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Virtual Photography

2019.07.24 10:05 Yanele Virtual Photography

This is a sub for Virtual (gaming) Photography. You can post your pictures or ask for tips and tricks.

2009.11.15 19:28 KarmaToBurn All Things Ducati

Anything and everything about the bikes from Bologna.

2010.04.19 07:06 FreeArticle /r/StudentLoans: Reddit's hub for advice, articles, and discussion about educational loans

/StudentLoans: Reddit's hub for advice, articles, and general discussion about getting and repaying student loans.

2024.05.21 23:15 ParticularNo2206 Will this Cross-Domain Conversion Tracking work?

We want to start a google ads campaign advertising a live event.
Here's the scenario:
  1. The ads will direct to site A - which is the venue homepage with detailed information about the venue.
  2. On site A there is a "buy tickets" button that links to site B - which is Ticketmaster. eg. a diffrent domain than site A.
  3. Site B (Ticketmaster) have installed our GTM and diffrent event conversions - no problem with them at all.
  4. Site A (Venue) refuses to install GTM for some bs reason.
Question: will google ads still be able to track any conversions on site B, even if there is no GTM installed on site A? If not, any other solutions?
We dont want to directly send customers to site B (Ticketmaster), as there is no good information layout about the event there, just plane seating map and ticket prices. We need them to firstly be warmed up by reading about the event on site A (Venue) and the continue on to Ticketmaster.
submitted by ParticularNo2206 to googleads [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:15 Mac_and_dennis It’s finally back in stock on their site

It’s finally back in stock on their site
Not a shill. Just happy to get my hands on some.
Added some to ketchup today for a sweet potato fry dip. Amazing.
submitted by Mac_and_dennis to hotsauce [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:15 Weak_Commission7507 comatose

I feel like if she was actually in a comatose state currently, the longer this situation goes on and the more heated it gets, it might make Willy pull the plug on her just to get rid off her and this whole situation?
submitted by Weak_Commission7507 to KateMiddletonMissing [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:15 ChumbungLi Getting started

Fire was introduced to me recently by a friend who was surprised I didn't know about it because I spend conservatively, save aggressively and want to eventually retire early to pursue my own interests and have more time for family.
How does one do their own proper FIRE analysis and really grasp the whole picture of the plan? I appreciate any guidance for getting started. Here's what I have done so far.
I started my own FIRE analysis based on some guidance from google. - I reviewed my own NW - I figured out my annual expense for just myself and my current life style.
I found a few quick rules to go by. I found annual expense x25 is your FIRE number. Withdrawing 4% annual is generally the target life style budget and sustainable for your FIRE number NW if properly invested to sustain your lifestyle.
I'm building a 50/30/20 needs/wants/invest budget. This will help me understand how much more time at my current rate of saving and investing I might need to reach my FIRE number.
What is still not clear to me: - Guidance on how to do the investment/investment strategies to hit my FIRE number in some time estimation. - Guidance on how the invested monies after reaching your fire number should be managed using the 4% spending rule. - how much does the fire analysis change if I want to retire with a wife and and 2 kids? Part of my initial motivation for FIRE is wanting to be more present and time availability as a Dad. But adding in the family is hard to calculate my estimated annual expenses. - life style changes and life events, how much are those planned and factored in. It's easy to know what I spend on my lifestyle now. It's hard to predict financial spending changes and when certain life events will make such a change. Examples such as paying for a wedding, a wedding ring, a new house for raising a family, etc.
submitted by ChumbungLi to Fire [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:14 doedobrd How to fix my CustomTkinter YT downloader .exe file

