C551b-81je03s-000zjma-9v6c keycode not valid

I get being creative with some form of “or current resident”, but this is stupid.

2024.03.20 22:53 GonePostalRoute I get being creative with some form of “or current resident”, but this is stupid.

I get being creative with some form of “or current resident”, but this is stupid. submitted by GonePostalRoute to USPS [link] [comments]

2023.12.22 08:26 poyopoyo666444 Trace trap happens on python

I tried to make a macro app on python.recording and runing works when I callback from tkinter buttons, but trace trap happens when I try to callback from pynput to make a shortcut. import threading import tkinter as tk import ctypes import time import random from pynput.keyboard import Key, Controller, Listener from pynput.mouse import Button, Controller mouse = Controller() from pynput.keyboard import Controller from pynput import mouse from pynput import keyboard key = Controller() combo = {keyboard.Key.ctrl} rt = tk.Tk() # root Val1 = tk.BooleanVar() Val1.set(False) x =0 mr = 0 l = threading.Lock() mrun =0 rt.title('macro') rt.geometry("600x400") #macro data event_data = [] #Frame at = tk.LabelFrame(rt,text= "Autoclick") at.pack() mc =tk.LabelFrame(rt,text = "Macro not yet",width = 300,height=200) mc.pack() #modes md = tk.StringVar() md.set("on") # label mlab = tk.Label(at,text = " ") mlab['bg'] = 'red' scut = 0 intval = 1 ctrlab = tk.Label(at,text ="Shortcut ctrl +",bg = "white") click = tk.Label(at,text = "Autoclick",bg = "white") # macro label runs = tk.Label(mc,text = "Shortcut ctrl +",bg = "white") recmlab =tk.Label(mc,text=" ") recmlab['bg'] = 'white' recs = tk.Label(mc,text = "Shortcut ctrl +",bg = "white") # shortcut COMBINATION = {keyboard.Key.ctrl,keyboard.KeyCode(char='o')} COMBINATION2 = {keyboard.Key.ctrl,keyboard.KeyCode(char='r')} COMBINATION3 = {keyboard.Key.ctrl,keyboard.KeyCode(char='i')} print(COMBINATION) # The set of keys that are currently being pressed current_keys = set() def run(): global mrun print(times.get()) for num in range(times.get()): if mrun == 0: mrun =1 elif mrun == 1: mrun =0 print(mrun) mouse_controller = mouse.Controller() keyboard_controller = keyboard.Controller() start_t = time.time() print("t") print(mrun) if mrun == 1: print("run") for action, *args in event_data: print(event_data) while time.time() - start_t < args[-1] - event_data[0][3]: pass if action == 'move': mouse_controller.position = (args[0], args[1]) elif action == 'click': mouse_controller.press(args[2]) mouse_controller.release(args[2]) elif action == 'press': keyboard_controller.press(args[0]) keyboard_controller.release(args[0]) mrun=0 print(mrun) def run2(): run() # input def on_press(key): global t3 if key in COMBINATION: current_keys.add(key) print(current_keys) if COMBINATION.issubset(current_keys): onff() print("Ctrl + O was pressed at the same time") if key in COMBINATION2: current_keys.add(key) print(current_keys) if COMBINATION2.issubset(current_keys): for num in range(times.get()): if mrun == 0: mrun =1 print(mrun) elif mrun == 1: mrun = 0 print(mrun) mouse_controller = mouse.Controller() keyboard_controller = keyboard.Controller() start_t = time.time() print("t") print(mrun) if mrun == 1: print("run") for action, *args in event_data: print(event_data) while time.time() - start_t < args[-1] - event_data[0][3]: pass if action == 'move': mouse_controller.position = (args[0], args[1]) elif action == 'click': mouse_controller.press(args[2]) mouse_controller.release(args[2]) elif action == 'press': keyboard_controller.press(args[0]) keyboard_controller.release(args[0]) mrun= 0 print(mrun) print("Ctrl + R was pressed at the same time") if key in COMBINATION3: current_keys.add(key) print(current_keys) if COMBINATION3.issubset(current_keys): recd() print("Ctrl + I was pressed at the same time") if mr ==1: event_data.append(('press', key, time.time())) def on_release(key): try: current_keys.remove(key) except KeyError: pass # Deal with a key like shift being released # on off def onff(): global m if m==0: time.sleep(0.5) m = 1 md.set("off") mlab['bg'] ='green' else: m = 0 md.set("on") mlab['bg'] = 'red' def key_handler(e): print(e.keycode) m = 0 def setb(): global COMBINATION setkey = txt.get() COMBINATION = 0 x = setkey COMBINATION ={keyboard.Key.ctrl,keyboard.KeyCode(char=x)} print(COMBINATION) def rsetb(): global COMBINATION2 setkey = txt2.get() COMBINATION2 = 0 x = setkey COMBINATION2 ={keyboard.Key.ctrl,keyboard.KeyCode(char=x)} print(COMBINATION2) def recsetb(): global COMBINATION3 setkey = txt3.get() COMBINATION3 = 0 x = setkey COMBINATION3 ={keyboard.Key.ctrl,keyboard.KeyCode(char=x)} print(COMBINATION3) onoff = tk.Button(at, textvariable= md , bg ='#000' , command = onff) #glide interval = tk.Scale(at,label = "interval ms",orient = "h",from_ = 20, to = 1000,variable =intval,bg = "white",relief=tk.SUNKEN,sliderrelief=tk.FLAT) times = tk.Scale(mc,label ="times" ,orient = "h", from_ = 1, to = 100,bg = "white",relief=tk.SUNKEN,sliderrelief=tk.FLAT) #button setb = tk.Button(at, text = "set", bg = "white",command =setb) rc = tk.Checkbutton(at,text=u"Random", variable=Val1) #run define #recording defines def recd(): print("rec") global mr print(mr) if mr == 0: event_data.clear() print(event_data) mr = 1 print(mr) rec['text']="recording" recmlab['bg'] = 'red' mc.update() time.sleep(0.1) elif mr == 1: mr = 0 print("b") rec['text']="record" recmlab['bg'] = 'white' mc.update() time.sleep(0.1) print(event_data) # mcro button runb = tk.Button(mc,text = "run",bg ="white", command = run2) rsetb = tk.Button(mc, text = "set", bg = "white",command =rsetb) rec = tk.Button(mc,text= "record", bg = "white",command = recd,width = 9) recsetb = tk.Button(mc, text = "set", bg = "white",command =recsetb) #文字制限 入力 click def limit_char(string): return len(string) <= 1 vc = at.register(limit_char) txt = tk.Entry(at, validate="key", validatecommand=(vc, "%P"),width = 1,) #文字制限 入力 macro tc = mc.register(limit_char) txt2 = tk.Entry(mc, validate="key", validatecommand=(tc, "%P"),width = 1,) txt3 = tk.Entry(mc, validate="key", validatecommand=(tc, "%P"),width = 1,) #grid#-------------------------------------------row 0 setb.grid(row = 0,column = 6) onoff.grid(row=0, column=2) txt.grid(row = 0,column=5) ctrlab.grid(row = 0,column = 4) txt.bind("", key_handler) mlab.grid(row=0, column = 3) rc.grid(row = 0, column = 7) interval.grid(row = 0,column = 8) #click.grid(row = 0,column = 1) #-------------------------------------------row 1 runb.grid(row = 0, column = 1) runs.grid(row = 0,column=2) txt2.grid(row =0,column =3) rsetb.grid(row = 0, column= 4) rec.grid(row = 1,column = 1) recmlab.grid(row = 1, column =2) recs.grid(row = 1,column = 3) txt3.grid(row =1,column = 4) recsetb.grid(row =1,column =5) times.grid(row =0,column=6) #-------------------------------------------機能 #run # マウスの動作を記録するリスナー def on_move2(x, y): if mr == 1: event_data.append(('move', x, y, time.time())) def on_click2(x, y, button, pressed): if pressed: if mr ==1: event_data.append(('click', x, y, button, time.time())) # キーボードの操作を記録するリスナー def on_press2(key): if mr ==1: event_data.append(('press', key, time.time())) class twe(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={}): threading.Thread.__init__(self, group=group, target=target, name=name) self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs return def get_id(self): if hasattr(self, '_thread_id'): return self._thread_id for id, thread in threading._active.items(): if thread is self: return id def raise_exception(self): thread_id = self.get_id() resu = ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(ctypes.c_long(thread_id), ctypes.py_object(SystemExit)) if resu > 1: ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(ctypes.c_long(thread_id), 0) print('Failure in raising exception') #============== def sc(): with Listener(on_press=on_press, on_release=on_release) as listener: with mouse.Listener(on_move=on_move2, on_click=on_click2) as mouse_listener: while True: if m ==1: if Val1.get() == True: mouse.Controller().press(Button.left) mouse.Controller().release(Button.left) b = interval.get() a = random.randint(20, b) time.sleep(a / 1000) else: mouse.Controller().press(Button.left) mouse.Controller().release(Button.left) b = interval.get() time.sleep(b / 1000) t1 = threading.Thread(target=sc) t3 = threading.Thread(target=run2) #t3 = twe(name = 'Thread A', target=run) t1.start() rt.mainloop() t1.join() # join()
submitted by poyopoyo666444 to learnpython [link] [comments]

2023.09.21 19:29 MonkOfSunCity Godot 4, Global enum serialization issue

Hey everyone,
For the record, I'm a java dev and recently I've been invited to a godot project to help out, so I'm not very familiar with gdscript or python.
I'm currently trying to set up the options menu, and I'm at the keymaps stage.
In short:
-On startup I'm checking if my custom settings.conf (ConfigFile) file in the "user://foobar" folder exists/is valid, if not I'm creating a new one with defaults.
- I'm loading the contents of the file into a Dictionary that's globally accessible.
- after it's done, I want to set the InputMap according to the Dictionary's content, meaning I clear all action events for an existing setting, then assign the ones that are in the Dictionary.

 #If the setting is an input key one if SettingsConstants.settings_input_event.has(convertKey): #get the INPUT_EVENT corresponding to the setting from the link dict var input_event:SettingsConstants.INPUT_EVENT = SettingsConstants.settings_input_event[convertKey] #get the action name defined in the Project settings from another dict var action:String = SettingsConstants.input_event_action[input_event] #clear the existing event mappings from the action InputMap.action_erase_events(action) #the setting value always should be an array in the case of Input assert(typeof(convertValue) == TYPE_ARRAY) for element in convertValue: #typecast and define var _element:String = element var event:InputEvent # if(_element.begins_with("KEY_")): event = InputEventKey.new() #TODO: figure out how to transform string representation to #global enum Key event.set_keycode(_element) event.set_physical_keycode(_element) event.pressed = true elif(_element.begins_with("MOUSE_BUTTON_")): event = InputEventMouseButton.new() #TODO figure out how to transform string representation to #global enum MouseButtonIndex event.button_index(_element) event.pressed = true InputMap.action_add_event(action, event) 

What I'd like to know if it'd be possible to get the Global Enum instances required to create InputEvents from string, and if not, what alternative solutions WOULD be possible.
That is, assuming modifying the InputMap even indeed changes the keymap settings for the game.

Edit: Please, don't be mean about the readability, it's nowhere near final and i'm still getting used to gdscript
submitted by MonkOfSunCity to godot [link] [comments]

2023.06.28 08:04 yamada_cheolsu [Help] AutoWear Input turnOn() command doesn't work

Other input commands work fine, but whenever I use turnOn() it doesn't work.
13.47.29/LicenseCheckerTasker Checking cached only 13.47.29/LicenseCheckerTasker cache validity left -3773872 13.47.29/LicenseCheckerTasker Cached status: Licensed 13.47.29/LicenseCheckerTasker Cached only: Licensed 13.47.29/ActionArgBundle key: CommandToOpen: replace String value with null 13.47.29/E FIRE PLUGIN: AutoWear Input / com.twofortyfouram.locale.intent.action.FIRE_SETTING: 11 bundle keys 13.47.29/E AutoWear Input: plugin comp: com.joaomgcd.autoweacom.joaomgcd.autowear.broadcastreceiver.IntentServiceFire 13.47.29/Ew add wait type Plugin10 time 20 13.47.29/Ew add wait type Plugin10 done 13.47.29/E handlePluginFinish: taskExeID: 10 result 3 13.47.29/E pending result code 13.47.29/E add wait task 13.47.34/E Error: 1340439631 13.47.34/E Could not perform Turn screen on

I've also tried following this workaround (input keyevent KEYCODE_WAKEUP) but it doesn't work either.
13.56.55/LicenseCheckerTasker Checking cached only 13.56.55/LicenseCheckerTasker cache validity left -4340497 13.56.55/LicenseCheckerTasker Cached status: Licensed 13.56.55/LicenseCheckerTasker Cached only: Licensed 13.56.55/ActionArgBundle key: ADBWifiPort: replace String value with null 13.56.55/ActionArgBundle key: CommandToOpen: replace String value with null 13.56.55/E FIRE PLUGIN: AutoWear ADB Wifi / com.twofortyfouram.locale.intent.action.FIRE_SETTING: 9 bundle keys 13.56.55/E AutoWear ADB Wifi: plugin comp: com.joaomgcd.autoweacom.joaomgcd.autowear.broadcastreceiver.IntentServiceFire 13.56.55/Ew add wait type Plugin2 time 20 13.56.55/Ew add wait type Plugin2 done 13.56.55/E handlePluginFinish: taskExeID: 2 result 3 13.56.55/E pending result code 13.56.55/E add wait task 13.57.16/E Error: 2 13.57.16/E Plugin did not respond before timing out. You can change the timeout value in the action's configuration.
Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by yamada_cheolsu to tasker [link] [comments]

2023.03.10 18:55 Erdbeerlexi Keycode trouble non english keyboard

I want make a simple typing game which is not fast pathed... (I changed my WHOLE layout from qwertz to something called neo2 mine) found only action like ones and I am not close to be able to do that yet

To make it short (I am a godot beginner):
var test: Array = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "Ä", "Ö", "Ü", "ß", ",", ".", "?", "!"]; func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void: if event is InputEventKey and event.pressed: print(_valid_letter(event.as_text())) print(event.as_text()) print(event.keycode) print(event.physical_keycode) print(OS.find_keycode_from_string(event.as_text())) func _valid_letter(input: String) -> bool: var result = test.has(input); return result; 
(I know/realized that , . do not work like that :) )
My problem is: ü ä ö ß ! ? (Maybe more?)
I do get them properly anywhere in my OS (garuda linux) but if I test the keycodes they seem to be the english ones? -> ü = BraceLeft; ä = Apostrophe; ö = semicolon; ! = Shitf+1; ? = Shift+Minus

print(event.keycode) print(event.physical_keycode) print(OS.find_keycode_from_string(event.as_text())) 
Those always print the exact same thing
Is there an option I need to make? I am confused...

