Allegra or zyrtec for sinus problem

AITAH for being tired of taking care of my sick parent(s)?

2024.05.21 20:01 handmea AITAH for being tired of taking care of my sick parent(s)?

Warning: this is gonna be long and kinda dark. Sorry.
A little backstory I guess. Both of my parents are very stubborn and set in their ways, they have food aversions that have negatively affected their health. I love them and they have done the best they can, but their stubbornness has definitely fast tracked their negative health. My mom has been sick most of my life.
Late last year, my dad got diagnosed with early stage colon cancer. A week after his diagnosis, my mom fell into a coma.
She had to be transported to a nursing rehab facility over 80 miles away, because she has been off and on, but mostly on, a ventilator. Lots of infections every couple weeks that bounce her in and out of the hospital. She is ultimately going to pass away, and I’ve made peace with this. I would preferably have it happen sooner than later so she doesn’t suffer.
Now my dad… bless his heart, chemo destroyed his stomach lining. He went through chemo while my mom has been sick, and I felt awful that he had to go through that while mom has been so sick. He was so sick for 4 months that he could hardly get water down, let alone any solid food. It took 7 ER visits and him passing out three times for them to finally admit him to the hospital.
I am an only child (I have a sibling who lives on the other side of the world and doesn’t give a shit if they live or die). My husband helps so much with everything, but it’s obviously a very overwhelming situation for the both of us.
For the last two months, I’ve been begging my dad for us to take my mom off life support. It’s exhausting to constantly worry about her, and I KNOW this isn’t what she would want. I hardly get to see her, she gets sick every other week, and she has no quality of life. I have tried to be very understanding with my dad because I know he hasn’t been able to see her and it’s killing him. I want him to spend time with her before she passes. But he isn’t doing anything to help his own health that will allow him to go see her.
He still has a lot of weakness (due to other health conditions unrelated to cancer), but he is just now beginning to eat normally again. That being said, I’ve BEGGED (begged is an understatement - I’ve CRIED to him about this) for him to RELAX and STOP DOING THINGS AROUND THE HOUSE when he feels like he is having a good day. Just because he’s feeling strong, doesn’t mean he has that strength.
I’ve had a sinus infection the last few days and haven’t been over to clean his house. Yesterday, he decided he’d take all the trash out (which is a big physical task at the house), along with riding the lawn mower around to mow the front and back lawn. Problem is, his lawn mower ran out of gas so he had to walk around the yard to get things finished.
This lead to him being SO weak today, that it took him over an hour to lift himself off the toilet. He calls me early this morning, frantically FREAKING out because he had tripped over his charger and broken it, his phone was on 1%, and he “needed his phone in case he fell or got stuck on the toilet”.
I want to reiterate - I have BEGGED him to stop doing so much, because he only gets this weak when he overexerts himself. I am sick right now, I haven’t been able to visit my mom in a week, and now I’m about to clean his house because he’s too weak to stand up and even get himself a drink.
AITAH for being tired of this shit? I feel like my dad is disrespecting me by not following my simple wishes of him to just relax and let me do things for him, so he can get his strength back. He can’t sit still and let that happen, and its keep us from seeing my mom, and allowing her to finally be at rest.
I’m exhausted and I’m tired of having to parent my dad. He won’t eat anything good for him, won’t do the few things I ask of him that will ultimately help him heal quicker, and I’m stuck in the middle of him and mom. My husband has been so amazing and helpful, but I feel awful for asking so much of him, we just recently got married and it feels like the first year of our marriage has just been about taking care of my parents.
I just want peace for my mom, health for my dad, and time off for me and my husband to relax for once. And I feel like a piece of shit for wanting that, but my health is deteriorating (my hair is falling out from stress) and I’m only 26. I feel like I’ve thrown away my twenties in order to care for them, because I have. And I feel like an asshole for feeling that way, but I’m just so tired.
Thanks for reading if you got this far.
submitted by handmea to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:18 prettytired25 Insane flares??? Help!

Hi y'all. I'm pretty much at my wits end.
I have a dermatologist appointment today but thought I'd ask around here anyway.
Backstory: I had eczema when I was really really young, honestly so young that the only thing I remembered of it was having a patch of it on my butt and my mom applying cream to it and then never really dealing with it ever again. She thought I had eczema on my face though it appeared as white patches and I vaguely remember this but for at least a decade or more I did not have eczema. My skin was perfect, genuinely so clear I didn't have to use much product on it.
Fast forward to November of 2019; I started taking hormonal birth control and noticed within a few months that I started getting eczema patches (also was having facial rashes but I thought this was due to trying out a new skincare) I went to the dermatologist who prescribed me Triamcinolone 0.1% ointment for my body rashes. I don't ever EVER remember using steroids much. I'd use it one to two days, and would stop when it starts to fade. Anyway my eczema was pretty lowkey in general and in 2021, we adopted a cat. I did notice my eczema worsening slightly ever since getting my cat but was managing with Triamcinolone (I think at this point my dermatologist prescribed me a tub of it I think December of 2021)
Again, I don't use steroid much and when I do I think it's really just for emergencies (my eczema was genuinely such a secondary aspect of my life I don't even remember much of how I managed it other than letting it ride and maybe applying steroid when needed). I remember the tub expired and I hadn't used even half of the ointment. I was also prescribed Mometasone and Fluoccionide? But I never used either of them as I didn't feel comfortable to.
In September of 2022, I caught COVID while overseas and it caused a pretty gnarly flare on the inner side of my elbows. Since I was overseas I just managed with moisturizing but I remember applying steroid when I came home. We adopted a second cat later this year.
Since then I think my eczema HAVE gotten worse, but there was a period of at least 6 months where I wasn't using steroid creams at all because I was either just dealing with it or it was barely there.
Fast forward to 2023.
I noticed a rash on the top of my right hand that I was initially managing with just moisturizing. But I remember having such intense itch on this rash that I kept itching, and at one point I itched with my shirt and it caused it to be infected. It was so gnarly, bright red, oozing, literally would not stop oozing, painful. I went back to my dermatologist 5 days later when I realized that oh this might be worse than just a regular eczema. She gave me Mupirocin and another tube of Triamcinolone (since my previous one expired) as well as a course of Doxycycline. I used the Mupirocin as directed for I think 10 days, and was not yet using Triamcinolone as I was worried about using it when it looked like there were still open wounds on it. I didn't finish my Doxy course because it was giving me horrible stomach pains. I came back to the dermatologist January 3rd and she told me it was OK to use Triamcinolone twice daily up to two weeks.
At this point I was already having eczema rash on my arms as well and some on my back but I don't think I was using Triamcinolone much on them (I'm pretty sporadic with using the steroid, I never really committed to the full 2 weeks)
Now, this is where things became a doozy.
January 5th: Caught strep, had difficulty breathing and had to go to urgent care. I was prescribed antibiotics, Prednisone (20mg, twice daily for 5 days), and Albuterol. I had asthma when I was younger and it's almost like it came back when I caught strep. My eczema was calm during this time and I thought it was because it rained a lot this week but now I realized it may be the Prednisone. Could not remember if I was using Triamcinolone as well on my hand during this time.
Sometime in early February: Went for a run and literally rolled my ankle so bad. Unrelated to everything else but my body sustained injury and looking back at old pictures I was starting to get patches of eczema on my legs.
Then I caught what felt like the flu in mid February and this is the first time my eczema flared to my face. My left eye was half swollen but at this time I thought it was from my sinus being blocked as it went away in a few days (though the rash stayed).
Early March: Got admitted to the hospital from Appendicitis. I spent 3 nights at the hospital and my eczema was literally non existent. No itchiness, just intense dryness but nothing else. I remember my friend noting my face was super dry but my rashes were slowly drying out. To be fair I was in so much pain the first day I was knocked out most the time from the pain medication they gave me and I was on a couple antibiotics due to the infection.
I came home from the hospital and this is when things start to really get insane. I got home, laid in bed, and immediately could not stop itching my neck and body. My face became swollen the next day but I was unable to take allergy meds because I was on antibiotics and had to wait for that course to be done. That eventually settled out.
I figured maybe I was having an allergic reaction to the cats (and thought maybe my mattress too, we had vacuumed it a few times and I suspected it disturbed the dust mites inside). I slept outside and on an air mattress for I think a few days, if not up to a week. The cats were still sleeping with me at this time and I was somewhat itchy but it wasn't the worst. Then I decided I was going to sleep in the bedroom again and this caused the worst flare I had ever ever EVER gone through. My face became so swollen, my left eye swollen again and it was oozing (this had NEVER happened to me before other than my infected hand) I don't know why this oozed since I never scratched my face, and my inner elbows, wrists and top of right hand got so red and puffy. At this point too my eczema on my right hand was starting to spread towards my palm. These areas also got pretty dry especially on my face. I called Teladoc Dermatology and they prescribed me Mupirocin for the oozing, Tacrolimus for the inflammation on my face and Triamcinolone for the body. He told me to apply Mupirocin first until the oozing calms, then stop and apply the other ointments.
At this point I had become SO SO SO terrified of TSW. It was all over my Tik Tok, my algorithm, I couldn't stop thinking and worrying about it and fearing that this flare is because I'm going through it. He told me to use Triamcinolone for twice daily for two weeks, then once daily for two weeks, then every other day for two weeks to help prevent rebound. I only used Triamcinolone twice daily for 5 days, then I did once daily for a few more days and by the time I saw my current dermatologist, I was using it every other day (I essentially tried to taper within the two weeks).
My current derma prescribed me Clobetasol and told me to mix 2oz of Clobetasol with 7.5oz of Vanicream or Cerave and smear myself in it once a day at night for one week, then once a day at night every other day for the second week. It was a very controlled instruction.
BUT I was SO afraid of TSW that I did not do this.
Instead, I took a one week break and I did 3 weeks of Triamcinolone, and even then I did it sporadically. I did about 10 days of once daily and then the second half I did twice daily. When I started doing twice daily was when I finally saw some improvements.
The problem is it has been a week since I last used any steroids and I have rebounded. Although my eczema rash genuinely looks so weird and I am having the dermatologist look at it properly today. My arms are constantly dry, my right hand (the problem spot since December) now have what looks like blisters on them and I never have eczema that look like this even though it's apparently common. The frustrating thing is that it feels like my eczema just keeps spreading. They are full body and it's freaking me out because it looks as if I have TSW even though I don't think I ever used steroids for that long at all, and I was only prescribed it back in 2020.
To be fair I thought I should've committed to the Clobetasol treatment because then we can see if the strongest steroid worked or not but I felt like I was going to flare again anyway and didn't want to use something really strong only for it to not work.
I had an allergy test done and I am allergic to both species of dust mites, dogs, cats, along with some other environmental things. I just don't understand why I am only now flaring uncontrollably like this. I am 95% covered in eczema. Either spots or just straight up long red rash. I am taking antihistamines daily and have been taking Probiotic pills pretty consistently (partly because I was on so many antibiotics back to back). I've been using Hyphocolorus Acid Spray as well.
On Sunday night, I tried to sleep over at my friend's place who did not have cats to test and see if my cats are my main trigger and I kept waking up itching myself, both my arms and legs and my chin and neck started oozing again. Which was INSANE as I did not itch either of them. The oozing on both have mostly stopped (I've only used Mupirocin and Vaseline to help control the infection and moisturize) but I just don't understand.
I'm scared, I have never had eczema become so severe so fast and I'm genuinely so scared. Something feels wrong but I don't know what it is. The way my eczema looks look like a combination of an allergic reaction and just a rash but I don't understand how I can have such an intense allergic reaction towards things I've been around all the time. We've lived in the same place since June of last year and the only thing I can think of is that we had the heater on almost daily in the winter and we found out end of April that our heater is incredibly dusty.
I'm getting my IUD removed next week as well as I'm confident birth control has something to do with my eczema coming back, and I plan to get allergy shots.
I'm just tired, it's consumed my life and it's causing me a lot of health anxiety. I look so genuinely terrible I can't even understand it.
submitted by prettytired25 to eczema [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:13 Fallout97 Hearing blocked unless I tilt my head

