Timothy treadwell rib cage

Timothy Treadwell ‘The Grizzly Man’ who thought he could live with bears. Known for his crazy antics. Timothy spent 13 summers camping in Alaska until his eventual demise. Photo taken in the late 90s

2024.05.21 15:32 ADelacour Timothy Treadwell ‘The Grizzly Man’ who thought he could live with bears. Known for his crazy antics. Timothy spent 13 summers camping in Alaska until his eventual demise. Photo taken in the late 90s

Timothy Treadwell ‘The Grizzly Man’ who thought he could live with bears. Known for his crazy antics. Timothy spent 13 summers camping in Alaska until his eventual demise. Photo taken in the late 90s submitted by ADelacour to Hasan_Piker [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:55 Affectionate_Eagle54 Advice — doctors and diagnoses

I am in my late twenties and have had three years of chronic back and nerve pain, at the beginning so severe I could not work my desk job.
Tests have found: MRI of cervical spine: - bulging C5/C6 disc with mild stenosis - straightened cervical spine
X-ray of back and pelvis: - L5-S1 degenerative disc disease and bone spurs - mild arthiritis in lumbar spine and sacroiliac joints - Kyphosis - mild right curvature of thoracic and lumbar spine - “Subtle cortical irregularity about the inferior aspect of the right sacroiliac joint, without definite cortical erosion or periarticular sclerosis to suggest sacroiliitis”
I also saw a Rheumatologist and bloodwork was all normal.
I have seen a series of neurologists, orthopedic surgeons, and recently a PMT.
Orthopedic surgeon said issue was all due to my neck issues, but he never saw / ordered the X-rays. After 6 months of PT and a round of trigger point injections failed on my neck (although did have significant improvement), he said I should get an epidural for my C5/C6, but to see a rheumatologist first. He said he could not help me further.
Rheumotologist ordered bloodwork (normal), and X-ray (as a predecessor to a MRI), and I started Gabapentin (100 MG 3X/ day), and said to follow up with the PMR. Finally saw the PMR who said getting a MRI wouldn’t make a difference in treatment. He said an epidural would not be effective as my C5/C6 bulge is too mild. He did not know what was causing my issues and said if you did a MRI of ten pain-free people, people without pain could have results like mine. He prescribed four weeks of PT and to follow up after that (although I have already done 8 months). He sent me home with some neck exercises, some of which were new, which I did at home and made me twitchy and numb and stiff.
I am really frustrated after three years of different doctors. The pain is very severe and fairly debilitating. Any advice on type of doctor to see, tests, or thoughts on treatment? Do I really not need a MRI? I’ve only had one done on my cervical spine.
Honestly the neck and lower back muscle and radiating nerve pain I feel like I can live with / get a handle on. It’s improved a lot. It is this feeling that standing or sitting is so uncomfortable and stressful on my spine and rib cage that stops me from doing my hobbies and living my life. My spine and ribs constantly crackle and pop and it feels exhausting to sit upright.
submitted by Affectionate_Eagle54 to backpain [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:14 GrungeGhostie I'm having pain that is very similar to a gallbladder attack, but I have no other symptoms, could be anxiety even?

Hi all, so firstly, I haven't been able to see a doctor yet (planning to, more on that below), but about a week ago I randomly woke up with a severe stabbing pain just below my rib cage on the right side, it was probably a pain of 6 for me, I took a Tylenol and just sat in bed breathing steadily. It calmed down after about 40 minutes and I went back to sleep, but woke up with a dull pain in the same spot. That pain continued (burning sensation, could pinpoint exactly where it came from, felt it in my back) and then 4 days later during the evening I felt the pain building up, for about an hour it was like a constant level 5 pain, I decided to go lie down, and woke up an hour later with the most severe pain I've ever felt, it was a full 9 on the scale. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I just laid there trying to breath while it felt like someone had shoved a burning pole through me in the exact same spot. I probably should have gone to the ER but I grew up with doctor grandparents and traumatized boomer parents and thus it was grilled into me that you shouldn't go to the ER unless you're spewing blood everywhere. The pain since died down but has not gone away, the same thing as it was 4 days ago where I can feel it, but it never goes away completely.
So, my question is, does this sound like gallbladder attack?
I have no other symptoms except I've been bleching more, my diet has been normal, and my stress has been better than before but not great. I'm hesitant to go to the ER because I don't have the proper health care card for my province, I only moved here 8 months ago and I haven't decided if I'm staying yet, plus I don't want to go only for them to send me back home with no results and nothing farther. I am obese and have anxiety and my experience with doctors is mostly the same "lose weight/your problems are anxiety", I don't want to go somewhere I already don't like if I don't have to, but I'm prepared to do it if the pain happens a 3rd time like it did before. Plus, I'm worried they'll just rush me into surgery and I know it can be an easy recovery, but I have 2 cats (one with a broken leg right now) and no family in the city, so surgery isn't an easy choice.
I think I really just need some advice to calm my worries, any experiences or stories of your own would be much appreciated.
submitted by GrungeGhostie to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:25 Twitch6r A Man Amongst the Stars 9

