Tran pararam ben 10

Quick, Jethiss, next move and miscellany haha

2024.05.28 20:23 jimbiosis Quick, Jethiss, next move and miscellany haha

I just finished the NotME. Blood and Bone took a while but I sailed through Assail. I've just jumped back to MoI and about to do a re-read from there. Have already re-read the 1st couple a few times. I also liked the links from end of MoI and Assail. This is a beautiful series man. Do we ever get confirmation on who Jeth iss? Should my next move be paths to ascendancy? Seems sensible as there's more of those books available while I wait on new output. Do we ever get to the bottom of quick ben? I love him man, especially now as I go back through MoI. Am burning to get into TGiNW but the wait for the follow ups is putting me off. I feel like I can pick spoilers all as my flair now, it's the best fit, but I've only read main 10 + Cams 6 so avoid outright spoilers for remainder if you've read this far please guys xoxo Also how good is TGiNW? Lol am so buzzing for it but happy to leave it until it's a complete series, rather than bouncing back and forward hundreds of thousands of years. Finally, as engagement bait hahaha, who's your favourite character?
submitted by jimbiosis to Malazan [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:19 Kin_93 Nothing Describes The Warner Bros As Well As Patrick

Nothing Describes The Warner Bros As Well As Patrick submitted by Kin_93 to Ben10 [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:57 Deep_Hospital_3632 Should I (39m) call it off with my long distance fiancée (32f)?

