Ct scan for auto accident

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2024.05.19 10:47 Echac Installer asking for too much space on Hard Drive?

I was having an issue using the auto installer as it would say I needed 500 GB of free space on my drive. I didn't see a direct solution on here so I thought I would post how I figured it out in case somebody else has this issue.
The issue starts out with the fact that I have a separate drive where I keep my games installed as my C drive is rather small. I have a folder there where I have steam and some other games set to install.
So, when I downloaded Tarkov I told it to install the files there, not thinking anything of it, like I had many other non-steam games. The issue is when I installed EFT (not sure this is still the case) it just dumped all of its files in the root folder without making its own subfolder.
I then just figured how the installer works is it just looks for some file that would be in the Tarkov folder and copies everything from the folder that file is in, so it was just trying to copy all 500 GB of my games into a folder for SPT. I moved everything into a folder but it would still not work until I did the steps below.
Here is a quick version of how to fix this issue if you are having it: -Move your EFT into its own subfolder
-Make a subfolder for SPT like the installer says, but don't leave it in the root of your drive, move that folder into another folder
-put the SPT installer into the SPT folder
-restart your computer (not sure why but the installer did not re-scan the folder until doing this, even after a fresh install of the installer)
-run SPT installer (if it says it has denied permission to copy stuff just run as admin
submitted by Echac to SPTarkov [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:34 Ok_Presentation_1053 I need advice

I got into an accident today and it was my fault. I rear ended someone at a red light. It was a very light tap to the back of their car but I still hit them. There was no damage to either of our cars. I followed car to a parking lot and parked beside a little farther from them because there was no space close to them. Some people got out of the car and went into the store. I got nervous and did one more loop around the parking lot to see if there was a better spot for me to park. By the time I came back, the driver of the car I hit was already gone. I’m not sure if this would count as a hit and run since I did come back. I don’t want to get charged for that, especially since I was there. I also don’t know if that can even be reported since there was no damages to either of our vehicles. I live in MD so that person can file an insurance claim whenever they want or a hit and run claim if they have a dash cam. This was around 16 hours ago and I’m freaking tf out because of this.
More context (not necessary):
I’m only 90% sure I hit the car. I was at a red light and my phone fell on the floor. I had to reach over to get it and I guess I wasn’t pressing the break hard enough so my car was rolling forward. I heard my car beeping letting me know I was getting to close to something so I slammed by breaks. But I was so close to the car that I’m 90% sure I hit it or was 1mm away from hitting it. I also felt a small jerk from car and I don’t know if it was because of my auto lock breaks since I slammed it of because I tapped the car in front of me. As I was driving behind it I looked at the back of their car and couldn’t see any damages. There was no damages on my car either.
submitted by Ok_Presentation_1053 to caraccidents [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:12 Own-Selection-4330 Anxiety

Hey guys (male 21) never suffered from anxiety and panic attacks until about a month ago while i was abroad. Got my first panic attack after being significantly hungover and never have been the same since. It was fixed for a while when i came home, but just recently have gotten a headache for about 6 days now which is causing me to have panic attacks again. Went to the doctor today and had a ct scan which came back completely normal. I start a job soon and i’m worried this will affect it. Have had trouble sleeping, everytime i close my eyes and hit the pillow my heart races and my head blares. Will i ever be the same again? I never use to feel this way and i’m so young and I feel like my life is over before it has even started. Really just looking for some advice and some tips here. Thank yall.
submitted by Own-Selection-4330 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:04 Crafty_Sample1682 Maplestory (GMS and MSEA) Monster Life Discharge Macro using G HUB Lua script

