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2022.04.22 05:11 Dogemilataka ladyboypussies

women from thailand (and south-east asia broadly) born boyS, now transitioned...with pussIES. premier adult content featuring premier adult post-op mtf trans girlS with genuine mtf trans pussIES, making guyS born boyS and guyS born girlS, post-op and straight, VERY moist!

2022.05.25 12:31 Dogemilataka onebodytwoholes

If you like femaleS, attractive femalesqueS (mtf pussIES/cuntS)...if you like maleS, attractive maleesqueS (ftm penisES/cockS)... EX-plicit-LY exposed, 2 "private" partS(, mouthS, pussIES/cuntS, or pussIES/cuntS and assES, or penisES/cockS entering pussIES/cuntS, mouthS...separately, or her mouth, his cock, together, of course, cause, only two in different angleS...different shotS/takeS). HoleS, so natural. Man-made, consensual, genital-r Welcome and enjoy her(, mostly) and his(, sometimes).

2024.05.15 01:00 Steven8786 Should the Academy introduce a “Best Child Actor” award?

Although children are eligible to be nominated, I feel young performers are being done a massive disservice not having their own categor(ies) recognising their talents.
Deserving kids throughout cinematic history have been overlooked for great performances due to what I would see as this bias against them: Macauley Culkin in The Good Son, Christian Bale in Empire of the Sun, River Phoenix in Stand by Me to name a few.
Now I know the natural response will be that they have the opportunity to be nominated alongside the adults, but if we’re thinking of it realistically, while that is the case, the odds of them ever winning are massively stacked against them (I know there’s a few who have).
For example, what hope would a child actor have of winning in a category that would feature such acting heavyweights as Daniel Day Lewis, Leonardo DiCaprio or Meryl Streep?
The introduction of a youth award wouldn’t disqualify young actors from the adult awards (like when Parasite won Best Picture and wasn’t just relegated to Best Foreign Language), so for the truly next level exceptional performances, the academy could still recognise those, but I do truly feel a Child Actor award would be a good starting point to finally recognising the talents of the younger generation on screen.
submitted by Steven8786 to Oscars [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:49 WannabeAppalachian Will my current PSU work for my new GPU?

I currently have this PSU https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-SuperNOVA-Power-Supply-220-G2-0750-Xdp/B00IKDETOW/ref=as_li_ss_tl?tag=austevan-20&s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1472317949&sr=1-1&keywords=evga+750w&linkId=505415e9250195fb3bbd8187df64be15&geniuslink=true&th=1
And I am wondering if it will work the the rx 7700xt that i just ordered.
submitted by WannabeAppalachian to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:46 Realistic-Profit758 AITA for this?

Partner got a new job after not working for awhile which requires out of town stints. We have a 6 month old who is very high needs and I'm working with a team to get my mental health in a better place. The hours have been long and he complains when I'm in a bad mood by the time he gets home and don't want to talk or anything. When he does get off at an earlier time he will feed baby dinner and bathe her and do bedtime. That is the only thing he has to do if he is home in time. I had him skip a last minute (less than week notice) trip because baby had 6m shots and appointments going on. I rearranged and canceled other appointments for the end of the month WEEK he was supposed to be gone and had made arrangements to stay at my mom's for help. Today the ONE WEEK trip has somehow turned into 3 weeks and he'll be home for weekends. I told him I didn't agree to that and it became an argument. She has other appointments that I need to get her to and make and I have appointments I'm trying to make for myself that I can't get to on my own & have baby with me. I asked for a nanny and when he was home on the weekend he was on baby duty and I was going to go out and do self care for me (ie. Nails, tan, eyelashes). I was told "I don't have money for any of that". So then I suggested just leaving and we would split and he can pay child support and work wherever whenever and not have to worry about it to which he then said he was going to "take my phone". Our phone plan is joint and when I tried to explain the fact that I would still need to set up doctor visits and other stuff for our child and he wouldn't be able to do that being gone and working super long hours he had no real response and just wants the phone to be petty. AITA for requesting help and self care time?
His solution is I spend 3 weeks at my mom's where I have no real place to sleep (my kid has her own room) and get the same couple hrs of help from my mom because she works and would only be home for a couple hrs before bedtime. He also called our child a mistake and said our lives are ruined bc of her
submitted by Realistic-Profit758 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:45 surplusofrage Messed up my lamictal dose

