Charlie and the chocolate factory script

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Memes

2018.09.28 09:37 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Memes

Memes for Charlie and the Chocolate factory (2005). Welcome to the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) meme subreddit. This movie has the potential to be quite meme worthy, and has a lot meme worthy material. Also, we want people to actually respect this film like what PrequelMemes and RaimiMemes have done to their material because 05 is actually a good movie and adaptation.

2024.02.26 06:01 western_roses Wonka - Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Subreddit for Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Wonka!

2020.09.03 21:42 2005grandpajoelove

1971 Grandpa Joe sucks. Don't let his mistakes taint the reputation of 2005 Grandpa Joe. Credit to somerandoonreddit29 for the subreddit name and icon.

2024.05.19 16:45 cappy1223 Joke #1 THE 2000 YEAR OLD MAN

THE 2000 YEAR OLD MAN (1975) - FULL TRANSCRIPT 2000 Year Old Man is an old Brooks-Reiner comedy routine turned into a half-hour animated TV special. Reiner, a TV reporter, interviews Brooks, a man claiming to be 2000 years old. The interview consists of a serious of questions regarding the history of the world. Brooks' answers to Reiner's questions are priceless.
About four days ago a plane landed at Idlewild Airport.
The plane came from the Middle East bearing a man who claims to be
2000 years old.
He spent the last six days at the Mayo Clinic.
Ei, sir.
Sir, is it true that you are 2000 years old?
Oh boy.
-Yes. -You are?
It's hard to believe sir because
in the history of man nobody has ever lived more than 167 years
wich a man from Peru claimed to be.
But you claim to be 2000?
I'll be, not yet. I'll be 2000, October 16th.
You will be 2000. When were you born?
We didn't have formal years and names and writing.
We didn't know. I see.
Nobody kept time.
See, we didn't know.
We didn't write. We just sat around, pointed in the sky
and said wow hot there wow.
-That's all they said? -We didn't even know it was the sun.
You really didn't know anything.
Anything, we were so dumb.
We didn't know who was a lady.
-But they were... -They were with us.
But we didn't know who they was
we didn't know who was the ladies and who was fellows.
You thought they were just different type of fellows.
Yes, stronger or smaller or softer.
The softer ones I think was the ladies all the time.
What about that? How did you find out?
Well, they are cute, a fat guy,
could you could have mistaken him,
soft and cute.
Who is the person who discovered the female?
Who was Bernie?
Bernie, one of the first leaders of our group.
I'm very interested to find out how Bernie discovered the woman.
-Well, he... -How did he come to find?
One morning
he got up smiling. So he said:
I think there is ladys here.
I said, well, what do you mean, you know?
He said: 'cause in the night.
I was swelled and delighted, see?
So he went into such a story that
it's hundreds of years later, I still blush.
Could you give us the secret of your longevity?
Well, the major thing.
The major thing.
Is that I never, ever touch ripe food.
I don't eat it.
I wouldn't look at it and I don't touch it.
And and I never run for a bus.
There's always another.
Even if even if you're late for work.
You know, I never run for a bus.
I never ran.
I just stroll, jump it, slowly walk to the next bus...
Yeah, well but there were no buses at the time.
In my time ahnn...
What was the means of transportation then?
-Mostly fear.
-Fear transported you? -Fear yes.
You could see.
A lion, he would would growl, you would go two miles a minute.
I'd like to find out about some social customs
the origination of social customs.
For instance, singing how that started?
Oh it stems from fear.
-Could you explain? -Because in the old days,
I said old days.
I don't mean the georgian cars.
-Did you.. -I mean rocks and caves...
I'm asking you, sir, how song...
Some song came about when you really had to communicate.
-But in trouble you couldn't say help. -Yes.
But have to use your mouth.
Yes, I know.
-I mean, I wouldn't say help, I say good morning.
Yes. You're really...
you know you in trouble.
I was singing.
We thought happiness did.
Oh, and the song came out of it.
A lion is eating my foot off.
Somebody call a cop.
A lion is eating my foot off.
Somebody call a cop.
A lion is eating my foot off.
Somebody call a cop.
A lion is eating my foot of
Somebody call a cop.
Very interesting to hear the derivation of songs
The first songs,
the first songs were all the anthem songs.
We always thought...
We always thought...
Wanna hear an anthem song?
You had an anthem song?
We had a national anthem.
-What was the anthem? -Well, ah...
you see, was only fragment...
-Fragment? -It wasn't a nation.
-Yes. -It was cave, each cave. Yes.
Each cave had a national anthem.
You remember the national anthem of your cave?
Ok. I say I'll never forget it.
You don't forget a national anthem in a minute.
Let them go to the hell
except cave 76.
For instance, how did the custom of two people shaking hands
how the handshake come to be?
The handshake? As you know...
I don't, that's why I'm asking!
The handshake has also stemmed from fear.
Everything we do is based on fear.
-Even love? -Mainly love.
How can love stem from fear?
How can love stem from fear?
What do you need a woman for?
You know what you need for?
-In my time? -Yes.
To see if an animal is behind yourself,
you had to get eyes in the back of your head.
you take two eyes that is to be a lady.
I see.
You say, lady, you look behind me for a while.
And that was the first... the first marriages.
What if you take a look behind me ok?
How long you want?Forever, we are married.
You walked back to back to the rest of your life?
Yes. You only look at her once in a while,
when you knew you it was safe?
When I knew I was in a highground.
-The handshakes they started how?
-They started to see if the fellow had a rock
or a dagger in his hand.
Where is you hand? Hi, Charlie.
How you're doing Jumpy, where is you hand?
Then you open it and you look...
And you shook another one.
And that's the way the handshakes started.
Yes, the shake.
May have a stone or a marble to stick in your eye.
In the older days
you should get a snap and all.
How the dancing started?
-Dancing is the same thing. -Fear again?
Just fear. The only thing you could do with a hand
was to see if there was a rock or a marble
or rubber band or nail or something that would stick in your head.
Right. Ok.
But while imobilizing my hand
dancing gets to complete the imobilization.
Dance and keep the feet busy so he can't get you.
Yes, but I think most people are interested
in living a long and fruitful life.
-You mentioned? -Fruit is good food, you mentioned.
Fruit kept me going for 140 years once
when I... was on a very strict diet,
mainly nectarines, I love that fruit
half a peach, half a plum, such a hell of a fruit.
It's not too cold
Not too hot, you know, just nice.
-What if... -A rotten one?
That's how much I love. I'd rather eat a rotten nectarine than a fine plum.
-What do you think about? -I can understand that.
Yes, that's how much I love them.
-Yes, I can understand, sir. -Some good things.
What did you do for a living?
Well, many years ago, thousands.
There was no heavy industry.
We know that.
Most things that we manufactured or we made,
most things we ever made,
was we would make a take a piece of wood
and rub it, rub it and rub it and rub it
then clean it and look at it and hit right with it
and hit a tree with it.
-For what purpose? -Just to keep busy.
There was not. There was absolutely nothing to do, had no job.
What other jobs were there?
Must've been something else besides hitting a tree with
the knowledge, hitting a tree with a
piece of stick was already a good job.
You couldn't get that job.
Mainly was sitting and looking in the sky
was a big job
and another job was watching each other.
-And what language did you speak? -They spoke...
-Rock, basic rock. -Years before Hebrew.
Yes. 200 years before Hebrew was the rock language, the rock talk.
Could you give us an example of that?
Hey, you don't put that rock on me.
Hey, what you do with the rock?
Do you remember you remember your Hebrew sir?
Yes, I would just I think I remember fluent...
Because I understand the modern Hebrew is different from the...
-phonetic alliteration paterns. -Yes.
Can we hear an example of the ancient Hebrew?
A very ancient Hebrew is...
Oh, hi there, hello.
Hello there. How are you.
-Hi. How are you. -That's English.
-Oh wait, wait. -You remember any Hebrew?
Very little.
I don't think I remember.
I must have forgot a great deal of it.
-I think you forgot it all. -Maybe all, yes.
Maybe all. Thousands of years since I needed it.
Now, sir, did you ever...
Did you ever have any formal job as we know it today?
Yeah, well, I was a manufacturer. I was owner.
What kind of a factory did you have?
I had a I used to make the star of David, Jew stars.
Making a little money?
Where's that? Yeah.
Soon as religion came in, I was one of the first in that.
I figured this was a good thing.
How did you make them? Did you have tools?
Well, we didn't have a lady.
I employed six men each with a point.
They used to run together in the middle of the factory
A great speed, it was huge.
They were making a star.
Yes. We would make two a day because of the many accidents.
Six men running and... you know.
Lots of accidents.
You never thought of going into anything else?
Oh, no, I had an offer once.
-It came to me. Simon. -What Simon asked you to do?
Said he had a new thing, a new item,
a winner, looks like a winning item.
That was gonna be a big seller is called a cross.
And I looked at it and I turned it over
and looked in all sides of it
and I said, it's simple. It's too simple.
I didn't know then. Element.
-I didn't know with such a -You turned him down?
and I said, I'm sorry, but I'm too busy.
See, I could have I could have fired four men,
two men run together, bang, that is a cross.
Would say that I would I would have earned
over a hundred dollars doing that crosses and everything.
Yes, certainly.
Do you have a few moments, sir?
What do you mean? Money or the time.
No, we have to cut way for messages now.
-Okay, let's do it. Is it in English? -Yes.
By the way, sir, are you married?
I have been married several hundred times.
-Several hundred times? -Yes.
You haven't, man. Do you remember all your wives?
-One I remember well. -Which one was that?
The five one, Shyla.
I remeber her well.
I'm afraid to ask the next question, you had many hundreds of wives...
-Hundreds and hundreds. -But how many children you have?
I have over forty two thousand children.
And not one comes to visit me.
It's awful, sir
well, sir, it's really you mean to say there isn't one daughter...
there's many daughters, but, but they
you know how they are, children.
Good luck to them, let them go.
I don't want listen, let them be happy as long they're happy
I don't care. But they could send a note
write how're you Pop how you're doing Pop
you know, they don't.
Sir... ahn, you must have known
some great men in your time, you did travel to...
I knew the greater and the near greater.
Can I ask you about some of these...
Certainly, I'll tell you the true
the true whether I knew or not.
For instance, people are people are
very interested in somebody like Joan of Arc.
A lot has been written about her, we read a lot...
Aah what a kiss.
You knew Joan of Arc?
I went for her, damn it, I went for her.
Nowhere in history do we know of Joan going with it anybody.
Well, they don't print everything.
You did marry her? No.
No. I didn't marry her because she was on a mission.
she used to say to me
she used to say to me, I've got to save France.
I should say I look.
I've got to wash up. You save France.
See you later after you save France. I'll wash up, you know.
-How did you... -Hold it, I... yet.
How did you feel about her being burned at the stake?
I didn't I didn't know.
Sir, how about some of the legendary characters
who supposedly might have existed?
For instance, Robin Hood.
-Did he...? -Oh, yeah. Lovely man.
Ran around in the forest.
Did he really steal from the rich and give to the poor?
No, he didn't.
He stole from everybody and kept everything.
Out of the legend?
Out of the legend let's bring up that
he had a fellow monk, hired a press agent
running all the paper and roll and scroll.
He takes from the rich and gives to the poor, who knew?
You knew you took such a knock in the head
when he robbed you wouldn't knock him down.
-In other words... -A tough guy.
I hate to have our legendary figures smashed
Well, I hate do smashing for you.
So much to discuss, for instance,
-somebody like William Shakespeare -Oh what a pussycat.
-You are saying that you knew -A pussycat.
You did know it, for instance
Oh, that little beard, that cute hair...
He was reputed,
I guess you are agreeing that he was the greatest writer of all times.
Oh no, hey, hold up he was small.
What you mean? You just said he was great.
-Oh boy!
-And I said he was great... -No sir.
A cute man and a pussycat.
William Shakespeare was not a great writer?
Not good writer at all.
He wrote 37 of the greatest.
Shakespeare was not a good writer, no.
He wrote 37 of the greatest.
Would you ever see the original the first folios?
You mean they were edited by someone else?
Never mind the edit, did you see the folios?
No, I never saw them. Did you see?
I saw that folios, your wanna see how they are?
A blast...
A 'm' you know that look like a 'D'
an 'M' didn't look like an 'M'
I know that is a 'V'
Every letter was cockeyed and crazy.
Don't tell me he was a good writer.
The worst printmanship I ever saw in my life.
What he did? He did as it was reputed,
he did write 37 of the greatest plays of...
-38! -I only know 37.
Would you care to look at this list sir?
These items are listed come down to the ages.
-You know one that should be there? -Yes.
What's that?
Queen Alexandra and Morris.
Is there any copy of this unexistent?
This is a play that I put invested money in.
Probably the only one that didn't come to light.
Come to light and closed in Egypt.
Sir, you remember...
you remember any of the dialogue of Queen Alexandra and Morris?
Queen Alexandra turn to Morris and said:
Oh, Morris. What could it have been that I have seen?
Is it not in my marrow or we not have one on ourselves?
And he would say to her:
What are you hollering?
What are you hollering?
-Sir, what... -Wake up the whole castle, you know.
Sir, what did you do 2000 years ago to entertain...
-Walk and wing. -I want to know wether...
-Were there comedians -Oh sure sure, we had.
You remember any of the... 2,000 years ago...
A matter of days, let me see.
I remember one comedian gave us some laughs
while we were hysterical.
Well, who is he? Some good laughs.
Murray the Nut. He gave us a laugh.
A tiger came in the cave one afternoon.
Soothed in uninvited naturally.
Nobody asked how a tiger did walk in.
Tiger came in and Murray, you know, the joker
the tumbling, you know, the Nut
jumps at and grabs the tiger by the tail
yahaa, yahaa, yahaa...
and the tiger turn around and ate him in a minute.
and we get histerical laughing and laughing.
Best joke we ever had.
Oh sir, that's not very funny.
That was all we have, our chaos then that was all we have.
Terrible, I would consider that...
Have to pass me out, Murray took the tiger.
-That was entertainment? -Yes.
I would consider that in the realm of tragedy rather than comedy.
It's a point of view, to me tragedy is... is
if I cut my finger, that's tragedy.
It clinch and I cry and I run around
and I go into Mount Sinai for a day and a half.
I'm very nervous about.
And to me comedy is if you walk into an open sewer
and die, I like that.
Comedy I say.
-My finger is important. -Yes
In the 2000 years you've lived, you've seen a lot of items.
What is the biggest change you've seen?
In two thousand years the greatest thing mankind ever devised
I think in my humble opinion is saran wrap.
You can put a sandwich in it.
You can look through it. You can touch
you can put over your face and fool around and everything.
It's so cool you could wrap up
-You would ate it? -I love it,
put three olives in it and put a little one.
can put ten sandwiches and make up this.
-Whatever you want, It's clean and it sticks with.
-You equate this with... -You can look right through.
You equate this with man's discovery of space?
That was good, that was good.
-Sir, we ah... -Yes, yes.
We have to take time out for message now.
Why do you have to take time out?
You take the message, I'll keep talking.
That was a good message.
Well, sir, if we don't have too much more time
but we all here would like to know your code.
Well, alright, is this it?
A farewell? -A farewell address.
Hello there. This is 2000 years talking to you
from the depths of back there when we was
now I'm still and they not and I just want to say
keep your smile on your face.
And stay out of a Ferrari
or any small Italian car.
stay out of them. I wanna tell you that it's been
it's been a wonderful two thousand years
and you've been a wonderful civilization
and it's been a thrill living for 2,000 years
and eat a nectarine, is the best food ever made.
submitted by cappy1223 to Jokes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:39 DeletedDoomer Does Paimon like chocolate?

