Forgetting someone you love quotes

Random quotes, quotes you love

2011.12.08 06:13 etherflan Random quotes, quotes you love


2019.01.20 06:53 brownishgirl Bonded pairs

Bonded pairs of ... your bonded pairs.

2012.06.26 07:10 mashedtatoes88 Cake Decorating The Art of Making Cakes

A subreddit for submitting pictures of cakes you or someone you know has made. We love seeing all kinds of submissions! All skill levels and types of cakes (cupcakes, cheesecakes & cookie cakes too!) are welcome.

2024.05.21 22:06 TheTrumpetDude1 If you or someone you love is having trouble communicating, sometimes using pictures/icons is easier. I created a free app to help with this, and I update it very frequently with your feedback. Go check out

If you or someone you love is having trouble communicating, sometimes using pictures/icons is easier. I created a free app to help with this, and I update it very frequently with your feedback. Go check out submitted by TheTrumpetDude1 to dementia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:06 belkmaster5000 Discussion: In game development, striving for perfection can often impede progress. It's essential to remember that making consistent advancements and iterating on good ideas can lead to great results, rather than stalling in the pursuit of an unattainable perfect state.

Do you agree with that statement? Why or why not?
Background: I'm helping with project management for a small team. We are all still very new to game development in general, with some never having done it and others with some experience. I've noticed we often get stalled by overthinking or not wanting to start something because it's not fully fleshed out, and I wanted to address that.
Voltaire's quote, "Perfect is the enemy of good." is what I based it on.
I wanted to find someone famous that said something similar and failed to do so. Anyone know of any quotes like that I should look into?
submitted by belkmaster5000 to gamedev [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:06 Layogenic-Uchiha Trying to come to realization

I have started to or maybe have accepted the reality that I am probably not someone who can find someone perhaps. Maybe I am not good looking, maybe I don't know how to keep the conversation going, maybe I don't have the courage to approach them, maybe I don't think they would be interested in me before even trying or maybe I am just afraid of being left out again and waiting for them. I think it's a mix of all that, like I want to find someone I just feel happy and together with who would like to just pick me at first and only choice. I never got to be like that, so I think it seems like an amazing feeling to have one person having thoughts about you in a good way. I was told I don't open up much, I worked on that but it takes me time to open up because people don't wanna listen or just pretend to listen but leave when you actually try to so I never open up about my problems or anything that's happening in life with anyone. I want to show some love, take care of someone, write poems about them, cuddle, go on a walk, spent a day together but I don't think I will ever get to enjoy all of that and slowly slowly I am trying to make my peace with that in a good way I suppose. I never wanted anything from anyone but just genuine connection with people but people still doesn't understand Or want that. But after waiting for many years now, I don't think I can continue or wait to hope any more. I am just stop going to hope for things to happen completely, it's better to be numb and not feel things like this instead of just hoping for it to happen so it will be a bit hard journey and even long but this is something I think I should continue to walk on. and please dont comment with the it happens when you least expect it or any positive comment no hate I just don't want to hear it, I myself am extremely optimist but there's a limit to somethings perhaps.
submitted by Layogenic-Uchiha to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:05 Layogenic-Uchiha Accepting the reality.

I have started to or maybe have accepted the reality that I am probably not someone who can find someone perhaps. Maybe I am not good looking, maybe I don't know how to keep the conversation going, maybe I don't have the courage to approach them, maybe I don't think they would be interested in me before even trying or maybe I am just afraid of being left out again and waiting for them. I think it's a mix of all that, like I want to find someone I just feel happy and together with who would like to just pick me at first and only choice. I never got to be like that, so I think it seems like an amazing feeling to have one person having thoughts about you in a good way. I was told I don't open up much, I worked on that but it takes me time to open up because people don't wanna listen or just pretend to listen but leave when you actually try to so I never open up about my problems or anything that's happening in life with anyone. I want to show some love, take care of someone, write poems about them, cuddle, go on a walk, spent a day together but I don't think I will ever get to enjoy all of that and slowly slowly I am trying to make my peace with that in a good way I suppose. I never wanted anything from anyone but just genuine connection with people but people still doesn't understand Or want that. But after waiting for many years now, I don't think I can continue or wait to hope any more. I am just stop going to hope for things to happen completely, it's better to be numb and not feel things like this instead of just hoping for it to happen so it will be a bit hard journey and even long but this is something I think I should continue to walk on. and please dont comment with the it happens when you least expect it or any positive comment no hate I just don't want to hear it, I myself am extremely optimist but there's a limit to somethings perhaps.
submitted by Layogenic-Uchiha to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:05 RaRck1 How I cope from a breakup in a healthy way?

