Amelia model set


2019.11.18 00:21 AmeliaFinlayson

A sub dedicated to the appreciation of New Zealand model and socialite Amelia Finlayson. Follow Amelia on IG: amelia_finlayson

2020.02.16 22:45 Leidy Amelia Labrador

Sub dedicated to the model Leidy Amelia

2018.03.06 04:21 iswearitsnotmyreddit All things Maya Hawke

All things Maya Hawke

2024.05.19 14:30 johnyedwards51 Yolov8 NotImplementedError with GPU but works with CPU. Please help

I used Yolov8 to train my dataset with the CPU and it went great when I wanted to use GPU and train another dataset it's giving me NotImplementedError. i have set up cuda and pytroch and they are defined without any problems, How could I fix it. Please help me. Thank you
the code:
from ultralytics import YOLO
model = YOLO("yolov8m.yaml")
model.train(data="yolo_con.yaml", epochs=100)
my cuda version and Ultralytics:
3.11.4 (tags/v3.11.4:d2340ef, Jun 7 2023, 05:45:37) [MSC v.1934 64 bit (AMD64)]
Ultralytics YOLOv8.2.16 Python-3.11.4 torch-2.3.0+cu121 CUDA:0 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Laptop GPU, 8192MiB)
Setup complete (16 CPUs, 15.7 GB RAM, 22.7/64.0 GB disk)
the error:
Ultralytics YOLOv8.2.16 Python-3.11.4 torch-2.3.0+cu121 CUDA:0 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Laptop GPU, 8192MiB)
engine\trainer: task=detect, mode=train, model=yolov8m.yaml, data=yolo_con.yaml, epochs=100, time=None, patience=100, batch=16, imgsz=640, save=True, save_period=-1, cache=False, device=None, workers=8, project=None, name=train, exist_ok=False, pretrained=True, optimizer=auto, verbose=True, seed=0, deterministic=True, single_cls=False, rect=False, cos_lr=False, close_mosaic=10, resume=False, amp=True, fraction=1.0, profile=False, freeze=None, multi_scale=False, overlap_mask=True, mask_ratio=4, dropout=0.0, val=True, split=val, save_json=False, save_hybrid=False, conf=None, iou=0.7, max_det=300, half=False, dnn=False, plots=True, source=None, vid_stride=1, stream_buffer=False, visualize=False, augment=False, agnostic_nms=False, classes=None, retina_masks=False, embed=None, show=False, save_frames=False, save_txt=False, save_conf=False, save_crop=False, show_labels=True, show_conf=True, show_boxes=True, line_width=None, format=torchscript, keras=False, optimize=False, int8=False, dynamic=False, simplify=False, opset=None, workspace=4, nms=False, lr0=0.01, lrf=0.01, momentum=0.937, weight_decay=0.0005, warmup_epochs=3.0, warmup_momentum=0.8, warmup_bias_lr=0.1, box=7.5, cls=0.5, dfl=1.5, pose=12.0, kobj=1.0, label_smoothing=0.0, nbs=64, hsv_h=0.015, hsv_s=0.7, hsv_v=0.4, degrees=0.0, translate=0.1, scale=0.5, shear=0.0, perspective=0.0, flipud=0.0, fliplr=0.5, bgr=0.0, mosaic=1.0, mixup=0.0, copy_paste=0.0, auto_augment=randaugment, erasing=0.4, crop_fraction=1.0, cfg=None, tracker=botsort.yaml, save_dir=runs\detect\train
WARNING:tensorflow:From c:\Users\eraha\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\keras\src\ The name tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy instead.
Overriding model.yaml nc=80 with nc=4
from n params module arguments
0 -1 1 1392 ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Conv [3, 48, 3, 2]
1 -1 1 41664 ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Conv [48, 96, 3, 2]
2 -1 2 111360 ultralytics.nn.modules.block.C2f [96, 96, 2, True]
3 -1 1 166272 ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Conv [96, 192, 3, 2]
4 -1 4 813312 ultralytics.nn.modules.block.C2f [192, 192, 4, True]
5 -1 1 664320 ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Conv [192, 384, 3, 2]
6 -1 4 3248640 ultralytics.nn.modules.block.C2f [384, 384, 4, True]
7 -1 1 1991808 ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Conv [384, 576, 3, 2]
8 -1 2 3985920 ultralytics.nn.modules.block.C2f [576, 576, 2, True]
9 -1 1 831168 ultralytics.nn.modules.block.SPPF [576, 576, 5]
10 -1 1 0 torch.nn.modules.upsampling.Upsample [None, 2, 'nearest']
11 [-1, 6] 1 0 ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Concat [1]
12 -1 2 1993728 ultralytics.nn.modules.block.C2f [960, 384, 2]
13 -1 1 0 torch.nn.modules.upsampling.Upsample [None, 2, 'nearest']
14 [-1, 4] 1 0 ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Concat [1]
15 -1 2 517632 ultralytics.nn.modules.block.C2f [576, 192, 2]
16 -1 1 332160 ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Conv [192, 192, 3, 2]
17 [-1, 12] 1 0 ultralytics.nn.modules.conv.Concat [1] ...TensorBoard: Start with 'tensorboard --logdir runs\detect\train', view at http://localhost:6006/
Freezing layer 'model.22.dfl.conv.weight'
AMP: running Automatic Mixed Precision (AMP) checks with YOLOv8n...
Downloading to ''...
Output is truncated. View as a scrollable element or open in a text editor. Adjust cell output settings...100%██████████ 6.23M/6.23M [00:02<00:00, 2.87MB/s]
NotImplementedError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[3], line 5
1 from ultralytics import YOLO
3 model = YOLO("yolov8m.yaml")
-- 5 model.train(data="yolo_con.yaml", epochs=100)
File c:\Users\eraha\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\ultralytics\engine\, in Model.train(self, trainer, **kwargs)
673 self.trainer.hub_session = self.session # attach optional HUB session
674 self.trainer.train()
675 # Update model and cfg after training
676 if RANK in {-1, 0}:
File c:\Users\eraha\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\ultralytics\engine\, in BaseTrainer.train(self)
196ddp_cleanup(self, str(file))
198 else:
File c:\Users\eraha\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\ultralytics\engine\, in BaseTrainer._do_train(self, world_size)
311 if world_size > 1:
313 self._setup_train(world_size)
315 nb = len(self.train_loader) # number of batches
316 nw = max(round(self.args.warmup_epochs * nb), 100) if self.args.warmup_epochs > 0 else -1 # warmup iterations...PythonTLSSnapshot: registered at ..\aten\src\ATen\core\PythonFallbackKernel.cpp:162 [backend fallback]
FuncTorchDynamicLayerFrontMode: registered at ..\aten\src\ATen\functorch\DynamicLayer.cpp:493 [backend fallback]
PreDispatch: registered at ..\aten\src\ATen\core\PythonFallbackKernel.cpp:166 [backend fallback]
PythonDispatcher: registered at ..\aten\src\ATen\core\PythonFallbackKernel.cpp:158 [backend fallback]
Output is truncated. View as a scrollable element or open in a text editor. Adjust cell output settings...
submitted by johnyedwards51 to computervision [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:29 gabriel_3 Setting specific vendor keyboard layout on Gnome (Chromebooks and others)

Today I learned how to set the specific keyboard layout on Gnome for my re-purposed CB running openSUSE Tumbleweed. The CB keyboard media keys are not mapped correctly with the standard layout.
This same setting is exposed on KDE Plasma and Xfce settings utilities, while it is not available in Gnome settings.
I post it hoping that this will avoid researching a fix to other fellows CB Linux users.
In my case the layout required is chromebook.
Method 1: CLI
Run in a terminal:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.input-sources xkb-model 'chromebook' 
Method 2: GUI
Install dconf-editor if not available already.
From dconf-editor reach /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/xkb-model, switch Use default value off, in Custom value type the layout you want to set, chromebookin my case, click on Apply.
submitted by gabriel_3 to linux [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:17 DaSpaceman245 Need some recommendations for thin gaming laptops

Budget: ~2800 CAD
Country: Canada
Screen size: 14 or 16
Display: No preferences
Weight: lightweight for travel purposes
Various purpose/purposes besides gaming: I work with AI research and I would also like to prototype my models. I have dedicated clusters for training so it's just for prototyping purposes not training
If you will be gaming, what are the most demanding games you will play and at what settings? Hogwarts Legacy (high), zoo tycoon (GF wants it in medium high), SIMS (GF wants something that can stand her 10000 mods), and cyberpunk (medium-high)
battery life: At least 4 hours of battery life without gaming. I don't plant to game with battery just plugged
Other notes: I travel a lot so I want something that I can easily carry like a MacBook but can also give me gaming power and GPU power
submitted by DaSpaceman245 to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:14 T23Trends 29F Hello. I’m from the great Hoosie state of Indiana. So listen up, and listen up real good!

Hi. It was the anniversary of my grand opening for my boutique store front! I have now been officially a store owner for 1 full year! Before, I was operating my business through a mobile truck! Which I still do when there’s festivals and events in the area, I drive out and set shop! I was a 3rd grade teacher for roughly 4 years. So I have a very playful side to me as well but also a very strict business side.
I sell everything women and in all sizes! My inspiration was when I would go shopping, I could never find the right fit because how dynamic my size are. A large around the chest but a small around the stomach. So I design the perfect fit for a fit all size! I also bake homemade sweet treats so everyone gets one with an in store purchase! I also model all of my stocks and new arrivals. Not professionally done, just me and a mirror!
I played basketball when I was in high school and college. I’m a very competitive person. I still shoot hoops when I can at the courtyard or at my old school! I love sweets. My favorite thing to make is a 7 blend chocolate cake with banana lava pudding with a banana henny glaze topped with an army of sour patch kids!
submitted by T23Trends to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:09 Lord_PanDA_ (Solved) Samsung TV Won't Download Apps? I've Found 11 Fixes For the Installing Issues

(Solved) Samsung TV Won't Download Apps? I've Found 11 Fixes For the Installing Issues
NOTE: If you’re looking for a more detailed step-by-step guide complete with demo images for each solution, I recommend checking out the hyperlink under the solution's name.
After diving into various tech forums and testing the most practical solutions, I've compiled a list of fixes that worked for me and other users.
Full article here:
Here are 11 solutions to get your Samsung TV installing apps again.

1. Unsupported Apps - Use a Streaming Device

If your Samsung TV model doesn’t support certain apps, consider using a streaming device.
For example, YouTube TV is only available on Samsung TVs from 2017 and later.
Using a streaming device like Roku with a VPN can bypass Samsung model and geographical restrictions.

2. (Highly Effective) Soft Reset or Cold Reboot

A soft reset often fixes the issue:
  • Unplug your TV from power for 30-60 seconds and then plug it back in.
  • Alternatively, press and hold the Power button on the remote until the TV reboots.

3. Update the TV Firmware

Firmware updates can resolve bugs that prevent app downloads:
  • Go to Settings > Support > Software Update > Update now.

4. Check Your Internet Connection

Ensure a stable internet connection:
  • Go to Settings > General > Network > Network Status to check connectivity.
  • Restart your router and move it closer to your TV if necessary.

5. Forget the Current Wi-Fi Network

Resetting your Wi-Fi connection can help:
  • Go to Settings > General > Network > Open Network Settings > Wireless > Manage Saved Network > Delete your current Wi-Fi network.
  • Reconnect to your Wi-Fi network.

6. Reset the Network Settings

Sometimes, network settings need a reset:
  • Go to Settings > General > Network > Reset Network > Reset.
  • Reconnect to your Wi-Fi network.

7. Run Device Care to Clear Cache & Close Background Apps

Running Device Care can improve performance:
  • Go to Settings > Support > Device Care > Start Device Care.
  • This will close unused apps and clear the cache.

8. Check Your TV Storage & Clear Unused Apps

Free up storage by deleting unused apps:
  • Go to Settings > Support > Device Care > Manage Storage.
  • Select and delete unused apps.

9. Log Out & Log In to Your Samsung Account

Logging out and back in can reset account-related issues:
  • Go to Settings > General > System Manager > Samsung Account > Sign out.
  • Sign back in and try downloading the app again.

10. Factory Reset Your Samsung TV

As a last resort, a factory reset can help:
  • Go to Settings > General > Reset > Enter PIN (default is 0000) > Reset.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your TV again.