A bit of a dumb question but through out the movie Charlie is seen eating a chocolate and was wondering if Paimon likes chocolate as well as far as i understand it Charlie is Paimon from the beginnning?
submitted by DeletedDoomer to Hereditary [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:32 Substantial_Slip_737 Top 200 chocolate factory AMA

Top 200 chocolate factory AMA
Says it all
submitted by Substantial_Slip_737 to HypixelSkyblock [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:17 Ill_Information75 TPOT 6 is the worst episode of the entire series

Lemme explain
For TPOT standards the episode is even worse. Even tho the Four and X return was impactful it was also fan serviced. The way DPA lost was -75293 IQ. Instead of making a normal meal for two they decided to bring a fish back to life and give two a LIVING FISH. The S loss was also dumb if yellow face could generate more ingredients or something else. The writing style is very goofy and fast paced for TPOT. especially when two is judging eveyrones dishes it just goes so fast. No character arcs are brought up like winner and clock or robot flower literally betraying her own team. No one on AYO or TSTOE talks about it. The way puffball just forgives golfball is 💀Puffball is one of the most aggressive and vengeful characters. The cake at stake isnt dramatic at all. The things the folders say are also very goofy for TPOT. Team8s scenes were all lame. There’s so much random stuff like the bugs in golf balls factory, the weird slide thing Just Not went down etc. No one on the S got mad at rocky except for clock when he got eliminated. Tear drop was so boring this episode all she did was run around and chase chocolate balls. The only good thing I can think of is drunk tree which was funny.
The more I watch this episode the worse it gets. The fact that this episode was Premiered LIVE at a meetup makes it even worse. Thanks for reading
submitted by Ill_Information75 to BattleForDreamIsland [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:41 TheNocturnalDad OctoEverywhere Will Not Install after Firmware update and factory reset

I had previously performed a firmware update, and doing so borked Fluid. So I went and did a factory reset on my K1 Max. After rebooting and recalibrating, it said there was another firmware update available. So I downloaded that, re calibrated the printer, re enabled root/ssh, and proceeded to use the helper script to go through and install what I had before. Everything went fine until I got to OctoEverywhere. This is not the first time I've had issues getting it to install. I tried using the helper script as well as downloading the install manually. Tried deleting all files in the OctoEverywhere folder and tried again, no matter what I get some weird message " Could not build wheels for pillow, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects"
This is an error I've never seen before.
Below is what I HOPE is the output that may shine some light on what is going wrong. This is a fresh reset machine, up to date firmware, so I don't understand the problem.

Running in K1 and K1 Max OS mode
Checking required system packages are installed...
Updated list of available packages in /opt/vaopkg-lists/entware
Package python3 (3.11.7-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package python3-pip (23.3.1-1) installed in root is up to date.
WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and con flicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a v irtual environment instead:
System package install complete.
Checking Python Virtual Environment For OctoEverywhere...
No virtual environment found, creating one now.
created virtual environment in 4380ms
creator CPython3Posix(dest=/usdata/octoeverywhere-env, clear=False, no_vcs_i gnore=False, global=True)
seeder FromAppData(download=False, pip=bundle, setuptools=bundle, wheel=bundle , via=copy, app_data_dir=/usdata/.local/share/virtualenv)
added seed packages: pip==24.0, setuptools==69.5.1, wheel==0.43.0
activators BashActivator,CShellActivator,FishActivator,NushellActivator,PowerS hellActivator,PythonActivator
Updating PIP if needed... (this can take a few seconds or so)
Requirement already satisfied: pip in /usdata/octoeverywhere-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages (24.0)
Installing or updating required python libs...
error: subprocess-exited-with-error

× Building wheel for pillow (pyproject.toml) did not run successfully.
│ exit code: 1
╰─> [216 lines of output]
running bdist_wheel
running build
running build_py
creating build
creating build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311
creating build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
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copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
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copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
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copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/ -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
running egg_info
writing src/pillow.egg-info/PKG-INFO
writing dependency_links to src/pillow.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
writing requirements to src/pillow.egg-info/requires.txt
writing top-level names to src/pillow.egg-info/top_level.txt
reading manifest file 'src/pillow.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
reading manifest template ''
warning: no files found matching '*.c'
warning: no files found matching '*.h'
warning: no files found matching '*.sh'
warning: no files found matching '*.txt'
warning: no files found matching '.flake8'
warning: no previously-included files found matching '.appveyor.yml'
warning: no previously-included files found matching '.clang-format'
warning: no previously-included files found matching '.coveragerc'
warning: no previously-included files found matching '.editorconfig'
warning: no previously-included files found matching '.readthedocs.yml'
warning: no previously-included files found matching 'codecov.yml'
warning: no previously-included files found matching 'renovate.json'
warning: no previously-included files matching '.git*' found anywhere in distribution
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.so' found anywhere in distribution
no previously-included directories found matching '.ci'
no previously-included directories found matching 'wheels'
adding license file 'LICENSE'
writing manifest file 'src/pillow.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
copying src/PIL/_imaging.pyi -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/_imagingcms.pyi -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/_imagingft.pyi -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/_imagingmath.pyi -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/_imagingmorph.pyi -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/_webp.pyi -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
copying src/PIL/py.typed -> build/lib.linux-mips-cpython-311/PIL
running build_ext

The headers or library files could not be found for zlib,
a required dependency when compiling Pillow from source.

Please see the install instructions at:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1009, in
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/", line 104, in setup
return distutils.core.setup(**attrs)
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 184, in setup
return run_commands(dist)
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 200, in run_commands
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 969, in run_commands
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/", line 967, in run_command
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 988, in run_command
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/normal/lib/python3.11/site-packages/wheel/", line 368, in run
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 316, in run_command
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/", line 967, in run_command
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 988, in run_command
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/", line 132, in run
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 316, in run_command
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/", line 967, in run_command
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/", line 988, in run_command
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/command/", line 91, in run
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/", line 359, in run
File "", line 826, in build_extensions
RequiredDependencyException: zlib

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usdata/octoeverywhere-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip/_vendopyproject_hooks/_in_process/", line 353, in
File "/usdata/octoeverywhere-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip/_vendopyproject_hooks/_in_process/", line 335, in main
json_out['return_val'] = hook(**hook_input['kwargs'])
File "/usdata/octoeverywhere-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip/_vendopyproject_hooks/_in_process/", line 251, in build_wheel
return _build_backend().build_wheel(wheel_directory, config_settings,
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-install-93ffv0sl/pillow_dcffede559724c7d9c0af468515912d6/_custom_build/", line 26, in build_wheel
return super().build_wheel(wheel_directory, config_settings, metadata_directory)
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/", line 410, in build_wheel
return self._build_with_temp_dir(
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/", line 395, in _build_with_temp_dir
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-install-93ffv0sl/pillow_dcffede559724c7d9c0af468515912d6/_custom_build/", line 20, in run_setup
return super().run_setup(setup_script)
File "/usdata/opt/tmp/pip-build-env-2zqzr5ol/overlay/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/", line 311, in run_setup
exec(code, locals())
File "", line 1025, in

The headers or library files could not be found for zlib,
a required dependency when compiling Pillow from source.

Please see the install instructions at:

root@K1Max-AABB /usdata/octoeverywhere [#]
root@K1Max-AABB /usdata/octoeverywhere [#] note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.
-sh: note:: not found
root@K1Max-AABB /usdata/octoeverywhere [#] ERROR: Failed building wheel for pillow
-sh: ERROR:: not found
root@K1Max-AABB /usdata/octoeverywhere [#] ERROR: Could not build wheels for pillow, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects
-sh: ERROR:: not found
root@K1Max-AABB /usdata/octoeverywhere [#] root@K1Max-AABB /usdata/octoeverywhere [#]
submitted by TheNocturnalDad to crealityk1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:27 Pure_Supermarket_82 May 19th, 2024, 12:56

My birthday, hooray, May 19th. Wow another half year, gone within an instant, fucking appalling. How time can move faster than I can exist is unbelievable, whatever, fuck it, i'm useless. I live vicariously throughout the trenches of Reddit's brain rot and isolate myself within the walls of my rusted cell, only escaping restraint when I feel like existing. My life is a fucking joke, I'm barely pubescent and my life feels like it's already done, I don't know how much longer I can take. Barely beginning my life and already have a criminal record, pathetic, a disappointment is how you could describe my life. I'm a fucking loser, I just get the short end of the stick every time, every single time in my life, i genuinely can't describe a moment in my life where i didn't. If you're wondering, the charges were for threats against my school, yeah, I'm not the victim, I'm a fucking piece of shit, but I'll still play it. These manipulative, self-centered, downright malicious and utterly foul robots known as the "Feds" really fucked my life over, they arrested me, threw me in a cell for a day, made me sign some bullshit forum "don't be around guns", "don't go to school" yeah yeah, fuck you bums. Yeah I made the threats sure, but then they say shit like "express your feelings!" "talk about your thoughts!" except what they don't say is that when you do we'll handcuff you, throw you in a police cruiser and refrain you from going to school, so any chance of you ever having a meaningful education or occupation will be utterly erased, so that's great, I'll just be the part-time janitor of a condom factory. That's ridiculous. The teachers at my school always target me, once I got sent to the office and had to work in that miserable cesspool for that day for eating the rest of my chocolate bar I had at lunch on the way outside, unfucking believable, or when I got sent to the office for "getting in a fight" some fucking alien headed kid twice my size tried to fight me because I "was kicking rocks at him" (I wasn't, the worms in his brain were probably just eating faster that usual). And so I attempted to defuse the situation by asking him what the fuck he wanted to fight for and then eventually walked away. I went to the office because the kid's brother said he would jump me and the office looked me dead in the face and said "yeah, but you were on the wrong side of the yard" (this was during covid and there were sides of the yard we had to stay on and yes, i was on the wrong side but that had nothing to do with him antagonizing me and wanting to fight me). Put yourself in my shoes here, some kid you don't know wants to fight you and then his brother says he'll jump you, so you go to the teachers for help and they pretty much just say, sorry lil bro, not today. So, the teachers hate me, the students hate me and everyone expects you to go to school everyday, be on your best accord and not lash out... Do you not think that affects me mentally? So yeah, just arrest me and not solve the violence and fighting problem nor drug problem at my school and just fuck me over. fuck you, fuck the feds, fuck life, fuck everything, you'l all be sorry and regret this shit.
submitted by Pure_Supermarket_82 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:44 MenudoSunday Lil Jon, Ian, and Tom Ward

Going to this event and running into Ian recording Tom interviewing Lil Jon would give the shrooms trip a boost. Also guy with feather hat should work at the Chocolate Factory Experience USA.
submitted by MenudoSunday to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:10 theKSIFan77 Re Watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)😁🎩💜🏭🍫🍬🍭🫕💖✨️

Re Watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)😁🎩💜🏭🍫🍬🍭🫕💖✨️ submitted by theKSIFan77 to u/theKSIFan77 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:59 PriveCo I saw David Malukas and a bunch more at Indy qualifying.

