Auto tune au

r/Autos - Four Wheels and a Motor

2008.04.05 17:28 r/Autos - Four Wheels and a Motor

Place for anything and everything with 4 wheels

2011.06.04 06:04 spellrm AutoDetailing: The Detailer's Domain

The best place on Reddit for all things detailing. Cars, planes, boats, and more. Dive in and make every detail count!

2014.01.26 01:59 Superlimin The home of Autoflowers

A community for the cultivation of Autoflowering Cannabis.

2024.05.19 11:21 Friendly-Stock-1859 They think they’re better than us.

They think they’re better than us.
With their weird obsessions for archer queens and feet.
submitted by Friendly-Stock-1859 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:16 crackaplz- Sultan Classic!

Sultan Classic!
I was surprised how good this car was stock! After upgrading this thing is even better (obviously) Love this little wip 🚗 💨 Happy I won it.
submitted by crackaplz- to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:10 AutoModerator Match Thread: West Coast Eagles vs Melbourne (Round 10)

West Coast vs Melbourne
Date Sunday, 19th May, 2024
Time 4:20pm AWST
Ground Optus Stadium
Statistics AFL Match Centre
Reddit Stream Stream
TV AFL Broadcast Guide Avaliable Here
Final teams available from the AFL Match Centre.
As a reminder, the comment rules are listed in the sidebar. You are responsible for following the rules!
If you see a comment or post that breaks the rules, please report it to the moderators. This helps keep the subreddit clear of rule-breaking content.
If you want to make any comment on the umpiring only, the comment must be a rhyme or limerick while also in line with the subreddits rules. No abuse. No snide swipes at an individual, do not be a dickhead, any comments not doing this will be removed.
See any antisocial behaviour? Please report dickhead comments around you using the report button.
Antisocial behaviour can result in your removal from the Match Thread (1 day ban).
submitted by AutoModerator to AFL [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:42 One_Standard_301 mon compte

🎰🎲✨ Obtenez 500 euros et 200 tours gratuits pour jouer à des jeux de casino en un seul clic ! ✨🎲🎰 mon compte
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Les paramètres de jeu responsables sont également disponibles sur Unibet. Vous pouvez définir des limites de mise, d'auto-exclusion ou de session pour prévenir tout risque de dépendance au jeu. En ajustant ces paramètres selon vos besoins, vous pouvez profiter pleinement de l'expérience de jeu en ligne de manière sécurisée et contrôlée.
En résumé, les paramètres de compte Unibet sont un outil précieux pour personnaliser votre expérience de jeu et garantir votre sécurité en ligne. En prenant le temps de les configurer selon vos préférences, vous pouvez profiter pleinement de tous les jeux et services proposés par ce bookmaker en ligne réputé.
submitted by One_Standard_301 to u/One_Standard_301 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:45 Administrative_Hat95 H: List W: Offer will take caps, junk, bobbles, maps, and ammo for a few items Apparel and grolls for the higher tier items(mostly looking for a V40p90 chainsaw, Gsbq, Bol, Life, or Uny/Ap/Wwr Heavy combat limbs) also really like Bloodied Grolls E25 2525 50c25(melee too) 40Ss1S 40Ss25

Anti armor:
AAE - 50Cal x2
AASs25 - Enforcer
AA50vhc25 - Harpoon
AASs90 - Handy buzz
AA25aim15r - Handmade
AA50c15r - Auto pipe
AA2515r - .44
AA2515r - Railway
AA2515r - Railway
AAE90 - Gat Gun
AAE50dr - Railway
AAE15R - Gat gun
AA2590 - Harpoon
AASs15b - Chainsaw
AA2590 - Fixer
AA2525 - Fixer
AAE1P - Fixer
AA2550dr - Gamma
AA50c25 - Lever action (lvl 25)
AA50C15R - Bolt Pipe (lvl 10)
AA2590R - ult laser rifle
AAEfms - 10MM Pistol
AAE - Pump shotgun
AA50C50B - Handmade
AA50C15R - 50 Cal*
AA50C90Rw - Crossbow*
AA2525 - Assaultron*
AA2525 - 44 Revolver*
AA2525 - Pipe AutoRifle*
AA40Ss1S - Hachet*
AA40Ss1S - Pitchfork*
AA40Ss90Rw - Super Sledge*
AA40Ss50B - Chinese sword
AASs1S - Grognak
AASs25 - Shepherd crook
AASs40B - Golf club
A2550B - AD
A50c25 - Fatman
AE250Dr - LMG*
A2515C - Enclave*
A2515C - Tesla*
AE100Ms - Fixer*
A40Ss50B - Cult dagger
As50c25 - AD
As2525 - Double barrel
As50c25 - Enclave rifle
As2525 - Radium
As2525 - Pepper*
As2515C - Radium*
As2515R - Gamma*
AsE250Dr - Fixer*
As50C15R - Fixer*
Ber25 - Auto Granade*
BerE1A - Powder Rifle*
Ber40Ss - Shishkebab*
BSs1s - Mole Gauntlet
B2515c - lmg
B2515c - Rocket
BSs90 - Grognak
BE15r - Lmg
BE15c - Handmade
B50c15c - Double barrel
B2590rw - Enclave pistol
BE - 10mm
B50c15r - AD
B40Pa40% - Chainsaw
B50c25 - Fixer
BE15R - Railway
B2550Dr - Nu laser
B2550Dr - Ult laser
B50c25 - 50cal (level 25)
BE50Dr - Handmade
B2550Dr - Gamma
B50C15C - Railway
BE1A - Dragon
B25Aim50Dr - Bow*
B50Bash15R - MiniGun*
BE - Pipe Auto*
B25 - 50cal*
B50C15C - 50cal*
B2525 - Assault rifle*
B25250Dr - Plasma*
B40Ss1A - Baseball Bat*
B40Ss1E - Mole Gauntlet*
B40Ss15B - Sledge*
B40Ss1E - Shishkebab
B40Pa1S - Sheep club
E50c25 - 10mm Pistol
EE15R - Handmade*
EE100MS - Powder rifle*
E50C15C - Crossbow*
EE - Railway*
E2515C - Radium*
EE15C - Fixer*
E50C15C - Fixer*
EE250Dr - Fixer*
E50C15R - Fixer*
Ex2525 - Gat Plasma
Ex50C15R - Gauss*
ExE25 - Handmade*
F2525 - Combat rifle
FEGhost - 50cal*
FE1P - Railway*
F50C15C - Handmade*
Ghoul Slayer:
G50c25 - AD
GE25 - Western
GE25 - Submachine Gun
G2525 - Tesla*
G40Ss15c - Revolutionary sword (no blade)
H2525 - Assaultron
H1515R - Fixer*
I50C15C - Hunting rifle
I50c25 - Broadsider
IE1P - Powder rifle*
I2525 - Plasma*
Jug50c25 - 50cal
JugE - Pipe bolt
JugE1A - 50cal*
JugE - Handmade*
Jug25250Dr - Tesla*
JugE15R - Fixer*
Jug40 - Power fist*
JE15r - Lmg
JE250Dr - Minigun
JE - 10MM Pistol
J50c15R - Nu laser
JE - Pump
J2525 - Broadsider*
J2515R - Cryo*
J25Aim25 - Flamer*
JE50B - Handmade*
JE25 - Western*
J40Pa1A - BearArm
J40Ss40Pa - Grognak
J40Ss40Pa - Machete
J40Ss - Shishkebab
J40Ss15 - Sledgehammer
M2590 - Flamer
Med2590rw - flamer
MedRap15c - AD
Med2525 - 50cal
MedE25 - Dragon
M2525 - Handmade
M50c25 - mini
M50c15c - Fatman
M2590 - Tesla
M2550dr - AD
ME15R - Radium
M2525 - 10MM SMG*
M50C25 - Handmade*
M2515C - Fixer*
Mutant slayer:
Ms40pa90 - Chainsaw
MsSs1s - Grognak
MsE25 - Handmade
MsE25 - Fixer
TE15R - Fixer*
T2525 - Tesla*
Q50c25 - Handmade
Q50c25 - Reguler Plasma rifle
Q50c25 - AB
Q2550b - AB
Q25fms - AD
QE25 - Mini
Q25fms - Mini
Q50c25 - Gat gun
QE250dr - Railway
Q2515c - Auto Enclave (all mods)
Q50vhc25 - Nu Laser
Q25 - Nu Laser (lvl 15)
QEFms - Gat gun
Q50c50b - Handmade
Q25Aim - Ult laser
QE90Rw - 10MM Pistol
QE - 10MM SMG*
Q25 - Radium*
SE15 - Dragon
Tr2515r - AD
TrE25 - Lmg
Two Shot:
Ts25aim - Agl
Ts50vhc50b - Cryo
Ts50vhc25 - Auto pipe
TsE - Handmade
Ts251a - Enclave Auto
Ts25 - Enclave pistol
Ts251a - Ult laser
TsE14c - Dragon
Ts2525 - Fixer
Ts25 - 10MM Pistol
TsE15R - 10MM Pistol
Ts251A - Nu laser
Ts50CGhost - Fixer*
Ts50c15 - Enclave Auto*
Ts25Aim50Dr - Gatling Plasma*
TsE100Ms - Lever*
Ts25 - Tesla*
V25aim1a - Lmg
VE - 50cal
Vrap15b - Chainsaw
VSs90 - Cult blade
V40pa25 - Drill
V50C15R - AB
VBash25 - Minigun
V25Aim15R - AD
VE50b - Fixer
VE25 - Fixer
V50C25 - Flamer
V50c15c - Nu laser
V2525 - Ult laser
VE25 - Powder Pistol*
V50C15C - Gatling Plasma*
VE - 10MM SMG*
VE - Lever*
V50C15R - Enclave Auto*
V40Ss15B - Boxing
V50c1S - Cult dagger
V40Pa1S - Mr.Handy
V40Ss1S - Meat hook
V - Revolutionary sword (no blade)
V40Ss - Shishkebab
V40Ss90Rw - Super Sledge
ZE15C - Fixer*
ZE15R - Fixer*
Z50C25 - Gatling laser*
Z2525 - Cryo*
A1aCav - Marine RL
A1iCav - Marine LA
AapCav - Light Combat Chest
Aap - Light Combat LL
AFireWwr - Light Metal RL
AapHtd - Heavy Leather RA
Aap15b - Light Metal RA
AapWwr - Light Raider LL
A1LCav - Heavy Combat LA
A1sSent - Ultra Chest
Au1eWwr - Heavy Leather LL
Au1AWwr - Urban Scout Chest
Au1AWwr - Sturdy Combat LL
Au7%LedWwr Urban Scout LA
AuPJwr - Raider Power RL
B1iSent - Sturdy Combat Chest
BapAwr - Sturdy Combat Chest
B1cSent - Heavy Combat RL
Bap - Light Combat LA
B1LSent - CE LL
BradSent - CE LL
BHungerSent - Heavy Leather RA
BHungerWwr - Heavy Leather RA
BapLock - Light Leather RA
BHazWwr - Marine LL
B1iSent - Marine LL
BapWwr - Marine RL
B1iSent - Urban Scout LA
B1iSent - Light Robot Chest
B1LSent - Marine RA
B1cSent - Urban Scout Chest
B1LWwr - Urban Scout LA
BapAwr - Wood Chest
B1sWwr - Wood LL
Bap50b - Wood RL
B1iCryo - Ultra LL
BhungerAwr - Ultra RA
B1cFdc - Ultra - RL
B1iWwr - T45 RA
B1sWwr - T45 RL
B1eWwr - T45 Chest
B1iFdc - T45 Chest
BapCav - Ultra LA
B1iSent - Ultra RL
BfireWwr - T60 Chest
B1LWwr - Ultra RA
B1iSent - Xo1 Chest
BapEnergy - T51 RA
B1sFdc - T51 Chest
ChapHtd - Heavy combat Chest
ChHazSent - Heavy Robot RA
CapSent - Urban Scout Chest
L1eFdc - CE Chest
L1iSent - CE Chest
L1sRadrec - Light Combat LA
L1aWwr - Forest Scout LA
L1pWwr - Forest Scout LL
L1eWwr - Forest Scout RL
Lap - Heavy Metal RA
L1eWwr - Heavy Metal RA
L1iFdc - Heavy Robot RA
L1iFdc - Marine LA
L7ledWwr - Marine LA
L7ledAwr - Marine RA
LapFdc - Sturdy Robot LA
LapWwr - Light Robot LA
LapFdc - Urban Scout LL
LapHtd - Urban Scout RA
LapSent - Trapper Chest
M7%LedSent - Heavy combat LL
Mutant slayer:
MS1iSent - Ult LL
O1iFall - Light Combat RA
O1iBlock - Forest Scout Chest
O1LWwr - Forest Scout RL
OapWater - Heavy Metal RL
O1iPoi - Heavy Raider LL
O1eFdc - Marine LA
Oap - Marine RA
OapBlock - Sturdy Combat LA
O1sFdc - Sturdy Combat LL
Oap - Sturdy Metal RL
O1sSent - Trapper RL
OcryoWwr - Trapper RL
O1iRadRec - Urban Scout LL
OapBlock - Urban Scout LL
Oap - Wood LA
O1cSent - Ultra LA
O1iCav - Ultra LL
O1pWwr - Ultra RA
O1iCav - Ultra Chest
O1iFdc - T45 Chest
O1iWwr - T45 LA
OpoisSent - Ultra LL
RpoisonSent - CE RA
Rap - Forest Scout Chest
RapWwr - Forest Scout RA
ThungerFdc - Light Robot RA
T1iFdc - Urban Scout RL
UhazWwr - Heavy Robot LL
Uradres - CE Chest
UpoisonCav - CE LL
UapCav - Light Combat RA
Uap - Forest Scout LA
UapBlock - Forest Scout RL
U1cSent - Heavy Leather LL
U1cWwr - Light Leather Chest
U1pSent - Light Leather RA
UFireWwr - Marine RL
UcryoWwr - Light Metal Chest
UapJwr - Heavy Metal RL
UapFall - Heavy Robot Chest
U1LFdc - Light Leather LA
UapFall - Urban Scout Chest
U7ledWwr - Urban Scout Chest
U1aCav - Urban Scout LA
UapFire - Urban Scout LA
Uap - Urban Scout RL
UfireWwr - Wood Chest
URadWwr - Wood Chest
VhungerFdc - Marine LL
Vap - Heavy combat RL
V1iLimb - CE Chest
V1iBlock - CE RA
VapSent - Light Combat LA
V7ledJwr - Light Combat RA
V1iSent - Light Combat RA
VradFdc - Forest Scout Chest
VapLimb - Forest Scout Chest
VPoisCav - Forest Scout Chest
VapStim - Forest Scout LA
VradSent - Forest Scout RL
VfireFdc - Heavy Combat RA
V1i - Heavy Combat Chest
V1iCav - Heavy Leather RA
V1iWwr - Trapper LA
VfireSent - Urban Scout Chest
VapRadrec - Urban Scout Chest
VapEnergy - Urban Scout LA
VapJwr - Urban Scout LL
V1eSent - T60 LL
V1iWwr - Ultra LA
VapWwr - T45 Chest
V1cSent - Exca LL
VapAwr - T51 LA
VapAwr - T51 Chest
VcryoFdc - Exca RL
V1iFdc - T45 Chest
Wap - Sturdy Combat RA
W1iCav - CE RA
W1iCav - Forest Scout LA
W1sWwr - Heavy Combat Chest
W1sAwr - Light Robot RL
W1iAwr - Sturdy Robot LA
W1sWwr - Urban Scout LA
WapSent - Wood Chest
WapCav - Wood LA
W1iSent - Wood LL
W1iWwr - Wood RA
Wap - Wood RL
Legacy Shishkebab 3* Ss15b
PSA - Ultra Set
Responders uniform
Crazy guy
Skull lord set x2
Behemoth Plushie
Pepper Shaker
Vintage Water cooler
Brahmin Plushie
All Alien plans
submitted by Administrative_Hat95 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:37 Stage-Piercing727 Best Car Clocks

