Underwater hidden things coloring pictures

Corrupting children's coloring books.

2014.03.12 12:36 CrayonsForBrains Corrupting children's coloring books.

Get some crayons and a coloring book to turn adorable pictures into twisted and or hilarious corruptions of their former selves.

2013.07.10 22:36 blueponies1 The fear of submerged machines


2020.09.25 15:52 showponies unconventionalpinatas

A place for pictures or videos of things unexpectedly becoming a pinata, and sharing their hidden bounty with the world.

2024.05.21 12:53 Gyramuur Been using Llama 3 for roleplay and its responses are usually amazing, but I also notice that it can be extremely static, can fall into repeating the same things, and will almost never generate anything different if you regen regardless of temperature settings

Lately I've been using Llama 3 70B for my usual text adventure/roleplay scenarios. I can only really use the 2_XS version since it's the only version that will comfortably fit onto my 3090 and still maintain decent performance, but despite the small quant size it's still one of the most amazing models I've ever used.
It's great at maintaining character, can remember little details, and it honestly feels real at times -- which isn't a feeling I've gotten since the glory days of ChatGPT 3.5 before they hit it with the anti-fun hammer.
Now unfortunately, even though most of the time it excels at what it does, it has the proclivity to fall into patterns, to the point where eventually, if you stay on a certain subject or scenario for too long, it'll basically start responding with only one thing no matter what.
I've tried upping repetition penalty to 2, I've tried raising the temperature (tried values between 0.5 and 1.4), I've tried deleting or changing prior messages so that it's not repeating itself. But once you get to a certain point, it's like it's hard-coded to say that one thing.
If I crank the temperature up too high, then it'll say the same thing but then go OOC, like pretending to be an author who's writing the story saying things like "Well what do you think? :3 Did you like the story? Make sure to rate and review!"
And honestly, considering the size of Llama 3, you would figure that it wouldn't get so pidgeon-holed with responses like this.
NovelAI models are only 13B, but every time you regen you're going to get something different. Llama 3 is 70B and hitting regen is like hitting generate in Stable Diffusion when you accidentally left it as a fixed seed and you wind up getting 20 images of the same exact picture.
I'm using LM Studio, but I've also used Oobabooga, and SillyTavern with Oobabooga API, and SillyTavern with LM Studio API. Really not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if that's just the way Llama 3 is sometimes. These are my current settings though changing doesn't seem to make much of a difference:
Temp: 0.8 Tokens to generate: -1 Top K sampling: 40 Repeat penalty: 1.1 Min P: 0.05 Top P: 0.95
submitted by Gyramuur to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:52 Practical_Primary504 I don't think I'm worthy of being loved by another person.

I grew up in a small town in Florida. I remember close to nothing about my childhood and honestly, I feel like my brain started producing memories near the 10th grade (I'm 19 and graduated now). I've been in a handful of relationships (2 long distance, 1 not) and each time I feel like I've pressured myself into saying "I love you" in pursuit of chasing some Disney channel love story fantasy. I don't really know what it means to truly love someone if I'm being honest. We usually say those words to our parents to show endearment, but I don't, or at least haven't for as long as I can remember. I don't know what it means to love someone. My family is very small (Mother, Grandmother, Sister) All of my other family members either passed or just really aren't in the picture. My grandmother isn't all there mentally anymore and my sister lives across the country and she's high 98% of the time. So its really just me and my mother here. My mother isn't a person you talk to about things. The typical responses are "suck it up" "be a man" "boo hoo" or any other way to belittle what I feel or what I say. She's been like that since I was a kid. So I don't really have any connections or people to talk to since I've graduated last year. I've been stuck in this house for upwards of 5 months now, I've been filling out job applications like crazy and luckily I have a job orientation later this week. At my previous job, I met this girl. Long story short, she ended up confessing to me on her way out after her shift. When I was younger, I grew up "ugly" it wasn't until 11-12 grade when I got my growth spurt and became who I am now and it took until the end of my senior year to learn how to dress, so at school I wasn't getting any play, only after highschool was I talking to women. That was the first time a woman had confessed to me like that. I knew I was able to be found attractive and to be liked, but never loved. Eventually down the line she had said she loved me, and of course I said it back, but I didn't mean it. After she had said that, the only thing I could think is "why me?" "Why some kid from nowhere Florida". I don't even have a license, my mother was driving me to work, and this woman says she loves me? Really? I had became absorbed in thoughts of not being enough, of not being worth it. Love is one of the strongest words we hold as people, and she used it on me. Doesn't loving someone mean they're at the center of your world? They're the reason you get up every day? The reason you go to work, or take a shower, or get dressed? I can't comprehend that. I shouldn't have that amount of power over a person. I shouldn't mean that much to a person. It was all I could think. I'd ask her why she loves me and she'd say "I don't know, I just feel it" and sometimes I'd say "I don't know why you love me so much" and she'd say "You dont need to know" which in retrospect, maybe she actually did love me, but why? Eventually I started telling myself that she was just lying to me for some external reason, and combined with the shitty dating world we live in-in 2024 it was very easy to convince myself of that. Eventually I ended things. Explaining to her that I don't know what it means to love someone and that I have to work on myself. I just. I don't know. I'm tired.
submitted by Practical_Primary504 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:51 aarvyedutech How do I become a full-stack developer?

 How do I become a full-stack developer?
A Comprehensive Guide: How to Become a Full-Stack Developer
Became a full stack
With the tech world constantly on the move, full-stack developers are the new rockstars. These programming wizards can craft both the user interface (the part you see) and the inner workings of web apps, making them goldmines for businesses. Because they can speed up development and create amazing user experiences, companies are in a hiring frenzy to snag them.
So, if you're a student dreaming of becoming a full-stack developer, get ready for an adventure! It won't be a breeze, but the potential for career growth is outstanding. This guide will be your map, outlining the strategies and steps you'll need to navigate your way into this exciting and in-demand field.
Understanding the Role of a Full-Stack Developer
Hold on! Before we jump into the nitty-gritty, let's nail down what a full-stack developer does. These tech pros are like masters of two worlds: the user-facing interfaces you see and interact with (front-end), and the behind-the-scenes logic that makes everything work (back-end). This means they can handle everything from designing how things look to managing databases and keeping the server running smoothly.
Alright, we've got a full picture of what a full-stack developer does. Now, let's break down the key areas they need to master:
Making it Pretty: This is the front end, all about the visual elements users interact with. Think HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with fancy tools like React, Angular, or Vue.js to make it all sing.
Behind the Scenes: This is the back-end, where the server magic happens. Here, full-stack developers build the core functions using technologies like Node.js, Python (with Django or Flask for extra power), Ruby on Rails, or PHP.
Data Doctor: Full-stack developers gotta keep all that user data organised! They'll need to be familiar with databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or Firebase to store and grab info efficiently.
Version Control Champs: Working with others and keeping track of code changes is essential. That's where Git, a version control system, comes in. Full-stack developers gotta be pros at using it.
## Strategy 1: Master the Fundamentals
Imagine you want to be a web-building ninja, but before you can unleash your skills, you need some serious training. That's where HTML, CSS, and JavaScript come in. These are the basic building blocks for creating the cool interfaces users see and interact with on websites. Think of them as your Legos!
Luckily, there are tons of ways to learn this stuff, like online tutorials, coding boot camps (think summer camp, but for coding!), or even just a good book. Find what works best for you, then dive in and practice like crazy. The best way to learn is by doing, so build some small projects to play around with and get comfortable with these core concepts.
## Strategy 2: Choose Your Stack Wisely
As a full-stack developer, you'll need to choose a technology stack that aligns with your interests and career goals. Research different stacks and consider factors such as industry demand, community support, and scalability.
Some popular technology stacks for full-stack development include:
MEAN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js): Ideal for building dynamic and feature-rich web applications.
MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js): Similar to MEAN stack but uses React for front-end development.
LAMP Stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl): Commonly used for traditional web development projects.
Django Stack (Python, Django, PostgreSQL/SQLite): Great for rapid development of secure and scalable web applications.
Choose a stack that resonates with you and dive deeper into mastering its components.

