Irony worksheet for middle school

IronicSigns: Reddit's treasure trove for ironic signs.

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2019.11.25 00:07 LongBoiCarson HelenaMiddleSchool

For the students of Helena Middle School! You can post anything that relates to Helena Middle School

2019.09.24 03:29 I_am_pinapple Frelinghuysen

unofficial subreddit for frelinghuysen middle school

2024.05.22 01:05 Busy_Marsupial4891 Should I Report?

I (19F) work as a before + after school counselor at an elementary school. It’s my first job ever, and I started last August. My supervisor (25M) has been very touchy with male students. (He is gay and single as well and acts this way with male students only).
He will play with their hair, tickle them, pick them up, sit them on his lap, lay down with them while playing with their hair, basically cuddling them. The children’s ages range from kindergarten (5) to fifth grade (10).
The student he says he has the most attachment to is a fifth grader (10M) that he met in third grade when he first moved to that site as a supervisor. He will actively seek that child to watch his grade activities during after care, he will call that child up to the sign-out and let the child use his (supervisor’s) own phone, while cuddling.
The parents of this child seem to be aware, from the interactions I’ve seen and heard, but they don’t seem concerned at all. This happens daily.
All of my past coworkers have not mentioned it at all. However, all the students know that that child is his favorite. A month ago, I got a new coworker (21F) who became like a friend to me. Today we were talking, and she brought up the topic of that fifth-grader. She told me how sketchy it seems as the supervisor will always be walking and hugging him. Not even five minutes later, our supervisor comes and sits down with us to chat with us. He mentions how sad he is that the fifth-grader is moving to middle school and leaving. He says on Friday he will be “attached by his side” and “crying, so pretend like he’s not the supervisor for the day.” My coworker and I look at each other. The supervisor then continues to say that he mentioned to the student if he doesn’t leave early tomorrow after graduation, he will buy the child ice cream and keep him in the front with him all afternoon. The mom then agreed and the child as well, according to the supervisor. Supervisor also said that he will pick up the child early from middle school just to hangout with him and take him for ice cream, or bring him back to the elementary school to stay with him.
Should I report this? It’s been happening all year, but this is the first time another coworker mentioned something.
Who do I report this to? The supervisor is friends with all the directors, and I’m scared of reporting, but nothing happens because I’m overreacting and then everyone knows I reported. The organization that we work for has STRICT rules on no hugging, touching, especially tickling or laying down with a student. The supervisor and I attended meetings together with that same topic.
What do I do??? Please help.
submitted by Busy_Marsupial4891 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:55 StudentDestiny Advice Needed: Teaching in ME & starting a family

Hello Everyone,
I am a long time lurker, first time poster. My husband and I are considering moving to the Middle East for me to teach for the 25-26 school year. We are located in a North African country- I am American and my husband is North African. I am teaching in an international school now and will have my masters in ELL and I am also adding secondary English Lit to my certification (I have a Pk-12 ELL cert and Literacy Specialist) while my husband has his bachelors in Computer Science and a masters in Business and Artificial Intelligence. My husband has worked as a software Engineer and currently works in business intelligence and data analytics, he speaks Arabic (both classical and local dialect), French, and fluent in English. We are both chill, lowkey folks who like a little luxury here and there, but essentially are both homebodies and looking for a place that will pay well but also a great place to start a family.
Our major worry is that he may not be able to find a job. We would love to move to a place where he would have the best shot of getting a job. We would love for him to stay in the tech field but he isn't oppose to teaching computer science at a school if that is possible for him. Can anyone offer any advice where would be a good location for us? We were thinking Oman as we heard that it is chill, family friendly, and the pay is good, but what are the odds of him getting a job? We also thought about Abu Dhabi or one of the chiller Emirates. We are not looking to get super rich lol, but want some saving potential so we can send some money home (we will eventually return back to North Africa to really settle down). Can anyone offer any advice about being a mixed nationality teaching couple in the ME, or insights to job market for the tech field in the ME AND/ or what I may need to look for when accepting a package with starting a family in mind? Or just general advice about starting a family as expats in the ME? He and I both come from humble backgrounds and the concept of having a nanny is strange to us, but we know we won't have a choice unless one of us stays home, plus we know that our kids childhoods will be drastically different from ours growing up (which still blows both our minds since we both come from small towns from our respective countries lol).
P.S. Saudi Arabia is not an option.
submitted by StudentDestiny to Internationalteachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:53 showersettings Should I ask her out? How do I ask her out?

I (17NB) have liked her (16NB), i'll give her the fake name Angela, since about October 2022, and we've known each other since middle school, mostly just as acquaintances until last year where we started to get closer and hang out more.
Because we have similar schedules and share 2 classes, we started getting lunch together every day in September, originally with a male friend but it changed to just us around January. We also started texting more then.
However, last summer, I found out that she liked someone else, and since then I've put the thought of asking her out or confessing away, until yesterday.
We were texting, and she promised to send me a photo of her earrings if i listened to a song. When she sent the photo, I don't know what came over me, I just started flirting. I'll paraphrase the conversation below.
A: (photo) it's kind of an ugly picture but i love them (the earrings)
Me: I should have just come to school
A: I know my beauty astounds
Me: also it's not an ugly photo i don't think you could do that
A: i look dead
Me: you're very photogenic
A: (basically called me a liar)
Me: i'd say it's a great photo
(replying to "i look dead" ) you would be a very cute zombie then
A: you're a sweet talker (my name) dear
(skipping a bit here)
A: Teach me your ways
Me: I'm just like this
A: I'm doomed
Me: keep walking around looking like that and you won't need it
A: Omg my heart can only take so much
I know the conversation is a little cringey but i don't know who else to ask!! She is queer and has dated women before. Should I just give it a shot? I'm nervous and I really don't want to mess it up, i'm also autistic and even though I usually mask very well it becomes very obvious in new or unexpected situations. I really like her. Help!! I'll probably delete this as soon as I get good answers. Do you think I should just go for it?
submitted by showersettings to actuallesbians [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:53 mrscandyrabbit To dorm or not to dorm

Hi. Incoming first year nursing student at UERM. We are in a dilemma whether to dorm at Bellagio or not. Bellagio lang po ang option namin kasi literal na tatawid ka lang. I live in Valenzuela. And I learned na hybrid pa rin modality sa UERM. Worth it ba to dorm kung hybrid naman? Or mag uwian Valenzuela to and fro UERM? For context, I have my own car but problem ko rin ang parking if ever. Naisip ko kung 2nd sem ako mag-dorm sa Bellagio, may available room pa kaya since middle of the school year na? Also, when I called CON they said na mas madalas na ang face to face come 2nd sem. Like 3x a week daw. I need your thoughts. 😌
submitted by mrscandyrabbit to CollegeAdmissionsPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:53 dradrado Is zero inhibiting cosmological understanding?

