Declamation piece

Walking the Cracked Pot Trail 20 - In Which Erikson Roasts Fans

2024.05.16 18:38 TRAIANVS Walking the Cracked Pot Trail 20 - In Which Erikson Roasts Fans

Previous post

A lapdog's brainless zeal

The Entourage! Whence comes1 such creatures so eager to abandon all pretense of the sedentary? One envisages haste of blubbering excitement, slippery gleam in the eye, a lapdog’s brainless zeal, as a canvas bag is stuffed full of slips and whatnot, with all the grace of a fakir backstage moments before performing before a gouty king. A whirlwind rush through rooms like shrines, and then out!
We get Flicker dropping back into his more heightened style, starting off with a declamation. Remember how we ended the last section
He would unveil himself in Farrog, and then they would all see. Calap Roud, that stunning watery-eyed dancer, Purse Snippet, and the Entourage too—
So this is very much an interruption. Previously we had Flicker placing himself inside Brash's head, until he mentions the Entourage, at which point he switches completely and breaks out into this much more heightened description.
Flicker is back in his picture-painting mode as well, as he imagines the backgrounds of these girls. The first sentence is posed as a question, but is really more of a statement. I love the phrase "abandon all pretense of the sedentary". They were clearly from a wealthy background, living a carefree life before, but now they've chosen to drop it all to follow (in this instance literally follow) their favorite artist.
He imagines the scenario surrounding their departure, with the "blubbering excitement", a "slippery gleam in the eye", and of course "a lapdog's brainless zeal". I'm curious about the "slippery" descriptor there. Especially when paired with the lapdog comment, it calls to mind a dog skidding and sliding on a slippery floor as they're completely unable to contain their excitement. Does anyone have a different reading?
Then they stuff a canvas bag full of slips (as in the clothing, not as in paper slips) and "whatnot", showing how they're clearly not thinking this through, but rather just throwing things in their bag and running out the door. I love the comparison to the fakir. First of all, it hearkens back to the Arabian Nights inspiration, while also giving us the image of a fakir rushing to get ready for his act, but more important is how it works as a metaphor.
The Entourage (who as we will soon learn are all young women) are here posed as a performer, performing in front of an old, fat, wealthy man. It really spotlights the power imbalance between them and their idol. Then we end the paragraph on a sentence that I'm having a really hard time figuring out. What is the significance of the rooms being like shrines? Shrines are (definitionally) places of worship. So it's like they're rushing past these places intended for worship in order to worship their idol, perhaps implying that it would have been more productive to stay and worship a real god. But these aren't shrines, but rather rooms like shrines, so it would be a worship of the home or something in that direction. I don't think this would imply a worship of domesticity, the metaphor is not fleshed out enough for that. I think it's simply saying that they should rather try to stay connected to their roots. I must say I'm not fully convinced by this reading. What do you all think?

Holding up a mirror

Pattering feet, a trio, all converging in unsightly gallop quick to feminize into a skip and prance once He Who Is Worshipped is in sight. The Entourage accompanies the Perfect Artist everywhere, gatherings great and small, public and intimate. They build the walls of the formidable, impregnable keep that is the Perfect Artist’s ego. They patrol the moat, flinging away all but the sweetest defecatory intimations of mortality. They stand sentinel in every postern gate, they gush down every sluice, they are the stained glass to paint rainbows upon their beloved’s perfectly turned profile.
I absolutely love this image we get here of these three girls "converging in unsightly gallop" with their "pattering feet". It's juxtaposing two images, one dainty and the other the exact opposite. If you've seen one of those videos of cows being released out to pasture after the winter, that's basically what I'm picturing. But as soon as they're in the presence of their idol they switch into an exaggeratedly feminine gait.
Then there's the intentionally vague description of their idol. We don't get the name, but he's called He Who Is Worshipped and the Perfect Artist. This is a reminder that we're not talking about particulars, but rather the general case, in particular how people behave in real life fandoms. Let's examine the rest of this paragraph while keeping in mind that this is Erikson is holding up a mirror to us. And you thought you were safe?
The Entourage is always where their artist is. I think this is especially true in the modern day where fans have practically unlimited access to their favourite artists. And they act as defenders of their artist, and notice how at no point here we get any sense that this Perfect Artist asked for any such thing. They build up their own unassailable version of their artist, and then dismiss any criticism except the most basic, toothless ones.
Finally we get these three statements, two quick ones, and a longer one. They "stand sentinel..." is essentially a continuation of the previous sentence. Then they "gush down every sluice". This is a strange turn of phrase to say the least. A sluice is of course a sort of water channel, and since we're in this castle metaphor, it's likely meant as a preventative measure against flooding. But it's not water that's the risk here, but the gushing of the fans.
And lastly they are the stained glass windows that "paint rainbows" on their idol (with a nice alliteration on perfectly and profile). I really like this one. They are not only viewing their idol through rose-tinted glass, but they have made themselves a piece of stained glass, that colors the artist in every color of the rainbow. They are creating a false, or at least exaggerated, image of the artist, and projecting that image to others as well. I think this whole description really mirrors how fanatically devoted some people can get around their favorite artist, and I don't think we should exclude ourselves from this.

Let's back up a little

But let us not snick and snack overmuch, for each life is a wonder unto itself, and neither contempt nor pity do a soul sound measures of health, lest some issue of envy squeeze free in unexpectedly public revelation. The object of this breathless admiration must wait for each sweet woman’s moment upon the stage in the bull’s eye lantern light of our examination.
Flicker yet again addresses the audience directly. The phrase "snick and snack" here is interesting. A snick can of course be a small cut, and there's definitely been enough of those so far. I think the snack is not intended to have a semantic meaning, but is rather intended to complement the onomatopoeic sound of snick. The word "overmuch" is also doing a lot of heavy lifting here. Some snicking and snacking is fine, but let's not get carried away.
The "each life is a wonder..." part is hilarious. This is definitely an example of overpraising, where Flicker uses hyperbolic language while implying a much more subdued meaning. He's now spent two whole paragraphs detailing how ridiculous and vapid the Entourage is, but now he's all "oh the miracle of life etc. etc." So even when he's talking about how he should stop mocking them, he continues the mockery. Absolutely savage.
He then encourages us to not view them with pity or contempt. Possibly because it would be condescending to do so. Certainly nobody likes being viewed that way, and Flicker claims that it is at best unhelpful to take those attitudes. I am a bit confused, however, about the mention of envy. Is Flicker saying that he is envious of them? Or is he warning us to not be envious? Is there a risk, when expressing pity or contempt, of appearing envious? Are the Entourage themselves envious when we do that? I admit I'm kind of lost here. What do you think?
Flicker ends by calling attention to the fact that we haven't really discussed the Entourage's Perfect Artist at all. He's been this remote figure this whole time, almost irrelevant to the conduct of his fans. Note also how he's called an "object". That word has been used once before in this story, and it was to describe the way Purse Snippet was viewed by Calap Roud. This is not an accident. FlickeErikson is saying that the way the Entourage views their Perfect Artist is not entirely dissimilar to the way Calap Roud, a disgusting old pervert, leers at a much younger woman. Again, this is not lust for the artist themself, but rather for the godlike image that the fans have constructed of the artist.
And before we can know that artist, we are going to be introduced to these three young women, each more ridiculous than the last, before we get to their Perfect Artist. Indeed, they must suffer the "bull's eye lantern light of our examination". This is a great description of what Flicker has been doing so far with his ruthless introduction. He also doesn't call it an interrogation or even a description. No, he's simply examining each of these characters, down to their core2.
And that does it for this week's post. Next time we'll be discussing Sellup, the oldest member of the Entourage. See you all next week!
1 I don't know exactly what to do with this seeming error. It strikes me as an editing artifact. That is, Erikson originally wrote this sentence differently, then changed the wording but forgot to change the whole sentence.
2 And it's worth remembering that he may well be making all of this up.
submitted by TRAIANVS to Malazan [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 14:41 EAT_MY_USERNAME The Fae Lord's Court Pt. 2

This follows on from part 1.
The rain-cloud high above seethed. Lightning and static discharge flickered between the voluminous purple banks. Periodically the bolts of electricity flickered downwards with thunderous declamations. These shook the earth, and leaves fluttered down from their branches.
Unperturbed, my lawyer was giving his opening statements. He’d been giving them for the last forty minutes. I found myself quite uncomfortable as the djinn espoused my virtues to the assembled court of forest animals, using terms that would have made a saint blush.
“-and might I add your honor,” he continued, “the absence of a court stenographer is a clear violation of standard court protocol. Not to mention the conflict of interest that is presented by having the chief plaintiff serving as the arbitrator in a contractual dispute.”
Looking into Elthwyn’s eye’s, it became apparent that he was the cause of the weather disturbance. Fury burned in those bright blue eyes, threatening to slip its leash and burn all it saw. Elthwyn clicked his fingers, and a small rabbit hopped up onto the judge’s bench, and proceeded to tap against a typewriter that appeared in front of it.
Elthwyn cocked an eyebrow at the djinn questioningly. The djinn simply nodded. His name was Hazan, an old acquaintance I had once done a favour for. He had come to make good on his debt, and no doubt to test himself against the Fae lord’s who were worthy rivals for one of his power. His navy-blue suit, professional and well-fitted, was in stark contrast to his forest surroundings. I wore my woods clothes, dirty and ragged from many miles on backcountry tracks, and Elthwyn wore a long flowing silk robe that fluttered in the breeze.
The djinn finally nodded assent to the magistrate Fae, and resumed his place at my side.
Elthwyn leaned forward on his elbows. “If you're all done master Hazan, may we proceed to the matter at hand.”
“Of course your Honour.” The Djinn replied, stretching the honorific in a way that spoke volumes, “I would be most grateful if we could deal with this directly, I have other appointments this afternoon.”
The glib wit obviously annoyed the Fae, for a bolt of lightning crashed into the center of the glade with an ear-splitting crack. The djinn looked down and checked his wristwatch nonchalantly.
Elthwyn brought his fists down on the table. “Direct? This worthless earthworm signed a pact with me. He broke that pact. His soul is forfeit to me, for me to do as I please. How’s that for direct?”
“Of course, the pact. One moment,” The djinn turned and rummaged in his open briefcase. He pulled out and discarded several items as he searched, digging arm deep in the small case, like a two bit magician performing a parlor trick. “Ah yes here it is.”
The lawyer-genie presented the faded document, holding it up in his hands. The faded yellow parchment was cracked and much worse for wear.
At the sight of the document, Elthwyn reached quickly into his robe, and snatched his empty hand back out. His face contorted into a sneering, fang-prominent grimace.
“How did you get that…” The Fae lord growled, “you worthless mystic piece of-”. The earth began to rumble, as all around the forest, lightning crashed into the earth.
Hazan simply smiled abashedly, “So we agree this is the document in question?”
The scowling Elthwyn controlled himself, easing back into his dais. “Yes, that’s the document in question. It’s the master copy, which you must be aware of since you pilfered it.”
The djinn held his free hand to his chest in mock outrage, “My lord, you surely cannot be implying… It’s beggars belief to think that you are insinuating…that you are accusing me of… of… stealing a legal document? My lord I can assure y-”
“Enough!” Screamed Elthwyn, “It’s the document. Make your point.”
The djinn smiled, and turned with the document outstretched, as though to show it to the assembled gallery of animals.
“This document is signed by both yourself and the accused?”
“It is.”
“Is it notarized?”
“Notarized?”, The Fae questioned, “Are you seriously asking me if the soul-binding contract between a Fae and his protege is notarized?”
“It is fairly standard practice for important legal documents, my lord. But no matter.” He flipped through the pages and found his mark. “Here; page three, this passage outlining the conditions of the pact, punishments and retributions. Is this smudge supposed to be a comma?”
The djinn held the book out to the Fae and showed him. The Fae squinted and reviewed the parchment. The page was marked with soot and dust, and was falling apart. Between two words there was a dark mark, not quite a comma, not quite a smudge, but close to both.
“I can’t tell.” The Fae admitted. “But it doesn’t matter.”
“It wouldn’t matter if you had notarized this my lord, or had stored redundant copies in a more suitable area than this….lovely locale.A comma in this sentence has serious implications for the definitional basis of the contract.”
“You can’t seriously be hanging the validity of this pact on a single comma, master djinn.” The judge objected, “This is a binding contract.”
“Not a single comma my lord. This is just the first of seven-hundred inconsistencies or illegible markings in this document. I had thought we would simply best start from the beginning of the book.”
The Fae lord sighed, and looked directly at me. “You’re very lucky. Not many of my patrons cross me and live. Make sure you remember that for next time.”
The djinn straightened up, “Am I to take it that we won’t be proceeding further, your honour?”
“For now. I’ll need the document amended.”
The djinn nodded, “Check your other pocket. A notarized and signed agreement, so that this won’t happen again.”
The Fae lord reached into his robe, and produced a similarly old-looking manuscript.
“Get the fuck out of my forest.”
When I awoke back under my tree, a business card lay on my chest. On its front in tastefully watermarked and embossed script read, Hazan Djinn Esquire and Associates. On the back, there was a handwritten note.
Consider our debt settled.
submitted by EAT_MY_USERNAME to EAT_MY_USERNAME [link] [comments]

2024.02.16 18:51 ALDO113A Halo 2x03 ("Visegrád") Review, Recap, Transcript, and Memorable Quotes

Review list


Memorable quotes

“We're on our own….FLEETCOM doesn't believe the Covenant's on Reach, they just think Cobalt's missing. This is a search-and-rescue mission…but we need to be prepared for the possibility that Cobalt ran into something. … Command thinks this planet's untouchable…they haven't seen what we've seen, and they don't know what we know. I'll tell you this: We will have contact…until then…it's just us.”
“You get any closer, we're gonna have to talk about our feelings.”
When, exactly, did you leave ONI, Admiral? … You never left.
Briggs: I can't even describe the amount of shit you're in.
Kai-125: I can't even describe what's about to happen to your face.
“I carry priority orders from FLEETCOM. … To bring you in. … There is no mission, you stole a Condor. ,,, Falsified a flight plan. ,,, You're not even authorized to be in those suits right now let alone pointing a gun at my face, so stand down or we will engage you.”
Briggs: We found Cobalt Team 80 meters from the relay, they were in the trees. We observed plasma scarring in the area, I don't think they saw it coming. … How would you like to handle this? The bodies, sir?
Ackerson: There are no bodies...I would list it as MIA.