My (33M) now ex-fiancée (34F) broke up with me about two weeks ago (my fault entirely, and no, I didn't cheat). We were together for about 2.5 years. Since the breakup, I've moved out and we've been no-contact since the breakup (her explicit instructions, which I'm continuing to honor).
Since the breakup, I've been a mess - a lot of overthinking, too much drinking alone, depression naps, not enough sleep, irregular / not nutritious meals, etc. The silver lining among all of this is that I've come to terms with how badly I messed up. I had everything my heart could've ever dreamed of and more; a loving partner, a soulmate, an eventual mother to our children, a travel buddy, someone to share Pinterest project ideas with, someone to plan out our home garden, and a best friend. But, I blew it, and I'm dealing with the consequences of no longer having her by my side.
Part of me clings on to the hope that she'll one day reach out and give me a second chance to show her that I truly do love her, another opportunity to actually do what we dreamed of. But the other part of me keeps saying, "You screwed up beyond comprehension, and she's never coming back." It's maddening. On a day-to-day basis, I keep thinking about her. I keep wanting to tell her how I feel and how sorry I am, and it's wearing me down. But I know that if there is even the most miniscule chance of her giving me another chance, I can't force it. I can't break her desire for no-contact.
So, regardless if you were broken up or did the breaking up, how do you pick up the pieces? How do you cope in a healthy way? I've restarted therapy, but there's a lot to unpack. And it's going to take a long time. Every time I have an idea about what to do (go for a walk, journal, exercise, take the dog on a hike, etc.), my mind switches to, "What's the point?" I then become paralyzed and can't bring myself to do anything to improve my mental well-being. I don't know how to get myself out of this funk. Life without her just seems so dull, and my heart doesn't want anyone else. I messed up, and I need help.
Thank you in advance.
submitted by RaRck1 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:03 Hour_Damage_3753 our anniversary would have been at the end of this month... a reflection

he broke up with me in mid april. so it's been a little over a month. we went no contact, despite never discussing that we would. it has been devastating for me. i speculate about what he is doing and torture myself with thoughts of regret and grief. i miss him more than i've ever missed anyone.
i feel better than i did a month ago but only so much. i have been busy with art making and traveling and going out and spending time with friends and meeting new ones. I still think about him several times a day. He is always in the back of my mind. my new attempt to stop hurting so much and detach is to say to myself "i'm not going to let you hurt me anymore." that seems to work, temporarily, but i can't shake the desire to reach out, especially as what would have been our anniversary approaches.
He expressed his feelings at the beginning of March, after I returned from a weekend trip to nyc. I expressed extreme emotions, because I so desperately wanted him to stay with me, and felt so badly for anything and everything I had done to make him feel that way. He wouldn't look me in the eyes when I cried because it was "too much." I called him at some point the next day and asked if we were still together, despite knowing he wanted to break up, he said yes. This was the beginning of a month of mixed signals and reluctance to hang out with me. Looking back, I didn't respect what he wanted and his boundaries, and I regret that deeply. I should have let him go and not made him feel more resentful toward me.
When we had that last conversation in mid April, he said "i don't want to hang out with you anymore." In the last month we were together (March), he also would say he loved me and call me every day (usually greeting me with "hello beautiful") and say he was glad we weren't doing the single thing because dating sucks. Yet, he would make this face, a face that appeared angry or upset at me, right upon greeting me. He would get angry with me over little things, would sulk when he hung out with me, after being sweet minutes before.
He was dealing with depression, major depression, that he has dealt with his entire life. I tink he felt he was depressed because of our relationship. He was also struggling to adjust to the new city. He wasn't making friends as quickly as he thought and was unable to motivate himself to getting started on writing music and go out. I admit that during the winter, our relationship became boring and we would stay in together on the weekends. We would argue too. Neither of us were having much fun during that time, except when we watched movies, went furniture shopping or had sex (lol).
For context: we both moved to the same new city. I was terrified when he said he wanted to move when he got laid off last May. I expressed this sadness and frustration and worry but I made plans to move as well. I moved for him yes, but this city was one I'd been talking about moving to since before I met him and it seemed like the right time to go, for myself but also to continue this relationship.
About a month before I moved, because of being upset and angry with him still for leaving me behind, he attempted to break up with me. I still lived in our home town and he drove all the way back to arrive at my apt, and surprise me by saying "i came to break up." I immediately had a panic attack and begged him to stay with me. He stayed with me, against his will but, after that, everything seemed fine and our relationship suddenly became much better than it was before. He seemed to still love me a lot. He even helped me move out of my apartment and drove the uhaul for me.
I look back and realize how much he probably felt forced or obligated to do. Maybe not everything, or all the time, but out of some kind of love he was trying to still have for me. I know now that you can't make someone stay and I feel terrible for doing that to him. I just loved and still love him more than I've loved anyone. I couldn't, and still can't, let go.
It had been a long time coming. We were incompatible in many ways; I was too anxiously attached and would demand too much of his time and emotional energy. He was avoidant. We would get into petty arguments about things rather frequently. I unfortunately would get angry with him over things that were rooted in my insecurity, which resulted in my own jealousy and possessive issues. I regret acting this way, and not supporting his music in the way he deserved. My regrets are endless.
submitted by Hour_Damage_3753 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:02 Mothgoo Toxic Positivity

