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What are we cooking tonight?

2014.12.02 22:02 brtw What are we cooking tonight?

Never know what to make for dinner? Neither do we. Let's all make the same thing for dinner and see how it comes out. We're under some renovations right now, but new things are on the way!

2011.11.17 02:46 2ndknightbro edibles: a friendly place to post recipes that get you high!

This place is dedicated to anything related to cannabis infused food and drinks also known as edibles. NO MINORS. DRUG SOURCING IS NOT PERMITTED HERE.

2008.09.10 11:29 Continuously Improve Yourself!

“Make the most of yourself....for that is all there is of you.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson This subreddit is for those who have questions about how to improve any aspects of their lives, from motivation and procrastination, to social skills and fitness, and everything in between. It is also a subreddit to share your helpful and civil ideas, tips, and advice on how others can improve themselves.

2024.05.21 12:19 TerriMKozlowski Why It's Important To Understand Your Past Isn't An Indication Of Your Future

People ruminate on the past, who’s wronged them, and the things that are absent from their lives. People imagine past events as though they are still happening now. They use who they were in the past to define their future.
The issue with defining oneself in the present from your past is that it keeps you bound to the past. This self-imposed limitation asserts that everything about your past determines how you will behave in the future. Your future hasn't been written yet. The decisions you make will continue to shape who you can be.
When you are a child of an alcoholic, you learn from a very young age the signs to look for so you aren’t in the line of fire when the next violent episode occurs. And the feared incident always happens. Consequently, you become conditioned to react to these indications.
As an adult, you see evidence that because bad things have happened in the past doesn’t mean more bad things will happen. Not every slurred speech or stumbling from another person will cause harm. Therefore, you can determine that the past doesn’t have to repeat itself.
Although this may take time to realize, it doesn’t have to. You’re shaped by your past. The good news is, you aren’t bound to it. You can move beyond the difficulties of the past and into something far better. The main reason you don’t have to repeat the past is because you can learn from it.
While we cannot predict the future, we will most surely live it. Every action and decision we take - or don't - ripples into the future. ~ Jacque Fresco

Your Mindset Determines Your Future

You often have feelings and attachments to the past. The past can be hard to let go of, and it affects you emotionally. Yet you have a choice to make, an option to choose a different outlook, a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset.
The fixed mindset is the idea that you believe your attributes and abilities are inherently fixed and can’t be changed. For example, you may think that you’re as smart as you’ll ever be and therefore, that thought process causes you not to even try to learn new things. Since you don’t believe your intelligence can grow with time and experience, then you can’t change, and your future will be the same.
A growth mindset is the exact opposite. This mindset is founded on the conviction that your basic abilities can be cultivated and are malleable. This allows one to grow with enthusiasm, time, and a commitment to improving, learning, and becoming greater than before. With a growth mindset, failures are short-term setbacks, and the process is usually more important than the outcome. So, with a growth mindset, your future is never predetermined. It’s boundless.
The fixed mindset is the most common mindset and the most harmful. So, you need to know which mindset you favor so you can learn from the past and then choose a different future. You can change your mindset just by thinking it through.
The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power. ~ Mary Pickford

Reframing Your Past To Better Serve You

Your world is the one you make through your decisions. So is the one you remember from your past. Change the significance of the experiences if what you remember is difficult or negative. Examine the experiences that are preventing you from moving forward and try to see them from a more positive perspective. Reframe your rejection, to believe it was a sign from the Universe directing you to a better place. If you have ever failed at something, consider it a lesson in building resilience for a better future.
Accepting your history serves as a springboard and a means of getting ready for the future once you can no longer imagine a better ending for it. The way you identify who you have been and how you envision who you will be next, combine to form who you are today. Take care of the narratives you accept and write about yourself. Take deliberate steps to embrace the lessons learned from the past and the opportunities that lie ahead. 
These are the components of who you are right now. The gifts that make up your current existence have been your experiences. A clear vision for your life is essential, as you attract what you focus on. Your destiny is entirely within your control. Even if you can't control everything in life, you can still do great things if you accept responsibility, grow from your mistakes, and have a clear vision.
There are times in our lives when we have to realize our past is precisely what it is, and we cannot change it. But we can change the story we tell ourselves about it, and by doing that, we can change the future. ~ Eleanor Brown

Everybody Changes; So The Future Will Differ From The Past

As an adult, you have experienced enough of life to see that one constant is change. You grow, circumstances transform, people develop. All of this is observable. Therefore, if everybody changes, then the past can’t indicate the future.
Even those around you that don’t seem to have the desire to grow still change. They are based on the circumstances that occur in their life and by the choices they make. Not making a choice is still choosing, which impacts one’s life that doesn’t allow things to stay the same. Thus, despite a lack of growth, the future will differ from the past.
As you develop, how you perceive the past is altered and reframed. You learn from the past and determine ways to prevent unwanted situations. You make informed decisions and take responsibility for your choices, so that you can move forward toward the goals and dreams. Thus, validating that you are creating a better future than your past.
My aha moment came when I realized my past was holding me back because I allowed it to. I embraced both the idea that I had total autonomy to decide in the present and the reality that I couldn’t change the past, only reframe it. Then I choose to forgive anyone who had wronged me, as well as myself for my previous missteps. And you can make the same choice.
People underestimate their capacity for change. There is never a right time to do a difficult thing. ~John Porter

Making Your Future Better than Your Past

As you have seen, in order to improve your future than your past, believe that it’s possible. This may take a bit of courage to overcome your fears and move towards a growth mindset. Here are some ways to help you with this process.

1. Find Your Tribe To Create The Future You Desire

You may have to cut ties with those people in your life that keep you fixated on negativity. The girlfriend who’s always teasing you about the mistake you made years ago has no bearing on the present, except that it keeps your ego in a place of embarrassment every time she mentions it. The people who remind you of your failings or missteps are focusing on the negativity of the past. You may need to spend less time with these people.
Instead, focus on those people who are encouraging, the ones who are excited for you to try new ventures or take a class. This is your tribe, the ones who look at your best attributes and speak positively to you. They remind you of the successes you’ve had, to inspire you to keep moving forward. Make new friends in the areas that you are growing. It's helpful to have someone learning with you to discuss and problem solve together.
Releasing those people from your life that have a negative influence on you is an important step to safeguarding that your future doesn’t resemble your past. By ensuring that you have people who are positive and encouraging around, you help yourself enlarge the possibilities of a better and boundless future.
When we think we have been hurt by someone in the past, we build up defenses to protect ourselves from being hurt in the future. So the fearful past causes a fearful future and the past and future become one. ~ Gerald G. Jampolsky

2. Let Go Of The Past And Its Attachments

Fear of loss is a common concern, like the anxiety of losing your job and the grief of losing a friend. The harsh reality is that you will lose things and loved ones. It’s the natural course of life. Nonetheless, being anxious about the future or worried about the past does nothing but keep you from being fully present and working towards your goals.
The fear of loss can cause many to stay in a mode of indecision and procrastination throughout the course of their lives. People grow attached to the stuff in their lives. Things like their profession, their prominence, their income, their lifestyle, etc. To pursue a change would mean relinquishing some or these things that are now associated as part of your life. Because of this aversion to loss, many people choose to put their dreams on hold — continuously.
By becoming less attached to the things in your life, you overcome the fear of loss. This enables you to move forward towards your goals and build a better future for yourself.
Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose. ~ Yoda

3. Accepting What Is Stops The Struggling

By learning to be thankful for your current situation, one changes the focus from lack to having enough. This is important from a universal perspective. Acceptance for what is allows peace to enter your life instead of feeling you are fighting just to get by.
Part of acceptance is gratitude for everything you have, which includes any hardships, as they’re there for you to learn something. The fastest way through adversity is to ask the Universe what lesson are you to glean from the experience. Then, you have to get quiet and discern how this situation can teach you something about yourself or how you relate to the world around you.
One of the best ways to help you see all the good in your life is a gratitude journal. It’s easy to write a few items each evening that happened during your day, which you are grateful for. They can be things like the beautiful sunrise you witnessed while driving into work or your child passed their math test even though he struggled with the homework. You have things in your life to appreciate, and this is where you need to focus your attention in order to shape the vision you have for your future.
Acceptance doesn’t mean resignation; it means understanding that something is what it is and that there’s got to be a way through it. ~ Michael J. Fox

4. Small Steps Towards A Better Future

Growth and development don’t happen overnight. It takes time. And you want things to happen quickly as you are impatient with yourself. But you need to be kind, give a little self-care and self-love. Pay attention to the incremental steps you take as you grow.
It took me over two years before I could meditate daily. I wanted to, but I had to overcome obstacles within myself in order to accomplish this goal. First, I set the intention to meditate daily, but I had focus issues. So, I had to work on being able to quiet my mind so that I could focus. Once I accomplished that step, I added meditation to my calendar, because if it’s on my calendar, I do it. This entire process could be frustrating, but I focused on each incremental step, not the end result. Now, I wouldn’t begin my day without first meditating.
So, whatever you are trying to accomplish, set up steps along the path so you can have minor victories along the way. This ensures you will continue to move forward even if you run into a time of struggle. Being able to see that you overcame previous difficulties encourages you to continue until you accomplish the goal.
You need to be content with small steps. That's all life is. Small steps that you take every day, so when you look back down the road, it all adds up and you know you covered some distance. ~ Katie Kacvinsky

Remember, You Are Wiser Now

It’s unnecessary for you to continue suffering just because you were taken advantage of or mistreated by others, often by those closest to you. You have the power to decide to quit mentally reliving the past. Actually, more anguish is frequently caused by your mind continuously playing back an awful experience from the past than by the actual incident.
You are no longer required to assume the victim's role. You're a survivor. And you can determine how you interpret negative experiences from your past. It’s the key to your freedom.
Unlike what some people think, you can be remorseful without always punishing yourself for past transgressions. Make the adjustments and move on. I can attest to the liberating nature of forgiveness, having extended forgiveness to my abusive mother. You don't choose to be forgiving of others in order to excuse or justify their actions. You choose to be free through forgiveness.
It's also important for you to accept responsibility for your own missteps. Since nobody is perfect. You don't have to serve a life sentence that you put on yourself in order to make up for the wrongs you did or the poor decisions you made. Treat yourself with self-compassion.
You can choose to see your past as quicksand or a launching pad. It’s up to you to make use of your experiences as a tool or allow them to be used against you.
Close the door on the past. Don’t try to forget the mistakes, but don't dwell on them. You don’t let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space. ~ Johnny Cash

Moving Forward Believing In A Better Future

You have the freedom to decide how much control you wish to have over your present life, regardless of what has happened in the past. Although it’s impossible to undo the past, you can reframe it and decide how to respond to it.
Belief is paramount to being able to do anything. Confidence in your abilities, conviction in your resolve to constantly move forward, and faith that all your work will make your dreams a reality. Maintaining this belief is important, which is why you need to take pride in the victories along the way.
Every disappointment that you overcame, each circumstance you seized, and the individuals that arrived along the way that you recognized were there to help you. All the success along the way helps you maintain the belief that the future is going to be better than your past, because you are creating it every day.
No matter how awful it was, your past does not indicate your future. The decisions and deeds you commit to today will ultimately shape who you become in the future. Decide to take what you've learned from the past and use it in the present to live the life that was meant for you.
Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay. ~ Simone de Beauvoir
submitted by TerriMKozlowski to personalgrowthnow [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:18 Stage-Piercing727 Best Coleman Electric Grill

Best Coleman Electric Grill
Welcome to our comprehensive roundup featuring the top Coleman Electric Grills! Explore our selection of the finest outdoor cooking appliances, designed with convenience and versatility in mind. Join us as we dive into the world of electric grilling and uncover the best options perfect for your next barbecue gathering.