Hi, I know this may be against game policy and may bring criticism. But Monster Life is over soon, so I thought those in hurry of making level 40 farm in MSEA and GMS would NEED this. No meso cubes but meso caps, why play nice...
This is a video of what fully scripted auto care & discharge should look like : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZj9XyKVERM&t=1s . However, I'm not a software engineer or any coding related expert; so, my script i'm sharing is only discharge part (you would either have to find a different or make this better if you want it to be fully automatic like the video)
Credits to 경제분석박사 for sharing this script https://www.inven.co.kboard/maple/2302/15022 loooong ago. I edited my scrlpt based on this. Having said this, I don't take any troubleshooting questions; I'm no expert (if I did it, you 200% can fix it)
So before using this, a few requirements and basics:
  1. You need logitech mouse to connect to G HUB
  2. You need about 12,000,000 Waru in your Monster Life for fully leveling to 40 (More if you don't have Pharaoh Yeti <- btw always lock this to not mistakenly discharge it)
The basics
  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyg93s_XPdw . watch this video to set up Lua features. I didn't scan and make new profile for Maplestory because when it runs it turns to desktop profile and glitched. So, I recommend using Desktop profile as it is.
  2. The OutCount = n (*at 26 now) is how many you want to discharge in one run. Change "n" as per your monsters out
  3. You may notice in the scrlpt , there is CarePet function. I used it to hit additional enter after RemovePet function (the discharge), so manually "Auto Take Care" first before using this (buying C-grade box and opening them is also manual)
  4. I put the Monster Life in full screen and adjusted the absolute mouse position to click the check box that appear in the center when discharge was clicked. Monster Life is usually 1024 * 768 but if yours is somehow not, then you may need to either adjust screen size or the scrlpt itself "MoveMouseTo(31065, 36865)" <--- it means (x,y) or (left to right, low to high)
  5. Hover your mouse cursor to the first monster to be discharge (one right to Pharaoh Yeti) then press 5 (4:08 of the lua intro video)to run it as shown in the photo below
In the lua script code dialog copy the script below and load it
count = 0 -- 조합카운트
OutCount = 26 --돌보기후 펫방출 반복횟수
function OnEvent(event, arg)
OutputLogMessage("event = %s, count = %d, arg = %dn", event, count,arg)
if (event == "PROFILE_ACTIVATED") then
elseif event == "PROFILE_DEACTIVATED" then
ReleaseMouseButton(2) -- to prevent it from being stuck on
if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == 5) then--(휠우측 = 펫3회돌보기 후 방출),전환형태
-- 기능함수 작성 --
--마우스 화면밖으로보내기
function GoOutside()
MoveMouseRelative(-120, 0)
MoveMouseRelative(-120, 0)
MoveMouseRelative(-120, 0)
MoveMouseRelative(-120, 0)
function RemovePet()
local _x, _y = GetMousePosition();
MoveMouseTo(31065, 36865)
MoveMouseTo(_x, _y)
--자동 돌보기(_n회)
function CarePet(_x)
for i = 1,_x do
-- 공통함수 작성 --
--마우스 상대좌표 이동(_x : x좌표, _y : y좌표)
--양수일경우 y는 위, x는 우측 이동 음수는 그반대로 이동
function GoMouse(_x, _y)
local cx = 1
local cy = 1
if _x > 0 then cx = -1
elseif _x == 0 then cx = 0
else cx = 1
if _y > 0 then cy = -1
elseif _y == 0 then cy = 0
else cy = 1
for i = 1, Abs(_x) do
MoveMouseRelative(cx*10, 0)
for i = 1, Abs(_y) do
MoveMouseRelative(0, cy*10)
--현재좌표-> 절대좌표값 이동
function GoAbsMouse(_x, _y)
local now_x, now_y = GetMousePosition();
local gap_x = _x - now_x
local gap_y = _y - now_y
local cx = 1 --x방향
local cy = 1 --y방향
if gap_x > 0 then cx = -1
elseif _x == 0 then cx = 0
else cx = 1
if gap_y > 0 then cy = -1
elseif _y == 0 then cy = 0
else cy = 1
for i = 1, Abs(_x) do
MoveMouseRelative(cx*1, 0)
for i = 1, Abs(_y) do
MoveMouseRelative(0, cy*1)
--절대값 구하기
function Abs(_x)
if _x > 0 then return _x
else return -_x
-- 마우스 절대좌표확인
function PrintMousePosition()
local _x, _y = GetMousePosition();
OutputLogMessage("Mouse is at %d, %dn", _x, _y);
--반복횟수 지정
function SumCount()
count = count + 1
if count > maxCount then count = maxCount
-- (돌보기1회 + 펫방출1회) * x회
function CareAndOutPet(_x)
for i = 1, _x do
submitted by Crafty_Sample1682 to u/Crafty_Sample1682 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:14 Streetli Deleuze without Ontology

