Sertraline ritalin bone growth

Attention Helldivers at the bug front!

2024.05.21 11:17 Itchy_nurgling Attention Helldivers at the bug front!

I deeply apologize for such a post, BUT I haven't been to the bug front for a long time and I heard that those bugs have started to evolve even more. Curiosity took over and i dropped to one of the planets.
Has anyone seen a charger with bone growths all over him besides me?
I haven't seen any post about this and that's why I'm asking. (Also my main language is not english so don't get mad about the grammar. I sat and translated my words through Google)
submitted by Itchy_nurgling to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:31 throwoutbadfriends Aita for ending my friendship of 6 years when my best friend abandoned me while I am dealing with cancer?

So, in May 2023, my friend (Em f23) and I (f28) had a conversation that started off friendly. Just chit-chat and funny anecdotes from the day. She brought up a situation with her coworker she enjoyed. It involved tourettes and one of her coworkers' specific tics.
I made a comment that I genuinely didn't think much of at the time. It was just some trivia I knew of and thought was interesting. Specifically that people with tourettes can 'catch' or involuntarily copy tics from other people with tourettes. It's something I learned from watching content made by people with tourettes. She made a comment like, "Maybe it's not like that, in this specific situation with my coworker."
Here's where I should have realised she was not interested in my trivia. What I definitely didn't realise was that it in fact made her mad, but I kept pushing anyways because I felt I was correct, that the coworker had picked up the tic from a well know streamer because it was literally identical. Em then stopped answering, after a couple hours of silence I asked her if she was actually mad about what I said and she responded with "Its fucking fine." Cue her not talking to me at all for 3 days. On the third day, she said we needed to have a sit-down conversation about boundaries because she "is having big feelings." her words, not mine.
I was so confused about what would have triggered her wanting to talk about boundaries when the conversation we had was a mild disagreement at worst. I would understand if I said something offensive, but I literally just said a fact and my opinion on her coworker, I didn't try to force her to agree, and there's proof of the streamer with that specific tic so it wasn't like I was lying to be able to one up her or something? I don't know, this whole part of the situation is incredibly confusing to me because she never talked about why that conversation triggered her to give me the silent treatment in the first place or how it led her to wanting to talk about boundaries. In the end, the boundaries she talked about much much later had nothing to do with this conversation even though it seemed to be what caused her to want boundaries. Idk, I'm still very confused about what actually caused her to want to have the discussion after the three days of silence and a minor disagreement.
At this point, still May 2023, I was in severe pain, but I did not know it was cancer yet. I was barely making it through each day with how much I was in pain. The tumor is in my leg, growing out of the top portion of my tibia in a way that has made the tibial platue hollow, or essentially a whisper thin shell of bone filled with slime, sorry but that's the best way to describe it. At any moment, my surgeon told me this later, I could have broken that thin bone and had a collapsed knee joint. I say this so you you know when I talk about pain here, I'm talking excruciating levels of pain.
So walking specifically and everything else was extremely painful, and that was taking a lot of energy and brain space. I told her I was in a ton of pain. I was exhausted and barely scraping by just to keep working while waiting for my doctors visits to hopefully figure out what was wrong. I said I would try to find a day to have "the talk," but things just kept getting worse. By the end of July I had seen four different doctors, three of which thought I was just trying to get drugs, the last one was an orthopedic doctor and she took two minutes of looking at an xray and another minute of looking at my leg to say I most likely had a tumor.
The official on paper diagnosis came in September because of the waiting time to meet with the surgeon, but we knew it was a tumor in August. I was put on essentially bed rest from august to the day I had surgery September 27th. I told Em about the tumor the day I got the MRI results which I had in mid August to prepare for the appointment with the surgeon. Her response was extremely upsetting to me.
Em: "That's a lot to deal with. The possibility of having a malignant tumor is scary and can make you really question life. When you're put into a situation like that, it forces you to look back on your life and reevaluate. You find out what you really want out of life and what you waisted too much time dealing with. That's really tough. I'm sorry I made you feel like you couldn't talk to me about your pain. Being more supportive of each other was something I wanted to talk about. Hopefully, you have a sweet and easy recovery."
That response hurt, it felt like she was saying I had a lot to regret in life and like I didn't have much time left to live to fix my regrets. But I thanked her for the empathy she tried to give and moved on. After that she never checked in on me, never asked how I was or what the plan of treatment was. My surgery was scheduled for the end of Spetember, the day after her birthday. I wished her a happy birthday. Then I let her know after the surgery that everything went well and that I was going to be in the hopsital for a few days. I was loopy on strong pain meds so i also told her that my nurse drew me a cute doodle on my white board, she said ".That's great! Hopefully you heal fast so you can go on a date with her. šŸ˜‰" which was totally out of the blue. I havent dated anyone in the time Ive know or been friends with Em. Im asexual, and an extreme introvert, dating is not really my thing and she knows this. So that comment was very weird to me. After that she never even texted to check in on me or tried to visit me in the 5 days I stayed in the hospital after the surgery. Keep in mind, we are supposedly best friends.
I almost considered our friendship over by then, but I reached out to her when I was pretty much back on my feet to see what was going on and asked her what the conversation about boundaries was about. I apologized for being too chicken shit to ask about it earlier because I don't do well emotionally with getting criticism even when it's valid and I know I need to hear it. On top of that I was (and still am) dealing with fucking cancer. Not an excuse, it is an explanation though. So I apologized.
Her responses here, copy and pasted from our messages:
"First off I want so say that it's very respectable that you are willing to admit what you did wrong. Thank you for the apology.
Secondly, I don't know if the the conversation is still worth having. I'd be lying if I said I was devastated that we dropped off and didn't communicate for months. To be brutally honest, my life has drastically improved in our time apart. I'm so much more effective and positive. I'm very proud of how far I've come.
That's not to say I believed that you were the soul cause of all of my misfortune. In fact one of the boundaries I wanted to set was actual planned dates instead of spontaneous ones. Because I realized that I was using you like a form of procrastination. I couldn't do the things I needed to do because I chose to hang out with you instead. With my main distraction gone I've been able to thoroughly work through my shit, mental and physical.
When we last hung out I remembered feeling dark and heavy afterwards because it was nothing special. It was just a normal outing for us. I remember feeling angry that what we should have talked about wasn't addressed. Annoyed that it seemed like nothing had changed and that I had not changed. And scared that opening up communication could lead to me falling back into the pit again.
I don't know if we should have the original talk because so much has changed for both of us. We both equally walked over our own thresholds of hell. What I had to say months ago, I believe was true then, but I don't think it will be true now. I think it's quite possible for us to start anew and correct and develop as we go. But I think it would be just as easy to admit our friendship was a great experience. We were there when we needed each other. But it might be time to go our separate ways.
I will say, if we collectively choose to merge back together. I WON'T let it be the same. I don't want you to tell me every tiny dark secret. But I do want you to tell me that you want to stop at game stop and ask me to take you somewhere. Without fear of gas. I want you to tell me if it pisses you off that I take you to only crystal shops or that I talk about spiritually. Because I want to improve. I have no intention of continuing a relationship that doesn't inspire growth or bring me positivity."
So she stopped talking to me, because she had no self-control. She abandoned me during the worst medical crisis of my fucking life, because she doesn't know how to manage her time or her motivation. She punished me, for her problems. To be very specific the spontaneous hanging out was nearly 100% on her. I would ask to hang out rarely, because I never had the chance to because she would be asking to see me multiple times a week.
I'm not a social person, so other than work I don't have much going on and she was my best friend. I wasn't going to say no if I didn't have any other plans. She never brought up that she was procrastinating anything by hanging out with me. Never a peep. Never a hint. Nothing. I had no idea any of that was going on. If I did know I would have been 150,000% there to support her by asking how her goals were going, how her chores were going. Hell I would have helped her do chores as our hang out if she had asked. I did help her with some stuff. Painting her head board, rearranging and cleaning her room, working on crafts when she needed motivation to finish a piece for a friend, being a study buddy when she needed to focus on her mental health books, things like that.
Also in what world is learning to be accountable for your own actions and vacuuming regularly the same as going through cancer? I don't like comparing pain or life struggles usually, but this was a crossed line for me. For her to say her dealing with procrastination was an "equal threshold of hell" as my bone eating tumor and excruciating pain and the fear of it spreading to other parts of my body, it infuriates me still to think about that.
So I am now hurt and angry as hell, that she stopped talking to me over seemingly nothing that I did. I had no idea what was going on with the tourettes coworker conversation that ended in "its fucking fine" from her and then her next message was about her needing to set boundaries. And then she says her life is better without me in it.
Friendship effectively over. Or it should have been.
Here's where I'm a bit of an asshole.
I took her back. I said we could try again. That we both needed to improve but that we could do it better this time. At the time I genuinely believed it. For a couple weeks.
Then the more I thought about laying in that hospital bed, alone, wishing I had someone to distract me from the pain and fear, the more I started to realise her reasons for cutting contact was bullshit. Her wanting to have this big talk about boundaries and the boundaries she wanted were literally nothing I could do they were all her issues with her own decisions and there's was nothing I could change about myself to fix the problem she was putting 50/50 on my shoulders. Her saying her life was better without me when that whole time I was crying over missing her and trying to figure out what I did wrong where I fucked up, what I could do or say to fix it. It all just added up too much and so I sent her one last message.
"I've been doing a lot of thinking and going through my emotions and I think I'm going to step back from whatever this friendship has turned into. I'll be honest I feel betrayed that you didn't even try to support me going through cancer. I understand things were rocky when I got my diagnosis, however if our friendship was important to you on any level I can't understand why you didn't even text me to see how I was doing for months at a time when you knew I was going through one of, if not the most, difficult medical diagnosis humans can get. I felt completely abandoned, especially since the reason we even stopped talking and hanging out was because of your own procrastination issues which I had nothing to do with. If you had even just told me that you needed to get things done before we could hang out I would have supported you unconditionally. Instead you gave a vague "we need to talk about boundaries and being more supportive of each other." And then never supported me in the darkest time of my life so far. It's taken me a while to get to the root of why I feel the way I do, but I don't think I can just let this go like I wanted to. I loved being your friend and it always felt like you valued my friendship too, until you were cutting me off because of your poor time management. I know that will sound harsh, I'm sorry, but it's true. I have my own issues that hurt you, I know that and I really am sorry. I am sorry I could never reciprocate financially, I'm sorry you were the one always picking me up and driving. I'm sorry that I never gave you the birthday or Christmas gifts you wanted. Thank you for all the amazing times. Goodbye."
To clarify the gift thing, I have been very poor for a long time. I am neurodivergent and I struggle to hold down a job. But I hand made her gifts, or cooked for her. The last thing I made for her was a crochet mandala blanket, please look up Radiance Mandala Blanket to see how much effort I went to, she picked the colors and I made her a lap blanket version for christmas 2022. It took her less than a month to complain that she wished she could have picked the colors. SHE DID. I told her to pick a pallet of colors specifically for her blanket and did my best to match the colors she picked with yarn I already owned. It wasn't perfect but I got it as close as I could. I don't like to make a big deal out of things I do for people because giving to the ones I love is literally the easiest thing in the world for me. But to have her act like I didnt try to make it as perfect for her as I could hurt so much.
Anyways, back to me telling her I was done. Her reply back pissed me off, maybe because I was already angry. It felt so patronizing and dismissive. But that might just be because of all the emotions I was already feeling at the time I read it.
Em: "Your feelings are valid. I'm sorry I made you feel abandoned in the hardest time. I wish you the best of luck on your way through life. Fall in love, have your farm, raise your kids, craft wonderful creations, enjoy the many YouTube videos to come, and don't forget to live your best self. I'll take this harsh lesson and apply it to friendships in the future. Live long and prosper, my friend, and have many pleasant wanderings."
Harsh lesson my ass. If it was harsh for anyone it was harsh for me to learn my best friend gave absolutely no shits about me and couldnt be bothered to try and support me through this medical crisis. We haven't spoken since. I have her blocked on everything. So, aita for cutting off Em? Even though I'm angry, I'm conflicted because I still love her, she was my best friend for 6 years.
submitted by throwoutbadfriends to okopshow [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:28 Adept_Gene8477 I believe mewing contributes to self-hatred