Is zero inhibiting cosmological understanding?
When theorising in astrophysics, and more specifically the beginning and expansion of the universe (the big bang), the phenomenon of black holes and the mysteries behind dark matter and dark energy, we mistakenly use the two concepts interchangeably, they being 1. The philosophical zero, ie nothingness, and 2. The mathematics concept of zero, ie summarily attaching the philosophical concept of zero, with a numerical designation because it greatly assists the functionality of mathematic in the paradigm of our observable reality. Also please bearing mind the the math concept of zero allows negative values, unlike the philosophy, and when discussing space time, there is no place for negative numbers. Now that said and made clear, I believe it impossible for us to attempt to explain the unimaginable, without separation and distinction of the two concepts when infinity is brought into the conversation. Infinity, like zero, is a philosophical concept not all that dissimilar to zero, it has a mathematical conceptual basis also, but unlike the philosophical zero ie nothingness, it is given a numerical designation that more accurately relates to it philosophically, even though it is not strictly a number and cannot he used in any tangible calculation, mathematics certainly allows for its philosophical manifestation into mathematical equations.
I see this as a huge conflict, especially as it the very essence of big bang theory ie from nothing came infinity at the moment of the big bang. We surely cannot hope to solve this puzzle if the universe if we are conceptually flawed at he very starting point. 0 and infinity therefore cannot be used together in any calculation because we haven't yet reconciled the two conceptually. How can we look at this differently? How can we navigate passed mathematical dogma a concepts our brains are not capable of truly understanding on a practical level?
These are very tough existential and philosophical problems. So rather than just critise the current order and point out what I see as conflicts, but offer no alternative, may I suggest at least a starting point for discussion and exploration which may be found in the area of fractal science/mathematics. And a good place to focus the beginning of any theoretical discourse, in my opinion would be the work of, amoung others, Mandelbrot and the set named after him, the Mandelbrot Set. I suggest this because it mathematically the most relevant area of a field and is largely avoided by the popular culture's interest in fractals which is largely forcused on aesthetical beauty, particularly popular with the psychedelic subculture which I believe has a place and time to be investigated as a part of the whole discussion, but maybe for now should not be a point of focus in fear of contaminating a sterile discussion with with larger philosophically arguments about what is reality, due to the psychedelic substance insights of those schools. To incorporate any talk of altered states of consciousness, may be counter productive at this time. Hence my Mandelbrot suggestion achieves the mathematical parameters I believe are the best for theoretical mathematical support and cancels out the annoying noise that the fractal science field makes due to its attractiveness to non mainstream pop culture.
The Mandelbrot set is intriguing, not only because of the almost mindblowing graphical capability of AI, for as the Mandelbrot set seen by AI and then visualised for us to see, is nothing short of unbelievably beautiful. It also has an ability to provoke inner hought and discourse without one knowing the subject, topic or reason for the quiet peaceful internal discourse it inspires. I mention this, not because it can directly be incorporated in the radical discussion, but experiencing the astonishlng complexity if its beauty and the way it continues infinitely (or rather as long as it continues to be observed) because if the very self contained nature of the Mandelbrot set. After all, the mandelbrit set is simply a set of numbers, that when placed in the equation, do not spiral out into infinity. The equation value is always >0 or <2. So what as I see as irony, as the set was designed to avoid infinity in a sense, what it actually does is provide us with the best possible conceptualisation, in practice and theory, of a model demonstrating infinity. Even more bizarre is that the technology had only recently become available to show us visually by AI graphing. I'm not sure without the visual stimulus, could we have seen how beautifully fractal science demonstrates its potential unravelling existential and theoretical mysteries. I believe it lends itself perfectly to my proposed theory.
I think so because infinity is difficult for the human mind to grasp, some may say impossible. What is even more difficult for our minds to grasp is infinity of reducted values. Basically, if infinity can exist in an expanding sense, then it is not a stretch of conceptualisation to think it can infinitely get smaller. This breaks no rules of science. Searching for the building block of the universe has been crusade of quantum physicists dating back to the creation of the scientific theory. Much money and effort has been spent in search for smaller and smaller still subatomic particles. What they do is fractal science in its purest form, yet like with the study of Theoretical Astrophysics, quantum science theory is its self hampered by the concept if zero as a number, in my opinion. Even doing the work of factually reducing matter, they are blinded to its possible futility, should fractal reduction does forever decend in to fractal infinity or -ve infinity. For if that is the case, maybe quantum theory is in fact mankind's first exploration, albeit unknowingly, into what may well be a black hole. That is for a later discussion but certainly worth bringing to the attention for the purposes of this discussion.
So if we can accept that -ve infinity is as equally viable and logical as +ve infinity, what room in this discussion is left for the inclusion of zero? 1/r = 1/0 = infinity is a useless equation in understanding black holes. To say 1/r approaches infinity as r becomes closer to 0, is a much better way of phrasing it. It is in essence exactly what I refer to +be and -ve infinity and immensely helpful in understanding black holes, there's no equation that mathematics can put forward it's anywhere near as helpful because mathematics has to use zero and by its own rules and attempt to explain a fractal infinity is undefined.
I believe this leaves no room for zero in the same conversation as infinity. I am not suggesting zero should be stricken from mathematics. However I am suggesting that mathematics use of zero may, invalidate is ongoing use as an effective tool for measurement and communication, when the subject is beyond our ability to comprehend. Few people will argue that our 6 senses are significantly lacking the capacity to comprehend cosmological dynamics. Mathematics nothing more than an application of our 6 senses, to make sense of the chaos occurring all around us. Over hundreds and thousands of years, this is the best we have been able to do in terms of calculation and accurate prediction of future occurances. Even the concept of zero is less than 1000 years old. The Romans saw no use in incorporating it into their model, and to this day we wonder at their and other ancient civilisations ability for astonishing accuracy in measurement and prediction. Look at all they, the Egyptians and others managed without using zero in a single calculation. We can also break this down out of our conscious paradigm into nature. Numbers do not exist in nature (that includes the universe). It begs the question of do numbers really exist? Are numbers no more than part of our delusional reality? Who knows, but one thing is for sure, zero certainly doesn't exist anywhere outside of our consciousness. Not even in our own very bodies. How bodies clearly hold a knowledge that hasn't seemed to be passed over to our conscious, aware selves. Even on the smallest scale, without any intervention or guidance from any sort of intelligence, within our cellular membranes. Complex calculations are constantly being carried out. Consider cellular replication for example. In order for a cell to divide successfully, there must be a correct allocation of resources, let's just say primarily energy distribution for the sake of brevity. To split a cell but calculate the energy necessary to simply cary put the force of splitting. It must also calculate how much energy needs to be transfered to the new cell. This calculation must include how much energy for it take to replicate all cellular matter, how much energy is required for both cells to recover from the trauma, and how much energy on top of that, the new cell will require to become mature and begin its own replication. There are multiple complex calculations to be made there, and they then must be combined in to an overall and more complicated calculation again. All of this is done without intelligence and without using numbers ie mathematics. This same process can be observed all the way back to the very first beginning of not just life, but biochemistry in general. So I hope this demonstrates that the universe doesn't exist numerically. There are no rules in the universe. We created rules for our sciences, because if we didn't follow them the sciences would fail at unacceptable percentage of predictions.
So we make rules to overcome the shortcomings while waiting for future technologies or fixes. Mathematics and sciences are little more than a carefully ordered tapestry of rules, with too many exeptions for too many rules. We create rules and ideas to assist the conteived & malfunctioning intangible thing to not have to go to all the trouble of finding something that works better. We are just littered with examples through every field. Like 'zero', or Pi, or "bimdas" (brackets, indicies, multiply, division, addition and subtraction. I find this a good example, for not following this exact order of calculations, a correct answer to equation will nev a result) and thousands of others.
No rules exist in nature, it appears to be that it just is, always will be and always has been.
So in summary, given our restrictions on trying to understand the universe, namely intelligence, our 6 limited senses, our arrogance and our mortality, should we narrow the pursuits our restrictions can make us comfortable with? Thisbwilk lead us nowhere. By abandoning zero as the only accepted scientific approach to the universe, and allowing science to have multiple validating throeries for what is the same problem. The scientific community abhors divergence from dogma and academics are held to ransom with funding or being published, if their ideas are not with acceptable parameters.
But for the sake of this conversation, can we discuss the merits of looking at the big bang without reference to nothing ie zero, but instead +ve and -ve infinity.
submitted by dradrado to ZeroOrInfinity [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:46 Frequent-Dentist-444 Am I the asshole for not wanting to be friends with one of my best friends anymore because she won’t leave her boyfriend?

