Courage the cowardly dog games

Courage The Cowardly Dog

2012.05.30 06:43 WaggleSack Courage The Cowardly Dog

All things Courage Art Favorite clips Discussion

2013.08.28 21:25 TheCodyHope Smartest Subreddit in Gaming

Discussion of everything Game Theory, Film Theory, Food Theory, Style Theory, and GTLive! Also home of discussion for Gaijin Goomba, Digressing & Sidequesting, and Smash History.

2013.01.11 19:25 Courage The Cowardly Dog

Ooga booga booga

2024.05.28 00:38 LTJ1690 26M - looking to meet new people 🙂

Hi! Trying this again in the hope of finding some new people to talk to 🙂 I’m a 26M from Scotland, UK, pretty chilled out and happy to talk about/listen to just about everything.
As for my hobbies - I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary,
I watch/play football to keep fit and I like gaming(PS5) whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and most importantly spending time with my dog (feel free to send me pet photos too!) 🐶
I also have a lot of tattoos and love to see other people’s work, I’m always looking for new ideas and I love seeing what other people have so feel free to show me yours!
I don’t mind moving to a different platform too if it’s easier, Reddits chat system is terrible. Send me a message if you like 🙂
submitted by LTJ1690 to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:36 LTJ1690 26 [M4A] #Online - looking to meet new people 🙂

Hi! Trying this again in the hope of finding some new people to talk to 🙂 I’m a 26M from Scotland, UK, pretty chilled out and happy to talk about/listen to just about everything.
As for my hobbies - I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary,
I watch/play football to keep fit and I like gaming(PS5) whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and most importantly spending time with my dog (feel free to send me pet photos too!) 🐶
I also have a lot of tattoos and love to see other people’s work, I’m always looking for new ideas and I love seeing what other people have so feel free to show me yours!
I don’t mind moving to a different platform too if it’s easier, Reddits chat system is terrible. Send me a message if you like 🙂
submitted by LTJ1690 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:36 Sweet_Aspect4541 Is it normal to like to be alone?

Today I didn’t do much went to work, worked out, studying and swimming with my dog. I also played vid games ofc today lol.
I don’t have a lot of really close friends. I made some in a club but not close ones because I don’t like them that much to be close friends. I only have 1 close friend and we don’t hangout at all cuz of how transportation. I think me and him r kinda the same so that’s why.
submitted by Sweet_Aspect4541 to questions [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:35 LTJ1690 26M - Looking to meet new people 🙂

Hi! Trying this again in the hope of finding some new people to talk to 🙂 I’m a 26M from Scotland, UK, pretty chilled out and happy to talk about/listen to just about everything.
As for my hobbies - I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary,
I watch/play football to keep fit and I like gaming(PS5) whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and most importantly spending time with my dog (feel free to send me pet photos too!) 🐶
I also have a lot of tattoos and love to see other people’s work, I’m always looking for new ideas and I love seeing what other people have so feel free to show me yours!
I don’t mind moving to a different platform too if it’s easier, Reddits chat system is terrible. Send me a message if you like 🙂
submitted by LTJ1690 to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:33 therealnfe_ados901 Watch Dogs + MUSIC!! 😄

Watch Dogs + MUSIC!! 😄
Alright, this post here concerns the Watch Dogs series in general, though I'll keep the focus on Legion for the sub's sake. Anyway, I've been in love with this series since I played the first game, so it holds a special place in my heart. While the others are better quality- and gameplay-wise, I feel that WD1 has the better story. Now, with that being said, ever since I bought Legion I've been using it as part of my "Mental Workout" routine, which is where I put together a playlist of Hip-Hop albums that inspire me and play the game, thinking of rhymes and hooks while I do. This actually started when I was in high school playing Final Fantasy Tactics and Gran Turismo 2, but has continued long after. (I'm 36 now for reference.) I realize this is very long-winded, so I'm going to get to the point: I wanted to ask if any of you have music that you listen to while playing this game? Like, for me, certain rappers' music pairs well with it, especially when playing through specific areas. I love listening to Lloyd Banks or Curren$y while mowing down a bunch of Clan Kelley goons. Alternatively, I've also enjoyed listening to Doja Cat when running through Albion-controlled areas. 😆 Overall, I love the game and its atmosphere, but it's something about Legion and the first game that specifically motivate me to create, be that music or stories. 😄 S/N: Hip-Hop isn't all I listen to, but it is a major preference. Lol
submitted by therealnfe_ados901 to WatchDogs_Legion [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:31 HaninMias 450 Hour Update: The Long March