TL;DR: I grew to hate how I look as a result of getting into mewing. I feel like we, as a species, were forced into an unnatural lifestyle that caused our bodies to mutate into an unhealthy ugly, mess, and now, because of Mike Mew's work, we have to feel ashamed of it.
I have a lot of things to say, and even though I understand that not all people will read everything, I feel the need to pour my thoughts out.
I am 22 years old, and unfortunately, it so happened that I learned about mewing only a few months ago. Before Mike Mew and his work gained significant popularity among Gen-Zers after the release of his ā€œUltimate Mewing Guideā€ on YouTube, I was not even aware this practice existed, which makes me regret many life decisions I made up until this point.
Itā€™s been about a month since I started mewing and I fully believe that tongue posture and craniofacial structure have a direct correlation. When I listen to Mewsā€™ lectures, it feels like puzzle pieces falling into place. Their theories are so logical and spot-on that you begin to question how it is even possible for orthodontics to exist for centuries, or even thousands of years, without dentists realizing that problematic teeth are not a genetic trait. How come these people still treat malocclusion in children using braces? Moreover, mewing improves breathing and can potentially prevent migraines, as those often happen as a result of palatal shrinkage.
But aside from talking about the incredible health benefits of mewing, there is no doubt Mike Mew also places great emphasis on how oral posture affects the attractiveness of oneā€™s face. When you listen to him, it sounds like he is driven to solve the problem of prevailing ā€œuglinessā€ in the modern population. The amount of work he puts into analyzing the ideal facial structure is astounding. He shares a lot of valuable information on what a person must do to achieve a better-looking face. But my question is, did the problem of ugliness exist in the first place? Do people actually see down-swung faces as unattractive? By providing the instructions on how to improve oneā€™s appearance from the get-go his work automatically assumes that this is the case, but is it really?
While I agree with Mike on most of his theories, whenever I hear things like ā€œA face of a mouth-breatherā€, it makes me feel nothing but pain, and the reason for that is mewing works most effectively for reshaping the bones in adolescents and young adults, and according to the man himself, after 25 years of age, it is practically impossible to make any significant changes by utilizing proper oral posture.
So, do women really only find men who have a chiseled jawline and pronounced cheekbones attractive? I know I am only one example, but before learning about mewing, I never identified the facial features of a mouth breather as flawed, or even identified them at all, for that matter. I considered a smaller jaw as much of an individual trait as the shape of oneā€™s nose or eyebrows. Yes, looking back on it now, it is an incorrect judgment, as most of the time a weak jawline is a result of an incorrect oral posture and a sedentary, relatively unhealthy lifestyle, but this is beside the point. I distinctly remember having a few crushes on guys in the past who would be considered to have a weak jawline. Itā€™s just to show you how diverse womenā€™s tastes really are.
So why must broad jaws matter, if I was and am genuinely attracted to guys who donā€™t possess them? Why must it matter, if nowadays, we no longer require large masseter muscles to chew on raw meat for our survival? Why must a slight down-swinging of the maxilla be seen as an unfavorable trait if it did not get so far that it impacts oneā€™s health? Why should the purely aesthetic aspect of all of this matter?
In my opinion, mewing and orthotropics is a wonderful field of study that should be used to spread awareness about the small jaw epidemic and dental malpractices that genuinely ruin peopleā€™s faces. It is great for preventing malformities in future generations as well as treating adults who have problematic craniofacial structures that impact their health. But unfortunately, most people, when they hear the word ā€œmewingā€, picture a magic exercise that will make them look like sexy Squidward.
I see it very clearly, mewing has become a tool that enables insecurities to grow spread, and fester.
As I stated before, prior to watching videos on orthotropics on YouTube, I was completely unaware of the fact that forward development is deemed as aesthetic perfection. And now, I often subconsciously analyze the facial structure of random people I see in public when I never did in the past. Worst of all, I started seeing my own face as putridly ugly, when in the past, I considered myself to be not very attractive, but at least not looking worse than an average person. And recently, I realized this might be something that is happening not only to me but, probably, to many people interested in orthotropics.
So, do we really care about beauty standards, or is this idea being actively pushed on us by the looks-maxing mentality? To me, personally, it looks like Mikeā€™s focus on looks in relation to mewing not only does not help to solve the problem, but instead, it is actively creating it. Or at least, it makes it severely worse, because, even if there were people like me, who did not care about perfect jawlines before, then from now on, their numbers are going to be dropping in the near future as mewing gets more and more attention.
ā€œYou arenā€™t ugly, you have bad habitsĀ», Well, does pushing with all the forces of your tongue on your maxilla in hopes of getting the face of a model sound like a good habit to you? Or performing inter-oral pulling or b0ne-smashing? And also, rating and judging other peopleā€™s faces, and suggesting to undergo plastic surgeries in case they are too old for mewing, so ā€œitā€™s over for themā€. Are these the good habits people are talking about?
And if we do follow the logic of ā€œMouth-breather face = bad habitsā€, what will the reasons for the malformation of oneā€™s face be? What are the things that ugly no-good modern-day Quazimodos did, that are now being used as a valid excuse for others to judge them for their physical flaws? First of all, according to Mike Mew, breastfeeding plays a huge role in the development of natural proper oral posture. (Only 34.5% of women breast for the first 6 months as of the years 2000-2008 according to this article,16.0%25%20breastfed%20for%2012%20months.)) Second, human jaws require a consistent and considerable amount of work for them to achieve good development. (Modern diet is progressively becoming softer, and more processed). And third, the human body requires a lot of physical movement, running, and walking to maintain optimal and healthy back posture, which subsequently affects the structure of the skull. (I donā€™t know the statistics, but nowadays, most likely most of us canā€™t survive without sitting at a computer for 6+ hours a day). So, do all these things look like bad habits that one can easily and consciously fix? Adding a bit of exercise to one's life can do some good, that's a nice habit! But what about all the other stuff.... What if you are approaching the age when your bones don't grow anymore?
To get to the point, I donā€™t understand why people should be ashamed of their appearance when the modern lifestyle is literally doing everything to prevent the healthy growth and physical development of children. Cavemen did have beautifully wide dental arches as a result of chewing on raw meat, running barefoot, and hunting wild animals, but did they also have to spend 12 years of their adolescent life sitting at a school desk, studying, doing homework, and trying to get good grades? Maybe they also produced some impressive pieces of art, music writing, etc.? Then why should we be ashamed of the fact that we did not manage to keep our bodies at peak physical performance, while also studying, or god forbid, having an extracurricular interest that also involves a lot of sit-down work and is time-consuming?
I, myself, wasnā€™t ever a mouth-breather! I just had an absolutely awful back posture all throughout my life because I decided to dedicate my life to producing electronic music from the young age of about 13 years, which requires an endless amount of hours sitting at the computer. And now I get to be called ugly and lazy for it. I never even played video games in my life, ever! I donā€™t drink and I donā€™t smoke, and Iā€™m not overweight, and yet I have to hate myself and how I look?? Just because of my passion?
It feels like we were forced into this unnatural, for our species, lifestyle that causes our bodies to mutate into an unhealthy mess and yet we still have to carry the guilt and shame of its consequences.
It makes me feel awful looking at how quickly the image representing ā€œThe face of a mouth breatherā€ vs ā€œThe face of a nose-breatherā€ is spreading, thanks to Mike Mew. The way it labels people based on their appearance is almost comparable to a racist caricature. It seeps into young adults' minds and makes them put people into categories, even if they never thought of this stuff before.
Iā€™m not suggesting to ditch mewing as a whole and to continue living as uneducated, unhealthy modern apes. Iā€™m asking people to stop cultivating an environment where we focus on negatively labeling people with unfavorable facial features that they get as a result of, mostly, circumstances beyond their control and that do not carry any health risks. Mewing may bring health benefits in the form of sleep apnea prevention, but it also changes the mindset and I don't think this is a good change.
submitted by Adept_Gene8477 to Mewing [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:00 Final-Prophet Isn't it odd how so many people who support capitalism just don't see the suffering it causes as a problem, and have a cartoonish view of socialism/communism?

No, it's not odd at all.

Western propaganda did that to them. They're victims of it so try not to hate them too much. However; their misguided world view supports the regimes totally honest and democratic governments that cause misery for others around the world simply to improve the quality of life for the few rich folks who just happen to have been born into privilege.
I guess they're either ignorant of how the world works, or they're aware and simply don't care because those same rich overlords happen to throw enough bones around their feet to keep the masses living in their yard happy enough not to revolt against them. But it seems, generation after generation, those bourgie-folks forget how to rule. They forget that they need to keep their people happy. Forget that all they have was brought to them by our hard labor, and eventually, when people don't get enough to live off of, they revolt.
With the way things are going, that's looking like it's a few decades away, maybe less. But I guess it's nothing one big war cant fix. Distract people enough to keep their mind off of it with showing of grand patriotism to keep them occupied and give them a sense of moral superiority over the people who they're forced to kill to keep the rich at the top of the societal pecking order. A big war would also kill off enough of us to spit our little slice of the pie into bigger pieces for us lowly bottom feeders.
Yup, methinks hot war is coming and this war is going to be a quite a grand display.
People forget that war never really ends. It's always in progress and it takes many forms. Trade wars fought over economic superiority, propaganda wars fought to win over the hearts and minds of people world-wide, intelligence wars fought over progress of technology.
People often think the time of kings and queens fighting other countries for wealth, land and power is over... Nope, it's just business leaders and politicians taking the place of nobility. Gone are the days of ruling by the divine providence of God almighty. Here are the days of rule by wealth inheritance. Still various groups of those wealthy folks fighting for power. Always and forever in some kind of eternal 'keeping up with the jones' sort of way. They know everyone else will keep expanding their wealth and should they want to keep their power, and position in society they'll need to grow as well. Just another example of capitalist never-ending growth I guess.
Use that money to buy various forms of media in order to push their ideas into mainstream societies sights. Then people are more willing to vote in the politicians they bribed lobbied to pass legislation that benefits them, often at our expense. Wage hot wars on any country that dares get in the way of their growth, using up old stock of armaments, paving the way to purchase new ones. Drive us into economic recessions lowering prices and buying everything while it's cheap just to multiply their wealth when inflation sets in from whatever cheap 'fix' they used to alleviate the recession.
Good golly, this capitalist planet is not a good place to visit, no wonder we don't see many visitors from beyond earth around here.