I(20F) and my best friend (21F) have been friends for a long time, since high school. Her bf(20F) is a complete JERK to her. He has cheated on her, gaslighted and manipulated her and so much more. They have been together on and off for about 3-4 years. What’s funny is, I went to middle school with her bf and he was a huge asshole to everyone then as well. When my friend first showed me that she matched with him on tinder, I immediately told her that he’s an asshole and he’s toxic and that she shouldn’t get with him. She did it anyways.
Once they started seriously dating, her bf started being an asshole to me and being racist so I told my friend that I wasn’t willing to hang out with her, if he was around and of course she didn’t want to do anything without him so I unfortunately felt like I had to cut ties with her and I did. Fast forward a year or two, I realized I was missing my best friend and she missed me too so we became friends again. As soon as we started talking again she started telling me all about the shit he’d done to her while we weren’t friends. He cheated on her, she would go through his phone and see him getting at multiple girls(and getting no responses), he would be asking multiple girls to hang out with him and would ask if he could take them on dates. She also told me about all the very rude and disrespectful things he’s said to her! I immediately started telling her that she needs to leave him! She would always tell me she was going to leave but it never happened. There were a few times where she actually did leave him, but they got right back together the next day. Whenever she brings up his name, I tell her ALL THE TIME that she needs to leave him because he’s literally cheated on her several times but for some reason she believes that, just because he’s only texting girls and not meeting up with them, he’s not actually cheating.
Anyways, fast forward a year, she’s still with him and still dealing with the same sht with him, him cheating, texting other girls, and just being a btch overall. She messaged me one day, crying saying she went through his phone and he was cheating… again but this time, he was actually meeting up with the girl and basically having a whole relationship with her on the side. She also told me that she was breaking up with him for good. I comforted her as usual and told her she’d be okay and that she deserves better and the next day she was posting pictures of them together, captioning the post “I love you” again…
This made me very upset because 1. I’m tired of hearing about the drama. Everyday it’s something new with their relationship, always him cheating with someone new, saying something else very disrespectful to her, her going through his phone and finding crazy sht(he also has a prn addiction) and I always comfort her but I’m just tired of it. At this point it’s almost like she’s doing it to herself. 2. I am always the one that has to be there for her and tell her the same stuff I always do, “you can do better” “you don’t deserve this” “just leave him already he obviously doesn’t love you” i’ve told her everything. I’ve been hard on her, i’ve been nice, i’ve been mean. She just never gets it I guess and it’s very exhausting for me! Everyday I hear about this, it’s all we talk about now and it’s annoying
I just want to know if I’d be the asshole, for cutting her off again but for good this time. All of this is exhausting for me and it’s growing old. It’s been 4 years now and she’s been dealing with this for the ENTIRETY of their relationship. Literally 3 months into their relationship, he was texting other girls. She’s basically allowing this to happen to her and i’ve stood by her side this whole time but I don’t think I can anymore. She’s just making herself look stupid. She’s already lost her two other best friends over the same thing and I don’t want to be the bad guy for leaving also but I’m just so tired.
submitted by Frequent-Dentist-444 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:46 orange_oorangutan Books about Dyslexia

I am looking for novels featuring characters who have dyslexia.
One book I have read on the topic is 'Fish in a Tree' by Lynda Mullaly Hunt, which is geared towards middle school.
There are lots of books about dyslexia written for kids and for middle school, but at the moment I'm looking for something more oriented towards adults.
In particular, I am curious about how dyslexia impacts students at the high school and university level, and also what it's like being an adult with dyslexia.
Mostly looking for fiction, but non-fiction that reads like fiction would be great too (like a memoir). YA is also acceptable.
Any recommendations would be amazing!
Thank you!
submitted by orange_oorangutan to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:43 Icy_Presentation3616 Are my feelings legitimate?

