Dose walmart sell blu cigs

i’m having an intense craving despite having a nicotine lozenge actively dissolving in my mouth

2024.06.11 10:09 lucidbaby i’m having an intense craving despite having a nicotine lozenge actively dissolving in my mouth

day 1, 4mg nic lozenges every 1-2hrs. i bought a no nic vape to use for the time being because i nearly went crazy not having something to inhale for the first half of the day. i’ve been fine all day but i just thought about a post i saw that said the law that banned flavored juul pods was lifted, and it kinda spiraled from there.
i haven’t used a juul since 2019. i just sort of passively thought “damn, what if they get mint juul pods back right after i quit. that’d be crazy”. then i remembered the head rush from the first rip off a new pod back in the day. and now i’m upset that i can’t get the buzz delivered that way anymore. i keep imagining myself “just having one hit for old times sake”.
i won’t have any physical withdrawals while i’m using the lozenges, and the no nic vape is doing well to distract me from the anxiety and restlessness that comes from the impulse to reach for a cig or vape. but jesus christ, how am i craving nicotine while i have nicotine actively absorbing into my blood stream?
my decision to quit had two parts. the first was coughing up a lung on acid a few months ago. it’s hard to be in that headspace and witness myself reaching for my vape immediately after seeing the damage it’s doing to my body. the second was when the smoke shops started selling those vapes with little video games/bluetooth built in. it’s dystopian as shit. i really really don’t want this to be my life. i’m still a young adult and i want to know what it’s like to be an adult without this addiction gripping me daily. i’ve quit multiple extremely addictive drugs and this is the hardest.
submitted by lucidbaby to quittingsmoking [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 08:56 Tendie_Mctenderson DOGE DAILY Monday June 10th, 2024

DOGE DAILY Monday June 10th, 2024
DOGE Daily Update - Monday Madness Edition 🐶🎢 June 10th 2024
What's good, my DOGE brethren? 🚀🌙 It's Monday and ya boy Tendie is coming at you with that DOGE Daily Monday Madness! 📰🔥 Our community is straight-up SCORCHING, fam! 🌋🔥 We're about to bulldoze through this week like a pack of rabid wolves on steroids! 💪🐺💉 Strap in and get ready for the insanity, you magnificent bastards! 🎢
Weekend Raid Recap:
🔥 We've been raiding harder than Vikings on a bender! 🪓🍻 John Cena and a bunch of other bigshot influencers have taken notice and are now following our main man DOGE! 👀 Peep the juicy deets and mind-blowing numbers below! 🤯📊
Mad props to our raid squad:
  • WaterboyMatt 💦
  • Fawl3r 🍂
  • Smoking Dave 🚬
  • Orange Trooper 🍊
  • Crypto Blinderz 😎
  • Ricky 🧨
  • Aaron 🕴️
  • Darius 🗡️
  • Toni 🔮
  • Nova 💥
  • Anthony 🐜
  • Burnt Beanz 🔥🫘
  • AZ (Flexorcist) 👹
Much love to these absolute UNITS – they've been keeping it 💯 all day, every day! 💪❤️
Wanna join these apex predators? Slide into our Telegram VC, pronto!
Our RAIDERS are bringing home the bread! 🍞💰Posted John Cena 2x - Just look at that Hot Stud, he’d be a worthy addition to our raid army!! 🚀🌕 John my man!! You’re welcome to come hang with us anytime and share some warrior knowledge — — that's ANYTIME, because we don’t sleep, we grind!!!
New Caption Battle Loading:
💥 Brace yourselves for another epic meme throwdown! 🃏 We're handpicking the spiciest pics for the next 100K DOGE Caption Competition! 💸 Stay glued to our Twitter for updates! 📲
Doge Stories:
📖 Get your daily dose of DOGE tales on Twitter! 🐶 These yarns, like the legendary AngelDOGE odyssey, are the beating heart of our community. 💗 Tune in to Doge Stories, stat! 📻
Market Dip = Bargain Hunting:
💸 The market's still in the red, but there's a glimmer of hope on the horizon! 📉🌅 BTC is showing signs of life, so strap on your moon boots and get ready for liftoff! 🚀 Hoard those coins like a dragon guarding its treasure! 🐉💰
AMA Incoming:
📢 Listen up, you depraved degenerates! We're gearing up for an epic AMA extravaganza, and we need YOUR twisted questions to fuel the fire! 🔥❓ Drop those mind-melting inquiries here and stay tuned for the sordid details! 📅 Can't contain your curiosity? Dive headfirst into our Telegram VC, where our gang of degenerate insomniacs are grinding the raid cycle 24/7, always on the hunt for fresh meat to corrupt with their DOGE wisdom. 🐶🍖 Enter if you dare, but be warned: you may never be the same again! 😈🐶
  • 🚀 RIKO Crypto's 100x DOGE prophecy! 🔮 Watch here
  • 💥 We gate-crashed Moontok like bosses! 😎 Visit Moontok
  • 🎵 "DogeOnSol" is straight fire! **🔥 Listen here
Enlist in the DOGE Army:
📢 YOU, YES YOU!! 🫵 We're recruiting for the DOGE Army, and we want YOU on the front lines! 🪖 Storm our Telegram first, and if that's not enough, hit up our Discord or Reddit, and show us your best battle cry! 🗣️❤️
Meme Warfare:
🐶 Load up on the freshest memes from our Telegram armory and carpet-bomb the internet with DOGE propaganda! 💣🙏
Buy the Dip, later when FOMO hit’s you’ll be wearing that nice big grin bragging to your friends:
💸 Don't miss out on this golden opportunity! 🚀🌙 Buy low, sell high – just like Warren Buffett, but with more memes and less suits!
Dank Memes to Keep You Amped:
⚜️ Plunder our DOGE Meme Armory on TG for more! here ⚜️
Let's secure this bag, you inglorious bastards! 💰🍞 DOGE to the moon, baby! 🚀🌙
Not financial advice, I'm just a doge with a keyboard and a vendetta against the moon. 🐶💭🌙
submitted by Tendie_Mctenderson to DogeOnSOL [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 08:54 WangYat2007 Researching the price elasticity of software and the effectiveness of Loss Leader Pricing in Software Inc

Researching the price elasticity of software and the effectiveness of Loss Leader Pricing in Software Inc
This guide is also avaliable on Steam:
This guide is not for absolute beginners as I will not be detailing where every button is, there are plenty of absolute beginner guides that already exist. However, if you've already played a bit, you will understand this guide as the concept is very simple to execute.
Here, I detail what I've discovered about Software Inc's game mechanics, presented them, and added my thoughts onto it. Whether loss leader pricing is worth it or not, is up to you to decide.
Hey there! I’m Wang, and recently I’ve been experimenting with a sales tactic: Loss Leader Pricing. This isn’t much of a guide, but more of a summary of my research as I tried this tactic in game. It’s not super powerful or game breaking, but can give you an edge against your competitors and accelerate your growth.

What is Loss Leader Pricing?

The concept and execution is very simple. Its when a company sells a product at a lower price than usual (usually below market price) to sell more product, and often at a loss; whether it’s to increase market share, draw customers away from competitors, or stimulate more sales of complementary products*, the effect is still the same.
*a complementary product is when a product is sold alongside another product, eg. Phones and phone chargers, movie tickets and popcorn.
There are plenty of real life examples one can find by simply googling. One of such is Costco’s Rotisserie Chicken, which is sold at a net loss. Shoppers coming to buy the chicken would expose themselves to other products in the store and hence buy more. I haven’t personally seen this in action as Costco doesn’t exist where I live, but the concept still applies: attract more customers.

Before the game

I've just realized this guide is going to look a LOT like a lab report.
What I plan to do is to release a product at various prices, and compare the differences in market recognition and sales.
Before trying this out, there are a couple variables I needed to decide on.
Type of product: I chose a computer OS as the number of potential customers is constant (Not OS dependent). Computer OS in particular as it's the one with the most potential customers out of all OS types.
Quality and creativity of product: Visionary and outstanding. This will make competition less of a variable, thus exaggerating the effects of price, which is what we are trying to isolate and investigate here.
Price of product: This will be my independent variable. I will test out $0, $1, 50% of recommended price, and 100% recommended price for now.