11. Contact Samsung Support Center

If all else fails, reach out to Samsung Support for help:
Using these methods, you should be able to resolve the issue and get your Samsung TV downloading apps again.
If you’ve tried these and still have problems, remember to check out the detailed step-by-step guide with images by checking the full article at the top.
What has your experience been with Samsung TV apps? Let us know in the comments!
submitted by Lord_PanDA_ to FixSamsungTVs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:09 Mr-Wedge01 DP 600 MS Learning practice test

DP 600 MS Learning practice test
Hey all,
I am doing the MS Learn practice test, and this question is saying my answer is wrong. Do you all agree ?
For the Mod/Admin I think it will be very helpful if we can have a fix thread where we can post our doubts regarding the DP 600
submitted by Mr-Wedge01 to MicrosoftFabric [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:02 Naproven Stringing after partial hotend replacement (seems to be slicer issue)

Stringing after partial hotend replacement (seems to be slicer issue)
Hi, Okay, so. I habe been printing 4+ years just fine with my MK3S. There has been the ocassional blob of doom but they were no big deal and printing was flawless.
Then my thermistor wires broke and I decided to change the heater block out as well because of the accumulated dirt. While ding that I broke the heater cartridge wires and change that out as well.
I updated firmware to 3.13.2-7080.
I did everything according to the guides, calibrated an printed. There was stringing that I had ne er experienced bevore. Printed over 50 hours and now I want to get that stringing under control. Redid the Installation of the replacement parts as per suggestion of the stringing entry in the prusa knowledge base.
Then I updated prusa slicer to 2.7.4. And installed a new 0.4 nozzle. I printed over 3 years with the old one. But maybe a clogged nozzle was the problem. It was not.
So updated everything, new nozzle, lets go!
  • Printed a little test Model. (Image 1)
  • after googling my problem, I used this generator to test retraction distance (Image 2) from lowest to highest 0mm to 1mm retraction distance. At 0.2mm stringing went away. Okay fine.
  • with the distance Set to 0.2mm I change the speed (Image 3) no changes.
  • I went on and Printed the Model out of prusa slicer (Image 4) back to stringing hell.
  • Then I thought I change a setting and didnt remember it. Deinstalled prusa slicer to reset my profiles and options. (Image 5) stringing still there
  • I read that some have more luck with cura (Image 6) well, I am not ohne of them. Just a different kind of bad stringing.
What could be the difference between the test gcode from the generator and the prusa slicer one? I already googled for hours to get back to my nice non-stringy prints.
Maybe someone experienced the same and could lift the fog that surrounds my head. I cant see a solution right now. Thanks.
submitted by Naproven to prusa3d [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:01 catgodoz was wondering if blender shaders could be used for UI in unity

as the title suggests, I made a CRT shader for a game UI, and was wondering the best method of putting it in as the UI will constantly be changing. should I make the material transparent and then put it the UI behind it or is there some other soulution? thanks in advance and sorry if this doesnt fit the sub.
submitted by catgodoz to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:56 Amenephis A few other warscrolls from the stream that didn't make it into the other post.

A few other warscrolls from the stream that didn't make it into the other post. submitted by Amenephis to skaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:55 OsirisAI Stock Information for BTCUSD - 60m

#BTCUSD #60m #Crypto───────────
Ensemble model * Overview: The synthetic investment attractiveness indicator equals 23 (out of +/-100). The model ensemble suggests the market will tend to be bullish in the nearest future.
Optimal past * Optimal past: The optimal lookback period for modelling is currently 363 candles. The market is currently bearish, depreciating by 1.0% during the latest phase.
Elliot Waves * Elliot Waves: The market's trend has changed and currently goes down.
Price Bound Modelling * HAR model at confidence level 95.0%: the HAR model forecasts volatility of 0.5548% in the next candle, the price will fluctuate around 61268.39 and with 95.0% probability will not go below 60709.19 or above 61827.6.
Forecast * MA model at confidence level 95.0%: the MA model forecasts a return of 0.0631% in the next candle, the price will fluctuate around 61310.42 and with 95.0% probability will not go below 60642.54 or above 61978.31.
Stability Indicators * Generalised extreme value: According to the indicator, the stability of the market is uncertain
Seasonality test * Seasonality test: According to the generalised seasonality test, there are no seasonal effects on the market.
Distribution analysis * Best-fit distribution: Best-fit distribution has changed, and now it is Laplace
Not investment advice.
#BTCUSD #60m #trading #Distribution analysis
submitted by OsirisAI to OsirisFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:54 OsirisAI Stock Information for ETHUSD - 3h

#ETHUSD #3h #Crypto───────────
Ensemble model * Overview: The synthetic investment attractiveness indicator equals 31 (out of +/-100). The model ensemble predicts the market is more likely to be bullish in the nearest future.
Optimal past * Optimal past: The optimal lookback period for modelling is currently 203 candles. The market is currently bearish, depreciating by 7.0% during the latest phase.
Elliot Waves * Elliot Waves: The market's trend has changed and currently goes down.
Price Bound Modelling * HAR model at confidence level 95.0%: the HAR model forecasts volatility of 1.2551% in the next candle, the price will fluctuate around 2883.25 and with 95.0% probability will not go below 2823.7 or above 2942.81.
Forecast * MA model at confidence level 95.0%: the MA model forecasts a return of 0.086% in the next candle, the price will fluctuate around 2887.2 and with 95.0% probability will not go below 2802.1 or above 2972.0.
Stability Indicators * Generalised extreme value: According to the indicator, the market is stable
Seasonality test * Seasonality test: According to the generalised seasonality test, there are no seasonal effects on the market.
Distribution analysis * Best-fit distribution: Best-fit distribution has changed, and now it is Power
Not investment advice.
#ETHUSD #3h #trading #Distribution analysis
submitted by OsirisAI to OsirisFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:52 Lord_PanDA_ Samsung TV Parental Controls - How to Lock Apps & Channels With a Password For Childproof Viewing

Samsung TV Parental Controls - How to Lock Apps & Channels With a Password For Childproof Viewing
NOTE: If you’re looking for a more detailed step-by-step guide complete with demo images, just check out the hyperlink under the heading's name.
I recently had to childproof my Samsung TV from inappropriate content, and I found some great ways to set up parental controls to lock apps and channels with a password.
Here’s a summary of all that you need to know about parental controls on any Samsung TV, tested by me and some others.

Use Parental Controls

Samsung TV parental controls let you block certain movies, TV shows, or channels based on their ratings.
You can also lock apps with mature content. To get started, you need to set a unique PIN on your Samsung TV.

Set a PIN on Samsung TV

Setting a PIN is the first step to enabling parental controls:
  1. Go to Settings > General > System Manager > Change PIN.
  2. Enter the default PIN 0000.
  3. Set your new PIN.
For 2022 or newer Samsung TV models:
  1. Open Settings > All Settings > General & Privacy > System Manager > Change PIN.
  2. Enter the default PIN 0000 and then set your new PIN.

How to Lock Apps on Samsung TV

To lock apps and keep them inaccessible without the PIN:
  1. Press the Home button on your remote, go to Apps.
  2. In the top right corner, click Settings.
  3. Highlight the app you want to lock, select Lock, and enter your PIN.

How to Block Programs By Rating

You can block content based on its rating to ensure only age-appropriate shows are accessible without a PIN:
  1. Press the Home button, go to Settings > Broadcasting > Program Rating Lock.
  2. Enter your PIN.
  3. Select the appropriate age range.
For 2022 or newer models:
  1. Go to Settings > All Settings > General & Privacy > Parental Settings.
  2. Enter your PIN and select the appropriate rating lock.

How to Lock Channels on Your Samsung TV

Blocking adult channels can help keep your kids away from inappropriate content:
  1. Press the Home button, go to Settings > Broadcasting > Apply Channel Lock.
  2. Enter your PIN to activate the feature.
For 2022 or newer models:
  1. Open Settings > All Settings > General & Privacy > Parental Settings > Apply Channel Lock.
  2. Enter your PIN, select the channels to lock, and save.

How to Identify Adult Content

Starting with 2022 models, Samsung TVs automatically label adult channels, but you can also enable this feature manually:
  1. Go to Settings > All Settings > General & Privacy > Parental Settings > Mark Adult Channels.
  2. Use the Apply Channel Lock feature to manage those marked channels.

Can I Lock My Samsung TV Entirely?

While you can't lock your TV entirely, you can lock the control panel:
  1. Go to Settings > System > General > Panel Lock > On.
  2. For some models, go to Settings > System > Expert Settings > TV Control Button Lock.
For certain models: Press Mute > 119 > OK to access the secret menu and enable Panel Button Lock.
Samsung TV parental controls are a great way to manage what your children watch.
Set a PIN, lock apps, block programs by rating, and lock channels to create a safer viewing environment.
If your kids love pressing TV buttons, enable the panel lock feature.
How do you ensure your kids stay safe when using your Samsung smart TV? Let us know in the comments below!
submitted by Lord_PanDA_ to FixSamsungTVs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:51 viridinox What is this Chocolate "clay" used for sculptures (NOT modelling chocolate)???

Hi everyone, this place is my last hope before I go insane!
Does anyone know what kind of chocolate "clay" Amaury Guichon is using for his sculptures as seen in the image from this video for example?
I looked through so many comments on his videos and online in general and couldn't find any clues. Over all there seem to be next to no resources for professional stuff beyond what I already learned during my trade school education (Germany), that's NOT locked behind expensive courses or books, and that in this day and age...
It's lighter color and consistency tells me this is definitely not modelling chocolate. And since dark chocolate is preferred for this work due to it's strength, it's probably not just milk chocolate close to setting.
Does anyone have any ideas?
submitted by viridinox to chocolate [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:48 GuiltlessMaple Best Casio Cash Registers

Best Casio Cash Registers
Dive into the world of efficient cash handling and discover the Casio Cash Registers - a modern solution for businesses seeking to streamline their transactions and improve their operations. This roundup article takes you on a journey through various models and types of these office products, providing valuable insights into their features, performance, and suitability for different business needs. Don't miss out on this chance to explore the perfect Cash Register choice for your organization!

The Top 6 Best Casio Cash Registers

  1. Royal 100Cx Portable Battery/AC Powered Cash Register - The Royal 100Cx Portable Battery/AC Powered Cash Register is a compact, efficient solution ideal for small businesses, vendors, and market stands, offering automatic tax computation, quick sales entry, and flexible department configurations.
  2. Casio SE-S800 1-Sheet Thermal Cash Register, 3000 PLUs, 20 Department Keys, 10-Line LCD Operator Display - Casio SE-S800 Sleek 1-Sheet Thermal Cash Register: Fast, accurate transactions, user-friendly 10-line LCD display, 25 department keys, secure 7-position mode lock, stylish design for enhanced functionality.
  3. Casio SR-S820-BK Thermal Print Cash Register - The Casio SR-S820-BK Thermal Print Cash Register offers efficient cash register operations with 25 standard department keys, 3,000 PLUs, a thermal printer, and a 10-line LCD display.
  4. Casio SEG1SC Thermal Print Cash Register, Pink - The Casio SEG1SC Thermal Print Cash Register, Pink combines efficiency, hygiene, and personalization with its easy-to-read LCD display, quiet thermal printer, sanitary anti-bacterial keyboard, quick setup, and three color options.
  5. Casio PCR-T2300 Electronic Cash Register - The Casio PCR-T2300 offers versatile and reliable cash register functionality with a 10-line display, 30 department keys, and customizable receipts, perfect for grocery stores and small businesses.
  6. Casio PCR-T2300 Thermal Cash Register with 10-Line LCD & Dual-Tape Receipt - Casio PCR-T2300 Thermal Printer Cash Register - Efficient 10-line LCD, 7,000 PLUS item storage, customizable receipts, five bill & coin compartments, SD card slot, and seven-position mode lock for error-free transactions.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.


🔗Royal 100Cx Portable Battery/AC Powered Cash Register
As a small business owner, I've been on the hunt for a reliable, portable cash register to make sales easier at my farmer's market stand. The Royal 100Cx, with its compact design and battery-powered operation, has been a reliable companion for me. The automatic tax computation feature is a game-changer, allowing me to easily manage sales and taxes on-the-go. However, the initial setup can be a bit daunting, and the manual doesn't do a fantastic job of explaining everything.
The preset department pricing and sales analysis by category of merchandise are standout features that have helped me keep track of inventory and sales trends. It's crucial for businesses like mine, where inventory and sales fluctuate frequently. The ink roll printer provides a receipt printout, providing a professional touch to every transaction.
In terms of drawbacks, one thing to note is that the tax computation is limited to only four rates – VAT, Canadian, and a couple of others – which may not cater to everyone's business needs. However, for my small farm market business, it's more than sufficient.
Overall, the Royal 100Cx is a dependable piece of hardware, and it's been a significant asset in streamlining my sales process. It may have a slightly steep learning curve, but once mastered, it's a powerful tool for any small business seeking a portable, autonomous cash register solution.

🔗Casio SE-S800 1-Sheet Thermal Cash Register, 3000 PLUs, 20 Department Keys, 10-Line LCD Operator Display
The Casio SE-S800 Cash Register is like your best buddy in the world of retail transactions. It's sleek, easy to use, and man, does it make life simpler! Imagine scanning items effortlessly and having that 10-line LCD display help you verify transactions—no more slip-ups! Plus, it comes with a two-line pop-up rear display for customers to see the price and subtotal, which is perfect for keeping them in the loop about their purchases.
But don't let its good looks fool you! It might not be the easiest thing to program, especially if you're not a tech person. You might find yourself on the phone with customer service more than you'd like. And, oh boy, they just love decimals! But once you get the hang of it, it's smooth sailing.
One more thing, make sure you get the right paper, because it doesn't play well with just any thermal paper. But overall, if you need a reliable way to manage your sales and keep your customers happy, the SE-S800 is a solid choice.

🔗Casio SR-S820-BK Thermal Print Cash Register
I recently got the chance to use the Casio SR-S820-BK Thermal Print Cash Register in my small café, and I must say it's been quite a ride. The thermal printer is a game-changer for us, as it allows us to generate receipts and track our sales activity with ease. The 25 standard department keys have been incredibly helpful in categorizing our various products, and the 10-line LCD display makes it super easy to check on customer transactions.
One of the things that stand out about this cash register is its ability to be mobile. As a café owner, I love that I can move it around to different areas of my store, depending on my needs. The built-in receipt printer also helps us provide a more professional service to our customers.
However, there are a few drawbacks that I've noticed during my time using this cash register. For starters, the software that comes with it could use a bit more functionality. Additionally, some users have reported having issues with the blue tooth connectivity, which can be quite frustrating.
Overall, I'm pretty happy with the Casio SR-S820-BK Thermal Print Cash Register. It has definitely made my life a lot easier when it comes to managing transactions and keeping track of sales. If you're in the market for a new cash register, this one is definitely worth considering.