MED DETAILS: 27 years old. Male. 6’5”. 300lbs. I smoke cannabis regularly and a nicotine vape irregularly. I’ve had a tympanoplasty on my right ear, I had asthma as a kid, I have psoriasis, what feels like a hernia near my balls, and I have gnarly hemorrhoids. Oh and I haven’t seen a dentist in 9 years. The meds I take are Teva Salbutamol inhaler when my lungs aren’t clearing after a cold/infection, dovobet ointment for psoriasis, betaderm for psoriasis on my scalp, regular use of dermarest shampoo for psoriasis, and irregular use of Nizoral antifungal shampoo.
ISSUE: Basically my hearing is normally muffled in my right ear, but when I tilt my head I can hear drastically better. Like the sound of rushing air and higher frequencies come back. And I’m desperate for some kind of solution.
BACKSTORY: I’ve had issue with that ear my whole life. Many tubes as a child, then the eardrum fell apart during surgery and had to get a tympanoplasty. A year or so ago, for around 6 months it felt like their was a squeaky toy in my ear when I swallowed. The Doc who referred me to my old ENT thought maybe it could be some disfunction of the eustachian tube. Went to my ENT and he basically had no solution. Gave me a prescription for an “ear popper” and said it looked like there was a bit of slight calcification on my eardrum. The ear popper didn’t help much. Eventually that problem went away… until this April when I got very sick with a lung and sinus infection. Since then my hearing is blocked on the right and I can’t hardly unblock it. I’ve also noticed what seems like plaque psoriasis flairing up right at the entrance to my ear canal, but idk if that is related at all. I sleep on a couch, so I’ve wondered if there’s any chance it could have something to do with tense muscles in my neck…
It’ll be months before I can see my ENT, so if anyone could offer input, it would be greatly appreciated. I need to hear for work :(
submitted by Fallout97 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:42 Shadow_Dancer87 someone's vss theory on vss facebook group.. give a read..want to know what you think ratzor24

I spend a lot of time researching how our nervous system works and what may contribute to the development of Visual Snow and other symptoms. Remember that there is a lot of vital information that I do not know, and may greatly benefit our understanding of this condition. Visual snow is described as an "epileptic" firing in the visual system in the brain. (Tinnitus behaves very similarly but it is occurring in the auditory nerves) NMDA glutamate receptors, which are overexpressed after excitotoxic injury may well be the trigger of an increased spontaneous firing in the nerves. In turn, the brain would decode this increased firing as "visual snow" The idea is that remaining nerve endings have been damaged enough to overexpress NMDA Glutamate receptors, thus increasing their spontaneous firing.There are various factors that contribute to the development of this condition. Everybody first had an initial trigger, and this varies from person to person. Common causes include stress, trauma, recreational and prescription drugs, Lyme, mold, heavy metals, and other toxic exposures. But what they all result in is brain injury and neuronal damage. The severity varies from person to person. The consequences of such injury doesn't just cause break in communication between healthy neurons, but a cascade of events that can lead to further neuronal degeneration and cell death. That is where visual snow comes in. Think of a broken radio or a TV where it isn't able to receive and process incoming signals so the outcome is a lot of visual/auditory noise. Our brains behave in a similar manner when there is an interference with proper neuron function and communication.Another good example is a type of neuropathic pain called paresthesia where you experience tingling and pricking sensations in various parts of your body. When nerves are damaged, they can't communicate properly and that miscommunication causes symptoms such as pain, tingling or numbness.Medical researchers searching for new medications for visual snow often look to the connection between the nerve cells in the brain and the various agents that act as neurotransmitters, such as the central nervous system's primary excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. Visual snow can be caused when damaged brain cells emit an excess of glutamate. Many treatments use ingredients that work as glutamate antagonists, or inhibitors. Communication between nerve cells in the brain is accomplished through the use of neurotransmitters. There are many compounds that act as neurotransmitters including acetylcholine, serotonin, GABA, glutamate, aspartate, epinephrine, norpinephrine and dopamine. These chemicals attach to nerve cells at specific receptors that allow for only one type of neurotransmitter to attach.Some of the neurotransmitters are excitatory; leading to increased electrical transmission between nerve cells. Others are inhibitory and reduce electrical activity. The most common excitatory neurotransmitters are glutamate and aspartate while the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter is GABA. It is necessary for excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters to be in balance for proper brain function to occur.Communication over synapses between neurons are controlled by glutamate. When brain cells are damaged, excessive glutamate is released. Glutamate is well known to have neurotoxic properties when excessively released or incompletely recycled. This is known as excitotoxicity and leads to neuronal death.Excess glutamate opens the sodium channel in the neuron and causes it to fire. Sodium continues to flow into the neuron causing it to continue firing. This continuous firing of the neuron results in a rapid buildup of free radicals and inflammatory compounds. These compounds attack the mitochondria, the energy producing elements in the core of the neuron cell. The mitochondria become depleted and the neuron withers and dies.Excitotoxicity has been involved in a number of acute and/or degenerative forms of neuropathology such as epilepsy, autism, ALS, Parkinson’s, schizophrenia, migraines, restless leg syndrome, tourettes, pandas, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, Huntington's, seizures, insomnia, hyperactivity, OCD, bipolar disorder and anxiety disorders.(Doctors use two basic ways to correct this imbalance. The first is to activate GABA receptors that will inhibit the continuous firing caused by glutamate. The second way to correct the imbalance is use antogonists to glutamate and its receptor N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA). These are termed glutamate or NMDA antagonists. By binding with these receptors, the antagonist medication reduces glutamate-induced continuous firing of the neuron. This explains why some drugs like clonazepam and lamictal are able to help relieve symptoms in some patients. They help reduce excitatory action in the brain temporarily)Anxiety, depression, brain fog, depersonalization, visual disturbances (including visual snow, palinopsia, blue field entoptic phenomenon, photophobia, photopsia) headaches, tinnitus, are all common symptoms associated with increased excitatory activity in the brain. Excessive glutamate is the primary villain in visual snow.I strongly believe there are some genetic components that play a huge role in the development of Visual Snow and makes some individuals more susceptible to developing it. Normally, glutamate concentration is tightly controlled in the brain by various mechanisms at the synapse. There are at least 30 proteins that are membrane-bound receptor or transporter proteins at, or near, the glutamate synapse that control or modulate neuronal excitability. But in Visual Snow sufferers, my hypothesis is that we carry a faulty gene that results in dysregulation of the proteins that control and regulate glutamate excitability. They are unknown as more research will be needed.We live in a society where we are stressed emotionally, financially, physically and exposed to a range of toxins in our environment. Combining underlying genetic susceptibility with these other factors creates all the ingredients for a perfect storm.Stress + Infectious Agents (if any) + Toxins + Genetic Susceptibility = Health ConditionIncluded below is a list of things that can lead to excitotoxicity. The list includes trauma, drugs, environmental, chemicals and miscellaneous causes of brain cell damage. (Keep in mind everybody's bodies behave and react differently to various substances)-Severe Stress (Most people that are stressed out don’t realize that once the fight-or-flight response gets activated it can release things like cortisol and epinephrine into the body. Although these boost alertness, in major concentrations, the elevated levels of cortisol over an extended period of time can damage brain functioning and kill brain cells)-Free Radicals – Free radicals are highly-reactive forms of oxygen that can kill brain cells and cause brain damage. If the free radicals in your brain run rampant, your neurons will be damaged at a quicker rate than they can be repaired. This leads to brain cell death as well as cognitive decline if not corrected. (Common causes are unhealthy diet, lifestyle and toxic exposure)-Head Trauma (like concussion or contusion) MRI can detect damaged brain tissue BUT not damaged neurons. -Dehydration (severe)-Cerebal Hypoxia-Lyme disease-Narcolepsy-Sleep Apnea-Stroke-Drugs (recreational or prescription) -Amphetamine abuse-Methamphetamines-Antipsychotics-Benzodiazepine abuse-Cocaine-Esctasy -LSD-Cannabis-Tobacco-Inhalants-Nitrous Oxide-PCP-Steroids-Air Pollution-Carbon Monoxide-Heavy Metal Exposure (such as lead, copper and mercury)-Mold Exposure-Welding fumes-Formaldehyde-Solvents-Pesticides-Anesthesia-Aspartame-MSG (Monosodium Glutamate is found in most processed foods and is hidden under many various names)-Solvents-Chemotherapy-Radiation-Other toxic exposuresInside the Glutamate StormBy: Vivian Teichberg, and Luba Vikhanski"The amino acid glutamate is the major signaling chemical in nature. All invertebrates (worms, insects, and the like) use glutamate for conveying messages from nerve to muscle. In mammals, glutamate is mainly present in the central nervous system, brain, and spinal cord, where it plays the role of a neuronal messenger, or neurotransmitter. In fact, almost all brain cells use glutamate to exchange messages. Moreover, glutamate can serve as a source of energy for the brain cells when their regular energy supplier, glucose, is lacking. However, when its levels rise too high in the spaces between cells—known as extracellular spaces—glutamate turns its coat to become a toxin that kills neurons.As befits a potentially hazardous substance, glutamate is kept safely sealed within the brain cells. A healthy neuron releases glutamate only when it needs to convey a message, then immediately sucks the messenger back inside. Glutamate concentration inside the cells is 10,000 times greater than outside them. If we follow the dam analogy, that would be equivalent to holding 10,000 cubic feet of glutamate behind the dam and letting only a trickle of one cubic foot flow freely outside. A clever pumping mechanism makes sure this trickle never gets out of hand: When a neuron senses the presence of too much glutamate in the vicinity—the extracellular space—it switches on special pumps on its membrane and siphons the maverick glutamate back in.This protective pumping process works beautifully as long as glutamate levels stay within the normal range. But the levels can rise sharply if a damaged cell spills out its glutamate. In such a case, the pumps on the cellular membranes can no longer cope with the situation, and glutamate reveals its destructive powers. It doesn’t kill the neuron directly. Rather, it overly excites the cell, causing it to open its pores excessively and let in large quantities of substances that are normally allowed to enter only in limited amounts.One of these substances is sodium, which leads to cell swelling because its entry is accompanied by an inrush of water, needed to dilute the surplus sodium. The swelling squeezes the neighboring blood vessels, preventing normal blood flow and interrupting the supply of oxygen and glucose, which ultimately leads to cell death. Cell swelling, however, is reversible; the cells will shrink back once glutamate is removed from brain fluids. More dangerous than sodium is calcium, which is harmless under normal conditions but not when it rushes inside through excessively opened pores. An overload of calcium destroys the neuron’s vital structures and eventually kills it.Regardless of what killed it, the dead cell spills out its glutamate, all the vast quantities of it that were supposed to be held back by the dam. The spill overly excites more cells, and these die in turn, spilling yet more glutamate. The destructive process repeats itself over and over, engulfing brain areas until the protective pumping mechanism finally manages to stop the spread of glutamate."Recent research has confirmed that hypermetabolism has been primarily found in the right lingual gyrus and left cerebellar anterior lobe of the brain in individuals suffering from visual snow. The definition of hypermetabolism is described as "the physiological state of increased rate of metabolic activity and is characterized by an abnormal increase in metabolic rate." Hypermetabolism typically occurs after significant injury to the body. It serves as one of the body's strongest defence against illness and injury. This means that the brain is trying to compensate for the injured areas in the brain by increasing metabolism to meet it's high energy demands. It is trying to function to the best of it's ability under the circumstances. Normally the body can heal itself and regenerate under the right circumstances. But it is extremely difficult for the central nervous system - which includes the spinal cord and brain to be able to do so, due to it's inhibitory environment which prevents new neurons from forming. That is where stem cells come in. Stem cells are an exciting new discovery, because they can become literally any cell in the body including neurons. This is an amazing scientific breakthrough and has the potential to treat a whole host of conditions. Scientists are currently doing research and conducting trials.Excitotoxicity can trigger your "fight or flight" response, as this is the body's primary response to illness, injury or infection. If the brain and the body remain in the sympathetic fight or flight state for too long and too often, it is degenerative; it breaks us down. If this cycle continues, then eventually the system burns out. It is this cycle that results in autonomic nervous system dysfunction. The results are disastrous, digestion is shut down, metabolism, immune function and the detoxification system is impaired, blood pressure and heart rate are increased, circulation is impaired, sleep is disrupted, memory and cognitive function may be impaired, neurotransmitters are drained, our sense of smell, taste and sound are amplified, high levels of norepinephrine are released in the brain and the adrenal glands release a variety of hormones like adrenaline and cortisol.I believe in order to find a treatment or cure for VS and it's accompanying symptoms, we need to address the underlying cause, reduce the excess excitatory activity in the brain, repair the damaged neurons, regain proper communication between neurons, rebalance the autonomic nervous system and prevent further cellular damage. We also need to figure out what genes, if any come into play. There is still a lot we don't know about the brain because it is such an remarkably complex organ.FAQsWon't lowering the levels of glutamate solve the problem? Well, not necessarily. That is just one piece of the puzzle. You have to remember that Visual Snow is a multifactorial and complex condition in which it stems from a number of different causes and influences. Based on my knowledge and the information I have gathered, I can conclude that the overstimulation of glutamate plays a huge role in VS and some other symptoms we experience. But there is still so much we don't know. That's why more research will be needed.Why is my condition worsening over time?That is a very good question. It is because the physiology, biology and chemistry of your brain and nervous system has been altered and has become dysfunctional since the initial trigger set off a domino of effects that leads to further degradation in the body. This puts a huge strain on your body and is constantly activating your stress response system. This will wreak havoc on your entire body. The stress response system was designed to deal with brief emergencies that threaten survival. It isn't supposed to last very long because the body cannot sustain itself for very long in this state. When you remain in "fight or flight" sympathetic state for too long, it becomes degenerative and breaks our bodies down. This affects every system in the body. When you are constantly under stress, the stress response system never turns off resulting in an ongoing destructive cycle. Stress can also exacerbate all your symptoms and makes you susceptible to developing other chronic health conditions. How is the gut related to VS?Having increased intestinal permeability is very common in this modern world because we are constantly being bombarded by toxins and stress. Our bodies weren't designed to handle such a huge burden. So we end up getting sick and become susceptible to kinds of diseases. Common causes include:-Poor diet (from excessive consumption of foods such as grains, legumes, sugars, alcohol)-Chronic stress-Toxin overload-Gut dysbiosis (It means you have a lack of beneficial bacteria in your gastrointestinal (GI) tract. They are overpowered and outnumbered by pathogens such as pathogenic bacteria, yeast, viruses, parasites)-Overuse of antibiotics When you have increased intestinal permeability, the epithelium on the villi of the small intestine becomes inflamed and irritated, which allows metabolic, microbial and environmental toxins and undigested food particles to flood into the blood stream. This event compromises the liver, the lymphatic system, and the immune response including the endocrine system. It is often the primary cause of the following common conditions: asthma, food allergies, chronic sinusitis, eczema, urticaria, migraine, irritable bowel, fungal disorders, fibromyalgia, and inflammatory joint disorders including rheumatoid arthritis are just a few of the diseases that can originate from having poor gut health.This sets the stage for chronic systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, impaired detoxification, gastrointestinal dysfunction and immune system dysregulation.Some toxins have the ability to damage and destroy neurons, myelin sheaths, synapses and even DNA. An overload of toxins that the immune system is not able to get rid of disrupts normal brain function. This eventually initiates an autoimmune response where the immune system attacks the brain and nerve cells as it tries it’s best to eliminate the toxins.The mitochondria are the energy producing section of your cells. When they are damaged by the toxic overload in the brain cells and are not able to produce energy to fuel the cell, the cell dies.In order to stop this vicious cycle, the underlying biological mechanisms of VS needs to be understood. That is the first step that needs to be taken. Any other stressors also needs to be addressed in order to reduce the overall stress load.It is important to know that VS is just a symptom of underlying physiological stress in the brain. Symptoms are your body's way of communicating with you, letting you know something is wrong in the body.I've come across some research indicating that microglial activation and elevated nitric oxide is involved in some neurological conditions. Basically the microglial cells are our brain's immune cells and when something triggers an inflammatory response, they activate and release harmful neurotoxic compounds (such as nitric oxide and pro-inflammatory cytokines) which results in neuronal injury/death. Microglial activation can also result in a loss of synaptic connections in different regions of the brain. It's basically an autoimmune response in the brain. The neuroinflammatory process appears to be an ongoing and chronic cycle of central nervous system dysfunction. This can deplete glutathione levels in the body. Glutathione is the body’s most important antioxidant which is capable of preventing oxidative damage caused by reactive oxygen species such as free radicals, peroxides, lipid peroxides, and heavy metals. This only further exaggerates the problem, which only leads to a cascade of increased inflammation.Nitric oxide plays a vital role in this process. Elevated nitric oxide levels reduces and impair natural killer cells which leads to a vulnerable immune system that is susceptible to a variety of systemic infections. -Phobe Zhang
submitted by Shadow_Dancer87 to visualsnow [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:26 pohltergiest Catching up on the Tohoku Times