I know this gets brought up occasionally but I want to discuss this as it’s affected my life drastically. I’m sick of people our age seeing mistakes, bad moments, or negativity as unforgivable. Like we have this mindset we were born into the future so the mistakes of the past must never be repeated, and if they are, you’re a monster. Nobody looks at the individual, and how that individual grows and is overcoming their issues. I’ve been treated as if I have a time limit of how long I have a hard time before I’m a piece of shit.
My story goes, I have spent two years in undiagnosed chronic pain unable to work. Along with numerous other issues. My life isn’t good. I can never act as if it is. It feels dishonest to just lie to myself and be positive. I’m literally just trying not to dip out early. BUT if I even talk about my situation, my peers don’t offer support but instead see me as pessimistic when I’m just venting. I’m expected as an adult male to figure this out alone, and because I’ve been frustrated over this in the past, I am a negative person. Whenever I see these lovey dovey positivity posts, I don’t see genuine help. I see a temporary crutch to hold until that mindset gets questioned, then the crutch breaks. I see people putting their own comfort of mind over everyone around them. Because it’s your life to live kinda thing. I disagree, yea it’s good to be positive, but not if it’s a lie. That isn’t foundation. And there’s 8 billion people in the world to take into account for, not just what makes you happy. I believe the moment you befriend someone, that’s also someone you should value just as much as yourself. People are so fast to give up on someone going through a hard time if they’re mishandling it. I often believe people can handle more than what they think too. Like being around a negative person to me, doesn’t affect me to the point I’m going to start feeling negative and want to die. I often feel a need to help, and apparently no one else thinks like that. They Just avoid all obstacles, don’t work through problems in relationships because there’s a perfect match waiting for you somewhere, stop wasting your time with someone who has faults. That person is bad, so give up. Make them worse. Stay positive, focus on you. To summarize, I view honesty as a better problem solver and treatment than positivity. And that we need to be more forgiving with each other.
I wrote this specifically in hopes someone can help me change my mind. And also because I haven’t felt this lack of tolerating people with older people/ generations. I’ve lost countless friends so I know I’m doing something wrong here. I want to change, to live, and be better. But nobody sees that part, they just think I’m gonna be mad forever and I’ve changed permanently. Yea I’ve said some bad things from agony and frustration but my peers should’ve known I’m dealing with a lot and it likely didn’t mean anything. I just don’t get why people stop understanding someone’s behavior after a certain extent no matter what that person has gone through. I feel just thrown away by the word around me because I screwed up a few times. Yet people I know who’ve done absolute horrific things are favorites amongst those people. Most of me wants to say “Fuck you guys, I’m finding new people who will stay when shit gets hard, who will value me and fight for me”.
Also I don’t expect my adult friends to be there at all times. One of them said “I’m not a dog who’ll be there whenever you want, but I’ll love you from afar” kind of thing. I don’t view my peers as dogs. Just none of them have checked in or said hi in months and I feel neglected. Like I wasted my time with these people and I need new peers. Which would be fine. I just don’t want to try if everyone in our generation acts this way. Just gaslighting positivity and those who don’t follow that light, are left in the dark.
Thanks for reading, I don’t want to argue with any of you. Just wanted some thoughts. Please be kind.
submitted by Mothgoo to GenZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:00 Maleficent-Fly-3636 Thank you

