8000 watt portable generator

A Decentralized Microfrontend Architecture

2024.05.19 11:23 Accurate-Screen8774 A Decentralized Microfrontend Architecture

A Decentralized Microfrontend Architecture
Disclaimer: the following is a recent medium article. it is being posted in full on Reddit to compare feedback and engagement of Reddit users with long-form articles.
Decentralization can mean a lot of things because it can be open to interpretation. In this article, we would like to talk about what decentralization means to us and how we are approaching our definition of decentralized. We are working on a typical chat app, but our approach is unique and may push the boundaries of what it means for something to be self-hosted.
Our decentralized chat application is built as a Progressive Web Apps (PWA) and leverages modern web technologies to deliver a user experience comparable to native apps. Unlike traditional centralized chat apps, our chat app is designed to operate independently of central servers, ensuring that user data remains private and secure. This article will delve into the various components and architectural decisions that make our app truly decentralized.

The Decentralized Chat App

An overview of how our chat application leverages Progressive Web App (PWA) technology to provide a seamless user experience across different devices and platforms.

Data Storage and Networking

A typical app relies heavily on data storage and networking capabilities. In our decentralized chat application, we’ve implemented advanced solutions to handle these aspects efficiently and securely.

Data Storage

In our app, we use IndexedDB to store data directly in the browser’s storage. While browsers provide multiple options for storing information, ranging from cookies to local storage, IndexedDB offers a more advanced and robust solution.
Capacity: IndexedDB can store significantly larger amounts of data compared to cookies or local storage. Structure: It allows for complex data structures, including collections of files and blobs. Performance: IndexedDB operates asynchronously, meaning it won’t block the main thread of your application, leading to better performance for data-heavy applications.
Using IndexedDB, we ensure that user data is stored locally on their devices, providing both privacy and independence from central servers.


For networking, our app uses PeerJS-server as a connection broker to establish WebRTC connections between peers.
Direct Peer-to-Peer: WebRTC, provided by the browser, enables real-time communication between peers. This allows two users to connect directly and exchange data with minimal latency. Efficient Routing: Once a connection is established, data is sent via the shortest possible network route, enhancing speed and efficiency. Multiple Connections: Browsers can handle multiple WebRTC connections simultaneously, though the number of connections can vary depending on the device and network capabilities.
PeerJS-server helps in the initial connection setup by acting as a signaling server. It facilitates the exchange of connection information between peers, enabling them to establish a direct WebRTC connection.
By leveraging IndexedDB for data storage and WebRTC with PeerJS-server for networking, our chat application achieves a high level of decentralization, ensuring user data remains private and connections are efficient and reliable. These components form the backbone of our approach, pushing the boundaries of what it means for an app to be truly self-hosted and decentralized

Static Distribution and Deployment

Our app is essentially a bundle of static files, which makes it highly portable and easy to distribute. We leverage AWS services such as S3 and CloudFormation to deploy our app, ensuring it is distributed efficiently over a Content Delivery Network (CDN) across AWS servers.

AWS S3 and CloudFormation

AWS S3: We host our app on AWS S3, a scalable storage service that allows us to serve static files reliably. S3 ensures that our app is always available and can handle large numbers of requests without performance degradation. CloudFormation: By using AWS CloudFormation, we automate the deployment process, managing our infrastructure as code. This makes it easy to replicate and manage our app’s deployment environment.
Hosting on S3 and using CloudFormation means our app benefits from AWS’s global CDN. This ensures that our static files are cached and served from servers closest to our users, reducing latency and improving load times.

Offline Availability and Self-Hosting

We go a step further by providing users with the option to download a zip file of the app directly from within the app. This ensures that users can run the app locally without relying on our servers.
Direct from Index.html: Unlike some other apps, our app is a pure JavaScript implementation, designed to run directly from the index.html file. Users can simply open this file in their browser and start using the app without needing a server. Docker Option: For users who prefer or require a server setup, we offer a Docker configuration. This allows the app to be run in a containerized environment, providing flexibility and ease of deployment for different use cases.

Unminified Code for Transparency

We believe in transparency and accessibility. Therefore, we run the app as unminified code. This has several advantages:
Ease of Download: Users can download the entire app using simple browser commands like Ctrl/Cmd+S. Transparency: By providing unminified code, we ensure that users can inspect and understand the code they are running. This fosters trust and allows for easier customization and debugging.
By distributing our app as static files and offering multiple ways to run it, we ensure that users have maximum flexibility and control. Whether using AWS’s robust infrastructure or running the app locally, our approach embodies the principles of decentralization and user empowerment.

Webpack 5 Module Federation

Our app leverages Webpack 5’s Module Federation feature to implement a microfrontend architecture. This approach allows us to modularize our application, making it easier to maintain, develop, and scale. You can explore our open-source implementation here: https://github.com/positive-intentions/frontend-base.

Current Implementation

We have used Webpack 5 Module Federation to build the chat application, which you can find here: https://github.com/positive-intentions/chat. Additionally, we have created a federated module for cryptography that can be imported at runtime, available here: https://github.com/positive-intentions/cryptography. Our current setup is straightforward, allowing us to dynamically load different parts of the application as needed. This modular approach provides flexibility and efficiency in how we develop and deploy our app.

Future Enhancements

We plan to further decompose the application into separate microfrontends, each responsible for a specific aspect of the app. This will not only simplify maintenance but also enhance documentation and development processes for individual components.
Planned Modules:
1. UI Components: A collection of reusable UI components that can be shared across different parts of the application, promoting consistency and reducing duplication. 2. P2P Framework: The core framework for peer-to-peer networking, facilitating real-time communication between users. 3. State Management: This module will manage the application’s state, ensuring efficient data handling and synchronization across different components and peers. 4. Permission Manager: A dedicated module for managing user permissions and access control, enhancing security and user management.

Individual Storybooks and Module Exports

Each module will have its own Storybook and module export, providing a dedicated space for documentation, testing, and showcasing individual components. This approach will:
Enhance Documentation: Each module will be well-documented, making it easier for developers to understand and use them. Simplify Maintenance: By isolating modules, we can update and maintain them independently, reducing the risk of breaking changes affecting the entire app. Promote Reusability: Well-defined modules can be reused across different projects, promoting a modular and efficient development approach.
By embracing Webpack 5 Module Federation and breaking down our app into distinct microfrontends, we aim to create a more robust, scalable, and maintainable architecture. This approach not only benefits our development process but also enhances the overall user experience by ensuring that each component is well-crafted and easily accessible.

Redundancy and Reliability

In the past, we have encountered difficulties when deploying our app to AWS due to various technical issues. Given that our app functions as a self-hosted static application, we have started exploring alternative hosting options, such as GitHub Pages. You can view our deployment on GitHub Pages here: https://positive-intentions.github.io/chat.

GitHub Pages Deployment

Our microfrontend architecture allows us to deploy each module independently. This capability has enabled us to host copies of the app on GitHub Pages for each repository. While this approach is unconventional and can lead to redundant copies of the app, we believe it is a valuable exercise in exploring module federation redundancy.
Accessibility: Hosting on GitHub Pages makes the app easily accessible to users and developers. Simplicity: GitHub Pages offers a straightforward deployment process, reducing the complexity often associated with other hosting solutions. Cost-Effective: GitHub Pages is free, making it an economical choice for hosting static sites.

Redundancy and Interoperability

We aim to make our app interoperable across different hosting sources. By leveraging Webpack 5 Module Federation, we can ensure that the app works seamlessly whether it is served from AWS or GitHub Pages. This redundancy enhances the app’s reliability and availability.
Module Federation Redundancy: We are investigating ways to make modules interoperable between different sources, ensuring that the app remains functional even if one source becomes unavailable. Interoperable Deployment: Our goal is to allow the app to fetch and integrate modules from both AWS and GitHub Pages dynamically.