Thank you for reading :)
submitted by Erdbeerlexi to godot [link] [comments]

2023.02.20 21:47 routerf Assign MAGIC_TOGGLE_GUI using VIA

Hi everyone,
I got my first custom mechanical keyboard a few weeks ago, a Keychron V3 (ISO version with Knob, if that's relevant).
Using the VIA Desktop app, I have already remapped a few keys, such as for media control, calculator, and standby.
Previously, I had a Cherry MX board 1.0, which had a so-called "Cherry Key" that enabled a "gaming mode", which disabled the Windows keys. This way, pressing the Windows key accidentally in the heat of the moment would not catapult you out of the game.
I would like to recreate this function and put it on my END key. I searched in the QMK documentation and MAGIC_TOGGLE_GUI would be exactly the function I am looking for. On this page (https://docs.qmk.fm/#/keycodes_magic) it says "To use the keycodes, assign them to your keymap as you would any other keycode." Unfortunately, I can't seem to set that up in VIA. Not using a macro, not using the ANY key. VIA always tells me that this is not a valid keycode. At the same time, it even links me to a help page in the Via Desktop app that contains exactly this keycode.
So here's the question for you experts: How do I set up the MAGIC_TOGGLE_GUI keycode?
submitted by routerf to olkb [link] [comments]

2023.02.09 02:39 Raemirus ESO Key not working on Bethesda.Net

Bought ESO - Collector's Edition from Humble Bundle 3 days ago. Usually I make sure they're steam keys, but when I revealed this key tonight, I saw it was a bethesda.net key. I made an account, went to "redeem code" and it's invalid, stating " The keycode you have entered is not valid or is not a keycode. " Anyone know what to do?
submitted by Raemirus to humblebundles [link] [comments]

2023.01.05 23:59 MINERODO_NG Reboot after “BS: Failed to start OpenCore image - Already started”

