Thank you letter for internship in medical office

Unsent Letters

2011.03.30 16:39 HotDinnerBatman Unsent Letters

A place for the letter you never sent.

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READ THE RULES BEFORE POSTING! // USMLE Step 1 is the first national board exam all United States medical students must take before graduating medical school.

2024.05.22 04:46 Lost_Every24 I ruined my introduction at first full-time job as fresh graduate; what should I do?

Hello everyone,
I started my first ever full-time job few days ago right after graduating from college. This is the field that I wanted to go, so I was very excited to join this company. Now, instead of feeling excited, I feel anxious and nervous, like it's my first day all over again but without the excitement. I feel like I don't belong here.
My introduction to colleagues, including some in upper positions, was really bad that I feel very discourage and don't know what to do. For example, I shook hands with people while I was sitting down. I do not know why I didn't stand up immediately, I still don't understand why I choose to sat down. Knowing that it's not the nicest behavior in professional manner, I feel like I didn't show genuine respect to the people I met. I also find myself repeating "nice to meet you" without following up with other conversation.
As you might guessed, I'm introvert who struggles with introductions and tends to stay quiet unless someone start small conversation with me. (but I do ask work-related questions, but not personal life). I'm worried my colleagues might think I'm anti-social, lack proper etiquette, or am incompetent.
I understand that my concern may sound trivial, but this is my first ever full-time job in the office, and I felt very overwhelmed... I don't know where to ask for help regarding this and feel out of place bc I was supposed to learn social skills in college. I thought I had good-enough social skills from college, part-time jobs, and career fairs. I guess I did not.
Knowing I made a bad first impression and failed to communicate effectively, what can I do to improve my social etiquette? How can I stop reacting oddly when I'm nervous or overwhelmed? If anyone has struggled with a similar problem, how did you overcome it?
Thank you
submitted by Lost_Every24 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:46 b_u_t_t_e_r_cup Stuck with what to do after high school!

I am a grade 11 student in AB and was thinking of studying something biology/STEM related in uni, then go on to medical school. Maybe become a psychiatrist or researcher? I have decent grades in math, science, and language classes (88%-96%), however I am horrible at social studies and usually end up in the 60s. Will that heavily affect my chances of getting into a more renowned university in Canada? I am planning on applying to the U of A, but would much rather go out of province to BC (UBC, UVic, potentially SFU) or even Ontario (McMaster, Waterloo, etc).
Also, I am aware there are students with much higher grades + more experiences than me, so I am wondering if med is even a realistic goal for me. Should I lower my hopes and just pursue an “easier” career?
Another dilemma: Medicine has been drilled into my brain ever since I was in elementary school. At this point, I'm not even sure if that's what I really want or if I am just trying to make my parents happy. How do you decide what you want to study in post-secondary and what to pursue after you're done with all your education? Plus, choosing something smart that has enough job opportunities/earns enough money?
It all just seems super stressful and scary right now. Any advice regarding anything aforementioned would be incredibly helpful, thank you!
submitted by b_u_t_t_e_r_cup to CanadaUniversities [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:45 variegated_intuition First offense DUI in Ohio

Hi, just looking for some advice on what to expect here. Or to hear experiences from people who had a similar situation.
I’m 30 years old and have zero record. I never once have even been pulled over, and never faulted for an accident. Last Friday I was stopped (Clermont county) for speeding around 2:40am, 78 in a 65. The officer immediately said he smelled marijuana and asked me to step out of the car. He never asked to search my car, or found any marijuana. Because I have back issues and see a chiropractor weekly for sciatica I refused to walk a straight line or stand on one leg. When the officer said he smelled alcohol I informed him I was on my way home from a hookup where I performed oral sex and used an antiseptic mouth rinse right before leaving. I was arrested and taken to the station where I refused a breathalyzer, stating I was worried of the effects of the mouthwash since he said he could smell it. By this point it had already been established I have a severe anxiety disorder for which I take medication daily and was on the verge of a panic attack. Honestly looking back I wish I had blown, but I was so anxious, especially never having had any sort of contact like this with police. I just sort of shut down. After the officer finished his paperwork he even gave me a ride home.
I have an arraignment in 3 days. I can not afford an attorney. I make about $30k a year, but after rent/bills I basically live hand to mouth. I don’t know if I make too much for a public defender. As of right now my license is suspended for a year because I refused to blow. What do I expect at the arraignment? Do I just go plead not guilty, and then the court will start the process of assigning an attorney? Any chance this could be dropped since there’s very little proof (aside from the officer saying there was an odor and my eyes were watery and bloodshot- at this point I had been awake nearly 20 hours)? What about privileges to drive to work? Is that something that can be discussed Friday, or do you have to wait a certain amount of time? Really any info is welcome. I have all the questions 😞
submitted by variegated_intuition to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:43 lkirk1387 Guinea pig ultrasound

Hi there. Thank you on advance for any information you may have.
Species: guinea pig Age: roughly three Sex: female not spayed Breed: american Body weight: 900 grams History: blood found in cage with no open wounds. Vocalizing while urinating/passing stool. Taken to the vet PCV showed signs of slight anemia. Blood work was unremarkable. Very small amount of urine was taken and looks at under the microscope and was said to be fine. Xray showed no stones. Was told needed a spay scheduled surgery. Had an ultrasound today prior to surgery and bladder wall thickened. Was told surgery was not needed as it's bladder cancer and medication management is all we can do. Ultrasound shown to us. No turner present. New PCV has gone up well into normal range. We have noticed no other blood. Urine was never sent to IDEXX for an analysis. Guinea pig came back after ultrasound and wasn't shaved for the ultrasound. Trying to figure out if the ultrasound on an unshaved animal is good and if bladder cancer is common. Clinical signs: blood and wheeling while bathroom-ing Duration: around a week now General location: ohio
I hope someone can share any knowledge. We are struggling as this and a fee things are adding up.
submitted by lkirk1387 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:42 GeoGuy27 2 outta 13 ain’t so bad.