## Strategy 3: Gain Hands-On Experience

Okay, so we talked about building the knowledge foundation, but being a full-stack developer is all about applying that knowledge in the real world. Here's how to get your hands dirty:
Real World Bootcamp: Look for internships, freelance work, or even just personal projects to test your skills on real problems.
Open Source Hero: Join open-source projects on platforms like GitHub. This lets you collaborate with experienced developers, learn from them, and show off your skills to potential employers all at once!
Project Runway (for Code): Put your knowledge to the test and unleash your creativity by building your projects. This is a fantastic way to showcase your problem-solving skills and build a portfolio that will make you a rockstar applicant.
## Strategy 4: Stay Updated with Emerging Technologies
The world of web development moves fast, with new tools and tricks popping up all the time. To stay on top of your game, you'll need to be a lifelong learner. Here's how to become a web dev news junkie:
Follow the Gurus: Subscribe to industry blogs written by web development experts.
Webinars on Demand: Attend online workshops and presentations to learn about the latest advancements.
Join the Club: Participate in online developer communities to chat with other developers and stay in the loop.
Don't just read about the cool new stuff, try it out! Experiment with new technologies and frameworks to keep your skills sharp and adapt to the ever-changing needs of the industry.
## Strategy 5: Cultivate Soft Skills
Team Player: You'll need to communicate clearly with your teammates and explain technical stuff to people who don't code. Brushing up on your communication skills is key!
Puzzle Master: Problem-solving and critical thinking are essential for tackling those inevitable development roadblocks.
Time Ninja: Staying organised and managing your time well will help you meet deadlines and deliver high-quality work. No more all-nighters for this developer!
## Strategy 6: Continuous Learning and Growth
Keep the Learning Flame Alive: This journey is all about continuous growth. Always be on the hunt for new knowledge! Dive into advanced web development concepts like serverless architecture, microservices, and progressive web apps. Consider certifications or advanced courses to truly master specific areas of full-stack development and become an expert.
Join the Developer Crew: Don't go it alone! Network with other developers and industry professionals. Bounce ideas around, find a mentor for guidance, and stay motivated throughout your journey. Remember, collaboration is a fantastic way to learn and grow as a developer!
## Conclusion
So you want to be a full-stack developer? That's awesome! It's a challenging path, but super rewarding if you're up for it. Just like any adventure, it takes dedication, perseverance, and a genuine love for learning.
Here's the trick: equip yourself with the basics first, like a strong foundation in coding. Then, pick the right tools for the job, kind of like choosing your gear for a hike. To truly level up, get your hands dirty with real projects. It's like learning to ride a bike - you gotta practice! The tech world moves fast, so staying on top of new trends is key.
Don't forget, that communication, teamwork, and problem-solving are your secret weapons - essential for any developer. The most important thing? Never stop learning! Embrace the journey, and keep getting better every day. There will be obstacles, but each one will make you a stronger developer. Stay curious, stay motivated, and keep pushing yourself to be the best. The world of full-stack development is waiting for you, and with the right approach, you can totally crush it!
submitted by aarvyedutech to u/aarvyedutech [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:49 farhankarim_ Picture-in-picture issue - Android 14

Youtube picture-in-picture is not working for my pixel 6 pro. Things i have tried.
Check App Permissions: Go to Settings > Apps & notifications (or Application Manager). Find YouTube and tap on it. Look for Advanced > Special app access > Picture-in-picture. Make sure the toggle for YouTube is turned on. Verify YouTube Settings: Open the YouTube app. Tap on your profile picture in the top right corner. Go to Settings > General. Ensure Picture-in-picture is enabled. Clear YouTube App Cache: Go to Settings > Apps & notifications (or Application Manager). Find YouTube and tap on it. Tap on Storage. Select Clear cache. Restart your phone.
submitted by farhankarim_ to GooglePixel [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:49 Ok-Video1073 Don't know if it belongs here but here's an attempt at a custom Batman.

The figure is Verge from Fortnite with the legs being from Raptor.All black parts including the cape,boots,and mask are from electrical tape while the eyes are masking tape with it being colored to resemble those animated Batman masks with the eyes being white.The "Bat symbol" on his chest is a limb from a Lego crossbow that I took apart and hot glued on,the yellow thing on his chest is yellow poster paint where I attempted to draw his bat symbol but I sucked so I just did the other option and made it physical.I don't know the lore for this guy but mine is just this is year one with his armor being more heavy before realizing "Oh,I'm rich as Hell I could go and buy lighter armour."
submitted by Ok-Video1073 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:48 Numerous_Bull 10 Reasons Why You Need a Spare Tire Cover on Your Vehicle? Jeep tire Cover, Ford Bronco tire cover, Hummer tire cover

10 Reasons Why You Need a Spare Tire Cover on Your Vehicle? Jeep tire Cover, Ford Bronco tire cover, Hummer tire cover
Your spare tire might seem like a forgotten element of your vehicle, tucked away and unseen until the unfortunate moment you get a flat. But that exposed tire on the back is vulnerable to the elements, potential theft, and just looking a little worse for wear. Fortunately, a simple solution exists spare tire covers.
These covers, available in various styles and materials from companies like Boomerang tire covers, offer a surprising number of benefits that go beyond just aesthetics. Let's explore ten compelling reasons you should consider investing in a spare tire cover for your vehicle.
1. Shield Your Spare from the Elements: Sun, Rain, and More Sun exposure is a significant enemy of rubber. The harsh UV rays can break down the tire's compounds, leading to dry rot, cracking, and weakened sidewalls. This can significantly shorten the lifespan of your spare and compromise its safety when you finally need it. A spare tire cover is a protective barrier, shielding your tire from the damaging effects of sunlight, rain, snow, hail, and other environmental elements.
2. Deter Theft Spare tires are surprisingly easy targets for thieves. They're readily accessible, often require only a lug wrench to remove, and can be resold for a decent price. A spare tire cover acts as a deterrent by concealing the tire itself. This makes it less appealing to potential thieves and discourages them from targeting your vehicle. Some spare tire covers for Jeeps, like Jeep Wrangler wheel covers, even come with integrated locking mechanisms or cable locks for an extra layer of security.
3. Express Yourself Spare tire covers are more than just functional; they can be a fun way to express your personality or interests. Companies like Boomerang offer a vast selection of spare tire covers featuring everything from iconic logos and landscapes to humorous slogans and sports team emblems. For Jeep enthusiasts, Jeep Wrangler tire covers with camera hole are available to accommodate the backup camera mounted on some models. You can even find a tire cover for Ford Bronco that integrates with the vehicle's sleek design. This level of customization allows you to personalize your vehicle and make a statement wherever you go.
4. Enhance Your Vehicle's Looks A bare spare tire can detract from your vehicle's overall appearance, especially if you've invested in stylish wheels and a sleek paint job. A well-chosen spare tire cover can add a touch of class or a burst of personality, completing your vehicle's aesthetic. For instance, a Hummer H3 spare tire cover can complement the rugged off-road look of the vehicle, while a vibrant spare tire cover can add a pop of color to a more standard car.
5. Simplify Maintenance Keeping your spare tire clean can be a chore, especially if it's exposed to road grime, dust, and bird droppings. A spare tire cover eliminates this hassle. Most covers are made from easy-to-clean materials that only require a quick wipe down with a damp cloth to restore their shine. This saves you time and effort in maintaining the overall appearance of your vehicle.
6. Peace of Mind on the Road When you encounter a flat tire on the road, the last thing you want to worry about is the condition of your spare. A properly protected spare, shielded from the elements and potential damage, gives you peace of mind knowing it's in top shape and ready to safely get you back on the road.
7. Potential Insurance Benefit While not all insurance companies offer discounts for a spare tire cover, some recognize the added security and protection it provides. It's always worth checking with your insurance provider to see if having a spare tire cover can qualify you for any discounts on your policy.
8. An Investment that Lasts Spare tire covers are made from high-quality materials designed to withstand the elements and everyday wear and tear. With proper care, a good quality spare tire cover from a reputable brand like Boomerang can last for years, making it a worthwhile investment in the long run.
9. Easy Installation and Removal The beauty of spare tire covers is their ease of use. Most covers feature an elastic band or a cinch cord for a snug fit and are simple to install and remove without any special tools. This allows you to easily remove the cover when you need to access the spare tire or change it with a seasonal design.
10. A Great Value Proposition Spare tire covers are a relatively inexpensive way to add protection, functionality, and a touch of personality to your vehicle. A spare tire cover costs significantly lower than replacing a damaged spare tire or repairing vandalism. Considering their numerous benefits, spare tire covers provide excellent value for money.
In conclusion, a spare tire cover is not just a decorative accessory; it's a practical and affordable investment that safeguards your spare tire, enhances the look of your vehicle, and offers peace of mind on the road. With various styles and materials available, you're sure to find a spare tire cover that perfectly complements your vehicle and reflects your personality. So, ditch the exposed spare and embrace the benefits of a well-chosen spare tire cover.
submitted by Numerous_Bull to Jeep_Wrangler [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:47 AmyyDavis Enhance Your Super Mario Wonder Nights with LED Channels

