Cat medication side effects depo

ADHD Women

2014.04.09 20:53 tellbaconiloveit ADHD Women

This subreddit is a space for women to find support and discuss living with ADHD. If you would like to contact the mods, send us a modmail instead of DM-ing the moderators directly.

2014.05.05 12:40 LadyAbraxus Lexapro

A community for those prescribed Lexapro or Cipralex, also known as Escitalopram. Please be positive and supportive. [> If you are feeling suicidal call 1-800-273-8255. If you need emergency medical attention call 911. [> Read all the rules before posting the first time, and please do not ask for medical advice, contact your doctor or psychiatrist.

2012.05.04 09:55 manberry_sauce Support, Advice & Medical Research for Hypertension Sufferers

This forum is for advice from hypertension sufferers. Unless you are a doctor (submission for verification is greatly encouraged) advocating any medication or medical course of actions are discouraged. Self promotion not allowed without prior mod approval. Reporting side-effects of drugs is encouraged, and undocumented new reports of side effects should be considered conjecture, and not medical fact. Please see a doctor if you are exhibiting side effects, documented, as expected - or otherwise.

2024.05.22 00:13 Malty6 Can you take bupropion every second day?

I feel like my body gets used to the medication and if I miss I don't a dose I never notice it.. is there any benefits to taking it every second day? Perhaps the benefits are less then everyday but so are side effects?
submitted by Malty6 to bupropion [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:13 mikeblurrrr Do you use your main character ever?

The main character and Elly (yourselfs) does anyone actually use them to fight? It seems easier to always leave them at portal for safety rather than constantly having to slow them down or back them off. Also are eins considered yourselfs?
I'm just curious if it is actually worth dumping diamonds into and if whether, when you hit a wall, if it can make a difference.
Also side question, is there any major benefits from having only one of certain units? Like is one PK, with the proper upgraded abilities, really better that trying to get 5 or 10 of them?
I'm referring to the effectiveness of the "lone wolf" type buff/abilities
submitted by mikeblurrrr to roguewiththedead [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:11 SnooWoofers1556 Getting paranoia on lexapro

I am on my 3rd week of lexapro and recently have started feeling very paranoid and like everyone is out to get me. Has anyone else had this side effect and if so how did you deal with it?
submitted by SnooWoofers1556 to lexapro [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:10 SaltPoem7038 Formerly abused cat

Hi I recently adopted a cat from the spca that they claimed was in great health and condition despite being in a terrible hoarding situation. It turns out they were not treating him for his ear infection, anxiety, or his bladder issue which just makes me feel a little annoyed because he's probably been so stressed and in pain for the month he was there. In the beginning he didn't know how to use a litter box at all so I was trying everything and we finally settled on dirt. He's gotten better after a vet visit to check and see what was going on for the anxiety meds that are only until he understands he's safe and the bladder lining medication, but the only thing is we cannot get him to cover up his poop or pee in the litter box. He's a lovely cat and has started to purr and really lean into love we give him. I just want to know what's the best way to help him use the litter box since my other two cats did not come from a situation similar.
submitted by SaltPoem7038 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:09 lavenderacid Why do cats sleep in a puddle?

I've noticed that as kittens, cats like to all sleep in a pile where they all just kind of melt together into a little puddle of fluff.
I've seen older cats do this too, with humans. I have a ragdoll, so he's a very flopsy cat generally, but he has a habit of just falling into whatever available space there is near me. I'm currently lying in bed and he's fallen down between my arm and my side, and wedged himself between me and the wall. He's purring his socks off and is dozing off, and there's plenty of other places to sleep that are surely more comfortable.
Even when he sleeps alone on the sofa, he melts in between the sofa cushions and ends up rammed down the middle fast asleep. Never seems bothered or hurt by it.
Why do cats do this? Why do they insist on turning into a liquid and cramming themselves into wildly uncomfortable positions to sleep, regardless of other animals, people or objects? Is it a warmth thing? Trying to hide? I can't think of a possible reasonable explanation for twisting yourself up into a small space like this instead of sleeping like a normal animal.
submitted by lavenderacid to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:09 pzatime 3% Morphology

Hello everyone,
In recent weeks, my partner and I have been consulting with doctors and undergoing some medical evaluations. I'd like to share the details of our latest sperm analysis:
The results are largely within normal ranges, suggesting healthy sperm function: 1) pH, volume, and round cells count fall within expected limits, indicating high-quality seminal fluid without signs of infection or inflammation. 2) Sperm concentration and total motile count are robust, showing a high number of motile sperm. 3) Motility and progressive motility are within the optimal range, demonstrating effective movement.
The only outlier is the morphology at 3%, slightly below the normal threshold, indicating fewer sperm have the ideal shape.
We've been asked to provide another sample in two weeks. Should anything return abnormal, the next step will be a consultation with a urologist.
I'm uncertain what actions I can take in the interim to possibly improve these results. Any suggestions or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I just purchased male fertility supplements Birds and Bees.
submitted by pzatime to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:08 Smismis8 Investigating Disease Mechanism of Mutation in Rare Disease Enzyme