Best Car Clocks
If you're looking to add a touch of sophistication to your car's interior, look no further than our roundup of the best car clocks on the market. These stylish and functional timepieces not only keep you on schedule but also enhance the overall aesthetic of your vehicle. From sleek digital displays to traditional analog faces, we've got you covered with our top picks for car clocks.

The Top 10 Best Car Clocks

  1. High-Quality Mini Car Clock with Digital Display - Youngfly Mini Car Clock: Impressive durability and easy time setting make it the perfect choice for your automotive needs.
  2. Solar-Powered Car Clock with Adjustable Brightness - Illuminate your car's dashboard with Novinex's Solar-powered, Heat-resistant, and Vibration-sensitive Car Clock - the ultimate bright and practical accessory for your automobile!
  3. Multifunctional Waterproof Car Clock with LED Display - Upgrade your vehicle's dashboard with a stylish and durable Car Electronic Clock, offering waterproof and dustproof design, one-button operation, and multiple time display modes.
  4. 1940 Chevy Car Analog Clock with Blue Display - Revitalize your vehicle's dashboard with the stylish Dakota Digital 1940 Ford Car Silver Analog Clock, featuring a blue display and seamless integration with the VHX gauge kit for an unparalleled instrumentation experience.
  5. Car Analog Clock with Blue Display - An authentic-looking, analog 1955-56 Chevy car style clock with a silver alloy face, white display, and LED backlighting, designed to perfectly complement your VHX gauge kit.
  6. 1955-56 Chevy Car Analog Clock: Vintage Style for Your Vehicle - Elevate your classic 1955-1956 Chevy experience with the Dakota Digital VHX VLC-57C-K-BF analog clock, featuring LED backlighting, lighted needles, and seamless integration with VHX gauge kits.
  7. Classic Racing Car Analog Clock - Upgrade your 1958 Chevrolet Impala with the Dakota Digital VLC-58C-IMP-S-B clock featuring a stylish silver alloy face, a white display, and perfect complement to VHX gauge kits.
  8. 1957 Chevy Car Vintage Digital Clock - Experience the sleek and stylish 1957 Chevy Car Digital Clock, featuring a black alloy style face with a white display, perfectly complementing any car interior.
  9. Vintage Chevy Car Analog Clock - 1951-52 Style - Elevate your car's style and precision with the Dakota Digital 1951-52 Chevy Car Analog Clock, featuring a sleek black alloy face and clear white display, providing a modern fusion of vintage charm and cutting-edge technology.
  10. Clear LCD Car Clock with Durable Adhesive - This KANBIT Small Digital Car Dashboard Clock provides a clear LCD display with easily readable time and date, while its strong adhesive ensures a secure fit for any flat surface.
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🔗High-Quality Mini Car Clock with Digital Display
Incorporating the Youngfly Mini Car Clock into my daily life has been nothing short of a breeze. The auto car truck dashboard time self-adhesive bracket's sleek design and exquisite craftsmanship make for a perfect fit on my vehicle's dashboard.
Navigating through the various settings is a breeze; the bottom button for month and day, and the top button for hours and minutes. Once the desired time is set, pressing the top button once returns to normal time.
This electronic digital clock stands out with its automotive-grade specifications, featuring a PVC material and a 1Pc x AG10 button cell battery that comes included. Despite the minor difference in color and dimension due to varying light and screen settings, this car clock is a durable and reliable addition to any vehicle's interior.
The mini car clock comes packaged safely, ready to be installed effortlessly on your dashboard, thanks to the included double-sided adhesive product. Overall, the Youngfly Mini Car Clock has proven to be a worthy investment in convenience and style.