Enhance Your Super Mario Wonder Nights with LED Channels
Sup fellow gamers and LED gaming lights geeks! "Today we’re diving headfirst into the world of games and atmosphere, exploring the fascinating fusion of technology and creativity. Picture this: you're immersed in the vibrant world of Super Mario Wonder, jumping over obstacles, collecting Power Moons, and fighting bad guys. But what if I told you that your gaming adventures might get even more exciting?
Meet the Game-Changing LED Channels
"Simply stick them on your desk, behind your monitor, under a shelf - anywhere you want attractive accent lights!"
Before we get into the magical world of Super Mario Wonder, let’s talk about the star of the show – the LED channel and LED strip. These stylish, futuristic LED channels and LED light strips are designed to transform any LED gaming setup into a symphony of color and effects that dance harmoniously with your gameplay. They are more than just lights; they are light and power. They are the gateway to a whole new dimension of the gaming atmosphere.

mizzlesworldtoys' Epic RGB Game Table Setup

Now picture this: you're posted at mizzlesworldtoys' legendary LED Game table. channel casts a dreamy glow that dances with the gameplay. As Mario explores wacky worlds, you'll feel fully immersed thanks to the mesmerizing lighting experience. No more boring deskscapes!

Syncing with Super Mario Wonder - Pixels and Light
Now, let's talk about the real magic—the synchronization with Super Mario Wonder. Imagine Mario tossing hats in the game to possess different creatures, and the LED channel and LED strips on walls changing colors accordingly. When he's underwater, the room takes on a peaceful blue color. LED lights glow an intense red as he enters the fiery depths of Bowser's Castle. It's more than just lighting; it's an emotional connection to the game that takes you deeper into Mario's adventures.
”These awesome Spotless LED channel systems are by @muzata_official
(The picture comes from mizzlesworldtoys’s comment area)

Before entering the promised land of LED-powered gaming, here are some hot tips:

  • Customization Galore: The LED channel allows you to customize your lighting effects, so you can fine-tune the ambiance to match your gaming preferences.
  • Easy Installation: Setting up an LED channel is a breeze, even for those of us who aren't tech wizards. Just peel, stick, and play!
  • Intelligent Lighting Controls: For ultimate convenience, change colors, effects or turn lights on and off with simple commands.
  • Low Energy Consumption: Despite their dazzling display, LED Channels are energy-efficient, so you can enjoy immersive lighting without worrying about skyrocketing energy bills.
  • Easy Cleaning and Maintenance: LEDs are easy to clean and maintain, ensuring that your gaming setup always looks its best.
  • Enhanced Focus and Relaxation: LEDs can be adjusted to provide focused lighting for intense gaming sessions or create a soothing ambiance when it's time to unwind.
    All in all, the LED Channels are more than just a gaming accessory; They are the gateway to a world of imagination and immersion. With the LED channel, every game becomes a masterpiece and every session an unforgettable adventure. So why wait? Dive into the world of LED channels
and make your gaming experience truly magical, one pixel at a time! Ready to glow up your setup? Heck yes, let's gooo!
Q1: Where to cut the LED strip?
A1: Most LED strips can be cut every 1 to 2 inches (2.54 to 5.08 centimeters) along designated cut lines.
Q2: How long do LED strip lights last?
A2: LED strip lights typically last between 30,000 to 50,000 hours of use, depending on the quality and usage.
Q3: Can I cut the LED strips to fit my specific gaming setup?
A3: Yes, you can! LED Channels are designed to be easily cut to the desired length without affecting performance.
Q4: Can I create my own custom lighting effects?
A4: You sure can! The LED channels offer a wide range of customization options, allowing you to craft your own unique lighting effects to match any game.
Q5: How do I calculate how many LED channels I need?
A5: Measure your space size and required lit areas. A 16.4ft channel covers 1 sq. ft. Buy 10-20% extra.
Q6: Are LEDs channels safe for extended use, especially during long gaming sessions?
A6: They emit very low heat, ensuring they stay safe and cool even during long gaming sessions.
Q7: What's the lifespan of LED Channels?
A7: They emit very low heat, ensuring they stay safe and cool even during long gaming sessions.
Q8: How do I troubleshoot common issues with LED Channels?
A8: You can contact Muzata customer support for assistance.
submitted by AmyyDavis to LEDchannels [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:47 Theowiththewind 25 [M4F] #Online #Florida/United States - Law School Grad looking for a Christian Woman

Hello there! I thought I'd try reaching out once.
About me: Lawyer, 25, 5'11, 200 lbs, broad shoulders, see picture for more: https://imgur.com/a/1ClP2hm
Non-denominational Christian. I'm open to someone anywhere in the US, though I would like to meet in person in a month or two, if things go well.
Some things I like: -History -Reading -Building and Painting plastic models -Learning to Bake -Games (Video and board, tell me your favorite board game) -Music -Working out -Swimming -Laughter
What I'm looking for: A woman between 20-26. Someone nice who seeks to grow every day. Someone who values kindness and family, and wants to start a family in the future. Someone who looks for the good in life. Someone who is a believing Christian (deal breaker for me, very important for any lasting relationship to be on the same page on things like that).
If I sound interesting at all and you'd like to chat, feel free to chat/message me. Have a wonderful Day!
submitted by Theowiththewind to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:47 Inevitable_Novel398 My experience as a transracial from black to white