So I usually take 150mg lamictal every night between 11pm-12:30am. Well, today I woke up at 11am with my contacts in and makeup on (ie I didn’t mean to fall asleep). I’m unsure if I took my dose last night, but feel like I didn’t. So I took my dose then. But now it’s 3:30pm and I feel WEIRD like my head hurts, brain is foggy, and I’m so anxious. I called the pharmacy who told me to call my doctor who is out of town. Lol. So if I did take my dose at 11pm, and another at 11am, if I take the same dose at 11pm tonight do I risk the rash? Or should I take 2/3 of a pill in case I’m wrong… what would you guys do?
submitted by surplusofrage to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:43 Appropriate_Cut_9995 Should the Bible be interpreted primarily through “original context”?

Fr Stephen DeYoung says as much (around the 90 minute mark he begins talking about Psalm 81 (“you are gods”). At around the 1hr 40 mark he says that if an interpretation doesn’t make sense in the ‘original context’, it’s wrong.
But the ‘original context’ of the Psalms, as we understand that to be today, was not available to the apostles or to the Church Fathers. Even now the ‘original context’ isn’t something we actually have access to; it’s a construct of scholarship. One of the things I greatly appreciate about the Orthodox tradition, as I have understood it via the OSB, is that it allows for this. A text can have a plain meaning — it’s ’original context’ — and another, higher meaning, revealed by Christ and rooted in church tradition. This meaning needn’t have been intended by its human author. This is more consistent with how I understand the Church Fathers — and the ancients in general — to have read scripture. A framework would be applied, and meaning was drawn out of the text through it. There was no real sense of needing to reconstruct the original historical context to divine the ‘only correct’ meaning, ie that which aligns with the hypothetical authors hypothetical intent. This is the project of modern scholarship/some forms of Protestantism (more often than not, these are the same thing).
I’m not sure if I’ve radically misunderstood Fr DeYoung, or if I’m misunderstanding the Orthodox approach the scripture, but either way I’m hoping you guys can help me out here.
submitted by Appropriate_Cut_9995 to OrthodoxChristianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:40 Tight_Size3855 Serta Perfect Sleeper Elite Chiffon Mattress? Help!

Does anyone have any experience with this mattress?
I have crazy research fatigue as there are so many mixed reviews on mattresses.
I currently sleep on a firmer mattress but thinking about going for medium/softer mattress as I’m trying to become more of a back sleeper. It’s sad to admit but I’ve never really cared about mattresses, so this would be my first time properly shopping for one.
I live in Canada, so I have tried a few in store ie sleep country, IKEA, Structube. The only one I liked was the Serta mattress, but was going for $2,000 at Sleep Country which is way out of my budget. So I started down the path of ‘bed in a box’ mattresses ie Endy, Douglas, Hamuq, Nectar and the reviews are so mixed it’s hard to decide. Plus the fact that I’d be buying blind without trying is hard to do.
Today I went to sleep country on a whim and they’re having a clearance sale so I can get the Serta at $1200. It’s beyond my budget but I’m exhausted, plus I do like the mattress.
TLD Question: Is the mattress worth it at the price? $1200 CAD? Does it hold up or should I try my luck with the ‘bed in a box’ brands, and if so what do you recommend?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Tight_Size3855 to Mattress [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:36 Intrepid_Entrance294 Help with creating line charts from two separate queries

Hi all,
New to PBI, but decent enough with database and programming concepts.
I have two power queries generated from two separate sources.
Query “Projections” contains the fields: Company ID, Quarter End, Projection Type, Iteration, and Value.
Query “Actual” contains the fields Company ID, Quarter End, and Value.
Right now, I have a many to many relationship between the two tables based on Company ID
I am trying to create a line chart with values on the y axis, quarter end on the x axis, and the lines based on the values from the respective table.
I have slicers based on Company ID (projections), projection type (projections), and iteration (projections).
It successfully generates the line from the projections query, with the company selected, iteration (ie 1st projection model or a subsequent model), and type selected (ie revenue projections, expense projections, net cash flow projections).
Where it falls short is how it generates the line from the actual table. For example, it filters the actual line based on the company ID selected in the slicer, but it appears as a flat horizontal line representing the sum of all revenue across time in the actuals table, instead of basing it based on the associated quarter end.
I’ve tried seeing if there’s a way to relate the two date columns, but it will not let me create a secondary relationship as it “creates ambiguity”.
Any thoughts on how to get the data from the actuals table to relate to the quarters from the projections table on the x axis?
Thank you!
submitted by Intrepid_Entrance294 to PowerBI [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:36 NeitherJicama Bombing really, REALLY bad at conferences. What am I doing wrong?