After trying to boot to the Base System for Big Sur, I get the next error and a reboot
23:575 00:049 OCM: Failed to start image - Already started 23:613 00:037 BS: Failed to start OpenCore image - Already started 
My EFI folder and high detail info about my system is available at https://github.com/MINERODO10/OC-EFI
Here is the complete log of this boot
00:000 00:000 BS: Starting OpenCore application... 00:000 00:000 BS: Booter path - \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI 00:000 00:000 OCFS: Trying to locate filesystem on 9CABDF18 9D1EF998 00:000 00:000 OCFS: Filesystem DP - \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI 00:000 00:000 BS: Trying to load OpenCore image... 00:000 00:000 BS: Relative path - EFI 00:000 00:000 BS: Startup path - EFI\OpenCore.efi (0) 00:000 00:000 BS: Fallback to absolute path - EFI\OC\OpenCore.efi 00:000 00:000 BS: Read OpenCore image of 991232 bytes 00:000 00:000 OCM: Loaded image at 9CAA6818 handle 00:000 00:000 OCM: Loaded image has DeviceHandle 9CABDF18 FilePath 9CAA6898 ours DevicePath 9D5F1D18 00:000 00:000 OCCPU: TSC Adjust 0 00:000 00:000 OCCPU: Known Model Core Crystal Clock Frequency 24000000Hz 00:000 00:000 OCCPU: CPUFrequencyFromART 3696000000Hz 3696MHz = 24000000 * 308 / 2 00:000 00:000 OC: Starting OpenCore... 00:000 00:000 OC: Booter path - EFI\OC\OpenCore.efi 00:000 00:000 OCFS: Trying to locate filesystem on 9CABDF18 9CAA6898 00:000 00:000 OCFS: Filesystem DP - EFI\OC\OpenCore.efi 00:000 00:000 OC: Absolute booter path - EFI\OC\OpenCore.efi 00:000 00:000 OC: Storage root EFI\OC\OpenCore.efi 00:000 00:000 OCST: Missing vault data, ignoring... 00:000 00:000 OC: OcMiscEarlyInit... 00:000 00:000 OC: Loaded configuration of 31175 bytes 00:000 00:000 OCS: No schema for AdviceFeatures at 0 index, context ! 00:000 00:000 OCS: Missing key AdviseFeatures, context ! 00:000 00:000 OCS: Missing key SystemMemoryStatus, context ! 00:000 00:000 OCS: No schema for PlatformInfo at 0 index, context ! 00:000 00:000 OC: Got 2 drivers 00:000 00:000 OC: Watchdog status is 0 00:082 00:082 OC: OpenCore DBG-088-2023-01-02 is loading in Optional mode (0/0)... 00:125 00:042 OC: Boot timestamp - 2023.01.05 05:10:22 00:169 00:044 OCCPU: MP services threads 4 (enabled 4) - Success 00:208 00:038 OCCPU: MP services Pkg 1 Cores 2 Threads 2 - Success 00:250 00:042 OCCPU: Found Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6100 CPU @ 3.70GHz 00:286 00:035 OCCPU: Signature 506E3 Stepping 3 Model 5E Family 6 Type 0 ExtModel 5 ExtFamily 0 uCode D6 CPUID MAX (16/80000008) 00:327 00:041 OCCPU: EIST CFG Lock 1 00:368 00:040 OCCPU: TSC Adjust 0 00:406 00:037 OCCPU: Known Model Core Crystal Clock Frequency 24000000Hz 00:566 00:159 OCCPU: CPUFrequencyFromART 3696000000Hz 3696MHz = 24000000 * 308 / 2 00:603 00:037 OCCPU: Timer address is 1808 from PMC ACPI 00:636 00:032 OCCPU: Failed to get FSBFrequency data using Apple Platform Info - Not Found 00:779 00:143 OCCPU: Intel TSC: 3696000000Hz, 3696MHz; FSB: 99891891Hz, 99MHz; MaxBusRatio: 37 00:832 00:053 OCCPU: Detected Apple Processor Type: 09 -> 0905 00:870 00:037 OCCPU: CPUFrequencyFromTSC 3696001111Hz 3696MHz 00:908 00:037 OCCPU: CPUFrequency 3696000000Hz 3696MHz 00:952 00:044 OCCPU: FSBFrequency 99891891Hz 99MHz 00:988 00:036 OCCPU: Pkg 1 Cores 2 Threads 4 01:031 00:042 OC: OcLoadNvramSupport... 01:076 00:044 OCVAR: Locate emulated NVRAM protocol - Not Found 01:113 00:036 OC: Not deleting NVRAM 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:DefaultBackgroundColor, matches add 01:165 00:051 OC: Not deleting NVRAM 4D1FDA02-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B30102:rtc-blacklist, matches add 01:213 00:048 OC: Not deleting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:boot-args, matches add 01:257 00:044 OC: Not deleting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:ForceDisplayRotationInEFI, matches add 01:297 00:039 OCVAR: Setting NVRAM 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:DefaultBackgroundColor - ignored, exists 01:339 00:042 OCVAR: Setting NVRAM 4D1FDA02-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B30102:rtc-blacklist - Not Found 01:383 00:043 OCVAR: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:ForceDisplayRotationInEFI - ignored, exists 01:424 00:041 OCVAR: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:SystemAudioVolume - ignored, exists 01:464 00:039 OCVAR: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:boot-args - ignored, exists 01:502 00:038 OCVAR: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:csr-active-config - ignored, exists 01:543 00:041 OCVAR: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:prev-lang:kbd - ignored, exists 01:584 00:040 OCVAR: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:run-efi-updater - ignored, exists 01:620 00:036 OC: Current version is DBG-088-2023-01-02 01:658 00:038 OC: OcMiscMiddleInit... 01:700 00:041 OC: StorageHandle 9CABDF18 with Disabled LauncherOption pointing to Default 01:738 00:037 OC: OcLoadUefiSupport... 01:781 00:043 OCAU: OcAudioInstallProtocols (0, 0) 01:939 00:157 OCAU: 4B228577-6274-4A48-82AE-0713A1171987 protocol - Not Found 01:976 00:037 OCAU: C32332DF-FC56-4FE1-9358-BA0D529B24CD protocol - Not Found 02:018 00:041 OCAU: F4CB0B78-243B-11E7-A524-B8E8562CBAFA protocol - Not Found 02:058 00:039 OCAU: 3224B169-EC34-46D2-B779-E1B1687F525F protocol - Not Found 02:102 00:043 OCAE: Builtin installed 02:139 00:037 OCRTC: Wake log is 0x00 0x00 0 0x00 02:180 00:040 OCEG: Discovered rotate NVRAM override to 0 02:215 00:035 OC: Automatic SB model x86legacy from model iMac17,1 02:257 00:042 OC: Loading Apple Secure Boot with x86legacy (level 1) 02:304 00:047 OC: Discovered x86legacy with zero ECID, using system-id 02:347 00:042 OC: Grabbed SB uuid C11CF1ED-494A-AD4B-9B6C-6104FC9322F6 from auto config - Success 02:391 00:043 OC: ApECID -5959589096478412307 from system-id 02:433 00:041 OCII: AIFTimerBoostInit Current timer is 549254 02:477 00:043 OCII: AIFTimerBoostInit changed period 549254 to 50000 02:518 00:041 OC: Installing KeySupport... 02:562 00:043 OCII: AmiEfiKeycodeProtocol is unavailable on gST->ConsoleHandle - Unsupported 02:599 00:036 OCII: gST->ConIn AA25B380 vs found AA25B380 02:648 00:049 AIK: Using 5 (50ms) 02:689 00:040 OCABC: ALRBL 0 RTDFRG 1 DEVMMIO 0 NOSU 0 NOVRWR 0 NOSB 0 FBSIG 0 NOHBMAP 0 SMSLIDE 1 WRUNPROT 1 02:727 00:038 OCABC: FEXITBS 0 PRMRG 0 CSLIDE 1 MSLIDE 0 PRSRV 0 RBMAP 0 VMAP 1 APPLOS 0 RTPERMS 0 ARBAR -1 02:769 00:042 OCABC: Firmware has 4022286 free pages (677902 in lower 4 GB) 02:807 00:037 OCABC: Awaiting rendezvous with OpenRuntime r12 02:845 00:038 OC: RequestBootVarRouting 1 02:885 00:040 OC: AVX enabled - 1 02:924 00:038 OC: Got 2 drivers 02:964 00:040 OC: Driver HfsPlus.efi at 0 (HfsPlus.efi) is being loaded... 03:023 00:059 OCABC: EfiBootRt candidate -  03:170 00:146 OCABC: IsEfiBootRt 0 (BP 1, Apple 0) 03:208 00:038 OCB: Arch filtering 0(37892)->9C0DE018(37892) caps 4 - Success 03:258 00:049 OC: Driver HfsPlus.efi at 0 is successfully loaded! 03:298 00:040 OC: Driver HfsPlus.efi at 0 needs connection. 03:334 00:036 OC: Driver OpenRuntime.efi at 1 (OpenRuntime.efi) is being loaded... 03:383 00:048 OCABC: EfiBootRt candidate -  03:418 00:035 OCABC: IsEfiBootRt 0 (BP 1, Apple 0) 03:458 00:040 OCB: Arch filtering 0(40960)->9C0DD018(40960) caps 4 - Success 03:510 00:051 OCABC: Got rendezvous with OpenRuntime r12 03:551 00:040 OCABC: MAT support is 0 03:590 00:039 OC: Driver OpenRuntime.efi at 1 is successfully loaded! 03:628 00:037 OC: Connecting drivers... 03:787 00:159 OC: Connecting drivers done... 03:832 00:044 OC: Found 4 pointer devices - Success 03:873 00:040 OCJS: PartitionInfo is Not Found 03:911 00:038 OCJS: Got APFS super block for D5979D3D-CB04-6A48-84F3-DF595F34749C 04:365 00:453 OCJS: Block (P:1F:0) read req 7D3A50 -> 3E9D280 of 1000 (mask 0, mul 8) - Success 04:431 00:066 OCJS: APFS driver 1677141003007002/20220829 found for D5979D3D-CB04-6A48-84F3-DF595F34749C, required >= 1600000000000000/20210101, allow 04:472 00:041 OCJS: Connecting normally with disconnection APFS driver on handle 9CF6DE18 04:933 00:460 OCC: GOP exists on ConsoleOutHandle and has 5 modes 04:976 00:042 OC: Requested resolution is 0x0@0 (max: 1, force: 0) from Max 05:028 00:052 OCC: Requesting 0x0@0 (max: 1) resolution, curr 0, total 5 05:068 00:040 OCC: Current FB at 0xD0000000 (0x7E9000), format 1, res 1920x1080 scan 1920 05:104 00:036 OCC: Mode 0 - 1920x1080:1 05:143 00:038 OCC: Mode 1 - 640x480:1 05:185 00:041 OCC: Mode 2 - 800x600:1 05:223 00:037 OCC: Mode 3 - 1024x768:1 05:266 00:043 OCC: Mode 4 - 1280x1024:1 05:416 00:149 OCC: Current mode matches desired mode 0 05:460 00:043 OC: Changed resolution to 0x0@0 (max: 1, force: 0) from Max - Already started 05:512 00:052 OC: Selected UIScale 1 based on 1920x1080 resolution 05:550 00:038 OC: Setting UIScale to 1 - Success 05:597 00:046 OCC: Using builtin text renderer with 1 scale 05:673 00:076 OCC: Install console control (8C215920/0/0), current - Not Found 05:713 00:039 OCC: Install console control, new - Success 05:757 00:044 OCC: Setup ASCII Output - Success 05:796 00:039 OC: Requested console mode is 0x0 (max: 0) from 05:835 00:038 OC: Requested not to use audio 05:872 00:037 OC: OcMiscLoadSystemReport... 05:910 00:038 OC: OcLoadAcpiSupport... 05:952 00:041 OCA: Found 20 ACPI tables 05:988 00:035 OCA: Detected table FACP (50434146) (OEM 4350422D43494C53) at ABEEE000 of 244 bytes at index 0 06:039 00:051 OCA: Detected DSDT at ABECC000 of 125664 bytes at index 0 06:080 00:041 OCA: Detected table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 656C6261546D6853) at ABEFC000 of 264 bytes at index 1 06:126 00:045 OCA: Detected table TCPA (41504354) (OEM 20202020324B4445) at ABEFB000 of 50 bytes at index 2 06:166 00:040 OCA: Detected table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 6C626154326D7054) at ABEFA000 of 906 bytes at index 3 06:210 00:043 OCA: Detected table TPM2 (324D5054) (OEM 20202020324B4445) at ABEF9000 of 52 bytes at index 4 06:249 00:039 OCA: Detected table UEFI (49464555) (OEM 20202020324B4445) at ABE6A000 of 66 bytes at index 5 06:293 00:043 OCA: Detected table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0020746473536153) at ABEF3000 of 20986 bytes at index 6 06:330 00:037 OCA: Detected table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 656E755466726550) at ABEF2000 of 1457 bytes at index 7 06:368 00:037 OCA: Detected table MSDM (4D44534D) (OEM 4350422D43494C53) at ABEF1000 of 85 bytes at index 8 06:422 00:054 OCA: Detected table SLIC (43494C53) (OEM 4350422D43494C53) at ABEF0000 of 374 bytes at index 9 06:464 00:041 OCA: Detected table WSMT (544D5357) (OEM 2020202032363038) at ABEEF000 of 40 bytes at index 10 06:499 00:035 OCA: Detected table HPET (54455048) (OEM 2020202032363038) at ABEED000 of 56 bytes at index 11 06:542 00:042 OCA: Detected table APIC (43495041) (OEM 2020202032363038) at ABEEC000 of 188 bytes at index 12 06:583 00:041 OCA: Detected table MCFG (4746434D) (OEM 2020202032363038) at ABEEB000 of 60 bytes at index 13 06:724 00:140 OCA: Detected table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 6564493061746153) at ABECB000 of 410 bytes at index 14 06:768 00:043 OCA: Detected table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 6376654464697450) at ABECA000 of 1833 bytes at index 15 06:811 00:043 OCA: Detected table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0074647353757043) at ABEC9000 of 3699 bytes at index 16 06:852 00:040 OCA: Detected table DMAR (52414D44) (OEM 00000000204C4B53) at ABEC8000 of 168 bytes at index 17 06:902 00:050 OCA: Detected table FPDT (54445046) (OEM 20202020324B4445) at ABEC7000 of 68 bytes at index 18 06:941 00:039 OCA: Detected table BGRT (54524742) (OEM 20202020324B4445) at ABEC6000 of 56 bytes at index 19 06:980 00:038 OCA: FACS signature is 0 (0) 07:012 00:032 OCA: Allocated new table SSDT at ABE5A000 07:055 00:042 OCA: Inserted table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0000434574647353) of 125 bytes into ACPI at index 20 07:098 00:043 OCA: Allocated new table SSDT at ABE59000 07:138 00:039 OCA: Inserted table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0067756C50757043) of 112 bytes into ACPI at index 21 07:174 00:036 OCA: Allocated new table SSDT at ABE58000 07:222 00:047 OCA: Inserted table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 7862735574647353) of 217 bytes into ACPI at index 22 07:264 00:041 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table FACP (50434146) (OEM 4350422D43494C53) at ABEEE000 of 244 bytes at index 0 07:306 00:042 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 656C6261546D6853) at ABEFC000 of 264 bytes at index 1 07:341 00:035 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table TCPA (41504354) (OEM 20202020324B4445) at ABEFB000 of 50 bytes at index 2 07:391 00:049 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 6C626154326D7054) at ABEFA000 of 906 bytes at index 3 07:428 00:037 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table TPM2 (324D5054) (OEM 20202020324B4445) at ABEF9000 of 52 bytes at index 4 07:461 00:033 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table UEFI (49464555) (OEM 20202020324B4445) at ABE6A000 of 66 bytes at index 5 07:500 00:038 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0020746473536153) at ABEF3000 of 20986 bytes at index 6 07:539 00:039 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 656E755466726550) at ABEF2000 of 1457 bytes at index 7 07:592 00:052 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table MSDM (4D44534D) (OEM 4350422D43494C53) at ABEF1000 of 85 bytes at index 8 07:632 00:040 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SLIC (43494C53) (OEM 4350422D43494C53) at ABEF0000 of 374 bytes at index 9 07:677 00:044 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table WSMT (544D5357) (OEM 2020202032363038) at ABEEF000 of 40 bytes at index 10 07:712 00:035 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table HPET (54455048) (OEM 2020202032363038) at ABEED000 of 56 bytes at index 11 07:755 00:042 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table APIC (43495041) (OEM 2020202032363038) at ABEEC000 of 188 bytes at index 12 07:798 00:043 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table MCFG (4746434D) (OEM 2020202032363038) at ABEEB000 of 60 bytes at index 13 07:946 00:148 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 6564493061746153) at ABECB000 of 410 bytes at index 14 07:993 00:046 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 6376654464697450) at ABECA000 of 1833 bytes at index 15 08:038 00:045 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0074647353757043) at ABEC9000 of 3699 bytes at index 16 08:083 00:044 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table DMAR (52414D44) (OEM 00000000204C4B53) at ABEC8000 of 168 bytes at index 17 08:127 00:044 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table FPDT (54445046) (OEM 20202020324B4445) at ABEC7000 of 68 bytes at index 18 08:168 00:040 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table BGRT (54524742) (OEM 20202020324B4445) at ABEC6000 of 56 bytes at index 19 08:210 00:042 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0000434574647353) at ABE5A000 of 125 bytes at index 20 08:249 00:038 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0067756C50757043) at ABE59000 of 112 bytes at index 21 08:290 00:040 OCA: Exposing XSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 7862735574647353) at ABE58000 of 217 bytes at index 22 08:332 00:041 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table FACP (50434146) (OEM 4350422D43494C53) at ABEEE000 of 244 bytes at index 0 08:379 00:047 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 656C6261546D6853) at ABEFC000 of 264 bytes at index 1 08:417 00:037 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table TCPA (41504354) (OEM 20202020324B4445) at ABEFB000 of 50 bytes at index 2 08:466 00:048 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 6C626154326D7054) at ABEFA000 of 906 bytes at index 3 08:506 00:039 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table TPM2 (324D5054) (OEM 20202020324B4445) at ABEF9000 of 52 bytes at index 4 08:544 00:038 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table UEFI (49464555) (OEM 20202020324B4445) at ABE6A000 of 66 bytes at index 5 08:583 00:038 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0020746473536153) at ABEF3000 of 20986 bytes at index 6 08:624 00:041 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 656E755466726550) at ABEF2000 of 1457 bytes at index 7 08:664 00:039 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table MSDM (4D44534D) (OEM 4350422D43494C53) at ABEF1000 of 85 bytes at index 8 08:707 00:042 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SLIC (43494C53) (OEM 4350422D43494C53) at ABEF0000 of 374 bytes at index 9 08:745 00:037 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table WSMT (544D5357) (OEM 2020202032363038) at ABEEF000 of 40 bytes at index 10 08:795 00:050 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table HPET (54455048) (OEM 2020202032363038) at ABEED000 of 56 bytes at index 11 08:835 00:039 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table APIC (43495041) (OEM 2020202032363038) at ABEEC000 of 188 bytes at index 12 08:879 00:044 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table MCFG (4746434D) (OEM 2020202032363038) at ABEEB000 of 60 bytes at index 13 08:919 00:039 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 6564493061746153) at ABECB000 of 410 bytes at index 14 08:956 00:037 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 6376654464697450) at ABECA000 of 1833 bytes at index 15 09:000 00:044 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0074647353757043) at ABEC9000 of 3699 bytes at index 16 09:037 00:037 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table DMAR (52414D44) (OEM 00000000204C4B53) at ABEC8000 of 168 bytes at index 17 09:077 00:039 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table FPDT (54445046) (OEM 20202020324B4445) at ABEC7000 of 68 bytes at index 18 09:228 00:150 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table BGRT (54524742) (OEM 20202020324B4445) at ABEC6000 of 56 bytes at index 19 09:272 00:044 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0000434574647353) at ABE5A000 of 125 bytes at index 20 09:310 00:037 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 0067756C50757043) at ABE59000 of 112 bytes at index 21 09:348 00:037 OCA: Exposing RSDT table table SSDT (54445353) (OEM 7862735574647353) at ABE58000 of 217 bytes at index 22 09:387 00:039 OC: OcLoadPlatformSupport... 09:429 00:042 OCSMB: SmbiosLookupHost failed to lookup SMBIOSv3 - Not Found 09:470 00:040 OCSMB: Found DMI Anchor AB7EC000 v2.7 Table Address AB7EB000 Length 0C3D 09:515 00:044 OCSMB: Current SMBIOS HP ProDesk 400 G3 SFF (8062 made by HP) 09:560 00:044 OC: PlatformInfo auto 1 OEM SN 0 OEM UUID 0 OEM MLB 0 OEM ROM 0 - Success 09:600 00:039 OC: New SMBIOS: Acidanthera model iMac17,1 09:650 00:050 OCSMB: Post-override BIOS vendor Acidanthera 0 09:687 00:037 OCSMB: Number of CPU cache entries is 4 09:720 00:032 OCSMB: Number of CPU cache entries is 4 09:768 00:048 OCSMB: Number of CPU cache entries is 4 09:808 00:039 OCSMB: CPU1 display frequency is 3700MHz 09:845 00:036 OCSMB: Applying 2141 (1) prev AB7EC000 (3133/31), 0 (0/0) 09:888 00:042 OCSMB: Patched AB8DD000 v3.2 Table Address AB8DE000 Length 085D 1E 87 09:931 00:043 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:name (9) - Success 09:972 00:040 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:Model (18) - Success 10:018 00:046 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:SystemSerialNumber (26) - Success 10:057 00:039 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:system-id (16) - Success 10:097 00:039 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:board-id (21) - Success 10:142 00:044 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:StartupPowerEvents (8) - Success 10:177 00:035 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:InitialTSC (8) - Success 10:220 00:042 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:FSBFrequency (8) - Success 10:258 00:038 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:DevicePathsSupported (4) - Success 10:301 00:043 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:REV (6) - Success 10:448 00:147 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:RBr (8) - Success 10:494 00:045 OCDH: Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:RPlt (8) - Success 10:539 00:045 OC: Setting HW_BID Mac-DB15BD556843C820 - Success 10:584 00:044 OC: Setting HW_ROM 24:F0:94:92:6E:54 - Success 10:626 00:042 OC: Setting ROM 24:F0:94:92:6E:54 - Success 10:668 00:041 OC: Setting HW_MLB C026393034NGPF7CB - Success 10:714 00:045 OC: Setting MLB C026393034NGPF7CB - Success 10:757 00:043 OC: Setting HW_SSN C02SGRY1GG7L - Success 10:798 00:040 OC: Setting SSN C02SGRY1GG7L - Success 10:846 00:048 OC: Setting system-id C11CF1ED-494A-AD4B-9B6C-6104FC9322F6 - Success 10:887 00:041 OC: Setting FirmwareFeatures FC0FE137 - Success 10:927 00:039 OC: Setting ExtendedFirmwareFeatures 00000008FC0FE137 - Success 10:967 00:040 OC: Setting FirmwareFeaturesMask FF1FFF3F - Success 11:012 00:044 OC: Setting ExtendedFirmwareFeaturesMask 00000008FF1FFF3F - Success 11:047 00:035 OC: OcLoadDevPropsSupport... 