I made a small project using CustomTkinter and Pytube to download YouTube videos with a simple GUI.
the program has zero errors when run as a .py file in the IDE and Windows if I double-click or use the terminal.
I then proceeded to use auto-py-to-exe to convert the file into a .exe file. I followed the instructions on the CustomTkinter website and although I had some trouble I managed to get through the process.
the final .exe file, however, does run but only for a moment before closing itself again. By running the .exe from a cmd terminal based in the directory of the file I was able to get an error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "PyInstaller\hooks\rthooks\", line 158, in
File "PyInstaller\hooks\rthooks\", line 36, in _pyi_rthook
File "PyInstaller\loader\", line 419, in exec_module
File "pkg_resources\", line 77, in
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pkg_resources.extern'
[55288] Failed to execute script 'pyi_rth_pkgres' due to unhandled exception!
I was unable to find a solution to this and so I have ended up here.
Do you know what could be causing this error? or if indeed this is the reason the program does not properly function?
Full code:
import tkinter
import customtkinter
#from pytubefix import YouTube
from tkinter import filedialog
from moviepy.editor import *
from pathvalidate import sanitize_filename
#from pytubefix import Playlist
#from pytubefix.cli import on_progress\
from pytube import *
app = customtkinter.CTk(fg_color="black")
app.title("YouTube Download")
app.after(201, lambda :app.iconbitmap("normally this is the path to the file but i have removed it for privacy"))
font = customtkinter.CTkFont(family='Trade Gothic LT Bold Condensed No. 20', size=30)
font2 = customtkinter.CTkFont(family='Trade Gothic LT Bold Condensed No. 20', size=20)
menu = ''
currenttype = ''
def MainMenuGUI():
menu = 'main'
app.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
app.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1)
app.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1)
app.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
app.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
WhatLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=100, pady=50)
Videobutton.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=customtkinter.W, padx=50)
AudioButton.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=customtkinter.E, padx=50)
PVideobutton.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=customtkinter.W, padx=50, pady=50)
PAudioButton.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=customtkinter.E, padx=50, pady=50)
def mp4_to_mp3(mp4, mp3):
mp4_without_frames = AudioFileClip(mp4)
mp4_without_frames.close() # function call mp4_to_mp3("my_mp4_path.mp4", "audio.mp3")
def DownloadGUI(dtype):
global menu
menu = dtype
global currenttype
currenttype = dtype
app.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=100)
app.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=10)
app.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1)
app.grid_rowconfigure(3, weight=100)
title.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.S)
link.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2)
download.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N)
finishLabel.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N)
backbutton.grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=1)
if currenttype == "Video" or currenttype == "Audio":
title.configure(text="Insert a YouTube link")
download.configure(command=lambda: startdownload(dtype=currenttype))
title.configure(text="Insert a playlist link")
download.configure(command=lambda: startdownloadP(dtype=currenttype))
link.delete(0, customtkinter.END)
def startdownload(dtype):
ytlink = link.get()
ytobject = YouTube(ytlink, on_progress_callback=Vprog)
global menu
menu = str(dtype) + 'Download'
path = tkinter.filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir="/", mustexist=True, parent=app)
pPercent.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.S)
Vprogbar.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N)
if dtype == "Video":
video = ytobject.streams.get_highest_resolution()
elif dtype == "Audio":
audio = ytobject.streams.get_audio_only()
if os.path.exists(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"):, filename=sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
clip = AudioFileClip(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
clip.write_audiofile(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"[:-4] + ".mp3")
if os.path.exists(str(path)+"/"+sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4"):
os.remove(str(path)+"/"+sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
else:, filename=sanitize_filename(audio.title)+".mp4")
clip = AudioFileClip(str(path)+"/"+sanitize_filename(audio.title)+".mp4")
clip.write_audiofile(str(path)+"/"+sanitize_filename(audio.title)+".mp4"[:-4] + ".mp3")
if os.path.exists(str(path)+"/"+sanitize_filename(audio.title)+".mp4"):
finishLabel.configure(text="downloaded", text_color="white")
finishLabel.configure(text="Download has failed", text_color="red")
title.configure(text="Insert a YouTube link")
link.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2)
def startdownloadP(dtype):
vcount = 0
vccount = 0
playlink = Playlist(link.get())
path = tkinter.filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir="/", mustexist=True, parent=app)
pPercent.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.S)
ppPercent.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N, pady=20)
Vprogbar.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N)
Pprogbar.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N, pady=10)
for _ in playlink.videos:
vcount += 1
Pprog(vcount, 0)
for vid in playlink.videos:
vccount += 1
Pprog(vcount, vccount)
global menu
menu = str(dtype) + 'Download'
if dtype == "VideoPlaylist":
video = vid.streams.get_highest_resolution()
elif dtype == "AudioPlaylist":
audio = vid.streams.get_audio_only()
if os.path.exists(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"):, filename=sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
clip = AudioFileClip(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
clip.write_audiofile(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"[:-4] + ".mp3")
if os.path.exists(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4"):
os.remove(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
else:, filename=sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4")
clip = AudioFileClip(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4")
clip.write_audiofile(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"[:-4] + ".mp3")
if os.path.exists(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"):
os.remove(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4")
finishLabel.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N)
finishLabel.configure(text="All videos downloaded", text_color="white")
def Vprog(stream, chunk, bytes_remaining):
total_size = stream.filesize
bytes_downloaded = total_size - bytes_remaining
percentage_complete = bytes_downloaded / total_size * 100
per = str(int(percentage_complete))
pPercent.configure(text=per + "%")
Vprogbar.set(float(percentage_complete / 100))
def Pprog(total, current):
percentage_done = current / total * 100
per = str(int(percentage_done))
ppPercent.configure(text=per + "%")
Pprogbar.set(float(percentage_done / 100))
def Back():
if 'Download' in menu:
urlvar = tkinter.StringVar()
title = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="Insert a YouTube link", fg_color='White',corner_radius=10, padx=50, font=font)
link = customtkinter.CTkEntry(app, width=350, height=40, textvariable=urlvar)
finishLabel = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="", text_color="white")
pPercent = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="0%", text_color="white")
ppPercent = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="0%", text_color="white")
Vprogbar = customtkinter.CTkProgressBar(app, width=400, progress_color="red")
Pprogbar = customtkinter.CTkProgressBar(app, width=400, progress_color="red")
download = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text="Download", command=lambda: startdownload(dtype=currenttype), fg_color="#e8e6e6", text_color="black", hover_color='#c0c0c0')
backbutton = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text_color='black', text="back", width=50, height=50, fg_color='#333333', hover_color='#c0c0c0', command=Back)
WhatLabel = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="What would you like to download?", fg_color='White',corner_radius=10, padx=50, font=font)
Videobutton = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text='Video', width=250, height=150, font=font2, fg_color='#b01214', hover_color='#590404', command=lambda: DownloadGUI(dtype='Video'))
AudioButton = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text='Audio', width=250, height=150, font=font2, fg_color='#b01214', hover_color='#590404', command=lambda: DownloadGUI(dtype='Audio'))
PVideobutton = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text='Video Playlist', width=250, height=150, font=font2, fg_color='#b01214', hover_color='#590404', command=lambda: DownloadGUI(dtype='VideoPlaylist'))
PAudioButton = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text='Audio Playlist', width=250, height=150, font=font2, fg_color='#b01214', hover_color='#590404', command=lambda: DownloadGUI(dtype='AudioPlaylist'))
submitted by doedobrd to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:14 blech_hemster Dropping Starbucks to do it myself. What do I need?