Alright, so I’m a fairly young agricultural commodity broker and wholesaler. Already to begin with, people are skeptical of brokers or resellers. I am a fairly quiet and polite guy.
Such events I’m going to aren’t necessarily amazing for new sales…it’s more so industry association conferences and such. We are essentially poking around and trying to expand to new markets. Again, a lot of these customers are older farmers and such.
I’ve been going to these conferences. I have this pressure to get on the road more, and my bosses are saying so. I’d say it’s fairly rare to travel completely solo to things (ie without a coworker).
So, I get into the cocktail reception, and it’s just like 50 people. They all seem to know each other, it’s the same incumbent companies and people.
Nobody is welcoming at all. I just do loser laps, and get completely uncomfortable and pretend I’m getting a phone call.
I seriously don’t think I’m soft, and I’m not afraid to approach people, but these events are impossibly hard!!
submitted by NeitherJicama to sales [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:30 Realresults9 Submitting sensitive information

I was going to rent a scooter from scooter rental in Oaxaca. I had submitted my personal information ie drivers license and passport, All was fine and well until we got to the insurance part. I did not understand how the insurance was being handled and I did not feel like I was getting the most transparent transaction.
I decided to decline and perhaps find another company. I asked if they would remove my sensitive information and was told that it cannot be done. The staff became very short with me and what English they could speak, had suddenly disappeared.
Out of nowhere , I have to start using my translator to communicate, because he would play ignorant to every question I had.
I feel silly for even submitting my information with them and my question is on a scale of 1 - 10, how concerned should I be?
I checked the Google reviews, which were majority positive with this company. Which made me feel better, I was just upset that my concern was discarded rather than being reassured the information is safe and will be removed as soon as possible.
I am from America and this is my first time traveling.
What kind of damage can be done if your passport and drivers license information falls into the wrong hands?
submitted by Realresults9 to Oaxaca [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:30 bogibso Help with optimizing Rayleigh Quotients

I am studying Linear Discriminant Analysis and Multiple Discriminant Analysis. In the course of these algorithms there is a need to maximize a matrix expression of the form (xTAx) / (xTBx) with the constraint xTx=1. Here's a list of facts I know:
So, if I have these facts straight, it seems like we ought to be able to write (xTAx) / (xTBx) as (xTB-1Ax) / (xTx). However, I cannot seem to manipulate the original expression to arrive here. If anyone can give some insight or point me to some resources to help me out, I would very appreciative!
submitted by bogibso to learnmath [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:29 stlatos Ogma and Agni, PIE Fire Gods and Sun Gods

Ranko Matasovic reconstructed *Ogmiyos to explain the name of the Celtic god (Gaulish Ogmios, OIr Ogm(a)e, MW Euuyd \ Ewyð). He said that though *ogm > *ōm might be expected on the model of certain *ogn > *ōn, etc., *m and *n need not behave the same. This is true, but not very likely (nasals often behave the same way, especially concerning voicing). The other possible example of *seg(m)et- > OW seget-, MIr séimed ‘seed / descendants’ shows that *egm > *ēm DID occur, and though he wonders about the source of *-gm- here (*-met- is not a normal ending), *seg- is a known root, *og- is not. In cases like this, there is no reason to say an uncertain sound change is proven one way by an unknown root, and *gm of *Ogmiyos should be abandoned in favor of a different cluster. The only likely source is *Ongmiyos or *Omgmiyos, with later nasal dissimilation. That this occurred after leaving its mark in a sound change is also seen in *smamk^i- > *sme(m)gi- > Irish smeig ‘chin’, where *-mk- is needed to voice *k > g, but the 2nd *m must disappear before regular *emg > *ēg (Whalen 2024a). Two nasals are seen in Hittite zmankur, making it :
*smamk^ru- > *sma(m)k^ur- > Hittite zma(n)kur ‘beard’, šmankur-want- ‘bearded’
*smak^ru- > Sanskrit śmáśru-
*smak^ro- > Lithuanian smãkras ‘chin’
*smamk^i- > *sme(m)gi- > Irish smeig ‘chin’

The only similar word in PIE is *(e/o)ngni-s ‘fire’ (L. ignis, Li. ugnìs, Skt. agní-). Since this occurs in the name of the god Agni, similarities between them should be looked at. Since Ogma is called ‘sun-faced’ and Agni compared to the sun (or sometimes equivalent), Ogmios was equated with Hercules and Agni was said to do the same deeds as Indra (and their births were likely once the same), and both had odd tongues (Agni’s many tongues represented the flames, Ogmios’ tongue connected by chains to his followers represented his eloquent words binding them), there is a reasonable amount to compare.