First Previous Next
*Knock* *Knock*
A soft knock gently woke me up from my dreamless slumber. When I opened my eyes, I was met with a pitch black expanse. I noted that the retina-destroying light bulb must have been turned off at some point. Feeling around, I could feel my body was less sore then it was the previous, what I’ve taken to calling sleep cycles, as it didn’t feel quite right to call anything night or day anymore.
Still, though, I could feel a distinct pang of pain that shot through me every time I tried to perform an action more complex than raising my right hand, while doing anything with my left was completely out of the picture. With apprehension, I crossed my right arm across my body to gently grope around my left in an attempt to find the part that was actually broken, but it was to no avail, as all I achieved in doing so was hurting myself.
*Knock* *Knock*
Oh right, the door. Were they waiting for me to allow them in? In that case, this definitely isn’t Guard.
“You can come in.” I yelled hesitantly.
The door flew open at such speed that I wouldn't be surprised if the door fell off its space hinges. In the doorway, a figure stood. I couldn’t quite identify their features, but their silhouette was enough to identify the fact they weren’t too tall, by space standards, of course. They still appeared to be easily 6 foot, but at this point I could barely even consider that height tall. No, what actually grabbed my attention was the several appendages that were attached to the top of their head, and that were currently freely swaying in the wind, like seaweed in the ocean. One was currently wrapped around the door knob, clueing me into the fact they were also completely autonomous. Honestly, they reminded me a lot of… tentacles. Shit.
“S-Sorry.” Their voice and movement was shaky and erratic. They walked inside the room before quickly closing the door behind them, their features now much more visible, including the dark yellow coat and pitch black pants they wore. The gray skin across their slightly, to be nice I’ll just say chubby, body was the first notable feature. The second was the feathery gills almost identical to those of axolotl’s on the side of their head. Their face was soft, like the rest of the body, with a giant pair of pink, egg-shaped eyes that hadn't yet left the floor. Their bottom and top lip were not long enough to connect, leading to their mouth being permanently open. Their cone shaped head started pointed at the chin area, and widened out until it was big enough to accommodate the multitude of appendages on their head. They truly looked like an evolved axolotl, sans tail. “I’ve been working out recently, g-guess I don’t know my own strengths anymore.” They nervously chuckled while rubbing their webbed hands together.
“Uh, it’s alright. I mean, it’s not my door so I don’t mind.” I said in an attempt to comfort them. “No shame in working out. It’s clearly effective, right?” At this, the feathery gills adorning their head pulsed slightly in a pink light, before quickly returning to their non-luminescent state. For the first time since they came into the room, they looked at me.
“A-are you the Hum’un.”
“Who are you?” I tried not to be rude, as so far they had given me no reason to be, but it was also imperative I didn’t let my guard down. Better safe than sorry.
“Doctor!” They practically yelled, before seemingly becoming embarrassed. “Sorry, I’m sorry. Doctor, a-as in, that’s wh-what I am. For you. That is.” Christ, and I thought I was nervous.
“What would a doctor of a different species do for me? We don't exactly share the same body.” I tried to not be confrontational, but at the same time, it was a real concern that I knew might impede any help I could receive.
“N-no worries, I’m no regular physician, I’m a trained interspecies specialist, specifically employed to help with whatever ailments might have befallen you. I have certifications in 7 different medical departments, over 8 polar cycles in non-primary education, have treated all sorts of species throughout the galaxy, almost-” I tuned out their accomplishments by this point, letting the ramblings just wash over me. They. I’ve just been saying they as a placeholder until I could figure out their gender, but maybe it was silly to assume an alien would always be male or female, especially considering this probably wasn’t even a mammal, judging by their aquatic look and the fact they lacked any mammary tissue. I mean, so do I, but… whatever. They would probably be fine. “Isn’t that impressive?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah it is. Great job.” I gave a reassuring smile that they appeared to have appreciated. “So, do we begin now, or?” I cut myself off to give them an opening to talk, as it didn’t seem in their nature to have the confidence to initiate.
“Y-yes, of course.” They walked up to the side of my bed before continuing. “I have been tasked with going over any injuries you may have sustained during your last mission. Is this correct?”
“I was hurt pretty bad, yes.”
“Great! Not because you were hurt, of course, just as in, you know.” The gills pulsated again.
“Calm down, I get it.”
“Mhm, of course.” They looked around before continuing. “Before we begin, mind answering a couple survey questions? It won't take long.”
“Questions? Really?” My patience for any sort of questions had run thin after yesterday's fiasco, and it wasn’t something I wanted repeated.
“J-just a couple regarding who you are. It will help me treat you b-better.”
“Perfect!” They ruffled through coat pockets using the appendages on their head before pulling out a crumpled piece of paper. “Firstly, are you a mammal? Yes or no.”
“Yes.” They emerged a small circle shaped object from their pocket before gliding it gently across the paper, leaving a symbol containing a large circle on the outside with different sized circles on the inside..
“Second, what is your gender?”
“Male.” Again, the object gently flew across the paper.
“Thirdly, does your blood contain any chemicals?”
“Mainly copper, but also some other metals like iron.” I explained. I hoped they wouldn’t ask any questions about my anatomy more complex than that, as my limited biology knowledge wouldn’t get me very far. “Also oxygen. A lot of oxygen.” With one last swipe on the paper, they folded the paper back up before stuffing it back into a pocket.
“Thank you so much for cooperating! You know, you’re nowhere near as aggressive as they said you would be.” The doctor spoke absentmindedly as the appendages began to pull out instruments from their pockets.
“Really? They labeled me as “aggressive?” Maybe if they didn’t try to tear me down at every opportunity, I wouldn’t have a reason to be “aggressive.” Have they ever thought about that?” I steadily raised my voice, making sure that anyone outside could hear me.
“No! Th-that's not it at all. They just implied it because injured animals are usually more aggressive. That’s all!” They sputtered in an attempt to reassure me.
“Animal? Fucking animal?” I muttered incredulously. That implication made me fume. “I’m not some stupid animal that broke its paw; some animal that would die in the wilderness without aid. If I was left in that forest, guess what? I would have found a way to survive. My species was built to survive.” In an attempt to show the doctor what I meant, I decided, for the first time since I was getting knocked around by drones, to move on my legs. I carelessly moved my legs off the bed before gaining enough ambition to jump off.
“Y-You really shouldn’t do that!” The doctor warned, taking a step back to avoid my wake. As I was too focused trying to grow accustomed to the weakness in my legs, I ignored them. I couldn’t stand on my own, instead opting to use the support of the bedside desk as support. Whether this was because I hadn’t used my legs in over a day, or because of any sort of injuries I may have sustained, I wasn’t sure, but ultimately it didn’t matter, as the result was still the same. “Please, sit back-”
“SHUT UP!” They jumped back, almost falling over in the process. Damn it, I didn’t mean to yell, it was just the strain I was putting on myself that made it hard to regulate my volume. Still, it was obvious what they were implying through their facade of “concern.” “I can, ugh, I can do this, back off!” I swung my arm forward for no real reason. They were too far away to hit, being more off a signal to not get near. I took another step.”
“Please, don’t come any closer.” Their voice was soft but at the same time obviously urgent. “You’ll get yourself hur-”
“That’s what you think.” I took another step. “You think you already know me.” Another step. Unfiltered resentment spilled out of me as I continued to move forward, despite the pain in my legs. “You don’t know anything about me. You, no, they all think they know what makes me tick. How to keep me down.”
“Don’t take another step.” Their appendages going wild, each either wrapping around themself for protection, or sticking forward at me. “I-I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Try it.”
“Try it. Try to hurt me. You lay even a single one of those tentacles on me, I will rip each one off your stout head, Axolotl.” With one final step, I was now far enough away to no longer reach the desk, but even without it, I stood. “So try it, because you have no idea what I’m cap-AGHHHH!” Before I could react, an invisible stream of electricity shot out from a device one of the appendages was holding, sending bolts of pure lightning through my veins.
The sudden pain was intense enough to make me blackout for a couple of seconds. Even after, my vision was still blurry, and all I could hear was a piercing ring. I could feel my legs give out from under me as I fruitlessly swung my arms in all directions to find something for support. This was unsuccessful, and in a moment, I was off my feet and cascading to the ground. I closed my eyes and braced myself for impact, for the feeling of smashing my already broken arm into the ground, but that feeling never came. Instead, I felt multiple firm, long limbs brace around my waist, my legs, and across my chest, keeping me upright.
My brain was too fried to be confused, to fight back, so instead I leaned into the appendages. They didn’t wrap around me tightly, just enough to keep me supported. They slithered across my surface, trying to find crooks in my body for better leverage, or so I assumed. Eventually, they found some appropriate spots to wrap around for the best support. It was comfortable for me. So comfortable, in fact, I didn’t even notice my feet leave the ground.