The Top 19 Best Coleman Electric Grill

  1. Coleman Roadtrip 24" Portable Electric Griddle with Folding Steel Legs and Integrated Lid - The Coleman RoadTrip 24" Griddle XLT Black offers ultimate portability, a smooth cooking surface, and even heat distribution for your camping and backyard barbecue adventures, all in one convenient package.
  2. Portable Coleman Camp Grill for Easy Outdoor Cooking - Cook up a storm on the Coleman Deluxe Camp Grill, perfect for a variety of outdoor adventures with its versatile design, high-quality materials, and ease of storage.
  3. Coleman Fold N Go Portable Grill: Perfect for On-the-Go Cooking - Coleman Fold N Go Portable Grill - Enjoy delicious grilled meals anytime, anywhere with this versatile, easy-to-use, and easy-to-clean grill!
  4. Compact Portable Coleman Instastart Grill for Outdoor Cooking - Bring the party anywhere with Coleman's Instastart Propane Party Grill - compact, easy to transport, and perfect for flavor-packed sizzling treats.
  5. Coleman Roadtrip Steel Portable Griddle: Versatile, Powerful Outdoor Cooking Solution - Coleman RoadTrip Steel Portable Griddle, Blue Nights - The ultimate portable griddle for all your outdoor cooking needs with a powerful 14,000 BTU cooking surface, smooth and easy-to-clean setup, and even heat distribution for perfect results every time.
  6. Smokeless Electric Grill by Gotham Steel - Luxurious Grilling Experience - Experience quick and convenient grilling with the Gotham Steel Large Brown Smokeless Electric Grill, perfect for preparing your favorite gluten-free and dairy-free meals without any mess.
  7. Portable Coleman Grill for Camping and Outdoor Adventures - Experience versatile, efficient, and easy-to-clean outdoor grilling with the Coleman PerfectFlow Portable Propane Grill, perfect for camping, hunting, and tailgating adventures!
  8. Cuisinart Smoke-Less Contact Griddler: Versatile Indoor Griller for Delicious Grilled Meals - Enjoy smokeless, hassle-free grilling with Cuisinart's GR-6S Contact Smoke-Less Mode Griddler, featuring independent heating temperatures, adjustable to 175-425°F, dual plate functions, and simple cleanup.
  9. Brookstone IndooOutdoor Electric Grill for Charcoal-Free Cooking - Indulge in authentic char-grilled flavors indoors or outdoors with Brookstone's stainless steel electric grill, featuring independent temperature control, non-stick coated grill plate, and convenient features for hassle-free grilling.
  10. Portable Coleman Gas Grill for the Ultimate Grilling Experience - The Coleman PerfectFlow InstaStart Propane Grill offers a convenient, mess-free grilling experience for any outdoor adventure, making it the perfect choice for camping, hunting, tailgating, and emergency situations.
  11. Hamilton Beach IndooOutdoor Grill for Healthy and Delicious Cooking - The Hamilton Beach IndooOutdoor Grill offers easy temperature control, a nonstick cooking surface, and a 125 sq. in. grilling space, making it the perfect choice for health-conscious cooks who prioritize ease of use, cleanup, and durability.
  12. Portable Camping Grill/Stove with Wind Protection and Easy Clean-Up - Experience versatile outdoor cooking with the Coleman PerfectFlow Portable Camp Grill/Stove, featuring dual-sided cooking, windblock panels, and easy cleanup for a perfect camping meal.
  13. Compact Coleman Propane Grill/Stove for Camping Adventures - Grill like a pro with the Coleman Electric Grill, featuring a convenient 2-in-1 design, ample cooking space, and compact setup for outdoor adventures.
  14. Portable Coleman Grill for Camping - Experience hassle-free outdoor cooking with the Coleman NXT 200 Portable Grill, perfect for camping enthusiasts seeking a versatile cooking solution.
  15. Coleman Portable Gas Grill with 3 Adjustable Burners and Integrated Thermometer - The Coleman Roadtrip 285 Portable Stand-Up Propane Grill offers hassle-free portability, enhanced temperature control with 3 independently adjustable burners, and a spacious cooking area, ensuring perfect grilled meals every time.
  16. Coleman 2000020947 Portable 225-Square Inch Gas Grill in Red - Coleman Sportster Propane Grill: Powerful 11,000 BTU heat, easy transport, and a 225-square inch cooking surface make this the ultimate grilling companion.
  17. Cuisinart Outdoor Electric Grill and VersaStand: Portable and Compact Cooking Solution - The Cuisinart Outdoor Electric Grill with VersaStand provides a large, easy-to-clean cooking surface, efficient heating, and a telescoping base for convenient use, making it a top choice for outdoor grilling enthusiasts in any setting.
  18. Portable Coleman Black Tabletop Grill with Adjustable Burners - Experience hassle-free outdoor cooking with the Coleman Roadtrip 225 Black Portable Table Top Grill, offering up to 11,000 BTUs, 2 adjustable burners, and a convenient Instastart ignition for a great camping or tailgate experience.
  19. Coleman Roadtrip LX Propane Portable Gas Grill for Easy Camp Cooking - Coleman Roadtrip LX Propane Grill: A high-quality, portable gas grill with matchless lighting, easy-to-use push-button ignition, and authentic open-flame drip-through grilling ideal for camping cooking adventures.
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🔗Coleman Roadtrip 24" Portable Electric Griddle with Folding Steel Legs and Integrated Lid
Imagine having a portable griddle that you can take on all your camping adventures, effortlessly cooking up a storm of delicious meals in the great outdoors. That's exactly what the Coleman Roadtrip Griddle XLT provides, with its easy-collapsing steel scissor legs that make for a smooth transition from storing to cooking and quick setup.
It's the ultimate companion for your camping needs, featuring a 24-inch cooking surface that heats up to 20,000 BTUs - more than enough to cater to a crowd and evenly heat your food. The smooth, rolled carbon steel griddle cooktop pre-seasoned to prevent rust offers an efficient cooking experience, making it a breeze to clean up afterwards thanks to the removable rear grease tray.
Now, while it's a fantastic piece of equipment for outdoor cooking, it does have a few drawbacks. Its weight and size might pose a challenge when trying to transport it, especially when you're not in the midst of a spacious camping area. Plus, you'll need to dedicate some time and patience to maintaining the griddle after each use – a task that even the most seasoned barbecue enthusiasts might find a bit daunting.
Overall, the Coleman Roadtrip Griddle XLT offers a fantastic combination of portability, versatility, and power, making it the perfect addition to your camping inventory. However, be prepared to tackle some minor challenges along the way, such as its bulkiness and the time-consuming maintenance processes.

🔗Portable Coleman Camp Grill for Easy Outdoor Cooking
I recently took the Coleman Deluxe Camp Grill on a camping trip with my friends. We were excited to try out this grill, as it seemed like a simple and convenient option for cooking over a campfire.
One of the first things we noticed was how sturdy and well-built it was. It's made from nickel-plated steel, which gave us confidence in its ability to handle the heat and the elements. The grill can be used either standing over the flames or laid flat on top of the fire, which was a useful feature that we appreciated.
Now, let's talk about the drawbacks. The grill has two sizes of holes, and we found that the larger ones were too big, causing our burgers to fall through when we were trying to flip them. We also thought it would be better if all the holes were the same size, as it would have made cooking more efficient.
Despite these minor issues, the Coleman Deluxe Camp Grill was a convenient and reliable option for our camping trip. It was easy to transport and fold up flat for storage, which made it a great choice for traveling. Overall, we were happy with our experience using this grill and would recommend it to others looking for a simple and convenient cooking tool for camping trips.

🔗Coleman Fold N Go Portable Grill: Perfect for On-the-Go Cooking
I recently tried the Coleman Fold N Go Portable Grill, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer for my outdoor cooking adventures. As a busy mom who loves to cook, this little grill proved to be perfect for my on-the-go meals.
The first thing that stood out to me was its built-in handle, which made it incredibly easy to transport and store. The design was compact and lightweight, making it an ideal companion for weekend camping trips or a quick dinner on my deck.
The InstaStart button was a highlight of my experience. Say goodbye to lighting a match or dealing with a lighter – this grill fires up with just the push of a button. Plus, the adjustable horseshoe burner allowed me to have precise temperature control, ensuring my burgers and hotdogs turned out perfectly cooked every time.
However, there were a couple of downsides. The grill wasn't the most durable, with a few users reporting issues with the lid latch. Additionally, the porcelain coating on the grate was not as sturdy as I would have hoped, which made it more challenging to clean up after use.
Overall, the Coleman Fold N Go Portable Grill is an excellent option for those looking for a small, portable grill for their adventures or to use at home. With easy-to-use features like InstaStart and a adjustable burner, this grill makes outdoor cooking a breeze. But, potential buyers should be aware of the durability issues and the need to handle the grill with care.

🔗Compact Portable Coleman Instastart Grill for Outdoor Cooking
The Coleman Instastart Propane Party Grill was designed to bring the party anywhere; with its compact and lightweight design, this grill is perfect for tailgating, camping, or just hanging out in the backyard. One of its highlights is the 8,000-BTU burner control system that offers a perfect touch of heat, whether you're cooking up some steaks or just toasting some marshmallows.
The grill itself is easy to assemble and even easier to clean. The components are dishwasher-safe, making your post-cooking chores a breeze. I especially loved the feature that allows the legs to detach and fit inside the grill for easy storage and transportation.
Despite its many merits, there were a few drawbacks. Firstly, the grill's surface is prone to sticking and food could roll off quite easily. Additionally, the grill's performance varied; in some instances, the heat was unevenly distributed. The grill top, too, was a disappointment; the supplied one was too small and didn't fit properly.
In conclusion, the Coleman Instastart Propane Party Grill is a convenient and portable solution for those who want to grill or cook on-the-go. While it could use a few tweaks, such as a better grill top and even heat distribution, overall it does its job and makes for a fun addition to any get-together.

🔗Coleman Roadtrip Steel Portable Griddle: Versatile, Powerful Outdoor Cooking Solution
During my recent camping trip, I decided to bring along the Coleman Roadtrip Steel Portable Griddle, which I had heard great things about for its versatility and ease of use. I was particularly drawn to its 19-inch rolled carbon steel griddle cooktop, as it promised to cook up to 10 hamburgers at once with a whopping 14,000 BTUs of power.
Setting it up was a breeze; the scissor legs folded down effortlessly, and the two sturdy wheels made transportation an absolute cinch. I found the cooking surface incredibly smooth, which made flipping burgers a breeze. The griddle performed admirably, cooking evenly across its surface, much to my satisfaction.
One aspect that stood out, however, was the product's cleanliness. Its smooth surface proved a snap to clean, while the removable grease tray ensured a mess-free experience both during and after cooking.
Despite the initial assembly struggle mentioned by a reviewer, overall, I found the Coleman Roadtrip Griddle to be a fantastic choice for campers and backyard enthusiasts alike. The combination of its easy transport, even cooking heat distribution, and quick start mechanism make it a standout among portable griddles. My only caveat would be its weight, which while not a deal breaker, can make it a tad cumbersome to maneuver alone.

🔗Smokeless Electric Grill by Gotham Steel - Luxurious Grilling Experience
I recently tried the Gotham Steel 1619 Smokeless Electric Grill and was thoroughly impressed with its capabilities. Its large size and brown color made it a perfect addition to my kitchen, and it was easy to maneuver around thanks to its lightweight design.
One of the most outstanding features of this grill is its smokeless technology, ensuring that my kitchen was always free of the usual grilling smoke. The electric heating element cooked my food evenly and quickly, while the non-stick surface made cleaning a breeze.
However, there was one downside to this otherwise fantastic grill - its size. While it's great for large gatherings, it can be quite bulky and take up a significant amount of counter space.
Overall, the Gotham Steel 1619 Smokeless Electric Grill is a fantastic kitchen appliance that offers fast, even cooking with minimal mess. Although its bulkiness may be a drawback for some, it's a small price to pay for its impressive performance and ease of use.

🔗Portable Coleman Grill for Camping and Outdoor Adventures
I recently tried out the Coleman Portable Propane Grill during a camping trip, and I have to say, it made cooking in the great outdoors a breeze. I loved how versatile this grill is; perfect for camping, hunting, or tailgating. The heat output was impressive, with 11,000 BTUs of power across the 180 square inch grilling surface.
One of the features that really stood out to me was the PerfectHeat technology. It ensures efficient cooking using less fuel, which is great when you're out in the wilderness. The PerfectFlow technology also shines in extreme conditions, providing consistent performance across all weather scenarios.
Another handy feature was the WindBlock panels that help shield your flame from the wind. However, during calmer days, they fold down easily to serve as side tables. The removable grease management system is also a plus, making cleanup a breeze.
One thing I noticed wasn't perfect was the durability of the grill top. I had heard warnings about it, but mine unfortunately warped after just a few uses. This resulted in it being unable to close properly.
Despite this minor setback, the Coleman Portable Propane Grill proved to be a reliable and convenient companion for our outdoor adventures. It's perfect for creating the ideal meal, anywhere and anytime.

🔗Cuisinart Smoke-Less Contact Griddler: Versatile Indoor Griller for Delicious Grilled Meals
I recently had the pleasure of using the Cuisinart GR-6S Contact Smoke-Less Mode Griddler in my own kitchen. Honestly, it brought a whole new dimension to my indoor grilling game. The smokeless feature made grilling indoors a breeze without filling my apartment with smoke.
One of the first things I noticed was the adjustable temperatures. It made it incredibly easy to get the perfect sear on my steaks, evenly brown my pancakes, and cook each dish to perfection without overcooking or undercooking. The LCD display and digital controls were quite user-friendly and made selecting the desired temperature a snap. Yet, there was a bit of a learning curve in the beginning.
Now, the highlight of the Griddler was the DuoControl Heating Advantage. I could independently control the temperature on the upper and lower plates. I used this to cook a variety of dishes like fish, poultry, and veggies. However, it did require some trial and error to figure out the ideal temperatures for each dish.
I also loved the removable drip tray and the nonstick dishwasher-safe plates. Cleanup was a breeze, which was a great thing considering how much I used the griddler. The capacity was fairly small, but as I said, it was made to handle a couple of sandwiches at a time.
However, there were a couple of issues. Firstly, the bottom plate didn't cook evenly when both the top and bottom had the same temperature. To fix this, I had to play around with the temperatures to get the right results. Also, the cooking surface was quite small, but considering its compact design, it made sense.
The construction was sturdy and, in fact, exceeded my expectations. The silver color made it a great addition to my kitchen, adding a certain visual appeal. The appliance held up well against daily use, proving to be quite durable. However, the design was a bit of a challenge to understand right out of the box.
Overall, I found the Cuisinart GR-6S Contact Smoke-Less Mode Griddler a joy to use. It added a touch of innovation to my grilling routines and was a great addition to my kitchen appliances collection. Even with its minor flaws, it certainly delivered in terms of quality and performance.

🔗Brookstone IndooOutdoor Electric Grill for Charcoal-Free Cooking
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Brookstone Indoor, Outdoor Electric Grill. It's been great as a home grilling solution since it doesn't require charcoal or propane. My first time using it, I grilled some chicken, and the flavors just popped.
The two heating zones provided precise temperature control, allowing me to achieve that authentic grilled taste. However, I found the cleanup process a bit challenging as grease collected in the drip tray, making it a hassle to keep everything clean. Regardless, the grill's stainless-steel design and sleek outdoor cover made it a worthwhile addition to my outdoor cooking setup.