I’ve been Starbucks’ top customer (top 1% rewards earner) for years. (Don’t hate me, I know….) However, they keep raising prices and their QA is so trash that I finally want to pull the trigger and buy my own setup to make my own coffee at home. I’ve watched a lot of videos and read a lot of posts, but am so overwhelmed by the jargon and want to make sure I’m getting the essentials and best items for the money.
I am a milk-based coffee drinker primarily. I usually get lattes, shaken espressos, frappes, etc. with multiple added shots. My bf likes espresso so I’d love to get a machine that can kind of do it all.
I’m pretty set on the Breville Bambino Plus unless someone knows of a better machine. I was considering the normal Bambino but I heard the Plus was better for milk-based drinks? Is it worth investing in a higher end Breville that has more settings like the Touch?
I have no clue what grinder is good for my needs especially since I have no idea what type of beans I like. I’ve never tried to make my own coffee. I don’t really like specialty coffees because they taste too herbal for me, hence the Starbucks tendency. My friends say I like the coffee flavor and not coffee, but I digress. I’m willing to spend around $300 for a grinder, but am flexible. I would really prefer something quieter and easy to use as my dog scares very easily.
I am also going to buy a scale and am interested in getting the Normcore accessories to distribute, tamper, etc. but that’s because I see them everywhere. I’m not really sure if there’s a better option.
I’m quite flexible on price of stuff because my Starbucks habit is so expensive that I’ll recoup my money quite quickly. I would just like a setup that is easy and low maintenance so I can make my coffee without too much hassle. Sorry for the newbie-ness and I appreciate any feedback/advice!
submitted by blech_hemster to espresso [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:13 JadedCitizen2022 I still have questions and am in a lot of pain nearly a month after the death of my cat - long