🔗Casio SEG1SC Thermal Print Cash Register, Pink
I recently purchased the Casio SEG1SC Thermal Print Cash Register in a striking pink color. It's perfect for my small boutique and fits our vibrant theme perfectly. I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to set up and get running. The large LCD display is incredibly clear, making it straightforward to input prices and manage product sales.
One of my favorite features is the quiet thermal printer. It doesn't disrupt the ambiance of my store like our old, noisy register did. Plus, the anti-bacterial keyboard is a great added touch for hygiene.
However, I did find that the plastic casing feels a bit flimsy compared to more substantial cash registers. And while the instructions were mostly comprehensive, I did have to resort to YouTube tutorials for some aspects of programming.
Overall, I'm very satisfied with my purchase. The Casio SEG1SC Cash Register not only looks great in my store but also helps streamline our billing process. I would highly recommend it to anyone in need of a reliable, affordable cash register.

🔗Casio PCR-T2300 Electronic Cash Register
I recently got my hands on the Casio PCR-T2300 Electronic Cash Register and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer for my business. With its 10-line LCD display, it's incredibly easy for me to check the current transaction and eliminate errors. The raised keyboard with 30 department key locations makes inputting data a breeze. Plus, with the built-in pop-up customer display, I can ensure my customers always know exactly what they're paying for.
One of my favorite features of this cash register is the ability to customize receipts with a graphic logo or programmable top and bottom messages, adding a personal touch to each transaction. The heavy-duty metal cash drawer provides more than enough space for five bill compartments and five coin compartments, making it perfect for a busy retail environment.
However, there are a few drawbacks that I've noticed during my time using this product. The instructions provided for programming the cash register could be more clear, leaving some users (like myself) scratching their heads at certain points. Additionally, while the register performs well overall, I have found that there can be some issues with the tape feeding, which can be frustrating at times.
All in all, the Casio PCR-T2300 Electronic Cash Register has proven to be a reliable and efficient addition to my business operations. With its user-friendly design and robust feature set, it's definitely worth considering for any small retailer or grocer looking to streamline their cash-handling processes.

🔗Casio PCR-T2300 Thermal Cash Register with 10-Line LCD & Dual-Tape Receipt
I've been using the Casio PCR-T2300 Thermal Printer Cash Register in my small retail store for the past month, and I must say, it's made a significant difference in my day-to-day operations. The dual-tape thermal system ensures quick and error-free transactions while the 10-line LCD display keeps both me and the customer informed about the ongoing purchase.
One of the standout features of this cash register is its flexibility. The 30 department keys can be preset with specific prices or left open for manual entry, allowing me to adapt to the ever-changing needs of my store. Additionally, with up to 7,000 PLUs available, tracking individual item sales has never been easier.
Customization is another strong suit of this cash register. I can add a graphic logo to our receipts, program top and bottom messages, and even adjust each item's description for detailed reporting. Plus, the heavy-duty metal cash drawer provides ample space for organizing bills and coins, making it easier to manage my funds.
However, the instruction manual left something to be desired. Some steps were not as clear as I would have liked, requiring me to seek help on YouTube for more advanced programming functions. Nonetheless, overall, the Casio PCR-T2300 has been a reliable and efficient addition to my store, helping streamline my operations and improve customer experience.

Buyer's Guide

Important Features in Cash Registers

When choosing a cash register for your business, several essential features must be considered to ensure you are getting a reliable and efficient system. These include:
  • Display and User Interface: A cash register with an easy-to-use interface and clear display makes transactions smooth and reduces errors. Look for models with touchscreens or well-lit displays that are easy to see in bright or dim lighting.
  • Peripherals Compatibility: Make sure the cash register you choose is compatible with peripherals such as bar code scanners, receipt printers, and customer displays. This ensures that you can add these devices later if needed without replacing the entire system.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Some cash registers come with built-in reporting capabilities that can help you manage your inventory, sales, and customer data. Consider whether this feature would be beneficial to your business operations.
  • Security Features: To protect your transactions and customer information, look for a cash register with security features such as user authentication and transaction tracking.

Considerations for Choosing a Cash Register

Before making your decision on a cash register, consider these factors:
  • Volume of Business: If you have a high volume of transactions or inventory, opt for a more advanced cash register with features like inventory management and quick transaction processing times.
  • Integration with POS Systems: If you plan to use a point-of-sale (POS) system in addition to a cash register, ensure compatibility between the two systems to streamline your operations.
  • Environmental Factors: Consider the environment in which the cash register will be used (e. g. , temperature, humidity, etc. ) and choose a model designed to withstand these conditions.

General Advice for Using Cash Registers

To maximize the usefulness and longevity of your cash register, follow these tips:
  • Perform Regular Maintenance: Keep your cash register clean and free of dust, and replace consumables such as rolls of thermal paper or ribbons as needed.
  • Update Software and Firmware: Ensure your cash register's software and firmware are up-to-date to take advantage of new features and improvements and avoid potential security risks.
  • Train Employees: Provide thorough training on using the cash register and processing transactions accurately to reduce errors and improve customer service.


What are the key features of Casio cash registers?

Casio cash registers are designed with a variety of features, such as digital displays, built-in printers, and easy-to-use keypads to streamline transactions and enhance productivity. Some models also offer special functions like programmable keys and multiple tax calculations.

How do Casio cash registers help in managing inventory?

Casio cash registers offer extensive inventory management capabilities, including tracking and reporting of incoming and outgoing merchandise. This allows you to monitor your inventory levels effectively and make informed decisions about restocking or adjusting order quantities.

Are Casio cash registers compatible with payment processors?

Yes, most Casio cash registers are compatible with popular payment processors like Verifone, Ingenico, and Elavon, enabling seamless integration with existing POS systems and payment solutions.

Does Casio offer warranties on its cash registers?

Yes, Casio offers a standard one-year warranty on all its cash register products, covering defects in material and workmanship under normal use. Some models may also come with extended warranties for added peace of mind.

How difficult is it to install a Casio cash register?

The installation process for Casio cash registers is generally user-friendly and can be done without assistance from a professional technician. Most models come with easy-to-follow instructions and all necessary cables, making it easy to set up quickly.

Do Casio cash registers support multiple tax rates?

Yes, many Casio cash registers offer multi-tax functionality, allowing you to define and apply multiple tax rates for different items or transactions. This can be especially useful for businesses in regions with varying tax requirements.

What type of support does Casio provide for its cash register products?

Casio offers comprehensive support for its cash register products, including a dedicated customer service line, online resources, and product manuals. Additionally, some models may come with extended support plans, offering priority access to technical assistance.

How do I choose the right Casio cash register for my business?

When selecting a Casio cash register, consider factors such as the number of registers you need, the type of your business, and any unique features you require, such as inventory management or multi-language support. It's also essential to ensure that the cash register you choose is compatible with your existing POS system and payment processors.
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2024.05.19 13:46 Stage-Piercing727 Best Cash Registers with Scanners

Best Cash Registers with Scanners
Introducing our collection of Cash Registers with Scanners, the perfect solution for your business's office needs. Whether you're managing a small boutique or a larger retail store, our roundup boasts a diverse range of options to meet your specific requirements. In this article, we'll guide you through the top choices, highlighting standout features and pricing. Stay tuned for an in-depth look at the best Cash Registers with Scanners available today.

The Top 5 Best Cash Registers with Scanners

  1. Sharp XE-A102 Compact Electronic Cash Register with LED Display - The Sharp XE-A102 Electronic Cash Register is a compact, reliable, and versatile option for start-up retailers, offering 8 departments, 80 PLU/Items, 3 payment methods, and a bright LED display.
  2. Professional XE Series Electronic Cash Register - The Sharp XE Series Electronic Cash Register is a high-speed thermal printer, ideal for businesses, with advanced reporting capabilities, seamless QuickBooks integration, graphics customization, and an 8-line display for accurate order entry.
  3. Fast and Accurate Cash Register System with Thermal Printing and 8-Line Display - The Sharp XEA407 Cash Register offers a wide range of advanced features for efficient and streamlined operations, making it ideal for businesses seeking improved productivity and customer satisfaction.
  4. Clover Station POS System with Cash Register - Clover Station: A sleek, reliable, and feature-rich POS system with large touchscreen, swipe card reader, and high-speed printer - perfect for streamlining your cash register management in grocery stores.
  5. Sharp XE Series Professional Cash Register with Scanner & Thermal Printer - Discover the Sharp XE Series Cash Register with its high-speed thermal printer, 8-line display, seamless QuickBooks integration, and built-in SD card support for effortless programming, backup, and reporting.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.


🔗Sharp XE-A102 Compact Electronic Cash Register with LED Display
I have been using the Sharp XE-A102 Electronic Cash Register for a start-up retail business, and it's been a reliable and efficient partner. The compact design allows it to fit easily in our small store, and the bright LED display makes it easy for us and our customers to see the transaction details. The 8 departments feature helps us organize our inventory, and the 80 PLU/Items capacity allows us to input all our products without issues.
One of the standout features of this cash register is its ability to accept different payment methods like cash, cheque, and credit card, which has made it easy for us to cater to our customers' preferred payment options. Additionally, the time and date display feature ensures that our transactions are accurate and timely.
However, there are a few minor drawbacks to the Sharp XE-A102. It can be a little noisy and slow compared to some other cash registers, which may be an issue during peak hours when we need to serve customers quickly. Moreover, the instructions provided are quite small, making them difficult to read and follow.
Overall, the Sharp XE-A102 Electronic Cash Register has been an excellent addition to our start-up retail business. Its compact design, 58 mm wide reliable printing, and ability to accept multiple payment methods make it a valuable tool for any small retailer. While it may have a few minor issues, the majority of users, including myself, are satisfied with its performance and recommend it to others.

🔗Professional XE Series Electronic Cash Register
I recently added the Sharp XE Series Electronic Cash Register to my tiny boutique store, and I couldn't be happier. Before settling on this model, I spent a lot of time researching various cash registers, but the XE Series stood out for its advanced sales reporting capabilities and seamless tie-in with QuickBooks Pro. The moment I unboxed it, I was impressed by its sleek, professional appearance and built-in SC card slot for easy connectivity and data back-up.
Setting up the register was incredibly easy, and within just a few hours, it was ready to go. Its intuitive interface made training my employees a breeze. The thermal printer was a pleasant surprise; it's much quieter and faster than traditional receipt printers. Plus, the customizable receipts with graphics and logos definitely give my store a professional edge.
One of my favorite features is the automatic tax system, which not only saves time but also reduces the potential for errors and makes reporting so much easier. The locking drawer ensures security and comes with multiple bill and coin compartments, making deposits a lot more organized.
The only downside is the rather complicated user manual, which could definitely be improved. It's not a complete deal breaker, though, as there are plenty of helpful YouTube tutorials available online.
All in all, I'm thrilled with my purchase of the Sharp XE Series Electronic Cash Register. It's a perfect fit for my small business and a real game-changer when it comes to streamlining sales transactions and accounting. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this cash register to anyone running a small retail or service business.

🔗Fast and Accurate Cash Register System with Thermal Printing and 8-Line Display
I recently discovered the Sharp XEA407 Cash Register while searching for a reliable and feature-rich solution for my little grocery store. After trying it out, I must say it's exceeded my expectations.
The first thing that impresses anyone who lays their eyes on it is the sleek eight-line display. It's not just a pretty face though; it's got brains as well with 7000 Price Lookups (PLU's), allowing quick and accurate entry. The inclusion of 99 departments is brilliant as it makes managing diverse product types a breeze.
My favorite feature? Hands down, the microban keytops. They provide built-in antimicrobial protection, keeping those pesky germs at bay, which is particularly important given the current health situation. And let's not forget about the large 32GB SD card slot for computer connectivity and data storage.
However, there were a few hiccups too. The lack of French documentation was a letdown for me, a French-speaking Canadian. Plus, a few customers have reported missing parts upon delivery, making the product unusable.
So, while there are some minor issues, the Sharp XEA407 Cash Register has overall been a reliable and efficient addition to my store. It's fast, easy to set up, and offers more than enough features for most small businesses. If you're looking for a cash register that combines modern tech with dependability, this might just be the one for you.

🔗Clover Station POS System with Cash Register
I recently picked up the Clover Station POS System for my little cafe, and it's been quite the rollercoaster ride. Imagine a sleek, brushed aluminum body with a 11.6" touchscreen display that's as responsive as a well-trained puppy. Sounds appealing, right? Well, it is. But let's dive a little deeper.
First off, the touchscreen is large and bright, perfect for both me and my customers to navigate. The high-resolution camera embedded within the system makes scanning barcodes or QR codes a breeze, which is super helpful for keeping track of inventory. Plus, the swivel arm swivels smoothly between my side and the customer's, making transactions feel seamless and personal.
However, there have been some hiccups. For one, the single power source for the display and printer can create a tangled mess of cords, especially when you're trying to juggle other peripherals. And while the connectivity options (Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth) are great, I sometimes find myself struggling with Wi-Fi lags.
Moreover, the customer service has proven to be quite the challenge. You see, I bought the Clover Station from a seller who didn't provide much support. When things went awry, I was left to figure it out on my own. Needless to say, getting in touch with their customer service has been a nightmare. It feels like they're speaking a different language sometimes, and getting a call back is as rare as a winning lottery ticket.
Despite these cons, I still find the Clover Station POS System useful for my small cafe. It's a stylish, reliable system that offers a range of features and connectivity options. However, be prepared for the occasional frustration and confusion, especially when it comes to their customer service.
In conclusion, the Clover Station POS System is a mixed bag. While it boasts a sleek design, large touchscreen, and versatile connectivity options, it also has its fair share of challenges, such as the messy cords and difficult customer service. I'd recommend this product for businesses looking for a stylish and reliable POS system, but be prepared to face a few hurdles along the way.