Posting from a throwaway.
I'm (39m) a teacher and I spent several years teaching English as a second language in SE Asia. I was the quintessential LBH. I suddenly found myself in situations where I was considered interesting, not irritating, and after living that and then having to come home, I think I got a microscopic taste of what it's like to go from a celebrity to a has been. It's hard to go from a life where people seek me out to be my friend and come back to a life where the only person who calls me on my birthday is my mom.
Which brings me to the woman (32) in my life, someone I'll call Sharen. (That's a bit of an iykyk joke for anyone who speaks Chinese. For the record, Sharen does not kill people, that I know of.) Sharen is someone I started casually dating while I was living near Shanghai. Long story short, after a string of setbacks I wound up moving back to the USA. As soon as I got here it was back to being a loser. I moved to a city where I only know a couple of people, and I spent a lot of time just endlessly swiping on Tinder or messaging endless people on Grindr. Very few people ever got back to me and 9/10 of them were scammers. After a few months of that, I realized I'd let a good thing go in China and I messaged Sharon on WeChat to see how she felt about coming to the USA.
I spoke with an immigration lawyer and was told that the cheapest and easiest way to be with Sharon in the USA would be to marry her. So I went for it and asked Sharon to marry me, and she said yes.
Now here's the tricky part. Sharon is a trans woman. That means that according to Chinese legislation, this would be a same sex marriage, which is not legal in China. I asked the lawyer about a K1 visa and she made it sound like it would be a difficult and expensive process and we would probably be denied. She reccomended we get married in a third country and then apply for a spousal visa. I cross referenced every country you can travel to from China without a visa, with countries that allow same sex marriage, and, more-or-less, the only one that came up was Ecuador.
Ecuador sounds nice. Decent human rights record. Cool wildlife. Sharen was worried. For reasons that I don't fully understand but suspect are related to the social media she consumes, she is convinced Ecuador is deporting and incarcerating a large number of Chinese people who go over there. So she has decided that she'd rather apply for a visa to go to another country. She applied for a visa to go to the UK and was denied because the travel agency she talked to straight up told her to lie and say she had a better job in China. She had to submit her bank records and that was the end of that. So now we're looking at France. She went to the French consulate in Shanghai and they told her she would have to make an appointment, and they were booked out for several months. There's also a consulate in Chengdu, and she could go there without an appointment. We talked about it and we agreed that a flight to and from Chengdu just really didn't make financial sense at a time when we're both trying to save as much as we can. Well, she changed her mind and went to Chengdu. I realize some of you might look at that like her not respecting the relationship or whatever but she can make her own decisions and if she can afford it I don't have a problem with it. So we're waiting to hear back on her visa application at the time that I write this.
Here's the thing. I'm getting cold feet. I really don't think we have that much in common, and I think she's really a catch, but that doesn't mean we are right for each other. A lot of people abroad see the USA through rose colored glasses and think that everyone here is rich and progressive. I mentioned to her about what Project 2025 would mean for GRSM people and she said 'Well, then Donald Trump certainly won't become president.' I've tried to explain to her that USA isn't a bastion of queer acceptance and I don't think she gets it. One thing she is really looking forward to is GAC. She saved for years to get bottom surgery. Her father got access to it and lost it all gambling. She can't access hormones and she takes birth control pills. I don't know how safe that is. It's easy to see how she thinks things will be better in the USA, but I don't think she is going to be able to get GAC as quickly or easily as she thinks.
Besides that, I just think we see the world in different ways and there's a love language barrier, if you will. I think she's being jejune about this whole thing and doesn't fully comprehend how incredibly challenging our marriage is going to be. My Chinese is pretty good but it's still difficult to communicate some of the more messy parts of life. She's going to have to learn to live in a completely different culture where she doesn't speak the language. So many of the things she's depended on in life are going to be difficult or impossible to obtain. And on a personal level, how is she going to feel at a family reunion where people want to be friendly toward her but don't know how? I haven't told my parents she's trans yet. She's asked me to keep it a secret and I respect that, but I can't help but feel like the longer we go without telling them the worse it's going to be when they find out.
And I try to talk to her about these things, but especially with her traveling lately, it seems like she never finds time. I'll try to start a conversation and I won't hear back from her for hours. When I do hear back, she changes the subject. I don't even think she knows she's doing it. She's never introduced me to any of her friends. She rarely tells me about when she has a tough day at work or what she thinks about life or anything. I feel like we haven't had an opportunity to open up to one another in months. I was unemployed until a few weeks ago, and she told me I should try to get a job as a cop. I tried to explain to her that 'Anarchists don't become police officers.' but she didn’t understand what I meant by that. I think she cares more about financial security and I care more about hippie bullshit like trying to make the world a better place. I don't blame her for being that way, but how can we be on the same team if we have such different goals in life?
On the one hand, I am willing to take the risk, as long as my postnup is iron clad. As long as I don't lose everything in a divorce, the worst thing that happens is I help someone get her life together in a country where she can be her authentic self. And I know this is a shitty reason to stay in a relationship, but I'm so tired of being alone, and the prospects of me finding anyone in the USA aren't promising. I’m at an age where going out and meeting people seems impossible. I’ve been in this city for two years now and I’ve made about two friends who I never see. Going from that to finding a perfect match seems so far away and I'm not getting any younger, and there's someone who loves me for who I am and it’s hard to say no to that. What's the worst thing that could happen from just going for it and seeing if we can't make it work?
Another thing that I think bears mentioning is that, at this point, it’s especially shitty to jilt her. She’s gone to the consulate. She’s applied for a visa. She’s making travel plans. She’s thinking about how she’s finally going to get where she wants to go in life. She’s borrowed money so we can make this work.
So what do I do? Do I give it the old college try even though I have giant reservations about it? Do I call it off and let her go back to a life that is unsatisfying and dangerous? I’m leaning toward going for it, but I don’t know that that’s the best idea. Thanks for reading and thanks for offering any advice.
submitted by Deep_Hospital_3632 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:50 Unlikely_Weird How diverse is the feminist movement?

In a new study just recently published, researchers sought to examine the beliefs of contemporary, everyday feminists.
In three separate studies, the researchers identified the issues on which contemporary feminists agree and disagree. They examined how these views coalesce into broader feminist beliefs and explored the psychological variables linked to these beliefs. Additionally, they analysed how these beliefs shape the ideological factions within the feminist movements in the United Kingdom and the United States.
The most commonly mentioned topics of contention were trans issues, sex work and intersectionality.
The researchers identified eight distinct feminist beliefs: perspectives on sex work, the need to prioritise marginalized women's viewpoints, the compatibility of feminism and religion, views on trans issues, andro-critical views, the importance of freedom of choice, efforts to combat workplace sexism, and endorsement of gendesex differences. Based on how strongly individuals endorsed these beliefs, they identified six key ideological groups within feminism:
proscriptive feminists, - believe women need to abandon traditional gender norms in order to achieve equality
anti-sex work feminists, - are very much against sex work and see it as inherently exploitative
conservative feminists, - score low in feminist identity, don't value marginalised perspectives, low in trans inclusion (I have seen it argued in this forum that one cannot be conservative and a feminist)
liberal feminists, - also score low in identify, highly value women's freedom to chose the life they want
selectively inclusive feminists and solidarity feminists, - both highly value marginalised groups, very inclusive of Muslim women and trans individuals. Sex work is the dividing issue, with solidarity feminists being accepting.
The researchers state that this new framework of describing the ideological factions within feminism does not align closely with ideologies previously discussed in the literature such as in this study.
So how well do these groupings represent the diversity present within the feminist movement today and does splicing the beliefs as such help or hinder the cause?
submitted by Unlikely_Weird to AskFeminists [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:45 X20000 Oakboi Jermaine(Bleedas) dissing Ben 10(NBA/4KT)

