Bldc servo control

Electric motors and generators

2014.02.17 19:06 nicoleisbusy Electric motors and generators

Discussion and questions related to any electric motor and drivers or electric generator. Adopted on Aug 9th 2019 (with 38 members).

2018.09.15 12:26 SteveMassikker Control your trains and whole a railway layout with an Android App using the Arduino boards

The multiuser system for managing model railway layouts using the mobile application Android. + complete description and working examples DIY-making of such modules as model railway point motors, interlocking tracks, signals, the rail crossing and much more. Integrated in the project the ability to automate the movement of many trains. Project URB uses only cheap and affordable Arduino components. Simple instructions and snippets for programming sketches.

2022.10.17 04:46 Cubemars Cubemars

đŸ€–CubeMars focuses on developing, producing, and providing robotic power systems.đŸ€– đŸŠŸWe are specialized in OUTER RUNNER BLDC MOTORS, INNER RUNNER DC FRAMELESS MOTORS, and impressive SERVO MODULES which match with encoder and Gearbox.đŸŠŸ đŸ‘šâ€đŸ’»We keep dedicating ourselves to providing dynamic solutions for projects including INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS, EXOSKELETONS, AUTOMATED FACTORIES, AUTOMATIC PARKING SYSTEMS, GIMBAL SYSTEMS, ROVs, and other ODM industrial applications. đŸ’Ș

2024.05.21 14:30 SorryPercentage7791 I was Using the serial monitor in Arduino IDE to control my servo by giving input and now the serial monitor Writings is stuck on my screen!

I was Using the serial monitor in Arduino IDE to control my servo by giving input and now the serial monitor Writings is stuck on my screen!
This is crazy, this pic if of my shutting down screen. The writings are not present when it's shut down though, but during boot up it's still there.
submitted by SorryPercentage7791 to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:24 papvlnzla [Question] How to control servo motor.

Hello, is there a way to control a servo motor with a True/False statement like when its true the servo is set at 90° if false then at 0°. Using it on a object detection code. Also I'm using the gpiozero library. TYIA to whoever answers.
Here is the code:
import cv2 from gpiozero import AngularServo from time import sleep
classNames = [] classFile = “names" with open(classFile,"rt") as f: classNames ="\n").split("\n")
configPath = ".pbtxt" weightsPath = ".pb"
net = cv2.dnn_DetectionModel(weightsPath,configPath) net.setInputSize(320,320) net.setInputScale(1.0/ 127.5) net.setInputMean((127.5, 127.5, 127.5)) net.setInputSwapRB(True)
def getObjects(img, thres, nms, draw=True, objects=[]): classIds, confs, bbox = net.detect(img,confThreshold=thres,nmsThreshold=nms) #print(classIds,bbox) if len(objects) == 0: objects = classNames objectInfo =[] if len(classIds) != 0: for classId, confidence,box in zip(classIds.flatten(),confs.flatten(),bbox): className = classNames[classId - 1] if className in objects: objectInfo.append([box,className]) if (draw): cv2.rectangle(img,box,color=(0,255,0),thickness=2) cv2.putText(img,classNames[classId-1].upper(),(box[0]+10,box[1]+30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX,1,(0,255,0),2) cv2.putText(img,str(round(confidence*100,2)),(box[0]+200,box[1]+30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX,1,(0,255,0),2)
return img,objectInfo 
if name == "main":
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cap.set(3,640) cap.set(4,480) #cap.set(10,70) while True: success, img = result, objectInfo = getObjects(img,0.50,0.2, objects=['cellphone', 'mouse', 'keyboard']) #print(objectInfo) cv2.imshow("Output",img) cv2.waitKey(1) 
submitted by papvlnzla to opencv [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:23 papvlnzla Control servo motor

