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Heck: Slightly Better Than Hell (TM)

2014.12.10 18:52 participating Heck: Slightly Better Than Hell (TM)

What if there was a milder version of Hell, called Heck? Full of eternal torments that aren't really terrible, just mild inconveniences. What would that be like?

2014.01.29 20:20 Anonymous_99 FreeGamesOnSteam

This is a subreddit for finding free Steam key giveaways!

2008.01.25 18:38 Art

This is a subreddit about art, where we are serious about art and artists, and discussing art in a mature, substantive way. *Read the rules* and observe other submissions before posting. Be on your best behavior and do not comment unless you have something meaningful and mature to say. We are strictly moderated and do not give out warnings.

2024.05.21 16:01 althinfos Shred Fat Fast: Can You Really Lose Weight in 30 Days?

Ever wondered, "How to lose weight in 30 days?" It's a common question with a tempting yet complex answer. While shedding massive amounts of weight quickly might sound appealing, it's crucial to understand healthy and sustainable weight loss practices. This blog post will explore realistic strategies to jumpstart your weight loss journey within 30 days and set you on the path to long-term success.
Setting Realistic Goals:
It's important to set achievable goals to avoid discouragement. Aiming to lose 1-2 pounds per week is a safe and sustainable approach recommended by health experts. This translates to a total of 4-8 pounds within 30 days, a fantastic kickstart to your weight loss journey!
Diet for Weight Loss:
Your diet plays a central role in weight loss. Focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods are packed with essential nutrients and fiber, keeping you feeling full for longer and reducing cravings. Lean protein sources like fish, chicken, or beans are also crucial for building muscle mass, which helps boost metabolism.
Reduce Processed Foods, Sugary Drinks, and Unhealthy Fats:
Processed foods are often loaded with unhealthy fats, added sugars, and sodium, all contributing to weight gain. Sugary drinks like soda and juice are high in empty calories and can sabotage your weight loss efforts. Similarly, unhealthy fats found in fried foods and processed meats can increase your risk of chronic diseases.
Increase Activity Level:
Exercise is another vital component of weight loss. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week. This doesn't have to be strenuous. Activities like brisk walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling are excellent choices. Even incorporating short bursts of activity throughout the day, like taking the stairs or doing jumping jacks during commercials, can make a difference.
Stay Hydrated:
Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is crucial for weight loss. Water keeps you feeling full, reduces calorie intake, and aids digestion. Aim for eight glasses of water daily or adjust based on your individual needs.
Prioritize Sleep:
Getting enough sleep is often overlooked when it comes to weight loss. When sleep-deprived, your body produces more ghrelin, a hunger hormone, and less leptin, a hormone that signals satiety. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night to regulate your hormones and support weight loss efforts.
Mindful Eating:
Mindful eating practices can significantly impact your weight loss journey. Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues. Eat slowly, savor your food, and avoid distractions while eating. This allows your body to register satiety signals and prevents overeating.
IV. Conclusion:
Losing weight in 30 days can be a fantastic kickstart to your weight loss journey. Remember, consistency and healthy habits are key to long-term success. Don't get discouraged if the scale doesn't move as quickly as you'd like – focus on progress, not perfection. By incorporating these strategies into your routine, you'll be well on your way to achieving your weight loss goals!
Looking for more in-depth articles on healthy weight loss strategies? Explore our blog for a wealth of information on how to lose weight in 30 days. Additionally, check out our product reviews for how to lose weight in 30 days to find tools and resources to support your goals!
submitted by althinfos to althealthinfos [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:01 TenTonTurd Sebenza vs Inkosi (opening/deployment)

TLDR: Is the opening on the Sebenza more free/smoother than the Inkosi.
Over the weekend I picked up my first CRK which was a tanto Inkosi with micarta and its a awesome knife. Unfortunately though I seem to have acquired the desire to buy another CRK but with the sheepsfoot blade this time and my wallet is not happy about it. I saw somewhere where someone said the Sebenza is a smoother more free opening due to how the pivot is done. Is that true? Because coming from a PM2 as one of my main carries prior to the Inkosi I do sometimes miss how effortless it was to open when I’m messing with the knife. When I bought my Inkosi they only had the small Sebenza in stock so I couldn’t get a real side by side comparison on how the 2 felt. The Inkosi just melted into my hand so I felt completely fine buying it without the proper comparison. Dont hate me, I know these knives aren’t meant to be a fidget toy but a lower resistance deployment without introducing blade play is something I am interested in even if it’s just a small improvement.
submitted by TenTonTurd to CRK [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:01 Cant_Touch_Me84 One year today...