Future Plans

To further enhance our deployment strategy, we plan to use a infrastructure as code tool, to deploy the app across multiple cloud service providers. This approach will increase the resilience of our deployment, ensuring the app remains online and functional even if one provider experiences downtime.
Multi-Cloud Deployment: We can deploy the app to various cloud service providers, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. This will distribute the app’s load and reduce the risk of a single point of failure. Scalability: This will enable us to scale the app easily across different providers, ensuring it can handle increased traffic without performance issues. Cost Management: Static file hosting is relatively a cheap option for hosting a webapp, we can optimize costs and ensure that the app remains affordable to maintain.
By exploring these new hosting options and implementing a robust deployment strategy, we aim to make our decentralized chat app more resilient, scalable, and cost-effective. Our efforts in redundancy and interoperability will ensure that the app continues to function seamlessly, providing a reliable user experience regardless of the hosting source.

Multi-Device Architecture

As our app continues to develop, we are excited to introduce the concept of a decentralized profile that can be shared across multiple devices. This feature is designed for individuals who want to use the same profile on all their devices, providing a seamless and integrated multi-platform chat experience, much like any modern chat application.

Decentralized Profile

A decentralized profile allows users to maintain a consistent identity and settings across different devices. This means that whether you are using a smartphone, tablet, or desktop, your profile can remain synchronized and up-to-date.
Profile Synchronization: Users can access their chat history, contacts, and settings on any device by synchronizing their decentralized profile. Data Consistency: Changes made on one device are automatically reflected on others, ensuring a consistent experience.

Multi-Platform Chat Experience

Implementing a decentralized profile enables us to offer a robust multi-platform chat experience. Users can switch between devices without losing their chat continuity or settings, enhancing the overall user experience.
Convenience: Users can start a conversation on one device and continue it on another without any interruptions. Flexibility: The app adapts to various devices, providing a user-friendly interface and experience on each platform.

Decentralized File Storage

In addition to profile synchronization, we are exploring the potential of decentralized file storage. This feature would allow users to move large files between devices quickly, easily and securely.
Cross-Device Sharing: Users can share files between their devices effortlessly, whether they are transferring a document from their laptop to their phone or vice versa. Collaborative Work: Teams can collaborate more effectively by sharing encrypted files directly through the app, regardless of the devices they are using.
By introducing a decentralized profile and exploring decentralized file storage, we aim to enhance our app’s functionality and user experience. These features will provide users with the convenience and flexibility expected from a modern chat application while maintaining the principles of decentralization and security.

Decentralized Peer Discovery

Decentralized peer discovery is a critical component of our app’s architecture. By leveraging innovative technologies such as QR codes, NFC, and BLE, we facilitate seamless connections between peers without relying on a central authority.

QR Codes

QR codes provide a straightforward method for establishing peer connections. Users can generate a QR code that contains their connection details, which other users can scan to initiate a peer-to-peer connection.
Ease of Use: Users can quickly and easily share connection details. Security: QR codes can be generated dynamically, reducing the risk of interception.

NFC (Near Field Communication)

NFC allows devices to establish connections simply by being in close proximity. This technology is particularly useful for quick and secure peer discovery.
Speed: Connections are established almost instantly. Convenience: Users can connect devices by simply bringing them close together, making it ideal for spontaneous interactions.

BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)

BLE enables devices to discover and communicate with each other over short distances with minimal power consumption. This makes it a suitable option for maintaining constant peer-to-peer connections.
Energy Efficiency: BLE conserves battery life, making it ideal for mobile devices. Range: BLE provides a reliable connection over a short range, perfect for personal or localized networking.

Combining Technologies for Enhanced Discovery

By integrating QR codes, NFC, and BLE, we create a robust and versatile peer discovery mechanism. Users can choose the most convenient method for their situation, ensuring that connections are both seamless and secure.
Hybrid Approach: Users can combine different methods for an optimal connection experience. For instance, initial discovery via QR code followed by connection via BLE for sustained communication. Adaptability: The app adapts to the available technologies on the user’s device, providing the best possible peer discovery experience.
These innovative approaches to peer discovery, coupled with our decentralized microfrontend architecture, form the backbone of our commitment to enhancing decentralization, scalability, and user experience. By continually exploring and implementing cutting-edge technologies, we ensure our app remains at the forefront of decentralized communication solutions
These sections outline the key aspects of our decentralized microfrontend architecture and provide a roadmap for our ongoing and future efforts to enhance decentralization, scalability, and user experience.


Our journey towards building a decentralized chat application has been driven by a desire to push the boundaries of what it means for an app to be truly self-hosted and independent of central servers. By leveraging modern web technologies such as Progressive Web Apps, IndexedDB, WebRTC, and Webpack 5 Module Federation, we have created a robust and scalable architecture that emphasizes privacy, security, and user empowerment.
We have explored innovative hosting solutions like GitHub Pages and plan to implement multi-cloud deployments to enhance resilience and scalability. Our vision for a multi-device architecture, incorporating decentralized profiles and encrypted file storage, aims to provide a seamless, cross-platform user experience. Additionally, our commitment to decentralized peer discovery using QR codes, NFC, and BLE ensures that users can connect easily and securely without relying on centralized authorities.
As we continue to develop and refine our app, we remain dedicated to the principles of decentralization, transparency, and user control. We invite you to join us on this journey, explore our open-source repositories, and contribute to the ongoing evolution of our decentralized chat application. Together, we can redefine what it means to communicate in a decentralized world.
Thank you for taking the time to read about our project. We look forward to your feedback and collaboration as we continue to innovate and improve our decentralized chat application.
submitted by Accurate-Screen8774 to darknetplan [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:19 TypicalBlox Window AC for just emergency purposes, is it possible?

I live in southern Texas and I'm beginning to prepare for hurricane season, but our main problem here is when the power goes out it gets ridiculously hot inside the home. So my idea is to buy a cheap-o window AC unit like this ( amazon ) for the sole purpose of using it to power a singular room during power outages via portable generator.
The biggest question I ask for those who have done something similar is both how easy is it to install and remove as I DO NOT want it to be a permanent setup ( it will sit in storage until is necessary ). Adding to that I would not like to do any physical changes to my home such as drilling holes, installing mounts, etc.
Is this idea even possible / good? or should I just get one of those portable AC units which I've heard aren't as efficient and cost more.
TLDR: Possible to have a window AC unit for power outages only but without installation damage to home?
submitted by TypicalBlox to preppers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:41 Gold_Seaweed [USA-KY] [H] Switch games (Persona 4/5, Zelda, Skyrim, Pokemon games, Metroid, etc), 3/DS, Indigo GameCube CIB w/ OEM controller, etc [W] Wii U accessories, Fire Emblem (GBA/DS/GC/Wii), GBA SP, GB player, list (switch games)