Here is a situation that's been difficult for me for many years and I don't know if my feelings are justified. I'm confused and need opinions.
I (26)f, joined my father to another country when I was 14 yo. I didn't grow up with him and he was 0 present in my life before I moved with him, never called me to talk to me, ask how I was doing, etc. He only talked to mom and payed for my school. I grew up without feeling his presence and to be honest it didn't bother me as that's what I was used to. Then I moved with him when I was 14, alone just the two of us in another country. I discovered very quickly that he leaves the toilet dirty (pee and poo stains on the seat) so I can't sit to use the toilet before cleaning it. He doesnt clean after himself overall but the toilet is the biggest issue. I hated asking him to clean up because it's embarrassing but I still did it many times. He would answer by telling me what's the problem and I should just go ahead and clean it myself, he was very tired or was too sleepy to clean or he would simply ignore me. Mind you he was around 60 yo, so I told myself maybe it's the age. However he has no difficulty doing anything else, and when I insist he cleans he does so with no problem. So I think it's more like he doesn't bother to clean. It's been 12 years that I've been living with him and the problem remains. We have fought about it many many times, but nothing changes. Sometimes he would clean, most of the times he wouldn't bother. I however have not gotten used to cleaning his poop and pee, I hate it so much and everytime I do it I feel a part of me die. I usually clean the toilet at least twice a day. I feel so disrespected. Add to that that he hardly spoke to me during all this time together, doesn't ask me how I'm doing, didn't check on what I was doing or where I was going as a teenager, and whenever there was something that needed to be done I had to fight him to do it, I have to fight him just to get his attention. I felt so ignored and dismissed and still do. And I'm very resentful towards him, I didn't feel like he took care of me other than providing me with food and shelter (I'm not minimizing them and the effort it takes to provide them)and so I hate having to clean his crap when he is fully capable to do so, and hate being dismissed by being told you should just deal with it.
I have moved before but came back mainly because of rent as I was a student. Now I don't want to move out because he is getting old and i don't want to leave him alone. However I am very angry and resentful and I lose my shit everytime I walk into the toilet. Like when I need to use the toilet in the middle of the night, I have to clean it while being sleepy or I have to make sure I don't sit.
I don't know how long I can take living like this before cracking.
Am I crazy for feeling like this? Are my feelings justified or am I being a brat? What should I do? I don't know how to cope anymore
Edit: I once went on vacation for a couple of months to my home country and when I came back the bathroom was filthy. I was tired and looking forward to hop on the shower and go to bed, but I had to clean everything first, so I just stood there and cried.
submitted by Icy_Presentation3616 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:43 starsearcher49 Switching from Elementary to secondary

Can anyone share their experience with switching from elementary to secondary? I’ve been applying to secondary jobs since we moved and I thought it would be a great time to switch since I’m looking for work, but I’m not having any luck getting a call back for any of the middle school or high school jobs I’ve applied for!
submitted by starsearcher49 to schoolcounseling [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:40 ChaosNHamHam Repeat seventh grade?

Ugh I am heartbroken that I’m posting this, I’m hanging on by a freaking thread here.
My son is 13, seventh grade, he has (in order of diagnosis) ADHD, anxiety, type one diabetes, and celiac disease. All diagnosed before this school year.
Pretty much anything that could go wrong medically this year taking him out of school did and he ended the year with mono and failing.
If he is able to pass math and ELA over summer school he can move forward to 8th grade but his principal and apparently his teachers think he’s not ready.
So here I am, asking if anyone has any experience holding their child back at the middle school age.
Going to a different school is not an option, we only have one.
My husband is on board as he thinks our son is not as mature as his classmates, size wise he’s smaller and school is hard for him.
I am terrified. Son already struggles mentally and emotionally, friendships are hard for him and earlier this year he dealt with suicidal ideation.
I think this will destroy him and would be socially reprehensible, I know how the girl held back in my class was treated and that was the early 90s.
I’m hoping to hear from other parents who have held their child back, bonus if the kiddo was a teen.
Please help me, I am just barely hanging on and have no idea what to do.
My son has been dealt such a crap hand and I’m not sure how much more he or I can take.
submitted by ChaosNHamHam to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:38 Live_Earth1 So men are extremely problematic; What are actionable steps we can collectively take as a society to reduce this?

My youngest brother is starting middle school and I'm noticing his attitude and behaviour change for the worst. I dont want my own family members to grow into becoming abusers and creeps. I'm tired of this never ending gender imbalance bs. We need this to end.
So what exactly are the root causes? How should we intervene? What are some actionable steps we can collectively take together as a society to stop/reduce this as much as possible?
submitted by Live_Earth1 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:38 Drowning_Sorrow I’m not talking with my best friend.

Recently my school had its prom, which I went too, and so did my best friend (let’s call him Peter), and he went with his girlfriend (let’s call her Sarah). I only went with a bunch of my friends because I knew Peter would basically just spend the whole time with Sarah so I didn’t really care to hang out with him. Him and Sarah haven’t been dating long (just over a month now) but I never really liked her.
At prom I took a picture of them dancing and sent it to his sister, who I am also friends with, to make a joke that I figured she would find funny. However, Peter found out and got really upset at me, except I didn’t really know why, I was just making a joke that was unrelated to him or his girlfriend. I only found out why he was upset after another one of his friends had to explain that he thought I was trying to cause drama or get him in trouble, which I wouldn’t do. Him being upset at me crippled my mental health, and I had several panic attacks and depressive episodes during the rest of prom and the next day too. At first I was really sorry and apologetic, and I apologized to his sister because I knew he wouldn’t respond if he got a message from me anyways. However, he was incredibly rude and his girlfriend was awful too, telling me to “disrespectfully, f*ck off” (actual quote). He never tried to hear me out, and overreacted at this incident, and even created drama himself, which is ironic because that’s exactly why he was mad in the first place.
Since then I have been directly ignoring him and refusing to speak to him directly, because thats my best method for coping. I initially planned on ignoring him for a week so I could isolate myself and cool off because I got upset at him getting upset. This was until he sent his “apology” which basically just said that he was upset I was trying to create drama and he wouldn’t treat his friends like that (which he literally did to me) and that he would want to spend more time with Sarah than his other friends because he’s dating her, and would expect me to do the same (I’ve had a girlfriend before, and that isn’t how I acted, nor would I ever have acted like that to someone I considered my best friend). Because of this I prolonged my period of silence to an unforeseen date.
Other friends of mine are also not talking to them for various reasons. One is because of how fast he moved on from his last relationship, which was about a year and a half or so, another is because of how he ended that relationship and then tried to cover it up and play the victim when he was clearly in the wrong, and another is because Sarah used to bully them in middle school. Anyways, I feel bad about not talking to him but I also feel bad when I think about talking to him because I am afraid I might blow up and start yelling at him, and make it worse somehow. Am I in the wrong? What should I do?
Edit: Paragraphs
submitted by Drowning_Sorrow to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:38 Brief_Mycologist1225 Conquer Your Fears and Captivate Your Audience: Top Public Speaking Courses in Dubai