Hello, is there a way to control a servo motor with a True/False statement like when its true the servo is set at 90° if false then at 0°. Using it on a object detection code. Also I'm using the gpiozero library. TYIA to whoever answers.
Here is the code:
import cv2 from gpiozero import AngularServo from time import sleep
classNames = [] classFile = “names" with open(classFile,"rt") as f: classNames ="\n").split("\n")
configPath = ".pbtxt" weightsPath = ".pb"
net = cv2.dnn_DetectionModel(weightsPath,configPath) net.setInputSize(320,320) net.setInputScale(1.0/ 127.5) net.setInputMean((127.5, 127.5, 127.5)) net.setInputSwapRB(True)
def getObjects(img, thres, nms, draw=True, objects=[]): classIds, confs, bbox = net.detect(img,confThreshold=thres,nmsThreshold=nms) #print(classIds,bbox) if len(objects) == 0: objects = classNames objectInfo =[] if len(classIds) != 0: for classId, confidence,box in zip(classIds.flatten(),confs.flatten(),bbox): className = classNames[classId - 1] if className in objects: objectInfo.append([box,className]) if (draw): cv2.rectangle(img,box,color=(0,255,0),thickness=2) cv2.putText(img,classNames[classId-1].upper(),(box[0]+10,box[1]+30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX,1,(0,255,0),2) cv2.putText(img,str(round(confidence*100,2)),(box[0]+200,box[1]+30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX,1,(0,255,0),2)
return img,objectInfo 
if name == "main":
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cap.set(3,640) cap.set(4,480) #cap.set(10,70) while True: success, img = result, objectInfo = getObjects(img,0.50,0.2, objects=['cellphone', 'mouse', 'keyboard']) #print(objectInfo) cv2.imshow("Output",img) cv2.waitKey(1) 
submitted by papvlnzla to RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:50 Undercoveragent163 Getting into the hobby and some Questions around the hobby.

I'm new around here and not sure what to expect, I used to be really into the RC world with cars but admired how people made rc planes and well, I wanted to get into the hobby, I've actually already made a model airplane before with a working airfoil. However it didn't have RC control and it was a simple V tail glider. It was really a test to see whats the pros and cons to 3d printing. Anyway I have an idea of what I want to create which is: A simple 90-110cm wingspan motor glider like aircraft with a motor, flight controls and no landing gear, basically a stick and rudder aircraft. I do have a few questions though.
How can I go about making the wings? for my 40cm glider that I made before (which was already dense) I just 3d printed everything and stuck them together and it flew alright, but well that wont work for a bigger aircraft im guessing. I have googled around on the internet and filtered through the options to about two options considering my skill level. The first option is to 3d print a wing frame that is held together with a balsa wood rod and I cover with foam board. The 2nd option is to 3d print two pieces of the wing (22cm and another 22cm) out of lightweight pla. However I don't think lightweight PLA will be able to withstand the landing and the fact that this aircraft is going to be high wing so if it lands and tips onto one side I don't know how that will go.
How should I start? Another problem for me is to be able to start a project. Which I am not very good at. I have compiled a list that I think could be legible to make a this aircraft, but like... should I just print the pieces of the wing frame then build the wing or should I make the fuselage and electronics? What are the difficulties in these processes?
The list of electronics I have compiled:
All of which is from what I remember pretty cheap for RC gear, but then again I am new to this system so I am open to be told what to do and what not to do and how this is all going to work since I am very interested in aviation and just want to be able to build something that I can fly at a field nearby. Thank you for your time reading this if you have read it!
submitted by Undercoveragent163 to RCPlanes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:55 TheHunter920 What servos should I use to overhaul the Meccanoid G15 KS into an actually-decent personal robot? I'm planning a few upgrades from the servos, to the main controller, to new sensors.