When I did, I didn’t even have the energy to react,simply going limp in their grasp. I was in the air for what felt like an eternity, which, in reality, was probably 30 seconds at most. I was enveloped by the feeling of my cushy bed. I was pressed into it with more force than was suitable, though I suppose it was a subliminal message to me that I shouldn’t try to leave it. The appendages untangled from my body and soon, all I could see, hear, and process was a faint ringing in my ear and blurred vision that left me in no position to even try and speak.
This lasted for several minutes as I was stuck between what felt like two planes of reality. It was a disorienting mess of stimuli that I had no way of understanding in the state I was in, like how seizures are described. Was I having a seizure?
Several more moments passed, and right as I started to consider that option seriously, my vision slowly began restoring itself around the edges. So did any physical sensation outside of the after shock, shortly afterward. My tongue still felt heavy in my mouth, though, and the taste of copper still lingered, similar to the taste of a bag of electrified pennies shoved down my throat.
That’s just about when I finally heard them again.
“-and I know I shouldn’t have but I got scared and again I’m sorry I didn’t know it was on full charge and I should have checked but also I should have never used it because I was capable of stopping you without it but I was scared and I was in no authority to use it and I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry-”
I attempted a response to the ramblings that had been going on for however long, but all that came out was a bemused grunt followed by a coughing fit. It wasn’t very effective in communicating anything, not even being loud enough to get their attention. So I tried again. “Sss.”
They jumped back at the loud hissing sound. “A-a-are you okay?”
“Ss-shut up.” I practically gurgled out from the depths of my throat. “You talk too much.”
“O-oh th-thank goodness you’re ok. I’m so sorry about this. I shouldn’t have shot the Tuca’p, it was brazzen and unprofessional of me. I should have done something, anything other then-”
“Shut up.” Their expression dropped. “Quit making so many excuses, you don’t need any. I was being a dick to you, which you didn’t deserve. You were only reciting what they said. I shouldn’t have taken that out on you.” Despite everything, I’m glad I never lost the ability to find humor in a facial expression, because the one I was witnessing was priceless. I would have laughed if I’d remembered. “You know, you're not too bad.”
“I-I don’t-I’m not sure what it is-excuse me, I don’t… Thank you.” Their gills flushed a vibrant hue of pink light, filling the entire room for only a moment. “Thank you.”
I picked myself up from the groove in the bed. “Why were you here again?”
“Oh, right!” Instantly, the appendages shot in all directions, some grabbing tools from their pockets, off the desk, while two latched under my arms, and another around my waist. “Is this alright?”
“Ok, perfect!” They got closer to me, really close, actually, and brought the tools along. “Now, firstly, I’m going to gently move your limbs, and you’re going to tell me if anything hurts, ok?”
“Understood.” Without further warning, the appendages wrapped around the base of my arm next to the shoulder and began to rhythmically shake them. Instantly, I felt a sharp pain in my left bicep. “Fuck.”
“Left. Left arm.”
“Can you use your right to show the afflicted area.” At this point, it was less of a question and more of a command. Without another word, I wriggled my right hand out of their grip and ran my fingers across the afflicted parts of my arm. This ended up consisting of the entirety of it from my shoulder to just before my hand. Damn, I must have really messed myself up.
“Right here.”
“Interesting.” The limbs suddenly left my arms and briefly went to my legs. “Anything?” They asked as they shook my legs firmly.
“What about-” They cut themselves off while two appendages ran across my torso and body. As they went, they firmly pressed against me in another attempt to find any pain.
“I don’t think your going to find anything broken ther-shit!” The limbs immediately stopped at the point I made noise.
“Interesting.” They lightly pressed down on the spot, eliciting the same reaction from me.
“Mind telling me what's here?”
“As in bone structure? Well, on either side of my body I have 12 bones that wrap around the interior of myself. We call it a ribcage, ‘cause it’s like a cage.” It was weird to describe an aspect of the human body that is so ubiquitous that in any other circumstance, would not even require a second breath.
“From what I can feel,” they pressed down against the spot again for emphasis, “ It appears something is looser than the other bones around it. Is that normal?”
“No, I think I might have cracked a rib.”
“Will you heal on your own?”
“Aside from getting a limb chopped off, I can heal from just about anything given enough time.”
“Impressive.” They paused awkwardly like they were about to continue, but stopped before the words could leave their mouth, instead just hanging agape like a fish drowning in air. “”Y-you’re impressive.”
The last stutter made me realize how they were completely stutter-free for the entirety of the check-up. Turns out being good at a job brings out the confidence in someone. It was funny, ‘cause I could relate.
“I know.” I couldn’t help but give a smug smile. “Of course I know!”
“I’m glad.” From a coat pocket, they pulled out a small square with a sac full of a purple liquid on the back. On the front, small metal teeth lined the edges of the square, all of which protruded perfectly forward. “That being said, I have some medicine that will speed up the process. Now, if you’ll just stick out an arm.” The appendage slithered its way up the length of my arm and gripped tightly at the elbow. Without further pause, the strange square was pushed into my arm, and started to inject itself into my bloodstream.
The sensation was strange, feeling like an ice cold liquid was dumped directly into my veins. I flinched and yanked my arm back, the square unbothered by this sudden movement as it was completely dug into my arm.
“How is this going to help exactly?”
“The liquid should fuse with your blood cells and increase their proficiency. Y-You have blood cells, right?”
“Yes, I have blood cells. What doesn’t?”
“I don’t know, it's just you’re strange.”
“I know I am, a lot of people have been telling me that recently.” When the square was just about finished depositing the liquid, I yanked it out from my arm and threw it on the nearby desk. “A lot of people.”
“I’m sorry.”
“What was that?”
“I’m sorry The Council and their team haven't met your expectations of decency.” They spoke with a smooth tone that made it clear every word was carefully chosen. “And I’m sorry I contributed to that when I unintentionally disrespected you earlier. I never want anyone to feel that way. I know how it can feel.”
I didn’t respond, not because I understood them, or appreciated the apology, or the words that should have given me some sense of retribution, but because I had nothing to say. The words were phony, they rang hollow because I knew they had no worth whatsoever. What would I do with a sorry, and what did they even represent? That they cared? I think I could count the amount of people who have ever had genuine respect for me on one hand, and even then, that takes time. I have no reason to believe this one who I met 20 minutes ago had any reason to care, so I said nothing.
“W-well, I should be going now. I checked on all parts of your body, and judging by the amount of damage, you should be back up and running in barley a couple Anex’s, so I see no reason why you should worry.”
“Ok.” Their expression faltered, this time giving me no amusement. “Thanks.” I turned away from them, and proceeded to focus on the machines whirling next to me as a distraction until they left.
Finally, after a minute or so, I started to hear footsteps walk towards the door. Then, “You’re not what they say you are.”
“I know we just met, and I know we don’t know anything about each other but… I know you’re more than some aggressive fighter, more than what's under the surface.”
“I just… I just don’t believe they know that. Neither do you.” The door opened, signifying their exit. “By the way, I’ll deliver you some clothes next Anex.” And just like that, they were gone.
I didn’t understand that last statement for a minute, before looking down and suddenly remembering I was completely naked save for the crumpled blanket that lay on the floor. ‘Shit, have I been like this the entire time?’ The embarrassment that filled me was immense, and honestly made me laugh with how I didn’t notice. It was enough to, briefly, distract me from what they said to me.
I wanted to act like they had no effect on me, like with the apology, but for some reason I just couldn’t. The words clung to me, and I couldn’t help but ponder them. It was only when I reminded myself of the fact we had only briefly interacted, and that they had no knowledge of me as a person, that I threw the statement to the side to forget about. ‘First impressions are often misleading.’
They were interesting, that's for sure, but they quickly left my mind. What replaced it was the persistent thought that I was weak for rotting in this bed the past couple days. Sure I needed to heal, but by this point, it was plenty. I knew I needed to make myself feel better, and the only way I could was by proving those days of rest meant something. To prove this, I was going to walk.
I had already done it, but that was done for a different reason, and I wanted to prove it wasn’t a one time thing. So I scooted off the bed and with a deep breath, I put both legs on the ground. The immediate pain I felt made me question how I was even able to do it the first time. Still I didn’t let it deter me, and with one step in front of the other, I moved. I moved forward, not gracefully, not quickly, but I moved forward, like I was taught to do.
I touched the wall on the other side of the room and briefly rested against it for support, before walking back to the bed, then back to the wall, over, and over, and over again. The repetition showed it was worth it, showed that I was, in fact, a fighter.
‘Ha, shows what they know.’
submitted by Twitch6r to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:13 Ok_Concert3257 Does this sound like slipping rib syndrome?