For many professionals, public speaking ranks high on the list of anxieties. Whether it's a boardroom presentation, a client pitch, or even a networking event, the prospect of standing in front of an audience can be nerve-wracking. But here's the good news: public speaking skills can be learned and honed.

In Dubai, the dynamic business hub of the Middle East, effective communication is paramount. Mastering public speaking empowers you to confidently deliver presentations, lead impactful meetings, and leave a lasting impression., your one-stop shop for all things professional development, is here to guide you. We've compiled a list of top public speaking courses in Dubai designed to help you conquer your anxieties, refine your delivery, and become a captivating communicator.

Finding the Perfect Course for You
Public speaking courses come in various formats and cater to different learning styles. Here are some factors to consider when making your choice:

Course format: Do you prefer instructor-led workshops with interactive exercises, online learning modules, or a combination of both?
Certification: Are you looking for a course that offers a recognized certificate upon completion?
Course duration: How much time can you commit to learning? Courses range from one-day intensives to multi-week programs.
Focus area: Do you need general public speaking skills, or are you looking for courses specifically on presentation design, storytelling, or managing stage fright?
Top Public Speaking Courses in Dubai
1. International School of Communication (ISOC) Dubai

ISOC Dubai offers a comprehensive public speaking course that equips you with the tools and techniques to confidently deliver presentations. The program emphasizes developing clear and concise communication, crafting engaging content, and mastering body language. Their interactive workshops provide ample opportunities for practice and feedback.

2. Pomegranate Institute

Pomegranate Institute's public speaking program focuses on both the technical aspects of delivery and overcoming nervousness. You'll learn strategies to structure your presentations, handle audience engagement, and project your voice effectively. The course also includes techniques for managing stage fright and building confidence.

3. Edoxi Training

Edoxi offers a public speaking course specifically designed for professionals. The program delves into effective presentation design, persuasive communication techniques, and strategies for handling Q&A sessions. They also emphasize the importance of audience analysis and tailoring your message for maximum impact.

4. Kevin Abdulrahman - Public Speaking Coach

Kevin Abdulrahman, a renowned motivational speaker and coach, offers personalized public speaking coaching programs. This is ideal for individuals seeking one-on-one guidance and a tailored approach to overcoming their specific challenges.

5. LISA HUGO - Public Speaking Coach

LISA HUGO, an entrepreneur and public speaking coach, provides a variety of online and in-person courses. Her programs cover a range of topics, from building confidence and overcoming stage fright to effective storytelling and presentation design.

Beyond the Classroom: Tips for Success

Enrolling in a public speaking course is a great first step, but the journey to becoming a confident communicator doesn't end there. Here are some additional tips to help you excel:

Practice regularly: The more you practice, the more comfortable you'll become speaking in front of an audience. Find opportunities to present at work meetings, join a Toastmasters club, or record yourself practicing at home.
Seek feedback: Ask trusted colleagues or friends to provide constructive feedback on your presentations. Pay attention to their suggestions and work on areas that need improvement.
Watch successful speakers: Observe how TED Talk presenters or other renowned speakers captivate their audience. Analyze their techniques and incorporate elements you find effective into your own style.
Focus on your message: Confidence comes from knowing your material well. Ensure your message is clear, concise, and engaging for your audience.
By investing in yourself through public speaking courses, coupled with consistent practice and dedication, you can transform your communication skills and become a compelling presenter. Remember, communication is a powerful tool; hone it effectively to achieve success in your professional and personal endeavors. empowers you to take charge of your professional development. Explore our vast range of resources and courses, including public speaking programs, designed to help you thrive in today's dynamic world.

submitted by Brief_Mycologist1225 to u/Brief_Mycologist1225 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:37 ButIAmYourDaughter Why does Gen X/Xennial keep getting associated with poverty?

I see this time and again. Usually someone younger will claim they’re Xennial or even Gen X because “I grew up poor” or “I lived in a rural town”.
When did we start associating generations/cohorts with our parents bank accounts?
Anyone else find this an unusual, even uneasy, way to mark generations? It leaves the impression that the primary deciding factor in what cohort you belong to is based largely on the material things your parents could or could not afford.
When it comes to tech, isn’t the greatest factor more about what was widely available and normalized on a macro level? For example, in the US we collectively grew up when the Oregon Trail remake game was super popular in elementary/middle schools. Even if someone our age lived in a school system that couldn’t afford Apple IIs, that doesn’t mean that those kids are suddenly not Xennials.
Likewise someone born well away from the Gen X cutoff doesn’t magically become Gen X because their mom couldn’t afford to buy a Nintendo, so they grew up with an old Atari. Why would this even matter, from a larger generational perspective?
It seems so much of this stuff is coming down to the affordability of “stuff” and that just seems…off to me.
submitted by ButIAmYourDaughter to Xennials [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:34 RastaYang Arizona flight schools