This is my first update. Bear with me here. I wanted to write this at 300, but now I'm at 450 somehow.
Intro - Why CI Works and Feels Good
On the drive back from a beautiful botanical garden in Mexico, I was the only person able to speak Spanish amongst my white family, and our driver was a very talkative fellow who knew basically zero English. There was no internet out there, so no google translate. I had learned Spanish only from high school classes, and it was a disaster. I think I said "tenga miedo?" at one point. At the end of the drive I apologized for my bad Spanish, but he encouraged me to keep learning since he would try to do the same with English. We bonded through our terrible levels of each other's languages, and I honestly think that conversation motivated to learn Spanish more than anything.
The methods I tried in my journey prior to CI did not work. Do I really need to go into detail? Language transfer? Nope. Flashcards? Nope. Talking to the taqueria cashier in Spanish? Hell no. Watching casa de los flores with Spanish subtitles? Nope. Nothing felt like it was really working.
In hindsight, the dreaming spanish/comprehensible input method makes so much sense you can't believe you ever felt differently. We learn through actively acquiring and being immersed in our native languages. In a class for my education minor, we learned about how exploring a topic on your own is a great way to actually remember what you're learning. The CI method is exactly that: exploring. Like our prepubescent selves, we are actively filing out our mental maps of the language. Each new word, phrase, and structure, adds to this map, clearing the gray areas from our heads.
Part of the effectiveness of the exploration process are the "A-ha" moments that feel so rewarding. I remember listening to Learn Spanish and Go while waiting for the bus and they used the word "sobresalir" and its meaning just clicked perfectly into place. It was a very gratifying moment, and I've remembered the word ever since. Brute forcing a word through looking it up can potentially work, but internalizing it through multiple contexts of immersion cements it better than anything.
It seems like language learning is figuring out which way to make as much vocabulary stick in your head as possible, and CI does that the best for me. Traditional grammar studying and looking up/translating words weren't really working for me. I would just forget everything constantly. And most importantly, that method was BORING. Without some excitement and tangible progress, what's the point?
What works best for me is a mix of very understandable and just barely understandable content. Both help me learn and remember in different ways. Knowing almost every word singles out those words I don't know and helps me get closer to getting them through context. Harder content challenges me, has usually been much more interesting than other stuff along the journey, and acclimates me to the sound of faster Spanish. This is what I do personally, and it might not be the most efficient way, but it keeps me motivated. The content I used along the way follows.
The Content
Dreaming Spanish - Usage
I found the first 50-150 hours of the journey to be quite difficult. You have to make listening a habit, power through some sort of boring content, and generally feel a bit confused a lot. I watched a lot of DS and a tiny bit of cuentame.
I watch DS more now than ever honestly. I really enjoy videos like Pablo's personal stories in that idyllic little park in Thailand. Conversational content is overall still my favorite though. I just feel like listening to a convo is much easier to pay attention to and not space out than solo stuff.
DS - The Guides
Pablo: Not much to say about the goat. Would love to see him play other games (especially dark souls but more on this later).
Andres: He's just hilarious all around. I love how bad he is at spyfall and other games. He also apparently has an insane life. Was a military firefighter who once dated two gals at once (if he wasn't joking about that). His content is super accessible, and I recommend his advanced series on his military experience to everyone level 4 on beyond, since it's actually pretty easy to understand, and it's super interesting. His videos are always a must watch for me.
Shelcin: Everyone needs to be nicer to Shelcin because she's never done anything wrong ever and when they make fun of her my heart turns a little more blackened
Natalia: She rocks so much. I really hope she continues to do videos with the other teachers since she has fantastic vibes and speaks so very clearly.
Sandra: At first I wasn't a fan of solo talking to camera videos, but as I got more input, her videos really started to click. She's a genuine person, probably would be a cool friend. It's a shame she doesn't interact with other guides, but I assume she's off doing other stuff now and we're just watching backlog stuff.
The Rest: Everyone else is great, but I just don't have much to add about them.
Spanish for False Beginners: This is premium intermediate CI. It's conversational, at a pretty solid but not too fast pace, the topics are interesting, and there are NO ADS. I really really hate when podcasts have like 2 minutes of ads at the start and end like No Hay Tos since I listen to podcasts at work sometimes where I can't easily skip forward. The podcasts is Oscar from Intermediate Spanish Podcast and his boyfriend (not native speaker fyi) riffing on various topics. They're super cute. Big recommend for this level.