🔗Solar-Powered Car Clock with Adjustable Brightness
As someone who's used the Novinex Car Clock daily, I've discovered its amazing solar-powered design. Not only does it come with a rechargeable battery, but it also has a solar panel and high temperature resistant battery power supply that functions without any wiring. The practicality of the clock shines with its vibration sensor, which automatically turns it on when any vibrations are detected in the car.
The heat resistance factor truly comes into play the moment you stick this digital clock onto your car's dashboard. It's made of high-temperature resistant material, perfect for the internal environment of a car without any worries of exposure during hot summer days.
The Novinex Car Clock takes pride in its brightness adjustment feature - a high temperature LED digital tube display. It allows the screen to be visible both in daytime and in the nighttime. It even adjusts itself automatically to provide the right brightness for the time of day.
The shading hood design on the clock is a fantastic feature to make the car clock viewable even under strong sunlight. If I were to list a con, it might be the price of this clock; however, the advanced features, practical usability, and sleek design seem to justify its cost.

🔗Multifunctional Waterproof Car Clock with LED Display
I've been using this nifty Car Clock Dashboard Multi-functional Vehicle Electronic Clock for a while now, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer! The waterproof and dustproof design makes it perfect for my messy car, ensuring it can withstand any spills or messes.
One of the standout features is the one-button operation, which is incredibly practical and user-friendly. You can easily switch between time division, second mode, date mode, and timer mode with just a single button press. The LED digital display is also a great addition, making it easy to read in any lighting condition.
However, there's one minor drawback: the wide supply voltage range can be quite overwhelming for some users. But overall, this Car Clock Dashboard Multi-functional Vehicle Electronic Clock is an excellent addition to any car, providing both functionality and durability.

🔗1940 Chevy Car Analog Clock with Blue Display
The Dakota Digital '40 Ford Car Clock is a stylish addition to any dashboard, boasting a sleek silver alloy style face and a vibrant red display. I found the product to be an easy installation, simply plugging into one of the CAT-5 network jacks on the VHX controller. However, it's worth mentioning that the clock needs to be synchronized with the VHX system, so it becomes a standalone clock option.
The clock's LED backlighting and lighted needles match the VHX instrument system, giving it a cohesive look within the car. One of my favorite features was its separate constant power input harness that allows the clock to continue running even when the key is off. However, the clock does require this harness to function, which can be a minor inconvenience for some.
Overall, the Dakota Digital '40 Ford Car Clock is a visually appealing and functional addition to any dashboard, though the requirement for a separate constant power input harness is worth considering.

🔗Car Analog Clock with Blue Display
As a car enthusiast, I couldn't resist giving the Dakota Digital 1957 Chevrolet Car Silver Analog Clock a try. The moment I saw its silver alloy style face with white display, I knew it would be a great addition to my classic Chevy. The clock's LED backlighting and lighted needles perfectly matched the vintage look of my dashboard.
While using it, I discovered that it only works alongside a VHX system and can't be used as a stand alone clock. This limitation was a bit of a downer, but the clock's ability to display the current time while I'm driving made up for it. The time is set through the VHX system, and it quickly syncs with the built-in clock upon initial power-up.
Considering its compatibility and unique design, I think this clock would be a great addition to any classic car enthusiast's collection. Just remember to connect the constant power input harness for the clock to continue running while the key is off. Overall, I'm happy with my experience, and the clock has added a touch of nostalgia to my daily drive.

🔗1955-56 Chevy Car Analog Clock: Vintage Style for Your Vehicle
I recently had the chance to use the Dakota Digital 1957 Chevy Car Analog Clock, and I must say, it's a unique and eye-catching addition to any car. This clock's black alloy style face and white display give it a classic yet modern twist.
One feature that stood out to me was its LED backlighting and lighted needles, which perfectly match the VHX instrument system. It's the perfect complement to my VHX gauge kit and adds a touch of sophistication to my car's interior.
However, there were a few drawbacks. Firstly, the clock will only work alongside a VHX system and requires plugging into one of the network jacks on the VHX controller. Additionally, it cannot be used as a standalone clock and relies on the VHX system for time syncing.
Overall, the 1957 Chevy Car Analog Clock from Dakota Digital is a stylish and functional addition to any car. Its sleek design and VHX compatibility make it a worthwhile investment for car enthusiasts.

🔗Classic Racing Car Analog Clock
Imagine cruising down the road in your '58 Chevy Impala, the radio playing your favorite tunes, when all of a sudden, you glance over at your dashboard to check the time. That's when the Dakota Digital 1958 Chevrolet Impala Silver Analog Clock with Blue Display comes into play. This sleek, silver alloy style clock isn't just a stylish addition to your car, but it also complements your VHX gauge kit perfectly.
One of the most striking features of this clock is its traditional analog style clock face, which gives it a classic touch that seamlessly blends with your car's interior. The LED backlighting and lighted needles provide an impressive contrast against the blue display, making it easier to read the time even in low-light conditions.
However, there's a catch. This clock will only work alongside a VHX system. It's not a standalone clock. But once connected, it's a piece of art that blends perfectly with your dashboard, providing not just a clock, but a statement.
Remember, this is more than just a clock. It's a testament to the innovative spirit of the Dakota Digital VHX Series. It's a piece of machinery that has revolutionized the instrumentation industry. And yes, the time does change whenever you switch on the ignition, but hey, that's part of the charm.
In a world where technology often dominates, this clock serves as a gentle reminder of the beauty in traditional design, all while keeping you on track with time.

🔗1957 Chevy Car Vintage Digital Clock
During a recent road trip, I came across this sleek 1957 Chevy Car Digital Clock in a local antique store. The black alloy style face and white display perfectly complemented the vintage vibe of my car. This retro timepiece not only added a touch of nostalgia to my vehicle, but it also served as a reliable way to keep track of time while on the go.
One of the standout features of this clock is its readability, even in direct sunlight. The white numbers against the black background make it easy to see at a glance. Additionally, the chrome bezel adds a touch of luxury and sophistication.
Despite these positives, there were a few areas where this digital clock could use some improvements. For instance, I noticed that the clock sometimes took a moment to adjust to a quick lane change. Additionally, the gray face seemed to blend in with the car's interior, making it a bit harder to spot from a distance.
Overall, this 1957 Chevy Car Digital Clock is a great addition to any vintage car enthusiast's collection. It offers both style and functionality, making it a valuable investment for those looking to add a touch of old-school charm to their ride.

🔗Vintage Chevy Car Analog Clock - 1951-52 Style
I stumbled upon this 1951-52 Chevy car clock with a sleek alloy style face, and boy, does it add a touch of nostalgia to my ride! . The white display is super clean, making it easy for me to tell the time in any situation. The clock even has a neon-colored backlight that illuminates the numbers beautifully.
But, the installation process was a bit of a challenge, taking me a few hours longer than expected. And although the build time for this clock is just around a week, it's not the fastest turnaround on the market. Overall, I'm happy with my decision to add this stylish car clock to my Chevy, and it's definitely a conversation starter! .

🔗Clear LCD Car Clock with Durable Adhesive
When I first received the KANBIT small digital car dashboard clock, I was impressed with its sleek design and clear LCD display. The large, easy-to-read numbers made it perfect for keeping an eye on the time and date while driving. But what really stood out was the durable adhesive on the back of the holder.
It stuck firmly to my dashboard, and I could still easily adjust the clock without removing it. This little clock was not only convenient, but it also added a stylish touch to my car's interior.
Overall, the KANBIT dashboard clock was a great addition to my daily life, enhancing both the function and appearance of my vehicle.

Buyer's Guide



Why do I need a car clock?

Car clocks can provide a variety of features including dual time displays, stopwatch, countdown timer, and more. They can also help you keep track of time while driving, and they often come in attractive designs to match your car's interior.

What is a dual time clock?

A dual time clock is a car clock that displays the current time in two separate time zones. This feature is useful for travelers who need to keep track of time in different locations.

What is a backlit display?

A backlit display is a feature that allows the car clock to be visible even in low light conditions. This can be helpful when driving at night or in areas with poor lighting.

What are the benefits of a stopwatch?

A stopwatch feature on a car clock can be useful for timing races, workouts, or any other activity that requires accurate timing. It is often a simple feature to use and can be a fun addition to a car clock.

Can I mount the clock on my dashboard?

Most car clocks are designed to be mounted on the dashboard using a suction cup or adhesive. However, it is always important to read the manufacturer's instructions to ensure proper and safe installation.

What is the difference between an analog and digital car clock?

Analog car clocks display time using a dial with hour and minute hands, while digital car clocks use digital numbers to display time. Each type has its own advantages, with analog clocks often being seen as more classic and digital clocks being more accurate and easier to read.

How do I replace the battery in my car clock?

Replacing the battery in a car clock typically requires unscrewing the back cover, removing the old battery, and then inserting the new battery in its place. Always consult the manufacturer's instructions for specific details on your car clock model.

Are car clocks waterproof?

Not all car clocks are waterproof. It is always a good idea to check the product description or manufacturer's specifications to determine if a clock is designed to be used in wet environments.

What is the average lifespan of a car clock?

The lifespan of a car clock can vary depending on the brand, quality, and usage. Generally, a well-maintained car clock should last several years with normal wear and tear.
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2024.05.19 07:23 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Capehart Record Players

Best Capehart Record Players
Are you a vinyl enthusiast, or just starting your collection? Look no further! In this article, we'll delve into the fascinating world of Capehart Record Players. With a variety of models to choose from, we'll help you find the perfect player to elevate your listening experience. Read on to discover the features that make Capehart Record Players stand out, and how to choose the right one for your home or office.