Hello everyone,
Posting this here to see if anyone can help steer me in the right direction.
I am in the middle of a career change and I really want to pursue aviation and more specifically being an airline pilot. I am in the Phoenix area and I’ve been looking at schools like ATP in Mesa or UND in Mesa as well because they are closer to me. But I also see how expensive they are. I think what entices me most about those two schools is they have a very accelerated program and I’d like to get everything as quickly as possible so I don’t have to much downtime in between making some money. My goal would be to get to CFI as quick as allowed to start making something while gaining hours. But I also see people post on how they were able to achieve everything at half the cost as the schools. I really don’t have anyone I know in aviation to borrow planes or anything, one friend who has gone through atp and had no real complaints. Money isn’t really the biggest issue but I don’t want to double my cost if it is achievable just as quickly a different way. Just looking for any tips / advice. Thank you.
submitted by RastaYang to flying [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:33 Decent_Path_442 Hi I'm not a dad. I'm a working mom dad stays home our son is in middle school it's not a lot of work our son is independent for the most part but I wanted to know how dad's really feel about being home with the kids?

submitted by Decent_Path_442 to StayAtHomeDaddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:33 Thin-Camp5063 My client’s products are not great

I accidentally got a job that ended up being heavily on the graphic design side (I applied for english and aimed at being just a concept sketch/paint artist, they were really interested in my personal work), which I’m not happy about it. I thought I might work it out, but I have trouble working with the product my client is making (imagine a coin made from amber with white, lineart ship in the middle, text on top and bottom, that’s it). They don’t provide me with good pictures and I just struggle. It’s probably due to my own abilities as well (I finished one year graphic design school, figured out I just like to draw or paint freely), they don’t seem to want to let me go, but I’m very dissatisfied and honestly there’s not many jobs to get. Feeling drained, just wondering how I can combat this.
submitted by Thin-Camp5063 to graphic_design [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:31 hipriestess56 [QCrit] Adult LitFit - TERMS OF SERVICE (95k words/1st attempt)

Hi all, longtime listener, first-time caller. Please see my query and first 300 below.
My biggest question is this: 95% of the story takes place in 2014, but the book opens in 2020 when my main character receives a letter from the California Dept of Fair Housing & Employment informing her of an investigation into behavior at Chatpic. Receiving the letter spurs her to tell the story of what happened back then. The book checks back into 2020 in the middle as my MC tries to get more information about the investigation, and then it ends back in 2020 again when she decides what she wants to do about the letter.
The reason the story takes place in 2014 is because the time period--pre #MeToo/Donald Trump/the workplace reckoning of 2020--informs the decisions the MC makes back then, and she's looking back at it from a wiser perspective. If you've read The Rachel Incident, Caroline O'Donoghue does a similar thing as she retells a 2008 abortion story from the perspective of present day.
In the end, the investigation is not a driving force of the plot--so my question is how important is it that it's mentioned in the query? I ask because I've found that trying to add that piece to what I've already written starts to get convoluted, though obviously I can work at it. I think it's very clear once you read the first 300, but for agents who don't want a sample, is it clear in the blurb that this story is looking back to a time gone by?
Mostly looking for insight on this question specifically, but if you have further feedback about the letter for first 300, open to that as well. Thanks!
Dear [Agent],
Thank you for the opportunity to submit my query for TERMS OF SERVICE, a true-ish fictional story about a young woman in a nearly impossible workplace a la UNCANNY VALLEY meets THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (with shades of 9 TO 5). TERMS OF SERVICE is complete at 95,000 words.
It’s 2014 and down-and-out celebrity blogger Maggie Clarke is desperate for a fresh start. Not only is she broke in New York City, but at 31, she thought she’d be writing something a little less embarrassing than Justin Bieber listicles by now. When her longtime internet friend Aron York–recently named the world’s youngest billionaire–offers her a lucrative position at his massively popular social media app Chatpic that puts her at the center of his inner circle in Los Angeles, it’s exactly the step-up she’s been waiting for. As Maggie learns to manage the always-on hours, the slew of acronyms, and the unlimited access to free cold brew, she encounters another more complicated problem–the boys’ club. Except this isn’t the typical ham-fisted sexism she’s used to–this is the tech bro variety: insidious, inexorable, and infuriating. When she meets an ambitious young reporter who encourages her to speak out, Maggie has a shot at revenge. But in a world before mansplaining and microaggressions, is blowing the whistle worth the risk? And is anyone ready to hear it?
Like Maggie, I was also plucked from internet obscurity by the world’s (then) youngest billionaire, [redacted], to come work at his massively popular social media app, [redacted company]. I was a founding member of the company’s content team, and all I have to show for it is six footnotes in the [redacted company] biography [redacted title] and the brutal feminist awakening that inspired me to write this manuscript. Before that, I was a full-time writer in New York whose work has appeared on MTV, Rolling Stone and Elle. Currently I’m a content and editorial consultant in Chicago, and I’m also on TikTok where 21,000 people watch me rant about work and office culture. (It’s also where 2M people enjoyed my show-and-tell video about the “sentimental” stock certificates [redacted company previously mentioned] gave a few early employees–that were worth exactly $0.00.)
As the agent who represents [Author 1] and [Author 2], you have a strong list when it comes to complex female characters embroiled in complicated social dynamics. TERMS OF SERVICE would be a great addition to this track because, while similar themes of class and workplace are explored, my flavor of levity and sarcasm makes my work distinct from [Author 1] and [Author 2], bringing a new facet to your program.
If you are interested in reading TERMS OF SERVICE, I would be happy to forward a sample of any length you suggest. Thank you for your consideration!
First 300:
Chapter 1
A lot of people might revel in the idea of receiving a letter announcing an investigation into their ex-employer.
One might, for example, envision draping themselves in a mink stole, lighting the cigarette at the end of their old-timey cigarette holder, and dialing the investigator’s number from a rotary phone atop a solid wood desk under shadowy, film noir lights. One might then imagine whispering I knew this day would come into the receiver between bursts of psychotic, hysterical laughter as they rejoiced in the long overdue arrival of the long arm of the law.
But me, I wasn’t so sure. Maybe because I didn’t have a mink stole.
No, I was crouched on the ground of my parents’ musky basement in Des Plaines, Illinois, knee-deep in piles of old diaries and CDs when I received notice of one such letter. It was month four of COVID, and Dad and I were only halfway through his cleaning list. He was already a germaphobe so a global pandemic was all he needed to justify a top-to-bottom disinfection of the entire house. And since my routine trip home in the middle of March turned into a hapless extended stay when the world shut down, it was the perfect excuse to put me to work. Just like the good old days.
We wiped down every square inch of the place. We soaked the faucet heads in lemon juice, we scrubbed the coffee mugs with baking soda. We vacuumed the damn fridge.
Reorganizing the basement shelves was a beast. Every box was like a Russian nesting doll of useless crap: old TV Guides, corroded double-A batteries, dried-out cans of paint primer, an unsettling number of hand saws. I made decent headway through the “tools” and “electronics,” but I lost all steam when I got to my high school stuff—faded Polaroids and folded-up notes stopped me in my tracks.
submitted by hipriestess56 to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:27 FiliaSecunda It seems like I wasn't made for friendship.