Last one for you gorgeous,
I’ve sat for the better half of 7 months on an absolute war path of mental self destruction. Trying to remember what exactly happened. I’ve apologized to you in several different ways you got the message in every way I could possibly give you.
It dawned on me today, I searched for forgiveness from you. In my heart I know you already have. So today, I forgave myself as well. I’m starting to give myself peace for everything in my life. The path of self deprecation and pity seem to have lifted. I am responsible for a lot of actions in my life, and hated myself for the ones out of my control. That ends now. Today marks a day of self deep soul searching that will continue for as long as I have air in my lungs
The quote from my favorite song after all these years hit me like a fucking truck “ I want something good to die for, to make it beautiful to live” I have it, the beginning of it, self love. I’m starting to see what I am capable of, writing music, writing to the void, engineering and problem solving, making art, repairing items beyond repair, even playing video games well. I’m starting to see me as a person capable of not just sadness, but love, empathy, compassion, drive, and ambition.
I reflected on our relationship, there were a lot of mistakes between the both of us. I tried so hard to not to use the cliche “everything happens for a reason” because I believe we were a kismatic event in time, because the gods smiled upon us and wanted our journey to happen. I see now things do happen for reasons. You gave me quite a few things, you showed me light in a sea of darkness, you showed me compassion and kindness when I was alone in my mind. Most of all you gave me my sobriety. I didn’t think I could crawl out of that. You leaving was both the best and worse feeling I’ve endured. I thank you that deeply from my soul. Freedom of thought. My mind is clear 224 days, I had to face all of my demons the ones I tried to drown for so MANY years to quite the voice, sooth the inner child that was so very much hurt. I smiled today, when these thoughts crossed my heart and mind. I felt the breeze and the sunshine today, it felt like the first time I’ve been able to do that honestly in a long time.
A spark in my drive and determination have really awakened today. I actually feel alive.
All of the words written into the void are still very valid as they came from points in time of my healing. I wish you the absolute best Mrs Quest, may your journey be filled with health and happiness.
Goodbye my love.
submitted by Maleficent-Fly-3636 to letters [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:00 InfiniteValuable3269 How to cope after work and weekends?

When I'm at work I'm okay. I'm a gardener and grounds maintenance so it's very rewarding and puts me in a good mood but I dread going home. I have friends but they're all on different schedules and some of them are flakey and my best mates live 2 hours away. I went and got some food on my own today just so I didn't have to go home. I did a bit of DJing earlier which was fun but I got bored and now I'm just sat here, I don't even like watching things because we used to watch so many things together.
When I do manage to meet some friends it's so good but 90% of the time I'm on my own and it's just hard to keep myself busy. It's been 2 months, she left me on text, ghosted me and I found out she's seeing someone else even though she said she would meet me for clarity regarding the situation. She have some half assed reasons but it was so one way and I never got to ask any questions. I did no contact but had to message her when I found out she's seeing someone else to get my things back. Honestly it's just painful and dealing with the pain in the evenings is so hard, I end up just getting in bed super early.
On the weekends I try to see friends, this Friday/Saturday I'm going to a dnb rave on my own as it seems so much effort to get my friends to meet and they always flake on me, honestly I don't know if I'll go, I live in a really isolating village so it's so much effort to get anywhere to do anything.
I've also booked a boxing class as it's something I did as a kid and something i always wanted to do when I was with her but just never committed.
I'm doing all the things I can to heal but it just feels hopeless and I just feel so lonely. My mum is serverly mentally ill and there trauma revolving that, my sister lives 4 hours away and my nan is not very well either so I help her when I can but we don't have a very loving relationship either and she is depressed and lonely from getting cheated on by my step grandad 10 years ago, my dad is no where to be seen and my grandad abandoned everyone and never sees us and he has no interest in me. It's just so hard when you don't have support and as a man. I've been thinking about therapy but not something that is at the top of my list as of yet but I will down the line, I'm already very self aware and I've done a bunch of reflection and trying to improve In the areas where I fell short in the relationship.
I guess I'm just struggling in general. I grew so much in that relationship, I used to suffer from depression but since my gardening job I feel so much better, but this is really weighing me down. I know I'll get through it, but the betrayal i experienced has brought back my trauma a little bit and it fucking hurts that she didn't even think for two seconds how this could affect me.
I needed to rant, thanks to anyone taking the time to read.
submitted by InfiniteValuable3269 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:59 nooklingsprincess Multiple Anime Fandoms (longterm Rp)