D-day was exactly a year ago today. I knew it would be hard, but I'd hoped I wouldn't be feeling it to the same level... We have been together 6 years, he used porn from 6 months in, till just after our 5 year anniversary. The night before I found it, he had turned me down for sex and insisted I should stay up and play my video game (hogwarts legacy at the time) to unwind. Not unusual, as I sleep less than he does, but something didn't sit right. The next morning I unlocked his phone to see what time his alarms were going off, so I could plan my morning/day. It was still open on Internet history (video history) and had been recently cleared. If I hadn't then found the accidental screenshot, I probably would still be in the dark today...
He's been clean since D-day (as far as I'm aware) he does have blockers on his phone (and on our home internet), and I get daily reports of his activity, as well as being free to check his phone whenever, but that's not who I want to be. I CAN check, I rarely do. But anytime I have, it's been clean. Nothing suspicious on reports, nothing suspicious on the phone. So why do I still feel so unsafe?!? Part of me wishes I'd catch him again so I can just be done. Done with the anxiety, nausea and doubts. BUT I know that's unfair if he really is doing the work and hasn't looked in a year...
He's more attentive than he used to be, we have a better sex life; but I still get weird after sometimes, feeling like maybe I'm just the fill-in for porn, and that his "want" has nothing to do with me, and it's more "boredom" "stress relief" or something built up from women he's been ogling during the day.
Does this feeling lessen over time? I'm 90% sure it's paranoia rather than intuition, but I'm just such a bad judge of that these days. I believed him for so long that our disconnect was just due to stresses at work, family, friends etc. I was so naive for so long. I thought I was FINALLY in an honest loving relationship, and it's so hard being reminded that it was all as fake and shallow as my previous relationships. At least with them I KNEW it wasn't likely to end in marriage or anything. I feel so stupid every day of my life now. I just wish I'd not been so trusting.
He's listening to PBSE podcast regularly, journalling (though not as often as I'd like), and has been trying to get into therapy for 6 months, but they won't see him due to alcohol use. So he's been referred to sort that BEFORE they will even give him any other therapy. 2 assessments down, and 3 email chases later, we are still waiting for them to get back in touch. Why is it so hard!?!
Sorry for the long rant, I didn't realise I had so much to say. Any and all advice welcome. Neuro-spicy over here, so information may not be in the best order :/
submitted by Cant_Touch_Me84 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:01 setwocks ---> EASY SETUP FOR GRASS, GET STARTED HERE! <---

Easy Setup for Grass
Use this link to get signed up for free and get 5000 free points!
  1. Go to
  2. Click Download Grass and add it to your chrome/opera extensions
  3. Go to your extension list and click the Grass icon
  4. Click Register with email. If you don't have a referral code already, use: EGtkfZ4rCSBIo4m
  5. Once you've signed up and the app has connected, you can open the dashboard and see how many points you've farmed and you'll have a referral link in the bottom right you can copy and send to your friends and family.
That's it. As long as you have a browser tab open, you'll be earning grass points. Welcome to Grass!
submitted by setwocks to Grass_io [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:01 Responsible_Rub4516 9th Anniversary EZA Vegito/Buutenks

So as most of you know, global got MBS Vegito and Buutenks early compared to JP. They got the EZAs during their 9th anniversary celebration. So for Globals, I was thinking they will be replaced by someone else. I was originally think LR Int 17 (TU7) and LR Phy 17 and Frieza (to keep inline with all the Tournament of Power EZAs). Then I thought vegito and buutenks were random and unrelated to the TOP so maybe their replacements will be too. So here are my top choices...
  1. LR Teq Goku (Angel) & Vegeta (Angel) + LR Phy Janemba
  2. LR Int Android #17 (Team Universe 7) and LR Phy Golden Frieza (Angel) & Android #17
  3. LR Teq Super Saiyan Broly + UR Int Legendary Super Saiyan Broly
  4. LR Teq Jiren (Full Power) + UR Phy Frieza (Angel)
I think the top one is self explanatory. They mirror vegito and buutenks but actually fit the theme of the 9th anniversary and the leader skills perfectly (being Movie Heroes and Transformation Boost+Exploding Rage/Movie Bosses)
Second choice, as I said before, continues the LR TOP EZA trend.
The third is just me finding an excuse for them to finally awaken TEQ Broly. Units the oldest unit that is either a DFE or LR that doesn't have an EZA. The int broky would be a welcome addition as I think movie bosses would be broken with him on it.
The fourth option is similar to the 1st and 3rd choices where Jiren needs an EZA and shouldve got one when Toppo had his DFE on JP and he is also TOP. Frieza fits too but I couldn't give 2 shits about him. (I wouldn't even mind Teq Broly and Teq Jiren getting theirs EZAs together).
Anyways, enough of my late night thoughts. Let me know if these ideas are dumb or not. I think a poll would be cool to see. I actually want to know what people think about this topic.
submitted by Responsible_Rub4516 to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:01 megustcizer Finally got something out of a Bowman Blaster! $70 + shipping

Finally got something out of a Bowman Blaster! $70 + shipping
submitted by megustcizer to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:01 amincube Will it take them all? Or 20M only?

