruckDispatchers [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:18 NuclearVulvaman This lad just popped into my youth intake, best prospect so far. Any development tips?

This lad just popped into my youth intake, best prospect so far. Any development tips? submitted by NuclearVulvaman to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:18 vanillasugar777 someone help me, please. anyone, i’m begging.

i have no words other than i’m tired. i looked up how bad my bulimia is, and it goes under extreme bulimia with more than 14 episodes of binges per week. my family is fully aware of my ED, they have tried everything, putting me into therapy where nothing worked, keeping an eye on whenever i go to the bathroom, literally spying on me all day long just for my behaviours. it’s a hell of a life. luckily it has stopped and i have my privacy and freedom again, but my ED has never stopped. it’s like i have the biggest ego on earth, i have so much love for food and my ED, that i hate it. i WISH i hated it. every night i am so motivated to start over, fresh healthy start and i start planning a new plan how to overcome it. however, as soon as the sun rises again, i am in b/p mode again. even if i eat small portions, i purge everything. everything. sometimes there will be hours where i regurgitate the food i’ve consumed (gross ik), and all i want to do all day is eat. i have no motivation to workout - at all. even if it’s a little walk. i don’t find any interest in ANYTHING i used to like. sports, hobbies, nothing. now i put words into it, i realize it has gotten so depressing, to the point where all i want to do all day, is sit on the couch and b/p. and the worst thing about it is, i enjoy it??? hello?? where did my life go?? obviously i need special and serious treatment, but i can’t bare to think about getting locked into a mental hospital and gain a shit ton of trauma. i’ve looked into treatments online, but i’m afraid i can’t afford any of the coachings. ironically, i’m still a 20 y/o girl with future dreams, hoping that one day i will magically be ED-free, but i’m not sure how many days, weeks, months or years i get to that point. i’ve had bulimia now since november 2022, and i’ve been purging multiple times a day ever since. my family had tried to warn and scare me with long term effects, but nothing seems to get to me. will all that i have, i seriously need help. i don’t know where else to ask for help, so please, those of you who have recovered from extreme bulimia, HOW in the world did you recover? it’s easy to say “stop labelling food as good or bad” or “stop binging and purging”, i just CANNOT DO IT.
submitted by vanillasugar777 to bulimia [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:17 aCatFromThe_military ONE DAY DOWN GUYS

haven't pulled my hair one day I feel like I kinda set myself straight after looking at this subreddit but I'm gonna reward myself with pizza gonna try to have a pull-free summer for myself
submitted by aCatFromThe_military to trichotillomania [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:16 cosmicdelfino AITA Sent an out of pocket text that was basically sexual harassment to a girl who was trying to take advantage of me

Basically this girl tricked me into thinking she wanted to hangout when she really just wanted free photos of her surfing. I ran into her the next day after i had taken photos of her, i had texted her the day before that the photos would cost money since i was running a business , and i had shown her around a beach that day before too since she was from out of town. She made it sound like she wanted to hangout over text, and she bailed on plans that she came up with to go hike after. When i unexpectedly saw her at the beach the next day she was acting all bitchy and was like gaslighting me saying she couldnt hear me talk when she clearly could. Her body language was like she had never met me before and i felt really humiliated. She was basically vibing me out of the place i introduced her to, and i ended up getting pretty pissed. I went back to where she was and from a distance said something like "fuck you, you should get out of here" i then texted her that how she was acting was fucked up and that i deserved an apology. Some time passed and i was still pissed but i was trying to find the humor in the situation. Then i basically really impulsively sent a text that said "ill lick your asshole next time you come back here" basically more just thinking it was funny because it was out of pocket and kind of a rude thing to say. I reflected on what i had sent and basically apologized saying i ultimately thought it was weird, but yeah there was a sexual tension on the first day we met up. She never texted me back i just sent an apology text like the next day after the situation died down.
submitted by cosmicdelfino to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:14 limetime45 Am I being too sensitive or is this crappy friend behavior from my non-ADHD friend?