I saw David Malukas and a bunch more at Indy qualifying.
Hi, it’s Tom. They call me Indycar Dad. I brought my actual son to Indy. Here are some fun pics.
We saw Lil Dave and had a lil chat. He was nice, funny, and is healing.
Seating is open so we sat high up in turn one for quali. I think you have to marry someone to get these seats on race day.
We met the Indycar Sweden guy. I follow him because he gives updates on Rosenqvist. They are in Swedish, so he was surprised I knew him. I told him I use Google translate and now we are friends.
I asked the Firehawk who his favorite driver is. He held up 5 fingers (two hands required!). So he likes Pato!
Catherine Legge is super nice. I met her at Long Beach and tried to say nice things today. She is working hard to get that car to go faster.
On Off Track Alexander Rossi talked about getting a burger from Working Man’s Friend, so we went there. It was great! I love a great dive.
I only saw one Qvist while wearing my “Big Qvist Energy” shirt. Linus is always cool.
We booked a tour at the Dallara factory and it was great. We were the only two people on the tour. They let us sit in cars, lift up the tubs, drive a sim, and see a bunch of stuff.
We also ate breakfast at Charlie Brown’s and drove karts at Speedway Indoor Karting. These things are all in one neighborhood.
If you get a chance, check out Speedway Indiana.
submitted by PriveCo to INDYCAR [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:30 Popculturebuff2002 Brand New Television show idea

Hello Everyone,
I would like to share with you an idea me and a friend of mine had. We are working on a pilot for this. But we are wanting to do a show that is inspired by the movie Free Guy. It is called The Personality Factory. We have a lot of the details ready and everything.
Characters (FaithArt, Werehog, Wally art, and Error FaithArt belong to
Ryl33 - Ryl33 is an A.I. girl who was once a CPU until she was mysteriously given her dreamy and kind personality. She is shown to be caring and a big hearted dreamer which is something her brother Brayd3n used to be. During the PIlot she works on trying to get her older brother Brayd3non board with helping her achieve free will for all of PIXELMANIA and show everyone can be more than their program
Brayd3n - Brayd3n is an A.I. boy who has an entertaining personality and was given it 5 years prior to the events of the pilot. He is dramatic, big hearted like his sister Rylee with a dash of comedy thrown into the mix, theatrical, and sometimes awkward. He enjoys entertaining others with his shows and performances yet he has a bit of guilt and trauma. He will continuously decline Rylee’s offer to help with the factory. He resides in Astral Glow
FaithArt - FaithArt another being from another world that came to this world to come help with the adventures of the factory gang, but she has programming that prevents her from inferring too much or telling the future but does her best to help out.
Werehog - one of FaithArts best friends since his world was created they’re really close and would do anything for eachother, colossal Werehog is a very sweet gentle giant that has a temper here and there and a mysterious past but is willing to help anyone with their emotional needs and is a huge hugger
WallyArt - he was found in his dying universe by FaithArt and was givin a new job to help FaithArt and Werehog any Chance he gets, he's a very sweet and gentle person that is very soft spoken and loves to paint as much as Faith. And is a medical professional both mentally and physically.
L!am - L!am is a CPU and a thief of PIXELMANIA and leader of the Rogers for…reasons. In the pilot he torments others in the many locations Rylee and Charlie go to and unknowingly distracts everyone from Rylee’s big idea. He was an orphan at a young age and refused to go to the orphanage. He can be immature yet caring and a real potty mouth.
Charl1e - Charl1e is a CPU assistant programmed to help Rylee as she is her boss. Charlie is organized and keeps to a schedule. Going against her program could cause catastrophic disasters
Error Faith - is a very vengeful version of FaithArt who's world was destroyed in a glitchy mess and she hates Faith for not saving her world from everything so she wants to destroy every single world/ universe that exists and rule both PIXELMANIA and inkblot.
Bright_Man - Bright_Man is a councilor CPU and the former leader of the PIXELMANIA council as he was demoted for an undisclosed reason. He is like a school bully and, like L!am, he is a potty mouth. Bright_Man has a huge hatred against Brayden and whenever he gets the chance he tries to boo Brayden off the stage and, secretly, try to kill him.
World Building: In the alternate video game like world of PIXELMANIA there are 4 sections consisting of Astral Glow, Hollows Village, Expo Canyon, and Speedway City. All four are connected by a special place called Console Centre
Astral Glow is a gorgeous world full of magic and wonder. CPUs learn all kinds of magic to become wizards, witches, warlocks, and fantasy styled warriors. CPU Faries also reside in this part of the world. Their houses are made of pure magic and can be in the air and the trees. They can even live in castles. There are many different magical locations here
Hollows Village is a land with a horrifying landscape, dark skies, and terrible monsters such as Werewolves, Zombies, Mummies, etc. Their houses are either cabins or mansions, or they can just sleep out in the dark forests of Talbot. Not many other locations other than the cemetery
Expo Canyon is a land full of perilous locations such as Volcanoes and dangerous seas. Their houses are hanging off of cliffs, on the water, in the trees and in other dangerous parts of the world
Speedway City is like a huge racetrack with no sidewalks at all. The only walking there is inside the houses which are racing garages or motorhomes for race cars. Speedway City is a fun place where you can race your heart out of the city in a fun way. But you can also race on the literal raceway and win big prizes
Console Centre is the center of all PIXELMANIA and the main land to all CPUs. This is where many CPUs can chill, meet new people (since CPUs are allowed to have friends as they are not soulless), and shop for themselves…Think of Free Guy almost
The Personality Factory is where all CPUs are made in the first place. All of the coded blood is stored in a special vault and placed into the CPU before color and customization begins. They are given their program through a Personality Randomizer which randomly gives the CPU their personality and how they act all day long. It is located on a small platform connected to the Console Centre.
Age Rating: TV-MA
Reasoning for the age rating: Lots of swearing (especially by Brayden and Liam), stylized yet bloody violence, and mature content
Premise: In an alternate video game-like world, Rylee, an A.I., goes out to pursue her dream of giving everyone the same free will that she has by giving them all the unique personality they choose to have. She creates a personality selector not knowing there is a history behind it. She seeks the help of her A.I. older brother Brayden with her assistant Charlie and some unexpected allies by her side.
Let me know what you all think
submitted by Popculturebuff2002 to ideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:42 Flan_dad ⭐️⭐️⭐️Flandad Watch Services Monthly Giveaway 🍒🍒🍒Good Luck and Thanks For Your Support 🙏!! ⭐️⭐️ Drawing By Random Comment Sorting 6/5/24

⭐️⭐️⭐️Flandad Watch Services Monthly Giveaway 🍒🍒🍒Good Luck and Thanks For Your Support 🙏!! ⭐️⭐️ Drawing By Random Comment Sorting 6/5/24
⭐️⭐️⭐️Flandad Watch Services Monthly Giveaway 🍒🍒🍒Endless Choices!! Good Luck and Thanks For Your Support 🙏!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
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submitted by Flan_dad to u/Flan_dad [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:43 dsb122105 PC keeps dying randomly and not sure how to diagnose the problem, please help!

PC keeps dying randomly and not sure how to diagnose the problem, please help!
Sorry for the long post. I have always been a Mac user and this is my first PC. I built it myself. I probably haven't used all of the correct windows terms and my experience and knowledge of windows is pretty poor.
TLDR: My PC has started randomly shutting itself off suddenly, as if somebody went and ripped the cord from the wall. How do I go about diagnosing this issue?
I think it is either hardware related or an issue with the BIOS, as this has happened early on in the boot process, right as the BIOS screen pops up. I checked all the connections to the Mobo and none were loose that I could find. The power cable is firmly planted in the socket. I put in a fresh CR2032 battery into the mobo but that didn't help.
  • OS**:** Windows 11
  • Motherboard: Gygabyte x570s Aero G
  • CPU: AMD Risen 9 5900X
  • PSU: Corsair RMX850x
  • RAM: GSkill Tridentz 32GB (2x 16gb)
  • Main Drive: Samsung 990 Pro NVME 2tb
  • Scratch/Secondary Drive: Samsung SSD 1tb (SATA)
  • AIO: Fractal Design S36
PROBLEM & TROUBLESHOOTING: It's pretty random when it happens but at first it seemed like it was when I was writing to hard drive (downloads, moving files, installing programs, nothing too intense). However it has started happening so frequently that within 15 minutes of booting up the computer it's shutting off.
At first I thought it was a software issue and decided to do a full system reset - erase everything, install fresh copy of windows. Then it lost power during one of the early stages of the reset - I think the system was still "preparing" as I am still able to boot into windows and my files are still there. I can't even get the computer to stay on long enough to do a factory reset.
Then it happened during the boot process, before the BIOS loads. I am pretty sure this indicates a hardware or BIOS problem more likely - correct?
As stated in TLDR, I looked over all the connections to the Mobo, PSU, etc. and everything seemed fine. I swapped out the generic CR2032 battery that keeps the BIOS settings (maybe?) - this didn't help but it did make the system forget the PIN and I now have to enter my password to log in.
Is there a log I can look at to see what was happening at the moment it lost power? (Even if there is, is it possible for a layman to read it?) Any sort of self-test? Obvious things to look at? Please any help is greatly appreciated.

submitted by dsb122105 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:15 SanderSo47 Directors at the Box Office: Clint Eastwood (Part 1)

Directors at the Box Office: Clint Eastwood (Part 1)

As Reddit doesn't allow posts to exceed 40,000 characters, Eastwood's edition had to be split into two parts because his whole career cannot be ignored. The second part will be posted tomorrow.

Here's a new edition of "Directors at the Box Office", which seeks to explore the directors' trajectory at the box office and analyze their hits and bombs. I already talked about a few, and as I promised, it's Clint Eastwood's turn.
Eastwood was a troublemaker at school, and he had a bunch of odd jobs such as lifeguard, paper carrier, grocery clerk, forest firefighter, and golf caddy. In 1951, he was drafted into the United States Army during the Korean War and was discharged two years later. Through this, he got into contact with a Hollywood representative, who got him into acting classes and started his acting career. He got his start by starring in the hit show Rawhide, but he said he was exhausted by the experience. This caught the attention of some film producers and he decided to act in films directed by the then-unknown Sergio Leone. His career was on the rise, and then he got the chance to make his directorial debut.
From a box office perspective, how reliable was he to deliver a box office hit?
That's the point of this post. To analyze his career.

It should be noted that as he started his career in the 1970s, some of the domestic grosses here will be adjusted by inflation. The table with his highest grossing films, however, will be left in its unadjusted form, as the worldwide grosses are more difficult to adjust.

Play Misty for Me (1971)

"The scream you hear may be your own!"
His directorial debut. It stars Eastwood, Jessica Walter and Donna Mills, and follows a radio disc jockey being stalked by an obsessed female fan.
Before his colleague Irving Leonard died, he and Eastwood had discussed the idea of producing a film that was to give Eastwood the artistic control he desired, and his debut as a director. Eastwood said he was ready, "I stored away all the mistakes I made and saved up all the good things I learned, and now I know enough to control my own projects and get what I want out of actors."
The film was a huge success for Eastwood, and it also received positive reviews. So far, his directorial career was off to a great start.
  • Budget: $950,000.
  • Domestic gross: $10,600,000. ($81.7 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $10,600,000.

High Plains Drifter (1973)

"They'd never forget the day he drifted into town."
His second film. The film stars Eastwood, Verna Bloom and Mariana Hill, and follows a mysterious stranger who metes out justice in a corrupt frontier mining town.
Eastwood reportedly liked the offbeat quality of the film's original nine-page proposal and approached Universal with the idea of directing it, which would make it his first directed Western. The screenplay was inspired by the real-life murder of Kitty Genovese in Queens in 1964, which eyewitnesses reportedly stood by and watched. Holes in the plot were filled in with black humor and allegory, influenced by Sergio Leone.
It was well received, and the film even surpassed Play Misty for Me at the box office. Eastwood was just going up.
  • Budget: $5,500,000.
  • Domestic gross: $15,700,000. ($110.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $15,700,000.

Breezy (1973)

"Her name is Breezy."
His third film. It stars William Holden and Kay Lenz, and follows the relationship between a middle-aged real estate agent and a young hitchhiker.
This was his first directed film without starring on it. And his lack of presence certainly hurt the film; it received mixed reviews and flopped at the box office.
  • Budget: $750,000.
  • Domestic gross: $200,000. ($1.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $217,753.

The Eiger Sanction (1975)

"His lifeline, held by the assassin he hunted."
His fourth film. Based on the novel by Trevanian, the film stars Eastwood, George Kennedy, Vonetta McGee, and Jack Cassidy. It follows Jonathan Hemlock, an art history professor, mountain climber, and former assassin once employed by a secret government agency, who is blackmailed into returning to his deadly profession for one last mission.
The film received mixed reactions for its writing, and it wasn't a box office success either.
  • Budget: $9,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $14,200,000. ($82.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $14,200,000.