2 outta 13 ain’t so bad.
Filed 1/3/24, 13 Direct SC Claims, 2 Approved, 3 Deferred, rest denied.
First time filing a claim, it's been a couple years since I got out. Had no idea that as a Guardsman I could even apply for VA benefits, even though I had a deployment to the ME.
l used a local VA Rep in my state, and I actually thought I was just there to file an ITF. But a few days later I was checking my Gl Bill on the VA site and noticed that I had a bonafide claim in progress. Found out she signed me up for VA Health Care as well, which to be honest has been one of the single most best benefits from having served!
Received my decision letter today, and while it's certinaly not a home-run, I'll take what I can get! I've got a couple gripes about some of the decisions, but I'm really not sure the process to "fight" them, or if it's even worth the risk. I've heard that opens me up to a full review and can put my existing rating at risk.
I have no records whatsoever in my STR of any of the musculoskeletal issues, except for "Pes Planus" being written on my MEPS physical, but I made sure to write a Lay Statement for each one to explain that I was on flight duty, and was afraid to be pulled off if I went to medical. Not sure I can really fight any of those, or what steps I would even take to do so. I didn't even get an exam for any of them.
Sinusitis, l've never been treated for it, but my VSO said to make sure I claim both Sinusitis and Rhinitis incase the examiner said my Rhinitis was actually Sinusitis. My C&P was for both of them and migraines.
My migraines however are the one that really irks me. When I went to my exam the Dr was disinterested in anything I had to say, would not look at my migraine log, and only copied down what I wrote on the QTC Questionnaire. He told me that my diagnosis was not "current". Because I had not been seen by a provider for it for a couple years, and that I did not fill any prescriptions for my migraine meds either. I told him it was because my insurance did not cover it. (This was about 2 weeks before my first VHA appointment, and my PCP has since resolved this and gave me a 90 day supply for a whopping $36 which I am so incredibly grateful for!
It's so nice to take my meds when I feel a migraine comming on vs trying to tough it out with excedrine and see how bad it gets before I dig into my dwindling supply of rescue meds!!
Anyway, I'm not sure if I should go the supplemental route with this and include new records from my VA doc. Or if it's a better option to try the secondary route and connect to my SC Tinnitus?
Should I wait for the decision on the 3 deferred claims to come back before I attempt to dispute any of these?
And of course I know you can't offer any advice without the letter so l've attached it below!
submitted by GeoGuy27 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:41 Fit_Benefit2865 Why would my therpaist terminate in this way?

I recently experienced a really painful experience with termination and am still struggling to understand why my therapist (a psychologist) would terminate in this way.
I will try and keep the story as brief as possible (although it is going to be long) and obviously this is only my side of it.
I have been seeing this therapist for almost a year. They are my first one. I am male. They are female. She is slightly younger than me.
I initially went there to discuss my relationship problems. It was one of those scenarios where I wanted to do couples therapy with my wife but she refused and ultimately I said OK Iwill go alone.
I would be lying if I said I did not form a deep attachment to her but this attachment was never in a way which was sexual or where I desired her to be part of my life outside of her office. And this is being 100% honest with myself.
I have been a very closed off person including to my wife and whatever reason my ability to try and open up to my therapist was an extremely new experience for me and resulted in this attachment which I have discussed with her.
Our communication outside of sessions would be an email or two from me a week mainly to jot my thoughts down about what I would like to discuss with her in session.
My continued attendance with her became a problem for my wife in that she thought it was a form of emotional cheating. All of this was relayed to my therapist. I am not after any commentary about whether my wife is wrong or right to feel this way - it is what it is.
My final session with my therapist, from my perspective went somewhat along these lines:
1.) We discussed an ultimatum my wife had given me essentially regarding termination of therapy or the end of our marriage
2.) We discussed this in the context of my wife setting a boundary and whether I could seek therapy elsewhere
3.) I discussed that I did not wish to do this process again (therapy) with anybody else and I wouldn't be doing that
4.) What we didn't discuss was whether I actually wanted to terminate therapy. I never once communicated that I wanted to or that I was going to terminate with her
5.) I would describe whathappened next is that she manipulated the conversation into a termination as though it was being guided by me but she was essentially putting words in my mouth, cancelling our further sessions and pushing me out the door, early.
6.) I was so overwhelmed by what I perceived her to be doing that I essentially shut down, unable to communicate that I could see what she was doing and that I did not agree to terminate. I was getting more and more hurt and angry every second I was in the room. I beleive she was acutley aware of this.
7.) I felt that the session was highly manipulative on her part - in that I truly believe she used her power over me and skills to make it seem like I was terminating when it was in fact her.
I eventually got the courage to call her out on this behaviour as feedback via an email.
I eventually got a reply as follows:
Hi X

Firstly, I appreciate the honesty and feedback. Thank you for expressing it. It was never my intention to make you feel unwelcome in my office, or as though you could not continue to receive treatment from me. My intention is always to help my clients and provide them the support they need to grow.
However, it is my professional responsibility to you to assess the impacts of treatment from our sessions. After the discussion we had regarding me as your therapist in the first half of our session on Thursday, it became apparent that my appointment as your therapist has become a maintaining factor to reaching positive therapy outcomes which you seek. I understand the magnitude of this but truely believe you are capable of meaningful engagement and continued progress whether it is here or at another clinic based on how far you have developed since our first session.
Kind regards,
My reply was as follows:

Hi Therapist
I really do appreciate your reply.
I guess from my perspective we should have had that conversation. As I said in my prior email I would have listened to you and respected that. I don’t know why you felt that we could not or should not have that conversation. Instead, I walked away feeling the way I did. I actually felt really manipulated.
I do really thank you for your honesty with me today and can honestly tell you that it actually helps me a lot to understand and give me closure.
I have not received any further reply.
I essentially take her email as an admission of what she did (the final paragraph). I just don't understand why she would not have discussed this with me. This is the whole point of therapy!! Open and honest communication..
Regarding her comments, I actually would agree with her... I take her last paragraph to mean either of the following:
1.) I went to her originally trying to better my relationship with my wife and ultimately that seems to have failed and the process while perhaps being beneficial to me overall has created a greater wedge between my wife and myself; or / and
2.) The connection I have formed with her is working as a road block to me wanting to open up more to my wife
Both of these things are probably true and I take no issue with this - I just don't understand why she would not have this conversation with me and ultimately left me feeling really manipulated.
I am wondering from a therapist perspective how and why this could have happened this way??
submitted by Fit_Benefit2865 to therapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:40 LoudounCountySummary 05-20-2024 Loudoun Education Alliance of Families (LEAF) Committee Meeting - AI Generated Summary

This summary was generated by an AI LLM from autogenerated meeting captions. As such, this output may contain factual errors.

Conclusions Reached

Detailed Summary

00:00:00 - 00:16:00

00:16:00 - 00:28:00

00:28:00 - 00:52:00

00:52:00 - 01:00:00

submitted by LoudounCountySummary to LoudounCountySummary [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:39 TerranOrDie Well, I keep getting fucked around for tenure, and I've about had it.

I am in my 3rd year and up for tenure in my district, as are all 3rd year teachers. I have posted about this in the past, but basically we had a long a brutal union contract fight that the union ultimately won but now the district is cutting staff to pay for the new contract. As a result, my position was eliminated. Not going to lie, I was pretty bummed about it. I was on medical leave when I found out, and I think this is why I was cut. I was also the union rep for the department and went to all the picket lines, meetings, and got people involved and this was my reward. I thought I was done for.
However, another teacher in our department is going on leave next year, so they told me I could potentially take over for her, but I had to interview for it. I found this beyond humiliating, as I was subjected to what was an interview for a prospective employee by my colleagues and direct supervisor. I swallowed my pride but I'm still resentful of it.
I met with my principal and he was quite nice, and he explained that due to the budget cuts from the district office all they could offer me was the LTS but my time would still count towards tenure when a position opened up.
A couple of weeks ago, a long time teacher in our department announced his retirement. I was optimistic because I knew this could mean that I could get out of the LTS hell I've been stuck in and finally get some job security. I emailed my direct supervisor and he sets up a meeting during my prep hour. He basically says "let's make this quick so you can get back to prep, but we have an internal transfer so someone else will be taking that job."
So here I am, watching my colleagues who all have tenure get their salary bumps that I helped work for and I get punished for it. I get fired, forced to reinterview, get rehired, dangled tenure, then get the rug ripped out from under me again.
I'm going to say nothing at work, look for a new job, and then hopefully quit. It's clear to me that this administration doesn't value or respect me whatsoever, and has no intention of keeping me around. I also feel used and kicked by the union, even if it's unintentional. I worked for the union contract and lost my job, and then right when I am about to seize tenure and my career goal, some other more senior teacher from another school takes it away.
I'm so miserable and I feel humiliated and stupid. To make it even worse, we have an office where teachers work when not in class due to space issues, and this new teacher who stole my tenure will sit right across from me and teach one of my preps, so will likely want to collaborate/steal my work. If I can leave, I will. My pride is so damaged I can barely drag myself to work. Ugh. This fuckin job.
submitted by TerranOrDie to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:39 Educational_Role_135 Dad passed unexpectedly

I (24) called for a welfare check on my dad (56). I did so after fighting myself because I was so convinced he was fine. A few hours later I got the call from the sergeant telling me they entered in the back and found him passed away. It still doesn’t feel real and I hope it never does because the waves where it does makes me want to vomit. When the sergeant called I asked if he was found on the floor to try and get some better understanding on what occurred. He said no- he is sitting upright on the couch, with a vitamin water and the tv remote and tv on right next to him. He said he looks like he peacefully was just watching tv. Im finding comfort in this.
I had spoken to him early that morning. He sounded great, really happy. Told me that day that he was feeling spiritual after undergoing a medically supervised ketamine treatment the day prior. Said it made him realize how small he is compared to everything. He was never a spiritual man so I’m finding comfort in this.
He spoke with my brother a few hours after, and my grandma at 4:59. He told her he’d contact her in an hour to check her into her flight- but never did. We have ring video footage of him opening the door for a handy man to inspect the kitchen at 4:30 and walking him out at 4:40. He looked perfectly normal. My grandma texted me telling me she had a bad feeling after not hearing back from him about the flight. This was at 5:40. I called 500 times. Texted numerous times. No answer.
He was living with my grandmother. She went on vacation and he was staying alone for a few days. Everything was fine. We spoke multiple times that week and he sounded great. He has always had severe back pain and was supposed to be getting a full spinal fusion in a few weeks. He definitely has always had a lot of health things going on, but was being cleared for an intensive surgery so I can’t imagine anything being noticeabley wrong with his heart or anything. And in the grand scheme of my life, this was the best I had seen him in years.
Im trying to help make sense of this. Im trying to assure myself that it was quick and as peaceful as anyone could pass. My grandma has life alerts all over the house- surely he would’ve used them if he thought he needed to. His phone was with him. Surely he would’ve called someone if he needed to. I just need to know that it was quick. If there was any way to pass, the comfort of his childhood home with so many great family memories would be one of the better places I could think of. I’m trying to find comfort in this.
He flew out a few weeks prior to spend time with all of us. What a blessing that time was with him. I wish I cherished every minute more but I know that’s my grief speaking. He always joked about how he doesn’t want a funeral, he wants a party to celebrate him. He wouldn’t want any of us sad and would want us all to tell stories to remember the good times. I’m trying to remind myself of this and do it to honor him. He was doing so good and was so optimistic about life. I think that’s what’s making me so sad. But I guess it’s good that he got to be really happy leading up to it. And he was in a lot of pain with his back. A lot more than he ever allowed anyone to believe. So I’m finding comfort in believing he is in a better place where pain isn’t a thing.
If you read this, thank you for listening to me vent. It helps to speak about him.
submitted by Educational_Role_135 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:38 Even-Midnight6846 Am I too late to go back to college at 25?

