What s ultracet

BackwoodsCreepy: Discover what’s lurking...

2017.11.18 23:40 BackwoodsCreepy: Discover what’s lurking...

BackwoodsCreepy is a subreddit specifically for scary stories that take place in wilderness, and wherein wilderness plays a significant role in the story. Stories should be true accounts. (Honor system. Be cool about it.) Happy camping!

2011.02.06 02:38 bennybuckethead Superb Owl

For owl lovers everywhere

2022.12.08 01:45 333karmapolice333 What is My Cookie Cutter

Reddit’s cozy nook for finding what your cookie cutter could be.

2024.03.17 19:38 StealthyMissHighness Painkiller

What’s a stronger painkiller than Combiflam?
I have endometriosis. Combiflam used to work but periods were hell today and I need stronger one.
Tramadol, ultracet and flexon don’t work
submitted by StealthyMissHighness to DoctorsofIndia [link] [comments]

2023.08.28 13:17 rohanpony Painkillers - how much to rely on them?

Hey everyone. I'm my wife’s caregiver. She’s been diagnosed with fibromyalgia by her rheumatologist. It’s been 2 rough years and I realise now that the doctor visits, blood tests, pain medication and management for my wife will probably be our new normal.
My wife and I are trying to learn how to approach the pain management aspect.
In a perfect world, if access to painkillers (tramadol, arcoxia, panadeine and ultracet) were not an issue - is it okay to rely predominantly on these pain meds as a way for my wife to be able to get through the day and be able to function physically?
OR is the use of painkillers something that should be heavily monitored and be more limited - to prevent addiction and over reliance? What is the max recommended amount of painkiller use per day?
It would make sense to try not to be overtly reliant on pain medication and practice more pain management - cold packs, heat rub, massage gun and TENS units.
I know treatment is very subjective and there’s no “one treatment plan for all” solution - but are there some guidelines out there that I haven’t found? Like best practices for pain medication and pain management?
Our rheumatologist has suggested we go to a pain clinic but my wife’s fibro pain compounded by her comorbidities makes it very very taxing to go out or go anywhere. Does anyone have any experience with pain clinics?
EDIT: Thank you everyone for your feedback! Not all of it may apply equally but it's good to know about the different views.
Some clarifications because I forgot to give context: We are not in the USA and cannabis is extremely illegal here, so not an option. My wife has tried Lyrica and Gabapentin and none of it works for her at all. However she is taking some antidepressants for mental health and we are definitely not going to stop those. And yes, with the pandemic and her inability to go out, it has disrupted her life and made it much harder to socialize with people.
submitted by rohanpony to Fibromyalgia [link] [comments]

2023.07.23 14:20 clumsysleth 28F numbness in limbs, headaches and vertigo 24h

Hey everyone,
I’ve searched everywhere and I think this is most likely what I have… About two months ago i had sudden dizzyness that went away after 2 days, but since then i have numb hands and feet. I was hospitalized as they suspected stroke but exams came clear and they sent me home, guessing it could be my spine, but were not sure…. I decided by myself to set up a spine Mri but the appointment is only in August.
Few weeks ago I started feeling back pain too and a orthopedist gave me Ultracet (has tramadol). I took it 3 times, I thought it was too strong bc it made me drowsy so I stopped taking it.
Thought everything was okay until on the same day I stopped the medicine i ran in a hurry and felt an extreme strong headache on the top of my head and dizzyness that doesn’t go away. The headache and dizzyness get worse when I move and it’s been almost a week. I’ve been moving slowly and carefully… I have an appointment with my neurologist on Tuesday but not very hopeful… Not sure what’s going in with me. Anyone has been through this?
submitted by clumsysleth to cervical_vertigo [link] [comments]

2022.06.30 21:20 alexsanjoseph My experience with adult tonsillectomy!

Recently I(M32) had an adult tonsillectomy. Posts from this community helped me navigate through this tough time, so I wanted to make sure that I chronicle my recovery as well for the next person.