I am currently working on a side-project investigating the disease mechanism underlying a mutation in an enzyme implicated in a rare disease. Currently the disease mechanism is poorly understood as the enzyme have several substrates it interacts with. My goal is to elucidate how this mutation alters protein structure, substrate binding, and ultimately, cellular function, leading to the observed pathological phenotypes.
As I have an interest in MD simulations and want to learn docking I thought about doing the following to answer the question:
1) Predict mutant protein structures using AlphaFold.
2) Refine the mutant structure through MD simulations to overcome AlphaFold's limitations in handling mutations and to assess the mutation's effect on protein stability and conformational dynamics.
3) Perform molecular docking of substrates to both wild-type and mutant structures to identify potential changes in binding affinity and specificity.
4) Analyze MD trajectories to compare the dynamic behavior of wild-type and mutant enzymes in complex with ligands and identify key structural and functional differences.
Hopefully this should give me some idea of what is the root cause of the pathogenicity.
I really appreciate any feedback you might have!
submitted by Smismis8 to Biochemistry [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:08 heychirag My first delayed flight compensation!

My first delayed flight compensation!
I was just trying to get my meal reimbursed but they are compensating me an extra €250!
Long story short, I bought tickets from Lufthansa and my first flight got delayed (operated by Air Dolomiti) due to which I missed my connection. Lufthansa gave me a hotel to stay for the night but didn't provide me dinner. I was told to send receipts to Lufthansa later telling saying they would reimburse me. But when I sent them the receipt, they told me to ask Air Dolomiti for the reimbursement as delay was caused by them.
This is what I received in response:
submitted by heychirag to travel [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:08 tthane50 Are side effects still normal after 6 weeks?

For context, I've been on Lexapro (5mg as well) before and it actually worked out pretty well, but when I bumped up the dosage to 10mg, things went south and my psychiatrist switched me to Prozac and Zoloft with no success, so now I'm back on Lexapro.
I've been on Lexapro 5mg for about six weeks now and have noticed that my symptoms (anxiety, depression) are getting worse and I know that's normal in order for it to work properly but I just wanted some input on how long it took for Lexapro to start "working". I know it usually takes 4-8 weeks and my psychiatrist told me again it was normal, but with my heightened anxiety after 6 weeks, I just feel something is off. I've been on Lexapro 5mg before and those side effects only lasted around 4 weeks, so I'm kind of conflicted right now.
submitted by tthane50 to lexapro [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:08 Rukuss1 Is it necessary to taper off citalopram before switching to escitalopram?

Hello, I've been on citalopram for years and it's stopping being effective for me. I'm switching to escitalopram. My doctor wants me to slowly taper completely off the citalopram over the course of a couple weeks, have a few days off it, then slowly taper up my dose of escitalopram.
I trust her, but from lots of reading it seems it may not be necessary since they are much the same medication. Many people have said they abruptly stopped one and started the other with no I'll effects.
Does anyone have experience?
submitted by Rukuss1 to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:07 Rukuss1 Is it necessary to taper off celexa before switching to Lexapro?

Hello, I've been on citalopram for years and it's stopping being effective for me. I'm switching to escitalopram. My doctor wants me to slowly taper completely off the citalopram over the course of a couple weeks, have a few days off it, then slowly taper up my dose of escitalopram.
I trust her, but from lots of reading it seems it may not be necessary since they are much the same medication. Many people have said they abruptly stopped one and started the other with no I'll effects.
Does anyone have experience?
submitted by Rukuss1 to citalopram_celexa [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:06 zZEpicSniper303Zz Newly medicated person here, why do my meds sometimes "kick in" and sometimes they don't?

I've only been on Concerta 18mg for 4 days now, but I've noticed an odd phenomenon. On day one I felt an immediate high after taking the pill. About 20 minutes later I was suddenly motivated but not overwhelmingly so, and I could actually get a lot of stuff done. It didn't really "quiet down" my thoughts as people say it does, but I don't mind that! I like my loud thoughts!
The second and third day was the same, immediate high. I noticed I was enjoying social interactions a lot more than usual, and also life just felt... idk brighter? Idk if it's the euphoria caused by the stimulants or if it was the relief from them actually working but it was awesome!
Today though something was different. I ate a plentiful breakfast because I'm not very hungry while the med lasts, and I took my 18mg. But nothing happened for 2 HOURS!
It didn't even have the usual cardiac side effects, my heart rate was at about 60 for those two hours, while usually it's at 75 when I can feel the effects.
Only after about two hours did I feel my heart suddenly racing, like much faster than when I usually take my meds. I lay down and it calmed back to 75, and after about 5 minutes I felt the effects like usual. They didn't last as long though. On the first three days they lasted for 10 hours. But today only for about 8.
What could have caused this... idk delayed response? From my research stimulant resistance isn't really a thing, and especially not in 3 days, so was it just a coincidence coming from a bunch of factors like my hydration level, stomach contents, etc? Maybe a bad pill?
Either way I'm scared that it's gonna stop working for some odd reason, or keep shortening in effect duration until it's useless. Has anyone had something like this happen, is it common?
submitted by zZEpicSniper303Zz to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:05 GreatDoink Is anyone else getting this issue?