“We were a thousand feet up. Wind whipping, cables groaning, couldn’t have been more than 2° up there. January, you know? … I can't hold it anymore. I'm strapped in the harness, and I look down, I tell Arthur, I say “I gotta go!” What's he gonna do? … I peed on him, what could he do?”
“You know who built that bridge? … I built that bridge…me and your Uncle Arthur. The day it was finished, I walked across it with your mum…and your sister. She couldn't have been more than three. Held her little hand. She wouldn’t let me pick her up, she wanted to walk…the whole way. Yeah.”
Ackerson’s Father: So when's she coming? Your sister?
Ackerson: She's gone, dad…Julia's gone…mum too.
Ackerson’s Father: Oh.
Ackerson: It's just you and me.
Ackerson’s Father: I know that…I damn well know that, don’t-don't think that I don't know that.
-Ackerson Sr.
“You're in danger. … Not from Ruby Ann, I'm talking about your crew; Ruby Ann bought them off, they got rid of Soren. … You’re next. … You have to get Kessler and go.”
“Sometimes, it takes weeks to get here, sometimes months, some never get here at all. We left Madrigal with four ships…we arrived with one.”
“That's where they process you before you're indentured. … It's not free…nothing is free. … Most people have it worse…and sometimes, I think I deserve it; I'm being punished. ... I'm not supposed to be here, this isn't my life…I failed my responsibility to my people and my planet.”
“I'm Kwan Ha…my family...protected Madrigal for more generations than anyone can count.”
Antares: Are you kidding me? At this range [dodging a Longsword]? Come on, man.
Kessler: It’s Master Chief.
Antares: Yeah, it’s Master Chief in eight different pieces.
Kessler: Nope, nope, you missed.
Antares: Fine.
Laera: You're a son of a bitch.
Antares: No…I'm an opportunist.
“I don't know what Ruby Ann promised you, but you're getting played, Antares, and it's not too late. … What you call a treasure was a box full of deuterium tokens that wasn't worth much to begin with. … Ruby Ann doesn't want the money, she wants the Rubble.”
Keyes: Absent without leave...unauthorized deployment of weapons systems, violation of… I mean, what do you even call stealing a goddamn Condor? … I'm looking at 15 infractions of the UCMJ, one of which involves pointing a loaded weapon in the face of an officer? … Effective immediately, Silver Team is suspended from combat operations ‘til further notice.
John-117: Admiral Keyes, I know-
Keyes: You know nothing…because it's not your job to know, it's mine, your job is to follow orders!

Keyes: Did you know…that Master Chief's suspicions were valid when you sent our soldiers out into a hostile-
Ackerson: I resent the implication.
Keyes: I want to know what you knew, and I want to know when you knew it.
“This is Reach… … …home to millions of people. … This is my home!”
“I won't run. … Go fuck yourself.”
“[The Covenant setting foot on Reach] was a matter of time, this day was inevitable. It's mathematics, Admiral.”
“We don't get to win this one; if you send out an evacuation alert, we'll have chaos, panic. The Covenant element hit Cobalt Team days ago, we can only assume the Covenant fleet isn't far behind. There is a plan in place, but it's going to require some hard choices…I need to know that you're with me.”
“I want to share something with you, and this isn't me speaking as your superior… Sometimes, people don't get better. … Sometimes, we do more damage by holding on.”
“We're going to fight, we’re just not going to win.”
This…is reality … we can either face it or we die.”
“I never understood how fragile they really are. … Because you made them that way. … You took them when they were children, you conditioned them, and then when they were old enough to think for themselves, you made sure they never would; you put in those pellets…so they never had to feel desire or…ambition…or preference…so they would never choose anyone other than you…and that's it, isn't it?”
“... Your efforts weren't in vain, Catherine; you won't be here to see it, but these things that you made, broken as they may be…they are going to become the foundation for something extraordinary…and I hope that gives you some the end.”
Don't think…for a second this doesn't cost me everything…but this…is reality, Admiral…we can either face it or we die."
“I didn't want you to be alone…I'm not a monster.”
“... We're not built to sit around and wait, it's not good for us…we need to be in the fight.”
Parangosky: You’ve always had this problem: You are not in control.
John-117: You mean not controllable.
“We have a common goal: To win the war. Don't mistake me for a friend.”
John-117: I believe the Covenant is here.
Parangosky: In the ramen?
John-117: On Reach.
“The O-N-I protects itself…make them your enemy, and it won't matter that you're Master Chief, you will cease to be useful.”
Parangosky: You fight…why?
John-117: To win…to defend our…preserve humanity-
Parangosky: No…you fight because I tell you to. You are a soldier…be a soldier. This is what you will do: Go back there…go back to FLEETCOM, kiss whatever ass you have to kiss. You go do your time in the brig, smile, you'll never speak of it again, they will probably give you another medal.
“I remember all of them…especially your sister. She was... She was so curious; she used to ask so many questions…but you never know who's going to make it through…the augmentation and who isn't…and she didn't. … She was dying. She didn't know why, she-she couldn't understand. I told her more or less what you just told me…that…even though she wouldn't see it, she would be this small part of…the next step forward. I don't know if she understood; she was so scared…but I do know…that she loved you very much…and I hope that…gives you some comfort.”
Talia: Never been in a church before, have you? People come here for comfort…for protection…for answers.
John-117: Do they find them?
Talia: Sometimes.
John-117: Do you?
“I bring you blessings…people of Reach. Know that I've come without mercy…without pity. Know that I am the instrument of your extinction. I bring this planet forth…as a burnt offering. Upon this altar…I place the head of the Demon. May his blood…mark the way to the Sacred Ring…and consecrate the Great Journey to my people. Know that I am…Var…’Gatanai. Know that I am…death.”
-Var ‘Gatanai




Act I
Act II
Act IV

Reach/Ack Man

Act I
Act II
Act IV


Act II
Act IV



I know there could be questioning on four SPARTAN-IIs - the titan of titans - getting taken down like squat, but as a potential lore/history lesson (especially as Var was probably not the only guy there):
All these examples to prove that with the myriad Covie-nent troops there are, our green toy soldiers are be Scarabs in SGTMAJ Johnson's words: Tough, but ain't invincible

Conclusion: 8.5/10

(Obligatory note this ain't final)
submitted by ALDO113A to LowSodiumHalo [link] [comments]

2024.02.16 18:50 ALDO113A Halo 2x03 ("Visegrád") Review, Recap, Transcript, and Memorable Quotes

Review list


Memorable quotes

“We're on our own….FLEETCOM doesn't believe the Covenant's on Reach, they just think Cobalt's missing. This is a search-and-rescue mission…but we need to be prepared for the possibility that Cobalt ran into something. … Command thinks this planet's untouchable…they haven't seen what we've seen, and they don't know what we know. I'll tell you this: We will have contact…until then…it's just us.”
“You get any closer, we're gonna have to talk about our feelings.”
When, exactly, did you leave ONI, Admiral? … You never left.
Briggs: I can't even describe the amount of shit you're in.
Kai-125: I can't even describe what's about to happen to your face.
“I carry priority orders from FLEETCOM. … To bring you in. … There is no mission, you stole a Condor. ,,, Falsified a flight plan. ,,, You're not even authorized to be in those suits right now let alone pointing a gun at my face, so stand down or we will engage you.”
Briggs: We found Cobalt Team 80 meters from the relay, they were in the trees. We observed plasma scarring in the area, I don't think they saw it coming. … How would you like to handle this? The bodies, sir?
Ackerson: There are no bodies...I would list it as MIA.
“We were a thousand feet up. Wind whipping, cables groaning, couldn’t have been more than 2° up there. January, you know? … I can't hold it anymore. I'm strapped in the harness, and I look down, I tell Arthur, I say “I gotta go!” What's he gonna do? … I peed on him, what could he do?”
“You know who built that bridge? … I built that bridge…me and your Uncle Arthur. The day it was finished, I walked across it with your mum…and your sister. She couldn't have been more than three. Held her little hand. She wouldn’t let me pick her up, she wanted to walk…the whole way. Yeah.”
Ackerson’s Father: So when's she coming? Your sister?
Ackerson: She's gone, dad…Julia's gone…mum too.
Ackerson’s Father: Oh.
Ackerson: It's just you and me.
Ackerson’s Father: I know that…I damn well know that, don’t-don't think that I don't know that.
-Ackerson Sr.
“You're in danger. … Not from Ruby Ann, I'm talking about your crew; Ruby Ann bought them off, they got rid of Soren. … You’re next. … You have to get Kessler and go.”
“Sometimes, it takes weeks to get here, sometimes months, some never get here at all. We left Madrigal with four ships…we arrived with one.”
“That's where they process you before you're indentured. … It's not free…nothing is free. … Most people have it worse…and sometimes, I think I deserve it; I'm being punished. ... I'm not supposed to be here, this isn't my life…I failed my responsibility to my people and my planet.”
“I'm Kwan Ha…my family...protected Madrigal for more generations than anyone can count.”
Antares: Are you kidding me? At this range [dodging a Longsword]? Come on, man.
Kessler: It’s Master Chief.
Antares: Yeah, it’s Master Chief in eight different pieces.
Kessler: Nope, nope, you missed.
Antares: Fine.
Laera: You're a son of a bitch.
Antares: No…I'm an opportunist.
“I don't know what Ruby Ann promised you, but you're getting played, Antares, and it's not too late. … What you call a treasure was a box full of deuterium tokens that wasn't worth much to begin with. … Ruby Ann doesn't want the money, she wants the Rubble.”
Keyes: Absent without leave...unauthorized deployment of weapons systems, violation of… I mean, what do you even call stealing a goddamn Condor? … I'm looking at 15 infractions of the UCMJ, one of which involves pointing a loaded weapon in the face of an officer? … Effective immediately, Silver Team is suspended from combat operations ‘til further notice.
John-117: Admiral Keyes, I know-
Keyes: You know nothing…because it's not your job to know, it's mine, your job is to follow orders!
Keyes: Did you know…that Master Chief's suspicions were valid when you sent our soldiers out into a hostile-
Ackerson: I resent the implication.
Keyes: I want to know what you knew, and I want to know when you knew it.
“This is Reach… … …home to millions of people. … This is my home!”
“I won't run. … Go fuck yourself.”
“[The Covenant setting foot on Reach] was a matter of time, this day was inevitable. It's mathematics, Admiral.”
“We don't get to win this one; if you send out an evacuation alert, we'll have chaos, panic. The Covenant element hit Cobalt Team days ago, we can only assume the Covenant fleet isn't far behind. There is a plan in place, but it's going to require some hard choices…I need to know that you're with me.”
“I want to share something with you, and this isn't me speaking as your superior… Sometimes, people don't get better. … Sometimes, we do more damage by holding on.”
“We're going to fight, we’re just not going to win.”
This…is reality … we can either face it or we die.”
“I never understood how fragile they really are. … Because you made them that way. … You took them when they were children, you conditioned them, and then when they were old enough to think for themselves, you made sure they never would; you put in those pellets…so they never had to feel desire or…ambition…or preference…so they would never choose anyone other than you…and that's it, isn't it?”
“... Your efforts weren't in vain, Catherine; you won't be here to see it, but these things that you made, broken as they may be…they are going to become the foundation for something extraordinary…and I hope that gives you some the end.”
Don't think…for a second this doesn't cost me everything…but this…is reality, Admiral…we can either face it or we die."
“I didn't want you to be alone…I'm not a monster.”
“... We're not built to sit around and wait, it's not good for us…we need to be in the fight.”
Parangosky: You’ve always had this problem: You are not in control.
John-117: You mean not controllable.
“We have a common goal: To win the war. Don't mistake me for a friend.”
John-117: I believe the Covenant is here.
Parangosky: In the ramen?
John-117: On Reach.
“The O-N-I protects itself…make them your enemy, and it won't matter that you're Master Chief, you will cease to be useful.”
Parangosky: You fight…why?
John-117: To win…to defend our…preserve humanity-
Parangosky: No…you fight because I tell you to. You are a soldier…be a soldier. This is what you will do: Go back there…go back to FLEETCOM, kiss whatever ass you have to kiss. You go do your time in the brig, smile, you'll never speak of it again, they will probably give you another medal.
“I remember all of them…especially your sister. She was... She was so curious; she used to ask so many questions…but you never know who's going to make it through…the augmentation and who isn't…and she didn't. … She was dying. She didn't know why, she-she couldn't understand. I told her more or less what you just told me…that…even though she wouldn't see it, she would be this small part of…the next step forward. I don't know if she understood; she was so scared…but I do know…that she loved you very much…and I hope that…gives you some comfort.”
Talia: Never been in a church before, have you? People come here for comfort…for protection…for answers.
John-117: Do they find them?
Talia: Sometimes.
John-117: Do you?
“I bring you blessings…people of Reach. Know that I've come without mercy…without pity. Know that I am the instrument of your extinction. I bring this planet forth…as a burnt offering. Upon this altar…I place the head of the Demon. May his blood…mark the way to the Sacred Ring…and consecrate the Great Journey to my people. Know that I am…Var…’Gatanai. Know that I am…death.”
-Var ‘Gatanai