Ogma is not described in extensive detail, but he is similar to Lug. Since several gods might be split into more (if they had multiple names), I will also consider this connection. Hercules is most similar to Cú Chulainn; if Ogma was an earlier name, then trying to find common elements in all 3 might help. Cú Chulainn’s real name was supposedly Sétanta ‘knowing the way’. If this was an epithet of a god, it would be for one associated with intelligence, not strength. Ogma is known for both, and Lug is skilled in many arts. One god of fighting strength and knowledge is possible, but 3 would e pushing it.

OIr Lug (Ir. Lugh, Lugu- in Gaulish) is likely related to a similarly “clever” god, Norse Loki. Since *g > k would be expected in Germanic, this could have some value in reconstructing *Lug-u- vs. *Lug-on-, but this would not be related to any meaningful PIE root. The primacy of regularity would require Lugu- ‘lynx’, but this seems like grasping at straws. It’s possible both are somehow related to *l(e)uk- ‘light’ (ON leygr ‘flame / fire’, Skt. roci- ‘light/ray/beam’). Loki’s connection to fire (such as his descent from lightning and a tree, like a forest fire) shows he was a once a god of fire, among others. His punishment is very similar to Prometheus’, who gave fire to man. In a myth (probably late) Loki has an eating contest with Logi (the personification of fire). Both Old Norse loga ‘flame’ and logi come from Indo-European *leuk- ‘bright, light’. If Loki came from the same root, the -k- would be unexplained. The cause could be found in Icelandic bingur ‘heap’, Norwegian bunga / bunka ‘small heap’. Seeing g > k in one word, also an old n-stem, suggests that PIE *kn > *gn > Gmc. *kn could be at work (as in *doik^no- > E. token), or that Gmc. *nK or *nKn was irregular (see below). Since n-stems had *-o:n in the nominative, but *-nos in the genitive, or similar inflection, a split of the older into two words later is possible:

*luko:n > *lugo:n > logi
*luknos > *lugnos > *luknos >> *luko:n > Loki

Sometimes *k > g in Celtic for no known cause (OIc. hafr ‘male goat’, L. caper, OIr. gabor), so there is no proof lug- did not come from *luk-. It is also possible that Lugu- is related to *lugh- in *lughra: > OW loyr, W. lloer ‘moon’, L. lūridus ‘pale yellow / wan / ghastly’, which would serve the same semantic purpose, even if from a separate root. It seems likely to me that *luk- and *lugh- would be related, since many IE roots are nearly identical except for voicing, such as *KaP- ‘hold’ > *ghabh-eH1 > L. habeō, *kap-ye- > L. capiō ‘seize/take’,*gab- > Arm. kapem ‘bind’.

Since *ogmos > OIr ogum ‘Ogham writing’ is an o-stem, 3 different endings would exist (legend says Ogmae created ogum). With this, that the PIE word is *(e/o)mgni(yo)- / *(e/o)ngmo- / etc. and not *(e/o)ngni-s ‘fire’ allows figures similar to Lug to be added, especially if they had no etymology before. With more nasal dissimilation *n-m > *n-w, Gmc. *Ingwaz, ON Yngvi, OE Ing (which were likely other names for Frey). For *ngm > *nkw, since Kümmel proposed outcomes of Gmc. *nK that were not governed by Verner’s Law, *nKn might be a special case, both possibly irregular. Since Ing was “seen first among the East Danes” and had a wagon that could move over water he resembles the sun and other Sun Gods with flying boats or chariots. This could have also originally been like Frey’s magic foldable ship Skíðblaðnir or Wade’s boat Guingelot.