What servos should I use to overhaul the Meccanoid G15 KS into an actually-decent personal robot? I'm planning a few upgrades from the servos, to the main controller, to new sensors.
stock Meccanoid G15 KS
Here are the upgrades I plan on changing:
  1. Stronger Servos: The stock servos have so little torque it can barely lift its own arms. My problem is I'm not sure what servo to go for to get maximum torque. The servo it comes with is the "CAM-03 Smart Servo", but I can't seem to find anything about how much torque this servo has. Should I mod the existing servos with larger DC motors, or should I opt for entirely-new servos?
  2. Replace Main Controller: The stock "brain" seen in its chest has very little functionality aside from recording and playing arm gestures and audio. I plan on replacing this with a Raspberry Pi 5 (4GB). This will let me add AI models and process more complex computer vision algorithms.
  3. More sensors: The stock robot is functionally blind. It has no sensors aside from sensing a servo's position and a microphone for voice recognition. I want it to better sense the environment, such as adding an ambient temperature sensor to read indoor temperature temperatures, multiple directional microphones to sense where my voice is coming from, a camera on its head (would I need an ultrasonic sensor if I already have a camera?), and touch/IR sensors for obstacle avoidance. I could easily do this by adding an arduino and connecting it to the Pi.
  4. Functional end effectors (hands): The stock robot has nonfunctional hands that can only be manually articulated. I'm planning on making the tip of the arm modular so I can swap out from a hand to a grippeclaw, but I would need them to be lightweight, and I would need strong enough servos to be able to lift the entire arm.
submitted by TheHunter920 to robotics [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:00 Ancient_Opinion7301 Bosc Foc drivers

Bosc Foc drivers
I am going to start building a quasi direct drive actuator for a small qaudreped robot. I’m going to use these 50mm 360k bldc motors. But I need a small and cheap foc driver that will supply enough current to get the full torque of this motor while also being compatible with arduino. I will be using a magnetic encoder for position control. All the controllers I have found either have less that 6 to 12 amp max current or are too big and expensive. Is there any recommendations on a good small foc driver?
submitted by Ancient_Opinion7301 to robotics [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:14 GravitationalmaN Servo control using mpu 6050

Servo control using mpu 6050 submitted by GravitationalmaN to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:15 diamondspork Is it right to assume kP = kP kD=kV in simulations such as MuJoCo?

I've been questioning the way I've been forming my simulations for my robot, and so I want to confirm, is it okay to assume title for position servos in MuJoCo and similar simulation platforms?
The docs don't really describe more than a sentence about these parameters, and it feels like too little information to accurately describe my actuator. I mean it just feels wrong somehow that these two parameters are enough, so I just wanted to double check. (especially after seeing some papers such as those from RSL who use a whole a** dedicated NN to describe their actuator, although they are using a series elastic actuator, which is more complicated, while I'm just using a simple BLDC + Belt Pulley setup)
submitted by diamondspork to robotics [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:36 AustinTronics Calibrating ODrive BLDC motor controller for dual hoverboard motors

Calibrating ODrive BLDC motor controller for dual hoverboard motors submitted by AustinTronics to robotics [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:03 Necessary-Cost3518 Controls Engineer searching for Project Engineer role

I’ve been in my current role for many years and it’s been some time since I’ve updated my resume. I’m looking to pursue a different role with a more project mgmt focus. Thanks for the feedback!
submitted by Necessary-Cost3518 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:29 kinan_ali Robot Control

I have this task of controlling a stewart platform. The problem is that the actuators of the platform are dc servo motors (allows ONLY angular position control). My supervisor suggests to use sliding-mode control but I see no point of writing the differential equations that describe the dynamics of the system (because those equations would consider motor torques as inputs, the thing that I can't influence because of the servos).
How would you approach this problem ?
Edit: Some ideas that run to mind: -Using the inverse geometric model, the input to the system should be the angular positions of the actuators -consider each motor as a closed loop unity black box, neglecting the dynamics of the system is the same as saying that if we apply a certain input angle (pwm signal), the motor would INSTANTLY achieve the angle! which is obviously not the case, is it? -lastly, to get the torques (in order to be able to use the dynamic model), is it possible to Control the pwm and its changes, I mean if the pulse width represents the angle of the motor, then the change in pwm over time should represent the velocity of the joint, and then, the torque of the joint can be represented by the change of the change of the pwm...
Does this line of thoughts sound valid ?
submitted by kinan_ali to ControlTheory [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:20 DrChocoFlex Can someone recommend me a Motor driver for ESP8266 V3 Lua CH340 module

I want to control 4 DC BO motors and 2 SG90 servo motors
submitted by DrChocoFlex to esp8266 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:45 stieno6 Multiple servo control?

How can I code 4 servos to move slowly but they need to move at the same time but at different angles. Is this possible and how? I tried with the method for just making 1 servo move slow and copying that but that didn’t work.
submitted by stieno6 to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:14 BadFeelingAboutDis How to power Pico and Alexa dot with the same USB?