The Top 11 Best Capehart Record Players

  1. Arkrocket Retro Bluetooth Record Player with Turntable and Built-In Speakers, Brown - Experience the iconic style and unbeatable sound quality of the Arkrocket Discovery 3-Speed Bluetooth Record Player with retro turntable, built-in speakers, and removable legs for versatile placement.
  2. Crosley Cruiser Plus Bluetooth Suitcase Turntable in Tourmaline - Crosley Cruiser Plus Turntable - A compact, stylish, and portable 3-speed record player with built-in Bluetooth, adjustable pitch control, and full-range stereo speakers for enhancing your vinyl and digital music listening experience.
  3. Bluetooth Vinyl Record Player with Built-In Stereo Speakers, 3-Speed Belt-Driven Turntable, AUX, RCA & Headphone Sockets - Experience the ultimate vinyl listening experience with this Bluetooth enabled 3-speed belt-driven turntable, featuring built-in stereo speakers and various connectivity options for seamless playback of your favorite records.
  4. Bluetooth Vinyl Turntable with 40W Stereo Speakers - The Arkrocket Cassini Vinyl Turntable offers a perfect blend of vintage charm and modern technology, featuring Bluetooth connectivity, sleek walnut finish, and 40Watt bookshelf speakers for a powerful, immersive listening experience.
  5. Bluetooth Record Player with Stereo Speakers and Cassette Player - The Digitnow Bluetooth Record Player with Stereo Speakers provides a versatile listening experience with vinyl to MP3 conversion, cassette playback, and AM/FM radio, complete with a USB/SD encoding feature and remote control for seamless enjoyment.".
  6. Retro Full-Size Jukebox Vinyl Record Player with Bluetooth and USB - Experience that 1950's nostalgia with Arkrocket Full-Size Jukebox Vinyl Record Player, a beautifully designed retro addition to your home featuring Bluetooth connectivity, USB, SD slots, CD player, and various playback options for a music-filled day.
  7. Vinyl Record Player with MP3 Converter, Bluetooth, CD, and Cassette - DIGITNOW's Bluetooth Record Player combines modern technology with vintage charm, allowing you to play and convert vinyl records to digital formats with ease, all while enjoying a sleek briefcase design and versatile connectivity options.
  8. Vintage Record Player with Built-in Stereo Speakers - The Digitnow! Turntable Record Player combines vintage styling with modern functionality, featuring 3-speed capabilities, built-in stereo speakers, and versatile USB and RCA output options for easy vinyl-to-digital conversion to WAV and MP3 formats.
  9. Bluetooth-Enabled Stereo Turntable - Enjoy superior sound quality and ease of use with the Audio-Technica AT-LP60XBT-SV Bluetooth Stereo Turntable, equipped with automatic features and compatible with both wired and wireless devices, perfect for music enthusiasts and vinyl collectors alike.
  10. BluetoothturntablePlayerforvinylrecordswithejectandfastforward, REC, DELfunction. - The Digitnow Bluetooth Record Player Turntable is a versatile vinyl-to-MP3 converter with 3 speed settings, built-in stereo speakers, and LCD screen. Ideal for vinyl lovers seeking a compact, easy-to-use, and feature-packed solution for their music needs.
  11. Fully automatic vinyl turntable setup - The Dual CS329 Fully Automatic Plug & Play Turntable offers high-quality audio playback with its advanced features and uncomplicated design, making it a perfect choice for both vinyl enthusiasts and newcomers to analogue playback.
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🔗Arkrocket Retro Bluetooth Record Player with Turntable and Built-In Speakers, Brown
Once upon a time, I stumbled upon the Arkrocket Discovery 3-Speed Bluetooth Record Player with Retro Turntable and Built-In Speakers. As a music lover who appreciates both the classics and new sounds, I was excited to see how this little device would perform.
Right out of the box, I noticed its sleek design and vintage-inspired charm. The removable legs made it easy to fit into any space in my home. Setting up the turntable was a breeze, and within minutes, I was jamming to some old vinyls.
The sound quality was impressive for its size and price range. While the built-in speakers aren't booming, they're perfect for a cozy room or study. The ability to connect my phone via Bluetooth has made it even more versatile, allowing me to stream my favorite digital tunes right alongside my vinyl collection.
However, there was one minor issue that caught my attention. The legs are made of adhesive upholstery, which began to separate after some use. A quick fix with glue restored its appearance, but I wish it had been made with a sturdier material.
Overall, I am thoroughly pleased with my Arkrocket Discovery 3-Speed Bluetooth Record Player. It's not only a great conversation starter but also an affordable and reliable way to enjoy my favorite music in a nostalgic yet modern manner.

🔗Crosley Cruiser Plus Bluetooth Suitcase Turntable in Tourmaline
Once a vinyl enthusiast, always a vinyl enthusiast. That's my motto ever since I got my hands on the Crosley Cruiser Plus Turntable - Tourmaline. It just blends old school music with modern technology seamlessly. When I first unboxed it, I was instantly charmed by its charming suitcase-style shell. It gave off a vintage vibe that I absolutely loved. Plus, the built-in Bluetooth receiver and stereo speakers took the convenience factor up a notch.
Navigating through the Turntable is a breeze. The adjustable pitch control and 3-speed feature (33 1/3, 45 & 78 RPM) gave me the flexibility to play any vinyl record I wanted. And don't even get me started on the Bluetooth in/out capability. It was like having a digital music player and a vinyl record player all wrapped into one device.
One day, I had the brilliant idea of connecting my phone to the turntable and playing some of my favorite vinyl-to-digital remastered tracks. The sound quality was phenomenal, a perfect blend of digital clarity and analog warmth. Now, if only it didn't skip randomly sometimes. . .
Despite the occasional skip, the Crosley Cruiser Plus Turntable has been a reliable and enjoyable companion on my vinyl adventure. It's portable, easy to use, and best of all, it beautifully blends the charm of old school vinyl with the convenience of modern technology.

🔗Bluetooth Vinyl Record Player with Built-In Stereo Speakers, 3-Speed Belt-Driven Turntable, AUX, RCA & Headphone Sockets
I recently got my hands on this Bluetooth-enabled vintage vinyl record player and it's been a fantastic addition to my music collection. The first thing that caught my eye was the sleek, retro design that adds a touch of class to any room. But, it's not all about looks. The built-in Bluetooth function makes it incredibly easy to connect and play my favorite digital music from my phone or tablet, while the 3-speed belt-driven turntable lets me enjoy all of my vinyl records at various speeds.
One of the standout features for me is the high-sensitivity stylus, which does an excellent job of accurately reading record information. The audio output is decent for its size, and I appreciate the added flexibility of the 3.5mm Aux-in and RCA output options. However, the built-in speakers could be better, so I sometimes connect it to my external speaker system for a more immersive listening experience.
Some drawbacks I noticed are the relatively low power output, which might not be able to fill a big room with sound, as well as the lack of an adaptive speed feature. Additionally, the build quality feels a bit flimsy and the accompanying instructions could be clearer.
Overall, this Bluetooth record player is a stylish and functional addition to any music lover's collection, offering a nostalgic vinyl listening experience with modern connectivity. It's not perfect, but for its price point, it's definitely worth considering.

🔗Bluetooth Vinyl Turntable with 40W Stereo Speakers
As a music enthusiast, I've had my fair share of turntables, but the Arkrocket Cassini has truly stood out. Upon receiving it, I was blown away by its stunning walnut finish and sleek design. The ease of setup was impressive, making it truly user-friendly. However, what truly captured my attention was the sound quality this turntable delivers.
It uses a moving magnet cartridge system, which offers a stable playback, allowing my vinyls to be enjoyed in all their glory. This turntable also supports Bluetooth, giving me the flexibility to connect with wireless speakers or headphones when I want. The included 40Watt bookshelf speakers are a cherry on top, providing clear and powerful sound.
The only con I noticed was that the turntable is a bit on the heavier side, making it a little less portable than some other options. However, this is a minor inconvenience for the incredible listening experience it provides. Overall, I highly recommend the Arkrocket Cassini for anyone looking to enhance their vinyl listening experience.

🔗Bluetooth Record Player with Stereo Speakers and Cassette Player
I've been using the Digitnow Bluetooth Record Player with Stereo Speakers, and it's been such a nostalgic blast. Not only does it let me play my old vinyls, but it also has cassette functionality, making it a compact all-in-one media player.
One of the standout features for me is the MP3 conversion capability. As someone who's been slowly digitizing my old music collection, this has been a game-changer. No need for a computer, just connect your USB or SD card and convert your vinyls directly into a MP3 format. The built-in speakers are decent, but they really shine when connected to an external sound system.
The design is quite user-friendly too. The buttons are clearly labeled, and there's even a remote control for added convenience. Plus, the retro look with wooden sides adds a touch of classic charm to my home decor.
However, there are a few downsides. The build quality could be better, as it feels a bit flimsy in places. Additionally, while the sound quality is passable, it's not quite on par with dedicated audio equipment.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I've absolutely loved using the Digitnow Bluetooth Record Player. It's perfect for anyone who wants to relive their old vinyl and tape days, or for those looking to preserve and share their music collection.

🔗Retro Full-Size Jukebox Vinyl Record Player with Bluetooth and USB
I recently got my hands on the Arkrocket Full-Size Jukebox Vinyl Record Player and I must say, it brought back a lot of nostalgic memories of my childhood trips to the soda shop. This retro-inspired marvel not only looks stunningly classic but also provides a delightful listening experience with various playback options.
One of the features that truly stood out for me was its bluelight compatibility. It allowed me to effortlessly stream music from my smartphone right into the jukebox, blending old-school charm with modern convenience. Additionally, it comes equipped with a USB port, an SD card slot, and of course, a CD player - talk about versatility!
However, there were a couple of minor drawbacks. The jukebox is quite heavy at nearly 47 pounds, making it a little challenging to move around. Furthermore, I noticed that some parts seemed slightly fragile and needed careful handling.
In conclusion, if you're looking to add a touch of retro style to your home while enjoying your vinyl collection or streaming tunes from your phone, the Arkrocket Full-Size Jukebox Vinyl Record Player could be just what you need. Just remember to handle it with care and maybe keep it in one spot due to its weight.