Hello 🩷
I Really want to write a longterm Rp with someone who loves rp as much as me. My English is not the best, but maybe I can improve myself. My native language is German. I am very sorry If I have a few mistakes while I'm writing.
I would love write oc x cc. I also have a few ideas for the Story. I'd write a Mix between the canon Story and Mix it with New events and Situations. Other characters could be Played by both of us. If you have Story ideas, feel free to write about them.
🩷 Demon Slayer - Looking for Tanjiro
❤️ Jujutsu Kaisen - Looking for Yuuji
💙 Persona 3 - Looking for Makoto
💚 Boku no Hero - Looking for Deku
💜 Genshin Impact - Looking for Scaramouche
Discord would be preferred because I never used Another Plattform. Something that I want to say: please dont Ghost me. If you feel uncomfortable with Something or you want to stop, just tell me. I write in the third person and in the novel style, but I don't expect anyone to write very long texts. Depending on the situation, that may not be possible, especially when our characters are talking. But we should make an effort to write a text that you can respond to. Since I live in Germany, our time zones might be different but I don't have a problem with that.
I also love Drama and romantic scenes. But also tragic scenes that could make me cry. Be passionate !
Thank you for reading ♡ If you are interested, feel Free to send a message to me. I'm always online and I try to reply as fast as i can
submitted by nooklingsprincess to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:58 missninazenik I think I figured out the "you'll never know real love unless you have a kid" thing and why the think we're the selfish ones.

So it occurred to me today that parents say you'll never know true love until you have a kid because they believe (and I think most do their best to) they are pouring all their love into their kid. But almost everyone I know who would say something like that would also say, "It's so nice to have someone to love you no matter what."
They're connected sentiments, opposite sides of a coin and both ultimately down to parental selfishness.
As for why they think WE'RE selfish - it's becaise we're not willing to "sacrifice" ourselves to raise kids. Correct. I like my life the way it is. Nearly every parent I've met has kids because "I want them". I wish they would acknowledge their own ironic selfishness before bitching about us.
submitted by missninazenik to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:58 DarkSector0011 Sleep and group therapy

I'm sleeping so much because not only is life a void without human intimacy and love, but also because there's nothing to mentally cling to to give myself some stability or foothold in the world. The constant feeling of slipping is itself a disaster that haunts me every second of every day, especially when things are good because I know immediately that it's just an illusion.
When I was younger I used to have dreams about being in one life but then I would wake up in my own life and realise I was living a nightmare. I think this really confused my understanding of what dreams and reality were and stuck with me in some way.
Thursday I'm going to do group therapy and my experience is that usually I feel much worse after, but I'm hoping there's some self correction to stirring up the shit then letting it settle again.
Repeating the process over and over along with other healthy habits maybe I can achieve some sort of piece.
I'm grateful that these days the nightmares are when I'm asleep. I guess it's probably weird to be grateful for nightmares but I know I can wake up and that's not my life. Before I had no way to escape, for about 20 years of my life give or take. You think time is just clicking on the clock but it's not, it's perception is relative to our states, think about when we are hungry or doing a plank, or in awe of something wonderful.
There's no way to explain how time passed and I am expected to get over it without others understanding. Even if it is possible, which I doubt it is, it doesn't mean my ability to form relationships will necessarily change, that could be hardwired.
But I'm already low functioning and can't hold a job so I might as well do something I think I have an advantage too as I have pretty solid ideas about teaoms not to use drugs or drink. Having recently had an epiphany about meth which was sporadic during my life up until this point I can tell I'll probably never use it again. Though who knows what a few more years of dread and isolation can cause.
Fuckin weird shit. And I'm not trying to complain either I'm just literally explaining my situation in factual detail. This is just the way things are and always have been. I am grateful for my life now especially but if it comes time for me to choose it again or move on I would say to god "just find someone else man I am not doing this again, find someone else for this one" lol. Next.
submitted by DarkSector0011 to Schizotypal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:58 nooklingsprincess Multiple Anime Fandoms (longterm rp)

Hello 🩷
I Really want to write a longterm Rp with someone who loves rp as much as me. My English is not the best, but maybe I can improve myself. My native language is German. I am very sorry If I have a few mistakes while I'm writing.
I would love write oc x cc. I also have a few ideas for the Story. I'd write a Mix between the canon Story and Mix it with New events and Situations. Other characters could be Played by both of us. If you have Story ideas, feel free to write about them.
🩷 Demon Slayer - Looking for Tanjiro
❤️ Jujutsu Kaisen - Looking for Yuuji
💙 Persona 3 - Looking for Makoto
💚 Boku no Hero - Looking for Deku
💜 Genshin Impact - Looking for Scaramouche
Discord would be preferred because I never used Another Plattform. Something that I want to say: please dont Ghost me. If you feel uncomfortable with Something or you want to stop, just tell me. I write in the third person and in the novel style, but I don't expect anyone to write very long texts. Depending on the situation, that may not be possible, especially when our characters are talking. But we should make an effort to write a text that you can respond to. Since I live in Germany, our time zones might be different but I don't have a problem with that.
I also love Drama and romantic scenes. But also tragic scenes that could make me cry. Be passionate !
Thank you for reading ♡ If you are interested, feel Free to send a message to me. I'm always online and I try to reply as fast as i can
submitted by nooklingsprincess to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:57 bookwormsub F/51 Looking for platonic friends