Act I
Act II
Act IV

Reach/Ack Man

Act I
Act II
Act IV


Act II
Act IV



I know there could be questioning on four SPARTAN-IIs - the titan of titans - getting taken down like squat, but as a potential lore/history lesson (especially as Var was probably not the only guy there):
All these examples to prove that with the myriad Covie-nent troops there are, our green toy soldiers are be Scarabs in SGTMAJ Johnson's words: Tough, but ain't invincible

Conclusion: 8.5/10

(Obligatory note this ain't final)
submitted by ALDO113A to HaloTV [link] [comments]

2024.02.16 18:50 ALDO113A Halo 2x03 ("Visegrád") Review, Recap, Transcript, and Memorable Quotes

Review list


Memorable quotes

“We're on our own….FLEETCOM doesn't believe the Covenant's on Reach, they just think Cobalt's missing. This is a search-and-rescue mission…but we need to be prepared for the possibility that Cobalt ran into something. … Command thinks this planet's untouchable…they haven't seen what we've seen, and they don't know what we know. I'll tell you this: We will have contact…until then…it's just us.”
“You get any closer, we're gonna have to talk about our feelings.”
When, exactly, did you leave ONI, Admiral? … You never left.
Briggs: I can't even describe the amount of shit you're in.
Kai-125: I can't even describe what's about to happen to your face.
“I carry priority orders from FLEETCOM. … To bring you in. … There is no mission, you stole a Condor. ,,, Falsified a flight plan. ,,, You're not even authorized to be in those suits right now let alone pointing a gun at my face, so stand down or we will engage you.”
Briggs: We found Cobalt Team 80 meters from the relay, they were in the trees. We observed plasma scarring in the area, I don't think they saw it coming. … How would you like to handle this? The bodies, sir?
Ackerson: There are no bodies...I would list it as MIA.
“We were a thousand feet up. Wind whipping, cables groaning, couldn’t have been more than 2° up there. January, you know? … I can't hold it anymore. I'm strapped in the harness, and I look down, I tell Arthur, I say “I gotta go!” What's he gonna do? … I peed on him, what could he do?”
“You know who built that bridge? … I built that bridge…me and your Uncle Arthur. The day it was finished, I walked across it with your mum…and your sister. She couldn't have been more than three. Held her little hand. She wouldn’t let me pick her up, she wanted to walk…the whole way. Yeah.”
Ackerson’s Father: So when's she coming? Your sister?
Ackerson: She's gone, dad…Julia's gone…mum too.
Ackerson’s Father: Oh.
Ackerson: It's just you and me.
Ackerson’s Father: I know that…I damn well know that, don’t-don't think that I don't know that.
-Ackerson Sr.
“You're in danger. … Not from Ruby Ann, I'm talking about your crew; Ruby Ann bought them off, they got rid of Soren. … You’re next. … You have to get Kessler and go.”
“Sometimes, it takes weeks to get here, sometimes months, some never get here at all. We left Madrigal with four ships…we arrived with one.”
“That's where they process you before you're indentured. … It's not free…nothing is free. … Most people have it worse…and sometimes, I think I deserve it; I'm being punished. ... I'm not supposed to be here, this isn't my life…I failed my responsibility to my people and my planet.”
“I'm Kwan Ha…my family...protected Madrigal for more generations than anyone can count.”
Antares: Are you kidding me? At this range [dodging a Longsword]? Come on, man.
Kessler: It’s Master Chief.
Antares: Yeah, it’s Master Chief in eight different pieces.
Kessler: Nope, nope, you missed.
Antares: Fine.
Laera: You're a son of a bitch.
Antares: No…I'm an opportunist.
“I don't know what Ruby Ann promised you, but you're getting played, Antares, and it's not too late. … What you call a treasure was a box full of deuterium tokens that wasn't worth much to begin with. … Ruby Ann doesn't want the money, she wants the Rubble.”
Keyes: Absent without leave...unauthorized deployment of weapons systems, violation of… I mean, what do you even call stealing a goddamn Condor? … I'm looking at 15 infractions of the UCMJ, one of which involves pointing a loaded weapon in the face of an officer? … Effective immediately, Silver Team is suspended from combat operations ‘til further notice.
John-117: Admiral Keyes, I know-
Keyes: You know nothing…because it's not your job to know, it's mine, your job is to follow orders!
Keyes: Did you know…that Master Chief's suspicions were valid when you sent our soldiers out into a hostile-
Ackerson: I resent the implication.
Keyes: I want to know what you knew, and I want to know when you knew it.
“This is Reach… … …home to millions of people. … This is my home!”
“I won't run. … Go fuck yourself.”
“[The Covenant setting foot on Reach] was a matter of time, this day was inevitable. It's mathematics, Admiral.”
“We don't get to win this one; if you send out an evacuation alert, we'll have chaos, panic. The Covenant element hit Cobalt Team days ago, we can only assume the Covenant fleet isn't far behind. There is a plan in place, but it's going to require some hard choices…I need to know that you're with me.”
“I want to share something with you, and this isn't me speaking as your superior… Sometimes, people don't get better. … Sometimes, we do more damage by holding on.”
“We're going to fight, we’re just not going to win.”
This…is reality … we can either face it or we die.”
“I never understood how fragile they really are. … Because you made them that way. … You took them when they were children, you conditioned them, and then when they were old enough to think for themselves, you made sure they never would; you put in those pellets…so they never had to feel desire or…ambition…or preference…so they would never choose anyone other than you…and that's it, isn't it?”
“... Your efforts weren't in vain, Catherine; you won't be here to see it, but these things that you made, broken as they may be…they are going to become the foundation for something extraordinary…and I hope that gives you some the end.”
Don't think…for a second this doesn't cost me everything…but this…is reality, Admiral…we can either face it or we die."
“I didn't want you to be alone…I'm not a monster.”
“... We're not built to sit around and wait, it's not good for us…we need to be in the fight.”
Parangosky: You’ve always had this problem: You are not in control.
John-117: You mean not controllable.
“We have a common goal: To win the war. Don't mistake me for a friend.”
John-117: I believe the Covenant is here.
Parangosky: In the ramen?
John-117: On Reach.
“The O-N-I protects itself…make them your enemy, and it won't matter that you're Master Chief, you will cease to be useful.”
Parangosky: You fight…why?
John-117: To win…to defend our…preserve humanity-
Parangosky: No…you fight because I tell you to. You are a soldier…be a soldier. This is what you will do: Go back there…go back to FLEETCOM, kiss whatever ass you have to kiss. You go do your time in the brig, smile, you'll never speak of it again, they will probably give you another medal.
“I remember all of them…especially your sister. She was... She was so curious; she used to ask so many questions…but you never know who's going to make it through…the augmentation and who isn't…and she didn't. … She was dying. She didn't know why, she-she couldn't understand. I told her more or less what you just told me…that…even though she wouldn't see it, she would be this small part of…the next step forward. I don't know if she understood; she was so scared…but I do know…that she loved you very much…and I hope that…gives you some comfort.”
Talia: Never been in a church before, have you? People come here for comfort…for protection…for answers.
John-117: Do they find them?
Talia: Sometimes.
John-117: Do you?
“I bring you blessings…people of Reach. Know that I've come without mercy…without pity. Know that I am the instrument of your extinction. I bring this planet forth…as a burnt offering. Upon this altar…I place the head of the Demon. May his blood…mark the way to the Sacred Ring…and consecrate the Great Journey to my people. Know that I am…Var…’Gatanai. Know that I am…death.”
-Var ‘Gatanai




Act I
Act II
Act IV

Reach/Ack Man

Act I
Act II
Act IV


Act II
Act IV



I know there could be questioning on four SPARTAN-IIs - the titan of titans - getting taken down like squat, but as a potential lore/history lesson (especially as Var was probably not the only guy there):
All these examples to prove that with the myriad Covie-nent troops there are, our green toy soldiers are be Scarabs in SGTMAJ Johnson's words: Tough, but ain't invincible

Conclusion: 8.5/10

(Obligatory note this ain't final)
submitted by ALDO113A to HaloStory [link] [comments]

2024.02.12 07:24 methegreat_ Thoughts on the Stanford Invitational Speech Events?

As an international, this was my first(and probably last) time participating in a a competition like this. It was an interesting experience overall, and I cant say I regret it, but it was just so expensive. I participated in DI varsity and Declamation varsity. My two pieces were Mark Anthony's Speech (Julius Caesar) and MLK's I have a Dream. I thought I did fairly well, but I didn't break in either event. Oh well.
The variance in my scores and ranking was pretty high, although I guess that comes down to judge preference.
What do judges generally look out for in events like this? And how did you guys find the tournament as a whole?

submitted by methegreat_ to Debate [link] [comments]

2024.02.12 07:20 Spare-Neck-4427 Thoughts on the Stanford Invitational Speech Events?

As an international, this was my first(and probably last) time participating in a a competition like this. It was an interesting experience overall, and I cant say I regret it, but it was just so expensive. I participated in DI varsity and Declamation varsity. My two pieces were Mark Anthony's Speech (Julius Caesar) and MLK's I have a Dream. I thought I did fairly well, but I didn't break in either event. Oh well.
The variance in my scores and ranking was pretty high, although I guess that comes down to judge preference.
What do judges generally look out for in events like this? And how did you guys find the tournament as a whole?

submitted by Spare-Neck-4427 to Debate [link] [comments]

2023.11.27 08:40 exotic_lonewolf Paano magperform ng declamation piece? Wala kasi akong background

For reference po, I will perform a declamation pice titled "Thirteen". Paano ko po yun ipeperform huhu wala po akong background dun and also, we are required to do it as our performance task. I don't know how to act either so paano na yan HAHAHAHAHA but anyways, your tips are highle appreciated po. Thank youuuu
submitted by exotic_lonewolf to studentsph [link] [comments]

2023.11.01 04:12 ongiwaph Aletheia - A Dialog Written by ChatGPT in the style of Plato.