It is not easy to determine an origin for *(e/o)ngmi(yo)-. However, since Agni shows many signs of being particularly associated with the domestic hearth, his female equivalent being *westu- ‘dwelling / home’ >> L. Vesta, G. Hestíā suggests a source for odd *-ngm-. If his name also came from ‘home’, a compound of *domyo- (Skt. dámya- ‘being in a house/homely’) could be *en+domyo- > *endmyo- ‘(that) which is within a house / hearth / focus’. With no other old examples, *ndm > *ngm seems possible. As for *(e/o)-, it could be optional rounding by *m in *emgnyo- > *omgniyo- (compare also optional e > o by KW in *penkWe > *kW- > O. *pompe ‘5’, L. quīnque; Ga. pempe-, *kWonkWe > OIr cóic ). If not, I have also considered it possible that PIE *(H)en ‘in(to)’ was actually more complicated. Consider :

*ent(e)ro- ‘interior (of body) / entrails / stomach / belly’ > éntera ‘entrails’, Arm. ǝnder-k’, Skt. antrá-m, OCS jętro ‘liver’
*endro- > Cz. jádro ‘kernel’

*wentri- ‘interior (of body) / entrails / stomach / belly’ > L. venter ‘belly / womb / entrails’
*wed(a)ro- > Li. vḗdaras ‘fish entrails’

Both groups mean the same thing, alternate *t / *d and *Tr / *TVr for no clear reason. Some of this might be contamination between similar stems, but, if not, it could be that *ewen ‘in’ existed, becoming *en when not stressed (or in quick speech, or as a clitic, etc.). If so, *ewen-taro- could become *ent(e)ro- / *went(a)ro- ‘interior (of body)’, maybe with optional assimilation of *e-e-a > *e-e-e and *ntr vs. *ndR (for optional *r pronounced as uvular *R, see Whalen 2024b). With this, *ewen- or *ewem- > *on- / *om- might be more likely, and the w of *Ingwaz could be original. Whatever the case, I feel many of these problems need more study.

Kümmel, Martin Joachim (2012) Das dünkt mich dunkel: Germanische etymologische Probleme

Matasović, Ranko (2009) Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Celtic

Whalen, Sean (2024a) Artemis and Indo-European Words for ‘Bear’

Whalen, Sean (2024b) Greek Uvular R / q, ks > xs / kx / kR, k / x > k / kh / r, Hk > H / k / kh (Draft)

submitted by stlatos to mythology [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:23 Embarrassed_Gear3605 BENQ PD2725U screen flicker

I purchased Benq PD2725U screen alongside my macbook m1pro. I used it on both my Mac Mini M1 previously and had no issues. Just recently when I start using the screen with my Macbook M1 Pro. The screen flicker gets worse everytime I use it . It flickers every 10 or 15 mins. I did all the steps that the customer service provided.ie. Change color profile to Color LCD, Turn off true tone, and auto brightness adjust, change screen refresh rate.. however, still the same issue. I don't want to go to send the monitor back because they warned if there's no issue detected they would send back without any fixes and it would be a month to get it shipped back and forth. Do you guys know if there are any other ways to fix this? I bought this screen April 2022...
submitted by Embarrassed_Gear3605 to BenQ [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:22 StatisticianSalty202 Why do the so called 'Experts' not call people out more?

After watching quite a few seasons now, it's become apparent that the show is obviously rigged and quite a few of the cast and contestants are in on it. But the biggest problem I have with it, is that considering the 'experts' are supposed to be just that and they observe so much at dinner parties, then why don't they ever pull the contestants up on their behaviour? It's pretty obvious that the production crew have told the experts what's going on and considering the 'experts' make a living from relationships, then how can they let so much go? They often see things like people cheating on each other, but then act like they haven't when it comes to the couch. They often see bad behaviour from one individual ie: Jess, who was absolutely appalling in season 6, and yet they'll dig Mike out for trying to call her out on her actions at the dinner party. Why?? There's no logic to their actions a lot of the time.
It does the experts no favours at all and to me, just makes the show completely fake and scenarios setup for entertainment. Thoughts?
submitted by StatisticianSalty202 to MAFS_AU [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:21 Mybandsux 45 Degree overhang issues on MK4 with new filament