I'm gonna try and make the case for Deleuze as a non-ontological thinker. It's a minority position, but it IS a position, one held by, among others, François Zourabichvili, Anne Sauvagnargues, Gregory Flaxman, and Gregg Lambert. I'm pretty persuaded by it, but I don't think it's all that well publicized, so this is an attempt to give it at least some airtime, if only to provoke some discussion, or cast things in (hopefully) a little bit of a new light.
The first point is simply textual: “establish a logic of the AND, overthrow ontology, destitute the ground...” - these are the lines that close out the first chapter of A Thousand Plateaus, where a logic of the “AND” is elevated over and against any logic of the “IS”. This is the first sense in which Deleuze is not an ontological thinker: he not only makes no effort to think ‘what is’, but works to displace the question of ‘what is?’ entirely. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the profusion of Deleuzian concepts - event, becoming, multiplicity, rhizome, etc - are all so many ways to think otherwise than ‘what is’. Of the event, for example, Deleuze wrote: “I’ve tried to discover the nature of events; it’s a philosophical concept, the only one capable of ousting the verb ‘to be’ and attributes.” (If anyone's interested, I wrote more about the logic of the 'AND' and its relation to 'becoming' in a previous post).
Already in Difference and Repetition is this project announced: “'What is X?' gives way to other questions, otherwise powerful and efficacious, otherwise imperative: 'How much, how and in what cases?’”. (DR,188) And note how he opposes the kind of questions these are: “These questions are those of the accident, the event, the multiplicity - of difference - as opposed to that of the essence, or that of the One, or those of the contrary and the contradictory.” (DR,188) Granting all this, is Deleuze still just substituting one kind of ontology for another kind of ontology? An ‘ontology of Being’ for an ‘ontology of Becoming,’ say? Why is Deleuze not offering just another ontology in a line of ’new’ ontologies? What’s at stake in the claim - most forcefully made by the late, great François Zourabichvili, that, “if there is an orientation of the philosophy of Deleuze, this is it: the extinction of the term ‘being’ and therefore of ontology”? (*swoon*).
In a word: the place of ethics. In his 1980/1 Spinoza lectures, Deleuze makes the curious claim that “there has never been but a single ontology. There is only Spinoza who has managed to pull off an ontology”(!). Why? Because only in Spinoza is Being not subordinated to something ‘above’ it by which Being can be judged. Spinoza’s “pure ontology… repudiates hierarchies” and thus lends itself to a way of engaging Being solely on its own terms: “immanent” terms. But a pure ontology does something very strange. It abolishes itself as ontology. Here is how Deleuze ends his lecture series: “At that point [with Spinoza], an ontology becomes possible; at that point, the ontology begins, and, at that point, the ontology ends. Yes, starts and ends, there we are, good, [Pause] it’s over”. In other words - an ontology unalloyed to hierarchy ceases be remain an ontology. It becomes something other. This is the basis of Zourabichvili’s claim that “the most glorious act of ontology [for Deleuze] … leads to its auto-abolition as a doctrine of being” (D:PE,38).
In place of hierarchy - and in place of what Deleuze calls ‘judgement’ & morality - is instead ‘ethology’. Ethology is nothing other than an ethics (distinguished from “morality”), but one that proceeds not on the basis of what things are, but instead, what things can do. Without going into the details, the significance of this move for ontology is that what a thing is is never given. Instead it varies with its circumstances: “For they always are, but in different ways, depending on whether the present affects threaten the thing or strengthen, accelerate, and increase it: poison or food? - with all the complications, since a poison can be a food for part of the thing considered” (S:PP,126).
This, in turn is the basis for Deleuze’s celebrated empiricism: to know what a body is, is to have to test it, to bring it to its limits, compose it with other bodies, likewise defined. Philosophy itself becomes a matter of cartography, of mapping: “A body is defined only by a longitude and a latitude… its relations of movement and rest, speed and slowness (longitude); the affects it is capable of at a given power or degree of potential (latitude)… Latitude and longitude are the two elements of a cartography” (ATP,262). Such a cartography is in the first instance ethical, insofar as it attempts to not "separate a body from what it can do" - such a separation being the mark of all ontology prior to Spinoza. In fact, if Deleuze is right, of all ontology that does not abolish itself.
Such then, are the stakes of a non-ontology! I'll offer just two other things that follow from this. First, Deleuze's increasing obsession with the concept of "Life", at the end of his career, can be traced to this non-ontological stance. Not ontology, but Life is the ground which Deleuze worked to tread upon in his late work, precisely because Life is just that which - as Nietzsche so insisted - cannot be judged. That Deleuze's last work was nothing other than "Immanence: a Life", attests to this. The definite article "a", is significant too, because it speaks to Deleuze's equally increased attention to Duns Scotus' concept of haecceity, which equally follows from the turning away from ontology. Anne Sauvagnargues has written more eloquently than I ever could on this issue, so I'll simply quote her on this (from her Deleuze and Art):
"As soon as this modal cartography of the haecceity is applied to individuation, everything changes. Art and philosophy become capable of treating individuality as an event, not as a thing. It is thus also possible to be interested in these perfect individualities that are well formed no matter the singularities, which the theory of substantial subjects could not accomplish. A season, a winter, “5 o’clock in the evening,” are such haecceities, or modal individualities that consist of relations of speeds and slownesses, capable of affecting or of being affected.
A quality of whiteness, the vibration of an hour, the squatting of a stone, and an afternoon in the steppe form these modes of individuation that are more fragile, less anthropomorphic, and not necessarily more unstable or evanescent, but much more interesting than human individuals, or rather, the divisions we are used to, which borrow some aspect of substance (a thing, an animal, a man). Instead of holding itself to clichés of form, art captures and renders such imperceptible forces perceptible." (p.45)
This should be enough, but I’ll only add one kinda scholarly thing . The eagle-eyed might have noticed that in Difference and Repetition, it isn’t Spinoza, but Scotus who is given credit for having ‘pulled off’ an ontology. Here’s the line: “There has only ever been one ontological proposition: Being is univocal. There has only ever been one ontology, that of Duns Scotus, which gave being a single voice” (D&R,35). My mini-thesis is that as Deleuze got more and more sus about ontology, he realized that the best way out of it, was through it. And it was only Spinoza - the Christ of philosophers - as Deleuze and Guattari put it - who offered the resources to explode ontology from the inside.
Oh, and because someone mentioned it elsewhere - yes, it's true, in the Logic of Sense Deleuze does say that "philosophy merges with ontology", but also - and here is Zourabichvili:
"Nevertheless, one might object, didn’t Deleuze himself explicitly write that “philosophy merges with ontology” (LS 179)? Let us assume this—the apologist for the term “being” must then explain how, in the same work, a concept of the transcendental fi eld can be produced (LS 14th–16th Series). We may begin by restoring the second half of the statement, intentionally ignored or poorly weighed: “...but ontology merges with the univocity of being.” A formidable example of the style or of the method of Deleuze—there is enough in it to pervert the entire ontological discourse" (Deleuze: A Philosophy of the Event, p.37).
submitted by Streetli to Deleuze [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:13 Wazkn Dads Post RALP CT Scan