At the hospital

I was admitted to the hospital on a Tuesday morning (Day 0) and was told not to eat anything after the morning. The procedure happened in the afternoon and lasted end to end for 90 minutes. I was back in my room by evening and thankfully didn’t have any nausea from the anesthetics. The pain was also hardly noticeable and I was feeling quite alert and active once the anesthesia wore off.
I was in the hospital for observation overnight and the next day was mostly spent by my spouse running around trying to get me discharged. The insurance procedure took its sweet time and I was back home by six in the evening on Day 1.


The recovery process is simple, eat ice creams and soft items for a while as long as you can handle it. Once the pain gets better, move to semi solid food and then slowly on to solid food. There are no real food restrictions, it is all connected to how much pain you can tolerate.

Phase 1 - The Feint (Day 2 - Day 5)

The first few days were a lot less painful than I had imagined it to be. However, I was not able to ingest any solid food at all even with painkillers. With the painkillers in effect (which happens roughly 15-30 minutes after oral ingestion), I was not in a lot of pain. Towards the end of the painkiller cycle, the pain would come back and then I would just be waiting for the next dosage.
I was initially on Ultracet, which is a powerful opioid painkiller. I found that the medicine didn’t help me as much as the doctor thought it would and the doctor moved me to Enzoflam which is generally not as powerful. Enzoflam helped me a lot more. Towards Day 4, the pain was getting worse at the end of the painkiller cycle and doctor increased my dosage of Enzoflam.
With this regimen, I was actually able to live a somewhat normal life and met up with a couple of friends even one evening. I spent most of my time reading or watching digital content online and had long restful nights of sleep. I also read a lot online on how bad adult tonsillectomy is and was wondering what the big deal was.
I would know soon enough.

Phase 2 - The Torture (Day 5 - Day 9)

I had broken sleep on Day 5 because I kept waking up due to the pain. I really didn’t have much of a way to reduce the pain and so I kept pacing around the room until the pain reduced a bit. After the third time I woke up, I had a dose of Ultracet as an emergency painkiller as advised by the doctor, and then I was able to sleep for a bit.
I went to the doctor for the follow up one day earlier than I was scheduled to. Doctor found that I was healing well and told me that the pain was expected. Because of the increase in my pain, I was moved to a regimen of Ultracet-Ketoralac. Ketorolac is a very powerful drug used to treat severe pain. I was hopeful that this would make my life better since I was having two powerful painkillers alternating every 4 hours.
However, it turned out that my body didn’t like Ketorolac much either. I was in quite a bit of pain during the Ketorolac periods and things would get slightly better during the Enzoflam period where I would manage to ingest something. However, I could see that painkillers were the only thing keeping me sane since once painkillers wore off after a few hours the pain would start coming back in leaps and bounds.
On Day 6 night, I got 2-3 hours of sleep despite all the painkillers because I kept waking up and couldn’t do anything much except count each second to the period where I could take the next painkiller. Day 7 was agony throughout despite the painkillers.
Day 7 night was the worst of the nights and I could not get any sleep and the pain was unbearable. Despite being on such a heavy cocktail of drugs, I ended up taking an Ultracet and a Saridon as emergency medication.
On Day 8, I was back on the heavy dosage of Enzoflam since Ketorolac was not helping. This helped me get through the days better. Day 8 night was another one where I didn’t get any sleep at all. I didn’t take any emergency medication because I was taking too many and I was in agony throughout anyway.
In each of these days, my life would be restricted to what I ended up calling the “Enzo window” which was the period 30 minutes to 3 hours after taking the Enzoflam medication. I had to eat, drink and sleep all I could within those 2.5 hours because life would be too painful otherwise. Even in this period, all I could ingest was water and ice cream and some pudding with a lot of pain.
Outside of this window was the pain the reddit threads had promised me, wherein I would be pacing around (or be curled up in my sofa when it’s too bad!).