🔗Portable Coleman Gas Grill for the Ultimate Grilling Experience
I recently tried out the Coleman PerfectFlow InstaStart Gas Grill for a weekend camping trip. It was a breeze to set up, and with just a push of a button, the grill was up and running in no time. The convenient matchless lighting system really stood out to me, as it made starting the grill a hassle-free experience.
One of the biggest pros of this grill is its durability. The steel-crafted body is tough and can withstand various outdoor elements without any issues. Plus, on those calm days, the shields fold down as side tables, providing extra work space.
However, I did encounter a few cons during my time with the grill. Firstly, the drip tray wasn't the most effective. It seemed to catch grease well but can be a bit messy to clean. Secondly, the grill plate occasionally caused some difficulty in achieving an even cook.
Despite a few minor drawbacks, the Coleman PerfectFlow InstaStart Gas Grill has proven to be a reliable companion for me on my camping trips. So, if you're looking for a portable, convenient, and durable grill for your outdoor adventures, this might just be the one for you.

🔗Hamilton Beach IndooOutdoor Grill for Healthy and Delicious Cooking
I recently tried out the Hamilton Beach IndooOutdoor Grill and was quite impressed by its performance. This grill was a game-changer in my household as it allowed me to enjoy juicy, flavorful grilled meats without having to step outside in the elements. The nonstick cooking surface was a standout feature as it made cleanup a breeze, unlike my old grill that could be a hassle to clean.
One of the things that stood out the most was the temperature control. It made it super easy to adjust the heat to my liking, ensuring that my food was perfectly cooked every time. The even heat distribution was also noticeable - no more burnt burgers or overcooked steaks!
However, there were a couple of drawbacks I encountered. Although it's compact and portable, it took a little longer to heat up compared to my outdoor grill. Additionally, some users have mentioned issues with the grill's durability, but I haven't experienced any problems myself yet.
Overall, the Hamilton Beach IndooOutdoor Grill is a fantastic product that has made an excellent addition to my kitchen. Its easy-to-clean features, exceptional temperature control, and even heat distribution make it a worthwhile investment for any grilling enthusiast.

🔗Portable Camping Grill/Stove with Wind Protection and Easy Clean-Up
I recently tried out the Coleman PerfectFlow Portable Camp Propane Grill/Stove, and I must say, it has been a game-changer during my camping trips. The ability to use it as both a stove and a grill at the same time is such a convenient feature.
One thing that really stands out is the wind block system. It ensures that the burners aren't affected by wind, which is a common issue when cooking outdoors. The propane pressure control technology also makes sure that the cooking surface generates up to 10,000 BTUs of cooking power.
However, there are a few downsides. The non-stick surface, while easy to clean, can sometimes be a bit tricky to handle while cooking. Additionally, the dimensions might be a bit bigger than expected, so it could take up more space than anticipated.
Overall, I've had a positive experience with the Coleman PerfectFlow Portable Camp Propane Grill/Stove. It's a reliable and versatile option for those who love camping and cooking outdoors.

🔗Compact Coleman Propane Grill/Stove for Camping Adventures
A Coleman Tabletop Propane Gas Camping 2-in-1 Grill/Stove 2-Burner Gray has been my go-to grilling companion during recent camping trips. The convenience of cooking multiple meals simultaneously while occupying minimal space is truly a game-changer.
The best aspect of this grill is its versatility - it enables me to whip up a quick skillet meal or sear some burgers all at once, making it a perfect companion in the kitchen. Additionally, the grill surface fits a 10-inch pan, providing ample room for larger dishes.
However, I did encounter a minor inconvenience with the stove's design. The stove surface cannot accommodate a larger pot, rendering it unsuitable for preparing larger meals.
Overall, I am pleased with the Coleman Tabletop Propane Gas Camping 2-in-1 Grill/Stove 2-Burner Gray, as it has significantly streamlined my camping cooking experience. Despite the limitation with the stove's surface, its versatility and functionality make it a valuable addition to my camping gear.

🔗Portable Coleman Grill for Camping

The Coleman NXT 200 Portable Grill has been my trusty companion for countless camping trips and backyard barbecues. Its 20,000 BTUs of cooking intensity and 321 square inches of grilling space make it perfect for cooking up a storm, whether you're making burgers for the whole family or whipping up a quick meal on the go.
There are a few aspects of this grill that really stand out in my experience. First and foremost, its durability is top-notch. It's been with me through wind, rain, and snow, and it still performs like a champ. The materials used in its construction are of the highest quality, ensuring that it can withstand the elements and remain functional for years to come.
However, there are a couple of things that could use some improvement. One major drawback is the size and weight of the grill. It can be a bit of a struggle to transport it, especially if you're on your own. It's not exactly a lightweight option, so be prepared for a bit of heft when you're moving it from place to place.
Another area where this grill could use some work is the availability of accessories. Some users have reported difficulty in finding certain attachments, like the griddle, which can limit the versatility of the grill. It would be great if there were more options available for those looking to expand their cooking capabilities.
Overall, the Coleman NXT 200 Portable Grill is a reliable and powerful grill that has served me well in a variety of situations. It's a bit cumbersome to transport and accessory availability can be hit or miss, but if you're in the market for a dependable and efficient grill, this one fits the bill.

Buyer's Guide

A Coleman Electric Grill is a convenient and versatile option for those seeking an effortless outdoor cooking experience. These grills come in various sizes and configurations, making it essential to consider several factors before making your purchase. Here are some important considerations to help you choose the right Coleman Electric Grill to suit your needs.

Power Source & Portability
The power source of the grill is a crucial factor to consider, as it will determine how you use it and where. Coleman Electric Grills come with different power sources: 120 volts AC (standard household), 240 volts AC (requires a dedicated outdoor outlet), or portable options powered by propane or natural gas. Decide on the power source that will work best for you based on your electricity access and mobility needs.

Cooking Surface Size & Capacity

The size of the cooking surface and capacity of the grill will influence the amount of food you can cook at once. Coleman Electric Grills offer various cooking surface options, ranging from 120 square inches to over 600 square inches. Determine the size you'll need to accommodate your cooking requirements and the number of people you plan to serve.

Heating Elements & Cooking Settings

Consider the heating elements and cooking settings when selecting a Coleman Electric Grill. Many models offer individual heat settings for each burner, allowing you to control temperature zones for different cooking needs. Look for grills with adjustable heat output settings or temperature probes for more precise cooking results.

Additional Features

Additional features may also influence your decision. Some Coleman Electric Grills come with features such as side burners, warming racks, lighted control knobs, and even built-in refrigerators or beverage coolers. Weigh these features against your needs and budget to make the best choice.

Maintenance & Cleaning

Easy maintenance and cleaning are vital aspects of an electric grill. Look for grills with removable parts for simple cleaning, durable materials that withstand heat, and grease management systems to keep your grill in top condition.

Cost & Warranty
Your budget will play a significant role in determining your purchasing options. Compare prices and find the best value for your money. Additionally, consider the warranty offered by the manufacturer, as it will provide peace of mind and help protect your investment in the long run.
By taking all these factors into account, you can confidently choose the perfect Coleman Electric Grill to suit your outdoor cooking needs.


What is the Coleman Electric Grill?

The Coleman Electric Grill is a portable grill that utilizes electric heating elements instead of traditional gas or charcoal. It is designed for convenience and ease of use, making it a popular choice for outdoor cooking and tailgating.

What are the key features of the Coleman Electric Grill?

  • Portability: The grill is lightweight and compact, making it easy to transport and store.
  • Electric Heating: The grill uses electric heating elements, which produce consistent heat and reduce the risk of flare-ups.
  • Adjustable Heat Settings: Most Coleman Electric Grills have multiple heat settings, allowing users to control the temperature to suit their needs.
  • Easy Clean-Up: The grill's non-stick cooking surface makes clean-up a breeze, while the grease tray catches excess grease for easy disposal.

What types of food can I cook on the Coleman Electric Grill?

You can cook a variety of foods on the Coleman Electric Grill, including burgers, hot dogs, steaks, chicken, fish, and even vegetables. The grill's consistent heat and even cooking surface make it perfect for a wide range of delicious outdoor cooking options.

What are the benefits of electric grills compared to traditional gas or charcoal grills?

  • Ease of use: Electric grills are generally simpler to use than traditional gas or charcoal grills, as they don't require the purchase or disposal of propane tanks or the use of charcoal.
  • Faster heating and cooking: Electric grills heat up more quickly and cook food faster than traditional gas or charcoal grills, making it easier to get dinner on the table in no time.
  • Safety: Electric grills are generally considered safer than traditional gas or charcoal grills, as they have no open flames or hot surfaces that could cause accidents.
  • Consistent heat: Electric grills provide consistent heat, which reduces the risk of overcooking or undercooking food.
  • Less maintenance: Electric grills require less maintenance than traditional gas or charcoal grills, as they don't produce the same level of soot, ash, or other byproducts that need to be cleaned up.

What maintenance is required for the Coleman Electric Grill?

The Coleman Electric Grill requires minimal maintenance, as it uses electric heating elements and a non-stick cooking surface. Simply wipe down the cooking surface and grill grates after each use, and empty the grease tray as needed. Regular cleaning of the grill and ensuring it is stored properly will help to extend its lifespan.

How do I light the Coleman Electric Grill?

Most Coleman Electric Grills do not require lighting, as they use electric heating elements instead of open flames. Simply plug in the grill, set the desired heat setting, and allow it to reach the desired temperature before cooking.

What is the warranty period on the Coleman Electric Grill?

Coleman typically offers a one-year warranty on their electric grills, although this can vary depending on the specific model and the retailer it was purchased from. It is always a good idea to check with the retailer or contact Coleman's customer service for the most up-to-date information on product warranties.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:17 Soggy_Lab8575 I hate how i look so much i want to either get a ton of cosmetic surgery or killmyself. I cant stand it anymore.

I (20M) feel like i got pretty lucky with alot of things that men say women want. Im 6"5, im semi muscular (ill get into this one l8r), i got good hair, and half desent facial hair, i have a LOT of money for ppl my age (around 100k at 20 due to a legal suit involving a death of a close relitive), and above average sized thing (not to be crass but i think its important for what im talking about).
Now thats all great, like every alpha male guy would say thats all that matters to get women but my insecurity comes from my face. I HATE the way my face looks. Like i cant put into words how disgusting my face is. My nose is down turned and pruyrdes too far from my face, my eyes are too deep set into my skull and have these disgusting genetic under eye bags that are always shadowed, my cheeks are fat and puffy and i have a aweful jaw that shoots way too high up to early on my face, as well as one side of my face is round and 1 side is sharp. I hate seeing myself. But so much of life is just seeing yourself, i dont want photos of me, i dont want to be seen in public, i dont want to go on dates, etc all because i hate the way i look. Ive gone through soo much in my life but ive really gotten through it all, abusive parents as a kid, dead parent as a teen, all my grandparents are dead, no real connections, a disease that hospitialized me for most of highschool, and so many other struggles in my life and yet the only thing that consitantly weighs on my mind and makes me suididal is my face.
I hate it so much i cant put it into words. Ive done ALOT of reflecting on why i hate how i look because im probaly objectivly speeking barely below average or maybe even average levels of attractivness. I think it comes from bad experinces with women in the past and a sense of inadequicy caused by having abusive parents. I know i mentioned alpha male shit at thr begining of this post but im actually not into any of that bullshit at all. Im a pretty big feminist and ive always kind of prided myself on not being that cringe women hating andrew tate fan, but what im realizing is i just internilized all that hatred instead of putting it onto women.
I constantly look at myself, i check myself in every reflection to confirm im still ugly, if there isnt a mirror i take a photo or look at myself in my phones reflection. I do this because i want to know what i look like in the moment. Even when im alone i constantly check. I have over 6k selfies on my phone if just that. Sometimes i feel confident and i feel like a 8 or a 9 out of 10 and then i see myself in normal/natural lighting and i feel like a 3/10. Its so paralalyzing. I would do anything to just feel comfterable in my own skin. I miss out on so many great things because im paranoid about how i look. When i walk to the store i spend the entire time obbsesivly freaking out about my aprarejce, when i hang out with friends i try and consuously position myself in ways they see my good side or me in good lighting because i dont want them to THINK im ugly. Its so miserable i want it to be over. Im genuinly suisidal over my facial apearnece which feels so pathetic when you consider what other people are going through or even what I have experinced in the past, its wierd THIS small thing is so deteimental to my life.
I feel my body is fine but i do have a eating disorder specifically in a attempt to reduce facial fat. I do sooo much to try and inprove my aperace but at this point its just genetics. Like i have a massive skin care routine, i work out frequently, and so much more but it just doesnt help.
One of my friends told me he though i was ugly when he first met me but now he things im average and it destroyed me. Idk why he said it honeslty i think he was drunk and ment it as a compliment and for a normal person they would just move on but for me its lingered in my mind 24/7 for the last 3 months. It doesnt even matter what he thinks because im straight and its not like im trying to date him but I think becuase of the way i obssess over what others think of my apearjwce it like confirmed my already negitive thoufhrs about my apernece. I dont voice these kind of things to ppl so its not like any1 knows not to say things like that but if i did ask him not to it would honeslty make ut worse because then it would feel like he was silently judging me.
I desprutially want to be loved, i think it has to do with being phyically and emotionally abused by both my parents as a kid because i feel this deep sinkinh feeling in my chest all the time and it feeld like the only way i could fix it would be love. Sometimes i get a glimse of it, like i fall in love and we go on a few dates and then it doesnt work out but for that short few weeks it felt like everything was fine fir the first rime ever. I want to just experince basic love like hugging and spending time together with someone in a romantic sense SOO deeply and it feels like it i was more attractive maybe those dates where i was in love but it wasnt mutual would work out.
I social media stalk one girl in particular and evey new boyfriend she gets is like 500x more attractive than me and it just makes me feel hopeless but i litterally cant get over her. 2 years and the feelings never went away. Every time i think im over her i dream about her or something big happens involving her or a friend mentions her in passing and its like all these dormant feeling reawaken and i just feel so inadiqet. Like i dont even want any1 else. Its wierd and it fucking sucks.
I feel like the only real options left are get cosmetic surgery and hope that fixes everything, or die and never have to worry about it again but i genuinly think all the time about all the bad photos thsg would be used at my funeral. If i got cosmetic survery i would move to the other side of the country and start a new life and just pretend it never happened and not talk to any1 who new me from before until they A forgot what i looked like, or B enough time passed its reasonable i looked diffrent.
What should i do? Is this fixable?
submitted by Soggy_Lab8575 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:16 dojo_sensei Free Tech Tools and Resources - DNS Lookup, Security Podcast, Net Scanner & More