How to power Pico and Alexa dot with the same USB?
I 3D-printed a C3PO head, to which I added 2 servos and 2 LEDs controlled by a Pico (+ Joystick for testing only). The idea is to insert the Alexa dot in the base and whenever Alexa gets triggered, C3PO will turn on and slightly move the head as if he were talking.
It works fine so far but the power part is not my strong suit. I don't like the idea of having an external power source for the Pico and would prefer to use the same USB. I wonder if that's as easy as tweaking a USB cable to get the 5V in the pico, but I imagine it could fry the Pico since it can handle 1A and the Alexa dot 1.8A.
Maybe I can power Alexa through the Pico? From my tests, Alexa never draws more than 0.3A (but again, I have no idea what I should be looking at, electricity is still a bit like magic for me).
Thank you!
Bonus question: To sync Alexa and the servos, I intend to use a photoresistor and detect the blue ring to trigger movements. Let me know if you can think of a better solution. The good thing with C3PO is that it doesn't need lip movements.
submitted by BadFeelingAboutDis to raspberrypipico [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:58 FunHold5609 Help

I have a new ac on the way I can’t really find how to fix some of these codes
submitted by FunHold5609 to IS300 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:16 Old-Distribution3942 Wifi water tap, with arduino uno r4 wifi, I want to make sure this works before blowing something up!

I would like to use my uno r4 wifi to make a remote water tap. I plan to use the uno and the arduino app on my phone for wifi. Then I would Luke use a 9 to 24 volt electric ball valve that is full port so that I don't lose any water flow. I would have to use a relay for the ball valve, probably a 12 volt one. I think for the ball valve, I could use a 2 wire one. Also, I would need some fittings because all the ball valves are female to female threads and there npt and not ght. Also, i would need a big batery or a long extension cable to power it. And i would need a box to putbit all in. Is this a good plan for what I want to do? My experience level is that I have used an arduino r3 mega and the kit that came with it I have completed along with the tutorials. I also have tinkered around with the arduino r4 uno a bit and got some lights and servos moving from the control of the arduinonapp on my phone.
submitted by Old-Distribution3942 to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:22 playwithcircuit How to Interface Servo Motor with Arduino

How to Interface Servo Motor with Arduino
Servo motors are essential components in robotics and automation projects. They can rotate or move to a specific position, speed, allowing for precise control of angular position, acceleration, and velocity. In this tutorial, we will learn how servo motors work and how to interface them with Arduino UNO.
submitted by playwithcircuit to ArduinoHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 16:50 Timely-Safe5132 Can anyone help

Can anyone help
So I was out driving with my team associated rival mt10 v2 and I found out you can adjust the max steering angle so I fought to myself sweet it can turn even more but then the servo got stuck went home saw a video on how to fix it and the when I turned the car on it started to wobble back and forth so I searched around and came to the conclusion that it's the dvc I needed to adjust but my transmitter looks different from the one in the manual mine has 1 led saying when its connected to the controller the one in the manual has one with dynamic vehicle control and rev/nor and gain so why does my car do it and how can I fix it??
submitted by Timely-Safe5132 to rccars [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 15:56 88kenway88 help regarding programming in ispsoft.

help regarding programming in ispsoft.
anybody here used this instruction "MODRWE" ,this instruction sending data through modbus but only to one device (servo drive), the second one doesn't work at all, what am i doing wrong here?
submitted by 88kenway88 to PLC [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 15:00 Mightyhorse82 Buying my first Tamiya (Hot Shot 2), is this setup ok? Advice?