I just wanted to rant for a bit, thanks for reading folks!
submitted by Final-Prophet to TheDeprogram [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:52 mikeramp72 Endgame #22

22nd: Aubry Bracco 1.0 (Kaoh Rong - 2nd)

Ah here, a person whose name is Aubry, or well, Aubrey specifically.
I've already done a writeup on Aubry, but as I mentioned before, I think she has one of the best underdog stories in the entire series. I think her loss is honestly super well-executed and even if I don't have her endgame, I am totally fine with her being here. Great character on an amazing season.
I joke about hating Aubry a lot just because it's fun. To the point that I regularly almost gaslight myself into hating her XD I do like her more than I pretend to. But the issue for me when it comes to discussing her is that I would consider her and Joe the weakest characters of the final eight. So to see a lot of the Kaoh Rong Endgame being built around her irks me a lot.
I don't have a lot of criticism to give of Kaoh Rong, but if I had to pick one big issue, it is that it should not have been edited from the perspective of Aubry. I don't actually like her confessional style a lot. I think she's a relatively exaggerated, theatrical confessionalist, and I actually have a pretty big hatred for the Oregon Trail confessional specifically. That's some Cochran-type shit, but because Aubry's the one who said it, it's all of a sudden an all time classic? Blah. It's a cringe analogy. But I just don't like the way she narrates and the more time passes into the season and it starts becoming the ā€œWhy Aubryā€ lost season, the more it becomes an issue.
If she was more of a background character, I'd love her more. I do love her relationship with Tai quite a lot. I think her dynamic with Joe is actually kinda adorable. I'm also a big fan of the ā€œcoleslawā€ scene and her anxiety attack at the beginning. But as it stands, I just really dislike her narration style and really wish she wasnā€™t the main character of the endgame. I consider Kaoh Rong a near perfect season and fluctuate between giving it a 10/10 or a 9/10. And while its cast is so strong I tend to usually keep it as a 10/10ā€¦ Aubry is enough of a deterrent to me to keep it from being a guaranteed 10/10. Sorry, not sorry.
Overall Rank ā€“ 289/821
Aubry is pretty good, even if I wouldnā€™t have her in endgame. Sheā€™s a solid addition to an already incredible cast. I think her growth arc throughout the season is fairly compelling, and the way she interacts with and talks about people like Debbie and Peter will always get a chuckle out of me.
Kaoh Rong is a good season, and I think a big reason for me personally is because of Aubry. Arguably one of the greatest confessionalists on the show, in terms of the way that she can so smoothly deliver the strategy of the season calmly, watching Aubry have her immediate panic attack to find her place in the game was enlightening. And watching it go down, one by one, person by person, was tragic and heartbreaking. While Michele 100% deserved the win, the season was truly about how Aubry lost and how the bonds she broke, led to her ultimate downfall.
Personal Rank: 54/821. 9/10.
While I'm not the biggest fan of a character that starts off poorly but learns that they can play the game of survivor good, Aubry is a bit of an exception to me as how her story is told. Where usually the story would normally show how they grew and then usually lose right before the F3, going "Oh, look how much they grew and they would've won if the y made it to the end", Aubrey does make it to the end and ends up losing, so her story perfectly shows off her growth while also setting up why she will end up losing which is pretty great and a unique twist to that kind of story.
Aubry Bracco 1.0:
Everything about me says ā€œyou hate Aubry, sheā€™s a nerdā€ or ā€œsheā€™s so gamebottyā€. However, honestly I absolutely adore Aubry and think she tells one of the best stories in the past decade of this showā€¦
On first glance, she has your classic ā€œfish out of water storyā€ but there is so much more depth to it than that, and it would be a disservice just to boil her story down to that. She has such an amazing growth story supported by all of the cast, single-handedly lifting them up so much in the process.
Before I get into the more objective part of Aubryā€™s story, I think itā€™s important to talk about why I have a connection with Aubry as a Survivor superfan. So as Iā€™d said before, my first season was KaĆ“h Rōng. I didnā€™t know what I was expecting or about to see but what I saw in my first season was a great show and an amazing cast. However, one person stood out to me so much more than everyone else, Aubry. Even though I was inexperienced on the editing of Survivor and how characters were represented. I instantly fell in love with Aubryā€™s personality, she just seemed real and someone I could relate to a lot.
She was my first Survivor ā€œStanā€ if you will. From then on, Aubry had paved the way I looked at Survivor and why I still watch it today. Imagine if I had started with a season like MvGx, I almost definitely would not be doing this right now!
Anyway, now that thatā€™s out of the way, why is Aubry so good when sheā€™s a nerd? Well, itā€™s undeniably her story, her story is probably one of the best Survivor has seen. Someone who grows so much but then falls just short right at the end, while not being dissatisfying because we clearly see her flaws in the game to where Michele exceeds. Itā€™s the perfect end to her story, because while she doesnā€™t win, we get to see her become herself and grow to her fullest potential.
In the premiere, she broke down and seemed like she wanted to quit. Then we see her battle through 2 terrible medevacs for her, Scot and Jason, Taiā€™s shenanigans. Through all of it, she came over it and grew as a person, none of it felt contrived or fake either, it was in her Aubry way. It really is an inspirational story that at the same time feels very realistic and somebody can relate to, and I did! This is because, itā€™s not instant, like we donā€™t just jump cut to her being all ā€œOh my anxietyā€™s cured and Iā€™m such a cool person nowā€. No. Not at all, we see her step by step gaining confidence but also struggling as well. For example, when she crossed out her vote for Julia at the Peter boot, we see this anxiety come out of her, that sheā€™s all alone and still she fights back against it even after a tirade from Scot.
She hits her lows, than fights to her highs and we see that with every confessional, where on the surface a lot of her confessionals seem very strategy-based and while some of that is true we get so much depth into her character through these confessionals. How sheā€™s scared, angry, unsure, about to break down and none of it ever feels uncomfortable. You can tell sheā€™s going through a hard time for a lot of it, and of course you get her analogies which she is most known for. Now, I donā€™t love analogies but the way Aubry is able to just roll them off her tongue so eloquently, while not being forced or just complete word vomit Iā€™ll never understand how she does it. Her Oregon Trail confessional, The Pretty People and Jocks confessional, Gets Run Over confessional, all so iconic for such a good reason.
Then throughout the season even outside of her confessionals we see this deep character growth and the blossom of a Survivor legend. Some of the most heartfelt scenes of the season come from her talking with the people around her and interacting with not only herself but allowing for dynamics with her tribemates that just feel so real. Especially Aubryā€™s dynamic with Tai, they work off each other perfectly and share some of the defining features of this season. The way they both use their emotions to define their game and their stay on the island is beautiful to watch from both ends. Sheā€™s not doing this just for game, they feel a connection between eachother and itā€™s why Tai ultimately flips on the big bad guys of the season, to feel right and welcomed, against the people who had just bullied the entire tribe and made him feel excluded even if he was ā€œworkingā€ with them.
With relationships though, we also obviously have to talk about her relationship with Joe. Now to be completely honest, is Joe the most invigorating character, definitely not. However, he does bring out the best in Aubry and she just wouldnā€™t be the same without him. He influences her and her decisions throughout the season, for better or for worse, and we actually see him influence her in a way that had a helping hand in losing her the game because of how much she cared for Joe. Aubry with Jason and Tai (w/ an extra vote) were planning on flipping on Michele. However, Joe did not want to flip on Michele and because Aubry cares about Joe a lot and didnā€™t want to do that to him even though she could of, she put her heart first and let Tai take the fall and Jason goes home.
In a situation where she almost definitely wins if Michele goes home in F6, she put Joe first and actively lost the game because of it. This loss right before the end is a perfect Segway into understanding why she didnā€™t win. A lot of people say itā€™s undersold and not edited properly and while I agree barely I think they do show a lot to give you the idea that Aubry is gonna have to fight at the end to win. She isnā€™t perfect at the game, the show never tries to lull us into thinking that but they also donā€™t want to clown on Aubry either, and they shouldnā€™t have to. We see explicitly how Aubry lost the respect of the people on the jury due to her actions and even though she grew as a person she still has a long way to go.
The fact she lasted until day 39 against all odds, is a great closing for her, she didnā€™t have to win. It doesnā€™t impact her as a person that she didn't win as she still grew, all of that work sheā€™d done to build herself into someone stronger wouldnā€™t be undone just because she didnā€™t win, and I loved that. Sheā€™s also not gonna get a free pass because of her growth, sheā€™s human just like everyone else, and she never tries to be anything more than that, where it would come off as arrogant or annoying. Sheā€™s always just Aubry! I feel the problem with a lot of nerds on Survivor is one of two things. They are either not relatable at all or they are way too preachy and arrogant about their place in the game, or they are both like Cochran or Christian.
Aubry while also being neither is able to redefine this and makes what otherwise wouldā€™ve been preachy confessionals, iconic because she learns from them and grows from them other than just whining about sheā€™s always gonna be on the bottom and boo hoo Iā€™m a nerd! No, we never get that, she does describe her situations sometimes but sheā€™s never self-pitying and always tries her hardest to bounce back from it. Sheā€™s never preachy, she doesnā€™t get under your skin with what she says, which I donā€™t think weā€™ve actually seen from a nerd ever, if not then itā€™s been a very long time.
I think what Aubry excels at best for me is just being relatable, which is obviously a very personal thing and is probably why she ranks so high for me compared to many others. I was an Aubry, I really still am an Aubry, anxious, unsure, emotionally challenged at many points but I always keep pushing through the situation and I get so much inspiration from Aubry and her story throughout the season that Iā€™ve never been able to get from anyone else.
When someone is relatable, you see you in their shoes, and it ultimately just makes for a much better story that way and Aubry is the primary example of that for me. She still has her challenges, as do I, and I just feel a personal connection with Aubry and our challenges that I have not felt from anyone else on the show. So there obviously is some bias in how high I do have Aubry but I feel itā€™s important to discuss, as relatability is something that I struggle to find in Survivor.
Aubry will continue to be a legend in Survivor forever, she has insulated herself solidly in the book of the greats of all time, and while I hope someday she does come back, if this was it, her Kaoh Rong run will always live in greatness. It will always be an inspiring tale not just for me but Iā€™m sure thousands of others, and I will always appreciate that. So on top of being an amazing character, Aubry is simply just queen!
SMC0629: 21
DryBonesKing: 23
Zanthosus: 22
Tommyroxs45: 12
Regnisyak1: 16
DavidW1208: 18
ninjedi1: 21
Average Placement: 19.000
Total Points: 133
Standard Deviation: 3.916 (4th Lowest)
submitted by mikeramp72 to SurvivorRankdownVIII [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:42 Ostarrichi1 What should I do?

My new doctor said, after asking for my wishes and expectations, that itā€˜s not worth it for me anymore. I canā€™t have breast growth anymore (fat + bullying led to mastectomy as kid/teen) and I canā€™t have a smaller bone structure instead of my huge bone structure and Iā€™m fat. Iā€™m currently 7 months on estrogen. What shoot I do? Should I continue taking estrogen? Should I live with this male body, as much as I hate it? Are there any methods to accept/love this male body?
submitted by Ostarrichi1 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:54 No_Rub_9564 IGF-1 LR3 (or DES) for long bone (height) growth?

Currently 18yo / 182cm and have grown 2cm over the past 3 months. Iā€™m considering starting a cycle of IGF1-LR3 to trigger a growth spurt so I can gain at least a couple more inches in height.
Iā€™m currently on some ā€œnaturalā€ AIā€™s (melatonin, DIM, I3C) to delay growth plate closure but hormones are everything when it comes to bodily processes, so I figured it best I hop on a short cycle of this peptide to max out my height while Iā€™m young.
HGH is out of the question due to price and MK677 isnā€™t that attractive due to its side effects and lack of evidence so this seems like the best way forward. I have also considered deer antler spray but I still need to do more research.
Anyone have any experience with this? Which precautionary measures should I take and is there anything else I should take with IGF-1LR3? Iā€™m completely new to this scene so any help would be appreciated.
submitted by No_Rub_9564 to Peptidesource [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:43 bed-of-moss Snail helpā€¦ concerned ?