Catching up on the Tohoku Times
Finally finding some time after resting to do my writing. The bike shop experience was a little sweaty in the hot weather, and while we were outside working on our bikes, not only did the wife of the mechanic go get us an iced coffee and an ice cream, she later made us care packages with an energy gel and a bunch of electrolyte tablets. Looking inside, it would seem this shop has been the home of a pro-level team for a long time, so I imagine they have a lot of these things on hand, but it was still very nice.
My wheel repair went well, the bumps and wobbles straightening out with the spoke repair. Bryce had them look at his front wheel, which had a different problem. He took a look at it, and after some consideration he said it was a "maintenance challenge" and proceeded to pull out a lot of wrenches. Bryce gleaned that the hub of the wheel needed tightening, and he did not have the correct wrenches to deal with this decidedly north american model. But he did have ones that were close enough and with some effort he managed to make it better to ride. After all was said and done we asked how much for the repairs and he tells us that he's a volunteer for the day, that this is his son's shop and he's just hanging out for the day because it's a holiday! We were flabbergasted but again he would not take any payment. We talked with him a bunch and he told us that he's in his 70's and attributes his good health to his biking, which he proudly states he's been doing for over 60 years now. We said he was an inspiration and said our goodbyes.
We were lucky to get the repairs done so quick, as it gave us just enough time to hit up the aquarium. We needed to ride just 12km to get there, and a nice tunnel took us through a mountain range instead of us having to go over it. I was tired, the stress of the string of repairs really getting to me. But we arrived with an hour and a half til closing and got to see the aquarium which was a big white building tucked up against sea cliffs on the sea of Japan. I felt instantly more at ease, the temperature feeling more moderate by the water, which was calm as the day went on.
The aquarium was lovely, with an obvious focus on jellyfish. I don't usually like aquariums or zoos due to what appears to be inadequate facilities for the inhabitants, but jellyfish in a tank? I don't think jellyfish care, or have the ability to care. This is like having a series of terrariums in my mind, jellyfish are one step above insects in my mind. And jellies they had, loads and loads of jellies, some on the larger side and lots of teeny tiny ones that almost can't be seen at all without magnification. They really do look like little automatons, just wiggling around. The tanks were all very tastefully lit, highlighting UV reactive cells, long streaming tendrils (that I'm sure have a proper name), and rainbow shimmering reflective cells that look deceptively like teeny tiny LEDs on little ridges. The prime attraction was the dream theatre, a dark room with a 5m tall tank circulating with hundreds or thousands of jellies and lit with a dreamy blue and purple light. We saw posters of famous artists performing in front of the jellyfish tank, the theatre being aptly named.
We missed out on the jellyfish ramen noodles, it being a bit too late in the day, but we did get to enjoy the late day views from on top of the aquarium. Why did we ever leave the ocean? Flat roads, sunsets unmarred by dumb terrain, beaches. It's the best. I love beaches. Looking at the map, we'd have to cover 120km to get to Akita to take the ferry to hokkaido, so we decided to cover some ground while we still had light so as to not overload the next day should something happen. On we went. We zoomed past pastel-lit beaches, seeing folks sitting in pairs, waiting for the sunset. We've seen people stop right on highways if they have a good view of the sunset. We had no such time to enjoy it today.
An hour or so later, we covered 20km to Sakata. Bryce wanted fried chicken for dinner, so we went to a takeout place and got way too much chicken for the two of us to eat. It can be hard to tell what you're getting, as one piece of karaage can be anything from a morsel to a meal, in this case we had more of a meal per piece along with rice and cabbage. We got some drinks from a vending machine and ate the food by a river, watching the water go by as the light faded. For once, we couldn't finish all the food, which was a shock. I always finish the food. Good job, random chicken place, you win this round.
I found a big empty looking beach in the middle of nowhere on the map about 10km north of our position, so we prepared to set out for a night ride. Rain was in the forecast for the next morning, which meant we needed a private place that we wouldn't be bothered for an extended time during daylight hours. And we'd need to reduce our kilometers for the next day as we'd probably have to bike some of it in the rain, which sucks. As we were biking through the city, we happened upon a summer festival, people filling the streets. The usual assortment of festival treats didn't steal our attention, but I stopped for a moment to examine a line of white painted ladies in front of a stage that were talking turns talking about something or another. If only we had the time to watch the performance!
We instead used our valuable time biking to a convenience store to one again get water, food, and some canned coffee for the next morning. Always an exciting time. We left the city, things now fully dark. The highway was not the best, lots of cracks and parts filled in with patches, and my focus wasn't the best. Obstructions become much harder to see in the light of a headlight, even harder to see when you have to use the dimmest setting as the headlamp always seems to be close to dying. My body bitched that it was the wrong time of day to be biking, I should already be setting up camp and kicking back, not pressing for an extra 10km.
We did eventually make it to the beach intact, if a bit worn out, rolling down a sandy road until we had to push our bikes over dune-encrusted paths. Nobody here except a handful of night fishers, but they only care about fish. We pushed our bikes along the beach until we found a lonely pair of shelters for picnics and began setting up there. It seemed like a good spot, and we could tie up the tarp for extra rain protection. Giant wind fences on the beach would help with any gusts coming off the sea, but we weren't expecting a lot of wind anyways. Feeling like I'd have extra time in the morning, I got to sleep instead, feeling more tired than ever.
I slept very long, clearly the need for sleep piling up on me. We got to bed a little later than I wanted, but it was indeed raining when I woke in the morning, so I went back to sleep and luckily got a few more hours. We discovered in the morning light that we were not the only ones to think highly of the shelters, with little ants crawling all over the outside of the tent. Not a big deal, but a little unnerving considering we haven't always been perfect about getting the zippers all the way closed. We had some breakfast in bed (which inevitably led to a spilled coffee) and read for a little bit, but debates about getting going started pretty quickly. The rain didn't look like it was going to let up, which meant we were going to have to get going or risk riding at night again.
It was late in the morning when we were ready to go, rain gear donned and our spirits as high as they would be all day. We had 95km to ride, half a day to do it, and we were already soaked. On we went. Rice planting is in full swing now, everywhere we go there's farmers hurredly planting thousands of tiny sprouts in prepared fields. Early on there was a bit of a roadside attraction in the form of a curiously coloured pond, which we dutifully checked out. The pond was indeed a brilliant blue green colour and very clear, like the water of some onsens we've seen. Reading a sign, the pond was the source of the little rivers nearby and the water was extremely cold which kept it from fouling.
As we rode, the mist rising off the hills looked like smoke. We hoped the rain would turn to just mist soon. Wiping my face for the hundredth time, we slowly pedaled on. Rain pants tug on my skin, making knee pain feel more prominent. We bike slower too, I think the water on the road is just harder to bike on. Feels like slow motion compared to fair weather riding. After 30km, I needed to stop and get some real food in me, I found a mandarin restaurant serving spicy ramen, which sounded perfect for a cold, stiff day like this. We left our dripping rain gear outside where it might get slightly dryer simply by gravity, and went in, still sorta dripping anyways.
Inside, the restaurant was filled to the brim with knickknacks and collectables and was bright and cheery despite the weather outside. I found a place to plug in my headlamp and we both ordered big bowls of spicy soup and colas for the sugar and caffeine boost we'd need to keep going. The soup was flavorful and delicious, with a ground pork that was sweet instead of savoury. Last time I made sweet pork it was kinda gross so it was neat to have a sweet pork that wasn't bad. I ate my whole bowl, needing all the calories I could get, and settled down a bit to check the radar for the area.
As can be expected for the coast, the weather was temperamental. It was good we got going, as the section behind us was being hammered, while we could expect a bit of a reprieve from the rain as we moved forward. That was about as good as we could hope for and with the clock striking 2 (and playing a song) in the restaurant, we departed.
The sky brightening a bit from a dreary grey to a less dreary grey, our moods lifted for a while while our jackets dried off in the breeze. The sights were beautiful, in a desolate sort of way. Something about staring off into seemingly infinite ocean is unsettling to me. The evergreens on rocky spits in the ocean reminded us of the west coast trail, a few unbothered sections of coast here and there revealing what this land is supposed to look like under all the concrete pylons and coast management techniques Japan loves.
After an hour, I began having some real issues. My heart rate had spiked, my vision was a little odd, and I was starting to not feel well. Not good. I drank a bunch of water, which helped, but eventually my body decided the spicy ramen was too oily and spicy for my guts and I went to destroy a convenience store. I felt better after, but I really should know better by now. There's so much oil in the cooking here though, it's hard to avoid sometimes.
We kept riding, now with no rain gear and keeping up a respectable pace. We went on a desolate road, giant windmills standing guard on the coast overlooking fields of windburnt trees all bent away from the water. Looks like this coast gets absolutely hammered by the wind, maybe I shouldn't complain too much about the rain if it's not windy as well. Things were looking up, our pace put us on schedule to arrive at 6, well before dark which put us in better spirits. Better spirits until Bryce's tire blew out.
Pulling apart the tire layers, incredulous that the so-called "flatless" tires would fail us now, we found a shard of black glass stabbed straight through the thickest part of the tire and a centimeter into the tube section. Well there's no bike tire on earth that can survive that, that one's just bad luck. We felt a little better about that as we set about replacing it. At least with the new rim Bryce had it was much less of a fight to get the tire on and off to replace the tube. Getting the bead to set was a pain, Bryce cycled the tube pressure three times and we even soaped the edge to get it to budge. It seemed good enough to me, but the rim of the tire definitely seemed a little inconsistent. The rain starting again, we debated what we should do, I argued that if he was careful and avoided bumps the bead might set itself and we didn't have any other techniques we could try. He wasn't able to pull the tire over any more and my hands were too weak to be of much help. We were wet and cold by this point, so Bryce agreed with this and we remounted and got moving. We could always take the train if we had to, but that wasn't an option we wanted to do just yet.
I was in the rear and I could immediately see and hear something was wrong with Bryce's bike, even though I was focused on the tire bead to see if it was setting properly. It looked like his front and back tires were tracking different paths and one or both seemed to be leaning? I know the front tire had a hub issue so I thought maybe they're just a bit off but after a while I called a halt as it looked just too messed up not to try reseating the axle. While we were redoing the rear axle, we discovered that a bolt holding the rear pannier rack was close to coming out altogether, the source of the terrible rattling I've been hearing for weeks now! That was a relief to fix, and the wheel seemed to be sitting better. Now we were quite a bit later, projections looking more like 7 o'clock and getting dark by the time we got to the city.
The sky was getting lighter, but it was the sun starting to sink below the cloud layer, signaling the end of the day and the last of our riding light. I was so tired by this point, bone tired. The rain makes every kilometer feel like two, I was sneezing again, feeling sad. Lots of harsh feelings were welling up, life starting to roar back into focus as all the things I pushed away for the past year demanded answers right now. I tried my best to file away the petitions as I could, but mostly I just tried to keep my head up as my mood sunk lower with the sun. My sinuses decided they'd had enough and shut down, making my head feel like it was a size too big. In the last light of the day we got to Akita, the end of our Tohoku adventure. The kindness of the people we met saved us from finding the whole region cursed.
I demanded burgers and fries to lift my soggy mood, nothing in my tool box keeping me happy. Luckily there was a good looking place near our hotel to try and it was a countertop kinda place. We went in to find a fully charming establishment full of locals and a pair of chefs working the counter. I was feeling just awful but Bryce had a good time interacting with people. Everyone was very curious about the two colourful and very wet foreigners who had wandered in after parking very large and heavy bikes. I joined in on the answers, having the better language skills whenever Bryce couldn't parse what was being asked, but I was more focused on the pile of fries and the chili burger I ordered. People were flabbergasted that we came all the way from the southern end of the country, the chefs assuming we must have come from Tokyo instead. Some of the other patrons started rattling off Canadians they knew, with Justin Bieber ("Justinoo Beeberu!") and Celine Dion topping the list. I ordered a BLT sandwich as I was still starving even after a whole meal. The chef brought over a bottle of nice sake to have as a toast to the brave travellers, which I had to refuse as I would like to recover from this cold sometime this century. There's so much booze that it's hard not to here.
To alleviate the embarrassment of having to refuse the booze, he offered me a ginger ale instead, which I graciously accepted. The other chef laughed as they pulled out a bottle "Canada Dry" she said, to the laughter of the bar. Taste of home in a strange place. I polished off my BLT (and considered a second) and while I'm sure Bryce could have spent all evening taking free shots of excellent sake with the bartender, we had to be up early, so we said our goodbyes and waved as we wheeled our bikes into the dark city. I left in a good mood, but tired as hell. Bryce was positivity beaming from the fun interactions, and the four drinks he had. The hotel was nearby, so it wasn't too hard. A parking attendant ushered us to a spot near the guardhouse, and we locked up there. He asked us when we were thinking of getting the bikes the next day, and when we said 430 in the morning he was a little taken aback. He understood that the ferry was early but that was too early for him.
The hotel room was nice enough, but all I wanted was a bath and sleep. There were bath salts at the front desk and we took turns soaking in the tub. I wasted no time, doing my thing, arranging my clothes for the morning, setting an alarm and going to sleep. 415 would be just around the corner.
submitted by pohltergiest to RainbowRamenRide [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:00 metalbinge Please help me im concerned about prions