Hi I’m 25 and for context I currently live in Maryland for 7 months now and have made no progress in my life here at all, I am debating going back to college for a medical career which is so funny for me to even think because I went to college for nursing and didn’t finish to become an esthetician and because of covid I left that field as well and haven’t been back until literally 2 weeks ago when I got a job to do lash extensions and have been disappointed since.
I honestly never thought that I wouldn’t be the person to not go to college and I think that because I got a license as an esthetician I didn’t really process how I really didn’t go to college I did a vocational education basically and lost my job because of covid and was so depressed about it I didn’t go back to it which was useless.
I still had hopes of becoming an esthetician again when I got this job as a lash tech to realize I have been out of the game in a long time and definitely draining on my body specially all the back pain, all that for not much reward since the other techs have told me that honestly they get paid very little specially when I told them where I used to live some lash techs could make up to 1,200-1,400 a week and here they were making half that I felt more discouraged because I already felt this wasn’t what I wanted to do anymore for a career.
I got desperate recently since the past couple of months I’ve been walking on a tight rope verging being fully broke every month and feeling like a bag of waste and that I wasted so much time of my life in a delusion that I was okay and in fact I am not which brought me to 2 hours ago scrolling career paths online and I found a posting for travel health agencies and the pay definitely caught my attention first but also the position, to think if I have continued my college degree and had been a nurse I could be in a different place that I am right now.
But not to dwell in the what if’s that I cannot change since I don’t currently life in a Si-fi movie with a best friend scientist that will create a time machine for me, I want good advice on what are my options and realistically what would be most beneficial for my future.
The path I was thinking of choosing is not very clear but I was very interested in some of the positions in the traveling agency’s I saw and looked into and some of them where physical therapy, Cath tech, and a CT technician where the only ones I had enough time to do research on but there seemed to be several others but they all still mean going back to school for probably at least 4 years.
I guess my biggest worry is not really going back to school but the financial, I currently tip toe the lines of having a 0 balance in by bank every month and some credit card debt that I used to pay for the vocational school (about 5k, I feel like when I say cc debt some people always think it’s over 10k so maybe not that bad), but I’m scared of doing school and working, rent, car, insurance, I already try to work a lot now even babysitting on my off time to make sure I’m always bringing some money in every day and I’m just scared of making a mistake and it costing me what I already don’t have.
I also don’t know if this is important but a reason that kept me from going back to school before is that I am married we are separated but not yet divorced and I couldn’t get financial aid anymore since I basically made too much money bc he was on the tax return.
That’s honestly all the information I could think of right now but can always say more for clarity and I’m just hoping for some guidance or advice on what to do, since I’m literally writing this after having a small mental breakdown and considering being a sugar baby (although I’m not sexy enough of that the idea went away really quickly lol). Any advice is greatly appreciated, thank you.
submitted by Even-Midnight6846 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:36 FearlessBarnacle3491 My bf is away and I’m so grateful for him

My bf is currently on away on a 12 hour night shift and I cannot help but feel so deeply grateful for his love (yes I’m also having trouble falling asleep haha).
We celebrate this date of every month (as our first meeting was the most unexpected stormy night at a time when we’d both been struggling a great deal in our personal lives), but he has had to be on call on the 22nd of these past two months. Which means we don’t get to have a meal together as I work 9-5 and he does 8-8 at night (as opposed to 8-6 or 8-8 during the day).
But even on night shifts, which he truly hates haha he’s not an owl like me, he still makes it a point to call me every chance he gets - to check up on me and say good night. He is having a terribly busy night today and is very stressed and grumpy but when he called tonight, I couldn’t help but feel so warm and loved (that seemed amused him).
I really struggle with talking about my feelings so I write and draw on sticky notes with his lunches and dinners but once a month, I write him a letter telling him all the ways in which I love him, and the list only grows with every month. I gave him his letter and a poem today as I just couldn’t wait for tomorrow and he makes me so feel so warm and safe every time he kisses my forehead as he’s reading it (I often just keep hugging him till he’s done to avoid eye contact you can blame the adhd). Or even when he squeezes me when he gets to a sad part.
I met this man when I was convinced I had nothing in life worth living for anymore. I had also been terribly hurt by my previous partner and so it was so easy to suppress all feelings and dissociate and give into my depression and anxiety. But he has opened me up like a flower, so gently, and when my repressed feelings resurface, he becomes my safe space. We often talk about marriage and about the future we’re building together, but he doesn’t know that I do not plan on waiting for him to buy me a ring. I’m definitely going to go down on one knee first :’)
I guess what I’m saying is, love will always find you. Hang in there. And to him, if he’s reading this by complete accident (he doesn’t know my username thankfully), I’m eagerly waiting for your keys in the door my love, I can’t fall asleep without you 🤍
submitted by FearlessBarnacle3491 to love [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:36 Party_Ad7339 What if I'm not fluent at the end of my ITP?