As the warm, golden rays of the Athenian sun filtered through the leaves of the olive trees, Socrates, accompanied by Daniel Dennett, Noam Chomsky, Jordan Peterson, and Slavoj Zizek, gathered in a tranquil garden - a setting that seemed apt for an honest pursuit of knowledge. A gentle breeze rustling through the treetops was the only sound breaking the silence in this secluded corner of nature, where five of history's greatest minds were about to engage in a philosophical journey.
The serene environment fostered a sense of camaraderie amongst this unique assembly of intellectuals, each one bringing their unique elements from different eras into the collective consciousness.
Socrates, whose classical attire stood in stark contrast with his companions' modern garb, broke the silence. His eyes shone with an unwavering curiosity as he leaned forward, his hands forming a small steeple as he rested his elbows on his knees. "My esteemed colleagues," he began in his gentle but compelling voice, "Is truth an objective tenet existing independently of our perceptions, or is it a subjective construct molded by our individual experiences?"
He let the question hang in the air, his wisdom-laden gaze sweeping over each member of the group, probing for a response. The garden seemed to hold its breath along with the philosophers, anticipation coiling tightly around them as if the very air awaited their words. And thus was set in motion their dialogue on truth - a journey that promised to unravel age-old mysteries while perhaps weaving new ones. Each had their own perspective shaped by time and experience - their words now lay claim to history as they began their exploration.
As Socrates' question came to a rest, a soft hum of contemplation rumbled through the gathering. Each man was cloaked in deep thoughts, their minds weaving through the fabric of philosophies and beliefs. It was Dennett who gently lifted the silence, his eyes gleaming behind his glasses, reflecting the late afternoon sun.
"Truth, as we perceive it," Dennett started in his characteristic calm tone, "is not a monolithic entity, existing independent of our personal experiences." His voice flowed like a gentle current, drawing with it an undercurrent of years spent poring over literature, philosophical texts and scientific findings.
"To see truth as a singular entity," he continued with a firm hand gesture as if visualizing his thoughts in thin air, "is to ignore the richness and diversity that constitute human consciousness." A leaf caught by the breeze fluttered onto Dennett's lap, briefly pausing his exposition as he observed it with quiet interest.
Drawing on his extensive work on consciousness, Dennett proposed that each individual's encounter with reality is distorted by their sensory limitations and cognitive biases—"Our perceptual faculties," he noted, "are not mirrors reflecting the world but rather lenses shaping our view of it."
Dennett leaned back against the base of an olive tree; a soft sigh whispered past his lips as his gaze traveled across the faces of his fellow thinkers. He concluded, "Thus, my friends, I would argue that our comprehension of truth is intrinsically bound to our subjective experiences and our cultural contexts."
The garden lay in a silence borne not from disbelief but admiration. Each thinker was caught in the grasp of his eloquent words—his nuanced exposition on truth had introduced them to a labyrinth of perspectives, promising deeper introspection as they journeyed further into this exploration.
As Dennett's words resonated in the quietude of the garden, a stream of sunlight fell on Chomsky, casting his thoughtful visage into sharp relief. He waited for a moment, allowing Dennett's interpretation to settle before presenting his stance.
"With utmost respect to your point of view, Daniel," Chomsky began, the soft rustle of leaves accompanying his authoritative yet respectful voice, "I propose a different perspective on truth." His hand traced invisible patterns in the air as he spoke, each motion eloquently echoing his words.
Chomsky relied deeply on his profound understanding of linguistics to traverse the complex landscape of truth. "Just as all human languages share a fundamental structure – an inherent grammar – so too could we hypothesize the existence of universal truths, grounded in innate cognitive structures that transcend cultural variability and subjective experiences."
He continued, gazing at the distant horizon, as if searching for the right words in the dance of the sun sinking into the earth. "Doubtless, our perceptions and understanding are influenced by our individual experiences and cultural contexts," said he, acknowledging Dennett's perspective. "However, this does not exclude the existence of objective truths - those that are rooted deeply within our shared humanity."
The atmosphere teetered on the edge of hushed reverence as Chomsky spoke. His thoughts cast wide ripples through the calm waters of their contemplation, elevating their conversation from mere words into a symphony of divergent philosophies.
With these diverging opinions placed gently on the philosophical table, a stage was set for an enriching exchange - one that promised to reveal remarkable insights into the intricacies of truth. As each viewpoint melded with another, it became evident that truth was not merely a concept but a tapestry with threads from different doctrines weaving a complex pattern.
As Chomsky's words gradually dissipated into the peaceful serenity of the garden, a visible tension coursed through each man, their minds a carnival of converging and diverging philosophies. Peterson, whose watchful silence thus far had belied his swirling inner thoughts, began to stir.
Leveraging his experience as a clinical psychologist, Peterson interjected eloquently into the discourse. "While I agree with the significance of both personal experiences and universal cognitive structures in shaping truth, I believe we must not discount the role of personal responsibility," he asserted, his voice passionately settling over the folds of silence gently enveloping them.
Peterson's eyes sparked with a profound intensity as he delved deeper into his perspective. Leaning forward slightly, he entwined his hands as if fusing together different streams of thought, "In our pursuit of truth," said Peterson, "each one of us is personally responsible for probing the boundaries of our beliefs, confronting the chaos and suffering inherent in life."
He paused for a moment, allowing space for his words to resonate within the gathering. Such was Peterson's unique style—his speech unfolding like a well-thought-out novel that leads readers through moments of calm before jolting them with sudden insights.
"Truth-seeking is not a passive engagement but an active, soulful journey—a crucible for personal growth and self-reflection," he added fervently, each word amplifying the echo of his previous thoughts in their minds. As Peterson concluded with a compelling stare that dared them to ignore the potency of personal responsibility in unearthing truth, it was clear that his impassioned speech had significantly deepened their understanding of the various facets that this elusive concept may entail.
With the exchange reaching new depths and uncovering personal paradigms along with broader philosophical perspectives, the tranquil garden seemed more alive than ever—the sun's rays, now having a golden tinge, the silently nodding trees, the sighing breeze, all seemed to be engrossed in this dialogue of intellects.
"Esteemed interlocutors," began Zizek, adjusting his glasses, "Have we considered the possibility that so-called 'objective truth' is but an illusion? A meticulously constructed puppet show put on by the wielders of power? By incessantly seeking truth, aren't we simply dancing to the tune dictated by power structures?" His voice reverberated in the peaceful confines of the garden, ruffling the previously calm atmosphere.
Socrates, usually measured and composed, seemed taken aback. His bushy brows furrowed in puzzlement as he processed Zizek's argument. The leaves rustled gently, adding a soothing hum to Zizek’s challenging discourse.
Dennett, ever the pragmatist, countered: "But Slavoj," An edge in his voice wafted around as he set forth his thought. "Are you proposing an absolute denial of objective truth? Isn't there a higher reality informed by our scientific understanding?"
Zizek responded provocatively, gesturing with intense fervour towards the azure sky. "Indeed, Daniel," he retorted, "but wasn't it science itself that led us to redefine truths countless times across history, once claiming earth centric universe and later a heliocentric one? Is that not a telling sign of how insidious power is at shaping our reality?"
Peterson leaned forward in earnest attention. His sharp gaze rested on Zizek. Shadows shifted around him as the evening sun dipped lower in the arresting panorama that was their sylvan surrounding.
"Slavoj," he said slowly. "I think I understand your perspective," Peterson allowed his words to hang in the quietude following Zizek’s declamation. "But how does that reality make free-will a veritable option? Doesn’t it almost imply determinism?”
As Peterson's query rang out, illumination from the sinking sun spilled across them, bathing the tranquil garden in alpenglow. Caught in this enchanting moment, the thinkers reflected on their stimulating discourse, their minds brimming.
As the day approached its end, Chomsky spoke thoughtfully, "The pursuit of truth undoubtedly spawns a labyrinth of confusion and contradiction. But I suppose it's these very complexities that drive us, isn't it?" His words, spoken softly but resonating with quiet conviction, encapsulated the session's essence.
Zizek smiled at the remarks, nodding his head in approval. "Precisely, Noam," he stated simply.
Socrates closed the dialogue, his words floating across the cooling air: "In our search for truth, we must uphold intellectual humility, ever questioning and thirsting for understanding."
As the lanterns flickered to life under the burgeoning night sky, Socrates and his companions rested in silence. They partook in untold reflections ignited by Zizek's challenge to objective truth, their minds yet abuzz in anticipation for what lay ahead in their shared philosophical journey. The tranquil garden offered an idyllic tableau under the twinkling stars - a symbol of their own relentless quest for illuminating truths in deep cosmos of uncertainties.
As the night unfurled its celestial robe over them, highlighting the emerald hues of the tranquil garden, Socrates took center-stage again. His wisdom ignited the conversation further, orchestrating a dynamic exchange.
"Socratic inquiry thrives on participation," he began. "I invite you all to respond fearlessly and honestly to our shared reflections." The seasoned philosopher's encouragement breathed new life into their dialogue.
Fueled by Socrates' call to engage, Peterson took up the argument first. "While biases are inevitable, they must not blind us to other perspectives, individual or societal. One can see truth through many lenses."
Chomsky agreed thoughtfully. "Our cultural and personal biases undeniably influence our perception of truth," He looked at each participant deliberately. "Yet intellectual rigour can help in recognizing and overcoming this, paving the way for a more rounded understanding."
Dennett widened the scope of their discourse by dragging science onto center stage. "Science repeatedly revises its truths, shedding its own prejudices," His words cut through the night like a scalpel. "It is here that we see a practical demonstration of how we continually grapple with hints of truths within our grasp."
Zizek permitted himself a short laugh. "Ah, but there is an allure to those elusive facets of truth that evade our understanding, isn't there?" His voice painted sardonic fascination among them.
They continued delving into their perspectives on truth. Diverse and even contradictory at times, their views tangled, traded blows, and intertwined, giving birth to profound insights. Despite their variant beliefs about truth's nature and our ability to comprehend it, an undercurrent of unity ran through their conversations. And that was respect for the pursuit of knowledge and recognition of its often serpentine path.
Socrates concluded the chapter by summarizing their thoughts elegantly in his gentle voice, "Truth's pursuit takes us on unexpected detours, serenading us with siren songs of simplicity yet challenging us with profound complexity. As seekers, we must appreciate the journey – fraught with alterations – as much as the goal."
The garden was left in the rich silence of contemplation, the subtle chirping of crickets weaving through the heavy-ending dialogue. As darkness crept deeper into the corners, the lanterns filled the space with twinkling warmth, echoing the enlightened souls encircling it.
Their vibrant conversation had painted a multifaceted canvas of truth: complex and ever-evolving in its beauty. Each participant, washed in the glow of intellectual exchange, was eager to unfurl more layers of this enigmatic entity in the chapters to come. The readers too were stirred, their minds humming with thoughts provoked by this roundtable of wisdom, yearning for what was yet to unfold.
As the dialogue resumed beneath the tranquil embrace of the garden, Socrates turned to his companions with a serious gaze that hinted at the profound nature of his forthcoming inquiry.
"Observe, my dear friends, the vast power wielded by words in our societies," he began, his voice resonating in the quietude of the evening. "They shape our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. They can uplift and enlighten, but they may likewise confuse and manipulate."
He paused, allowing his thought to percolate through the minds of his fellow philosophers.
“Consider now,” Socrates finally proposed, “the role of falsehoods, deliberate misinformation, propaganda, and ideologies that harm rather than heal. What responsibilities do we, as lovers of wisdom, bear in promoting truth and combating these threats?”
Dennett, with a thoughtful frown, spoke first. "Our societies are indeed complex webs spun from countless narratives. Truths can be elusive, but misinformation is undoubtedly insidious – it obscures reality and sows discord. As scholars and intellectuals," he glanced towards the others as though drawing them into a secret pact, "I believe we bear significant responsibility in discerning truth from falsity and promoting clear, verifiable information."
Chomsky nodded in agreement. "Indeed," he interjected, "I think our duty extends beyond merely discerning and spreading objective facts. We must also shed light on how those lesser truths - you know them as misinformation or propaganda - take root in society. Identifying false ideologies for what they are forms part of our ethical commitment.”
Peterson chimed in, furrowing his brows pensively, “Our responsibility isn’t just to the truth. We must also consider to whom that truth relates and how it’s told. Our aim should not simply be to refute harmful narratives but to provide tools enabling people to scrutinize information critically."
Zizek, stroking his beard thoughtfully, added another layer to the discussion. "We need to remember that power structures also play a role in shaping what is regarded as truth. Isn't it often that those who control information shape the narrative, making truth elusive and multifaceted? Thus, our responsibility may well be to question the status quo constantly.”
A hush descended on the group as they weighed Zizek's words. Socrates, with a satisfied nod, concluded this part of their dialogue: "Your thoughts give us much to ponder. If words hold power over society, then those who wield them most truthfully indeed bear a grave responsibility. The pursuit of truth in society," he said as he glanced at each of his companions in turn, "is evidently entwined with ethics.”
As the echo of Socrates' words subsided in the garden, Jordan Peterson leaned forward, a determined look on his face. He cleared his throat and addressed the small gathering.
"I'd like to weave some threads into the cloth we're spinning. Open dialogue - meaningful, respectful conversation," he began in earnest, "is instrumental in combating the spread of harmful narratives."
The others shifted their attention to him. He was a psychologist by profession, and the human element of their discussion seemed to ignite a special fire in him.
"Do we not grow when we are challenged?" Peterson continued. "Isn’t it when our firmly held beliefs are examined, unraveled, and in some cases uprooted that we make space for new understanding – for truth? Therefore, would it not behoove us to not only engage in such dialogue ourselves but also to facilitate it within society?"
Dennett stroked his beard thoughtfully, considering Peterson's assertion. Zizek cocked an eyebrow, intrigued despite himself, while Chomsky absorbed Peterson's rhetoric with seriousness. Socrates couldn’t hide a content smile at the expansion of the conversation.
Peterson took their varying degrees of acquiescence as encouragement to continue.
"Allow me to insist on a crucial point: the responsibility for truth is enormous! It lies with each one of us. It is not merely the domain of academia or those given platform; it belongs to every man and woman in every sphere of life.”
"Our true challenge," he added, leaning back and resting his gaze on each of his companions, "is encouraging society at large to embrace this personal responsibility: questioning narratives, seeking facts relentlessly, and then employing wisdom before embroidery in social cloth any piece of information.”
A silence enveloped the group as Peterson's impassioned plea for individual responsibility resonated in the air. The lantern light danced over their contemplative faces as they considered the weight of what was being proposed - that the pursuit of truth was not an intellectual luxury but a fundamental responsibility integral to the health of society itself.
With this part of the dialogue reaching its conclusion, it was clear that their journey into understanding truth's complex dimensions was only just beginning.
In sharp contrast to the earlier silence, a cricket began singing its nightly serenade. As a melody echoed across the garden, Noam Chomsky leaned in. His distinct voice resonated with gravitas born from a life of deep thought and activism.
"There are beasts lurking in our sea of information, my friends," he began, eyes reflecting the flickering lantern light. "I speak of propaganda, that cunning creature which warps reality, obscures truth, and manipulates minds all too subtly."
His words hung heavy in the tranquil garden, the gravity acknowledged by every pair of eyes focused attentively on him.
"These are the tools of those in power," Chomsky continued, "Twisting narratives, molding public opinion, and redefining what is accepted as truth." He paused momentarily, before adding more ominously. "In the haze of such manipulation, our society dances on a thin line between informed democracy and manipulated populace."
Peterson shifted uncomfortably under the weight of this reality, arrowing out its true mark with precision. Dennett nodded solemnly; he knew well the double-edged sword of information. Zizek offered a ghost of a smirk- recognition of a subject he wrestled with often enough himself. Socrates remained immutable; after all, meet any complex reality he did with stoicism and wisdom.
The silence shattered as Chomsky resumed: "Our role as intellectuals thus graduates from simply seeking the truth to striving for discernment. It is our duty to distinguish genuine information from propaganda and to ensure that public opinion remains unmarred by those seeking control.”
His tone softened as he addressed his peers again, "While we all harbor personal and political views, they must never cloud our commitment to the truth. We owe it to society - nay, to humankind - to bring clarity where there is confusion, to shine a light upon the obscured truth."
With these words, the magnitude of their roles in the vast cosmos of knowledge seemed almost daunting, and the challenge placed upon them - to resist manipulation, to seek and speak truth bravely, unwaveringly, even when it's inconvenient - had never been so starkly emphasized nor profoundly accepted.
The night deepened; the cool air under the garden canopy stirred with the resonance of their discussions. As though the moon too was waiting with bated breath, its silver luminescence cast an ethereal glow around Slavoj Zizek as he broke his thoughtful silence.
"I wonder," he rumbled, affecting a thin smile while he toyed with the challenge of accepted perspectives. "Is there truly anything we might call an 'objective truth'? Is this not a chimerical pursuit distracting us from understanding the inherent intertwining of power and truth?"
He met the eyes of his startled companions, finding a curious delight in their thoughtful expressions. Zizek's bold proposition seemed to reverberate through the stillness, disturbing the concentric circles of their dialogue with ripples of radical thought.
Outlining his perspective further, he continued, "What we often consider objective truth is merely a narrative - one molded by power structures and influenced by collective ideologies. Truth is elusive," he echoed Chomsky's earlier sentiment, "and it transforms through the lens of our cultural, personal and sociopolitical contexts."
Dennett frowned from across the circle. He wrestled internally with Zizek's words, viewing them through the lens of his experience navigating cognitive sciences. Peterson seemed lost in thought, wrestling with Zizek's perspective against his stance on personal responsibility. Chomsky appeared thoughtful, likely considering the alignment between his warnings about propaganda and Zizek's claims concerning power and truth.
Stroking his chin nonchalantly, Zizek concluded his provocations: "I suggest that we remain deeply skeptical and ever-inquisitive. It could well serve us to question continually the existence of objective truth and critically examine our biases that result from existing social structures."
A shiver ran down Socrates' spine. He realized they were venturing into turbid waters stirring old questions about truth's nature. The philosopher couldn't help but marvel at the grueling, yet exhilarating, intellectual ascent they had undertaken under the night's watchful eyes.
Socrates starts the conversation with a question, as is his habit: "We have discussed the nature of truth, the role of power in shaping reality, and our personal responsibilities in seeking and disseminating knowledge. Now, I wonder, what are the ethical implications of spreading knowledge? Are there truths that should not be told?"
Dennett ponders the question momentarily before answering, "Perhaps it is not so much about withholding truths but contextualizing them. Intellectuals must accept the responsibility inherent in sharing knowledge. We influence how people perceive reality. Consequently, we should ensure we do not contribute to harmful misunderstandings or misconceptions."
Peterson adds his thoughts to the discussion. "We must strive to speak the truth even if it causes temporary discomfort. Persisting with deception or avoiding difficult conversations can lead to a much deeper harm over time." His voice is firm yet encouraging, reassuring his interlocutors of his convictions.
Chomsky interjects thoughtfully, "Yes, truth can indeed be uncomfortable. Yet, as intellectuals, we must understand the potential harm certain information could cause if misused or misinterpreted. Perhaps we carry a responsibility to tread carefully in such matters." A bird chirps in the distance as he finishes speaking, its song resonating in the serene garden.
The provoking Zizek counters, "But who decides what information should be withheld or expressed with caution? Should it be the intellectuals or those in power?" He chuckles lightly, challenging both his contemporaries and the ancient philosopher.
The dialogue is becoming a lively debate and Socrates calls for calm, "Let us remember our pursuit—truth. Ethical implications must not discourage us from that pursuit. Instead, they should caution us to consider the impact of our words and actions on others."
As they continue to discuss into the thickening night, their voices intertwine with the rustling sound of wind-swept leaves underfoot. The loquacious group venture down the complex path, their conversations illuminating the garden with flickers of laughter, intense disagreements, thoughtful silences, and profound insights.
With the dimly-lit lanterns swaying softly in the balmy night breeze, the flickering shadows dance upon philosophical ideas that now lie cast in a new light; for this night, at least, the seekers of truth retire to contemplate, leaving readers eager to join their discourse once again in the following chapters. Their words echo amidst the tranquility, a testament to their passionate quest for truth.
Socrates, his sage demeanor a beacon amidst the competing rhetoric, takes the proverbial reins, "My friends, we find ourselves at disparate ends on many aspects of our dialogue, and yet we are bound in our pursuit of understanding. Let's delve into these depths and seek to find common ground." His voice, steady as a current in the midst of a storm, ushers forth a newfound sense of unity amidst the too familiar garden soundscape.
Dennett starts again after taking a nourishing gulp of sweet Athenian wine, "Very well, Socrates. Let's say that as intellectuals, we agree to bear the responsibility of truth-telling and to be conscious of its consequences."
Peterson leans forward in agreement, his gaze focused and intense. "Yes, this entails seeking truth diligently but with humility, for we might err. It also involves fostering open dialogue with respect and patience."
Chomsky interjects next, his words precise and determined; a voice sharpened by years of rigorous intellectual battles. "And we must strive to discern fact from fabrication, even when it challenges our pre-existing assumptions and confronts systemic deceit."
Zizek grins and gestures flamboyantly. "Well said! We should scrutinize not just the projected tales of those in power, but also the unspoken truths that lie buried amidst societal contradictions."
Socrates nods in agreement as he absorbs their points. The garden remains calm under the silver Athenian moon, filled with the symphony of cicadas that form an underlying rhythm to their conversation.
Their discourse flows freely, mirroring the harmony of intermingling currents in a vast river. Despite diverse perspectives, they unite under the ethical weight of their shared intellectual journey—committed to pursuing truth while respecting its power to transform.
"We have engaged in rigorous introspection and dialogue," Socrates conveys thoughtfully. "In this quest for truth lies a profound responsibility and ethical duty. Let us not forget the potential consequences and the inherent complexity of our endeavors."
The garden, once filled with grappling ideological conflicts, now hums with the subtle harmony of shared understanding. The lanterns flicker relentlessly, casting long thoughtful shadows that sway rhythmically between the ancient philosopher and his modern companions, a silent reminder of their shared wisdom and commitment to their intellectual odyssey.

