What is endocervical/ squamous metaplastic cells

Rabies Vaccine Associated Carcinoma in Dogs

2024.05.19 08:58 DragonArm Rabies Vaccine Associated Carcinoma in Dogs

I took my healthy senior 13 year old dog to the vet in late March to get his eye checked out recently because of a small cyst or something was on his eyelid and looked like it was bothering him and causing eye boogers.
The initial vet referred me to an Optometrist but while I was there they updated him on distemper and rabies vaccine. A few days after our visit on or around the vaccination site he developed what was at the time a golf ball sized hard mass located in the right submandibular area going deep towards the trachea esophagus.
We went to urgent vet immediately and cytology results raise concern for squamous cell carcinoma but can’t confirm without biopsy. Given his age and the urgent vets unconfirmed assessment I opted to not biopsy and just let my boy enjoy what little time he may have left.
Since this visit the growth grew to the size of a baseball but has either stabilized and stopped growing or has slowed down. He is still eating voraciously and is active (can go on 2 mile walks) but I fear his esophagus may have been affected by the tumor a bit because he started having trouble swallowing larger food.
While searching for aspirational cures and causes I found this article on Rabies Vaccine associated Carcinoma.
Could this be what caused the sudden tumor in my otherwise healthy dog? And is it normal to reup a rabies vaccine on an already senior 13 year old dog?
I don’t want to destroy his quality of life by fighting it and putting him through chemo or surgery but I am wondering if this Rabies Vaccine associated carcinoma is a thing? I can’t help but feel guilty for this happening to my baby and don’t want this to happen to my other senior dog.
submitted by DragonArm to doghelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:40 Great_Researcher1746 Recent finding

Hi all, just curious about a recent finding. I’ve had RUQ pain, nausea, diarrhea for almost 3 years now, made worse by eating and after my frequent bowel movements. I’ve had just about every test you can think of and I’ve taken every IBS medication possible, without improvements. I’ve lost track at this point of what medications I’ve had.
Recently, finally a CT showed Gallbladder sludge, but I was not given an explanation, just told I had this. This past week I had EGD/Colonoscopy and found I have Gastritis, H. Pylori negative. {Gastric cardiofundic mucosa is present. The lamina propria has a mild increase in the # of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Active inflammation is not prominent. Barrett's metaplastic columnar epithelium is not identified.}
Anyone had anything similar? What was the outcome? It’s becoming incredibly frustrating and my doctors seem to be very slow getting back with more results.
submitted by Great_Researcher1746 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:15 HelpfulAnywhere3731 Parotid Biopsy Friday

I got a biopsy this past Friday on my right parotid gland that looked suspicious on my CT scan two weeks ago.
He held up this humongous needle and I said, whoa, that is huge. He assured me that he was just just going to put the tip in.
Record scratch.
I said, that's what he said. There was a small silence. Then we all laughed.
Anyway, today, my face is swollen from ear to collar bone. I mean, my bite is affected so much I can't eat solid food.
The pain is, shall we say, worse than my lung biopsy in 2021. I gave that guy hell for using a pickaxe to dig a hole to my lung.
Anyway, y'all have any advice for me? I can't touch it because it gets very angry with any disturbance in the very air.
I'm beginning to suspect he used a good deal more than just the tip.
LUL, 2022, adjuvant chemo, squamous cell. NED for two years. I am HPV+ but my oncologist has never said anything about that.
submitted by HelpfulAnywhere3731 to HeadandNeckCancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:13 Steady_leap Renal disease? Cancer? Nothing at all?

FS 13 year old siberian husky suddenly drinking EXCESSIVELY and cannot hold urine. Having accidents if not let out every half hour. Has always been a picky eater. 45 lbs stable but noticeable muscle atrophy in the back end and hips. Urinalysis revealed SG of 1.021 so did a quick bloodtest that showed elevated creatinine at 155 with SDMA at 16 and BUN at 10.1. Vet is suspecting stage 2 renal disease so sent a UPCR which showed lots of WBC and some RBC in it with a UPCR of 0.1 and squamous epithelial cells within the urine. Vet is away this weekend to help decipher but I’m curious if this still means renal disease? A mass? What further testing is recommended if anything? Thanks in advance!
submitted by Steady_leap to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:39 Neat-Assumption1192 normal/ neg results for biopsies but no result for ECC?