I grew up in a family where black is a color not a certain lture not anything more than a color. That's how I was raised. I specifically was raised to think black and white Americans have the same culture. There is no difference between the two of us. We literally come from the same families with the same surnames. The same traditions. The problem with this is black is a color. And that was the problem. Because even when I was 2 years old I was taught my colors. And I knew that I was not black like my color wasn't black my color wasn't the same as my mom's family. Even then my family would get angry and aggressive when they realized I didn't view myself as black because we had clearly very different skin tones as a child like a toddler I was between a Fenty 260-295 I was a clear medium hue not at all the same as my family who were a Fenty 420-470/480. I viewed dark skin as different and it didn't help. To tell me that that was what I was supposed to be or what I was supposed to want to be or supposed to love more than myself. If anything that made me actually look at it more with resentment. Because I wasn't allowed to be myself I wasn't allowed to love myself as I was. Because I had dark skinned black people telling me they were the standard of phenotype and that to be black was to love their skin tone not mine. Who wants to be a part of anything where they are not supposed to love themselves? If you feel any positivity towards yourself that in itself will be repellent. So since I was young I always felt out of place.
As I got older it got worse. Because then black people got desperate. And they would try and say now I don't have the features I don't have the skin tone and I don't have the hair texture like black people. So the things I have left were short hair. And they would claim I was ugly. So basically they wanted me to identify as black because I had short hair and was ugly. Who would accept that they're ugly one? And secondarily who is going to identify with people who are literally saying that about themselves?
That's the whole issue with me I could never come together on anything. It was always if anything let's tear you down. And make you feel lesson. And hope so that makes you feel more black. And that never made much sense to me. One because I didn't grow up in a poor black neighborhood. I grew up actually in a poor White neighborhood. So being low to me didn't mean to raise. Because I've seen it in all colors. It's just always been all these methods of not being better. But can we come together on actually something tangent.
That's been my issue since I was 2 years old. What can we come together on racially that is actually tangent. I have nothing. And that is the issue. In regular life I'm not perceived as black unless I wear a wig in Latino neighborhoods they speak to me in Spanish with my natural hair. With a wig especially obvious ones I'm actually viewed as more black because my hair is assumed to be tighter than it actually is. My real hair is 4a so it has visible curls in it.
Add to all of this. We have to layer and racism. And it's always been an issue. Because why would someone try to align with people experience the racism but not the community. And also not be seen as a real one. Because it through the day-to-day life you're not the standard. Dark skinned black people are standard black people. So any experience you have with racism isn't even valid. Any dark skin black person can come forward. And say that that's not even real. They can completely invalidate your experience. Because they can claim that they didn't experience that. Or that it's not actually racist. Because they're the real black person.
My mom who is a dark skinned black woman has always hated me for these reasons. It is a deep-seated hate for some people who are so called Oreos because of the stereotypes that come with it. I was always taught by her to feel inferior to her. She'd try even go to extreme lengths by trying to call me a man. And I've noticed dark skinned black women would wish I was a man even so much of the time and they'd literally hate my existence.y mother was no exception but I saw how racist people viewed me and told me the more I was like my mother the less human the less female the less valuable I was. When you're not even naturally that way. What does that encourage you to do? I only look more like my mother when I tan. But I don't when I'm naturally what I am. Since my father was light and so was his mother since they are creole origins.
So when I turned 30 I realized I wasn't going to hinder myself hurt myself and hate myself by calling myself black anymore so now I identify as white and am investing in transitioning completely with make up eye contacts and still figuring out what to do with my hair. I've removed most of my tan and am back down to Fenty 260 I was originally Fenty 370-390 range.
I will never admit again that I'm black and will always say I'm white right now I'm Turkish until I get down to Fenty 210 when I want to identify as Italian American or Greek American etc....
It's been ok so far I just need to change my job and housing and it will be perfect because everyone around me will just know me to be white.
submitted by Inevitable_Novel398 to transraceBTW [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:46 Mission_Ladder_2765 Confused about the future of my relationship

I'm 24M and she's 28F. We are both native Chinese, and I have been studying in the US for 5 years. We met last year in China when I took the summer break (she hasn't been abroad before) and soon fell in love. So we are in LDR now (I've flown back to see her for two months, together we've physically been together for 5 months, and separate for 5 months). She indeed helped me through the most difficult period of my life, as I had depression at the time and was on medication. I think I got out of the condition under her support and love. However, deep in my heart, I always doubt if this relationship will last forever, as I think I'm still exploring my own life, and quite unsure of what my future looks like. She has suggested that she wants to marry me. I really want to tell her about my internal struggles and the idea of marriage actually sounds intimidating to me, but I can't because I don't want to hurt her, because I know once I tell her I don't want marriage she will wonder if I'm not serious on this relationship.
I know many of you may think it's the best to confess my thoughts to her and break up. I've thought about this, but I can't do so, for two reasons: 1. she has a really hurtful dating history, as her two ex-boyfriends hurt her so much, treating her so bad, that she has this inferiority complex that seems ingrained in her heart. She really sees me as a fateful destination of her life, as we have had a lot of good times together. I can't leave her like this, I can't deepen her existing trauma by betraying her. 2. She is from a rather economic-restrained family. She needs to support her parents, one of them suffering from a chronic illness. She works overtime everyday, sometimes plus weekends. If she hasn't met me, her parents would help find her a "ok" husband, which she despises. My point is: I can picture her life after I leave her, which is painstaking, living with a husband she doesn't necessarily love and doesn't love her (she's not physically attractive to most people I guess, but I'm fond of her), and she will spend rest of her life in China supporting her parents. I know this may appear to be my arrogant speculations, but I want to display the harsh reality here. If we continue, I can take her here to the US, I can help support her family by my salary. She has saved me from a dark place, I should do these things for her. It's immoral for me to leave her.
However, I can't keep myself from the thought of pursuing my own life, to me it's an evil thought. I know this sounds so contradictory, so hypocritic, but this is my true state right now.
Really hope for some true advice...what should I do, and what are the best ways to think about this?
Plus: I plan to work here in US after graduate. We have discussed about living abroad in the future, which she kind of objected but I think if we have determination to be together in the future it's not big issue.
TL;DR: I'm unsure about continuing the relationship, also some morality burdens are involved here. We are both Chinese and I'm studying in the US.
submitted by Mission_Ladder_2765 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:46 Odd_Cantaloupe_3832 Strap in reddit.....

