Guy from the cymbalta commercial

Where the OP always delivers

2012.07.09 20:09 rdeluca Where the OP always delivers


2018.06.13 18:22 Closed.

Subreddit closed.

2011.08.22 04:14 ForgottenPhoenix A hangout for lab nerds!


2024.05.22 02:02 JAM_Passive Apprentice of the Year

Apprentice of the Year
Before getting to the award, I'd like to talk about my journey from open shop to the UA.
About 2 years or so ago, before I knew about unions, I was working for an open shop plumbing/HVAC company. $15/hr, mostly residential with the occasional commercial. I liked my co-workers, boss was cool, one of my supervisors was cool, the other was a toss up on any given day. Ladies in the office were cool too. Good all around. I was a helper or apprentice, that title changed whenever the boss wanted it to, made no difference in my pay or hours.
I went to a job with one of the guys, and it was to work on a tankless water heater. Long story short, the water heater was piped in backward. That's not important. What is, is the man we did the job for: Mr. Stevens. He was a retired pipefitter of about 30 years from a UA in Chicago. He had a bunch of union stickers from many different locals on the fridge in his garage where we were working. He asked me if I ever thought about joining the UA. I told him no, and I had no idea what that was. While my coworker was on the phone getting approval for the work from a warranty company, Mr. Stevens talked to me about how the UA gave him better wages, the good retirement that he's currently enjoying with his wife, health benefits, and everything he could advertise. I was listening intently because that sounded wonderful to me. He was describing everything I thought my at the time company was supposed to be.
Before we left, Mr. Stevens gave me his number. He told me if I had any more questions to call or text him, he'll be available. He also told me if I was interested in getting in the UA, he'd write me a letter of recommendation for the board members. I thanked him and we went on our way.
Over the next few months, I looked into unions, the UA specifically. I saw pro-union stuff, and anti-union stuff. I'm here, so as you can see, there was too much good for me to care about any of the anti-union stuff, which were mostly lies or exaggerations. Come March of 2023 when applications opened up, I speedran everything I could have. I called Local 43's office, got all the info I needed. Filled out my application, got my HS transcripts, did the Helmets to Hardhats, got with the VA to work out my GI Bill, smoked the ACT WorkKeys test.
My supervisors did eventually find out about me doing all that. One of the board members owned the plumbing company next to my boss's and I guess they're friends and talked to each other, and my boss talked to my supervisors. The cool one made a joke about the dues I'd have to pay (exaggerated the amount) and the other one was visibly not pleased and made a sly remark about it. Fortunately nothing negative came of it for me.
Anyway, finally, the interview. Easily the only thing I was stressed out about. I got a fresh cut, bought a nice (but cheap) blue suit, bought a nice pair of lowkey business casual shoes, bought a cheap black tie, even lightly put on cologne. I walked in to the waiting room and thought I fucked up. The other interviewees had on jeans, those nice dress(?) cowboy boots, and tucked in button-up long sleeve shirts. I make no exaggeration when I tell you, I was the ONLY one in a suit and tie. Internally I'm freaking out wondering "What was I thinking? It's the South, I should have dressed like them! The board is gonna see me an think I'm some prim & proper (derogatory) Yank!" An assumption I made based on the reaction I got when I joined a Fire Department and I told one of the Firefighters I'm from NY. Fortunately, this was not the case.
Nothing to be done about it at that point, I get called into the room. I've been through a board or two in the Army, so I knew I could fake it at least, but I'm still nervous. What I did do immediately that I'm still proud of to this day is I remembered to shake everyone's hand and look at them. Just like I've practiced, a nice firm handshake and eye contact. Sat up straight, hand positioning, made eye contact when answering, answered audibly and clearly, practiced it all beforehand and executed.
They did get Mr. Stevens' letter of recommendation and had me tell them about the work we did for him. And they wanted me to tell them about my time in the Army. That took up a large portion of time thankfully. No matter where you go, men love a good story. Around the last 5 -10 minutes, they had me tell them about my previous company. I didn't badmouth the company, I didn't have much negative to say about it anyway, aside from the hours being wonky occasionally and learning being difficult sometimes if they guy you're with didn't feel like teaching you that day. Sometimes, you really were just a helper. Hand them the tools and move back.
Before I left, one of the men stopped me at the door and told me he was glad I dressed like a professional. He said "Some of these guys come around here and dress like they're about go to the bar and not an interview. I know this is blue collar work, but we're still professionals. Just a blazer goes a long way, and we appreciate that you took this seriously."
All that work (and I'm not gonna lie, there's no doubt in my mind that me being a veteran damn near guaranteed me in) paid off as me and the rest if the 1st years swore in. And starting at $17.60 ain't too bad.
Fast forward to today. Today was the last day of class at my Local. They did awards, congratulations, and all the flair that comes with it. Among the awardees, was me. I haven't earned an academic award since elementary. By the time I got to HS, I realized schooling (at least traditional) isn't something I enjoy or care for, and my effort (or lack of it) reflected that. I stopped doing homework altogether as it was only 15% of our grades, I did well on tests and quizzes, and did classwork depending on length/difficulty and necessity. Graduated HS stress free and got the same diploma as everyone else.
This was not the case during this past school year. I put in the effort for this. I paid attention and asked for help. Especially with math, I asked for a lot of help with math. And I suppose that showed and reflected. I earned Apprentice of the Year for the 1st Year Class. I feel really good about it. I intend to put my ass into and try to earn it for the next 4 years. Joining the UA is one of the best decisions I've ever made. I fucking love the UA, and I love my Local Union 43.
Note: I still talk to Mr. Stevens to this day. I sent him a picture of my award and he's treating me to dinner this weekend.
submitted by JAM_Passive to UnitedAssociation [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:34 Same-Breath-1971 DUEL WITH BANANAS [unidentified media]

That's it, i know i watched it maybe 10-12 years ago on TheFilmZone or TNT channel, it was a TV independent video or a commercial, its around 2-5 minutes long. The city looked american, it wasn't a cartoon, everything was done live action, the video was about a duel between the police and a guy on a black van, but instead of gu** they were using bananas, i fondly remember a banana gatling g, they never spoke anything, just shong bananas at each other until the main guy was down, also there was no bld, and no music. I know the video was real cause i loved watching it with my family, and i know it was broadcasted on TV, but i cant find any trace of the video. Also, there's a video about an indi guy with a banana g*, but that isn't the video, i know its from an American city cause the police were using blue uniforms similar to those on the movies, and i think the video was not promoting any product, the main guy i remember was using a black costume similar of a thief without the mask. I would be very pleased if anyone can find any media of it cause it was my favorite short movie. Thank you for your time.
submitted by Same-Breath-1971 to lostmedia [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:33 DapperLee My Brother-in-law has caused entire family to want him gone.