Last week, I was completing a set on the decline leg press and I went for a deep squat. As my legs came down, they pressed into the bottom of my rib cage and I felt a popping sensation in my lower right rib.
I thought I’d fractured the rib. I had pain when taking deep breaths, bending over, reaching up….
Got an X-ray and it came back normal.
The pain is continuing and even getting worse. I’m thinking the weight of the leg press may have pushed one of my ribs out of its normal position. Does this sound correct? If so, what is the treatment and where do I go? My doctor seems not to care since the bone isn’t broken.
submitted by Ok_Concert3257 to SlippingRibSyndrome [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:57 LieutenantNemu I hate my rib cage so much I'll never understand it

I know most of the people in this subreddit are female so they don't deal with this issue that much since females naturally have thinner rib cage I hate how my rib cage makes me feel fat when I'm actually not:( ironic how my bones make me feel fat and give me insecurity specially if I'm bloated due to constipation or if I ate right before. Makes me want to never eat actually:(
submitted by LieutenantNemu to EDAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:15 adwise27 Race Report - Cleveland Marathon - My Icarus Story

Race Information


Goal Description Completed?
A 3:05:00 No
B 3:10:00 No
C 3:30:00 No

Splits (roughly)

Mile Time
1 7:02
2 7:01
3 7:09
4 7:10
5 7:04
6 7:10
7 7:48
8 7:35
9 7:22
10 7:30
11 7:17
12 7:22
13 7:47
14 7:56
15 8:17
16 8:15
17 9:09
18 8:39
19 8:49
20 9:47
21 10:09
22 9:46
23 10:05
24 10:11
25 11:23
26 9:46