Phase 3 - The Scare (Day 9 - Day 11)

Things got slightly better on Day 9 and I was able to live with the pain and go walking for a bit. At night on Day 9, we had a scare when I was doing some exercise which seems to have broken one of the scabs prematurely. This caused a bit of bleeding and after consulting with the doctor, we went to ER around midnight. At the ER, the doctor advised me it was best to stay overnight for observation, but I decided to come back home after taking some coagulant medication. Thankfully, the bleeding didn’t come back overnight.
Next day (Day 10), we went back to the doctor for OP and the wound site was better and so it turned out to be the right decision. The doctor advised me to stay on course with the medicines and to eat more solid food, but I still was not able to despite the painkillers. There was a lot of pain at night, but I was able to get a good amount of sleep even though I woke up a few times at night.

Phase 4 - Relief (Day 11 - Day 15)

Day 11 was the first day where I was able to eat solid food. Powered by painkillers undoubtedly, I was able to eat small morsels of food in addition to my regular ice cream staple. On Day 12, I had shifted to Paracetamol as the painkiller. The pain slowly went down over the subsequent days.

Some more details in the post here - https://blog.alexsanjoseph.com/posts/adult-tonsillectomy/

submitted by alexsanjoseph to tonsilstones [link] [comments]

2022.06.30 19:15 alexsanjoseph Recovering from an adult tonsillectomy (Original Content)

Recently I(M32) had an adult tonsillectomy. Posts from this community helped me navigate through this tough time, so I wanted to make sure that I chronicle my recovery as well for the next person.

At the hospital

I was admitted to the hospital on a Tuesday morning (Day 0) and was told not to eat anything after the morning. The procedure happened in the afternoon and lasted end to end for 90 minutes. I was back in my room by evening and thankfully didn’t have any nausea from the anesthetics. The pain was also hardly noticeable and I was feeling quite alert and active once the anesthesia wore off.
I was in the hospital for observation overnight and the next day was mostly spent by my spouse running around trying to get me discharged. The insurance procedure took its sweet time and I was back home by six in the evening on Day 1.


The recovery process is simple, eat ice creams and soft items for a while as long as you can handle it. Once the pain gets better, move to semi solid food and then slowly on to solid food. There are no real food restrictions, it is all connected to how much pain you can tolerate.

Phase 1 - The Feint (Day 2 - Day 5)

The first few days were a lot less painful than I had imagined it to be. However, I was not able to ingest any solid food at all even with painkillers. With the painkillers in effect (which happens roughly 15-30 minutes after oral ingestion), I was not in a lot of pain. Towards the end of the painkiller cycle, the pain would come back and then I would just be waiting for the next dosage.
I was initially on Ultracet, which is a powerful opioid painkiller. I found that the medicine didn’t help me as much as the doctor thought it would and the doctor moved me to Enzoflam which is generally not as powerful. Enzoflam helped me a lot more. Towards Day 4, the pain was getting worse at the end of the painkiller cycle and doctor increased my dosage of Enzoflam.
With this regimen, I was actually able to live a somewhat normal life and met up with a couple of friends even one evening. I spent most of my time reading or watching digital content online and had long restful nights of sleep. I also read a lot online on how bad adult tonsillectomy is and was wondering what the big deal was.
I would know soon enough.

Phase 2 - The Torture (Day 5 - Day 9)