Okay, so for this post there are a lot of people involved (this has been going on for a while) so I'll list up here who's who. This is my wife's family. I'll be using code names when appropriate:
Father-in-law - FIL
Mother-in-law - MIL
Wife(oldest daughter) - Wife
Second daughter - Sarah
Third daughter - Lana
Fourth daughter - Ruth
Second daughter's husband - BIL
Third daughter's fiancee - Karl
My daughter - daughter
Second daughter's older son - Danny
Second daughter's younger son - Aaron
And me as me
I know this is long but bear with me TL;DR Brother-in-law has snapped the last straw for the family and we are all starting to cut ties with him
 BIL's family has their own side of the story that I'm barely familiar with, so it won't be brought up here. We first met BIL way before they got together; Sarah bought a house as a group of friends with her boyfriend at the time, and BIL and his second wife at the time. We didn't interact with him much. We just heard a few stories about him from their friend group. Eventually this situation broke down and BIL and his second wife left and vandalized Sarah's home on the way out. They let their dogs poop all over the floor, stole some miscellaneous items, poured water in their lawn mower gas tank, etc. He did this to Sarah, his future third wife. We thought this guy was out of our lives forever. Sarah eventually came to stay on my couch after she sold the house. She lived with me and my wife for roughly 3 months. Then she went and rented an apartment a few miles away. No sooner than a few weeks did we find out she was dating future BIL, and a few weeks after that we found she was pregnant. He met the family and stated that he wanted to be a part of it. He blamed all his past transgressions on his second wife. We questioned him at the time if he was still with his second wife. He said no, and that he was officially divorced. My wife looked up the public court records and found out that he didn't file divorce papers until 11 days after we asked that question. A small lie but considering our history of knowing him it was concerning. BIL is a big gun enthusiast. About 1 months after they told us Sarah was pregnant, while cleaning a gun at home he shot himself in the hand. Again, we were concerned but Sarah assured us he was a changed man and this was just an unfortunate accident. His hand healed but he didn't do his physical therapy that seriously so his hand is still kind of jacked up. I feel this is important because he kind of has a history of not following through on what he says. During Sarah's pregnancy we found out that BIL seriously beat one of their dogs back when they bought the house together. We also figured out he diagnosed himself with bipolar, but refused to go to a doctor to get an actual diagnosis. The whole family at the time was distracted by all of this because during Sarah's pregnancy my wife went through a major medical struggle that resulted in multiple surgeries and a months-long stay in the hospital. We were so focused on that the BIL details just kind of came and went at that moment. Sarah gave birth to Danny during COVID lockdown. We were so excited and we all were very active in Danny's life. Time would pass and we just kind of got used to BIL being despite the fact that he often would miss family events. BIL and Sarah would move into a house on my in-laws property just down the road from in-laws house. MIL became their primary caregiver as she could work it around her job and still make decent money. As 4 years have passed my MIL, FIL, Lana, my Wife and I all take shifts of watching their now 2 kids for them, for free. MIL also watches my daughter but significantly less that their son's. 2 years would pass after Danny was born and everything seemed OK. There would just be hints in they way he talked about who he really was. He would say something in casual conversation like "man, there seems like there are too many black people in commercials these days" or "I don't know why we are forcing women's sports to be a thing." Bigoted stuff like that, but veiled enough so there was plausible deniability. I would often call him out on it, so he really grew to not like me. This all changed at his 30th bday. He had a big party with a lot of alcohol and weed with dozens of friends. My wife and I didn't go because we are not party people. Lana and Ruth went to the party. Sarah was also there. During this party BIL went outside and decided to "mud" his jeep through the creek beside their house. This was possibly with Karl but I'm not sure of that to this day. Karl has recently come into the picture prior to this event and was previously friends with BIL for a long time. The jeep got stuck and flooded for obvious reasons. After trying to get it out of the creek by multiple means, they gave up and left it there. I believe it took almost 2 days to get it out. He went back to the party and as everyone got progressively drunk and high, my 2 sister-in-laws Lana and Ruth (I believe) criticized BIL for getting his car stuck in a creek while playing. BIL verbally assaulted them and demanded they get out of his house. They left in tears. They drove separately, and Lana had gotten buzzed so they both got in Ruth's car and drove to my house. They sat and vented to my wife and I for a while, and eventually I offered that we should go do something fun to take their minds off of it. My wife and I drove them to Taco Bell and we got some food and drove around town for a while and made jokes in the car. After they cooled off and were in a better mood they said that Lana needed to go get her car from the party. In a flurry she accidentally left her keys inside her sister's and BIL's house. We drove them over just in case anything sketchy happened but Lana and Ruth didn't want us to go inside, so we waited out in the car. She didn't think it would be a big deal to walk in, but as her and Ruth did BIL immediately got in her face and demanding she gets out or else. Ruth went to talk to someone else at the party and didn't notice this at first. BIL shoved Lana against a wall and held her there. Everyone apparently stood in stunned silence as this happened. He then shoved her to the ground, grabbed her around the ankles and started pulling her across the floor. As he was threatening to do even worse, Ruth ran up and jumped on his back and gave him a head lock. She screamed at him to stop but before BIL could anything about this everyone finally woke up and pulled them apart. Ruth helped Lana up and they ran out of the house onto the front porch sobbing. My wife saw this and got out of the car and yelled at them to get back in our car. We drove up to the in-laws house. By then it was past midnight. MIL was about an hour away working her job and FIL was up in his room asleep. The sisters went and woke him up and explained the situation through tears. They also called MIL to inform her of the situation. He got ready and ask me to go with him down to the house to get some answers. The sisters stayed up at the house. We drove down in his car and when we got out the entire party was ready for us and greeted us at the car. Literally over a dozen people, most of whom I did not recognize started screaming what happened at both of us simultaneously. Everyone was clearly very drunk. FIL looked overwhelmed, so I raised my hands and tried asking everyone to stop for a second and go one by one telling their bit of the story. BIL stopped me mid sentence and pointed his finger in my face. I noticed he had his other hand on a holstered hand gun. He yelled out "You don't have a say here! You're barely even part of this family." For context, I had been with my wife for over 11 years at that time and he hadn't even married Sarah yet and had been there about 2 1/2 years. FIL backed up and told me that I need to stop talking and that I was being a problem. I backed off and went over the yard to Sarah and Karl. I asked Sarah what happened and she told me that she didn't see what happened and that she wasn't very aware of what was going on now. Karl would barely answer the same question. I walked back over to FIL but he told me to back off and that I really wasn't needed there. Admittedly I felt pretty insulted and just decided to walk back to his house and get my car and go home with my wife. We eventually left after FIL came back to the house. We found out later that BIL had pulled his gun out and threatened to kill himself if FIL didn't leave. Out of fear of what he would do, my in-laws were pretty afraid to take action at this point. A lot of the situation was his word against someone else's and Sarah went on a tour around to the friends and convinced them not to take any of this to the police. She then tried to smooth things over with the family and offered that BIL would apologize to everyone. He then refused, stating that Ruth was the real aggressor and that she assaulted him. He eventually agreed to apologize to just FIL for causing a problem and I think some half-hearted apologies to Lana and Ruth. The whole situation was swept under the rug but an unease has existed over the family since then. He stopped coming to family events pretty much altogether. About 4 months after this situation, prior to my daughter being born, he told MIL he was going to bring Danny up to their house so she could watch him for a few hours while he took a nap. His job works long hours so this wasn't out of the ordinary. However, he didn't show up for a while and my MIL started questioning what going on. She called but there was no answer. She drove down to his house and knocked but there wasn't an answer, only Danny crying in the background. She let herself in and found BIL asleep on the couch with Danny actively trying to wake him up. MIL tried to wake him up but nothing for a few minutes. She gave up and wrote a note to let him know where Danny was. BIL didn't notice Danny was gone for 2 hours. He finally woke up, drove up to in-laws house, and yelled at my MIL for just taking Danny without informing him. He took Danny and then left. A few months after that, after my daughter was born, He fell asleep while watching Danny again. This time we found out because when he woke up the front door was open and Danny was gone. He called in-laws for help finding him. My in-laws have a large property (about 200 acres) with a ton of it forested. Danny wandered 1/4 of a mile into the woods and I believe it took roughly a little over an hour to find him. Family questioned him hard this time but he just recoiled back into their house and didn't talk to us much. Sarah continued to defend him and said it was just an accident. Again the police were not notified about any of this. There was always this idea that if we went to authorities about any of this they would just run for it. They would then surprise everyone with the news that they were pregnant again, despite the fact that Sarah had used the morning after pill. This whole time they hadn't married yet. They announced that they were getting married but Sarah told Lana that it was mostly just to help BIL not have to go through bankruptcy a second time. I wasn't sure if this would do anything to help that situation, but that's what Sarah said at one point leading up to the wedding. About a month before the wedding, however, he threatened Sarah that if she insisted on inviting my wife to the wedding he would demand to invite a friend of his that Sarah hated. This friend also used to date BIL I believe. This was his ploy to force Sarah to not invite my Wife or me. The 2 other sisters and MIL all stood in solidarity with us and said that they would also not go if we weren't invited. He eventually relented and they got married a little before Aaron was born. As more kids were added, MIL's childcare duties got much harder. Eventually my wife and I started paying her (not much but something at least. $150 a month) to watch our daughter, but we also did chores for her, bought her food often, and eventually my Wife started taking a few shifts to watch all 3 children. To date, BIL and Sarah have never compensated any of us for our work. It's a little frustrating but we've tried to understand because Sarah and BIL seem to be bad with money. They objectively make more than us yet can't afford to pay MIL anything. Last Thanksgiving, in the middle of dinner, Sarah and BIL decided to have an "intervention" and talk about how we were not treating BIL fairly. They addressed everybody but really honed in on me specifically. This seemed to be because the rest of the family kind of dance in eggshells around them, while to be frank I'm pretty honest about how I feel about them. They seemed to think I was causing the family to turn against him and questioned why I would do that. I told him he lacked humility. He said he didn't understand. I told him that if he admitted to his mistakes and actually apologized about any of the stuff I previously wrote, instead of blaming everyone and everything else then the whole family would feel a bit different about him. A lot of talk was about the 30th b-day and other times when I just ignored him and how he had already apologized about the party. I reminded him that he didn't apologize to most of the family and he blamed Ruth. He then stated that Ruth was the cause of a lot of the problems at that party. He also made a big deal about how the family doesn't trust him with my daughter and kept emphasizing how he has never held her. We finally tried to come to an agreement. I told him I would try to talk to him more and try to understand him better and he said he would try to come to family events more. He also wanted more of a relationship with my daughter. We left and my wife and I were skeptical but we said that if this is who Sarah really wanted to be with, as long as BIL wasn't perceived as a threat he could have more contact with our daughter. We have had way more of a relationship with his kids than he has had with our daughter so I tried to sympathize with that imbalance. Karl also stated later that having known BIL for a long time, he thought he was very sincere. To date, BIL has not asked or tried at any family events to spend any time with my daughter, despite having numerous opportunities. Now to the current situation. About a month ago Lana and Karl announced that Lana was pregnant. This was a revelation due to Lana having a medical condition that made it harder to get pregnant. A lot of excitement was brewing in the family because of this. Karl has been seeming like a good partner to Lana, and proposed to her a little before the pregnancy happened. This is especially pertinent because Lana and Karl moved into a house together right beside BIL and Sarah. A few days ago they were over at Sarah and BIL's house when an argument broke out between Sarah and BIL. BIL demanded that Sarah wasn't an "obedient enough wife" and that if she wanted there marriage to work then she was going to have to get better at serving him. She was upset and they weren't coming to an agreement so he was going to leave, but apparently he was very high so Sarah refused to give him the keys to his car. He got extremely mad and then got a gun, held it to his head, and threatened to kill himself if she didn't hand over the keys. Fortunately, Danny and Aaron were taking a nap during all of this. Sarah called the police during this whole exchange and the operator heard a lot of what BIL said over the phone so based on that they arrived at the house. He apparently drove away and it took the police a bit to find him but once they did he turned himself over. They admitted him to a mandatory 72-hour stay at a psychiatric ward for a mental health assessment. Sarah then came up to the rest of the family (not me or my Wife) and gave them Danny and Aaron. She then went and confided with Lana and Karl about how abusive BIL had been and how life was just miserable right now. A lot of us, especially Karl and my in-laws, were telling her that she needs to leave BIL and file for emergency custody of her children. She seemed to be listening to us and turning a corner, but inexplicably the psychiatric ward allowed BIL to have a phone call with Sarah and they had a long conversation. Suddenly, Sarah shut us all out and completely changed her story. She started defending BIL again. BIL was then let out of the psychiatric ward a day early. Since Karl was working at the time, Lana came to stay with us and then over at her in-laws. We are especially concerned about her safety around BIL due to her being pregnant. They have since cut nearly all contact with us for 4 days now. They have only told Karl that they were getting a new TV because the old one mysteriously broke somehow. They have continued to post on social media like nothing has happened. They have spent 2 days with BIL's family so we aren't sure what their opinion of this is, though we do know a sibling of his has also told Sarah to leave him prior to this latest situation. We don't know what their plans for childcare is because they are wholly reliant upon us. Lana is very reluctant to ever be home alone. Ruth is as well. There are so many other details I haven't mentioned. There have been holes in walls they've had to fix. There is some evidence that BIL is cheating on Sarah, but that evidence is somewhat inconclusive. The bigoted comments for a while now have gotten increasingly misogynistic. It's a lot of 'we need to respect proper gender roles' kind of stuff. There's just too much and I've already written a book on here. I don't really know what to do at this point. Because a lot of this stuff has been swept under the rug it's hard to tell how seriously CPS or police would take our claims. FIL has threatened to kick them out of their very cheap rental they're in now. Who knows what they would do in that scenario. I know this post is detailed and because of that BIL or Sarah might see it, but at this point I wonder if I even give a shit. They've already eluded to keeping their sons from us in the past and the vibes we are getting now is that they are already doing it. And from the bottom of my heart, fuck BIL. 
submitted by DapperLee to u/DapperLee [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:12 Key_Artichoke99 People who like to report every little thing people do at work