Español Con Juan: I started this podcast at around 200 hours. It was very challenging. It's easier to space out when you find content a little too hard, so I definitely missed some of the middle episodes where he talked about kings and stuff. But when I go back to listen to new episodes it's just insane how clear he is for me now. I can understand basically everything he says at 450 hours. So give him a chance. You really just gotta get used to his speaking style, and then it's not as hard as it seems. And of course, the content itself is amazing, but you all already know that. I hope to live to see the day he tells the story about the dog.
Intermediate Spanish Podcast with Oscar: Starts out kind of slow, and is a little harder than ECJ, but it's just such good input. He gets into some great, even very personal topics later on and speaks very clearly. I've grown to really enjoy this one, even though it's a bit dryer than ECJ.
No Hay Tos: Too hard! And I will never pay for Rosetta stone. I'll give them a chance again soon though. I like the conversational style a lot and they seem funny.
LenguaTalk: Pretty short but great lower Intermediate conversational Spanish between a married couple from Spain. Very cute!
Other Content:
Hajime No Ippo The Spanish dub for this incredible anime is on YouTube for free. I've seen this before, so while it was incredibly difficult to watch at around 300 hours, I did get used to the pace and understood the vast majority of episodes by the end. You'll learn a lot of boxing terms if you're ever wondering how to say HE FELL TO THE CANVAS!!! A DEVASTATING RIGHT HOOK!! In Spanish. But really, this show is so good. The characters are excellent and the boxing is just so fun and tense. Big recommend.
Songs: This is a fairly controversial topic on this sub it seems. I've listened to a ton of songs in Spanish. I don't count this as input, but I genuinely think it can be helpful sometimes to remember vocabulary, especially if you find the song good and catchy. Some genres, like hip hop and reggaeton, are much harder to understand on average than others. I recommend folk and rock to start.
Here's a playlist I made of songs that are somewhat comprehensible at my level:
How to Survive the Long March - Things I've Learned Along the Way
  1. Watch content you enjoy. If you can't find that at your level, which I definitely experienced at the beginner stage, watch content solely for the purpose of finding new vocab. It's not ideal, but coming at it from an "exploration" mindset can make mundane content much more tolerable.
  2. Be realistic about your capabilities. I was shooting for 2 hours a day months ago. I barely hit that goal. Lowering it to 90 minutes helped a ton. Now I'm at 100, and pretty consistent about it too.
  3. Find out what helps you keep going. What content works for you? How do you stay motivated? I personally listen to a ton of Spanish at the gym. Even though it's sometimes distracting, making learning Spanish synonymous with improving myself physically has been incredibly motivating. What's your goal for learning Spanish? I want to be able to communicate better with my Spanish speaking students when I'm a teacher. Being able to actually talk in Spanish would be incredibly helpful for me, so I kind of keep that fire under my feet to keep me motivated and consistent.
Pablo. PLEASE. please stream elden ring. i need someone to play the souls games with intermediate/advanced CI commentary. this is all i want in life. I will give you 20 dollars personally if this happens. I will venmo you. imagine the DS team playing mario kart or mario party together. 8 player smash bros with every guide. ok that's too far. but gaming content could be really good. how often do we get CI of Spanish speakers getting mad as hell at a game?
This method is going to absolutely blow up one day. People are going to be min maxing the best ways to get input in. They'll be watching 54 level difficulty videos at 1.17 times speed for maximum input. There will be official CI speedruns. This method is so ingenious I kind of can't believe a big corporation hasn't made it as soulless and profitable as possible yet. Get in on the CI train while it's still cool!!
DS has made me think a lot about how little content guys watch that is made from women in general. I didn't watch very many female Youtubers at all when I was in high school, and I think this was true of many friends of mine. I never would have watched something like Michelle's skincare or astrology series in English, so I really appreciate the wide variety of content and diversity one gets exposes to while going through this process.
I'm going to start reading soon, but to avoid the pronunciation thing I'm going to listen to an audiobook as I read along. I have no idea if this will work. That's fine. I'm not a scientist I'm just a guy. I'm doing my best.
No speaking for a while too. I've spoken a little bit, and yeah, it's bad. I don't wanna sound like the Españolistas guy. So I'm waiting like a good boy 😃
Goal is 600 hours by August, when I start student teaching in a Teacher's Credential program. Whether I'll have any time for Spanish at that point, I really don't know.
Comprehensible input is very rewarding and motivating. It's the method that has worked best for me. I can genuinely say I've improved a ton at listening already. Progress is slow, but man it's so worth it. Learning Spanish gives you the ability to talk to so many more people, and that's a beautiful thing.
Good luck on the long march. It's nice to have a very friendly community to struggle alongside. So, thank you all and see you around.
submitted by HaninMias to dreamingspanish [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:23 Montysleftpeg Why I moved to Australia (and why I had to come home)