Is it normal not to include neg or positive result in ECC? It all looks good to me minus a result like the biopsies, anyone had this experience? No big deal?
submitted by Neat-Assumption1192 to PreCervicalCancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:48 Comprehensive_Ant984 Can someone please help me understand these test results and next steps?

Will do my best to keep this concise. 36, F. 5’4 and ~200lb. History of asthma, ADHD, PVCs. Meds: metoprolol 100mg/day, adderall 60mg/day.
There are two issues I’m concerned about: 1) abnormal pap results and positive high risk HPV tests; and 2) complex (right side) ovarian cyst.
As to issue 1, I’ve had a history of abnormal pap results and have had positive high risk hpv tests in the past. After losing my job/insurance and moving states, I finally went to Planned Parenthood a few weeks ago for an overdue pap, and to be completely honest I just kind of felt like the NP had no idea what she was saying/doing (and that’s not a knock on NPs). Unfortunately I’m not able to get an actual copy of the results for some reason (isn’t there a federal law on that ??), but I received a message this week telling me that my pap showed “atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance.” I don’t know what my HPV results were (assuming she tested for it). But she said she recommends I follow up in 3 years. That sounds really off to me because in the past when I’ve had abnormal pap results, they’ve been followed up by a colposcopy and advice to return in either 6 months or a year for a repeat pap. Is she right that I can let this go for another 3 years, even with my history of abnormal results and positive high risk HPV? For reference, these are my most recent previous test results: May 2021 Pap results: https://imgur.com/a/uyP5tBi May 2021 HPV results: https://imgur.com/a/7Ahyjeb June 2021 colposcopy report: https://imgur.com/a/gq9vfEk August 2022 Pap results: https://imgur.com/a/fqi7egw August 2022 HPV results: https://imgur.com/a/xk2qJSA September 2022 colposcopy report: https://imgur.com/a/BQPtmZR
As to issue 2, one day this past December, I started experiencing sudden sharp stabbing pain in my lower right side, followed by some vaginal bleeding. I called my old gyn, told them I’d moved out of state but was having these symptoms and asked if it was ok to just ride out at home, but they said to go get checked out at the ED. So I went and it turned out to be a hemorrhagic cyst on my right ovary. The ED Dr said I needed to have a repeat ultrasound in 3 months and to follow up with my gyn. I brought this up to the NP at Planned Parenthood, and she told me the Dr was wrong and I don’t need any follow up, and that ED docs just always tell patients to follow up with their gyn as a CYA. But I’m still having symptoms, and again just in general I wasn’t confident in her at all. It also seems to contradict what the radiologist wrote in the US report, which is here: https://imgur.com/a/VMBuC0y.
So what do I do/who do I listen to here? If it’s relevant, symptoms include: daily fatigue/exhaustion, 50lb weight gain in less than 4 months (happened so fast that I now have more stretch marks on my stomach/sides than my twin sister who’s had 3 kids, all of which happened while on either 70mg of vyvanse or 60mg of adderall a day), palpitations, frequent lower right side pain and pain in right middle/lower back and flank that will sometimes wake me up or make it hard to sleep, intermittent nausea and mood swings throughout the month, heavy periods lasting 2 weeks, coming approx every 21-24 days, with breakthrough bleeding in between.
submitted by Comprehensive_Ant984 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:17 SwordfishAcrobatic90 Question on if I have endometriosis and how to talk to my OBGYN

Hi! I'm 25f and my mother opened up to me about medical history and stories about my birth which led to her saying she was diagnosed with endometriosis at 23. Now I'm thinking I might also have it. Ive read online and within a few posts on this community about more indepth/personal symptoms and its starting to look like I might have it or I at least want to have a conversation with my Dr about it. Idk if it's good to give my whole menstrual story so I'll just do symptoms and one little detail. Symptoms: extreme and intense cramping during mentration (they can last hours and overcounter doesnt work for more than maybe 30mins for minor relief), started cramping/pelvic pain in ovulation and sharp stabbing pain during intercourse a few months ago, fatigue (throughout the month but more so in luteal until menstration), my IT band and all the little hips muscles?/bands? are usually considered tight, I experience sharp zolting pain in my thighs- mid thigh to knee (mostly when I was young but it still happens), I don't have diagnosed IBS but I don't have a normal poop usually ever or it goes back and forth between diarrhea and constipation, I get nauseated after eating greasy food or sometimes food in general (sucks living in the Southern USA or eating a lot of MSG), I am currently taking depression medication for high to moderate depression and moderate to low anxiety, lower back pain, I have almost fainted a couple times in my 15ish years of menstruation. A little story: I had an abnormal pap and turned out there was some squamous cells in there so they had to do a biopsy. Dr. goes to lance it and I just let out a little "eep" from the pain. And Dr. goes 'I know that was pretty painful so take your time after I'm done down here' [paraphased]. I told him oh that hurt but thats usually how bad my cramps are and at least it went away pretty quickly because I get those and they'll last at least an hour. And the dr and attendant looked at bit horrified and didn't really know what to say. (I didn't get drugged and it was noncancerous for others wondering) If you made it this far thank you! Any feedback, validation, or whatever is greatly appreciated. P.S.IDK if my mother knows that there's a higher risk of having endo when other family members have it and even if she did she may not have remembered as she's had/still has a lot of other health issue to keep track of and I love my momma so please dont bash her.
submitted by SwordfishAcrobatic90 to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:57 Electronic_Raise7922 Cytology is indicated

