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Guess My Age

2011.08.28 20:53 dec0de Guess My Age

Post a pic and see what people guess?

2008.01.25 07:15 atheism

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2008.11.04 19:15 NBA

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2024.05.21 16:33 Longjumping_Ad_7260 So people recommend using these cards to gain MFP quickly….

One of which is Amethyst Shaemus, and I forgot the other one, but how do we acquire even this Amethyst Shaemus card?? And what other cards do you guys recommend that have rabble rouser or heavy hitter at higher levels?? I can clear 250 MFP/1.5 mins but he was doing 500 MFP every 3 and half mins, which I guess technically means my method works better, but I’m curious on other players techniques?? I’m not EVEN gonna try to get the Sami ZAYN amethyst card to get the manbun Roman persona card. I grinded out 20,000 MFP and beat the Andre challenge all 4 times and BUPKISS! (Not to mention I saw videos where people open 10 packs and STILL don’t get ANY amethyst cards!😳🤯). There’s infamously a guy on here who paid $400 just to get the cards to unlock persona Rock ‘24. But yeah I’m hoping they make Roman’s persona card available another way after this live event expires because I don’t see myself pulling the Sami card.
submitted by Longjumping_Ad_7260 to WWE2K24 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:33 LonelyPrize6 Gen z lesbians! Help! Flirting with crush! I'm so confused.

Sorry for the format, I'm gay, confused and on mobile.
I basically started giving myself exposure therapy, and started opening up to actual irl dating, going out, and experiencing life at 24! years old!!
On a night out, I met this cutie and flirted a bit, danced a bit, drank, I got a couple cheek kisses, got each other's socials and, when my friends and I went to leave they gave me a cutie little forehead kiss on my way out!! They were so respectful to my shyness and waited for me to be comfortable but also hyping me up through the night.
I later hit them up online and we had a very brief convo setting up boundaries and basically agreed that flirting and banter is ok. They even said they felt butterflies when I asked if they're comfortable with my attempt at flirting. This was about a MONTH ago, a long time for sapphics. I haven't seen them since cause life got busy.
We don't talk all the time but we do chat. They sometimes reply to my stories and compliment my photos. Sometimes when we're texting, I send sort of goodbye messages like "be careful, have fun, get home safe" messages when they're out with family/friends, but instead of ending the conversation they ask stuff to continue the conversation, like asking me about my day or they ask if I already ate dinner, etc.
They have a full time work, and go out a lot. There were times when I didn't really get any replies at all, for DAYS, but they did post. I don't mind not getting replies. But it gets confusing because they send good morning texts sometimes, or random updates about their life without prompting (I find it so cute!!)
I wanna ask them out. Not even on a date-date, just for a casual hang out to get to know them better but I don't really know if I should or shouldn't. I'm at a gray area cause I don't really know if this is still flirting or if they're just being friendly.
I just don't know. I feel like I started this whole "life" thing too late and I don't know how to read the vibe. Am I being socially anxious and delulu or are they just a really busy, friendly, extrovert.
And yes, in true sapphic manner we have already briefly talked about exes, trauma dumped, and shared hobbies. Ugh I don't know how to talk to girls.
submitted by LonelyPrize6 to actuallesbians [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:33 XXXtraFun2000 Thoughts and opinions on AAA Life Insurance?

My mother (62) and I live together and have been receiving a lot of mail from AAA advertising their life insurance. The letter says they’ve rolled back their rates to 2018 prices, that my mom is pre-approved for a policy, and that there are no health exams or home visits. The term policy rate would be about $150/mo for a $300,000 policy. She is in good health and has never smoked.
AAA’s aggressive advertising (we receive their offers for insurance several times a month) combined with their no visit/no health exam/pre-approval makes me suspicious. The fine print said policy ends when the holder turns 80, fair enough. But I don’t have any experience with life insurance and want to see if getting the policy with them is worth it or if it’s even a decent rate. Does anyone have words of wisdom or advice? Is there some catch I’m not seeing?
submitted by XXXtraFun2000 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:33 Ok_Donut1480 Why isn’t using your phone to take cash out of a cash machine more common?