Snail helpā€¦ concerned ?
Hey snail friends, our pet snail has been doing great but I noticed today this growth(?) on the underside of their shell. Iā€™m not too sure what is it? Could it be due to not getting enough nutrients? Weā€™ve only just introduced cuttlefish bone to their tank. Is there anything else we should be doing / giving them?
My apologies that the picture isnā€™t the clearest. Any help / advice would be hugely appreciated !
submitted by bed-of-moss to snails [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:45 Hot-Ground-6710 Quick food for thought

Just wanted to write this out in case it would help anyone. This isnā€™t a psych evaluation or a therapy session, but I think it will help others.
Stressing about losing weight, especially if youā€™ve been consistent and methodical with your approach will only cause you more harm. It seems simple, and I know itā€™s not as easy as saying donā€™t stress, but the impact that heightened cortisol has on your body is pretty extreme. You gain weight around your belly and different fatty deposits show around your body. You lose sleep which doesnā€™t help you recover or have the energy to keep training/stay focused. Your skin thins, your bones get weaker. Your immune system takes a huge hit. All this leads to higher injury rates and slower recovery me growth.
Yes, short term gains and results are okay to desire, but these typically arenā€™t long lasting. Making the habitual changes that will maintain your hard work and efforts will be better for you. Iā€™ve tried all these stressful habits because I was impatient and itā€™s more counterproductive than anything. I went almost a year stressing about not being able to sleep and this just caused me to lose more sleep. Iā€™m 33 and it sucks sometimes, but I donā€™t want to age any faster than I have trying to stay young if that makes sense. Iā€™m learning to simply enjoy the process and itā€™s helped a lot. My lifts are improving, and the changes are becoming more noticeable.
All of this is just to say that itā€™s alright to ask for advice if you think you can improve your regimen, but donā€™t add any unnecessary stress. At least try. Drink your dihydrogen monoxide, stay healthy, and get plenty of rest. The rest will come. Reach out if you wanna chat. Iā€™m not a life coach or anything but happy to talk and hear you out.
submitted by Hot-Ground-6710 to fitness30plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:35 PseudoNikhil Dad diagnosed with rare scenario of prostate cancer

My (M18) father (48M) was diagnosed with prostate cancer around 2 months ago. A general health checkup showed a psa level of 10.6 after which we proceeded with a prostate biopsy which revealed prostate cancer stage 1 (Gleason score 7).
We panicked. But doctors told us that this is very curable since it's stage 1 and we we were worrying about having the prostate removed and had prostatectomy scheduled.
A PSMA PET CT scan was done to just confirm that it's stage 1 with no other lesions. The scan returned with prostate, 4 spots in the ribs, the thyroid and the iliac bone. Doctor gave him a shot of lubrodex 11.5mg along with a tablet for 30 days.
They said this could be metastasis which was a shock. My father is a very healthy man. Plays badminton everyday and has a healthy diet. 100% the worst day my father ever had. He almost broke down. I've never seen him cry before. I thought it's the end of the world for me.
Now we were asked to do a biopsy in the rib and the thyroid. The thyroid biopsy was done around a week back which came back positive with cancer but the interesting part is the cancer cells in the thyroid is completely different from the ones in the prostate. This means that the cancer in the thyroid is not from the prostate but a primary cancer on its own. This led us to think about 3 possibilities about the ribs:
  1. Another primary cancer in the bone? (Doctor said not possible so we can rule it out)
  2. Spread from the prostate
  3. Spread from the thyroid
But the thyroid biopsy confirmed that there is no spread to the papillaries and the prostate biopsy with a psa of 11.3 makes us believe its stage 1 and considering prostate cancer my father is still very young. Now there's a rib biopsy scheduled on 29th. One issue now is since we took a dose of lurpodex the chances of getting a false negative from the ribs is higher since it srhinks/slows the growth of it if it's a tumor in the ribs caused by the prostate.
We consulted a handful of doctors with these reports and no one is able to provide a treatment plan because this case is very very rare and most doctors are seeing it for the first time here.
If anyone has/had anything similar to this or has any experience in this field any input will be much much appreciated šŸ™
If you read it till here thanks a lot means a lot to me. Sorry for the weak English, not my primary language.
submitted by PseudoNikhil to ProstateCancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:35 Wolfsbane26917 Should I prune these buds?

Should I prune these buds?
I have anaheims and bell peppers in self wicking 5 gallon buckets. They have been outdoors for about 4 weeks. They are doing well and tolerating outside very well. I am fertilized it with all purpose miracle grow and the soil is enriched with slow release organic fertilizer and bone meal.
Anyways, they now each have a fair number of buds. Should I let these goes or prune them back to encourage more leafy growth? I am in mid Kansas, Zone 6. We are starting to get 80-90s weather. The summers get very hot. I have shade for them when the time comes and so far the soil has stayed very evenly moist.
submitted by Wolfsbane26917 to HotPepperGrowing [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 14:29 linkbuildingexperts Home Furniture: Top Picks For Every Room in 2024

Top Home Furniture Picks for Every Room from Eya Home Living

In our quest to make our homes a reflection of our unique tastes and values, we've stumbled upon a gem that marries modern design with the rich tapestry of African craftsmanship: Eya Home Living. This online store isn't just another furniture retailer; it's a gateway to exploring home furniture pieces that tell a story, pieces that are as much about art as they are about function.
At Eya Home Living, the selection is curated with an eye for detail, quality, and sustainability, ensuring that each piece not only beautifies your space but also supports ethical manufacturing practices. We're excited to share our top picks from their collection, selections that promise to transform your living spaces into havens of comfort and style. Join us as we delve into the world of home furniture that stands out for all the right reasons.

Key Takeaways

Understanding Home Furniture Basics

Continuing from Eya Home Living's unique online store which showcases the blend of modern design with African craftsmanship, let's delve into home furniture basics. This online store not only highlights the importance of choosing the right furniture but also showcases a variety of types to cater to every room's need.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Furniture

Choosing the right furniture is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it impacts the comfort and functionality of your living space. Furniture that is well-chosen can transform an ordinary room into a welcoming and comfortable area. Furthermore, the right furniture reflects your personal style and aesthetic preferences. It's about finding pieces that not only fit your space physically but also complement your home's character. Lastly, quality furniture is an investment. Selecting durable and sustainable pieces from stores like Eya Home Living ensures that your furniture will last, supporting ethical manufacturing practices and reducing the need to replace items frequently.

Different Types of Home Furniture

Home furniture varies widely, catering to different rooms and purposes within your home. Eya Home Living offers top picks for different areas of the home, demonstrating the variety available.
For the living room, key pieces include:
In the dining room:
For the bedroom, selections include:
Understanding the basics of home furniture involves recognising the importance of selecting the right pieces and knowing the different types available to suit various rooms. Eya Home Living offers an excellent array of options that blend modern aesthetics with traditional craftsmanship, ensuring that every piece not only enhances your home but also reflects ethical and sustainable manufacturing practices.

Trends in Home Furniture for 2024

Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Furniture

Sustainability and eco-friendliness stand at the forefront of 2024's home furniture trends, mirroring a global shift towards environmental consciousness. As consumers increasingly prioritise sustainability, furniture designers and manufacturers are responding with innovative solutions that both reduce environmental impact and deliver on style and functionality. These trends not only reflect a move towards greener living spaces but also signal a lasting change in the furniture industry's approach to production and design.
Materials: The use of sustainable materials is a key trend, with recycled metals, reclaimed wood, and bio-based fabrics becoming more prevalent in furniture production. These materials not only reduce waste and decrease the depletion of natural resources but also offer unique textures and finishes that enhance the aesthetic appeal of home furniture.
Production Processes: Eco-friendly production processes are gaining traction, with manufacturers investing in renewable energy sources and adopting practices that minimise carbon footprint. This includes reducing emissions, conserving water, and using non-toxic finishes, ensuring that the furniture not only looks good but is also better for the planet.
Designs: Sustainable furniture design is evolving, with a focus on durability and timeless appeal to discourage the throwaway culture associated with fast furniture. Modular designs that allow for customisation and adaptability are becoming increasingly popular, offering a sustainable option for consumers looking to update their interiors without purchasing entirely new pieces.
In 2024, the embrace of sustainable and eco-friendly furniture is more than a trend; it's a reflection of a broader societal move towards sustainability. As we continue to witness these changes, it's clear that eco-consciousness in furniture design and production is not just a passing phase but a fundamental shift in how we think about and interact with our living spaces.

How to Select the Best Furniture for Your Home

Selecting the best home furniture involves understanding the importance of comfort, style, and investment value, as we've experienced with Eya Home Living's offerings. Following our exploration of emerging trends and sustainable practices in home furniture, it's crucial to dive deeper into how to choose pieces that not only reflect these aspects but also integrate seamlessly into your personal space. Let's navigate through essential factors to consider.

Assessing Your Space and Needs

Evaluating your living space plays a pivotal role in home furniture selection. We recommend starting by measuring your rooms carefully to determine the size of furniture that will fit without overcrowding the space. Consider the functionality of each piece, ensuring it serves your lifestyleā€”whether you prioritise hosting, relaxation, or something entirely unique. For instance, the Malawi Sun Circle Headboard brings a touch of elegance to bedrooms catering to relaxation and style, while the Malawi Cane Bench offers versatile seating, ideal for both bedroom and living room areas.

Colour and Style Considerations

Colour and style are just as important as the functional aspect of home furniture. They should complement the room's existing aesthetic or help you establish a desired theme. Eya Home Living's pieces, with their blend of modern design and African craftsmanship, offer unique styles that can become focal points or seamlessly integrate with your current decor. The Bamileke Tables, with their intricate designs and rich brown tones, add a striking cultural element to any room. For those seeking a contemporary look with a touch of tradition, the Rattan Stool - Urchin White and Moroccan Resin & Bone Side Table offer distinctive textures and designs that can lighten up spaces while adding character.
When selecting home furniture, itā€™s essential we balance aesthetics with functionality, ensuring each piece serves a purpose while enhancing the overall look and feel of our homes. With thoughtful consideration of our space, needs, and design preferences, we can create inviting and personalised environments that reflect our unique tastes and lifestyles.

Our Top 3 Furniture Picks for the Bedroom

In selecting our bedroom furniture, we consider not only the aesthetic appeal but also the craftsmanship and the story behind each piece. Eya Home Living provides us with unique options that perfectly align with these values, especially when considering home furniture that adds character and warmth to spaces. Let's delve into our top three picks for the bedroom.

Malawi Sun Circle Headboard

Imported directly from Malawi, the Sun Circle Headboard is more than just a piece of furniture; it's a statement. Crafted with unwavering attention to detail, this headboard brings the warmth of the African sun right into your bedroom. The circular design, reminiscent of the radiant African sun, is not only visually striking but also symbolises life and energy, promising to infuse your room with a sense of vitality and positivity. It's made from natural materials, ensuring sustainability and adding an earthy touch to your decor. Ideal for those who seek to combine style with substance, the Sun Circle Headboard transforms any bedroom into a sanctuary of peace and warmth.

Malawi Cane Bench

Another gem imported from Malawi, the Cane Bench, stands out for its blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern design. Made from high-quality natural cane, this bench showcases the intricate weaving skills of Malawian artisans. Its sturdy, yet elegant construction offers both functionality and a visually appealing element to the bedroom. The natural material provides a soft, earthy vibe, seamlessly integrating with various design themes from minimalistic to boho chic. Whether used as a statement piece or a functional item at the foot of your bed, the Malawi Cane Bench adds a touch of authenticity and elegance to any bedroom setting.

Bamileke Tables

Concluding our list, the Bamileke Tables celebrate the rich cultural heritage of Cameroon. Known for their exceptional craftsmanship, these tables are carved from a single piece of wood, making each table unique. The intricate patterns and designs etched into the surface reflect the traditional Bamileke art, offering a piece that's full of history and character. Available in dark brown, these tables provide a versatile and functional addition to your bedroom, serving as bedside tables that perfectly complement our Malawi-inspired picks. Their robust construction and timeless design ensure that they're not just tables but heirlooms that will enhance your home's aesthetic for years to come.
By choosing these pieces for your bedroom, you're not just furnishing your space; you're embracing a global aesthetic that celebrates the beauty of African craftsmanship and the warmth of natural materials. Eya Home Living's selection of home furniture truly brings uniqueness and style to any bedroom.