What does “cytology is indicated” mean? 28F, abnormal smear, tested positive for HPV “other”, squamous cells also present. I also have GHSV which is sending me over the edge. Just trying to understand what all this means as I’m very worried. Any insight appreciated.
submitted by Electronic_Raise7922 to HPV [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:17 Ok_Analysis_120 Please help! Hard bumps inside tongue, severe jaw/ear pain for a year, leukoplakia, pain now spreading to molars. What the heck is this?

Please help! Hard bumps inside tongue, severe jaw/ear pain for a year, leukoplakia, pain now spreading to molars. What the heck is this?
Leukoplakia affects the side of my left tongue, way back to the base. I can't open my mouth too much, barely able to get 3 fingers in, hard to take photo. Some white growths on the base of my tongue and that thin fold of tissue that connects to the upper and bottom jaw. It's been an ongoing problem for a year just getting worse and I have a dentist's app next Monday. There's 3/4 hard, painless pea size lumps, a couple slightly bigger, and you can feel them when palpating gently. I uh, ripped a piece of white.. tissue? off of the spiky looking one, months ago. However my jaw, ears are in so much pain. Oh man it's deep in the bone and muscle, hurts so bad, some days worse than others. On/off swollen cervical, mandibular and right subclavicle lymph nodes. (Confirmed by several dr's when going for related(?) symptoms but never mentioned my mouth, I have dental anxiety so I've held off on this. But sucked it up couple months ago & dr said white patches were leukoplakia, said they may want a biopsy referred me to ENT but wait list is super long. Gotten worse since then in terms of growths.)
What could this be? Cysts? Salivary gland issues? Candida? How would a dentist be able to inspect my mouth with my inability to open it enough? I'm on muscle relaxers for unrelated issues and they don't help. 😅 If I keep my mouth open for more than a few seconds at a time it causes excruciating pain x10.
It's just so bad right now I had to post here I guess. Taking pics made it worse but needed to show in case someone has insight or advice.. I don't know if ER would do anything for the pain or check it out with MRI. I don't want to waste resources either. Also all the issues have spread from my left to right side but not as badly. Minor in right side appearance wise. Pain wise the same.
Not being Dr. Google I promise 😆 just wondering what the heck could cause this. All of the symptoms started around the same time I noticed weird things with my tongue. There's also been excessive bone growth on the top and bottom of my jaw. Just.. wacky.
Former smoker of 10 yrs, quit 2020 and I currently vape trying to quit. I'm 25F. Squamous cell and adenocarcinoma is genetic in my family. Thank you.
submitted by Ok_Analysis_120 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:03 SerendipitousSmiles I would like to know if anyone else has had any experience with this? What they would or did do in my situation? Or if you happen to be a gynecologist what you think of the situation seeing as you don’t have any dog in the fight here?