Hello all. God bless to everyone in this subreddit & more. Thank you for all of your previous help & comments.
My Dad age 60 was diagnosed back in October with “Advanced Prostate Cancer”. Gleason 4+4=8 , PSA 9.1. Localized, no spread thank God.
He got RALP in November, received a good pathology report; negative all invasions & margins.
His first PSA: undetectable, after 3 months. Second PSA: undetectable after 6 months. Now we are going into the 3rd one in a little over 2 months!
After his first PSA follow up, he was experiencing constant & persistent Right Pelvic pain (right above the right side of the pubic area). The pain was never too bad, or excruciating by any means. He said it was a 2/10 on the pain scale, ALWAYS. The pain never went away. Though, it wasn’t bad intolerable pain..it was always there at 2/10 which gets annoying & just uncomfortable, you know?
So he told his Doctor & he told him that’s unusual, he was set up for a CT Scan. His PSA came back undetectable, so it was a sigh of relief that it wasn’t Cancer, or anything suspiciously bad. However, DR still wanted to go through with a CT Scan. Told us “it could be fluid build up from prostatectomy, or some sort of fluid that’s unusual”.
He got the CT done on Wednesday, and his results were interesting, so I have a question. It said that there was NO FLUID, or any LIQUID build up, nothing suspicious, nothing bad, everything basically negative. HOWEVER, we noticed that in the CT results it mentioned his lymph nodes growing larger then last time (for EX: previously 4mm, now 10mm, previously 6mm, now 8mm, previously 8mm, now 10mm, etc etc). And it recommended a follow up in 3 months.
He will not be seeing the Doctor until June 2nd, so a couple weeks from now. But, I couldn’t find a reason as to why this happens & if it is concerning or not? Is this bad that his lymph nodes have grown?
During his recovery, after his first PSA he got Total Knee Replacement surgery, could it have to do with that? He has very low testosterone, could it do with that? Is this even bad?
Any replies, & comments are significantly & greatly appreciated. Thank you all & God bless you all for your support & help for this sucky battle us Men have to deal with. Thank you again, let me know!
submitted by Wazkn to ProstateCancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:34 JDElerick really struggling need help

So i have been having some medical issues over the past few years and feel like my doctors are making light of the situation with my claustrophobia. I currently need a coronary CT done and have tried to get one done in the past and almost made it through it but began to freak out when they were going to reinsert me into the machine and we had to stop. I feel like I was being rushed by the techs and my doctors say I cant be sedated. I have tried getting meds from my psych and was recently given a higher dose of lorazepam which I can try before scheduling but taking them at home when not in a stressful enclosed situation has never worked in the past. I really need to get this scan done as my symptoms for the reason I need it done seem to be getting worse. Has anything worked for you? I know the whole test takes less than 10 minutes but its the placing you in the ct machine then giving you the dye then sliding you out and back in again I couldn't do. I have done all the normal tests that can be done for the heart but cant get through this one. Please help.
submitted by JDElerick to claustrophobia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:31 Jaleebo98 Overwhelmed

Hello THT team I love your podcast it's my favorite! I am 25f and live happily with my husband and our 4 furr babies. Me and my husband both work at a bakery together.
So for a few years I've had back pain it never seemed too serious to me just take an advil do some yoga or stretches. A lot of people have back pain. In fall it started to worsen but also my legs I thought maybe I started to have arthritis it runs in my family my mom and grandma got it at around my age. I have a fear of the doctor I went hundreds of times as a kid, mainly for allergies. I went though in October the doctor kinda brushed me off like we'll run a blood test, heres meds, and treated me like I'm young so I'm fine. Blood test came back good. I should have went back to another doctor and I should have signed up for insurance but it seemed too expensive at the time I live tightly paycheck to paycheck. I can't focus on should've and could've though I can't change it. My husband has told me over and over that i should see another doctor out of care but I say i will and procrastinate. I am always very much like the meme with the dog surrounded by fire no matter what I'm just like I'm fine.
Now over the past few months i started to have a harder time walking and the pain worsened. A few days ago I went to the doctor and was told I likely have a spinal injury and need an MRI as soon as possible. 3 years ago I was in a T-bone car accident I was told at ER i was fine just scraped and bruised, i suppose the injury has just now gotten worse. I won't know anything until my scans come back. I could tell the doctor was sugar coating and trying not to concern me but I could see the concern on his face. He strongly recommended i get a cane because I walk unstable now. My mind raced I felt numb I felt stupid like I hadn't taken good enough care of myself, I understand I could loose my ability to walk, I could be paralyzed even if just partially, it could affect my brain, my whole lifes hopes and plans could change so much. After the doctor me and my husband went to pick up my meds and a bit of food at the store. There i was 25 ,walking with a cane tears streaming down my face, people staring at me, trying to process everything. I am so lucky and glad to have my husband he is the best support and comfort.
Over the past 2 days I can't work until I get a more detailed doctors note i called for one but my doctor is off until monday. The first day I spent the whole day on the phone figuring out about insurance ,and talking with work ,and the doctors office, and the imaging place for my MRI. I have an MRI appointment its $930 without insurance. Monday im gonna enroll with a good insurance though. I have been on bed rest just trying not to worsen anything but also trying not to loose my mind I usually am always doing something. I always try to be positive, and find the silver lining, I am a sunshine and rainbows kind of person ;but right now I am very much overwhelmed and honestly sad. Just this year feels so long and its May before this it was already one thing after another. All i can do is take things one step at a time. I just wanted to get things off my chest I guess. Im going to crochet now to try to get things off my mind for now.
submitted by Jaleebo98 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:10 sopranostripper Kidney infection, still in pain three days after starting antibiotics. Should I be concerned?