I've been thinking about why I chose to move to Australia, because it was a difficult decision with some factors being a lot more nuanced than others. It may also help me dea with the failure of the move and subsequently planning my next steps.
So firstly I need to say I do love my ex, I've never been more engaged in a relationship. She's smart, funny, kind, caring and ambitious. Her values are admirable and the effort she put into reaching her goals are matched only by the effort she put into our relationship. She was always there for me, honest and accepting, comforting through the very few struggles we had. And she was appreciative of what I gave her, she'd compliment me and talk about her gratitude of the relationship often. She's a special person and I realised she deserved everything I could do to make our future together work. Australia was her dream and I wanted to be a part of it, I trusted her plan and I wanted to join the ride.
That was the second reason, it was her plan. She'd wanted this for so long, she got the job offer, and I mistakenly expected to be able to tag along without making much of my own plan. She'd had experience with moving countries before, she'd had experience with Australia and Perth specifically, I felt she had advantages and even desire that I didn't have and I used that as an excuse to avoid responsibility. I followed her instructions every step of the way, and the instructions I didn't follow was when she thought we should be doing more work and I thought it wasn't necessary. I didn't understand the weight of these disagreements at the time, and although I stand by my judgements I realise my main mistake was not confronting the disagreements and ensuring we were both happy with the strategy. It's simply another difficult task my nature lead me to avoid. On reflection I feel like a coward, I was too lazy and scared to tackle a problem and it compounded, like most problems do. I need to use this as a reminder in the future to stop myself from shying away and hoping they'll solve themselves, or that someone else will solve them for me. I understand now the pressure this must've added to what she was already feeling, and I also understand why she didn't tell me. She was just as scared as I was.
Thirdly, I wanted the challenge. I wanted to prove myself capable of starting fresh. It was intimidating, leaving a good job, leaving my family, friends, and dog, having to start new ones and create new connections. The hardest part of the decision was knowing what I was leaving behind, my entire life. Almost all my loves were where I was, I had comfort and security, I had all the benefits of what I'd spent my life working towards in one place, so leaving would obviously be difficult, it felt stupid. But I spoke to my family, my friends and my colleagues about my choices, and through advice and support I came to realise that those things I'd miss so much, would still be there. I'd come back to visit occasionally, some would come visit me in Australia, and with modern communication I wouldn't miss much. I'd still be involved in their lives, and they mine. Information would be shared easily and catch ups would be regular. And I'd have a safety net, if things in Australia went wrong, I'd be able to come home. It sort of nulified the risk, knowing I'd always have this as a plan B, whereas if I didn't go to Australia I may spend the rest of my life wondering "what if". I didn't want to live with that regret.
Part 2 in the comments.
submitted by Montysleftpeg to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:21 nickstart37 May pickups; some much needed upgrades and slips!