I adopted Pumpkin in the Winter of 2012-2013 after someone abandoned him in the town where we used to live. I took him to his very first vet appt several months later and his age was estimated to be 3 or 4 at that time.
Pumpkin was a runner for who knows how long before I adopted him, so getting him to be accustomed to becoming an indoor kitty was very hard. He tried a number of times over the years to escape but the few times he did, Pumpkin didn't get very far.
After adopting him, Pumpkin developed chronic constipation, probably because he was living a much more sedentary lifestyle He was put on Laxatone only at first but when that stopped working he was put on Lactulose too, which he hated.
To make a long story short, he eventually got put on Miralax, in addition to his Laxatone. Pepcid a/c was added when he developed upper tummy issues.
Fast-forward to February 2023. During one of his routine checkups, Pumpkin's vet told me she detected a heart arrhythmia. She urged me to take him for an EKG and echo, but I needed time to save money. It took several months to do that and get approval for the wheelchair bus I needed to take him out of town.
Pumpkin had an echo, which was normal, but the EKG was not and it confirmed his heart rhythm problem. This was late October 2023. His vet and I discussed putting him on a heart medication but I decided it wasn't worth the risk because he was very difficult to medicate. I was worried that something would happen if he went on it temporarily and then refused to keep taking it. Potential side effects were another reason.
In January of this year and mid-March, Pumpkin had what appeared to be transient stress episodes where he'd collapse on the floor, pant and act like he was dying. The first episode lasted about a half hour and it was on a weekend when no vets except for the online one was available. This happened right after I had to give him some medicine. I snuck up to him to put it on his paws - something I did many times previously w/o any problems. Right after this first episode I had a consult with an online emergency vet who was the one who told me it was probably a transient stress episode. I consulted with his regular vet soon thereafter and she agreed In mid-March he had another one that lasted longer, at least 45 minutes.
It was around this time he had a checkup with a different branch of his vet's office and a different vet, who said he was ok except for the heart rhythm problem. He had his rabies booster at that time too.
On April 23, two days before Pumpkin died, he had a massive bowel movement. I expected him to bounce back as usual but this time he didn't. Two days after that (the two day wait was so I could reserve a wheelchair bus - they require two days notice) I took him to the vet and after she examined my baby, his vet said he sounded like he had fluid in/near his lungs. Xrays and an ultrasound confirmed this, in addition to fluid in his abdomen. Even with treatment, the prognosis was poor and I made the difficult decision to have him put down.
To this day I question whether or not I could have done more to save him. If only money wasn't an issue and the heart tests weren't delayed....if only I gave him the heart medicine he probably would have eventually refused....if only I got the wheelchair bus approved sooner (the one where I took him out of town for the heart tests). And if only I didn't choose to let him have his rabies booster. I had it done a couple of months before it was due to save time since we were already at the vet's. I didn't anticipate any more problems.
Both his vet and the one who did his heart tests said there was nothing I could do to have prevented his from happening. His next to last vet appt (with that rabies booster) was about 5 weeks before he died. Pumpkin seemed ok then per the vet. The sudden accumulation of fluid around his lungs and abdomen happened after that.
Both vets said it can happen that fast. Cats are really good at hiding how sick they are.
I've been going over what few medical records I have on hand....posts on a cat owner message board to construct a timeline of his health issues, etc, all to figure out if I missed anything. The one thing I stayed on top of without fail was keeping him pooping, which, after Pumpkin died, probably extended his life so said his regular vet.
Btw, Pumpkin's weight on his next to last vet appt was about nine pounds or so. In the five weeks or so from that day to his death he gained about one pound, which is a huge amount in such a short period of time for a cat. It was most likely his heart.
Pumpkin was a short haired male cat, neutered and declawed by his previous owner.
I should have asked for a necropsy but it's too late now. One thought occurred to me - maybe I should ask for a copy of his medical records? I don't want to be a pita to his vet. She bent over backwards to help me and him, esp. on his last day on Earth. I discussed the possibility of fostering a cat and his vet said she would be a reference for me.
I keep blaming myself. What should I do now? I am gutted.
I have no idea how this happened. His age was estimated to be around 14-15.
Please help me. Thank you.
submitted by JadedCitizen2022 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:13 Impressive_Alfalfa26 Help guide me on the next step please I’m new at this 🙏

Hey, I’m brand new to everything bioinformatics and these last 2 months have not been fun to me. Essentially, I run Ubuntu (through WSL) to run most my code or Rstudio on windows.
Im attempting to find transcriptional start sites to human cells. I used an illumina sequencing machine to get .fq files (_1,_2). Then, I cut out adapters. I made a .bam file with the 2 fq files and reference genome. Now, I have a .bam and a .gtf. What do I do now? What program do I use?
Thanks so much
submitted by Impressive_Alfalfa26 to bioinformatics [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:13 adudenamedruby File sizes from scans balloon in size when exported as TIFFs?