If you want pictures of anything, please let me know!
Thanks for checking in!
Console Name Condition
Switch Astral Chain CIB
Switch Catan New
Switch Clannad Collectors Edition LRG CIB
Switch Dead Cells: Castlevania Ed. CIB
Switch Digimon Survive CIB
Switch Double Dragon & Kunio-kun: Retro Brawler Bundle New
Switch Dragon Quest XI CIB
Switch Metroid Dread New
Switch Monster Hunter: Rise CIB
Switch Nintendo Switch case, grey Used
Switch NBA 2k19 CIB
Switch Nier Automata New
Switch Persona 4 Golden LRG New
Switch Persona 5 Royal Steel Box Ed. CIB
Switch Pokemon Violet + DLC (one cart) CIB
Switch Pokemon Brilliant Diamond CIB
Switch Pokemon: Legends Arceus CIB
Switch Pokemon Sword CIB
Switch Record of Agarest War CIB
Switch Shining Resonance Refrain Launch Edition CIB
Switch Steins;Gate: Elite CIB
Switch The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim CIB
Switch The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom CIB
Switch Unicorn Overlord New
3DS Fire Emblem: Warriors New
3DS Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon CIB
3DS Metroid: Samus Returns CIB
3DS Monster Hunter: 4 Ultimate CIB - damaged case
3DS Monster Hunter: Generations Loose
3DS Pokemon Moon Loose
3DS Super Smash Bros. 3DS CIB
3DS The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D CIB/damaged case
DS Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney CIB
DS Phoenix Wright: Justice For All CIB
DS Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulation CIB
DS Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney CIB
DS Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Special edition (Japanese) CIB, but has wear and tear
GameCube Indigo GameCube console + controller CIB, damaged box but has manuals and such.
GameCube Sonic Mega Collection No manuals, but has a case (players choice)
MISC. HG Tallgeese III Unused
MISC. HG RX-78-2 Gundam New
MISC. HG MS-06S Zaku II (Red Comet Ver.) New
MISC. Digimon Tamagotchi New
New Nintendo 3DS/XL/2DSXLFire Emblem Fates Special Edition (3DS)
Pokemon Leaf Green CIB (non-player choice) (GBA)
GameBoy Advance SP (any color, but pearl blue preferred)
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade (GBA)
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (GBA)
GameBoy Player + disc (GC)
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (GC)
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Wii)
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (DS)
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore (Switch)
Persona 3 Portable (Switch)
Super Robot Wars X (Switch)
Castlevania Anniversary Collection (Switch)
Wii U Gamepad dock
OEM Wii U gamepad charger
HDD + split cable (y cable) for Wii U
Open to offers
submitted by Gold_Seaweed to gameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:07 Stage-Piercing727 Best Car Food Warmer

Best Car Food Warmer

Eating on-the-go doesn't have to mean cold or stale food. In our roundup of the best car food warmers, we've gathered top-rated products that can keep your meals hot and delicious right until it's time to dig in. Whether you're a busy commuter or an adventurous explorer, a car food warmer will prove to be an indispensable companion in your culinary journey. So buckle up and keep reading to discover the perfect food warmer for your needs!

The Top 13 Best Car Food Warmer

  1. Electric Lunch Box for Fast and Efficient Heating on the Go. - The BHeadCat Electric Lunch Box is a versatile, 1.8L portable food warmer for busy adults, featuring an energy-efficient heating system and leak-proof design, making it perfect for heating meals at home, work, or on the road.
  2. Fast Portable Electric Heated Lunch Box for Kids and Adults - Embrace the power of the TRAVELISIMO Electric Lunch Box for Adults 80W, designed to deliver hot and healthy meals wherever you are, supporting busy professionals on-the-go.
  3. 110V/12V Electric Food Warmer Heater Lunch Box - Discover the versatile Axgear Electric Lunch Box for a tasty, balanced diet on-the-go or at home, made of food-grade materials and suitable for both cars and work.
  4. Efficient Electric Lunch Box for Healthy Meals On-the-Go - Experience effortless, hot meal convenience with the 3-in-1 BEVCEKNS Portable Electric Lunch Box, offering quick heating capabilities, leak-proof design, and a 1.8L removable stainless steel container, perfect for healthy car and office meals.
  5. Car Food Warmer for Delicious Leftovers - The Hotlogic Mini 12V Portable Food Warmer, available in black, is a convenient and efficient solution for perfectly heating and reheating fresh or frozen meals in about an hour, without burning or drying your food.
  6. Car Portable Electric Lunch Box and Food Warmer - The VIGIND VECH Electric Lunch Box 2 in 1 offers a safe, stylish, and efficient way to keep your food warm and fresh, perfect for both home and car use with its 12V and 110V adapters.
  7. Electric Car Lunch Box Warmer with Fork & Spoon - The PremiumPlus Electric Lunch Box Food Heater provides a convenient and portable solution to keep your food warm while at work, home, or on-the-go, offering 1.5L capacity, rapid heating, leak-proof sealing, and a carrying bag for ease of transportation.
  8. Fast-Heating Electric Lunch Box - Fast 15-25 min heating, real 304 stainless steel inner box, leak-proof design, and 1.5L capacity with included accessories - ideal for truckers and car users to keep meals warm and fresh.
  9. Electric Portable Lunch Warmer Box for Car & Office Use - Unleash the power of Reabulun's Electric Lunch Box, a portable 60W food warmer that keeps meals warm and cozy, perfect for busy car or truck rides, ensuring a delightful and satisfying mealtime experience.
  10. Portable Lunch Box Oven for Car - Compact and versatile Car Food Warmer, perfect for heating up meals during commutes, picnics or road trips, ensuring a delicious and warm meal anytime, anywhere!
  11. Electric Lunch Box for Car and Home: 1.5L Thermal-Insulated Food Warmer - Eocolz Electric Lunch Box: Perfectly insulated, easy-to-use, visually appealing, easy-to-clean, versatile storage options, remarkably durable, highly portable, and optimal size for your car, home, or office needs.
  12. Electric Lunch Box for Car or Office - Travelisimo's 80W fast heated lunchbox is perfect for adults, ensuring hot and healthy meals while on the go with its 12/24/110V compatibility, leakproof design, and easy-to-clean stainless-steel container.
  13. Car Food Warmer for 1.5L Capacity and Leak Resistance - Versatile 2-in-1 Electric Lunch Box: Home & Car Use, 12V/110V, Removable Stainless Steel Container, External Vent & Plastic Veg Box, 1.05L Capacity for Balanced Diet.
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🔗Electric Lunch Box for Fast and Efficient Heating on the Go.

I've been using the BHeadCat Electric Lunch Box for quite some time now, and I can't tell you how much of a game-changer it's been. As someone who spends a lot of time on the road, this little device has been a lifesaver. The fact that it comes with two separate power cords for home, office, or car use is a godsend. I don't have to worry about searching for a microwave every time I get hungry.
One thing I love about this lunch box is its 75W fast heating. With energy-efficient PTC heating components, I never have to worry about overheating my food. Plus, the low-consumption heating cycle keeps my food warm and ready to eat in 20-30 minutes. No more cold, unappetizing meals while I'm driving!
Another great thing about the BHeadCat Electric Lunch Box is how easy it is to clean. The food-grade PP material and premium stainless steel make it safe for dishwasher use. The detachable tray is also a nice touch, making it easy to separate different foods. Plus, the included plastic compartment is perfect for storing smaller items like utensils or snacks.
The portability and leak-proof design of this lunch box are fantastic. The built-in rubber seal and four snaps keep my food secure and prevent any spills. And the carry handle? I don't know how I ever lived without it. Whether I'm at work, in the car, or just out running errands, I can bring my heated lunch box with me everywhere I go.
Overall, I couldn't be happier with my BHeadCat Electric Lunch Box. It's made my life on the road so much easier and more enjoyable. If you're someone who's always on the go and needs a reliable way to keep your food warm, I highly recommend giving this lunch box a try.