I tried wording that question several ways and that was the best I could do!
I very, very rarely bother with my wallet anymore because don’t need cash enough to warrant it. I always have my phone or my watch to pay for things.
And that got me thinking, if I do need cash, why can’t I go to a cash machine and use something like Apple Pay or similar to verify who I am? Does this already exist? Seems like the logical next step but I’m probably being thick and missing something…
submitted by Ok_Donut1480 to AskUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:33 hielixsi Remember the day is just starting

Don’t panic sell
submitted by hielixsi to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:33 TheLogicalFlamingo PIP Reconsideration MP Help

So it’s been 25 weeks since I applied for PIP and only today after chasing it up with my local MP, they got back to me with an email they got outlining what PIP i was awarded, the lower daily living rate and that’s it.
I have severe health issues that I am certain qualify me at least for the highly daily living and probably some mobility too, and I know I should do a mandatory reconsideration but I don’t know what the best way to do this is, I still have heard nothing from DWP themselves, just my MPs email.
Any advice would be really appreciated!
submitted by TheLogicalFlamingo to DWPhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:32 Familiar-Air7496 Is teaching while trans/nonbinary in Texas feasible?

I’m currently a nonbinary student in high school, I’m planning on transitioning with hormones+top surgery and that whole shabang while I’m in college, and I really want to become a choir teacher. The problem… I live in Texas and the best option for both cost and quality of education is probably going to college in Texas, which also probably means teaching here.
Long story short Texas is not keen on trans people in schools. My English teacher my freshman year was nonbinary (and transitioning on estrogen)—it was their first year teaching in Texas, and I loved them to pieces, but over the summer they just vanished to Boston without much fanfare and I can’t help but think it was because of the treatment they must’ve received here. Not to mention the news stories about things like male teachers wearing dresses just as a joke and being forced to resign, or the constant fearmongering about trans people I have to see and experience on a daily basis.
It’s really worrying me for my future job prospects, and just my life in general; I can’t imagine a future for myself where I can’t express that aspect of me, but I’ve also wanted to teach my entire life and at this point I don’t think I have it in myself to do anything else. Does anyone have any advice or input?
submitted by Familiar-Air7496 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:32 Objective-Star-8568 No way people are saying R.I.P. no jumper because shows they didn’t watch got canceled?

Look at these view counts. NJ podcasts have NEVER done this horribly.
Imagine paying 4 heads a show for them to bring you 25-33% the views that the Tuesday show gets
What I don’t understand is if people are upset, why didn’t they support the shows? The views have only gone down on all 3 shows
submitted by Objective-Star-8568 to NoJumper [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:32 AcanthisittaAny1199 No one ever seems to like me back?

Hey guys, I’m 25 and have never been in a relationship. It’s not that I crave it, but I definitely wouldn’t mind being in one, it just is that everytime I start to like someone they have never reciprocated the same feeling. Ever. A majority of the time, it will be guys that come to me first, make the first move, and I’ll go on a date with them, hang out once or twice, and the coming weeks I fall really hard. And they seem not interested anymore. I get super dramatic about it in my head and create scenarios and think about that person all day, it will ruin my mood if they don’t text me back, etc. But I try very hard to play chill and normal and not seem insane by telling them how I really feel, but they never feel the same way. They will be in my DMs wanting and begging to hang, or they will see me out at the bars and really be interested, and once we do, it’s over. I’ll ask and want to make more plans and they’ll basically ghost or say something along the lines of, “I’m busy, another time.” It’s getting really frustrating and makes me upset and I am confused if something is wrong with me since it happens so frequently, just with different people.
submitted by AcanthisittaAny1199 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:32 Global-Landscape866 should i break up with my gf

Me 21f, and my girlfriend 20f have been dating for four months. I had two relationships before her, and she had one. But hers was an online relationship while mine were not, so i had my first kiss and all of the steps of intimacy with both of them. I am her first everything. And she (understandably) feels not so great about my past relationships. She is so insecure about them. And it’s always been this way for four months. I dont regret my past relationships because i loved them and i was serious about them. But lately, i am starting to regret them, with her pushing me away almost everytime we kiss because she remembered i kissed someone before. Or if we are doing more stuff, she remembers i did those things before and gets sad, almost cries. Says “ its hard to imagine you feeling comfortable with someone that much”. And every single time, i reassure her as best as i can. Stop everything we are doing, talk to her, cuddle her and keep reassuring her. And once every two/three days she always makes “jokes” that involves my exes. This isnt something that bothers me, for me. I am worried that these feelings of her wont go away and she cant be fully happy with me. We have talked about this before but she only says that she is sorry. Now, i do get her. But here is what bothers me and i want advice on this especially. We didn’t have sex yet. I just don’t feel ready for it. But she says that if i had sex with my exes after less time than her, she would get sad. I cant help but feel pressure. Like a lot. Its effecting me. We are not there yet, my past experiences were later in the relationship. But, she will go to her hometown for three months and we are going to have a sleepover and i know she will want to do stuff. Her being this way, me regretting the things i did in the past, is not good for me at all. I seriously have no idea what to do and it’s starting to affect me, therefore our relationship ,a lot.
What should i do???? and yes i have talked to her and reassured her in every way imaginable.
submitted by Global-Landscape866 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:32 danhatesmushrooms First ever darning ⭐️