Setting things up

Now, a little annoying quirk I encountered is that the game for some reason treats free products differently from priced products. In the design document, if I change the price to $0, then develop and release the software, i cannot raise the price; the game will give me a prompt saying "Product is already free". Similarly, if the price is non-zero and I try to change it to $0 afterwards, the game will say "please enter a valid value". So I have to develop the OS twice, in two seperate saves in order to test out the effect of free product too. Annoying.
I got myself 37 million dollars in January 1990. I hired a team of designers, programmers and artists for my OS, designed my Computer OS while following the recommended market targeting as best I can, and here I saved.
Notice that the recommended price is $150. I've gotten a marketing publisher as I don't want to set up a marketing team myself.


Here is my gathered data from the various playthroughs.
points to note:
  • I updated the software whenever I could, fixing bugs and updating tech levels.
  • I spent $10,000,000 ordering 5 million copies for every release, which is counted as expenses and affects the value of total profit.
  • Market recognition is not 100% accurate as the number of hearts is eyeballed.
  • Approximately $4,000,000 was spent in development (salaries, food, bills, rent etc).
  • I cannot sign a deal with a marketing publisher with a free product. For non-free products, a marketing publisher was used. (14.4% royalty) The total development cost is a lot higher with a marketing team for the free product.
  • Every product, including the free one, was released on the morning of August 1993; I spent the rest of the day updating tech levels.
direct screenshot from Steam because Reddit table formatting UI is shit
* note that on the second month, I sold 294,628 copies as my marketing efforts caught up (Sparse > Prominent) ** I didn't make $37034 in sales because some people got refunds

Data analysis

Changes in sales when price changes
Seems like when you lower the prices a little bit from the optimal value, sales do go up a little, but not nearly as much to make up for the decreased price, resulting in less profit (Price inelastic demand).
But at very low prices, sales go down. This is very interesting, I did not expect this at all. You would expect the sales to go up when prices go down, right? Imagine a 1 dollar computer OS software that has outstanding quality, that would fly off the shelves! But not here. Upon release, the reviews do indeed say "It is suspiciously cheap".
And then sales skyrocketed when it's free. One would expect $0 and $1 to make no difference, but not in this game. Seems like Software Inc treats "free" and "not-free" products VERY, VERY differently.
So if we plot a graph of price of product against sales, I expect it to look something like this:
And in order to test this theory, I released the product at different prices with increments of $10 ($10, 20, 30 and so on, until 150% of the recommended price, which is $225) and recorded their sales on release.
According to my earlier data, seems like the sales on release and sales after a year are directly tied together: Hence, I won't waste time waiting an entire year 23 different times and only record the sales on release.
Now this was not what I was expecting. I gathered data until $100, before i noticed something was wrong. At $80, sales started to plummet. I was on track to getting no sales at all by the time I reached $150, the suggested price, in direct contradiction with my earlier data.
Taking a closer look, when changing the price, the prompt tells me, Suggested Price: $75. This was the price I set in the design document for this save (which I reloaded over and over to change the price). The anomaly in my data started occuring at $80.
Do you see it?
Seems like the game no longer takes their suggested price, $150, as the "best price" anymore. Before development, I "promised" to consumers that the price would be $75 in the design document. So when I raised the price to something above $75, consumers understandably got angry and didn't buy. You would feel cheated too if a game you were looking forward to jacked up it's price at the last minute for no reason, wouldn't you?
But the more important part is that the data for $10 to $70 fits into my theory. Raising prices, weirdly, raises sales. I'm sure there's a term for this in Economics, where increasing the price of something increases the perceived quality of the product. Some terms I could find with some simple googling and asking ChatGPT were "Veblen Good", "Prestige Pricing", "Snob Effect". You can look into those if ya want.
I re-released Scam OS with $150 set in the design document, and collected the rest of the data.
Note that data at $150 doesn't match the data I presented earlier as this is a completely different save - slight deviations due to random factors occurred during the development process (eg. competition).
Pretty much just what I expected. Massive sales at $0, and a second peak sales at the suggested price. Another noteworthy thing here is the total profit graph - the maximum total profit is the suggested price. Literally anything else will give you less total profit.
I didn't go all the way to $225 as the trend tells you pretty much everything. An exponentially decreasing quantity in sales as you go further and further higher than the suggested price, gradually approaching 0.
Market Recognition
Market recognition seems to be directly tied to how many sales you have. That makes sense. But it doesn't seem to be proportional - the free OS sold 5.4 times as many copies as the $150 OS, but only has a market recognition of 2.2 times more.
Competition is arguably one of the most important elements that decide the success of your product. Here are the competition charts for my 4 test products:
My Computer OS, which I have very creatively named "Scam OS" in an attempt to lure more customers into my social experiment, is represented by the white bars. There are some differences in the competition due to random factors I cannot control, but the general trend is the same: A very well-off OS dominates the market, I release my OS, and another OS quickly releases in succession. These graphs are not very interesting by themselves - Scam OS is able to compete, but not completely dominate the competition. Now, let's look at the $0 graph, shall we?
look at all that beautiful, beautiful white. Scam OS completely destroys the competition. Monthly OS sales at historical records.

Conclusion and Takeaways

So, what does this tell us about the effectiveness of Loss Leader Pricing in Software Inc?
Set the price of the product either to free, OR the suggested price. No in between. Definitely not even $1.
The whole point of Loss Leader Pricing is to generate more sales. By lowering the price, you generate a teeny tiny bit more sales, but lose out on a huge chunk of profit. When lowering it even more, the effect is reversed - you lower the price AND lower the sales.
This has been thoroughly proven in the excel spreadsheet and graphs. The peak value for profit occur at the suggested price; Sales peak at 80% of the suggested price ($120), but not by that much. So quite objectively speaking, any price in between is not worth anything. Set the price either to free OR the suggested price in the design document.
The price set in the design document should be the finalized price. (which should be the suggested price anyway, see paragraph above)
As seen in the earlier section, if you lower the price and raise it again on release, even if you raised it back to the suggested price, consumers don't buy the product as much. It's like as if they feel "cheated" when you raise the price after promising them something lower.
Free, high quality products destroy the competition.
A high quality free product is pretty much just a highly effective DDOS attack (Distribution Denial of Service - this option is available in the Accounting tab). If you have a grudge or simply hate the logo of a particular company, releasing a free version of what they do best can really hurt their feelings. This may have a ripple effect in the future, when you've beaten down a competitor product and they don't do so well in the future and you in turn do better.
Software Inc treats free and non-free products VERY differently.
The difference between $0 and $1 is monumental. Such differences include, but is not limited to:
  • Amount of sales (and thus the resulting market recognition)
  • Ability to sign publishing deals
  • ability to change price after release
Boost your gain in market recognition.
Usually, one would need to release 5 to 6 sequels of an IP before they can get a full 6 hearts of market recognition. The nice thing about Software Inc customers is that they all seem to have long term memory loss - they still buy a fully priced sequel even if the prequel was free (i.e. there is no "consumer expectation" that the sequel will be free too). Releasing a free product can shorten the time you need to gain market recognition, perhaps to 3-4 sequels before getting a full 6 hearts. You can even release multiple free products to REALLY get there quick. This can be especially useful in highly saturated markets such as Antiviruses, 2D, 3D editors, audio tools etc. to gain an edge over competitors (Sometimes, releasing 7, 8 sequels of an antivirus can only get me to 4 hearts)
Boosted market recognition, but at what cost?
Now, of course, this action is highly, highly unprofitable. my 2.9 hearts of computer OS market recognition costed me 13 million, and losses will only continue to increase as salaries stack.
Loss Leader pricing could be used when you've established yourself as a company, have millions in the bank already, and want to tap into a new market.
The printing costs of software can easily be brushed off ($2 for ordering copies, $0.15 for printing it yourself) so this strategy is more applicable for software. But, I strongly, STRONGLY, do NOT recommend doing this with hardware, such as phones and consoles. The printing costs of each copy can easily reach $100+. with 4 million sales, you are looking at a net loss of 400 MILLION, That's the net worth of some of the largest companies in Software Inc! not to mention the printing machines and distribution infrastructure needed to print some 400 thousand copies per month!
Is this a viable starting strategy?
But you might wonder, what if you're just starting out? where can I get 13 million dollars of startup cash? Well well well, dear reader, I have written a guide on manipulating the stock market, and with the right decisions, a keen and attentive eye, and a hefty dose of luck, you can potentially earn yourself upwards of 300 million dollars in 10 years with 100k starting cash. You can see it here:
I sound so much like an advertisement. Shameless self promotion, woohoo! (Though I don't earn anything from writing these, it's simply fun for me!)
Anyway, moving on:
Does all this apply to other types of software? 2D, 3D editors? Games?
Honest answer: I don't know. Without actually testing it out, there will always be a degree of uncertainty. However, I also have yet to see anything that suggests otherwise. I would assume the sales of all software is calculated by the game based on the same system, combining the effects of price, competition, market recognition, product appeal and so on.
Andddd that should be everything. This guide took me 15+ hours of research and writing, holy moly. This is my analysis and interpretation of the data I've collected. If there are different interpretations and conclusions, please let me know. And at the end of the day, it is up to you to decide whether loss leader pricing or messing with prices is worth it. Manipulating the stock market and then crashing your way into markets with loss leader pricing is just one of the many ways to enjoy a game of Software Inc.
And that marks the end of this guide, a beautiful 2600 words. This is Wang, wishing you high market recognition and customers suffering from long term memory loss in your loss leader pricing journey.
Thank you for reading!
submitted by WangYat2007 to SoftwareInc [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 07:53 AscendedAncient ABQ Orthopedics is a complete joke.