🔗Fast Portable Electric Heated Lunch Box for Kids and Adults

Once upon a time, I found myself needing to take hot, home-cooked meals to work. I came across the TRAVELISIMO Electric Lunch Box and my life changed for the better. This electric lunchbox heats up your meal in just 20-30 minutes with its powerful 80W power. All you need to do is plug it in, close the lid, and wait for your meal to be hot and ready.
One of the things that stood out about this lunchbox was its leak-proof design. The enhanced lid and secure snap-lock system prevent spills, making it a reliable companion for transporting any type of dish, whether liquid or not. I could even carry soup without worrying about it spilling all over my bag.
The TRAVELISIMO Electric Lunch Box is also incredibly versatile. With its various voltage settings (12V/24V and 110V), it suits cars, trucks, or office desks. I love how it allows me to enjoy homemade, healthy meals on the road, avoiding fast-food stops with ease.
Cleaning the lunch box is a breeze, another feature that I really appreciated. Made with top-tier 304 stainless steel, it ensures food safety and durability while also being dishwasher-friendly. The stainless-steel container is very easy to clean, which is a big plus when it comes to lunchboxes.
However, there were a couple of downsides worth mentioning. First, the power cord is a bit short, which can be inconvenient if you're trying to use it in a car or at a desk without an extension cord. Second, the lunch box can take up quite a bit of room in a bag, so it's not the most portable option out there.
In conclusion, the TRAVELISIMO Electric Lunch Box is a great choice for anyone looking to take warm, home-cooked meals with them on the go. Its leak-proof design and easy cleaning make it a reliable and convenient choice. While there are some minor drawbacks, overall, this lunchbox has made my life so much easier and my meals healthier and more delicious.

🔗110V/12V Electric Food Warmer Heater Lunch Box

I've been using the Axgear Electric Lunch Box for about two weeks now, and I must say I'm quite impressed. Its large capacity has been a lifesaver for my workdays, allowing me to bring a balanced meal in the morning and enjoy it warm later in the day. The removable containers are a game-changer, making it super easy to fill up, clean out, and even reheat my food.
However, there is one downside to this lunchbox - the heating time. It can take anywhere from 30 to 50 minutes to warm up my meal, which can be a bit of a wait. But that's the price we pay for safety, as the 40W power ensures that my car remains safe from overheating.
All in all, I'm really happy with the Axgear Electric Lunch Box. It's perfect for busy people like me who need a reliable and safe way to enjoy a warm meal on the go, whether I'm at work, running errands, or simply enjoying a picnic in the park.

🔗Efficient Electric Lunch Box for Healthy Meals On-the-Go

I recently purchased the BEVCEKNS Electric Lunch Box for my daily commute, and I've been pleasantly surprised. Not only is it sleek and stylish, but it's also incredibly efficient at keeping my meals warm throughout the day. The 80W heating function ensures that my food stays hot, even after hours in the car.
The highlight of this lunchbox has to be its portability and convenience. I can easily take it with me wherever I go, whether it's to the office or on a camping trip. Plus, with a capacity of 1.8 liters, I can pack enough food for multiple meals.
However, one downside I've noticed is that the leak-proof seal isn't as effective as advertised. On a couple of occasions, some liquid has seeped out, but overall it hasn't been a major issue.
In conclusion, if you're looking for an electric lunch box that's not only functional but also visually appealing, I highly recommend the BEVCEKNS Electric Lunch Box. It's perfect for anyone who wants to enjoy hot and healthy meals on the go.

🔗Car Food Warmer for Delicious Leftovers

When I first saw the Hotlogic Mini 12V, I knew I had to give it a try. As someone who spends a lot of time on the road, I was tired of eating cold meals and dealing with microwaves. This little device has completely changed my lunch routine.
The Hotlogic Mini is incredibly easy to use. All you need to do is place your meal in a container, insert it into the pouch, plug it into your car's 12V outlet, and let it work its magic. You don't even need to monitor it; just go about your business and enjoy your hot meal when you're ready.
One thing that stood out for me was the even cooking. I've tried other food warmers before, but they always ended up burning or drying out my food. The Hotlogic Mini ensures your food stays moist and delicious without any extra effort from you.
However, there are a few cons to consider. First, the heating time can be a bit slow, especially for frozen meals. It's not a big deal for me since I usually have plenty of time while I'm driving, but if you're in a hurry, this might not be the best choice.
Second, the power cord is quite short, which can be inconvenient if your car's 12V outlet is located far away from your seat. I've had to make do with a few extension cords, but it would be nice if the cord was longer.
Overall, the Hotlogic Mini 12V has made my long drives much more enjoyable. It's a convenient, portable, and easy-to-use device that keeps my food hot and delicious. While there are some minor drawbacks, I highly recommend giving it a try if you're looking for a way to enjoy warm meals on the go.

🔗Car Portable Electric Lunch Box and Food Warmer

As a busy mom who needs to bring hot meals for my kids, I recently came across the VIGIND VECH Electric Lunch Box. It's become a game-changer in our daily routine! The moment I received it, I noticed how well-constructed and compact it was - perfect for school lunches.
One highlight that stood out was its stylish appearance. Its round cover design not only gives it a unique look but also keeps food fresh. I also appreciated the use of PTC heating elements, making it safer and more energy-efficient than other lunchboxes I've tried.
However, it does take slightly longer to heat up than advertised. But once it gets going, it keeps the meal warm and fresh without any loss of flavor. So, while there may be a minor inconvenience during the initial heating process, the overall experience with this lunchbox has been excellent.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a reliable, stylish, and well-functioning electric lunch box for your kids' school lunches, the VIGIND VECH Electric Lunch Box is definitely worth considering. From its innovative steam device to its dual-function feature for both heating and warm keeping, this little machine has made lunchtime preparations much easier and more enjoyable for me.

🔗Electric Car Lunch Box Warmer with Fork & Spoon

I recently purchased the PremiumPlus Electric Lunch Box, and it has quickly become a game-changer in my daily lunch routine. It's not only a convenient way to heat up my food at the office, but also perfect for when I'm on the road in my truck.
One of the standout features of this lunchbox is its rapid heating capability. In just 20-30 minutes, my meals are nice and warm, ready for me to dig in. It's also leak-proof, which means I can confidently toss it into my bag without worrying about any spillage.
Not to mention, the lightweight design makes it super easy to carry around, and the three compartments allow me to pack a variety of foods. It's like a mini microwave that keeps my meals tasting fresh and delicious.
On the downside, the power cord is a tad short, making it a little difficult to plug in when using it in the car. Additionally, the car adapter could be more durable, as it tends to get a bit hot during use.
Overall, the PremiumPlus Electric Lunch Box has been a fantastic addition to my daily life, making heating up meals on-the-go a breeze. While it does have some minor drawbacks, the pros far outweigh the cons, making it a worthwhile investment.

🔗Fast-Heating Electric Lunch Box

As a busy trucker, I always look for solutions to keep my meals warm and fresh while on the road. That's when I came across the Letaaka Electric Lunch Box Food Warmer. This little device has been a game-changer in my daily routine. The 1.5L capacity is perfect for a filling meal, and the real 304-stainless steel inner box ensures quick and even heating of my cold food.
One of the standout features of this lunch box is its safety. The outer casing is made of food-grade PP plastic, which is high-temperature resistant, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly. But my favorite aspect of this lunch box is the leak-proofing design. The sealing ring prevents any liquid from spilling in my truck, making it perfect for those bumpy rides.
Another perk of this lunch box is the variety of accessories it comes with. From the insulated lunch bag to the stainless steel spoon, fork, and knife, I have everything I need to enjoy a hot and delicious meal on the go. The charging cables for both 110V (home) and 12V/24V (car) make it convenient to use wherever I am.
Despite its many pros, the Letaaka Electric Lunch Box Food Warmer does have some areas for improvement. The capacity, while generous, might not be enough for those with huge appetites. Additionally, the charging process can be a bit slow, adding a few extra minutes to my mealtime.
Overall, the Letaaka Electric Lunch Box Food Warmer has been a reliable companion on my long drives. Its safety features, leak-proof design, and generous accessory set make it a worthwhile investment for any trucker or office worker looking to enjoy a hot meal on the go.