Almost every job I’ve had there’s always that one person that will jump at any opportunity to report their coworkers for every perceived infraction. These people get a sick pleasure out of putting other peoples employment in danger.
I work at a nursing home and I’ve recently discovered we have another one of those people in the staff. Examples:
There is a large bird cage with many colorful birds that fly around and is very nice to look at. Some of the residents like to sit and watch the birds for a while, this is very common. I was told by Betty that she wanted to watch the birds after lunch so I wheeled her over to the cage and planned to check up on her in about 20 mins. Well come to find out this staff member reported me for “neglecting the residents”. I explained to my boss and she knew it was a bullshit report. But WTF?!?!
Same person reported my coworker for “yelling at the residents”. Most of these people have hearing loss and not everyone can afford hearing aids so we have to speak loudly, not yell. My coworker is the most gentle guy I’ve met, he would never yell at them.
The same person reported another coworker for “putting inappropriate TV channels on”. There is a common area with a big TV that we usually put the news on or some PG sitcom for them to watch. Turns out the “inappropriate” channel was an ad for the real housewives that came on during commercial break.
I’ve learned to stay tf away from this person and only communicate when absolutely necessary. But wtf is wrong with these types of people? Are you so sad and bored in your life that you have to threaten peoples employment to feel better about yourself?
TLDR: people at work who report anything and everything to get people in trouble
submitted by Key_Artichoke99 to PetPeeves [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:02 waveportico Google Marketing Live 2024 Recap

Here's my notes throughout the Google Marketing Live. Some stuff may be omitted and I phrased everything how they would have in the presentation (overly positive).