Will it take them all? Or 20M only? submitted by amincube to 8BallPool [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:00 Mountain-Patient2080 Looking for a second card rec’s , 19 college student

Current card: Petal 2 $900 limit, opened May 2023 (1.5% flat cash back) Fico score: Unsure Credit score: TransUnion 711, Equifax 726 Oldest account: 1 year 0 months Income: ≈$15,000 (&full time student) Biggest spending: Shopping, Gas, and Groceries Looking to build more credit, better cash back, and have a higher credit limit Was looking at SavorOne, QuickSilver, and Discover It
submitted by Mountain-Patient2080 to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:00 Fair-Maximum5231 Buahahaha

I mean season shop... Buahahaha
It takes me 3 months to collect 6 shards for any possible card. I got firecracker 2, skellys in 4, I thought about RG, but thank god I didn't convert my 4 months into what I am getting for 100 gems
submitted by Fair-Maximum5231 to ClashRoyale [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:00 honeyteabee_ Zepbound Savings Card + Amazon

Figured I'd share a bit of insight here.
After 2+ weeks of not being able to access the meds, I was finally able to get the 2.5 on Amazon (I'm on 5, but it has been more than 2 weeks since my last jab and 2.5 was available - 5 is still not).
I have my commercial insurance and the savings card on my Amazon file, because my insurance does not cover this. Yet, when I went to order - it made me pay the full amount minus the pitiful discount from the Prime 'meds your way'.
I spoke with a pharmacy CS agent and a supervisor, both of whom said there was nothing they could do and this was the price, and that the savings card was no longer accepted.... I even cancelled my order, followed instructions of various other subs here about removing/re-adding/etc. to no avail.
I bit the bullet, reset the order and paid full price (I'll try submit a request for reimbursement, but I'm not holding my breath). By morning, it had shipped (and thus I am stuck with that price).
Well, today I went on to delete my Savings card from amazon as it had an alert saying my insurance needed some updates. After deleting my savings card, it offered me the half price (550), as an automated process now, no saving card needed to be added to file.
So, learn from my mishap and try removing the savings card from your file when ordering, to see if that helps on Amazon.
submitted by honeyteabee_ to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:00 Shamone1958 mom cheating on dad.

i'm 20F my mom is in her late 40's ,my mom and dad are together.
I first caught her when i was 15 years old, i was young and a teenager back then and that really had a bad effect on me, IT SCREWED ME UP MENTALLY cause i never thought that my mom would do that, she was an angel to me.
i remember reading her texts and seeing that she was texting a family friend, they were talking dirty, calling each other on the phone etc, i remember that she secretly sent him a huge amount of money (my dad's money because he provides), and i remember him sending her a picture of his id card and stuff still don't know why.
i also remember them sexting a lot, her sending him some adult pictures of her (which made me go insane) and him sending her corn videos, that was soo disgusting .
at that age i knew that i was not mature enough to take the right decision, i was confused , and that's why i didn't tell my dad, but i told my brothers and they refused to believe me. one day i faced her about it and i cried begging her to stop texting that man and she told me she will stop.
my relationship with her changed a lot during that time, she started hating me a lot, and becoming more aggressive towards me.
then i took the decision to not give an f anymore, i thought maybe she will get bored at some point or realize that she's doing something wrong as a mom of 5 kids and if my dad founds out then i'll pretend that i knew nothing so i don't loose his trust as well.
5 years passed by and she is still in the same situation as before and even worse, i remember 2 years ago i checked her second phone(that i didn't know she had) and i saw that she had a fake profile on facebook and its full of dudes in her dms and weird ass groups i was like WHAT THE ACTUAL F* i was shocked then i put the phone away cuz i had enough.
Yesterday, a weird number called her and it was another man i pretended that nothing happened and that i didn't see her phone ringing.
it was yesterday when i realized that she's still going through the same pathway.
what should i do? i don't care about her life, if she's happy with those men then be it, i'm actually worried about my dad, he has abnormal anger issues. he will probably murder her if he founds out, and i'm worried about my reputation as a woman of such society, i don't do these stuff and i never had a boyfriend.
my question is :how can i put an end to this ? should i play dumb for the rest of my life til dad founds out and something bigger happens or just move on and move out ?
btw i come from a conservative 3rd world country, the things that my mom is doing are considered as very shameful and dangerous acts, especially as a woman it's risky here and she knows it. Even if my father murders her one day no one can do anything, men murder women here, yesterday our neighbor stabbed his wife to death, and all the blame was put on her, i'm really worried.
submitted by Shamone1958 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:00 Conan_The_Epic Move object with damaging modifier