Progression of symptoms:
On Monday I returned home from a weekend trip to see my family in Mexico. We were celebrating an engagement and everyone was drinking quite a bit- shots of tequila being passed around every 30 minutes until 4am type stuff. I don’t usually drink that much but I did this time.
On Tuesday I started feeling intense pain after having intercourse with my male partner. At first we chalked it up to going at it too hard and tried to laugh it off, but I was quickly bedridden and in a lot of pain. Pain was at an 8 in my lower abdomen and back. I took a CBD edible and went to bed early.
Wednesday morning I thought I was feeling better. We got up and went to the gym, but by the end of the workout I was starting to feel pain again. The pain was mild, probably at a 3 or 4, but only in my back. I sat in the hot tub for awhile thinking maybe I pulled a muscle or something. Partner went to work and I went home to rest. I didn’t get out of bed for the rest of the day.
Thursday morning I woke up around 4am with the pain back at a 7/8 in my sides and back. I was also feeling nauseous and feverish, so I decided to go to the ER. They did a CT scan and bloodwork, I was diagnosed with a UTI and kidney infection and given IV antibiotics. They also gave me a 10 day prescription to take home.
I have been resting, taking my antibiotics as directed, and hydrating as much as possible but I still don’t feel better. The pain is still there at a solid 6 and I have only gotten out of bed to use the restroom. The nausea is back and I have no appetite. I have had a kidney infection before and started feeling better almost immediately after starting antibiotics, so I’m concerned that I’m not feeling any better after three days.
Is it possible that the antibiotics aren’t working? Do I need to go back to the doctor?
submitted by sopranostripper to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:41 djnocturnal80 Advised to stop taking Allo

I was recently seen in the ER for a non gout related issue. I had bloodwork done and my liver enzymes were sky high. Slightly high bilirubin. The ER doctor advised me to stop taking the Allopurinol until things return to normal and I follow up with my PCM. The initial thought was this was virus related. Hep tests negative and ct scan with contrast showed no obvious issues with the liver or other organs).
My bloodwork is getting better by the day and almost back to normal. I have been off of Allopurinol since the 15th. Is there any chance the Allopurinol is to blame? I have been on it for about 2 years at 200mg and it has worked with zero flare ups and no side effects.
I can’t get in to see my PCM until the 31st and not sure what I should do as I fear I will get a flare up in the meantime or crystals may form. I also don’t want to mess around when it comes to my liver.
Has this happened to anyone else? Is it ok to be off of Allo for that long? No idea if I’ll be cleared to get back on it even with good bloodwork.
submitted by djnocturnal80 to gout [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:38 Shadofortuna My dad's constant criticisms are affecting my adult life.

TW: Abuse
I'm here to vent, but I wouldn't mind some support, if possible. Things are not going well for me right now.
My dad is very much present in my life, but it's apparent to everyone that he f'd all of his kids up.
To summarize, the man was born in the middle of the Vietnam War. He spent three years of homelessness in communist Vietnam with his entire family during his childhood, and consistently reminds us of this to this very day. It's been his way of dismissing any protests my siblings have had towards the things he'd done to us - hitting us with rolled up newspapers like dogs, verbal and psychological abuse, frequent displays of intimidation - at one point, my mom had suspected sexual abuse as well.
I developed a rare soft tissue tumor in 7th grade. It broke through the skin, and I had to be rushed to the ER. He immediately blamed me because of a superstition of not eating red meat after an operation. At the time, I was severely anemic, underweight, and spent the night in the hospital getting two bags of blood infused. 3 years later, I was put in a psych ward for an eval after some remarks to a counselor. He was banned from seeing me, and blamed my mom(who we only saw on weekends) for f'ing me up. "She's doing this shit for attention," he says.
Fast forward to today. I've developed another tumor, which turned out to be cancer this time. Two weeks ago, I had a follow up with my oncologist. They have concerns about my most recent CT scan, and think it may be lung cancer. I've barely been able to get out of bed since then. My mental health is garbage, and I'm not able to do as much physical labor as I could do - especially when I'm working with an arm that is visibly missing a huge chunk of bicep muscle, swollen, and nerve damage in my hand. "Cancer is no excuse to be lazy."
I've also expressed interest in getting my MSW to become a therapist, as it's something I've unofficially been doing for everyone in my family since I was 12, and I'd make more money than I'm making now with a State job (12.50/hr). I was pushed into the state job by my dad because my film degree is garbage, like the rest of my aspirations. Now, my dad can't fathom that I get paid less for being single and childless. He's also pointed out that I've gained weight - something that's been a sore spot for me all my life - and he's only complimented me when I rapidly dropped weight from both tumors.
Thanks to all of that, I have severe anxiety attacks when SOMETHING goes wrong - it could be anything. I have such low self esteem, and possibly early stages of BD. If I had moved back closer to my dad, I'm certain I would develop an ED. I've considered offing myself many times since 5th grade, and I'm surprised I haven't done it yet. If I make it past 30, I'd be surprising my 16 year old self. Using the excuse "what will happen to my pets?" isn't inspiring my will to live like it used to.
submitted by Shadofortuna to daddyissuesclub [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:32 Signal_Marsupial_129 Related?

First CT: Proximal appendix measures 8mm, non-dialated gas noted in distal appendix. No acute appendicitis identified. Comparison CT: unable to confidently observe appendix. Mild wall thickening noted in ascending, hepatic flexure, and transverse colon. 26F. Presented to ER with what I thought was a ruptured ovarian cyst. ( I have been admitted in the past for ruptured hemmoragic cyst and it felt similar). First CT scan was preformed. Sent home with recommended follow up. The only pain I have is R lower back and hip- dull ache. Tested negative for 32 bacterial/viral infections. Could these finding be related or likely separate conditions?
submitted by Signal_Marsupial_129 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:25 pagingnurselarry Rumble while I work. No code sheet or misplaced. No biggie.