Hey ya'll. I'm new to the whole scanning thing, but this is something that's really weird, so I'm helping ya'll can help me.
So, I shoot medium format B&W. I scan each frame by taking two pictures with a Leica M11 Monochrom (so no colour channels), and then stitch in LrC. The resulting DNGs are about 31MBs. So far so good.
Now I want to edit the files a little more, so I export them to PS and edit there, and the resulting TIFF file sizes are ridiculous. If I simply export, and then save (doing no work, and adding no layers) and quit PS, the TIFF that ends up in LrC is 640MB! When I start adding some layers (not much, 5 to 7) for some light editing to enhance lighting and stuff... the TIFF files are 1.5GB. That's crazy. Image sizes are in the 7-9k x 7-9k range, at a resolution of 240x240.
Can anyone explain what's happening and how I can get more reasonably sized TIFFs?
Export settings are:
PS version: 2024 File Format: TIFF Colour Space: ProPhoto RGB Bit depth: 16 Resolution: 240 Compression: ZIP 
submitted by adudenamedruby to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:13 Uplandfriend987 After trying to get a display for my pc through my laptop via hdmi,my computer isn’t working .

Brand new gaming pc shutting down in games after, well, something I did?
Hello there, and thank you for reading. I have a brand new gaming PC with a 4080 supe7800x 3d ,and have been playing with absolutely no issues. wonderful performance, and temps are amazing with my current setup. However, after bringing my pc over to my dining room table to inspect a fan, I wanted to see a display while it was still there. The reason was I basically didnt want to shutdown the pc by full seven second reset, so wanted a display on to turn it off regularly. Before I brought my monitor over to do this,I had what seems now as a bad idea to bring my laptop over, connect the hdmi port to my gpu/pc and to my laptop to see if I could get a display that way. Once I realized immiedtaly that this didnt work, I finished with my monitor and re-set it up at my desk (carefully carried it over extremely delicately, didnt bump or move it aggressively in the SLIGHTEST). Now,my pc can barely be on for 2 minutes while doing basic tasks before it crashes. I solved the first one, which was it saying my graphics card was disabled in device manager as it wasnt working properly to it. I used DDU to reinstall the drivers. but it’s still doing it now. After looking into error code 043,it basically means there is a corrupted driver(s) somewhere in my computer. What should I do? I am tempted to do a hard reset/wipe on my pc,but I’m not sure. It seems I barely have enough time on my pc to look for something before it shuts down,so am at a loss for what to look for.
submitted by Uplandfriend987 to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:13 XTina2694 Get paid by shopping online

If you want to get rich without paying anything at all, use #SocialGood App!
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submitted by XTina2694 to Referral [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:13 aoidhri you know it will be a win when the whole squad is a radar

you know it will be a win when the whole squad is a radar submitted by aoidhri to ModernWarships [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:12 Bajan16 [USA-FL] [H] CaseLabs SMA8 [W] Cash/PayPal

Hello Everyone, I posted this case in watercooling already but I'm posting it here to give people a chance to pick it up. I have a good condition CaseLabs SMA8 case that I got as part of a PC that was gifted to me. The thing is huge and I have nowhere to store it so I'm looking to get rid of it even though they're so rare ;-;. I don't know too much about water cooling but it came with two radiators (one four fan and one three fan, they look to be custom for the case?) as well as an EK reservoir and a Bitspower pump. I'm also including all the screws and fittings. Most of the Bitspower fittings (save 4) have some sort of corrosion inside, but they should be salvageable (not including the price of the fittings in my asking price).
You can find my timestamp and other pics of the package here: Timestamp and other pics.
Looking for $1100 + Shipping. Willing to negotiate a little but not much. Not looking to sell anything separated.
-Bitspower D5 Vario Pump
-EK-RES X3 250
-CaseLabs SMA8
-one 3 fan radiator
-one 4 fan radiator
-assortment of various Bitspower fittings (for free)
If you want any of the other stuff from the PC not in this listing, just let me know. It had two water cooled 980 ti classifieds with EK GPU blocks and an EK CPU block as well.
submitted by Bajan16 to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:12 Djcnote If Taylor can get rid of ai porn she can get rid of inflated ticket prices

But she doesn’t
submitted by Djcnote to travisandtaylor [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:12 a_live_dog How did Marco sneak in as Martian relief?

