Lamictal and warts

A safe place to go when times are hard

2012.04.12 02:08 theknightwhosays_nee A safe place to go when times are hard

Everything you should know about low risk and high risk HPV infections. Warts, genital warts, LSIL, HSIL. Please read /HPV rules and the posts pinned to /HPV.

2012.10.03 22:15 Maith1 Warts

All the great pictures and videos you would want to about the dreaded wart.

2010.08.29 17:11 Popping Cysts and Pimples

Subreddit for popping addicts and the pop-curious. Blackheads, pimples, cysts, abscesses, and more.

2023.07.05 20:38 catloving May I please have some help reading a pathology report?

Age 48
Sex F
Height 5'
Weight 150
Race White
Duration of complaint 3+ mo
Location Left Vulva lesion
Any existing relevant medical issues HPV+ wart removal '93 Maternal Aunt Leukemia
Current medications Lamictal, Lithium, Spironolactone, Effexor, Trazodone, Ambien
Include a photo if relevant Imagine 4.1 x 2.5 x .3 cm cutting
Removal of vulvar lesion, HSIL VIN 3, p16 related to HPV
Histologic sections of the left partial vulvectomy (part A) demonstrate full thickness involvement of the squamous epithelium by a high-grade intraepithelial lesion that is diffusely and strongly positive for p16, consistent with an HPV-associated process (HSIL/VIN 3). There is no evidence of invasive carcinoma. High-grade squamous dysplasia extends to the yellow-inked 6:00 to 9:00 (posterior-medial/vaginal) peripheral margin (slides A4, A5); the morphologic impression is confirmed by positive p16 immunohistochemistry at cautery.
The vulvar curettings (part C) show fragments of squamous epithelium with koilocytosis and low-grade dysplastic changes (LSIL/CIN 1) without morphologic evidence of high-grade squamous dysplasia; p16 immunohistochemistry is negative, supportive of the morphologic impression.
OK. Looks like there is NOT cancer (yee haw) but did the doc get all of the HSIL at 6:00 to 9:00 or is it past the margin? Did Doc get all the LSIL, if not, can that go to HSIL?
Thank you guys!
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2022.06.08 00:20 thapattywagon 21M Painful growth on foot; Seems like a wart but very sensitive. I've also had my HPV shots.

Age: 21
Sex: Male
Weight: 140lbs
Height: 5'11
Race: Caucasian
Location: United States
Duration: Suddenly started growing one day; Been about a month
Adhd and Bipolar 1, Adderall and Lamictal respectively
I drink about every 2 weeks, don't smoke and no hard drugs.
About a month ago, I got what I thought to be a small pimple on my foot. I left it alone for a few days, but eventually just said fuck it and tried to pop it... except nothing happened and it was very painful (stupid, I know). After that, I left it alone and it's only gotten bigger and more painful. It's only about the size of a pencil eraser, but it's very sensitive.
I've googled different types of warts and it doesn't seem like any I googled. I also had warts in Elementary school, but I got my HPV shots when I was 14. Not really sure what to do.
submitted by thapattywagon to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2022.06.06 20:11 porcelina-g Learning about autonomic dysfunction and starting to think I don't have epilepsy after all

TL;DR, I was diagnosed w/ focal seizures at a young age but wonder if neurocardiogenic/vasovagal syncope could be a better fit. Recently had a “seizure” ~10 hours after blood patch procedure for CSF leak. Genetics assessment is in 3 weeks.

When I was 13, I was diagnosed with epilepsy after an aura with syncope, resulting in loss of consciousness. I still have these episodes, but they are not very frequent. I have been told they are focal seizures with aura, and I have been on Lamictal for ~20 yrs. The aura always begins with sudden, very intense nausea. Then my head feels both cold and hot, I feel hypotensive or hypoglycemic, get extremely sweaty/clammy, hear what sounds like a very loud white noise machine, then my vision cuts in and out and I feel very disoriented. I am somewhat responsive during the aura, but then I often briefly lose consciousness. The aura is so familiar now that I immediately lay on the floor until it passes so I don’t injure myself.
Something that has always interested me is my seizure triggers. My first episode happened when I was experiencing very heavy cramping during one of my first periods. It has also happened in a dermatologist’s office after having a wart frozen off my finger and in the gym while actively running on a treadmill. There have also been some emotional triggers, and one time I was even triggered after witnessing somebody else have a seizure. This isn't typical in epilepsy.
EDS was only introduced to me as a possibility about 2 months ago, but now I feel strongly that it is “the answer” and am seeing genetics later in the month. Last week, I had an epidural blood patch procedure for a CSF leak, which seems to be working. However, the night after my blood patch I had an extended episode like this, first in many months. I guess the changing intracranial pressure could cause a seizure (?) but syncope seems more likely, and both my triggers and my symptoms seem to be autonomic in nature. Has anybody else had autonomic symptoms like this after an EBP?
submitted by porcelina-g to ehlersdanlos [link] [comments]