Tore my rotator cuff, and according to the doctor I saw today, They do not make Shoulder braces, and even if you have surgery on your shoulder they don't have braces for it as it still needs to be able to move. When I told him Walgreens, Walmart, and even Amazon sell them so yes they do exist he rushed out of the room without anything to say. Even asked the assistant and Xray Tech about getting a brace and they just said "ask for one from the doctor." So now I have to spend more nights with my shoulder shifting, causing my arm to go numb until my regular doc can be reached (hopefully Tuesday he'll reply to my email)
A woman who had recent surgery on her shoulder has a brace, and is even experiencing the same issues. so yes I know a torn rotator cuff can cause pain and numbness down to the hand despite what the "doctor" today told me.
submitted by AscendedAncient to Albuquerque [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 07:28 no_maybe06 please read and spread!!!

Marked as NSFL for mention of animal abuse.
From a shelter officer:
"I am a shelter manager. I want to tell you about the extinction of the background of a shelter. Hope you will hear this sound.
Firstly, you manufacturers and sellers ... Y'all should work in a shelter for just one day. Maybe if you see the sad, painful, sad look in those eyes, you will stop breeding and selling dogs to people you don't know or will never know.
Just got this cute little puppy you just sold... This is the way she will most likely end up in my shelter when she grows up and isn't a "cute little puppy" anymore... So did you know that a dog that is left at a shelter is 90% likely to not walk out of the shelter? Plain or not... Whether it is abandoned by its owner or abandoned. At least half of the dogs that come to my shelter are purebreds...
My favorite excuse: “We’re moving and it’s impossible to take our dog (or cat) to our new house.” Is that really? Or “We didn’t know he was going to be this big when he grew up, he is huge”. How big did you expect a German Shepherd to be? “We can’t give him much time” Really? I work 10-12 hours a day and have time for my 6 dogs, if wanted it’s possible... “Bringing the garden together”. Have you ever tried taking it home and making it part of your family?
They always say when they leave their dogs to me; "We can't afford to find a new home for her, but we're sure someone in the shelter will adopt her, because she's a very good dog." Nope... Your dog probably won't find a new home while in the shelter.
Do you know how difficult and stressful it is to live in a shelter?
Let me tell you if you like... You have a maximum of 72 hours to find a home after you have surrendered your dog to the shelter. If there is enough space at the shelter or your dog succeeds in staying healthy, that time may extend a few more days. If he has a cold and flu, he will die in that place.
Your dog will be confined to a small compartment with 25 other barking and crying animals. He or she will be extremely depressed and cry non-stop thinking about the family that left her.
If your dog is lucky enough, people will come to the shelter that day. If not enough volunteers, your dog will not stand a chance to get anyone’s attention and affection, nobody will do anything for him or her. Unless we count the waste of a bowl of food extended under the door or a huge vacuum hose...
If your dog is a big and tough breed (Pitbull, Rottweiller, Mastiff, etc), it's almost dead the moment it enters the shelter... These dogs will never find a new home.. No matter how "cute", "smart" or "well-behaved" they are.
If the shelter is full and your dog has not been neutered in the first 72 hours, your dog is euthanized to make room for new futures. If there is enough space at the shelter and your dog is from one of the in-demand breeds, the euthanasia period will be delayed a few more days.
Most dogs develop overprotective attitudes in the area they live in within a few days and are destroyed due to their aggressive attitude. Even the most innocent, gentle and calm dogs develop this attitude.
Even if we assume your dog has overcome these obstacles, he will start coughing or get an upper respiratory infection within a few days because he hasn’t left his kennel. Shelters don't budget to provide treatment for each dog, so euthanizing your sick dog is inevitable.
Do you also want me to tell you how they put your dog down in a shelter?
First, your dog will be removed from his cage on a leash. He or she will start wagging their tail with joy because they will think they are being taken for a ride. When they come to the door of the “room” they won’t want to come in and will be mad.
I don't know if death smells. I don't know if they feel the lost souls there. But there's one thing I don't understand, and every dog without exception shows incredible resistance to going through that door.
Your dog will be leash first. Depending on how strong he or she is, 1 or 2 vet techs will hold him/her tight. Then the euthanasia technician or vet will begin. She will find a clotter vein on the forefoot and inject a killer dose of pink liquid into the vein.
I hope your dog doesn’t panic because he’s tied and suddenly pull his leg. I have seen needles piercing their legs in sudden movements... I've seen walls painted red from blood splatter. I have heard desperate screams that will make ears deaf. Not all of them “fall asleep” right away, sometimes they shrink for a while and their breath is cut, try to breathe and spit on themselves.
When it's all over, your dog's body is piled on top of the bodies of other dogs waiting to be picked up like trash behind the shelter, just like firewood.
What do you think will happen next? Can it be burned ? Should we throw it in the trash ? Can it be turned into food for other pets?
You can't know or even imagine. Y’all don’t want to know anyway.
Somehow he was just an animal. You can get a new one anytime, right?
I hope your eyes roll out of their nests as you read these and I hope you capture what I witness every day.
I hate my job. I hate that my job and shelters still have to exist. I hate the fact that shelters are going to exist unless y’all change. I hate how you just don't know that the lives you impacted aren't just the life of that poor dog you just dump to the shelter.
Each year, 11 million animals die in shelters in the U.S. alone, and you can stop this. I do my best to save each and every life, but the shelters are overcrowded, and new animals keep arriving every day.
Please listen to what I have to say:
Hate me if you want too. But you cant change the truth and the truth always hurts.
Maybe I can change the mind of those reading this who want to pair their dog, think about giving them a home, or have any intention of buying a dog.
Maybe the person reading this will go to a shelter and say, “I read an article and came to rescue a dog.”
submitted by no_maybe06 to AnimalRights [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:23 badfeelingpodcast Why do I need a prescription for some glasses, but I can buy some from a spinning rack at the super market?

Is this just a scam by the optometry folks?
Every year, I go to the eye doc and every year I leave with the same prescription. The contact lens / glasses retailers won't sell me product without the prescription. Meanwhile, I can buy a $5 pair of bifocals or reading glasses at the nearest Walmart. Why ?
submitted by badfeelingpodcast to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 03:59 paztheoutcast Why is dbz kai so hard to find or buy as easily as dbz!? I’m talking price, availability, and in general.