18, Male
Late March started experiencing pressure headache, brain fog and derealization. tons of anxiety could have been causing those symptoms as well im a very anxious person whenever something feels slightly off.
I go to the ER because I have a panic attack that leaves almost my entire body numb. They diagnose me with a sinus infection and give me antibiotics and tell me to take Allegra. Same day I go to my psychiatrist and I get 20mg of Prozac for my anxiety and I started taking that with anti biotics.
2 weeks goes buy I feel extremely fatigued from the prozac it makes me want to sleep all day but my head pressure is getting better. I continue taking the Allegra and the prozac but I started tapering off the prozac after about 4-5 weeks because I don’t like it I go down to 10mgs
8 days ago I start feeling some memory problems and then out of nowhere a couple days later a huge wave of anxiety and depressions hits me multiple panic attacks another one sending me to the ER. I feel like my emotions have been completely removed im completely demotivatedr from everything now one of my pupils is larger than the other one and I can’t sleep at night and I’m having heart palpitations. Can barely eat or drink to this is really freaking me out could this be withdrawal from prozac from tapering to fast? I know the side effects can be terrible but I’m worried about prions because of the insomnia and just how long I’ve felt terrible.
I have an eye doctors appointment today it’s primary care I’m just so scared right now I feel like my cognitive faculties have been so bad since the start and that’s what been freaking me out about it being prions.
submitted by metalbinge to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:06 UpsetWonder1 Infected Cartilage Piercing

Hello everyone,
I am really worried because I think my cartilage piercing is infected. I have a lot of sinus issues, so last week, I went to sort of a massage therapist to resolve the problem. While putting oil on the back of my neck, she was massaging this in and hitting my piercing everytime she did so. It hurt, and I asked her to avoid it but she didn't. She hit the piercing at least 20 times HARD.
Three days ago, I noticed the piercing was hurting. Yesterday, I noticed a MASSIVE bump on the back of the piercing and the earring looks smaller in my ear. I am worried it is becoming embedded. I can still move the piercing to the front so I believe it can still be taken out. But I am really worried.
Since cleaning it was saline spray, the piercing only hurts when I try to move the crusties surrounding it. It doesn't feel hot and I do not have a fever. It also doesn't constantly hurt. I am going to the piercer to get a longer bar. I was wondering if there is anything else I should do. I already have a longer bar in but with the bump it is not long enough.
This piercing is 2 1/2 months old, I got it pierced March 5th. I haven't had any issues with it, other than slight bruising when I first got it. I believe I have a flat-back internally threaded stud in the piercing, and it has not been downsized but the swelling is enough to reach the back of the piercing (I can still see the entire back though). My aftercare includes spraying it with the NeilMD Saline Spray.
Also I wanted to add that the piercing has a lot of crust, it is yellow. I don't see pus leaking out of the piercing, just yellow dried crust but there is enough of it to cover the front of the piercing and it comes back even after I clean it off. Like I said, it doesn't hurt or feel hot to touch.
Edit: I read some posts that suggest the piercing might be irritated rather than infected. I can't change the title of the post but would still like some feedback. Thank you!
EDIT (UPDATE): Hi everyone! I just wanted to leave an update for anyone in the same situation! I went to urgent care and they said the piercing does not look infected, just VERY irritated. I went to my piercer and he upsized me to a longer earring back. It hurt like hell but I'm already feeling a bit better! The piercer told me to do warm compresses (put saline on a clean paper towel and heat it up for a few seconds in the microwave on a clean plate) and continue cleaning it twice a day. Upsizing definitely helped a lot because the back of the piercing was pressing against the bump making it worse. I'm going to continue cleaning it and doing the warm compresses and I will update again! Still no pain as long as I don't touch it.
submitted by UpsetWonder1 to piercing [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:30 cardizoomcapsule Cardizoom: Capsule Solution - Breaking Ground in Hypertension Care (India)


What is Cardizoom ?