The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976)

"An army of one."
His fifth film. Based on the novel Gone to Texas by Forrest Carter, it stars Eastwood, Chief Dan George, Sondra Locke, Bill McKinney and John Vernon. The film tells the story of Josey Wales, a Missouri farmer whose family is murdered by Union militia during the Civil War. Driven to revenge, Wales joins a Confederate guerrilla band and makes a name for himself as a feared gunfighter. After the war, all the fighters in Wales' group except for him surrender to Union soldiers, but the Confederates end up being massacred. Wales becomes an outlaw and is pursued by bounty hunters and Union soldiers as he tries to make a new life for himself.
Eastwood was fascinated by the novel and he bought the film rights, hoping to star on the film. He got Philip Kaufman involved as screenwriter and possible director, but left after disagreeing with Eastwood in the material adapted to the screen. Kaufman insisted on filming with a meticulous attention to detail, which caused disagreements with Eastwood, not to mention the attraction the two shared towards Locke and apparent jealousy on Kaufman's part in regard to their emerging relationship. This caused Eastwood to take over as the director. Kaufman's firing angered the DGA, as he did most of the pre-production, and sanctioning a $60,000 fine. This resulted in the Director's Guild passing a new rule, known as "the Eastwood Rule", which prohibits an actor or producer from firing the director and then personally taking on the director's role.
The film received critical acclaim, and in subsequent years, is ranked among Eastwood's greatest films. It was also a huge success at the box office, doubling his previous highest grossing film. It was also one of the few Western films to receive critical and commercial success in the 1970s at a time when the Western was thought to be dying as a major genre in Hollywood.
  • Budget: $3,700,000.
  • Domestic gross: $31,800,000. ($174.5 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $31,800,000.

The Gauntlet (1977)

"The man in the middle of..."
His sixth film. It stars Eastwood, Sondra Locke, Pat Hingle, William Prince, Bill McKinney, and Mara Corday. It follows a down-and-out cop who falls in love with a prostitute, to whom he is assigned to escort from Las Vegas to Phoenix for her to testify against the mob.
While it received mixed reviews, it became another box office success for Eastwood, becoming his now highest grossing film.
  • Budget: $5,500,000.
  • Domestic gross: $35,400,000. ($182.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $35,400,000.

Bronco Billy (1980)

"The most outrageous of 'em all."
His seventh film. The film stars Eastwood and Sondra Locke, and focuses on the financially-struggling owner of a traditional Wild West show and his new assistant.
It became another critical and commercial success for Eastwood, who referred to the film as one of his most affable shoots of his career.
  • Budget: $6,500,000.
  • Domestic gross: $24,265,659. ($91.9 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $24,265,659.

Firefox (1982)

"The most devastating killing machine ever built... his job... steal it!"
His eighth film. Based on the novel by Craig Thomas, it stars Eastwood, Freddie Jones and David Huffman. The Soviets have developed a revolutionary new jet fighter, called "Firefox". Naturally, the British are worried that the jet will be used as a first-strike weapon, as rumors say that the jet is undetectable on radar. They send ex-Vietnam War pilot Mitchell Gant on a covert mission into the Soviet Union to steal the Firefox.
The film received mixed reviews, but it earned almost $47 million, becoming Eastwood's highest grossing title as director.
  • Budget: $21,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $46,708,276. ($151.1 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $46,708,276.

Honkytonk Man (1982)

"The boy is on his way to becoming a man. The man is on his way to becoming a legend."
His ninth film. It's based on the novel by Clancy Carlile, and it stars Eastwood and his son Kyle. It follows Red Stovall, a country music singer and composer. With his nephew Whit by his side, he travels to Nashville to perform at the Grand Ole Opry in the backdrop of the Great Depression.
While the film received acclaim, it earned just $4.4 million, becoming his second worst performer.
  • Budget: $2,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $4,484,991. ($14.5 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $4,484,991.

Sudden Impact (1983)

"Dirty Harry is at it again."
His tenth film. The fourth installment in the Dirty Harry series, directed, it stars Eastwood and Sondra Locke. The film tells the story of a gang rape victim who decides to seek revenge on her rapists 10 years after the attack by killing them one by one. Inspector Harry Callahan, famous for his unconventional and often brutal crime-fighting tactics, is tasked with tracking down the serial killer.
The film received mixed reviews from critics, but it earned over $150 million worldwide, Eastwood's first film to pass that milestone. It's also very popular for including the iconic catchphrase, "Go ahead, make my day."
  • Budget: $22,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $67,642,693. ($212.1 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $150,642,693.

Pale Rider (1985)

"...And Hell followed with him."
His 11th film. It stars Eastwood, Michael Moriarty and Carrie Snodgress. A couple and their daughter, along with a few others, are driven out of Lahood, California, by goons working for a mining baron. However, a stranger enters their life to assist them in their fight.
There was no stopping Eastwood: another critical and commercial success.
  • Budget: $6,900,000.
  • Domestic gross: $41,410,568. ($120.2 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $41,410,568.

Heartbreak Ridge (1986)

"The scars run deep."
His 12th film. It stars Eastwood, Marsha Mason, Everett McGill, and Mario Van Peebles. The story centers on a U.S. Marine nearing retirement who gets a platoon of undisciplined Marines into shape and leads them during the American invasion of Grenada in 1983.
The film was inspired by an account of American paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division using a pay telephone and a credit card to call in fire support during the invasion of Grenada, and fashioned a script of a Korean War veteran career Army non-commissioned officer passing on his values to a new generation of soldiers. Eastwood was interested in the script and asked his producer, Fritz Manes, to contact the US Army with a view of filming the movie at Fort Bragg. However, the Army read the script and refused to participate, due to Highway being portrayed as a hard drinker, divorced from his wife, and using unapproved motivational methods to his troops, an image the Army did not want.
It received mixed reviews, with some deeming the film as "imperialist propaganda". But it was still another box office success.
  • Budget: $15,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $42,724,017. ($121.7 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $121,700,000.

Bird (1988)

"There are no second acts in American lives."
His 13th film. The film stars Forest Whitaker and Diane Venora. It is constructed as a montage of scenes from saxophonist Charlie Parker's life, from his childhood in Kansas City, through his early death at the age of 34.
Eastwood, a lifelong fan of jazz, had been fascinated by Parker ever since seeing him perform live in Oakland in 1946. He approached Chan Parker, Bird's common-law wife on whose memoirs the script was based, for input, and she lent Eastwood and arranger Lennie Niehaus a collection of recordings from her private collection Before Eastwood was involved, Richard Pryor was originally cast as Parker.
Despitive positive reviews, it performed poorly, earning just $2.2 million in North America.
  • Budget: $14,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $2,181,286. ($5.7 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $2,181,286.

White Hunter Black Heart (1990)

"An adventure in obsession."
His 14th film. Based on the novel by Peter Viertel, it stars Eastwood, Jeff Fahey, George Dzundza, Alun Armstrong and Marisa Berenson. It follows a famous movie director, John Wilson, who goes to Africa to make his next movie. He is an obstinate, contrary director who'd rather hunt elephants than take care of his crew or movie. He has become obsessed with one particular elephant and cares for nothing else.
Despite positive reviews, it made just $2.3 million domestically, not even 10% of the budget.
  • Budget: $24,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $2,319,124. ($5.5 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $2,319,124.

The Rookie (1990)

His 15th film. The film stars Eastwood, Charlie Sheen, Raul Julia, Sônia Braga, Lara Flynn Boyle, and Tom Skerritt. It follows a veteran police officer teamed up with a younger detective, whose intent is to take down a German crime lord in downtown Los Angeles, following months of investigation into an exotic car theft ring.
It received negative reviews for its acting and story, and it became another flop for Eastwood. That's three bombs in a row. Ouch.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $21,633,874. ($51.6 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $21,633,874.

Unforgiven (1992)

"Some legends will never be forgotten. Some wrongs can never be forgiven."
His 16th film. It stars Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Richard Harris and Morgan Freeman. It follows William Munny, a widower with two young kids, who was once a very vicious gunfighter who gave up everything after marriage. Now, a man named Schofield Kid brings him an offer that he cannot refuse, forcing him to come out of retirement for one last job.
David Webb Peoples wrote the script all the way back to 1976, and it was optioned by Francis Ford Coppola, but he lacked the funds needed to helm it. By Eastwood's own recollection, he was given the script in the "early 80s" although he did not immediately pursue it, because, according to him, "I thought I should do some other things first". Eastwood has long asserted that the film would be his last traditional Western, concerned that any future projects would simply rehash previous plotlines or imitate someone else's work. He dedicated the film to his close friends and mentors Sergio Leone and Don Siegel. Hackman initially refused to participate as his daughters were upset that he was starring in too many violent films, but he became fascinated by the script that he agreed.
It opened with $15 million and it legged all the way to $100 million after playing for almost one year, closing with $159 million worldwide, his now highest grossing film. The film received Eastwood's best reviews of his career, with many considering the film as his magnum opus as director. It received 9 Oscar nominations, and won four: Best Picture and Best Director for Eastwood, Best Supporting Actor for Hackman, and Best Film Editing. So Eastwood, on top of being a reliable box office draw, was now a 2-time Oscar winner.
  • Budget: $14,400,000.
  • Domestic gross: $101,167,799. ($225.2 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $159,167,799.

A Perfect World (1993)

His 17th film. Kevin Costner, Eastwood and Laura Dern, and follows an escaped convict who takes a young boy hostage and attempts to escape on the road with the child, while being pursued by a Texas Ranger.
The film received critical acclaim, and has appeared as one of Eastwood's best films. The film disappointed in North America, but it earned up to $100 million overseas (Eastwood's first film to gross that much) and ended with $135 million worldwide.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $31,130,999. ($67.2 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $135,130,999.

The Bridges of Madison County (1995)

"The human heart has a way of making itself large again even after it's been broken into a million pieces."
His 18th film. Based on the novel by Robert James Waller, it stars Eastwood and Meryl Streep. The film is set in 1965, following a war bride, Francesca Johnson, who lives with her husband and two children on their Iowa farm. That year she meets National Geographic photojournalist, Robert Kincaid, who comes to Madison County, Iowa to photograph its historic covered bridges. With Francesca's family away for a short trip, the couple have an intense, four-day love affair.
It received more critical acclaim, and made over $180 million worldwide, becoming his highest grossing film. For her performance, Streep was nominated for an Oscar for Best Actress.
  • Budget: $22,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $71,516,617. ($146.5 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $182,016,617.

Absolute Power (1997)

His 19th film. Based on the novel by David Baldacci, it stars Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Ed Harris, Laura Linney, Judy Davis, Scott Glenn, Dennis Haysbert, and Richard Jenkins. It follows a master jewel thief who witnesses the killing of a woman by Secret Service agents.
It received mixed reviews, and disappointed at the box office.
  • Budget: $50,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $50,068,310. ($97.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $92,768,310.

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997)

"Welcome to Savannah, Georgia. A Ccty of hot nights and cold blooded murder."
His 20th film. Based on the book by John Berendt, it stars John Cusack and Kevin Spacey. It follows the story of antiques dealer Jim Williams, on trial for the killing of a male prostitute who was his lover. The multiple trials depicted in Berendt's book are combined into one trial for the film.
It received mediocre reviews, and flopped at the box office.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $25,105,255. ($48.8 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $25,105,255.

True Crime (1999)

His 21st film. Based on the novel by Andrew Klavan, it stars Eastwood, Isaiah Washington, Denis Leary, LisaGay Hamilton and James Woods. It follows a journalist covering the execution of a death row inmate, only to discover that the convict may actually be innocent.
This was another project that received mediocre reviews and flopped at the box office.
  • Budget: $55,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $16,649,768. ($31.2 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $16,649,768.

Space Cowboys (2000)

"Boys will be boys."
His 22nd film. It stars Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland, and James Garner as four aging former test pilots who are sent into space to repair an old Soviet satellite.
It received very positive reviews, and earned over $128 million worldwide.
  • Budget: $60,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $90,464,773. ($164 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $128,884,132.

Blood Work (2002)

"He's a heartbeat away from catching the killer."
His 23rd film. Based on the novel by Michael Connelly, it stars Eastwood, Jeff Daniels, Wanda De Jesús, and Anjelica Huston. It follows a retired FBI agent who recently had a heart transplant but still takes up the job to nab a killer.
It was another film with mediocre reviews and flop status.
  • Budget: $50,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $26,235,081. ($45.5 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $31,794,718.