Why is the supposed “ultimate,accurate best acted dbz” version so hard to find. I’m genuinely asking here. I hear stuff from fans and even the actors themselves say how better it’s acted and it’s more accurate and basically better than dbz (not my opinion, personally i love z whether it’s z or z kai just some voice i don’t like…. Kai gohan but his voice has improved so now i don’t care) anyways i find it hard to believe the ultimate version of z is hard to get.
My point being i can go into Walmart and get the dbz blurays for 30 dollars each with 3 seasons. Now one kai isn’t in stores, and two 3 seasons for 32ish but for Kai it costs 50 dollars for one freaking season. And i believe it’s 7 seasons so i can get dbz for at most 100. But kai will cost me 100 for two seasons and it isn’t even in stores. I won’t mention prime video because they’re both expensive on there 😭. I just checked too while typing this. But even online in general let’s say amazon not video but amazon. There’s plenty of dbz sales whether they’re in a set or separately and it’s the dvds that are cheap but I’m talking Blurays to be fair. Kai is expensive either way no discounts and you definitely can’t find a freaking box set and if you do it’s expensive on ebay or something.
I don’t get it. Is there a reason i’m missing? Wouldn’t kai be the one pushed because it is z but updated and you’d think they’d make z expensive because of nostalgia because newer fans (some not all) grew up with kai. And older fans would want z more with toonami and faulconer. It doesn’t make sense. Is kai that spectacular where it’s going to be hard to find it. Or do they not care or want to push kai like z. Personally i like z i have no problem with it. But if i wanted to watch kai the only decent way is on hulu with half the episodes being the nicktoons version which is weird. And the crazy part is i heard z won’t ever air on television while kai can. But you can purchase kai without selling a kidney but you can stream z on crunchyroll and buy it easily in store or online.
Does anyone know why and also see where I’m coming from?
submitted by paztheoutcast to dbz [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 03:55 AussieAK PSA: Ozempic and Wegoy are the exact same medication

There seems to be some confusion and more posts lately with people having to switch between Ozempic and Wegovy or the other way around due to supply, insurance, or whatever other issues, with some questioning if they would work the same, and some even believing they have lost momentum on their weight loss when they switched.
Let me just make one unequivocal TL;DR first: Ozempic and Wegovy are the EXACT SAME MEDICINE/ACTIVE INGREDIENT.
Now if you have the mood for a long explainer, please feel free to continue to read
What does that mean?
For some reason, Novo Nordisk (and later on Eli Lilly joined the same bandwagon), sell most of their GLP1 meds in two different brand names, one targeting those with Type 2 Diabetes, and one for weight loss.
So, we ended up with this brand name bonanza:
So, what are the differences, other than supply/logistics/insurance implications for some people?
I will stick to Wegovy/Ozempic since this is a Wegovy sub.
Almost all of the GLP meds have different dosing for diabetes and weight loss for the same medication, with weight loss requiring a higher dose than the diabetes dose.
Note that when I say "dose" here, I mean the maximum dose which is the therapeutic dose indicated for either T2D or weight loss, not the starting dose or titration steps.
For Semaglutide, diabetes dose is 1mg/week, weight loss dose is 2.4mg/week. Titration schedule is the same, four weeks at each step, you just stop at 1.0* and continue on it if you are only diabetic, but you carry on till 2.4 if you need it for weight loss (whether you are also diabetic or not).
Titration steps are 0.25 0.5 1.0 1.7 2.4.
\in some markets, approved diabetic dose is 1.0, in some others, it's 2.0.*
So, what are the differences?
Other than the obvious packaging, brand name, the difference is as follows:
Does that mean I cannot use Ozempic if I am not diabetic, or does it mean I won't lose weight on Ozempic?
Other than insurance implications or local regulatory prescribing guidelines, there is nothing that would stop you from using Ozempic for weight loss (or Wegovy for diabetes). Again, the medicine's active ingredient is the exact same, Semaglutide.
There is also no way you would not lose weight on Ozempic* just because it's the antidiabetic brand, I heard this before from someone and it was painful to hear it let alone try to explain that your body, brain, and biochemistry cannot see the brand, only can recognise the molecules and interact with them accordingly.
\subject to dosage of course.*
The challenge however would be to be able to dose Ozempic at Wegovy-level dosages.
How to use Ozempic pens to inject Wegovy-level dosing?
Like I said, where I live there are two kinds of pens, one that has 2mg total (red and white packaging) and can dial to 0.25 and 0.50, one that has 4mg total (green and white packaging) and can dial to 1.0 only. I hear that in some countries there is a third one that has 8mg with gold packaging and can dial to 2.0 only (which is an exceptionally high dosage for diabetics that only some require).
So assuming you live somewhere with red and green pens available, you can easily dial to 0.25, 0.50, and 1.0.
To get any "fractional" dosages you would need to count the clicks of the step of a pen and divide by them, remember that clicks in a red vs green pen are not the same count. For instance, we had a shortage of red pens in Australia for a while with only green available (which isn't too bad since they cost exactly the same but have double the medicine).
I had to count the clicks in green pens and they have 74 clicks from 0 to 1.0, so when someone needs 0.5 for example, they can do 37 clicks.
I couldn't be be bothered to count clicks for 1.70 and decided to just do 1.75, which my doctor agreed since it was just marginally higher than that titration step (3% more), and it wasn't above the maximum recommended dosage of 2.40. Having said that I knew a friend who did 2.50 which I totally disagree with since the medication has never been tested or proven safe above 2.50, nor proven to have any extra efficacy.
So, when I did 1.0, I just did a whole 1.0 from the green pens when they were available, when they were in shortage, just did two full dosages of the red pen (0.50 x 2).
When I moved up to 1.75, I used two pens in parallel, a red and a green one, taking a whole 1.0 from the green and a 0.25 + 0.75 from the red.
Note that when you inject multiple times even from the same pen, you MUST USE A FRESH NEEDLE, so even if you are doing three jabs at the same setting, seconds apart, you need three needles, because needles can get blunted from the first use and may get blocked with skin tissue, impeding flow in the subsequent dosage with the same needle.
Then I moved up, initially too lazy and reluctant to do 2.40 counting clicks, I just did 2.25 which was the closest possible without exceeding max allowed dose. I typically used 2 x 1.0 from the green pen and 1 x 0.25 from the red, till red pens ran out for several months, so had to count clicks and moved up to 2.40, so now I inject 2 x 1mg + 30 clicks (74 x 0.4 = 29.6, I am hardly exceeding since a whole click is hardly 0.014mg, and 0.40 of a click is even smaller, 0.005mg, so I am injecting 2.405, again the doctor approved).
To make the most out of my pens, I keep two pens open at any given time, and I put a rubber band on one to mark it as the pen I take whole 1mg's from, and the other is for the clicks. This way it is easier to track how much is left and it is cleaner to avoid leftover fractions in a pen.
Another pro-tip if you follow this: mark inside the pack how many you used of each, and to avoid the 0.40 pen being used over too long, you can use it for five weeks as your 0.40 clicks pen, then use the whole remaining 2.0mg on the sixth week as your whole 1mg pen so the pen is used up in six weeks rather than ten.
Conclusion - Which one should I be using?
Given the global supply shortage issues, I believe most of us would not have the luxury to make that choice themselves, however, given the choice, if both are of equal cost/equal accessibility/equally easy to acquire, then go for Wegovy to avoid having to do all the mathematical shenanigans and buying extra needles you would need with Ozempic.
If both are available but one is significantly more abundant and/or easier to get prescribed or approved and/or cheaper, go for the easiecheapemore accessible one regardless, as long as you can access it at sufficient quantity to get the weight loss dose.
P.S.: most of the above is applicable to other dual-brand GLP medications, for instance Saxenda and Victoza.
submitted by AussieAK to WegovyWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 02:39 Keffflon Rate my $139 60fps 26L ATX build