Google Marketing Live 2024

~Philipp Schindler – Introduction~
New era of AI
-A few years ago the conversation was: What is AI?
-Now the question is: What can AI do for me and how can I implement it as fast as possible?

15% of searches are new on Google every day
-This number has held steady for more than a decade
“The perfect search engine should understand exactly what you mean and give you back exactly what you need.”

AI Overviews

Trend 1 – The “Exactly-What-I-Want” search
The volume of searches with 5 or more words grew 1.5x as fast

Trend 2 – Complex Search Made Easy
“What are good options for aa day out in dallas for kids? What are some options with ice cream shops nearby?”

Trend 3 – Search Beyond Words
Circle to Search
Search anything on your screen with just a circle, highlight, or tap.

Trend 4 – Beyond Answers
Some people are not looking for answer, they are looking to explore, or be inspired.
Rather than just getting a simple AI response, they will be getting a catered ai page specifically created for their request.

Small YouTube Blurb

Gen AI x Creativity
~Vidhya Srinivasan~
People have limitless options to browse across devices

“This is where Gen AI will unlock enormous opportunities”

AI will influence the entire marketing cycle

"AI doesn’t have taste, it doesn’t have ingenuity, creativity, and strategic insights"

Google Search – Generative AI

~Sylvanus Bent~
AI Applications in Search Ads

Conversational Experience in Google Ads

Power Pair

Profit Optimization

~Tim Frank – Asset Generation~
Advertisers who improve their PMAX ad strength to Excellent see 6% more conversions on average.

Creative Controls & Customization

Additional Reporting & Controls

~Nicky Rettke – YouTube~
AI-Powered Video Campaigns

~Matt Madrigal – Shopping~
Product Studio

Shopping Ads

~Gaurav Bhaya – The Data Guy~
Good AI requires good data


Marketing Mix Models
Meridian is Google’s Open Source MMM and will be available later this year.
tl;dr - very tasty nothing burger.
submitted by waveportico to PPC [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:19 jtb1313 Suggestions to corporate from a former employee

Over the years I have had some gripes with the way Sherwin operates and I thought that I should share them now that I have been gone for a while.
Sherwin really needs to implement minimum order size for deliveries. I have literally sent out a single quart 15 miles away because the manager made me. I wanted the guy to get it closer or even delivered from a store that was less than a mile away but no, we needed that sale. Or having something ISTed to my store so that I could send it out on a delivery (alone nothing else on the delivery) because MY store had to get the sale. The bs that stores go through wasting money is absurd. All of the locations are owned by corporate, there are not any franchises so why are we constantly wasting company money instead of setting the company up for success? I could understand doing silly things like that if each store was independently run but it is all one company and Sherwin needs to teach the managers this.
DIY stores should also have maximum order sizes. Remind DIY stores that they are not commercial stores. Once I had managers at a DIY store order in like 450 gallons of Resilience Deep and Ultradeep and the contractor ended up going with a different product and bought it from a commercial store. How does that make sense? If you are a smaller store you should get a 75% deposit for anything over 40 gal. You should especially get a deposit if you have to order it in on the truck.
We have market segments for a reason. Commercial stores are more used to the pro industrial products and DIY stores should only keep 4 or 5 product lines on hand but DIY stores should never handle protective and marine coatings. I wouldn't even be sad about saying that commercial stores should avoid (but not ban) DIY products where possible. Random part timers are not going to be able to know all of the stronger products especially with how many different coatings the company has. By having stricter market segments you can ensure that customers get the correct product for their application. By giving the customer the wrong product from a more conveniently located store (not all commercial stores are going to be close by) does more harm to the company image than you may realize. The customers you want are going to be more than understanding when you tell them that ONLY certain stores handle certain products because then they know that the person selling the paint actually knows what they are talking about
You only have one reputation don't ruin it.
submitted by jtb1313 to sherwinwilliams [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:27 SiNeFaK1 [TOMT][COMMERCIAL] A guy squashing a fly onto the camera lens

An oldschool commercial of a guy squashing a fly that sits onto the camera lens and text appear from the fly's green remaninings.(i think it was skate/clothe related)
submitted by SiNeFaK1 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:49 jonboi4239 Tool Storage/Transport

Curious as to how you guys carry/store your tools.
I am a commercial service technician doing a little bit of everything from light commissioning, general service, and a bit of install work.
Most days I just need a pack with a laptop, a screwdriver, some cables and a few other bits and pieces no big deal, but I never know what I’m going to run into so curious as to how you all manage your more bulky tools ie. impact, drill, drivers bits etc. a lot of guys I run into are using packouts or something similar (dewalt, flex, etc.). I love that these are heavy duty and so modular, but don’t anticipate that I am going to subject my stuff to that much wear and tear to justify the price. Any cheaper solutions that you have used/seen? I’d like it to have wheels, and be able to hold a few Milwaukee m18 tools plus batteries and other things like wrenches, bits, consumables etc. again, just curious what you all use/or see being used. Thanks!
submitted by jonboi4239 to CommercialAV [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:49 Anthracitation Is racing just for fun traumatising for an ex racer?

Hello everyone, in preparing for my soon to arrive ex-racer I found out that there’s a Greyhound enthusiasts club nearby that has its own race track. I was thinking of maybe taking my Greyhound there so he can socialise with other Greyhounds and have some fun chasing the fake rabbit around the track. I live in Germany where commercial dog racing is forbidden by law, so this is just racing for the benefit of the dogs themselves.
I recently spoke to someone from the Greyhound adoption agency and when I asked her about whether she thought this was a good idea she was adamant that I should have my dog taken away from me if I take him there, since dog racing of any kind would be traumatising for an ex-racer.
This is my first Greyhound and I‘m really unsure what to think now. What do you guys think?
Thank you.
submitted by Anthracitation to Greyhounds [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:26 Stocksy1234 This could be huge - MUSL testing Promino's effectiveness in fighting muscle loss caused by Ozempic

Hey everyone, just read some pretty interesting news from Promino Nutritional Sciences.
Here's a quick overview of the company for context: Promino Nutritional Sciences Inc. operates out of Burlington, Canada, and focuses on developing and commercializing nutraceuticals that enhance muscle health. Promino is noted for its innovative approach to tackling muscle loss due to aging or medical conditions through its flagship products, Rejuvenate and PROMINO.
Today, they announced that they’re starting preclinical trials to see if their product can prevent muscle loss caused by GLP-1 weight loss drugs like Ozempic. Dr. Patrick Gunning from the University of Toronto will be leading these trials. This is obviously a smart idea since GLP-1 drugs are known for causing rapid muscle loss, which affects many users and has been getting a lot of media attention lately.
If these trials are successful, it could be a major breakthrough for Promino. Successfully addressing this side effect could open up a new market for their products, definitely boosting their reputation and sales. Given the rising use of GLP-1 drugs, a solution to mitigate muscle loss would no doubt be highly sought after.
What do you guys think? any comments are welcome
Ticker is $MUSLF or $MUSL.CN
submitted by Stocksy1234 to Baystreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:26 Stocksy1234 This could be huge - MUSL testing Promino's effectiveness in fighting muscle loss caused by Ozempic