Mystic River (2003)

"We bury our sins, we wash them clean."
His 24th film. Based on the novel by Dennis Lehane, it stars Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Kevin Bacon, Laurence Fishburne, Marcia Gay Harden, and Laura Linney. It follows three childhood friends who are reunited 25 years later when one of them suffers a family tragedy.
Michael Keaton was originally cast in the role of Det. Sean Devine, and did several script readings with the cast, as well as his own research into the practices of the Massachusetts Police Department. However, creative differences between Keaton and Eastwood led to Keaton leaving the production. He was replaced by Kevin Bacon. This was the first film in which Eastwood would be credited as composer.
The film had a slow roll-out, but it was aided by strong word of mouth, closing with a wonderful $156 million worldwide. It also received acclaim, and was named as one of Eastwood's greatest films. Sean Penn received universal acclaim for his performance, with some naming it among the best acting of the century, particularly for one scene (if you watched it, you definitely know which scene). It received 6 Oscar nominations, including Best Picture and Best Director for Eastwood. It won two: Best Actor for Penn and Best Supporting Actor for Robbins.
  • Budget: $25,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $90,135,191. ($153 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $156,595,191.

Come back tomorrow for Part 2

Don't suggest directors for the next edition here. Save it for tomorrow.

submitted by SanderSo47 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:45 Task_Force_Charlie [A3] [Recruiting] [UK/EU & US] Task Force Charlie - Semi-Serious MilSim (beginner friendly)(ChillSim)(18+)

We are Task Force Charlie.
We are a Nato MilSim group. Our focus is on delivering immersive and engaging Arma 3 operations while doing away with the more restrictive elements typically found in MilSim communities. There is no rank structure to adhere to, there are no compulsory game nights. Just come and join us whenever you can!
Although the group is relatively new, Task Force: Charlie draws its heritage from the now defunt Charlie Squad Community (2017-2021). We have years of MilSim experiance running both scripted and Zeus based Arma operations, as well as server management. The missions we run vary from Special Forces operations, counter-insurgency and conventional warfare. We occasionally run PvP ops as well, but those are more of a "special event", we mostly focus on PvE missions.
To join you must be 18 or over. Microphone is essential.
submitted by Task_Force_Charlie to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:12 georgejonestown Thanks r/AskNOLA y’all are the best

Thanks for your support and suggestions to everyone over the years, your feedback is priceless!
Solo Aussie male, late 30’s, three nights. I got lazy in the heat but I’m not at all disappointed. First but not last time.
Stayed at Hotel Villa Convento across the hall from Jimmy Buffet’s old room ❤️Balcony room overlooking Ursulines was awesome. Safe and quiet except for the DAMN FROGS.
Weds: Got in late afternoon, quiet night. Sidney’s for a muffuletta (goooood LORD it was incredible) and some PBR tallboys. Hit Cafe Du Monde. Lined up then realised near the front of the queue it was cash only. Got back to hotel, forgot I had cash all along. Blame the lack of sleep. Astros radio on the balcony, early night.
Thurs: Louisiana Music Factory, Jackson Square, Quarter wanderin’. Canal streetcar to Jackson and walk thru Garden District to Magazine St. Slow Down was a highlight. Antique Mall is cool too. Rum House was good for AC and a few Abita. Coop’s for dinner (crawfish and shrimp etouffe - some said their etouffe not the best in town but it damn well hit the spot). Frenchmen Street. Spotted Cat was a favourite. Safe and easy walk back down Royal. All That Jazz from Verti Mart damn nearly made me cry it was so good. Sixer of Coors Light and made it back just before shit got wild.
Fri: Cafe Beignet so as to skip the Cafe Du Monde lines. Chocolate drizzled beignets did the trick. Bottle of rum for home and a muffuletta from Sidney’s for today’s Amtrak ride. Canal streetcar to City Park. Liuzza’s by the Track for a BBQ shrimp poboy 🔥Walked down to Bayou Boogaloo fest. Saw Dave Jordan. Saw George Porter Jr (an original Meter playing Cissy Strut, that’s bucket list stuff). Streetcar back and walk up Royal before the rain.
For other tourists who read this: Be friendly, tip well and don’t be an ass.
I will be back for more as soon as I can, thanks New Orleans!
submitted by georgejonestown to AskNOLA [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 08:51 garlicbredfan Wall e won for the most competitive oscar year for this category.2009.most upvoted wins

Wall e won for the most competitive oscar year for this category.2009.most upvoted wins submitted by garlicbredfan to Schaffrillas [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 08:11 Sweet-Count2557 Best Breakfast in Abilene Tx

Best Breakfast in Abilene Tx
Best Breakfast in Abilene Tx Welcome to our mouthwatering journey through the best breakfast spots in Abilene, Texas. Get ready to indulge in a culinary adventure where delicious flavors, cozy atmospheres, and friendly service await.From the rustic charm of The Flipping Egg to the authentic Mexican-inspired dishes at La Popular Bakery and Burrito Stop, there is something for every palate.Whether you prefer a laid-back vibe at Monks Coffee Shop or the vibrant atmosphere at Alfonso Hernandez Bakery, we've got you covered.Join us as we explore the best breakfast spots in Abilene, where every bite is an experience worth savoring.Key TakeawaysThe Flipping Egg offers incredible pancakes, egg plates, and other American favorites in a rustic space with a prominent red-brick structure.La Popular Bakery and Burrito Stop serves amazing burritos and other Mexican-inspired plates with authentic flavors following traditional recipes in a colorful Mexican fiesta atmosphere.Chick-fil-A offers exquisite sandwiches, biscuits, power bowls, and more for breakfast in a bustling diner with the famous Chick-fil-A Chicken Biscuit as a must-try dish.Monks Coffee Shop serves delicious scones, muffins, and brownies with a wide selection of coffee drinks, and their must-try is the Cinnamon Brown Sugar Scone paired with a hot cup of white mocha.The Flipping Egg: A Pancake Lover's ParadiseWe should definitely check out The Flipping Egg for their incredible pancakes and other American favorites. Located at 4138 Ridgemont Dr, Abilene, TX 79606, The Flipping Egg offers a delightful breakfast experience in Abilene, TX. As you step into this rustic space with its prominent red-brick structure, you'll feel a warm and inviting atmosphere. It's the ideal place for a family breakfast, with a wide array of pancake options to choose from. Whether you prefer classic buttermilk pancakes or want to try something more adventurous like chocolate chip or blueberry pancakes, The Flipping Egg has got you covered.But pancakes aren't the only thing they excel at. Their egg plates are equally mouthwatering, with options ranging from traditional omelets to benedicts, waffles, and toast. No matter what you're in the mood for, you're sure to find something that satisfies your cravings at The Flipping Egg.La Popular Bakery and Burrito Stop: Authentic Mexican Breakfast DelightsLa Popular Bakery and Burrito Stop is a must-visit for those craving authentic Mexican breakfast dishes.The vibrant atmosphere and colorful decor transport you to a lively Mexican fiesta.With every bite, you can taste the authentic flavors and recipes that make this place a true gem in Abilene.Traditional Mexican Breakfast DishesWhile La Popular Bakery and Burrito Stop offers a variety of Mexican-inspired plates, their traditional Mexican breakfast dishes, such as huevos rancheros and burritos, are particularly delicious.The huevos rancheros consist of fried eggs topped with a zesty tomato-based sauce, served with refried beans and warm tortillas. The combination of flavors, from the rich and runny yolk to the tangy sauce, creates a mouthwatering experience.Another standout dish is the breakfast burrito, filled with scrambled eggs, cheese, and your choice of meat, wrapped in a soft flour tortilla. The burrito is hearty and satisfying, with each bite bursting with flavors.Whether you prefer a spicy kick or a more mild option, La Popular Bakery and Burrito Stop has something for everyone to enjoy for breakfast.Vibrant Atmosphere and DecorThe vibrant atmosphere and decor at La Popular Bakery and Burrito Stop create an inviting and festive dining experience.As soon as you step inside, you're greeted with colorful tablecloths and yellow wall accents, instantly transporting you to a Mexican fiesta.The lively energy in the air is contagious, making you feel excited and ready to indulge in the delicious Mexican-inspired plates they've to offer.The authentic flavors in every bite follow traditional recipes, ensuring an authentic and satisfying experience.Whether you're craving a mouthwatering burrito or a flavorful huevos rancheros, La Popular Bakery and Burrito Stop has something for everyone.Authentic Flavors and RecipesWe absolutely love the authentic Mexican flavors and recipes at La Popular Bakery and Burrito Stop. Located on S Treadaway Blvd, this cozy eatery offers a delightful taste of Mexico.As soon as you step inside, you'll be greeted by the vibrant atmosphere created by colorful tablecloths and yellow wall accents.The menu is filled with delicious options, but one must-try dish is the Pollo con Arroz Burrito. This mouthwatering burrito is filled with tender chicken and savory rice, wrapped in a warm tortilla.Every bite is a burst of authentic Mexican flavors that will transport you straight to the streets of Mexico.With their traditional recipes and talented chefs, La Popular Bakery and Burrito Stop is a must-visit for anyone craving a taste of Mexico.Chick-fil-A: Biscuits, Sandwiches, and Energy-Packed Breakfast BowlsLet's indulge in the exquisite breakfast offerings at Chick-fil-A, with their mouthwatering biscuits, sandwiches, and energy-packed breakfast bowls.Chick-fil-A, located at 3130 S Clack St, Abilene, TX 79606, offers a bustling vibe and energetic atmosphere that adds to the dining experience.One popular dish is the Chick-fil-A Chicken Biscuit, a perfect combination of boneless chicken and a fluffy buttermilk biscuit. The flavors blend harmoniously, leaving you satisfied and ready for the day ahead. Pair this dish with a hot cup of coffee for the ultimate breakfast experience.Chick-fil-A also offers a variety of other breakfast options. Their sandwiches, such as the Egg White Grill and the Bacon, Egg & Cheese Biscuit, are made with high-quality ingredients that guarantee a delicious start to your morning.For those looking for a lighter option, the breakfast bowls are packed with energy and flavor. Whether you choose the Hash Brown Scramble Bowl or the Greek Yogurt Parfait, you'll find a satisfying and nutritious breakfast that will keep you fueled throughout the day.Monks Coffee Shop: Scones, Muffins, and Coffee BlissWhile enjoying the cozy ambiance of Monks Coffee Shop, we can indulge in the blissful combination of their scrumptious scones, muffins, and perfectly brewed coffee.Monks Coffee Shop, located at 233 Cypress St, Abilene, TX 79601, has been operating since 2006, serving delicious treats and a wide selection of coffee drinks. The aroma of freshly baked scones and muffins fills the air as you enter, creating an inviting atmosphere.The scones are a must-try, with flavors like cinnamon brown sugar that pair perfectly with a hot cup of white mocha. The muffins, moist and flavorful, are also a favorite among customers.The coffee, brewed to perfection, offers a range of options to satisfy your cravings. Whether you prefer a bold dark roast or a smooth latte, Monks Coffee Shop has you covered.Dixie Pig: Homestyle Breakfast With a Quaint TouchDixie Pig is a quaint eatery in Abilene, Texas, that offers a homestyle breakfast experience. The charming atmosphere and flavors reminiscent of your grandparents' food make it a must-visit spot.One dish that stands out is the Mr Pig Omelet, filled with fluffy eggs, sausage, bacon, onion, tomato, and cheese, a true delight for breakfast lovers.Charming Atmosphere and FlavorsWe should try out the Dixie Pig for its charming atmosphere and flavors. The quaint eatery welcomes you with its cozy, homey setup, creating a warm and inviting ambiance. As you step inside, you'll be greeted by the delightful aroma of freshly cooked breakfast dishes. The air is filled with the sizzling sound of bacon and the tantalizing scent of fluffy pancakes.The Dixie Pig truly offers a unique dining experience that transports you back to the comforting flavors of your grandparents' cooking. The combination of fluffy eggs, savory sausage, crispy bacon, onion, tomato, and cheese in their must-try Mr Pig Omelet is a symphony of flavors that will leave your taste buds dancing.Must-try Mr Pig OmeletLet's savor the mouthwatering flavors of the must-try Mr Pig Omelet at the Dixie Pig, where the combination of fluffy eggs, savory sausage, crispy bacon, onion, tomato, and cheese will leave us craving for more.Located at 1401 Butternut St, Abilene, TX, the Dixie Pig is a quaint eatery with a homey setup. As we step inside, we're greeted by the aroma of home-cooked flavors reminiscent of our grandparents' food.The Mr Pig Omelet is a true delight, with the eggs cooked to perfection and the sausage and bacon adding a savory touch. The onion and tomato provide a burst of freshness, while the melted cheese brings everything together. It's a breakfast dish that will satisfy our taste buds and leave us wanting another bite.Don't miss out on this delicious omelet when visiting Abilene.Alfonso Hernandez Bakery: Spicy Mexican Flavors for BreakfastOne of our favorite breakfast spots in Abilene is Alfonso Hernandez Bakery, where we can indulge in spicy Mexican flavors to kickstart our day. The bakery offers a vibrant and lively atmosphere, filled with the enticing aroma of freshly baked goods. Here, we can savor authentic Mexican dishes like huevos rancheros and burritos, bursting with spicy and fresh flavors. As we enjoy our meal, talented mariachi bands serenade us, adding to the festive ambiance.When dining at Alfonso Hernandez Bakery, there are two key points to keep in mind:Authentic Mexican flavors: The bakery serves dishes that follow traditional recipes, ensuring an authentic culinary experience. Each bite is filled with the bold and vibrant flavors that Mexican cuisine is known for.Lively atmosphere: The bakery's talented mariachi bands create a lively and enjoyable dining experience. As we savor our breakfast, the music enhances the festive atmosphere, making it a memorable start to our day.Dennys: Classic Pancakes and Crepes in a Laid-Back SettingAt Dennys, we can enjoy classic pancakes and crepes in a laid-back setting, any time of the day. This popular breakfast spot offers a wide range of delicious options that are sure to satisfy any craving.The pancakes are fluffy and cooked to perfection, with a variety of toppings to choose from, such as blueberries, chocolate chips, or whipped cream. The crepes are thin and delicate, filled with sweet or savory fillings like Nutella, strawberries, or ham and cheese.The atmosphere at Dennys is relaxed and casual, making it the perfect place to unwind and enjoy a leisurely breakfast. Whether you're craving a hearty stack of pancakes or a light and airy crepe, Dennys has something for everyone.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Hours of Operation for Each of These Breakfast Spots?The hours of operation for each of these breakfast spots may vary.It's best to contact each restaurant directly for accurate information.Do Any of These Restaurants Offer Vegetarian or Vegan Breakfast Options?Yes, some of these restaurants offer vegetarian or vegan breakfast options.For example, Monks Coffee Shop has delicious scones and muffins that are vegetarian-friendly.Front Porch Coffee Co. and Bakery offers scrumptious sandwiches that can be made with vegetarian ingredients.Additionally, Mi Ranchito Burrito and Tortilla Factory serves exquisite burritos that can be customized with vegetarian fillings.These options provide a variety of choices for those seeking vegetarian or vegan breakfasts in Abilene, TX.Are Reservations Required or Recommended for Breakfast at Any of These Places?Reservations for breakfast at any of these places aren't required or recommended. These restaurants in Abilene, TX offer a casual dining experience with a laid-back atmosphere.Whether you're looking for American favorites, Mexican-inspired plates, or delicious pastries, you can simply walk in and enjoy a delightful breakfast without the need for reservations.Are There Any Gluten-Free Options Available on the Breakfast Menus?Yes, there are gluten-free options available on the breakfast menus at some of these places.From delicious scones at Monks Coffee Shop to the fresh vegetable frittata at Courtyard by Marriott Abilene Southwest/Abilene Mall South, there are choices for those with gluten sensitivities.Enjoy a satisfying breakfast while accommodating your dietary needs.Start your day off right with a delicious and gluten-free meal.Do Any of These Restaurants Offer Breakfast Delivery or Takeout Services?Yes, some of these restaurants offer breakfast delivery or takeout services.While the specific details may vary, you can enjoy a delicious breakfast from the comfort of your own home.Whether you're in the mood for American favorites, Mexican-inspired plates, or a variety of coffee drinks, there are options available to satisfy your cravings.Simply contact the restaurants directly to inquire about their delivery or takeout services.ConclusionIn conclusion, Abilene, Texas is a breakfast lover's paradise with a diverse range of delicious options to satisfy any craving. From the mouthwatering pancakes at The Flipping Egg to the authentic Mexican delights at La Popular Bakery and Burrito Stop, there's something for everyone.Whether you're in the mood for a cozy atmosphere, vibrant energy, or a laid-back vibe, Abilene has it all. So come and experience the best breakfast spots in Abilene, where every bite will transport you to breakfast bliss.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 07:42 Raelys88 I feel like Noodle should have been a villain in Wonka