Hello. I’m looking for some validation from people who get it. Or tell me I’m crazy idk.
My good friend who I’ve known for years has a very type A personality, while I’m more go with the flow. At times, our personalities clash. Where she needs tight plans and rigid routines, I desire spontaneity. I also recently was diagnosed with ADHD, which explains some of my time blindness and disorganization. We’ve talked about our differences and I have a lot of compassion and understanding where she’s coming from, that planning and organization make her feel safe.
Thing is, since the diagnoses, I’ve realized that I often feel shame around her for the way that I am. I recognize that there are pros and cons to both our personalities, but it’s become more clear to me that she sees my approach to life as inherently wrong. And, up until this point, I’ve masked to make people like her happy, but it’s cost me dearly. At the same time that I’m learning to appreciate certain aspects of my adhd (presence, the ability to go with the flow, creativity) she has made very clear at times that causes her anxiety.
So it all kind of came to head last week when we were traveling for another friend’s birthday. Months ago, we’d decided to travel together and picked certain flights that worked well for her (she’s extremely frugal and also rigid when it comes to her bedtime, so options were limited.) I was willing to bend to her needs because I can usually plan around any times, and well I’m just used to bending to other people’s needs (working on that). I just was trying to be a good friend and make sure she has someone to travel with. When traveling, my philosophy is generally that you can only control so much, so no need to add extra stress. She very much disagrees.
Where we went was a pretty long travel day, we had a layover both ways. On every flight, to and from, she was extremely stressed about time, insisted on being in the front of the plane to get off quickly so we had to sit separately (unassigned seats). Sure, we don’t need to sit together on the plane, weird, but alright.
On the last flight, same thing, she grabs a seat up front and I go back a few rows. We flew in to where we had a layover, and upon landing, she texted me that she was going to go to the desk and try to get on another, earlier flight. I asked her to ask for me as well, and she said that since I’d checked a bag I probably couldn’t. She was also very annoyed I checked a bag. It’s free, I wanted to bring a full size sunscreen. Also we distinctly did not book that earlier flight because it was too expensive for her.
Ultimately she didn’t get on, but she left me and rushed over to the new gate despite the fact that we had 2 hours to kill.
Am I crazy to feel like she was ready to ditch me? For once in my life I stood up for myself and told her it felt like she didn’t want to travel with me, that I would have picked different flights if I knew that, that I also wanted to get home, and if it was reversed and I was ahead of her on the plane I would not ditch her to get home a few hours earlier. She was totally taken a-back, and couldn’t understand where I’m coming from.
This is not the first time something like this has happened, and I’m always made to feel like I’m just overly sensitive. Much of our friend group bends over backwards to accommodate her need for rigidness, so I’m just feeling misunderstood and invalidated. I’m feeling like her version of managing her anxiety is that everyone adapts to how she goes about the world. Until now, I’ve been willing to accommodate that, but as I unpack the way my brain works, it really hurts and feels like if I’m my authentic self, that causes her anxiety and she will not show up for me as a friend. I guess because I’m now seeing the positives of my ADHD, I resent that she makes me feel shame for it.
Am I being ridiculous? Has anyone else experienced a clash like this with their friends that don’t have ADHD?
submitted by limetime45 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:13 palaciusz 26/M/Brazil — Eternal Sunshine of the Penpals' Mind