It's a lot. And it's nearly 2 years worth. I think given what's happened tonight, I want to get it off my chest. This is a throwaway for obvious reasons....
Partner was in some weird niche group on fb. The admin is a very good friend of his. He made friends with some of the people in the group and chats moved to DMs etc. The admin passed on the number of a woman in the group and they chatted (it later transpired the behaviour youre about to read about happened with multiple men in cluding admin friend). The woman is in a whole different country very far away. They exchanged gifts, talked/video called every day and pretty soon, he was relying on her heavily for emotional support. This happened behind my back. He pulled the old "you would never let me have female friends" chestnut.
Jan 2023, I got covid and a close family relatives health went downhill. My covid resulted in secondary chest infections, chest xrays, multiple tests for all sorts of things and a lot of time off work not being fit for much at all. It was a long recovery and it was all I could do to work and then collapse in a heap at the end of the day. My partner felt like he had the brunt of everything to do around the house (I was still doing a lot but appreciated him sorting food in the evening and never complained). I didnt realise it but he also felt incredibly lonely- he works a solitary job by choice and his work hours meant he was coming home as I was going to bed and I could hardly keep myself awake with the post viral fatigue to spend time with him. I did try, napping when I got back from work to try and be able to stay up later, but it probably wasn't enough and I dropped the ball I guess.
My sick relatives health declined further and they ended up in palliative care before passing in April. I was devastated and he supported me through it but things felt off, I could never quite put my finger on it but definitely off. I mean the fact he called me the other woman's name in bed twice should have been a big red flag but he played it down- jokimg that it was one of his many many girlfriends and he can't help what he does when he's asleep.
What happened shortly after the funeral (2 weeks maybe) was that I came home from an errand and found partner on a video call with this woman. It was awkward AF. He asked me what I was doing home, tried introducing us, she didn't speak and then later complained I was very rude. She's a year younger than my mum and he tried to make out she's a mother figure and a good friend.
The following few days were strange, I was feeling jangled but still trying to get on with everything. We are in June now. He started bringing his work phone in with him and low and behold a message pings up from her- love hearts and all this bull. So it all comes out. They fucking love each other, she persued him and made it sexual. He loves it. I have yet another health issue resulting in small outpaitent surgury, its ok but im dealing with everything and it's a lot. Listening to him talk about her and how angry he feels towards me.
We hash it out. Nothing physical has ever happened obviously, gotta be in at least the same country for that blah blah blah. A lot of hurtful things were said (by him) but ultimately we decided to move on together and part of it was that they had to be NC. In the interests of open clarity and fairness, I emailed info to her husband. I'd have wanted to know. I apparently put her in danger from this which resulted in more anger.
I sought therapy and my health improved and I thought everything was going ok. Booked a holiday together for spring 2024 and, even though I had some blips in response to triggering behaviour, I thought we were doing ok. By Christmas I felt safe about opening up and felt more comfortable like we were back to our old selves. We had a festive blip- he tells me there's no longevity becuase I lost it over shit hidden in a cupboard that she'd gifted him. I need to get over it. He apologises for overreacting. We move on.
Jan 2024, I'm ill again. And it's wiped me out. I'm a mess. March 2024 roles around. Im still not right, struggling with my health and managing everything. Lo and behold, there's an email from her husband in my inbox with a LOAD of incriminating sexual screenshots and videos in a chat between my partner and his wife. Transpires NC never happened, or a least did only for a couple of weeks. He missed her too much. It's been going on again. Behind my back. Interestingly, I could not see him in any of what i was emailed, only her and he is very clear she is a friend and he never did anything inappropriate and had asked her to stop. Most of the time it wasn't like that but when she wanted to be naughty she would. I still stand by the fact friends wouldn't behave like that with boundaries and risking relationships, and if he really didn't want it he'd have put a stop to it.
It has been AWFUL. I insist on NC. He's very worried about whats going to happen to her, husband is allegedly not too nice. Partner is also suggesting that he'd just go behind my back because she's his safe space and he loves her, not in a romantic way mind.... Husband messages me to say they are getting a divorce (there have been several men, from our country- my partner was not as special as he thought). I worry having had it made clear that husband isn't so nice, I figure the news is better off coming from me. I tell him and he asks to be in contact with her.
Now here is where I might have gone wrong. I say to the pair of them to behave like long distance friends, set parameters- no pics, videos, love yous love hearts, whatever. She accepted full responsibility for everything and apologised. He says contact will dwindle over time and it will be ok. He wouldn't hurt me again. I felt like this was the right thing to do and that I could manage it. If they were genuinely just friends and it was her being broken and sad making it weirdly sexual maybe it would be ok, especially as I felt I'd said my piece and gotten some understanding.
I lasted 3 weeks. The contact level was insane. She was the 3rd wheel on our holiday. Honestly, it fucking killed me. I have never been so sad. And I was aware that pretty quickly my conditions of contact had been ignored. I broke down about 3 weeks later and said I couldn't do it anymore. Even with him saying that with the divorce the contact would decrease becuase she'd meet someone else etc. He said he'd cut contact and all he needed to know was that she'd be ok. He gets it done and I am surprised given everything I didnt think it would be an option. He said he knew it was hurting me but didn't do anything about it.
We've been going ok, probably about 3 weeks of realtive peace. Until today. I take a work call and he scuttles into another room and I can fucking hear them in a video call together. Apparently its only very recent- I mean its only been 3 weeks🤦🏻‍♀️. Apparently he's very lonely and doesn't want a miserable life of being monitored all the time. The trust is broken and its me thats dragging it out. Seems me saying I couldn't cope with them being in constant contact makes this my fault becuase he just misses her all the time.
So yeah. Hes downstairs on the sofa, messaging her. And I'm upstairs venting to you guys becuase WTF.
I'd do a TLDR but honestly, how?!
submitted by Odd_Cantaloupe_3832 to SupportforBetrayed [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:45 bblfoods123 Best and most used 5 Roll Refiner Machinery - BBL Foods

The company intends to expand its operations by taking advantage of the significant cost of high-quality bread, cakes, pies, sweet rolls, and burgers from its regular customers. This is particularly clear in India, which is acknowledged to be the second-most prominent roll maker on the planet.
Taking into account people's affinity for heavenly food and the usage of cutting edge kitchen mechanical social affairs, bread shops are seeing an expansion in business. The energy of the late graduated class for novel flavours and blends has in like manner added to the improvement of the business.
Looking at the conditions impelled me to open a bread shop. Considering starting a cake business with overall no fixing using all standard means to stretch out ahead one's inventive limits is an expedient choice. When there are more places to work from, it becomes much easier to keep a business going.
For this stunning project, it is essential to acquire the most stunning kitchen equipment, bread shop supplies, and machines. The control of the purifier necessitates the most evaluation. Due to their uniform atom size, the BBL Foods of 5 roll refiner machinery is said to produce excellent results. Smooth chocolate, coatings, spreads, and creams will continually make you inspect this technique. It's eminent that this material, which isolates with immaculate precision, uses less energy and saves money and time.
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2024.05.21 12:45 LeLittleGirl My Best friend and her messy engagement