Just sharing a few free tools, resources etc. that might make your tech life a little easier. I have no known association with any of these unless stated otherwise.
But first, in the latest Security Swarm Podcast: "Microsoft’s SFI Expansion, UK’s New PSTI Law & Updates on Change Healthcare Attack,” we discuss the cybersecurity landscape based on data from the Monthly Threat Report for May 2024. We cover a range of news items, including Microsoft’s recent announcement to expand the Secure Future Initiative, the new PSTI (Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure) Act in the UK and a significant brand impersonation campaign targeting the German financial entity Commerzbank. Additionally, you'll hear updates on the Change Healthcare ransomware attack.
We're looking for your favorite tips and tools we can share with the community... those that help you do your job better and more easily. Please share your suggestions on the IT Pro Tuesday subreddit, and we'll be featuring them in the coming weeks.
Now on to this week's list!
A Free Tool
Iamroot DNS Lookup is an online tool for resolving domain names. Supports the most-common record types and performs secondary lookups on any references in the returned DNS records. Author flems77 explains, "MX Toolbox has a lot of excellent tools, but for basic DNS lookups, I had a really hard time finding any basic and simple tool with low-key results. So, I actually made my own."
A Tip
A solution-finding strategy suggested by Bleglord:
Adding to searches for odd issues with no documentation online.
A Podcast
Packet Protector is a new offering from Packet Pushers that covers the latest security headlines as well as delving into tech and strategic insights on a wide range of essential networking topics. SevaraB says, "[it] gets into good security day-to-day operational stuff without getting quite as ranty as Steve Gibson."
Another Free Tool
SoftPerfect Network Scanner is a universal IPv4/IPv6 scanner that can ping, scan ports, and discover shared folders. Includes flexible filter and display options. lpbale0 adds, "It is robust, extensible, and updated on a regular basis. You can also integrate NMAP for Windows into it. Yea, NMAP for Windows, I said it, flame me."
A Tutorial
Modifying XML, JSON, INI configuration files without sed is a detailed blog post explaining an alternative method for adjusting config files, including the relevant code. pdp10 favors this approach to using "sed, jq, xmlstarlet, augtool for elegantly modifying config files."
You can find this week's bonuses here or signup to get each week's list in your inbox here.
submitted by dojo_sensei to SysAdminBlogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:15 DifferentLecture5698 should i just leave CS and never look back?

There doesn’t seem to be a stopping point for layoffs. And with AI becoming better and more efficient, layoffs look like they will continue for a long time. I love computer science, not because of the pay or the benefits, but really because it’s fun. I hate when people say that CS is fun because it’s nice to see when you finish a project… that’s like saying you like working out cause you get to leave the gym😭😭. I really do enjoy getting stuck on problems, understanding the logic, finding solutions, and learning new syntax. But, if an all-knowing super computer is able to understand and do all that there is online, what’s the point? how will i be able to feed myself if I can’t find a job? Is it just better to go into bio and do pre-med, cause at least that way i’m guaranteed a job? Idk, i need advice and help.
submitted by DifferentLecture5698 to csMajors [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:15 magictcgmods Weekly trading thread -- trade with your fellow redditors!

  1. No stores or dealers selling on here. We won't stop stores from responding to sell posts with buy offers, though. At that point, it's up to the seller to accept or reject the offer.
  2. Do not spam this thread. Your sell/trade offer(s) should be confined to one post per week. If you list multiple cards as separate orders, or multiple lots of cards as separate orders, do so in the same post with a clear delineation. As a seller, you may post whether you want offers within the thread or whether you want a private message. If you want to make this different for different listings, that's your prerogative. State what country you're shipping from and include shipping price+method for your own country. If you are willing to ship to other countries, say so.
  3. No eBay posts.
  4. If a card is sold/traded, edit your post and invalidate any pending offers for that card. "Short selling" is not acceptable here, since we're dealing in physical goods and shipping times may be an issue, especially if the buyer is a tournament player. Do not short sell cards.
  5. Buyers: Post your offer directly underneath a sell listing, unless you are topping someone else's offer, in which case you should post directly underneath that offer.
  6. Buyers: Feel free to post a "want" list.
  7. For the sake of preventing identity theft and/or harassment, do NOT post identifying information (name, address, paypal info) in the thread.
  8. No throwaway accounts.
  9. Needless to say, we're Magic players. We don't necessarily have to pay in cash. It's entirely up to the seller whether to consider "2 Force of Will" as a highelower bid than $160.
  10. There is also a trading area that can be used as well, at
If you have any comments about the rules rather than about a particular auction, feel free to discuss them here.
PAYPAL FEE INFO: (Quoted from Paypal)
Free when the money comes from PayPal balance or bank account.
2.9% + $0.30 USD when the money comes from a debit or credit card or PayPal Credit
SCAMMER INFO: I will not link it directly here, but be sure to check out the scammer list on deckbox before doing any trading to ensure yourself to having a safe trade!
You probably can't mail off more than one toploader in a normal envelope+stamp due to it being too rigid; and you shouldn't do this for more than $10-20 worth of cards anyway since there's no tracking. Get a bubble mailer and get it tracked.
submitted by magictcgmods to magicTCG [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:14 Count-Daring243 Best Coleman Dog Tent

Best Coleman Dog Tent
Get ready to embark on an adventure with your furry friend! In this article, we'll be rounding up the top Coleman dog tents that are perfect for your next camping trip. Designed to keep your pup comfortable and safe, these tents offer the perfect combination of style, durability, and functionality. Whether you're looking for a cozy sleeping space or a spacious lounge area, we've got you covered. So, let's dive in and find the best Coleman dog tent for you and your canine companion!

The Top 7 Best Coleman Dog Tent

  1. Indigo Dog House with Microban - Enhanced Pet Comfort by Coleman - The Petmate Indigo Dog House is a premium pet shelter designed for medium-sized dogs, offering wind and rain resistance, insulation for temperature regulation, and Microban technology to combat stains, odors, and bacteria.
  2. Quick Setup Coleman Juniper Lake 4-Person Instant Dome Tent with Annex - Effortlessly set up your Coleman Juniper Lake Instant Dome Tent in about a minute, offering a spacious abode for up to 4 people with an extra annex providing storage or a cozy space for your medium-sized dog.
  3. Coleman Instant 4-Person Cabin Tent: Durable and Easy Setup - Experience the ultimate comfort and reliability with the Coleman Instant 4-Person Cabin Tent, a perfect blend of size, durability, and safety for your next camping adventure.
  4. Coleman WeatherMaster Tent: 10-Person, Patented Hinged Door, Eureka 17' x 9' - Experience ultimate comfort and durability with the Coleman 2000001598 WeatherMaster 10-Person Tent, featuring a patented hinged door, easy setup, and Coleman's exclusive Weather Tec System for optimal camping experiences.
  5. Coleman 8-Person Evanston Screened Tent with Screen Room - Experience bug-free camping with the Coleman Evanston 8-Person Tent, featuring a separate screen room, easy setup, and weather-resistant technology.
  6. Powerful, All-In-One Camping Dome Tent with Rainfly and LED Lights - Experience comfortable, hassle-free camping with the Coleman OneSource 6-Person Camping Dome Tent, featuring an integrated fan, LED lighting, rechargeable battery system, and weather protection.
  7. Weatherproof 6-Person Dome Tent with Full-Fly Vestibule from Cabela's - Experience ultimate convenience and comfort with the Coleman Skydome Camping Tent, featuring a full-fly vestibule for enhanced weather protection and additional storage space in a spacious, near-vertical dome design.
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🔗Indigo Dog House with Microban - Enhanced Pet Comfort by Coleman
The Petmate Indigo Dog House has been my faithful companion, keeping my furry friend comfortable and cozy in all weather conditions. The offset extended doorway ensures that wind and rain are kept at bay, allowing my pet to enjoy the comfort of their personal space without getting damp or chilled.
The structural foam provides excellent insulation, keeping my pet cool during summer days and warm during the colder months. The roof vent helps maintain proper airflow, allowing for a pleasant environment inside the dog house. The use of Microban is an added bonus, as it actively works against the growth of bacteria, mold, and mildew, ensuring a fresh and clean living area for my pet.
Installation was a breeze, with no tools required, and the dog house is specifically designed for medium-sized pets. Although the dimensions are perfect for my pet, I found it interesting that larger dogs can be accommodated in the larger versions of the dog house. My pet loved his new home and took to it immediately, feeling secure and protected from the elements.
However, there have been some minor issues with rain leakage. Although the design of the dog house is meant to keep rain out, I have found that on occasion, water still finds its way inside the dog house. This can lead to damp and unpleasant conditions for my pet and requires extra attention to keep the dog house area dry.
Overall, the Petmate Indigo Dog House is a reliable and comfortable choice for your medium-sized pet. With its insulated design and sturdy construction, your furry friend will be well-protected in all weather conditions. Although it has faced some minor issues, these do not detract from the overall quality and functionality of the dog house.

🔗Quick Setup Coleman Juniper Lake 4-Person Instant Dome Tent with Annex
I recently had the opportunity to test out the Coleman Juniper Lake 4-Person Instant Dome Tent, and I must say, it was a mixed experience. On the one hand, setting up this tent was a breeze, thanks to the pre-attached poles that allowed me to pitch it in about a minute. The ventilated annex, complete with a rainfly, was also a great feature for keeping my gear and dog dry and comfortable.
However, there were a few issues I encountered during my time using the tent. Firstly, the poles had a sliding mechanism that broke the very first time I used it. This resulted in a much heavier and bulkier tent, which was quite inconvenient when packing it up. Additionally, the rainfly, while well-ventilated, did restrict some visibility through the windows, making it slightly less than ideal for enjoying the outdoors.
Despite these drawbacks, the Coleman Juniper Lake 4-Person Instant Dome Tent still proved to be a functional and capable option for my camping needs. With a few improvements, such as detachable poles and a more durable rainfly, this tent could be an even better choice for those looking for a hassle-free camping experience.

🔗Coleman Instant 4-Person Cabin Tent: Durable and Easy Setup
Recently, I had the opportunity to try out the Coleman Instant 4-Person Cabin Tent in tan/black. This instant tent features an 8' x 7' floor that's spacious enough for a queen airbed, allowing for plenty of room to move around comfortably. Its taped seams and welded floor seam offer strength and durability, while mesh windows improve air circulation. Furthermore, it meets CPAI-84 flammability requirements for safety and has a fully-taped WeatherTec system that withstands harsh outdoor elements, keeping all your items dry.
When it came to setting up the tent, the color-coded poles and easy-to-follow instructions made the process a breeze. I was impressed by the tent's ability to withstand various weather conditions, thanks to its durable materials and strong frame. The design also includes ample airflow through large windows and a ground vent, reducing condensation and keeping the interior fresh and cool.
However, there were a couple of downsides, as well. Firstly, the d-style door was a bit hard to open and close, and the zipper required some effort to work properly. Additionally, the tent didn't seem as sturdy as expected in high winds, with the fabric flapping around a bit.
Overall, the Coleman Instant 4-Person Cabin Tent was a decent choice for a camping trip. Its ease of setup, spacious interior, and weather resistance made it a comfortable shelter. However, some improvements, such as better zippers and more durable materials, could have made this tent even more impressive.

🔗Coleman WeatherMaster Tent: 10-Person, Patented Hinged Door, Eureka 17' x 9'
Recently, I had the chance to try out the Coleman WeatherMaster 10-Person Tent on my camping trip. The tent quickly became a game-changer for me and my large family. When it comes to space, this tent is truly remarkable – it comfortably accommodates ten people, giving us all enough room to spread out and enjoy our camping experience.
The WeatherMaster's separate rooms and dividers provided us with much-needed privacy and organization, making our trip even more enjoyable. Setting up the tent was also a breeze, thanks to the color-coded poles and clear instructions. The tent held up well in various weather conditions, keeping us dry and secure throughout.
One of the standout features was the ventilation system. Despite having a large group, the tent remained well-ventilated, preventing condensation and maintaining a comfortable atmosphere. The built-in electrical access port was also a convenient feature that allowed us to stay connected and charge our devices.
However, there were a few drawbacks to the tent. The setup process was a bit slower than I expected, which could be an issue for those looking for a quick set up. Additionally, the rain fly was prone to leaking, which meant I needed to use an extra tarp for added protection. Despite these minor issues, the Coleman WeatherMaster Tent proved to be a valuable addition to our camping trips, delivering on its promises and providing a comfortable and spacious shelter for our family.