I like most people liked the movie “Wonka” a lot and Timothee Chalamet did a magnificent job portraying Willy Wonka in this whimsical prequel. But I think one of the things I was disappointed about was how it that film’s version of Willy Wonka doesn’t seem to segway well into the Wonka from either Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or even Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
If you’ve seen the films and read the books, you know that Willy Wonka is kind of a massive dick. This can be seen with his complete apathy whenever a kid ended up nearly being killed by his inventions. But I can’t see Chalamet’s Wonka like that. This Wonka would sit by and just crack jokes when Augustus Gloop and Veruca Salt were crying for help, this version of Wonka would easily dive in to save them. He basically remains Mr nice guy from start to finish.
I feel like one change could have rectified this: make Noodle, the kid he trusted all throughout the movie, turn out to be in massive cahoots with Slugworth all along. The stories she told Wonka could have all been sob stories created to garner sympathy from him and in the end audiences could be hit with a massive twist that she isn’t in danger from Slugworth, she’s actually working with him to ruin his chocolate factory business. It would be a good way to explain why he doesn’t seem to care when all those naughty children were being put in harms way, and would even tie in well to the ending of “Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory” where he’s depressed that even Charlie of all people broke the rules.
submitted by Raelys88 to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:15 Own_Tailor9802 The Chinese almost got us

I was living in a lower class neighborhood on the outskirts of a small town in the U.S. My house was old, and the windows had been broken by rocks and left unattended for many years. At first, I was embarrassed by the strangers' good deeds, but somehow, the Chinese fixed the broken window of my house, and I was grateful for their kindness in providing me with hot food.
Of course, I wasn't in such a bad situation that I couldn't fix the window, but the first day the window was broken, there was a small riot in the neighborhood, and the police came, but they couldn't catch the culprit and give me a way to get compensation, and the riot was predicted in advance, but they didn't actively stop it, so the riot escalated, I asked the police to compensate me because it was the police's fault for not preventing the riot in advance, but the police also failed to provide a solution in the end, and I left the broken glass unrepaired because in the midst of various conflicts, if a riot broke out again in Dongdaemun, a clean window would be a target for the rioters. For these reasons, the broken windows were left unattended for a long time.
Nevertheless, when the Chinese people came out of nowhere to fix the window, I experienced an incredible act of goodwill, the first time I was able to receive help from someone in this town. When a woman named Li Li fixed my window and said to me, "We believe in helping each other," I felt so warm and grateful to the Chinese people.
She volunteered in the neighborhood every day, helping people in need, and I helped her, and eventually we got to know each other better and better.
Although I didn't have much, I was able to help others by cleaning up their yards and mowing their overgrown grass, and I mixed in with the group of Chinese people, including Lili, to do the same kind of volunteer work. Suddenly, a dozen or so Chinese people who had renovated and moved into the old houses in the village had completely changed the atmosphere of our village, and it was transformed from a lower-class democratic neighborhood to one of the most pleasant neighborhoods in the area.
One day, Lili invited me to go to a lecture with her. I had never been to a lecture or seminar before, and it was awkward for me to be invited to such an event, but I decided to follow her to the lecture. I didn't know what the lecture was about, but the content of the lecture was a little strange. There was a middle-aged American man in his 50s who came out and gave a speech, and he praised China and said, "You are starving, but China can help you."
And I found it strange, but somehow, because I was helped by Lili at first, and because I was very grateful for the sudden Chinese hospitality, I easily accepted those words.After the middle-aged white man in his 50s finished speaking, other speakers came up, one of whom said, "China is a country where you can have everything," and insisted that China should step in to help the poor in America. Some people cheered enthusiastically, as they had received great help from the Chinese, and were excited by the speakers' speeches, but Sarah and I, who were in the audience, exchanged glances and shared our discomfort, but Lili's presence prevented us from storming out of the room or rebutting the speakers' arguments.
After this incident, I knew I had to distance myself from Lili.My neighbor Sarah and I had discussed how we couldn't understand who the Chinese were and why they were doing this good deed, but the growing gap between the rich and poor in the United States and the stories of China's growth only increased our doubts that China had really become so great that it could help the underclass in the United States. Nonetheless, the unpleasantness of the lecture was indelible, and we could only tell them to keep their distance from the Chinese in the future.
One day, I heard that a distant relative was visiting in the area, so I went to the city for the first time in a long time. Just a 30-minute drive away, I found a completely different world from the one I had grown up in. There were many upscale restaurants, where families with normal economic activities and close-knit communities were welcomed, not lower-class people like me.
I walked into a fancy looking restaurant to have a meal with a distant relative I hadn't seen in a long time.Usually when relatives visit, they treat me to food and usually take me out to a fancy restaurant.I walked into a new Korean restaurant and I had the experience of eating a Korean soup-like dish called kukbap at the Korean restaurant.Not only did it warm my stomach, but I had the strange experience of feeling strong for days after eating it.
I told my neighbor Sarah about it, and Sarah and I decided to go to the Korean restaurant again to try the food. After that, Sarah and I fell in love with Korean food, and since we couldn't pay a lot of money for it every time, we would go to the Korean food store in the city to buy food ingredients and cook with Sarah, and we fell in love with the genre of Korean food.
When I started spreading the word to my neighbors and letting them know that Korean food was really good, I got on Lili's radar.Lili was wary of my interest in Korea and started talking about how China was much more advanced than Korea.When she saw me fall in love with Korean food, she said, "Korea is just our little brother in China," and emphasized the superiority of China.She even recommended Chinese food to me, and even came to my house to cook Chinese food. I couldn't help but put the food in my mouth, but all I could think of was the warm soup and neat food in Korea.The first time I tasted mainland Chinese food, the smell of strong spices was overpowering, and I had a hard time eating it.I was forced to eat it because of her attitude, but she praised me for eating well, and then she insisted on recommending Chinese food, saying, "This is the real taste."
One day, she offered me the opportunity to visit China for myself. I loved Korean food and had always wanted to visit Korea at least once in my life, but I couldn't afford it, so I accepted her offer of a free trip to China.
When I received this favor from Lili, I felt so grateful that I could only think of positive things about going to China, such as, "There must be many good things about going to China," and "China has grown so much that it can help the underprivileged people in the United States." I went to China with high expectations.
Upon arrival, I was shocked at how different China was from what I expected.I was overwhelmed by the air pollution and crowded streets.The streets were dirty, and I was forced to eat food that smelled of strong spices.Most Americans would not be able to eat such spicy food easily. I also felt that Chinese food was not a good match for me, unlike the warm and light Korean food of Korea, so I was always hungry throughout the trip, and had to go to convenience stores to buy snacks whenever I had the chance, even though even the sweets tasted weird, and I ended up only finding chocolate snacks.
And most of all, I was disturbed to see Chinese people living worse than the American underclass.Lili, who was on the trip with me, explained that "this is the real China," but in my eyes, it was a disappointing sight.But many Americans, including Lili, who came here as a favor to the Chinese, couldn't say anything right.
"We want to go to South Korea or the United States for a better life, Japan is good, everything is good, just not China," said one Chinese man on the street, and as I listened to him, I realized the reality of China even more clearly.I realized that the Chinese propaganda was a lie, and I knew I had to work hard to make other Americans aware of this truth. To do that, I needed evidence, I needed comparisons, and I started talking about South Korea, and I would say to the Americans I was traveling with, "Don't you think South Korea is a much better place to live than China?
When I started to realize the reality of China, and started to say the right things, she became aggressive towards me. When I said, "There are many things that are better in Korea than China," she became very angry and shouted, "You don't know anything." We had a big fight, and she even said to me in China, "I can't be friends with you anymore." I was uncomfortable the whole time I was in China. I was shocked to see that even Chinese people who had learned English as well as they could, were saying that they wanted to leave China, that they didn't want to live in China, that they didn't want to live in China, and that they were fascinated by the Chinese people who suddenly appeared, and that they were under the illusion that China was better than the surrounding countries. After I ended my relationship with Li Li, I became convinced that all of this was the work of the Chinese government, starting with the group of Chinese people who suddenly appeared in the village.I thought that China, which obviously had more money than in the past, had a big plan to gradually induce the American lower class to have friendly feelings towards China.
After returning from my trip to China, I decided to make more people aware of China's fake face and expose the real China.To create a comparison, I looked online for information about South Korea, which I found to be an incredibly developed country.Through online interactions with Koreans on Reddit, I gained a deeper understanding of Korean culture and realized that South Korea is a very advanced country, both economically and culturally. Global companies like Samsung, LG, and Hyundai were founded in Korea, and Hangul was considered the most scientific writing system in the world.The global influence of the Korean Wave, including K-pop, K-drama, and K-movies, was huge.The middle class in the U.S., who were comfortable with their lives and spending money on culture, all knew about Korea.Only the lower class in the U.S. didn't know much about Korea, and had no idea what Korean culture was or where to find Korean products.
China, on the other hand, had a lot of problems, contrary to what it was advertised as.The air pollution was bad, and many people were living in poverty.The Chinese government was using propaganda to hide these problems, but the reality was that many Chinese people were trying to smuggle themselves into the United States or other countries for a better life.I tried to make others aware of these facts.I was seen as a strange person by the Americans in this town who praised China, but I was determined to never give up.
I thought back to why I was interested in Korea in the first place: because of the Korean food, I was surprised to find out what it was, and eventually my neighbor Sarah also noticed that the Chinese were up to something strange, so I started making Korean food and distributing it to the people in the neighborhood, but I also had to learn the background so I could explain it to them. The more I looked, the more I realized that Korea's history and culture were very rich, and that Korean food was excellent in every way: delicious, healthy, and healthy.Korean food, such as kimchi, bulgogi, and bibimbap, was already recognized in other countries, including the U.S., and around the world.In order to make others aware of these facts, I tried to provide information along with delicious Korean food.
This attitude brought me into conflict with Lili, whom I thought I would never see again, and as my conflict with her deepened, I began to doubt her true intentions behind the words she yelled at me. I realized that Li Li was not just trying to help the village and me, but was trying to use me to further China's political goals. Once I felt this way, and learned that the rumors of China's overseas operations were true, I decided to end my relationship with Li Li once and for all, and saw her as someone I had to fight against.
The more I learned about Korea, the more I admired the sincerity and hard work of the Korean people and their passion for education. I also found that the Korean people were very sincere and had a strong sense of family and community.
These values aligned with my own, and I felt that it was the way to go for this town, not by bringing in Chinese values, but by bringing in Korean values.Eventually, I decided that I had to kick the Chinese out, and many of the residents, including Sarah, eventually joined me in my cause.
As I gained more supporters, and as more people listened to my story, I worked to expose the reality of the Chinese situation.After talking to many people, I began to get the sense that while the Chinese were very grateful for their goodwill, they had crossed a line.One villager brought me a scripted news article that said that the Chinese were trying to escape China in many ways, including smuggling themselves into the United States through Mexico. The article said that most of the smugglers were middle-class Chinese, who could afford to buy plane tickets out of the country, so their strategy was to enter Latin America and then smuggle themselves into the U.S. through Mexico.The fact that Chinese people who could travel abroad were trying to smuggle themselves into the U.S. proved that China was not a good place to live, even for middle-class Chinese.It was shocking to realize that even middle-class Chinese people were not living in their own country and were fleeing.
The conflict with Lili, who had already become my enemy, continued. Lili told me that I was not only refusing to recognize the reality of China, but also comparing China to Korea, saying that China had many shortcomings, and that it was the right way for the people of this village to instill Korean values rather than Chinese values, and for everyone.
But Lili fought back, saying that you don't know anything, just as she shouted at me in China, and now most of the people in this village, including Lili, have stopped listening to the Chinese and have started to ignore the Chinese.
The Chinese must have realized that their machinations in this village had failed, because suddenly, like the tide going out, they disappeared from the village overnight.
I don't even know if the woman named Li Li was her real name, and the dozen or so Chinese families who followed her, all came to this village with a purpose, but in the end, they realized that they had failed and left.
They probably went to another lower-class area, far away from here, and did favors for the people, giving them what they had and offering them a free trip to China.
But if they hadn't taken me to China instead, I don't know if I would be doing this now, because if you have eyes to see, you know that China is much worse off, and I don't understand why they still took me there.
And these cases have been going on for a very long time, and I've learned that there are quite a few Americans who have already been turned into China-friendly, to suit China's purposes.I sincerely hope that Lili will go somewhere else and meet people like me, and that her plans will fail.I'll end by saying that I wish Lili the best of luck in her endeavors, wherever she may be doing the same thing.You guys be careful, too.
submitted by Own_Tailor9802 to u/Own_Tailor9802 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:35 babyxxpigeon17 A Niagara vacation