May pickups; some much needed upgrades and slips! submitted by nickstart37 to 4kbluray [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:14 LTJ1690 26M - looking to meet new people 🙂

Hi! Trying this again in the hope of finding some new people to talk to 🙂 I’m a 26M from Scotland, UK, pretty chilled out and happy to talk about/listen to just about everything.
As for my hobbies - I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary,
I watch/play football to keep fit and I like gaming(PS5) whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and most importantly spending time with my dog (feel free to send me pet photos too!) 🐶
I also have a lot of tattoos and love to see other people’s work, I’m always looking for new ideas and I love seeing what other people have so feel free to show me yours!
I don’t mind moving to a different platform too if it’s easier, Reddits chat system is terrible. Send me a message if you like 🙂
submitted by LTJ1690 to chat [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:13 LTJ1690 26M - looking to meet new people 🙂

Hi! Trying this again in the hope of finding some new people to talk to 🙂 I’m a 26M from Scotland, UK, pretty chilled out and happy to talk about/listen to just about everything.
As for my hobbies - I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary,
I watch/play football to keep fit and I like gaming(PS5) whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and most importantly spending time with my dog (feel free to send me pet photos too!) 🐶
I also have a lot of tattoos and love to see other people’s work, I’m always looking for new ideas and I love seeing what other people have so feel free to show me yours!
I don’t mind moving to a different platform too if it’s easier, Reddits chat system is terrible. Send me a message if you like 🙂
submitted by LTJ1690 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:13 LTJ1690 26M - looking to meet new people 🙂

Hi! Trying this again in the hope of finding some new people to talk to 🙂 I’m a 26M from Scotland, UK, pretty chilled out and happy to talk about/listen to just about everything.
As for my hobbies - I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary,
I watch/play football to keep fit and I like gaming(PS5) whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and most importantly spending time with my dog (feel free to send me pet photos too!) 🐶
I also have a lot of tattoos and love to see other people’s work, I’m always looking for new ideas and I love seeing what other people have so feel free to show me yours!
I don’t mind moving to a different platform too if it’s easier, Reddits chat system is terrible. Send me a message if you like 🙂
submitted by LTJ1690 to MakeFriendsUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:13 LTJ1690 26M - looking to meet new people 🙂

Hi! Trying this again in the hope of finding some new people to talk to 🙂 I’m a 26M from Scotland, UK, pretty chilled out and happy to talk about/listen to just about everything.
As for my hobbies - I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary,
I watch/play football to keep fit and I like gaming(PS5) whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and most importantly spending time with my dog (feel free to send me pet photos too!) 🐶
I also have a lot of tattoos and love to see other people’s work, I’m always looking for new ideas and I love seeing what other people have so feel free to show me yours!
I don’t mind moving to a different platform too if it’s easier, Reddits chat system is terrible. Send me a message if you like 🙂
submitted by LTJ1690 to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:12 LTJ1690 26M - looking to meet new people

Hi! Trying this again in the hope of finding some new people to talk to 🙂 I’m a 26M from Scotland, UK, pretty chilled out and happy to talk about/listen to just about everything.
As for my hobbies - I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary,
I watch/play football to keep fit and I like gaming(PS5) whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and most importantly spending time with my dog (feel free to send me pet photos too!) 🐶
I also have a lot of tattoos and love to see other people’s work, I’m always looking for new ideas and I love seeing what other people have so feel free to show me yours!
I don’t mind moving to a different platform too if it’s easier, Reddits chat system is terrible. Send me a message if you like 🙂
submitted by LTJ1690 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:12 LTJ1690 26M - looking to meet new people 🙂