Our Top 3 Furniture Picks for the Living and Dining Room

Building on the exploration of bedroom pieces, we now turn our attention to curating an exceptional living and dining space. Eya Home Living, with its focus on African craftsmanship, sustainability, and modern design, offers unique pieces that are not only functional but also embody storytelling through their materials and craftsmanship. Here, we delve into our top three picks for enhancing your living and dining room with unparalleled style and quality.

Rattan Stool

Our first recommendation, the Rattan Stool - Urchin White, presents an extraordinary blend of comfort and design. Derived from sustainably sourced rattan, this piece embodies the art of African craftsmanship. Its lightweight yet sturdy structure makes it a versatile addition to any living area, perfect for offering additional seating or serving as an eye-catching accent piece. The intricate weave pattern not only adds to its aesthetic appeal but also demonstrates the meticulous attention to detail characteristic of Eya Home Living's offerings. This stool, available at, ensures durability and sustainability, making it a wise investment for eco-conscious homeowners aiming to infuse natural elements into their home furniture collection.

Wooden Side Tables

Next, we spotlight the Wooden Side Tables, a testament to the timeless beauty and natural warmth of wood. These tables, crafted from high-quality, sustainably sourced wood, reflect the essence of African artisanship. Their robust design guarantees longevity, while the unique wooden grain of each piece offers a distinct charm, ensuring no two tables are exactly alike. Ideal for the living room or dining area, they serve as the perfect platforms for your decorative items or as a convenient spot for your evening cup of tea. Available at, these side tables not only add a touch of elegance to your space but also stand as symbols of sustainable luxury.

Moroccan Resin & Bone Inlay Side Table

Lastly, the Moroccan Resin & Bone Inlay Side Table merges the opulence of Moroccan design with the intricacy of African craftsmanship. Each table is a masterpiece, with handcrafted bone inlays set against a backdrop of smooth resin, offering a stunning visual contrast. This piece not only elevates the decor of any room but also introduces a slice of Moroccan culture into your home. Its durable construction ensures it can withstand the rigours of daily use, making it both a practical and picturesque addition to your living or dining room. Found at, this side table is for those who appreciate the beauty of global craftsmanship and desire to add a luxurious yet ethical touch to their home furniture collection.
In our journey through Eya Home Living's diverse range, these three pieces stand out for their ability to transform living and dining spaces with their beauty, functionality, and sustainable values. Each item, from the Rattan Stool to the Moroccan Resin & Bone Inlay Side Table, represents a careful selection of home furniture that embraces modern design while honouring traditional African craftsmanship.

Care and Maintenance of Home Furniture

Regular Cleaning and Care Tips

Caring for home furniture ensures its longevity and maintains its aesthetic appeal. Each piece, from the Malawi Sun Circle Headboard to the Moroccan Resin & Bone Side Table, requires specific care to preserve its unique materials and craftsmanship. For wooden furniture, such as our Wooden Side Tables, we recommend regular dusting with a soft, dry cloth to prevent dust accumulation. Avoid using water directly on the surface to prevent warping or damage to the wood. For pieces incorporating rattan, like the Rattan Stool - Urchin White, a gentle vacuuming with a brush attachment helps remove dust without damaging the fibres.
Materials such as resin and bone in our Moroccan Resin & Bone Side Table necessitate gentle cleaning with a damp cloth, followed by immediate drying. Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the intricate inlay work. The Malawi Cane Bench, featuring natural cane, benefits from occasional wiping with a mild soap solution to remove grime, ensuring the material stays robust and vibrant.

Dealing with Wear and Tear

Over time, home furniture can show signs of wear and tear, which, if addressed promptly, can be minimised or repaired. For wooden pieces, minor scratches can often be mitigated using a colour-matched wood marker or wax. Placing furniture away from direct sunlight and heat sources prevents fading and cracking, ensuring the Wooden Side Tables and the Bamileke Tables - Brown retain their rich hues and structural integrity.
Rattan furniture, showcased in our Rattan Stool - Urchin White, may require occasional tightening of screws to maintain stability, and exposure to too much moisture should be avoided to prevent mould growth and structural damage. In the case of resin and bone furniture, protecting surfaces from heavy objects and sharp edges helps preserve the meticulous craftsmanship of pieces like the Moroccan Resin & Bone Side Table.
By incorporating these care and maintenance strategies, you'll ensure your home furniture not only stands the test of time but continues to add unparalleled style and African craftsmanship to your space. We believe in the value of investing in quality furniture and taking the necessary steps to maintain its beauty and functionality for years to come.


We've explored the exquisite range and significance of choosing the right furniture with Eya Home Living, where modern meets African craftsmanship. Embracing sustainable trends is not just about style but also about making responsible choices for our homes and the planet. By selecting pieces like the Rattan Stool or the Moroccan Resin & Bone Inlay Side Table, we're investing in quality, sustainability, and unique design. Moreover, understanding the care and maintenance of such furniture ensures that its beauty and functionality remain intact over time. Let's cherish and maintain these pieces with the respect they deserve, ensuring they grace our homes for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Eya Home Living?

Eya Home Living is an online store specialising in modern furniture that showcases African craftsmanship, focusing on the importance of detail, quality, and sustainability in their pieces.

Why is choosing the right furniture important?

Selecting the right furniture is crucial for comfort, style, and ensuring your pieces are a valuable investment for your home, enhancing both the functionality and aesthetic appeal of your living spaces.

What are the emerging trends in sustainable home furniture for 2024?

The emerging trends for sustainable home furniture in 2024 include the use of natural materials, artisan-crafted pieces, and a focus on sustainability, showcasing products like the Rattan Stool - Urchin White, which embody these principles.

What are the top furniture picks for bedrooms?

Top furniture picks for bedrooms feature unique craftsmanship and sustainable materials, such as the Malawi Sun Circle Headboard, known for its comfort and stylish design.

How can one maintain and care for home furniture?

To maintain and care for home furniture, one should regularly clean the pieces according to the material they are made of, protect them from sunlight and moisture, and address wear and tear, like minor scratches, promptly to preserve their beauty and longevity.

What strategies can be used to deal with wear and tear on furniture?

Strategies for managing wear and tear on furniture include using protective coverings, keeping furniture away from direct sunlight, and employing proper cleaning techniques specific to the furniture material to prevent damage and ensure its longevity.
submitted by linkbuildingexperts to u/linkbuildingexperts [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 10:37 Ok-Caterpillar-438 Reoccurring dreams about my Hometown.

Okay, so I keep having reoccurring dreams about my hometown, which isnā€™t out of the ordinary. However, what is it out of the ordinary is that thereā€™s always Cassowaries in my hometown. And last night I had a dream where they were in the backyard in the house I grew up in. Itā€™s just so odd to me because I donā€™t live in Australia or New Zealand where Cassowaries are located. And for those that donā€™t know what a Cassowary is, itā€™s this big ass 6 foot tall flightless bird that weighs over 100 pounds, can run up to 30 miles per hour, murder people, and jump five feet in the air from a standing position.
However in my dreams the Cassowaries donā€™t do much. I mean, they sometimes annoy me and try to bite me, but itā€™s not like I did anything to warrant it. Theyā€™re just little nips like Iā€™ve got food on me. Other than that they just wander and run around and take up space. Sometimes Iā€™ll find bones of their dead relatives.
I know dreaming about birds usually is about freedom and growth. However, thatā€™s really only the case for birds that can actually fly. And oftentimes the bird is indescribable. But I know a fact that all my birds are Cassowaries. And itā€™s usually a whole horde of them. Anything helps.
submitted by Ok-Caterpillar-438 to DreamInterpretation [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:20 supragalactic Short stature 11 y/o girl

Iā€™m hoping somebody has some advice on what else we could/should do.
My daughter stayed on the 50% percentile up until she was 8, when it took a deep dive to 19% and her growth slowed visibly from that point onward (6 inches in 3 years).
Tests show her bone age is 2 years behind, but everything else they have checked -although not much- looks normal. Thyroid levels are average, although thereā€™s a nodule weā€™re watching. No signs of puberty.
At the moment, her endocrinologist seems to be waiting for her to fall off the chart so that he can prescribe growth hormone. He clearly agrees that there is an issue, but he isnā€™t looking for root causes or treatments aside from hormones once he can prescribe them.
Is there anything else we should do or could do to help her? This is affecting her mentally (being shorter than her peers) and we are concerned thereā€™s something else going on, since she eats well and parents are average-tall in stature.
Insurance and doctors themselves have been obstacles more than anything. Thanks for any advice.
submitted by supragalactic to endocrinology [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:18 Equivalent-Price-198 Salt Ghast

Salt Ghast
So, in my setting, there are a number of state sponsored vaults that were built in the old salt mines within the Louisiana salt domes. These fellas are from the last one that wasnā€™t finished.
submitted by Equivalent-Price-198 to Fallout2d20 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:18 Impossible-Exit-2063 CW: self harm, 33 AFAB, Pain while healing full thickness burn

I am 33, AFAB, trans man (I've been on testosterone for 6 years). I'm 5'7ā€œ and 155 lbs. I have hashimoto's hypothyroidism and asthma as well as chronic migraines, meniere's. Meds: levothyroxine, ajovy, rizatriptan, Omeprazole, dicyclomine, Viibryd, lithium, Seroquel, Prazosin, and clonopin.
I have struggled with severe mental illness including a psychotic disorder and depression for most of my life since puberty, and a year and 5 months ago I gave myself a full thickness chemical burn (lye) on my right shin directly below my knee during a psychotic episode.
I have not hurt myself since then, and I've been doing exceptionally well with my treatment team and medication management. At the time, however, I refused medical intervention, and I've been healing it on my own. I have a fear of going to the doctor for these things due to past treatment during mental health events.
The affected area was approximately 3" by 4" and the chemical reached bone and muscle. The tibia ridge and muscle was exposed, and the muscle was damaged (looked like grey shredded pork and peeled easily like shredded pork), and skin/fat was gone/black. The ligament? that goes from the knee cap to the top of the tibia was burned as well, but thankfully not bad enough to cause it to tear.
I had no sensation in the wound, and no sensation along the outer area of my calf from the knee to about 3-4 inches from my ankle (are of approximately 6" by 8"), but the pain and swelling throughout the rest of my leg extended from my toes up to my butt. I was unable to bend my foot upward and needed crutches for about a month (foot movement has since returned).
I initially used silver calcium algenate for the wound, and I've switched to xeroform dressings. The only medical help I've had was the ER doc I saw for an unrelated infection about 3 months ago. He said he was surprised I had done so well taking care of it and said it looked good (I was not having my current pain at this time).
The skin around the wound and on my leg looks and feels healthy. The scar tissue that's developed thus far looks healthy. The exudate, while high in volume, is clear yellow. The remaining wound bed is about 2" by 2" and looks healthy (pink, not too much granulation, it's now level with surrounding skin, no exposed bone or muscle). It seems really close to completely scarring over. There is noticeable scar growth/development every day.
My issue now is that while the areas without feeling remain numb, I've been having deep muscle pain again with pain radiating from the toes to my butt with occasional numbness and pins/needles in my foot. It feels "bone deep". My knee will start to hurt and I can feel the ligament that was burned is sore again. The pain makes it difficult to... Exist, kind of. It's easier to handle if I'm moving because it's distracting. It's caused difficulty sleeping and sitting still. I do have good circulation, and I've been able to be active for the last ~9 months doing stuff like hiking and light cycling with minimal swelling and pain up to this point.
Is this normal for healing a wound like this? And I'm assuming there's a high likelihood of chronic pain related to this injury?
Also, the scar tissue isn't free-moving. It seems to be attached to the bone almost.
I appreciate any input. I'm concerned that this recurrence of pain could be a sign of something wrong, and frankly, after a year and half, I am really struggling with the pain and complications. Should I go to the Eurgent care?
submitted by Impossible-Exit-2063 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:08 Storms_Wrath The Human Artificial Hivemind Part 514: High Lawyer