I turn 25 soon. I start my ITP in the fall. My program is not the strongest in the area, but because of work and living restrictions, I can't make the commute to the university. So, sub-par community college it is. I'm active in the local Deaf community, attending additional library classes and volunteering at Deaf organizations, but I do not at all feel comfortable in my production skills yet. Conversationally I'm okay and can get by, but not more than that. Expressing complex or long-winded ideas is difficult. Breaking from the "glossing in my head as I go" to processing everything visually is difficult
I'm about to start my interpreting program not even close to being fluent. Have you gotten at the end of your ITP and found out you're not as strong or confident in the language as you want to be? I did not pursue this program and ASL interpreting to become a "meh" interpreter. If I get to the end of my internship and find out I just don't have the skills to do the job, I won't do the Deaf community a disservice by muddling through with wishywashy access.
I know more interaction w the community and actual assignments will help, but I guess I'm just stressed about where I stand and I'm worried my program won't help me get where I need to be.
Thank you for any insight or thoughts you may have.
submitted by Party_Ad7339 to ASLinterpreters [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:35 kay2way My sap appeal

Hello, I am wondering how this sounds for my Sap appeal. I am in good standing and above a 2.0, as of right now, I am kit eligible for fafsa, which is the reason why for my appeal. I would love any and all feedback. Thank you!
I am writing to appeal against the loss of my federal financial aid eligibility due to not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress. (SAP) requirements and ask you to please restore my eligibility to receive all forms of federal aid. I regret that I have not been able to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress ( SAP ) requirements. Should I not receive aid, I will not be able to continue my wonderful path here at the University of Texas at San Antonio. During my time of enrollment in a university at Texas A&M Corpus Christi, I had faced numerous challenges that put a delay on my growth and hindered me from reaching my goals of being an academically successful student. After taking a year off to be more proactive about my situation I am writing this letter in hopes of appealing my aid for SAP, which was revoked due to a failure to meet the completion rate. I understand the reason for the stopping of my aid, and I take full accountabilities for all events leading up to that point. I am writing this letter to express the importance in which I hold my education, as well as to outline the steps I plan on taking to ensure that I remain on the road to academic success and completion at University of Texas at San Antonio.
I went back to school in 2017 as an independent student. I faced many obstacles, and being the only person in my family that was able to enroll in college, I was determined to make something of myself and be successful by excelling in my studies, but I came into that college experience with a blind eye and did not utilize the campus resources to be a scholar, like I should had done. During my following semester in 2019, I had recently become pregnant with my son, and that was around the time that COVID-19 had happened. During that time, I was let go from my job due to the lockdown, which left me in a finical crisis, so I was unable to pay for my semester at the time. During the fall of 2020, I had just given birth to my son, so I was finding new self, and my new lifestyle, which had me switched my major multiple times, because I did not have passion for the previous majors that I had selected, so I dropped many courses as well. During the terms for the year 2022, I was still attending the Alamo Colleges out here, but I had recently found my passion in the tech field, I started to be on top of my courses and class work and was able to successfully 2 / 3 succeed during the following years. Once I got transferred to the University of Texas at San Antonio, I knew exactly what my passion was, and I was more than excited to start my growth academically and soar. In the begging of the spring semester, I had just recently bought my first house, so I was preoccupied with packing, and the whole process of buying your first home. I was overly overwhelmed with the moving process, raising my 3-year-old son, and working full time that I lost focused on one of my courses for the term. Since not passing that class, my life has done a complete 360, I decided to take the summer off to organize my house and get everything in order. Now that I have finished moving into my new house, I can fully stay focused and determined not to lose sight of my academics. Now that I am fully moved into my house, My parents help out with my son so that I can take 3 hours every day to study each of my courses, I organized my time to make sure that I will be attending at least 2 tutoring sessions a week, as well as utilizing the university resources to help gain more of an advance on my academics and make sure to meet with my professors and advisor at least twice each semester so I can make sure that I can stay caught up on my course work, and getting more assistance if I do feel lost. If I knew then what I know now, I would have taken a break after my first failed semester, as well truly knowing where my interest lies, so that I didn’t switch my major multiple times. I did not understand the impact of changing majors, and dropping courses that would influence not only my GPA, but also my completion rate for SAP. I also realize that I should’ve taken more of advantage of the student resources provided to me, by the colleges and universities. I also take full responsibility and accountability for the consequences of my actions.
What will be different if given the chance to receive aid again is that I am in a much better place than I have been in the past 5 years, and I will continue to always improve myself and never let my studies go. I will always stay focused during each term of the school year and will never let myself get lost or behind again. I will also commit to routine/ scheduled meetings with my academic advisor as well as professors, and tutoring aids that are available to help with each course. I have a tremendous amount of support from my loved ones who want to see me succeed and be the first one in my family to graduate from college / university. I am not only determined to make something better of myself for myself, but for my son. If I am given this extra chance at this opportunity, I can show my son how successful one can be with life going on, but also that if you don’t give up on your dreams, you can do anything you set your mind to. I am very disappointed in the person who I was in the past, but I am more than happy to say that that person is not me anymore. I have grown so much, and the old me would be so shocked that I even made it this far in life. I know that in life, things are always going to come up and hit you out of nowhere, but I have now realized that no matter what life throws at you, you just got to push through it and keep going, no matter how hard it is. I understand that this chance does not come around often but if you take this amazing chance on me, not only will I succeed and go far in life, but I will provide my son with a better life than I could ever imagine. If awarded this opportunity, I will do everything It takes to become successful and remain successful throughout the remainder of my academic career the University of Texas at San Antonio.
3 / 3 I plan on taking on more tutoring sessions at least twice a week with my professors. I will also take up more of the student resources that the university has to offer, as well as scheduling more appointments with my tutor. I will never drop any of the courses that I am registered for and going to take in the future. I will also never let myself not pass any of these courses. I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that not only will I pass every course that I am taking / and or will take, but I will also make sure that I stay determined and focused and seek out any help from my scholars with my academics.
submitted by kay2way to financialaid [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:35 Subject-Wait3054 Looking for Summer Housing (6/1~7/31)

Hello, I (21F) am looking for a room or apartment for my internship housing. I will be working in Medway, MA so I am preferably looking for housing around 30-40 minutes away. I am really flexible and don't smoke. Please let me know if you have any info or advice. Thank you!
submitted by Subject-Wait3054 to bostonhousing [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:32 Patleibs Am I showing signs of D.I.D/OSDD?