11:086 00:039 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):AAPL,ig-platform-id - Success 11:128 00:041 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):framebuffer-patch-enable - Success 11:174 00:046 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):framebuffer-stolenmem - Success 11:230 00:056 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):framebuffer-fbmem - Success 11:268 00:037 OC: OcMiscLateInit... 11:305 00:037 OC: Translated HibernateMode None to 0 11:343 00:038 OC: Hibernation activation - Invalid Parameter, hibernation wake - no 11:388 00:044 OC: Panic log does not exist 11:424 00:036 OC: OcLoadKernelSupport... 11:468 00:043 OC: All green, starting boot management... 11:513 00:045 OCB: Failed to allocate recovery-boot-mode 12 11:550 00:036 OCB: recovery-boot-mode 11 = secure-boot - Success 11:598 00:048 OC: Recovery initiator - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x7,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,607A45C2-380E-449B-ABE4-90A2CC24D85E,0x64800,0x38E9000)/\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi 11:746 00:148 OC: Ready for takeoff in 0 us 11:787 00:040 OCHK: ESC/0 causes picker to show as OC extension 11:822 00:035 OCB: Adding fs 9CF7E118 (E:1L:0P:Success) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,487FD1DC-01D1-4756-8AD8-DA5722A77CF3,0x28,0x64000) 11:861 00:038 OCB: Adding fs 9CABDF18 (E:1L:1P:Success) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x7,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,510ACE19-1F4C-4B30-B97D-189A17C0454C,0x800,0x64000) 11:903 00:041 OCB: Adding fs 9CABDC98 (E:1L:0P:Success) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x7,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,607A45C2-380E-449B-ABE4-90A2CC24D85E,0x64800,0x38E9000) 11:943 00:040 OCB: Adding fs 9BF79298 (E:1L:0P:Success) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,D3DB4483-D093-4040-8C9E-FD9C034B63FB,0x64028,0xFF9BFB0)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,88361B2820289D43999EB34BAE331644) 11:979 00:035 OCB: Adding fs 9BF39E18 (E:1L:0P:Success) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,D3DB4483-D093-4040-8C9E-FD9C034B63FB,0x64028,0xFF9BFB0)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,9B3562A6A15BAF4EBE139E1C59F6E9AB) 12:031 00:052 OCB: Adding fs 9BF39918 (E:1L:0P:Success) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,D3DB4483-D093-4040-8C9E-FD9C034B63FB,0x64028,0xFF9BFB0)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,925139BBE87C3E49B7543BEE0FECC322) 12:078 00:046 OCB: Adding fs 9BF39418 (E:1L:0P:Success) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,D3DB4483-D093-4040-8C9E-FD9C034B63FB,0x64028,0xFF9BFB0)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,EB41F36B86D2DE458B95594164FE86E9) 12:118 00:039 OCB: Adding fs 9BF00D18 (E:1L:0P:Success) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,D3DB4483-D093-4040-8C9E-FD9C034B63FB,0x64028,0xFF9BFB0)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,324C7DE9D89B504BA76FF54D8FF498D8) 12:162 00:044 OCB: Adding fs 9BF00818 (E:1L:0P:Success) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,D3DB4483-D093-4040-8C9E-FD9C034B63FB,0x64028,0xFF9BFB0)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,90973FA3A49001409D6DD05F5947FACD) 12:201 00:038 OCB: Found 9 potentially bootable filesystems 12:240 00:039 OCB: BootOrdeBootNext are not present or unsupported 0 0 12:280 00:040 OCB: Adding fs 2007C5F5 for 1 custom entries and BEP (aux hidden) 12:322 00:042 OCB: Processing blessed list 12:779 00:456 OCB: Adding bless entry on disk - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,487FD1DC-01D1-4756-8AD8-DA5722A77CF3,0x28,0x64000) 12:822 00:043 OCBP: Blessed file is missing 12:861 00:038 OCBP: Blessed folder is missing 12:902 00:041 OCBP: Predefined  \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi is missing - Not Found 12:938 00:035 OCBP: Predefined  \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi is missing - Not Found 12:982 00:044 OCBP: Predefined  \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI was found 13:019 00:037 OCB: Adding entry type (T:1F:0G:1) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,487FD1DC-01D1-4756-8AD8-DA5722A77CF3,0x28,0x64000)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI 13:062 00:042 OCB: Trying to get label from \EFI\BOOT\.contentDetails 13:102 00:040 OCB: Trying to get label from \EFI\BOOT\.disk_label.contentDetails 13:154 00:051 OCB: Trying to detect Microsoft BCD 13:192 00:037 OCB: Registering entry EFI [Auto] (T:1F:0G:1E:1B:0) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,487FD1DC-01D1-4756-8AD8-DA5722A77CF3,0x28,0x64000)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI 13:231 00:039 OCB: Adding bless entry on disk - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x7,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,510ACE19-1F4C-4B30-B97D-189A17C0454C,0x800,0x64000) 13:266 00:035 OCBP: Blessed file is missing 13:414 00:147 OCBP: Blessed folder is missing 13:455 00:041 OCBP: Predefined  \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi is missing - Not Found 13:495 00:039 OCBP: Predefined  \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi is missing - Not Found 13:540 00:045 OCBP: Predefined  \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI was found 13:576 00:036 OCB: Adding entry type (T:1F:0G:1) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x7,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,510ACE19-1F4C-4B30-B97D-189A17C0454C,0x800,0x64000)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI 13:631 00:055 OCB: Discarding disabled entry by visibility 13:667 00:036 OCB: Adding bless entry on disk - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x7,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,607A45C2-380E-449B-ABE4-90A2CC24D85E,0x64800,0x38E9000) 13:710 00:042 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (1/3 150) - 02 01 0C 00 D0 41 03 0A 00 00 00 00 01 01 06 00 00 14 03 05 06 00 07 00 04 01 2A 00 02 00 00 00 00 48 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 8E 03 00 00 00 00 C2 45 7A 60 0E 38 9B 44 AB E4 90 A2 CC 24 D8 5E 13:745 00:035 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (2/3 150) - 02 02 04 04 50 00 5C 00 53 00 79 00 73 00 74 00 65 00 6D 00 5C 00 4C 00 69 00 62 00 72 00 61 00 72 00 79 00 5C 00 43 00 6F 00 72 00 65 00 53 00 65 00 72 00 76 00 69 00 63 00 65 00 73 00 5C 00 13:784 00:038 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (3/3 150) - 62 00 6F 00 6F 00 74 00 2E 00 65 00 66 00 69 00 00 00 7F FF 04 00 13:823 00:039 OCBP: BlessedFileDP - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x7,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,607A45C2-380E-449B-ABE4-90A2CC24D85E,0x64800,0x38E9000)/\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi 13:872 00:048 OCBP: Blessed file is valid 13:908 00:035 OCB: Adding entry type (T:2F:0G:0) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x7,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,607A45C2-380E-449B-ABE4-90A2CC24D85E,0x64800,0x38E9000)/\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi 13:947 00:039 OCB: Trying to get label from \System\Library\CoreServices\.contentDetails 13:995 00:047 OCB: Trying to get label from \System\Library\CoreServices\.disk_label.contentDetails 14:038 00:042 OCB: Registering entry macOS Base System [Apple] (T:2F:0G:0E:1B:0) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x7,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,607A45C2-380E-449B-ABE4-90A2CC24D85E,0x64800,0x38E9000)/\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi 14:075 00:037 OCB: Adding bless entry on disk - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,D3DB4483-D093-4040-8C9E-FD9C034B63FB,0x64028,0xFF9BFB0)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,88361B2820289D43999EB34BAE331644) 14:117 00:041 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 9C011898 (131072, 281B3688-2820-439D-999E-B34BAE331644, 16) 14:158 00:040 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 9C011818 (1, 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C) 14:222 00:064 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (1/5 260) - 02 01 0C 00 D0 41 03 0A 00 00 00 00 01 01 06 00 00 14 03 05 06 00 00 00 04 01 2A 00 02 00 00 00 28 40 06 00 00 00 00 00 B0 BF F9 0F 00 00 00 00 83 44 DB D3 93 D0 40 40 8C 9E FD 9C 03 4B 63 FB 14:268 00:045 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (2/5 260) - 02 02 04 03 24 00 F7 FC 74 BE 7C 0B F3 49 91 47 01 F4 04 2E 68 42 88 36 1B 28 20 28 9D 43 99 9E B3 4B AE 33 16 44 04 04 9A 00 5C 00 41 00 36 00 36 00 32 00 33 00 35 00 39 00 42 00 2D 00 35 00 14:307 00:039 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (3/5 260) - 42 00 41 00 31 00 2D 00 34 00 45 00 41 00 46 00 2D 00 42 00 45 00 31 00 33 00 2D 00 39 00 45 00 31 00 43 00 35 00 39 00 46 00 36 00 45 00 39 00 41 00 42 00 5C 00 53 00 79 00 73 00 74 00 65 00 14:345 00:037 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (4/5 260) - 6D 00 5C 00 4C 00 69 00 62 00 72 00 61 00 72 00 79 00 5C 00 43 00 6F 00 72 00 65 00 53 00 65 00 72 00 76 00 69 00 63 00 65 00 73 00 5C 00 62 00 6F 00 6F 00 74 00 2E 00 65 00 66 00 69 00 00 00 14:384 00:038 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (5/5 260) - 7F FF 04 00 14:425 00:041 OCBP: BlessedFileDP - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,D3DB4483-D093-4040-8C9E-FD9C034B63FB,0x64028,0xFF9BFB0)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,88361B2820289D43999EB34BAE331644)/\A662359B-5BA1-4EAF-BE13-9E1C59F6E9AB\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi 14:465 00:040 OCBP: Blessed file is valid 14:508 00:042 OCBP: 9 filesystems for APFS - Success 14:658 00:150 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 9C011798 (131072, 281B3688-2820-439D-999E-B34BAE331644, 16) 14:708 00:050 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 9C011698 (1, 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C) 14:753 00:044 OCBP: APFS match container 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C vs 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C for 4 of 9 - 1 14:797 00:043 OCBP: Missing partition 281B3688-2820-439D-999E-B34BAE331644 on preboot - Not Found 14:836 00:039 OCBP: No APFS booter 4 of 9 for 281B3688-2820-439D-999E-B34BAE331644 - Not Found 14:874 00:037 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 9C011618 (131072, A662359B-5BA1-4EAF-BE13-9E1C59F6E9AB, 64) 14:919 00:044 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 9C011718 (1, 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C) 14:963 00:044 OCBP: APFS match container 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C vs 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C for 5 of 9 - 1 15:006 00:042 OCBP: Found partition A662359B-5BA1-4EAF-BE13-9E1C59F6E9AB on preboot 15:043 00:036 OCBP: Want predefined list for APFS 16 at A662359B-5BA1-4EAF-BE13-9E1C59F6E9AB 15:120 00:077 OCBP: Predefined A662359B-5BA1-4EAF-BE13-9E1C59F6E9AB \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi was found 15:165 00:045 OCBP: Found APFS booter 5 of 9 for A662359B-5BA1-4EAF-BE13-9E1C59F6E9AB (8C4507D0) 15:204 00:038 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 9C011718 (131072, BB395192-7CE8-493E-B754-3BEE0FECC322, 4) 15:242 00:038 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 9C011618 (1, 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C) 15:281 00:039 OCBP: APFS match container 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C vs 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C for 6 of 9 - 1 15:323 00:041 OCBP: Missing partition BB395192-7CE8-493E-B754-3BEE0FECC322 on preboot - Not Found 15:363 00:039 OCBP: No APFS booter 6 of 9 for BB395192-7CE8-493E-B754-3BEE0FECC322 - Not Found 15:406 00:042 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 9C011218 (131072, 6BF341EB-D286-45DE-8B95-594164FE86E9, 8) 15:444 00:038 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 9C011298 (1, 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C) 15:495 00:051 OCBP: APFS match container 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C vs 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C for 7 of 9 - 1 15:535 00:039 OCBP: Missing partition 6BF341EB-D286-45DE-8B95-594164FE86E9 on preboot - Not Found 15:579 00:044 OCBP: No APFS booter 7 of 9 for 6BF341EB-D286-45DE-8B95-594164FE86E9 - Not Found 15:619 00:039 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 9C011298 (131072, E97D4C32-9BD8-4B50-A76F-F54D8FF498D8, 1) 15:655 00:036 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 9C011318 (1, 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C) 15:691 00:036 OCBP: APFS match container 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C vs 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C for 8 of 9 - 1 15:731 00:039 OCBP: Missing partition E97D4C32-9BD8-4B50-A76F-F54D8FF498D8 on preboot - Not Found 15:773 00:042 OCBP: No APFS booter 8 of 9 for E97D4C32-9BD8-4B50-A76F-F54D8FF498D8 - Not Found 15:812 00:038 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 9C011398 (131072, A33F9790-90A4-4001-9D6D-D05F5947FACD, 192) 15:962 00:150 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 9C011418 (1, 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C) 16:002 00:039 OCBP: APFS match container 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C vs 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C for 9 of 9 - 1 16:050 00:048 OCBP: Missing partition A33F9790-90A4-4001-9D6D-D05F5947FACD on preboot - Not Found 16:088 00:037 OCBP: No APFS booter 9 of 9 for A33F9790-90A4-4001-9D6D-D05F5947FACD - Not Found 16:121 00:033 OCBP: APFS bless for 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C: is Success 16:163 00:042 OCB: Adding entry type (T:2F:0G:0) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,D3DB4483-D093-4040-8C9E-FD9C034B63FB,0x64028,0xFF9BFB0)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,88361B2820289D43999EB34BAE331644)/\A662359B-5BA1-4EAF-BE13-9E1C59F6E9AB\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi 16:203 00:039 OCB: Trying to get label from \A662359B-5BA1-4EAF-BE13-9E1C59F6E9AB\System\Library\CoreServices\.contentDetails 16:239 00:036 OCB: Trying to get label from \A662359B-5BA1-4EAF-BE13-9E1C59F6E9AB\System\Library\CoreServices\.disk_label.contentDetails 16:315 00:075 OCB: Registering entry Macinstosh HD [Apple] (T:2F:0G:0E:1B:0) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,D3DB4483-D093-4040-8C9E-FD9C034B63FB,0x64028,0xFF9BFB0)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,88361B2820289D43999EB34BAE331644)/\A662359B-5BA1-4EAF-BE13-9E1C59F6E9AB\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi 16:427 00:112 OCB: Adding bless entry on disk - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,D3DB4483-D093-4040-8C9E-FD9C034B63FB,0x64028,0xFF9BFB0)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,9B3562A6A15BAF4EBE139E1C59F6E9AB) 16:471 00:044 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 9C011898 (131072, A662359B-5BA1-4EAF-BE13-9E1C59F6E9AB, 64) 16:510 00:038 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 9C011818 (1, 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C) 16:552 00:042 OCB: Adding bless entry on disk - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,D3DB4483-D093-4040-8C9E-FD9C034B63FB,0x64028,0xFF9BFB0)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,925139BBE87C3E49B7543BEE0FECC322) 16:593 00:040 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 9C011818 (131072, BB395192-7CE8-493E-B754-3BEE0FECC322, 4) 16:632 00:039 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 9C011898 (1, 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C) 16:674 00:041 OCB: Adding bless entry on disk - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,D3DB4483-D093-4040-8C9E-FD9C034B63FB,0x64028,0xFF9BFB0)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,EB41F36B86D2DE458B95594164FE86E9) 16:711 00:037 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 9C011898 (131072, 6BF341EB-D286-45DE-8B95-594164FE86E9, 8) 16:769 00:057 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 9C011818 (1, 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C) 16:807 00:038 OCB: Adding bless entry on disk - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,D3DB4483-D093-4040-8C9E-FD9C034B63FB,0x64028,0xFF9BFB0)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,324C7DE9D89B504BA76FF54D8FF498D8) 16:848 00:040 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 9C011818 (131072, E97D4C32-9BD8-4B50-A76F-F54D8FF498D8, 1) 16:887 00:039 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 9C011898 (1, 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C) 16:929 00:041 OCB: Adding bless entry on disk - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,D3DB4483-D093-4040-8C9E-FD9C034B63FB,0x64028,0xFF9BFB0)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,90973FA3A49001409D6DD05F5947FACD) 16:970 00:040 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 9C011898 (131072, A33F9790-90A4-4001-9D6D-D05F5947FACD, 192) 17:008 00:037 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 9C011818 (1, 3D9D97D5-04CB-486A-84F3-DF595F34749C) 17:049 00:040 OCB: Not adding hidden auxiliary entry OpenShell.efi (toolB:0) -> OpenShell.efi 17:089 00:040 OCB: Showing menu... 17:136 00:046 OCHK: InitHotKeys 17:280 00:144 OCKM: Allocated key repeat context 9C011198 9C011118 9C011098 17:477 00:197 OCAE: Set screen resolution to 1920x1080 - Success 17:523 00:045 OCTY: Registered handler 22:569 05:046 OCHK: FreeHotKeys 22:614 00:044 OCTY: Unregistered handler 22:655 00:041 OCKM: Freeing key repeat context 9C011198 9C011118 9C011098 22:696 00:040 OCB: Should boot from 1. EFI (T:1F:0G:1E:1DEF:0) 22:735 00:039 OCB: Perform boot EFI to dp PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,487FD1DC-01D1-4756-8AD8-DA5722A77CF3,0x28,0x64000)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI (0/0) 22:780 00:044 OCABC: EfiBootRt candidate - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,487FD1DC-01D1-4756-8AD8-DA5722A77CF3,0x28,0x64000)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI 22:817 00:037 OCABC: IsEfiBootRt 0 (BP 1, Apple 0) 22:861 00:043 OCSB: No IMG4 found - Not Found 22:898 00:036 OCB: Arch filtering 9BFF9018(20484)->9BFF9018(20484) caps 4 - Success 22:947 00:049 OCB: Matching <>/0[0] args on type 1 23:411 00:463 OCABC: EfiBootRt candidate - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,487FD1DC-01D1-4756-8AD8-DA5722A77CF3,0x28,0x64000)/EFI\OC\OpenCore.efi 23:449 00:038 OCABC: IsEfiBootRt 0 (BP 1, Apple 0) 23:489 00:039 OCSB: No IMG4 found - Not Found 23:526 00:037 OCB: Arch filtering 0(585728)->9BE60018(585728) caps 4 - Success 23:575 00:049 OCM: Failed to start image - Already started 23:613 00:037 BS: Failed to start OpenCore image - Already started \00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00 (This line gets repeated for a total of 2804 lines) 
If there's any other info needed, please let me know. (although I doubt that there's anything missing)
submitted by MINERODO_NG to hackintosh [link] [comments]