Hi folks, looking for some advice on move object with the damaging modifier.
As written, you can use this modifier for damaging targets in grabs or making ranged strike attacks. If you use it to perform a ranged attack, does it still move the object?
Example: character with psychic powers uses a telekinetic punch on an enemy with move object rank 10 with damaging modifier. The intention is to hit the enemy, hurt them and knock them backwards. They roll to hit and succeed. The enemy then rolls toughness resistance against the damage. Does this then automatically apply the move object to the enemy, or do you need to roll a contested grab check and use the free action option to throw them?
Follow up question 1: if you apply the perception range and damaging modifiers to move object, you don't need to roll an attack check. Would this limit damage to match power level or would you still be able to do PL x2?
Follow up question 2: if you apply perception range modifier, do you need to roll a contested grab check to move enemies around, or does it auto succeed?
submitted by Conan_The_Epic to mutantsandmasterminds [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:00 say-yes-to-RSM Which one should I go for?

Which one should I go for?
So I will be finally entering a college and I need a gaming pc for some casual studies and gaming. Which one should suffice- The one with rtx 4070 or 4060?
submitted by say-yes-to-RSM to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:00 SeriousAsparagi Does your place feed you? If so how much food are you allowed to take with you?

I work at a casual Chinese restaurant, the food is a bit pricey, but the portions are pretty insane. We get 2 free meals of whatevers on the menu + 50% off anything else, but they don't really charge us for apps. We close really early, so I'll come in for a 3 hour shift during dinner service and leave with $70 worth of food.
Pay kinda sucks, weekends I can clear a pretty good amount, weekdays I'll usually leave with $30 in tips but the food has decreased my groceries to like $30 a week for two people, so it evens out.
submitted by SeriousAsparagi to KitchenConfidential [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:00 PDQit Power BI Desktop 2.129.905.0

Version 2.129.905.0 (Other Versions)
Vendor Microsoft
Category Development Tools
Architecture x86/64 bit
Package Release Date 2024-05-21
Power BI Desktop 2.129.905.0
*Past versions of packages require a current License, and others may require a current License or an upgrade to the latest version of PDQ Deploy.
This post is auto-generated and may not have the most up-to-date content. Something wrong with this post? Report it here.
submitted by PDQit to PDQDeploy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:59 Weird-Scarcity-8417 Am I (M36) Disrespecting myself in my relationship (M77)

I know, right off the bat, an age gap of this large, relationship is unusual.
We have been together a year and gotten into a hand-full of fights, but it's generally been really wonderful. The fights namely, are at times where I don't feel appreciated. I feel that he is very cheap (He has a 9 figure net worth) and I translate that into meaning, he does not care about me/ prioritize me. I think it's a love language thing. He will get upset about the lights being on, or having the water running on too high of pressure and that just feels psychotic and controlling to me.
On the other hand, he lets me live at his beach house with him rent free. We cuddle every night and he does a lot of wonderful charity work. It is just difficult for me to be objective when I feel so deeply for him.
Anyway, Sunday we got into it. We also have a roommate who lives in the basement and I told him I was feeling competitive with his roommate and it wasn't conducive to intimacy. He told me that, if he had to choose, he would choose his roommate over me because the roommate makes less demands on him. The roommate also cooks for him and sometimes acts life a wife.
That was my ah-ha moment and I left and went to my house. I have a house, I am not financially dependent on him, but it's about 45 miles away from him. And 45 miles away from my job, he lives very close to where I work. So I have been commuting.
The biggest reason I left was because I was not feeling loved/respected and I keep reading and hearing that, with some distance, a man will realize your worth. In the year together, I have never really given him the chance to miss me. I had to leave to focus on myself and it's been painful and difficult and I miss him so much. On the other hand, I know, I can't maintain a long term relationship if I am not the priority. He didn't get me a birthday gift, but he did take me out of town. (To his friends condo, that he stayed in for free) and I just wonder. Valentines day, he took me and the roommate for $2.50 tacos.
This is my first relationship, but the roommate thing is weird and difficult to get past. How can I move forward after he told me that he would choose his roommate over me? Am I devaluing myself by wanting to stay with him?
**TL;DR;** : I am in a relationship with a man who is much older and much more successful than myself and despite his extreme wealth, he has a roomate who cooks for him and acts life a wife. He gets upset over things like the lights being on and he told me that he would choose his roomate over me. Is there a way to get past this or am I in denial and in a relationship where I am not loved or appreciated? 
submitted by Weird-Scarcity-8417 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:59 nipponnumba_wan How is he not in the hall of fame?