I’m currently 43. Some background; When I was 16 I had an abnormal pap but the colposcopy came back normal. Again when I was 25, I had an abnormal pap. Colposcopy came back with atypical squamous cells. They froze some precancerous cells off my cervix based on the results. February of 2023 I had an abnormal pap. It came back with atypical glandular cells.
My gynecologist at the time wanted me to do a colposcopy. He speaks with a very thick accent so he’s difficult to understand and doesn’t explain well what or why you need something. So they scheduled me for it. Before it could happen, I lost my insurance. So I canceled.
Then a few months later when I had my insurance again and I called to reschedule, they wanted me to schedule an EMB instead of the colposcopy. I didn’t understand why the procedure had changed and they didn’t explain very well when I asked. I went ahead and scheduled it but got cold feet and backed out. I thought perhaps they had mixed up my file with someone else’s and that’s why the procedure they wanted to do had changed.
So I decided to get a second opinion with a new Pap test at a different clinic. April 11 a little over a year since the last was my appointment. I brought the test results from the previous pap for my new gynecologist. She said she would go ahead and do the pap, but highly recommended because of the results of the previous pap and my high risk (I don’t know what makes me high risk other than my weight), that I do BOTH the colposcopy and EMB regardless of what this newest pap results were.
She explained that if it was pre cancer, they could just do a hysterectomy and I would not need to go through chemo or radiation. She also said that if the newest pap results came back normal and I didn’t want to go through with the biopsies, she would recommend I do a retest and transvaginal ultrasound in 3 months. When I left that day they scheduled me for both a colposcopy and EMB at the same appointment set for yesterday May 15.
This most recent pap came back completely normal. I’ll be honest, I’m EXTREMELY reluctant to go ahead and do such invasive procedures with this newest pap being normal. My appointment for the colposcopy and EMB was yesterday. I got there to check in and they (the front end) argued with me for 20 minutes about my copay and informed me that if she sent anything to the lab I would get a separate bill as though my insurance wouldn’t cover it (it does).
In the end I was so scared and so upset after arguing that I didn’t go through with it that I tried to schedule the 3 month follow up pap and ultrasound. They went back and spoke to the doctor and she insisted that I couldn’t do that and the only acceptable move forward was the biopsies and rescheduled me for June 19th.
At this point, I don’t know what to do. I’ve done a lot of research. For the particular cells they found for women who went ahead with the biopsies: 1% had cervical cancer, 3% had endometrial cancer, and up to 35% had “precancerous cells”. Then I looked up precancerous cells and found that most don’t turn into cancer. So now I’m feeling like the whole fiasco is a giant money grab!
I would like to know if anyone else has had any experience with this? What they would or did do in my situation? Or if you happen to be a gynecologist what you think of the situation seeing as you don’t have any dog in the fight here?
submitted by SerendipitousSmiles to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:55 chira_G Colposcopy results

I had an abnormal pap showing Pos for HPV so my dr recommended we do a colposcopy.
The colposcopy showed 2 low grade squamous intraepitheleal lesions and my dr advised me for now to get paps annually as these abnormal cells might be from the current HPV which can clear on its own.
It doesn’t seem like it’s a cause for concern right now but I was wondering what circumstances/results in the next pap would they have to recommend me need to do a LEEP procedure?
Would the cells have to be a higher grade or is it if the HPV is still present? Just curious about the next steps if my next pap in a year is still abnormal.
submitted by chira_G to PreCervicalCancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:52 chira_G HPV and LEEP procedure questions

I had an abnormal pap showing Pos for HPV so my dr recommended we do a colposcopy.
The colposcopy showed 2 low grade squamous intraepitheleal lesions and my dr advised me for now to get paps annually as these abnormal cells might be from the current HPV which can clear on its own.
It doesn’t seem like it’s a cause for concern right now but I was wondering what circumstances/results in the next pap would they have to recommend me need to do a LEEP procedure?
Would the cells have to be a higher grade or is it if the HPV is still present? Just curious about the next steps if my next pap in a year is still abnormal.
submitted by chira_G to HPV [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:10 Ok_Door619 My dad passed so much sooner than expected and I'm struggling