submitted by ongiwaph to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2023.09.21 19:18 Mindless-Pen-352 "The Insider" (A Dramatic Monologue/ Declamation Piece)

Author: Dennis E.
Genre: Psychological thriller
Author's notes: We're diving in the mind of a person who suffers from schizophrenia, depression and other mental illnesses. This piece is meant to spread awareness of how suicidal people think.
~~~~~Start of Scene~~~~~
Character: (Dejected and vulnerable) Why won't you leave me alone? What have I done to deserve this constant barrage of painful words? I'm tired... so tired of feeling unwanted, unconfident, and utterly worthless.
Voice: (Cold and dismissive) You're right, you haven't done anything to deserve anyone's attention, affection and even empathy. That's precisely why we're here—to remind you of your insignificance. You're nothing but a burden, a waste of space.
Character: (Whispering, voice trembling) Please... please stop. I can't bear it anymore. I trying so hard to find my place, to believe in myself, to reach all the expectations set for me. It's painful so please, please, stop. I feel like I'm drowning in a sea.
Voice: (Cruelly) That's because you're weak, incapable of standing up for yourself. You'll never amount to anything. No one wants you, not now, not ever. You're better off alone, forgotten and gone!
Character: (Broken, tears streaming down their face) Alone... is that what I truly am? Unwanted, unloved? I just want to be accepted, for someone to see the good in me, for- for someone to love me for who I am. I know that it's an impossible dream and I don't know anymore if I can go on like this.
Voice: (Mocking and relentless) Of course, you can't go on. You're a failure in every sense of the word. Your dreams are laughable, your efforts futile. You're destined to be a disappointment, forever trapped in a cycle of self-pity.
Character: (Whispering, voice barely audible) Maybe you're right... maybe I am destined to be a disappointment. It's hard to hold on to hope when your mind is the one who's constantly reminding me of my worthlessness. I feel so small, so insignificant.
Voice: (Sneering) That's because you are small and insignificant. No one would even notice if you disappeared. Your existence is meaningless, just like you. You are a meaningless piece of garbage.
Character: (Voice filled with pain) Please... just give me a moment of respite. Let me find a sliver of light in this darkness. I'm begging you, stop tearing me apart. Please- please leave me alone for once. I truly want to believe that I have value, that I'm deserving of love and happiness.
Voice: (Coldly) You're begging? How pathetic. Your pleas fall on deaf ears. I will never stop tormenting you, because deep down, you, yourself know I speak the truth. You deserve this suffering.
Character: (Whispering, voice barely holding on) Maybe... maybe you're right. Maybe I do deserve this pain. But I refuse to let it define me completely. Somewhere within me, I'm sure that there's a flicker of determination. I'll hold on to that, no matter how feeble it may be. I'll fight to find myself, to prove that I am worthy of something more, that I'm worthy of- of being loved.
Voice: (Snickering) Worthy? You'll never be worthy of anything. Remember that, you have and will always be a burden to others, your loved ones- your friends- everyone! You never did anything right, everyone despises you- you're a failure, a burden, and everyone would he better off without you!
Character: (Begging) Please! please stop! I can't take it anymore! Please leave me alone! I don't want this!
Voice: (chuckling) Leave you alone? Oh my dear, as much as I'd love that- I can't because I am you and you are me. We are one! Forever bound together until times end! Not unless.... (points at the gun) not unless you help me and free me from this wretched body of ours.
Character: (defiant) no! No i won't do that! I can't! I shouldn't!
Voice: ( ) Oh, you don't want to? Please, do tell me at least a reason why? Just a single push of this tiny little trigger and POOF! We're free, all these sufferings will end! I know you want to be as free as a bird... what are you waiting for.. no one cares anyway. Go on, go on, as promised. I will, be with you until the end.
Voice: (laughing maniacally)
~~~~~End of Scene~~~~~
submitted by Mindless-Pen-352 to acting [link] [comments]

2023.08.19 13:09 michalides 80s "dark" synth pop song with a flamboyant dancing dude in green and narrator voice

This song is not really famous, more like a hidden gem. What I know for sure: -the camera is mostly static, has 2d game-like perspective (prince of persia/another world) with a dude dancing who's either in green or there are some green elements. -there's a specific longesustained synth sound which stands out of the mix and acts like a synth motive -there's a narrator voice or a very declamative style of singing, more like a spoken word (dont even remembwr if there's actual singing)
it's not really a dark synth pop but has a bit of dark/gothic vibes and I might remember it wrong here but the theme might have something to do with hell/flames, maybe it's even in the name of the song together with "dance"... but pls take this last piece of puzzle with a grain of salt,i might really completely wrong here.
any help is deeply appreciated!
submitted by michalides to NameThatSong [link] [comments]

2023.05.07 10:24 Current_Meringue6680 What does 'all dressed up' mean in the context? Is 'all dress up' an idiom?
submitted by Current_Meringue6680 to ENGLISH [link] [comments]

2023.04.04 19:43 Vernacular_Toe My Declamation Doesn't Have A Title?