Everytime a download a female CAS and load it into the superstar creator their hair is a buzz cut. At first I thought it was the byproduct of the double hair glitch that was patched out, but when I go into their entrance attire their hair is fine. I can even just copy and paste it into the ring attire and it'll work.
Is it an unintended side effect of the double hair glitch patch? Anyone else experiencing it?
submitted by GreatDoink to WWEGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:04 SticksOfButter21 Psych. Doc visit went well. Valium increase + started Prazosin. Zenzedi stabilized.

My visit with psychiatrist yesterday has helped me reach comfort in my mind with a constant anxiety of something I’m sure many are worried about and it is not right (if you can relate to this): the anxiety of your doc cutting, not changing dose and pharmacy rejecting and giving problems with controlled meds.
Both pharmacy and psychiatrist reassured me: allowed me to use 75 + 90 tabs about 1 week after 75 Valium 5mg to dose an extra tab if needed: explained I was on Valium 10mg x3 daily. So I let him know if I can try going daily with Valium 10mg twice daily I think it would be a good start with years of therapy, tapered down, and 4 years in Army as medic now out for about 1 year with fully honorable for medical retirement - I’m happy my discharge is the same as finishing my 4 year contract and did 4 years retired a few days shy of ETS (last day) date.
He gave me Valium 5mg x4 a day and said I can take it as I see fit in my day but not recommended to take all 4 at once like I’m at the dentist or something lol. Can take 3 in morning if I want, 1 at night; 2 and 2, etc.
Started me on Prazosin 1mg and stopped clonidine ER 0.1mg twice daily and took first dose at bed having the morning clonidine in me… ouch lol side effects of weakness had me miss worth and head to urgent care, but got better with time. I felt like I had an ear ache but got better on Zyrtec. So far side effects there, but the daytime effects I can see my trigger response isn’t as overdriven, so med good for daytime symptoms with PTSD too not only good for nightmares which I’ve been lacking a lot regardless. Did not wake up same time of 2:50 - 3:00am as I do like 5/7 nights in a week - great sign for me on its benefit of sleeping being me! I’m on Zoloft 50mg and plan to taper down off of because last VA psych. was only focusing on tapering me off of Valium.
Doctors who taper long term daily benzo’s with compliance AND especially patients who already tapered like myself twice with horrible quality of life: you aren’t even following WHO guidelines if that’s even a concern
Sorry to patients being hassled being on benzos long term. There’s no Suboxone of benzos as they have for opioid users choosing to quit and switch. Klonopin maybe is a similar concept with long duration; maybe Valium too with long half life understood by doctors.
Lastly, the switch from Adderall XR and IR to Zenzedi (dextroamphetamine sulfate) it’s a brand name similar to Dexedrine tablets, more dose options similar to Adderall IR. I am seeing a better amount of benefits with this: no rush sensation, no cold extremities regardless of fluid intake and running 20 - 40 miles/week. Sleeping is easier because the med wears off without the Levoamphetamine continuing to produce nasty PNS (peripheral nervous system) effects.
The pharmacy telling me the doctor choosing whatever he wants to send in, he will fill it. Even mentioning Desoxyn the pharmacist was okay with this.
I’m not used to having a doctor and pharmacy there to be there for me and do their job title. I was always in fear and seeing this 10-11 years later: it’s all fear surrounded around the system that the doctor (now influx of NP/PA especially) follow and limitations unspoken on stop them from helping; seemingly they believe the anti-med information and push stuff like gabapentin - now not so much in several states with controlled status or reporting to PDMP. System nonsense right there.
My post is long but I want anyone to know chat/message for help/support: I’ve played the game and fought for myself been on benzo/stimulant since 13-14 no problems with meds until new docs began taper-happy, extended release happy anti-fast tablet mindset: pressure lead to abuse thinking I was f-worded, but better docs helped my mind slow down abuse knowing stability with each good doc.
I’m here to help if needed: 3 year medic army clinic time helped too.
submitted by SticksOfButter21 to adhd_anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:04 Lily-Paddington Prednisolone Side Effects?

Hello! I was recently put on prednisolone eye drops (3 times a day for a week, 2 times a day the following week) and then I’ll go back in for a follow up.
I started them on Friday night and haven’t noticed many side effects other than a slightly unpleasant taste, but for the past two days, my throat has felt more strained like I’m losing my voice.
I work in sales so I talk a lot and haven’t had much change in my routine other than this. Could the strained throat/voice be from the eye drops?
TIA for any advice or info!
submitted by Lily-Paddington to Dryeyes [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:03 Psyched_ToBeHere How long have you experienced side effects from qelbree

Hello, I am 21, and this is the first time I have tried medication for ADHD. Today is my second day on Qelbree 100mg. Yesterday, on my first dose, I felt very fatigued, lasting almost the entire day. Today, the fatigue happened again, but not as strong. This is the only side effect I have been experiencing. If anyone has experienced this, please let me know and for how long. Is this something that subsided after taking the medication for longer, or was this a constant symptom? any tips for future use?
submitted by Psyched_ToBeHere to qelbree [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:03 TheFummestChum Your reminder/warning to not use GENESIGHT for antidepressants 🚨🚨🚨