How is he not in the hall of fame? submitted by nipponnumba_wan to baseball [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:59 Asurerain Community event concept : A Certain Community Pokémon League

Community event concept : A Certain Community Pokémon League
Here is an idea of a Community event I plan on hosting on this sub starting tomorrow:
This would go the same way as I have done in DeathBattleMatchups : here
To make it short : Everyday we will assign (most upvote comment) one or a group of Toaru character(s) to a Pokémon league position (Gym Leader, Elite 4 and League Champion) as well as giving them a Pokémon team specialized in their type like for example : Misaka Mikoto as a 5th Gym Leader specialized in Electric types :
Bellibolt for Gekota, Vikavolt for her Railgun, Alolan Raichu for how she can use electromagnetisme to move around, Shiny Palossand for her iron sand
This post is here to gather sub members' opinions on rules that should be applied to make this event more fun for most people. Rules would be for exemple :
  • Should official crossover characters be allowed ?
  • Should special pokemons be allowed (Legendary, Mythical, Ultra-Beast and Paradox) ?
  • Should the character's team composition be limited to their position (For Example : Should a 1st gym leader only have 2 pokemons or do we give them a full team like a league champion)
  • and so on...
I invite anyone interested in this event to give their opinion on what would make such event more interesting and fun for everyone.
Also here's the template I am going to use for this event so feel free to give suggestion about it too
submitted by Asurerain to toarumajutsunoindex [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:59 ventoreal_ Cash ISA now available

submitted by ventoreal_ to trading212 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:59 Soviet_mesurment The UAT is recruiting

The UAT is recruiting
Freedom, Unity, Liberty 'Freedom is not something that anybody can be given. Freedom is something people take, and people are as free as they want to be.' - James Baldwin
We ignite the flame of a new world, Comprising The Infantry, Air Force, And The Rangers, United To Establish A Secure Community And Aid The People Of Not Just Our Fair Republic But Appalachia As A Whole. Our Core Mission Is To Extend A Helping Hand To All In Need, Traversing The Vast Expanse Of West Virginia To Forge A Brighter Future.
Join us in our server where you can:
Defend our lands from hostile forces by enlisting in our Armed Forces
Or Contributing as a civilian in various roles.
Engage in politics and shape the future of our Republic through numerous political opportunities. With Elections For Mayors And Senators Being Held Every Month And Elections For Governors Every 2 Months
Enjoy a welcoming community atmosphere.
Participate in exciting missions and events.
Receive assistance with character leveling and builds.
Immerse yourself in roleplay scenarios.
Find solace and camaraderie with fellow members.
Tune in to our working radios for all your music needs.
Take part in gaming nights.
Join us on our journey towards a better tomorrow. [Here's A Link To Our Server.]"
submitted by Soviet_mesurment to Fallout76Factions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:59 NewCommunication4244 Need help in Django for Hackathon (JP morgan Code for Good)

I have very little Django development experience. I learned only from cs50w; I have no knowledge other than that. I have successfully cleared coding round and virtual interview round, now next round is hackathon, where different organizations around the world come and present their problem statement and we will be working on developing a solution in team (divided by JP morgan) in 24 hrs. We will be having only 1 day to develop the final solution. My aim is not going there just to show off my technical skills and get selected, but to develop a solution that is really helpful and meaning full to the organization, whether I will get select or not. I want to do something impactful. For that I need your help to know what to learn (if possible, from where to learn) now so that I can reach that level of development and not get short in skills in order to develop the solution. (I have only 2 months to go) Please!!!
submitted by NewCommunication4244 to django [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:59 Lefty_Longrifle Is anyone running these on their 2nd gen S model? I'd like to see what they'd look like.

Is anyone running these on their 2nd gen S model? I'd like to see what they'd look like. submitted by Lefty_Longrifle to NissanTitan [link] [comments]