Oakboi Jermaine(Bleedas) dissing Ben 10(NBA/4KT) submitted by X20000 to DaDumbWay [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:44 The_not_so_treecko Look what I have

Look what I have
I got most of the talking Tom games
submitted by The_not_so_treecko to TalkingTomandFriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:44 aaaa-my What does comfortable pace mean?

What does comfortable pace mean?
I'm new to Runna after completing C25K so apologies if this is a silly question!
Does the comfortable pace in this run mean I should be going slower or faster that 7:10/km? For context I can complete a 5k with 6:30/km pace but I'm guessing Runna is getting me to start slower to build up endurance
submitted by aaaa-my to runna [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:37 xBellial01 Başka var mı benim gibi delikanlı

Başka var mı benim gibi delikanlı submitted by xBellial01 to hiphoptr [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:20 kentuckyfriedchocobo As an oilers fan, you guys are one of the classiest fan bases in the NHL.

If anyone deserves to see their team go all the way (other than oilers fans of course lol) I hope it’s you guys.
Thanks for being classy. Y’all rock.
submitted by kentuckyfriedchocobo to DallasStars [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:15 Morenob020 Houten vloer vervangen

Houten vloer vervangen
Hi allemaal,
Ik heb een jaren 30 hoekwoning met een houten vloer. Toen ik de woning kocht werd er door de makelaar verteld dat je houten vloer aan vervanging is binnen nu en 10 jaar. De taxateur zei binnen nu en 5 jaar. Ik heb rond deze periode weer last van naaktslakken in de woonkamer. Ik heb nu het laminaat en de ondervloer gedeeltelijk verwijderd en ben aan het kijken hoe de staat van de balken is. Ik zie dat de balken al verstevig zijn maar zie ook dat de eerste balk die ik zie al vrij erg is weggerot. Er staat geen water in de kruipruimte. De muren zijn wel vochtig. Het lijkt mij dat er geen ventilatie in de kruipruimte zit. Weet iemand wat het beste is om de vloer weer netjes te krijgen voor een normale prijs. Een betonvloer lijkt me het beste maar is erg prijzig. Ik hoef geen vloerverwarming. Wat zou ik ongeveer voor prijs kunnen verwachten mocht ik het zelf doen tegenover laten doen? De woonkamer is ongeveer 25m2
submitted by Morenob020 to Klussers [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:04 subredditsummarybot Your weekly /r/90sAlternative roundup for the week of May 21 - May 27, 2024

Tuesday, May 21 - Monday, May 27, 2024

Top 10 Posts

score comments title & link mirrors
53 2 comments Shirley Manson (Garbage) by Matthew Rolston
37 5 comments [1995] Tripping Daisy - I Got A Girl [Sp] [AM] [BC] [Dzr] [SC]
36 4 comments [1990] Suicidal Tendencies - You Can't Bring Me Down [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
32 6 comments [1995] Juliana Hatfield - Universal Heartbeat [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
28 3 comments [1997] Beck - The New Pollution [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
24 2 comments [1992] Babes In Toyland - Bruise Violet [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
23 3 comments [1990] Superchunk - Slack Motherfucker [Sp] [AM] [BC] [Dzr] [SC]
21 6 comments [1995] The Innocence Mission - Bright As Yellow [Sp] [AM] [BC] [Dzr] [SC]
21 20 comments 90s bands covering 90s songs
20 1 comments [1993] Belly - Slow Dog [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]

Top 5 Most Commented

score comments title & link mirrors
20 4 comments [1996] Blind Melon - Three Is a Magic Number [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
12 4 comments [1994] Beastie Boys - Bodhisattva Vow [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
16 3 comments [1997] Ben Folds Five - One Angry Dwarf and 200 Solemn Faces [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
12 3 comments [1991] Kitchens Of Distinction - Drive That Fast [Sp] [AM] [Dzr]
20 3 comments Seal - Crazy (Official Music Video) [HD] [Sp] [AM] [BC] [Dzr] [SC]
submitted by subredditsummarybot to 90sAlternative [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:00 StatsAnalyticsSports 5/28 Tue MLB Picks