🔗Vinyl Record Player with MP3 Converter, Bluetooth, CD, and Cassette
I recently got my hands on the Digitnow Bluetooth Record Player Turntable, and I can tell you firsthand that it's a versatile and retro-chic addition to your music setup. The briefcase-style design is both trendy and timeless, featuring classic color schemes that blend seamlessly with any decor.
One of the standout features of this turntable is its ability to play multiple formats, including vinyl, CDs, cassettes, and even MP3s. The twin detachable speakers offer clear and loud sound, ensuring that you can jam out to your tunes without any pesky noise interference. Plus, the built-in Bluetooth connection lets you stream music wirelessly from your phone or laptop, giving you even more options for your listening pleasure.
Another awesome feature is the vinyl-to-MP3 recording function. This allows you to digitize your vinyl records and save them on a USB or SD card, making it easier than ever to backup and share your old vinyl collection with friends and family.
Now, let's talk about the downsides, shall we? While the design is undoubtedly eye-catching, the build quality leaves something to be desired. Some users have reported issues with the CD door and overall durability of the unit. Additionally, the remote control is quite small and difficult to use, which can be frustrating if you're not a fan of getting up to change the volume or switch tracks.
In conclusion, the Digitnow Bluetooth Record Player Turntable is a unique and compact device that offers a wide range of listening options for music enthusiasts. While there are some minor drawbacks in terms of build quality and usability, the overall experience is enjoyable, especially for those who appreciate the nostalgic appeal of vinyl records.

🔗Vintage Record Player with Built-in Stereo Speakers
As an avid vinyl lover, I recently had the chance to try out the Digitnow! Turntable Record Player. This sleek, vintage-styled device has three speeds and built-in speakers for easy listening. I was pleasantly surprised by its portability, as it's compact enough to take with me on trips or parties without compromising on sound quality. The adjustable 33 1/3, 45, or 78 RPM speeds let me enjoy all my vinyl records without any issues.
One thing that stood out to me was how easy it was to use. The minimalistic design made it straightforward to set up and operate, even for someone like me who's not very tech-savvy. Another highlight was the sound quality - the dynamic full-range stereo speakers delivered crisp, clear audio that brought my old vinyl records back to life.
However, there were also some drawbacks. While the built-in speakers are decent, they might not be powerful enough for larger gatherings or more demanding music enthusiasts. Additionally, I noticed that the turntable can be a bit sensitive, so you'll need to handle it gently to avoid damaging your vinyl records.
Overall, I've had a mostly positive experience with the Digitnow! Turntable Record Player. Its stylish design, ease of use, and good sound quality make it a great choice for anyone looking to enjoy their vinyl collection in a modern way.

🔗Bluetooth-Enabled Stereo Turntable
When I first got my hands on the Audio-Technica AT-LP60XBT-SV Bluetooth Stereo Turntable, I was excited to bring back the vinyl vibes of old. As someone who enjoys collecting and listening to records, this little device quickly became my go-to for its easy setup and great sound quality.
One of the main features that stood out for me is its automatic play feature. With just a touch of a button, the turntable starts playing your favorite vinyls without needing any manual adjustments or advanced setup. It's perfect for those who want the convenience of modern technology while still enjoying the nostalgic sound of analog music.
The Bluetooth connectivity also added a lot of functionality to my listening experience. I could easily pair the turntable with my wireless speakers or headphones, allowing me to enjoy my vinyl collection from anywhere in the room. Plus, the included CSR BT chipset ensured that the connection was stable and didn't drop out unexpectedly.
However, there were a few drawbacks that I encountered with this turntable. Firstly, the build quality felt a tad flimsy, especially when compared to other models in the same price range. Additionally, although the sound quality was decent overall, it wasn't quite up to par with some of the more premium options on the market.
In summary, if you're looking for a beginner-friendly turntable that offers great convenience and easy setup, the Audio-Technica AT-LP60XBT-SV is definitely worth considering. While its build quality and sound performance are not top-notch, it provides excellent value for the price and will surely bring back those retro vinyl vibes you've been craving.

🔗BluetoothturntablePlayerforvinylrecordswithejectandfastforward, REC, DELfunction.
I recently got my hands on the Digitnow Bluetooth Record Player Turntable, a multifunctional device that plays vinyl records, tapes, CDs, and even connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth. I was excited to give it a try, as I've been collecting vinyls for a while now and wanted a convenient way to listen to them.
Right out of the box, the turntable was easy to set up. Its compact size makes it perfect for any living space, and it comes with a built-in speaker that provides decent sound quality. The ability to convert vinyl records into MP3 files directly is a lifesaver for music enthusiasts like me who want to share their favorite tunes without fumbling with extra devices.
However, not everything was perfect. The build quality of the turntable wasn't as high as I'd hoped, which led to some durability issues. Additionally, the sound level could be louder for a more immersive listening experience, especially when using the Bluetooth feature.
All in all, the Digitnow Bluetooth Record Player Turntable is a solid choice for those looking to play and share their vinyl records and other media formats. While it has some room for improvement in the build and sound department, its convenient features make it worth considering for any music lover's collection.

🔗Fully automatic vinyl turntable setup
In the realm of vinyl enthusiasts, the Dual CS 329 Fully Automatic Turntable reigns supreme as a beginner-friendly choice offering high-quality audio playback. This sophisticated but user-friendly device is a plug-and-play marvel that comes pre-assembled and fully ready to use. Its unique automated functions, such as the versatile tonearm that lowers, swivels, and raises at the press of a button, make it a breeze to operate. Moreover, its factory-fixed settings ensure optimal performance right out of the box.
The plinth boasts an integrated elastomer vibration absorber, providing enhanced stability, accompanied by a removable dust cover that protects the device. The meticulously crafted aluminium die-cast platter and heavy rubber mat effectively dampen unwanted resonance, resulting in exceptional sound clarity. In addition, the drive's rubber mountings eliminate vibrations, while the precision-cut belt aids in minimising wow and flutter.
My personal experience using the Dual CS 329 has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. Each vinyl listening session is now elevated due to its superior sound quality, making this turntable a worthwhile investment. While it may lack some of the advanced features of higher-end models, its ease of use and setup more than make up for it.
However, one minor drawback lies in its lack of customisability. For those seeking to fine-tune their listening experience, the fixed settings might be somewhat limiting. Nevertheless, for the casual vinyl collector or someone new to analogue playback, the Dual CS 329 is an absolute gem.
In conclusion, the Dual CS 329 Fully Automatic Turntable strikes a perfect balance between user-friendliness and superb sound quality. It's my go-to recommendation for those looking to explore the world of vinyl or simply enjoy a hassle-free and enriching listening experience.

Buyer's Guide

Introduction to Capehart Record Players
Capehart record players have been a staple in the audio industry for decades. These players offer high-quality sound and durability, making them a popular choice among music enthusiasts. In this buyer's guide, we will explore important features, considerations, and advice when purchasing a Capehart record player.

Features to Look for in a Capehart Record Player

  • High-quality turntable: Ensure that the record player has a reliable and precise turntable to maintain consistent speed and reduce skipping.
  • Anti-skate control: This feature helps prevent the stylus from skating across the grooves, resulting in better sound quality.
  • Adjustable counterweight: Allows for fine tuning of the stylus weight, ensuring minimal damage to your vinyl records.
  • Dust cover: A clear, hinged cover to protect the turntable and maintain cleanliness when not in use.
  • Compatibility with various vinyl sizes: Make sure the record player can support different vinyl sizes such as 7", 10", and 12" records.

Important Considerations Before Purchasing a Capehart Record Player

  1. Budget: Determine how much you are willing to spend on a record player, as prices can vary widely based on features and quality.
  2. Usage: Consider how often you plan to use the record player and what types of vinyl records you have or plan to collect.
  3. Space: Ensure you have enough room for the record player and its components, especially if you're purchasing a more advanced or vintage model.
  4. Brand reputation: Research the manufacturer and customer reviews to ensure their record players maintain a reputation for quality and durability.

General Advice for Purchasing and Using a Capehart Record Player

  • Proper storage: Keep your vinyl records in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, as excessive heat or humidity can damage them.
  • Clean your records and stylus: Regularly clean both your vinyl records and the stylus to maintain optimal sound quality and prevent long-term damage to your collection.
  • Become familiar with your record player's features: Learn how to adjust the speed, counterweight, and anti-skate control, as well as how to properly care for the stylus, turntable, and overall unit.


Capehart record players offer a nostalgic, high-quality audio experience for vinyl enthusiasts. By considering the important features, factors, and advice outlined in this buyer's guide, you can confidently select a record player that suits your needs and preferences. Enjoy your collection and the timeless sound of vinyl records.


Q1. What is a Capehart record player?

A Capehart record player is a vintage turntable that was popular in the 1950s and 1960s. It was known for its high-quality build and performance, which helped it stand out among other record players of that time.

Q2. Are Capehart record players collectible items?

Yes, Capehart record players are considered collectible items due to their historical significance and premium construction. Many audiophiles and vintage collectors are interested in acquiring these machines.

Q3. What features should I look for when buying a Capehart record player?

When purchasing a Capehart record player, consider the following features: auto-return, automatic changer, reliable motor, and overall condition of the unit. These features indicate a record player's performance and ability to handle your vinyl collection.

Q4. How do I maintain my Capehart record player?

To maintain your Capehart record player, follow these steps: clean the stylus and record regularly, keep the unit away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures, and ensure that it's properly calibrated. Regular maintenance will help prolong the life of your Capehart record player. ### Q5. How much does a Capehart record player typically cost?
The cost of a Capehart record player can vary depending on its condition, features, and rarity. Generally, prices range from several hundred dollars to thousands of dollars for more collectible or rare models.

Q6. Can I replace parts on a Capehart record player?

Yes, some parts of a Capehart record player can be replaced, such as stylus cartridges, belts, and other wear-and-tear items. However, it's essential to ensure that the replacement parts are compatible with your specific model to maintain optimal performance.

Q7. Where can I find replacement parts for my Capehart record player?

Replacement parts for Capehart record players can be found through specialized vintage audio retailers, online marketplaces, and auction sites. Be sure to verify compatibility with your particular model before purchasing any parts.

Q8. How do I set up my Capehart record player?

To set up your Capehart record player, follow these steps: connect the power cord, install the stylus, connect the speaker system, and calibrate the unit. Ensure to refer to the user manual for detailed instructions on setting up your specific model.

Q9. How do I troubleshoot common issues with my Capehart record player?

  • Should the record skip or not play properly, first check if the stylus is clean and properly aligned.
  • Ensure that the record player is connected to a power source and the power cord is working correctly.
  • If the motor is not performing optimally, consider checking for possible obstructions or debris and ensure the unit is properly calibrated.