Hi. You guys might remember that I posted in here and the cancer family support group not long ago looking for some advice about looking ahead at my dad's treatment and care. Please let me know if I should change the flair, but support and advice is definitely wanted.
To revisit, he was diagnosed with stage 4 squamous cell lung cancer, metastases virtually everywhere in his body except brain and spine. We found out at the end of March/maybe very beginning of April. They told him 4-6 months without treatment, up to 18 months with treatment. So.. what happened?
I flew out to be with him and got here on the 15th of April. I took over his full time care. He declined so fast. Tuesday the ​30th, we had an interview with a home based palliative care nurse and he recommended that we send my dad to the hospital. Dad had been getting more and more foggy mentally and having a lot of difficulties communicating, tremors, etc. I questioned this very much and was told throughout the two weeks that I was here that it was probably the pain medication and we alternated through a couple options for pain management up until Tuesday. When the nurse was asking him questions, my dad couldn't remember the date or his address. So we made the call to send him to the hospital because the nurse thought it was more than just the pain medication. He was a complete angel on earth, he stayed with me the entire time until after the EMTs left with my dad and he made sure I was okay.
The doctors found out my dad had hyper calcemia, high calcium levels, which can happen in cancer patients. He had every single symptoms. They tried to give him a bunch of fluids and he got a bit better on day 2. But day 3, Thursday, he was much worse. The physician said, in the kindest way possible, that he didn't think my dad would get better. He tried one more option for a diuretic to help get fluid flowing because dad was having very wet/rattling breathing by that point. It didn't work. I had to make the hardest decision of my entire life to switch my dad to comfort care. It was what he would've wanted and made clear he would've wanted in his advanced directive/polst/etc. He told me for my entire life that if he ever was incapacitated, he wouldn't want to be a vegetable or prolong his suffering, he'd want it to end. Over the past ~month since his diagnosis, he made it clear through his legal forms and telling me/his other family that he would not want to suffer longer for no reason. He was a DNR and he chose "limited intervention" for his preferences. So I did what he wanted, I didn't prolong his suffering since it didn't look like it would help. The doctors and nurses were the most incredible I could've asked for and they gave him a lot of pain medication and meds to help him relax and be comfortable. They were wonderful to me and brought m​e and my family food and water and were just there the whole way through. He passed around midnight Friday morning. He was peaceful and at rest.
I know that I was true to what he wanted. But I'm struggling so fucking much. My heart hurts beyond words. I don't know how to live the rest of my life without him. I'm mourning that he will never get to see my boyfriend and I get married, that he'll never be able to do a first look with me or walk me down the aisle, that he'll never see my boyfriend and I finish our advanced degrees or see my boyfriend's son graduate high school. I had dreams of getting to have an inlaw suite at our future house to have him with us. Even after getting his diagnosis, I had thought we had so much more time. I feel so lost. What do I do now? How do I cope? I already got his ashes back because he wanted to be cremated, having a celebration of life this weekend. Waiting on death certificates to close out accounts and get things taken care of. I don't know what to do with myself. I felt like I was treading water before, barely staying afloat. Now I feel like I'm at the bottom in the silt, running out of air. It hurts so much. Please share any advice or even words of comfort. I'm trying to make sure I have a list of everything that needs to get done. Thank you. So sorry you're along for this journey too ❤️🫂
submitted by Ok_Door619 to CancerCaregivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:05 smurf_sacrifice 2nd LEEP and Referral to Oncology

Okay, I just need to get this out to help me process.
For starters, I’m currently 34. Last year I had a Pap smear that was negative for HPV types 16 and 18 but positive for other high risk HPV types and “Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance, cannot exclude high grade.” I followed up with an OB/GYN for a colposcopy which resulted in “high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HGSIL/CIN2-3) with endocervical gland extension.” Shortly after receiving results for the colposcopy, I was scheduled for a LEEP. Immediately prior to the LEEP, I admitted to my doctor I looked up my results online and got to pre-cancer and decided you know what I’ll wait for the doctor to explain it. The doctor said she wasn’t really worried because it wasn’t HPV 16 and 18 and the LEEP should get rid of all the abnormal cells. The results were CIN 3 with negative margins. The doctor called and said I didn’t need to come back for a colposcopy but get a Pap smear from my primary in 6 months.
Last January was that first Pap smear which resulted in HSIL. My primary doctor called and said she was referring me back to OB/GYN for another colposcopy. At the time, the soonest I could schedule was June, but later I found a sooner appointment that was at an office a little farther away. Today was the appointment. Different doctor than last time. He said it was surprising I received an abnormal result in less than a year based on the lab results of the LEEP having negative margins. This doctor seemed really concerned and laid out the plans. We would do the colposcopy today; we would also be performing a second LEEP within 4-6 weeks and he is planning on referring me to oncology. He also recommended a hysterectomy (I already have 3 teens/pre-teens as a single parent and don’t desire more anyways). During the colposcopy he found lesions further up the cervix. I should receive the lab results in about 1-2 weeks.
This whole situation has got me stressed out. Also conflicted by the different behaviors of the two doctors with the first being casually unconcerned and the second talking about wanting to refer me to oncology and for a hysterectomy before we even have a second LEEP scheduled. I’m grateful he’s telling me what he expects to happen following the LEEP, but I guess I didn’t really expect to be discussing referrals to oncology yet.
submitted by smurf_sacrifice to PreCervicalCancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:10 loriandr Do not encourage lion shaving of cats!