Hello everyone.
I'm a 51 year old female that lives in Florida. I would love to have someone to chat with about shared interests (at least some). I can send either hand written letters or typed, or we can text or email. I will NOT share pictures of myself.
Now a bit about me, I love to cook and bake and I love to share recipes. I'm not a healthy eater. LOL I believe in butter, sugar, oil, etc to make my food taste good. I love easy crosswords and logic puzzles - both in books ( and online ( Maybe we can share puzzles and work on them together (but obviously not at the same time - LOL)? I love board games, domino games, card games. I would love to have you as a friend at I love playing new games at least once or twice to see if I like it. I also quilt mostly, but I occasionally also crochet and cross stitch (very occasionally). I used to read a lot but my other hobbies have crowded that out. I am trying to learn German and ASL (American Sign Language), but not getting too far with either of those. I am thinking about learning history, but really don't know where to start (US history as well as world).
I don't watch TV or movies, so I won't be able to chat about those. I do watch a lot of YouTube and TikTok and would love to share videos or YouTube channels. I also don't talk politics or watch the news.
Anyway, DM me if you are interested.
submitted by bookwormsub to Penpalsover50 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:57 nooklingsprincess Multiple Anime Fandoms (longterm RP)

Hello 🩷
I Really want to write a longterm Rp with someone who loves rp as much as me. My English is not the best, but maybe I can improve myself. My native language is German. I am very sorry If I have a few mistakes while I'm writing.
I would love write oc x cc. I also have a few ideas for the Story. I'd write a Mix between the canon Story and Mix it with New events and Situations. Other characters could be Played by both of us. If you have Story ideas, feel free to write about them .
🩷 Demon Slayer - Looking for Tanjiro
❤️ Jujutsu Kaisen - Looking for Yuuji
💙 Persona 3 - Looking for Makoto
💚 Boku no Hero - Looking for Deku
💜 Genshin Impact - Looking for Scaramouche
Discord would be preferred because I never used Another Plattform. Something that I want to say: please dont Ghost me. If you feel uncomfortable with Something or you want to stop, just tell me. I write in the third person and in the novel style, but I don't expect anyone to write very long texts. Depending on the situation, that may not be possible, especially when our characters are talking. But we should make an effort to write a text that you can respond to. Since I live in Germany, our time zones might be different but I don't have a problem with that.
I also love Drama and romantic scenes. But also tragic scenes that could make me cry. Be passionate !
Thank you for reading ♡ If you are interested, feel Free to send a message to me. I'm always online and I try to reply as fast as i can
submitted by nooklingsprincess to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:57 meeserpeter Google Pixel 6 Cannot Log In To Tesla App [Help]

Hi all. My Google Pixel 6 will not allow me to log in to the Tesla app despite trying virtually every fix I've found on this site and across the internet. Not even the Tesla customer service rep I've been in contact with knows what to tell me. I'm hoping someone here can share a magic solution with me.
The issue is this: When I open the app (works fine), choose Sign In (works fine), enter my email (works fine), then enter my password and hit Enter, the page does a very brief loading animation and then refreshes that password page as if I hadn't just entered it. There is not an error message, alert, or anything else that pops up -- just the same password page from before. I try entering the password again, and the cycle continues.
Here are some facts about my situation:
Here are the troubleshooting fixes I've already tried (each one multiple times):
As I wait for another callback from the customer service team, I'd love to hear any more solutions folks can think of. Our vehicle is being delivered in a few days and I'd very much like to be able to use my app as intended. Thank you
submitted by meeserpeter to TeslaLounge [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:56 DreamandLife 27 [M4F] NYC - Chubby Introvert wants to grow with someone