🔗Sharp XE Series Professional Cash Register with Scanner & Thermal Printer
The Sharp XE Series Cash Register is a game-changer for small businesses. When I first got my hands on this baby, I was blown away by the speedy thermal printing on standard 2-1/4 inch rolls. The eight-line operator display made it incredibly easy to use, and I found myself making fewer mistakes than ever before.
One of the standout features was the advanced reporting capabilities that seamlessly integrated with QuickBooks Pro. This made keeping track of my sales and inventory a breeze, and it saved me a ton of time when tax season came around. The built-in SD card slot was also a lifesaver, allowing me to quickly connect to my computer for programming, backup, and reporting.
Adding graphics and text to receipts was a fun way to personalize my business, and the automatic tax system made my life so much easier. However, there were a few cons that I couldn't help but notice. The manual was sorely lacking, which made setting up the register a bit challenging for first-time users like myself. Additionally, the barcode scanner wasn't quite as advanced as I had hoped, but it still got the job done.
Overall, the Sharp XE Series Cash Register has made a significant impact on the way I run my small business. Its speed, advanced reporting features, and personalized receipts have made it an invaluable asset to my daily operations. While there's definitely room for improvement, I'm confident that this is a reliable and efficient cash register for businesses that demand the best.

Buyer's Guide

Important Features to Consider

When shopping for a cash register with scanner, consider the following features:
  • Scanner compatibility: Check whether the cash register is compatible with different types of barcode scanners.
  • Size and capacity: Consider the number of items you typically need to scan and choose a register that can handle your workload.
  • Memory capacity: A larger memory capacity will help you keep track of sales and inventory more efficiently.
  • Customization options: Some registers allow you to customize buttons for frequently used items or discounts, making checkout faster and more efficient.
  • Integration with other systems: If you use other business software, ensure that the cash register can interface with these systems for seamless data transfer.

General Advice for Choosing a Cash Register with Scanner

Here are some tips to help you choose the best cash register with scanner for your needs:
  1. Determine your budget: Cash registers with scanners range in price, so decide how much you're willing to spend before starting your search.
  2. Consider your business needs: Think about the specific features and functionality that would benefit your business the most.
  3. Read reviews: Look for ratings and reviews from other businesses to get an idea of how the cash register with scanner performs in real-world scenarios.
  4. Test it out: If possible, visit a store or demo event to see the cash register in action and ask any questions you may have.
  5. Invest in maintenance and support: Make sure to ask about warranty coverage and available tech support options, as these can save you time and money in the long run.

Considerations for Optimal Performance

To ensure optimal performance of your cash register with scanner, consider the following:
  • Proper maintenance: Keep your register clean and free of debris, and perform regular software updates and hardware checks.
  • Employee training: Train your staff on how to use the cash register effectively and efficiently to minimize errors and maximize productivity.
  • Integration with other systems: Make sure your cash register is compatible with any other software or hardware systems you use for inventory management, accounting, or customer relationship management.
  • Security: Implement security measures such as user accounts, password protection, and transaction tracking to protect against theft and fraud.


What is a cash register with a scanner?

A cash register with a scanner is a device used in retail or food service businesses to manage sales transactions, product inventory, and customer payments. The scanner reads barcode information on products sold, enabling quick and accurate processing of purchases.

How does a cash register with a scanner work?

Cash registers with scanners typically have a touch screen interface, which allows users to input sales data and manage transactions. The scanner reads barcode information on products, sending this information to the cash register for processing. Once an item is scanned and its price is validated, the cash register determines the total cost and taxes. The customer can then select a payment method, such as credit/debit card, cash, or mobile payment.

What are the benefits of using a cash register with a scanner?

  • Accurate and efficient processing of transactions
  • Real-time inventory management, reducing the risk of stock shortages or overages
  • Detailed sales reporting and analytics, providing valuable insight for business decisions
  • Quick and easy voiding or returning of items
  • Reduced likelihood of theft or shrinkage

What features should I look for when choosing a cash register with a scanner?

  • Compatibility with payment processors and other related hardware
  • In-built barcode scanning capability or compatibility with external barcode scanners
  • User-friendly touch screen interface and software
  • Real-time inventory tracking and reporting
  • Detailed sales analytics and reporting capabilities
  • Compatibility with mobile and electronic payment methods
  • Ability to integrate with existing or third-party software applications

How much does a cash register with a scanner typically cost?

The cost of a cash register with a scanner can vary greatly, depending on several factors such as features, manufacturer, and quality. Basic models may be available for a few hundred dollars or less, while more advanced systems with additional features can cost thousands of dollars. It is recommended to research and compare multiple products to find the best balance between cost and needed functionality for your business's needs.

What is the difference between a cash register with a scanner and a point-of-sale (POS) system?

Although a cash register with a scanner shares some similarities with a point-of-sale (POS) system, the primary difference lies in their functionality and capabilities. A cash register with a scanner is mainly focused on processing transactions and managing inventory, while a POS system typically offers a more comprehensive suite of tools, such as advanced reporting, employee management, and customer relationship management.

How do I maintain and care for my cash register with a scanner?

  • Clean the cash register and scanner regularly, using a soft, non-abrasive cloth and mild electronics cleaner or isopropyl alcohol.
  • Ensure that the cash register is properly ventilated and not exposed to extreme temperatures or moisture to prevent damage.
  • Regularly update the software and firmware to ensure optimal performance and security.
  • Calibrate the scanner as needed, following the manufacturer's instructions to maintain accurate reading of barcode information.
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2024.05.19 13:43 Count-Daring243 Best Cash Registers for Small Business

Best Cash Registers for Small Business
Whether you run a bustling café or a cozy boutique, a reliable cash register is an essential tool for the smooth operation of your small business. With our comprehensive roundup of the best cash registers available, you can confidently choose the perfect device to manage your sales, inventory, and transactions. So, let's dive in and find the right fit for your flourishing small business.

The Top 13 Best Cash Registers for Small Business

  1. Royal Consumer 500DX Cash Register for Small Business - The Royal Consumer 500DX Cash Register is an all-in-one solution for small businesses with its unlimited messaging capabilities, quick transaction processing, and user-friendly design, making it ideal for grocery stores and beyond.
  2. Sharp XE-A102 Compact Electronic Cash Register with LED Display - The Sharp XE-A102 Electronic Cash Register is a compact, reliable, and versatile option for start-up retailers, offering 8 departments, 80 PLU/Items, 3 payment methods, and a bright LED display.
  3. Professional XE Series Electronic Cash Register - The Sharp XE Series Electronic Cash Register is a high-speed thermal printer, ideal for businesses, with advanced reporting capabilities, seamless QuickBooks integration, graphics customization, and an 8-line display for accurate order entry.
  4. Casio Single-Tape Thermal Cash Register for Business - The Casio PCR-T280 is a top-performing cash register for medium-sized grocery stores, offering up to 1,200 item price lookups, easy tax programing, and hygienic anti-bacterial keyboard, ensuring patrons' peace of mind and efficient operation.
  5. Heavy-Duty Cash Register with Alpha Keyboard and LCD Display - Discover the Royal Alpha 1100ml heavy-duty cash register, designed for high-traffic establishments with 200 departments for sales analysis, 40 clerk ID system, and automatic tax computation to streamline your cash management system.
  6. Fast and Accurate Cash Register System with Thermal Printing and 8-Line Display - The Sharp XEA407 Cash Register offers a wide range of advanced features for efficient and streamlined operations, making it ideal for businesses seeking improved productivity and customer satisfaction.
  7. Royal 100Cx Portable Battery/AC Powered Cash Register - The Royal 100Cx Portable Battery/AC Powered Cash Register is a compact, efficient solution ideal for small businesses, vendors, and market stands, offering automatic tax computation, quick sales entry, and flexible department configurations.
  8. Royal 435dx Cash Register with 16 Department Capability and 8 Clerks - The Royal 435dX Electronic Cash Register is an exceptional choice for grocery stores, boasting 16 departments, 8 tax rates, and memory protection with backup batteries, making it a reliable and efficient addition to your business operations.
  9. Casio SE-S700 Cash Register: High-Speed Single-Station Thermal Printer - The Casio SE-S700 Cash Register combines speed, precision, and customizable features in a single-station thermal printer designed for grocery stores, streamlining operations while ensuring accurate pricing data for both operators and customers.
  10. Clover Station POS System with Cash Register - Clover Station: A sleek, reliable, and feature-rich POS system with large touchscreen, swipe card reader, and high-speed printer - perfect for streamlining your cash register management in grocery stores.
  11. Casio PCR-T2300 Electronic Cash Register - The Casio PCR-T2300 offers versatile and reliable cash register functionality with a 10-line display, 30 department keys, and customizable receipts, perfect for grocery stores and small businesses.
  12. Square Register Touchscreen Display, Gray - Elevate your sales game with Square Register's seamless design, intuitive controls, and compact size, perfect for efficient point-of-sale transactions for grocery stores.
  13. Royal Alpha 583x Electric Cash Register for Small Business - Flexible and efficient cash management: The Royal Alpha 583xcash register provides 99 departments, 1000 PLUs, and 4 tax rates, simplifying transactions and enhancing small business operations.
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🔗Royal Consumer 500DX Cash Register for Small Business
As a small business owner, I can attest that the Royal 500DX Cash Register has been an absolute game-changer for me. The dual LCD displays provide clear visibility for both the clerk and the customer, making transactions seamless and efficient.
One of the standout features is its capacity to handle up to 2,000 employees, which is more than adequate for a small to medium-sized business. Additionally, the unlimited messaging capability ensures that you won't miss any important announcements or updates. However, the product does feel a bit flimsy due to its predominantly plastic design, which might concern those who prefer a sturdier build.
Another fantastic aspect of this cash register is the 999 Price Look-Ups, allowing for quick processing of transactions. Programming four different tax rates also makes the setup process incredibly straightforward. On the downside, the impact printer, although functional, occasionally feels outdated compared to more advanced models.
Overall, the Royal 500DX Cash Register has proven to be a reliable and user-friendly addition to my small business. Its features cater to my daily needs and have undoubtedly contributed to the efficiency and success of my operations.

🔗Sharp XE-A102 Compact Electronic Cash Register with LED Display
I have been using the Sharp XE-A102 Electronic Cash Register for a start-up retail business, and it's been a reliable and efficient partner. The compact design allows it to fit easily in our small store, and the bright LED display makes it easy for us and our customers to see the transaction details. The 8 departments feature helps us organize our inventory, and the 80 PLU/Items capacity allows us to input all our products without issues.
One of the standout features of this cash register is its ability to accept different payment methods like cash, cheque, and credit card, which has made it easy for us to cater to our customers' preferred payment options. Additionally, the time and date display feature ensures that our transactions are accurate and timely.
However, there are a few minor drawbacks to the Sharp XE-A102. It can be a little noisy and slow compared to some other cash registers, which may be an issue during peak hours when we need to serve customers quickly. Moreover, the instructions provided are quite small, making them difficult to read and follow.
Overall, the Sharp XE-A102 Electronic Cash Register has been an excellent addition to our start-up retail business. Its compact design, 58 mm wide reliable printing, and ability to accept multiple payment methods make it a valuable tool for any small retailer. While it may have a few minor issues, the majority of users, including myself, are satisfied with its performance and recommend it to others.

🔗Professional XE Series Electronic Cash Register
I recently added the Sharp XE Series Electronic Cash Register to my tiny boutique store, and I couldn't be happier. Before settling on this model, I spent a lot of time researching various cash registers, but the XE Series stood out for its advanced sales reporting capabilities and seamless tie-in with QuickBooks Pro. The moment I unboxed it, I was impressed by its sleek, professional appearance and built-in SC card slot for easy connectivity and data back-up.
Setting up the register was incredibly easy, and within just a few hours, it was ready to go. Its intuitive interface made training my employees a breeze. The thermal printer was a pleasant surprise; it's much quieter and faster than traditional receipt printers. Plus, the customizable receipts with graphics and logos definitely give my store a professional edge.
One of my favorite features is the automatic tax system, which not only saves time but also reduces the potential for errors and makes reporting so much easier. The locking drawer ensures security and comes with multiple bill and coin compartments, making deposits a lot more organized.
The only downside is the rather complicated user manual, which could definitely be improved. It's not a complete deal breaker, though, as there are plenty of helpful YouTube tutorials available online.
All in all, I'm thrilled with my purchase of the Sharp XE Series Electronic Cash Register. It's a perfect fit for my small business and a real game-changer when it comes to streamlining sales transactions and accounting. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this cash register to anyone running a small retail or service business.