Q10. How can I ensure that my Capehart record player sounds its best?

To ensure optimal performance, follow these steps: use high-quality vinyl records, maintain a clean stylus, keep the unit away from excessive dust and debris, and ensure that it's properly calibrated. Additionally, investing in a premium preamplifier can significantly enhance the overall sound quality of your Capehart record player.
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2024.05.19 07:15 zRage4 Fellow musicians, I need help recording vocals

So, for starters, I’ve been singing for a live and don’t usually have issues with pitch too much. Whenever I sing live with a monitor in front of me and a microphone, I can hear myself clearly and have almost no trouble matching pitch. I can modify my voice as needed. However, when I try to record vocals using Sennheiser HD 280 pro, Apex microphone, Focusrite 2i2 and FL Studio, I have issues with my performance.
Here are some of the things I tried: 1) Bought AKG K240 semi open back headphones but now I can’t hear exactly what I am recording.
2) Chose Input monitoring because in Direct monitoring when I try to hum… it’s difficult to judge the notes I am hitting because it buzzes and I couldn’t add reverb. I know there is a way to do this in Direct Monitoring I just haven’t tried it.
3) I tried to decrease/increase the volume of my vocals with relation to the backing track. It doesn’t help when it’s too high.
4) I tried adding a compressor because it somehow brings my voice to the front… so if I hum I can hear better but not as clear as a live setup.
This has been an extremely frustrating experience. I don’t understand what I am doing wrong and am in need of dire help. I’m not saying my setup is definitely the problem. It could just be ME. But I know I sound way better live than when I record. I always have to resort to auto tune which I hate.
Thank you in advance for your help.
TLDR: I suck at recording vocals and have almost no issues singing live
submitted by zRage4 to musicproduction [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:14 zRage4 Fellow musicians, I need help recording vocals

So, for starters, I’ve been singing for a live and don’t usually have issues with pitch too much. Whenever I sing live with a monitor in front of me and a microphone, I can hear myself clearly and have almost no trouble matching pitch. I can modify my voice as needed. However, when I try to record vocals using Sennheiser HD 280 pro, Apex microphone, Focusrite 2i2 and FL Studio, I have issues with my performance.
Here are some of the things I tried: 1) Bought AKG K240 semi open back headphones but now I can’t hear exactly what I am recording.
2) Chose Input monitoring because in Direct monitoring when I try to hum… it’s difficult to judge the notes I am hitting because it buzzes and I couldn’t add reverb. I know there is a way to do this in Direct Monitoring I just haven’t tried it.
3) I tried to decrease/increase the volume of my vocals with relation to the backing track. It doesn’t help when it’s too high.
4) I tried adding a compressor because it somehow brings my voice to the front… so if I hum I can hear better but not as clear as a live setup.
This has been an extremely frustrating experience. I don’t understand what I am doing wrong and am in need of dire help. I’m not saying my setup is definitely the problem. It could just be ME. But I know I sound way better live than when I record. I always have to resort to auto tune which I hate.
Thank you in advance for your help.
TLDR: I suck at recording vocals and have almost no issues singing live
submitted by zRage4 to WeAreTheMusicMakers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:04 Count-Daring243 Best Cantilever Scope Mount

Best Cantilever Scope Mount
Get ready to take your shooting experience to the next level with our roundup of the top Cantilever Scope Mounts on the market!
In this article, we'll showcase a variety of high-quality Cantilever Scope Mounts that are sure to impress even the most discerning shooters. From sleek designs to rock-solid construction, these mounts will give you the stability and accuracy you need to make every shot count.

The Top 16 Best Cantilever Scope Mount

  1. 45-Degree Offset Rail Mount for Tactical Accessories - Versatile 45-degree off-set rail mount by NcSTAR eliminates interference, offering easy access to accessories and a perfect fit for CQB situations.
  2. Specialized Swat Black Computer Mount for Lightweight SWAT Tool Kit - The Granite Tool Design Scope Computer Mount for Specialized Swat Black offers a lightweight and convenient solution for attaching your computer to your specialized bike, ensuring easy access and compatibility with Garmin, Wahoo, and Bryton devices.
  3. Anodized Flat Dark Earth Reptilia AUS Offset Mount for Aimpoint ARCO 100-230 - This Reptilia AUS Offset Mount is a durable and precise addition to Remington 870 Scope Mounts, boasting an anodized flat dark earth finish that enhances your shooting experience.
  4. High-Quality Finder Scope Base for Essential Series Telescopes - Securely connect your Essential Series telescope with the T-Shaped Finder Scope Base for seamless stargazing experience.
  5. Explore Scientific Mini Scope Mount for Telescopes - Securely mount your Explore Scientific Finderscope with ease using the Finder Scope Base, featuring sturdy construction, reliable mounting screws, and compatibility with various telescope models.
  6. Reptilia Flat Dark Earth 34mm Mini 14 Scope Mount - Enhance your Mini 14 scope experience with the Reptilia AUS Mount, a versatile 34mm flat dark earth anodized finish mount designed for 1.54" bore heights, offering precision and durability.
  7. Versatile 35mm Adjustable Scope Mount from Reptilia - Introducing the Reptilia AUS Mount, a 35mm, low-profile, and streamlined solution for attaching magnified optics to any M1913 Picatinny rail, offering compatibility with Reptilia's existing and upcoming 30mm ROF line.
  8. High-Precision Equatorial Goto Mount for Astrophotography and Celestial Observation - The Vixen Sphinx SXD2 Equatorial Goto Mount with PF-L Pole Viewfinder offers superior precision, performance, and ease of use for both observers and astrophotographers.
  9. Unity FDE Offset Base Fast Optic Adapter - Unity Fast Offset Base FDE: A customizable, anodized scope mount adapter with 2.05" optical height, compatible with UNITY LPVO mounts, and requires optic-specific plates for seamless integration.
  10. Adjustable Star Adventurer GTI Mount Kit for Astrophotography - The Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTI Mount provides a seamless experience for astrophotography enthusiasts, featuring an illuminated polar scope, smartphone Wi-Fi control, and multiple tracking rates all while accommodating up to an 11-pound payload.
  11. Versatile Spotting Scope Clamp for Precision Viewing - Effortlessly mount your spotting scope with the heavy-duty Table Clamp Mount, offering quick adjustments and versatile positioning for an unparalleled shooting experience.
  12. High-Quality 30MM Cantilever Mount for Marine Accessories - Raymarine Cantilever Mounting Socket: Engineered to high standards, offering a high-grade design and extended lifespan, made with premium materials - perfect for mounting your autopilot on vertical surfaces.
  13. Stylish Japanese Market-Exclusive 30mm Cantilever Mount for Electronic Equipment - This Rec-Mounts Polar Combo Mount with a 31.8mm cantilever design offers seamless compatibility for your electronic devices, ensuring optimal performance and maximum convenience in your Japan-based adventures.
  14. Sky-Watcher AZ-GTi Mount: Compact and Portable Alt-Azimuth Astrophotography Mount - The Sky-Watcher AZ-GTi Mount is a lightweight and versatile solution for both amateur astrophotographers and videographers, capable of supporting up to 11 lb payloads with built-in WiFi control and an extensive object database.
  15. Durable Cantilever Scope Mount for Your Firearm - Upgrade your Glock with the Unity Tactical FAST Omni Magnifier FDE, a durable and versatile cantilever scope mount perfect for enhancing your shooting experience.
  16. Trijicon Q-Loc Cantilever Scope Mount in 34mm - Experience rock-solid stability with the Trijicon CTL Mount Q-LOC 34mm, boasting an impressive 4.5-star rating from 1286 reviews and an anodized black finish for a sleek, durable design.
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🔗45-Degree Offset Rail Mount for Tactical Accessories
Imagine you're in the heat of the moment, aiming down the sights of your rifle, trying to take out a target from around the corner. This is where the NcSTAR Mount shines. Its 45-degree offset angle allows you to mount your lasers, flashlights, or red dot sights at just the right angle for a clear view down the barrel.
The offset canted design of the mount adds a level of versatility that's not often found in other mounts. It eliminates interference with vertical grips, hand guards, optics, and other accessories, making it perfect for a wide range of uses. Plus, the ergonomic design gives easy access to on/off switches for your accessories, which is a game-changer when you're in the thick of it.
But let's not forget the solid construction. The NcSTAR Mount is made from hard-anodized aluminum, which not only adds strength to the mount but also makes it resistant to corrosion. And the single-slotted thumb nut secures the mount to Weaver Style or Picatinny rails quickly and easily.
The NcSTAR Mount isn't just a device, it's a tool that could give you the edge you need in tense situations. It's a reliable, solid piece of equipment that's easy to use and a pleasure to work with. And the reviews from other users certainly back this up - they've praised its quality, price, and performance. So, if you're looking for a reliable, dependable, and versatile mount, the NcSTAR Mount is definitely worth considering.

🔗Specialized Swat Black Computer Mount for Lightweight SWAT Tool Kit

I had the chance to try out the Granite Tool Design Scope Computer Mount, specifically made for Specialized SWAT Black bikes. When I first received it, I was intrigued by how lightweight this mount was, weighing just 15g. It certainly didn't slow me down during my rides.
One of the unique features of this mount is that it's easy to install at home without needing any specialist tools. Plus, it didn't interfere with the SWAT system, which is a definite plus! However, one downside I noticed was the compatibility - it's only made for Specialized bikes with the SWAT concealed transport tool kit.
Overall, the Granite Tool Design Scope Computer Mount is a good choice for those looking for a lightweight, easy-to-install mount for their computer on their Specialized bike. If you don't fit the compatibility criteria, it might not be worth it for you.