Rumble while I work. No code sheet or misplaced. No biggie. submitted by pagingnurselarry to 90days_On_Crack [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:21 Such_Choice_6669 pls help - scared to death about my son’s CT results - possible mass in jejunum + 40 lb weight loss in a year (report incl. in post)

19M, US, 6’2, around 160 lbs, no tobacco or vaping/social drinkesmokes marijuana daily, neg hx except allergies/asthma (takes allegra when he remembers)
recently, my son was at urgent care (URI) and weighed in at 150. he was there about a year prior and weighed 190-something. he had not been trying to lose weight. he went to his PCP and had a bunch of bloodwork, thyroid ultrasound, and a CT of the abdomen & pelvis. everything was normal, except for the CT scan. here is the report:
EXAM: CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis with oral and intravenous contrast
History: 19-year-old. male with greater than 40 pound weight loss over 1 year. No history of surgery, smoking or malignancy. Patient reports a history of asthma.
TECHNIQUE: CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis was performed on bolus of 85 mL of Omnipaque 350 via IV injection. Axial images along with coronal and sagittal reconstructions were performed and reviewed. There were no complications.
FINDINGS: Spleen is normal at 11,4 cm in length. Liver is at the upper limits of normal in size measuring almost 18 cm in length. No liver mass is identifled. No ascites, pleural effusion or pericardial effusion noted. No acute or focal abnormality is noted in the lung bases.
Aorta, IVC, hepatic veins enhance normally. No retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. Kidneys are unremarkable. No adrenal mass is seen. Pancreas gallbladder and biliary tree are unremarkable as visualized.
The stomach is unremarkable. Large bowel is unremarkable. Well-defined filling defect (2 cm in AP dimension 5.4 cm in length) is noted in the lumen of the left jejunum on coronal image 30 and axial image 72 series 2. Otherwise small bowel is unremarkable. Appendix is not visualized. No mesenteric lymphadenopathy seen.
No anterior abdominal wall hernia is noted. Left colon is collapsed. No lymphadenopathy or mass seen in the pelvis. Prostate, bladder and seminal vesicles are normal. No hernia or lymphadenopathy seen in the groin.
Review of the osseous structures was performed and no mass or destructive process is noted.
  1. Focal filling defect and possible mass in the left jejunum as above. Further clinical follow-up is recommended.
Results and recommendations for follow-up were telephoned to the referring practioner’s office.
his PCP wants him to see a general surgeon this week, and has already spoken to two of them, so we should have an appt day & time on mon. my son and i currently live in different states, but i will be traveling to attend the appt with him. in the meantime, i am trying not to fall apart.
my son does not know his whole family history - both his maternal and paternal grandfathers were adopted. however, there is a history of GI cancer on both my maternal and paternal sides of the family. 😭 (tho not at such a young age - 50s and up)
any insight would be much appreciated, whether it be good, bad or ugly. is it likely that this could this be cancer? could this be something that he was born with? he has no pain, nausea, no GI symptoms at all, and whatever this thing is isn’t palpable.
thank you for any insight and/or advice!
submitted by Such_Choice_6669 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:28 Adorable_Compote_164 advice please ? anxiety

hey everyone, please help me. im so convinced i have a brain tumor. okay so a week ago, i noticed this head pressure. mainly when i get up, bend down, it's like a squeezing for a few seconds..and then i get headaches on my right side, does that mean that mean there's a tumor there ?! if it was big enough to be causing headaches on one side wouldn't there be more symptoms? the headache is mostly when i get up to do things. and head just feels weird when i stand up, like weird. lightheaded, fuzzy, pressure , and idk it feels tight by my nose. please reassure me this isn't a brain tumor. im making a appointment tomorrow and if it's to far im just gonna go to the ER but I'm terrified to sleep because I'm like what if I die in my sleep? how would I know if it's a brain tumor ??? I'm only 21. i have bad anxiety. this is so scary if it's not a brain tumor my anxiety is saying what if it's a vitamin deficiency and it stops my heart it won't right?.. also the spot below my eyebrow is twitching non stop my head mainly hurts when I get up and do things UPDATE: was at the ER today. told him about this. he said he didn't feel like a CT scan was needed plus I was already having a stomach ultra sound so he said he didn't want to use to much radiation. he checked my pupils, had me follow his fingers with my eyes, walk in lines and do more stuff with my hands and I passed. does that mean I'm okay? I'll def go back if I feel worse .
submitted by Adorable_Compote_164 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:18 albert1165 Vinfast battery sudden drop from 20% to 0% without warning

Vinfast battery sudden drop from 20% to 0% without warning
Well, this is not a strange problem to phone users with old phones, but it is on an entirely different level for cars: the car company should do all the testing to avoid this.
The car experienced the sudden drop in battery was on a highway. If there were a lot of cars at the time, accident would have happened. Luckily, no accident happened but one should not take luckiness for granted.
Further, the car's milage is only 11600 km. Relatively new.
This incident raises the question of the quality of Vinfast control software, reporting fake mumbers, and it is no laughing matter: it might cause accident if the car is on a highway with other cars travelling at high speed.
Further, as usual, Vinfast techicians show the irresponsibility by telling the driver to continue to use the cars and monitor it because they don't know the reasons. This happens in many other cases: it is software problems and Vinfast technicians can only update the firmware if it is not the latest, and if the firmware is the latest and a problem occur, they do nothing.
Now, I know some Vinfans will employ the stupid diversion tactic to blame the driver for traveling with just 20% of the battery, but if the number is correct, she can easily go 40-50 km which suits her need at the time.
This battery sudden drop problem has not been reported frequently enough but many other Vinfast cars also experienced the same problems.
It is not safe to use a Vinfast car. It is buggy.
Unfortunately, few people are knowing this.
submitted by albert1165 to VinFastComm [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:08 kagura_143 Sudden Digestive Issues, what is happening to me?