Buying my first Tamiya (Hot Shot 2), is this setup ok? Advice?
This is my first Tamiya/RC kit ever and I’m overwhelmed with information. I’ve done quite a bit of research but still a little nervous about the things that make it go zoom.
My plan is to upgrade the motor and bearings. I’m really lost when it comes to the controls/battery/chargeservo but after research landed on these selections.
I originally planned on building a lunchbox and custom painting a shelf queen, but thinking I’d like something lower center of gravity I can rip around that’s pre painted.
submitted by Mightyhorse82 to tamiya [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 14:46 DrChocoFlex Can someone recommend me a Motor driver for ESP8266 V3 Lua CH340 module

I want to control 4 DC BO motors and 2 SG90 servo motors
submitted by DrChocoFlex to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 14:30 MountainSkald [A Valkyrie's Saga] - Part 104

Prequel (Chapters 1 to 16)
1. Rise of a Valkyrie
First Š Previous Š Royal Road Š Patreon
Kayla followed her squad into a dropship and took the free seat next to Kes. The frantic treatment and evacuation of wounded Raiders had gone smoothly, and as far as Kayla knew, no-one had been pronounced killed in action.
The vessel’s ramp closed and it lifted into the night. Through a window, Kayla saw the mountains recede below them as they climbed to orbit. She tapped her helmet’s release and servos whined as the faceplate retracted.
“What’s going on?” she demanded.
Kes raised her own vizor. “We’re returning to the Banshee,” she said.
Kayla began to protest, but the corporal held up a hand.
“Just take it easy, will you? I don’t know what’s going either, but the order came direct from General Smyrna.”
“Rayker’s out there and wounded. Aren’t we going after her?”
Kes returned her frustrated expression with raised eyebrows, and Kayla realized that she shouldn’t push the issue. She would simply have to wait.
Another helmet popped open. “Kayla,” Ray said, with an edge to her voice, “I obviously wasn’t there with you in the castle. Didn’t you say you surprised Rayker when you tried to shoot her?”
Kayla nodded.
“But she’d already been shot up by the Raiders? How many times?”
“Six, Christie said.”
Ray gave her a significant look. “Well, you’re the best pistol shot in the company. How is it possible she got away from you?”
Kayla shook her head. She was also confused about what exactly had happened. “I don’t know. She was just too fast.”
“So, she heals crazy fast, yeah? And now that she’s alert and on the move, she could pick us to pieces while we try to chase her down.”
Kayla flashed her fire team member a look of disdain. “You know what, Ray, I didn’t join Valkyrie because I wanted a safe and easy life—”
“Barnes knock it off,” Kes hissed. “This decision is over our heads, so let it go. We’ll get a full briefing on the Banshee. Got it?”
Kayla felt the pain of bottled-up anger, but the squad leader was right. She glanced back at Ray, but the woman had already sealed up her helmet and was watching the planet recede out the window.
On the opposite seat of the ship, Kayla made out the form of Tian, and gave her a kick, but her helmet remained closed, and she didn’t respond. Further down the bay, Thandi caught her eye and gave a quick shake of her head.
That brought Kayla up short. Even her best friend looked like she was pissed at her, and that only happened when she genuinely screwed up.
She carefully felt down her chest rig and pulled a silver necklace out from a pouch—the only place she kept it when she wasn’t wearing it. It was a simple piece of jewelry consisting of a chain looped through a small coin which was engraved with a name. She tied the chain around her wrist so it couldn’t fall off, and held the coin tightly in her hand. The adrenaline in her blood stream began to fade, and she soon crashed with exhaustion.
The Rangers passed an uncomfortable flight of several hours, struggling to sleep in the awkward seats of the dropship. Once they began their approach to the Banshee, hidden in the shadow of Ambrosia’s moon, Kes began to wake them. Yawning and sleepy eyed, they piled out into the hangar of their mothership.
“Team leaders!” Lieutanant Akane called to the disembarking Rangers. “Gather on me. The rest of you are on standdown—take care of your kit, get some showers and food.”
Kayla stayed with Kes as they followed Akane, and the rest of the company’s NCOs and officers, over to a corner of the Banshee’s hangar, where Captain Aguilar and her headquarters staff were waiting.
“Is that everyone?” Aguilar asked as she eyed the assembled Rangers. “Okay take a knee, and I’ll bring you up to speed. I know a lot of you were surprised to see us returning to the Banshee while our principal target is on the run, but here’s what’s happening.”
Her company first sergeant activated a holo-projector and a spider web relief of the mountains they had left took shape from the light rays. A small point of light was nestled in the river canyon, just outside a major beach resort, twenty miles from the chateau.