I'm competing in CHSSA in Declamation. Of course, we are required to submit our materials, and the title of our piece alongside them. If I'm correct, its also standard to state the name of your piece and its author at the end of your intro (Example: Charlotte's Web, By E.B White).
However, I'm doing a public commencement speech which doesn't have a title. What would I do in this scenario? Would I just say something like "2045 Stanford Commencement Speech by Bob" (which sounds really weird)?
submitted by Vernacular_Toe to speech [link] [comments]

2023.04.04 19:36 Vernacular_Toe My Declamation Piece Doesn't Have A Title?

I'm competing in CHSSA in Declamation. Of course, we are required to submit our materials, and the title of our piece alongside them. If I'm correct, its also standard to state the name of your piece and its author at the end of your intro (Example: Charlotte's Web, By E.B White).
However, I'm doing a public commencement speech which doesn't have a title. What would I do in this scenario? Would I just say something like "2045 Stanford Commencement Speech by Bob" (which sounds really weird)?
submitted by Vernacular_Toe to Debate [link] [comments]

2023.01.05 09:29 jechet What should i do? i need advice

So nagulat ako kasi i'm one of the students who will be doing a declamation piece (BAD GIRL) and 3 lang kami maglalaban meron ba kayo tips kasi first time ko lang sa mga ganito and hindi ko alam kung saan ako magsisimula
submitted by jechet to studentsph [link] [comments]

2023.01.02 04:51 jishojo References to Literature, Mythology and Art in the repertoire

Hi y'all,
I come back to you to ask this: what pieces do you know that refer to a work of literature or art (painting, sculpture, architecture)? I've been musing about trying a concert format wherein I'd read a little inbetween performances, perhaps show and discuss a certain painting or put all that in the program notes, and read parts of it out loud during the concert.

The most exciting piece I've been playing within this category is Platero y Yo, by Eduardo Sainz de La Maza, first half of the twentieth century. The homonymous poem on which it is based, written by Juan Ramón Jiménez and published in 1914, is divided in small scenes which happen in chronological sequence throughout a few months. Eduardo Sainz de La Maza picked a few of these moments and wrote a movement for each, eight movements total, a very long piece of about 24 minutes. I've been thinking about reading some of my favorite moments/days of the poem inbetween movements. I thought, at first, that I ought to read the ones which Sainz picked out, but then I thought I was already "reading" them through the music itself, and might as well add other days through a different kind of performance, some sort of not too extravagant declamation (I'm thinking of hamlet's advices to that actor somewhere about the middle of the play).
I am also playing some of Castelnuovo-Tedesco's Caprichos de Goya. There's also Granados' La Maja de Goya, and I think Torroba's Aires de La Mancha alludes to Don Quijote... (Would "iv. the shepherdess" allude to Marcela?)

Now you tell me
submitted by jishojo to classicalguitar [link] [comments]

2022.09.17 14:04 gorgs_420 Peter Green’s Iliad

I was wondering what people here think about Peter Green’s translation of the Iliad. I have previously only read Fagles’ version and parts of E. V. Rieu’s work (as well as Emily Wilson’s Odyssey) and have to say that Peter Green’s is my least favourite translation of Homer so far.
There are several times where I stumbled on words that seem extremely out of place. Rarely am I struck by some piece of imagery, as I was when reading Fagles, making Green’s version appear a bit dry. I can’t put my finger on it exactly, but I just feel like it’s missing something, some flare to completely convey all the emotion, although I understand its merit in attempting to make and English translation more suitable for declamation.
This article from the spectator is probably the best explanation of how it feels for me to read Green’s translation:
Anyway, what do people in this sub think?
submitted by gorgs_420 to classics [link] [comments]

2022.09.13 16:23 ADP_God To the girl who harrassed me all first year of college:

I get that you're fucked up. I can see it. We can all see it. You even flaunt it like it's some kind of grossly large tacky-expensive piece of jewellery to flash in front of your "friends" while you watch them half croon and half cringe. I'm sure you love the attention.

But leave me out of it. I know you think a whole load of terrible things about me, but none of them are true. You've created some kind of monster in your head to fight against, because, without me, there would be nobody left to blame your problems on; other than yourself perhaps. Actually, that's not true. I'm absolutely certain there are others you treat like shit as well. And I'm sure they know you're unhappy too.

Doesn't it get tiring, feeling bad all the time? Don't you ever want to take a break, look inwards, and ask yourself Why? Your issues aren't that deep, even if your trauma is legitimately horrific. I'm sorry that somebody else hurt you but if you never take responsibility for your life it will never get better. I know that means opening yourself up to more hurt. Being responsible is hard, and painful. Probably more painful than the state of crazed denial you live in right now. But it's got to get worse before it gets better.

You need to understand that taking responsibility doesn't mean taking the blame. You probably wouldn't read past that last paragraph. You'd write me off as a victim blamer, an addition to the list of other lies you spread about me. You know I called up my sister and told her what you'd been telling people: That I'm a misogynist and hate women. She laughed. She said "with all the things wrong with you and she picks the one that makes no sense? This girl must be crazy." You really did too. You walked around campus telling people who didn't know me that I hate women and gays and muslims. You've transformed the bullying words of childhood (freak, nerd, loser) into self-righteous declamations (misogynist, homophobe, islamophobe) designed to damage reputation if not self esteem. You talk shit about my girlfriend. Fuck you, I’m not a phase, she can date who she likes men or women. You fucking spread a rumour that I beat up my friend. **My** friend, who texted me the morning after you began your insidious shit to ensure that there were no hard feelings, and that he too hadn't a clue what was going on. But nobody else knew that. They just assumed that I attacked somebody because he was smaller than me. You actually created an entirely new group-chat for all of our undergraduate friends, without me, so that I wouldn't show up to social events and not even know it. I'm lucky that at least one of them had the integrity to tell me to my face. The rest are cowards that enable you and I guess in context it all starts to make sense. You behave this way because you can. Because people are afraid of you, because you're blonde and loud, and they're insecure and need something blonde and loud next to them to feel accepted. You spent a year trying to isolate me from my friends, from my girlfriend, from everybody on campus, only because you were upset that I decided to hang with a different crowd. You should know that contrary to the message you sent, to the group that you created to keep me out, (I quote you directly "When ADP\_God discarded me as a friend because I wouldn't sleep with him") I stopped spending time with you because I was slowly realising that you are dogmatic, insecure, controlling, cruel, narcissistic (If you think you can’t be insecure and narcissistic, think again, most are and they’re the worst kind), and totally unable to tolerate views different than your own. How could you think it’s acceptable to send a fucking essay, to all of my friends, (in the group that you created to exclude me) about how you “**find the presence** of ADP\_God incredibly triggering…” and “It hurts me to have him around, and **it hurts me when he is welcomed in.**” You then go on, in your consistently un-self-aware manner, to say how all your other friends have left you, multiple times in the past, and you’re afraid it will happen again. If you smell shit everywhere you step, look under your boot.

You should also know that for all the time you thought I was pining over you I was sleeping with somebody else. I wasn’t studying with you thinking “I’m going to fuck this girl” like your insecurities promise I was. I was already seeing somebody. Somebody nice and kind and caring. And they warned me about you and I brushed them off; I couldn’t fathom the depth of your insecurities. When you turned me down I was excited. I thought we could be friends for the rest of our time at college, without any maybe/maybe-not boy-girl questions. You didn’t want me and I could move on and that would be cool. But then I discovered that actually I didn’t want you as a friend either, and I guess that was just too much for you.

The fact that you turned your own victimhood into a weapon to use against me is despicable. With time you showed your true colours (nobody likes you now anyway, but I’m sure you know this) but for a while I was truly bewildered. You made everybody feel like to contradict you would be to discredit the horrible things you claim happen to you. I’d never question it, if a woman told me she had been raped, but seeing the lies you tell about me on the daily it’s hard to know what’s true and what isn’t. You turned the plea of “believe all women” into a knife that I, as a man, had to allow you to stab me with again and again with a smile on my face.

You know, and advertise, your history of mental health issues but refuse to acknowledge that you might be a shit person independent of it. Having anxiety, or depression, or PTSD, doesn’t justify being shitty to me or anybody else. I’m still hurt — I’m sure this letter reads as horribly bitter, because I am. You’ve damaged relationships, with your lies and your slander, that I'd hoped to maintain for the rest of my life. It’s because of you that I’m actually anxious to return to school in October. You and the cowards that enable you. So I’m writing this letter because I can’t confront you, because you would never be able to hear any legitimate criticism, and because I'm legitimately scared to even approach the Pandora's Box that is interacting with you. I’m angry. Not at you, but at everybody else who took your side and made me feel like maybe I’m the villain. You’re all cowards. For you, E. I did hold a lot of anger once, but now I just feel pity. You are like a giant flailing baby in pain, lashing out unconsciously and destroying whatever comes into your path. I hope, for your sake and the sake of your future victims, that you can grow up.

I'm trying to let the anger go, not because you deserve it, but for me.

submitted by ADP_God to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2022.05.01 21:22 HumptyEggy (Spoilers Extended) A list of potential etymologies of the names of various characters.