Edited with some sources. Facts before you assuming your cat loves being shaved. Here are just some.
Cats use their fur to regulate their body temperature no matter the weather. And it prevents sunburn.. Upon shaving your cat you take away their ability to stay cool and they might even catch a fever or worse if you keep doing it.
During warm weather, the cat’s fur traps a layer of air to help keep them cool. The trapped layer of air also protects the skin against extreme heat and prevents sunburn and other skin conditions brought about by extreme environmental heat, such as skin tumors like squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).
Aside from offering protection, the fur also serves as a sensory instrument for cats. The cat’s fur is sensitive enough to detect vibrations in the air, helping them to be more aware of any changes in the environment and avoid dangers that can come in contact with them.
Without their fur, cats are at risk of getting sunburns, especially if they spend most of their time outside. The ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause damage, sometimes irreversible, on the outermost layer of the skin and may lead to severe inflammation and secondary infection. In some severe cases, the damage is enough to cause changes in the cellular level and lead to cancer development.
Contrary to what most cat owners believe, trimming down a cat’s coat during hot weather does not help them cool off, but takes away their ability to regulate their body temperature. Shaving their coat can make them more prone to heatstroke during summer days and hypothermia during cold, winter nights.
Those are facts and you should let your cat grow back its fur. Shaving a cat like this is only done for medicinal reasons.
Not because you think your cat likes it.
Stop encouraging this, stop posting photos of it because of "cuteness". Mats can be spot shaved, brushed!
If the cat has been diagnosed with a skin condition that requires a full shave, so be it. But not because you think the cat likes it. Unfortunately the cat has to live with it, because it's not like it will tell you not to.. Stop.
Sources: firstvet, research sites among others. firstvet
Catster ] https://www.catster.com/guides/shaving-your-cat/
[Hillspet ] https://www.hillspet.com/pet-care/routine-care/does-shaving-pets-keep-them-cooler?lightboxfired=true#
[NSPCA ] https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=100064769168323&story_fbid=10154585484949843
And others. But again, mats can be spot shaved and giving a cat a part belly or butt shave to prevent mats is fine.
Do consider other options, brushing etc. Brushing your cat also helps with closer connection rather than you having a buzzing mashine in your hand which the cat can associate with "danger" and discomfort, stress.
submitted by loriandr to nebelung [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:57 aeswilko Histopathology results

Hi, apologies for the long post. Please note I’m already working with our regular vet but I am seeking advice from others. My 10 year old staffy recently had a small pink growth removed from her bottom jaw/gum and sent off for histo. The results aren’t necessarily conclusive as you’ll see below. My questions are, if the radiographs are clear, what if it’s too early for bone lysis to be present anyway? Would you recommend follow up scans and if so, how long should I wait? What kind of risk am I putting my girl in by assuming if there’s no bone lysis that this growth is benign? The downfall is that if it is a SCC, she would require a mandibulectomy so putting her through that on a “could be this, could be that” scenario is extremely drastic. We already sent the whole external growth off so it’s not as though we can send more tissue for testing without removing bone anyway. I’m just very anxious and don’t want to miss anything or put my girl at further risk. This is a photo of the growth and below is the histo report.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!
Histology 1 Tissue HISTOPATHOLOGY
10/05/24 INTERPRETATION: Moderate squamous cell hyperplasia and dysplasia with pyogranulation tissue
Pending: Deeper sections to further exclude squamous cell carcinoma
COMMENTS: The hisological atypia observed in chronically inflamed dysplastic squamous epithelium overlaps with the features of malignancy seen in squamous cell carcinoma, and deeper sections are pending to further exclude this possibility. If you could possibly submit gross images or provide additional history regarding the site, appearance of lesions, presence or absence of underlying bone lysis in ……. lesions
The tissue has a hyperplastic epithelial surface with invaginating trabeculae of squamous epithelium lined by moderately dysplastic cells showing anisokaryotic vesicular nuclei with 1-2 prominent nucleoli and increased mitoses (up to 5 per 400X HPF). There is a core of markedly reactive fibrovascular granulation tissue that is heavily infiltrated by neutrophils.
INTERPRETATION: Emerging squamous cell carcinoma vs focal fibrous hyperplasia with marked dysplasia
Thank you for the additional history that this is a single small gingival mass, with other skin masses removed but not submitted at this Histologically the dysplasia in this lesion (multifocal suprabasal mitoses, prominent multiple nucleoti) raises concern for emerging squamous cell carcinoma and clinical correlation is required, possibly including detailed dental radiographs to assess for any evidence of underlying bone lysis to further exclude the possibility of an emerging squamous cell carcinoma.
The differential diagnosis is focal fibrous hyperplasia with dysplasia caused by inflammation (inftamed fibrous epulis) is a common benign hyperplastic growth on the gingiva of dogs which when localised, appears as a discrete, tumour-like mass. Focal fibrous hyperplasia may arise as a result of chronic gingival inflammation or irritation. Periodontal disease may be a predisposing factor. The presence of neutrophils may suggest secondary bacterial infection.
Both lesions may recur following incomplete surgical excision but fibrous hyperplasia should not result in bone lysis.
HISTOPATHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION: Deeper sections show similar changes with a core of moderately cellular fibrous connective tissue overlain by markedly hyperplastic gingival epithelium that in places forms nests within the fibrous core, with a mixed, often neutrophillic, inflammatory reaction
submitted by aeswilko to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:52 Impossible-Ear-3388 Brown spotting while on birth control?