Adults with hypertension (high blood pressure) can be treated with cardizoom. It can be taken either by alone or in addition to other high blood pressure Capsules. Blood pressure reduction may lessen your chance of having a heart attack or stroke. Cardizoom is also used to treat angina brought on by coronary artery spasm and persistent stable angina (chest pain). Cardizoom is a member of the group of Capsules known as calcium-channel blockers. In order to reduce the amount of force the heart must pump, diltiazem works by relaxing the blood arteries. Additionally, diltiazem improves the heart's blood and oxygen flow.

Advantages of Cardizoom

Cardizoom Adverse Reactions

If you have any of the following symptoms: fever, sore throat, burning eyes, skin pain, red or purple skin rash with blistering and peeling; or signs of a severe skin response (hives, difficulty breathing, swelling in your face or throat), get emergency medical attention.


Prior to using this medication

If you have a diltiazem allergy or any of the following conditions, you shouldn't use Cardizoom:

How need I to utilize Cardizoom?

Adhere to your doctor's prescription for Cardizoom strictly. Read all Capsule guides or instruction sheets and abide by all guidelines on the label of your medicine. Occasionally, your doctor may alter your dosage. Adhere to the medication's directions exactly. If you move to a new brand, strength, or form of this medication, your dosage requirements may also change. Tablets of Cardizoom can be chewed, crushed, or swallowed whole. It is recommended that Cardizoom CD capsules and Cardizoom LA tablets be taken whole, without chewing or crushing.

What occurs if a dose is missed?

If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed one and take Cardizoom as soon as you can. Avoid taking two doses at once.


If you have a serious heart problem such "sick sinus syndrome" or "AV block" (unless you have a pacemaker), very low blood pressure, or a build-up of fluid in your lungs from a recent heart attack, you should not use Cardizoom.


submitted by cardizoomcapsule to u/cardizoomcapsule [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:58 novayume Doctor thinks I have MCAS

Hello all,
I’ll try to keep this as short as possible.
I have POTS and hEDS as well. I began with POTS in March 2020 after a couple month long sinus infection. I’m currently working with a really good POTS doctor recommended by Dysautonomia International as my previous POTS doctor was not helpful. He believes I have MCAS as well, but I was curious to get those opinions of who do have it. Here are my symptoms:
I’m curious if those here with MCAS have similar symptoms? I guess the only thing that makes me wonder if I do have it is I never have rashes or anaphylaxis. I did think it was a histamine issue for awhile but many foods that people have no issues with I seem to have problems with (mostly oils).
Any advice or comments would be much appreciated
Thank you!
submitted by novayume to MCAS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:34 Express_Vacation_944 Very worried don’t know if it’s concerning enough to stop taking adhd medication waiting to see cardiologist

Very worried don’t know if it’s concerning enough to stop taking adhd medication waiting to see cardiologist
23f 5’8 152 lbs
Take vyvanse 50mg Dexedrine 10mg sometimes everytime sometimes 4-6 days a week And bupropion 300mg been taking them for 2 years never changed dosage or plan to increase dosage of stimulants.
I don’t smoke
Have had panic attacks with and without Adhd meds and had 2 EKGs after some of the worst panic attacks when I convinced myself of having a heart attack. Both ambulance and doctor said it’s nothing to worry about but the doctor said there’s a slight abnormality but it’s nothing alarming and I can continue taking ADHD medication andhe sent it to cardiologist
I notice I always get anxiety at the gym, even if I’m only lifting weights . I wasn’t always like this. It might be my subconscious worries because I take a stimulant, take Advil/aleve for my back and am exercising so it causes me to worry and feel out of breath and just a bunch of symptoms and I couldn’t continue my workout. Today I felt heart butterflies and chest tightness. But after the gym It went away. It definitely doesn’t happen all the time but I’d say it’s becoming quite often. I felt those symptoms today and couldn’t continue so I left and I looked up my previous ekg results and just saw the cardiologist results from a few months ago to ease my mind that I am fine but then I saw them and it didn’t help that the cardiologist said this
When I got the EKG results from the cardiologist, this is what it said
QRS duration 108 ms PROLONGED QT
QT/QTc 408/482 ms ABNORMAL ECG
And the picture results. My doctor once said I have a murmur a while ago but it wasn’t concerning. So all doctors / paramedics said nothing concerning. But after my 2nd ekg after the panic attack the doctor still said nothing to worry about and I can still take meds but there’s a slight thing that looked off so he sent it to a cardiologist.
I’ve had many panic attacks with and without ADHD medications and I’ve been taking them for two years. I don’t know if the ekg showing showing abnormal from the panic attack or something more serious
They took the ekg after I calmed down because I was crying a lot. The medications helped my whole life because I had a binge eating problem as well. I really hope I can continue taking them but if it’s crucial to stop then I can. I am fine with a risk of “dying slightly earlier” but if it can cause serious problems in the near future I want to stop even though it will be extremely hard.
I just don’t know if these results are because I just had a panic attack or if it’s genuinely abnormal. I can post the picture results if that helps
Also no history of heart problems from family as far as I know but I can ask to be sure . But there are problems regarding diabetes/high blood pressure but I think this is due to eating habits which is why I had to get my binge eating under control
Should I be concerned?????
submitted by Express_Vacation_944 to ReadMyECG [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:06 RePsychological Request for Advice: Cutting back symptoms?

Hey guys.
Been trying to find answers about this around online, but keep find articles upon articles of quitting cold turkey. However, for almost the past two weeks I've been taking a slower approach to quitting, and am being anxious about it due to random symptoms.
Quick backstory:
Past few months, was eyeing finally quitting. Been vaping for about 3 years, and noticed I had gotten to the point where I was taking a puff literally every 5-10 minutes...too easy access to just snatch it while gaming, mindlessly puffing away. Was going through 80%-100% of a Vuze pod every day on average, and that trend lasted about 6 months.
Couple weeks ago I had a somewhat related event that led to me pulling the trigger. It was slightly unrelated, but gave me the "dang...I need to ditch that too." motivation. Basically long story short, got ahold of a bad delta8 pen, and it spiraled into horrendous symptoms for two days that almost landed me in the ER. BUT the symptoms gave me anxiety about nicotine vape too, so I figured "'s time. It all goes, before you end up going instead."
But I was afraid of going cold turkey, so instead I've been doing a heavy weening.
I went from the above 80-100% of a vuze pod, down to now about 20% of a pod per day on average. Today was even less...woke up this morning with only about 10% of the pod remaining, and it's still got a few drops in it after a full day.
So overall still motivated. Figure after this week, I'm going to try the cold turkey route. At that point I would be having so little per day that it'd be moot to continue it.
However what worries me:
I've got a doctor's appointment to go over this stuff too, so don't think I'm trying to WebMD this...but it would be helpful to get some personal stories too, if anyone else has experienced this.
My biggest worry at this point is "Am I quitting too late? Is something majorly wrong with me and what I felt a couple weeks ago that started this whole thing wasn't a delta8 pen, but rather something more serious like cancer or vape-related lung injuries?"
I've also got other possible causes in mind that I'm trying to either support theory on or eliminate. I moved back into my mother's place in September to help her after my dad passed away. There's some mold in the house that we are cleaning out, so I fear exposure to that could be a cause. Then also this is my first Spring living here in over 8 years. So I also wonder if these symptoms could be me readjusting the pollen here. I also drastically cut back on drinking over the past month...went from being able to have a full bottle of sake or wine any given night to now I won't drink anything over the level of a hard seltzer.
So basically I got slapped with "Too many variables changed, and too many possible unknown variables in the mix, and now I'm wondering if something's actually wrong with me, or it's just things to push through."
Symptoms that I have been feeling:
The weird thing about all of the above is that they're being random day-to-day. Either I wake up perfectly fine and have a great day. OR all of the above hits me at once and then disappears again the next day. There doesn't seem to be much "in between."
Overall, though, none of this is stopping me from quitting... I know anxiety is part of "the experience" of quitting, so I've been careful about not letting it convince me to reset. If anything it's spurred more motivation, because I'm never letting a chemical have this level of a hold again. Thankfully, although as you can see anxiety is getting channeled into the above, mood hasn't shifted much in terms of everything else. I've had moments of depression, but not much out of the normal, and the anxiety seems to be more focused on helping me quit rather than convincing me to puff more. But it would be nice if the anxiety would stop trying to convince me that I'm dying, hence me wanting to just gather more info that I'm not finding online.
In advance though, thank you, and I look forward to hearing about anyone else who's experienced the above, and if you know of any remedies that'd be greatly appreciated. Feels good to be finally kicking this after having stupidly picked it up 3 years ago.
submitted by RePsychological to QuitVaping [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:06 EvenSatisfaction1254 My mono recovery after 21 months