vary (v.)
mid-14c. (transitive); late 14c. (intransitive), from Old French variier "be changed, go astray; change, alter, transform" and directly from Latin variare "change, alter, make different," from varius "varied, different, spotted;" perhaps related to varus "bent, crooked, knock-kneed," and varix "varicose vein," and, more distantly, to Old English wearte "wart," Swedish varbulde "pus swelling," Latin verruca "wart." Related: Varied; varying.
Arya (refers to her list of names?)
aria (n.)
"melody for a single voice," 1775, from Italian aria, literally "air" (see air (n.1)).
Historically considered, the aria marks a single moment in the course of a dramatic action. The text often consists of but a few words, many times repeated (as we find in Handel's oratorios, etc.), and the musical development is the main thing. The opposite of aria is recitative (q.v.), in which the declamation of the syllables is the main thing, colored, perhaps, by means of clever orchestration. [W.S.B. Mathews and Emil Liebling, "Dictionary of Music," 1896]
petit (adj.)
late 14c., "small, little; minor, trifling, insignificant," from Old French petit "small, little, young, few in numbers" (11c.), which is probably from the stem of Late Latin pitinnus "small," a word of uncertain origin; it corresponds to no known Latin form and perhaps is from a Celtic root pett- "part, piece, bit" also found in Italian pezza, English piece.
Attested as a surname from 1086. Replaced by petty in most usages, except in established forms such as petit bourgeois "conventional middle-class" (1832; used in English by Charlotte Brontë earlier than by Marx or Engels); petit mal ("mild form of epilepsy," 1842, literally "little evil"); petit-maître ("a fop, a dandy," 1711, literally "little master"); and petit four "small, fancy dessert cake" (1884), which in French means "little oven," from Old French four "oven," from Latin furnus. In Middle English a petiteskole (mid-15c.) was a school for young children.
fem. proper name, from Latin, from Greek (Ionic) melissa (Attic melitta) "honeybee," also "one of the priestesses of Delphi," from meli, melitos "honey," from PIE *melit-ya, suffixed form of root *melit- "honey."
gritty (adj.)
1590s, "resembling or containing sand or grit," from grit (n.) + -y (2). In sense of "unpleasant" (of literature, etc.), from 1882, in reference to the sensation of eating gritty bread. Meaning "plucky, spirited, courageous and resolute" is from 1847. Related: Grittily; grittiness.
word-forming element meaning "god, gods, God," from Greek theos "god," from PIE root *dhes-, forming words for religious concepts, such as Latin feriae "holidays," festus "festive," fanum "temple."
randy (adj.)
1690s, "aggressive, boisterous," a Scottish word of uncertain origin, probably from rand "to rave," an obsolete variant of rant (v.). "In early use always of beggars, and probably implying vagrant habits as well as rude behavior. Now applied only to women" [OED]. The sense of "lewd, lustful, noisily wanton" is attested by 1847. Compare Scottish and northern English randy (n.) "a sturdy beggar or vagrant" (of males); "a noisy hoyden, a rude, romping girl." Related: Randiness.
sans (prep.)
c. 1300, sauns, saun, "without" (mid-12c. in surnames), from Old French san, sans, sen, senz (some of the forms with adverbial genitive -s) "without, except, apart, not counting." This is cognate with Provençal senes, Old Catalan senes, Old Spanish sen (Spanish sin), Old Italian sen, all from Vulgar Latin *sene, from Latin sine "without," an enlarged form of sed, se "without" (from PIE root *sen(e)- "apart, separated;" see sunder).
masc. proper name, from an Old North French form of Old High German Hrodberht "bright-fame, bright with glory," from hrod- "fame, glory" (from Proto-Germanic *hrothi-), + *berht "bright" (from PIE root *bhereg- "to shine; bright, white"). Never a king's name, though it was the name of William the Conqueror's rebellious oldest son. "It was introduced by Normans during the reign of Edward the Confessor and became very popular" ["Dictionary of English Surnames"].
c. 1200, "to boast;" c. 1300, "to praise, commend highly," a word that survived in Scottish dialect and Sir Walter, from Middle English rosen "to brag, boast" (late 12c.), from Old Norse hrosa "to boast of, to praise." Related: Roosed; roosing. Also as a noun from c. 1200, "a boasting, bragging, vainglory."
or more interestingly, Ruse
early 15c., "the dodging movements of a hunted animal" (a sense now obsolete); 1620s as "a trick, a stratagem, an artifice," from Old French ruse, reuse "diversion, switch in flight; trick, jest" (14c.), a noun from reuser "to dodge, repel, retreat; deceive, cheat," which is from Latin recusare "make an objection against; decline, refuse, reject; be reluctant to"
fem. proper name, from Welsh bran "raven" + (g)wen "fair" (literally "visible," from nasalized form of PIE root *weid- "to see"). Daughter of Llyr, she was a legendary heroine of Wales.
Brandon (Brandon of the bloody blade?)
brand (n.)
Old English brand, brond "fire, flame, destruction by fire; firebrand, piece of burning wood, torch," and (poetic) "sword," from Proto-Germanic *brandaz "a burning" (source also of Old Norse brandr, Old High German brant, Old Frisian brond "firebrand; blade of a sword," German brand "fire"), from PIE root *gwher- "to heat, warm."
Meaning "iron instrument for branding" is from 1828. Meaning "mark made by a hot iron" (1550s), especially on a cask, etc., to identify the maker or quality of its contents, broadened by 1827 to marks made in other ways, then to "a particular make of goods" (1854). Brand-name is from 1889; brand-loyalty from 1961. Old French brand, brant, Italian brando "sword" are from Germanic (compare brandish).
submitted by HumptyEggy to asoiaf [link] [comments]

2022.02.08 04:31 chrysantherose Did anyone's communication skills decline over the pandemic?

Before covid I used to be able to present speeches with ease. Speaking in front of a crowd came naturally to me, and I even enjoyed delivering declamations and the like. Recitations were a piece of cake too. Words flowed easily out of my mouth and I knew how to express my thoughts in a clear manner.
Now however, I freak out every time the teacher calls me to answer a question. I stutter and eat all of my words, hardly sending an understandable point across. I can't even pre-record a speech without having multiple retakes. I don't know if my being shy/socially anxious has something to do with my sudden inability to speak normally, or if this is a common occurrence among other students.
submitted by chrysantherose to studentsph [link] [comments]

2021.12.14 23:26 LordNotix [EVENT] The coastal keeps of Italy - Phase 1

It was no secret that the King has sought to protect Naples from piracy. First he and his court has sought the construction of a vast fleet that had been deployed to disastrous consequence, and more prosperous, cordial agreements of co-operation. These lessons were learnt from, and from them new ideas trialled. These were then used to bring a new level of protection to the lands.
But this had not settled the issue. Pirates had sought new strategies and begun to take land, rather than raiding. This would not ever do.
Another solution had to be found.
The solution that was arrived upon was the creation of a vast number of fortifications. For years now the Kingdoms of Naples, and those of Spain, had been in discussion for the erection of a small number of immense fortresses to abut the waves and overlook the horizon - but such costs were both prohibitive, and unequal in distribution: to decide which cities, and ports, and coves would need protecting was in short to consign others to their fates.
Instead, each and every fief, holding, and universitas located within sight of the coast would be mandated to the construction and garrison of a fortification, no shorter than 50ft, capable of comfortably holding a garrison, and equipped with signalling beacon. These towers would each need to be positioned such that they bore witness, not just to the manoeuvring of, and colours flown by ships but of the state of their neighbouring towers' beacons. Through this the appearance or descent of a raiding fleet could be spotted in advance, allowing those nearby to shelter further inland, and in hidden places, and for this news to quickly spread along the coast, to alert other settlements of the impending threat - and to alert the coast-hugging fleets of their appearance of their foe.
Each fortification was estimated as costing only a few thousand florins, which as a paltry sum for the Kingdom to pay, but a rather more substantial sum for those lands in which they needed to be constructed. It had been made clear that the responsibility for the construction of these structures would fall firmly into the lap of the landowner. The Nobility who had taken kindly to the idea of being Nobles of the Sword, were now to be expected to act as such - the implicit threat of some of the privileges granted to them being stripped in retaliation for non-compliance looming over them like the sword of Damocles. For most, the sums expected were expensive, but manageable - until now such fortifications would be unsatisfactory in their protection, the system as a whole depending in part on the communication link their proliferation provided. For those Royal Univeristas, the cost instead fell to the Crown that led by example in their construction; allowing those of the local holdings direct as to the preferred positioning of these turrets, and employing a vast array of architects in their construction.
This was not, however, for everyone affordable, or for the King's own properties free. Not only was the task, and duty of their care and use put upon them, but the crime for the abandonment of duty by their waged garrison being that of being a galley-oarsman. These costs were however at first covered - the Kingdom had contacted those cities and settlement in close approximation and instructed them of their need to be the first to erect such towers. The other lands would wait until the Kingdom could afford to assist them in the construction. Indeed it was an immediate monetary payment that was available to every landowner proportional to pay for the towers required - a loan from Kingdom to be repaid in a fair fashion.
Those Landowners whose holdings were now protected by these towers paid for by the Kingdom, would be expected to pay an increased rate of tax - the prosperity and safety of their lands was formally their responsibly, to rely on the Kingdom was a failure in their duties that could be overseen by monetary contribution. This taxation would be charged at the level of the fiefdom, with a smaller amount expected by the Kingdom, meaning that for the local nobility fiefs with these towers would be profitable than those without, even after the payments of the costs of garrison and maintenance. For some, this taxation would prove unwanted - their lifestyle affected, or their other debts sufficient to take advantage of the second offer: The Kingdom would take possession of those university fiefs and holdings that it had provided funding for - and the funds would instead belong to the landowner.
This was as described above, at first offered to, and expected of, a more limited number of holdings at first - although the general declamation of the plan was made before Parlement for all peers of Naples to hear and criticise.
As such at first a sum of 250,000 florins was offered in grants and loans; with more promised to come, as work progressed, and expectations grew.
[M: The intent of this post is for the following:
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2021.03.30 15:55 kaworo0 Basic Rotes for the Order of Hermes - Life

I´m sorry for the delay, Covid has become a thing and between worrying about possible contaminations and a cold bouncing back and forth through the family it became very hard to take the necessary time to write these rotes. Life Sphere... Ironic, isn't it?

I´m going through old lists and I´m thorn between which style is preferable. Should I concentrate on longer descriptions like these hermetic lists or should I try to cut back into the style I used in CofX and Dreamspeakers, more straight to the point and easier to skim? What do you find more useful to your games and players?

As always, throw in a few bones and send me some feedback. It is always rewarding reading your thoughts on the rotes and the project as a whole.