I struggle with severe anxiety, depression, and OCD.
When the side effects of Zoloft began to outweigh the positive that it was doing for me last summer, I decided to switch to Wellbutrin. Wellbutrin made me the most anxious I have ever been in my entire life. I was on it for a month, and did not have one moment of peace for that entire month. Terrible.
I decided to try stopping meds all together after this. Also terrible.
In January, I went to see a new PCP. I told her I wanted to try meds again but expressed my concern with side effects. She suggested Genesight, but told me to call my insurance (Aetna ⚰️) first to make sure it was covered, otherwise I'd be stuck paying $330.
Sure enough, I call Aetna, they tell me it's covered (three times over the phone, I made her repeat it multiple times) so I get the test done January 10th.
PCP says I'll get the results mailed to my residence before they get them at the office (she gave me an ETA of about 6 weeks).
Not only did the results not get mailed to my residence, but a month later, a bill for the $330 from Genesight that Aetna said would be covered arrived at my residence. Aetna refuses to listen to the recorded call because of the service performed (a lab).
Additionally, when they did send it to my PCP's office, they weren't notified. So now it's May 21st, and I'm seeing these results for the first time while still battling with Aetna and Genesight. And what's the medication that is most recommended for me?
Days after I got this test done and before all the trouble came, I told me therapist about it. My therapist told me that these tests are basically bullshit for antidepressants and Genesight is extremely exploitative as it's expensive and doctors' offices get a kickback for pushing them heavily. I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt, because have nowhere to go from here but up, but now I know she's right about Genesite for antidepressants.
And now I'm stuck fighting this expensive bill that I was told I wasn't going to have to pay. Cumulatively, I've spent HOURS on the phone with both Aetna and Genesight, neither of whom have any interest in resolving this.
Overall, this has made my mental health 100x worse. Please, do not make the same mistake I did.
If your doctor suggests Genesight for antidepressants, run. These people aren't trying to help us, they’re trying to exploit us for money we don’t have while we’re at our absolute lowest.
Also, if your insurance says something is covered, PLEASE ask for it in writing
submitted by TheFummestChum to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:03 SierraBrelsford I don't know how to get doctors to listen to me.

Looking for advice on how to advocate for myself better or tests or referrals to ask for.
Almost 30 years old, female. Married, no children, full time self employed business ownehairstylist. Of English and Mediterranean descent. No significant history of alcohol use, no Marijuana use. Have not drank since 2020. No significant nicotene use, but smoked 1 to 3 cigarettes per day until 2021, switched to vaping the lowest concentration, quit nicotene in 2023. Generally healthy and balanced diet. 5'5", currently about 145lbs. 105/65 is normal resting BP, heart is high 50s to low 60s. No significant personal medical history aside from benign ovarian tumor resulting in emergency surgery due to torsion in 2017. Have had pelvic ultrasound within last 6 months, no findings. Normal abdominal CT. Have had two colonoscopies and an endoscopy due to GI issues, detailed below. PFT suggested mild asthma. GI Scopes found mild cell changes in lower esophagus, rectum, and chronic gastritis in stomach. Had MRI of brain which showed two small white matter hyperintensities. Normal echocardiogram, cardiac stress test showed elevated ejection fraction which may have been due to dehydration. Normal cardiac event monitor. I have some degenerative disc disease in my cervical and thoracic spine.
Blood panels usually show: - low- to low end of normal hemoglobin, potassium, sodium. - high end of normal levels of CO2 -high but not alarmingly high wbc (very high neutrophils but low lymphocytes) -thyroid (free t3 and t4) levels tend to swing from the 1.0's to almost 3.0 -estradiol low end of normal Have a normal ESR blood test, have not been given an ANA.
Symptoms include:
Sudden, crushing fatigue (have almost fallen asleep while standing and walking) Heart palpitations (both fast and slow, pounding ones) Sudden feelings of impending doom/death/panic Sudden lightheadedness and nausea Sudden bloating and diarrhea 5+ times a day Cystic acne, currently controlled with tretinoin (.025%) Migraines with aura, with or without headache (visual and sound distortions, cannot look at certain patterns (especially small stripes) or hear certain noises without feeling "out of sorts" Vertigo (feels like I'm falling or about to fall over) Extreme acid reflux that is never fully controlled even with Pantoprazole (burning is gone, regurgitation still a thing) Unexplainable weight fluctuations of up to 25 pounds within a couple months, both gain and loss. Random episodes of shortness of breath, rescue inhaler works typically. Sharp, stabbing pains and dull aches in rib cage, back, neck, and chest Sudden aching pains in arms and legs or skin will feel like patches of it are burning for a few minutes Unable to vigorously exercise or I will have what feels like an adrenaline dump and have a panic attack. Usually walking up to 3mph is fine but sometimes it isn't. Hypermobile joints which have resulted in many partial and full knee, shoulder, and finger dislocations, especially in teens and early 20s. I've always been very flexible. I do have TMJ.
***Also worth noting: Throughout 2018 and 2019, I'd have random days here and there where I would spike a fever and be in bed all day with flu like symptoms, if I went to the doctor my WBC count would be quite high, but either the next day or by the end of the day I'd be fine. This went on for about a year and a half. Then in late 2020, I got COVID and everything started or severely intensified about 6 months later. Continued to worsen until early 2022, then again in early 2023 after a series of very stressful events, and has stayed the same since. Most symptoms have been with me since childhood and intensified over the last few years to the point that some days I feel like I can barely function.
Family history of:
Mitral valve defects (both sides) DVT Heart attack Unstable angina Atrial fibrillation Renal failure Heart failure Type 2 diabetes Hypertension High cholesterol Colon cancer Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism Reproductive cancers in men and women Anxiety Depression Bipolar disorder Substance use disorder Fibromyalgia Chronic fatigue syndrome Ulcerative colitis GERD PMDD
submitted by SierraBrelsford to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:02 yikes_mylife Skin tearing/splitting