Hello all. The title is not clickbait. Just wanted to provide a post now that I am nearing the 2 year mark from infection. I have posted on here previously but deleted it as I wanted to just give this one post some light. For context, I’m in my early/now mid 20s, was in the middle of grad school, was an athlete/active/outgoing. My timeline is below (If you’d like to just skip to how I’m doing now, just keep scrolling down until the April 2023-Present). I would also like to say beforehand that the vast majority recover significantly faster than this. This is not the norm, and please don’t panic if you just got sick. You’ll likely recover in weeks.
August 2022: Initial infection. Swollen tonsils, rash, fever, etc, labs eventually come back positive for mono.
September 2022: Acute infection symptoms still prevailing, somewhat improved late in the month. Other notable occurrences: ER visit from tonsils obstructing my breathing.
October 2022: Felt like I got hit by a bus. Insane flu like symptoms, fatigue, brainfog, PEM, muscle aches, nerve pain, dizziness, dissociation, feeling of body not able to remember to breathe (very weird version of shortness of breath), horrible GI/IBS like issues, light sensitivity, noise sensitivity, genuine short term memory loss, motion sickness, heart palpitations/PVCs, temperature sensitivities, began losing weight/muscle from inactivity
November 2022 - June 2023: Virtually zero progress. Symptoms I listed above would cycle over and over randomly. I became obsessed with trying to feel better, track symptoms/what treatments worked or didn’t, and every single movement I did every day I thought about in terms of feeling worse or better. Doom-scrolled most of the day. Horrible on the mental health. I thought I had ME/CFS and that I’d have a slow and painful life, one that I’d rather not live if I have to be honest. Was barely able to keep up with all of the exams/labs/assessments/classes that came with grad school. I almost had to drop out. No parties. No sports. No hanging out. Couldn’t drive. I missed most of my classes. I felt like I had the flu every single day, all day. In any moment where I felt I could be doing better or I found something that might be helping, it didn’t. Went right back to flu like symptoms. Months 3-11 were truly hell. At this point, I lost 40 pounds of good muscle/fat and all my athletic abilities were gone. I felt so left out, alone, isolated, and depressed.
June 2023-September 2023: I am struggling to keep up at my internships. The hot weather made my brainfog worse, and I still had significant GI issues, light sensitivity, and noise sensitivity. On a positive note, my overall cycling of symptoms began to become less and less intense as it neared September.
October 2023: I will never forget this month. As I was still struggling at new internships, I vividly remember a string of days that I felt were better than usual. Usually after this happens, it goes right back to the same old stuff. But this time, it didn’t. Everyday became a “not bad” day. This was progress that I never ever thought would be possible.
November 2023-March 2024: Very slowly, this string of “not bad” days kept turning into some “good” days. I still had some ups and downs but, by winter time, I genuinely was able to feel like a functional human being again. I was able to go to work, study, hang out, and drive again. My brainfog has improved. All of my symptoms above have improved. The only one that really did not was noise sensitivity. Would I have occasional flares of awful GI problems? Yes, but so does every 20 something year old in this day and age from all the processed stuff we’ve been consuming. Occasional pain or headaches? Yes, but very normal amounts, just like any other normal person.
Late March/April 2024-Present: My brainfog, fatigue, and other symptoms, are afterthoughts. I don’t think about my symptoms most of the time anymore, because I don’t have them. My noise sensitivity improved so drastically over the past month that I’m now able to listen to music consistently for first time since getting sick. Having caffeine feels normal again somehow. I’m able to have some alcohol again. I can drive again. I went to bars and clubs with friends for the first time again. I went to weddings again. I went to trips with my family, friends, and significant other again. I graduated college. No more PEM crashes. Despite all odds, despite these symptoms, despite it being nearly 2 years, I have recovered. The only remaining symptoms of occasional muscle aches/heart skips/GI problems I really think are just from being so inactive for so long for the first time in my athletic life, and my autonomic nervous system/vagus nerve still being a little fried (but about 90+% back to normal). All those nights of crying, suffering, having horrible brainfog to the point of thinking I’m losing my mind, the nerve pain, heart palpitations, feeling so alone and wanting to not live life anymore, were gone. I don’t care what everything says here, and online. You can recover. I did in 2 years. The people who have also done this really must have decided to never update their progress on here, or anywhere. I don’t blame them in a way, this was by far the worst and darkest time in my life. But I can live again. I feel free.
I love you all and really hope you realize no matter how horrible you’re feeling right now, you can recover. There is no magic bullet right now that fixed it for me either. I’m sorry. The amount of tests I did at doctors offices, supplements I’ve tried, prescriptions I’ve tried, all either did not help or were incredibly inconsistent. Time was truly what healed me. Not over weeks, and not even over some months. It was over many many months. My heart breaks for all of you suffering and I will not forget everyone that’s still suffering. I hate how I can’t give everyone here exactly what I desperately used to scroll for; a treatment. But I can give you my assurance. I believe in you all, and I can’t wait for when I hear about some of your recoveries. Thanks for the read. Feel free to message with anything.
  • Ev ____________________
Some meds I tried over the course of the last 2 years that either did not work, or were mid at best and had side effects (this is simply documenting what I tried and I DO NOT endorse/recommend any of these. Please ALWAYS talk to your doctor or pharmacist before trying any medication): B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc, ginger, 2nd gen antihistamines (like Claritin, Zyrtec, Xyzal), melatonin, Metamucil, ondansetron, modafinil, caffeine, CoQ10, ICS/ICS+LABAs (Pulmicort and Breo specifically), albuterol, monolaurin, bupropion, glycine. There were a bunch of others (like ibuprofen, Tylenol, viscous lidocaine) that I used in the beginning to help the initial infection, and a bunch of others that I did not try long enough to put on here. There were also a bunch of events and symptoms I did not mention above for simplicity sake. Please talk with your provider or pharmacist with any medical questions or if you think you may be having any other serious health issues. Thank you all again for the read, I will update you all once I get back into working out again in the coming weeks!
submitted by EvenSatisfaction1254 to Mononucleosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:08 Express_Vacation_944 Extremely worried waiting for appointment with cardiologist and taking adhd meds don’t know if it’s a problem or if it’s just from my anxiety

23f 5’8 152 lbs
Take vyvanse 50mg Dexedrine 10mg sometimes everytime sometimes 4-6 days And bupropion 300mg been taking them for 2 years never changed dosage or plan to increase dosage of stimulants.
I don’t smoke
Have had panic attacks with and without Adhd meds and had 2 EKGs after some of the worst ones when I convinced myself of having a heart attack. Both ambulance and doctor said it’s nothing to worry about but the doctor said there’s a slight abnormality but it’s nothing alarming and I can continue taking ADHD medication andhe sent it to cardiologist
I notice I always get anxiety at the gym, even if I’m only lifting weights . I wasn’t always like this. It might be my subconscious worries because I take a stimulant, take Advil/aleve for my back and am exercising so it causes me to worry and feel out of breath and just a bunch of symptoms and I couldn’t continue my workout. It definitely doesn’t happen all the time but I’d say it’s becoming quite often. I felt those symptoms today and couldn’t continue so I left and I looked up my previous ekg results and just saw the cardiologist results from a few months ago to ease my mind that I am fine but then I saw them and it didn’t help that the cardiologist said this
When I got the EKG results from the cardiologist, this is what it said
QRS duration 108 ms PROLONGED QT
QT/QTc 408/482 ms ABNORMAL ECG
And had a picture of the results which I can post as well if someone can tell me how because it’s not letting me
I’ve had many panic attacks with and without ADHD medications and I’ve been taking them for two years. I don’t know if the ekg showing showing abnormal from the panic attack.
They took the ekg after I calmed down because I was crying a lot. The medications helped my whole life because I had a binge eating problem as well. I really hope I can continue taking them but if it’s crucial to stop then I can. I am fine with a risk of “dying slightly earlier” but if it can cause serious problems in the near future I want to stop even though it will be extremely hard.
I just don’t know if these results are because I just had a panic attack or if it’s genuinely abnormal. I can post the picture results if that helps
Also no history of heart problems from family as far as I know but I can ask to be sure . But there are problems regarding diabetes/high blood pressure but I think this is due to eating habits which is why I had to get my binge eating under control
submitted by Express_Vacation_944 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:37 Bland-Sriracha My Jasper passed away on Saturday from an allergic reaction to medication from the vets office. My boy was the bestest little stinker in the whole world and I will greatly miss him.

I wanted to post a celebration of life of my baby, while also posting a small PSA for other rabbit owners that may have similar issues, because boy my baby Jasper was full of them. My Jasper was a rescue and was known for having so many health issues, he was allergic to so many things - even his own hair. When we got him, he suffered snuffles so many times at his previous owner that he developed holes in his sinuses, which made him sneeze daily from hay or his own fur. He could only have very specific bedding or he’d go into a full sneeze attack and itch his face nonstop. He hated being picked up or handled, refused to get his nails trimmed (so always a vet visit!), and would need all of his fruits and veggies dried 100% or he wouldn’t even think of touching them. He only allowed very specific type of petting, and was so fussy when you even touched the base of his ears during grooming because of previous abuse. Regardless of all of this, he was the most energetic, binkiest bunny who loved to play fetch, toss his toys and food bowls, play treat puzzle games, and would only ever touch the sweeter treats, but sometimes he would want the sweet pepper hay treats.
A few days ago before his routine nail trimming, I noticed he was making a strange noise - so I brought it up to the vet and he discovered Jasper had ear mites. We weren’t sure how that happened, since none of our animals have ear mites and everyone is an indoor animal, but the tests showed he had some creepy crawlies and he gave us oral medication for it. Afterwards, he immediately had tummy problems and was pressing down his stomach and wasn’t eating and was breathing strange with head tilt, so we went back in the next day and the vet advised it’s was an allergy attack and gave him allergy medication to stop the symptoms. I asked the vet if he could have an allergic reaction to this as well, but he advices it would be nearly impossible. He then told us to use mineral oil on his ears for the mites as a natural alternative, and we were going to start that treatment Saturday morning when he was a little better. He started getting better that night, ate some food and started drinking water and cleaning himself, but at 5:54am I woke up to panting, he wasn’t moving and was covered in his own waste. My partner and I drove to the emergency care vet immediately, which unfortunately is 30 minutes from our house. No one was answering our phone calls as we drove, so we hoped and prayed that the vet for rabbits was there today- when we got there, we found out she was off shift and no one on staff could help. The nearest one we could go to with a rabbit vet was an hour away south, so we booked it. Ten minutes down the road, Jasper had a seizure and passed away in my partners lap at 6:37am.
My baby was an American Chinchilla rabbit, so soft and was a huge boy with so many health conditions - and I loved him and still love him with all my heart. He got me out of my worst depression, and gave me so much love and happiness. He was 5 years old, and I regret what happened so much. I miss him dearly, and my partner and I are in mourning. He was one of the best things that has ever happened to me, and I will never forget him. I never knew this would happen. From now on, I will ask about multiple treatment options for my pets just in case, as I can’t handle this happening to my other pets as well, and PSA - rabbits can be surprisingly allergic to many things, and unfortunately there aren’t that many studies done on their allergies in comparison to cats and dogs.
Rest in peace, my sweet Jasper. Make the angels treat you like the king you are 💙
submitted by Bland-Sriracha to Rabbits [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:49 Effort_Secret Fatty liver and a plethora of issues

It’s gonna be a long one, back in January I was hit with pure panic attacks, I felt “off” my balance was everywhere. I couldn’t even walk or work or anything. At the time I didn’t know what was going on. The dizziness was intense. Fast forward, went to the ER cause I was having burning pain from the bottom of my feet to the back of my head. Felt like I was gonna pass out. At this time I was 309lbs for a 6’2 male also prediabetic. I was told it was “anxiety” my BP would be slightly elevated but nothing crazy. It would be off and on. One week I’ll feel alright but then I guess maybe a flare up would occur and I’m bed ridden for a while. Idk, Before I got the knowledge, I know now. I implemented veggies and fruits and a plain chicken diet. no more sugar.
Anything I ate just ran through me, I had nausea through the roof and diarrhea. Omeprazole did not help with the acid reflux. I was bloated etc.
Got an ultrasound on all my organs and found that my liver was fatty. (I haven’t had alcohol in years) it was probably due to poor diet.
I was negative for h pylori (twice) And my blood tests were great. My sinuses are acting up, they constantly crack and release pressure. Saw an ENT and they said it can be allergies, I take fluticasone and Zyrtec and it still happens 😵‍💫
Recently got a stool test and everything is fine but I guess I’m having malabsorption issues. (Haven’t heard from my doctor on this one yet)
I still get neuropathy in my face but it’s very slight pins and needles. I’m not prediabetic anymore since I dropped 50 pounds. Last time I checked i was 260. In July I will be getting a Endoscopy done cause from time to time my stomach does burn with aches
I do walk and go to the gym from time to time.
Just wanted to know if anyone has or is dealing with the same issues as me. Any advice would be deeply appreciated
submitted by Effort_Secret to FattyLiverNAFLD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:33 1CostcoChickenBake Whoever invented pollen better count their days.