I’m almost done with Nemesis Games and it was sooo good!! 10/10 would recommend.
However, I’m a little confused by one part of the story and am hoping someone can clarify it for me.
So near the middle of the book, when Alex and Bobbie are on the Martian PM’s transport ship, they are told that Martian military relief ships are coming to protect them, since most of the Martian fleet had pulled away to deal with the other enemy ships near Hungaria. Then, the “relief fleet” turns out to be the Pella and other Free Navy ships, which start firing on the Martian transport once they get close enough.
What I don’t understand is how Marco could have tricked them into thinking he was on a military relief ship. I understand the Pella and others were Martian military ships with Martian transponder codes, the Belter crew had practiced their communications in English instead of Belter Creole, etc.
But wouldn’t there be some kind of Martian ground control who would have been aware of all of their people currently in that area? Like if the PMs ship sent out a distress communication, wouldn’t the Martian military quickly contact ACTUAL Martian ships in the area to provide a relief fleet? Once Marco’s crew was on the way calling themselves “relief vessels” shouldn’t it have been immediately obvious to whoever is in charge of coordinating that even though those ships “looked Martian” they didn’t have any record of a fleet out there from their own military? Wouldn’t they have requested backup from real Martian ships that WERE nearby?
TL;DR I guess I just can’t figure out how everyone assumed Marco’s group were Martian defenses when nobody would have had them on the grid as a Martian fleet, if that makes sense. Especially considering what had just happened with Earth and the rocks, the Martians should have been extra careful.
submitted by a_live_dog to TheExpanse [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:12 aevitas1 Integrating my React chatbot into WordPress website

I thought this would be easier, but I'm having issues doing this.
We've build a new website for our client, we use WordPress with Bedrock/Sage (basically no plugins, we code everything so there's full control there).
I build a chatbot in React, using Node as a backend. Initially thought I could get away inserting it as an iFrame but this is causing me to use more hacks to get it to work properly than I'd like to. The chatbot goes fullscreen and there's a minimize button etc. Doesn't go well.
I've been trying to inject the build files into JavaScript for 2 hours now. Initially I dropped them into the project and tried it like that, didn't work. We are hosting the chatbot on a seperate domain, so then I tried to inject these files but nothing seems to happen. No console.log errors either, the div with id="root" just stays empty.
Does anyone have experience with this?
submitted by aevitas1 to Wordpress [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:11 DareToCuddle Agency wants to develop our website in webflow

We're a newly established law firm looking to get a website up and running. The agency we contacted said they're going to design in Figma and then develop in Webflow.
My only worry is that I looked up Webflow and I'm concerned that there are some problems we might face when dealing with a no-code/low-code tool for our website.
Am I paranoid or is there actually something wrong here?
submitted by DareToCuddle to webdev [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:11 ljjttl Please help.

Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 241262556
submitted by ljjttl to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:10 No-Salad-6083 Selling 2 ga tickets for La show Thursday

My cousins won't be able to come here from nyc because the flights expensive so l'm trynna get rid of both there tickets asap 408 for both (face value with tax) for both message me
submitted by No-Salad-6083 to u/No-Salad-6083 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:10 wisefruitsalad Would you buy a book with no reviews?

I can't get around the thought I had that getting the first review is crucial. Therefore getting some reviews as fast as possible is my goal.
I see four ways of doing this. 1) pay for an ARC service, 2) build an email list in advance, 3) pump a load of money into ads and hope that someone buys it, which is inefficient, and 4) give away the book for free to the first few readers.
But is this a false premise? Am I overthinking it, and will the first review come as naturally as the tenth or the twentieth?
submitted by wisefruitsalad to selfpublish [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:10 dphilion Help! 10 year old verbally abusive, threatening, explosive. Mom in the verge of a breakdown herself.