DAE with female anatomy have their skin repeatedly split open around their vulva? Not the typical posterior fourchette tear around the perineum, but above the vulva where it meets the pubic mound? My GYN wasn’t really sure, but my pelvic floor physical therapist suggested it could be a side effect from years on birth control. So my GYN prescribed an ointment that I just started. My super dry eyes the other day reminded me that my mom was diagnosed with sjogrens a few years ago, and I think I had at least one doctor try to test me for it in the past, but I wasn’t sure why he was ordering the tests and never followed up.
I see my rheumatologist tomorrow for my psoriatic arthritis so I was considering bringing this up, but I’m not sure if it’s actually a symptom that fits as I haven’t been able to find any info about this particular problem I’ve been having for nearly a year now.
submitted by yikes_mylife to Sjogrens [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:02 DapperLee Am I Wrong to want my Brother-in-law removed from our family?

Okay, so for this post there are a lot of people involved (this has been going on for a while) so I'll list up here who's who. This is my wife's family. I'll be using code names when appropriate:
Father-in-law - FIL
Mother-in-law - MIL
Wife(oldest daughter) - Wife
Second daughter - Sarah
Third daughter - Lana
Fourth daughter - Ruth
Second daughter's husband - BIL
Third daughter's fiancee - Karl
My daughter - daughter
Second daughter's older son - Danny
Second daughter's younger son - Aaron
And me as me
I know this is long but bear with me TL;DR Brother-in-law has snapped the last straw for the family and we are all starting to cut ties with him
 BIL's family has their own side of the story that I'm barely familiar with, so it won't be brought up here. We first met BIL way before they got together; Sarah bought a house as a group of friends with her boyfriend at the time, and BIL and his second wife at the time. We didn't interact with him much. We just heard a few stories about him from their friend group. Eventually this situation broke down and BIL and his second wife left and vandalized Sarah's home on the way out. They let their dogs poop all over the floor, stole some miscellaneous items, poured water in their lawn mower gas tank, etc. He did this to Sarah, his future third wife. We thought this guy was out of our lives forever. Sarah eventually came to stay on my couch after she sold the house. She lived with me and my wife for roughly 3 months. Then she went and rented an apartment a few miles away. No sooner than a few weeks did we find out she was dating future BIL, and a few weeks after that we found she was pregnant. He met the family and stated that he wanted to be a part of it. He blamed all his past transgressions on his second wife. We questioned him at the time if he was still with his second wife. He said no, and that he was officially divorced. My wife looked up the public court records and found out that he didn't file divorce papers until 11 days after we asked that question. A small lie but considering our history of knowing him it was concerning. BIL is a big gun enthusiast. About 1 months after they told us Sarah was pregnant, while cleaning a gun at home he shot himself in the hand. Again, we were concerned but Sarah assured us he was a changed man and this was just an unfortunate accident. His hand healed but he didn't do his physical therapy that seriously so his hand is still kind of jacked up. I feel this is important because he kind of has a history of not following through on what he says. During Sarah's pregnancy we found out that BIL seriously beat one of their dogs back when they bought the house together. We also figured out he diagnosed himself with bipolar, but refused to go to a doctor to get an actual diagnosis. The whole family at the time was distracted by all of this because during Sarah's pregnancy my wife went through a major medical struggle that resulted in multiple surgeries and a months-long stay in the hospital. We were so focused on that the BIL details just kind of came and went at that moment. Sarah gave birth to Danny during COVID lockdown. We were so excited and we all were very active in Danny's life. Time would pass and we just kind of got used to BIL being despite the fact that he often would miss family events. BIL and Sarah would move into a house on my in-laws property just down the road from in-laws house. MIL became their primary caregiver as she could work it around her job and still make decent money. As 4 years have passed my MIL, FIL, Lana, my Wife and I all take shifts of watching their now 2 kids for them, for free. MIL also watches my daughter but significantly less that their son's. 2 years would pass after Danny was born and everything seemed OK. There would just be hints in they way he talked about who he really was. He would say something in casual conversation like "man, there seems like there are too many black people in commercials these days" or "I don't know why we are forcing women's sports to be a thing." Bigoted stuff like that, but veiled enough so there was plausible deniability. I would often call him out on it, so he really grew to not like me. This all changed at his 30th bday. He had a big party with a lot of alcohol and weed with dozens of friends. My wife and I didn't go because we are not party people. Lana and Ruth went to the party. Sarah was also there. During this party BIL went outside and decided to "mud" his jeep through the creek beside their house. This was possibly with Karl but I'm not sure of that to this day. Karl has recently come into the picture prior to this event and was previously friends with BIL for a long time. The jeep got stuck and flooded for obvious reasons. After trying to get it out of the creek by multiple means, they gave up and left it there. I believe it took almost 2 days to get it out. He went back to the party and as everyone got progressively drunk and high, my 2 sister-in-laws Lana and Ruth (I believe) criticized BIL for getting his car stuck in a creek while playing. BIL verbally assaulted them and demanded they get out of his house. They left in tears. They drove separately, and Lana had gotten buzzed so they both got in Ruth's car and drove to my house. They sat and vented to my wife and I for a while, and eventually I offered that we should go do something fun to take their minds off of it. My wife and I drove them to Taco Bell and