I had broken sleep on Day 5 because I kept waking up due to the pain. I really didn’t have much of a way to reduce the pain and so I kept pacing around the room until the pain reduced a bit. After the third time I woke up, I had a dose of Ultracet as an emergency painkiller as advised by the doctor, and then I was able to sleep for a bit.
I went to the doctor for the follow up one day earlier than I was scheduled to. Doctor found that I was healing well and told me that the pain was expected. Because of the increase in my pain, I was moved to a regimen of Ultracet-Ketoralac. Ketorolac is a very powerful drug used to treat severe pain. I was hopeful that this would make my life better since I was having two powerful painkillers alternating every 4 hours.
However, it turned out that my body didn’t like Ketorolac much either. I was in quite a bit of pain during the Ketorolac periods and things would get slightly better during the Enzoflam period where I would manage to ingest something. However, I could see that painkillers were the only thing keeping me sane since once painkillers wore off after a few hours the pain would start coming back in leaps and bounds.
On Day 6 night, I got 2-3 hours of sleep despite all the painkillers because I kept waking up and couldn’t do anything much except count each second to the period where I could take the next painkiller. Day 7 was agony throughout despite the painkillers.
Day 7 night was the worst of the nights and I could not get any sleep and the pain was unbearable. Despite being on such a heavy cocktail of drugs, I ended up taking an Ultracet and a Saridon as emergency medication.
On Day 8, I was back on the heavy dosage of Enzoflam since Ketorolac was not helping. This helped me get through the days better. Day 8 night was another one where I didn’t get any sleep at all. I didn’t take any emergency medication because I was taking too many and I was in agony throughout anyway.
In each of these days, my life would be restricted to what I ended up calling the “Enzo window” which was the period 30 minutes to 3 hours after taking the Enzoflam medication. I had to eat, drink and sleep all I could within those 2.5 hours because life would be too painful otherwise. Even in this period, all I could ingest was water and ice cream and some pudding with a lot of pain.
Outside of this window was the pain the reddit threads had promised me, wherein I would be pacing around (or be curled up in my sofa when it’s too bad!).

Phase 3 - The Scare (Day 9 - Day 11)

Things got slightly better on Day 9 and I was able to live with the pain and go walking for a bit. At night on Day 9, we had a scare when I was doing some exercise which seems to have broken one of the scabs prematurely. This caused a bit of bleeding and after consulting with the doctor, we went to ER around midnight. At the ER, the doctor advised me it was best to stay overnight for observation, but I decided to come back home after taking some coagulant medication. Thankfully, the bleeding didn’t come back overnight.
Next day (Day 10), we went back to the doctor for OP and the wound site was better and so it turned out to be the right decision. The doctor advised me to stay on course with the medicines and to eat more solid food, but I still was not able to despite the painkillers. There was a lot of pain at night, but I was able to get a good amount of sleep even though I woke up a few times at night.

Phase 4 - Relief (Day 11 - Day 15)

Day 11 was the first day where I was able to eat solid food. Powered by painkillers undoubtedly, I was able to eat small morsels of food in addition to my regular ice cream staple. On Day 12, I had shifted to Paracetamol as the painkiller. The pain slowly went down over the subsequent days.

Some more details in the post here - https://blog.alexsanjoseph.com/posts/adult-tonsillectomy/
submitted by alexsanjoseph to RedditForGrownups [link] [comments]

2021.10.16 06:47 sas6709 Pain relief other than Acetaminophen?

I have a root canal scheduled in 10 days. I’ve been taking rotating Tylenol and Ibuprofen because nothing else OTC works. The dentist gave me Ultracet, but it doesn’t touch it. I think it’s the anti-inflammatory aspect that’s helping. I’m having obvious flare signs (blood, diarrheal, some pain, bloating) from taking the Advil, but if I don’t take it I can’t function because the dental pain is so bad. I’m saving close to 1k by going to the dental school, but that means I am on their timeline. Ice doesn’t do much and I lose sleep and can’t care for the kids or work when the tooth pain is this bad.
What other options do I have? I called my GI and he just reminded me of the risks of taking NSAIDs which I obviously know, but had no other suggestions. Dental school won’t prescribe. Local dentist won’t prescribe because I’m not getting the work done there. Idk. Should I shell out one thousand dollars to get it done sooner?
ETA: took a double dose of CBD tonight to see if that helps me sleep longer before needing more pain meds.
submitted by sas6709 to IBD [link] [comments]