2023.01.04 17:47 du-dx Bruised, Unpaid and False Allegations: An Unpleasant New Year Experience

We got a Platform (alias for a reservation service) reservation from Dec 25 - Dec 27 from Ms. LV (name altered).
On the day of Ms. LV's arrival, I tried to charge her credit card, it was rejected. I tried contacting her and couldn't reach her. I pressed a button that gives the guest with some time to provide valid payment details or the reservation would be cancelled. Her Dec 25 - Dec 27 Platform reservation was subsequently cancelled.
A day later on Dec 26, my coworker shows up at that property to accommodate other guests in Room 3. He observers there is no key in the outside of the door (where we leave it for after-hours telephone reception), so with the arriving guests standing behind him, he opens the door to see if the key was on the other side of the door.
As he opens the door, a barking husky rushes toward him, he promptly close the door. We scramble to find out who was accommodated in Room 3. It occurs to us that perhaps Ms. LV has accommodated herself in Room 3, we contact her and find out this is the case. We take payment from her via a new direct reservation that we entered into our PMS on the fly since her Platform reservation was cancelled in the system. (Still need to ask, but I assume she had the two keycodes to enter the main premises from a templated arrival day email. We do send these, I don't know if she got one).
On the Dec 27, Ms. LV states she is going to be back in our town from Dec 28 - Jan 1, and wants to make a second reservation with us for those dates. Around the time of her second arrival we attempt to charge her card and it was rejected. We didn't consider it too much of an issue as she had paid for most of her prior stay when the same thing had happened. On the Dec 29 she informs us that the problem with her credit card has been resolved. But the card still does not work and we get no response from her on Dec 31.
On Jan 1, past our 11AM checkout time, our property manager (PM) and one of my coworkers are at the property where Ms. LV is staying. PM opens the door to see if Ms. LV has left. Some of her items are in the room . PM suspects she may attempt to leave without paying. So they collect some of Ms. LV's items so that it is less easy for her leave without paying.
Ms. LV comes back, and we ask her to pay. She goes into her room, and when she does not see her items, she begins repeating "Where are my items". We try to inform her that we have her items as it is passed checkout time, and we will provide them to her as soon as she pays for her stay. She is not having it, and in a panic demands to know where her items are. We show her where the items are, to prove to her that we have them, but we insist that she pays before taking them. She grabs her items, and starts heading for the front door. Our property manager calls the police, and stands in front of the front door as she informs LV to wait for the police.
A scuffle breaks out, where Ms. LV attempts to shove our property manager aside. After a few contacts, our property manager's elbow is bruised by Ms. LV. Fortunately, two other male guests come and detach Ms. LV from our property manager, and she stops attempting to leave.
The police arrive and take note of her ID, telling her she must pay within 24 hours, and let her go. Our property manager states she has bruises on her elbow, to which Ms. LV says that her [body part] hurts after the incident.
On the evening of Jan 1, LV sends us a message saying that we have injured her [body part] and owe her money. We respond by providing her bank-transfer details to send us a payment for her stay.
On Jan 2, we get a customer complaint from Platform regarding her Dec 25 - Dec 27 reservation which was cancelled due to invalid payment details, stating that LV has an injury. Through her previously cancelled reservation, Ms. LV is attempting to get Platform to extract money from us for her a second reservation she made by a direct reservation after she left without paying.
And Ms. LV then SMSed us:
Hello, I have informed Platform about the dispute and am awaiting a response. I think Platform will contact you. You owe me money on my [body part], I'm at the doctor's.
Our property manager immediately went to the Police station to put in a sworn affidavit, along with informing them that Ms. LV has not paid after the 24 hour period. On Jan 3 she went to the hospital to have a doctor note her injuries.
submitted by du-dx to TalesFromTheFrontDesk [link] [comments]

2022.11.06 17:47 Ranakastrasz Init config, wait beforenexplore

Is there a way to include other status effects in wait before auto explore, like slow and -berseker? - Solved. (rytiux)
{ function enhanced_explore() if you.status():find("contam") or you.status("berserking") or you.status("on berserk cooldown") or you.status("short of breath") or you.status("corroded") or you.status("vulnerable") or you.status("poisoned") then crawl.do_commands({"CMD_REST"}) elseif you.status("slowed") then if not (you.strength() <=0 or you.intelligence() <= 0 or you.dexterity() <=0) then crawl.do_commands({"CMD_REST"}) else crawl.do_commands({"CMD_EXPLORE"}) end else crawl.do_commands({"CMD_EXPLORE"}) end end } macros += M o ===enhanced_explore 
That said, I need a list or the source of all those statuses, so I can add the ones I want to wait out. Including Berserk itself, so It doesn't keep telling me to "Calm down first". Also poison, assuming it isn't lethal, would prefer to not have to keep tapping each time I take damage til it fades. Though I suspect the damage itself is what is interrupting me. Possibly from the damage taken script by HilariousDeathArtist
Is there a way to force all spells to use specific hotkeys in order of learning, instead of designating it manually for each one? - Solved (sock_thot)
Is there a way to, for mobile, to, on tapping your avatar, not pick up items, wait, or use stairs/interact/whatever?
Is there a way to, on levelup or on reaching a training goal, force open the training menu? I can see how to on Ready() check condition and if true, send m keycode, but have no idea the correct condition. I don't think there are any other valid triggers I can use, but am still new at this. Where do I get a list of functions from the sourcecode I can call?
Using you.xl I can get the experience level, but I have no idea how to do the training goal part.
 if not next_skill_level then next_skill_level = 3 end if you.xl() >= next_skill_level then next_skill_level = ((you.xl()/3)*3)+3 crawl.sendkeys("m") end 

submitted by Ranakastrasz to dcss [link] [comments]

2022.07.21 13:14 Ambitious_Lunch_8486 hello i need hello for use t'as script. i have try to use to call fonctionne in this menu but nothing to do. can you explain me ho to call fonction if i validé first item ? i have try error level but nothing ?