Hi everyone, Im new to this, and have only bought some old pc:s and replaced some parts before. Here i cut down a full ATX tower to 26L and replaced some components. I tried to look for bargain parts on the second hand market, and this is what I came up with. If you did something similar, please share it here.
These are my specs: Mob: ASUS ATX, 970+SB950 CPU: AMD FX-6300 Black Edition Processor, Socket AM3+, 6-Core 3.5GHz, 14MB, 95W, 32nm RAM:Samsung 4x 8GB DDR3-1600 (32GB) GPU: Gtx 1060 6 gb (short,around 20cm) PSU: Plexgear 500w
I will divide this post into the chapters Cheap,Fast and Small, then you can read the part that interests you.
Cheap I found this bargain old gaming pc with the same MoB, CPU and PSU listed above for $69.
I sold some of its parts: 8x2 DDR3 1866mhz RAM $20. 2 gb GPU $14 128 gb + 256 gb SSD $14 Blu ray player $28
I bought the following parts:
Samsung 4x 8GB DDR3-1600 $35 Gtx 1060 6 gb $57 Kingston 480gb SSD $54
The money i spent buying and the profit of the parts i managed to sell sums up to $139. The gaming pc also came with a 1TB HDD, that I kept, and hope to fit in later, if there is space.
Fast I am a beginner when it comes to optimizing a pc, so you have to help me here if I am measuring things wrong. I downloaded Userbenchmark, and it says I have 60 fps. Does this make sense with these components? Are some of my components making the pc slow?
Small I cut off the middle part of the pc tower, because there was just space for hard drives and the blu ray player. I only wanted one small SSD. I also cut off the bottom part and added the PSU to the top of the chassi. If you want to see more, I made an instructable: I might add the 1 TB HDD if there is space.
Please share some ideas, for example for air flow, as I dont know these things, and havent added the sides of the case yet. If you did something similar in the sense of cheap fast and small, please share it here.
submitted by Keffflon to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 02:12 Jordan_the_Hobo [Selling] [US] [H] Various Sealed Blu-rays [W] PayPal

[Selling] [US] [H] Various Sealed Blu-rays [W] PayPal
Shipping is $6 ($1 more for each additional) via USPS Media Mail (If you prefer another method just let me know) I’ll will accept either PayPal F&F or G&S. Buyer pays fees (3%) for G&S
All SEALED unless noted:
Standard Blu-rays:
12 Angry Men (1997) - 22
Avengers/Age of Ultron/Civil War 3D Bundle(Opened) - 23
The Blob w/slip (opened) - 60
Haywire - 10
Judgment Night - 23
The Love Witch - 34
submitted by Jordan_the_Hobo to u/Jordan_the_Hobo [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:37 Puntapig2013 Boxers Omen

Hey, Wondering if there's any chance Arrow would release the film separately and/or if any distributor has/plans to release this solo on a 4k/blu? really want the film but since it is notoriously hard to get I'm wondering if it makes sense to buy the whole set or if I have other options. BTW I do enjoy the Shaw movies and love quite a few others in that set but I already own most of them on separate discs so the set would mostly be for BO and some blind buys that interest me but aren't a real selling point
submitted by Puntapig2013 to boutiquebluray [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:32 Relevant-Purpose-912 Dose anyone have Lloyd DX legs? They would be willing to sell.

submitted by Relevant-Purpose-912 to Ninjago [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:29 zefpomp [H] Crypto, PayPal, CashApp, Zelle [H] Amazon/Prepaids [W] MANY Different Gift Cards [W] Crypto

I am a daily/long term buyer looking for the following gift cards:
Amazon(US, DE, UK, CA)**, Apple/iTunes, eBay, Gyft, eGifter, Target, Walmart, Best Buy, Home Depot, Lowes, Prepaid Visa/Mastercard**, GameStop, Steam, PSN, Razor Gold, Giant Eagle, Nike, Newegg, Sheetz, Staples, CostCo, Dollar General, CVS, Starbucks, DoorDash, Uber, Grubhub, and more!
**I am looking for frequent and/or bulk Amazon gift card sellers.
**Prepaids include tremendous, prepaiddigitalsolutions, myprepaidcenter, and many more.
The above list is not all inclusive, if you have another gift card you wish to trade, feel free to send me a message.
I am currently NOT buying: Disney, Google Play, Nintendo, Dominos, McDonalds, Burger King, Subway, Texas Roadhouse, Forever21, American Eagle, Chewy, Top Golf, Anything airline/theater related, or any type of subscription gift cards.
Most rates are 70%++, but my rates will fluctuate depending on the retailer, payment method, personal need, and the total amount/denominations. Please do not contact me asking for rates above 80%. I will attempt to beat other offers.
I can pay via Crypto(typically USDT, USDC, BTC, LTC), PayPal, CashApp, and Zelle. I can trade Amazon gift cards for other gift cards.


Amazon US
Stock: ~$1500, various denominations(typically $50-$250)
Price: 80-79% via Crypto
New stock daily, looking for redeemers
400x1 tremendous @ 88%
100x20 - thegiftcardshop
25x23 - giftbit @ 82%
25x48 - PDS/mypaymentvault @ 84%
90x7, 54, 50x7, 38x10, 35x10, 30x3, 27x3, 25x34, 20x42 - MPC @ 86-79%
submitted by zefpomp to GCTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:05 seeldoger47 [H] $1000 Amazon GC(s) $500 eBay $500 Apple [W] Western Union, LTC, Wise [H] PayPal, Cashapp, LTC, Apple Pay, Varo, Venmo [W] All Your Gift Cards

Warning: I will not message you first. If you were messaged by someone claiming to be me you are in the process of being scammed.

You can download the WesternUnion app and send the payment from your phone and I will pay the fees.
Desktop Users: Comment on this post and Click here to start a trade App Users, please include the following in your PM (Remember to comment on this post as well):
  • Type of card(s) and amount of each.
  • What payment method you accept.
  • How you acquired the GC and why you're getting rid of it.
Crypto4, Paypal1, Apple Pay, Chime, Cashapp, Varo, Venmo, and Western Union
I only have Steam as a substitute for cash payments in gift card trades.
Want ↓ Cash or a Gift Card ↓ Crypto4
Apple 60%3 NA 50% 50% 50% 50% 70% 55% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 30% 30%
Arrow Films 65% 60%
Barnes & Noble 50% 50%
Baskin Robbins 60% 60%
Best Buy 25% 25%
BJ's (not BJ's restaurant)3 60% NA
Bloomingdales 50% 50%
Burger King4 60% NA
Clothing Shops (Small Boutique) contact me contact me
Dell3 60% NA
Delta gift cards3 65% NA
Delta Sky Miles3 PM me NA
Delta Vouchers3 65% NA
Dicks Sporting Goods 3 PM me NA
Disney Plus PM me PM me
Dunkin Donuts3 60% NA
eBay 70% 70%
Fandango3 10% NA
Five Guys3 60% NA
Gamestop 60% 60%
Gas Station Cards3 PM me NA
Gyft 70% 70%
Half Price Books 50% 50%
iTunes3 60% NA
J crew 40% 40%
JCPenney 25% 25%
Jersey Mike Subs3 60% NA
KFC3 60% NA
Khols 30% 30%
Macys 35% 35% 40% 40%
McDonald's 3 60% NA
Microsoft3 60% NA
Moe’s Southwestern Grill3 60% NA
Nintendo Eshop3 70% NA
Nordstrom 50% 50%
Panera bread3 60% NA
PSN3 60 NA
PSN Plus 12 month3 NA NA
Saks Fifth Avenue 50% 50%
Sears 50% 50%
Sephora 50% 50%
Speedway (must be able to use on fuel)3 80% NA
Staples 50% 50%
Starbucks US only 55% 55%
Steam3 60% NA
Subway 3 PM me NA
Taco Bell 60% NA
Target 50% 50%
Urban Outfitters 50% 50%
Vudu3 50% NA
Walmart 60% 60%
Wendys3 60% NA
Xbox (gift cards)3 60% NA
Other Clothing Stores, Gas Stations, Grocery Stores, Restaurant, & Fast Food gift cards PM me
1 When paying via PayPal, I can only send payments via Goods and Services, thus you will be charged a fee. If you'd rather not face this fee there are plenty of alternatives. 2 Larger denominated gift cards preferred. 3 PayPal is the only payment option. 4 All crypto payments come from Coinbase. Any fees associated with it are built into the price.

What I don’t buy:

  • American Eagle
  • Bass Pro Shop
  • buffalo wild wing
  • California Pizza Kitchen
  • Canadian tire
  • Cold Stone
  • Dairy Queen
  • Fanatics
  • Giant Foods
  • Google Play
  • Grub Hub
  • Gymshark
  • Hilton Honors
  • Hot Topic
  • Krispy Kreme
  • old navy/gap/banana republic
  • Patxi's pizza
  • PSN Canada or UK
  • publix
  • Raceway
  • Scheels
  • Shell Gas Stations
  • Spotify
  • Starbucks Canada
  • Tractor supply
  • Xbox Canada or UK
  • Xbox live gold
Any fees are built into the price.