2020.08.18 09:40 PeongPeongWoman Prolong Peroneal tendonitis condition

I (29F, 43kg/95 pound) have been diagnosed with peroneal tendonitis after an ankle MRI. The doctor said that all my muscles and bones were intact. My MRI was good beside the tendonitis and its not a big deal. I have pain from my pinky toe up to the peroneal longus. Below the knee side. I was asked to wear a semi rigid ankle brace and do physiotherapy. So i have wore the ankle brace and crutches for 4 weeks now. Did the physio with something like EMS and ultrasound for 2 weeks in total. Been taking celebrex 100mg and ultracet for 2 weeks now. And my physio kinda like don’t know what to do anymore, because they said that i should have already been healed with 2 weeks of physio. And it frustrates me even more. Because i have tried walking without brace or crutches and my peroneal longus muscle always tighten up. And it’s always painful after a few minutes of walk. I don’t know if i should try to not putting any weight on my leg again for a week or so, or i should just keep pushing it? And my medicine is going to finish this week, so I don’t know if i should renew it or just stop it...
submitted by PeongPeongWoman to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2020.08.03 18:03 pastelbums (F18) Do I have a drug problem or is it aight ?

I kinda can’t stop, the first time I fucked w them was in 9th grade when I was prescribed a bunch of anti- depressants and switching psychiatrists every month, there was a pile up of a shit ton of different anti- psychotic medication I kinda popped every now and then, got hooked to Xannys, half my 9th grade school life was me floating high on em, anything slightly upsetting would result in me responding with asking to go to the loo and popping a few, it went on with other benzos till I was discovered by my friend who fucked my life over, flushed them all. Didn’t stop when in 10th grade I was prescribed ultracet due to my dental procedures and I got fucking h000ked, till again my friend found them, I still pop one of those every now and then when things don’t seem all that FUN¡ I was a smoker in 9th grade and that’s never really faded, each and every chance I get I kinda latch on it to it, the same with getting stoned, tho it really fucks me up. I passed all my recent 12th grade exams with the help of modafinils and modalert, if I ran out of them I would fucking flip because I knew I couldn’t do without them. After my exams got over I wanted to have some fun so I started fucking with some molly and I feel like this obsession with getting high off one thing or another is never going to stop, how do people live without ANY ALCOHOL OR DRUGS ? What the fuck, is that even possible? What’s the point .
submitted by pastelbums to DrugAddiction [link] [comments]

2019.07.18 03:01 elleemmvee Lurking No Longer

[edited to add that I am a non-smoker] Like many of us, I’ve been lurking here for a long time learning everything I can from everyone else’s experiences. I’m happy to say I’m now in the club of being able to share my own experience. First, I’d like to give some background on my body because it seems most people don’t do this in depth and it drove me absolutely crazy wondering if my experience might be what anyone else has experienced due to physical differences.
I am: 34 yo, 5’5”, 129 pounds, BMI 21.5, Non-smoker, Went from 34 DD(probably triple D because I was always spilling out) to what I think will be a small C, Moderately active (walking at least a few miles a day several days a week plus periodic mountain hiking), Childless and honestly don’t care if I can breastfeed.
All of that being said, I didn’t need lipo because I don’t have fat deposits on my sides. This is typically only done to prevent dog ears for people with excess axillary fatty tissue. From what I’ve been able to determine the lipo is what really causes you to be restricted afterward. I had this done as outpatient surgery and I have drains which aren’t collecting much at so far. I have nearly full range of motion without causing any additional pain. I need help sitting up from laying down but once I’m up I can walk around no problem. My anesthesiologist told me to get up every 3 hours and walk for 3 minutes so I’ve been doing that except when I was sleeping earlier. I can wipe myself without issue when I go to the bathroom. I refused the heavy pain meds because I HATE being nauseous and would rather be in pain so the surgeon gave me ultracet/ultram which is tramadol with acetaminophen. He has me taking that, ibuprofen, my regular muscle relaxer, and antibiotics. I think I’ll likely be down to acetaminophen/ibuprofen by this weekend at the latest. The muscle relaxer helped a lot because I was clenched and shivering for quite a while after waking up which made my whole body sore. I can pull my surgical bra out and look down at my nipples and I feel the air hit them so I believe my surgeon did a great job preserving nerves. This also may be related to the fact that he didn’t need to make them any smaller or reshape them because they were shaped okay as-is. I’ve been laying with my feet elevated and slightly propped up under my back and when I’m not moving my pain level is a 3 or so.
I think this is all for now. I’ll update throughout recovery and post photos once I can.
submitted by elleemmvee to Reduction [link] [comments]