🔗Electric Portable Lunch Warmer Box for Car & Office Use

I recently got the opportunity to try out this nifty little gadget - the Electric Lunch Box Food Heater. As someone who needs to eat on the go most days of the week, I can't express how much I've been loving this product.
Firstly, it's incredibly easy to use. All I have to do is put my food in the 1.5L container, plug it into my car or office power outlet, and voila! In no time, my food is warm and ready to eat. Another feature that really stood out for me is its leak-proof design. It's kept my car clean and free of spills, even when I've been driving on bumpy roads.
However, one thing to keep in mind is that it doesn't actually cook your food; it only reheats it. So, if you're planning to cook your meals at work or in the car, this might not be the best choice for you.
Overall, I'd highly recommend the Electric Lunch Box Food Heater if you're someone who's always on the go and needs their meals hot and ready.

🔗Portable Lunch Box Oven for Car

I recently purchased the Car Food Warmer by TALC to keep my meals warm during long workdays. The compact design fits perfectly in my car's cupholder and doesn't require much space. The adjustable/detachable shoulder strap makes it easy to take with me on picnics or road trips. It's been a game-changer for lunchtime convenience!
The highlights of this portable oven include its ability to work with various container materials like metal, glass, cardboard, and ceramic. Its automatic temperature control reaches up to 90°C (194°F), ensuring that my food stays nice and warm. The aluminum insulate bag not only keeps my food warm but also maintains a safe thermal condition during transportation.
On the downside, the heating plate dimension is relatively smaller than I initially expected, which limits the amount of food I can heat at once. Additionally, the heating plate isn't as durable as I would like it to be - I had to replace it after a few months of regular use.
Overall, the Car Food Warmer has made my daily lunch routine more enjoyable, but I wish it had a larger heating surface and a slightly more durable heating plate.

🔗Electric Lunch Box for Car and Home: 1.5L Thermal-Insulated Food Warmer

I've been using the Eocolz Electric Lunch Box for a few weeks now, and it's been a game-changer in my daily routine. This convenient little device has turned my cold lunchbox into a warm and comforting spot for my meals.
It's incredibly easy to use - just place your food in the stainless steel compartment, plug it in, and wait a few minutes. It even comes with a car plug, making this perfect for long drives or road trips when you need a hot meal on the go.
The highlight of this product is its heating power. I tried it with various foods, including burgers, salmon, and even some soup, and it worked perfectly each time. The best part was that I never had to worry about uneven heating or dry out my food.
The capacity of 1.5 liters is more than enough for a filling lunch, but it doesn't take up too much space in my bag. And speaking of space, the additional plastic compartment is a great feature that allows me to keep my side dishes separate from my main dish.
There are a few cons though. The lid can be a bit difficult to latch down, requiring some extra effort. Additionally, the power cord is on the shorter side, which may limit where you can use it.
Overall, I would highly recommend the Eocolz Electric Lunch Box for anyone looking for a convenient way to enjoy warm meals wherever they are. Whether you're in the office, school, or on the road, this little warmer will make your lunchtime more enjoyable and satisfying.

🔗Electric Lunch Box for Car or Office

I recently took this portable electric lunch box on a week-long business trip, and I must say, it has been a game changer for me. No more cold, unappealing meals or relying on expensive and unhealthy fast food options. The ability to enjoy a hot, homemade meal anywhere has made my travels so much more enjoyable.
The 80W power ensures quick and efficient heating, and the various voltage settings make it suitable for use in cars, trucks, or office desks. The leak-proof design provides peace of mind when transporting saucy or liquid dishes, while the stainless-steel construction ensures durability and easy cleaning.
On the downside, it does not have a timer function, which would have been a nice addition for those who prefer to set and forget their meals. Additionally, the lid can be a little difficult to secure at times. However, these minor issues do not outweigh the overall convenience and quality this lunch box provides for people on the go.

🔗Car Food Warmer for 1.5L Capacity and Leak Resistance

Warm, Balanced Meals On-The-Go"
After using the electric lunch box for a week, I can confidently say that it's been an absolute lifesaver. The convenience of being able to heat up my food in my car or at home is invaluable. I'm a busy person, always on the go, but this lunch box has made sure I don't have to compromise on eating a warm, balanced meal.
The highlight feature for me is the dual voltage capability. Not only can I heat my food in my car using a 12V power source, but also at home with a 110V power source. It's versatile and perfect for my lifestyle.
The removable stainless steel container is another standout feature. Not only does it keep my food warm, but it's also incredibly easy to clean. Plus, the separate power cord and hidden power plug make it safe and convenient to use.
However, I'll be honest and say that the heating time could be quicker. It usually takes around 30 to 40 minutes to heat up my meal, which can be a bit long if you're in a hurry. Also, it's not recommended for use in the microwave, which might be a downside for some.
In conclusion, this Electric Lunch Box has been a game-changer for me. It's made eating a warm, balanced meal on-the-go incredibly easy, and its unique features make it a must-have for anyone with a busy lifestyle.

Buyer's Guide

To make the most out of your car food warmer, remember to preheat it before placing your meal inside. This will help maintain even temperature and prevent overheating. Another tip is to avoid filling the warmer with excessively wet or greasy foods, as this could cause issues with the heating element or create a mess while driving. Lastly, always allow your warmed-up food to cool down briefly before eatings – hot foods can be difficult to consume safely while on the go, so give yourself enough time to protect yourself from potential burns.



What is a car food warmer?

A car food warmer is a device designed to heat up food while you're on the go. It plugs into your vehicle's 12V socket and uses thermal heating to maintain an ideal temperature for your meal. This allows you to enjoy hot, freshly-prepared dishes while driving, commuting, or during long road trips.

How do car food warmers work?

Car food warmers work by heating the interior of the warming container, which in turn heats up the food inside. The device usually includes a power cord that plugs into your vehicle's 12V socket, providing battery power to generate heat. Some models may also have temperature control features, allowing you to set the desired warmth level for your food.

What types of foods can be warmed up with a car food warmer?

  • Soups and stews
  • Pasta dishes
  • Casseroles and pot pies
  • Sandwiches and burritos
  • Hot beverages (such as coffee or tea)


How long does it take for a car food warmer to heat up food?

The time it takes for a car food warmer to heat up your meal depends on the specific device and the nature of the food. Generally, you can expect it to take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes for your food to reach a warm temperature. Some models may offer faster heating times, but this will vary by product.

Can a car food warmer be used to cook food?

No, a car food warmer is not designed for cooking food. Its primary purpose is to maintain a warm temperature for pre-cooked dishes or reheat meals that have already been prepared. For cooking, you'll need an appliance specifically designed for that purpose, such as a microwave or stovetop.

How do I choose the best car food warmer?

  1. Consider the size and capacity of the warming container. Choose one that can accommodate the types of meals you typically prepare.
  2. Look for a model with adjustable temperature settings if you want more control over the heating process.
  3. Choose a reliable and well-built car food warmer from a reputable brand to ensure durability and safety while using in your vehicle.
  4. Read product reviews and consider the experiences of others who have used similar devices to gauge the quality and performance of the model you're considering.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:19 Ok-Broccoli3582 Best Tablet Reddit 2024: Guide to Top Tablets and Recommendations

If you're searching for the best tablet in 2024, look no further! Whether you're a student, professional, or casual user, Reddit is the go-to place for honest reviews and recommendations. In this post, we'll explore the top tablets of 2024, covering both iOS and Android options, and share insights from the Reddit community. Dive in to find the perfect tablet for your needs!