Hello, I have been looking everywhere for somewhere to post this because I wanted more opinions, so this is my first time here. I’ve been having some symptoms going on for almost a year now. I was wondering if people on here could help me & I didn’t get any objections to this idea from my other friends, so here we go.
About last year I was talking to a friend who I’m no longer in contact with about some childhood stories, my first day in preschool, a hospital trip, and something that happened during middle school where I heard some sort of very faint voice in my head that didn’t sound exactly like me (I talked to my therapist about it, she suggested it was probably a depression voice since I was hearing thoughts as if I was overthinking or having anxiety.) All three times I started to feel incredibly zoned out, feverish, & it was hard to think. It felt very intense and I’m unsure why, a few days later I was with some friends on VR Chat, I start complaining about how I feel like I’m dreaming, and my friend asks if I’m dissociating, I ask them to clarify if feeling like you’re dreaming can count as dissociation, and they said yes to an extent, I ask my other friends who experience dissociation a lot and they say yes overall.
A few days after that, me and my family go somewhere for my dad’s birthday, it went fine but my mom started talking to me about how I always had a high pain tolerance since I was younger, while we’re eating she asked me if something in my childhood felt normal to me (I won't specify what it was, but it was something medical related to helping me eat) I said yes, so this and my friend asking if I was dissociating made me want to talk to my therapist about it both dissociation and my childhood.
I had a therapy appointment shortly after that and I ask my therapist what counts as dissociation (my other friends have explained it to me, I just never thought to myself “hey I feel like that a lot.”) and she explained to me what does count as dissociation and then I realize “hey I’ve felt like this a lot, maybe even every other day.” I ask her if next time we can talk more about my childhood since I was in and out of hospitals a lot and experienced a lot of other things related to that, and she says yes.
Around now is when I start feeling a pressure in my head a lot, or just a slight pushing feeling in my head feeling like somethings pushing my forehead forward, that or something trying to pull me away.
Next appointment we talk more about my childhood and some other things like middle school, and dissociation, and how I probably do have a lower level of trauma mostly revolving around my medical history, (I don’t recall any abuse or yelling besides my father grabbing my arm sometimes and raising his voice a good amount, he’s better now, just issues with tone.) Like I said earlier I will not specify what it is entirely but up till I was around 3-4 I was horribly sick, vomited a bunch, and had needles poked in me a lot for blood draws, needed a good amount of surgery, was constantly severely swollen most of the time, & suffered a lot of severe pneumonia (though I was still in and out of the hospital a bit till up to 5-6 I believe.)
More context is that I’m in a smallish sized friend group (more than 7-8 people at least.) About 3 people of them were systems, at this point, all 3 said systems told me they suspected me being a system and have been saying a lot of the symptoms seem very suspicious, & my descriptions sound similar to their experiences before they themselves found out they were systems, another 2 systems joined our group later on and they thought the same thing, so that’s 5.
Sometimes when I wake up, I do hear something like “Hey (my name).” quite often (when I hear things it also seems most common when I’m with friends.) I start feeling like I’m losing control of my body, sometimes (an example is I remember playing another game and suddenly I felt incredibly zoned out and I had to “hold on” Is how I’d put it.) Very rarely I do hear things during the day even now (though I thought I’ve been hearing my name get called down as I mentioned earlier, hearing things more commonly I feel like when I’m around others, when nobody did call me in reality, or in a call I hear someone in my head speak sometimes I’ve felt like.) another example is when I was in a voice chat on Discord with my other friends and we were all jokingly arguing about how Maria was said and I swear I heard a faint “Mari-uh.”
There’s not much else, besides constantly feeling a bit disconnected from reality, my therapist doesn’t know too much about the topic of dissociation unfortunately so she can’t be too reliable, my family is trying to look for a psychologist for me, here are some other notes.
-I am genderfluid, sometimes it feels like when I shift genders I feel like my head is melting and there’s a bunch of pressure on it - when I change genders sometimes it feels like it’s triggered by looking at other certain characters from other media (for an example, one makes me feel masculine, one makes me feel feminine, and one makes me feel non binary.)
-Talking to other systems most times triggers my head to flare up, most of the time feeling like something is sitting there (my other friends have suggested it is dissociative barriers.)
I have tried talking to “Maria” a bunch of times before, but it seems more responsive to other people (people saying “hello maria” jokingly, other systems speaking, etc, & flares up at things like me being mean lightheartedly towards my friends, talking to certain other friends, & sometimes when I’m around my dad the pain/pushing feeling flares up.)
-I am very likely autistic, if that is important.
-I have been having elevated blood pressure for over two years now (my therapist has suggested it might be why some symptoms are happening, though I have been on a light dose of medication for a bit, soon to move to a higher dose.)
-I have maybe heard voices when I was younger than 8 though I only feel like that has happened, I’m not too sure about the memory itself.
-I am pretty sure I remember a few instances where I was younger and I have randomly blacked out (mainly during dangerous situations) to wake up somewhere completely different, I have also shut down a lot mentally when I was young and zoned out a bunch - though it is probably due to a bunch of sensory overloads but still thought I’d mention it.
Forever I’ve felt like I’ve gotten these short, small rushing feelings in my head, like something is rushing towards the front of my head (sometimes my vision gets a bit blurry) the short moments of that rushing feeling might’ve been spiking up with how often it has been happening lately.
-Another friend who is a system has suggested things could be active at night because other alters could be feeling safer at that time.
-While I did say "Maria" is more responsive to others rather than me, the pain does sometimes go away when I type out "Please make my head stop hurting" or if I ask for my head to stop hurting. It seems more consistent when I type it out rather than saying it aloud, and if it does work, then I feel like I zone back in a little, even if I didn't feel too zoned out to begin with. It feels more consistent if I use name “Maria” or sometimes other names too.
-I have spoken to my therapist about how my memory of my childhood feels jumbled, as if I can only remember random certain events and small pieces, it still feels like a lot of my memory is missing (an example would be I cannot remember 2nd-4th grade for the most part.) Though my therapist did say missing gaps like that was normal but I’m still not sure.
-If my age is important, I am a 19.
-I’ve always felt a small struggle with who I am as a person, or my identity (I am able to say I am myself, but I’ve always felt a slight struggle at the same time, or I guess an off feeling when seeing myself in a mirror.)
-Sometimes it feels like I’m able to change my emotions as if it’s on command, I’d be breaking down terribly and sometimes I can snap myself into feeling mostly okay, though I am unsure If this is just me repressing those emotions or not.
-The head pain or pushing/pulling feeling in my head sometimes starts when I wake up and is pretty bad for a while.
-Sometimes the pain or pushing/pulling feeling goes away when I'm around others or outside.
I am aware nobody on here can diagnose me as none of you are likely a professional, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to get secondary opinions. I believe that’s all, I just want more opinions. Whoever has read this and made it this far, thank you and please put your own input if you have any thoughts. I am aware I should get a professional for this kind of thing but as I said earlier, my family is currently looking for a psychologist for me, and my therapist doesn’t know too much about these things unfortunately, so I just want more opinions on it to see if I can get more help.
submitted by Patleibs to Dissociation [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:32 Far-Imagination5119 Nmom accusing me of stealing liquor—need advice!!