I've been working with Prusa help for about a week to no success yet, so I figured I'd see if anyone here had any ideas.
I'm trying to print these Printables Models. As you can see in the notes, no one has any issues with the cylindrical part.
I tried using a brand new Nextruder .4mm nozzle setup with brand new PETG and had issues. The purple filament is PLA. Then I tried turning off input shaper, all with no luck. Images here. The purple PLA benchy and black PETG test square both came out great, adding to the mystery. I've printed this cylinder about 6 times now with different configs and they all come out almost the same, except for a layer shift on one.
My setup is a MK4 that's been fantastic, just added an MMU3 when this problem started. I print in a makeshift enclosure that's been fantastic historically.
Prusa help has had me try all of the following.
-Clean nozzle
-Swap nozzle
-Help agent tried printing my exact bgcode on his printer in PETG and it came out perfectly (he even sent photos as proof)
-Check x belt tension (perfect at 86hz)
-Fan self check and RPM number at 100%
-Photos of my nozzle, heat block, and thermistor
-Swapped nozzle, heat block, and thermistor (.4mm diamond nozzle with V6 adapter)
-full printer self test
-IS off print
-Auto cold pulls with MMU disabled. Note on this one, the pulls kept coming out wrong, I did 5 pulls on 3 different nozzles (two .4mm, one .6mm) all of which I'm quite confident aren't clogged, and I tried cleaning. I'm wondering if maybe this is a MMU3 thing? Something about the changes you make to the nextruder setup/filament sensor etc? We couldn't get a cold pull to look good on any nozzle.
Anyone have any ideas at all on what's going wrong? Other things to test/try?
Thanks for the help!
submitted by Mybandsux to prusa3d [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:18 Media_Offline [RANT] This subreddit has a very strange theme unlike any other sports-related sub or forum I've seen and I'm curious as to why.

I am a user of many sports-themed subreddits and other sports participation forums. In all of them, I have never seen as many constant posts worrying about the deterioration of a piece of equipment as I see here about gloves. Why? Why is everyone so concerned about the state of their gloves?
I almost feel like I can answer 70% of the posts on this subreddit below:
"Is this normal!!?"
"Why do my gloves look like this!!?"
Because you wore them while playing as a goalkeeper.
"I've only had these for two days, why are they showing so much wear?"
Because, during those two days, you wore them while playing as a goalkeeper.
Generally speaking, sports equipment is meant to be used and, through use, will deteriorate at varying rates. Goalkeeper gloves are expendables, like socks. They are not repairable and must be regularly replaced. They are designed to catch footballs and, through that process, they will wear down. There are tradeoffs with the materials that you choose. If you get something super soft and sticky (ie: "expensive"), it will generally be less durable but may be more effective for certain catches. Once they wear down too much for maximum effectiveness in game, replace your game gloves and use the old ones for practice.
You can adjust how you train to maximize the durability of your gloves but is it really worth it? You're likely going to need new gloves at least every season. If you can't afford to buy your favorite gloves every season, it's better to buy cheaper gloves than have to stress about it, imo.
submitted by Media_Offline to GoalKeepers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:18 camembertbear Western first name with an Indian middle name

My husband & I are expecting this summer and we're torn on names. We're waiting until birth to find out the gender so we need both a male & female option. We want the first name to be Western and the middle to be Indian (reflecting our backgrounds). The last name is three syllables; the phrase"tree-kite-bee" can be used to mimic the sound if that's helpful.
We both have a preference for strong, classic names for both genders and in both languages. We also have a preference for traditional/older Sanskrit names for the Indian name. We do not like the names that work in both languages (i.e. Ajay, Neel), and I don't like overly feminine names for girls (i.e. anything ending in an -a like Sophia, or -y/-ie like Lily - though most Indian girl names fit this profile).
Here are some names we like generally (but don't limit us to this list):
Western boy names ideas
Indian boy name ideas
Western girl name ideas
Indian girl name ideas
What fits this profile & sounds good to your ears?
(We've been using these sites for Indian names by the way:
- https://www.behindthename.com/names/gendefeminine/usage/hindi - https://resanskrit.com/blogs/blog-post/unique-sanskrit-names-for-newborn-boys-girls)
submitted by camembertbear to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:11 The_Lucinator A quick primer on stealth