Age: 22
Sex: F
Height: 5’1”
Weight: 164 lbs
Race: hispanic
Duration of complaint: 3 months
Location: abdomen
Currently have high cholesterol. bad cholesterol count of 103 according to my primary care.
Current medications: metoclopramide 5mg. sertraline 25mg, pantoprazole 40mg
i’ll include pictures of some tests that i’ve had done in the comments if i can.
Gonna try to include as best of a description of my symptoms as i can, i’ll also try to edit anything if it makes my description better.
this all started 2 months ago. literally the last week of february. at the time i wasn’t on any type of medication. nothing changed in my eating habits, except for the fact that i’d had panda express for the 1st time ever starting in february.
i became constipated suddenly one afternoon and this continued for a week. went to the doctor and i was sent to get a ct scan. but obviously, i’m not familiar with medical terms. from what i understand, there’s evidence of slow transit through my small bowel, but don’t know where or why exactly.
symptoms include: constipation accompanied by side and abdominal discomfort/aches/ pains. my upper abdominal area aches a lot some days. it feels as if the area right under the breast bones wants to cramp up. i feel burning in my stomach and abdomen too. gas is hard to pass somedays and feels trapped. i also have upper back aches. doctor told me it’s because of my small intestine. i also have lower back aches as well, but was told it could be because of kidney stones i didn’t even know i had, but just thought i’d mention this. i have diarrhea (once i went and it was very watery,) loose stools, stools with mucus and pieces of undigested food, mainly meat, of varying shapes and consistencies. the mucus on my stool is clear and white and appears like strings on my stool. sometimes i’ll have a semi normal movement, but with mucus. sometimes my stool will be thin, in small pieces, or just very loose even after a “normal” bowel movement. other times i’ll go but it’s just mucus. all my stools are also slimey in texture from what i can tell. also, everytime i wipe my stool it’s yellow in color with mucus and/or clear fluid. sometimes i’ll have this urgency to go despite being constipated.
also, not sure if this has to do with my current condition but have been wiping light red blood after i go, both with my more solid stools and loose ones. in one instance i even wiped only blood. there’s also been times where i’ve seen streaks of blood on my stool too. clear fluid also seems to be leaking out of my anal area…. clear mucus sometimes too. this causes my anal area and the inside of it to itch and sting. it feels like that sometimes after a bowel movement, even if it’s soft, other times it just feels itchy throughout the day, even if there is no anal leakage or if i don’t go to the bathroom. the mucus that comes out sometimes has pieces of stool/liquid that is the color of my stool. even with the supplements and meds i’ve been given, i’m lucky if I go even once a day now, but constipation is getting worse in my opinion.
in late march/early april i started to experience nausea, heartburn, acid reflux, and severe loss of appetite. all of these symptoms have persisted since. i no longer eat any of the food i used to. i can’t eat fast food or meat any more. i’m sticking to fruit, no citrusy fruits, crackers, soups, and cereal with almond or lactose free milk. even with these changes in diet my symptoms have persisted.
i eat very little because i just don’t feel hunger like i used to at all. even if i do i find that i get full very easily. i’m bloated after i eat as well. also, like i said i’m constipated so my bowel movement are little to none.
i currently still have all of the symptoms above and they don’t seem to be improving.
in a addition to a ct scan i’ve gotten tested for a blood infection, negative. celiac disease blood test came back negative. stool test for h pylori came back negative. a test to find if there was any blood digested and present in my stool came back negative. a stool test that was done to measure levels of fat in my stool came back indicating normal levels of fat in my stool. i also got an ultra sound for lumps that appeared on my abdomen but it was found that they were just fatty lumps. i also got an endoscopy in late april where 3 tissue biospies were taken. apparently, the 3 things they tested for all came back negative. other than a bacterial infection, i have no idea what else they ruled out. i’m not even white sure what bacterial infections they ruled out.
honestly, i’m getting more questions than answers at the moment and just want to know if there’s any more testing that i should ask for. what could possibly be happening to me and why?
submitted by kagura_143 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:47 danak27 Do nasal polyps always show up in endoscopy?

Hi all, looking for some anecdotal information here.
I’ve recently had my 3rd septo-rhinoplasty with turbinate reduction and LCSG to repair nasal valve collapse. The official diagnosis on my insurance letter says Nasal Vestibular Stenosis.
My surgeon has never mentioned anything about me having nasal polyps (I assume she didn’t see any during the endoscopies), but my breathing still isn’t great, especially my left nostril. At times I feel a lot of pressure and swelling on the left side.
I’ve never had a ct scan, so I’m just wondering if anyone has had a clean endoscopy (from a nasal polyp perspective) but polyps were observed through a ct scan?
submitted by danak27 to NasalPolyps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:45 ConcertNo2571 I’m scared I may have cancer