It was so terribly cold. Snow was falling, and it was almost dark, when out of the blue, my wife called me at work. "We're going to Niagara Falls for the weekend. I got us an awesome deal!"
We had both been working at our first "full-fledged" jobs for a year and had reached that moment after graduation when you suddenly realize you can't make that impact on the world your student enthusiasm once promised. At first, I just sighed. It was the dead of January, and I had already expended all my energy on a week of inconsequential stress. I just wanted to collapse on the couch for two days. Sarah felt a similar weary exhaustion. I could tell. Her tone was more hopeful than excited, but she had dreaded the routine we were sinking into and was trying her best to pull us free.
I looked to the ceiling and adjusted my telephone headset. At that time I was working at Stats Canada on the tele-query desk. I took a deep breath and, as convincingly as possible, said, "Sounds good." I don't think she bought it, but we went nonetheless.
This was Niagara Falls before the casinos when there was a very distinct off-season. When we got to the hotel, we were given the details of our "lovers' special". One dinner to be used either Friday or Saturday, two breakfasts, a roll of tokens for the arcade, 10% off some "4D" movie ride experience, and a 2-for-1 coupon to Max Tussaud's. I guessed it was Madame's nephew? We also got a bottle of sparkling wine in our room and chocolate treats on our pillows. I was impressed. It sounded good.
When we got into our room and saw the "bottle" of wine - basically an aeroplane-sized glass and half - and the chocolates - "fun wrapped" Oh Henry's left over from Halloween - we both started to laugh. The tone for two wonderful days had been set. We decided to cash in on our dinner coupon right away.
The restaurant off the lobby had hopes of being better. There were huge panoramic windows that promised a view of the gorge. Unfortunately, they had some winter moisture problems that day, and it felt like we were defrosting amid the dripping streaks and foggy patches. The decor was your standard booths and tables though the "romantic" lighting was unique. Dollar store battery-powered tea lights were lodged inside thick tumbler glasses and shed a muted pleasantness in a "what a great idea for a craft" sort of way. I had a feeling they were created by our waitress since she was the one who always seemed to be fussing with them. Only one other couple was in the dining room, so she attended to us immediately.
"Can I get you something to start?"
"Sure." "Thank you, that would be nice." We both responded simultaneously.
"And what would the lady like this evening?"
Sarah smiled at the flattery. "I think I'll have a glass of white wine." She glanced over at me to see my reaction. This was a subtle cue of the mood to follow. Diet Coke was usually the beverage of choice. She didn't normally drink alcohol. One glass numbed her nose and made her giggle far too easily. When she did drink, however, it meant she was comfortable with my company and open to anything to follow. I raised my eyebrows in a debonair way.
"And for the gentleman?"
"Do you have Foster's on tap?"
"Yes we do."
"I'll have a pint please."
Sarah smiled at the happy memories I invoked. At university, Foster's was my signature beer. It was at a time when Crocodile Dundee was a known name, and Australia was inexplicably cool. 15 cent buffalo wings and a pitcher of Foster's was the Tuesday night special at the London Arms pub. There the Classics Club would meet and, as a group, circle the wagons and drink ourselves into extroverts.
As soon as the waitress left, Sarah smiled at me. She reached out and held my hand across the table. With my gaze on hers, she slipped her foot from her shoe and slowly began sliding it up my pant leg.
"I got a pedicure this morning." She announced seductively.
I nodded and pretended I didn't notice her invitation. "What colour?" I asked.
"I'm not telling." She teased. "You'll just have to find out later." Her devious little smile was gorgeous.
"Mmmm. I can't wait."
When the waitress returned with our drinks, we immediately retreated to our personal spaces as if we had been discovered by the chaperone. Sarah opened the menu and began to salivate at the variety.
"Can we add an appetizer to the package dinner?" Her question seemed innocent enough.
"You're on the package?" Our friendly waitress disappeared, and we were no longer a lady or a gentleman. She ripped the menu out of Sarah's hand and took mine before I had even opened it. She then scurried to her podium and brought back a tattered, grease-stained, photocopied page that we had to share. We both burst out laughing.
The waitress was flustered that we were not as bothered as she was. "The drinks are NOT included!"
"What choices do we have?" I asked, expecting the usual chicken or fish. I had been on many packages before with my parents.
"Coffee or tea." The waitress snapped.
Sarah and I looked at each other in amused disbelief.
"I'll have coffee please." I didn't even flinch at the ridiculously limited package. I was eager to get my order in early.
"And I'll have the tea!" Sarah followed my lead. "Can I have some milk with that?"
"Yes." The waitress snarled.
"Fantastic!" I enthused.
"Yes, great! I'm glad we got the package, Honey." Sarah joked.
The waitress stormed off and returned sometime later with our lettuce-only salads drowned in Kraft's Italian dressing and our chewy chicken dinners, which she had thoughtfully allowed to cool. She tossed the plates on the table and left us to peacefully devour our deal. We didn't see her again until we requested the bill. For some reason, we found it amusing to leave a generous tip, which of course, defeated the purpose of the package, but we didn't care. It was fun.
The rest of the holiday was marred with similar off-season products and services. The wax museum was only half open, so we couldn't see the pop stars of the seventies. I didn't think it was a problem, but Sarah pouted playfully. She really wanted to see young Bowie. Meanwhile, the arcade was particularly stingy about spitting out coupons. So much so that Mike, the scraggly-haired repair guy, ended up escorting us from game to game and repairing the devices on demand. In no time, he was acting like an old drinking buddy. He joked and laughed, then, out of the blue, revealed that working at the Niagara Falls Fun Centre wasn't his career choice, that his dream was to be part of a travelling carnival. He desperately wanted to see more of the world, he explained and socialize with a greater variety of "wildlife." Mike winked at Sarah to punctuate his meaning, then began advising her on which games to play.
Sarah was partial to Skee ball and clearly had career potential in the sport, but Mike quickly pointed out that the token-to-coupon payout was not the best. In a furtive whisper, he revealed that The Storm Stopper was your best bet, provided the arcade had left it on its original factory settings. He assured us the ones here were "cool." The game had lights that ran around the outside in opposite directions and you had to hit the button at just the right spot to win. It looked impossible, but Mike was right; if you calculated tokens in versus coupons won, it was the best deal. It only took a little practice to win a minor jackpot every 5 or 6 times.
We would cheer each win as if Toronto had won the Stanley Cup. I would give a quick fist pump and a full lung "Yes!" while Sarah would jump up and down screaming, "WhoooHooo!" Of course, in the end, when we cashed in, "Mike's secret" only bumped us up from a key-chain flashlight to a "deluxe" nail beauty set. Mind you, it did come complete with clippers, scissors, a file AND a cuticle scraper. Not only that, it was all neatly packaged in a paisley-patterned pink and green plastic vinyl case. Mike was so pleased to give us our prize and to be honest, we were thrilled to win it if only to see his broad chicletted smile. It was more of a trophy than a grooming set.
That night, I made reservations for us at a fancy Chinese food restaurant - the Bamboo Garden. When we arrived, we had half-expected renovations of some sort. Instead, the place was immaculate. Gentle pools teeming with goldfish highlighted the epic black and red Ming dynasty decor. Real candles flickered on crisp white tablecloths. Again, the restaurant was virtually ours. The reservations on my part were entirely unnecessary. In fact, as soon as we entered, they knew us by name and guided us directly to our table. A live lounge piano caressed the air, its notes danced vaguely around familiar harmonies until finally, as if prompted by our presence, a song emerged immediately accompanied by the velvet voice of oriental karaoke. It was our song remastered
submitted by babyxxpigeon17 to Tik_tok_stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:07 catnap_kinnie Thoughts, Critiques, and Questions About Poppy Playtime