I would really appreciate some advice as soon as possible.
(F21) I live with my nmom and edad, currently saving up money to move out.
On Christmas my big sister surprised me with tickets to a concert we really wanted to see and I’ve been so excited. It’s actually tomorrow now and when I got home from work I was feeling great.
At some point in the evening my nmom said “(name), come here”. She walked me into her and my dads room and pointed at one of those mini tap things that holds whiskey, then she told me that it was me who did it. I’m an ex-alcoholic (sober 2 years!), but now that I’ve been medicated and receive therapy/have a full time job I have no need to get drunk. Apparently that bottle was completely filled on Sunday, now it’s not.
When I said it wasn’t me, my nmom said “let’s see if your room is clean.” Then walked into my room, decided it was too messy and said “if you don’t clean your room, I won’t let you go to the concert tomorrow and I won’t let you go to work either.”
She then stood in front of me and repeatedly told me to fess up, asking questions like “who did you give it to/why did you take it/ there’s only 3 people living here, it has to be you.” When she walked away I kept on defending myself and finally shouted “I DIDNT TAKE ANYTHING!!”
She came back after a while and said that it was my fault if I missed the concert not hers, since I also previously told her this whole thing was about the concert. I genuinely believe she hates seeing me experience joy. Then she said never to talk to her like that because that’s what narcissists and gaslighters do, and I was making her feel bad for something she didn’t do. My edad was agreeing with her this whole time.
She went back into my room AGAIN and stayed for a good twenty minutes waiting for me to fess up and asking questions, and saying if I showed up drunk to work I could get fired. When I told her she could hook me up to a lie detector she made a stabbing motion to her neck with her tongue sticking out and told me my answer is bs.
Here’s what I think is going on: -my dad found that the liquor was gone. She drank it (although she denied it) and got scared -she doesn’t want me to be happy or go to the concert
Let me know if that sounds accurate. But please, someone let me know how to handle this situation and how to feel happy again for tomorrow. I might not get to go. There aren’t cameras in my parents room or anything that could help me. Thanks
submitted by Far-Imagination5119 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:29 Peace4theWin [Critique flare] UNTITLED-[Adult Dark Fantasy, 90,000]

Appreciate any feedback on the below query letter. Thank you!
TW - implied SA . . . Dear [Agent Name]
After reviewing your Twitter and website, I think my novel perfectly fits your interests. My book, UNTITLED, is a 90,000-word, dark dystopian fantasy. The protagonist, Lucy, is 34 years old and a member of the LGBTQ community. To be reunited with her family, she must embark on a journey that will test her morality to the limit. Some comp titles are School for Good Mothers by Jessamine Chan and Alone Out Here by Riley Redgate. The Earth is deteriorating, and the Indicas, powerful creatures from the inner Earth, have come to restore balance. Ten percent of the world's population is missing over three days, with most volunteering to serve the Indicas. Lucy, a wife and mother, is taken away from her life and forced to serve the Indicas alongside her friend Kara. They are under the control of Commander Isaiah, who gains energy and abilities from her servants to rehabilitate the planet. Lucy's wife, Sam, alternates POV, and Kara's husband searches for their wives in hopes of reuniting. The Indicas choose people with the brightest auras to support their mission for restoration. Lucy and Kara have purple auras, symbolizing servitude, the rarest aura type. They must find the strength to resist Isaiah so that they can return to their old lives or, at the very least, receive protection for their families as the world falls apart above them. For if they fail, death for their families is certain and even for themselves. I have the privilege of working for XYZ and genuinely love serving XYZ. I am happily married in a queer relationship with two beautiful little girls. Thank you for taking the time to read about my novel.
submitted by Peace4theWin to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:29 DrgnMstrEst On/off pain in lower right leg, no visible symptoms?