I grew up homeschooled, with four siblings in the house but I still spent every minute alone that I could get. Psychologically I might as well be an only child. My mom recently told me she used to think I didn't like her because I never wanted to spend time with her, or anyone. Now that I have a job I keep being surprised at what a drive my coworkers have to talk to each other while they work. But I was an obsessive reader, writer, and daydreamer as a kid - I felt like I got to know authors through their writing, I cried over friendships between fictional characters - and in hindsight I think I did have the same social urge other people have, but for some reason I tried to fulfill it in a distant and imaginary way through stories, while rejecting the real people all around me.
I've always thought people were made for love, but I'm getting so tired of leaving the house and interacting with them. I can see so much in them that would be incredibly lovable if I could just be invisible and observe them, like a reader observing characters in a book. But they talk to me and I have to figure out a response in real time, and with all the noise and my hearing problems and stress and tiredness (but I'm only 25 and single with no kids, so I don't know what real stress and tiredness are), I'm two steps away from shutting down. I wish I could just look at my basic job with tunnel-vision and get through the work day asleep. But it eats away at me when I know someone is working with me who wants to talk, when I know I'm not being receptive enough as a listener, when I know my silence is contagious and silence is miserable for most of the people at my workplace. I'm terrible to be around and once I thought so hard about this that I cried in front of people at work, thus making myself even more terrible to be around.
I recently started working with someone who's not a good worker, but was actually fun for me to talk to. She was goofy, smart, upfront about her life and had some things in common with me. I thought this was a potential friend and I came on too strong. Now I'm embarrassed, think maybe she doesn't actually want someone as lame and awkward as me to keep taking the initiative to talk to her, so I've stopped taking the initiative. I even failed completely to acknowledge her several times today (we're working in different areas now but passed each other by several times). But she's mentioned having no friends, she invited me to friend her on Facebook, maybe she will be perceiving this as a potential cool friendship ruined and wonder why I'm doing it, maybe I'm making her hate herself.
I don't want to have to go to work again and either face her or not face her tomorrow. There are several other coworker relationships that make me want to quit when I think about them. There are perfectly good people that I actually like and yet, without wanting to, I keep acting as though I dislike them.
If I hadn't been homeschooled I would have been through all this in middle school and might have a better idea how to handle it. But I spent too much time alone in a house doing nothing, and I want to go back to that. I want to be forgotten by everyone. I hate showing up at work and in society again and having to be forgiven for whatever fuckup I'll make today. I hate hurting people by being there. I hate the selfish worrying about what they think of me, but I can't stop. I really, really badly want people to like me, but they are so exhausting it makes me want to go live in a hut in the woods.
submitted by FiliaSecunda to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:27 orange_oorangutan Books about Dyslexia

I am looking for novels featuring characters who have dyslexia.
One book I have read on the topic is 'Fish in a Tree' by Lynda Mullaly Hunt, which is geared towards middle school.
There are lots of books about dyslexia written for kids and for middle school, but at the moment I'm looking for something more oriented towards adults.
In particular, I am curious about how dyslexia impacts students at the high school and university level, and also what it's like being an adult with dyslexia.
Mostly looking for fiction, but non-fiction that reads like fiction would be great too (like a memoir). YA is also acceptable.
Any recommendations would be amazing!
Thank you!
submitted by orange_oorangutan to booksuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:26 ting-tang-eddie AITAH for ruining our friend group after they ruined our lives

for a little context on this situation, it’s from middle school, so we are a bunch of teenagers. In 8th grade i became friends with 7 girls and guys. Before we were all friends we were so happy and loved life, then the drama started, everyone was dating another person in the group and it got out of hand when i liked someone in the group my other friend (also from the group) had dated. She was pissed and i was a bitch for it. It was never a thing tho bc i felt bad but... Girls from the group would 24/7 talk about how mental unstable they were, like how depressed and anxious they were. And im not saying it was fake or anything, i really tried to help but they would do it EVERYTIME i would speak to them. They would complain to their bf’s about how sad they were. It totally pissed me off, bc i never smiled around them anymore and then they would be mad at me for going off with people i actually liked to see. I finally told them to chill out but yet again they were mad at me. These people have made my year hell and i can’t just stop being friends bc i am so close with them but idk. And i kinda ruined the friend group after i yelled at 2 of the guys and stopped being friends with them and they blamed the other girls. Everyone is mad at me. Help.
did any of that even make sense?? (and when i mean ruined our lives i mean some wanted to kts and then really took a toll on me and some other ppl, they consumed our praise and kept needing more bc they were mentally sad and needed support) am i over reacting?
submitted by ting-tang-eddie to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:24 Strawbabyc Don't even know anymore