I have:
Up to $1000 in (can be broken up into smaller denominations) and am selling at
  • 90%: WesternUnion, Wise, Airtm (You can download the WesternUnion app and send the payment from your phone and I will pay the fees.)
  • 90%: LTC
Up to $500 in eBay (can be broken up into smaller denominations) and am selling at
  • 95%: WesternUnion, Wise, Airtm (You can download the WesternUnion app and send the payment from your phone and I will pay the fees.)
Up to $500 in ($15 and $50 denomination) and am selling at
  • 95%: WesternUnion, Wise, Airtm (You can download the WesternUnion app and send the payment from your phone and I will pay the fees.)
Important: before you send your codes please make sure your account is secure (if your password is not uniqe it's best to assume your account has already been compromised. Scams where compromised accounts are used to leverage reputation to scam an unsuspecting user, used to steal codes during the middle of the trade, and steal unused gift cards the victim was saving for later are increasingly commonplace. If you have any concerns as to your account's security, please reset your password now and force logout of all sessions. Thanks
submitted by seeldoger47 to giftcardexchange [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:04 seeldoger47 [H] $1000 Amazon, $500 eBay, $500 Apple [W] Western Union, LTC, Wise [H] PayPal, Cash App, Crypto, Chime, Apple Pay, Varo, Venmo [W] Apple, Amazon (CA, Com, DE, ES, FR, IT, UK), B&N, Dunkin, eBay, Grub Hub, Gyft, iTunes, JCPenney, Microsoft, PSN, Steam, Target, Uber, Walmart, Xbox + more

Warning: I will not message you first. If you were messaged by someone claiming to be me you are in the process of being scammed.

You can download the WesternUnion app and send the payment from your phone and I will pay the fees.
Desktop Users: Comment on this post and Click here to start a trade App Users, please include the following in your PM (Remember to comment on this post as well):
  • Type of card(s) and amount of each.
  • What payment method you accept.
  • How you acquired the GC and why you're getting rid of it.
Crypto4, Paypal1, Apple Pay, Chime, Cashapp, Varo, Venmo, and Western Union
I only have Steam as a substitute for cash payments in gift card trades.
Want ↓ Cash or a Gift Card ↓ Crypto4
Apple 60%3 NA 50% 50% 50% 50% 70% 55% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 30% 30%
Arrow Films 65% 60%
Barnes & Noble 50% 50%
Baskin Robbins 60% 60%
Best Buy 25% 25%
BJ's (not BJ's restaurant)3 60% NA
Bloomingdales 50% 50%
Burger King4 60% NA
Clothing Shops (Small Boutique) contact me contact me
Dell3 60% NA
Delta gift cards3 65% NA
Delta Sky Miles3 PM me NA
Delta Vouchers3 65% NA
Dicks Sporting Goods 3 PM me NA
Disney Plus PM me PM me
Dunkin Donuts3 60% NA
eBay 70% 70%
Fandango3 10% NA
Five Guys3 60% NA
Gamestop 60% 60%
Gas Station Cards3 PM me NA
Gyft 70% 70%
Half Price Books 50% 50%
iTunes3 60% NA
J crew 40% 40%
JCPenney 25% 25%
Jersey Mike Subs3 60% NA
KFC3 60% NA
Khols 30% 30%
Macys 35% 35% 40% 40%
McDonald's 3 60% NA
Microsoft3 60% NA
Moe’s Southwestern Grill3 60% NA
Nintendo Eshop3 70% NA
Nordstrom 50% 50%
Panera bread3 60% NA
PSN3 60 NA
PSN Plus 12 month3 NA NA
Saks Fifth Avenue 50% 50%
Sears 50% 50%
Sephora 50% 50%
Speedway (must be able to use on fuel)3 80% NA
Staples 50% 50%
Starbucks US only 55% 55%
Steam3 60% NA
Subway 3 PM me NA
Taco Bell 60% NA
Target 50% 50%
Urban Outfitters 50% 50%
Vudu3 50% NA
Walmart 60% 60%
Wendys3 60% NA
Xbox (gift cards)3 60% NA
Other Clothing Stores, Gas Stations, Grocery Stores, Restaurant, & Fast Food gift cards PM me
1 When paying via PayPal, I can only send payments via Goods and Services, thus you will be charged a fee. If you'd rather not face this fee there are plenty of alternatives. 2 Larger denominated gift cards preferred. 3 PayPal is the only payment option. 4 All crypto payments come from Coinbase. Any fees associated with it are built into the price.

What I don’t buy:

  • American Eagle
  • Bass Pro Shop
  • buffalo wild wing
  • California Pizza Kitchen
  • Canadian tire
  • Cold Stone
  • Dairy Queen
  • Fanatics
  • Giant Foods
  • Google Play
  • Grub Hub
  • Gymshark
  • Hilton Honors
  • Hot Topic
  • Krispy Kreme
  • old navy/gap/banana republic
  • Patxi's pizza
  • PSN Canada or UK
  • publix
  • Raceway
  • Scheels
  • Shell Gas Stations
  • Spotify
  • Starbucks Canada
  • Tractor supply
  • Xbox Canada or UK
  • Xbox live gold
Any fees are built into the price.


I have:
Up to $1000 in (can be broken up into smaller denominations) and am selling at
  • 90%: WesternUnion, Wise, Airtm (You can download the WesternUnion app and send the payment from your phone and I will pay the fees.)
  • 90%: LTC
Up to $500 in eBay (can be broken up into smaller denominations) and am selling at
  • 95%: WesternUnion, Wise, Airtm (You can download the WesternUnion app and send the payment from your phone and I will pay the fees.)
Up to $500 in ($15 and $50 denomination) and am selling at
  • 95%: WesternUnion, Wise, Airtm (You can download the WesternUnion app and send the payment from your phone and I will pay the fees.)
Important: before you send your codes please make sure your account is secure (if your password is not uniqe it's best to assume your account has already been compromised. Scams where compromised accounts are used to leverage reputation to scam an unsuspecting user, used to steal codes during the middle of the trade, and steal unused gift cards the victim was saving for later are increasingly commonplace. If you have any concerns as to your account's security, please reset your password now and force logout of all sessions. Thanks
submitted by seeldoger47 to GCTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 23:29 forgetthat- This issue continues Amazon and Walmart DO charge differently to different customers? Reference "3 yr. ago S-180303 Does Amazon charge differently to different customers?"

I love Brach's Spicy Jelly Beans, I do not buy them to sell them, I buy them because I eat them all year round. But my point here is what does it cost ME to buy them? Today the price for me is? See attach pages you will see my screen and today's date. Amazon shows that I can buy a 9 oz bag for $5.50, Walmart says I can a 9 oz bag for $7.99. This is not just because Easter was 3 months ago, the prices were just as high. I could go to the physical Walmart store and buy a 9 oz bag of Spicy Jelly beans for $1.64 in the weeks before Easter, and after Easter on sale I could buy the same bag for .82 cents see my reciepts. Is it fair or legal for companies to take advantage on individual customers? It appear so. Right now I challenge you to see how much it costs to buy a 9 oz bag of Brach's Spicy jelly beans from either of these companies, and post it here. I have images but can not post them. Why Reddit
submitted by forgetthat- to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 23:16 skatemessup98 Oh, what a wonderful day it is!