Hey everyone, just read some pretty interesting news from Promino Nutritional Sciences.
Here's a quick overview of the company for context: Promino Nutritional Sciences Inc. operates out of Burlington, Canada, and focuses on developing and commercializing nutraceuticals that enhance muscle health. Promino is noted for its innovative approach to tackling muscle loss due to aging or medical conditions through its flagship products, Rejuvenate and PROMINO.
Today, they announced that they’re starting preclinical trials to see if their product can prevent muscle loss caused by GLP-1 weight loss drugs like Ozempic. Dr. Patrick Gunning from the University of Toronto will be leading these trials. This is obviously a smart idea since GLP-1 drugs are known for causing rapid muscle loss, which affects many users and has been getting a lot of media attention lately.
If these trials are successful, it could be a major breakthrough for Promino. Successfully addressing this side effect could open up a new market for their products, definitely boosting their reputation and sales. Given the rising use of GLP-1 drugs, a solution to mitigate muscle loss would no doubt be highly sought after.
What do you guys think? any comments are welcome
Ticker is $MUSLF or $MUSL.CN

submitted by Stocksy1234 to pennystocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:16 Purple_doll Regarding MLP representation of Ethnicity

Regarding MLP representation of Ethnicity
salutation ! ill use real information from the show to help people with Headcanon more indisputable and even give mine with reasons and fact !
because if we really follow the rules of equestria and where every Pony type come from in canon of the show we can actually give a canon ethnicity to every member of the mane 6
so Unicorn are asian,, british and french (like seen from every Unicorn in the show)
Earth Pony being creole with sub saharan descent and scandinave (again,, seen all along in the show)
and pegasus are Mediteranea (being based of Roman and what they invaded)
so ! with these information ! here is what i can say
Twilight is Indian but grew in UK (if we see the concept art of Twilight for EG plus the fact that her hair are naturally curly like seen some time in the show,, and we ad the fact that shes asian we get an indian !
Rarity is Korean/japanese (litterally every commercial of EG played by real people is making her play by a korean/japanese girl,, dont be mad at me,, im not good enough to distinct both,) but also her parents are the caricature of the foreigner in vacation
Rainbow Dash is Italian,, litterally every design of clothes she wear is roman inspired so yeah we dont have to look more to see what shes going with
Fluttershy is Greek ! most of her outfit is Gaïa depiction looking and Cloudstale is based of the Olympe !
Applejack is a Tennesse/Oklahoma Cowboy with German roots like seen from her uncle Apple Strudel
and Finally ! Pinkie Pie is an Indiana Amish girl ! (people often forget that her hair are naturally flat and that she just doesnt take care of them and thats why they are messy,, but to make everyone happy,, ill mention that she maybe have Creole ancestor because it does work with the canon)
and there we go ! thats the actual most canon ethnicity of the Mane 6 post you will see because i took litteral information from the show seen time and time again !
pictures of the mane 6 parents to show
picture of the ancient hero also to show showing clearly chinese and british unicorn,, Creole and Scandinave earth pony and Pegasus being mediteranea
Indian pony being Unicorn
French and British unicorn
Apple Strudel
Twilight Early Concept art for EG
Pinkamena hair
Cheese Sandwich Weird Al Yankovic being with actual curly hair while being a White and Nerdy guy
Pictures of Twilight to show that her hair are actually curly
another one
hope you enjoyed
submitted by Purple_doll to mylittlepony [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:37 Professional-Jump891 Can piracy come up in a secret clearance investigation and can dual citizenship play a role in a possible clearance denial?

Hey Guys,
I just got an offer for a Job requiring a secret clearance which I just submitted an SF-86 (with a little mistake, which is the wrong court address from where my siblings became naturalized citizens), other than that I have no criminal history or any history involving drugs or mental health problems, Excellent credit score and less than 3% credit card debt. I am a dual citizen but my travel info shows I haven't been out of the country for more than 4 months combined within the last 7 years and no foreign influence or foreign contacts.
I do have quite a history with film piracy (personal use and never commercial) with multiple strikes from my previous internet service and my current one. Could this somehow come up as a question in the investigation and can my dual-citizenship affect my clearance possibility in my case?
Thank You ahead of time!
submitted by Professional-Jump891 to SecurityClearance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:04 mymother0301 [Exclusive] ‘Female version of Room N’ at a cafe with 840,000 women… Posting nude photos of men and sexually harassing them