All Sports YTD Records
Overall: 597-589 (50.3%) -61.49
MTD: 92-109 (45.8%) -43.58
L/30 Days: 111-113 (49.6%) -10.28
L/7 Days: 20-27 (42.6%) -15.16
Y/Day: 1-8 (11.1%) -15.36
Avg Odds / Pick: -102

MLB YTD Records
Overall: 166-161 (50.8%) -19.4
MTD: 66-80 (45.2%) -36.42
L/7 Days: 16-18 (47.1%) -4.46
Y/Day: 1-5 (16.7%) -8.56
Avg Odds / Pick: -100

5/28 Tue MLB Picks

2* [955] Washington Nationals +220 (Jake Irvin) vs Atlanta Braves (Max Fried) bet365

2* [957] Chicago Cubs +1.5 -140 (Ben Brown) vs Milwaukee Brewers (Freddy Peralta) ESPNBet

2* [958] Chicago Cubs (Ben Brown) vs Milwaukee Brewers (Freddy Peralta) ~ Under 8 -118 DraftKings

2* [962] San Francisco Giants +185 (Mason Black) vs Philadelphia Phillies (Zack Wheeler) ESPNBet

2* [975] Pittsburgh Pirates (Jared Jones) vs Detroit Tigers (Tarik Skubal) ~ Over 7 +105 BetMGM

2* [976] Detroit Tigers -152 (Tarik Skubal) vs Pittsburgh Pirates (Jared Jones) BetRivers

2* [980] Cleveland Guardians (Triston McKenzie) vs Colorado Rockies (Ryan Feltner) ~ Under 10.5 +100 Caesars
submitted by StatsAnalyticsSports to SportsPicksChat [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:56 Immediate-Rope8465 alien X is not overrated. also alien X

alien X is not overrated. also alien X submitted by Immediate-Rope8465 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:54 Nalarix Warning: cult server

A server was shared earlier and I was bored so I joined. They literally call it a cult, you must agree with all the views or you get dogpiled, not just on typology but also politics, spirituality etc.
Boundaries are not respected, also, someone dm'd me if I was okay, then giving me a lecture on how not giving pics in 10 minutes makes you a catfish (cause showing your face to someone online you just met is such a good idea ofc), "are you a girl?" "a trans one or normal?" then goes on a "trans people are creepy" rant when I said I'm a cis woman. Then also said lgbtq as a whole is "fucked".
lol admin just dm'd me he always wanted to be a dictator, there's nothing wrong with it...
Sorry for unfitting flair and probably against the rules but Idc, you're welcome.
submitted by Nalarix to Enneagram [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:53 Short_Algo $TRU Awaiting Short Signal based off 10 signals $5,166 net profit 8.15 profit factor 90% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at #trading #stocks #investing #money

$TRU Awaiting Short Signal based off 10 signals $5,166 net profit 8.15 profit factor 90% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at #trading #stocks #investing #money submitted by Short_Algo to StockTradingIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:53 a-i-cant-fix-that Paniek bij extreem rechts

Paniek bij extreem rechts submitted by a-i-cant-fix-that to Poldersocialisme [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:49 Klumber Season report