First Previous Wiki
Ascendant Denali swept his tail across the floor. "Greetings. The New Ascendancy welcomes you and your kin, Diplomat Sommi."
The Misan creature did its equivalent of a bow, honoring him in his palace as was proper. He had been starved of respect from his surrounding powers lately and would feast upon this memory like a fine cut.
"The Misan Li Heptarchies receive your warm greetings, Ascendant Denali. We offer official congratulations on your ascent to the Trikkec throne, and the continued unification of your people. We are glad that you are regaining your prosperity, and offer additional aid to that end."
It was the perfect language of the High Dialect, with almost no imperfections on the translator's part. An expertly trained device, for sure, given the vast cavern between their respective languages. He had a translator as well working to ensure that the Diplomat heard his words correctly, and that he would know how their language distorted them to prevent any unfortunate misunderstandings.
Such things could be disastrous with certain civilizations, and Denali saw no need to make true enemies. He was strong enough to project power inside the New Ascendancy but nowhere near so outside of it. Pirates and raiders still festered upon the upper borders, and the lower borders were contested by a few minor lords who had survived the collapse of the Ascendancy. He was currently bombarding their planetary shields with asteroids and lasers.
"Aid of what sort, and with what stipulations?" Denali asked, waving an economic advisor over with a stray claw.
"Military and economic."
"You close all business with the Alliance."
Denali stepped off his throne. "Diplomat, I can assume you know how valuable that relationship is to the Ascendancy? I assume you already have a plan to replace them with something better. If your plan is ready, I will have my advisors review it. If not, no further discussions are to take place."
"Do you accept their power over you, Ascendant?"
"In this galaxy, it does not matter what we accept. If a Sprilnav comes barging into your house and takes your mate in front of you, there is nothing you can do. If one of the Core Powers manages to reach us, they can do the same. There are the laws of nations, and there are those of power. The Alliance's aid, even as its darker purposes twist it, has saved millions of lives. Children eating. Families working. They have the might of two AIs behind them."
"They are far too young of a nation for you to realistically believe their abilities are this high."
"Many have made that mistake," Denali said. "They are an older nation than mine, certainly. Would you say that my nation's abilities are lower?"
"I would not."
"Then you tell lies. I am not some foolish monarch who cannot see the reality in front of him. The Alliance's aid is a tool to keep me leashed like some common lizard. But it comes with economic growth and power that fuels the New Ascendancy further. I do not believe I will overtake their growth even when the entire species is reunited. And since your borders are further away than theirs, you will have added economic costs to any aid you give, with little gain on your end."
"They influence your culture. Your people."
"They do," Denali agreed. "You are a powerful nation as well. You would do the same with your own aid, yes? And you would call for us to destroy our traditions, our religions, and our very culture. We have seen your attempts at negotation with other powers nearer to you. You are an aspiring hegemon. But the Alliance's hegemony is already established. The Grand Defense Organization is something that I might even join, when I have the military might to meet their threshold."
"Because when power rises, others can latch on," Denali said. "Your offer, please. I am quite interested to hear it."
The Diplomat gave him a tablet. Denali brought it up with a hologram isolated from the network. His eyes began to shine.
"You should have led with this, Diplomat."
"Ah, but I needed to see the esteemed Ascendant's viewpoint on us. It is a shame that you must bow and scrape to the Alliance. How would you like to meet them on the field of battle?"
Denali chuckled. "I would like it very much, were they a normal nation. But they are taking planet crackers from King Siran and hauling them back to their space. They have a few of their own, not just stolen from the Wisselen."
"And they are pacifist."
"But not weak, Diplomat. All that means is they will not start the fight. But as we stand now, they will finish it. And a transfer of this many ships likely comes with enormous drawbacks and conditions."
"Then let us discuss those conditions, Ascendant. I am sure something more sufficient to your tastes can be selected."
"I am glad to hear that." Denali made a table hologram that was complete with hard light compatibility. Seating for the Misan, his guards, and Denali and his guards also appeared. The table was transparent.
"I will present my documents on this, and we can discuss in greater detail how you can divest from the Alliance without significant economic damage. There are certain facets we have identified which are key to your growth: military might, industrial capacity, and social cohesion."
Denali rubbed his teeth with his claws. Several cooks came in, bringing him food. The Misan Diplomat and his entourage refused, which was expected given the vast differences in their palettes.
"Those are indeed key parts of the Alliance's aid. Do you have an answer for me which is cheaper than the exports of the Alliance?"
"Yes. We can deliver 250 billion androids capable of continuous work for 20 years, each with a 96% likelihood of continued operation at the end of this period. We are willing to deliver these for you at once, though we would only request an escort of your ships alongside our own for added diplomatic security."
"A veritable army," Denali said.
"None of which will carry or operate weapons."
"We would need to verify that before shipping," Denali said. "As we would need to do for the price. The Alliance demands 1% of our current discretionary yearly foreign trade budget. How does your offer compare?"
"We would ask for a 30 year non-aggression agreement, and diplomatic outposts in your territory, as well as a possible defense pact, where we can defend you legally and militarily against Alliance encroachment."
"A large offer," Denali said. "Tell me, what is in it for you?"
"The Heptarchies wish to curtail the Alliance's growing influence by any means necessary, even if it means spending large amounts of money in the process. Having a monetary outflow is something the Heptarchies are happy to entertain, and we would be grateful for you to join us in this endeavor."
"And what of the risk of me playing both sides?"
"We can offer you high enough boons to ensure that does not occur."
So a bribe, then. A massive one. It was already enticing, but Denali sensed he could get more with better negotiations.
"You mentioned social cohesion and military might as well," Denali said. "Can you explain what you mean by this, and what aid you will send to address this?"
Now, the Diplomat looked more uncertain. It was an act, though a fairly convincing one. The pause lengthened.
"Ascendant Denali, surely you understand..."
"I understand you said 'any means necessary' for curtailing the Alliance. With an AI in their nation, such a thing will be expensive, yes? I'm sure that I need not remind you I will choose what is best for my nation overall. And if you cannot come through... I can always notify them of this offer to explore their ability to match it. Or, gods forbid, even exceed it."
"The trade agreement cannot encompass-"
"Then we have nothing more to discuss, Diplomat."
"Wait! Fine, we can discuss it! Just let us work out the new conditions. They're favorable to you, Ascendant. The Heptarchies value you as a potential customer-"
"I'm sure you do. You have four days to present an offer I appreciate more," Denali said, shoving the tablet back at the Diplomat. "Would you like me to procure food capable of Misan consumption?"
"That would be kind of you, Ascendant. We will accept that. And we will begin drafting a more suitable deal for both of our nations."
"Good!" Denali grinned, settling upon his chair with a new sense of pride in his posture.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Elder Pundacrawla settled his robe about his shoulders as he waited outside the room. In his implant, a small countdown reached zero. The silver doors slid open, and his eyes feasted on the room. It was quite ornate, but what really set it apart was the scene in the center. Elder Kashaunta sat on a short chair across a small table from the object of the entire star system's latest obsessions.
The bipedal alien sat in her own chair, which had an odd raised section to support her back. Her clothing was somewhat simple, with black and grey fabric covering her upper torso. He could tell the fabric was high qualityā€”in fact, it was infused with psychic energy.
Her odd face looked a little smushed, and there was a faint red color to her pale skin and two bars of psychic energy thicker than he'd ever seen adorning her cheeks. She appeared unassuming, but her eyes latched onto him with an entrancing glare.
Her scrutiny waved over him, making Pundacrawla smile. Her gray hair fluttered, with a ring of fabric collecting it behind her head to rest on her back. Her fingers were short, without claws of any appreciable size. Her feet were hidden entirely by shoes; he could sense a thick armor.
In the mindscape, she roiled with collected psychic energy, like a promise of action for any slight. Her mind almost looked to have three minds in one, and iron bands of psychic energy encircled it from all sides, even above and below, preventing any quick avenue of mental attack. All in all, she was like an alien Elder when the conceptual energy came into account. She reminded Pundacrawla of an old friend, a secret he kept with Kashaunta that initially had been her leverage over him.
"It is an honor to meet you," Penny said. "You look as impressive as Kashaunta said."
There was no accent. The words flowed from her mouth smoothly, and Kashaunta showed no reaction to the omission of her title. That alone spoke volumes, and Pundacrawla knew he would be showing Penny more respect than most had the privilege to receive.
"I am happy to meet you as well, Penny Balica. Your accomplishments follow your name, and you are also quite impressive."
He settled on a third chair that appeared in front of him. He took a deep breath, his eyes falling on the pair of them.
"Elder Kashaunta has hired me to serve as your lawyer in the Judgment trial," Pundacrawla said. "This requires a great deal of risk to be taken on my part, which has also required that I received advancements."
He drew the word out, causing Penny to raise an eyebrow.
"Yes. I would like you to push the Soul Blade toward my left front leg."
Penny drew the sword, her fingers wrapping around the hilt easily. A grip of psychic energy materialized on her hands, and she carefully pressed the tip of it into the place he'd marked.
His skin was pierced. Penny frowned as her weapon went no further. Black blood spilled from the wound, which closed within moments.
"These are Type 3 nanites," Pundacrawla said. Black limbs materialized on his back, a second set of arms. And then a third set. They withdrew quickly.
"They also happen to cost a considerable amount of money," Kashaunta said. "Which I have paid, thanks to the added funds your singularities have brought."
"I will tell you not to worry if I am killed in the courtroom. I already have a deal in place with the Collective to ensure, at considerable costs, that I will still survive in some form."
"And killing Pundacrawla is also a declaration of war on the Peoples' Autonomous Stars," Kashaunta added. "You do not stand alone."
"Indeed, I do not," Pundacrawla smiled. He bowed his head toward Penny. "If I may, I would like to start the discussion around the argument for this case."
His implant connected to several devices on his body, manifesting many holographic articles and stories around the room. Penny's 'Liberator' title was printed on half of them in the headline. In others, images and even videos of her in various situations took precedence.
Pundacrawla pulled up an image of Penny kneeling in the rubble of Justicar, holding a dead child. "This is the argument I will make for you."
Penny nodded, her silence confirming that this was the right decision.
"You will be the alien who came to a world named after the concept of justice, and an Elder who bears the same name. I will show how you care for many Sprilnav in your life, and also that you have little motivation to do so purely for the Judgment. I will show you as a loving daughter to a doting father, as a willing partner of Elder Kashaunta, bearer of the Pact of Blades, and as a woman capable of acting with wisdom and grace beyond her years to work with an enemy to sign a truce contract.
I will paint you in as sympathetic a light as possible and will eventually call you as a witness several times. You will need to swear upon your life that you are not lying, and Indrafabar and Justicar will both be capable of detecting your lies, total or partial. If you want to win this case, you will follow my advice without hesitation and without question. Do you understand?"
"I do, Lawyer Pundacrawla."
"You may call me High Lawyer Pundacrawla, or Elder Pundacrawla. With an Eonic degree, I am deserving of this title, and it will remind them of who backs you and who I am."
"I understand."
Pundacrawla took a long moment to organize his thoughts. He removed unnecessary jargon that might be untranslatable. He had the VI program rephrase and dumb down the explanations he needed to say so they would be shorter and easier to understand. Understanding was critical for the early phases of any case, and the client always needed to be ready for what came.
That was Rule 53.
"Now for the second half of the Judgment. The Alliance. They have published a great deal of rhetoric condemning the Sprilnav and the Elders. Yasihaut will first attempt slander using the usual methods. Your species, your barbarity, your lack of being Elders. She will find images of people on social media platforms calling for the deaths of the Sprilnav en mass.
If she desires, she will flood them with this, as the Alliance's population allows for many instances to be located. She may call to past Elders' deaths or to the previous battles with herself and Kashaunta in the earlier history of your nation. But the most likely platform she will use to pose the Alliance as a threat will be the presence of Phoebe, Edu'frec, Brey, and the hivemind of Humanity. The reasons for this are many. I will list several now, with ideal ways to counter them also attached.
Given Yasihaut's personality, she feels that you and the Alliance's continual success is a direct and constant threat to her reputation as an Elder. When you first shamed her, this is what ignited her hatred. Kashaunta has regaled you more on what reputation means to us immortals, but it is a severe concern. Do not underestimate her willingness to regain her reputation and to do so by attempting to defeat you in a public matter.
Here, your physical advantages will be nullified. If you speak out of turn or show signs of resistance, they will be twisted against you and the Alliance. The next reason is that your specific rivalry is personal. It is unique, and the High Judges know this. You are a threat to her, and everyone in that court knows you mean to kill her when the Judgment ends. Do not express your wishes to do this because she may present your threat to her as one to Elders overall. Now, for the Alliance, the fear of AI, unregulated, intelligent, and improving, as Phoebe and Edu'frec both qualify as, is ancient and potent among the Elders.