🔗Coleman 8-Person Evanston Screened Tent with Screen Room
I recently tested out the Coleman Evanston 8-Person Tent with Screen Room for a camping trip, and I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to set up! The snag-free pole sleeves and Insta-Clip attachments made it a breeze to assemble in less than 15 minutes. As someone who loves the great outdoors, there's nothing more bothersome than having bugs invade your tent. However, the fully screened porch and the four large windows provided maximum ventilation while keeping the bugs at bay.
The tent's 72-inch center height offered plenty of room for my sleeping bag, and the 1442 square feet of floor space was perfect for storing all my gear. The weather-resistant features, such as the taped seams and rainfly, ensured that I remained dry during a sudden rain shower.
The screened-in room was an excellent addition, offering extra space for ventilation or storage. However, one downside was the rainfly, which sometimes made it a bit darker inside the tent even on sunny days. Additionally, the tent was on the heavier side, making it a bit more challenging to transport longer distances.
Overall, the Coleman Evanston 8-Person Tent with Screen Room was a great choice for my camping trip. It provided a spacious and comfortable environment, while also offering a bug-free experience. Despite a few minor drawbacks, I believe this tent would be an excellent option for anyone planning a camping adventure.

🔗Powerful, All-In-One Camping Dome Tent with Rainfly and LED Lights
The Coleman OneSource 6-Person Camping Dome Tent is the perfect companion for outdoor adventures with friends and family. Setting up the tent in my backyard under the sun took only 10 minutes, and the fan feature made sure I stayed cool during that hot summer day. The LED lighting system brightened up the tent, making it an enjoyable place to hang out.
The tent's OneSource Li-Ion rechargeable battery powered not only the integrated fan and LED lighting system but also charged my smartphone, making it a versatile and eco-friendly choice. The included rainfly and weather-resistant features added peace of mind in case of sudden showers.
Although the tent could fit more people, it was cozy enough for my family of four. The ample storage pouches provided a convenient place to store our essentials, while the netting around the tent allowed for enhanced ventilation to keep things fresh inside.
Overall, the Coleman OneSource 6-Person Camping Dome Tent offered a comfortable and enjoyable outdoor experience for my family, and the easy setup, battery-powered features, and weather-resistance made it a winner in our book.

🔗Weatherproof 6-Person Dome Tent with Full-Fly Vestibule from Cabela's
I recently had the chance to try out the Coleman Skydome Camping Tent at our family camping trip. This tent was quick and easy to set up, taking less than 5 minutes. One feature that stood out to me was the full-fly vestibule, providing extra weather protection and additional storage space. The nearly vertical walls also gave us an extra 20% more headroom compared to a traditional dome tent, making it comfortable for everyone inside.
However, there were a few downsides as well. The front door zipper design seemed problematic at times, causing issues when trying to access the tent. Additionally, there was a small hole that appeared in the floor after our first use, though we're unsure if it was already there or not. The tent was also quite heavy at 20 lbs, making it difficult to transport.
Overall, the Coleman Skydome Camping Tent had its ups and downs. The ease of setup and extra space were definitely pluses, but the zipper design and the tent's weight were drawbacks.

Buyer's Guide

Choosing the right Coleman dog tent involves considering several important factors to ensure your dog is comfortable and safe during outdoor adventures. In this guide, we'll discuss key features, considerations, and general advice to help you make the best decision.

Selecting the right tent size is crucial for comfortable and spacious accommodation for both your dog and essential items. Consider the size of your dog and the equipment you want to bring along. Additionally, the tent's interior structure, like loops or hooks, influences how well your dog can move around and maneuver within the space.

Weather Resistance

Coleman dog tents are famously known for their robust weather resistance. Factors affecting this include UV protection, waterproof materials, and ventilation. UV protection prevents sun damage while waterproof materials ensure your dog will stay dry even in wet conditions. Proper ventilation is essential, as it allows for air circulation to keep your dog cool and comfortable throughout their stay.

Ease of Set-up and Portability

A Coleman dog tent should be user-friendly and simple to set up. Look for models with pre-attached poles and guylines for easy setup and takedown. Additionally, portability is essential for camping trips, so consider the tent's overall weight and compact design for easy transportation.

Additional Features

Some Coleman dog tents offer additional features such as mesh windows for increased airflow, detachable rainfly for flexible weather protection, and sewn-in floors to prevent leakage and provide extra insulation.

Consider Your Dog's Needs

Ultimately, the most important aspect of selecting a Coleman dog tent is understanding your dog's individual needs and preferences. Consider factors like mobility, comfort, and safety, and choose a tent based on what's best for your furry friend.


What is the purpose of the Coleman Dog Tent?

The Coleman Dog Tent is designed to provide a comfortable and secure space for dogs to sleep, relax, or play while outdoor activities. It can also be used as a temporary shelter for dogs during trips or events where they need to stay close to their human companions.

What is the size of the Coleman Dog Tent?

The Coleman Dog Tent comes in various sizes to accommodate dogs of different breeds and sizes. Generally, they range from 72 inches to 96 inches in diameter, which translates to approximately 6 to 8 feet in length. Some models can accommodate two or more dogs, making them suitable for larger breeds. Be sure to check the specific product specifications to find the one that best suits your pet's needs.

What materials are used to make the Coleman Dog Tent?

The Coleman Dog Tent is made of high-quality, durable materials to ensure long-lasting performance. It typically features a waterproof and UV-resistant polyester top layer to shield against sun and rain, while the bottom layer is usually made of heavy-duty, easy-to-clean fabric. Some models also have mesh panels for proper ventilation, making them comfortable for pets even in warm weather.

Can the Coleman Dog Tent be easily set up and taken down?

Yes, the Coleman Dog Tent is designed to be user-friendly and quick to set up at the campsite or on the go. It often features a simple clip-on design that allows you to attach it to a standard tule pole or any existing tent structure. Once your pet is settled inside, staking it down with provided stakes or clips ensures it remains in place during windy conditions. The take-down process is as straightforward as setting it up.

What are some features that make Coleman Dog Tent stand out from other dog tents?

  • The Coleman Dog Tent is made of high-quality, waterproof, and UV-resistant materials to ensure a comfortable and safe environment for pets.
  • It has mesh panels for proper ventilation, ensuring that pets stay cool and comfortable even in warm weather.
  • It boasts an easy setup and take-down process, with many models utilizing a simple clip-on design.
  • Coleman offers a range of sizes to accommodate dogs of different breeds and sizes, making it suitable for various pets.

Where can I find a Coleman Dog Tent?

You can find Coleman Dog Tents at a variety of outdoor and pet retail stores, both brick-and-mortar and online. Major online retailers such as Amazon and Walmart typically carry the products, and Coleman's official website (coleman. com) also stocks the entire line of Coleman Dog Tents.

What is the warranty period for the Coleman Dog Tent?

Coleman offers a one-year limited warranty for their dog tents. The warranty covers any manufacturing defects that may have occurred during production. Be sure to check the specific product manual for the warranty terms and conditions that apply to your Coleman Dog Tent.

Are Coleman Dog Tents suitable for dogs with long or thick fur?

Yes, Coleman Dog Tents can accommodate dogs with long or thick fur, as their venting system and material are designed to maintain a comfortable temperature for pets even with dense fur. However, it is always a good idea to check the specific product specifications for dimensions and ventilation to ensure your pet has enough space and airflow inside the tent.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:14 TypeAtryingtoB Month later and overthink placement and now future tattoos.

Months after and overthinking placement + next tattoo. Firstly, I prefer myself with these tattoos than not and they both have meaning to me. The pumpkin for fall and Halloween being times I have the only pleasant nostalgia from as a child with trauma and my son being conceived in October + the blue bird represents my son. The Charles Darwin think" branch represents me as a scientist and what soraked my love for science. want to get another tattoo for our second yet to exist child and that's when I started overthinking and analyzing my placement.
I notice the space in my inner arm where everything could have been placed just about 1 or 2 cm over to the right (more towards my armpit) and then the pumpkin wouldn't awkwardly peep out onto my outer bicep and be even more subtle and inconspicuous in placement, BUT then it would be very hidden and really hard to see at all, unless my arms are held just right or something. I thought this was a good happy medium? really want to be able to see my tattoos at this point in my life because they bring me joy. I thought about these designs for years and the locations. I'm a 31 F.
These were my very first tattoos and got them together. love the Darwin placement, although now I'm like maybe it could have been smaller, and the pumpkin bird one didn't study how it looked when my arms were by my side so much with only the outline. thought it was placed pretty far inwards guess wouldn't to be able to see it a bit? had him replace it twice and then It got harder to see well because the sketch ink was everywhere. should ask or specify what dimension next time and draw on myself with washable marker at home constantly until am happy with my placement before going. did imaginary placements at home, but in the end, here am not happy with it entirely months later.
l just feel like hindsight is 2020 unfortunately and there are things I didn't realize or think about, like future tattoo additions. I did not realize how attracted I would be to getting more. I thought I was probably only going to get one more tattoo and now I'm just dreaming up so many. Thank god I have some rationality to my impulsivity.
I had thought about these ideas for years, but when I finally decided to make the leap to finally get them, I feel guilty that maybe my excitement lead into a bit of impulsively and not throughout thinking through EVERY aspect of the tattoo.
Not looking for ridicule or shame. A bit of a perfectionist here and looking for validation. In the end, I tell myself that do love my tattoo. am glad can see it and the tattoos themselves have their initial meaning and the meaning of nothing can be perfect and that you love and you learn, so to speak.
I want my next tattoo to be more out next child. The blue bird on the first tattoo represents my first baby and feel that the next tattoo has to be equal in size and be visible to me because want my children to be equally loved in life and depicted on my arm . My husband thinks I'm ridiculous, but feel like ingest that subsequent children get jipped so often and atleast don't want to do that to him / her with my tattoos. doubt they may ever be like "well why does he have a bigger tattoo than I do? You can't even see the tattoo you got for me." Ect.
Anyone else have similar thoughts for their children tattoos?
submitted by TypeAtryingtoB to tattoo [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:13 lorcan-mt Dustin Luca Leaving Salem News

Posted on his Facebook page that he is moving to a Communications job at SSU. Thanks for everything Dustin!
On Sept. 11, 2001, a series of terrorist attacks set me on a path to do three things: to correct misinformation as a life goal, to enter a field that in some way improves people’s understanding of their world, and to earn bipartisan respect in how I do it.
I’ve written an untold number of stories across 23 years and been taken to places new and old, familiar and fresh. I've interviewed rock legends, presidential candidates (well... one), and along the way met unforgettable sources ranging from a baby battling neuroblastoma to an elderly Lawrence woman growing a potato in her apartment and naming it like a son.
Of course, this path has had its drawbacks. I was told early on that “being a reporter doesn’t pay well,” and that I was entering a “dead industry” fresh from its collapse in 2008. But, after my first time talking to a doggie daycare that made the Today Show and becoming friends with a cat, I realized the career also paid in memories... amply... and there’s really no place I’ve worked that has created more memories for me than Salem. It’s the beat I’ve worked the longest as a reporter; the most recent Halloween marked my 10th in the city.
It also marked my last.
On Oct. 24, seven days before Halloween, I turned 40. I did so without having yet saved any money for retirement, and while working at least 70 hours per week at two to three jobs for the last several years. The combined paychecks still put me a good bit below median household income for the area — something that comes to mind every time I see a comment online that talks about how people should try living where they can afford to.
There's also a dark side to journalism that has emerged in the last half-decade, one that I’d argue doesn’t get enough attention. It’s one of the few industries that is entirely private while also being fully public-facing — journalists are effectively public officials, without the protections and benefits of being public officials. We take a lot of shots from readers, some of whom would delight in us being out of the job and financially destroyed, and we just chuckle and move on with our day.
For the dark side, there’s also the light. In some parts of the real world, journalists are thanked for their service as if we’re active military. I’ve been compared to nurses working the pandemic, held up as a leader stabilizing a maligned society, and invited to share my perspective and experiences with high school classrooms, podcasts, even Boy Scout troops.
Being a reporter pays well in the memories you collect along the way (thankfully they aren't subject to a tax). To that end, I’ve at times felt wealthy for having the privilege of covering a city like Salem — even with its dark underbelly actively arguing that I shouldn’t have a job or be allowed to exist.
With this double-edged sword equipped for so long, I knew I’d put it down at some point. When thinking about the kind of job it would take to leave the news industry, I found there was really only one that kept coming up in my mind: an opening in Communications at my Alma Mater, UNH. That would honestly be a dream... a position like that opening at a college campus I knew so well. To my fortune, that exact position opened in my backyard toward the end of 2023, on a college campus I know just as well as UNH — if not better.
In early June, I’ll be switching careers as I assume the role of Associate Director of External Communications at Salem State University.
I loved my college experience and always joked that if I won the lottery, I'd go back to school and get a degree in physics, do something nutty with string theory. But really, there’s something about the college environment where I’m most comfortable: everybody is there to learn and grow, and, from each graduate, society receives an opportunity for transformation. The feeling you get walking through a space like that can't really be replicated anywhere else... At least that's the fuzzy feeling I get when walking onto a college campus.
It’s hard to imagine leaving the only world I’ve known professionally and no longer covering the city I love, but I’m not going that far. I’m still working in the same beautiful city and would love for you to say “hey” when you see me out doing whatever. You may also see my byline from time to time, and I think I'd even like to continue doing “the spreadsheet” each night polls are open.
But, for now, this bro is going off the record to go back to school.
submitted by lorcan-mt to SalemMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:13 dojo_sensei IT Pro Tuesday #302 - DNS Lookup, Security Podcast, Net Scanner & More