Top Tablets on Reddit 2024

Here's a rundown of the most popular tablets recommended by Reddit users in 2024:
iPad Mini 6: Best for portability and performance. iPad Air 5: Best for creatives and multitaskers. Galaxy Tab A8: Best budget-friendly Android tablet. iPad 9: Best for students and general use. Fire HD 8: Best for media consumption. Fire HD 10: Best for streaming and casual use. Galaxy Tab A7 Lite: Best for light users and kids. Fire HD 10 (2024): Best for media and light productivity. Lenovo Tab M10 Plus: Best budget family tablet. Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra: Best for power users and creatives.

Best Tablet Reddit 2024: In-Depth Reviews

Apple iPad Mini (6th Generation)

Apple iPad Air (5th Generation)

SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab A8 Android Tablet

Apple iPad (9th Generation)

Amazon Fire HD 8 Tablet

Amazon Fire HD 10 Tablet

SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab A7 Lite

All-new Amazon Fire HD 10 Tablet

Lenovo Tab M10 Plus (3rd Gen)

SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra

Tablet Buying Guide Reddit 2024

When choosing a tablet, consider the following factors:
Whether you're looking for the best Android tablet, an iPad, or a budget-friendly option, the tablets listed above are highly recommended.
submitted by Ok-Broccoli3582 to BuyItForMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:06 Low_Educator_8451 [3 YoE] firmware engineer graduating with masters in electrical engineering

[3 YoE] firmware engineer graduating with masters in electrical engineering
Would you call me in for an interview? I have been looking for jobs for the past four months and call backs have been hard to come by. Do you see any red flags or deal breakers? Please review my resume and let me know what could be wrong with it? Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Low_Educator_8451 to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:53 Steve061 Unavailable sensors spoiling template equations

I've done searches on this in Reddit and the HA Forum and can see it has been an issue for years and nobody has offered a solution that I can find.
TLDR: How do we fix template equations that fail due to source sensors going "unavailable" for short periods?
If you have a template equation and one of the source sensors become unavailable, the equation returns "unavailable" and all downstream sensors using that data fail and many stay failed until the original source sensor starts transmitting new data. This also applies to Riemann Sum sensors that in my case generate an energy sensor from power sensors. (There is a fix in the works for Riemann Sum, but that is still going through the approval process)
In my case I have a Fronius Inverter and after sunset it's solar power sensor goes offline for a few minutes several times, until the next sunrise. This throws out my consumption power equation (solar power - solar export + grid import). The solar export and grid import are provided by the Smart Meter and it seems solid, but the inverter goes to sleep every so often throwing off the results and affecting child sensors.
I can (and currently do) get that sensor from the Solar Web/Solarnet web site, but would rather get it from the inverter and smart meter because it is a local, faster response. I also don't know what rounding or smoothing factors they apply. The fact that Solar Web can get around the problem suggests there are solutions.
In other previous house with an Enphase system, the REST integration gave access to a wider range of local sensors and that allowed me to avoid the dropout issue in the Enphase integration and Riemann Sum sensors.
I have seen some suggestions but they don't work for me. This one from a few years ago (with the old template format) looked promising but did not solve it for me:
- platform: template- platform: template sensors: # The raw Fronius photovoltaic state goes to unknown after dark, so force it to zero photovoltaics_power: friendly_name: "Solar Photovoltaics Power" unit_of_measurement: 'W' value_template: "{{ states('sensor.power_photovoltaics_fronius_power_flow_0_http_solar')float }}" 
I was hoping a variation on this (max/min) might work by returning zero:
state: > {{ max (0 - states('sensor.solar_power') float, 0) round(0) }} 
I have a similar issue with the energy sensors from the inverter. When they drop out, it throws out the utility meter readings, giving me mega-watt daily consumption figures. A zero reading would not help here.
submitted by Steve061 to homeassistant [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:18 Dizzyizreading Virtue USB-C adapter stopped doing 30w

I just got this adapter and I used it once and it was letting me use the 30 watts turbo mode with my portable monitor..I go take a nap and wanna play with my new stuff and now it only does 25 watts.. I bought this thing cuz everyone swears by it for the Rog ally..and now it won’t do what I got it for..does anybody know why? I’ve used all the cables I have a 128 watts fan charger and an anker 100 w charger and the cables to match.. I’m getting so frustrated I can’t figure it out… haaallllp lol
submitted by Dizzyizreading to ROGAlly [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:06 No-Shame1247 To ground or not to ground, that is my portable generator question

So I need to use a ground-neutral bonding plug to allow my 3600W inverter generator to run without triggering a fault on my EMS protector on my 30A travel trailer hookup. Should this setup employ a grounding rod for safety?
submitted by No-Shame1247 to Generator [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:44 wilberth92 Thoughts on this system. Cash deal

Thoughts on this system. Cash deal submitted by wilberth92 to solar [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:29 Apprehensive_Ad1224 Portable Generator

First time hooking a portable generator to my house, made a mistake and am wondering why the generator breaker did not trip. I back fed my home from my A/C sub panel in my backyard, I had a 30 amp twist lock plug coming from my generator to the panel. One black wire, one white, and one green. Landed the black and white on a 30 amp 2 pole breaker, and the green on the ground bar because the neutrals were also bonded to the ground bar. Well I did check the plug that was made up, and the green was being used as one of the hots. So I had 120 being fed directly to the ground bar. Turned everything off and fixed it, but I’m wondering why it didn’t immediately trip the generator breaker? I ran it for about 5 minutes.
submitted by Apprehensive_Ad1224 to Generator [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:24 Aggressive-Hour6745 Generator to AirHandler

In Houston, no power, live with my grandparents, been a tech for about little under 1 1/2 months and think I’m doing pretty good as far as really understanding what’s presented to me. Anyway so we don’t have power at my house and I want to learn how I would go about using our portable generator to power our AC system so we can have cooling during the night.
submitted by Aggressive-Hour6745 to HVAC [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:10 Apprehensive_Ad1224 Portable Generator

First time hooking a portable generator to my house, made a mistake and am wondering why the generator breaker did not trip. I back fed my home from my A/C sub panel in my backyard, I had a 30 amp twist lock plug coming from my generator to the panel. One black wire, one white, and one green. Landed the black and white on a 30 amp 2 pole breaker, and the green on the ground bar because the neutrals were also bonded to the ground bar. Well I did check the plug that was made up, and the green was being used as one of the hots. So I had 120 being fed directly to the ground bar. Turned everything off and fixed it, but I’m wondering why it didn’t immediately trip the generator breaker? I ran it for about 5 minutes.
submitted by Apprehensive_Ad1224 to electrical [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:03 ooorhue [USA-SC] [H] PNY 500GB SSD, PNY 960GB SSD, PNY 1TB SSD, j5create Docking Station, Apple Watch Series 9, Series 8, SE 2, Apple TV 4K, Bose 700, Nintendo Switch, iPad Air 5th Gen, MacBook Pro M2 Max , Eufy Doorbell S330, WD Blue 1TB SSD, WD Black SN850X 4TB NVMe SSD, Sandisk Extreme 4TB SSD[W] Paypal