Aguilar gestured to the display. “One of the team members in the chateau was able to plant a tracking device on Rayker’s body before she regained consciousness. This is her current location. She is obviously resting in a concealed position, near a civilian population center.”
Murmurs ran through the small crowd. Kayla’s jaw clenched.
“A couple of things are immediately obvious from tonight’s events,” Aguilar continued. “Point one; she made this trip in thirty minutes. After the Raiders shot her to pieces.”
This announcement was met with whistles and gasps of disbelief. Kayla shivered. What was it going to take to put her down for good?
“She went straight for a public place,” Aguilar continued, “because she knows we would want to avoid exposure. That should tell you how much she’s figured out about this organization.”
“Or already knew,” a voice said to a few murmurs of agreement.
“You keep thoughts like that to yourself,” Aguilar snapped. “I’m not having rumors and speculation distracting the company from this mission. Anyone who just mouthed off can consider this your first and final warning to pull your head out of your ass.”
Nobody so much as shifted their weight.
“Point two;” Aguilar continued, “her speed indicates how problematic a chase could be, even if she’s unarmed. Command cannot take the risk of a protracted battle that roams across such a public area. Point three—and this is where it gets really concerning—the missile launch that hit the building tonight came from a battery of Ambrosia’s sky defense. Intel indicates it was hacked remotely.”
Silence followed this statement. Anti-air missiles did not target buildings, which meant that either the launch had been planned ahead of time, or someone had pulled off an obscenely difficult system takeover and then reprogrammed a guidance head with only a few minutes of warning. Both possibilities were equally appalling.
“So, as we have suspected for some time, Rayker has an extremely powerful friend in the galaxy. Tonight, we were given proof of that relationship in spades. Someone was able to see what was happening at the chateau and reacted immediately to protect her, cutting out dozens of command-and-control links in seconds. Ladies, we have to face the fact that we are out of our depth if we try to fight our target within Helvet-controlled space.”
Kayla’s expression turned sour. Around the half-circle, other Rangers looked similarly morose.
Aguilar sighed heavily before she continued. “The decision has been made to let her go in the hopes that she will lead us towards her benefactor. Or at least somewhere that helps us better understand her support network.”
Heads shook and voices grumbled. Even though the conclusion had been obvious since the words ‘tracking device’, Kayla still felt angry, and cheated. But she couldn’t argue with the rationality behind the decision and resigned herself to the general opinion that they were all back to square one.
“The Task Force will remain close on her trail and, if this device sends out its tampering alert, we will close in for the kill as soon as we can.” Aguilar paused and ran a hand through her hair. “I don’t mind telling all of you that letting this animal go, after so much work and preparation, burns my soul. But we have to face the fact that our organization is behind the curve on a truly profound threat within human civilization. I, for one, want to do whatever it takes to get to the bottom of it. So—food, showers and rest, and be ready for a fast turnaround. We might need to pounce at a moment’s notice.”
She looked around the assembled faces. “Questions or comments?”
Kayla cleared her throat. “Ma’am, I suggest we nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.”
Several Rangers laughed while Aguilar cracked a wry smile. “Thank you, ‘Great Destroyer’ Barnes, for that insight. I will be sure to pass it up the chain.
Some of the anger eased with the moment, and Kayla began to feel the creeping cloud of fatigue fog her mind. The officers had a few other questions about the company’s readiness, which Kayla, in her unhappy state, took as further evidence that nothing reassured them more in times of stress than the sound of their own voices.
Eventually the meeting broke up, but as Kayla turned to go, she felt a firm hand on her shoulder, and turned to see Kes, accompanied by Lieutenant Akane. The corporal motioned with her head to step to one side. They were all visibly exhausted, but there was obviously more that needed to be said before they could call it a night.
“So, Lance Corporal Barnes,” the platoon leader began, “I’ve got Raiders clamoring to buy you a drink and demanding that I put in the paperwork for a medal. It seems that the two operators who were first to arrive at the scene, Shaklia and Guiying, were quickly neutralized by Rayker. Without your help, they might both have been killed, instead of currently comatose, but alive. Not to mention how many others in that hallway she might have exacted her revenge on.”