What a fucking ride! One of the best seasons by the Pacers in my living memory, and that is further than I like to admit. So I thought we should all contribute to a 'season report'. I'll go in depth here, but feel free to nitpick and argue and make counterpoints where appropriate.
Season overall 9/10 Would only have been better if there had been no Haliburton injury at a pretty crucial time and of course if we had won the whole damn thing! But for a realist perspective: This is a team that is on the up and a lot of the key-pieces are set, nobody thought we'd do this well (although a few of you did!) and I am incredibly proud to be a Pacers fan.
Front Office 8/10 Getting Siakam was both brave and smart. Signing Brown on the contract we did so we had a good trade chip was brilliant and drafting Ben Sheppard has proven to be a huge hit. Walker is yet to prove himself but I remain fairly hopeful he will develop in the coming years. Only thing I'm slightly annoyed about, even if I did advocate FOR this move, was trading Hield. Yes, we should have traded him, but no, not for what became a second round pick and Dougie McD. Sometimes you need to let past idols be and I think having Buddy as an option on the bench in this play-off run would have been far more beneficial. So what if he didn't want to re-sign.
Coaching staff 8,5/10 Rick dropped the ball a couple of times against the Celtics and various other times this season. Agreed, now show me a single coach that never makes mistakes. They all do except for, maybe, Spoelstra. I can't think of a realistic option to replace Rick. His leadership is beyond reproach and the players fight for each other and for him. Jenny Boucek, Mike Weinar and (interestingly) Jim Boylen have been a really solid coaching team. Lloyd Pierce is near enough ready to lead a team himself, he's been well spoken and the players clearly respect him.
Tyrese Haliburton 7/10 "What? Why so low, you hater!" May I remind you that Haliburton is the leader of this team and can I point out he doesn't defend well enough without being torched for it? Because that is the simple truth. I won't say he has been 'found out' or 'he's just another Trae Young!' (Trae's going to make people swallow that statement by the way). Tyrese brings positivity and allows us to play the way we do and it is a whirlwind of joy and excitement. The reason he loses points? He is still found out WAY too often on defense. I'm not talking about him being targeted, I'm talking about him showing smart help defense one play and completely being zonked out the next. But the main reason? He can be so much better. I fully expect him to take another big step up next season now that he has this play-off run under his belt.
Pascal Siakam 8/10 In the farming business people talk about 'known quantities' for fields that produce year after year. Pascal is a known quantity. Steady as Edinburgh Castle and reliable when called upon. He's not the top tier defender we might have wanted, but he contributes effectively.
Myles Turner 7.5/10 This is such a tricky player to grade. I've gone higher than I intended to because I am really impressed with how Turner has managed to change his game from being a defensive (but limited) anchor, to a combo player who can bring the heat offensively at the expense of some defensive inefficiency. It is impressive because he's exactly what we need at the five for our dervish system to work. I just wish he became more consistent when under the spotlight. I nearly graded him 6,5 but that would purely have been on the basis of this Celtics series and that would ignore a lot of the good work he has done. I just want him to become our defensive leader again.
Aaron Nesmith 6/10 Oh man, I love Aaron. I love his tenacity, his fire, his defensive prowess. He is legit one of the best defenders at his position in the league and that is exactly what we need him to be. BUT. I can't look past his shooting slump. I don't know what changed, but since the All-star game his 3p% has steadily slid down and it was well below average in the play-offs. Yes, part of that is because he spends so much energy on defense and he gets a huge pass for that. But this off season, please get to converting those wide open threes again, or your place as a starter will be at risk...
Andrew Nembhard 8/10 Booyah! He's arrived! The League all of a sudden realised this kid isn't some flash in the pan. His play-off performances have been stellar. Nobody can reasonably expect this level of performance from any second year player on the biggest stage. Efficient, defended some really difficuly match-ups and crowned it by, arguably, outplaying Tyrese when his number was called in game 3/4. BUT, he's had weaker periods this season and that is to be expected, especially considering his lingering injury.
Bench players 9/10.
Quickfire: TJ McConnell is now legit our sixth man of the year. What a fucking legend. Obi has had a season I didn't expect, he needs to improve his handle (A LOT) and can do with becoming more consistent defensively, but he's been great overall. Mathurin, such a shame he got injured. He clearly had some second season syndrome, but I can't wait to see him fully healthy. Sheppard... How did we pick another Nembhard? Just how? Incredible season for the rook. Speaking of rooks: Walker, have patience young padawan. Your time will come. Big shoutout to Jalen Smith for the start of the season and Jackson for the play-offs, what a luxury to have two great back-up fives.
Have a fucking awesome summer, knowing we'll be back even stronger next season. I'll be cheering on the Mavs (not a diss on the Celtics, just that I'm a big Doncic fan) in the Finals and then... time for the Tour de France. Bonne Nuite mes Amis!
submitted by Klumber to pacers [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:39 SpaceCunt666 AIO for being creeped out?