Welcome back to IT Pro Tuesday!
In the latest Security Swarm Podcast: "Microsoft’s SFI Expansion, UK’s New PSTI Law & Updates on Change Healthcare Attack,” we discuss the cybersecurity landscape based on data from the Monthly Threat Report for May 2024. We cover a range of news items, including Microsoft’s recent announcement to expand the Secure Future Initiative, the new PSTI (Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure) Act in the UK and a significant brand impersonation campaign targeting the German financial entity Commerzbank. Additionally, you'll hear updates on the Change Healthcare ransomware attack.
We're looking for your favorite tips and tools we can share with the community... those that help you do your job better and more easily. Please share your suggestions on the IT Pro Tuesday subreddit, and we'll be featuring them in the coming weeks.
Now on to this week's list!
A Free Tool
Iamroot DNS Lookup is an online tool for resolving domain names. Supports the most-common record types and performs secondary lookups on any references in the returned DNS records. Author flems77 explains, "MX Toolbox has a lot of excellent tools, but for basic DNS lookups, I had a really hard time finding any basic and simple tool with low-key results. So, I actually made my own."
A Tip
A solution-finding strategy suggested by Bleglord:
Adding to searches for odd issues with no documentation online.
A Podcast
Packet Protector is a new offering from Packet Pushers that covers the latest security headlines as well as delving into tech and strategic insights on a wide range of essential networking topics. SevaraB says, "[it] gets into good security day-to-day operational stuff without getting quite as ranty as Steve Gibson."
Another Free Tool
SoftPerfect Network Scanner is a universal IPv4/IPv6 scanner that can ping, scan ports, and discover shared folders. Includes flexible filter and display options. lpbale0 adds, "It is robust, extensible, and updated on a regular basis. You can also integrate NMAP for Windows into it. Yea, NMAP for Windows, I said it, flame me."
A Tutorial
Modifying XML, JSON, INI configuration files without sed is a detailed blog post explaining an alternative method for adjusting config files, including the relevant code. pdp10 favors this approach to using "sed, jq, xmlstarlet, augtool for elegantly modifying config files."
P.S. Bonus Free Tools
Get this week's bonus tools by visiting the IT Pro Tuesday blog, or sign up to get this in your inbox each week here.
Have a fantastic week and as usual, let us know any comments.
submitted by dojo_sensei to ITProTuesday [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:10 NonstopLasVegas Getting Paid to Chat From Home (Free Guide)

Remote jobs are more popular than ever and companies around the globe are always looking for new representatives to hire. Working from home has several perks, including flexible schedules and zero travel costs. However, finding remote job opportunities isn't always easy. I often see people posting questions here on Reddit asking what types of jobs they can do from home and how to find them. A couple of the most popular and in-demand options would be assistant or representative work. Companies need representatives to answer customer emails, respond to live chat requests, and even participate in community forums to answer customer questions and complaints.
The nice thing about remote chat jobs is that they don't require lots of experience and are tasks that most individuals can handle. Some people make as much as $500 per day just by answering customer emails or responding to live chat requests. They're getting paid good money for answering simple queries, sending information, and passing in discount coupons.
For everyone out there wanting to get into remote chat jobs or other online assistant jobs but isn't quite sure how to do so, we've put together a free guide that will show you how! It's filled with over a half dozen different sections that will teach you everything you need to know about finding the perfect chat jobs from home.
Here are the chapters:
  1. The Live Chat Jobs Opportunity
  2. Who Is This For?
  3. How It Works
  4. Types of Live Chat Jobs
  5. How Much Can You Make?
  6. The Secrets of Success
  7. Next Steps
We want to see everyone be successful and perform a job they enjoy. If live chat jobs sound like something you might be interested in, then Click Here to download our free guide and learn more about the industry. Discover how simple it is to find and apply for virtual chat jobs online right now!
submitted by NonstopLasVegas to RemoteChatJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:10 yama_is_mountain my mom has been ignoring me.

warning: long post
i (f22) had a huge fight with my mom a few nights ago. here's what happened: i was working till late at night and my mom asked if i wanted some noodles. i said yes. she came into my room and brought me the noodles. i went outside my room to take some water. i was hungry, so i wanted to eat right away. but then she made a comment on my body, told me that i was becoming fatter. for the past year, i have become very sensitive about my body image, and i have been consulting with a therapist about this. but still, comments on my body easily triggers me. i responded to hear briefly, and then went back to my room. but then the sight of the food made me really nauseous, so i put it away, outside of my room. thinking maybe i can save it for later when i feel better about it. i locked my door, and i cried a little. but then, my mom comes, banging on my door, yelling at me to open my door, and starts yelling about how im ungrateful, and starts cursing me. telling me that i'll regret it. she said a lot more things, but i couldn't hear it since my body completely shut down (out of fear, i guess). i froze and could only cover my ears. she said something along the lines of wanting to call my boyfriend and telling him to stop dating me.
i freaked out. i called my boyfriend and cried hysterically about this, and all my negative thoughts came to the surface. i started scratching my thighs real hard to the point it was definitely self harming, and i started to tell him i wanted to die. he panicked, and started to call my sister (f30, lives in the same house). my sister came down to talk to me and knocked on my door. i wanted to open the door, but my body didnt want to listen to me. i just froze and cried.
i heard yelling from the other room, which turned out to be my sister telling my mom off.
silence. i had a mental breakdown.
my mom came banging on my door again. even worse yelling now. start cursing me again. she started telling me that if i wont open the door, then i wont get to call her "mom" again. i mustered up all the strength i have left and opened the door. a little part in me wished she would calm down and listen to me. she didn't. it became worse once she was inside. she told me "you want me to die so bad, huh? i hope i die tomorrow so you'll be happy!!! you're insane!! you're clearly sick in the head! why are you behaving like a child? just see, i'll die tomorrow and you'll see!" she definitely said a lot more. i covered my ears again, all while crying hysterically. she then stormed out of my room and i guess she cried in her room. my brother (m27) started saying i should go apologize since she's the parent and I'm the child. i only calmed down once my sister and my dad started trying to calm me down and gave me water.
my mom has been ignoring me for 3 days. didn't even want to see in my direction. i tried talking to her (telling her i'm leaving the house) but she acted like i was a ghost. now i'm not sure what to do. i'm scared to apologize because last time we fought, i tried apologizing but she ignored me with my hand still in the air. it really broke me that time. i'm scared of the thought it might happen again.
tl;dr: mom got mad at me for not wanting to eat the food she made after she called me fat. has been ignoring me after yelling and cursing at me, and calling me sick in the head.
submitted by yama_is_mountain to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:08 PerryWhitmire84 As I got on the elevator, the man getting off whispered something strange to me.

“Don’t get off until you hit the ninth floor. No exceptions.”
“But my interview is on 5,” I replied.
“I’ll only say this only one more time. Don’t get off until you hit 9th. No other floor is safe.”
It’s crazy but something about the way he said it penetrated my skull. He was serious. And, he looked nervous, like he had to fight every instinct in his body to say that to me.
The doors closed, while I thought to myself - who the fuck says anything like that?
As I went to hit the button for the fifth floor, some anxiety came over me. I shook it off and pressed it. The guy was probably just off his rockers.
The elevator went up. I scanned my surroundings - a TV bolted to the top corner of the elevator (playing the weather channel), a mirror for the back-wall of the elevator, and some cozy lounge-style music playing. Pretty standard stuff.
“Now arriving at the 5th floor.”
Weird - not sure if I’d ever been in an elevator that announced each floor it was arriving at. I was sure that if I worked in this building, this would get pretty old quickly.
The doors opened on 5. In front of me was a reception area with a woman seated at the front desk. She stood up from her seat.
“Mr. Davis! You’re early!”
The gentleman’s warning from earlier played in my head.
“We’ll be ready for your interview in a few moments. In the meantime, please feel free to take a seat.”
“Uh, thank you,” I responded. “If I’m, uh, early, maybe I can come back in a few minutes?”
“Nonsense! We’ll see if we can speed things up. He’s been very excited to meet you.”
The elevator doors started closing. I held them open. I wasn’t sure what to do here, but everything seemed fine enough. Granted, the receptionist did seem a bit eager, but beyond that…
From my vantage point, I scanned the office space behind the front desk area. All looked normal - cubicles, folks clicking away at their computer, a kitchen area. Pretty unremarkable.
That is, except for the portrait off at the far end of the office floor. It was very large. I couldn’t tell what the picture was of, but I did see a group of employees staring at it… almost, admiring it?
“Your wife’s name is Meredith, right?”
I froze as the receptionist’s question shot a dart right through me. I didn’t remember the job application form ever asking for my wife’s name.
“You two are thinking of having children, right? If it’s a boy, you want to name him Sam?”
What. The. Fuck? Forget that she was right on the money, this was something I’d never spoken about before to anyone, including my wife.
Before I could answer, the office workers surrounding the large portrait started singing the Happy Birthday song loudly, in complete and perfect unison. Someone brought out a birthday cake and presented it to the portrait. A portrait that, after a bit of squinting, I realized was a very large version of my highschool yearbook photo.
I backed into the elevator, and pressed the “close door” button. I panicked as it took its sweet time to register.
Press. Press. Press. Come the fuck on.
After what felt like an eternity, the doors started closing. As they closed, I heard the receptionist -
“I’m so curious to know what your insides taste like, Michael.”
Fuck. Me.
Ninth floor. I needed to go to the ninth floor.
I found the 9th floor button and pressed it. It felt like it didn’t register my push, so I pressed the button again. And again. Come on, come on, come on, ninth fucking floor. I tried again and again, but nothing was happening.
Fuck it. I’ll go back to the ground floor, I thought to myself. Back to the start.
As I went to press the ‘G’ button, I realized it was missing. Just that one singular button gone. Fuck.
I was getting claustrophobic. I took in deep breaths to prevent myself from having a full blown episode.
The elevator started moving up again. A panel above the elevator doors lit up with the following number: 11.
Someone was calling the elevator?
I started talking to myself to self-soothe. “It’s okay, someone will call the 9th floor soon. That’s where I’ll get off.”
As the elevator approached its new destination, I noticed that the background lounge music in the elevator had changed. It was now an instrumental arrangement of “Happy Birthday”. Huh. Not sure why this thing thought it was my birthday.
I glanced at the weather report on the TV. At least it was going to be sunny all week! Silver linings.
“Now arriving at the 11th floor.” DING!
The doors opened, I hung around the inside corner of the elevator beside the buttons. No need to have another nightmare-ish experience, right?
An old woman stepped onto the elevator.
Great, I’m sure this will be easy to explain to her.
She smiled at me, as the doors closed.
With a lump in my throat, I asked – “What floor?”
“Ground floor please.”
“Uh, I’m sorry ma’am but that button is missing. Maybe we could wait until someone calls us to the 9th floor?”
“9th? No, I think I’ll just go to the 2nd floor instead, then.”
She went to press the button.
“Ma’am, I don’t think it’d be safe to–”
“I have plenty of friends on the 2nd floor. It’ll be okay.”
Aaaaaaand she pressed it. I didn’t feel comfortable cornering an elderly stranger in a seemingly haunted elevator. But I tried again to convince her –
“I know this sounds weird, but I have it under good authority that the 2nd floor probably isn’t safe. I’d strongly recommend not getting off until we reach 9.”
She smiled.
“Dear, it’ll be alright. You know, I like to take all opportunities that are given to me. It’s… a shame that you turned your opportunity down. I know the folks on 5 are very disappointed.”
I backed up into the corner of the elevator.
I saw the reflection of the old lady in the elevator’s back mirror. She looked ghastly. Otherworldly.
“Now arriving at the 2nd floor.”
The doors opened. She smiled at me again, and then exited.
I poked my head around the corner to look at the 2nd floor. It was damp. It looked old. More like a cave than an office. I heard a low rumble.
A man dressed in a fancy suit approached the elevator doors and held them open before they could close.
“You getting off here too, champ? I heard that 5 wanted you. I think we can give you a better offer.”
“I’m good.”
“You sure, bud? The salary is eight hundred thousand dollars every hour.”
“I’m good.”
“I’m kidding bud. The salary is we remove your eyes so you don’t have to see him.”
The floor went pitch black. The low rumble got much louder and started reverberating in my ears. Suddenly, the businessman grabbed me by the collar and tried to pull me out of the elevator.
I clung onto the ends of it. Fuck. Fuck!
I started kicking and headbutting him. I was able to make him let go of me momentarily, as I desperately pressed on the “close doors” button. Miraculously, the elevator responded much quicker this time and they closed immediately.
I tried the 9th floor button again. Didn’t work. I pressed 8 instead. Anything to get away from this hell-hole of a floor.
I heard a loud banging on the door as the elevator started taking off. Like an aggressive knock.
As I saw the floor numbers rising -
3… 4… 5…
The banging continued. Just as loud. What the fuck?
6th floor… 7th floor…
The banging on the door didn’t subside.
“Now arriving at the 8th flo–”
I pressed the button for the 23rd floor. Just as we arrived on 8, I mashed the “close doors” button just as the elevator doors were about to open. The banging continued as the elevator doors started denting.
The elevator continued going up.
The banging softened.
And softened.
And disappeared.
“Now arriving at the 23rd floor.”
It was gone. Thank fucking god.
I exhaled. It felt like I’d narrowly avoided disaster.
The doors opened.
I scanned the new floor, and I realized… I was back on the ground floor. That’s what it looked like, anyways. Did I escape? Was I finally free?
A man stood not-too-far from the door. He looked familiar, but I couldn’t exactly place him.
“Hey man,” he spoke.
Was this the guy who got off the elevator just as I got on?
“It’s over man. You got out,” he told me.
I felt a wave of relief wash over me… but I had to fight it.
“But you said the 9th floor was the only safe one, right?”
“That was a trick. You followed your gut and you were right. 23rd floor. The real safe floor. You can step out now, man.”
I didn’t leave.
“There’s someone here who really wants to see you.”
I couldn’t move.
“He wants to give you a job. He thinks you’re gonna be great.”
Why the fuck couldn’t I move?
“He’s in the other room. I’m gonna fetch him, okay? All you have to do is look at him. It’ll feel a bit weird at first, but then it’ll all be okay. It’s a permanent position. Great benefits. It is fully onsite, but, no better birthday present than a new job, right?”
I lowered my gaze to the floor. I forced myself to mutter the following words - “It’s not my fucking birthday.”
As he left to fetch… whoever he was meaning to fetch, he gave me the following response: “Relax, man. No cursing on the job. We’re a family here.”
It felt like I could only move a centimeter at a time. A true snail’s pace. I inched my finger closer and closer to the “close door” button.
I heard footsteps. He was coming back.
With every fiber of my being, I pushed through. I hit the button.
The doors closed, and I collapsed to the floor… free from whatever weird force was stopping me from moving.
“I’ll let you two talk more on the elevator,” I heard him say from outside the doors.
Instinctively, I looked around.
To my surprise, there was nothing. The elevator was the same as it had always been.
A lengthy exhale. I was done with all of this. At this point, I would’ve taken death over continuing this bullshit any longer.
As I pondered my next move in this hopeless situation, I noticed something strange. The button to the 9th floor was lit up. An ominous, crimson-red color.
Before I could do anything else, my phone started ringing. I checked the call.
It was my wife.
I answered.
“Babe. Fuck, I don’t know why I didn’t even think to call you - I’m trapped in an elevator and fucked up shit is happening and maybe I should call the cops? Fuck I–”
“Hun. Don’t go to the ninth floor.”
“What? W-wait, how do you even–”
“It’s a trick, honey. You have to trust me. The man from before was lying to you. It’s not safe.”
None of this has been safe! How do you even know everything that’s happening?!”
“You just need to trust me, hun.”
I paused.
“So what do you want me to do then?”
A demon on the other side of the phone answered this time.
I hung up the call and in a panic, I mashed on the 9th floor button. The elevator started rising again.
Even with me hanging up the call, the muffled sound of the demonic voice coming from my phone continued.
I pulled out my phone and flung it to the ground as hard as I could. I stomped on it angrily. The warped sound of “GO TO YOUR INTERVIEW” slowly started dying out.
But suddenly, the elevator started shaking. It was continuing to go up… but it was faster than usual. Really, really fucking fast all of a sudden. Almost like the 9th floor was now way below me.
It felt like an amusement park ride with no breaks on it. Loose. Dangerous. Flinging up at an insane speed, almost as if it was falling upwards.
“But I pressed nine?!” I screamed to myself, exasperated.
It didn’t matter.
“Now arriving at the 41st floor.”
God, what the fuck?
I was brought to my knees by the speed of the elevator traveling faster and faster.
“Now arriving at the 90th floor.”
The buttons didn’t even go past 52.
“Now arriving at the 141st floor.”
“Now arriving at the 230th floor.”
“Now arriving at the 401st floor.”
I felt like I was inside a bullet. The pleasant voice of the elevator lady was getting deeper and deeper as we rose.
“Now arriving at the 840th floor.”
The voice started croaking. A demonic sound this time –
“Now arriving at SOMEWHERE NICE.
A sudden halt. The elevator stopped. The doors didn’t open though. The panel above the elevator doors had no indication on what floor we were on.
As I sat, I heard what could be best described as the sounds of hell coming from outside the elevator. Low grunts of pain. Crackling. A dark hymn.
Was this where I was supposed to get off?
Before I could ponder the question further, I heard a soft tapping on the elevator. A voice from outside –
“Do you want to trade?” said the voice.
I decided to bite, for reasons I still don’t fully understand.
“What do you mean?”
“What if you stay on this floor forever, and I get to go home?”
“Uhm. I, uh, think I’m good…”
“But I really want to go home.”
It almost sounded like the voice of a kid. Fucking hell.
“I-I’m sorry, kid,” I mustered back.
“It’s okay.”
An awkward silence between us.
“He told me that he wants to wish you a Happy Birthday,” said the kid.
“I, uh… think he’s got it wrong. Today isn’t my birthday.”
“It is,” he responded. “It’s the first day of your new life. Your birthday.”
“He wants you to look at the TV.”
I looked at the TV in the top corner of the elevator, hoping to see the one constant I’d had during this whole cursed trip - the weather.
Instead, the TV was now showcasing what looked to be CCTV footage. Grainy footage from a camera… of the exact elevator I was in. A live feed of this exact moment.
Except, the TV showed me lying down. Looking up with a wide smile on my face.
And something above me on the ceiling. Looking straight down at me.
The lights in the elevator went off. The elevator plummeted downwards, as I closed my eyes and screamed for dear fucking life.
I waited for the impact.
For what I knew was my demise.
Here it comes.
Here it fucking comes.
I’m not ready.
I’m not ready at all.
“Now arriving at the 9th floor.”
The doors opened.
Wait, what?
9th floor?
I peeked out from the elevator.
Another reception desk.
Wait, is this really the -
I was interrupted by a voice from the outside.
“You coming out or what you fucking moron?”
I got to my feet. The feeling of distrust… anxiety, whatever you’d call it. My fear intuition. It was gone.
I felt light.
Fuck it.
I stepped onto the floor and approached the counter.
The receptionist handed me what looked like a button for the elevator.
“For the ground floor,” she said. “Single use only.”
I took it and headed towards the elevator.
Then, I turned back to face her.
“Can I maybe take the stairs?”
She shook her head.
“If you didn’t like the elevator, then you’re really not gonna like the stairs.”
Fair enough.
I got into the elevator.
I said a silent prayer to myself as I put the button where it belonged.
It fit without any issue.
I pressed it, and the elevator went down. It was a smooth ride.
“Now arriving at the ground floor.”
As I got ready to exit, I realized that the ground floor button was missing once again. Strange. I didn’t linger on it.
I marched out, ready to get the fuck out of this building.
I noticed a woman running onto the elevator. I tried to stop her, but something in my body wouldn’t let me.
The most I could muster was putting my hand on the door to relay a message to her before the doors closed.
“Don’t get off until you reach the 9th floor. No matter what.”
The woman just smiled at me.
“Happy Birthday Michael.”
submitted by PerryWhitmire84 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:08 f00o Trade Scenario OTW #1