[Exclusive] ‘Female version of Room N’ at a cafe with 840,000 women… Posting nude photos of men and sexually harassing them
[단독] 84만 女카페서 ‘여성판 N번방’…남성 나체사진 올리고 성희롱
[Exclusive] ‘Female version of Room N’ at a cafe with 840,000 women… Posting nude photos of men and sexually harassing them
국내 최대 여성 커뮤니티 회원, 데이트앱에서 만난 외국 남성 개인정보ㆍ불법 촬영물 등 공유. 미성년자까지 성범죄 대상에. 수위 높은 성적표현 대다수. 개인정보 유출로 처벌 가능
Members of Korea's largest female community share personal information and illegal footage of foreign men they met on dating apps. Even minors are subject to sexual crimes. High-level sexual expressions. Most of them can be punished for leaking personal information.
“백남(백인남성) 첫 도전할 건데 후기 있나요.”
“This is my first attempt on a white man. Do you have any reviews?”
“눈에 익어서 리스트(회원들끼리 돌려보는 외국 남성 리스트)보니까 얘가 그 애 아빠라는 ○이구만.”
“He looked familiar, so I looked at the list (a list of foreign men shared among members) and saw that this guy was the girl’s father.”
“○○(성기)는 컸어?”
“Is ○○ (penis) big?”
“성남 파일럿 ○○○ 아는 데시(데이트 앱을 사용하는 여성)?”
“Do you know Pilot ○○○ in Seongnam?”
“아프리칸이고 ○(성관계) 잘 못함. 크기는 그냥 그랬어.”
“He is African and he is not good at ○ (sexual relations). The penis size was just okay.”
회원수 84만4000명을 보유한 국내 최대 여성 전용 커뮤니티가 ‘여성판 N번방’ 사태 논란에 휩싸였다.
Korea's largest women-only community with 844,000 members was embroiled in controversy over the 'female version of N-room'.
2019년 2월경 불거진 ‘N번방 사건’은 텔레그램에 개설된 단체 채팅방을 통해 불법 음란물을 생성하고 거래·유포한 디지털 성범죄 사건을 말한다. 당시 피해자는 여성이었고, 가해자는 남성이었다. 해당 여성 커뮤니티에서는 피해자와 가해자의 성별만 뒤바뀐채 비슷한 정보가 유통되고 있다.
The 'N Room Incident', which emerged around February 2019, refers to a digital sex crime case in which illegal pornography was created, traded, and distributed through a group chat room opened on Telegram. At the time, the victim was a woman and the perpetrator was a man. In the women's community, similar information is being distributed with only the genders of the victim and perpetrator reversed.
커뮤니티 회원들은 카페 내에서 외국 남성과 매칭되는 데이트 앱에서 만났다는 남성들의 상세한 정보, 이른 바 ‘후기’글을 올리면서 공유하고 있었다.
Community members were sharing detailed information, so-called 'reviews', of men they had met on a dating app that matched foreign men within the community.
그 중에는 미성년자도 있다. 여러 외국 남성들의 실물 사진을 올리며 “이런 ○ 꼭 ○○야지” “○○보이네요” “이 ○ ○○보신 분” 등 상대의 외모와 성기 등을 외설적으로 언급하며 정보를 교환하는 식이다.
Among them are minors. They upload real-life photos of various foreign men and exchange information by making obscene references to the other person's appearance and genitals, such as "This ○ must be ○○," "You can see ○○," and "Who saw this ○ ○○."
이들이 카페 내에서 공유한 일명 ‘미군남 빅데이터 전차수 총망라’ 라는 리스트에는 약 3페이지 분량의 미군 신상 등이 상세하게 적혀 있었다. 리스트 작성을 주도한 것으로 보이는 한 회원은 “(해당 리스트를) 백과사전처럼 만들겠다”고 했다. 커뮤니티 회원들끼리 공유하고 있는 ‘데이트 앱 사용 외국 남성 리스트’도 있었다.
The list they shared within the cafe, called ‘Comprehensive list of U.S. military men’s big data all years,’ contained about three pages of detailed information on U.S. soldiers. One member who appears to have taken the lead in creating the list said, “We will make (the list) like an encyclopedia.” There was also a ‘list of foreign men using dating apps’ shared among community members.
김승환 법률사무소GB 변호사는 “이들 행위는 명예훼손 행위를 하고 있다는 점에서 정보통신망법 위반에 해당할 수 있고, 개인정보를 무단으로 공개하는 것은 스토킹처벌법에 따라 지속적 또는 반복적으로 행해질 경우 처벌될 가능성이 있다”고 했다.
Kim Seung-hwan, a lawyer at GB Law Firm , said, “These acts may constitute a violation of the Information and Communications Network Act in that they are defamatory, and unauthorized disclosure of personal information may be punishable under the Stalking Punishment Act if it is done continuously or repeatedly.”
현행법에 따르면 사람을 비방할 목적으로 정보통신망을 통해 공공연히 사실을 드러내 다른 사람의 명예를 훼손한 자는 3년 이하의 징역 또는 3000만원 이하의 벌금, 거짓 사실로 명예를 훼손한 자는 7년 이하의 징역, 10년 이하의 자격정지 또는 5000만원 이하의 벌금에 처해진다. 스토킹범죄를 저지른 사람은 3년 이하의 징역 또는 3000만원 이하의 벌금에 처한다.
“He said. According to the current law, a person who defames another person by publicly revealing facts through an information and communications network for the purpose of defaming a person is subject to imprisonment for up to 3 years or a fine of up to 30 million won, and a person who defames someone with false information is subject to imprisonment for up to 7 years, subject to suspension of qualifications for not more than 10 year or a fine of not more than 50 million won. Anyone who commits a stalking crime is subject to imprisonment for up to 3 years or a fine of up to 30 million won.
최근 이 커뮤니티는 여성을 성 상품화하는 행사라며 ‘성인 페스티벌(2024 KXF The Fashion)’ 개최 반대에 앞장섰다. 이들은 KXF를 ‘성매매 엑스포’라 칭하며 KXF가 열릴 예정이었던 지방자치단체에 행사 중단 요청을 하는 청원에 동참하기도 했다. 대외적으로는 여성의 성 상품화를 비판하면서 자기들끼리는 남성을 성적 대상으로 비하하는 것이 이중잣대가 아니면 무엇이냐는 지적이 나온다.
Recently, this community took the lead in opposing the holding of the 'Adult Festival (2024 KXF The Fashion )', claiming that it was an event that commercialized women as sexual products. They called KXF a 'prostitution expo' and joined a petition requesting the local government where KXF was scheduled to be held to stop the event. It is pointed out that criticizing the commercialization of women's sex externally while degrading men among themselves as sexual objects is a double standard.
커뮤니티 회원들은 KXF 개최를 반대하며 “아예 한국에서 하지 말라는 뜻이잖아. 좀 알아들어라” “꾸역꾸역 다른 지역 찾는 거 징그럽다” “지긋지긋하네” “왜 저렇게까지 못해서 안달인 걸까 수상해” “더러운 것들” 등의 반응을 보였다.
Community members opposed holding the KXF and said, “This means it shouldn’t be held in Korea at all. understand!,” “It’s disgusting to keep looking for other areas,” “I’m sick of it,” “I wonder why they’re so anxious about not being able to do that,” and “Dirty things.”
일본 성인비디오(AV) 배우들이 출연하는 KXF는 지자체들과 여성단체들의 반대로 ‘줄퇴짜’를 맞은 끝에 결국 개최가 취소됐다. 이번 성인 페스티벌에서는 일본 AV 배우들의 팬 사인회, 란제리 패션쇼가 진행될 예정이었다.
KXF, featuring Japanese adult video (AV) actors, was eventually canceled after receiving opposition from local governments and women's groups. This adult festival was scheduled to feature signing events for Japanese AV actors and a lingerie fashion show.
외국인을 대상으로 한 여성 커뮤니티 회원들의 성희롱적 접근은 인종차별의 위험성도 내포하고 있다. 이 커뮤니티에서 외국 남성은 인격이 말살된 성적 욕망과 소비 대상으로 주로 언급된다.
Sexually harassing approaches by female community members toward foreigners also imply the risk of racial discrimination. In this community, foreign men are mainly referred to as depersonalized objects of sexual desire and consumption.
구정우 성균관대 사회학과 교수는 “소위 ‘N번방’이라고 하면 남성이 가해자가 되고 여성이 피해자가 된다는 고정관념이 있지만, 여성도 얼마든지 가해자가 될 수 있다는 것을 보여준 사례”라며 “이는 외국인에 대한 차별과 농락을 넘어 범죄 행위이기 때문에 성을 매개 삼아 개인정보유출·명예훼손 등을 한다면 비난과 처벌 대상이 되어야 한다”고 말했다. 그러면서 “남성이든 여성이든 스스로 이러한 성범죄에 가담하고 있지 않은지 돌아봐야 한다”고 덧붙였다.
Koo Jeong-woo, a professor of sociology at Sungkyunkwan University, said, “There is a stereotype that men are the perpetrators and women are the victims when it comes to the so-called ‘N room,’ but this is an example that shows that women can also become perpetrators.” He added, “This is an example of discrimination against foreigners and “It is not just a joke, it is a criminal act, so if you use sex as a medium to leak personal information or defame someone, you should be subject to criticism and punishment,” he said. He added, “Whether you are a man or a woman, you need to check whether you are participating in these sexual crimes.”
submitted by mymother0301 to IssueKorea [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:28 skippoffools TN Right to Farm in regards to deed restrictions