2022.04.12 23:20 Technical-Treacle-38 Questions about HPV?

32F, 5'6", 232lb, white, HPV, newly diagnosed, hashimoto's thyroiditis, lamictal 125mg, no alcohol/smoking/drugs.
I went to the gynecologist last week for my annual. It's actually been 4-5 years since my last so I was far overdue.
She called today with the results and unfortunately my brain didn't react as quickly as I would have liked to be able to ask anything useful. But I won't be able to get in touch with her again until Thursday and the questions are spinning around my brain now.
No cancer cells, everything looked perfectly normal and healthy, with the exception of HPV.
I took the full vaccination course of Gardasil when I was 18. (I know that only protects against specific variants).
I've been with my husband for 8 years. We've (to the best of my knowledge) been monogamous for those 8 years.
From what I've seen online, they don't usually start testing for HPV until you turn 30, so it's possible I've never been tested before. I don't have access to my records to verify that though.
I've never experienced genital warts, nor has my husband.
The doctor told me that it's nothing they need to treat unless there are symptoms, and usually it'll go away on its own. But I have so many questions on a loop.
Is it possible we've just been passing it back and forth all these years? Or would there have to have been infidelity? Or could it just have been incubating in me for all this time and never gone away?
If it's been persisting all along, or if we've just been passing it back and forth, is it possible it will never go away?
Is there a greater risk for cancer if my immune system doesn't naturally defeat it and it remains?
Is it possible the hashimoto's is contributing to my immune system not being able to defeat it?
Is there anything else I need to know with this?
Please give some advice if you can. The doctor told me it's nothing to worry about and that we'll just monitor it yearly. I'm freaking out a little though.
submitted by Technical-Treacle-38 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2020.07.04 01:28 throwaway-chicken7 Doctor wants me off my antidepressant

I’m a 27 year old Female and I’ve been on antidepressants for 4 years (escitalopram for 3 years and sertraline for 1 year and 3 months). The medicine has been a life changer and a life saver.
Antidepressants have allowed me to have hobbies, friends, a stable job, and have a reason to get out of bed.
As a doctor what sort of advice would you offer in this situation, or are there other alternatives I'm missing? How would I best approach that with my GP
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2020.03.08 01:39 annonymous3897 Pumps on my leg

I [23F] had these bumps (one on my left leg, one on my right, and one almost on my butt/upper thigh) pop up sometime last year I can’t remember when. They’re just bumps, no puss, they don’t hurt. Any idea what they could be? I assumed they were warts or maybe skin tags but I’m not sure. I’ve had warts in my heels but I was little so I don’t remember what exactly they look like. I have pictures of them as well. 23F. 5”5’. 175lbs. White. Existing issues: endometriosis, PTSD, bipolar. Current medication: Lamictal 100mg, Tegretol 200mg, Orilissa 200mg, taking prenatals, and Valtrex but I’m not sure of the dose.
submitted by annonymous3897 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2019.06.25 22:39 adethia HPV risk

Sex: female age:30 height: 5'5" weight:155lbs race: Caucasian rx: lamictal, buspar, mirena My husband had an outbreak of genital warts that were very difficult to get rid of 3 years ago. We've continued to have unprotected sex since then and I've never had an outbreak. My most recent pap last August was normal and HPV test was negative. I had 1 gardisil shot 12 years ago when I was 18. Am I still immunized? Am I at risk for contracting HPV from my husband still if he hasn't had an outbreak in a couple years? Am I at risk if he has another breakout?
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2019.06.11 09:06 ThrowawayLTD618 My orthopedist has never seen anything like it.