Hello folks, I'm 26 years old, and I live in Belo Horizonte, a really cool city to live in. My life, in general, has been peaceful. I'm a guy who can be both introverted and extroverted; it depends on the context and how familiar I am with the people around me. I enjoy going out for pizza, visiting amusement parks, going to the movies, and strolling around the neighborhood. But I also like to make the most of my time at home, studying languages, binge-watching TV series, hosting friends, discovering new bands on Spotify—a normal life. I work remotely, so I indeed spend most of my time at home. I'm considering the possibility of doing a language exchange abroad; I haven't decided on the destination yet, maybe Korea, maybe Japan—those are my main options. I won't lie, I'm quite eclectic when it comes to things that catch my attention. For example, I love meeting new people and talking about a wide variety of topics as if we had all the time in the world. Seriously! I'm an open book, and I'm also a great listener. If there's an area you're an expert in or something that sparks your curiosity to the point of excitement, I'd love to feel your enthusiasm as you talk about it. I also like to follow sports, watch cooking shows, and stay up-to-date with new technological advances, all that stuff. With me, you can have casual conversations about weekly events, memes, fun facts, or even deeper discussions about life, philosophy, venting, frustrations, dreams, long-term projects, etc.
I'm a talkative guy, so what I'm looking for in a penpal is mainly someone who is also communicative and truly open to getting to know me, and allowing me to get to know them as well. I want a penpal who is willing to share life experiences, teach me about their country, their language, someone who wants to laugh with me and also grow together with me. I'm looking for someone with whom I can indeed build a beautiful, unique, and special connection. More than a penpal, I seek a lifelong friend.
PS: Don't be shy; I'm an easygoing person. If you liked this announcement, write to me, tell me a little about your life, what caught your attention in this announcement, what things you noticed we have in common, and... Feel free to share whatever you wish. I'm always open to new tunes.
PS²: If you're over 18, that's great. I don't mind if you're 18 or 60+, I'm looking for friends, and you will be equally welcome.
PS³: I don't know from which country or city you are... Maybe you're from a country I've read a lot about, maybe you're from a country I can't even point out on a map. But that's precisely what makes having a "penpal" so amazing. Having a penpal is the opportunity to meet incredible people we would never meet in our daily lives. So, no matter your country of origin or residence, write to me; we can learn a lot from each other.
Thank you for reading this far, have a great day.
submitted by palaciusz to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:11 Brilliant_Maddy Online Stat Math Helper for Hire Reddit Online Help for algebra trigonometry Equations inequalities Functions (domain, range, composition) Graphs graphing Trigonometric functions and identities Reddit Assignment Exam Quiz Course Class Test Homework Help Reddit do my online homework Reddit

Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
  1. Team of U.S. Academic Experts: I and my team of dedicated academic experts complete all types of academic coursework for students in most math, English, science, business, humanities, social Sciences, computer programming, and foreign language classes on a 24/7/365 full-time round-the-clock basis. This is not some part-time gig for me. It’s literally my primary source of income. I can regularly make myself available to help students with last-minute & same-day academic requests.
  2. Essay Writing Skills: I can write essays & research papers in native U.S. American English and fluent Canadian English using APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE formatting & citations.
  3. 75+ Types of Academic Software: I am highly skilled & experienced in using over 75+ types of academic software and educational platforms including the following: ALEKS, Blackboard, Brightspace, Canvas, Cengage, WebAssign, ConnectMath, Crowdmark, D2L, Moodle, Pearson MyLab and Mastering, MyMathLab, MyStatLab, MyOpenMath, StraighterLine, WebWork, and Wiley.
  4. Can Change IP Address: I have multiple reliable VPN software including: NordVPN, SurfShark & ExpressVPN that allows me to successfully change my computer’s original New Jersey IP address to any major city in the U.S. & Canada to avoid raising red flags with students’ online class software.
  5. Proctored Exam Help: I have developed multiple highly effective methods of helping students with exams, tests, and quizzes that are proctored by software like: Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam, Honorlock, Examity, Proctorio, Proctor360, Proctortrack, and ProProctor using 3 highly effective proven methods. Option 1 - WhatsApp: I use WhatsApp to have the student discreetly text me photos of the exam questions outside of the webcam’s view and I text them the correct solutions to the exam questions. Option 2 - Screen Share: Using screen share software like Zoom to see the student’s screen displaying the exam questions and I text the correct solutions. Option 3 - Remote PC Access & Control: Using remote computer access software like to control the student’s mouse and keyboard from my own computer.
  6. Study Help Apps: I have over 15+ paid subscriptions to a wide range of study help apps, software, websites, and programs to help me solve exam & homework questions faster and more efficiently. Some of these resources include: Brainly, Chegg, CourseHero, Quizlet, SymboLab & WolframAlpha.
  7. Calculators & Math Software: I have access to a very sophisticated graphing calculator and various mathematical software that provides step-by-step solutions to complex mathematical problems within seconds, allowing me to provide exact solutions to the student in a timely manner.
  8. Test Taking Techniques: I have developed highly effective methods to determine the correct answers to questions that I’m not already familiar with including process of elimination, working backwards, quickly searching for similar questions online, and utilizing standardized test taking techniques taught only in elite standardized test prep tutoring programs.
  9. Handwriting & Scanning Apps: I have impeccable handwriting and a high-quality mobile scanner app that allows me to scan written solutions in very legible high-definition JPG, PNG, and PDF formats.
  10. Live Exam Help Videos: I am the only verified U.S.-based online exam hw online class help tutor with a highly successful YouTube Channel where I regularly upload live unedited videos of me actually completing exams, quizzes & homework assignments for other students and clearly explain my entire thought process and display on-screen all the steps, apps, websites, and software I use to compute the correct answers.
  11. Flexible Payment Methods: I offer negotiable rates, multiple payment methods (PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, anonymous credit & debit card payments via online invoice), and flexible payment plans: weekly (most expensive), monthly, half-now / half-later, and all-up-front (least expensive).
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Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
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Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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submitted by Brilliant_Maddy to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:11 OxfordTourist99 Oxford day trip tourist question