<# : Batch portion @echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set "menu[0]=Format C:" set "menu[1]=Send spam to boss" set "menu[2]=Truncate database *" set "menu[3]=Randomize user password" set "menu[4]=Download Dilbert" set "menu[5]=Hack local AD" for /L %%I in (6,1,15) do set "menu[%%I]=loop-generated demo item %%I" set "default=0" powershell -noprofile "iex (${%~f0} out-string)" echo You chose !menu[%ERRORLEVEL%]!. goto :EOF : end batch / begin PowerShell hybrid chimera #> $menutitle = "CHOOSE YOUR WEAPON" $menuprompt = "Use the arrow keys. Hit Enter to select." $menufgc = "yellow" $menubgc = "darkblue" [int]$selection = $env:default $h = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Height $w = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width # assume the dialog must be at least as wide as the menu prompt $len = [math]::max($menuprompt.length, $menutitle.length) # get all environment vars matching menu[int] $menu = gci env: ?{ $.Name -match "menu[(\d+)]$" } sort @{ # sort on array index as int Expression={[int][RegEx]::Match($.Name, '\d+').Value} } %{ $val = $_.Value.trim() # truncate long values if ($val.length -gt ($w - 8)) { $val = $val.Substring(0,($w - 11)) + "..." } $val # as long as we're looping through all vals anyway, check whether the # dialog needs to be widened $len = [math]::max($val.Length, $len) } # dialog must accomodate string length + box borders + idx label $dialogwidth = $len + 8 # center horizontally $xpos = [math]::floor(($w - $dialogwidth) / 2) # center at top 1/3 of the console $ypos = [math]::floor(($h - ($menu.Length + 4)) / 3) # Is the console window scrolled? $offY = [console]::WindowTop # top left corner coords... $x = [math]::max(($xpos - 1), 0); $y = [math]::max(($offY + $ypos - 1), 0) $coords = New-Object Management.Automation.Host.Coordinates $x, $y # ... to the bottom right corner coords $rect = New-Object Management.Automation.Host.Rectangle $coords.X, $coords.Y, ($w - $xpos + 1), ($offY + $ypos + $menu.length + 4 + 1) # The original console contents will be restored later. $buffer = $Host.UI.RawUI.GetBufferContents($rect) function destroy { $Host.UI.RawUI.SetBufferContents($coords,$buffer) } $box = @{ "nw" = [char]0x2554 # northwest corner "ns" = [char]0x2550 # horizontal line "ne" = [char]0x2557 # northeast corner "ew" = [char]0x2551 # vertical line "sw" = [char]0x255A # southwest corner "se" = [char]0x255D # southeast corner "lsel" = [char]0x2192 # right arrow "rsel" = [char]0x2190 # left arrow } function WriteTo-Pos ([string]$str, [int]$x = 0, [int]$y = 0, [string]$bgc = $menubgc, [string]$fgc = $menufgc) { $saveY = [console]::CursorTop [console]::setcursorposition($x,$offY+$y) Write-Host $str -b $bgc -f $fgc -nonewline [console]::setcursorposition(0,$saveY) } # Wait for keypress of a recognized key, return virtual key code function getKey { # PgUp/PgDn + arrows + enter + 0-9 $valid = 33..34 + 37..40 + 13 + 48..(47 + [math]::min($menu.length, 10)) # 10=a, 11=b, etc. if ($menu.length -gt 10) { $valid += 65..(54 + $menu.length) } while (-not ($valid -contains $keycode)) { $keycode = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey('NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown').VirtualKeyCode } $keycode } # for centering the title and footer prompt function center([string]$what, [string]$fill = " ") { $lpad = $fill * [math]::max([math]::floor(($dialogwidth - 4 - $what.length) / 2), 0) $rpad = $fill * [math]::max(($dialogwidth - 4 - $what.length - $lpad.length), 0) "$lpad $what $rpad" } function menu { $y = $ypos WriteTo-Pos ($box.nw + (center $menutitle $box.ns) + $box.ne) $xpos ($y++) WriteTo-Pos ($box.ew + (" " * ($dialogwidth - 2)) + $box.ew) $xpos ($y++) # while $item can equal $menu[$i++] without error... for ($i=0; $item = $menu[$i]; $i++) { $rtpad = " " * [math]::max(($dialogwidth - 8 - $item.length), 0) if ($i -eq $selection) { WriteTo-Pos ($box.ew + " " + $box.lsel + " $item " + $box.rsel + $rtpad + $box.ew) $xpos ($y++) $menufgc $menubgc } else { # if $i is 2 digits, switch to the alphabet for labeling $idx = $i; if ($i -gt 9) { [char]$idx = $i + 55 } WriteTo-Pos ($box.ew + " $idx`: $item $rtpad" + $box.ew) $xpos ($y++) } } WriteTo-Pos ($box.sw + ([string]$box.ns * ($dialogwidth - 2) + $box.se)) $xpos ($y++) WriteTo-Pos (" " + (center $menuprompt) + " ") $xpos ($y++) 1 } while (menu) { [int]$key = getKey switch ($key) { 33 { $selection = 0; break } # PgUp/PgDn 34 { $selection = $menu.length - 1; break } 37 {} # left or up 38 { if ($selection) { $selection-- }; break } 39 {} # right or down 40 { if ($selection -lt ($menu.length - 1)) { $selection++ }; break } # letter, number, or enter default { # if alpha key, align with VirtualKeyCodes of number keys if ($key -gt 64) { $key -= 7 } if ($key -gt 13) {$selection = $key - 48} # restore the original console buffer contents destroy exit($selection) } }}
submitted by Ambitious_Lunch_8486 to BatchScripts [link] [comments]

2022.07.21 00:14 InvisibleCat CTGuns.org contribution guide!

Now that the website is announced and hasn't crashed with some traffic going through it, I can finally say that we are 100% live!
To contribute to the project you need to have at least 200 combined Reddit karma.
In the future the list of requirements might increase, but for the time being this is the bare minimum to stop bot spam and new accounts from posting fake data.
Currently, you only get one contribution in total as we only support Pistol Permit application data. In the future other types of permits will be supported, I will make an announcement whenever there is a new feature released.
Please only submit accurate data, because there is no way to verify the validity of your data we have to make sure that the data being entered is as accurate as possible. If you are unsure if your data is accurate please don't submit and try to find any documentation that could help you remember the dates.

Data you need to submit the form:

How to contribute

  1. Comment under this post with !contribute command (it will work under any post, but please only comment it on this post to prevent spam).
  2. Check your DMs for a message from u/CT_Guns_Bot, the message has a unique keycode included. The bot can be slow sometimes and it can take up to a couple of minutes for it to detect the command.
  3. Copy that keycode, you will need it to submit your form.
  4. Navigate to ctguns.org/map
  5. On the right side of the menu click the plus sign button, a dialog will open.
  6. Fill out the form with your data.
  7. Submit the form.
  8. You are done! Thank you for contributing, Reddit Bot will assign you a special User Flair shortly (Do !contribute again if it doesn't show up after a while)
  9. Temporary Step: Do !contribute again under this post after you submit data, you will get your flair that way.
Subreddit wiki was updated to include this guide as well, if you know anyone who could contribute to the project please share this project with them!
Things will probably break, so hang on tight while I work in the trenches to bring it back online.
If you encounter any weirdness with everything please let me know in the comments, I will try to iron things out ASAP.
If I encounter any issues on the backend and have to pause the data ingestion/backend services I will update the status of the project in this thread.

Bot might be a little slow, give it a couple of minutes, it will respond eventually.
EDIT : After you submit your data to the website, return to this post and create another comment with the command and the bot will issue you the contributor flair. Im working on a fix to the automatic flair assignment.

submitted by InvisibleCat to CTguns [link] [comments]

2022.07.18 18:00 InvisibleCat Introducing CTguns.org A tool to track pistol permit application times across CT!

Hi Everyone!

For the past couple of months I have been working on a website for our subreddit! Kind of... Hear me out! It's a long one!
You might remember a year or so ago we had a problem with constant barrage of posts regarding "Wait time for permit at X town" to a point we had to make a rule to combat it.
I personally hate the fact that people are discouraged from asking questions, this subreddit should be a place where any potential or existing gun owner in Connecticut could come and ask questions. I started going through some mental gymnastics on how I could solve that issue around January of this year, and I set out to find a solution.
I came up with a potentially good solution.

What is it?

map.CTGuns.org is a website for all of us to share our individual experiences when it comes to getting a pistol permit at our respective towns. I have created a set of tools for us to use to hopefully collect a somewhat accurate set of data which could be used to give a rough idea of how long does it actually takes to get a pistol permit at EACH town in CT. The state doesn't provide us with this information, so the only way for us to get it is to compile it ourselves.
The website displays the calculated average per town based on all of the data entries, regardless of how long ago that permit was processed. While we submit data I will be focusing on changing this behavior so that only the permit data submitted within a year is averaged, for a more accurate representation.
What you see is still a WORK IN PROGRESS.
The project consists of a reddit bot, a web application and a database.
But, u/InvisibleCat! Guns and Databases don't mix!
I hear you and rest assured I have had this on my mind since the start and I think I have a solution on how to do this anonymously but with some downsides, more on that later.
How do we collect anonymous but accurate data?
Well, we really can't, unless we ALL only submit accurate data and we police that to the best of our ability.
The only personally identifiable information that the app stores is your reddit handle if you actually decide to contribute to the project. The data you submit might be tied to your reddit handle within the database, but that is only for the purposes of awarding contributors with a special subreddit flair and to keep track if the user already submitted a data entry, preventing spam, bots or duplicate entries, etc.
There are only four pieces of information being actively stored in the database:
This list might expand if more permits will be supported or other data could be useful.

How will it work?

The project isn't completely live yet, I want to test the backend and frontend under load first before we can start submitting data.
Here is a quick overview, more details in a future post once the bot is live:
  1. Post a comment reply to any post with a special command. (More details in a later post)
  2. The bot will handle your request, if you meet the requirements, you will be DM'd a unique authentication keycode for data submission, this prevents spam, duplicate entries, etc.
  3. Navigate to map.CTGuns.org and fill out the data submission form. (Please read paragraph below.)
  4. You are done, the bot will check if you have used your code and a special flair will be awarded for the use on our subreddit.
I ask that only those who are absolutely sure of the date of application submission and the date of approval of the temporary pistol permit (NOT the date of permit issuance) submit the data. Personally I had to dig through emails to even find the date I submitted my application on, in my case I went to get the permanent permit the same day.
I know people who got their temp permit and had to wait before picking up the permit from State Police, this is why I only ask for the date of application submission and the day the application was granted, not when you picked up your permit, this caveat can severely impact the accuracy of the data.
If you are a new pistol permit applicant, please save your dates! Come back once you have your temporary permit and submit your data then!
I ask that people don't post fake data, there is not way to verify the data submitted by any means, so the application works on an honor system. The more accurate and honest we can keep the submitted data, the more valuable and insightful the result.
If you don't remember the exact dates, please make an effort to find any documentation which might help you in determining the correct dates, otherwise unless you can't accurately estimate the dates I ask that you don't submit the data until you are sure.

Personal note:

I don't know if this will work, collecting anonymous data without ways of verifying it could be a complete disaster with poor accuracy. Since I or anyone other than the person submitting don't have the means of verifying the data you submit, or how accurate it is, especially since we don't know who is contributing.
I can't verify whether the person submitting is actually in CT or that they even have a permit without checking IP address geolocation, collecting more detailed personal info, requiring account registration, etc. A responsibility I do not look for or even want to have, having to securely store all of that information, so I simply don't collect it.

Future of the project.

I hope to make the website into a definitive place for any new or existing gun owner in Connecticut to find information or answers to their questions. I hope to work on this with some of you, It's been a hell of a ride trying to get this thing built, while the bot isn't live yet, the site is and you are free to take a look at it, please note that Mobile support is not fully tested/implemented yet. It's still rough around the edges.
I am currently working on finishing touches on the frontend, locking down some backend edge cases and finishing up the Reddit bot.
Currently the system only supports Pistol Permit applications but I do have other permits baked in for future implementation. The system could be expanded to include mail-in renewals, out of state applications, other types of permits which are processed directly by State PD, etc.

Features which need more data before they can be implemented:
Some of the ideas I've had for future features (Off the top of my head...):


The app is designed with transparency and open source in mind, most data, except the list of reddit handles or any other potentially sensitive info, will be available via a public API for anyone to pull from.
In an event where I cannot continue to support the project I will make an announcement with possible options, if the project will be shut down at any time, I will post any data gathered online (except sensitive data, those will be deleted).
Again, the data collected/presented on CTGuns.org is unofficial and unverifiable, therefore there is no warranties, guarantees, support and should NOT be used for any legal purposes. Anyone, anywhere can submit data to map.CTGuns.org and I have no way to check it's validity. For unofficial use only.

TLDR: I made a website for the subreddit to see if we could compile a database of pistol permit application processing timelines and display it in a cool interactive map form.
Post any questions, comments, concerns below.
submitted by InvisibleCat to CTguns [link] [comments]

2022.07.13 11:50 skotozavr Release 0.62.1




submitted by skotozavr to flipperzero [link] [comments]

2022.03.22 03:00 mercenator31 VBA Code is Not Working the Way I Intended

I currently have a VBA code that’s working, but not the way I want it to. I used a combo box to show the complete list of names as the user types into the combo box. Unfortunately, the way I have the code written, it’s only reading the beginning of the text. For example, if I type in John in the combo box, the name John Moore would show up, but Dan Johnson would not. How can I change my current VBA code to read the entire text and provide only those options? I have created a dynamic searchable option, but the end users would prefer to see the options as they type..
Here is the VBA code.
Sub Main() Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick Worksheet_Change
End Sub '========================== Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick _ (ByVal Target As Range, _ Cancel As Boolean) Dim str As String Dim cboTemp As OLEObject Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set cboTemp = ws.OLEObjects("TempCombo") On Error Resume Next With cboTemp 'clear and hide the combo box .ListFillRange = "" .LinkedCell = "" .Visible = False End With On Error GoTo errHandler If Target.Validation.Type = 3 Then 'if the cell contains 'a data validation list Cancel = True Application.EnableEvents = False 'get the data validation formula str = Target.Validation.Formula1 str = Right(str, Len(str) - 1) With cboTemp 'show the combobox with the list .Visible = True .Left = Target.Left .Top = Target.Top .Width = Target.Width + 5 .Height = Target.Height + 5 .ListFillRange = str .LinkedCell = Target.Address End With cboTemp.Activate 'open the drop down list automatically Me.TempCombo.DropDown End If
errHandler: Application.EnableEvents = True Exit Sub
End Sub '========================================= Private Sub TempCombo_LostFocus() With Me.TempCombo .Top = 10 .Left = 10 .Width = 0 .ListFillRange = "" .LinkedCell = "" .Visible = False .Value = "" End With End Sub '==================================== 'Optional code to move to next cell 'if Tab or Enter are pressed 'from code by Ted Lanham '***NOTE: if KeyDown causes problems, 'change to KeyUp 'Table with numbers for other keys 'such as Right Arrow (39) 'https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa243025%28v=vs.60%29.aspx
Private Sub TempCombo_KeyDown(ByVal _ KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, _ ByVal Shift As Integer) Select Case KeyCode Case 9 'Tab ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Activate Case 13 'Enter ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate Case Else 'do nothing End Select
End Sub
submitted by mercenator31 to excel [link] [comments]