Today, I finally put on my altered dress for my (23f) best friend's (24f) engagement party. Although I look beautiful in it and I am feeling myself, I keep having flashbacks and flashfowards of what can go bad.
We met on facebook when we were both in high school and clicked, despite having bad opinions about each other. We had plenty of common things to talk about, and I honestly admired her for how intelligent and well spoken she is. Although, she always was the kind that had her mind set on an ideal when it came to relationships that resulted in a very toxic dynamic between her and her partner. When her partner didn't satisfy her, she would go cold and never said what was wrong. Instead, she was venting to me. That made our friendship toxic. She would constantly cheat emotionally on her partner with me. Things escalated quickly, and we actually caught feelings for each other. I started to be her actual lover, and I felt guilty about it. At some point, we were in a relationship, too. It was a short and bad one that put our friendship on a pause.
4 years later, I decided to reconnect with her because I thought that I wasn't going to waste a good friendship in a bad relationship, and it was a very good decision. We were both healthier, and now we had a better dynamic, too. I talked to her about my boyfriend ( 25m) and our love story. Long story short, he is my soulmate. I am convinced about that. No relationship compares to this one. I told her about how fast we had to move on because of our circumstances and how nice it is to live with him, and she understood. She is happy with our relationship and wishes us the best. Not so much later, she met her current fiancé (25m). He was quite intimidated by me, he told that to my face but we clicked well. That's until we found out that he is quite dodgy. He is a womanizer who decided to "settle" and fell for her quickly. He also is the kind to search for the most dodgy jobs just to make a bit more cash, that he spends quickly on god knows what. He saw everything. Drugs, prostitution, robberies, death, etc. Not only that, but he is cocky about never being caught, too. I thought they were an odd pairing since she is the independent, level-headed but introverted big sister that took no shit from anyone, but whatever. We didn't want to judge. They moved on quickly with their relationship, even quicker than me, and my boyfriend did. They got engaged in 8 months, and three months later, she is pregnant, too. Their engagement lasted only 6 months, and next month, they are getting married. Because a wedding is quite expensive for them right now, they decided to skip the church wedding and only do the official documents and do an engagement dinner party with their close family and friends. Oh boy, the organization is a mess.
First, they asked us to be their godparents but quickly changed their minds after their parents realized that me and my boyfriend are not married, which is a big problem with the church but not with the documents. I wanted to point that out to them since they are not going to be wedded in church but whatever. Ever since we were in high school, she promised me that I would be her godmother to her wedding. It was disappointing, but I knew that I needed to be flexible. Second, she wants her guests to dress more elegantly for the event. Her fiancé and my BF got a bit fussy that they couldn't wear jeans and Hawaiian shirts, but we quickly changed their minds. But this transitioned to the third problem. I had to get my dress pretty early into the engagement so we could save some money. I got a nice dress for my budget: a midi mint dress with puffy veil sleeves and crochet flowers motifs that enhanced my bosom. I checked with her if the color and the model were ok, and she said that she was happy with it... Until she got her dress. She decided to dress in a way more layed back style and get a white cotton beach dress. It's incredibly simple, and my boyfriend described it to be a sack of potatoes in comparation to what I was wearing. Not only that, but it was 5 times more expensive than mine. This was a problem. I didn't want to overdress or upstage the bride to be, so I got another dress that's more laid back, the one that I am currently wearing so my mom could alter her a bit. Fourth, they keep changing the dates, and that got everyone annoyed because it messed with the free work days. Fortunately, this was resolved, and now they have a date that's set in stone. The organization is quite messy, too. BF had the condition that he didn't want to drive in the city, so he would drink, something that can't happen because they have many guests and not enough cars. We live far away from them, in a suburban area. There is a 5 hour drive between us and besides them, we don't know anyone in their city. They offered us a free room ( baby's future room) but even that is uncertain. Fifth, they are not the most stable couple. Her fiancé gets mad and jealous quite easily. He used to fight with her when she wears more make-up than usual or she was too indiferent to his flirting. She is the kind of woman who never wears her emotions, and that drives him nuts. She did open up slowly to him, but it's too slow for his pace. Not only this, but he has a high-sexual drive while her's is low. He gets very fussy when they don't get to have regular sex. When she got pregnant, the gyno told her to stop sexual relations for a while, so the baby stays in place. He said that he can't stop having sex for his own health, and it is quite unfair. She hit him with an ultimatum that if he made her abort it, she would never have kids with him again. That made him settle, at least for a while. He is also the kind that wants a boy, so he could continue his "legacy." If that didn't make it clear for what kind of person he is, then I don't know what more can I tell you. Also, the both of them hinted that me and boyfriend should get pregnant too, so our children could be best friends just like us. We quickly shut it down with "With what money?Plus, we are not mentally prepared for it". Which brings us to the sixth problem, and I and BF are not in a stable money situation like they are. BF used to be overworked and paid badly while I couldn't work right now. He did get to change his job for a better one, which is a huge relief. I wanted to work, I wished to, but bestie and her fiancé keep wanting to have vacations with us twice a year. No workplace would be able to give me that many holidays, which I know is unfair. That's the country we live in. Because of this, for the last year, we were on a tight budget that couldn't allow any more changes.
Besides these problems, there are many more things like family drama and other money problems. Because of the constant change, me and boyfriend are stressed and this got us in an argument. First being about my dress and then about the couple that couldn't understand our money problems. Me and bf resolved it, but he has some good points. The organization is as messy as their future marriage.
I apologize if I've made grammar mistakes, english is not my first language.
submitted by LeLittleGirl to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:43 SnakebiteCafe Create your technoir futurenoir city or just chill...

Create your technoir futurenoir city or just chill...
Thing in Beta on Steam. Not mine. My picture though :D
My work in Dystopika after something like 15 minutes
"Dystopika" is the no-stress city builder.
submitted by SnakebiteCafe to noir [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:42 BoysenberryOk20 New switch + firewall - Need some help :)

Hi Guys
Right now i have 3 minor switches 2 x ubiquiti flex mini 1 x ubiquiti switch 8 (with 4 POE)
We are moving to a new house so i want to make my setup a bit easyer, I.e Not so many switches. I will need 1-2 more switches more to make it works in the new house.
I'm looking for one switch with:
Minimum 15 ports Minimum 6 POE (used for Accespoint and a flex mini switch) (would love to have more if we later on would add some cameras) Low power usage
I'm also need something simple, i wont manage it or something like that. Simply just plug and play :)
On my local Facebook marketplace i have found these: Cisco ws-c2960x-48fps-l POE switch - 80 usd HPE Aruba 2530 24G PoE+ - 160 usd Zyxel POE switch - 30 usd (i dont know the name, can you guys see from the picture?)
Or should it be something else?
Next thing, i also need some firewall, i can get a unify USG for around 40 usd, would that be a good and easy setup?
submitted by BoysenberryOk20 to homelab [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:40 Gangiskhan Artist #100 Pretty Lights

Bio from The Festival Voice
Artist Biography by Daniel Karasek
Pretty Lights is a music project out of Colorado started by Derek Vincent Smith. He started making hip-hop in high school and dropped out of college during his freshman year at the University of Colorado at Boulder to pursue a career in producing music. Derek released his debut album in 2006 titled Taking Up Your Precious Time under the moniker Pretty Lights. He toured on this album supporting STS9, the Disco Biscuits, and Widespread Panic. By 2010, Derek had released two more albums and had toured major festivals including Coachella, Ultra, Movement, and Electric Zoo. The next year he created his Pretty Lights Music imprint to release albums by Michal Menert, Gramatik, and Eliot Lipp. In 2012, Derek started working on Pretty Lights’ fourth album, which featured drummer Adam Deitch, Soulive’s Eric Krasno, the Harlem Gospel Choir, and members of the Preservation Hall Jazz Band and the Treme Brass Band. The idea behind the album was to capture a vintage sound while making it sound like what Pretty Lights had been known to produce. The resulting album, A Color Map of the Sun, was nominated at the 2013 Grammy Awards. The Hidden Shades EP came the following year featuring remixes and B-side tracks. Later in 2014, Derek moved to New Orleans to form a band he called Pretty Lights Live. This lineup toured for a few years with some Red Rocks shows included on the tour. Then, Derek fell off the map and became a whisper in the music community. He had to get himself sorted out with rumors of substance abuse being what stole him from the world and his fans. Then, after five years and a global pandemic, Derek rose from the ashes with Pretty Lights Live, featuring Alvin Ford Jr. on drums, Borahm Lee on keys, Michal Menert on guitar, and turntablist Chris Karns. The band toured in 2023 to sold-out venues across the country. Their live show now features drones, Lidar-crafted visuals, and free live streams that are available on YouTube.
To give a very simplified overview of how their set works, Derek acts as a conductor of sorts for all the other band members. Each member plays their instruments as a jam band and feeds in their audio to Derek. Derek then live mixes these sounds with a custom modular synthesizer to create what comes out of the PA systems at a show. Additionally, Derek will incorporate his own noise into the mix as well. While all this is going on, there are Lidar sensors onstage that are taking live 3-D mappings of the stage and sometimes the crowd and venue. On the screens behind the band, they project these mappings for visuals during the show. Oh, and they have a ton of lasers that light up the sky. And if that wasn’t enough, the rumor for Bonnaroo is that there will be a drone show above Pretty Lights on Thursday. I’ve seen what drones can do while I was at the Texas Eclipse Fest this year. It will be the best show of their 2024 tour.
Genre: EDM, Electro Soul, Hip-Hop, One of the Greatest Artists of the 21st Century
Scheduled: Thursday and Sunday morning to beckon the sun
Songs & Sets:
Pretty Lights Live at The Eastern Day 2 Both Sets Friday 8.25.23
Pretty Lights Live at The Brooklyn Mirage Day 2 Both Sets Sunday 10.1.23
Pretty Lights Live at the Caverns Day 1 Friday 11.3.23
Pretty Lights Live at Hulaween Day 1 Saturday 10.28.23
Have you seen Pretty Lights before? Please share your experience and favorite songs.