🔗Casio Single-Tape Thermal Cash Register for Business
Casio's PCR-T280 is a fantastic single-tape thermal cash register that offers more functionality for medium-sized businesses than entry-level models. With the ability to track up to 1,200 price lookups, it offers a level of specificity in item sales tracking not commonly found in its class. It also allows businesses to track sales up to eight different operators, making it an excellent tool for business tracking and growth.
One of the standout features of this product is its hygienic, antibacterial keyboard. In our current world, where cleanliness is paramount, this characteristic provides a measure of peace of mind for both business owners and customers alike. Furthermore, its multipurpose tray can hold money in four bill compartments and five coin compartments, ensuring the efficient flow of transactions.
The PCR-T280 also boasts a high-speed thermal printer, which can be used either for customer receipts or as a journal printer for recording all the store's activities. Its mode lock with key control feature provides multiple operation positions through physical keys, providing a level of security usually found in more expensive models.
Although it is not touch-screen, its simple and intuitive design makes it easy to program and use. Some users did find the manual a bit difficult to follow, but with a bit of practice, most find it quite manageable. With its ability to handle multiple sales tax needs and its capacity for PLU capabilities, the Casio PCR-T280 has proven itself as a reliable tool for various businesses, small or medium-sized.
However, one minor drawback is the depth of the money/change drawer, which could have been a little deeper for added convenience. Despite this minor issue, the vast majority of users recommend this register for its performance and price point, providing an excellent value for businesses looking for an affordable, reliable cash register solution.

🔗Heavy-Duty Cash Register with Alpha Keyboard and LCD Display
As an avid user of cash registers in my grocery store, I recently discovered the Royal Alpha 1100ml Cash Register, and my experience has been quite satisfactory. This heavy-duty register is perfect for my high-traffic establishment, offering a reliable and swift cash management system that I can always depend on.
The first thing that caught my eye about this cash register was its single fast and quiet alphanumeric thermal printer, capable of handling over 1 million lines. It's been able to keep up with the constant rush of customers, making it a reliable addition to my store.
The large 10-line LCD user display and alpha keyboard ensure easy programming, which was a breeze, even for a beginner like me. The SD Card slot is another excellent feature, enabling efficient accounting data transfers to a PC, a necessity for any modern business.
However, I will say that the software included with the register can be a bit flaky at times. While it is supposed to read the x and z reports that the machine puts on the sd card, I sometimes find myself having to use the sd card to transfer report data manually. Additionally, getting in touch with their tech support doesn't seem to be very helpful, as they often provide no real technical assistance.
Despite these minor issues, the Royal Alpha 1100ml Cash Register has been a solid addition to my store. Its heavy-duty locking cash drawer with four slot bill and removable five slot coin tray, along with its automatic tax computation, has made managing funds and keeping track of sales much easier for me. If you're in need of a reliable cash register for your business, I'd highly recommend giving this one a try.

🔗Fast and Accurate Cash Register System with Thermal Printing and 8-Line Display
I recently discovered the Sharp XEA407 Cash Register while searching for a reliable and feature-rich solution for my little grocery store. After trying it out, I must say it's exceeded my expectations.
The first thing that impresses anyone who lays their eyes on it is the sleek eight-line display. It's not just a pretty face though; it's got brains as well with 7000 Price Lookups (PLU's), allowing quick and accurate entry. The inclusion of 99 departments is brilliant as it makes managing diverse product types a breeze.
My favorite feature? Hands down, the microban keytops. They provide built-in antimicrobial protection, keeping those pesky germs at bay, which is particularly important given the current health situation. And let's not forget about the large 32GB SD card slot for computer connectivity and data storage.
However, there were a few hiccups too. The lack of French documentation was a letdown for me, a French-speaking Canadian. Plus, a few customers have reported missing parts upon delivery, making the product unusable.
So, while there are some minor issues, the Sharp XEA407 Cash Register has overall been a reliable and efficient addition to my store. It's fast, easy to set up, and offers more than enough features for most small businesses. If you're looking for a cash register that combines modern tech with dependability, this might just be the one for you.

🔗Royal 100Cx Portable Battery/AC Powered Cash Register
As a small business owner, I've been on the hunt for a reliable, portable cash register to make sales easier at my farmer's market stand. The Royal 100Cx, with its compact design and battery-powered operation, has been a reliable companion for me. The automatic tax computation feature is a game-changer, allowing me to easily manage sales and taxes on-the-go. However, the initial setup can be a bit daunting, and the manual doesn't do a fantastic job of explaining everything.
The preset department pricing and sales analysis by category of merchandise are standout features that have helped me keep track of inventory and sales trends. It's crucial for businesses like mine, where inventory and sales fluctuate frequently. The ink roll printer provides a receipt printout, providing a professional touch to every transaction.
In terms of drawbacks, one thing to note is that the tax computation is limited to only four rates – VAT, Canadian, and a couple of others – which may not cater to everyone's business needs. However, for my small farm market business, it's more than sufficient.
Overall, the Royal 100Cx is a dependable piece of hardware, and it's been a significant asset in streamlining my sales process. It may have a slightly steep learning curve, but once mastered, it's a powerful tool for any small business seeking a portable, autonomous cash register solution.

🔗Royal 435dx Cash Register with 16 Department Capability and 8 Clerks
As a small business owner, I can attest to the convenience of the Royal 435dX Electronic Cash Register in my daily operations. Its 16 departments and 800 PLU's ensure an efficient flow of transactions, while the 8 clerk capacity and 4 tax rates enable seamless management, even for those serving in various locations or catering to international clientele.
One of the highlights of this cash register is the front and rear LCD displays, allowing both the clerk and customer to see each transaction clearly. The memory protection with backup batteries provides added security to safeguard data in case of a power outage, a particularly valuable feature for businesses operating in areas with unpredictable power supply.
However, a minor con would be the single station 57mm impact printer, which could limit the pace of transactions during peak rush hours. Also, the locking cash drawer tends to be a bit cumbersome, requiring more time than necessary to retrieve and return change.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the Royal 435dX Electronic Cash Register has significantly improved my business operations, allowing me to keep track of transactions efficiently, even during peak hours. I would recommend this cash register to other small business owners looking for a reliable and feature-rich option that delivers exceptional performance at an affordable price point.

🔗Casio SE-S700 Cash Register: High-Speed Single-Station Thermal Printer
I recently upgraded my old, heavy cash register to the Casio SE-S700, and I must say, it has made running daily transactions a breeze. The built-in rear customer display ensures that prices are accurate, while the 8 department keys and 999 PLUs make it a cinch to organize my inventory.
One of my favorite features is the customizable receipt header, allowing me to print unique messages on each customer receipt. The large, easy-to-read LCD display ensures that no mistakes are made during sales transactions.
However, there are a few cons to consider. The plastic construction doesn't instill much confidence in its durability, and I wish the cash register drawer featured a more secure locking mechanism.
Overall, the Casio SE-S700 has proven to be a reliable and efficient cash register for my small business, saving me time and preventing any hassles when it comes to handling transactions.

🔗Clover Station POS System with Cash Register
I recently picked up the Clover Station POS System for my little cafe, and it's been quite the rollercoaster ride. Imagine a sleek, brushed aluminum body with a 11.6" touchscreen display that's as responsive as a well-trained puppy. Sounds appealing, right? Well, it is. But let's dive a little deeper.
First off, the touchscreen is large and bright, perfect for both me and my customers to navigate. The high-resolution camera embedded within the system makes scanning barcodes or QR codes a breeze, which is super helpful for keeping track of inventory. Plus, the swivel arm swivels smoothly between my side and the customer's, making transactions feel seamless and personal.
However, there have been some hiccups. For one, the single power source for the display and printer can create a tangled mess of cords, especially when you're trying to juggle other peripherals. And while the connectivity options (Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth) are great, I sometimes find myself struggling with Wi-Fi lags.
Moreover, the customer service has proven to be quite the challenge. You see, I bought the Clover Station from a seller who didn't provide much support. When things went awry, I was left to figure it out on my own. Needless to say, getting in touch with their customer service has been a nightmare. It feels like they're speaking a different language sometimes, and getting a call back is as rare as a winning lottery ticket.
Despite these cons, I still find the Clover Station POS System useful for my small cafe. It's a stylish, reliable system that offers a range of features and connectivity options. However, be prepared for the occasional frustration and confusion, especially when it comes to their customer service.
In conclusion, the Clover Station POS System is a mixed bag. While it boasts a sleek design, large touchscreen, and versatile connectivity options, it also has its fair share of challenges, such as the messy cords and difficult customer service. I'd recommend this product for businesses looking for a stylish and reliable POS system, but be prepared to face a few hurdles along the way.

🔗Casio PCR-T2300 Electronic Cash Register
I recently got my hands on the Casio PCR-T2300 Electronic Cash Register and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer for my business. With its 10-line LCD display, it's incredibly easy for me to check the current transaction and eliminate errors. The raised keyboard with 30 department key locations makes inputting data a breeze. Plus, with the built-in pop-up customer display, I can ensure my customers always know exactly what they're paying for.
One of my favorite features of this cash register is the ability to customize receipts with a graphic logo or programmable top and bottom messages, adding a personal touch to each transaction. The heavy-duty metal cash drawer provides more than enough space for five bill compartments and five coin compartments, making it perfect for a busy retail environment.
However, there are a few drawbacks that I've noticed during my time using this product. The instructions provided for programming the cash register could be more clear, leaving some users (like myself) scratching their heads at certain points. Additionally, while the register performs well overall, I have found that there can be some issues with the tape feeding, which can be frustrating at times.
All in all, the Casio PCR-T2300 Electronic Cash Register has proven to be a reliable and efficient addition to my business operations. With its user-friendly design and robust feature set, it's definitely worth considering for any small retailer or grocer looking to streamline their cash-handling processes.

🔗Square Register Touchscreen Display, Gray
I've been using Square Register - Touchscreen Display, Gray for quite a while now, and it's been a game-changer for managing my small grocery store. The system is incredibly intuitive, with a sleek touchscreen display that makes transactions a breeze. The customer display is perfect for keeping lines moving smoothly, and the compact design ensures my countertop stays clutter-free.
One standout feature of the Square Register is its seamless integration with other Square services, like inventory management and customer feedback. This has made it incredibly easy for me to keep track of my stock and stay in touch with my regular customers. Additionally, the hardware is built to last, which is always a plus when you're investing in new equipment.
However, there's one area where Square Register could improve – the lack of customization options. While the system works great out of the box, I sometimes wish I could tweak some settings to better suit my specific needs. Despite this minor flaw, the Square Register - Touchscreen Display, Gray has definitely helped streamline my operations and improve my customers' experience.

🔗Royal Alpha 583x Electric Cash Register for Small Business
I recently purchased the Royal Alpha 583cx Cash Register for my small business, and I couldn't be happier with my purchase. This little gem has made managing sales transactions a breeze. With 99 departments, 1000 PLUs, 26 clerks, and 4 tax rates, this cash register is fully equipped to handle the needs of any small business.
One of the features that I absolutely love is the alpha numeric single station thermal printer. It not only prints fast but also allows me to customize the receipts with my company's message, making it a great marketing tool. Another great feature is the serial port for PC connection, which lets me use an optional bar code scanner, making the checkout process even smoother.
However, one minor issue I experienced was with the paper feed. It tends to jam at times, but a quick fix usually solves the problem. Additionally, the display that shows the purchase amount could be more visible, especially in bright lighting conditions.
Overall, I would highly recommend the Royal Alpha 583cx Cash Register to anyone running a small business. Its user-friendly interface, customizable receipts, and reliable performance make it a valuable asset to have in any retail or service environment.

Buyer's Guide

Important Features to Consider
When choosing a cash register for your small business, there are several features you should consider:

Calculating Functionality

  • Ensure that the cash register can handle the volume of sales your business makes daily.
  • Look for features such as tax calculations, price look-up (PLU) functions, and discount management.
  • Customizable receipts can also be helpful for providing customers with important information about their purchases.

Security Features

Protecting your business's cash and card transactions is essential. Look for cash registers with:
  • Password protection to restrict access to sensitive information and functions.
  • Real-time tracking of cashier operations, including transaction audits.
  • Optionally, consider a cash register with built-in anti-theft technology, such as alarms or motion sensors, to further secure your valuable assets.

Integration Capabilities

Many modern cash registers can connect to other systems within your business. Consider the following:
  • Integration with point-of-sale (POS) systems, which can streamline sales and inventory management processes.
  • Compatibility with accounting software, allowing for seamless bookkeeping and financial reporting.
  • Compatibility with payment gateways and card readers, enabling your customers to make secure and convenient electronic payments.

Scalability and Expandability

As your small business grows, you may need to expand your cash register's capabilities. Consider these points:
  • Choose a cash register with room for add-on peripherals, such as barcode scanners, credit card readers, or customer displays. ]
  • Ensure that the cash register's software is scalable and can handle increasing transaction volumes.

Consider Your Budget

Cash registers come in a range of prices and configurations. When selecting a cash register, factor in:
  • The upfront cost of the cash register itself.
  • The cost of any necessary software or hardware upgrades.
  • The cost of installation, training, and ongoing support.

General Advice for Choosing a Cash Register

Before making your final decision, take the following steps:
  • Research different models and manufacturers to ensure you are getting the best value for your money.
  • Read customer reviews to gain insight into the real-world performance and reliability of the cash registers you are considering.
  • Consult with industry experts or other small business owners for advice and recommendations.


Choosing the right cash register for your small business is an important decision. By considering the features, security, integration capabilities, scalability, and cost of the options available, you can select the best cash register to help your business thrive now and into the future.


What is a cash register and why does a small business need one?

A cash register is an electronic device used to process sales transactions at a point of sale, or POS. It stores sales data, calculates prices, and prints receipts. A small business needs a cash register for efficient inventory tracking, accurate financial reporting, and secure storage of cash on hand.

What features should I look for in a cash register for my small business?