Any opinions on whether a county judge may consider our farm exempt under the TN Right to Farm Act?
My wife and I purchased a house in Monroe county TN in 2022 with 1.5 acres with the intent to start a small market farm, selling vegetables and flower to farmers market and direct to consumers.
18 months into living here, setting up 1/2 acre garden, and getting approved for a $20k grant to build 2 large high tunnels, my neighbor (previous owner) presented me with deed restrictions he placed on the property in 2007 when he sold it.
We were told the property had no restrictions when we purchased it, and I have a legal document from the seller (different guy than who placed restrictions) stating there are no restrictions or HOAs.
The neighbor who placed the restrictions had his lawyer send me a letter stating we would be in violation if we construct the high tunnels and/or operate a business on the property.
I would like to make a claim for declaratory judgment allowing us to farm under the TN Right to Farm Act T.C.A. § 43-26-101 et. seq. High tunnels are also generally defined as “temporary structures” and should be allowed even if not exclusively exempt under the Right to Farm Act.
Below is the language from the deed restrictions.
This conveyance is made SUBJECT to all visible easements or rights-of-way, whether private or public and is further made SUBJECT to the following RESTRICTIONS and COVENANTS:
LAND USE: This property may be used only for residential purposes, with one (1) single-family dwelling permitted. The above tract shall not be subdivided into additional lots or tracts. Under no circumstances will the residence be used to house individuals involved with drug rehabilitation, a half-way house for paroled prisoners or as a residence for homeless or victims of communicable diseases.
OUTBUILDINGS and SWIMMING POOLS: New or rebuilt outbuildings shall be restricted to residential type tool houses, garages, bath houses, or equipment buildings which shall be for the use only of the occupants of the residence. All outbuildings must be either stone, brick, stucco, block, vinyl or wood siding. All outbuildings that are to be built shall have roofs that are wood, metal, asphalt or fiberglass shingles or slate. In-ground and above ground swimming pools shall be located in the rear of the residence.
RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES: If the need arises to rebuild the home, the dwelling shall have a minimum 1,400 square feet o f heated and air-conditioned living space, excluding garages, porches, and heated basements; multi-levels shall have a minimum of 1,400 square feet on the first ground level at the highest elevation, which shall be heated and air conditioned living space.
EXTERIOR MATERIAL COMPOSITION: If the need arises to rebuild the home, exterior walls must be either stone, brick, stucco, vinyl or wood construction. Metallic siding or equal materials can be used in wood areas for structures such as eaves, soffits, and facia. Roof materials shall be wood, metal or fiberglass singles, or slate.
BUILDING LOCATION: No new buildings (or rebuilt structures) shall be built closer than 25 feet from any boundary line of the property.
ANIMALS: Dogs, cats and other household pets may be raised, and kept on the lot except for commercial purposes. The intent is to restrict the use of these animals for family use and enjoyment, and to specifically prohibit feed lots, horses, cattle, poultry, hogs, or other animals that would interfere with the residential development of this property.
RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES: Mobile homes, manufactured homes, camping trailers, tents, temporary structures, factory built pre-fabricated homes, modular homes and transported or movable homes, are specifically prohibited to be used for temporary or permanent housing. Prefabricated structural units such as trusses or panels are permitted.
WASTE MANAGEMENT: Any garbage or trash containers shall be located on the rear of the residence. No burning of trash, rubbish, garbage, or refuse shall be allowed. No individual sewage-disposal shall be permitted on this lot unless such system is designed, located and constructed in accordance with the state and local health authorities. Approval of such systems as installed shall be obtained from such authorities.
DUMPING: The property shall not be used as a dumping ground for trash, rubbish, junk or garbage, and shall not be used for the storage of junk vehicles.
OIL and MINING OPERATIONS: No quarrying or mining operations of any kind shall be permitted upon or in this lot, nor shall oil wells, tanks, tunnels, mineral excavations or shafts be permitted on this lot.
ENFORCEMENT: Enforcement shall be by the proceedings at law or equity by the Grantors, or their lineal descendants, against any person or persons violating or attempting to violate any covenant either to restrain violation, or to recover damages.
TERM: These covenants are to run with the land and shall be binding on all parties and on all persons claiming under them for a period of 50 years from the date of this instrument.
NUISANCES: No business operations shall be conducted on the premises, except in-house child care not designated as a child care center, certified public accountants, traveling salesmen, using the home as an in-house office, etc. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on which may become annoying to the neighborhood. No illegal activities may be conducted on the premises
SIGNS : No sign of any kind shall be displayed on this lot except one (1) professional sign of not more than two (2) square feet, one sign of not more than five (5) square feet advertising the property for sale or rent, or signs used by a builder to advertise the property during construction and sales.
SEVERABILITY: Invalidation of any one of these covenants by judgment of a Court of competent jurisdiction shall not affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said real estate, with the appurtenances, estate
submitted by skippoffools to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:12 thisperfectmess African Developer small rant

A little rant. I am 27F. Does anyone really talk about how frustrating it is to be a jobseeker in Africa? I graduated in 2019 with an Accounting bachelor’s degree. I couldn’t find any decent-paying job, so I ended up working as a commercial property caretaker making around $260 per month. Sounds like nothing and yes it wasn’t much but I was able to find a single room and rent and also buy basic foodstuff. Buying an extra banana meant I was squeezing my budget. I tried content creation, doing online writing gigs to supplement my income and luckily, I got by.
Forward to November 2021, I moved in with my then-bf, thankfully, he has been nothing but supportive, and I didn’t have to pay rent so I could save a little bit from my earnings.
I went back to school to finish up my professional papers (CPA in my country has different exams from your accounting degree.) Supposedly, the professional papers should give you an edge but that wasn’t my case.
Fast forward to October 2022, I changed course. I had been running a WordPress site for like six years at this point, just writing random University experiences so I knew anything SEO, writing, etc.
My bf suggested I try programming and see whether it’s my thing. This was after endless months of job applications. Guys, I applied to even volunteer just to get my foot through the door in a lot of accounting firms but I got nothing.
I was beginning to fall into depression, so getting something new to give me a purpose didn’t sound like a bad idea. I went through a tonne of YouTube videos and finally started Harvard’s CS50x. I finished that in June 2023 and since then, I have built projects in Python, JS, and Django.
I created a portfolio and I have been applying to jobs all over again. I just need to mention that I have been dreading the application because I know how well it went last time. The most frustrating thing is that even remote jobs on LinkedIn require you to be in the USA, Europe, or the country that posted it. My country, where I am legally allowed to work, barely has any job postings. The ones that are there are from months ago and the applications are usually over 200.
I feel so lost and frustrated at this point. I do not even know why I am writing this, but I have seen so many people who live in the US trash the USA. I get it, you never appreciate what you have until you don’t. As a young African, I will tell you, if you even have an opportunity to apply, you are lucky whether you get the job or not. Some of us are automatically disqualified by virtue of where we were born.
submitted by thisperfectmess to django [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:11 AsianChocobo Should I be concerned about potential ACM dust from the roof

[Australia] Hi All,
I've been working at a warehouse from the 70s (not IN the warehouse though, just an adjoining office but I do walk around the warehouse when needed) for about 3 years now and lately been having a great deal of anxiety about asbestos that was in the building). There was no ceiling under the asbestos roof and having read an excerpt from this pdf from the Western Australia health site I'm having concerns.
ACM roofs have been associated with ACM dust contamination of unlined sub-roof areas, likely due to the abrading of overlapping ACM sheet edges with temperature changes. This has been detected in larger commercial and public buildings such as sports halls where the lack of a ceiling resulted in ACM dust contamination of underlying occupied areas (photo 9). In the case of residences such contamination is more likely to be confined to the ceiling space and based on size may be less, but will increase in level and associated hazard the longer the roof stays in place.
The warehouse in general was always dusty and parts of it were pretty caked and my mind is running about the dangers if there was indeed ACM dust flying around the warehouse all the time with the forklifts driving around. The place was ventilated to an extent with large garage doors but it didnt cover everything.
That said, the asbestos roof was removed and replaced about 2 years into working at this place but in general the place is still very dusty with soot/dust coming from the use of the gas forklifts. I've spoken to the builders that were in charge of the removal (legit guys with airmonitoring and everything) and anyone else I can speak to in regards to the asbestos in the warehouse and they've all said it was clear and certificates were issued to assure that. The last person I need to get ahold of speak to speak to will be the ownelandlord who to my knowledge had an auditor assess the building for insurance reasons including asbestos observations, hopefully he did aidust monitoring in previous years but that is why I am following up.
My concern is that due to the age of the warehouse roof the underside may have been releasing ACM dust as per the excerpt before the removal.
Wondering if anyone experienced in surveying can weigh in on this. Thank you in advance.
submitted by AsianChocobo to asbestoshelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:29 dyceblue Nightmare era was the best, and it’s not even close

…but at what cost?
submitted by dyceblue to avengedsevenfold [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:20 Swimming-Most-6756 DIRTY, moldy, room with water dripping from the ceiling—- what should I do now?