You know what’s awesome about getting older? Your body just decides to do all kinds of awesome tricks. For example, I turned 24 this year and my body suddenly became allergic to pollen, even though I’ve never had springtime allergies in my life!! For the past month, I’ve been waking up throughout the night to blow my nose, or cough from post nasal drip. I rinse my nose with saline multiple times a day, I’ve tried Allegra, Zyrtec, Flonase, and asterpro, and so far the only thing that genuinely makes a difference is wearing an N95 mask outdoors. I think I go through about 200 tissues a week. I have a nasty barking cough that makes my head throb from the muscle strain. The cherry on top? I work with children, and spend at least two hours outside daily underneath the same trees that trigger my allergies. So, I get to choose everyday whether I want to be light-headed from running around in the heat with a mask, or go mask less and blow my nose every thirty seconds. To the people who’ve had allergies their whole lives, I salute you, because this shit is actually going to drive me crazy.
submitted by 1CostcoChickenBake to rant [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:40 nokap4 Chronic Sinusitis and Atypical CF

Hi everyone!
I recently have had a flare up with my ears (ear infection for 5 months), and I am going in for further testing with my ENT which is likely to come back with nothing....would it be ridiculous to ask him to refer me to a doctor who could test me for atypical cystic fibrosis? I am nervous to bring it up because I only recently did some research on it, and I don't know if I fit the description. I am Ashkenazi Jewish (I read that could play a role?) and I've had these problems my entire life, but I understand CF is a very serious condition, and it's never been brought up to me by any doctor so I am hesitant.
For context, I am 25 and have been struggling my entire life with chronic sinusitis/chronic bronchitis/ear infections, etc. I've been to over 10+ doctors and specialists who say I just struggle from "allergies" and that the only route is antibiotics, surgery, or just "dealing with it". I've tried to go the holistic route, done surgery, rounds of antibiotics, lifestyle changes....but I still really struggle with getting sick/feeling healthy on a day-to-day basis. I really don't believe that it's just allergies...particularly since I've had multiple allergy tests come back negative, I'm constantly on allergy medication, and I am susceptible to respiratory illnesses (like pneumonia). I also have Mild GERD. My mom has similar issues with her sinuses, but no doctor has ever been able to answer "why" because our blood tests come back fine....
I'm managing the best I can now (I'm used to it) but am seriously concerned for my health in the long term, so any help or advice is greatly appreciated!
submitted by nokap4 to CysticFibrosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:54 Plantymirrt Constant Sinus Pressure

Constant Sinus Pressure
Hello everyone! I’ve come on here to ask for my help for my situation. Doctors ents headache specialists neurologists and even just people who want to comment, I would really appreciate it if you shared your thoughts on what is going on and what course of action I should take. Basically the question is should I get surgery for the anatomical variants shown?( large right concha bullosa of middle turbinate and significant leftward deviated septum with a prominent bone spur on it).
Here is my symptoms: For about a year and half now I have had a constant pressure within my sinuses. It’s normally felt in my nose forehead and sometimes cheeks. It’s constant 24/7 from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed. It’s sometimes painful and usually gets worse as the day goes on. When I bend down it definitely gets worse. It’s always there in my head to some degree and it never feels like my head is fully clear. I do have a bit of trouble when breathing through my nose but it’s nothing crazy. What’s weird is that when I cry or something and my mucus starts draining the pressure goes away. Even when an ent did an endoscopy and started moving around the camera in my nasal cavity, the mucus started draining and my symptoms went away for a split second. Sometimes I notice that my ear feels full and that the pressure sensation even goes to my throat. The pain is dull constant doesn’t throb and isn’t sharp. I don’t have any auras, visual or sound disturbances etc. It doesn’t come in waves either. If there is any other symptoms you would like to know if I am having please ask.
Testing: MRI, ct scan, endoscopy, and blood tests normal except for the anatomical variants I listed above. No signs of infection or inflammation. Nothing indicating headaches and nothing wrong with brain. No lesions, bone destruction, etc. My ent did notice a build up of mucus though when doing the endoscopy. Did flounase 2x a day, Claritin 1x and nasal rinse 2x a day but no significant improvement. I was referred to neurology by my ent because he said nothing I had indicated the symptoms I am saying. At neurology, we ran a course of amitriptyline and did a magnesium + riboflavin supplement but those did not help. Hot showers feel nice sometimes and advil sometimes helps ease the pain(only to a limited extent) when it hurts a lot. I also talked to an allergist and he said it’s probably not allergies, and I got a skin prick test that came back negative for everything a while ago.
My thoughts: I personally believe that the anatomical variants are responsible for my symptoms. I think what’s happening is that they are trapping the mucus and air flow and obstructing the sinus drainage pathways which can cause that pressure sensation. There is nuance here though and this is why the ent and other people are hesitant to recommend surgery. Concha bullosa is a normal anatomical variant found in a significant portion of the population (maybe even up to 54%) and is mostly asymptomatic. Deviated septum is also fairly common and is not normally responsible for pressure feelings within sinuses. Furthermore, up to 90% of cases where people think they have sinus problems, are actually migraines according to some studies. But my case is different because I am well educated in the symptoms of migraines and what I am experiencing does not add up to that. Also my anatomical variants are not like the normal population, especially my concha bullosa because it is really large and the mucus drainage thing like with endoscopy points to the anatomical variants.
Plan: I really only have two courses of action left that I can think of. I either go back to neurology and run through more cycles of medications to see if it’s migraines and if that doesn’t work go back to ent and discuss surgery. Or I don’t waste time and go straight back to my ent and talk about surgery and stuff. If there is other options or something else I should look into, please let me know.
I would really appreciate it if you guys shared your thoughts and what you think is going on and what I should do going forward I am getting pretty desperate and I know surgery is a big step. If there is any other information or questions you have, I would be more than happy to tell you!
submitted by Plantymirrt to Sinusitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:48 reesespieces2021 I am 33 years old, make $114,900, live in Northern Connecticut, and spent $112 on dog grooming this week!

FYI This will be a very mundane money diary. I am a homebody and pretty low key. I’m not trying to change my spending habits too much but I do try to be mindful of what I spend.
Section One: Assets and Debt
Retirement Balance: $202,167 (181,807 in 401k, 1,587 in Roth, 18,773 in brokerage). I started investing in my 401k as soon as I started at my company in 2012 - I had no idea what I was doing and only put in 3% since I was only making 38k, every year or so as I have made more money I have upped my contribution, currently at 13%.
Equity if you're a homeowner: I currently have about $125k in equity in a condo, I bought in June 2020 so low rates and prices were still low. I put 35k down, and saved for it by living with each of my parents after college while I paid off my student loans.
Savings account balance: $13,294.78
Checking account balance: $8,384.80
Credit card debt: $0 - I pay in full every month.
Student loan debt: $0 paid it off in about 3 years, I got my BA in Communications, and the company I work for paid for the majority of my MBA and I paid out of pocket for the rest.
Section Two: Income
Income Progression: I've been working at my company since 2012 and have held a bunch of different roles. I started at $38,000 and worked my way up to $114,900. I have mostly worked in operations, a little in tech, and most recently took on a role in product at the end of 2023.
Main Job Monthly Take Home: $4713
Deductions (Monthly Totals):
Retirement: Total: $1149 broken down: 401k: $619; Roth 401k: $530 (both of these are company sponsored and I get a 5% match for the traditional 401k)
Social Security: $516
Federal Taxes: $1218
State Taxes: $582
PTO Purchase: $191 (I buy extra time off and can use it at the end of the year or cash it out, it’s basically a christmas fund since I usually cash it out and it pays out right before the holidays)
Health Insurance: $238
Dental: $13
FSA: $50 This is my first year utilizing an FSA and I did it to buy and Oura ring, I’ll probably cancel it for next year
Side Gig Monthly Take Home: $70 (lol) at the end of 2023 I started a life coaching business after working on my certification in the summer. It’s been a slow start but it’s more about doing something fulfilling than it is about making money (for now).
Any Other Monthly Income Here: N/A
Section Three: Expenses
Rent / Mortgage / HOA fees: Mortgage: $1265, this will likely go up this year since they re-evaluated properties last year. HOA is $375/month
Renters / home insurance: it’s in escrow so I have no idea - I get an email once a year and file it away, if it seems high I reach out to my agent
Savings contribution: $100
Investment contribution: $50 into IRA, I’ll be reevaluating soon and adding a monthly sum to my brokerage as well
Debt payments: N/A
Electric: $60-200 depending on the season, last month was $64, August last year was $174
Propane: $100-500 Nov-Apr (used for heat, stove, and water, the April fill lasts until late fall)
Wifi/Cable/Landline: Internet is $51
Cellphone: $45
Subscriptions: Netflix $17, Hulu/Disney/Max $45, Apple $3, Oura Ring $7
Gym membership: I have a home gym for weightlifting and pay $80 for a year of programming, and pay $47/month for my peloton membership
Pet expenses: $181 every 5 weeks for dog daycare, $36 for food (Costco!), and probably $50 for misc things
Car payment / insurance: $387 for my car - recently refinanced and saved $60/month. I’ll still make the $450 payment to pay it off sooner. Insurance is $496 for the next 6 months
Regular therapy: $80/month for 2 appts covered by insurance, this is my copay, and $90/month for maintenance physical therapy
Paid hobbies: does Kindle Unlimited count? I paid for 2 years up front so it’s like $8/month, other hobbies are hiking and traveling, so those are more ad hoc expenses
Day One Monday
7:15am I finally wake up, I tried to wake up earlier but my body and brain just weren’t ready. I get up, get dressed in leggings, tank top, and a sweatshirt, and head down stairs to take my pup R for a walk.
8:00am I make my coffee, toast a bagel, and cut up some strawberries. Then I log onto my work laptop. Not a ton of emails from the weekend which is a plus, and the morning is light on meetings which is AMAZING. I was on vacation 2 weeks ago and I still feel behind so I want to take advantage of the “free time” and get some work tasks done. I do have one meeting at 11:30am but I should be more of an observer.
12:00pm I have therapy during lunch. It’s done online, and I love my therapist. We started working together to help with some food issues I had but now we focus a lot of my childhood trauma and my relationship with my mom.
1:00pm Back to work, but first I heat up some leftover pizza and make ⅓ of a salad bag kit thing for food. I have until 2pm before I have to be in a meeting so I get a little more work done.
4:30pm Meetings wrapped up at 4pm but I linger online for another 30 mins to tie everything up. I head out to take R for her evening walk, then pop into my basement gym for a work out.
6:30pm I am showered, make dinner (asian style meatballs, rice, and snap peas with some teriyaki sauce) and I am ready to sink into my couch. I realized that I can’t renew one of my library books and it’s due Wednesday so my big plan is to read. A lot.
9:30pm I need to go to bed. I pack my food for the office for tomorrow, brush my teeth, take my meds, and let R out one last time and head up to bed. I listen to Ologies (an awesome podcast) to wind down and go to bed a little after 10pm.
Daily total: $0
Day Two Tuesday
5:25am My alarm went off at 5am but I just could not do that. So I snooze until 5:25 and get up, put on leggings and a sports bra, let me pup out, eat a few bites of banana and then head up to do a 20 min peloton ride (Leanne Pop Ride). I finish right around 6am and then get ready for work.
7:00am Out the door! The pup, who is 3 btw so not actually a puppy, goes to doggy daycare today so my commute will take closer to an hour. I get work a few minutes after 8am, toast my bagel and begin going through emails.
12:30pm I am starving. I had to be in person at a company town hall from 11am-12pm and when I got back to my floor the kitchen was super busy so I couldn’t heat up food. I finally do and it’s an ok Factor meal - I’m trying them out to help make work days easier. I also snack on cheetos and some almonds. I should not go 4 hours without eating.
4:30pm After an afternoon full of meetings, including a lovely 1:1 with an old manager, I am off to pick up R from doggy daycare (I buy her daycare days in a package so this is prepaid), but first I pay for parking. $12
5:30pm I take myself for a quick walk while listening to IWT. I’m totally addicted to hearing about other people’s finances. I find money psychology fascinating and have been working on mine a lot for the last couple of years.
6:00pm I put on comfy clothes, wash my face, and heat up leftovers from last night for dinner then settle in for another night of marathon reading. I got through 181 pages yesterday and I make it to 375 (PS. book is The Women by Kristin Hannah - it’s really good but also heartbreaking).
9:30pm It’s bed time again. I brush my teeth, let R out, and head upstairs for bed. I continue listening to Ologies (the episode on bears!) and lights out at 10ish.
Daily total: $12
Day Three Wednesday
6:00am I force myself to wake up for another office day and I am exhausted. I manage to get up, let R out (we usually walk before I leave but it’s raining), and get ready - the office is “dress for your day” so I wear jeans and a black long sleeve shirt with my Rothys. I leave my hair in its wild natural state, throw on some SuperGoop glow screen, a little blush, and lash princess mascara. I leave a few minutes after 7am and get to work at 7:30.
8:00am I have an impromptu working session with my boss, which is really helpful as I prep for a big product launch. I eat the yogurt I planned to eat yesterday as a snack for breakfast with the coffee I made at home. The rest of the morning is filled with meetings.
10:30am I take a quick break and do some online shopping. I gained some weight during covid and I have been slowly building up my new bigger wardrobe so I place an order with old navy for 3 work tank tops, a jean jacket, a pair of cargo joggers, and a work out tank top for $94 - I apparently have enough points for $10 off.
12:00pm After a busy morning, I leave the office to work from home for the afternoon. I pay for parking ($12). I have a quick lunch using a Caesar salad kit and some chicken, and then dive back into meetings.
4:15pm I wrap up work and walk R. By 5pm I sit on the couch, determined to finish this book - because it’s due today, so I have to return it before the library closes at 8pm… I also get a notification that another book is ready to be picked up, so I grab that.
7:00pm BOOK IS DONE! The library is close by so I quickly drop it off, come home, eat and then waste away in front of the TV until 9:30ish when I do my usual night time routine.
Daily total: $106
Day Four Thursday
6:00am My alarm goes off and I am cranky but force myself up. I am not a morning person but I want to get in a peloton ride and this is my only time today. I throw on leggings and a tshirt and walk R. I am on the peloton by 6:45am and do a 30 min Disney Ride with Leanne - I’m apparently on a Leanne kick.
7:30am Quick shower and get dressed in athleisure for the day. I log onto my laptop right around 8am.
12:30pm I have survived another morning of meetings and finally have a break for lunch. I make a quick salad and add some chicken and enjoy this 30 minutes of not being in a meeting.
4:00pm Done with work for the day, I snuck in a walk with R at 2pm. Now we’re off to a former coworker's house for an Italian feast. A group of us get together monthly for happy hours, but P offered to show us her amazing culinary skills so I grab a bottle of red wine from my collection and hit the road.
8:45pm Home after an amazing dinner that included homemade pasta, eggplant and chicken parm, meatballs, and red wine. I don’t drink often so I have a feeling tomorrow will be rough - not necessarily hungover but a little extra tired. I go up to bed at 10pm and fall asleep around 10:30pm.
Daily total: $0
Day Five Friday
7:15am I let myself sleep in a little for a work day. I get up and take R for a walk. I begin work right around 8am. I have meetings all morning (you’ve probably noticed a trend here, I work with a lot of people that are in India and our time only overlaps before 11am) but I block my Friday afternoons to get work done and I am very much looking forward to not having meetings.
12pm I use lunchtime to bring R to the groomers. R is a standard poodle so she goes every 6 weeks and she’s looking a little scruffy. I also stop at Costco for gas ($53.78). I had to schedule a meeting at 1:30pm 🙁 so I make sure I am back with plenty of time to eat lunch before the meeting.
3:30pm I wrap up work early since I have to work Sunday morning. I fit in a quick work out before I go to get R from the groomers and pay for it ($112.10 with tip for a full groom and teeth brushing).
5:30pm Home and time for a Peloton ride. I do 30 minutes, then shower, eat, and take care of R.
8:00pm I finally get to start season 3 of Bridgerton. I only watch 1 episode because I am exhausted. After that I put on an episode of Brooklyn 99 and by 9:45pm I am heading up bed (wild Friday night, I know).
Daily total: $165.88
Day Six Saturday
8:00am I woke up earlier with a killer sinus headache, thanks pollen, but was able to sleep longer and I feel a little better. I get up and let R out, take some ibuprofen with my lexapro, make my coffee and a bagel and head to the couch to relax for a little bit.
11:15am I have a 4th birthday party and a going away party today so I leave to drop my pup off my dad while I’m at the 4th birthday, because his house is on the way and our dogs are besties and love to be together. I stop and grab a card, they asked for no gifts so I honor that ($4.59). I get to the party around 12:30pm (it’s about 30 minutes from my dad’s, but we chatted for a few minutes before I left for the party).
4:00pm People are starting to leave so I decide to head out. Iit was great to see the little ones and some of my family members. I go back to my dad’s to hang out until we leave for the other party, I read while my dog snuggles on my legs and my dad watches TV.
6:00pm we head to the party but stop at a grocery store quickly to grab something to bring. We decide on a cannoli chips and dip platter, and my dad pays.
8:45pm We leave a little early because I have to work in the morning. I had a good time catching up with some people. I get R from my dad’s and end up home at 10pm. I watch a couple episodes of Brooklyn 99 while scrolling instagram, and head to bed at 11pm.
Daily total: $4.59
Day Seven Sunday
7:00am Up and ready for the release. Most of my time working will just be sitting and waiting at my desk for the demo to start so I can sign off on the changes we released to our apps. I was hoping this would be super quick, but there was a problem with another app that is holding up our testing. I do some French lessons on Duolingo to pass some time.
10:15am Finally done with work! I decide to watch an episode of Bridgerton before I do anything else. Season 3 feels different to me, I can’t quite explain it but it just feels off compared to the past 2 seasons.
12:00pm I take R for a long walk, and we run into neighbors along the way and chat a bit. Once I’m home, I have lunch, a smoothie bowl with some special K, and head into the basement to do a work out.
2:30pm I placed a pick up order for groceries and I have to go get them. This is my second week doing it and so far I think it’s saving me time and money. Even with the little bit they charge, I’m not grabbing random snacks that I see as I go. Groceries come out to $47.96.
3:00pm Home, I shower, change the sheets on my bed and decide to rest for the afternoon. I finish a book (The Happy Ever After Playlist by Abby Jiminez), finish the first half of Bridgerton, and return the book to library. I also take R for a walk in a field so she can get some zoomies out.
9:45pm Up to bed. I take a melatonin since I’m not super sleepy and I am out by 10:15pm.
Daily total: $47.96
End totals:
Food + Drink: $47.96
Fun / Entertainment: $0
Home + Health: $0
Clothes + Beauty: $94
Transport: $77.78
Other: $112.10
Lastly, reflect on your diary!
I feel pretty good about this week. Even though it was $331 and change, it was relatively low spend. I didn’t spend much on entertainment but I did go out a few times and had fun. I was able to keep groceries low this week by using things in my freezer and pantry, and doing the order pick up - this saves me a ton of money.
I’m hoping I can continue my lower spend momentum, I love seeing no spend days - and I include days that I pay for parking because I don’t really have a choice and that’s the cheapest full day rate downtown.
I almost spent $500 on a down payment for a trip to Yellowstone - traveling is one of my hobbies. But doing this diary and really thinking about next year made me pause. I’m still considering it but I want to price out if I can do it on my own at a better price.
I do want to not spend much on clothes but rebuilding a casual and professional wardrobe is taking time. I also need to get rid of more clothes that don’t fit me. It’s just such a pain to do it and then I have to decide what to do with them. I used to send them to thredup but now they charge you and it’s just a pain.
I’ll end there - I’m looking forward to your comments.
submitted by reesespieces2021 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 15:32 member854 Ferrel cat we are trying to domesticate has been sick with a sinus infection for months