Across all of history, rogue AI presents the largest threat to our rule, making weapons capable of disabling our ships with merely thousands of years of time to advance. The Alliance has been given leniency on this. But most importantly is the Path. For an AI, approaching technological singularity is a threat to all other beings in existence by the sheer possibilities that it provides. Yasihaut knows this, as do the High Judges. I will aim to prove that Phoebe and Edu'frec do not intend to kill the Elders or go to war with them when they reach singularity.
But this, Penny, will require that Phoebe comes to the stand herself and swears before the court. The Collective will be connected to her and will be capable of detecting the lies in all forms she attempts to tell. This is likely the only way to defeat the arguments Yasihaut presents in that manner. While Phoebe is not allowed to represent you as a lawyer, she is still allowed to be a witness, presumably for exactly this reason. The Collective will also use this as a means to determine Phoebe's progress in weaponry, so I suggest she finds a way to hide those memories well. The next reason Yasihaut will involve the Alliance is because it is visibly divided.
Your leaders bicker and argue, and she will attempt to use this to show you as an unstable power with dangerous ambition. She will use the clashes between your leaders as a way to convince the High Judges that you cannot be trusted, as your lifespans are too short and your minds too alien to remain trustworthy and united in their support of any sort of treaty. She will likely use this to bypass the reality of your truce with Valisada, which the Alliance is not a direct party to. She will discuss the specific threat of Brey in the Alliance. Her ability to use portals makes your nation over fifty times as productive as it would otherwise be.
This makes you an economic threat, coupled with Phoebe. Brey has a historical hatred of the Sprilnav, which also motivates possible military attacks against us. She is also being directly strengthened by the Alliance's psychic amplifiers. I will attempt to stave off this argument by downplaying the threat Brey poses and showing the reality that a Progenitor could kill her instantly.
I am not expecting any specific arguments in this scenario to be effective against the High Judges. This will be a difficult point if Yasihaut exploits it properly. As for the hivemind of Humanity, your threat comes in multiple forms. Firstly, we can confirm you share some power with the hivemind. So if you grow strong, it too will grow strong, and it bends to the will of Humanity as a whole. Polls show that you all, to put it lightly, hate us.
The hivemind also has a direct diplomatic link to the Source and easy access to it via the Servant in the hivemind's city and the city's location itself amidst the Source's bones. Remember that many of us still call the Source the Great Enemy and the Servants the Enemy. Yasihaut will likely attempt to use Rimiaha's presence here to link you as well to the image of the Source, if not the hivemind. If she does this successfully, you will lose the case.
The hatred we have for the Servants is almost bottomless and is only exceeded by that of the Source. Kashaunta has told me that there have been over 30 thousand attempts to kill Rimiaha since he got here, most psychic in nature. All of them have failed due to the intervention of either Justicar, Kashaunta herself, or Rimiaha using his psychic energy to blend in with Sprilnav. Behind the scenes, Kashaunta has destroyed entire mercenary companies in the Underground for this and made deals with Justicar to suppress any mention of this to avoid stirring the fires of war. I will do whatever I can to distance you from Rimiaha.
But if this fails, you must call him to the stand. Make him testify of his lack of willingness to attack the Sprilnav. Indrafabar may request that his mind be invaded to determine the truth about this. If the Source intervenes in that case or Rimiaha refuses, you will also lose the trial. This is the most dangerous idea that Yasihaut could bring against you, which links back to Humanity and you, Penny.
Another reason she has is that if she can push the Judges enough on the Alliance to either level more restrictions or kill the AIs, you will be crippled beyond recovery and will fade into nothingness for her to kill at her leisure. In short, most of this trial hinges on circumstances and testimonies given by witnesses. This is another reason Indrafabar is on the case. He can detect lies in almost any being if he uses his power. And if you resist, which you might be capable of, but..."
"I lose."
"Exactly. This is not a place of honor. This is not a court like before. Arguments will be heard, debated, and either accepted and recorded or discarded and ignored. I will do my best to use Justicar's law principles like recency to your favor, but history is littered with petty Judges making decisions on cases related to how much a threat people are. Not to this level, of course, but there is luckily precendent to lean on in both types of outcomes."
"Pundacrawla, I thank you for your high-level overview. Shall I assume the legal jargon was left out of your description?"
"Yes," he said. "I was uncertain if some words would translate."
"What are my realistic chances for winning this trial?"
Pundacrawla sighed. He didn't want to see her hope shatter, but he refused to lie. Kashaunta seemed fine with him sitting here and talking about things truthfully. If she wasn't, she would have requested a different lawyer.
"In the worst case scenario, which is Indrafabar and Justicar dislike you, and Yasihaut has a lawyer with an Eonic degree of their own, then I would say about 9%."
"That is quite high, actually, for a worst case scenario."
"That is only because this is a Trial by Majority, Kashaunta's backing and all that implies, your friendships with Nilnacrawla, Spentha and Equisa's continued survival within the Alliance, the various political motivations the Judges might have, the fact that you have built up your image, that you have refrained from killing your enemies recently, and the extreme nature of Yasihaut's hatred for you.
Your attack on Tassidonia's court normally would have been the death knell for you. But since your power didn't kill anyone and specifically was weakened to avoid that, it has been a boon more than a curse. And the Sprilnav with bleeding hearts also are pleased with your war on slavery. You will lose that war without Kashuanta's help, but your determination on that is seen as an endearing characteristic."
"The Elders think of you as a child, Penny," Kashaunta said. "Your fight against slavery is seen as a childish fantasy, but in a good way. If you wish, Pundacrawla can lean into either your maturity or immaturity on this case. Both may achieve the desired effect, if done right."
"I am not sure about that. Who will watch this trial, and how many?"
"Cast away your ego, Penny, it will not serve you here," Pundacrawla said.
"I'm 76 years old. I can handle this."
"I don't think-"
"200 quintillion," Kashaunta blurted out. Penny flinched.
"That is the number of watchers on the channels that have reserved timeslots for the trial among Sprilnav territory."
"And... Elders?"
"35 million, likely including all the Elders with names of any note," Kashaunta said. Pundacrawla gave a worried look to Penny. But the human just took a deep breath and nodded.
"Thank you for telling me. That is manageable."
"You're quite composed about this," Pundacrawla noted.
"I can conceptualize the enormity of that, but also this is a pretty big deal. And if I prove that I am fighting for the common people, it will achieve-"
"Nothing," Kashaunta said. "They cannot rebel on a large enough scale to risk toppling the Elders. If there is one aspect of our system that has survived the rot of a billion years of decay, it is the ability to divide and conquer. This is not an opportunity to get a manifesto out. I warn you against treating it as such."
At first, Penny looked wary of accepting the Elder's advice. She seemed to contemplate that matter, though she was really talking with her adoptive father. But instead of arguing, she simply smiled.
"I understand, Kashaunta. Thank you. I was getting a little sidetracked. All that matters is winning."
"So is there anything I can do to increase my chances?" Penny asked Pundacrawla.
"Outreach. Keep fighting the slavers, and maybe do a few interviews. Make sure to express a lack of hostility toward the Sprilnav people. And be wary of the gangs. When you are in the trial, they may seek revenge upon the freed slaves, or upon you yourself. I would not be surprised if they did their best to conduct false flag attacks under your name. In high-profile trials like this with many enemies, that risk is high. The gangs have high numbers of personnel and a motivation to see you lose this trial before you destroy them."
"I see. Thank you, High Lawyer Pundacrawla," Penny said, lowering her head in an approximation of a bow. Kashaunta nodded but didn't say anything. Penny took another breath in, and Pundacrawla could feel the air currents entering her nostrils.
"Can you explain exactly how a Trial by Majority would work versus the previous sort of Judgment?"
"Previously, the Judges, led by a High Judge, had to agree on a verdict. In that case, they failed. This structure is more flexible, however. All the Judges on the court, or the High Judges in this case, may voice their opinions behind closed doors and attempt to come to a verdict. They will emerge when the agreed-upon time period has passed, and their decisions will be made public.
If one Judge disagrees, there will not be a mistrial. Instead, the verdict with the most Judges behind it, ideally the majority opinion, will be the one chosen. This Judgement will have 20 High Judges. The final verdict, if none can reach the required 11 Judges to pass, will simply be held once all remaining evidence is heard or discarded."
"The High Judges will be required to resolve the dispute. If there are three or more options, the one or multiple with the fewest High Judges backing it will be discarded, until a runoff occurs. The result will then determine the verdict given."
"Can I be acquitted of the charges if that is the majority opinion?"
"Yes, you can. So can the Alliance. The structure of this Judgment is such that Indrafabar and Justicar will counterbalance each other."
"Can't Indrafabar just offer them money to do what he wants?"
"If he wants to lose his licence, severely harm his reputation, and destroy the careers of the High Judges being bribed, sure. While obviously Justicar will not have the power to truly punish him, the consequences would be severe, to say nothing of the other Progenitors. Given the factions present within them, it would be quite unwise for him to influence the case in such a manner. That influence would not be accepted by all."
"What if Yasihaut makes them an offer they can't refuse, or tries to make it look like Kashaunta did to get me in trouble?"
"I have taken steps to prevent that second outcome," Kashaunta said. "As for the first, my spies within Yasihaut's groups will alert me of it, and Justicar will know."
"But if he is a High Judge, wouldn't that be a conflict of interest?"
"His institutions function properly even without his intervention," Kashaunta replied. "There is little risk of that on his part."
"Hmm. Kashaunta, should I hide the Pact of Blades until the trial?"
"Yes. Its shock value will be maximum at that point."
"Elder Pundacrawla, are the rules on decorum the same as before?"
"Yes, but this time there will be proper enforcement. With the galaxy's eyes on him, Justicar will have no choice but to be firm in this trial. He will not be lenient to either of you, and might punish you more for infractions given that you are not a Sprilnav. It is unfair, but it is in his best interest to please the Elders who will be viewing this trial."
"Kashaunta, is there a way I can help you with the politics around this trial?" Penny asked. "I know if the event is this big, there is a lot for you to do, either to gain or to lose."
"A thoughtful offer. I might require one more linear singularity, and to finally get a piece of that negative energy you promised me. If you could tune your rhetoric toward peace with the Elders, it would help my position massively. The Alliance has already started scrubbing anti-Sprilnav rhetoric from its networks after I discussed the damage they could do, so what remains is your opinions. After the Judgment, more eyes will be on you than before. Declare your continued anti-slavery position, and I will have an easier time helping you with less damage to my reputation due to the revealed Pact of Blades."
"Do you also have an entourage of Elders to back you through thick and thin?" Penny asked. Pundacrawla smiled, glad that she was concerned about helping Elder Kashaunta.
She didn't know it, but now Pundacrawla was fully resolved to help her case. He'd been properly convinced that she really did care for her friends. In this case, while she likely was conflicted about it, Kashaunta was her friend. Given the Pact of Blades was in place between them, they were lifelong friends, close enough to be effectively married.
The political meaning of the Pact was certainly closer to that side of it since its most common use was to unify powerful Elder families. Kashaunta didn't have a family name, but that was because her name already carried so much weight everyone knew who was related to her. Pundacrawla gave Kashaunta a list of additional actions Phoebe needed to take using his implant. Kashaunta's eyes sparkled with recognition, though Penny didn't seem to notice.
"I do," Kashaunta said. "They all work for me. Most of them I acquired through either mud diving or through owed favors, though."
"Mud diving?" Penny asked.
"It is a term for doing one's utmost to please a superior for personal benefit, even if the 'please' section is derived from an unfortunate root meaning."
"I see. Elder Pundacrawla, can you get me something I can use for personal communication to you and Kashaunta, like an implant but less invasive?"
"Yes, I can do that," he responded.
"And also, one more thing before we go. Displace."
Penny appeared right in front of him, crouching down so her eyes aligned perfectly with his. They crackled with psychic energy, but beneath them lay a guarded desperation that he recognized from many of his more unfortunate past clients.
"I will not threaten you right now. But I need you to understand what is at stake for me. My friends. My family. My species. My nation. Over 200 billion living, breathing souls with lives and dreams they struggle every day to inch closer to. My titles, Champion of Humanity and Liberator, do not describe what I am but who I am. My world, my people. My home. Everything I have ever known and everything I have ever loved is at stake. Maybe you know what that is like. Maybe you don't.
Either way, please, I beg you to do your best to save us. I'm relying on you to be my hero, Pundacrawla. You can do this, and you must, or I will die for nothing. You will live with the consequences of this Judgment for the rest of your life. I hope you are everything Kashaunta claims you to be and more.
Hundreds of billions of people are counting on you. Look me in the eyes, Pundacrawla. Take in my alien face and my alien features. Know the creature standing here, and tell her you will do everything you can to save her and her people. And if it comes down to choosing to save me or the Alliance, save the Alliance."
Pundacrawla let out a breath. The hot air flowed across Penny's face, moving alien hair strands to the side. He looked into her eyes, peering into the reflection of three beings inside of her.
"Penny Balica. Champion of Humanity. Liberator. Human. I, Pundacrawla, High Lawyer, Elder, and Sprilnav, promise you, with all of my heart, all of my mind, and all of my soul, that I will do my best to win this Judgment for you and your kin. My actions will speak even louder than my words to you."
submitted by Storms_Wrath to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:16 Joe_Morningstar1 Rooster spur trim medical issue