I’ve been taking this birth control for over 6 months, and it was working pretty fine and making my periods regular. But just yesterday I got some clear fluid with brown spotting, and today I still have it. I’m on the beginning of the third week of my birth control pack, my period is supposed to start on Sunday, once I start the placebo pills. I am kind of concerned, because my Pap smear was done 2 weeks ago, and it did come back abnormal, Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance, but they tested it for HPV mRNA E6/E7 types (16,18,31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,59,66,68), and it came back as negative/not detected. So I have no ideia of what’s going on, my doctor asked me to repeat Pap smear in a year. I just got my third dose for HPV vaccine 2 weeks ago, so I am hoping the best. But I am scared of this brown spotting. And I have no ideia if this can be normal or not, since I am taking my birth control and did not miss one.
Also got the transvaginal ultrasound, and my doctor said Echotexture is suggestive of adenomynosis.
submitted by Impossible-Ear-3388 to obgyn [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:03 Significant-Way5411 My dad is suffering from Carcinoma and I’m scared

Hello, I am new to Reddit but I heard that finding support groups and talking about this will help me so I want to give it a try.
To give a short summary, Last April, I found out that my dad is sick. By the time, we didn’t know the cause of the sickness, but we did see that the side of his neck was swelling. Few weeks ago, he got surgery to get it out and I thought that it’s finally over. I was able to breathe because I know my dad is fine that time. But I was told we still need to wait for the test results. And last Thursday, we got the results and it’s highly probably that it’s Squamous cell Carcinoma.
Of course, I’m shocked, scared and saddened. My mom was crying and trembling, but I had to be strong and had to put on a strong face infront of her, but after I comfort her and gone back to my room that’s when I start to bawl. In my mind, I kept saying I don’t want to lose my dad. He’s not really a great dad as his parenting skills are rather questionable, but despite all that he is still my father.
It took a toll on me to the point I had to confine with my closest friends, and even my boss at work noticed about my change in behavior. They all try to reassure me, my friends, my extended family, my bosses. But I still feel terrible. I kept praying at night, even screamed at my prayers that my dad will get better. I even looked up on how to deal with these types of situations. Even got myself a day off yesterday to go to the hospital with him… heck I was even happy that he starts to eat more.
But I’m scared guys. I don’t want to loose him. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to think.
submitted by Significant-Way5411 to CancerFamilySupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:43 BornZebra Preventative full molar and pre-molar extraction for chronic gingivostomatitis?