Hi! Trying this again in the hope of finding some new people to talk to 🙂 I’m a 26M from Scotland, UK, pretty chilled out and happy to talk about/listen to just about everything.
As for my hobbies - I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary,
I watch/play football to keep fit and I like gaming(PS5) whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and most importantly spending time with my dog (feel free to send me pet photos too!) 🐶
I also have a lot of tattoos and love to see other people’s work, I’m always looking for new ideas and I love seeing what other people have so feel free to show me yours!
I don’t mind moving to a different platform too if it’s easier, Reddits chat system is terrible. Send me a message if you like 🙂
submitted by LTJ1690 to lookingforfriendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:11 LTJ1690 26M - looking to meet new people 🙂

Hi! Trying this again in the hope of finding some new people to talk to 🙂 I’m a 26M from Scotland, UK, pretty chilled out and happy to talk about/listen to just about everything.
As for my hobbies - I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary,
I watch/play football to keep fit and I like gaming(PS5) whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and most importantly spending time with my dog (feel free to send me pet photos too!) 🐶
I also have a lot of tattoos and love to see other people’s work, I’m always looking for new ideas and I love seeing what other people have so feel free to show me yours!
I don’t mind moving to a different platform too if it’s easier, Reddits chat system is terrible. Send me a message if you like 🙂
submitted by LTJ1690 to makingfriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:11 LTJ1690 [Friendship] 26M - looking to meet new people 🙂

Hi! Trying this again in the hope of finding some new people to talk to 🙂 I’m a 26M from Scotland, UK, pretty chilled out and happy to talk about/listen to just about everything.
As for my hobbies - I am a MASSIVE horror fan and I love everything creepy/scary,
I watch/play football to keep fit and I like gaming(PS5) whenever I have the spare time, always looking for game recommendations and people to play with.
I love being outside, finding places to explore and most importantly spending time with my dog (feel free to send me pet photos too!) 🐶
I also have a lot of tattoos and love to see other people’s work, I’m always looking for new ideas and I love seeing what other people have so feel free to show me yours!
I don’t mind moving to a different platform too if it’s easier, Reddits chat system is terrible. Send me a message if you like 🙂
submitted by LTJ1690 to MeetPeople [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:09 CallMeSpacecat My fiance of almost 2 years cheated on me

I just don't know what to do. My heart is broken, I love him and don't want to leave but I'm at a loss.
I (F21) discovered my fiance (M23) cheated on me today.
I was playing a game on the laptop and his phone had went off, I had believed it was our mutual friend who for the sake of keeping privacy ill call Tea. So I opened up the messages to respond for him (this is something we usually do for each other, we will respond for each other so our texts aren't missed or late and then let each other know what the person said) however upon opening the text conversation it was indeed not our friend but someone he had known in the past. The conversation log honestly left me numb and disgusted. In the conversation they had taken to talking about the past, bringing up the fact he had fingered her and they both greatly enjoyed it. (Until this point he had been lying to me, telling me I was the only one he had ever done that too) and that he wanted her to be his girlfriend in the past but was to scared to ask. He then brought me up, just absolutely bashing me, saying I was mean, scary and controlling. (Which hurts because the only times I've ever "controlled him" was to keep him from doing things that would kill him (ie he has epilepsy so he has to take his medication on time, cannot drink alcohol and usually can't smoke Marijuana as this will trigger seizures) and brought up that he wanted to leave me but I wouldn't let him (which was also mind boggling as we just got a dog together and where discussing getting married on my birthday. We haven't had any fights and everything was going really great)
As soon as he walked in the room I confronted him. My heart was beating out of my chest, I felt like throwing up, screaming and crying. He was VERY quick to say what he did was in fact not cheating, and that he was sorry and didn't mean any of it.
After a short discussion (with my mom getting involved) I told him that no one was forcing him to be with me, and if he felt he wanted to leave he could do so at any time. He once again apologized (with almost no emotion) and said that he genuinely loves me and wants to be with me. I made him block the girl (after I sent her a very nasty message warning her to stay away) and delete all his social media's until he proves I can trust him.
Apart of me dosent know if I ever can trust him, but I can't just leave, I have no friends, no where to go, he's our only source of income and I love him very very dearly. This isn't the first time he's done something like this, but this is the worst it's ever gotten.
I'm just at loss of words, did I over react? Am I in the wrong? What should i do?
submitted by CallMeSpacecat to AmiInTheWrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 23:47 DravenDravenDraven22 [23/M] Europe - Looking for my someone 😊