The truth is, I’ve never experienced a relationship. I’ve never kissed someone, I’ve never been with someone sensually and I never had a deep conversation with someone. I never had that chance to have a connection with someone and I feel like there aren’t people out there who truly understand what I’m dealing with. I’m not perfect and unfortunately people strive for perfection. I've pretty confidence when it comes to looks face wise but I'm not confident when it comes to my body. I’ve always put in the effort and truly want to experience loving someone. I’ve always wanted to experience silly moments. I’ve always wanted to enjoy company with someone where I can put overthinking aside. I've always wanted someone that I can grow with sensually. I’m someone who enjoys moments of quiet without expecting someone to talk to me. I believe being comfortable is key to having good communication. I know saying all of this is meaningless for some because preferences are key but that’s just how I’ve been thinking lately. I don’t mind any culture or race and I wish people judged based on personality.
My life a years ago while suffering through depression and anxiety affected me greatly. I’ve been dealing with negative energy which caused me to be unestablished with life with no type of motivational goals. I was extremely overweight lying in bed all day doing nothing but playing games. My family had put a lot of their problems on me, and I was usually the scapegoat for their narcissistic traits. Regardless, I am still grateful because my life could have been worse. While my parent’s gave me a hard time, I am still able to pursue life goals and bettering myself with a roof over my head, which is why I will always be grateful for them. While my life now has changed a lot. I am still in the process of self improvement. Currently I’m finishing up my first year in college studying for a technology degree. I’ve always wanted to experience college and I also wanted to have a good future with a degree that can open multiple opportunities for me. I’ve also lost a significant amount of weight. I don’t have the “ideal” body that most look for, but I’ve been feeling better for myself recently which is all I need. Self care plays a major role in changing my wellbeing. I picked up some new hobbies along the way. I’ve been fascinated with aquariums and aqua scaping. I’ve been in love with nature and everything to do with it. I’ve also started watching more shows and movies.
If you’ve reached the end, I appreciate you giving me the time to even read this. I don’t like sharing my name randomly, but you can call me Ken for now. I’m willing to show my picture so don’t be afraid to ask. My height is 5’9, I’m a black American with a light skin complexion. I wear glasses, I don’t have any tattoos, I don’t have any piercings, I don’t smoke or do drugs, I drink on special occasions but would be nice to finally have someone to casually drink with, I normally dress presentable, I smile a lot and tend to be silly, I don’t mind any humor. I lean more to be extremely introverted which gave me my shy and awkward traits, I am respectful and treat people how I want to be treated. I love to game, especially on PC. I’m always down to trying a variety but my favorites so far have been anything from Tom Clancy or a game to vibe to whether it’s Mine Craft or some old 2d games like maple story. I love watching streams especially GTA RP, I love watching YouTube, I love watching anime and reading manga. When I’m not too focused on college I tend to do them more. I don’t mind going out, which is something I would love to get more comfortable with. I’m always willing to try new hobbies.
All that I can ask from you is to be patient with me. Most importantly, JUST BE YOU. Besides interest being the most important thing when it comes to connecting, I would appreciate someone closer to me in NYC or train distance. I will consider another distance if the connection is right. My personality and hobbies are very important when it comes to connecting so I would appreciate it if you’re similar in thar regards. I tend to stick to one person than multiple people at one time. I want to be able to understand you how you would understand me. Before you talk to me, understand that I’m in the process of improving my life. That means, don’t expect a 27 year old to be established with everything. I’m working on it. So please, to avoid certain spams, can you tell me about yourself just like how I did in this post of mine. Thank you.
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2024.05.21 21:56 vangaazs 21 M4F online looking for my reason to be

so basically i want to find someone in a similar situation/mindset as me. I am looking for someone that's trying to build a long-term relationship, where you don't disappear when things get boring, but build a genuine long lasting connection. I am not perfect by any means, actually far from it, that's why I chose to post here in this sub on reddit. and even though I'm not that great I still try my best to be a decent person.
as for my interests:
nature music related stuff I also read occasionally
I also enjoy a lot of different things but let's leave that for the conversation.
i'd also love to hear about your hobbies or interests!
i'm looking for someone 18-23 that lives in or near europe (eastern hemisphere). I don't want the relationship to be exclusively long distance, as I eventually want to meet etc.
don't be afraid to dm i don't bite, well, maybe only a lil bit :)
submitted by vangaazs to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:56 SunstruckSeraph Ignore me? I'll never think of you the same way again.