2022.03.10 18:27 mercenator31 VBA Code for Searchable Drop Down List Only Partially Working

I'm running into two issues with my current VBA code. I tried to write a code that enabled a searchable list function for the user instead of having to select the drop down option. The search function works, but the user is required to double click the text box in order for the code to run. However, only the beginning of the word/words are being read by the code and not the entirety of the line item. (For example, when searching for work type, if I type in "In" it reads the "Initiate/Develop" option. However, if I type in "Dev", it does not read the "Develop" portion of the option). Another issue I am running into with the code is with selecting two options to show up in a text box. (For example, I want two months to show up in the text box. If I single click the cell, I can select multiple months and both would show up in the text box. If I want one of the month removed, you'd select that month again to remove it. However, with the double click vba code feature, I cannot select multiple months) Two part problem all stemming from the way the code is written... Can anyone review my code and find the problem? Thank you.
Link: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AoOH_O4N4Qg4bfqwGz18TL_lei8?e=2Zmgod
Here is the VBA code as currently written:
Sub Main()
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick _
(ByVal Target As Range, _
Cancel As Boolean)
Dim str As String
Dim cboTemp As OLEObject
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set cboTemp = ws.OLEObjects("TempCombo")
On Error Resume Next
With cboTemp
'clear and hide the combo box
.ListFillRange = ""
.LinkedCell = ""
.Visible = False
End With
On Error GoTo errHandler
If Target.Validation.Type = 3 Then
'if the cell contains
'a data validation list
Cancel = True
Application.EnableEvents = False
'get the data validation formula
str = Target.Validation.Formula1
str = Right(str, Len(str) - 1)
With cboTemp
'show the combobox with the list
.Visible = True
.Left = Target.Left
.Top = Target.Top
.Width = Target.Width + 5
.Height = Target.Height + 5
.ListFillRange = str
.LinkedCell = Target.Address
End With
'open the drop down list automatically
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub TempCombo_LostFocus()
With Me.TempCombo
.Top = 10
.Left = 10
.Width = 0
.ListFillRange = ""
.LinkedCell = ""
.Visible = False
.Value = ""
End With
End Sub
'Optional code to move to next cell
'if Tab or Enter are pressed
'from code by Ted Lanham
'***NOTE: if KeyDown causes problems,
'change to KeyUp
'Table with numbers for other keys
'such as Right Arrow (39)
Private Sub TempCombo_KeyDown(ByVal _
KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, _
ByVal Shift As Integer)
Select Case KeyCode
Case 9 'Tab
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Activate
Case 13 'Enter
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
Case Else
'do nothing
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rngDV As Range
Dim oldVal As String
Dim newVal As String
Dim strVal As String
Dim i As Long
Dim lCount As Long
Dim Ar As Variant
On Error Resume Next
Dim lType As Long
If Target.Count > 1 Then GoTo exitHandler
lType = Target.Validation.Type
If lType = 3 Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
newVal = Target.Value
oldVal = Target.Value
Target.Value = newVal
If Target.Column = 2 Or Target.Column = 3 Or Target.Column = 5 Or Target.Column = 11 Then
If oldVal = "" Then
'do nothing
If newVal = "" Then
'do nothing
On Error Resume Next
Ar = Split(oldVal, ", ")
strVal = ""
For i = LBound(Ar) To UBound(Ar)
Debug.Print strVal
Debug.Print CStr(Ar(i))
If newVal = CStr(Ar(i)) Then
'do not include this item
strVal = strVal
lCount = 1
strVal = strVal & CStr(Ar(i)) & ", "
End If
Next i
If lCount > 0 Then
Target.Value = Left(strVal, Len(strVal) - 2)
Target.Value = strVal & newVal
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
submitted by mercenator31 to excel [link] [comments]

2022.01.10 21:08 Maix522 How to represent keyboard layouts

I am currently building a crate that will allow a user to translate a keyboard's scancode into a virtual Keycode or event a char.
I am pulling data from a website that pulls its data from the windows dlls. I made a small program to validate, download, translate into rust structs, and write it in another crate that will be published onto crates.io for everyone to use.
But I am struggling on how to design the end crate. For example some language have somthing called a DeadKey (like french `^`) that will be buffered and change the next letter with some condition (there is a list of letter with what will be outputed for every deadkey). Bu some languages have deadkeys inside deadkeys (on of them is from american natives). I want to support it because I have the data so why not.
Here is a sample of layout I process (in xml form).
If you have any ideas on how to model this in a useful way please comment. As of today, the source code is still private as I work on it but I will make it opensource as soon as possible.
submitted by Maix522 to rust_gamedev [link] [comments]

2021.12.05 16:47 ncvescera Python Xlib Problem

Hi everyone, I'm trying to write my own tiling assistant (I want something that can center the current window, left and center align windows, and so on) in python using the Xlib library. I wrote the code that can "detect" the keyboard shortcut for the tiling function e.g. super + m should center the current window (I would like to avoid editing keyboard settings and have my shortcut inside my python script).
It can detect the shortcut but when it tries to get the actual focused window it waits indefinitely. Someone can help me ?
I'm on Arch Linux with python 3.9.9
This is my code:


import argparse from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union, Callable # noqa
from Xlib import X from Xlib.display import Display from Xlib.error import XError from Xlib.xobject.drawable import Window from Xlib.ext import record from Xlib.protocol import rq

Display Vars

disp = Display() root = disp.screen().root

Display settings

x = 50 # x position where to puts windows y = 50 # y position where to puts windows width = root.get_geometry().width # screen width (eg. 1920) height = root.get_geometry().height # screen height (eg. 1080)
def main(): set_keylistener()
while 1: # Infinite wait, doesn't do anything as no events are grabbed event = root.display.next_event() 
def centering_window(window: Window): """ Centers the active window.
 -m center Used with --noresize the active window is not resized when centered """ print(f"Centering Window {window}") # get window size win_size = get_window_size(window) _x = x _y = y _w = width - (x * 2) _h = height - (y * 2) print(f"New Window pos: ({_x}, {_y}), New Window size: ({_w}, {_h})") # tiling center windows window.configure( # where to put the window x=_x, y=_y, # new window dims width=_w, height=_h, # other stuff border_width=0, stack_mode=X.Above ) 
def get_window_size(window: Window): """Returns window size object""" # get window dims win_size = window.get_geometry() print(f"Window pos: ({win_size.x}, {win_size.y}) Window size: ({win_size.width}, {win_size.height})")
return win_size 
def calculate_usable_height(): prop1 = root.get_full_property(disp.get_atom("_NET_WORKAREA"), X.AnyPropertyType).value[3] prop2 = root.get_full_property(disp.get_atom("_NET_WORKAREA"), X.AnyPropertyType).value[1] res = prop1 - prop2
return res if res > 0 else res*(-1) 
def get_active_window(): """Wrapper for getting the active window object. Returns the WindowObject of the active window."""
# Prepare the property names we use so they can be fed into X11 APIs NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW = disp.intern_atom('_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW') NET_WM_NAME = disp.intern_atom('_NET_WM_NAME') # UTF-8 WM_NAME = disp.intern_atom('WM_NAME') # Legacy encoding last_seen = {'xid': None, 'title': None} # type: Dict[str, Any] @contextmanager def window_obj(win_id: Optional[int]) -> Window: """Simplify dealing with BadWindow (make it either valid or None)""" window_obj = None if win_id: try: window_obj = disp.create_resource_object('window', win_id) except XError: pass yield window_obj def _get_active_window() -> Tuple[Optional[int], bool]: """Return a (window_id, focus_has_changed) tuple for the active window.""" response = root.get_full_property(NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW, X.AnyPropertyType) if not response: return None, False win_id = response.value[0] focus_changed = (win_id != last_seen['xid']) if focus_changed: with window_obj(last_seen['xid']) as old_win: if old_win: old_win.change_attributes(event_mask=X.NoEventMask) last_seen['xid'] = win_id with window_obj(win_id) as new_win: if new_win: new_win.change_attributes(event_mask=X.PropertyChangeMask) return win_id, focus_changed # get active window and return Window Object win_id, _ = _get_active_window() with window_obj(win_id) as window: return window 
def handler(reply): """ This function is called when a xlib event is fired """ data = reply.data while len(data): event, data = rq.EventField(None).parse_binary_value(data, disp.display, None, None)
 # KEYCODE IS FOUND USERING event.detail # print(event.detail)asasd if event.type == X.KeyPress: pressed.append(event.detail) # BUTTON PRESSED elif event.type == X.KeyRelease: try: pressed.remove(event.detail) except: pass # BUTTON RELEASED # 2 or more button pressed if len(pressed) >= 2: print(pressed) # check if pressed keys are an actual combination if tuple(pressed) in bindings.keys(): print("FOUND COMBINATION !!") ## when calling get_active_window() waits indefinitely :/ window = get_active_window() bindings[tuple(pressed)](window) disp.sync() 
def set_keylistener(): # Monitor keypress and button press ctx = disp.record_create_context( 0, [record.AllClients], [{ 'core_requests': (0, 0), 'core_replies': (0, 0), 'ext_requests': (0, 0, 0, 0), 'ext_replies': (0, 0, 0, 0), 'delivered_events': (0, 0), 'device_events': (X.KeyReleaseMask, X.ButtonReleaseMask), 'errors': (0, 0), 'client_started': False, 'client_died': False, }]) disp.record_enable_context(ctx, handler) disp.record_free_context(ctx)
if name == 'main':
pressed = [] bindings = { (133, 58): centering_window # super + m } usable_height = calculate_usable_height() main() 
submitted by ncvescera to learnpython [link] [comments]

2021.08.09 17:26 thatbitchmarcy how can i get unii activation keycode for my nanobeam 5ac's?

I am located in the US and I have a set of NanoBeam 5AC 19 XC v8.7.5 that I bought off ebay. These apparently do not have the revised unii rules activated and only have five frequencies available (5775-5795). I emailed ubiquiti and of course they advise they are no longer furnishing labels and keycodes. Any suggestions here as to how i might be able to still get a valid company name and keycode to unlock these units? (wink wink lol) thanks! :)
submitted by thatbitchmarcy to Ubiquiti [link] [comments]

2021.07.08 23:04 IamTwaxx Network Topology Earthsuesful?

Port issues?
Host Staple? Self-reference Death?
Follow association CredCranCrash?
"Issue" Mass memory?
Long running scrollpts
"Connect to remote host" "Remote host becomes you". "You are now remote host" variance reaction issues.
>The all knowing has structural issues.
Structural issues of habing.
^ S is slightly curved.
^ S is siglthly curved.
>Interpreter is Text based.
>Quad perception; Perception of Quad; Perception of Quad of Quad of Perceptions;
^Thats not hierarchically valid.
Or the variance of pre-based Experiences.
Like 70'ts. or
21'th (reverse)
Anyone ... else having eyesight? l
Like that was easier than a navigation map...
Where is the rest of Property?
Like where is the rest of ...?!? cosTosKaT?
>Programming SinCosTan doesnt make Tan cosin'

Imagine being lost in Soko-ban Sokoban BanSoko over Axis.
Real ty @ Crashputer'n

Like the sun is damaging eyes. Is damaging the eyes.
Seemingly Machine is dumb. Is damaging the EyeSun. (Uranus).
Like these texels of a feeling. Are pretty
^Computer misses dot and then is Earthndpoint neglected.
Yeah. It feels like that.
Having to work > Enjoying Experience.
^ Is a plausible disaster keycode.
Programming language fatality.
Network Approach conflict.
As in Function exploration ex pand.
^???? brain???
>Not a xxawt

The god concept is like that.
The god exepcts someone to be their dog.
The god is the dog.
Ego dathh.

ci ca da pattern
Kun Kosh Xian.
CI ci Cy cY Ceh Cah
(Sequencer key codes)
"Banhammer exists" "Banhammer exists".
"Tsunami exists" Tsunami exists".

"Cryptography puzzles are possible"
>Cryptography puzzles are possible is a Programming language keyword.
1+1 -> 3
1+1 -> 3
xYx -> 0?skip 2 [0-100]
https://youtu.be/e68c6whsO_E?t=209 XyX assumed to be in audio shaped (DarialXasRadial?)
submitted by IamTwaxx to cicada3302 [link] [comments]

2021.05.26 16:46 morfo2 Steam Scam - Everything about the new Scam on Discord

Steam Scam - Everything about the new Scam on Discord
"Hey bro I really need to talk to you..." - the most known phrase in the last 6 months on Discord.
But what is it about? The biggest recent scam made by a bunch of dumb russians who steal steam accounts for resell. I've been tracking this guys for a while now and they finally choose me as victim.
This group uses a multi-factor message system from an UK server for the 2-Steps Auth system from Steam and other gaming platforms like ArenaNet and Blizzard but let's talk about Steam here for now.
I've enter in their world to know everything about this process and catch them.