Features to consider include a touch screen display, built-in scanner and credit card reader, programmable tax rates and discounts, inventory management, employee time clock, and multi-user capabilities. Additionally, look for a cash register that is simple to use, yet offers robust reporting options for better business insights.

How much does a cash register typically cost?

The cost of a cash register varies depending on its features, brand, and model. Basic models can start around $100, while more advanced systems with multiple functions may cost several thousand dollars. Always compare prices and consider the specific features you need before making a purchase.

How do I integrate my cash register with my existing accounting software?

Most modern cash registers can be easily connected with popular accounting software through USB or Ethernet cables or via Wi-Fi. Ensure that your cash register and accounting software are compatible before purchasing. After installation, you may need to configure settings to synchronize the two systems seamlessly.

Are there any portable cash registers for on-the-go sales?

Yes, there are numerous portable cash register solutions available on the market. These include handheld POS systems, mobile card readers, and compact cash registers designed for use in food trucks, markets, or kiosks. These devices often include wireless connectivity, rechargeable batteries, and lightweight designs for easy transport and handling.
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2024.05.19 13:41 Guthix_Wraith Playing against a knight player only running 4 big knights.

My opponent later today is playing just 4 big knights for tournament practice.
This is the List I'm planning to take with. Running fixed; behind enemy lines, deploy homers.
Biovore in back under cover fully obscured giving the indirect fire -1 so that it hits on a 4+ bio has a toughness 3 so benefit of cover won't apply.
1 exocrine in reserves to reduce risk of total heavy fire loss, one right on the line of deployment zone close to center.
The two units of Leapers will be set up 9" away from enemy dz in cover punishing lack of any battle line
Hormagaunts will push the vanguard rushing in and ideally taking center objective.
The three units of termigants will push from center left and right field encircling the battle field.
T fax will be sending casino cannon right up front after the exocrine give symbiotic target.
Tervigon while super not meta is my bone I'm throwing. An extra character that probably will fall behind and stop resing gaunts by turn 2-3.
Wing boy for free endless multitude
Because he's running all Titanic models he won't be able to fire overwatch.
casual tournament practice (1995 points)
Tyranids Strike Force (2000 points) Unending Swarm
Neurotyrant (105 points) • Warlord • 1x Neurotyrant claws and lashes 1x Psychic scream
Tervigon (190 points) • 1x Massive crushing claws 1x Stinger salvoes
Winged Hive Tyrant (230 points) • 1x Monstrous bonesword and lash whip 1x Tyrant talons • Enhancement: Relentless Hunger
Hormagaunts (130 points) • 20x Hormagaunt • 20x Hormagaunt talons
Termagants (120 points) • 20x Termagant • 20x Chitinous claws and teeth 20x Fleshborer
Termagants (120 points) • 20x Termagant • 20x Chitinous claws and teeth 20x Fleshborer
Termagants (120 points) • 20x Termagant • 20x Chitinous claws and teeth 20x Fleshborer
Barbgaunts (55 points) • 5x Barbgaunt • 5x Barblauncher 5x Chitinous claws and teeth
Biovores (75 points) • 1x Chitin-barbed limbs 1x Spore Mine launcher
Exocrine (135 points) • 1x Bio-plasmic cannon 1x Powerful limbs
Exocrine (135 points) • 1x Bio-plasmic cannon 1x Powerful limbs
Hive Guard (100 points) • 3x Hive Guard • 3x Chitinous claws and teeth 3x Shockcannon
Neurogaunts (45 points) • 1x Neurogaunt Nodebeast • 1x Chitinous claws and teeth • 10x Neurogaunt • 10x Chitinous claws and teeth
Psychophage (95 points) • 1x Psychoclastic torrent 1x Talons and betentacled maw
Tyrannofex (190 points) • 1x Powerful limbs 1x Rupture cannon 1x Stinger salvoes
Von Ryan’s Leapers (75 points) • 3x Von Ryan’s Leaper • 3x Leaper’s talons
Von Ryan’s Leapers (75 points) • 3x Von Ryan’s Leaper • 3x Leaper’s talons
Exported with App Version: v1.14.0 (42), Data Version: v379
submitted by Guthix_Wraith to Tyranids [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:39 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Cash Registers for Restaurants

Best Cash Registers for Restaurants
Finding the right cash register for your restaurant can make a world of difference in streamlining operations and improving your overall business. In this article, we'll explore some of the best cash registers available for restaurants, focusing on their features, user-friendliness, and how they can boost efficiency in your establishment. Whether you're a small cafe or a bustling dining venue, there's a cash register out there that's perfect for you.
From compact, intuitive systems to more advanced models with a host of value-added features, we'll lead you through the options and help you identify the ideal cash register for your restaurant. So, get ready to optimize your business operations and enhance your customers' experience with our detailed product review and recommendations.

The Top 6 Best Cash Registers for Restaurants

  1. Efficient Electronic Cash Register for Businesses - The Royal 2000ML Electronic Cash Register offers efficient transaction management and data tracking for busy establishments, equipped with a fast alphanumeric thermal printer and accommodating up to 200 departments and 7000 price look ups.
  2. Sharp XE-A102 Compact Electronic Cash Register with LED Display - The Sharp XE-A102 Electronic Cash Register is a compact, reliable, and versatile option for start-up retailers, offering 8 departments, 80 PLU/Items, 3 payment methods, and a bright LED display.
  3. Casio Single-Tape Thermal Cash Register for Business - The Casio PCR-T280 is a top-performing cash register for medium-sized grocery stores, offering up to 1,200 item price lookups, easy tax programing, and hygienic anti-bacterial keyboard, ensuring patrons' peace of mind and efficient operation.
  4. Royal 410dx Electronic Cash Register for Small Stores - Streamline your sales process with the Royal 410dx Cash Register, featuring a programmable design, robust features, and a sleek compact footprint for optimal efficiency and minimum space requirements in small stores or restaurants.
  5. Advanced Alpha Cash Register with Rear Customer Display - Upgrade your grocery store's cash register system with the reliable Royal Alpha 1000ML, featuring an alphanumeric display, multiple security trays, a printer, and compatibility with bar-code scanners and SD cards.
  6. Royal 520DX Cash Register for Restaurants - The Royal 520DX Cash Register combines functionality and convenience for smoother business transactions, offering an anti-bacterial keyboard, thermal printer, and tracking up to 24 departments.
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🔗Efficient Electronic Cash Register for Businesses
I recently started using the Royal 2000ml Cash Register in my bistro, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer! . The transactions are now much smoother and quicker, and the single alphanumeric thermal printer for receipt printing works like a charm. . The ability to keep track of a whopping 200 departments and up to 7000 price look ups is a godsend, making inventory management a breeze. .
Plus, accommodating up to 40 clerk IDs? . Brilliant! .
However, the lack of a key upon delivery was a bummer, but Royal was quick to address the issue and sent one over. . All in all, I'm thoroughly impressed by the ease and efficiency this cash register has brought into my daily life. .

🔗Sharp XE-A102 Compact Electronic Cash Register with LED Display

I have been using the Sharp XE-A102 Electronic Cash Register for a start-up retail business, and it's been a reliable and efficient partner. The compact design allows it to fit easily in our small store, and the bright LED display makes it easy for us and our customers to see the transaction details. The 8 departments feature helps us organize our inventory, and the 80 PLU/Items capacity allows us to input all our products without issues.
One of the standout features of this cash register is its ability to accept different payment methods like cash, cheque, and credit card, which has made it easy for us to cater to our customers' preferred payment options. Additionally, the time and date display feature ensures that our transactions are accurate and timely.
However, there are a few minor drawbacks to the Sharp XE-A102. It can be a little noisy and slow compared to some other cash registers, which may be an issue during peak hours when we need to serve customers quickly. Moreover, the instructions provided are quite small, making them difficult to read and follow.
Overall, the Sharp XE-A102 Electronic Cash Register has been an excellent addition to our start-up retail business. Its compact design, 58 mm wide reliable printing, and ability to accept multiple payment methods make it a valuable tool for any small retailer. While it may have a few minor issues, the majority of users, including myself, are satisfied with its performance and recommend it to others.

🔗Casio Single-Tape Thermal Cash Register for Business
Casio's PCR-T280 is a fantastic single-tape thermal cash register that offers more functionality for medium-sized businesses than entry-level models. With the ability to track up to 1,200 price lookups, it offers a level of specificity in item sales tracking not commonly found in its class. It also allows businesses to track sales up to eight different operators, making it an excellent tool for business tracking and growth.
One of the standout features of this product is its hygienic, antibacterial keyboard. In our current world, where cleanliness is paramount, this characteristic provides a measure of peace of mind for both business owners and customers alike. Furthermore, its multipurpose tray can hold money in four bill compartments and five coin compartments, ensuring the efficient flow of transactions.
The PCR-T280 also boasts a high-speed thermal printer, which can be used either for customer receipts or as a journal printer for recording all the store's activities. Its mode lock with key control feature provides multiple operation positions through physical keys, providing a level of security usually found in more expensive models.
Although it is not touch-screen, its simple and intuitive design makes it easy to program and use. Some users did find the manual a bit difficult to follow, but with a bit of practice, most find it quite manageable. With its ability to handle multiple sales tax needs and its capacity for PLU capabilities, the Casio PCR-T280 has proven itself as a reliable tool for various businesses, small or medium-sized.
However, one minor drawback is the depth of the money/change drawer, which could have been a little deeper for added convenience. Despite this minor issue, the vast majority of users recommend this register for its performance and price point, providing an excellent value for businesses looking for an affordable, reliable cash register solution.

🔗Royal 410dx Electronic Cash Register for Small Stores
I recently got my hands on a Royal 410dx Cash Register and I am absolutely thrilled with this little gadget. As a small business owner, keeping track of sales and transactions has never been easier. The programmable design allows me to set up tax rates, discounts, and prices on every product, helping me stay organized and efficient.
One of the features that amazed me was the automatic tax computation. It saves me a lot of time and reduces the margin for error during transactions. Another highlight was the 10-clerk tracking system, making it suitable even for businesses with multiple staff. Plus, the alphanumeric thermal printer is impressive with its quiet performance and excellent print quality.
However, there are a few hiccups. Some users have reported that there are no replacement parts available if anything breaks, which could be troublesome. Additionally, the lack of a slot to accommodate large bills, checks, or slips in the coin drawer made me a bit disappointed.
In conclusion, the Royal 410dx Cash Register is a great addition to any small store or business. Its simplicity, programmability, and exceptional features like tax computation and thermal printing make transactions smoother and more efficient. Despite a few cons, the benefits make it a worthy investment.

🔗Advanced Alpha Cash Register with Rear Customer Display
The Royal Alpha 1000ml Cash Register is an excellent addition to any retail store, especially those that require a reliable and user-friendly cash register. Having used this product for several months now, I can confidently say that it has not only met my expectations but also exceeded them in some aspects.
One of the most noticeable features of this cash register is its 5-line alpha, LCD display with a backlight that provides visibility even in low-light conditions, easing the process for both employees and customers. Additionally, the 200 departments and 5,000 PLUs (Price Look-Ups) along with an electronic journal make inventory management a breeze.
The thermal printer is also worth mentioning as it ensures quick, smudge-free receipts. Furthermore, the optional hand-held bar code scanner adds an extra layer of convenience for those who prefer digital tracking of their items.
However, there are a few drawbacks to consider. The sensitivity to electrical shocks can be problematic during storms, which we experienced firsthand with our unit. Additionally, some users reported issues with programming and customer support, although I personally haven't encountered these problems.
In conclusion, the Royal Alpha 1000ml Cash Register offers a promising combination of functionality, convenience, and ease of use, making it a worthy investment for retail store owners looking for a dependable cash register solution.

🔗Royal 520DX Cash Register for Restaurants
I've been using the Royal 520DX Cash Register in my small cafe, and it's been a game-changer. The rear LCD customer display and 9 digit operator display make transactions super easy, and the built-in thermal printer is a lifesaver for receipts. Plus, the locking drawer with compartments for bills and coins is excellent for keeping everything organized.
But, there are a few downsides. The paper rolls can be a bit wasteful, especially when customers don't want receipts, and it took some time to figure out how to program the register. It's also worth mentioning that my power supply is starting to fray, which is a concern for future use.
Overall, the Royal 520DX Cash Register is a solid choice for running a small business, with its user-friendly design and helpful features. However, the paper waste and potential power supply issues might be something to consider before making a purchase.

Buyer's Guide

Important Features to Consider
When choosing a cash register for your restaurant, there are several features to keep in mind:
  • Touchscreen Display: A responsive, easy-to-use touchscreen makes transactions quicker and reduces the potential for errors from manual entry.
  • Integrated Scanner: An integrated scanner will allow you to scan barcodes on merchandise, reducing manual data entry, and increasing speed and accuracy.
  • Credit Card Processing: Many modern cash registers offer integrated credit card processing, providing secure and smooth transactions for customers paying with plastic.
  • Inventory Management: Advanced cash registers can provide real-time inventory management tools, helping you keep track of supplies and reorder items when necessary.
  • Scalability: As your restaurant grows, you'll want a cash register system that can grow with it. Consider a system that supports multiple registers, staff accounts, and other advanced features.