First ever darning ⭐️
I have this old shirt that has lots of holes so i decided to use it to practice my mending techniques since i’m new, and i don’t mind making mistakes on it. And my first mistake was using 3 threads instead of one, the thread was a bit thicker than i would’ve liked but nonetheless it will give me more years of usage 🙇🏻‍♀️
submitted by danhatesmushrooms to Visiblemending [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:32 jpgerb Deliveries

I want to make sure I’m doing this right…
1) you start the delivery from the location to receive the items 2) If there’s a duplicate, one is for broken and one is for functional A) Last I heard the first was for broken?? 3) It will limit the amount of slots that get shipped based on people in the (sending/receiving?) location? A) If this is true, anyone know what that limit is?
I’m asking because I have a mining camp set up (by that first crafter and broken cart) but the pickaxes and food never seem to deliver. I have stock of both but they just don’t move. I have 1 person in the outpost (receiver) and >5 in the main settlement (sender).
submitted by jpgerb to Bellwright [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:32 Ok_Arugula8829 Doesn’t have time for me

I (26F) have been dating this guy (31M) for almost two months now. We both want to be in a relationship but right now we are taking things slow. Lately he has not been making time to hang out with me, usually it’s just an hour here, two hours there. Weekdays I understand because he has several jobs he’s trying to juggle but now I can’t even count on the weekends. I got so excited when he said we could go for a walk the other day and we were together for maybe two hours before he said he had to go home and eat and get some planning done for the week (which in this case we could have totally done together) I had been waiting days to hang out and I was really disappointed, and later over text I told him how I felt about everything and basically what I said here. I reminded him that quality time is really important to me and he agreed and admitted he hasn’t been around too much and that he’s been caught up with his own stuff lately and that we’ll have more “chills.” I’m not exactly sure what to do in this case because I know he’s trying to get his life in order but it’s hard to accept such minimal effort and I don’t like how he’s being so nonchalant about everything because I’ve been very clear about what I want and need in a relationship.
TL;DR If this guy doesn’t have time for me should I lower my expectations until he gets his life in order and accept the few hours he gives me? How long should I let this continue?
submitted by Ok_Arugula8829 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:32 NecessaryAntelope816 Shifting Co-Fronting

I don’t see a lot about this. I have full switches and amnesia on a pretty rare basis, but day to day my experience is mostly passive influence - with one alter in particular - and pretty un-dramatic co-fronting. I’ll often have one other alter up with me or very close near the front and then there’s just kind of shifting back and forth of which has more influence and control of what throughout the day. So like,carrying on day with characteristics of alter A, trauma trigger happens, sudden crying, suddenly stop crying, unable to sympathize with crying, disgust at crying, carrying on rest of day with characteristics of Alter B. No dramatic switch, no loss of continuity of consciousness, no amnesia for events, just emotions.
If you’re like “that just sounds like mood swings!” I agree and I thought so too for most of my life. I guess the difference, according to one of my therapists is the sudden drastic change in outlook and goals and preferences that align with those of an alter, and that they tend to occur with things related to my trauma (but are not flashbacks). I mean, I guess it makes sense since mostly, outside of mental breakdowns, people have just thought I was slightly odd and not like “Wow, she is very seriously mentally ill.”
Anyway, I’ve been assured that this is a typical presentation of DID, but I feel like I don’t see it discussed much here. Where’s all the routine co-fronting folks hiding at?
submitted by NecessaryAntelope816 to DID [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:32 Impressive_Market_62 Maybe this is something everyone knows

Maybe this is something everyone knows
But why is the boy kisser a cat is there some secret lore I don’t know about I hope neptune sees this and helps
submitted by Impressive_Market_62 to boykisser [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:32 laladabs How do I go about looking into background check on boyfriend?