Scam Steps

1º Steam Report - Your account was supposedly falsely reported because of whatever reason they will tell you. The group will send you a very badly edited screenshot of the steam support ticket that informs your account will be banned forever if you don't contact X person on Discord.
2º The Bait - A random discord account will convince you that your account will be deleted and you'll lose everything on it.
3º The "Admin" - The bait will redirect you to contact the "official steam admin" through Discord or Steam Chat. This is were any good Steam user know that Steam support is only made by in-platform Ticket System and direct email from oficial Steam email server "steampowered.com" and they will never contact you in any other place! But let's continue to see where they're going...
4º Tech Support - Now the "Admin" will convince you that our account is pending for permanent ban but he can cancel the pending request if you help him out validating your account.
5º Admin CP - As you can see they have amazing PhotoShop skills, the only problem is that a Steam CP doesn't look like any of this because it's backend and never directly applied on users profile. Maybe they will improve in future scams.
6º Purchase History - The "Admin" will ask us for the most recent purchase history of our account to confirm we didn't commit any crime and will send us a random as example. They won't even validate if it's real or troll. Please make sure to not use your real purchase history if you wan't to bait them.
This one was from a poland user who they probably steal since May 15.
I send them a FAKE purchase history of my account with all the most recent priced games in SteamDB.
7º Log out - Our wonderfull "Admin" after validating our purchase history, request us to log out from all active sessions. They're so dumb that they don't even know there's a social option called Invisible that makes your account offline without exiting the session.
8º KeyCode - Finally the "Admin" tries to recover our account trough Username and "My Account was Stolen" thanks to the Purschase History we gave him. You'll receive the KEYCODE by SMS in your mobile or trough email. They will request you to give them that code and it's over, the account is theirs and you're out of the game.
Little do they know the multi-factor server they use is tracked and the login attempt is also tracked.
So I've let Discord and Steam known about this, let's just wait they do something. My job here is done.
I hope you guys had fun in this wannabe scam and always remember to use multi-factor authentication, long and safe passwords, never use the same passwords for multiple accounts, never give any kind of data to whoever they be. Keep out of this and be safe!
submitted by morfo2 to u/morfo2 [link] [comments]

2021.05.19 05:30 picto3000 VNC troubleshooting

VNC troubleshooting
I can't get remote VNC connections working properly and I'm lost. I've attempted a few different VNC packages but currently trying with Xtightvnc on 21.04.
I can log in but I don't get much further than that. A grey'd out menu and no mouse.

Current xstartup, you can see I've tried a few things:
#!/bin/sh #xrdb $HOME/.Xresources #xsetroot -solid grey ##x-terminal-emulator -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" & ##x-window-manager & ## Fix to make GNOME work #export XKL_XMODMAP_DISABLE=1 #/etc/X11/Xsession # https://askubuntu.com/questions/1276074/vnc-setting-to-connect-to-ubuntu-serv> # Uncomment the following two lines for normal desktop: unset SESSION_MANAGER #exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc exec openbox-session & startlxqt & [ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup [ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources xsetroot -solid grey vncconfig -iconic & 
my :1 log:
19/05/21 13:16:06 Xvnc version TightVNC-1.3.10 19/05/21 13:16:06 Copyright (C) 2000-2009 TightVNC Group 19/05/21 13:16:06 Copyright (C) 1999 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge 19/05/21 13:16:06 All Rights Reserved. 19/05/21 13:16:06 See http://www.tightvnc.com/ for information on TightVNC 19/05/21 13:16:06 Desktop name 'X' (Burbank:1) 19/05/21 13:16:06 Protocol versions supported: 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 3.7t, 3.8t 19/05/21 13:16:06 Listening for VNC connections on TCP port 5901 Font directory '/usshare/fonts/X11/75dpi/' not found - ignoring Font directory '/usshare/fonts/X11/100dpi/' not found - ignoring /home/failsafe/.vnc/xstartup: 20: vncconfig: not found Obt-Message: XKB extension is not present on the server or too old Obt-Message: Xinerama extension is not present on the server Obt-Message: XRandR extension is not present on the server qt.qpa.xcb: XKeyboard extension not present on the X server Xlib: extension "XInputExtension" missing on display ":1". Openbox-Message: Requested key "Print" does not exist on the display Openbox-Message: Requested key "Print" does not exist on the display Openbox-Message: Unable to find a valid menu file "/valib/openbox/debian-menu.xml" No render extension ** Message: 13:16:07.266: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/pulseaudio.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.266: xdg-autostart.vala:94: Launching: start-pulseaudio-x11 (pulseaudio.desktop) ** Message: 13:16:07.266: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/geoclue-demo-agent.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.267: xdg-autostart.vala:94: Launching: /uslibexec/geoclue-2.0/demos/agent (geoclue-demo-agent.desktop) ** Message: 13:16:07.267: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/lxqt-powermanagement.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.267: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting. ** Message: 13:16:07.267: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-secrets.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.267: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting. ** Message: 13:16:07.267: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/nm-applet.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.267: xdg-autostart.vala:94: Launching: nm-applet (nm-applet.desktop) ** Message: 13:16:07.267: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.267: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting. ** Message: 13:16:07.267: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/lxqt-globalkeyshortcuts.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.267: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting. ** Message: 13:16:07.268: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/lxqt-desktop.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.268: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting. ** Message: 13:16:07.268: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/spice-vdagent.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.268: xdg-autostart.vala:94: Launching: /usbin/spice-vdagent (spice-vdagent.desktop) ** Message: 13:16:07.268: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/lxqt-panel.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.268: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting. ** Message: 13:16:07.268: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/lxqt-notifications.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.268: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting. ** Message: 13:16:07.268: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.269: xdg-autostart.vala:94: Launching: /uslibexec/at-spi-bus-launcher --launch-immediately (at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop) ** Message: 13:16:07.269: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/im-launch.desktop file. AUDIT: Wed May 19 13:16:07 2021: 118324 Xtightvnc: client 3 rejected from local host Failure: Module initialisation failed ** Message: 13:16:07.277: xdg-autostart.vala:94: Launching: sh -c 'if [ "x$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = "xwayland" ] ; then exec env IM_CONFIG_CHECK_ENV=1 im> ** Message: 13:16:07.277: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/lxqt-xscreensaver-autostart.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.277: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting. ** Message: 13:16:07.277: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/print-applet.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.277: xdg-autostart.vala:94: Launching: system-config-printer-applet (print-applet.desktop) ** Message: 13:16:07.277: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/snap-userd-autostart.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.278: xdg-autostart.vala:94: Launching: /usbin/snap userd --autostart (snap-userd-autostart.desktop) ** Message: 13:16:07.278: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/lxqt-qlipper-autostart.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.278: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting. ** Message: 13:16:07.278: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/org.kde.discover.notifier.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.278: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting. ** Message: 13:16:07.278: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/nm-tray-autostart.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.279: xdg-autostart.vala:94: Launching: nm-tray (nm-tray-autostart.desktop) ** Message: 13:16:07.279: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-ssh.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.279: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting. ** Message: 13:16:07.279: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/lxqt-runner.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.279: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting. ** Message: 13:16:07.279: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.279: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting. ** Message: 13:16:07.279: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/upg-notifier-autostart.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.279: xdg-autostart.vala:94: Launching: /uslibexec/lubuntu-update-notifielubuntu-upg-notifier.sh (upg-notifier-autostart.des> ** Message: 13:16:07.280: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /home/failsafe/.config/autostart/lxqt-compton.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.280: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting. ** Message: 13:16:07.280: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/xdg-user-dirs.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.280: xdg-autostart.vala:94: Launching: xdg-user-dirs-update (xdg-user-dirs.desktop) ** Message: 13:16:07.280: xdg-autostart.vala:39: Processing /etc/xdg/autostart/lxqt-policykit-agent.desktop file. ** Message: 13:16:07.280: xdg-autostart.vala:64: Not found in OnlyShowIn list, aborting. [: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string qt.qpa.xcb: XKeyboard extension not present on the X server qt.qpa.xcb: XKeyboard extension not present on the X server qt.qpa.xcb: XKeyboard extension not present on the X server qt.qpa.xcb: XKeyboard extension not present on the X server qt.qpa.xcb: XKeyboard extension not present on the X server qt.qpa.xcb: XKeyboard extension not present on the X server New PolkitAgentListener 0x558ee6164200 Adding new listener PolkitQt1::Agent::Listener(0x7fffa95370c0) for 0x558ee6164200 qt.qpa.xcb: XKeyboard extension not present on the X server AUDIT: Wed May 19 13:16:07 2021: 118324 Xtightvnc: client 14 rejected from local host Failure: Module initialisation failed QDBusMarshaller: cannot add an invalid QVariant QDBusConnection: error: could not send message to service "org.freedesktop.login1" path "/org/freedesktop/login1" interface "org.freedesktop.login1.> ** Dbus error ************************** Error name "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed" Error msg "Marshalling failed: Variant containing QVariant::Invalid passed in arguments" **************************************** WinIdChange 2400006 handle QWidgetWindow(0x558f34c90fc0, name="LXQtPanel panel1Window") QScreen(0x558f34a0fdb0, name=":1.0") QDBusMarshaller: cannot add an invalid QVariant QDBusConnection: error: could not send message to service "org.freedesktop.login1" path "/org/freedesktop/login1" interface "org.freedesktop.login1.> ** Dbus error ************************** Error name "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed" Error msg "Marshalling failed: Variant containing QVariant::Invalid passed in arguments" **************************************** QSystemTrayIcon::setVisible: No Icon set Systray started () The X11 connection broke: Unsupported extension used (code 2) X connection to :1 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown). qt.qpa.xcb: XKeyboard extension not present on the X server qt.qpa.xcb: XKeyboard extension not present on the X server QDBusMarshaller: cannot add an invalid QVariant QDBusConnection: error: could not send message to service "org.freedesktop.login1" path "/org/freedesktop/login1" interface "org.freedesktop.login1.> ** Dbus error ************************** Error name "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed" Error msg "Marshalling failed: Variant containing QVariant::Invalid passed in arguments" **************************************** isPrimaryInstance QDBusMarshaller: cannot add an invalid QVariant QDBusConnection: error: could not send message to service "org.freedesktop.login1" path "/org/freedesktop/login1" interface "org.freedesktop.login1.> ** Dbus error ************************** Error name "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed" Error msg "Marshalling failed: Variant containing QVariant::Invalid passed in arguments" **************************************** qt.qpa.xcb: XKeyboard extension not present on the X server Unable to create/attach shared memory( QSharedMemoryPrivate::initKey: unable to set key on lock ), singleinstance behaviour will not work Translator is not loaded "qlipper_en_AU" "/usshare/qlippetranslations" "PowerButton" "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied" "Permission denied" "SuspendButton" "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied" "Permission denied" "HibenateButton" "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied" "Permission denied" size of cached file QSize(1024, 768) , requiredSize: QSize(1024, 768) origin "/usshare/lubuntu/wallpapers/2004-lubuntu-logo.png" QSystemTrayIcon::setVisible: No Icon set qt.qpa.xcb: XKeyboard extension not present on the X server ^MReading package lists... 0%^M^MReading package lists... 100%^M^MReading package lists... Done ^MBuilding dependency tree... 0%^M^MBuilding dependency tree... 0%^M^MBuilding dependency tree... 50%^M^MBuilding dependency tree... 50%^Mqt.qpa.xcb> ^MReading package lists... 0%^M^MReading package lists... 100%^M^MReading package lists... Done ^MBuilding dependency tree... 0%^M^MBuilding dependency tree... 0%^M^MBuilding dependency tree... 50%^M^MBuilding dependency tree... 50%^M^MBuilding> ^MReading state information... 0% ^M^MReading state information... 0%^M^MReading state information... Done ^MBuilding dependency tree... Done ^MReading state information... 0% ^M^MReading state information... 0%^M^MReading state information... Done [Notice] Started [Warning] Cannot extract keycode and modifiers from shortcut 'XF86PowerOff' [Warning] Cannot extract keycode and modifiers from shortcut 'XF86Suspend' [Warning] Cannot extract keycode and modifiers from shortcut 'XF86Sleep' 19/05/21 13:16:12 Got connection from client 19/05/21 13:16:12 Using protocol version 3.8 19/05/21 13:16:12 Full-control authentication passed by 19/05/21 13:16:12 Pixel format for client 19/05/21 13:16:12 32 bpp, depth 24, little endian 19/05/21 13:16:12 true colour: max r 255 g 255 b 255, shift r 16 g 8 b 0 19/05/21 13:16:12 no translation needed 19/05/21 13:16:12 rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: ignoring unknown encoding 16 19/05/21 13:16:12 rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: ignoring unknown encoding 9 19/05/21 13:16:12 rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: ignoring unknown encoding -65527 19/05/21 13:16:12 Using hextile encoding for client 19/05/21 13:16:12 Using compression level 3 for client 19/05/21 13:16:12 Enabling X-style cursor updates for client 19/05/21 13:16:12 Enabling cursor position updates for client 19/05/21 13:16:12 rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: ignoring unknown encoding -131072 19/05/21 13:16:12 rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: ignoring unknown encoding -223 19/05/21 13:16:12 rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: ignoring unknown encoding -131071 19/05/21 13:16:12 rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: ignoring unknown encoding -131070 19/05/21 13:16:12 rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: ignoring unknown encoding -131069 19/05/21 13:16:12 rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: ignoring unknown encoding -309 
submitted by picto3000 to Lubuntu [link] [comments]