29 M Pfitz 18/55 This was my first road marathon and my first planned training block I have ever done. My ultimate goal this year is to qualify for Boston so I can cross it off my bucket list and go back to trail running. I finally got a spot in the Chicago marathon this fall so I was planning on using this block/race as a stepping stone to get me ready for a 2:55 or below in Chicago. I had figured I could get into 3:10 shape for Cleveland, so that’s the goal time I set back in Jan of this year. I used that goal time for my pfitz training paces for the entire block. The training went well, and I adjusted the plan slightly to meet my needs. I work from home and can get most of my runs in during my lunch hour. With small kids at home, I did everything I could to not take away any family weekend fun. My schedule roughly turned into:
Monday – Workout
Tuesday - General aerobic
Wednesday – Med Long Run
Thursday – Recovery/Easy
Friday – Long run (don’t tell my boss)
We are usually very active on the weekends, but I would try to get an extra run on the treadmill for 30 minutes every Sunday as a “shake-out” for my Monday workout and a way to get a couple extra miles in. I was able to get into a groove and hit almost every workout on mileage and pace. I ran a half marathon week 12 at 1:31. A 10k time trial week 14 – 41m and then another 10k time trail week 16 where I managed a 39:45. My 18 mile LR with 14 mile MP was smashed. Really just felt like I nailed everything. Loved the plan, 10/10 would recommend. The book has so much great info in it as well.


My taper went well, Pfitz has a 3 week taper and based on some research (reading reddit threads, letsrun pages, talked to my crazy uncles, etc.) I decided to keep that 16th week at 50 miles instead of the 44 he recommends. Based on my races/time trials I was hoping I could manage a 3:05 but would still be happy with a 3:10. It being my first race, I knew that I could blow up and figured a 3:30 would be a “everything went horribly wrong” scenario. lol
So I live in Cleveland and as you might assume, our weather is total garbage from October til March. I had been watching the weather like a hawk, and saw it was going to be in the 60s w/90% humidity at the start line and would rise in the the 70s. I have run outside in 60+ degree weather maybe 5 times since Thanksgiving. At this point, I should have adjusted my target to a 3:15/3:20. I also tried to carb load. 750g of carbs Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Featherstone nutrition has a great and easy guide on it. However, it sucked. Not sure if it helped at all, will probably just eat more but not kill myself trying to get to the carb levels. Went to the convention center Friday afternoon to pick up my bib.


Morning of, woke up at 330. Coffee, bagel, Maurten 320. Gear check and packed my bags. Popped an Imodium on my way out the door as I typically do with my trail races. I got a parking spot in a garage 2 minutes from the start line. Got downtown around 530. Dropped off my bag at gear check and I found a nice place to sit and warm up. Got to meet Harvey Lewis and Sage Canaday, both really nice so that’s cool. I put 3:10 estimated finish time on the registration page, that’s good enough for Corral A at the CLE marathon so Corral A it is.
Went out with the 3:10 pace group and my plan was to stick with them until mile 18-20 then assess how I felt. The first three miles were about 10-15 seconds too quick. I knew in my head that it was not a great idea and that I should slow down, but I felt fine. I felt good. I felt strong. Everyone was chatting that it was probably a little too fast but the pacers didn’t yield. There is a pretty big hill at mile 7/8ish and I crushed it. Around mile 10 I started to feel a little warm, so I pulled off to the side, removed my bib from my tank top, put it on my tights, and took off my tank top. Every aid station I took a sip of water and dumped a cup on my head. I was running with a group of 5-10 people who really turned it on from miles 10-12. I loved their energy, so I stuck with them. We came to a split where half marathon runners went right, and marathon runners went left. They all went right. I went left. Uh-oh.
As I peel off left, I start to realize my mistake. These people I had been running with were kicking to their finish line. “Its okay, you are almost halfway and you are feeling strong. A little warm, but its flat from here until mile 20. Get to 20” Not 10 seconds later and I make a left turn onto a “flat bridge” that might as well have been Mt Denali. I laughed out loud, I knew I was screwed, and a wave of regrets flooded over me. I crossed 13.1 at ABOUT 1:31. I told myself that 3:20 was my new goal and I allowed myself to slow down and wanted to maintain about an 8min/mile the rest of the way. At mile 4,8, 12 I took a gel. I was planning on taking more at 15, 18, and 21. My gel at mile 15 didn’t go down well, and I developed an insane cramp below my rib cage. I had never dealt with that before so I was unsure if I was about to have a heart attack or if it was just GI distress. (That would be my last gel of the day.) I then passed a strong looking runner (he had a tracksmith tank and new alphaflys on) who had passed out on the ground and the crowd ran over to make sure he was ok. “oh shit, that would be me if I push it too much” As you could imagine, my mental strength was chipping away rapidly. I knew my family was at mile 17 so I held it together. Made it to them, dropped off my tank top, gave all the kids a kiss and high fived a couple dogs. I completed my trip thru Clevelands cute western neighborhoods and headed to the Shoreway.
As I ran down the highway ramp to the Shoreway, this is where the wheels started to really fall off. It was hot. It was humid. I knew there was a huge hill ahead of me without an ounce of shade and the breeze was no where to be found. I said goodbye to 3:20 and just wanted to finish in one piece. This was an out and back portion of the race so I could see the strong runners at mile 24 coming back and they looked like they were melting. I took the shoreway out to lakewood, ran/walked between all the aid stations, had people doing yard work spray me with their hose, and focused on keeping my HR down so I could finish and not be one of the many people passed out on the Shoreway awaiting to be rescued by the EMS crew. It was only 70-75 degrees during the last 6 miles but I know everyone struggled immensely, it was really a suffer fest out there. Leg cramps, knee pain, and plantar fasciitis accompanied me for the last couple miles back into town but the crowd support was amazing and kept me going. Was ready to bust ass thru the finish line when I had to pull over to make way for an ambulance, how poetic. I hustled over the finish line with a smile on my face because you know what Andy glaze says. Smile or you are doing it wrong.