we got some food and drove around town for a while and made jokes in the car. After they cooled off and were in a better mood they said that Lana needed to go get her car from the party. In a flurry she accidentally left her keys inside her sister's and BIL's house. We drove them over just in case anything sketchy happened but Lana and Ruth didn't want us to go inside, so we waited out in the car. She didn't think it would be a big deal to walk in, but as her and Ruth did BIL immediately got in her face and demanding she gets out or else. Ruth went to talk to someone else at the party and didn't notice this at first. BIL shoved Lana against a wall and held her there. Everyone apparently stood in stunned silence as this happened. He then shoved her to the ground, grabbed her around the ankles and started pulling her across the floor. As he was threatening to do even worse, Ruth ran up and jumped on his back and gave him a head lock. She screamed at him to stop but before BIL could anything about this everyone finally woke up and pulled them apart. Ruth helped Lana up and they ran out of the house onto the front porch sobbing. My wife saw this and got out of the car and yelled at them to get back in our car. We drove up to the in-laws house. By then it was past midnight. MIL was about an hour away working her job and FIL was up in his room asleep. The sisters went and woke him up and explained the situation through tears. They also called MIL to inform her of the situation. He got ready and ask me to go with him down to the house to get some answers. The sisters stayed up at the house. We drove down in his car and when we got out the entire party was ready for us and greeted us at the car. Literally over a dozen people, most of whom I did not recognize started screaming what happened at both of us simultaneously. Everyone was clearly very drunk. FIL looked overwhelmed, so I raised my hands and tried asking everyone to stop for a second and go one by one telling their bit of the story. BIL stopped me mid sentence and pointed his finger in my face. I noticed he had his other hand on a holstered hand gun. He yelled out "You don't have a say here! You're barely even part of this family." For context, I had been with my wife for over 11 years at that time and he hadn't even married Sarah yet and had been there about 2 1/2 years. FIL backed up and told me that I need to stop talking and that I was being a problem. I backed off and went over the yard to Sarah and Karl. I asked Sarah what happened and she told me that she didn't see what happened and that she wasn't very aware of what was going on now. Karl would barely answer the same question. I walked back over to FIL but he told me to back off and that I really wasn't needed there. Admittedly I felt pretty insulted and just decided to walk back to his house and get my car and go home with my wife. We eventually left after FIL came back to the house. We found out later that BIL had pulled his gun out and threatened to kill himself if FIL didn't leave. Out of fear of what he would do, my in-laws were pretty afraid to take action at this point. A lot of the situation was his word against someone else's and Sarah went on a tour around to the friends and convinced them not to take any of this to the police. She then tried to smooth things over with the family and offered that BIL would apologize to everyone. He then refused, stating that Ruth was the real aggressor and that she assaulted him. He eventually agreed to apologize to just FIL for causing a problem and I think some half-hearted apologies to Lana and Ruth. The whole situation was swept under the rug but an unease has existed over the family since then. He stopped coming to family events pretty much altogether. About 4 months after this situation, prior to my daughter being born, he told MIL he was going to bring Danny up to their house so she could watch him for a few hours while he took a nap. His job works long hours so this wasn't out of the ordinary. However, he didn't show up for a while and my MIL started questioning what going on. She called but there was no answer. She drove down to his house and knocked but there wasn't an answer, only Danny crying in the background. She let herself in and found BIL asleep on the couch with Danny actively trying to wake him up. MIL tried to wake him up but nothing for a few minutes. She gave up and wrote a note to let him know where Danny was. BIL didn't notice Danny was gone for 2 hours. He finally woke up, drove up to in-laws house, and yelled at my MIL for just taking Danny without informing him. He took Danny and then left. A few months after that, after my daughter was born, He fell asleep while watching Danny again. This time we found out because when he woke up the front door was open and Danny was gone. He called in-laws for help finding him. My in-laws have a large property (about 200 acres) with a ton of it forested. Danny wandered 1/4 of a mile into the woods and I believe it took roughly a little over an hour to find him. Family questioned him hard this time but he just recoiled back into their house and didn't talk to us much. Sarah continued to defend him and said it was just an accident. Again the police were not notified about any of this. There was always this idea that if we went to authorities about any of this they would just run for it. They would then surprise everyone with the news that they were pregnant again, despite the fact that Sarah had used the morning after pill. This whole time they hadn't married yet. They announced that they were getting married but Sarah told Lana that it was mostly just to help BIL not have to go through bankruptcy a second time. I wasn't sure if this would do anything to help that situation, but that's what Sarah said at one point leading up to the wedding. About a month before the wedding, however, he threatened Sarah that if she insisted on inviting my wife to the wedding he would demand to invite a friend of his that Sarah hated. This friend also used to date BIL I believe. This was his ploy to force Sarah to not invite my Wife or me. The 2 other sisters and MIL all stood in solidarity with us and said that they would also not go if we weren't invited. He eventually relented and they got married a little before Aaron was born. As more kids were added, MIL's childcare duties got much harder. Eventually my wife and I started paying her (not much but something at least. $150 a month) to watch our