The only person who's ever related to this particular interpersonal experience IRL had BPD, which made me curious to see if any other BP folks could relate.
The gravest casual sin you can commit in my book is leaving me hanging. Sometimes someone I love will leave me on read for a day or two and I know logically that they're busy and that's well within their right to do, but I find myself immediately mentally withdrawing from them. Like by day three, I'm usually thinking of them completely differently than I did before and the only way they can make it back into my good graces is to provide a really good reason, and then make a significant effort to see me or talk to me.
I don't really like being wired like this, but there's only so long people can ignore me before I begin to start hating them. It's like they get mentally crossed off my list of safe people before I can even make any conscious decisions about it. And for the record, I'm not on my phone all the time either (I actually can't be with my job), but it feels like I make a very significant effort to make sure to respond to the people in my life in a timely fashion and it's just...not entirely reciprocated. Anyone else feel similarly or know how to deal with this?
submitted by SunstruckSeraph to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:56 huliya23 26[M4F] Bengaluru- looking for another lonely soul.

I’m 26M from Bengaluru. I’m here to lookout for someone to spend some part of our life together. As anybody of my age would experience, I’m looking at friends drifting away from life. My life right now has almost no social life and haven’t met any new people recently.
Weekends feels lonely in this buzzing-overpopulated city, I feel the need to have that someone to spend quality time and miss that romance everyone in their 20’s deserve to have. I know my life isn’t ready to get into another serious long-term relationship, so not thinking of that rn. I’m not looking for anything in the extremes of a ONS or a LTR. I want something short but meaningful and passionate.
Why here ? I did try DA, but the experience was meh. The matches sucked in conversations or lacked clarity or confused or found better match, whatever it was. It didn’t work for me and was thoroughly exhausting. Also I lack words to woo some stranger women. I felt I can express better here and let me test my luck.
About me - I look for a reason to go out and explore. I love my food and open to try new cuisines. I like going out for city strolls, if I have a company. I love watching movies(in cinemas with friends, if they don’t crib if movie turns out bad or alone mostly). I like having good deep conversations with people. I like a slow and calm lifestyle & I value honesty. Looks wise I may be decent 6-7/10, almost fit. And have lived all my life in a metro city. I take my time to get along well with new people. This will be my first time dating (or befriending) someone from the internet.
What I would like in you : Sane and serene person. Clarity and honesty. Willingness to put efforts into conversations and further. Decent looking.
We can talk and see what each other seek. Our preferences and boundaries, our needs. Etc etc. we can talk and figure out further.
If you’ve read till now,thanks. And if interested, please DM. I can confirm not being creepy. I want whole scenario to be slow and safe, open-minded and non-judgemental, consensual and mutually respectful and honest.
submitted by huliya23 to SFWr4rIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:56 Ok_Pudding_6583 Need advice

I truly do love him but it is a tough situation. I am at the point where I can't tell if I am dramatic and overbearing or if he is narcissistic and manipulative. We were best friends before we started dating, and he seemed like he would be the most perfect, giving boyfriend. Me and him cuddled more and acted more like we were dating before we were actually dating (when I said this to him he would tell me I am wrong and that is not true). It sucks because I honestly think he has almost a kink for girls not liking him back, because it feels like he liked me way more when he knew I didn't have interest in him, and even at the beginning of our relationship when I was more distant, he would do the chasing. I'm not sure if it was because I had recently gotten out of a long, draining relationship where I lost myself along the way. I feel like I have also lost myself in this relationship and would do anything to be with him and see him in my free time, whereas it feels like pulling teeth to get him to come see me. I also don't trust him very much, because I have caught him in stupid lies that I had to DIG to find, so if I didn't dig I would never know. I don't think he would ever cheat on me, but I think he is wayyyyy too comfortable. He tells me he can't wait to marry me, but his actions do not line up with his words. Whenever we get into arguments, he basically tells me the way I feel is wrong and I am making it up in my mind due to fears from my past relationship. It is hard to argue with or get a point across to someone when they tell you the way you feel is an opinion. I need help and advice! Unbiased!
submitted by Ok_Pudding_6583 to NarcissisticSpouses [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:55 Fries_Fox 31 [M4F] CA, Company during the day

Well hey there,
I am currently looking for someone who would love to keep one another company during the day. I work from home and would love a distraction here and there. Which could be you! Haha.
I am interest in someone who loves to share about their day. Show me how’s the weather looking outside, what you’ve decided for lunch, and everything in between. Over sharing and spamming is encouraged.
Some of my interests are - Gaming (including board games) Anime Hiking Food and cooking Fashion TV shows Photography Etc etc
Shy to needy, come as you are; let’s keep one another company on these long boring work days.
submitted by Fries_Fox to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]