Sorry for formatting, I’m on mobile.
I had a surgery a year ago June that involved a diagnostic laparoscopy, a hysteroscopy, and a d&c. I thought the stirrups may have been to blame for the sudden hip pain that I was having. I noticed my leg was turned outward and my weight was all shifted onto the outside of my foot. The pain is awful.
I ask my doctor for help and I get referred to some pretty gruelling physical therapy. If anything, it makes it feel worse. My hip feels like it’s grinding and popping.
When I finally see an orthopedist, and after he’s watched me walk, he orders an X-ray and that’s when we see this.
He said he has never seen anything like it, and called me a medical anomaly. He bounced me to someone he felt was more qualified and I have yet to see them. He guessed it may be calcium crystals and be something called pseudogout. I’ve looked up xrays because I’m a worry wart, and it doesn’t look anything like what I can find.
Anybody want to give it a crack?
submitted by ThrowawayLTD618 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2019.05.14 16:34 creepycreepercreepin Small recurring hive/blister on my hand? Has been there on and off for two years.

Age: 23 Sex: female Height: 5'2 Weight: 150 Race: white Duration: two years Location: back of hand, Georgia usa Other med issues: fibromyalgia, asthma, likely autoimmune disorder (working on a diagnosis) Current medication: Celexa, Lamictal, gabapentin Photo:
Two years ago, a random itchy bump appeared on my right hand. It was like a hive with a pin point sized blister in the center. I assumed it was a bug bite and stupidly popped the blister. A small amount of clear fluid came out. After about a week, it completely went away. No more itching either. A few months later, it came back in the exact same spot. Same exact symptoms, hive with a tiny blister, itching, went away in about a week. And now, every few months, it comes back in the exact same spot. It has for the past two years.
I asked a doctor about it and she had no idea what it could be and just told me to put hydrocortisone cream on it when it appeared. When I was younger, I did occasionally get warts on my fingers but I haven't had one in about seven years. It also doesn't look anything like a wart. It's just a raised red hive with a clear tiny blister in the middle.
If anyone has any Idea what this could be, I'd appreciate it. It doesn't really bother me, I'm just super curious about it! Thanks yall!
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2015.01.17 22:01 bfisbipolar My boyfriend just tapered off Zoloft; fear he's going to a bad place

Hi all. I usually post over in /BipolarSOs, but this sub is more active and I'd like to talk with some bipolar folks who've been through this anyway.
A month ago, my boyfriend started tapering off Zoloft, and he took his last dose on Thursday. He's currently on Lamictal and Wellbutrin.
He had what he thinks was a hypomanic episode that ended in early December after lasting about five weeks (very little sleep, lots of piano playing and writing new music, big plans, wanting to drink and party). After a discussion with his psychiatrist, the doc agreed that, while the Zoloft might not have triggered the episode, it probably wasn't helping, so he tapered off it over the last month. He's also quit smoking since New Year's.
His band had a show Thursday night, and he was super antsy. Some of his friends showed up who he hadn't really seen since his hospitalization (he attempted suicide in August and was inpatient for 3 weeks), and I suspect that added to his stress. I ended up taking a walk with him before the band went on to help him calm down. He was talking a mile a minute; while he'd had 3 drinks over the course of the evening, he wasn't acting drunk, just "bugged out".
After the show, he drove home, and we made plans to get together today. But when I called him today, he said he was feeling "hermit-y" and really didn't want to see anyone. Also, I'd been sick, and he suspects he's now picked up my cold.
I know he's entitled to his own space and time. But after I saw him Thursday, I got a bad feeling, like, he'd just come off this med, and might be going to bad places. He also has a history of self-harm, but hasn't hurt himself since September.
I don't really have a clear question, but I'd like some advice from some people who have tapered off Zoloft. How was the experience for you? What did you want from your friends/SOs during that time? I'm giving him space and recommended he take a walk outside in the sun, as it's a little warmer here than it's been, but I'm not going to run over there when he specifically told me he wants to be alone. If your advice is just, "You're a worry wart girlfriend; just give the man his space, already!" I'll actually find that quite reassuring. Thanks!
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