My 7 year old neutered male cat has a history of bad teeth. I've been brushing them daily, but recently it came to a bit of a boiling point where I took him to the vet and he had swelling in his left lower jaw. He had been pawing at his mouth apparently, because there was a nail stuck in his gum and his overall dental health was just bad. Just to clarify - this was not the first time I've taken him to a vet for his dental problems. I had been brushing daily for a while after the last vet told me he didn't want to do extractions or put him under anesthesia before exhausting other options.
This (new) vet was immediately worried about the state of his dental health and put him on antibiotics (clindamycin) and anti-inflammatory painkillers (novacam/meloxicam). He had a partial extraction (3 (pre)molars and a canine) 7 days ago, which he withstood well. The vet also took a biopsy of both his gum and the jaw bone because of the swelling. The jaw bone on the left side was looking damaged, she described (and I can see on the x-rays) a 'spongy' texture/look. The vet strongly suspected a cancerous tumor, specifically a squamous cell carcinoma.
The results of the biopsy came back yesterday and to everybody's surprise - she told me I really needed to prepare for the worst and that it was most likely a tumor - it was chronic gingivostomatitis, and not a tumor. She is seeing the cat on Friday, at which point he will have been on clindamycin for 20 days and full-dose novacam for 17 days, and 3 days on a half dose, to assess whether or not the infection has gone down sufficiently.
The cat is still eating and has drastically improved in both looks and mood since the extraction, but I'm aware this could be thanks to the painkillers. I'm just trying to see what the best course of action here and want to know a thing or two about treatment before going to the vet so that I know what questions to ask.
My specific question for the vets here is about preventative extraction of all of the molars and pre-molars. Right now the infection is localized in his left jaw, and doesn't seem to have spread to his full mouth. Since this cat is on a wet food diet with dental chews (his diet was formulized together with multiple vets with nutritional specialities) I'm inclined to ask for a full extraction of all teeth except the canines and incisors that are still left. Is this a viable option and would vets consider this the best course of treatment? What other things can I ask? If the swelling hasn't gone down sufficiently, would a different antibiotic work better?
I have a dental chart and x-rays available for anyone who might be interested, and really appreciate any help. We're coming out of an insane depression in thinking he was going to die of cancer within a month, to now having to think about longer-term dental care to keep him both comfortable and healthy.
submitted by BornZebra to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:55 llw2818 explain pls

explain pls
hi! can somebody explain what these results mean? I just got them via email but nobody has called. im 24 F, healthy, went in for a Pap smear and I was given oral/ointment meds for an external yeast infection but the “EPITHELIAL CELL ABNORMALITY” is tripping me out
submitted by llw2818 to obgyn [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:52 Important-King-7943 Pathology Results

The specimen is discharge from an abscess on my nipple.
The pathology report says: “Predominantly neutrophils and occasional degenerated squamous cells suggestive of mastitis.”
I got the results back Saturday and my dr office is closed until tomorrow and I’m getting anxious because I googled all of those words and I keep finding things that say breast cancer.
Does anyone know what this means?
submitted by Important-King-7943 to doihavebreastcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:10 ExNavyInHouston GERD C & P Today - Any Advice

Today is my C&P for GERD. I submitted it as a Secondary to Asthma (60%).
The funny thing is that after I submitted it, I found a reference to GERD in my in-service medical records (1996). I decided not to muddy the waters and wait for a denial to present new evidence of direct service connection if needed.
I think I have it covered, but I would appreciate your experiences with claims for conditions mainly controlled (kept at bay) by medication.
I was diagnosed by the VA in 2003. Since then, I have lived with it mostly under control thanks to 20mg of Omeprazole.
Before it was diagnosed, I had all the classic symptoms:
It got so bad that they put me under and did a biopsy of tissues in my esophagus, stomach and small intestine.
During that procedure, they wrote the following (I don't know if it is good or bad):
  1. Detailed distortion of the superficial gastric mucosa
  2. Foveolar hyperplasia
  3. Oxyntic mucosa with PPI effect
  4. Squamous mucosa with congestion
  5. Focal basal cell hyperplasia and
  6. Many eosinophils suggestive of reflux esophagitis
I guess my question is:
When you have had a condition this long that is primarily controlled by medication, how do I approach my answers to the C&P examiner?
Should I refer to everything as what happens if I don't have the medication? The conditions quickly return if I forget my medication or I am separated from the meds (such as on a cruise).
With Prilosec now being OTC, it isn't quite as scary as it once was because I can run to most stores and buy it.
P.S. This is the claim for which I paid for a Nexus letter and a DBQ from a "known and mostly respected" medical company in Central Texas. I know we aren't supposed to mention names if not questioned first.
Meaning I am going to have 2 competing DBQs. One was paid for after researching my Blue Dot Records, and the other DBQ, for which I have no idea of her due diligence regarding a records search.
I'm bringing:
(1) Form with questions, but I filled in the answers on separate paper, giving me more room to answer. She asks for comments on the following:
(2) Medical Record Highlights about GERD at the VA
(3) A mini personal statement describing how GERD affects my life without medication.
submitted by ExNavyInHouston to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]