(BIG NOTE: There's gonna be a lot of spoilers mentioned, including the ARG and VHS footage on Mob's YouTube channel! also, this is going to be very long....)
Hi, hello- I'm not exactly new to Poppy Playtime, but recently, I've gotten really interested because of Chapter 3's release. So I decided to do a deeper dive sorta study on the entire game, and I wanted to point out some things as well as address some of the questions I had. I know I'm gonna sound nitpicky and I am completely and obviously aware that the game isn't finished yet, and I might be taking it a bit too seriously (lOL), but I've been wondering this for a while now, and I was hoping some of you guys would like to discuss with me about this!
So first off, despite what I say, I genuinely do enjoy Poppy Playtime. The production value Mob's taken has been phenomenal, and there are clearly a lot of majorly talented people on staff. I adore how far the graphics have gotten, and the animations on the characters are only one of the reasons why the game can set itself apart from others of the mascot horror genre. I also really enjoy the game mechanics; the grabpack and how we solve puzzles not only enhance world-building but also give the game a unique identity. While I believe there are a lot of flaws, Poppy Playtime does deserve every bit of praise it has gotten.
Now, about the questions I have.....
I wanna start with the main character. Specifically, who we play as. I'm fully aware we're an ex-employee of the factory who has taken part in the human-to-toy experimentation (Mob really loves shoving that in our faces and nothing else about us apparently). And we're meant to be an actual in-universe character (Rich, for example) or just a sorta vessel that we insert ourselves in; but either way, I don't feel like we're actually a character. A lot of people have pointed out that we've come back to the factory to either repent for our sins or bury the evidence of our wrongdoings. If we're a person truly guilty of the crimes we've committed, why did we wait 10 years to finally face what we've done? More importantly, why did we believe this mysterious note that was just left in our mail saying how our coworkers disappeared? In any case, why didn't we turn ourselves in to the police after the factory shut down? Now, in regards to all this, I do believe we've turned away from our crimes since The Hour of Joy because we probably just wanted nothing to do with the factory anymore. Like when someone does something horrible, it might be easier for them to bury away their past and never face it again due to the sheer amount of impact that will devastate them. That can explain why we've been away for so long. With the note, while I still don't think anyone could willingly march back into the factory after just reading it (especially with the misspellings), I can see it as us realizing that we need to undo our actions and maybe go to the factory to gather evidence on what we did, then submitting it to the police. But we.. don't really do that, we just show up right away putting all our faith into this one note and thinking we're going to see our coworkers again. And right after the Huggy Wuggy chase, we just willingly free Poppy, no questions asked, and then after that, we decided to get out. Although, I guess you could say that Poppy could be the evidence we need for the child experimentation, so that might be why we're willing to risk our lives to the point where we'd need to save her? If so, that would probably debunk the whole "destroying the evidence and bury our crimes" theory, because our clear motive for chapter 2 is getting out the factory; that only changed because Poppy sabotaged the train. However, even in Chapter 3, we're supposedly willing to work with Poppy to kill The Prototype (well, maybe not willing, since we basically implied to have no choice). At that point, our main objective would to kill The Prototype, at least that is what the game's implying.
The reason I'm stating all this is because, well, I'm confused obviously. Our objectives flip-flop until Chapter 3, but even then, what's stopping us from finding another way out of Playcare that isn't the train? Why did we choose to believe the note in the first place? Why do we never actually question anything inside the game? My main problem is that we just do whatever the characters tell us to do. Poppy says we're leaving? We'll follow her, no questions asked. A random "kid" (who I actually believe is just The Prototype) named Ollie suddenly appears and tells us what to do? Sure, why not? It feels less like a silent, mysterious protagonist and more like some mindless thing, just following whatever the game's script wants them to do. I don't feel a distinct personality, and I can't really insert any personality into that protagonist because, well, the game's not choice-driven, there's no unique action to do that'll deviate from what the characters expect you to do. I can't see us as anyone established in-universe because most characters Mob focused on had these colorful personalities I don't see through the main character. Throughout the game, mostly in Chapter 3, the most Mob gives us is that we caused a lot of these toys' suffering, but that's just about it. There should've been much more expansion on that in the latest chapter because we already knew that in the previous one. The characters themselves don't really react to our supposed apprehension and they don't really do anything to convince us to be on their side, there's just a short explanation and we're off to do whatever they want us to do. I just wish there was more flexibility, and maybe even have this game be completely choice-driven, giving us options on what to say, what to do, and even who to save. But I don't know, maybe Mob has an explanation as to why we're doing what we're doing and maybe we'll cause a surprise twist in the end. Although, even so, I do just wonder why it took us 10 years to do it until a note summons us to start the game. I feel like the game should've started maybe just a week or two after The Hour of Joy; a lot more enemies, maybe a couple of survivors, both toy and still-human, to team up with, things like that.
And since The Hour of Joy was 10 years ago, and so many people are confirmed to be dead, why hasn't there been an uproar about it? Maybe Playtime Co.'s experimentation was funded by the government, police force, and the FBI or something was told to guard its secrets and everything? But even that reasoning is flawed because Rowen, an I.T. guy for Playtime Co., tried to tell his mother to give information about the factory's secrets to the police, and Playtime Co. was QUICK to shut him up, so that would imply that the government/police don't know anything about this. So why hasn't anyone, like the families and loved ones of those people, contacted the police about this? There should have been a HUGE uprising about these mass disappearances, instead of it just being a rumor (with the note saying "Everyone thinks the staff disappeared 10 years ago.") So... did those peoples' families just go, "Oh no, they disappeared...anyway, you guys wanna get something to eat?" (Digital Circus ref lol). I HIGHLY doubt that especially since Playtime Co. was a beloved company that had appearances in the media (chapter 3 introduction).
I really think that right after The Hour of Joy, there's this whole containment of the factory with dozens of soldiers guarding the place and some going inside to investigate. But the toys manage to beat them back, so the government has no choice but to bomb the place or something. That's where we come in. We're still an ex-employee of Playtime Co., a scientist who discovered the horrors of the factory (much like the biologist) and wanted to report to the police, but after knowing what they'd do to us, we were forced to keep quiet. After each experiment, we're haunted with massive amounts of guilt every day, until one day we just couldn't show up to work. That's when the news erupts about the mass disappearances and the discovery of living toys in the factory trying to escape. There's news about the place being destroyed by a nuke, and we then think about the children's lives all cooped in there, waiting for freedom. So, we sneak by the forces and into the factory, determined to free our victims before the bomb goes off.
I dunno, just a thought. But maybe Mob will explain this as the game moves forward. That's why can't say these are my "locked-in" opinions about our character yet; they're completely temporary. Who knows, maybe the world is set in the apocalypse era, and that's why the government hasn't completely destroyed the place. The game isn't finished, so I'm more than willing to give the benefit of the doubt.
However, I can't say that for what I think about CatNap and the rest of chapter 3.
Now, I LOVE CatNap. His design is so well done and his characterization in Home Sweet Home was nearly flawless. Right off the bat, we know that he's someone who will use our minds and guilt against us. He's studying us to know how to break us (although it's hard to tell what actually affects us in this game because we literally do not react to anything). Furthermore, we see him stalking us a few times as we try to get out of Home Sweet Home, and that would imply that he knows what tools we use to keep ourselves safe (our gas mask and the grabpack - let me further emphasize grabpack because that is going to be very important for a point I'm gonna make later on). A literal predator hunting prey.
But I do think he was very underutilized after this. I do disagree with the fact that CatNap had to appear more often; however, I do think what would have made this up is his presence being more impactful throughout the game. This leads me to The Red Smoke - it doesn't make too much sense to me. It's used to put people to sleep, give them nightmares, and make them hallucinate, which is again established in Home Sweet Home. But after that, in smaller sections of the game, we just die if we inhale the smoke for too long. We were doused in for quite a while during the final fight, why wasn't that used to kill us then? Why didn't we instead hallucinate a path that completely lead us off track and into CatNap's claws? In fact, we don't get to see it very often throughout the chapter either; it should've been a main focal point. When I was dropped into Playcare, I saw this red light entrance that reminded me of the red smoke, I thought that could be an indicator that this environment would be filled to the brim with it and we can't ever tell what's real or not. Throughout all of it, flickers of our past would show up, making us more panicked and anxious. The chapter could've been all about paranoia and how to overcome it, trusting yourself to fight back against what's being brought upon you. But nah, we just die from it after Home Sweet Home. A major missed opportunity if you ask me...
With CatNap being underutilized, he doesn't do much after this. There could've been a few sequences where he'd use his red smoke to help the smaller antagonists, putting in more hints of who we are and even making the antagonists look more nightmarish. Maybe there could've been bigger toys that are the devoted followers of CatNap and ultimately The Prototype, giving this a more cult-like feel. More "heretics" like DogDay could be strung up in the prisons, with most of them either dead and in the process of being eaten or just have completely lost their mind, with DogDay being the only one who has some amount of sanity left. And because of this, we could even be given a chance to save him, just like we did with Poppy. If we drop down to the prisons, CatNap could find that we're intruding upon his home and send everyone, the mad heretics, and devoted followers, after us. If we do it quickly enough, we could free DogDay from his prison; although this would come with the price of carrying him and us being slower because of it. If we fail, then he becomes possessed by the miniature ruined critters, lost in the crowd of hunters. This event could show how CatNap runs the entire place.
But now for what I dislike most about this entire chapter...CatNap's big final fight. And no, my problem isn't that "it's too hard" or anything. I did feel that they explained it poorly, but that's not my main issue.
The issue is that it breaks CatNap's character.
Let me explain. After we get out of the Playhouse, Ollie calls us to rant about CatNap, explaining how there was an accident, The Prototype saved him, which then lead him to become a devout follower of The Prototype. Then he states this: "He'll take away anything you have to defend yourself."
...No he doesn't. He doesn't. Well, he takes away our gas mask, but that's it. Why didn't he take away our grabpack? What was stopping him from doing that? ESPECIALLY our green hand?
In the ARG, it was discovered that CatNap used to be a boy named Theodore, who was friends with The Prototype. One day, he took a grabpack upon The Prototype's request and used it to try to free him and the children. But being a literal novice, he accidentally shocks himself with the electric green hand and is brought to the brink of death, only to be revived by The Prototype and the scientists who turned him into CatNap. It's a small detail, but it has a huge impact on his background; you'd think such an event would cause him a lot of trauma, especially surrounding any sort of electricity and even grabpacks overall.
So why did he let us keep it???
He has very, very seen us not only with the green hand but also actively use it to complete puzzles and dive further into Playcare. Why would he let us utilize the weapon that almost killed him back when he was human? I don't believe he forgot about it, because remember the Huggy Wuggy YouTube video Mob put out? About the one where Huggy escapes and, at the end, is seen standing outside of a house? That implies that the toys have some sort of recollection of their past events. With something this big and traumatic happening to Theodore, I'm pretty sure he'd have no trouble remembering this, especially with him knowing and stating that The Prototype saved him, as said in the trailer for Chapter 3.
So I ask again. W h y did he let us use the grabpack??? And even more so, why did he follow us into a room that he knew had a bunch of green electricity? And I say 'knew' because it's canon that these characters have been wandering around the factory for 10 years. CatNap has resided in Playcare for 10 years, even including the years he spent with the orphans. So HO W did he not know this room was there???? It very clearly screams, "HEY SOMEONE CAN USE A GREEN HAND TO DEFEND THEMSELVES HERE." Also- the room itself doesn't make sense. Why does Playcare need a room that generates so much electricity just to emit some steam??
I haven't seen anyone point this out. I'd understand if the whole Theodore dying incident was forgotten because a lot of people did forget that we killed Huggy- but still, Mob should've known about this. They're the ones who wrote him to be this way!
Even removing this incident entirely, CatNap is still shown to be very incompetent for this because if you were hunting down someone and wanted to be this slow-burn kill kinda thing, why would you let them keep the VERY THING that is OBVIOUSLY the ONLY REASON why we're even doing anything in the factory, to begin with. We used it against Huggy Wuggy, we used it against Mommy Long Legs, the chapter could've been a bit more unique and taking the grabpack away from us so it can catch us off guard and make us feel powerless, but then we would learn that we don't need to depend on it.
Here's what I think should've happened: After the Playhouse, we're completely alone. No Ollie, no nobody. It's just us. We go back down underneath the statue and see that a big ol' blue battery and key's been sent our way, which then leads us to the Councilor's Office. We go inside, solve a few puzzles, get some chances to learn more lore (because let's be honest, the established lore of Poppy Playtime was just repeated in this chapter, just in a very gruesome way; we get it, we caused this, oh n o o, the children were used as experiments - thanks for telling us that The Prototype can mimic voices, that's actually very cool, but please just give us a little more than that, Mob). And then, all of a sudden, CatNap jumpscares us. When we wake up (there's no message from him telling us to get out of Playcare; love the chilling voice, but the line itself is pretty corny and we just end up not listening to him, also he should know that his god just kills anyone who tries to leave anyway, so this line serves 0 purpose), there's red smoke everywhere, and we find out that we're without our gas mask. All of the exits are boarded up, so we take the blue battery, activate the lift, and take it up to, not a steam room, but a monitor room. This room is absolutely destroyed, with claw marks ravishing the TVs and control systems, especially on the green electric outlets (or maybe there are none, hinting at CatNap's ultimate weakness). With more of our memories plaguing us, we're then led to the underground caverns, where CatNap is waiting to toy with his defenseless prey before the final strike.
.....Also, I just think the final fight's just incredibly lame. It serves very little connection to CatNap's character (apart from us launching our hand toward him and him freaking out over electricity, which again, is basically HIS OWN FAULT TO BEGIN WITH), and just overall so underwhelming. I did love how The Prototype carried him up into the light to show more religious undertones, it was awesome.
But, yeah, these are basically my thoughts. Chapter 3 was a huge step up from chapter 2 in terms of atmosphere, but there should've been more progression in the lore. Like they're just restating a bunch of stuff we already know but in a much more polished and horrific way. I'm glad they're not shying away from hiding events away from us, I did love how they just straight-up showed us The Hour of Joy tape, but underneath all the amazing animations and atmosphere, what did we learn in this chapter aside from The Prototype mimicking voices? We did get new characters, The Smiling Critters, Mrs. Delight, and Ollie, but all of the Smiling Critters and Mrs. Delight ended up dying anyway without really contributing much to the overall story. Aside from DogDay, who hinted at how absolutely insane this whole place and CatNap had become, but he and CatNap died anyway, so I felt like even that didn't serve too much of a purpose. And I hate to say that because DogDay and CatNap were my absolute favorites in this chapter. And Ollie just sorta told us what to do, we don't know anything about him and we're never given a chance to ask. Again, we're just following whatever the characters tell us to do.
Plus, didn’t mention this before but- a lot of the puzzles in chapter 3 did feel like they were just used to pad out time. In the words of Markiplier, “Just build stairs!!”
Overall, I do love Poppy Playtime, it has some really strong talent, but the writing does have some holes that feel quite easy to iron out. Maybe a lot of my temporary questions will be answered in later chapters, but for right now, I'd like to hear some of your guys' thoughts about this!
submitted by catnap_kinnie to PoppyPlaytime [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:14 Rip--Van--Winkle Chocolate subscription box hit the sweet spot this month.

Chocolate subscription box hit the sweet spot this month.
This is from my monthly chocolate subscription box and they hit the nail on the head with this one. I’d highly recommend this subscription box if you love chocolate and have some extra cash to part with each month.
The matcha swirl and vanilla rooibos are hands down the best chocolate I have ever had.
The hojicha and orange tastes very good but I am kind of missing the hojicha flavor. I’ll go back to that one with a fresh palate later.
submitted by Rip--Van--Winkle to tea [link] [comments]