Oh, what a wonderful day it is!
One copy of Mad Max left and the Walmart Employee was nice enough to go in the back and grab me Godzilla! He’s like oh I guess we can sell this today! Lol
submitted by skatemessup98 to Steelbooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:52 ZombieJoker FYI Grindhouse Video

Received an email today from Grindhouse Video that said the following:
Before I get into the explanation, please know that everything is business as usual here. There will be no issues with shipping or getting stock right now. Other than not accepting Paypal anymore you will not see any difference.
Now, on to the explanation...
I have been using Paypal for Grindhouse Video since the beginning, close to 10 years now. Even longer for my personal use before the store. I have had my issues with them in the past but the latest issue is the final straw for me.
My distrust of Paypal started in April and May of 2021 when we had a crazy Arrow sale that pushed me to my limits. It was an unforeseen, crazy sale that ended up with over 6500 orders in a two week period. I called them once I realized there would be an influx of orders coming in and they assured me they would monitor it. I did this because I knew they would disable accounts for this reason. Once the sale was over I was working 10-12 hour days getting all the orders shipped as fast as possible. Then... we couldn't pay for shipping. I contacted Paypal and they said the account was under review because of the influx of orders and I couldn't use the funds to continue shipping even though that was the reason they put my account under review. I was forced to shut down the site and I gave them an ultimatum... Get my account live within 24 hours or I would pull all my funds and never use them again. I was able to start shipping again the next day. A small win for the little guy.
Last week I got an email from Paypal asking for my ID and a general description of what the business did. I have had to do the same thing multiple times throughout the years. I gave them the information they asked for and they said my account would be restored within 5 days. Now, this happens from time to time with them. Usually the within the next day or two all is back to normal. This time, I have not heard back from them and my account is still under investigation. During this time I can accept payments (they don't want to miss out on their fees) but I cannot touch the money in my account. No payments. No withdraws. No bank transfers. Nothing.
I add funds to my bank account when needed to pay bills like rent, utilities, insurance, taxes and a few vendors. I do not keep a large amount in my actual bank account.
I just got off the phone with someone from Paypal who told me that they are looking more closely into my account because I had violated one of their terms of service. I asked which term of service I violated. The answer... Weapons.
Weapons?! I sell Blu-Rays and DVDs. I don't own a gun. I've never owned a gun. I don't like guns. I am not a gun person.
They basically said that the investigation will continue and there is no ETA on when I'll have access to my funds. This could take weeks or months. It's up to them. I also had to contact them about this. No one has said a word to me from Paypal. No one has had any follow up questions. Nothing.
So, since I cannot access the funds that would go into the Paypal account for an undetermined amount of time I will no longer be using them as a payment provider. Ever. Once I get my access back I will be taking all money out of Paypal and will never use them again. I am sorry if this effects any of my customers.
I am done with them saying that they are for small businesses when they are NOT! They punish those who have a crazy sale. They punish those who are just trying to keep their business running smoothly. They don't care about you or your business. They will do whatever they want, whenever they want. Why? Because they can and they don't care.
This may hurt my sales. I hope it doesn't. We'll see I guess.
Sorry for the rambling but I wanted everyone to know why this decision had to be made.
Thank you for your time.
Just thought everyone would want to know.
submitted by ZombieJoker to boutiquebluray [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:47 KevLev9 Fiscal Monsoon: T-Minus 72 Hours

Fiscal Monsoon: T-Minus 72 Hours
This will likely be my last post here. Have you been paying attention to the real news? This sub and others have become overrun with fear mongering drudgery leading to soulful torment. Yes, I’m talking to you. Wake up.
I’m not going to insult your intelligence by discussing the national debt levels and the interest repayment reaching cataclysmic, un-payable levels. No. I’m spending my time writing this not to instill fear either, as I am a Christian and trust this is truly not my home. Peel layers.
We've sat by idly, being gaslit for 4 years. Inflation is nominal and transitory, unemployment is superb below 4%, the economy is strong! Or so they say.
For those paying attention our 50-year agreement, established on June 8th 1974, with Saudi Arabia creating the petrodollar system just expired. This agreement forced the Saudi’s to only sell oil in USD, in return we would supply militant equipment and protection, thereby strengthening the need for dollars throughout the world. Ha! “We don’t need them, we produce more oil anyhow!”, or so I’ve been told. EVERYTHING has been priced in USD since then. Countries buy and sell oil, the main commodity in USD, therefore wheat, rice, barley, coal, etc. are all purchased with USD through ought the world since they were already using it to purchase oil from the Sauds’.
The BRICs nations are meeting today and tomorrow - 6/10 & 6/11. G7 Nations meeting Thursday and Friday - 6/13 & 6/14. Federal Reserve is deciding to halt, cut, or increase rates Wednesday - 6/12. Pivotal.
The Biden Administration is once again gaslighting, saying they are “Close to finalizing an agreement with Saudi Arabia” as reporting by Reuters and WSJ. Is that so? Saudi's minister is currently in Russia at BRICs with 97 other countries and has officially announced they joined the Chinese “M-bridge” digital platform for cross border-payments, as of this past week. Chinese declare US enemies. Russia declare US enemies. All part of BRICs. Are you tracking yet?
To Come
I have a deep belief we are about to see rampant dumping of US treasuries and bonds held by BRICs nations this week, weakening the dollar. Once this begins other countries will need to sell as well to support their countries’ currencies, we’ve already seen this with the Japanese Yen in recent months. There is a chance my timeline is off, and it is slow rolled, but certainly not rickrolled. This will happen in 2024 no matter election results. BRICs nations have been working on a gold back currency and have rumored to peg it at 55:1 - USD to BRICs currency. Bretten Woods Agreement 2.0, and we aren't at the table.
"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." - Sun Tzu
To subdue the threats of the US, BRICs is poised to cut off the artery supplying the opposition to their global power, the USD. Cannot supply weapons to enemies of BRICs if their is no underlying wealth.
Gold purchases by top BRICS Countries
I write this to break you from the brain rot, fear pron cycle the system has you in. To inject a dose of reality and ultimately out of love for my fellow man/woman.
Have you met yourneighbors? Read your bible? Put your phone down? Is money your God? What will you do if the grocery store has no food? Do you own Gold, Silver, Bitcoin? Do you have food and water available? Ammo? Weapons? Do you know where you go after death?
If these questions give you fear, I pray you find peace. These are legitimate questions for family preservation and survivability. Call it doomsday prepping if you will, it is spiritually and physically readiness for battle, as we have been at war. Denying it doesn't prepare you, you are subdued.
Some will listen, others will not. A dollar currency collapse is on the cusp and Americans will continue to complain about their sports teams, overpay for coffee, and indulge in the vanity of social media. Voting red, blue, green doesn’t change this reality we ALL face. The debt has been accumulated over generations from all our benevolent public servants; we so adamantly severed relationships supporting.
If this lever is pulled by BRICs, the reality you’ve known will shatter.
Trust only in Jesus, our Messiah. May he come soon.
submitted by KevLev9 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:41 Novasonic13 [FOR SALE] VGM vinyl, Oingo Boingo, Interpol, HORSE the band, Iced Earth, Radiohead, High on Fire, Captain Beefheart, DFA1979, more!

Hey everyone, needing some shelf space and some extra cash so letting some stuff go. All records are VG-NM, happy to provide pictures on request. Paypal G&S only, prices include G&S fee and shipping. US only. Shipping out Wednesday, 6/12. Will make deals on multiples. Not looking for trades atm. DM if interested, thanks for looking!
Oingo Boingo - Dead Man's Party (orange translucent) $45
Oingo Boingo - Good For Your Soul (orange and yellow splatter) $45
Iced Earth - The Dark Saga (blue vinyl) $65
Lena Raine - Celeste OST (pink/purple, first pressing) $45
Austrian Death Machine - Total Brutal (yellow-orange vinyl) $60
Guilty Gear OST - Daisuke Ishiwatari (red opaque black pinwheel/blue opaque black pinwheel) $65
Guilty Gear Xrd Sound Live 2014 Archives (red with black swirl) $80
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies (Irish flag splatter) $50
Church of Misery - Master of Brutality (gold sparkle) $50
Interpol - Antics (15th anniversary edition white vinyl) $50
Interpol - Our Love to Admire (blue sky vinyl) - $45
Queen+Paul Rodgers - The Cosmos Rocks (boxset, sealed) $60
Czarface & MF DOOM - Czarface Meets Metal Face (numbered random one of a kind colors edition) $50
Czarface - Double Dose of Danger (RSD edition with comic book, sealed) $50
Lite - Phantasia $55
HORSE the Band - Your Fault (orange and yellow pinwheel, sealed) $55
Baroness - Red Album (Red and Purple Half 'n Half With Mustard, White And Hot Pink Splatter) $45
Radiohead - OK Computer OKNOTOK 1997 2017 $50
Future - DS2 (RSD deluxe edition, teal) $50
High on Fire - Snakes for the Divine (orange with translucent black splatter, small crease in bottom corner) $45
Captain Beefheart - Trout Mask Replica (RSD 2019, sealed) $45
Death From Above 1979 - Heads Up (orange/white split) $50
submitted by Novasonic13 to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:38 triforcin I’m done with Bose

Apple Pay will not work, they will not accept my credit card despite my bank not declaring it fraud. All I wanted was the 15 dollar replacement bands for my QC Ultra earbuds, but no. No one on the phone can help, and when they stated I should go to Best Buy or Walmart, neither sell that in store. They were also unable to see if stores sell that, because why would they? That would be good customer service and Bose doesn’t do that. I am switching to Sony. Absolutely ridiculous.
5 pairs of earbuds. Head phones. Sound bars. 8 years. I’m done with Bose.
submitted by triforcin to bose [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:20 DalekSaxon Selling My Entire Collection - Auctions and Updates.