Days Until Bonnaroo: 23

Remember to drink water and warm up those high fives!
Link to previous AotD post
submitted by Gangiskhan to bonnaroo [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:39 -Average_Weirdo- Does Roblox game 'Colour or Die' have lore???

Does Roblox game 'Colour or Die' have lore???
I decided to play some 'Colour or Die' and decided to record it. Took nearly an hour but I got to the end. It would be best if you play the game, so you can understand some of the stuff I will be explaining. The first couple of times I've played the game I never noticed it, but I took some pictures/screenshots. I believe that this game may have some lore.
Picture 1: "To reach the end, you must seek the beginning."
  • I am unsure if this has any lore implications, but this is just said once you grab the white bucket, which you need to use to finish the game. At first, when it says to "reach the end," I think it just refers back to using the bucket to finish the game, and the "you must seek the beginning" might just mean to trek back to the start and use the bucket there.
Picture 2: A tree
  • Now this stumped me (lol, pun), if this was part of some possible lore, why is there a tree? It may have some relation to the rest of the pictures, haven't dug into it yet.
Picture 3: Broken/Fixed heart
  • This one was quite interesting to see. It actually shows a separate image when looking behind it, which is a fixed heart (refer to pic #5). From the way it is portrayed, it reminds me of a photo-montage, in which the result of making a composite photograph is done by cutting, gluing, rearranging and overlapping two or more photographs into a new image.
Picture 4: Cross eyes/Smiley face (also #9)
  • This picture was interesting to see, because (like pic #3 and #5), it was also a photo-montage. Instead of the shape of a heart, depending on the view, the face turns to a smiley face to a cross eyes face. I have not much of an idea for what that means, but from the other secrets I am yet to discover, there is a link between the monster that chases you, the faces, and a possible child. Since the eyes are crossed out, it reminds me of the emoji, which can be found by searching "dead" on iPhone. Let's just hope we're not dealing with dead kids, again.
Picture 6: House
  • I think this could possibly be connected to the tree (as in tree house), but I don't believe that to be the case. Yet again, I'll need to look further into this.
Picture 7: Light bulb
  • Not a clue on what this may do with the rest of the images. This could be a red herring, just need to look further into the evidence I can find.
Picture 8: Pentagram
This was difficult to get a clear shot of it, but it was a shocking sight. I'm thinking that there may be some demonic activity at play here, but that needs evidence to back it up.
Well, there's some lore that I found. I'll look into this more and will probably upload my theory, A GAME THEORY! (Had the urge to do it, oopsie)
Have a good day!
Here is the link to 'Colour or Die' : https://www.roblox.com/games/12931609417/Color-or-Die
submitted by -Average_Weirdo- to GameTheorists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:36 No-New-Therapy I was called cute by a really amazing girl and my brain couldn’t register her complement

I’m 5’10 and weight around 260 in February of last year. I had a few picture taken of me at a party and it dawned on me just how awful I looked. I was doing a lot of research on weight loss / found this sub and decided I need to cut out all my sugary drinks and snacks and really only eat 2 meals with tracked calories (I usually skip breakfast)
Life got crazy busy, got a more labor intensive job and I just didn’t buy a scale so I didn’t keep track. I also moved out of state for work so I didn’t see many friends often. But I saw one friend after almost a whole year and he told me I looked incredible. I checked his scale to see I was 225. I was in disbelief. I had lost so much weight. I remember asking him several times if his scale was broken. It was crazy to see.
I continued with my diet and job for a few months. Bought a scale and when I was around 210 I matched with this really pretty/ cool girl from a dating app. My profile is silly and the stars just aligned in the conversation so I asked her in a date thinking it would be only one date sorta thing. But to my surprise, we went on several dates.
On our fourth date I told her I enjoyed spending time with her because she’s really cool she said I was cool too and it helped that I was also really cute too and I just remember not understanding what she meant (I know it sounds dumb but I have low self esteem) but I couldn’t grasp that she thought I was cute. I went home, processed the comment, and wanted to cry lol.
Just a nice memory I had. That was about 2 months ago and I’m around 202lbs now.
submitted by No-New-Therapy to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:36 Ordinary-Ad-602 My ex got married and I can't get over it?

I was with my ex for nearly 2 years we come from a culture and religion where marriage is the ultimate and we don't just date for fun. The whole relationship was a whirlwind and I'm not usually a trusting person but with him he was telling me he loved me a 2 week into the relationship. Needless to say the rest we moved very fast constant dates constant soppy I love youse and I really could be myself around him, he was my first real relationship at 25 he was 24.
Within maybe 2 months I noticed he would lie about stupid silly things which really bother me because I hate it when people lie I caught him out a few times and he would cry and say he couldn't live without me and I would always end up staying,, I had a bad feeling one time and contacted his ex girlfriend who said they were still in contact now I'm not sure whether she lied about that or whether he lied. Regardless I continued to be with him as he cried and said she was lying then I found he was sending pictures of other girls to his boys group chats with really horrendous messages on what he wanted to do to them and would say it's 'boys banter' it did get toxic and became a cycle of lies crying and me being moody. He was unemployed when I met him and I worked really hard to do his applications and prepped him for interviews which resulted in him getting the job he wanted. it wasn't all bad we had some really good times too and that led us to get the families involved to get married his family didn't like me because I was from a different caste and he essentially fought to get married to me. We were so close our deposits down on venues and everything and had our wedding in 5 months. Something in my gut wasn't right and I did some digging and found something else out and before you all start on me for going looking for issues I asked him numerous times to clarify everything so I could draw a line but he just wouldn't and I kept finding things out. I met him 2 days before dooms day and we talked about our honeymoon our wedding and I told him about some health issues I was having and under the care of neurology. He told me he loved me and would never leave me. 2 nights after we argued and I deleted him but this time was different he didn't contact me or anything the next day I contacted him and he was a different person blunt rude and dismissive I asked him to meet me so we could talk in person he came and was just different I was crying whilst he smirked and told me he needed space because it was all too toxic. That same night he messaged other women he met someone 3 weeks after me and told her he loved her within 2 weeks she was his auntys neighbour and his sister in laws friend who were suprise suprise from the same caste. 2 years on and they tied the knot I'm still not over it and people are sick of listening to me crying about it I'm sick of myself doing that all I've done this past 2 years is cry and miss him every day I'm at a point where I don't even want to be here anymore so I can avoid feeling like this. Not to mention I gained weight in the relationship and after due to emotional eating I haven't dates since I've been to therapy numerous holidays nothing works. I have adhd and awaiting medication for that but I feel like I'll never get over it whilst they got married and moved into their new house living their happily ever after
submitted by Ordinary-Ad-602 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:35 ManonFire63 Identity Politics and the Soul Part I