Hello everyone.
Currently just completed a stay at a Motel 6/ Studio 6 combo property… Yes they’re both in one. One on each wing with the same front desk servicing both right in the center.
I had originally booked a stay for Tuesday-Sunday in a Motel 6 room with refrigeratomicrowave.. got in to check in around 3am so they checked me in right away. The next morning, I was moved to a room without refrigeratomicrowave.. somewhere somehow a mistake had been made and my reservation for that microwave/fridge room would have only been thru until Saturday… meaning I’d have to move rooms for that Saturday night stay. Exhausted, with everything going on, I just went ahead and moved Wednesday morning so to have a smooth couple days and not worry. The room was so bad. The smell of wet/dampness, masked by commercial grade scented cleaners, it was Bad, and to top it off the A/c unit didnt do much to circulate the air - upon further inspection, at a glance it was clearly dirty with dust/lint, and had rust on the condenser coils. Too tired and aware that the rooms were short, I didnt make a big deal over it, just wiped down what I could and the front desk provided me with a fan to circulate the air.
By the way they have all been A++++ all staff I have encountered. Bravo. So I dont want any of this to fall on them Or make them feel bad for it if its outside of their controls- which is usually the case in these corporate ran places.
Later on at some point I I noticed the bathroom floor was kinda always rather wet… and thought maybe the shower curtain was funky or cracked and ended up coming out into the floor… Cleaned it up, all well, then it was back not long after but not a lot, so maybe I just missed some earlier… THEN I am sitting on the toilet cutting my toenails, when I felt a cold drop of water spray across my back/neck, and again, rapidly increasing, I turned to see that the water was dripping from the brown/black spot on the ceiling directly above me, and it was hitting the lid of the tank splashing it all on the floor where I was finding the puddles.
Again still exhausted and dealing with a bunch of other stuff, plus only having 2 nights left, I didnt make a fuzz over it, likely they have to have known already…
Well I completed my stay on the Motel 6 side on Sunday, and added more but moved to the Studio 6 side, the difference is like night and day… all come with a full size fridge and kitchenette w sink/counters/storage space. No smells in this building, plus I am right next to the pool. And most notably the front desk helped me immensely again by giving me the literal first room coming from the other side, so not to have to haul all my stuff too far, and also did a seamless check in allowing me to check in to my Studio 6 4pm check in early, as soon as I checked out from Motel 6 at noon.
I did make mention about the leaky ceiling at check out, “they had scheduled maintenance and on the way”.
Oh and I am 99.99999% my neighbor at the Motel 6 side-which had connecting rooms 😄- pretty sure she was a crackwhore…. All day and night traffic coming and going as they let the door auto-slam. Then hearing dudes talking, female moaning and what sounded like rhythmic slapping as she moaned… and the unmistakeable sounds of “crack lighters” aka torches… while family guy played in the background and other people just talking casually 🤭😂🤣 They were loud enough that my phone camera mic could pick up the noises just thru the wall, and my friends and I had a blast with that on snapchat at 2am 😅
I have photos of the watemold damage and I may have saved some of the snapchats 😂
If I contact Motel 6 corporate about the leak/mold to ensure it’s addressed and fixed before which left unnattended could have potentially end in a liability claim if a future guest whon hurt ( I know not all black mold is toxic! Still causes me allergy, itchy eyes) I also worry the staff might get blamed for it, when they have all been excellent in their present job title, and noticed that the front desk staff would on occasion also take on housekeeping shifts… maybe they were just covering their breaks. 🤷‍♂️ so I do plan on commending the staff in the email as well
What would you do/think? Any similar experiences? Would it be possible to get some refund from them?
submitted by Swimming-Most-6756 to hotels [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:12 Aggravating_Sea3271 Would this be a symptom of ADHD

Hi there. Apart from the struggling to focus I have been experiencing a few of the following, and only actually realised it now. I’m 21M for context.
1 - So I have always been successful in most avenues I persue. I am 21 and I have played provincial rugby, national horseriding (cross country), School Prefect, Air Force Cadet program Captain, Real Estate Broker for a top firm, Obtained my commercial pilots license. However I don’t play rugby anymore, dont ride, lost interest in real estate quickly, got kicked off of the Prefect program. I pick things up and put it down quickly once I master it, or I simply just dont care about it.
2- Relationships, see above. I fall deeply deeply in love with someone, and then I end up cheating after a couple of months, or the relationship fails (because of me, I end it, leaving the other party confused and hurt because I left no signs at all of the impending doom, matter of fact I treated them like a queen until the last day) I have hurt too many people like this.
3- Alcohol. I recently decided to stop drinking, as it is 0 or 100. No in between. When it comes to self control in that regard I have absolutely none. As in binge drink, do things my sober mind would NEVER even comprehend, and then do it again as soon as I sniff alcohol.
I was for a year the fittest and strongest version I have been, but thats gone out the window when I started living completely alone with my girlfriend in another town, hence when the drinking crept in, but I have stopped that now.
Would these be symptoms? Or me making excuses subconsciously.
EDIT: Emotional instability too. One week I am on top form, AKA feeling like the world belongs to me and I can make what I want from itetc on top of the world, other weeks, I am in the dumps. Completely in the pits for no specific reason I can think of for the change
Thanks guys
submitted by Aggravating_Sea3271 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:10 jhsm [TOMT] [Cartoon][Late 90's] Episode of a cartoon show of a kid playing basketball against a demon

Some Background:
I have a memory of watching a cartoon that I didn't get to finish. I remember it went to commercial and we had to leave before I saw the ending, and every so often it will flash into my brain and make me wonder what it was. I have googled everything I can think of to try and find it but to no avail. Please help.
It has to be late 90's I THINK. I know where I was living at the time that I watched it and that was the 90s. It could have been early 2000's as well but I am pretty sure it was 97-99.
It would have been a Saturday cartoon show. A compilation show of sorts. Like, it wouldn't have been the same characters in different spots I don't think. Each episode was it's own story or couple of stories if my memory serves correctly. Also, I did not have cable so this would have been regular broadcast TV.
Contents of the Show:
From what I remember, it was a young boy playing basketball against a demon. I think he was a cocky young dude that was going to get some crazy thing if he beats the demon, similar to maybe devil went down to georgia type thing. It starts off as the young guy actually scoring a good amount of points. I think the game was to 11 by 1's, and the demon let the kid get to 10. Then the demon turned it on and was going crazy and hitting every shot, blocking every shot of the kid, etc. If my memory serves correctly, and this could be really wrong, it was 10-10 when it went to the last commercial break.
This had to be some sort of educational or motivational type cartoon series/show, as I assume it was some lesson in there of being humble or something. I could be making all of that up. But the content of the show and the kid playing basketball vs a demon/the devil is definitely what I remember.
So, anyone? I really want to know the name of the cartoon AND what happened in the end.
submitted by jhsm to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:57 AfroKingOfficial I think there's something deeper to the Taylor Swift angle

It just occurred to me that Drake hasn't got a collab with Taylor Swift. If there's any artist in the world that doesn't need to the Drake Stimulus Package, it's her. Infact am willing to bet that Drake would've probably loved to get the Taylor Stimulus Package, that Apple Music commercial being proof. Now if you're the biggest pop star in the world and wanna get the stamp of being cool with the culture, who do you turn to if not the Pulitzer prize winner who had one of his album covers being a photo of guys from the hood in front of the white house. I mean she's only collaborated with three rappers, B.o.b, Future and Kendrick. That had to have stung at Drake's feelings a bit. Which also pisses me off a bit making it seem like Kendrick needed Taylor Swift when it's clearly the other way round. Looking back on it now, it seems odd that Drake kept tugging at that angle and the more I look at it, the more it seems to me like there was a bit of jealousy there... or maybe am reaching. What do y'all think
submitted by AfroKingOfficial to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]