Grabbed my medal, grabbed my checked bag, and found a shady bit of grass behind a tent and crashed. After a few minutes I was able to get up, find my family, and head home. Lessons learned.
  1. Should have adjusted my goal time. I knew it was going to be hot. I was literally complaining to my wife every day for 10 days about how hot it was going to be. I let the EGO win. Went out too fast for what it was and blew up. How many times have I read this exact scenario online and vowed it would never happen to me?
  2. I think I ate too much food in the morning which led to GI distress. The stomach cramp was debilitating.
  3. Road marathons are a totally different beast, and I need more practice with all the nuances.
Next steps:
  1. As upset as I am about the results, I am extremely fired up to get back to training. I am taking 3 weeks “off” and then going to start Pfitz 18/70. I will start the plan with workout paces around a 2:55 marathon pace but assess the training more closely as I go thru. I believe I am in 3:05-3:10 shape right now but need to be realistic on what I can accomplish in 20 weeks. A 2:50 is probably a safe BQ time but I would need a miracle.
  2. I have thought about getting a coach, but I am not sold on the idea yet. I think my key is bumping up mileage, which I feel ready for.
  3. Hoping to run a handful of races (10k-halfs) this summer to practice my Racing mindset. I am signed up for the River Run half in September, shooting for a 1:22. Cleveland has a ton of great stuff going on running wise.
  4. Plan on incorporating more weightlifting for my lower body and core. Currently at around 200 lbs. Would love to run Chicago at 195 or lower but not trying to crash diet.
Geatraining tool notes:
There are not a lot of race reports for the Cleveland Marathon, it is a great race and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a spring marathon. I am happy to answer anyone’s questions about the race.
"Never regret thy fall, O Icarus of the fearless flight, For the greatest tragedy of them all, Is never to feel the burning light."
Made with a new race report generator created by herumph.
submitted by adwise27 to AdvancedRunning [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:08 ReasonableDetective My Costochondritis Journey - What helps, What doesn't + Tips

In this post i will be giving some insights in my own costo journey, giving some tips and tricks and things i figured out and things i didn't. Please beware that costo can be different for everyone and that some of the things i will share might not be for you. English is not my main language so please ignore any incorrect grammar.
My costo started at the end of 2021, it started with minor stabs in my chest and it would go away after sometime but always come back. At this time i did not know what costo was and just ignored it as i knew it would go away probably. As the time went on the pain got worse and worse and i developed (heart) anxiety due to the chest pains. In March 2023 i had a full heart check (EKG, heart-echo, cycling stress test, blood test) and everything came back normal. At this time i still did not know what costo was and for some reason the pain wen't away from April 2023 until September 2023. At that time i wen't to the doctor and she diagnosed me with Costo, i started reading things about it online and got completely stressed out from the things i was reading... 'mysterious inflamation' 'no known cause' 'not fixable, should resolve on its own' etc etc.
I then found the subreddit, Steve August, the Backpod and it all maked sense. I was relieved, i learned the cause (for my case) and know knew how to fix it and what was going on. I am 23 years old at the time of writing and i have been gaming since i was 10 years old. ALWAYS HUNCHING WHILE DOING SO! I have been having a bad posture for over 10 years and learned that that was the cause. I knew my posture wasn't good but i didn't care. Until my body couldn't stand it anymore and thats why the costo came.
So, why did the pain go away for the whole summer of 2023? I don't know for sure, but at that time i was working out 4x a week in the gym and cycling 2 times a week. I also stopped working in construction for the whole summer. When i stopped going to the gym (Yep, sometimes you lose that motivation) I learned that the costo slowly came back. (Still hunching).
The last couple of months i have been doing construction work for 2 days a week. I noticed that the symptoms over time got worse from doing this. Everytime when we finish the day the pain comes back and slowly resolved in the next coming days until we get back to work again.
So, lets wrap things up, what works, and what doesn't?
What works (in my case) - Backpod, i use it once a day for 10 minutes before going to sleep. I will probably start doing it 2 times a day. - Sleeping on Back, difficult for sure but it does help! - Going to the gym, very low weights! Focus on stretching not muscle building! Avoid heavy chest excersises. - Stretches everyday! (The stretches Steve demonstrated in his costo video part 2) - Stop bending over and lifting (heavy) things up. I was pain free for 2 weeks last week until i did some heavy shoveling work. The next day was hell. - Stop hunching when you can, you need to free up the tight rib joints around the back first. - Massaging the pecs. - Regular hot baths.
What doesn't work (in my case) - Voltaren - NSAIDS - Crying on reddit and not giving the things meantioned above a chance. No but seriously, put in the work, get a backpod, go out there and fix yourself. Trial and error. You will find out what works for you and what doesn't. We are all here to guide you in this great supportive subreddit!
Things i've encountered/Things i figured out & things i didn't - Pain on the side of my rib cage, coming from under my armpit into halfway my chest. I know it's probably muscle related and not in the ribs itself, sometimes when i lift something up it shoots right in there. I noticed that pec stretches and doing light chest excersises in the gym help. Anyone else experience this?
- Sometimes gas(?) can trigger my costo. I fee lthe pain, i hear my stomach OR esophagus making sounds and the pain fades away quickly. (I have been checked for H. Pylori and had a gastroscopy so it is not a stomach related thing) How can gas trigger costo? I haven't figured this one out.
- Pain in the pecs. Probably muscle related. I think Steve once said that the muscles can shorten and get tight/scarred when being hunched over for so long and that when using the backpod, freeing things up and getting back into a good posture things can start to pull and hurt. I noticed going to the gym and doing stretches helps for these aswell.
- Sometimes when the costo is really bad, like the day it was after shoveling, i get a very dull ache shooting pain exactly where my heart is. It freaks me out completely but when i push down on that exact spot on the left side of the sternum i can fully recreate the pain. It is very reassuring and you know right away that it is costo. You can't touch your heart, it is way deeper.
- Don't start using the backpod without any pillows used. The first time i used the backpod, this Februari, i used it without any additional cushioning and pillows. The next day i had severe chest pain, back pain and a burning sensation in my sternum. I stopped using it until 4 weeks ago scared of getting the same thing again. Luckily i know used pillows and everything wen't okay!
- When i first started fixing my posture it gave me a burning sensation in my chest near my sternum. When i hunched the pain wen't away. I asked about this on the subreddit and it seems that now that you're getting a good posture again everything at the front will start pulling etc and therefore causing the pain/burning. This lasted for 1,5 week, massaging helped. Voltaren didn't. I figured it's a weird sign that lets you know you're improving!
- Don't think that you're fixed when your pain free. Even though the pain is gone, the inflammation can still be there and it only requires 1 wrong choice for it all to come back. Healing takes a lot of time!
I hope to have informed some of you with my personal insights, any comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading through!