Help! 10 year old verbally abusive, threatening, and terrorizing. Mom on the verge of breakdown!
10 year old verbally abusive, explosive, has tics. Mom beside herself and on the verge on a nervous breakdown.
This isn't the typical "asking for a friend" post...I really am asking for a friend. A friend I know has a 10 year old daughter, 5 year old daughter and 17 year old step son. The two girls live together with my friend and het husband (the girls' dad) and the step son lives with his mom. This friend has expressed to me over time some of the things going on with her 10 year old and I am becoming increasingly worried about my friend's well-being dealing with all this as well as what could possibly be going on with her daughter. Her daughter CONSTANTLY tells my friend to f*** off or f*** you and is angry and threatening and demeaning from sun up to sun down. The minute my friend taps her to wake up in the morning she will say "get your hands off me" or "don't touch me" and my friend occasionally get a frustrated and teary eyed with these verbal beat downs and her daughter will say "oh you're gonna cry now mom?" In a snotty tone. She'll call my friend "stupid", "dumb", and has threatened to tell her teachers if my friend tries to spank or discipline her. Yet this little girl has been kicked out of school multiple times. Yes! Kicked out!! And the classroom has had to be cleared and the cops have had to be called more than once because of her behavior. She has told her mom she's "going to kill" her and will sometimes tell her mom "why don't you just kill me". Her daughter currently takes adderall for adhd and trazadone for sleep but has been on multiple other meds off and on with the same results. She has documented every incident the school has told her about and has given the school additional information about the situation at home. And she has given her daughter's psych medication provider all the information as well and left multiple voicemails when incidents come up to let the provider know and it is hardly ever addressed, even in the next appointment. I forgot to add that my friend has said her 10 year old daughter will get very impulsive and rough with the 5 year old daughter and she is worried she's going to actually hurt her.
I am a nurse and have a little experience in Psych and I am just appalled that this poor mother has been left to sink or swim by the school and the mental health providers. And yet, next, social services will be contacted and it will be the mother who gets the finger pointed at her or it already is because I'm sure most people just see this as a parenting issue ( which we all know means we deserve as parents to suffer for...NOT). This isn't just a parenting issue from what I can see and hear about. And this poor mom is going to absolutely snap if she doesn't get someone respond to her cries for help soon. I am so fed up with the mental health manifesto in America yet here we have a mom who has all the facts and evidence laid out and people just want to point the finger and say deal with it. As a result this mom is suffering a rapid mental health decline as well and so the cycle will continue.
I have interrogated thoroughly and observed and talked to others who know her even better and her husband is not adding to the problem or modeling any of the daughters behavior by being abusive but he is a war vet who watched his buddy get blown up in the seat next to him in Iraq and he's not much help with the situation either. She said he pretty much dissociates on his phone and tunes it all out. Occasionally he'll speak up and tell the daughter she is out of line but doesn't nothing to follow up or be consistent in earning her or monitoring her behavior to and around her mom.
I also thought of PANDAS but I don't know the full extent of whether or not this child has had a recent strep infection or a latent /hidden one but she does have tics that appear and disappear very suddenly sometimes like noises or shoulder shrugging and the way she uses profanity and blares it out unprovoked sometimes, one would think she has turrets as well.
My friend needs to advocate for her daughter and get some answers and she has. But it seems like no one is pointing her in any direction. I don't know if she's been fully transparent with how bad things are but she says she has. If that's true, why is no one listening and stepping in to help this mom and daughter. I want to advocate for this friend so she can advocate for her daughter but what resources/treatments do you think might help and what direction would you go first /next with something like this.
I'm afraid someone in this family is going to snap!
submitted by dphilion to FlightOrFight [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:10 Thewayneman88 Dead island 1 Unused Building Interior

Dead island 1 Unused Building Interior
This one’s a bit odd since idk very much about it but I can tell you what I do know, it’s a obvious earlier layout of the current building interiors that we know of now, there’s 2 versions In total here, a early version of the small tiny one and a early version of the 2nd story one, the devs when it came to this unused interiors, they just left in the game instead of fully deleting them, funny enough apart from the missing props n such they are fully coded with zombie spawns n loot, I’m gonna to note that it’s physically impossible to get to this interior legitimately, it’s way to high for the player and you’ll need noclip to access, I was too lazy to use noclip so I used the dev free cam lol, but anyways enjoy this nice tour, any questions just ask and to the hardcore dead island players see if you can spot the differences from this one and the final interiors
submitted by Thewayneman88 to deadisland [link] [comments]