Considerations for Restaurant Use

Some additional factors to consider when choosing a cash register for your restaurant:
  • Ease of Use: Make sure the cash register is user-friendly, especially for employees who may not be tech-savvy. A quick learning curve will save you time and money on training.
  • Reliability: Cash registers need to be reliable in high-pressure, busy environments. Look for a system with a good reputation for durability and longevity.
  • Customer Support: Issues will occur at some point. Choose a cash register system with accessible customer support, preferably U. S. based and responsive.
  • Software Updates: Ensure the software for your cash register is regularly updated, with new features and improvements that enhance its performance and security over time.

General Advice

Before purchasing a cash register, consider these additional pieces of advice:
  • Set a Budget: Make sure you understand the costs involved, from initial hardware costs to any recurring subscription fees for software or services.
  • Try Before You Buy: Whenever possible, get hands-on with the cash register. This will give you a better understanding of how user-friendly the system is and whether it meets your specific needs.
  • Read Reviews: Take into account the experiences of other customers who have already used the product. Their feedback can provide valuable insights into the system's performance, reliability, and customer support.
  • Train Your Staff: Regardless of which cash register system you choose, make sure your staff are sufficiently trained in its operation. This will maximize its effectiveness and efficiency in your restaurant environment.


What is a cash register for a restaurant?

A cash register for a restaurant is a device that aids in the management of transactions, tracking sales, and keeping track of inventory. It typically consists of a hardware unit with a display, keypad, and a cash drawer. Some modern cash registers also come with software and integrated features that boost efficiency, such as inventory management, employee monitoring, and sales tracking.

What are some important features to look for in a cash register for a restaurant?
  • Ease of use: A cash register should be easy to operate for both staff and customers.
  • Integrated software: Software that helps manage inventory, sales, and employees can be a useful addition to any cash register.
  • Reliability: The cash register should function reliably, especially during peak hours when the volume of transactions is high.
  • Scalability: The cash register should be scalable, meaning it should be able to adapt to the growing demands of your restaurant business.
  • Customer support: The manufacturer or reseller should provide robust customer support, especially for troubleshooting and software updates.

How much do cash registers for restaurants typically cost?

The cost of a cash register for a restaurant can vary greatly depending on the features and complexity you need. Simple entry-level models can start at around $100, while more advanced systems with integrated software and hardware can cost thousands or tens of thousands of dollars.

Do I need any special training to use a cash register at a restaurant?

Most cash registers are designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, so extensive training is usually not required. However, it's always a good idea to provide some training for your staff to ensure that they're familiar with the specific features and layout of your cash register system.

What is the difference between a cash register and a POS system?

A cash register is primarily used for processing transactions, managing inventory, and tracking sales. A POS (point of sale) system is a more advanced and integrated solution that combines these functions with customer relationship management and other features. POS systems typically require more complex hardware setups and software, and are usually more expensive than standalone cash registers.

Can I customize the settings on my cash register for restaurant use?

Most cash registers offer at least some degree of customization, allowing you to set up your system to fit the specific needs of your restaurant business. This might include custom keys for different menu items, custom sales reports, and other features. Check with the manufacturer or reseller of your cash register to find out exactly what kind of customization options are available.

How do I connect my cash register to my restaurant's computer network?

The process of connecting your cash register to your restaurant's computer network can vary depending on the specific hardware and software you're using. In general, you'll need to install any necessary software drivers, and then connect the cash register to your network using either a direct Ethernet connection or a Wi-Fi connection. Consult the manufacturer's documentation for detailed instructions on how to do this.

How can I prevent theft or fraud with my cash register?

There are several steps you can take to help prevent theft or fraud with your cash register, including:
  • Installing surveillance cameras,
  • Implementing regular inventory checks,
  • Educating your employees on proper cash handling procedures,
  • Requiring two or more employees to authenticate each transaction,
  • Performing regular audits of your cash register activity,
  • Installing anti-theft devices on your cash register,
  • Restricting access to the cash register and its related software.

How do I update the software on my cash register?

Updating the software on your cash register will depend on the specific hardware and software you're using. In most cases, you'll be able to download and install updates directly from the manufacturer's website. Be sure to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer to ensure that the update process goes smoothly.

What happens if my cash register breaks down or stops working?

If your cash register stops working or breaks down, you'll need to troubleshoot the problem and, if necessary, order replacement parts or a new cash register. Check with the manufacturer or reseller of your cash register to find out what kind of support and warranty coverage you have in case of a breakdown or malfunction.
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2024.05.19 13:36 Significant-Tower146 Best Cash Registers for Grocery Stores

Best Cash Registers for Grocery Stores
Are you a grocery store owner on the hunt for the perfect cash register system? Look no further! Our new Cash Registers for Grocery Stores article has got all your questions answered. From state-of-the-art technology to traditional cash registers, we've rounded up the best options on the market, specifically catered to grocery stores just like yours. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and take a few minutes to browse through this curated selection of cash register systems that will keep your business running smoothly. Don't miss out on your perfect match!

The Top 15 Best Cash Registers for Grocery Stores

  1. Royal Consumer 500DX Cash Register for Small Business - The Royal Consumer 500DX Cash Register is an all-in-one solution for small businesses with its unlimited messaging capabilities, quick transaction processing, and user-friendly design, making it ideal for grocery stores and beyond.
  2. Sharp XE-A102 Compact Electronic Cash Register with LED Display - The Sharp XE-A102 Electronic Cash Register is a compact, reliable, and versatile option for start-up retailers, offering 8 departments, 80 PLU/Items, 3 payment methods, and a bright LED display.
  3. Professional XE Series Electronic Cash Register - The Sharp XE Series Electronic Cash Register is a high-speed thermal printer, ideal for businesses, with advanced reporting capabilities, seamless QuickBooks integration, graphics customization, and an 8-line display for accurate order entry.
  4. Casio Single-Tape Thermal Cash Register for Business - The Casio PCR-T280 is a top-performing cash register for medium-sized grocery stores, offering up to 1,200 item price lookups, easy tax programing, and hygienic anti-bacterial keyboard, ensuring patrons' peace of mind and efficient operation.
  5. Heavy-Duty Cash Register with Alpha Keyboard and LCD Display - Discover the Royal Alpha 1100ml heavy-duty cash register, designed for high-traffic establishments with 200 departments for sales analysis, 40 clerk ID system, and automatic tax computation to streamline your cash management system.
  6. Fast and Accurate Cash Register System with Thermal Printing and 8-Line Display - The Sharp XEA407 Cash Register offers a wide range of advanced features for efficient and streamlined operations, making it ideal for businesses seeking improved productivity and customer satisfaction.
  7. Royal 100Cx Portable Battery/AC Powered Cash Register - The Royal 100Cx Portable Battery/AC Powered Cash Register is a compact, efficient solution ideal for small businesses, vendors, and market stands, offering automatic tax computation, quick sales entry, and flexible department configurations.
  8. Royal 435dx Cash Register with 16 Department Capability and 8 Clerks - The Royal 435dX Electronic Cash Register is an exceptional choice for grocery stores, boasting 16 departments, 8 tax rates, and memory protection with backup batteries, making it a reliable and efficient addition to your business operations.
  9. Casio SE-S700 Cash Register: High-Speed Single-Station Thermal Printer - The Casio SE-S700 Cash Register combines speed, precision, and customizable features in a single-station thermal printer designed for grocery stores, streamlining operations while ensuring accurate pricing data for both operators and customers.
  10. Refurbished Sharp XE-A106 Sleek Microban Cash Register - The Sharp XE-A106 Refurbished Cash Register is a simple, intuitive, and hygienic cash register with Microban antimicrobial keys, large LED display, and easy programming, perfect for fast and quiet operation in grocery stores.
  11. Royal 6000ML Compact Cash Register with 10 FT Cord, 6000 Price Look-ups, and 36 Departments - Royal 6000ML Cash Register: Efficient, Compact, and Customizable for Smoother Business Operations with Accurate Management Reports, 6000 Price Look-ups, and SD Card Data Transfer.
  12. Clover Station POS System with Cash Register - Clover Station: A sleek, reliable, and feature-rich POS system with large touchscreen, swipe card reader, and high-speed printer - perfect for streamlining your cash register management in grocery stores.
  13. Advanced Alpha Cash Register with Rear Customer Display - Upgrade your grocery store's cash register system with the reliable Royal Alpha 1000ML, featuring an alphanumeric display, multiple security trays, a printer, and compatibility with bar-code scanners and SD cards.
  14. Casio PCR-T2300 Electronic Cash Register - The Casio PCR-T2300 offers versatile and reliable cash register functionality with a 10-line display, 30 department keys, and customizable receipts, perfect for grocery stores and small businesses.
  15. Square Register Touchscreen Display, Gray - Elevate your sales game with Square Register's seamless design, intuitive controls, and compact size, perfect for efficient point-of-sale transactions for grocery stores.
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🔗Royal Consumer 500DX Cash Register for Small Business
As a small business owner, I can attest that the Royal 500DX Cash Register has been an absolute game-changer for me. The dual LCD displays provide clear visibility for both the clerk and the customer, making transactions seamless and efficient.
One of the standout features is its capacity to handle up to 2,000 employees, which is more than adequate for a small to medium-sized business. Additionally, the unlimited messaging capability ensures that you won't miss any important announcements or updates. However, the product does feel a bit flimsy due to its predominantly plastic design, which might concern those who prefer a sturdier build.
Another fantastic aspect of this cash register is the 999 Price Look-Ups, allowing for quick processing of transactions. Programming four different tax rates also makes the setup process incredibly straightforward. On the downside, the impact printer, although functional, occasionally feels outdated compared to more advanced models.
Overall, the Royal 500DX Cash Register has proven to be a reliable and user-friendly addition to my small business. Its features cater to my daily needs and have undoubtedly contributed to the efficiency and success of my operations.

🔗Sharp XE-A102 Compact Electronic Cash Register with LED Display

I have been using the Sharp XE-A102 Electronic Cash Register for a start-up retail business, and it's been a reliable and efficient partner. The compact design allows it to fit easily in our small store, and the bright LED display makes it easy for us and our customers to see the transaction details. The 8 departments feature helps us organize our inventory, and the 80 PLU/Items capacity allows us to input all our products without issues.
One of the standout features of this cash register is its ability to accept different payment methods like cash, cheque, and credit card, which has made it easy for us to cater to our customers' preferred payment options. Additionally, the time and date display feature ensures that our transactions are accurate and timely.
However, there are a few minor drawbacks to the Sharp XE-A102. It can be a little noisy and slow compared to some other cash registers, which may be an issue during peak hours when we need to serve customers quickly. Moreover, the instructions provided are quite small, making them difficult to read and follow.
Overall, the Sharp XE-A102 Electronic Cash Register has been an excellent addition to our start-up retail business. Its compact design, 58 mm wide reliable printing, and ability to accept multiple payment methods make it a valuable tool for any small retailer. While it may have a few minor issues, the majority of users, including myself, are satisfied with its performance and recommend it to others.

🔗Professional XE Series Electronic Cash Register
I recently added the Sharp XE Series Electronic Cash Register to my tiny boutique store, and I couldn't be happier. Before settling on this model, I spent a lot of time researching various cash registers, but the XE Series stood out for its advanced sales reporting capabilities and seamless tie-in with QuickBooks Pro. The moment I unboxed it, I was impressed by its sleek, professional appearance and built-in SC card slot for easy connectivity and data back-up.
Setting up the register was incredibly easy, and within just a few hours, it was ready to go. Its intuitive interface made training my employees a breeze. The thermal printer was a pleasant surprise; it's much quieter and faster than traditional receipt printers. Plus, the customizable receipts with graphics and logos definitely give my store a professional edge.
One of my favorite features is the automatic tax system, which not only saves time but also reduces the potential for errors and makes reporting so much easier. The locking drawer ensures security and comes with multiple bill and coin compartments, making deposits a lot more organized.
The only downside is the rather complicated user manual, which could definitely be improved. It's not a complete deal breaker, though, as there are plenty of helpful YouTube tutorials available online.
All in all, I'm thrilled with my purchase of the Sharp XE Series Electronic Cash Register. It's a perfect fit for my small business and a real game-changer when it comes to streamlining sales transactions and accounting. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this cash register to anyone running a small retail or service business.

🔗Casio Single-Tape Thermal Cash Register for Business
Casio's PCR-T280 is a fantastic single-tape thermal cash register that offers more functionality for medium-sized businesses than entry-level models. With the ability to track up to 1,200 price lookups, it offers a level of specificity in item sales tracking not commonly found in its class. It also allows businesses to track sales up to eight different operators, making it an excellent tool for business tracking and growth.
One of the standout features of this product is its hygienic, antibacterial keyboard. In our current world, where cleanliness is paramount, this characteristic provides a measure of peace of mind for both business owners and customers alike. Furthermore, its multipurpose tray can hold money in four bill compartments and five coin compartments, ensuring the efficient flow of transactions.
The PCR-T280 also boasts a high-speed thermal printer, which can be used either for customer receipts or as a journal printer for recording all the store's activities. Its mode lock with key control feature provides multiple operation positions through physical keys, providing a level of security usually found in more expensive models.
Although it is not touch-screen, its simple and intuitive design makes it easy to program and use. Some users did find the manual a bit difficult to follow, but with a bit of practice, most find it quite manageable. With its ability to handle multiple sales tax needs and its capacity for PLU capabilities, the Casio PCR-T280 has proven itself as a reliable tool for various businesses, small or medium-sized.
However, one minor drawback is the depth of the money/change drawer, which could have been a little deeper for added convenience. Despite this minor issue, the vast majority of users recommend this register for its performance and price point, providing an excellent value for businesses looking for an affordable, reliable cash register solution.