submitted by ReasonableDetective to costochondritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 16:46 Savywow Starset Tattoo

Starset Tattoo
I got symbols from my favorite songs on my upper rib cage! Hurt really bad but I think they turned out well 🥹
submitted by Savywow to Starset [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 15:58 Exotic_Abrocoma_4749 Timothy Treadwell ‘The Grizzly Man’ who thought he could live with bears. Known for his crazy antics. Timothy spent 13 summers camping in Alaska until his eventual demise. Photo taken in the late 90s

Timothy Treadwell ‘The Grizzly Man’ who thought he could live with bears. Known for his crazy antics. Timothy spent 13 summers camping in Alaska until his eventual demise. Photo taken in the late 90s submitted by Exotic_Abrocoma_4749 to OldSchoolCool [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 14:49 Disastrous_Country31 Oddest non surgical pains

I'm day 5, feeling surprised at how good I'm feeling today Had little to no gas pain, definitely have surgical pain, especially on the right side. I can't sleep on my side yet.
However I have the strangest pains happening that are non surgical and I can't figure out the cause. And are not easy to explain. I've had similar pains before when I've done a strict diet. But wow these are bad.
I have pains that feel like a string pulling, it's a burning, stinging, nerve like pain. The first one that happened is behind my left knee The second in the front of my left hip Third and fourth on the outside of my breaststroke, flat along my rib cage/ down my sides. (Bra on it doesn't happen) The leg and hip are making it harder to walk because they will twang out of nowhere. Painkillers make no difference
I have no idea of the cause, and they only started yesterday. I've been having electrolytes, and my vitamins, I'm not dehydrated
I can't be the only person, does anyone have any idea?
submitted by Disastrous_Country31 to gastricsleeve [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:52 slugpoe Gathering my bearings in and out

But the artist’s life is tragic. Sure, it seems like she is diving headlong into creativity, but on a second glance, she falls head over heels for the chase. She kicks through the dirt of each next step. Nails the coffin shut. Splatters paint.
The artist splinters her toes and digs up graves. She sets back the alarm clock another hour. Her fingers run ragged over wormy earth. She’s lost in the ghostly stone tower. The artist grows to know more than she grows her hair. She peers at the mirror to see herself in there.
She hears a buzzing in the basement. Something dusty and yellow and warm. She knows how to bake a dish in the dish-torn kitchen, together with the ants and the porn-addicted boyfriend who drinks Gatorade. She knows how Kendrick is a better rapper. She knows the storm she made. She’d like to know you, someday. She’d like to know—
The artist knows a lot of things. Indecisive to the point of isolation, she knows solitude. Creative to the point of money-making, she breaks necks if she has to.
Ideas crack and crumble beneath her. A grumbling of ten thousand bees arrives. Alone to face the moaning of her cedar door, she purports to come alive. Quite possibly, nobody believes her storytelling. They’re laid out in the sun. The world doesn’t need her. To hell with them, anyway. To hell with anyone.
Her days scrape by irrelevant. Irregular except for war. What disaster may today appear to her? What chaos may she have in store? Thrown off rooftops and over carpeted lawns, a blanketing of the dust that lays.
Unceremonious, the heart beat sleets against her rib cage.
She can’t remember last or the next page–
https://www.reddit.com/OCPoetry/s/B9c4MixdHd https://www.reddit.com/OCPoetry/s/T50FV1hdbT
submitted by slugpoe to OCPoetry [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:32 axilas_aladas Trying to find 2 animes from 20 years ago

Hi there... So I'm trying to find the name of some animes I watched maybe 2 decades ago? Yeah, that hard...
  1. The first was one I watched that the only single scene I remember was when I think a conflict ended and then this Samurai was standing on a dirt road looking at a tank going away, she beloved one is inside (I think they were in different sides of the battle)... And then the Samurai makes a move with his sword and the tank upper part (can't remember it's name) cuts in pieces and the woman appears looking at him..
I just remember this one scene.
  1. The other I'm trying to remember is one where there was a couple of agents (they were the bad guys), a woman and a man, they were cyborgs... In the last fight they start to unfold their own bodies, like the rib cages, arms, mouths open and another parts start to assembly till the woman turned into something like a winged dragon with a cannon in her mouth (but you still could see it's "human" parts over it all). The man I don't remember what it turnned into. The "good guy" I remember was some humanoid female character that in the end turned in a very powerful "being" that looked like the Chimera (Tsumugi Shiraui) from Knights of Sidonia, but I remember it had some glowing parts, but it looked like an angel.That unfolding body assembly scene was AWESOME, I still kinda remember it.
Any clues?
submitted by axilas_aladas to Animesuggest [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:20 oklahomacitycamp Chest tightness on side

Does anyone else deal with chest pain/tightness if they lay on their left side too long? Im 32 weeks and this has been going on since maybe 25 or so. I told my dr about it and she said as long as it goes away after a few minutes its of no concern but god it hurts like a mfer lol. He constantly keeps some part of his body in the left side of my rib cage causing general discomfort from that but when I lay on my left side my chest hurts so bad after a while I have to move
submitted by oklahomacitycamp to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:10 NugetNoodle Day 214 of posting a low effort shit yba meme everyday until the 1v1 rework releases

Day 214 of posting a low effort shit yba meme everyday until the 1v1 rework releases submitted by NugetNoodle to YourBizarreAdventure [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:00 Cheygirl49 What is your dream adaptation/cast.