daughter, but we also did chores for her, bought her food often, and eventually my Wife started taking a few shifts to watch all 3 children. To date, BIL and Sarah have never compensated any of us for our work. It's a little frustrating but we've tried to understand because Sarah and BIL seem to be bad with money. They objectively make more than us yet can't afford to pay MIL anything. Last Thanksgiving, in the middle of dinner, Sarah and BIL decided to have an "intervention" and talk about how we were not treating BIL fairly. They addressed everybody but really honed in on me specifically. This seemed to be because the rest of the family kind of dance in eggshells around them, while to be frank I'm pretty honest about how I feel about them. They seemed to think I was causing the family to turn against him and questioned why I would do that. I told him he lacked humility. He said he didn't understand. I told him that if he admitted to his mistakes and actually apologized about any of the stuff I previously wrote, instead of blaming everyone and everything else then the whole family would feel a bit different about him. A lot of talk was about the 30th b-day and other times when I just ignored him and how he had already apologized about the party. I reminded him that he didn't apologize to most of the family and he blamed Ruth. He then stated that Ruth was the cause of a lot of the problems at that party. He also made a big deal about how the family doesn't trust him with my daughter and kept emphasizing how he has never held her. We finally tried to come to an agreement. I told him I would try to talk to him more and try to understand him better and he said he would try to come to family events more. He also wanted more of a relationship with my daughter. We left and my wife and I were skeptical but we said that if this is who Sarah really wanted to be with, as long as BIL wasn't perceived as a threat he could have more contact with our daughter. We have had way more of a relationship with his kids than he has had with our daughter so I tried to sympathize with that imbalance. Karl also stated later that having known BIL for a long time, he thought he was very sincere. To date, BIL has not asked or tried at any family events to spend any time with my daughter, despite having numerous opportunities. Now to the current situation. About a month ago Lana and Karl announced that Lana was pregnant. This was a revelation due to Lana having a medical condition that made it harder to get pregnant. A lot of excitement was brewing in the family because of this. Karl has been seeming like a good partner to Lana, and proposed to her a little before the pregnancy happened. This is especially pertinent because Lana and Karl moved into a house together right beside BIL and Sarah. A few days ago they were over at Sarah and BIL's house when an argument broke out between Sarah and BIL. BIL demanded that Sarah wasn't an "obedient enough wife" and that if she wanted there marriage to work then she was going to have to get better at serving him. She was upset and they weren't coming to an agreement so he was going to leave, but apparently he was very high so Sarah refused to give him the keys to his car. He got extremely mad and then got a gun, held it to his head, and threatened to kill himself if she didn't hand over the keys. Fortunately, Danny and Aaron were taking a nap during all of this. Sarah called the police during this whole exchange and the operator heard a lot of what BIL said over the phone so based on that they arrived at the house. He apparently drove away and it took the police a bit to find him but once they did he turned himself over. They admitted him to a mandatory 72-hour stay at a psychiatric ward for a mental health assessment. Sarah then came up to the rest of the family (not me or my Wife) and gave them Danny and Aaron. She then went and confided with Lana and Karl about how abusive BIL had been and how life was just miserable right now. A lot of us, especially Karl and my in-laws, were telling her that she needs to leave BIL and file for emergency custody of her children. She seemed to be listening to us and turning a corner, but inexplicably the psychiatric ward allowed BIL to have a phone call with Sarah and they had a long conversation. Suddenly, Sarah shut us all out and completely changed her story. She started defending BIL again. BIL was then let out of the psychiatric ward a day early. Since Karl was working at the time, Lana came to stay with us and then over at her in-laws. We are especially concerned about her safety around BIL due to her being pregnant. They have since cut nearly all contact with us for 4 days now. They have only told Karl that they were getting a new TV because the old one mysteriously broke somehow. They have continued to post on social media like nothing has happened. They have spent 2 days with BIL's family so we aren't sure what their opinion of this is, though we do know a sibling of his has also told Sarah to leave him prior to this latest situation. We don't know what their plans for childcare is because they are wholly reliant upon us. Lana is very reluctant to ever be home alone. Ruth is as well. There are so many other details I haven't mentioned. There have been holes in walls they've had to fix. There is some evidence that BIL is cheating on Sarah, but that evidence is somewhat inconclusive. The bigoted comments for a while now have gotten increasingly misogynistic. It's a lot of 'we need to respect proper gender roles' kind of stuff. There's just too much and I've already written a book on here. I don't really know what to do at this point. Because a lot of this stuff has been swept under the rug it's hard to tell how seriously CPS or police would take our claims. FIL has threatened to kick them out of their very cheap rental they're in now. Who knows what they would do in that scenario. I know this post is detailed and because of that BIL or Sarah might see it, but at this point I wonder if I even give a shit. They've already eluded to keeping their sons from us in the past and the vibes we are getting now is that they are already doing it. And from the bottom of my heart, fuck BIL. 
submitted by DapperLee to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:02 chipsandqueso008 I (28F) feel like I am surrounded by alcoholics and the impact of it consumes me. I am getting super resentful towards my father-in-law. Looking for support and encouragement