🔗Heavy-Duty Cash Register with Alpha Keyboard and LCD Display
As an avid user of cash registers in my grocery store, I recently discovered the Royal Alpha 1100ml Cash Register, and my experience has been quite satisfactory. This heavy-duty register is perfect for my high-traffic establishment, offering a reliable and swift cash management system that I can always depend on.
The first thing that caught my eye about this cash register was its single fast and quiet alphanumeric thermal printer, capable of handling over 1 million lines. It's been able to keep up with the constant rush of customers, making it a reliable addition to my store.
The large 10-line LCD user display and alpha keyboard ensure easy programming, which was a breeze, even for a beginner like me. The SD Card slot is another excellent feature, enabling efficient accounting data transfers to a PC, a necessity for any modern business.
However, I will say that the software included with the register can be a bit flaky at times. While it is supposed to read the x and z reports that the machine puts on the sd card, I sometimes find myself having to use the sd card to transfer report data manually. Additionally, getting in touch with their tech support doesn't seem to be very helpful, as they often provide no real technical assistance.
Despite these minor issues, the Royal Alpha 1100ml Cash Register has been a solid addition to my store. Its heavy-duty locking cash drawer with four slot bill and removable five slot coin tray, along with its automatic tax computation, has made managing funds and keeping track of sales much easier for me. If you're in need of a reliable cash register for your business, I'd highly recommend giving this one a try.

🔗Fast and Accurate Cash Register System with Thermal Printing and 8-Line Display
I recently discovered the Sharp XEA407 Cash Register while searching for a reliable and feature-rich solution for my little grocery store. After trying it out, I must say it's exceeded my expectations.
The first thing that impresses anyone who lays their eyes on it is the sleek eight-line display. It's not just a pretty face though; it's got brains as well with 7000 Price Lookups (PLU's), allowing quick and accurate entry. The inclusion of 99 departments is brilliant as it makes managing diverse product types a breeze.
My favorite feature? Hands down, the microban keytops. They provide built-in antimicrobial protection, keeping those pesky germs at bay, which is particularly important given the current health situation. And let's not forget about the large 32GB SD card slot for computer connectivity and data storage.
However, there were a few hiccups too. The lack of French documentation was a letdown for me, a French-speaking Canadian. Plus, a few customers have reported missing parts upon delivery, making the product unusable.
So, while there are some minor issues, the Sharp XEA407 Cash Register has overall been a reliable and efficient addition to my store. It's fast, easy to set up, and offers more than enough features for most small businesses. If you're looking for a cash register that combines modern tech with dependability, this might just be the one for you.

🔗Royal 100Cx Portable Battery/AC Powered Cash Register
As a small business owner, I've been on the hunt for a reliable, portable cash register to make sales easier at my farmer's market stand. The Royal 100Cx, with its compact design and battery-powered operation, has been a reliable companion for me. The automatic tax computation feature is a game-changer, allowing me to easily manage sales and taxes on-the-go. However, the initial setup can be a bit daunting, and the manual doesn't do a fantastic job of explaining everything.
The preset department pricing and sales analysis by category of merchandise are standout features that have helped me keep track of inventory and sales trends. It's crucial for businesses like mine, where inventory and sales fluctuate frequently. The ink roll printer provides a receipt printout, providing a professional touch to every transaction.
In terms of drawbacks, one thing to note is that the tax computation is limited to only four rates – VAT, Canadian, and a couple of others – which may not cater to everyone's business needs. However, for my small farm market business, it's more than sufficient.
Overall, the Royal 100Cx is a dependable piece of hardware, and it's been a significant asset in streamlining my sales process. It may have a slightly steep learning curve, but once mastered, it's a powerful tool for any small business seeking a portable, autonomous cash register solution.

🔗Royal 435dx Cash Register with 16 Department Capability and 8 Clerks
As a small business owner, I can attest to the convenience of the Royal 435dX Electronic Cash Register in my daily operations. Its 16 departments and 800 PLU's ensure an efficient flow of transactions, while the 8 clerk capacity and 4 tax rates enable seamless management, even for those serving in various locations or catering to international clientele.
One of the highlights of this cash register is the front and rear LCD displays, allowing both the clerk and customer to see each transaction clearly. The memory protection with backup batteries provides added security to safeguard data in case of a power outage, a particularly valuable feature for businesses operating in areas with unpredictable power supply.
However, a minor con would be the single station 57mm impact printer, which could limit the pace of transactions during peak rush hours. Also, the locking cash drawer tends to be a bit cumbersome, requiring more time than necessary to retrieve and return change.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the Royal 435dX Electronic Cash Register has significantly improved my business operations, allowing me to keep track of transactions efficiently, even during peak hours. I would recommend this cash register to other small business owners looking for a reliable and feature-rich option that delivers exceptional performance at an affordable price point.

🔗Casio SE-S700 Cash Register: High-Speed Single-Station Thermal Printer
I recently upgraded my old, heavy cash register to the Casio SE-S700, and I must say, it has made running daily transactions a breeze. The built-in rear customer display ensures that prices are accurate, while the 8 department keys and 999 PLUs make it a cinch to organize my inventory.
One of my favorite features is the customizable receipt header, allowing me to print unique messages on each customer receipt. The large, easy-to-read LCD display ensures that no mistakes are made during sales transactions.
However, there are a few cons to consider. The plastic construction doesn't instill much confidence in its durability, and I wish the cash register drawer featured a more secure locking mechanism.
Overall, the Casio SE-S700 has proven to be a reliable and efficient cash register for my small business, saving me time and preventing any hassles when it comes to handling transactions.

🔗Refurbished Sharp XE-A106 Sleek Microban Cash Register
I recently got my hands on the Sharp XE-A106 Cash Register and boy, am I impressed! This refurbished gem has been a game-changer in managing sales at my small business.
The first thing that caught my eye was the Microban antimicrobial keys. It's not just about style; it's about hygiene too! The large LED screen is another feature that I absolutely adore. With one line for eight digits, it's so easy to keep track of prices and sales.
The drum printing on standard 2-1/4" plain paper roll is fast and quiet, making it perfect for my retail store. Plus, with functions like eight preprogrammed departments, 80 price lookups, four clerk numbers, auto-tax system, and flash reporting, managing sales has never been easier.
But wait, there's more! The locking cash drawer with four-slot bill compartments, five-slot removable coin tray, and a media slot for quick deposit of checks and bills is just brilliant. Not to forget the easy programming that took me under an hour to set up.
However, nothing's perfect. The one downside I noticed was the slow printing speed. Also, you can't turn off the receipt printer for a "no sale" option.
All in all, the Sharp XE-A106 Cash Register is a reliable workhorse for any small business. Despite the few drawbacks, it's worth every penny. If you're in the market for a cash register, this should definitely be on your list!

🔗Royal 6000ML Compact Cash Register with 10 FT Cord, 6000 Price Look-ups, and 36 Departments
I recently purchased the Royal 6000ML Cash Register for my small grocery store, and I have to say, it's been a game-changer. This compact cash register has truly helped streamline our operations, making it easier than ever to manage sales and generate accurate reports.
One of my favorite features is the 36 Department categorization, which has allowed me to analyze sales data in a more detailed manner. Additionally, the 6,000 Price Look-ups (PLUs) have made entering frequently sold items quick and easy. The alphanumeric thermal printer, along with the front display and rear LED display, ensures that I can keep track of transactions with ease.
However, there have been some cons as well. The initial setup was a bit challenging due to the lack of clarity in the instruction manual. Some users have also reported issues with the power cord connecting properly to the register.
Overall, despite a few hiccups during setup, the Royal 6000ML Cash Register has been a valuable addition to my business. Its efficiency and ease of use make it an ideal choice for small-scale retail operations.

Buyer's Guide

Important Features to Consider
When choosing a cash register for your grocery store, there are several key features to consider:
  • Scanning Capability: Ensure the register supports barcode scanning for quick and accurate product identification and pricing.
  • Integration Capabilities: Check if the register can integrate with other systems like point-of-sale (POS) software and inventory management systems.
  • Reliability and Durability: Look for registers with good performance records and robust construction to withstand daily use in a busy environment.

Considerations Before Buying

Before making your purchase, consider the following:
  • Size of Your Store: Choose a register that fits comfortably in your store's checkout area, without obstructing customer flow.
  • Number of Registers Needed: Consider how many cash registers you'll need to accommodate peak shopping times and ensure smooth customer service.
  • Budget: Determine a budget that allows for both the product cost and any potential installation or setup fees.

General Advice

To ensure you get the most out of your cash register investment, follow these tips:
  1. Research Different Models: Compare features, prices, and user reviews to find the best model for your store's needs.
  2. Consider Training: Make sure staff are trained on how to use the new cash register system correctly to minimize errors and maximize efficiency.
  3. Plan for Maintenance: Regularly clean and maintain your cash registers to keep them running smoothly and extend their lifespans.
By considering these features, evaluating your store's needs, and following general advice, you'll be well-equipped to choose the right cash register for your grocery store.


What is a cash register used for in grocery stores?

A cash register, also known as a till, is a device used by stores to manage sales transactions and customer purchases. In grocery stores, cash registers are used to scan and record product prices, calculate sales taxes, and process payments from customers. They also help store owners keep track of inventory and sales data.

Which features should I look for in a cash register for my grocery store?
When choosing a cash register for your grocery store, consider the following features: - Barcode scanner
  • Touchscreen or keypad
  • Cash drawer
  • Receipt printer
  • Customer display
  • Inventory management system
  • Integration with your POS (point-of-sale) system
  • Robust security features
  • Scalability and flexibility for future growth

Do all cash registers accept credit and debit cards?

Not all cash registers accept credit and debit cards by default. Some older models may require additional hardware or software to process card transactions. Newer cash register systems, usually known as POS systems, can handle payments through various methods, including credit, debit, mobile wallets, and contactless payments.

How do I find a suitable cash register for my grocery store's size?

Consider the complexity of your operations and the size of your store when choosing a cash register. For smaller grocery stores, a simple standalone cash register may be sufficient, while larger stores might require a more extensive POS system. Additionally, think about your future growth and ensure that the cash register you select can be upgraded or expanded if needed.

What are the benefits of using a cash register in a grocery store?

  • Improved accuracy and efficiency in processing transactions and inventory management
  • Enhanced security features to prevent theft and fraud
  • Detailed sales data to help make informed business decisions
  • Faster checkout times, leading to improved customer satisfaction
  • Compatibility with various payment methods, including cash, credit, debit, and mobile wallets

How do I maintain and troubleshoot my cash register?

Keep your cash register clean and free from dust, and make sure to perform regular maintenance tasks, such as checking the printer and scanner functionality. Additionally, stay updated on software and firmware updates to ensure optimal performance. For troubleshooting, consult your cash register's user manual. If you still need assistance, contact your cash register manufacturer or seller for technical support.

What is the difference between a cash register and a POS system?

A cash register is a more basic device used for processing transactions and managing inventory in a retail environment. In contrast, a POS system is a more advanced software solution that integrates multiple functions, such as sales reporting, employee management, and customer relationship management, in addition to accepting and processing payments.

How can I upgrade or replace an existing cash register in my grocery store?

Before upgrading or replacing your existing cash register, consider your store's requirements and the future growth of your business. Some cash register manufacturers and resellers offer trade-in programs that allow you to exchange your old cash register for a new model at a discounted price. Alternatively, you may choose to sell your old cash register and purchase a new one that suits your needs and budget. Make sure to transfer all relevant data from the old system to the new one to ensure a smooth transition.

How much does a cash register cost for a grocery store?

The cost of a cash register or POS system for a grocery store can vary depending on factors such as the features, brand, and type of system. Basic standalone cash registers can cost anywhere from $100 to $1,000, while more advanced POS systems can range from $1,000 to $10,000 or more. Be sure to research different options and compare prices before making your purchase.
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2024.05.19 13:35 Always_Keep_it_real What does it mean that the mean squared error of a test data is better than the training?

I was working with a set of data. I used bayesian regression to derive a model for it and I get the following results.
MSE for bayesian regression testing data : 0.146111996723155360.14611199672315536
MSE for bayesian regression for training data: 0.150783381821130190.15078338182113019
I am only wondering if this is just an incorrect implementation or is there cases where this is true or is this how it is supposed to be. I found an old thread researchgate where someone said:
I am not entirely sure what this person means so I ask here.
submitted by Always_Keep_it_real to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:34 FrewGewEgellok Switching freehub from HG to Microspline or XD on stock paradigm wheels

So I own a Checkpoint ALR 5 2024 model with the Apex XPLR set and I'm thinking about changing to the Apex Eagle with a 10-50 or 10-52 cassette, those won't fit the HG freehub though. It comes with a pair of Bontrager Paradigm wheels, however I don't know what type exactly, and the hubs aren't labeled. Is it possible to change the freehub, and if so, what type number would they be? Or am I stuck with HG?
submitted by FrewGewEgellok to CheckpointClub [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:30 EducationalWord6906 Print issues

Print issues
Hi, I just got the Neptune 4 and am trying to print some basic items with PETG. The model is sliced with ORCA Slicer. Here are the settings I'm using: Layer height: 0.28 mm (also tried 0.2 mm) Temperature: 245°C for the nozzle and 80°C for the bed (lower temperatures, like 240°C, fail) PA and FLOW calibrated using ORCA's calibration feature
However, the surface quality is really poor in the areas where supports are located (on the underside). What should I do in this case?
Another problem: seems like support parts had bad adhesion to main model.
submitted by EducationalWord6906 to ElegooNeptune4 [link] [comments]