Trade Scenario OTW #1
Hi everyone, with the Clips out of contention this playoffs and our future (admittedly) looking a bit bleak, I thought I would do something a little fun with these hypothetical trade scenarios, which I'll be aiming to post at least once a week. You can hate or shit on it as much as you want but at the end of the day, it's just for fun. Also just fyi, there will be a lot of words down below so feel free to just skim through.
Anyways with that over with, for now I'll be avoiding making up any trades with PG or Russ in it as it's unlikely PG does a sign-and-trade nor the fact that Russ signs another lowball contract deal.
So for today's scenario, I wanted to try and address the current roster's issues which are: Lack of a proper PF and not enough athletic/glue guys on the team. If you look at the image, this isn't necessary a 3 team trade but I had just put two seperate trades into one, for viewing purposes.
1st trade: Orlando Magic Receive - Terrance Mann & P.J. Tucker
Clippers Receive - Jonathan Isaac
Now, how can the 'untouchable' T-mann himself be traded? Well firstly, he's 27 years old so I doubt he makes any significant developments at this point in his career and for the past 3 seasons he's had the same general stats. However Orlando possibly makes this trade because they're lacking in the wing position and Mann slots in perfectly as a pretty decent 3 & D guy to play along Franz and Paolo. If you watched the Cavs and Magic series, you'll see how atrocious their offense was (especially in game 7) with no one seemingly being able to a hit single 3 on Orlando. They're also 23rd in 3pt % so T-Mann is a perfect fit for them in just simply spacing the floor. With PJ Tucker, there admittedly isn't much upside to him apart from giving you some scrappy old man post defense with the occassional corner 3 plus some veteran leadership (he's just mainly there as a contract filler).
In return, the Clippers get Jonathan Isaac. The Magic seemingly don't need him as much as he only gets 15 minutes a night and is playing behind one of the younger front courts with a rising 21 yr old Paolo ahead of him. However, our old ass Clips team can for sure use a guy like him. Serviceable from three (37.5% however only 0.7 for 1.9 attempts a game), Isaac fits perfectly along Zubac and the general offense of our team as his agile roamer-presence as a shot blocker plus Zubac's defensive anchor(ness?) makes for a pretty airtight front court defense. Plus his ability to sufficiently play behind our stars will make his fit even better, assuming he gets around 25-30 minutes a night I can see him easily averaging 12 ppg and 7 rpg with like 2 blocks (His per36: 15.5 ppg 10.2 rpg 2.8 bpg). Now his main issue is going to be availability. He doesn't exactly have the best track record went it comes to being healthy however this season it seems like he's made a proper return, playing almost 60 games this year. For how good of a fit he is, I think this is a risk we should 100% take.
2nd trade: Nuggets receive - Norman Powell & Moussa Diabate
Clippers receive - Kentavious Caldwell-Pope, Peyton Watson, Christian Braun.
With game 7 of the Nuggets vs Wolves coming to an end, we all saw how Jokic and Jamal fizzled out from exhaustion, resulting in the Wolves to come back and take the W. Jamal and Jokic alone combined for 69 points while everyone else on that team? 21 points. They desperately need a spark plug, starting or off the bench doesn't matter, they NEED a guy apart from Jamal and Jokic that can score the ball when needed. And who better then 6th man candidate, Norman Powell? Norman Powell has been absolutely monumental for us but thing is, he's getting old (30 yrs old). Already seeing a slight drop in ppg and other stats (also due to Harden being there), he like T-Mann, isn't going to get any better than this. We've got to sell him high. 14ppg on 43.5% shooting from 3 is still going to provide insane help to any team, especially Denver who needs more firepower off the bench. As for Moussa, I know his addition won't be anything insane but another issue with their roster is their lack of a backup big. They currently have a 35 year old Deandre Jordan as their backup behind Jokic. For his age, DJ isn't bad at all but how long is his worn-out body going to be able to endure and stay on the floor consistently? They need a fresh new body that isn't required to be impactful but can at least be there when Jokic comes off for whatever short amount of time he's resting on the bench.
Now for what we receive, with PG and Russ' presence on this team being questionable, its time we prepare to bring in guys that can play around Harden and Kawhi but also have a few decent young prospects we can actually look into developing. Bringing in KCP obviously won't be the same as PG but to be honest, he might make for a better fit. His defense is nothing to scoff at as it was merely 3-4 years ago where he was 11th in Dpoy votings. Obviously that was a bit of a stretch but even at age 30, he's still good. He's an established 2 way shooter that can spot up along with Harden and Kawhi leading the offense. And honestly with PG, at times it felt like his inconsistency, questionable shot selection and inconvenient passiveness as one of the main guys hurt us more than it helped us. Now with Peyton and Braun, I'm going to clump them together but they're both intriguing, young prospects that each have their own upsides. Peyton's knack for shot blocking and Braun's flashes of starter material, makes them good candidates for this squad. I know Ty Lue for whatever reason seems to HATE the idea of playing younger players but with PG, Russ and Norman Powell gone in this situation, he'll be forced to play some new faces in this lineup. KCP, Peyton and Braun are all wing players that can slot in from the 2-4, replace whichever starter when needed.
With this, I'm done with my ranting but after these trades, this is what I intended the lineups to look like.
Starters: Harden, KCP, Kawhi, Jonathan, Zubac Bench: Bones, Braun/BBJ, AmiPeyton, Theis/Kobe Brown, Plumlee/Kai Jones
I hope you found this at least entertaining, if you did read all this, I appreciate you and I am completely open to hearing any suggestions, new trade ideas or counter-arguments to this scenario.
submitted by f00o to LAClippers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:07 rohitn92 The physical ailments of CPTSD suck so much.