A quick primer on stealth
I have seen a lot of people both here on reddit and on discord with questions on stealth or misconceptions on it. As a Docent and historian at the worlds largest private aerospace museum which has a lot of documentation on the subject and a few actual stealth aircraft, which helps in understanding this topic at a deeper level than most. This is meant to be a basic overview of how reduced Radar Cross Section, (RCS) is achieved. I’m not gonna go into detail about other features that matter in stealth such as Infrared signature reduction, or electromagnetic signature reduction both of which are just as critical to a proper stealth design.
If anyone wants to do some light reading on the subject I recommend Stealth by Doug Richardson, or Stealth Aircraft by Bill Sweetman. Both can provide a basic overview of the technical aspects of RCS. If you have a Aviation Week subscription they did a couple of great primer articles on this a few years ago and are also worth reading. There are also numerous academic papers on this topic that can be found if you want something with a bit more meat on the bones. What will follow is even further simplified from those books but should at least be more accessible and easy to understand.
The first thing I want to point out is how Radar actually works as this is something that a lot of people get wrong, and it can lead to many mistaken beliefs about how stealth works. People often think of a radar return as light reflecting off a object, and while in layman's terms this explanation suffices the actual quantum mechanisms are a bit more complicated and while the description is fine for basic knowledge knowing how it works at the smallest of scales is critical for getting your RCS to actually work.
When Radar strikes a object it doesn't just bounce off, what actually happens is that the radar wave induces a current in the material it hits, this then creates waves of the same magnitude as the incoming waves. It is this re-emitted energy that is what the radar receiver actually pics up. The direction of emission is also related to the direction of the incoming energy. One important factor in this is that object with a length/diameter about one half the wavelength will create a much stronger return. This is why some objects are much more radar reflective than others. However this isn't the only thing the energy can do. Sometimes the energy is absorbed by the material struck, this is your standard Radar Absorbing Material (RAM). Another interesting feature of radar is scattering and wave travel. The energy does not have to be emitted right away, it can travel along the object it hits before being re-emitted. Sharp boundaries are more likely to emit this radiation than smooth rounded shapes. This is further compounded by scattering which is how the magnitude of the return varies by the relationship of the wavelength to the size of the object. When they are about the same size (note this means the area the wave can travel not the size of the whole plane) you get what is called resonance which greatly increases the return of the object. When the wavelength is smaller than the object then it starts to treat smaller and smaller sections independently of each other as the object. This is important and will be discussed later.
The goal of RCS takes all of these considerations and more into the equation as some objects are also transparent to radar waves and others translucent. Furthermore the ability of a material to conduct electricity is important because this can help the waves propagate further before emitting. While on the surface this may seem bad and in some cases it is, it also allows for better control of where the emissions come from. Move over the angle of the surface being emitted dictates the strength of the signal and how it changes with direction, think this like a funhouse mirror, the cone/dome of radar can be emitted in a very different direction than it came from. This is not a easy thing to calculate and is a reason that early stealth aircraft were faceted as with the sharp lines were easier to predict where and in what direction the return waves would propagate. This has ironically led to many people thinking that faceted shapes are better for RCS, when in truth the opposite is true, however as stated earlier it is easier to model. This is why flat surfaces such as single vertical tail fins, and turbine blades are such big reflectors. The goal of any RCS is to reduce the amount of stuff making its way back to the emitting aircraft and being able to know exactly how the waves will travel is paramount to a successful RCS design.
To complicate matters further as I mentioned earlier when a wavelength is smaller than the object you are trying to detect than it will treat different parts of the aircraft separately however this can be modified by increasing the distance the wave can travel in a object. This is where the most critical part of any proper RCS effort comes into play. This is one of tolerances. See gaps are the ultimate emitter of waves since they have sharp edges, and break the electrical current flowing through the material thus drastically increasing the chance of emission. This is by far the largest contributor to RCS. It has also proved the bane of countries trying to develop stealth since it is very hard to have manufacturers that can achieve such tight tolerances and it isn't something you can just steal like the shape or RAM materials. Since a plane needs to have at least some moving parts being able to make them close to one another is paramount, having seems be almost non existent on a moving part is very hard. Most stealth aircraft require special tape to bridge the gaps especially the ones between materials with different electrical properties like those around the cockpit. This tape had to be applied every mission perfectly and was (and to some degree still is) the part that added the most to the Maintenance of aircraft like the F-117 and B-2. You can see a good example of this on the photo below of the TACIT BLUE aircraft which was one of the first stealth aircraft.

those dark area's around any hatches is the tape
As you probably well know part what is important is how the aircraft is structured and shaped, What isn't talked about is that most shapes that direct radar waves in a specific direction aren't the most conducive to good aerodynamics, thankfully for early stealth pioneers there are many materials that are very transparent to radar (such as the dome over most maritime radars). These materials can be used to smooth out the airflow and create a shape conducive to good flying characteristics (or even the ability to fly at all). Below is a good example of a photo showing the intricate sub surfaces on a aircraft control surface. You will notice that the underlying sawtooth shape would probably not be very aerodynamic but with the radar transparent leading edge the surface smooths out into the familiar shape you can recognize.