“Ma’am, I take full responsibility for my actions and—”
“Goddammit Barnes, it’s been a long night and I don’t need you interrupting me when I’m dressing you down.”
Kayla fell silent.
“So, whilst your act of heroism undoubtedly should be recognized, it needs to be balanced against the reality that you effectively deserted your squad, without communication, or co-ordination, and without letting them catch up to support you. Leaving Corporal Rudaski here in the impossible position of splitting her squad in two, so your fire team could be led on a not-so-merry goose chase, while she held down the perimeter.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Squads may be composed of two fire teams, Barnes, but they do not separate out of contact. They are a single, cohesive unit of Rangers that support each other through thick or thin.”
Kayla nodded tiredly.
Akane cocked her head. “In hindsight everything turned out okay. But what if you had been wrong?”
Kayla met her eyes with an expression of confusion. “Ma’am?”
“As far as we know, a missile system thirty kilometers away just upped and generated its own firing solution. Someone knew we were going for Rakyer, and they tried to stop us. But what if the strike wasn’t enough? What if there was a risk of her being deeper in the chateau? What if this unknown adversary had a ground team nearby, whose job it was to approach the chateau and extract Rayker? If they had seen your movement, and gone for the perimeter covered by your weakened and distracted squad, you could be looking at four dead Rangers. Am I wrong, Barnes?”
“No, ma’am.” Kayla looked down, and felt a cold dread flooding her veins. “Ma’am I sincerely apologize for my actions. I lost control.”
“I’m not so sure,” Kes interjected. “This isn’t the first time I’ve had to speak to you about your lone-wolf approach.”
“I approved your promotion,” Lieutenant Akane said, “because you drive hard to be a better Ranger, and you push the others to keep up. As much as I hate to criticize heroic actions and quick thinking, it seems clear that you tore off because you have a deep comfort with leaving your team behind to take on the world by yourself. If you can’t get past your own ego, you’re a danger to all of us. Any more solo adventures, and I’m going to drop you back to private.”
Kayla’s stomach knotted. Up until that moment, she had been totally convinced she had been justified in taking off, but she hadn’t even considered the possibility of another threat. And, now that she was forced to think about it, why would Rayker have hung around to finish off the downed Valkyrie? She certainly knew she only had seconds to get away.
Doubt and shame swirled together through the tiredness and left Kayla with only one certainty. She didn’t have all the answers. With her lack of experience, she should obviously listen to her seniors and do her best to earn their respect. But Kes had stuck her neck out for her with the early promotion, and now she had embarrassed them both in the eyes of the platoon leader.
Kayla hung her head, and nodded her acknowledgement.
Akane rubbed her eyes. “Corporal Rudaski, you’ll put her on probation for the next three months. Any slip-ups, and I’m dropping her to private again.”
“Yes ma’am,” Kes replied.
They saluted, and watched as the lieutenant walked away. Kayla began to head back to her bunk, but Kes stopped her.
“One more thing, Barnes. If I ever hear you question one of my girls’ courage in front of the squad again, I’m going to have you transferred out of the battalion. Understand?”
Kayla was shocked. On the dropship, the thought of abandoning the hunt for Rayker had left her so angry. Had she really been that callous when she snapped at Ray?
“Yes, Corporal,” she nodded shamefully.
“That kind of leadership is a cancer that has to be destroyed before it can spread.” Her expression softened. “But I want to leave you the benefit of the doubt. Your judgment tonight wasn’t all that clear, was it? I mean, Christie was pretty vulnerable, alone in that chateau.”
Kes paused as she rubbed her neck. Kayla noticed her fingers brushing the chain of a necklace, which she knew to be identical to her own, but with more names.
“You know,” Kes said hesitantly, “we were all heartbroken by Rose’s death—”
Kayla shook her head and her words came out in a rush. “That has nothing to do with anything. Right? I am fully aware that everyone carries their own burden, and I’m carrying mine. Okay, I screwed up and made a bad call. I’ll own it in the hot wash, and I’ll commit to working on myself as a better fire team leader.”
Without waiting for a response, she turned and strode away, as icy fingers threatened to crush her heart.
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Prequel (Chapters 1 to 16)
1. Rise of a Valkyrie
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