Hey there! I am a 23 year old guy, and im looking for my special someone.
I am 190cm(6'3) tall, I have short black hair, hazel eyes. My hobbies are driving, working on my car, going to the gym, play video games, listen to music and watch YouTube videos, and also play with my dog too :D I go to university to be an IT Engineer and also work part time aswell.
I am a very cuddly person, very loyal, honest, and I like giving all of my attention to the person who's important for me. If we'd get closer, I'd love to spend all my freetime with you and chat/voice call a lot, and hopefully develop a long lasting relationship, and hopefully it'll turn to irl in the future.
I'm looking for a girl who's also cuddly, clingy, kind, sweet, and who'd also be a good Passenger Princess 😋
If you'd be interested in chatting and getting to know each other, send me a message :)
submitted by DravenDravenDraven22 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 23:45 Kindly_Difficult_29 32 [M4F] NY- Night owl geek for company

I'm a laid back 31 year old guy in CNY. I'm easy going, calm, and serene 99% of the time.
I'm a chef. I cook events and teach practical culinary at a hotel school.
Interest wise, I'm geeky. I love gaming, anime, reading, manga, horror, music of all genres, and much more!
I recently got out of a long and rough relationship (never married and no kids). I have two dogs, though.
I'd love someone to talk nerdy with or maybe play games? I love mobas, rpgs, and mmos. I've been playing ff14 (primal exodus), WoW, and league of legends. I'm also open to trying new things, too!
submitted by Kindly_Difficult_29 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 23:45 Kindly_Difficult_29 32 [M4F] NY- Night owl geek for company

I'm a laid back 31 year old guy in CNY. I'm easy going, calm, and serene 99% of the time.
I'm a chef. I cook events and teach practical culinary at a hotel school.
Interest wise, I'm geeky. I love gaming, anime, reading, manga, horror, music of all genres, and much more!
I recently got out of a long and rough relationship (never married and no kids). I have two dogs, though.
I'd love someone to talk nerdy with or maybe play games? I love mobas, rpgs, and mmos. I've been playing ff14 (primal exodus), WoW, and league of legends. I'm also open to trying new things, too!
submitted by Kindly_Difficult_29 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 23:41 LifeManufacturer5295 The player base cries about economy,MTX,and spawns, so I am going to give a little background and try to explain all these issues from once and all.