This is something people outside the cptsd experience seem absolutely unaware of. It goes beyond (and so much worse) the realm of things like depression and anxiety (at least for me).
Your body is overall weaker firstly. We don’t go outside much and workouts can be rare (if present at all). Coupled with poor sleep and lack of appetite, you loose so much weight, your muscle strength and endurance bottoms out quickly, tiredness is constant, even the energy to think is too low to improve consistently.
Then there are specific trauma ailments, due to whatever is tormenting you emotionally. For me that leads to a lot of mental block (literally feels like someone jammed a huge block in my brain), tinnitus occurrence, gagging & nausea, to even shaking and shivering in the worst moments. You’re on edge, ready to breakdown at the slightest inconvenience.
There’s the constant medical scare if your symptoms are of some other ailment outside ptsd, and you have to often get tests and vitals checked just to be sure.
Psychiatry medications help you regulate, but also have side effects that can contribute to the above.
Your immune system is overall weaker too. Basic things like flu hit harder and take longer to recover. It can exacerbate any of the above. And if you have any other comorbidity, chronic or mental illnesses already, talk about destination fucked! And let’s not forget the high cortisol level and inflammations all this stress is causing us and priming us for future ailments. Deterioration.
I’m in the thick of it all currently. And writing this for anyone else dealing with this kind of shit. No wonder we are further low on motivation and the will to exist. Who would wanna live like this! 🤮
Let this be a reminder how much gentler and caring we need to be to ourselves, especially when no one else is. I know you don’t even want to because of that. But remember it’s all cyclical, and health really is the most important thing! I’ve lived with depression for almost a decade before, and never felt I was struggling to survive like this! It’s seems obvious but so hard to achieve stable physical health. But it could ease things so much if we do! Little by little I guess. 🤍
Ps. Sorry if I missed anything. Feel free to use this as a space to call out awareness to other physical struggles if you want to.
Pps. Not getting into the sex-drive aspect of things. That’s a differently complex final boss. 👹 CPTSD really is a souls-like game ain’t it. No checkpoint bonfires or trophies though.
submitted by rohitn92 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:03 Final-Log-2303 8th dose experience (5mg)

Hello everyone,
This is my week 8 update!! Can’t believe it’s been 2 months!
This week i took my 3rd dose of 5mg in the bottom left of my belly. Side effects have been pretty low-key although I have been using the bathroom more than usual (that is the most polite way i could think of saying what i mean). Probably going to go back to my thigh next week as my appetite suppression was less noticeable this week.
This week’s weight loss has been slow at 0.9kg lost in total. Just want to mention that this is slow for me personally as i usually lose between 1.5-3kg a week but 0.9kg is still amazing and very healthy. This is especially since i have been eating a bit more this week too (it’s almost time to move out of our uni house and i have quite a bit of freezer food to get through to avoid waste).
On the plus side, ive officially lost 15kg (15.3kg to be exact) so i am 25% of the way to my target which is very exciting.
I’ve been to the gym 5 times and have been getting back into walking but mostly on the treadmill because the weather has not been on my side. I cant remember when but a few weeks back i mentioned needing to pluck up the courage to start pilates. Unfortunately my Pilates Mat is still chilling in its Amazon packaging in the corner of my room but I blame my academic commitments for that. I will give it a go at some point soon. I promise!
Currently at the point where i need to start thinking about whether i want to go to 7.5mg or not. Im leaning more towards staying on 5mg as it’s been quite kind to me but im going to wait until i take my 4th dose of 5mg so i can make a fully informed decision. This will be okay as i plan on taking the “5th dose” of 5mg also.
Weird side note: my body has started clicking a lot which i read can be caused by me eating less fats whilst on this weight loss journey?? Not sure how accurate that is but it low-key makes sense. Either way the clicking isn’t painful, it’s just annoying to hear.
That’s all from me!! Hope you’re all doing well :)
Stats as of 17 May 2024 5’7 21F, SW and HW: 120kg (265lbs), CW: 104.7kg (230.8lbs), GW: 60kg (132lbs)
submitted by Final-Log-2303 to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:03 AAT_480 A message from LA

Incoming Kings fan; I’ve been following your team for the better part of 3 years now and much more closely ever since the Oilers yet again gave my hockey team and our fans reason to pretend that history stopped moving forward after 2014.
Given that I’m still salty as to how much the Kings crashed and burned despite such a great start to our season I was wish you all the best of luck and say how the city of Los Angeles is behind you. I despise the Oilers. Mcdavid is a terrible captain, for how good the oilers have been in years past they really have dropped the ball and I hope they do it here. Like for his zero cups and zero wins he along with the rest of the team and fans sure talk a lot of crap, literally the maple leafs of the west.
But back to you guys though: your squad is unbelievably likable. Robertson is an up and coming star (pun intended), Otter is a total stud, I still can’t get over his series in 22 vs Calgary he was on fire (another pun), Benn deserves to win a cup and Duchene also got sweet revenge vs the Avs after they victimized him on the Preds in 2022. And someone pointed this out on the Bruins subreddit but if you beat the Golden Knights, Avs, Oilers and either the Panthers or the Rangers that is the definition of earning it.
Good luck to you all, I really hope this post dosent jinx you all.
submitted by AAT_480 to DallasStars [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:01 AutoModerator Weekly book club by

This week's book club list is as follows (enjoy reading and comment which your favourite is below):

  1. The Lost Art of Compassion: Discovering the Practice of Happiness in the Meeting of Buddhism and Psychology by Lorne Ladner: Dr Lorne Ladner rescues compassion from this marginalised view, showing how its practical application in our life can be a powerful force in achieving happiness. Combining the wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism and Western psychology, Ladner presents clear, effective practices for cultivating compassion in daily living.
  2. Choosing Happiness: Keys to a Joyful Life by Alexandra Stodda: Happiness lies in the passions we pursue and in the pressures we decline. It is in knowing how to work and when to play. It is in the treasured objects we keep nearby and in the ordinary moments we elevate into small celebrations. It is in the note we write to a friend and the kindness we show a stranger. It is in the colors we love and the music that transports us. It may be as simple as sunlight on your face; as sudden as a shared smile; as sensuous as a single flower on your desk, candles on your nightstand, or cookies hot from the oven. Happiness is what you make it, where you make it. Happiness is our best choice.
  3. Health, Wealth and Happiness: You Can Control Your Destiny by David Singh: David Singh's dramatic journey from the jungles of Guyana to the helm of one of Canada's largest financial planning companies provides the backdrop for this guide to lasting happiness. Advocating wise investments, careful planning, and healthy eating choices, this inspirational book uncovers the secrets to a happier and more successful life.
  4. What All the World's A-Seeking: Or, The Vital Law of True Life, True Greatness Power and Happiness by Ralph Waldo Trine: Ralph Waldo Trine was an influential member of the New Thought movement. He was one of the first people to write about the Law of Attraction. Long before Rhonda Byrne discovered the secret that one's positive thoughts are powerful magnets that attract wealth, health, and happiness, Trine already knew it.
  5. Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment by Martin Seligman: I have read about 80 pages and I am enjoying Seligmen's friendly, engaging writing style so far. Also, there are interesting facts about each person's 'range' of happiness being fixed on a spectrum.Great so far. Will attempt to update review when I have completed the book.
  6. Happiness Hypothesis: Putting Ancient Wisdom to the Test of Modern Science by Jonathan Haidt: Jonathon Haidt is a terrifically productive thinker about psychology. This is book is a credo and a guide book to your own happiness via an accomplished romp through the psychological literature which Haidt uses to explore the truths of ancient religion. I'm surprised it's not a wild best seller, but I think I know why - it doesn't have an singular and catchy formula for your salvation which you can learn in your lunchtime and hear about ad nauseam on late night TV infomercials. Just well written, well thought out commentary on the formula for a happy and fulfilled life distilled from the psychological literature.
  7. It's All in Your Head: Thinking Your Way to Happiness by Stephen M. Pollan, Mark Levine: If you've ever wanted to have a conversation with someone on a normal level about undoing negative thinking patterns, this book is about the closest you'll ever get in written form. The style is conversational, pragmatic, and realistic. Kind of like talking to a favorite uncle or aunt who is just "on the mark" about dealing with life. The book focuses on 8 behaviothought patterns that hinder us from being happy NOW, and provides simple, easy "exercises" to do to help overcome them. It is also one of those rare self-help books that the whole family can read, enjoy, and profit from. In my opinion, this book is better than any other I've read by Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Nathaniel Branden, and many others. If you've ever thought you can be happier, YOU CAN, and this book can help you get there.
  8. Handbook on the Economics of Happiness by Luigino Bruni, Pier Luigi Porta: This Handbook provides an unprecedented forum for discussion of the economic issues relating to happiness. It reviews the more recent literature and offers the interested reader an insight into the vast scope of the field in terms of the theory, its applications and also experimental design. The Handbook also gives substantial indications as to the future direction of research in the field, with particular regard to policy applications and developing an economics of interpersonal relations which includes reciprocity and social interaction theory.
  9. Freeing your child from negative thinking: powerful, practical strategies to build a lifetime of resilience, flexibility, and happiness by Tamar E. Chansky: This book is excellent for those who wish to embrace Food Combining i.e. what has become known as the Hay Diet. It is where one avoids mixing starch-based foods and protein-based foods in the same meal.
  10. The 7 Steps of Spiritual Intelligence: The Practical Pursuit of Purpose, Success and Happiness Volume by Richard A. Bowell: Pioneering researcher and educator Richard Bowell delivers the first and only self-help guide to the power of spiritual intelligence (SQ)-the next evolutionary stage in our pursuit of purpose, success, and happiness. He introduces the latest breakthroughs in neuro-science. Life lessons from such exceptional individuals as Nelson Mandela to Ghandi and Mother Theresa take readers on a self-guided journey to personal development and growth.
So, which one are you picking up next or have read? Let us know with a comment and upvote and share this post and our sub bodychemistry to stay tuned for more reading lists every week!
Love, marmalada
submitted by AutoModerator to bodychemistry [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:01 iced_maggot Quick question - how do I get low Aerobic up?

Quick question - how do I get low Aerobic up?
So I have anaerobic and high aerobic coming out the wazoo. But always struggle with low anaerobic. I do Atleast 3x10-20km sessions per week at Zone 2 but it still only gives me 90-100 points per workout. This makes sense in a way given Zone 2 is low impact, but how do you guys get low aerobic up? Do I need to just be running Half marathons every 2nd day?
submitted by iced_maggot to GarminWatches [link] [comments]


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2024.05.21 12:01 starship_enterprise3 My marriage is over due to my wife cheating on me. How do I manage and what are the next steps for me?

The fact that I have to write this and seek advice truly sucks... I'm m(30) was married to my wife for 6 years, together total for 9 years f(35) we have two beautiful boys together 3 and 2 years old... my wife recently called off our marriage and said she was done with this life and didn't want it anymore. I found it off, because things were pretty normal for the most part.
I later dug around and found out she was cheating on me beginning of march while I was in school to become a firefighter. During this time she was in between jobs and had free time. She built a "connection" with an older gentleman, on the heavier side and he's older close to his late 40 early 50 probably. They worked together and they would go to lunch together during work hours and built a connection that I was not privy to during our marriage. She cheated on me right after we dropped off our kids at daycare, said goodbye and I love you like a normal couple would, and she drove right to a hotel to be with this gentleman... I didn't find this out until after the breakup as a reminder and done some digging... turns out she's still with this man, and thinks she's in love with him.. get this kicker, he's also married, and told my wife he would leave his for her so they can be together.
That was early March and he's still with her. But still with my separated wife now also... we live in the same house still because financially we can't just leave. We have to sell our house and go separate ways. We live in separate rooms on opposite sides of the home and barely share contact unless it has to do with the kids. She filed for divorce from me with a lawyer without talking to me about it and I'm being served papers. So now I have to get a lawyer to protect myself and the agreement is nothing changes with the kids. And we want their routine to be the same with school and visits. 50 50 custody. And she just wants both of us to go our own ways and move on. Cause clearly she has... what pains me is this woman treats me as a ghost now.
The woman who I'm still madly in love with and still see her the same as when she met me down the aisle. The same woman I saw give birth to both our kids.... but she doesn't love me anymore and isn't attracted to me and wants to be with him and is attracted to him now... what do I do? How do I cope... how do I move on? I need all the help I can get because I'm slowly losing my mind. And I've just been in a state of anger, depression, betrayal, and just feel like I never knew this woman at all.... the woman I married would never have done this to me. First couple of weeks I won't lie. I would corner her and show her what I was to her and what she meant to me... and how our family was more important but her mind was fully made up... and she didn't want to hear it.
I was there for her at her lowest points of her life. And helped build her into the woman she is, she was a drunk and I broke that curse and she was sober ever since... idk what I did wrong to deserve this... she claims I was a good husband, a great father, and a good person. So idk what to do or how to act. Please help.
submitted by starship_enterprise3 to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:00 AutoModerator Daily r/LawnCare No Stupid Questions Thread

Please use this thread to ask any lawn care questions that you may have. There are no stupid questions. This includes weed, fungus, insect, and grass identification. For help on asking a question, please refer to the "How to Get the Most out of Your Post" section at the top of the sidebar.
Check out the sidebar if you're interested in more information on plant hardiness zones, identifying problems, weed control, fertilizer, establishing grass, and organic methods. Also, you may contact your local Cooperative Extension Service for local info.
How to Get the Most out of Your Post:
Include a photo of the problem. You can upload to for free and it's easy to do. One photo should contain enough information for people to understand the immediate area around the problem (dense shade, extremely sloped, etc.). Other photos should include close-ups of the grass or weed in question: such as this, this, or this. The more photos or context to the situation will help us identify the problem and propose some solutions.
Useful Links:
Guides & Calculators: Measure Your Lawn Make a Property Map Herbicide Application Calculators Fertilizing Lawns Grow From Seed Grow From Sod Organic Lawn Care Other Lawn Calculators
Lawn Pest Control: Weeds & What To Use Common Weeds What's Wrong Here? How To Spray Weeds MSU Weed ID Tool Is This a Weed? Herbicide Types ID Turf Diseases Fungi & Control Options Insects & Control Options
Fertilizing: Fertilizing Lawns How To Spread Granular Fertilizer Natural Lawn Care Fertilizer Calculator
US Cooperative Extension Services: Arkansas - University of Arkansas California - UC Davis Florida - University of Florida Indiana - Purdue University Nebraska - University of Nebraska-Lincoln New Hampshire - The University of New Hampshire New Jersey - Rutgers University New York - Cornell University Ohio - The Ohio State University Oregon - Oregon State University Texas - Texas A&M Vermont - The University of Vermont
Canadian Cooperative Extension Services: Ontario - University of Guelph
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submitted by AutoModerator to lawncare [link] [comments]