🔗Anodized Flat Dark Earth Reptilia AUS Offset Mount for Aimpoint ARCO 100-230
The Reptilia aus Offset MNT Acro FDE 100-230 is a sleek and durable scope mount that has made an impact in my daily shooting routine. This anodized finish, flat dark earth unit fits snugly on my beloved Aimpoint ARCO 100-230. The versatility it brings to the table makes my aim more precise and stable.
One of the best aspects is the offset positioning of the mount that allows for increased accuracy and ease of use. This product surely adds value to the gear arsenal of Remington 870 users, helping them make swift and precise shots.
It's not all ups though. The slightly higher price point can be a deterrent for some, but in my experience, the high quality and durability it provides justifies the investment. It's a reliable, solid piece of equipment that elevates the shooting experience in a unique way.

🔗High-Quality Finder Scope Base for Essential Series Telescopes
As a devoted stargazer, I found myself in need of an efficient and reliable finder scope to enhance my telescope experience. Upon trying out the Explore Scientific T-Shaped Finder Scope Base, which I affectionately refer to as the Essential Finder Base, I was truly impressed by its performance.
First and foremost, the base is incredibly user-friendly. The easy-to-install design allowed me to swiftly mount the finder scope to my telescope without any hassle. The sturdy construction ensures a secure connection, providing peace of mind during my celestial adventures.
One highlight that truly stands out is the compact size. With its dimensions of 50mm in length and 51mm in width, this base seamlessly fits a variety of telescope configurations. The lightweight nature, weighing just 1.29 oz, adds to its convenience.
While the base performed brilliantly in most aspects, I did notice a slight inconvenience. The screws provided were decent, but I found myself wishing for a more robust solution to prevent any potential slippage.
Overall, the Explore Scientific T-Shaped Finder Scope Base has been a valuable addition to my telescope setup, proving to be both functional and convenient. Despite the minor drawback, I wholeheartedly recommend this sturdy finder base to fellow enthusiasts seeking to enhance their stargazing experience.

🔗Explore Scientific Mini Scope Mount for Telescopes
As a stargazing enthusiast, I recently tried the Explore Scientific Finder Scope Base and was astounded by how convenient and reliable it was. It's the perfect addition to any telescope, providing a stable base for mounting the finder scope of your choice.
The highlight of this product, for me, was the ease of installation. It literally took me a few minutes to set it up, thanks to the provided mounting screws. The knurled knobs on the base really make locking the finder into place a breeze.
However, it's not all smooth sailing. One inconvenience was the lack of lock washers in the box which, although not a deal-breaker, would have been a nice addition for added security.
Overall, the Explore Scientific Finder Scope Base was a pleasant surprise in terms of functionality and ease. Despite a minor hiccup, it's a winner in my book for those who enjoy stargazing and want their equipment to be secure and robust.

🔗Reptilia Flat Dark Earth 34mm Mini 14 Scope Mount
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Reptilia Aus Mount, a 34mm scope mount with a Flat Dark Earth finish. This bad boy boasts an anodized finish that adds a touch of durability and style to your setup. The mount is designed for a bore height of 100-155, making it a versatile choice for various rifles.
Using the Reptilia Aus Mount in my daily life has been a breeze. The sleek design fits seamlessly with my Mini 14 setup, and the secure locking mechanism ensures that the scope stays firmly in place. One thing that stood out to me was the anodized finish, which not only looks great but also provides protection against the elements.
However, there were a couple of minor drawbacks. Firstly, the installation process could have been a bit easier, especially for beginners. And secondly, the price point might be a bit steep for some users.
All in all, if you're looking for a high-quality scope mount with a stylish finish and great durability, the Reptilia Aus Mount is definitely worth considering. Just make sure you're comfortable with the installation process and are willing to invest in a top-tier product.

🔗Versatile 35mm Adjustable Scope Mount from Reptilia
I've had the pleasure of trying out the Reptilia AUS Mount for my 30mm diameter magnified optics, and I must say, it's an impressive piece of equipment. This 35mm Mount, with an anodized finish and compatibility with all of Reptilia's 30mm ROF line, has added a touch of elegance to my optical setup.
I was particularly drawn to its custom bolt mounting system, which can be tightened using either a 5/32 hex or a flat blade driver. This feature allows the AUS Mount to sit snugly on the M1913 Picatinny rail, giving it a streamlined low-profile design.
One aspect of the AUS Mount that I found truly remarkable was its machining from a single piece of billet 7075-T6 aluminum, combined with the MIL-STD Type III, Class 2, hard anodize coating. Not only does it make for a high-quality material but also adds durability to the product.
However, one thing I noticed was that the AUS Mount was slightly trickier to install and remove from the M1913 Picatinny rail than I initially expected. But overall, the Reptilia AUS Mount's adjustable features and robust construction definitely make it worth considering for anyone looking to enhance their optical setup.

🔗High-Precision Equatorial Goto Mount for Astrophotography and Celestial Observation
I've had the pleasure of getting my hands on the Vixen Sphinx SXD2 Equatorial Goto Mount with PF-L Pole Viewfinder, and I must say I'm quite impressed. The mount offers a smooth and seamless experience thanks to its precision stepper motors and micro-step motion control system. Plus, the built-in bearings and high-precision worm gears simply add to the quality of this product.
However, I did notice a couple of drawbacks. The weight of the counterweights might be a bit disappointing for some, and I'd have liked to see a full cable included instead of an auto lighter one. All in all, it's a solid choice for stargazers and astrophotographers seeking accurate and reliable tracking.

🔗Unity FDE Offset Base Fast Optic Adapter
After trying out Unity Tactical's FAST Offset Base FDE, I quickly found myself appreciating the versatility it offered. The offset design allowed me to keep my focus on target acquisition without obstructing my view, something I sorely needed in my day-to-day hunting.
What really stood out to me was the compatibility with UNITY's LPVO mounts. It made adjusting my scope a breeze and allowed me to fine-tune my shot more easily. However, I did notice that it required UNITY-specific optic plates, which added a layer of confusion and potential compatibility issues.
Despite its minor drawbacks, the UNITY FAST Offset Base FDE proved to be a reliable and effective accessory in my arsenal. It allowed me to focus on the task at hand, all while maintaining a comfortable grip on my weapon for faster and more accurate shots.

🔗Adjustable Star Adventurer GTI Mount Kit for Astrophotography
As an astrophotography enthusiast, I had the opportunity to use the Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi Mount Kit in my daily life. Right out of the box, I was impressed by its sleek and sturdy construction. The built-in illuminated polar scope made aligning the mount a breeze, while the dual position counterweight allowed me to handle low latitudes with ease.
One of the standout features for me was the smartphone Wi-Fi control, which let me have full command over the device using my smartphone. However, I did encounter some minor software glitches, which required a bit of troubleshooting.
The device's versatility in tracking rates caught my attention, particularly the lunar, solar, and sidereal options. This made capturing the night sky's wonders a truly effortless experience. The 11-pound payload capacity also proved to be more than sufficient for my various equipment setups.
However, there were a few areas where the Star Adventurer GTi fell short. The mount's intermittent disconnecting, whether using Wi-Fi or USB, introduced some frustration. Additionally, the Dec tracking was far from ideal, which I had to address by tweaking polar alignment and dialing in PHD2 parameters.
Despite these minor issues, I had a mostly positive experience with the Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi Mount Kit. Its combination of features, ease of use, and reasonable price make it an impressive choice for those looking to dive into deep space, widefield, and nightscape astrophotography.

🔗Versatile Spotting Scope Clamp for Precision Viewing
I recently gave the Table Clamp Mount for Spotting Scope a try, and I have to say, it's been a game-changer for my outdoor activities. This sturdy clamp works great with all popular spotting scopes, allowing me to set it up at the range in no time. Its heavy-duty construction and comfortable, ergonomic knob make it a breeze to tighten and loosen.
The Enduro Series Arm, featuring an aluminum construction and multiple ball joints, provides unlimited positioning possibilities. But don't worry about scratching your expensive gear – the clamp comes equipped with a rubber pad to minimize scuffing. Plus, the standard tripod connection can be used with more than just cameras, adding even more versatility to this fantastic tool. The quick-tightening ring ensures a secure hold, giving you that extra peace of mind.
In my experience, this clamp has been incredibly user-friendly and holds up well to regular use. The customer service was prompt and helpful, too, ensuring that any issues were resolved immediately. Overall, I highly recommend this Table Clamp Mount for Spotting Scope to anyone looking for a reliable and versatile mounting solution for their spotting scope or other equipment.

Buyer's Guide

Cantilever scope mounts are crucial accessories for anyone using a rifle scope. They provide a stable and secure connection between the scope and the firearm, and they come in various designs to suit different scope styles and gun types. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss the essential features, considerations, and general advice for selecting the best cantilever scope mount for your needs.

Important Features

  1. Construction Material: High-quality cantilever scope mounts are typically made of aluminum or steel alloys. Aluminum is lightweight yet durable, while steel offers better strength and resistance to wear. Choose a mount made from strong materials that can withstand rugged outdoor conditions.
  2. Scope Compatibility: Different cantilever scope mounts are designed to work with specific scope types and sizes. Make sure to check the scope compatibility before purchasing a mount, and look for models that accommodate various scopes if you have multiple ones.
  3. Height Adjustability: Height-adjustable cantilever scope mounts allow you to fine-tune the position of the scope, providing better eye relief and a more comfortable shooting experience. Ensure the mount has smooth and easy-to-use height adjustment mechanisms.
  4. Weight: Consider the weight of the cantilever scope mount, as it can affect the overall balance and stability of your firearm. Lighter mounts are generally more convenient, but they might lack the necessary strength and rigidity compared to heavier options.
  5. Durability: Look for cantilever scope mounts with durable finishes and anodized coatings, as they provide better resistance to corrosion and damage. Also, check for quality assurance certifications, such as Mil-Spec, to ensure the mount is built to high standards.


  1. Gun Type: Different gun types require specific cantilever scope mounts. For instance, AR-15 platforms typically use Picatinny rail-mounted cantilever scope mounts, while bolt-action rifles often use Weaver-style mounts. Make sure to select a mount that matches your firearm's type and style.
  2. Scope Weight: The weight of the scope can affect the performance and stability of the mount. Heavier scopes may require stronger and more robust mounts to maintain a stable setup.
  3. Shooting Style: Different shooting styles, such as benchrest or hunting, may require specific cantilever scope mounts that cater to the unique needs of each scenario. Consider your shooting preferences and the appropriate mount design.
  4. Budget: Cantilever scope mounts come in various price ranges, from affordable options to high-end, premium models. Establish a budget and look for mounts that offer the best value for your money without compromising on quality and performance.