I started dating a guy a year ago and moved him into my home this year after finding out I’m pregnant. I now know he’s lied about his criminal history in California- and now learned he fled to Pennsylvania because of whatever he did. He also got in trouble here, and I don’t think he’s told the whole truth on that as well. Along with lying about his financial status but I don’t really care about that. I believe I have a dangerous man in my home :( What do you recommend to do to gain this information? There’s more than google is coming up with (just one dui) nothing about California. I saw a piece of mail that $1300 a month has been taken out of his account for court fees for the last 4 years…. I don’t think there is a kid, I think he destroyed someone’s life and is paying for it…
Please let me know what you would recommend to find his criminal history in both PA and CA
submitted by laladabs to backgroundcheckhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:32 dine-and-dasha “They’re not sending their best” is actually progressive and nonracist

In fact it’s a great way to talk about the very obvious deleterious effects of unchecked immigration without impugning an entire race.
For example, the 2015 New Year’s Eve Cologne sexual assaults. The standard lib/leftist way of dealing with it is to never talk about it, never bring it up, call anyone who brings it up stupid, wrong and racist. But 1200 women were sexually assaulted by North African/Arab gangs in one night. It’s an insane thing to sweep under the rug. And as much as most women will refuse to complain about immigrants and their effects on their safety, it’s not fair to them to not even address the issue. For whatever reason you might personally support high levels of unselective immigration but you should confront the fact that it hurts quite a lot of people.
However, I actually don’t believe the North Africans and Arabs are inherently rapists. That would be racism. They’re just not sending their best to Europe. When you do unselective immigration, you tend not to get the best slice of that society.
The difference between a Syrian refugee family in Germany and a Syrian-American family in the US is huge. The Syrian-American family went through a selective visa process at some point, and they have a generally positive contribution to America, the refugee family, well not so much.
We should all embrace “they’re not sending their best” when talking about immigration.
submitted by dine-and-dasha to rspod [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:32 chips-and-guac-2189 My thoughts after finishing SVSSS for the first time

It was a BANGER lmaoooo I’m glad I gave it a chance (the title never captured my attention) but the fanbase insisted it was good and Ya’ll were right. Ya’ll don’t get enough recognition and it’s so much deserved.
tips cap
Although MDZS is still my favorite SVSSS will have always have a spot in my heart (actually competing for 2nd place with TGCF).
Shen Qingqiu was a fun character to follow I really enjoyed how unpredictable it actually was kept me on my feet. It was a much easier read than the others despite the high number of characters. Also really enjoyed how the system punishes the user for failure to complete a goal I feel like a lot of transmigration Danmei fail to do so. So this was refreshing to read albeit more failures would of been appreciated makes it a little bit realistic from a video game perspective.
Thank you so much for this journey I hope someday some animation company or “comic” (and I use comic loosely bc I honestly wanna just say straight up manga) magazine picks it up because it deserves the treatment that the other two receive. Plus it’s so short, doable in 25 episodes
Lastly, this has really inspired me to write my own I really do enjoy it.
Thanks Ya’ll
submitted by chips-and-guac-2189 to SVSSS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:32 CastleGrief Epic BECMI Dungeons and Dragons Solo Campaign

Epic BECMI Dungeons and Dragons Solo Campaign
I thought folks here might be interested in checking this out.
If you haven’t seen their channel, Wizard Deadloss is currently running a solo BECMI campaign from Level 1-14 using classic modules.
This is a really high-quality presentation, and is excellent, even if you don’t play solo, but are looking to get a feel of these old modules to run at your own table, or just out of curiosity.
Hope you enjoy it.
submitted by CastleGrief to osr [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:32 iovbub mutual venting/talking buddy :)

Hi I’m 20F in college, and just want someone to be able to talk to online more about problems and want to be there for someone else too in that regard. I have friends in person but there’s a lot I can’t really tell them about certain shenanigans and feelings, same with my family, and I don’t want to really bother them also. I know people say a journal is helpful but I have one, and I find it still nice to open up and just have someone listen to you. I don’t mind this turning into online friendship as well since I would like to have more online friends since I don’t have many anymore.
Idc about the gender but age wise I rather you be closer in my age since we probably can relate more since we’re in a similar point of life. I really don’t think I’d be able to relate much and therefore offer valuable responses to someone in high school or someone much older than me for example. That’s just my personal preference :) and also please don’t dm seeking any form of relationship, we can definitely discuss problems finding them since that’s part of my venting but I am not looking for anything like that here so please don’t expect that at all.
submitted by iovbub to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:32 Proud_Designer_8093 Replace Bardwell in two years?

Replace Bardwell in two years?
Obviously, some issues. I wouldn’t exactly called the source one four a “ high end” frame. And I don’t like that they used a different brand ESC to flight controller. May cause compatibility issues. But still this is pretty good right? AI is getting scary.
submitted by Proud_Designer_8093 to fpv [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:32 No-Bass5367 Seatpost recommendations

I really need to buy a seatpost cuz mine just broke🥰 And i don’t really know what to buy, there are many choices, i want something lightweight but pretty durable in a 34.9 size, so lmk what you recommend
submitted by No-Bass5367 to dirtjumping [link] [comments]