Good evening, I am 30F, 5'3", 135lbs, and have had on and off pain in my right lower leg for as long as I can remember.
Most commonly I have the pain in the spring or winter when it is colder, or in cold rooms with air conditioning. The pain sometimes feels like it is in the bone, but more recently it is located in the calf. There is no swelling, no redness, not hot to the touch, no tenderness. Just occasional internal pain. I'd say its a 2/mild - 3/uncomfortable on the pain scale. I do not have the pain when walking or moving. It's usually hurting when I am sitting for long period of times at my office job (I do get up regularly to walk and stretch). Sometimes when I squat down, I get a very sharp pain in the calf which subsides when I stand back up or stretch the leg out. When I was younger I would get cramps at night if it was cold, but I have not had a leg cramp at night in a very long time. I also commonly have the pain if cold air is blowing on my leg (pants, blankets, etc help relieve the pain when this happens). Occasionally I may have pain in my left leg, but its so infrequent and not as noticeable as it is in the right leg.
My family has a history of blood clots. My mother has had them in her legs, and my brother had them several different times over his life before ultimately dying to one in the brain a few years ago when he was 27yo. I have never had a blood clot, but I have received a positive test result for Factor V. Along with losing my brother, I have also lost two friends to blood clots, both had the clots originating in the legs. This has caused increased anxiety regarding clotting. The skin on my legs is quite pale, and some of my veins are visible, but they always have been. I do not see similarities to my families clotted legs, or photos online.
I have read about leg pain caused by barometric pressure, so I've considered this to be the cause of my leg pain for a very long time due to it frequently occurring in cold temperatures. But with my friends recent passing, I am starting to reconsider. I also worry that if the pain is caused by barometric pressure, could this increase the risk for clotting?
Maybe its some type of muscular pain? I work an office job where I'm able to get up hourly to move and stretch, I also go for walks/hikes on the weekends, and sometimes after work, but do not work out regularly.
I have brought up my concerns to two different PCPs (both older males), but both seemed to dismiss my concerns, even when I mentioned my family history. I'm planning on once again finding a new PCP (female this time).
Do you know what may be wrong with my leg? Does it sound like it could be clotting, or something muscular? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by DrgnMstrEst to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:26 FindingProducts Honda City as First Car - Advisable?

Hello Car Enthusiasts! This sub and the passion of the members have been a great boost to my love for cars.
I have been learning to drive on Ciaz Petrol Manual, but given the traffic situation in my area, I believe an automatic will be better. I will use the car for daily office commute as well as some short trips to restaurants or malls, etc. I may go for a 200-300 kilometres long drives to nearby places once in a year.
I want something which is reliable, is easy to drive, and just fulfils the purpose. The only things that I find lacking in the Honda City are - 360 degrees camera (being a new driver this would have helped me a lot), and ventilated seats (due to high temperatures).
I have also read threads where people have advised against using a Sedan as a first time car, but honestly, I didn’t face any issues while learning to drive on a Ciaz.
I am also open to suggestions for CSUVs in the same range. Honda Elevate also looks good, but I just feel City has a more premium feel.
Thank you in advance!
submitted by FindingProducts to CarsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:26 chocochipstarfishhhh Who to contact for extra Convocation tickets for graduation?

Same as title
I'm looking to request one extra ticket for Convocation (Friday June 7th). I've read on the Office of convocation website that if you still need an extra ticket to contact them and along with hyperlinks with directing you to certain relateed tabs. however there is no clear contact or a link to find out how do you start this process.
Has anyone else had to do this? if so who did you cotact? Or did you go throught the genaric "contact Us " page?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by chocochipstarfishhhh to UofT [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:25 levonclark ChatGPT Believes Trump Won Re-Election

ChatGPT Believes Trump Won Re-Election submitted by levonclark to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:25 variegated_intuition First offense DUI in Ohio

Hi, just looking for some advice on what to expect here. Or to hear experiences from people who had a similar situation.
I’m 30 years old and have zero record. I never once have even been pulled over, and never faulted for an accident. Last Friday I was stopped (Clermont county) for speeding around 2:40am, 78 in a 65. The officer immediately said he smelled marijuana and asked me to step out of the car. He never asked to search my car, or found any marijuana. Because I have back issues and see a chiropractor weekly for sciatica I refused to walk a straight line or stand on one leg. When the officer said he smelled alcohol I informed him I was on my way home from a hookup where I performed oral sex and used an antiseptic mouth rinse right before leaving. I was arrested and taken to the station where I refused a breathalyzer, stating I was worried of the effects of the mouthwash since he said he could smell it. By this point it had already been established I have a severe anxiety disorder for which I take medication daily and was on the verge of a panic attack. Honestly looking back I wish I had blown, but I was so anxious, especially never having had any sort of contact like this with police. I just sort of shut down. After the officer finished his paperwork he even gave me a ride home.
I have an arraignment in 3 days. I can not afford an attorney. I make about $30k a year, but after rent/bills I basically live hand to mouth. I don’t know if I make too much for a public defender. As of right now my license is suspended for a year because I refused to blow. What do I expect at the arraignment? Do I just go plead not guilty, and then the court will start the process of assigning an attorney? Any chance this could be dropped since there’s very little proof (aside from the officer saying there was an odor and my eyes were watery and bloodshot- at this point I had been awake nearly 20 hours)? What about privileges to drive to work? Is that something that can be discussed Friday, or do you have to wait a certain amount of time? Really any info is welcome. I have all the questions 😞
submitted by variegated_intuition to dui [link] [comments]