We caught this ferrel cat/kitten in our back yard, ~8 months old, and got him vaxed at a vet because we were considering adopting him. He went nuts, tearing up their room and defecating/urinating. The vet suggested not keeping it because he was already pretty wild. We then brought him to a clinic to get him fixed so we could release him (the clinic was a lot cheaper than the vet for neutering). Unfortunately the clinic accidentally gave him some vaccines that we had already given him at the first vet.
We got him home, then released him after letting him rest in a safe climate controlled area for a couple days.
He's been in our back yard, but a couple weeks after releasing him he started to exhibit what appeared to be allergies or a sinus infection. It got a lot worse, he was weak, sneezing and coughing, and had snot all over his face, wheezing, and had balance issues from inner ear infection I think. We tried to recapture him but couldn't. It's been a few months now, he is a little better, eating again, more alert, playing, but still wheezes and has a runny nose, sneezy.
We'd love to know what possible problems/solutions are, if any. I included the info about the double vax because maybe it weakened his immune system? Or do cats get allergies? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by member854 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 14:09 Moonatx Are there any new advances in pollen allergy treatment over the past 10 years? I'm just moving back to a location where I'm terribly affected.

(I see a similar post made recently but it seems to be more focused on food allergies)
I've suffered from terrible pollen allergies my whole life that wrecked me when I was younger. For the past 10 years I was living someplace where I wasn't affected badly but I'm now moving to the Netherlands where I'm having allergy attacks recently that are giving me flashbacks to my youth.
Has there been any advancements in drugs or treatment in the past 10 years? I'm going back to my Allegra-D, Nasocort and Visine allergy eye drops. I also see here they they sell Zyrtec and Benadryll over the counter.
Are there any other alternatives to these traditional antihistamines?
submitted by Moonatx to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 13:13 NoOz1985 Help me understand. No more oxigen drops according to smartwatch

I've talked about this a lot on here. I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea in 2022 after a sleep study in a clinic. I hardly had 2 hours of sleep there and I had taken a benzo cause I was anxious and jittery. They said I could. I did not sleep on my side the first hour, but moved onto my side in the 2nd.
They say I had mainly hypopneas, a few centrals. But because there were so many hypopneas they diagnosed me with sleep apnea. Ahi of 71. I'm 39, female, not overweight. Do have large breasts and sleeping on my back was told it is very bad then. I had drops of oxygen go to 88%
I can't sleep with cpap. I've tried for over a year. And somehow it gives me tremendous headaches and sinus issues and dizzyness. I've tried every mask, I have an auto pap and pressure was set by the clinic at between 4 and 6.6. And I've never gone over that. But this machine makes me sick. Also I have severe tmjd. And the pressure makes my tmjd worse and I wake up with severe jaw muscle pain. Not from the straps but from the pressure.
I was told a MRA splint isn't for me since I already had tmjd. Specialsts say it'll make it worse. So I'm lost here. I have a deviated septum, seen countless ents, none of em say a septopkasty will Def help me. So I don't know if that's wise to get surgery. I'm a chronic mouth breather.
I use a Samsung watch and when I was diagnosed I used it a lot as well during the night and it was consistent with what they told me. Drops of oxigen going to 88% But ever since weeks now it hasn't dropped below 90% again. I'm sleeping mainly on my left side, I use a mouthguard made by the dentist for clenching and grinding (even tho I do none of that but it helps my tmjd) and I use a nasal dilator.
Can these things be the reason my watch says my oxigen isn't dropping anymore? I still have sleep apnea offcourse and severe as well. But maybe the hypopneas have become shorter so that my watch isn't picking up on it?
I just think it's so strange. I don't have the aweful headaches when waking up since a few weeks as well. Clinic told me sleeping on my side made a huge difference during the sleep study. Idk how much. Can it lower your Ahi much??
When I was being diagnosed with sleep apnea I used A LOT of benzos. Not in high dosages but nearly everyday. When sleep specialst told me to stop cause it's worsening sleep apnea I did right away. And never looked back. But a new sleep study has never been done. They don't think it's necessary.
Should I go see a new clinic? I have this cpap machine hete, they never call me and ask me how im doing. They say they can't help me with my specific problems and I should see my gp. Which I did offcourse, who referred me to an ENT. In the meantime I saw many dentists and tmj specialsts. None have an answer. Only that a MRA isn't going to help my headaches or tmj disorder, it will make it worse. So no help.. And I'm lost.
I started the cpap again last week and same symptoms happen. Severe migraines (prob sinus headaches) dizzyness, facial nerve and jaw pain.l that is unbearable after using cpap. I can't use it. I've really tried.
submitted by NoOz1985 to SleepApnea [link] [comments]