I have absolutely no idea what to do. I have nobody to rely on. I don't know what to do. I am 19f. My life is a complete shit show. I was bullied not only emotionally but physically throughout my childhood, primarily due to being neurodivergent, though I didn't know that at the time, just thought I was "weird" and nobody liked me despite being a kind kid. I was obsesssed with early childhood education, reading books by Maria Montessori and writing teaching philosophy statements at the age of 8. I was paralyzed for about a year at the age of 11 and suffered severe medical trauma in the hospital as well. I felt my autonomy was stripped away from me and various professionals there, looking back, were abusive and negligent. There in the hospital I remember wanting to die for the first time. When I got out, the bullying just got worse because now I had the whole being-in-a-wheelchair-thing going against me too. I ended up doing stupid shit to impress my peers and try to make friends, which just meant that I was constantly getting into trouble as a younger teen, which didn't help my mental health. I tried to kill myself at 13. My mom slapped me in the face while I was bleeding from my wrists and told me I was going to ruin her reputation and that I couldn't go to the hospital. I really needed stitches, I still have very visible scars from that day. She sewed holes in some long sleeved shirts for me to put my thumbs through to hide my arms at school and told me not to tell anyone. Things were never the same between me and my parents. I began at 14 seeking validation from adult men online. It was stupid and reckless, but it helped in the moment. I was kidnapped a week before I was supposed to start high school by a 33 year old man. He drove me to a different state 500 miles away, raped me, and tried to strangle me to death before police came. They treated me like a suspect and handcuffed me and made me sit in a cold car for 3 hours in the middle of the night. There was an amber alert sent out all over. I was put in a psych ward for about a week and then began 9th grade at a new school as "the girl from the amber alert" to everyone around me. Everyone was talking about it and asking for specifics and making jokes about what happened to me. It also made me a target for older boys who thought it was evidence that I was easy to manipulate. One of them ended up being the reason I had to leave school a month later. I did online school with my now emotionally abusive parents for several months before starting at a new school. But then, covid shut everything down again, and it was all taken away from me. My mental health was terrible and my parents opted for an unhelpful tough love approach. I became very hypersexual due to my trauma, which ended in me being assaulted more times than one. My parents blamed me and began to resent me, their words not mine. I entered a long term relationship at 16 with a boy I truly loved, we will call him K. K got me pregnant and I wanted to keep it, but my parents forced me to get an abortion with illegal drugs. It was traumatizing and I spiraled. A mentor figure who was a family friend betrayed me horribly. K got me pregnant again. I was on birth control, though everyone believes it was intentional, it was not. My parents said I could either get an abortion or leave home, so I moved out at 17. I got my shit together. For a while, things were good. I got an associates degree incredibly quickly and began a successful career in early childhood education as I had always dreamed. I worked my way up to a lead teacher at 18 and loved it. K and I were so happy. He proposed. The kind of true love most people never get to experience. Most of my peers drifted away during my pregnancy. I didn't care, I had K, my unborn baby, and my job. Then, while in labor, I found out K was cheating on me the entire time. I forgave him and we tried again, though I was postpartum and heartbroken. I stayed home with my newborn son while he worked, or so I thought. Really, he got fired or never went to every job I thought he had. He would drive there and turn his data off so his location was set there all day. He would stage pictures and talk about work. Really he was cheating, doing drugs, and playing video games while I was at home with our baby. His anger issues got worse and he'd get violent but not to the extent that I couldn't justify it to myself. His whole family knew. The cycle of him being caught and apologizing profusely and then doing it again went on for a while before he said that he needed to get out of his house where his cheater DV father was impeding his progress in getting better. I love him. It made sense, his dad was clearly where the behavior stemmed from. I left my housing program to get him out and we all 3 lived in hotels for a few months. I had to sell my body to afford a place for us to live. I was working full time as a lead teacher it just wasn't enough. He still couldn't keep a job but he wasn't lying or cheating. I got us a nice apartment all on my own. Things were good for a while. His anger issues would flair up at times but not as bad, and no lying or infidelity. We had so many heart to hearts. We got married. I did great at my job. He started doordashing for income. Things were going well. Then 6 months into our marriage, about 9 months after we moved out/7 months after we got our apartment, he sprung on me that he wanted a divorce. That was about 7 months ago now. We have been living together and I have been hoping to rebuild. In his vows, he swore so sincerely and in such great heartfelt detail to do better and be better and stand by me. And then he just through it all away. He has been so mean lately. Sometimes things are okay and it's like everything is the same. But he thinks I don't clean enough even though I try and he says I don't support him emotionally even though I really feel like I do. I also pay for everything, I even bought him an 800 dollar PC a couple months ago. I got really sick a month ago. Like vomiting 10+ times a day. I thought I had a stomach bug and didn't have money to go to the doctor over something so trivial that would clear up on its own. I made too much for medicaid but still not a lot. After only 4 days of being gone and feeling like shit, my work fired me. After another week or so of feeling sick and getting so weak I thought I was dying, I went to the hospital. They said all the vomiting had made me very dehydrated and I was lacking in a lot of vitamins. They gave me medicine and an IV. Turns out I'm pregnant and have HG. I'm pretty far along. At first K was supportive but now he acts like I'm trying to "trap" him with a baby, which doesn't even make sense. We were having unprotected sex and the only birth control was that I am breastfeeding, which he knew, so it isn't that crazy of an outcome. He has been so cruel and angry, saying terrible things. He threatens to leave when he gets mad so I beg him to stay because he knows I'd be all alone and I love him a lot. He has said some terribly cruel things and it's like every tiny thing I do wrong makes me the villain. Yesterday he blew up on me and it was scary and terrible. Today, I found out the few friends I thought I had hate me. One of them sent me the most cruel message I have ever received completely unprompted. I have no family support, no friends, my husband hates me, and everyone I've ever cared about except my son (who is different because he's too young to understand and he loves everyone and he is also a responsibility) wants nothing to do with me unless they are using me. I am so suicidal. I know a lot of people are suicidal but I am genuinely at a point where I am close to doing something I can't take back. But I can't because of my kids, both the 1 year old and the unborn one. And as much as I know I should be grateful for that, it feels so unfair. I've been having to do things I don't want to for money again. I have another great teaching job lined up but I don't start for at least a month. I feel like I should go to a hospital but I live in a state with a very high child removal rate even in cases of just mental health. I am a great mom, even though my husband and ex friends do not seem to agree. I can't risk having my fitness as a parent called into question over an unrelated mental health issue, especially since K's family and lots of people in my life would love the chance to lie about me to cps, and since I'm not employed right now, it doesn't look great. I don't know what to do. I feel so alone. I'm so so hurt. It feels like everything is falling apart. Not that long ago, I was a lead teacher, a wife, I felt like a respected and respectable person. Now I just feel like my train wreck of a life full of trauma has taunted me with this perfect picket fence life that I worked so hard for just to rip it away from me and leave me a useless unemployed incubator that everyone hates and is only holding on for her kids sake. The only people who talk to me or "care" just want to fuck me. Even the people interested in a relationship with me and seem like "good Christian men" are still driven by lust even if they disguise it to themselves. I have never felt so hopeless. I feel like I don't deserve this but everyone from my partner to my parents to my ex friends seem to think I do so maybe I'm just fooling myself.
submitted by Strawbabyc to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]