Selling My Entire Collection - Auctions and Updates.
Everything is now packed up and auction listings will go live as soon as this is posted so by the time you check the link there should be stuff up for bidding. It took longer than expected mostly because I vastly overestimated my stamina. Thought it would be easy just putting figures in boxes even in my weakened state. Nope, that was naive of me and it took awhile since I insisted on handling the monsterarts stuff myself. Anyways it’s done now and while I’m still going through other stuff to sell the figures I care about are ready to be shipped to new and hopefully better homes.
There will be 8 rounds of auctions and I’ll list them below at the end. First I want to get some updates on some of the figures I have. Some good, some bad, some…. I don’t even know how to describe it.
Across the board though, all figures and their boxes have been accounted for. Some boxes are better shape than others, some don’t have the P-Bandai brown box, and all of them are bit dusty. They’ve been sitting in open air untouched for around 3 months while I was indisposed and couldn’t give them the glow up they deserve.
Good News first:
Destoroyah Aggregate set - can confirm all limbs and pieces are attached. They fall off if you even think about them, but when I put them in box it was fully complete. I even threw in the flight stand the flying form stand I got for him that he was on for free because Bandai couldn’t be bothered to do it.
Mothra/Battra Adult forms - all their limbs and appendages are also on it so they are complete. Stands completely suck though get custom ones or like have them displayed in ways where they’re most stable. Seriously a light breeze makes them fall. Also bad news about the Mothra figure… it is still Mothra and Mothra sucks and I can’t fix that… I apologize.
Godzilla 2019 Poster Version - Apparently I did have the background display stand thing and forgot about it. It will be included in the auction, but no… no Japanese blu ray collection as I didn’t get that.
Toho Godzilla Effect 2 - I found this and apparently have this. I thought I didn’t so I didn’t list in the previous post. Found and was surprised so yeah another thing to sell. This should make all 2 of you desperately hunting this thing happy as I’m sure it’s a hotly sought after item.
Bad News time
Godzilla Junior - does have marks from when the dog chewed it (wasn’t even my dog). It is not terrible and I point to the marks in photos, but yeah definitely not prestine or flawless.
Baby Godzilla - one of the connector pieces is missing it came like that and forgot it was missing a piece. It’s not the end of the world but those looking for complete set I’m sorry.
Ghidorah 2019 OG - honestly that whole figure sucks and I’m just listing it here to vent. One of the wing stands is broke, I’m pretty sure it’s missing a stand piece, the left wing falls off ALL THE TIME, right tail falls off all the time, and I just hate it. I previously said no love lost with this figure, now however… Yeah I’ll be glad when this thing goes. Figure itself is “fine” as in nothing itself is broken or damaged it’s just a pain and honestly only for those REALLY DESPERATE for a 2019 Ghidorah monsterarts.
Rodan and Mothra 2019 - as stated in the previous post the claw connector for Rodan just will not attach to the flight stand. The other piece does connect so he can get airborne but honestly I recommend a custom stand. Also mothras wings like to droop and again it’s still Mothra and I can’t fix that.
Kiryu 2003 - this one hurts. One of the 2003 Kiryu figures is missing the end cap thing that plugs into the elbow. It has the other one, but the one I point to in the photo yeah it just wasn’t in the box and is lost to time. The other 2003 Kiryu does have the end caps and is fully complete. The “incomplete” one is up for auction first so I’m making it clear there right now.
The I don’t know how to describe.
Mechagodzilla Poster Version - So I didn’t fully disassemble him, just enough to where he fit in the styrofoam slots and got put back in the box. I was just too afraid to attempt fully that. So to anyone who gets that uhhhh good luck with that stress. It’s fully complete and still intact. It’s up to you how to work it though.
Thats the major ones if anyone has any other questions about any other figure I’ll be sure to answer them.
Anyways auctions are going up that will be 7 days long and there will be 8 rounds over the next 8 weeks every Monday and I can and will ship internationally if possible. Everything is up for auction, no buyouts and no offers. Starting bids range from $50 USD to $100 USD. I’m basically putting them up at non-scalper prices and whatever happens is what happens. The market will decide what they are worth not me.
Here is the list of the rounds that will happen every Monday.
Round 1
Kong 2021 Godzilla 2021 Kiryu 2003 Gigan 2004 Frozen Shin Super MechaGodzilla Toho Godzilla Effect 2 Gamera 99 OG Godzilla 2014 Godzilla 1995
Round 2
Space Godzilla OH Moguera Godzilla 2019 Mothra and Rodan 2019 King Ghidorah 2019 OG Baby Godzilla Godzilla 2000 Special Color Mechagodzilla 2021 Godzilla 1994 Hedorah
Round 3
Jet Jaguar Singular Point Rodan singular point Godzilla ultima Shin Godzilla og release Godzilla 2014 spitfire Gamera 1996 Godzilla 1989 music box edition Mechagodzilla 1974 Gigan 1972 Godzilla 1972
Round 4
Godzilla 1964 og Mechagodzilla 1993 og Garuda Set Fire rodan og Godzilla 1991 King Ghidorah 1991 Burning Godzilla 2019 Godzilla 2017 Godzilla 1954 shin godzilla night combat version
Round 5
Godzilla 1993 poster version Mechagodzilla 1993 poster version Godzilla 2014 Poster version Gigan 2004 og second release Gamera 1999 decisive battle Iris Mothra and Battra larva Godzilla 2001 blue spine edition Godzilla Minus One Kong 2021 exclusive version
Round 6
Super X 2 set Mothra adult Battra adult Destoroyah little guy set Godzilla 1989 Biollante og release Godzilla 1964 dirty version Comic con explosion Godzilla Godzilla 2019 blue berry version Ghidorah 2019 special color version
Round 7
Burning Godzilla 1995 Steamy Version Destoroyah Special color version Super X3 set Godzilla Junior Gamera 2023 Godzilla 2019 night edition Shin godzilla form 2 and 3 Gigan 2004 final battle version Godzilla 2004 Monster x
Round 8
Godzilla 2019 poster color version Shin Godzilla 4th form awakening Kiryu 2003 second one Godzilla 2000 og color Godzilla 1995 Eva color Mecha king ghidorah final battle version Godzilla earth Godzolla 2001 og Gamers 1995 Godzilla 1962
Also the final two figures in the photos are Godzilla 2002 and Kiryu 2002. They are not on any round or auction list. I desperately want to keep them as they’re my favorite figures from my favorite film. I’m not stupid though, I know how much Kiryu can go for especially since it’s the final battle version. If all these auctions go poorly I will sell it last along with the 02 Godzilla. I really don’t and hope it doesn’t come to that.
And that’s it, if anyone has any question for any figure or whatever comment or dm me. Also since I’m basically selling almost everything of value I own if you want to buy something else that isn’t Godzilla like my figma Gridman and gridknight, thank you I appreciate it. I appreciate all the comments and message I got as well and while I didn’t want it to end this way I’m grateful it’s ending happily instead of bitterly.
Take care and good luck with the auctions. I hope everyone gets what they want. Happy collecting!
submitted by DalekSaxon to SHMonsterArts [link] [comments]