So, my (35yr old transdude) neighbor is an older man (late 60s) and for a few years we got a long really well. Then I started therapy and realized this guy would kind of use me to talk to, but wasn't super interested in any of my things and I started distancing myself because it kept me from my work. In therapy I realized this guy, while raised by a narcissist, also acted like one too and was ready to cut down anyone who wasn't there to help him and that turned me off completely. He started talking more to my husband (38m) and they just talked here and there, just neighborly outside talking.
It's been that way for the most part for the past 2-3 years, but the few times I've interacted with him, he has let a few mean/misogynistic things slip out towards me (he doesn't know I'm trans as I just started medically transitioning). Nothing too crazy, just enough to bother me but not enough to cause a fight. He lost his pet last year and has gone down the rabbit hole of vets and doctors only want your money so he doesn't go to them.
Then his health started declining and he ended up going to the hospital yesterday for his unmanaged diabetes. He begged me to come over at 5am to help him gather his things, which I made up a reason I couldn't because there was no way in hell I was going over there by myself. He called the paramedics and I told him that they would help him gather a few things that he needed, as they're always kind when I've had to use them.
I hadn't heard a peep from him until I stepped out the door this morning to go to work and this man was staring out his window at me. I waved and he kept staring with a mean look on his face, said some angry words and shut the curtains.
So here comes my question, AIO by being creeped the hell out knowing this guy has my work schedule down enough to wait and stare at me outside his window at 7am? Our houses are maybe 20ft apart and it felt like a horror movie jumpscare. Because this wasn't an accidental stare down, this lasted like 10 seconds of him staring angrily at me before mouthing off at me.
submitted by SpaceCunt666 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:30 Deep_Hospital_3632 How can I proceed with my long distance relationship with my fiancée (39m, 32f)?

Posting from a sock.
I'm (39m) a teacher and I spent several years teaching English as a second language in SE Asia. I was the quintessential LBH. I suddenly found myself in situations where I was considered interesting, not irritating, and after living that and then having to come home, I think I got a microscopic taste of what it's like to go from a celebrity to a has been. It's hard to go from a life where people seek me out to be my friend and come back to a life where the only person who calls me on my birthday is my mom.
Which brings me to the woman (32) in my life, someone I'll call Sharen. (That's a bit of an iykyk joke for anyone who speaks Chinese. For the record, Sharen does not kill people, that I know of.) Sharen is someone I started casually dating while I was living near Shanghai. Long story short, after a string of setbacks I wound up moving back to the USA. As soon as I got here it was back to being a loser. I moved to a city where I only know a couple of people, and I spent a lot of time just endlessly swiping on Tinder or messaging endless people on Grindr. Very few people ever got back to me and 9/10 of them were scammers. After a few months of that, I realized I'd let a good thing go in China and I messaged Sharon on WeChat to see how she felt about coming to the USA.
I spoke with an immigration lawyer and was told that the cheapest and easiest way to be with Sharon in the USA would be to marry her. So I went for it and asked Sharon to marry me, and she said yes.
Now here's the tricky part. Sharon is a trans woman. That means that according to Chinese legislation, this would be a same sex marriage, which is not legal in China. I asked the lawyer about a K1 visa and she made it sound like it would be a difficult and expensive process and we would probably be denied. She reccomended we get married in a third country and then apply for a spousal visa. I cross referenced every country you can travel to from China without a visa, with countries that allow same sex marriage, and, more-or-less, the only one that came up was Ecuador.
Ecuador sounds nice. Decent human rights record. Cool wildlife. Sharen was worried. For reasons that I don't fully understand but suspect are related to the social media she consumes, she is convinced Ecuador is deporting and incarcerating a large number of Chinese people who go over there. So she has decided that she'd rather apply for a visa to go to another country. She applied for a visa to go to the UK and was denied because the travel agency she talked to straight up told her to lie and say she had a better job in China. She had to submit her bank records and that was the end of that. So now we're looking at France. She went to the French consulate in Shanghai and they told her she would have to make an appointment, and they were booked out for several months. There's also a consulate in Chengdu, and she could go there without an appointment. We talked about it and we agreed that a flight to and from Chengdu just really didn't make financial sense at a time when we're both trying to save as much as we can. Well, she changed her mind and went to Chengdu. I realize some of you might look at that like her not respecting the relationship or whatever but she can make her own decisions and if she can afford it I don't have a problem with it. So we're waiting to hear back on her visa application at the time that I write this.
Here's the thing. I'm getting cold feet. I really don't think we have that much in common, and I think she's really a catch, but that doesn't mean we are right for each other. A lot of people abroad see the USA through rose colored glasses and think that everyone here is rich and progressive. I mentioned to her about what Project 2025 would mean for GRSM people and she said 'Well, then Donald Trump certainly won't become president.' I've tried to explain to her that USA isn't a bastion of queer acceptance and I don't think she gets it. One thing she is really looking forward to is GAC. She saved for years to get bottom surgery. Her father got access to it and lost it all gambling. She can't access hormones and she takes birth control pills. I don't know how safe that is. It's easy to see how she thinks things will be better in the USA, but I don't think she is going to be able to get GAC as quickly or easily as she thinks.
Besides that, I just think we see the world in different ways and there's a love language barrier, if you will. I think she's being jejune about this whole thing and doesn't fully comprehend how incredibly challenging our marriage is going to be. My Chinese is pretty good but it's still difficult to communicate some of the more messy parts of life. She's going to have to learn to live in a completely different culture where she doesn't speak the language. So many of the things she's depended on in life are going to be difficult or impossible to obtain. And on a personal level, how is she going to feel at a family reunion where people want to be friendly toward her but don't know how? I haven't told my parents she's trans yet. She's asked me to keep it a secret and I respect that, but I can't help but feel like the longer we go without telling them the worse it's going to be when they find out.
And I try to talk to her about these things, but especially with her traveling lately, it seems like she never finds time. I'll try to start a conversation and I won't hear back from her for hours. When I do hear back, she changes the subject. I don't even think she knows she's doing it. She's never introduced me to any of her friends. She rarely tells me about when she has a tough day at work or what she thinks about life or anything. I feel like we haven't had an opportunity to open up to one another in months. I was unemployed until a few weeks ago, and she told me I should try to get a job as a cop. I tried to explain to her that 'Anarchists don't become police officers.' but she didn’t understand what I meant by that. I think she cares more about financial security and I care more about hippie bullshit like trying to make the world a better place. I don't blame her for being that way, but how can we be on the same team if we have such different goals in life?
On the one hand, I am willing to take the risk, as long as my postnup is iron clad. As long as I don't lose everything in a divorce, the worst thing that happens is I help someone get her life together in a country where she can be her authentic self. And I know this is a shitty reason to stay in a relationship, but I'm so tired of being alone, and the prospects of me finding anyone in the USA aren't promising. I’m at an age where going out and meeting people seems impossible. I’ve been in this city for two years now and I’ve made about two friends who I never see. Going from that to finding a perfect match seems so far away and I'm not getting any younger, and there's someone who loves me for who I am and it’s hard to say no to that. What's the worst thing that could happen from just going for it and seeing if we can't make it work?
Another thing that I think bears mentioning is that, at this point, it’s especially shitty to jilt her. She’s gone to the consulate. She’s applied for a visa. She’s making travel plans. She’s thinking about how she’s finally going to get where she wants to go in life. She’s borrowed money so we can make this work.
So what do I do? Do I give it the old college try even though I have giant reservations about it? Do I call it off and let her go back to a life that is unsatisfying and dangerous? I’m leaning toward going for it, but I don’t know that that’s the best idea. Thanks for reading and thanks for offering any advice.
submitted by Deep_Hospital_3632 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:22 Affectionate_Act7962 Scared of being trans, but I think I am really gay or bisexual