Hey, I am planning a visit to Oxford next week and I had a few questions. I am planning to mostly see Oxford's colleges.
  1. What's the best day to go? I would preferably go on a weekday. Is that okay?
  2. What's a good time to go there? Where are most of the colleges open?
  3. What are some colleges you would recommend to visit that are free of charge?
  4. I'm going for just a day trip, so I won't have too much time, but what are some best things to do in Oxford outside of seeing the uni?
    Thanks a lot! 🙂
submitted by OxfordTourist99 to oxford [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:10 Kadarach Anything I should know before starting SEO for a B2B SaaS?

I've been diving into SEO lately, and I'm eager to use it to boost my bootstrapped B2B SaaS landing page traffic
But, I'm not sure if I'm on the right track, so I could really use some advice / external POV
What I've done so far:
I'm thinking of focusing on BOFU content for now, to get some "quick" results. But, I'm not sure if that's the best move.
Since I can't afford an SEO stack right now (like Ahrefs), I'm not sure which keywords to target.
So, my plan is to focus on BOFU content and my own intuition about what my ICP is searching for and interested in.
I also plan to check out what Google ranks highly in my category, and create similar content with our own twist.
But, I'm torn between going the empirical route or just creating content I'd enjoy reading and not overthinking it (while still checking its performance and iterating).
Thanks for reading this far!
submitted by Kadarach to SEO [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:10 bakum4tsu The traveler path MOC

The traveler path MOC
Its my first time atempting to do a medieval moc and I've decided to start with something "easy and simple". Just a plain path for travelers, with a small market along the way, some shady buildings and a watch tower just in case anyone tries something funny. Still not finished and I'd like some feedback to what I could improve. (besides more foliage for sure)
The buildings were created using free instructions from rebrickable and that red one is part of the medieval town square (I do not own the set, just used the building idea).
Also, forget the 2 diferent shields in the same area, just using old shields that I have around since the 90's. I plan on getting new ones plus starting a small of army of Black Falcons really soon with an order from pick a brick. (better late than never...) :)
submitted by bakum4tsu to legocastles [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:09 statisfai GoalQuest - a gamified approach to achieving goals- Offering lifetime FREE membership to early adopters

I've recently launched a major update to my app, GoalQuest. I'm looking for people interested in trying it out. If you find it useful, I'd like to offer you a lifetime membership completely free!
How it Works
Unlike other productivity apps that mainly focus on just habit tracking, GoalQuest uses a holistic approach, guiding you through a step-by-step program, that helps you envision and set your goals then seamlessly incorporate ways to progress them into your everyday life. Each day, you’ll embark on a fun, achievable quest with guidance from friendly characters (like Splash the Sea Turtle) each with their own skills that match their personality. For example Ollie the Octopus is a data scientist who will assist you in analyzing and learning from your own data. They also have a treasure chest full of tools to help you on your journey such as: the Wheel of Life, Ikigai, vision boards, journaling, habit/routine setting and more.
Free lifetime access (please see how to get the offer below)
GoalQuest is free to sign up and use almost everything, but we do have some advanced features that are paid (e.g. unlimited goals and habits, and more specialized meal planning and workout options). If you want to try the paid features for free be one of the first 1000 people to complete the first 9 daily quests (where you meet Ollie for the first time!), when you sign up say you came from reddit and you will be automatically given free lifetime access to the Sea Star tier.
Download for free:
submitted by statisfai to androidapps [link] [comments]