I want to genuinely thank anyone in advance for reading this and taking the time to provide any kind of support or advice, as I feel desperate at this point.
For context, I am a 28 year old female. I have an alcoholic father. My great grandfather on my Dad’s side was an abusive alcoholic. My mother’s Dad (my grandfather) was an abusive alcoholic. I just received the news that mother’s brother passed away at 61, due to a heart attack from his alcohol consumption. I do not consume alcohol at all, and I actually believe I have a strong fear of alcohol due to family history and knowing how destructive it can be.
I got married to my husband (32M) in 2022, but we have been together for over 5 years. He is emotionally intelligent, supportive, and incredible in more ways than I could describe.
We both grew up with very mean, alcoholic fathers. Our biggest difference? My Dad’s alcoholism has progressively gotten so much worse and I severed ties last November, after unwarranted horrible text messages from him. I only see him occasionally when I go see my Mom. I am civil, but that is it. No more holidays with him, and no more just “dealing with it and pretending things didn’t happen”.
My husband however, is very close to his Dad, despite his Dad’s flaws. Added context- His Dad “retired” (quit working) several years ago. He was running low on money and said he would pay my husband rent if he could live in one of my husband’s rental properties. He never started paying rent, and my husband supported him completely for 5+ years. Now, he lives off of social security, but still doesn’t pay rent. My husband is just simply relieved to not have to give him money every month anymore. His Dad has always been a heavy binge drinker and smoker. My husband has asked him not to smoke in the house, and my father-in-law did it anyway. He is very stubborn, and these habits contributed to his divorce several years ago. He has ruined most of the relationships around him, including most of the relationships with his children.
Several months ago, my FIL had a stroke due to these habits. My husband and I helped him with preparing meals, doctor visits, and getting on proper medications for about 7-8 months. He quit all of his habits, and even cleaned his house, which was filthy and in hoarder condition. We have been absolutely thrilled with his decisions, but we are aware he could pick up those old habits again at any moment.
He is more independent now and not needing our help as much. Recently, he just told us he is going to be drinking at the next family gathering coming up in a couple of weeks.
I am so anxious, because I feel the drinking at this gathering will lead to smoking, as beers make him want to smoke. I am also annoyed because he encourages my husband to drink. My husband is VERY good at limiting himself, and he never drinks but a couple of times a year, as he is aware of the negative impacts of alcohol. I have even told my FIL that my husband and I argue when he drinks too much, which is why he limits himself, but my FIL doesn’t care. My husband has expressed he does not feel any need to get drunk, and limiting it is his way of respecting our marriage and compromising with me. My FIL just thinks I’m controlling the drinking.
I will not want to go to his house anymore if he begins smoking in it again. I do not believe anyone should breathe that in, but the fact that he would AGAIN be disrespecting my husband’s wishes will add to my frustration and resentment.
He is a very kind man to me directly, but my husband has even warned me that his Dad is very flawed, very manipulative, and plays the victim in everything, and even mentioned to keep my distance.
I guess I am just simply exhausted of always being on guard with how much everyone drinks. I can handle people buzzed from a few and just enjoying themselves, but I cannot handle being around anyone drunk.
Any advice, support, or polite constructive criticism is welcome. I know I have trauma around alcohol, and I am actively trying to work on this.❤️‍🩹
submitted by chipsandqueso008 to AlAnon [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:01 ConcertNarrow3286 Vyvanse floors me.

I typically do not report side effects and the efficacy of the meds I take. Amphetamine is a good medication to gain interest in things that I need to do and execute these tasks effectively.
But Vyvanse floors me and makes me emotional. I asked for it from my GP as a replacement to Adderall/XR because of the tolerance I've built.
But instead of energy and focus, my brain becomes foggy and I am slowed, or I'm just not noticing me focusing. But I feel really slow but focused. Is this normal? I am still executing tasks and doing life stuff, but I feel slower and less discombobulated.
I don't get the kick of energy like with Adderall or I could be confusing it with the jitters. I guess Vyvanse doesn't have this side effect. I guess Vyvanse cuts the hyperactivity.
I'm gonna start eating a slice of pizza and burritos to help.
submitted by ConcertNarrow3286 to ADHD [link] [comments]