Do I have cancer?
I found out by accident, MRI to assess old back injury picked up some extra findings in the background, and I have a large fibroid in my uterus and 4 masses/lesions on my liver. I have a referral to the James Cancer Center for gastroenterology, was told my case needed the “advanced” team because my “case is too complicated”. At the same time, I’m told benign lesions pop up all the time. Ok, these aren’t uncommon, but I need the “advanced team” which is booked out until the end of August?! I entered the abdominal MRI results for my abdomen in an AI ChatBox. I’ll post end of the response below since I can’t type it all out or share my screenshots below.
My repeat MRI isn’t scheduled yet, but is due mid July for the 3 month follow up scan.
I guess I just don’t know if I need advice or to vent.
“Overall, the presence of multi liver lesions with varying liver enhancement patterns raises concerns for both benign and malignant etiologies.”
Here’s the report.
  1. There are 4 discrete liver lesions demonstrating mild T2 hyperintensity as well as avid arterial phase enhancement. More delayed postcontrast sequences demonstrate continued enhancement, however, to a lesser degree. The lesions demonstrate very mild precontrast T1 hypointensity as well. The lesions are indeterminate with potential considerations including atypical focal nodular hyperplasia as well as multiple hepatic adenomas. Recommend short follow-up in 3 months which can be performed with contrast enhanced MRI using Eovist contrast. If tissue sampling is needed, image-guided biopsy of one of the lesions may be amenable. 2. No lymphadenopathy. 3. No biliary ductal dilatation.
FINDINGS: Right hepatic lobe elongated measuring 21 cm craniocaudally. No obvious hepatic steatosis. There are multiple, at least 4, enhancing lesions within the liver which demonstrate mild T2 hyperintensity. The larger lesion centered within the more lateral left hepatic lobe, segment 2 measures approximately 3.5 x 2.8 cm on image 9 of sequence 12 with a slightly more central focus of increased T2 signal on image 9. On postcontrast sequences the lesions demonstrate avid enhancement during the arterial phase with an area of central hypoenhancement particularly seen within the segment 2 lesion. Lesion within the right hepatic dome on image 12 for reference measures 1.6 x 1.5 cm on image 12 of sequence 18 and lesion more inferiorly in the posterior right hepatic lobe on image 30 measures 3.6 x 3.0 cm. Within the left hepatic lobe, segment 4 is an enhancing lesion measuring 1.4 x 1.4 cm on image 29. The lesions demonstrate continued enhancement on the more delayed sequences where they enhance slightly higher than background liver parenchyma, however, not as intensely as seen on the arterial phase sequence. Incidental nonenhancing cyst within the periphery of the left hepatic lobe on image 21 of sequence 24 measuring approximately 0.4 cm in size. Gallbladder overall unremarkable on this exam. No biliary duct dilatation identified. Pancreas, adrenal glands, and the spleen are unremarkable. Both kidneys are unremarkable in appearance. There is no bulky abdominal lymphadenopathy or ascites identified. Portal venous vasculature is grossly patent.
submitted by ConcertNo2571 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:44 Sea-Effective9307 47m mesenteric panniculitis?

From a CT scan below. I inject testosterone cypionate in my belly fat for 7 years. Could that be what they see?
Mild stranding in the left central mesentery without enlarged lymph nodes is nonspecific but could represent an inflammatory process such as mild mesenteric panniculitis.
Mild stranding in the left central mesentery is nonspecific. No free air or organized fluid collection.
Reactive appearing lymph nodes in the left central mesentery. No lymphadenopathy.
submitted by Sea-Effective9307 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:29 Miserable_Yellow_916 Think I’m having liver problems

I’ve been puking and … the opposite every day for 2 weeks now, I went to the hospital they know of my drinking I’ve gotten CT scans and blood work and all they say is nothing is wrong with me except my liver enzymes seem a little high. Does that mean my liver is bad? Am I going to die if I don’t stop drinking now? Any doctor I’ve encountered has no patience for me because of my addiction. Just I guess looking for others experience with this.
submitted by Miserable_Yellow_916 to Crippled_Alcoholics [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:30 boymamaxxoo Lumbar puncture last night..first one

Hi all. I had severe headache / head pressure / eye pressure and black shadows in peripheral vision happen. Ears ringing, blood pressure up, ears popping, salty fluid drip down in mouth, & severe dizziness happen over last 2 weeks that kept getting worse. Couldn't drive or take care of toddler. Went to er again last night and new er did a lumbar puncture. ( my first ever). Traumatizing to say the least. How ever I am feeling so much better, headache gone, eye pressure gone and no more shadows. Only thing is my pressure was only a 22 and they brought it down to a 15. Helped tremendously. Er doctor says iih and wanted to start on meds but called neurologist and neuro said no meds and wants to see me. Other er only did CT scan and did see partially empty sella In notes, but didn't mention it to me. Other medical issues are hypothyroidism, degenerative disc disease, tmj, intercystial cystitis , lymphadema in both legs, & adhd/depression/anxiety. Swelling in fingers and eye lids that is worse in morning. Joint pain sometimes in 2 fingers with little hard knots in same fingers. Fatigue, excessive sweating on only one side of face especially in morning. Eye test from opthalmology came back good but another test in 2 weeks without dilation. Dry eyes but dry eyes have been alot better since lumbar puncture. Can anyone please tell me what the heck is going on with me? Also seeing an endocrinologist and have ana panel that came back positive with antibodies showing 1:80 speckled and homogenous. Don't know what kind of auto immune disease I have yet. Also low morning cortisol. Thank you.
submitted by boymamaxxoo to iih [link] [comments]