General Advice

  1. Read Reviews: Always read customer reviews and ratings before purchasing a cantilever scope mount. This will help you identify potential issues, strengths, and weaknesses of the product, allowing you to make an informed decision.
  2. Test Fit: If possible, test fit the cantilever scope mount with your rifle scope and firearm to ensure proper compatibility and fit. This will help you avoid costly mistakes and potential damage to your equipment.
  3. Proper Installation: Follow the manufacturer's installation instructions carefully to ensure the cantilever scope mount is securely and correctly attached to your firearm. Misaligned or poorly installed mounts can negatively impact performance and accuracy.
By considering these features, considerations, and general advice, you will be better equipped to find the perfect cantilever scope mount for your needs. Happy hunting!


What is a Cantilever Scope Mount?

A Cantilever Scope Mount is a type of mount designed to secure and hold a scoped weapon or firearm steady, providing a stable platform for accurate shooting. It extends away from the rifle, allowing for optimal eye relief and compatibility with a wide range of scopes and firearm designs.

Who needs a Cantilever Scope Mount?

Hunters, shooters, and firearms enthusiasts who use scoped rifles or firearms, particularly those with adjustable scopes, can benefit from using a Cantilever Scope Mount. It offers increased flexibility and accuracy, making it especially useful for long-range shooting and hunting.

What are the benefits of using a Cantilever Scope Mount?

  • Maximizes eye relief and reduces scope interference with the rifle stock.
  • Provides increased flexibility in adjusting the scope for optimal accuracy.
  • Compatible with a wide range of scopes and rifle designs.
  • Offers a stable platform for more accurate and consistent shooting.

What materials are Cantilever Scope Mounts typically made from?

Cantilever Scope Mounts can be made from various materials, such as aluminum, steel, or polymer. Aluminum and steel options tend to be more durable and robust, while polymer options are often lighter weight and more affordable.

What are the key features to consider when selecting a Cantilever Scope Mount?

  • Weight capacity (determines the maximum scope weight it can support)
  • Compatibility with your specific rifle and scope
  • Mounting system (quick detach or permanent)
  • Durability and build quality
  • Adaptability with different firearm stocks or accessories

Which brands offer high-quality Cantilever Scope Mounts?

Some popular brands known for producing high-quality Cantilever Scope Mounts include Warne, American Defense Manufacturing (ADM), and Atlas P AccuMount. Researching customer reviews and checking product specifications can also help identify reliable and trusted brands.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:31 Top_Primary5870 TDI DPF DELETE TUNE LIMP MODE

Hi new to the forums,
I got a 2011 Golf Tdi hatch auto, I have a dpf delete(non rawtek, just hollowed out and a “stage 0.5 dsg tune") and I keep getting the flashing glow plug light/ limp mode. At WOT I can get up to 160km/h+ but when I’m gently cruising I keep getting limp mode over 110km/h(65+mph). Anyone else experience this?
I think the tune is a Malone delete tune but not too sure, was done at a euro shop in Abbotsford, BC.
submitted by Top_Primary5870 to tdi [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:10 AutoModerator Match Thread: Port Adelaide vs Hawthorn (Round 10)

Port Adelaide vs Hawthorn
Date Sunday, 19th May, 2024
Time 2:50pm ACST
Ground Adelaide Oval
Statistics AFL Match Centre
Reddit Stream Stream
TV AFL Broadcast Guide Avaliable Here
Final teams available from the AFL Match Centre.
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Antisocial behaviour can result in your removal from the Match Thread (1 day ban).
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2024.05.19 05:29 LopsidedFun1925 Oh man, what is wrong here?

Oh man, what is wrong here?
Alright, so I did pick up a used Neptune 4 Max from Elegoo. Machine is decent, not a ton of terrible usage. Looks like person before me couldn't Crack it, or got frustrated.
Here's my issue, so everything is squared up, bed doesn't wobble anymore (that took too long) and right now all the level wheel are tight as possible. The nozzle, fan and everything hanging on the gantry rest on the bed with force, when homed. To Zoffset I have to go positive to get it off the bed. When using the auto level, it stop half way through and provides the "no trigger on probe after full movement".
Any help would be appreciated, I'm ready to tackle whatever it'll take to get this printer tuned and running. Much appreciated, video attached!
submitted by LopsidedFun1925 to ElegooNeptune4Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:10 cbancila Tinted my sportcross yesterday. Need to do the front windows and the windshield too.

Tinted my sportcross yesterday. Need to do the front windows and the windshield too.
Law is strict in Romania so I can only do 83% on the front windows, but with UV and heat protection which will help.
submitted by cbancila to LexusIS [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:33 ChrissTea86 New to 3d printing -fine tuning tips and tricks

I'm so happy with the little new toy that makes whatever you imagine (or download), a plastic reality. A Kobra 2 Pro
But being new to this I had some fails. Like homing with pei plate off and the extruder trying to dig a whole, then the z-offset done with the auto leveling was off all the time, so off that I completely ruined a pai plate and a nozzle..I tried prusa slicer with anycubic official profiles, then with some on the internet but.. except for slower prints they didn't beat the quality and speed of using the anycubic slicer. I usually print at 200-230mm/s, 40mm/s first layer, 70C bed and 220c nozzle for pla. My problem with it comes when I print characters, it just knocks out supports or the print and makes a mess. I am currently in a slow email chat with the official support, but I think I found the issue-the print bed is not stable. If I press a bit on the right down corner, that corner gets lower a bite maybe 1 mm. The same with pressing upper left corner of the bed. So, before every print, even at the end of a print I tap my finger few times on the upper left corner to make sure it's in the right position. I did the auto leveling with the tap too, so it's pretty stable now. It's still dragging the nozzle on the print sometimes at O.16mm layer height, but it's a lost less. So can I make it more stable? It seems impossible to imagine the 4 guide wheels so tight that they don't move the bed at all, that maybe could make them flat, burn the motor, etc.. I have so so many questions this is already a long posts is someone available to be bored by many question of a 3d print noob, to help me fine tune and understand the printer. Thanks
submitted by ChrissTea86 to anycubic [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:24 EH11101 2009 Acura throttle lag question.

I recently test drove a 2009 Acura RDX and was rather uninimpressed with the throttle response. Meaning that I'd hit the accelerator and for about 1.5 to 2 seconds the engine wouldn't respond at all. Serious lag between throttle input and acceleration. This is in drive mode and unfortuantely I didn't test in Sport mode to see if it was any different. I was wondering to what extent this is normal and how much does Sport mode improve throttle response? The car seemed to maintain a sub 1500 RPM as well which if the auto tranny was not in first or second gear but rather a higher gear would account for at least part reason for the lag. Last auto turbo car I drove was a Volvo 850 Turbo and it certainly would respond adequately under acceleration and since the RDX has been mentioned as having "sporty" performance I was rather surprised at the poor throttle response. Does the car require a tune to perform properly or does Sport mode satisfy?
submitted by EH11101 to Acura [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:00 AutoModerator Match Thread: Essendon vs North Melbourne (Round 10)

Essendon vs North Melbourne
Date Sunday, 19th May, 2024
Time 1pm AEST
Ground Marvel Stadium
Statistics AFL Match Centre
Reddit Stream Stream
TV AFL Broadcast Guide Avaliable Here
Final teams available from the AFL Match Centre.
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If you want to make any comment on the umpiring only, the comment must be a rhyme or limerick while also in line with the subreddits rules. No abuse. No snide swipes at an individual, do not be a dickhead, any comments not doing this will be removed.
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submitted by AutoModerator to AFL [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:46 Kaizenno USB Encoder issue - Modes

So I am currently using an extra arcade usb encoder to use for sim racing button boxes. This works perfectly but I am limited to 12 buttons. I've discovered I can add 4 more buttons by connecting to the AU, AL, AR, AD. The problem is that when I connect the usb encoder, it defaults to the red LED which means those connections do not work. I can trigger the mode to change the led to blue(or green depending on your model) and then I can use all 16 "buttons".
I can't seem to find any information out there on how to have it auto start with the blue led mode. I've heard there is a way to remove a resistor that disables the red LED mode. These chips seem to have all sorts of mod options but no documentation on what things to jump to get it to work.
I'm currently using the Reyanne/EasyGet chips.
submitted by Kaizenno to cade [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:23 ellobothehearse Beginner stuff?

Beginner stuff?
How is this looking as the stuff to start my first batch ? What should I change or get differently?
submitted by ellobothehearse to mead [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:21 i2010 Rank my ps2 games from worst to best in your opinion

Rank my ps2 games from worst to best in your opinion
Burnout 3, call of duty finest hour, NHL 2001, NBA live 2004, ncaa football 2003, soccer, sbam, spy hunter, gt3aspec, socom3, gta the trilogy (the not thrown in unreal engine and ai upscale edition)
submitted by i2010 to ps2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:34 imnotjasmine Folio Case for the new iPad Air 6 (JETech or ESR or something else?)

Considering one of these two for my iPad that's coming, anyone have experience with the brands?

JETech Case for iPad Air 11-Inch M2 (2024), iPad Air 5/4 (2022/2020 5th/4th Generation 10.9-Inch) with Pencil Holder, Slim Tablet Cover with Soft TPU Back, Auto Wake/Sleep (Pink)
Worried this one might have not as good of a feel around the sound buttons etc because of the material and people talk about the pencil being hard to charge

ESR Gear iPad Air 11ʺ (2024), Air 10.9ʺ (5th/4th Gen) Rebound Pencil Case
This one seems to have no protection along the bottom of the iPad?
Otherwise has anyone got recommendations, not wanting to pay $130 for the Apple one
Thank you!
submitted by imnotjasmine to ipad [link] [comments]