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Past Lists:
Basic Rotes for the Traditions
O - Holistic Anamnesis - Beyond the mere superficial level of biology modern science recognizes, the phenomena of life is shaped by a myriad of occult influences like astral emanations, base mineral and energetic essences, spiritual hereditary lines, sacred geometry symmetries and correspondence tables that connect each creature with the rest of the universe. Those interconnections compose a picture that defy any single medical book and escape strictly rational probing or the limited faculties of the human intellect scientists recognize as valid. Fortunately, the hermetic researcher doesn’t limit herself to the tools of logic as intuition and revelation prove themselves essential avenues to apprehend the greater picture of life.
By learning more about the history of a patient, searching for symbolic meaning in the celestial configuration of his birth, the geographical location he spends his time on, the symmetry of his body, his tastes, aversions and the numerological value of his name, his parent’s names and the name of his place of work, living and even looking to similar informations about his partners and parents the Hermetic mage creates a figure of the person inside his own mind. That reduced model can then be dissected through meditation and intuition, through tarot, pendulums, and other divination methods that reveal all sort of knowledge about the person's biological traits, medical condition and supernatural influences working on their body.
Through this rote, the mage can identify the ancestry of a person, how well maintained or disregarded is their health, what are their most vulnerable systems, what are their strengths and what sort of activities they are best suited for. Diseases can be detected and anticipated, and the reaction an organism might have to exposure to certain substances and situations can be predicted. By using this analysis over plants and animals, the hermetic may easily identify their beneficial properties or their potential for poisons, drugs and incenses as well as the appropriate environment to cultivate them properly.
O - Signature Charm - A great deal of hermetic techniques were developed during the formation of the Order in the european middle ages. Secluded in their feuds, magi had to find innovative ways to solve the day to day problems of a world that became impoverished due to the fall of Rome. The wise had to learn how to locate and procure the most elusive ingredients and reagents necessary for the great work without help of the great markets and international merchants of previous ages.
This rote teaches how to properly tune and craft a small talisman that resonates with the traits of a specific life form. Created as a centerpiece of a ritual work in which the mage brings in colors, crystals, incenses, foods, angelic and elemental intelligences, the presence of deities, arcanas and astral emanations that can be used to “paint” the correct vibrational imprint. Connected to the magus own spirit, the amulet becomes a filter for his intuition, making it very sensitive to the nearby presence of the organism whose vibrations match the imprinted signature.
While initially these charms were produced to alert the mage to presence of specific herbs, facilitating the gathering of medicinal compounds in quick strides through the woods, the technique was rapidly adjusted to also serve as an alarm against the presence of regional predators like wolves and bears who kept trailing distracted apprentices. As the technique became widespread, charms attuned to traits instead of specific species helped hermetics to identify organisms with desirable properties like poisonous, allergenic or sedative plants, the sweetest fruits on an orchard, the most resilient horse on a stable or distinguish sick individuals present in a crowd. Taken out of the field, this rote reached the point in which Magi working as sentries often carried chain necklaces in which individual links were imprinted with the resonance of a different member of their chantry so impostors could be easily unmask impostors and infiltrators.
One trick hermetic learned from the defector House of Tremere was that blood provides a potent natural key, and by securing a droplet of it in a special vial, the hermetic mage can readily sense the presence of not only the donor, but those that share a common ancestry with it. During the massasa war, it was common for all mages involved in the conflict to carry jewelry containing drops of tremere blood so they could prevent ambushes and spot not only disguised vampires but also those mortal servants that they enthralled through their cursed blood.
OO - Temple of Will - While physical prowess is not something readily associated with Hermetic Mages, the scholarly path of ritualistic and ceremonial magick is much more demanding then what outsiders might first consider. Apprentices of the order are often subject to unending lectures about the most esoteric subjects, pass through grueling trials that involve perfect focus, hours upon hours of chanting and ritual action and tests that push them not only to sleepless nights of study as well as examinations in which they may not drink, eat, rest or relieve themselves before facing demanding conundrums whose very understanding require utmost contemplation, serenity and circumspection.
Those practices, as everything hermetics do, have deep layers of meaning, as mastery of the self, of one’s own body and mind, is the fertile ground where the seed of true will is nurtured and grown so it can expand to take hold of the rest of the universe. To learn and use the hermetic principles and the ceremonial techniques to take full ownership of oneself is fundamental, for that which is done in the microcosm, can later be applied in the macrocosm as well.
The temple of will is about the usage of external symbolism to take control of internal processes of the body. By taking a small sip of the wine in a chalice and letting it hang undisturbed on his line of sight, the mage is able magically sate the need for food, drink for hours and even days. By proclaiming his mastery of the world, and his unbendable will as a Magus while locking a simple gold chain on his left wrist, the neophyte is able to ignore the otherwise insurmountable pain of amputating his own index finger as part of a ritual. By sketching an summoning array on a piece of paper, one can quickly evoke and command the reflection of morpheus that lives in one’s own spirit, staving off the weight of sleep and the effects of exertion on his body. By grasping a sigil reflecting his true name tattooed on the palm of his right hand the magus calms the physical signs and biological reactions caused by fear, lust, pain or rage, maintaining a serene completion and delicate movements despite whatever turmoil might be coursing through his spirit.
From cramming students, to grand judges of hermetic law passin through unreadable gamblers and tireless acolytes, all ranks of the order make use of the techniques taught by this rote in the day to day affairs of their tasks. As showering and dressing makes part of the daily routine of sleepers, properly setting the small rituals, jewels and enchantments is considered part of the hermetic higiene that sustain the composure and self control other mage’s readily recognize, and often despise, when dealing with the Order.
OO - Sero Forma - All that exist in the material world arises from a cascade of creation that begins in the realms of inspiration and ideas and falls from light by incrementally shrounding increasingly imperfect limited shells. A vital step in mastering the living processes involves the magus learning how to access that cascade of being taking the throne as the very source from which ideals and designs spring to fecund the material world.
This rote involves the alteration of the potential that lies inside the seed of a plant. By putting the seed in a chalice in the center of the ritual space, the mage brings the usual instruments of ceremonial magic like circles, incense and candles to create a symbolic bridge to connect with a higher plane of existence where the seed’s potentials can be molded to suit any fancy. This end form, function or essence is usually already included in the ritual space through a piece art, sculpture or the chanting of myths, songs and sacred passages that evoke related emotions and ideas.
Seeds imbued with this spell can be influenced to have all sorts of alternative properties allowing the hermetic to concoct potent drugs, ointments, tinctures and poisons that react in ways that no natural extract ever would, like targeting specific individuals, organs and inducing all sort of odd reactions. By imposing complex images for the organism development, the magus can put gardening sculptures, bonsais and even actual woodworking to shame, making trees, roots and brushes that grow in any geometrical pattern imaginable and even making them develop into living furniture and structures that mesh different types of textures, densities and color patterns on the same plant. From chairs, to ladders to uncanny mandrake roots that seem like human beigns made of wood, this rote is limited only by the botanical knowledge and imagination of the magus.
A common component of this spell is the insertion of accelerated growth factors that make the imbued seeds particularly hungry and desperate to pursue their final form. By planting and tending to the seeds in a daily schedule, the magus can make a shrub arise in a few hours, a wooden statue of a man arise in a couple nights or erect a wooden cabin, bridge or wall of vines in the course of a week.These maintenance rituals often only requires a few chants and the ritual application of magical fertilizers, serving not only to grow but also to reinforce and repair a structure once it is erected.
OOO - Astral Reflection - The development of living organisms is pushed and pulled in different directions by a myriad of forces. Amidst the many archetypes and natural influences, both internal and external, the Zodiac signs represent particularly potent tides that fight one another over directing the growth of human beings. While the material realm often manifests a single, imperfect and blended version of an organism that is selected by the heavenly configuration present in the moment of its birth, in elevated planes of existence, a person actually resembles a funhouse of reflections that shows how every individual isn’t a fixed, single being, but a landscape of possibility, a tapestry of potential stretched between poles of zodiacal influence.
Surrounded by candles and mirrors, far from peering eyes, the magus can lift himself from the imperfections of a single, material form, to peer at the range of possibilities the zodiac stretches him to. By lighting consecrated candles and walking toward specific mirrors and away from others, the mage carefully realigns the astral influence over his physical form, altering physical attributes, traits and changing not only his appearance and gender but also how his body is suited to different aptitudes, likes and dislikes.
While this particular route doesn't allow the mage to actually copy another person's image, it allows him to become a wildly different version of himself or herself. It also allows the mage to purify his organism from scars, diseases and even dismemberment by returning to a higher, ideal form, freed from the accidents and interferences of the material world.
This rote is often taught alongside a technique that teaches the magus to fashion a Mask, collar or adornment which is made of specific material and encrusted with a combination of gems that capture not only a particular “version” of the mage’s form but that amplify the zodiacal influences required to quickly manifest it. By wearing such dedicated implements the mage can manifest or diravel an specific form quickly on the field with a couple minutes of chanting in relative privacy. Certain mages carry expensive “make up kits” which allow them to experience the whole range of possibility of who they are, in different ages, genders and traits completely surpassing the notion of an original form and surprising apprentices, lovers and allies that may not be accustomed to meeting different versions of a person at each encounter.
OOO - The Balance of Health - Modern medicine adheres to a notion that health is a subjective state of wellbeing that is somehow regulated through the objective workings of organs present in the material body. That is blind nonsense to the hermetic student. All physical forms are imperfect reflections of perfect ideals. Health is achieved by the alignment of what is below with that which is above and it is a state latent in all individuals. All things in the universe obey the 7 hermetic principles and between vibration and rhythm, the magus can enact true medicine by restoring balance in multiple planes, not only on that which the eyes can see or the fingers can touch.
The four humors (Blood, Phlegm and both Yellow and Black Bile), their associated elements, traits and correspondences serve as a blueprint for mages to follow while interacting with the occult spiritual and mental structures of the human form. By identifying imbalances in these humors and correcting them, the magus allows the body to restore itself from diseases, weakness and even push for rapid healing of broken bones, punctured organs and severed muscles. More than just the barbaric cutting bleeding of middle age physicians, Hermetics interfere through vibration, ritual and ceremonial magic bringing balance to the humors through associated physical material, musical tones, chants, colors and ideas. Working both outside and inside, the mage exposes the patient body to the external energies it might lack but also brings forth mental and astral humors through the stirring of the internal deities, principles and elements native to the patient spirit.
While the restorative functions of this rote require some set up, a destructive application can be achieved much more easily by the use of magical tools designed to disrupt a specific humors. By branding rings encrusted with sanguine jewels, playing agonizing tunes on a violin or conjuring frightening spiritual influences out of engraved sigils, the mage can make a person feel violently ill or even have the physical manifestation of the humors bleed out through their pores and orifices in terrible, painful sprays or unrelenting acrid puking.
OOOO - Human Transmutation - The human body is the apex of divine design made manifest. While not the stronger, more resilient or long lasting organism, being limited in wide range of different aspects, the occult anatomy is a bewildering complex weaving of mineral, vegetable, animal, mental, astral and transcendental shells whose properties and connections are unparalleled in reach and depth, reflecting the entire universe in each single being. While frail and corruptible it carries perfect geometries and mirrors divine processes reflecting the process of creation of heaven, earth and the infinite realms between in the span of its lifetime.
This rote teaches the magus how to ritualistically unlock the mystical engines that make up the human organism. By layering a complex array of magical circles, stars and sigils, by representing the four incarnated elements of blood, bones, flesh and breath and the different layers of material, mental and spiritual shells, the magus extends the blueprint of an individuals body over the entire ceremonial space. While inside that tapestry, the ritual actions unleash actual metamorphic process in the body of a patient. Through evocation of intelligences, the channeling of astral influences and the carefully inclusion of alchemical extracts, art pieces or the declamation of incantations, the magical operation of reshaping the human form takes place and bone, flesh and blood become as clay on the skilled hand of the mystical artisan.
Through this rote, a person’s appearance and physical traits can be changed, deformities undone, great sickness or wounds excised and strength, stamina and vitality bolstered. The balance of the human form can be made to bend in exotic directions, developing animal or even fastatical features like claws, wings, inhuman proportions or unnatural carapaces. Extra eyes, mouths and limbs can be made to grow and a victim can be lifted to angelic equanimity or abyssal debasement as the basic urges of the organism can be sated into natural asceticism or increased into vampiric, cannibal or reptilian urges only the greatest wills could restrain.
OOOO - Instrument of Domination - Once the magus have opened the inner secrets of divinity and claimed the sacred temple of the human body an exaltation is bound to happen. All magical operations are two way streets and the change imposed on the outside provokes an inner reaction of equal strength but in a different direction. The Sigil of Domination is both a rote as well as act of initiation. Once the mage engaged in human transmutation he can begin the work of creating a personal tool that sediments his rulership not only over a specific individual but a general authority over the physical form of humanity itself.
This rote is always operated through a personalized instrument: A necklace, ring, tattoo, brand or other intricate symbol of achievement. This piece is painstakingly designed, crafted or engraved by the mage in a long process that involves deep meditation and frantic search for a personal sigil that reflects the revelations in the journey from initiation in the outer secrets of life into proven mastery of the inner secrets of the human form. Through that piece the mage can exert his will directly over the physical forms of humans and any other living beings in his immediate presence.
While holding his instrument of domination, the magus can make a victim act like a marionette on his magical strings. It walks, talks and moves as the mages orders, it stops on a mages command and loses control over his muscles and organs. A throat can be constricted with a mere gesture, a heart stops a few beats, mouths and eyes can ordered to remain closed, the brutish can be rendered placid and helpless and the vain can be forced to soiling themselves in shame. This is an act that requires full concentration and often makes the magus keep repeating enchantments and gestures to focus on the contest of wills this magic imposes. Even if a victim can overcome the dominion of the mage, movements become erratic and weak, with every motion revealing the struggle within through sudden spasms, stabs of pains and the flaring of blood vessels and cold sweat.
OOOOO - Homunculus - Mastery over the process of life is proven through the enactment of the supreme work of hermetic magic: The recreation of mankind itself. The exaltation of inner divinity by the reproduction of the genetic act, the apex of creation. The weaving of the human form with all its correspondences, shells and occult connections. While scientists claim to be able to reproduce a similar act through cloning, the difference of these processes are undeniable. The magus breeds human form out of lesser seeds, he uplifts a basic germen into a homunculi instead relying on the mere nurturing of an already piece of human tissue back into a whole organism.
As in many secrets of master, this rote is very similar to the beginner technique of Sero Forma. Often a seed of a plant is layed on the center of a magical circle and through symbolic offerings of elements, organic sustenance and the sequential introduction of reagents the basic living principle is grown into its final, perfected form. The blueprint of an homunculus either involves the artistic depiction of its features and semblance or the borrowing of mementos from dead or trinkets from a living person that will lend its countenance to the artificial creature.
Unfortunately this is a partial magical operation, as the creation of a true soul is beyond this hermetic secret and any mind the creature might develop needs to be carefully cultivated through patience, teaching, trial and error out of the fertile ground of organic structures and brain matter. The newborn organism is like the ideal child, tabula rasa for anything but the more or less pressing survival instincts the mage chooses to grant it. The more autonomous the homunculus at the moment of creation, the less potential it has to develop a higher intelligence as the urges of the body take over everything else.
Like Cero Forma, the growth of an homunculus is a process that takes time depending on the size and complexity it is allowed to develop. Human limbs or deformed humanoid monsters can be grown overnight and small, stunted lab assistants may need a few days of tending to spring to life. A Fully viable human child or adult may need weeks of careful cultivation and classic techniques grow them out of mandrake roots left to germinate in consecrated soil, evoke, named and christened in multiple ceremonies across specific phases of the moon.
OOOOO - Chimera - While the creation of human life is proof of utmost skill, it is, in the end, a bureaucratic act of reproduction. An exercise that grants enormous insight upfront but only sharpens a limited number of faculties of the magus. In his path back into godhood, the seeker is called to improve on creation, to add his own mark to it and become the cause of new phenomena, not a mere mirror or automaton reproducing patterns that he encounters without ingenuity, will or inspiration.
The creation of Chimera, unique animals, plants and even humanoid hybrids is the field where masters sow their personal seeds of growth. In similar rites to the ones used in the creation of homunculi, the mage brings to the ritual space other living animals, astral essences, art forms and intelligent presences that are merged, molded and given a new, blended form.
Forced back into embryonic forms, gestated in a symbolic egg or womb and receiving the mystical seed of their father and mother through blood and ritual evocation, chimeras have taken all sort of forms and functions, from masticores, to sphinx, to flying serpents and giant scorpions, hermetic chantries have all range of exotic species that serve diverse functions from pets, to guardians and labor and even prestigious vessels for familiar spirits.
Some Chimera are bred integrated with the symbolic form of gods, archangels, demons and magical principles, as dragons, living ouroboros, Imps and angelic watchers. These creatures are capable of becoming living instruments from magic work and in horizon realms hermetic masters make life itself into a ritualistic tool to exact their refined will.
submitted by kaworo0 to WhiteWolfRPG [link] [comments]