Gallery / Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/timestamps-hardware-swap-05-18-2024-qUZ0kJt
Hey, so the last couple of posts went well! Everything was sold, and people were great, so I’m trying this again, with a new selection of items.
So, the same as last time, I sell on eBay, and am just clearing out some more inventory that is sitting around. I’ve been on Reddit for a long time(it’s gotten me through some dreary times😅), and so instead of paying eBay 12% in fees for these items, I would rather pass the savings on here. The timestamps are included below, and FOR THE MODS, all of the boxed items are new, so there are no pictures of those items open. Will only accept PayPal, unless local to North Carolina/South Carolina, in which case cash will be fine.
3 PNY Elite 960GB external SSDs. New in box. Asking $53 shipped.
1 PNY 500GB CS900-900 kit. New in box. Asking $28 shipped.
4 PNY 1TB CS900-900 kit. New in box. Asking $54 shipped.
1 Apple iPad Air 5th generation 256GB Starlight. Asking $440 shipped.
2 SanDisk Extreme V2 4TB External SSD. New in box. These were bought at auction; they were mislabeled at the factory, and so come packaged in 1TB boxes, and state 1TB on the chassis, however they are SanDisk Extreme 4TB drives(SDSSDE61-4T00-G25), brand new, and sealed, with the full SanDisk 5 year warranty. Asking $185 shipped.
1 Apple TV 4K 64GB. Brand new. Asking $108 shipped.
3 WD Blue 1 TB SATA SSD's. Brand new. Asking $53 shipped.
3 Samsung T7 500GB Portable SSD's. New in box. Asking $44 shipped.
1 j5 create USB-C 4K HDMI Docking Station and 1 j5 create USB-C Dual HDMI Docking Station. New in box. Asking $20(4K) and $29(Dual).
1 Nintendo Switch Lite. Brand new. Asking $125 shipped.
2 Apple Mac Studios M2 Ultra, with 64GB RAM, 1TB SSD, 24 Core CPU, 60 Core GPU. New in box. Asking $2,975 shipped.
1 Apple Mac Studios M2 Ultra, with 64GB RAM, 1TB SSD, 24 Core CPU, 60 Core GPU. New, box was damaged in transit. Asking $$2,950 shipped.
10 WD Black SN850X 4TB NVMe SSDs. New in box. These were bought at auction; they were mislabeled at the factory, and so come packaged in 500GB boxes, however they are WD Black SN850X 4TB NVMe drives(WDBB9G0040BNC-WRSN), brand new, and sealed, with the full WD 5 year warranty. Asking $235 shipped.
1 SanDisk Extreme V1 500GB External SSD. New in box. Asking $55.
1 Apple MacBook Pro M2 Max, with 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD, 12 Core CPU, 38 Core GPU. Only 9 Cycles. Asking $2115.
1 Bose Noise Canceling Headphones 700. New in box. Asking $205.
1 Eufy Dual Camera 2K Video Doorbell S330. New in Box. Asking $98
1 Apple Watch Series 9 (GPS + Cellular) 45mm Gold Stainless Steel Case with Gold Milanese Loop W/ O2 Sensor. Asking $560.
2 Apple Watch Series 9 (GPS + Cellular) 45mm Midnight Aluminum Case W/ O2 Sensor. Asking $340.
1 Apple Watch Series 8 (GPS + Cellular) 45mm Midnight Aluminum Case W/ O2 Sensor. Asking $250.
1 Apple Watch Series 1 (GPS + Cellular) 41mm Silver Aluminum Case W/ O2 Sensor. Asking $216.
1 Apple Watch SE 2nd Generation (GPS) 44mm Midnight Aluminum Case. Asking $135.
Gallery / Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/timestamps-hardware-swap-05-18-2024-qUZ0kJt
Prices are based upon eBay most recently sold prices, plus I’ve subtracted ebay's 12% fees, so prices are pretty firm.
Thanks, and happy buying!!
submitted by ooorhue to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:17 Apprehensive_Ad1224 Portable Generator

First time hooking a portable generator to my house, made a mistake and am wondering why the generator breaker did not trip. I back fed my home from my A/C sub panel in my backyard, I had a 30 amp twist lock plug coming from my generator to the panel. One black wire, one white, and one green. Landed the black and white on a 30 amp 2 pole breaker, and the green on the ground bar because the neutrals were also bonded to the ground bar. Well I did check the plug that was made up, and the green was being used as one of the hots. So I had 120 being fed directly to the ground bar. Turned everything off and fixed it, but I’m wondering why it didn’t immediately trip the generator breaker? I ran it for about 5 minutes.
submitted by Apprehensive_Ad1224 to AskElectricians [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:17 Key_Appointment_7582 Why wont my fridge stay on?

Why wont my fridge stay on?
I bought a 4550 Predator inverter generator and im using it to power a Samsung fridge but it wont seem to stay on for more than 10 minutes. Im not sure why this happens. Nothing else is connected. Any help is appreciated!
I am using an extension cord so maybe its not strong enough but my neighbor uses it for construction so i doubt thats the issue.
submitted by Key_Appointment_7582 to Generator [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:45 TheFalseViddaric The New Data Drug

I messed up. I messed up bad.
“Never get high on your own supply”. The human who sold me this data told me it was a saying from his world. But I had to be sure it was the real deal. After all, data drugs that worked on people without a brain interface installed? It was unheard of. But here I am [30 hours] later, and I no longer doubt. I feel utterly exhausted despite having barely moved. My every neuron feels fried. All 6 grasping appendages are sore from the repetitive motions, and my eyes are dry and unfocused from the long strain I have put them through. I feel intense pangs of hunger and thirst, as I haven’t eaten or drank since I started this test.
I still want more. But with a great effort of will I force myself away from the screen of my computing terminal and stumble to my pantry so I may attend to my body’s needs. As I gulp down nutrient drinks and chew some dried fruit, I reflect on the trance I’ve somehow barely managed to pull myself out of.
Simulations. A useful tool for engineers, scientists, and military strategists. We had never thought to teach storytellers or artists to use them. Humans had. And what they created was both miraculous and monstrous.
Humans decided to use simulation technology to create art and craft stories. It seemed that there was a human simulation… no, hundreds of human simulations, designed to invoke whatever feeling or emotion you could imagine. And possibly some you couldn’t.
I had started simple. A basic test of spatial reasoning, and later quick thinking, expressed through the medium of stacking colored blocks formed into geometric shapes. While comparable at first to a children's toy, as the speed and challenge increased I became increasingly hypnotized. The feeling of lining up and clearing four rows at once with the all too rare straight piece was intensely satisfying. Making a mistake, leaving a gap caused frustration and incompleteness like I had never felt before, and eventually fixing it gave a feeling of relief, of rightness. As the game sped up, I found myself more and more frantic to try and find places for every piece. The rush of success and agony of failure only increased as I prided and chided myself on my quick decisions.
Eventually, I could keep up no longer, leaving me only with a number. A score.
Could I push that score higher?
[4 hours] went by, and I barely noticed.
I should have stopped. I knew that what I had was genuine. But I wanted to know what else this data was capable of.
I navigated a colorful landscape, defying gravity with every action and finding joy in exploration and collection.
I slaughtered demons with a chaingun, turning the fear of being devoured into a rising sense of conquest and bloodlust.
I failed a single test of dexterity, sending me tumbling down a hole and erasing hours of progress, and I nearly knocked myself out from the shock of frustration.
I defeated a hulking warrior with a team of other adventurers, and the triumph of it was only amplified by the sting of failing several times before.
Freedom and entrapment.
Horror and domination.
Elation and sorrow.
Every new experience was an emotional high of a kind I’d never had before, and my hearts were racing with the myriad of feelings rushing through my mind. My imagination was going wild with the possibilities of all these new worlds of data and programming.
My self-reflection comes to a grinding halt. I need to stop. If I’m not careful I’ll get addicted and end up like one of those mindjackers, burning their brains out on data drugs. Supposedly these simulations can’t do that, but I wouldn’t have put it past the seller to lie about that kind of thing.
Well, one way or another, I’m gonna make a [alien animal that shares many traits with both giant squids and magpies]’s hoard selling these. Time to call my best clients…
[Time skip: approximately 25 solar years]
The Rise of the Galactic Game Industry: Fluke of the Black Market, or Human Marketing Genius? You Decide!
Dr’k-Nam, Head Investigative Critic for the Arts and Culture section of Twin Suns Newsgroup
Simulation games, also known as “video games”, have taken the galaxy by storm ever since their controversial introduction and subsequent series of bannings and legalizations across the galaxy. Simulation technology is nothing new of course, but galactic newcomers from the Sol system, Humans, used it in an extremely novel way: art and entertainment. According to their historical records, a significant amount of their entertainment industry is based around simulation games, and that portion has grown even further with their introduction to the galaxy at large.
At first, however, no one was interested. A simulation with little or no practical application, designed only to entertain? Most people preferred to stick with the entertainment they knew, or seek new experiences outside of sims. So what changed?
Simple: some anonymous human decided to sell them as data drugs instead of simulation games; data drugs usable by simply interacting with a computer program, rather than having to inject the data directly in through a neural interface. With this small, but completely false new branding, video games were ready to start spreading across virtual black markets like spoilers for the latest episode of Ace Flyer Kr’t-Kah on the galnet (side note: please have some courtesy to others and tag your spoilers).
Human governance and society at large had been reportedly as surprised to see a lack of simulation games from other species as they were that humans had them. But they were even more surprised when they started getting accused of pushing the latest data drug. This was an especially confusing accusation because neural interface technology was not widely adopted by humanity at the time, and only a fraction of a percent of their population even knew of the existence of data drugs in the first place. The revelation that most humans had video games of some sort on their PPDDs (personal portable data devices) threatened to cause an uproar in the galaxy, as paranoia around data drugs was at an all time high among many species.
After trying and failing to ignore the problem for long enough for it to go away, human governance, as well as human corporations producing video games, were forced to release statements, acknowledging that:
Ironically enough, the controversy made them much more popular, even in places that decided on banning them. The idea of a simulation that could act like a data drug without the risk of frying your mind like the real thing was enticing to many. The lack of side effects and ease with which the games could be distributed only increased both their spread and unregulatability. In short order, races throughout the galaxy were trying out a new pastime, and galnet connected multiplayer games were bridging the gaps between the stars. Now, several other races, including my own, are seeking advice from human developers in starting their own simulation game projects. Only time will tell what kind of games their unique perspectives will produce, but it’s unlikely that humans will lose their position as the most powerful and profitable storytellers through this new medium; they have generations of experience to draw upon, after all.
Rumors that the data drug sales pitch was a deliberate ploy by the human game industry (to drum up intergalactic sales) or by human governance (to spread human culture and influence) are still under investigation, but solid evidence for either has yet to emerge.
Edit: anyone posting untagged Ace Flyer Kr’t-Kah spoilers in the comments section of this article will receive an immediate, no-warning permaban.
submitted by TheFalseViddaric to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:16 LavenderHeels Building acoustics question: can a lower pitched mechanical noise result in higher frequency harmonics elsewhere?