This evening after the flock went in I prepped to remove the long spurs growth on my rooster. In the past I've used a pliers or dremel tool (which I think cause my rooster too much stress). Tonight I decided to try the warm (not hot) potato method w/ pliers.
I had the potato on the spur for 10 - 15 seconds & left spur popped right off with minimal twist of pliers.
The right did the same but after the remaining spur bleed profusely! And there was a small bit of flexible tissue sticking out from the spur! The remaining spur had approximately a quarter inch groove which bleed. Like a split in the spur (bone?) Lastly inside that removed spur shell was tissue. I've never had this happen, or heard of it.
I used clean paper towel to dab the blood of and apply some minor pressure to stop the bleeding. The blood didn't stop dripping so more pressure and finally stypic powder.
He was place on the roost where he remained. The bleeding stopped. He is not panting. He seems calm.
So my question and concern is what happened? Is that a nerve sticking out!? How severe is this?
My roo is very good. He is human friendly, watches the hens and is a keeper.
I do have a Avian vet nearby that does see chickens. I have no problem taking him in if this 'tendril' is an issue.
Thanks in advance for answers.
submitted by Joe_Morningstar1 to BackYardChickens [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:56 RichellaMadden Dental Implant Maintenance: Keeping Your Smile Healthy

At Madison Dentistry & Implant Center, we understand the importance of proper maintenance for dental implants to ensure their longevity and your oral health. When it comes to repairing your smile and oral health, dental implants are a great investment. Weā€™ll go over the importance of maintaining dental implants, crucial at-home care advice, and the function of routine dental checkups in maintaining your beautiful smile in this guide.

Understanding Dental Implants

Discover the transformative power of dental implants at Madison Dentistry & Implant Center in Madison, NJ. Learn about the latest advancements in implant technology, personalized treatment options, and the unparalleled expertise of our dental professionals. Regain your smile and confidence with our comprehensive implant solutions.
Dental implants are titanium posts surgically implanted into the jawbone to replace missing teeth. For dental restorations like crowns, bridges, or dentures, they act as powerful anchors. Dental implants offer stability, functionality, and aesthetics that are on par with natural teeth, and they can last a lifetime with the right maintenance.

Importance of Dental Implant Maintenance

Maintaining proper oral hygiene and regular care for dental implants is crucial for several reasons:
Preventing Gum Disease: Proper cleaning helps prevent the buildup of plaque and bacteria around the implant, reducing the risk of gum inflammation and periodontal disease.
Prolonging Implant Lifespan: Regular maintenance reduces the risk of complications like infection or implant failure by maintaining the strength of the implant and the surrounding tissues.
Preserving Oral Health: Dental implants support adjacent teeth and maintain jawbone density, contributing to overall oral health and preventing bone loss.

Tips for Dental Implant Maintenance at Home

Brushing: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to brush your dental implants and surrounding teeth at least twice a day. Pay special attention to the gum line and areas around the implant to remove plaque and food debris.
Flossing: Clean between your dental implants and adjacent teeth with dental floss or interdental brushes to remove plaque and debris from hard-to-reach areas.
Antimicrobial Mouthwash: Rinse with an antimicrobial mouthwash to reduce bacterial growth and maintain oral hygiene.
Avoiding Hard Foods: Minimize chewing on hard or sticky foods that can exert excessive pressure on dental implants and increase the risk of damage.
Quit Smoking: Smoking can impair healing and increase the risk of implant failure. If you smoke, consider quitting or reducing your tobacco use to improve implant longevity and overall oral health.

Importance of Professional Dental Visits:

In addition to home care, regular dental check-ups and professional cleanings are essential for maintaining dental implant health. During these visits, our dental team at Madison Dentistry & Implant Center will:
Evaluate Implant Stability: Our dental professionals will assess the stability and integrity of your dental implants through clinical examination and diagnostic imaging.
Remove Plaque and Tartar: Professional cleanings remove plaque and tartar buildup around the implant and gum line, reducing the risk of inflammation and gum disease.
Address Any Concerns: If you experience any discomfort, pain, or changes in your dental implant, our experienced team will address your concerns and recommend appropriate treatment options.
At Madison Dentistry & Implant Center, we are dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile. Trust our experienced dental team to provide personalized care and support for all your dental needs. Schedule an appointment with us today to learn more about dental implant maintenance and how we can help you maintain optimal oral health.

submitted by RichellaMadden to u/RichellaMadden [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:42 No_Shine_6085 Any advice on managing an injured ankle on the farm?

I hurt my ankle at work last August, kept working on it (didnā€™t have insurance and management didnā€™t let me go to the doctor). Twisted it in January, and convinced management to let me get it checked out. Turns out it was actually fractured back in August. To keep a long story short, Iā€™ve got to have surgery on it. I have some extra bone growth, piece of cartilage broken off, and some arthritis build up. Surgery was originally scheduled in April and doc said it would be plenty of time for recovery. Workers comp is a bitch though, and Iā€™ve only now gotten it approved. And itā€™s scheduled for after Roo. Doc gave me a steroid injection to get me through Roo, however it didnā€™t work. He didnā€™t seem concern about the risk of further injury.
This is my sixth Roo, and plan on pushing through the pain. Iā€™ve got a good brace, and sleeve thatā€™s made for icing it. I plan on taking it as easy as I can. Staying back in the crowds, and finding a spot to sit and camp when I can. Iā€™ve got a good group thatā€™s willing to help me as much as they can. Just curious if anyone has any other advice on managing? Anything I havenā€™t thought of.
submitted by No_Shine_6085 to bonnaroo [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:57 Mediocre_Law_5557 Kengan Ashura 82nd OC I've ever made

Name: Logan "The S.P.E.A.R of QuƩbec" Howlett
Age: 39
Height: 5 foot 3
Weight: 267 lbs
Appearance: Canadian Man with Black Hair, Blue Eyes, and a permanent Scowl.
Personality: Annoyed looking most of the time, Stern, and Crudely Friendly.
Backstory: He was born in QuƩbec in a forest where he was raised by Wolves until he was found by a couple who decided to take care of him and he was pretty much a savage boy until he learnt how to speak English then soon years later he would go off to school where he would mostly get into fights(Always winning cause he's built different) and soon after School was over he went into the Military and became a great Commander and after his Military Service he became a great MMA Fighter as he trained in Boxing, Savate, Gouren, Fencing, and Sambo that he mixed into his S.P.E.A.R. System gaining an incredible winning streak of 38 wins.
Fighting Style: Boxing(Slugger), Savate, Gouren, Fencing, and Sambo mixed into S.P.E.A.R System.
Special Moves: A.R.E.S.(Always Ready to Eat Something)- He's flexes his body similar to Ironbreaker and using his Almost as strong as Titanium he is like an Impenetrable Shield and he can't move during this move.
Z.E.U.S.(Zizanie Ɖgal Faux pas Sage)- His movement becomes like 2 rapiers swishing acrossed the ground making the opponent unable to know where they might move to next while also increasing their speed of movement.
H.A.D.E.S.(Hound Appearing Down East or South)- An attack that can be a Forward Kick or a Right Hook thats used after a feint to hit the opponent.
Sense Sight- A form of Foresight where Logan uses his heightened senses and enhanced reaction time to predict the opponents attacks.
S.P.E.A.R of QuƩbec- With a Similar attack to Ironbreaker, Logan tightens up his muscles on the arm he's hitting with and strikes full force on the opponent and mixed with his bones that are almost as strong as Titanium he strike with a similar force to being hit by a Wrecking Ball.
Feats: He can smell a person from 6 feet away, tastes the exact ingredients in food, hear 2 miles, see the muscles moving on a person, and feel movement through the ground.
He has a skeleton almost as strong as and almost as tough as Titanium.
Weaknesses: Short.
Anger Issues.
Representing Dr. X's Hair Growth Supplements.
Theme Entrance: Neptune's Eye by Blut Aus Nord
submitted by Mediocre_Law_5557 to Kengan_Ashura [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:38 FabulousSale2029 Hip Growth Reversal and General Remasculinization?

Is it possible for one's hips to get narrower from stopping / pausing HRT?
For context, I stopped HRT cold-turkey for a couple weeks due to a sudden concern about fertility, restarted two weeks later as I started to see remasculinization and didn't want to take the risk, and now I've been back on HRT for a month (with a blood test to confirm that I have high E and low T) but the effects are not what they usually are.
I've cycled on and off HRT many times before, when I was doing monotherapy, and never had any issued with feminization resuming when I restarted it. This time, however, I was on progesterone and spiro in addition to the estrogen, and my body is nowhere near as femme as it usually is after being on HRT for a month. My skin is not as soft as it tends to get after this much time, my psychological state doesn't feel particularly estrogen-dominant, my face looks a bit more masculine, etc.
One way or another, this changeup in my hormone balance is causing my body to remasculinize, or simply to not feminize, some things, but is there a limit to what this can change?
My hips grew noticeably wider as I started HRT at 18 and didn't have a particularly aggressive male puberty, but now my tailbone (I think?) hurts slightly and I've noticed that my hips don't appear as wide as they used to be. My gait (the way I walk) feels slightly more masculine, slightly more like it was before my hips got wider, yet I'm not aware of any way for human hips to shift from a feminine bone structure to a masculine one.
Am I just seeing changes to fat distribution or could my hips actually be reversing the growth they experienced from years of HRT?
submitted by FabulousSale2029 to AskMtFHRT [link] [comments]