Christians are to love The Lord their God with all their Heart and Soul and Strength and Mind. This is the basis of Christianity. What does it mean to love God with your soul? What is the soul? Soul has a lot to do with identity. I would like to talk about identity politics; however, there is a learning curve. Someone may need to understand The Soul.
Discovering The Soul
When someone is talking about The Soul, which Soul are they referencing? Plato and The Soul? Abstract Philosophy God and the Soul? The Bible, and how The Bible references The Soul? Working to explain The Soul and The Bible, I have worked to do so in a way that your average person may be able to understand, and find or feel their soul. He are starting with a perception, we postulate that the Soul is a person, and has to do with decision making and identity, and given scripture, and various media or cultural references of The Soul, we may be able to see if we are right, and a bigger picture.
Given you understand what The Soul is in the Bible, someone may begin to understand exorcism. They may understand Identity Politics, and what it actually is in spiritual warfare. They may come out with greater understanding of creation and God.
The Basis of Christianity
Song to Preface this: Heuy Lewis "Heart and Soul."
What is a Soul? A soul is a person. Given a The King of Salem had 50 Souls, he had fifty persons or servants. How did they identify themselves? Possibly as a servant of The King of Salem in some way. Loving The Lord with all your SOUL, may have to do with identity. Who was someone serving? Was someone a Servant of "Something Else" or a Servant of God? A child of God? A son of God? These may be good things to be as a Christian looking to love God with your Soul or identity.
A couple years ago I lived in walking distance from Duke University. Given someone was a Duke fan, or Duke Alumni, or had a lot of Duke Paraphernalia, they may have loved Duke University. How did they love Duke University? They loved Duke with their Soul or Identity. Someone with a Duke T-Shirt may be saying something about who he is, or was, or would like to be. When Duke wins or has done well in basketball, someone who loved Duke with their Soul or identity, they may have rejoiced? They felt good? In their soul, they rejoice, and feel a sense of happiness. That is where the soul is. Given anyone has been a sports fan at some point, and has identified as a fan of ___________ their soul rejoices when their team does well. Given I was to look up Soul in a Bible concordance, there are many of these feeling or sensing type verses where the soul is a place inside someone where there is passion. Someone loving God with Their Soul in a world of materialism and commercialism may have given up their Nike and Adidas, to be more as "Plain as John the Baptist?"
Given a musician signed a record contract, and said record contract was very strict, did said musician "Sell their Soul?" Given a musician has to sing all the songs said record company tells them to, and be at A or B place at a certain time, as said record company tells them to, and said musician has very little free will, would that be "Selling The Soul?" Given the record company was a servant of "The Purple Gang," or Kabbalists, or some other group not serving God, that may have been someone selling their soul to the devil? When we get the basics of what the Bible describes the Soul to be, there are a lot of interesting topics that come up. The Truth hurts. Knowledge brings sorrow. Ignorance is bliss? Their is freedom in The Lord.
The Soul and Identity.
True Statements:
Marriage has been an important part of The Bible and Faith and growing in understanding.
Woman is meek before her husband. Man is meek before God. A woman loving her husband with her heart and soul may have taken his name. She is forging a new identity as Mrs. _____________. A married woman with a hyphenated last name is one foot in, one foot out? Who or what does she love more? Her husband or Feminism? Maybe she didn't quite want to leave her family and her old identity behind as a single female or "Daughter of?" Feminists tend towards socialism. Is a woman really married to her husband or more married to The State? Woman is meek before her husband. A man is meek before God.
Looking at the Soul like this, someone may be able to see God. (And Satan.) The Truth hurts. Knowledge brings sorrow. Ignorance is bliss?
Given we are coming into an understanding of The Soul, what are Spirits? Spirits effect motivations. Here is a short list of some spirits mentioned.
What are these Spirits doing? They are influencing. They are effecting motivations. Someone with a seducing spirit or spirit of prostitution may have been on tinder in the wrong way? Someone with a lying tongue may have been a habitual liar? Someone with one of these spirits, their character may have been molded a certain way. Their soul, who they are, may have been molded to something. Part of their identity, even if it was subconscious, may have been molded to something. Some Spirits are generational. They may have been passed down from Generation to Generation. There may have been generational curses on some families. (Deuteronomy 5:9) Some spirits someone may have picked up by being in sin, and being unrepentant. Someone's Soul or character may have been molded around something.
Given someone has God's Holy Spirit, they say "Jesus is Lord." They may tend to think about God, and talk about God a lot, and be prone to God-centric activities. Their Soul, and God's Holy Spirit, overtime, may have entwined. They are "One with God" leading towards an understanding of Theosis.
submitted by ManonFire63 to Politics_Religion [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:35 Ordinary-Ad-602 My ex got married and I can't get over it?

I was with my ex for nearly 2 years we come from a culture and religion where marriage is the ultimate and we don't just date for fun. The whole relationship was a whirlwind and I'm not usually a trusting person but with him he was telling me he loved me a 2 week into the relationship. Needless to say the rest we moved very fast constant dates constant soppy I love youse and I really could be myself around him, he was my first real relationship at 25 he was 24.
Within maybe 2 months I noticed he would lie about stupid silly things which really bother me because I hate it when people lie I caught him out a few times and he would cry and say he couldn't live without me and I would always end up staying,, I had a bad feeling one time and contacted his ex girlfriend who said they were still in contact now I'm not sure whether she lied about that or whether he lied. Regardless I continued to be with him as he cried and said she was lying then I found he was sending pictures of other girls to his boys group chats with really horrendous messages on what he wanted to do to them and would say it's 'boys banter' it did get toxic and became a cycle of lies crying and me being moody. He was unemployed when I met him and I worked really hard to do his applications and prepped him for interviews which resulted in him getting the job he wanted. it wasn't all bad we had some really good times too and that led us to get the families involved to get married his family didn't like me because I was from a different caste and he essentially fought to get married to me. We were so close our deposits down on venues and everything and had our wedding in 5 months. Something in my gut wasn't right and I did some digging and found something else out and before you all start on me for going looking for issues I asked him numerous times to clarify everything so I could draw a line but he just wouldn't and I kept finding things out. I met him 2 days before dooms day and we talked about our honeymoon our wedding and I told him about some health issues I was having and under the care of neurology. He told me he loved me and would never leave me. 2 nights after we argued and I deleted him but this time was different he didn't contact me or anything the next day I contacted him and he was a different person blunt rude and dismissive I asked him to meet me so we could talk in person he came and was just different I was crying whilst he smirked and told me he needed space because it was all too toxic. That same night he messaged other women he met someone 3 weeks after me and told her he loved her within 2 weeks she was his auntys neighbour and his sister in laws friend who were suprise suprise from the same caste. 2 years on and they tied the knot I'm still not over it and people are sick of listening to me crying about it I'm sick of myself doing that all I've done this past 2 years is cry and miss him every day I'm at a point where I don't even want to be here anymore so I can avoid feeling like this. Not to mention I gained weight in the relationship and after due to emotional eating I haven't dates since I've been to therapy numerous holidays nothing works. I have adhd and awaiting medication for that but I feel like I'll never get over it whilst they got married and moved into their new house living their happily ever after
submitted by Ordinary-Ad-602 to u/Ordinary-Ad-602 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:34 Neat-Worldliness-511 Can’t close path..

Can’t close path..
I have a shape that refuses to close. It looks fine until I zoom waaaay in (like in the picture) and then, as you can see, the path appears to just fly off into nowhere. When I zoom out, the stray path disappears. In any case it’s bugging the heck out of me.. I have tried redrawing the shape from scratch but the same thing happens.. second image shows the path when I drag a handle..
Ps.. first image is screen capture, second image is just a photo of my screen.. in case anyone is wondering..
submitted by Neat-Worldliness-511 to AdobeIllustrator [link] [comments]