What is your dream adaptation and the cast for it? Mine is a dark tower adaptation with Pedro Pascal as Roland, Jack Quaid as Eddie, China Anne McClaine as Susannah, Iain Armitage as Jake, Alan Tyduk as Oy, Morgan Freeman as Blaine, Walton Goggins as Walter, Timothy Omundson as Martin, Sam Elliot as Cort, and Nick Cage as The Tik Tok Man. That's all I've got right now (I've only read through book 3).
submitted by Cheygirl49 to stephenking [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:23 MM_2707 Gerd/Gastritis/LPR- I am losing my mind

This started in October of last year. I was hanging out with my friends, i had a few beers, spagetti with meatballs and some chorizo with vegetables. After a few hours, we smoked a few cigrattes a joint and I had a cup of coffee, I slept to wake up with a horrific panic attack, so much so that i thought I was going to die that night. After the episode, I starting expercing anxiety attacks especially after consuming certain foods, Most of my ER visits, doctors advised all my reports are normal and this may be anxiety. Fast forward a few months (still living with the anxiety attacks) I started working out, and one day I had bad post nasal drip and felt like something is stuck in my throat
This continued for sometime, until one day I got a major sinus attack (i've never had a sinus attack before) the doctor gave me meds for sinus and chest congestion which seemed to be getting better but as soon as the sinus got better my ears were clogged, I visited an ENT and got meds for my ears but on an off my ears still feel full. I had two back to back sinus attacks and with the ease of sinus my ears are cloggged
This is my second sinus attack in one month. My doctor has put me on GERD medication for a month now but I am losing all hope. I used to smoke a lot which I have now reduced and plan to eliminate completely but I am losing all hope
i suddenly get weird symptoms like pain below my left rib cage and somedays I feel like UTI
I have started following the doctors advise and have started eating small meals, walking for 15 mins after meals but the sinus, coughing, slogged ears and stomach pain just done seem to heal, its almost cyclical. I am hoping to get some help and know if anyone has dealt with the same issues before.
submitted by MM_2707 to GERD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:52 johnsvoice [WTS] Clone Stuff - LNIB Aimpoint Comp ML2, KAC RAS Vero Beach (07/99), C Stamp Upper, Colt Carry Handle, Surefire M951 fat(ter) body w/ ST07, Colt cage ambi, KAC rail covers

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/yXNxqOM
Aimpoint Comp ML2 - Like new in box. If you're allergic to sodium, this is your guy. Does not appear to have ever been used; I only mounted it. 4 MOA is ultra bright, original 1/3N battery is still fresh. Glass is perfect. Includes Aimpoint flip-up covers. Box includes original Aimpoint manual covering the Comp M and 9000 series. - $335 shipped
KAC RAS - Vero Beach marked, 07/13/99 born on date. Some salt present, but otherwise pretty solid condition, especially for age. Bought from a user on here as part of set. RIS lower, marking font matches upper exactly. Both upper and lower rail are phone number marked (561 represent) - $285 shipped
Colt C stamp upper - Near mint condition upper. No more than a few hundred rounds through it at absolute most, and likely way less, None by me. Hardly any wear on the interior. Only salt to be found is a speck on the case deflector and at T1-T2. Subdued T marks. Proof mark forward of ejector port. Perfect for a proper clone build. - $235 shipped
Colt carry handle - Actual Colt handle. Square Forge. 6920 take-off purchased from Green Oak Armory. Looks new to me, no salt. I mounted it once and then removed it. - $69 shipped
Surefire m951 - Excellent condition. Gen 2 body (not 3). Very minimal salt on head (pictured) and nowhere else. Sat on a safe queen. Clean body. Clean glass. Original MN10 bulb installed. Old style ST07 tapeswitch included, also in excellent shape. Everything works exactly as it should. Full disclosure: the small plastic XM00 cover has separated from tailcap but works perfect and will be included. (Light diffuser also included but needs adapter for use on this light.) - $185 shipped
Colt ambi safety - Excellent condition. Cage code marked. Used by me for 200-300 rounds and no more. Colt cage code marked. I gently removed what little carbon there was. - $34 shipped
KAC rail covers - Excellent unfired condition. 11-rib, y'all already know what it is. These were purchased new by me as part of an '07 dated RAS set. Only mounted and removed. (You guys shoot your guns?) - $34 shipped
Dibs here first then PM. Thanks.
submitted by johnsvoice to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:40 Due-Professor5011 Old neighbor score! Lots are still sealed

Old neighbor score! Lots are still sealed submitted by Due-Professor5011 to VHS [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:09 Odin_son7 Pain on left hand side just above pubic bone

Light Smoker
Currently take 12mg of Valdoxan for about a year now
Had a major surgery on my right hand side rib cage when I was 16, for a condition I can’t quite remember what it was called. But it has caused me to lean to the right due to the skin being pulled so tight during the surgery.
My posture can be bad at times and I spend a lot of time driving for work
I’ve been having a sharp but dull pain in my left lower abdomen just above the pubic bone for over a year now. Sometimes I can barely noticed it or don’t feel any pain, but it’s there most days.
I’d only rate the pain about 3/10 at its worst and it feels like it can be relieved with Deep Heat
I’ve had no noticeable changes to my bowel habits or seen any sign of blood. Sometimes I get stomach cramps that last a few seconds, but I’ve experienced them for years
I’ve seen my local doctor and his referred me to specialist, but the appointment isn’t till September 🙃
submitted by Odin_son7 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:05 Cheygirl49 Dream Cast?

I know we all pretend the movie doesn't exist, so Im curious. If you could pick a dream cast for an adaptation, who would play who? Mine is Pedro Pascal as Roland Jack Quaid as Eddie China Anne McClaine as Susannah Iain Armitage as Jake Alan Tyduk as Oy Morgan Freeman as Blaine Walton Goggins as Walter Timothy Omundson as Martin Sam Elliot as Cort That's all I've got right now (I've only read through book 3). Edit: forgot to add to my original post that I'd also cast Nick Cage as the tik tok man.
submitted by Cheygirl49 to TheDarkTower [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:37 Echo419__ 24m, 160lbs, 6’. In the past month, I have noticed a bump on my lowest rib cage bone appear. It does not hurt but it still does not look normal nor should it be there.

Any ideas?
submitted by Echo419__ to AskDocs [link] [comments]