Ok so first of all I am a user with 2 years of playing the mobile version,1.5 Years playing tarkov and i have been playing the PC version this late weaks and always made sure to stay over 1.7M on my stash
I am going to try to explain and prove why this game is not gone be p2w or focus to trick you to buy gear and koens.
First, about all the stupid nonsense about the devs wanting to sell koens in the final version
On this interview from Insider gaming, they interview the main Producer lead, where he assures that no MTX will let you buy Koens in the final version or puss you to do it.
Here i post the direct line Yiming Sun says:
(However, it’s important to note that players who pay gain no direct advantage in combat abilities. The in-game economic system will not be designed to push players to “pay for in-game money.” We will ensure that the majority of players can get sufficient in-game money without paying to support a positive gaming experience.)
OK so once we got that clear out off the way let's go with the problem about the player base not being able to make profit in raids.
In tarkov people tend to make loot runs and full their backpacks with junk loot, which its not a bad option if your SUPER broken, but i can assure you,FOCUS on PVP more that picking trash on the floors,most items are color coded for a reason, and grey its the worst,if you fill up your bag with only trash white items dont expect to get more than 35k.
This game Whole core design its about getting in a raid,killing,looting the hot spots and safes,extract and repeat
I am not saying that loot runs are useless, you can still profit doing loot runs whit pistols and sks, but making a good amount off money with this strat is gona be longer than improving on PVP skills
,you can do loot runs IF you know where to loot, the main problem is that the CURRENT maps that are in the beta are IMP the worst for starter players,
First we got the Farm map, a map that its shaped like a BANANA (You wonder why i point this out),
Its gotta do with the way the players rotate across the map,lets assume that you Spawn in the villa side off the map,
this means that if you want to extract you will run into players at one point,since your extract its on the left side off the map and the other teams sits on the right side,also if you try to rotate across the far sides off the map you will eventually AGRO 1 single scav and the entire half map will ear you and rush you,THIS IS WHY many players hate the current state off PVP,players need bigger maps,Valley its ok FOR NOW, the only solution It's to add more maps like Northridge, which it's not banana shape, and it will prov be the best map
Also lets talk about the 4 squad man discord groups,i heard allot off people its been running into them, its normal,
since there are only 2 maps,in the mobile version we used to have a similar issue were most off the normal Farm raids were full off t5 and t6 chads, the only solution i can give it's to wait for them to add Armory, which its like a more open version map were 99% off gigachads in the mobile run when they want fast money.
Also you need to understand that the game its focus on playing with friends, they want you to run whit your homies,so they can recover your loot if you die,the economy may seem unbalanced but its actually really smart,every rare item its worth at least 50-80k which its enough for a basic kit,but at the same time stuff like bullets armor,and guns are extremely expensive,this way we don't require wipes,since most average players will never stack craize amounts off Koens, so the average player will not be running T6 and killing new player base
AND NO! ,its not made that way so you Swipe your card every time you die to a noob with a UZY,
If you want to run M4s with m995 bullets every raid you gotta WORK for it,and i mean REALLY work it,since the average t6 loadout costs around 300k
many people come from the Super broken economy in tarkov where every end wipe people stack 50-80M rubles,
But you have to understand, in order to make the game free WIPE you need to make most items worth dog shit and make the rare items REALLY valuable ,cuz if every item was worth at least 20k,many people will spend days running VALLEY and picking trash only to then have Millions on their stash.
The devs DON'T want that to happen in their game,cuz then people who enter the game will be greeted whit old player base running full m61 t6 loadouts.And for a Life service game that ITS TERRIBLE.
Also you about the player base running whit poor loadouts,you need to understand that the game not only has ping matchmaking, it also has a lobby loadout value filter.
So 4example,les assume you and your homie run a Valley lockdown macht were your both running with mp5 and basic t4 loadouts, around (90k each one),the system will make sure to put you in a macht with the similar money range players,so if every time you go in a raid with a T3 and a ak74 with PS bullets don't expect to kill squads full off juice loot.
I hope i provided more info and resolved questions,i see allot off randoms saying craize things and misinfo, pls just wait for the game in the global launch, this ITS NOT TARKOV ,the game will not stay in this state forever like many modern games, it will go UP from now on.
Ask any question below or doubt you have,ill try respond them
submitted by LifeManufacturer5295 to ArenaBreakoutInfinite [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 23:38 AxeKnifeMan 30[M4F] California/West Coast - Looking for my future life partner.

I didn't know what I wanted for the longest time. What I wanted and sought in life always changed.
Now I'm certain what I'm after.
A wife, a family, kids, dogs, cats, a big home to share this all with and a shared love for God (Christianity) and fitness (whether that be hiking or the gym or sports or other physical activities).
I plan to live and settle down in the state of New Mexico potentially for the rest of my life as my biggest goal right now in life other than starting a family is building my own home which I see myself beginning in the next 3-5ish years.
There's a lot more to me and my interests and hobbies and character flaws and desires and goals and whatnot which we can discuss naturally as we get to know each other.
For now I'll list a few things about me:
I'm an introvert/on the shy side. I love building things and tapping into my creative mindset. I like hiking, exercise, gym, bettering my body and health. I enjoy fantasy, books, movies, dramas, spooky things, comedies, drawing. I like knife throwing and other masculine stuff like blacksmithing or boxing for example. I like video games. I don't like conflict I'm very passive and loving and always trying to better myself and be nicer and more kind to not only people but the world we live in I'm extremely sexual but this is something I struggle with and would like to wait for marriage.
These are only a few things to get us started here but... If you think we'd be a good fit definitely message me. Ideally I'm looking for a woman who wants to be a stay at home mom full time (or just a loving passionate mom in general) in the next 5-7 years time frame and be my supportive partner for life.
submitted by AxeKnifeMan to r4r [link] [comments]