Hello everyone,
Hope you'll read this, even though it's long.
I'm going through a rough time, honestly very scared, due to someone writing me on reddit that I might be trans because I wrote about my bi- attractions and how I found them difficult to reconcile and someone wrote I might be trans and I looked up some of the trans stuff and it feels awful.
I never thought I had gender dysphoria, though had bad social anxiety and was always afraid people would think I was gay and they could tell or that I wasn't masculine enough. I think I might more accurately have had gender role discomfort perhaps.
I'm a man in my late 30s and I grew up a boy who probably did have some feminine behaviour at some point in childhood, including at least one gender swapping fantasy, but I don't recall thinking myself a girl and disliked if someone would use it as a slur (as they did for long haired boys). I don't know if it makes sense, but I don't think I saw myself as girl, more trying to interact with the world using girl behaviour, thinking looking "pretty" and being charming and mild was the way. I also had a strong feeling that sex was wrong and bad.
I had some early crushes on girls, but when I got around 14-15, I definitely began feeling much stronger warm emotions, butterflies I guess, around some boys. I recognise now that they were clearly homosexual feelings. I think if I had known any gay boys, I might have turned out different, because I definitely felt curious and not repulsed about the idea of boys kissing when I saw someone do it for fun in school. I met a boy who joked about putting something up his butt and I thought, hey, if he likes it, maybe it isn't wrong.
Unfortunately, I never got to test those feelings, because high school and homophobic environment and strongly repressed any such further feelings despite having a crush on a guy from class.
I tried to act as if I liked girls and I did masturbate to porn with women a lot, which now is part of my fear (why and who I identify with?). I grew up and "forced" myself to have sex with a woman and did enjoy it, which led to having more sex. It felt pleasurable, but mostly afterwards. I did kind of feel as if I had to be in a dominant, almost slightly sadistic mood, to really be able to perform.
Fast forwards and for the last 5-10 years, since discovering femdom porn one night, I struggled to keep my attraction to regular sex with women. Porn and real life. I fantasize about being pegged a lot. I've never been into the s*ssy stuff or anything like that, but I fear so much what my pegging fantasy means. I definitely am only turned on with the guy being a normal guy and I'm pretty sure I identify with the guy, but perhaps I look at the guy too. I can't get into gay porn, which makes me confused and afraid, that I'm auto-gynephile in some way.
Anyway, during my life I've had more crushes on mostly straight guys, which I convinced myself were platonic, but some years ago I realized I had a crush on a gay guy from media, that I listened to. I also found a guy on Twitter who I felt a crush for, who seems quite gay-ish, twinkish, has a girlfriend, but uses words like top/bottom etc. I wrote something as a reply and felt a rush when he responded and kind of wanted to write a gayish sexual joke as a reply.
That's where I'm at. I had identified as bisexual for a while, but never really meant it to myself, never really acknowledging the feelings. I am now so terrified of the trans stuff and I do see some of the auto-gyne in my childhood etc.
I do feel pretty sure that I'm a gay or bisexual man and don't really feel gender dysphoria I feel, but my lack of strong gay sexual attraction makes me afraid. I do feel as I've taken some steps forward, considering I've now experienced a crush on a gay guy and acknowledged, how small it may be, that I had some kind of sexual feelings for that one guy.
I hope I make sense and thanks for reading.
submitted by Affectionate_Act7962 to detrans [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:20 cndnghst (TONIGHT) Dinner And A Movie - There's Something About Mary