I am wondering if anyone with expertise in sound transfer, sound physics, and audio generation and acoustics might have some insight into a noise issue I've been having.
Tl;dr: I am wondering if a lower-pitched mechanical or electrical buzzing noise in one area of a building can translate or transform into a higher pitched sound on a higher floor.
For 3 months my unit has had an awful, shrill, high pitched sound penetrating through the unit, loudest at night. I rented some recording equipment (an audio interface, a Zoom H4N handheld recorder, a condenser microphone, a calibrated USB microphone) and set the sample rates to 44k, 48k, and 96k Hz (to sufficiently measure something above 8000 Hz). The equipment measured a really clear, loud, persistent noise in the 9800-10,000 Hz range, with occasional pulsing, and some higher tones as well in the 13k-16k Hz ranges. Here is an imgur album of some of the sound graphs, from within my unit, and one from outside the building: https://imgur.com/a/dZYdT7N
I am at a loss as to finding the source of this sound. It is driving me mad, and the building owner is unconcerned because he can't hear it apparently (though he is older and apparently many people lose the ability to hear over 10,000 Hz past their 30s).
I've done trouble shooting and eliminated anything in my unit as being the source of the sound (shut off breakers, unplugged everything including the fridge for 12 hrs, the sound was still present). It could potentially be from a neighbour as I am in an older building. However, I have noticed that the ceiling lights (and ceilings themselves) of the floors directly below me have a very loud, persistent buzzing sound, but at a much lower frequency than the sound i hear in my suite. Here are some video recordings, though the second video didn't quite capture how loud the mechanical noise is: https://imgur.com/a/lPw27Dt
Could these lower pitched sounds on a basement floor reverberate (through plumbing or wiring or building frame) and transform into the high pitched sound I am recording on the spectrograms? I.e. is there a way to identify if these are the fundamental tone? And is there a way to block these noises (through acoustic panelling)?
Thank you
submitted by LavenderHeels to Acoustics [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:53 j_jiggy USA-SC [H] xBloom Original - Galaxy Black + Extras [W] Venmo or PayPal

Looking to sell my Galaxy Black xBloom Original. It is in excellent like-new working condition and grinds/brews a great pour over.
It comes with: • Original box - great for transport • xPod pod holder for brewing high quality bean-to-cup pods • Original reusable dripper to brew with beans of your choice vs xPods • Grinder cleaning brush
Included add ons: • Newly redesigned Omni dripper and RFID recipe card to generate your own brew recipes • 3d printed negotiator for use with Omni dripper and filter papers (Kalita 155 papers work well) • Mug(s) not included 😉
Price: $400 + insured shipping (USA only)
Pics: [ https://imgur.com/a/MLXJMsm ]
Technical Specifications: • Color: Galaxy black • Material: High quality cast aluminum body • Length, Width, Height: 8.5" x 6.9" x 16.9" • Net weight: 5.2kg (11.46 lbs) • Burrs and grind size: 48mm conical burrs; 18.75μm per step • Grind range: 30 settings for pour over • Water temperature at heater up to 99°C (210°F) • Water temperature at dispenser up to 95°C (203°F) • Voltage, frequency (US & Canada) 120V, 60Hz • Power: 1350 Watt • Water reservoir: 700ml (23.67 fl. oz)
This machine brews a great cup of coffee. I’ve used the Omni reusable dripper for about 90% of my brews. Dial in your beans and you have an infinitely repeatable pour over brew!
Happy to answer any question!
submitted by j_jiggy to coffeeswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:02 mrthree1zero On the fence about picking this up.. Help

On the fence about picking this up.. Help
My travel trailer says yes but my wallet says no! Lol. Might have to whip the old HF CreditCard on this. Is this the cheapest price on this unit? Or does it go on sale regularly? I don't follow HF's generators too closely.
submitted by mrthree1zero to harborfreight [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:47 2020fakenews Portable Natural Gas Generator

I’d like to get a whole house generator, but not really interested in shelling out $10 to $15 K. I’m thinking about trying to go a much cheaper route by buying a portable natural gas generator and having manual transfer switch installed that would power one of my two central air units, along with the mater bedroom, living room and kitchen (excluding the electric oven) and one garage refrigerator.
It wouldn’t be automatic and wouldn’t be much help for brief outages, but it would help out in the case of a prolonged outage due to a hurricane (we’re located on the Texas Gulf Coast).
Cost for a 12,500 watt generator looks to be around $1,500 and maybe $300 for transfer switch. No idea on cost to install the switch. But, the whole package would certainly be a lot cheaper than a whole house system.
I already have a higher capacity gas meter (425 CFH) installed for my 400,000 btu pool heater, and have a 1-1/4” tee available where I could hook up the generator. Just need to install a valve and the appropriate connector for the natural gas supply hose.
Any thoughts and/or suggestions on this plan?
submitted by 2020fakenews to Generator [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:30 Money_Chain6316 Handheld Turbo Jet Fan Mini Portable Ice Cold Generation Brushless High Speed eBay

Handheld Turbo Jet Fan Mini Portable Ice Cold Generation Brushless High Speed eBay submitted by Money_Chain6316 to jinwish [link] [comments]