Dinner and a Movie: "There's Something About Mary"
Presented by Nuba, Daily Hive & Hollywood Theatre
Date: Tuesday, May 28th Location: Hollywood Theatre at 3123 W Broadway, Vancouver, BC Doors Open: 6:00 pm Feature Film: 7:00 pm
Ticket Options:
Click here to purchase tickets.
Movie Synopsis: Ted (Ben Stiller) hires Pat Healy (Matt Dillon) to find his high school crush, Mary (Cameron Diaz). Pat deceives Ted and tries to win Mary over himself, leading Ted to navigate through a web of lies to reconnect with her.
submitted by cndnghst to ComeThroughVancouver [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:19 sweet_tea_94 Wildest Duggar Theories

What are your wildest Duggar theories that have not been proven? Here are mine.
  1. Jessa and Jeremy have hooked up before they married their respective spouses (and probably when Jessa and Ben were courting). That is why there is so much sexual tension between them.
  2. Jessa and Ben as well as Joy and Austin had sex before marriage.
  3. JB and Pest both have had many affairs and many illegitimate children out there that they aren’t even aware of and/or will eventually come to light.
  4. The reason why Pest was unhappy in his marriage to Anna was because he saw Anna as a punishment for what he did to his sisters. Hence, why Kaleigh Holt bounced (and I’m glad she did) and Pest really wanted to marry Kaleigh.
  5. Kendra was conceived before her parents married, but is too naive to know this.
  6. Jill and Derick almost split up during the rift, as Jill’s trauma wore Derick down. Basically, he was not equipped to handle it. After they went through counseling, Jill and Derick are stronger than ever and are happy with each other again.
  7. Someone in the Duggar family or circle is part of this sub.
  8. Jeremy is a serial cheater, and I have a feeling that Jinger lets him do it as long as it’s done secretly.
  9. Speaking of, Jinger never wanted children but did so to please Jeremy, Boob, and Meech.
  10. JB sent Pest to the Spiveys’ rehab in exchange for one of their sons for Claire. I think Jason or James was supposed to be with Claire, but it was Justin because he wasn’t getting along with his parents. So to get him out of the TTH, they arranged the marriage with Claire. That’s why Hilary is obsessed with the Duggar boys.
  11. Jenni and Jordyn will follow the Jill route, as they will marry non-IBLP men who will help them transition out of the fundie culture.
Keep those theories coming, y’all!
submitted by sweet_tea_94 to DuggarsSnark [link] [comments]