A great example of how the edges are smoothed over to create a clean wing
Another part that needs to be considered is that there are a wide range of radar wavelengths that can be used. What is a good RCS shape to one wavelength might matter a lot less to another frequency. This is why most broadband stealth designs are created and coated with materials the work to harmonize as many different wavelengths of radar as possible into a more cohesive waveform. This is mostly seen in third and fourth generation designs like the F-22 and F-35. You will often note the metallic sheen their paint tends to have and this is indicative of attempts to do this.

Stealthy paint
Not stealthy paint
There is one last effect that is worth noting and that is that if a wavelength is larger than the object then a effect know as Reyleigh Scattering happens and the radar treats the aircraft as one homogeneous aircraft and shape and angles no longer really mater to the return just the size and composition of the object. This is why many countries looking to develop counter stealth technologies often look at low frequency radar as it can get around the shaping of the aircraft as well as issues with things like gaps, though the effectiveness of RAM isn't changed. Ok so you are probably asking why people don't just use long wave radar, well there are two problems while long wave radar has great range due to the energy required for a given distance is proportional to the wavelength it also comes at the price of accuracy and also needing a large antenna to pick up any receiving signals since the reception of radar signals generally requires a receiver proportional to the wavelength. Also effected is resolution which means that knowing that something is out there is easier but knowing where it is, is much harder. The lower resolution can have other unhelpful effects such as combining many small objects (like a flock of birds) into one.

Lastly as alluded to earlier there is a hierarchy to the importance of design features. In general it goes like this. By far the most important one is tolerance of the parts and elimination of gaps. Then in a distant second is RAM and other coatings. Lastly there is shape though unlike the other two this is still required by some degree to any stealthy aircraft whereas you can go without the other two but with a much more easily detectable object. It illustrate this and to show how all of this starts to fit together look below at the four aircraft's. Now rank them in order of smallest RCS to largest.......Scroll down past them for the answer.
F-22A Raptor

Su-57 Felon
F/A-18E/F Block III Super Hornet
KF-21 Boramae (fighting hawk)
Ok good here are the results
  1. F-22
  2. F/A-18 E/F Block III
  3. KF-21
  4. Su-57
so how many of you thought that the KF-21 would be 3rd, or that the Su-57 would be last? This illustrates the importance of both keeping tight tolerances and in the heavy use of RAM and other skin (and some sub-skin) treatments. Both of the planes have shaping that is conducive to having a low RCS but are not able to match the 4.5 gen Superhornet’s latest version due to the latter's better tolerance control and increased use of RAM materials. This much has been admitted by the Korean government which has admitted that the Block one KF-21 which has no RAM and looser tolerance levels than they would have wished. They do plan on incorporating those as well as including a full internal bay rather than the semi-recessed hardpoints it currently has. This shows the difficulty in mastering those two elements since the South Koreans have a lot of experience building and even decent experience designing planes. The Su-57 is a bit of the different case. Teasing out the failings of the Su-57 has taken more work given the Russian government claims that its stealth feature are some of the best in the world. However pictures of the Su-57 during construction shows a complete lack of sub-surface shaping, as well as a lack of RAM coating on many surfaces that should have it. Furthermore riveting and screw attachment of parts are massive no no’s in stealth and the Su-57 has those in droves. Furthermore the engine's turbine blades are visible through the air intake something even the KF-21 avoids limiting the ability to actually improve the RCS. It also has clearly visible gaps at locations where they would significantly contribute to increasing the RCS. Lastly the paint on the plane does not exhibit any metallic properties meaning that it likely is derived from first gen stealth paint, most likely from samples of the F-117 that was shot down in the Balkans. Based on this and knowledge that tolerances have always been a weakness of Russian manufacturing (though in the past this was deliberate as low tolerances allow for more rugged machines) thus the Su-57 probably doesn't have a ton of RCS reduction and is probably on the level of the Eurofighter in terms of RCS.

Ok so now withe the brief overview out of the way you are probably wondering how Flyout's “RCS” system fits into all of this. The answer is not at all. There is almost no connection between the games determination and reality. This can be deduced by the lack of most properties that are needed to define RCS. Some of the notable ones needed are wavelength of the radar used and given radar itself isn't in game we know that's not yet on the table, the electrical conductive properties of a aircraft's paint and skin/structures are very important to any radar return modeling and so far materials used in game are purely cosmetic. There also is no RAM material and even how that works is highly variable in real life but even a massively simplistic implementation doesn't exist so we can cross that out. There also is no setting for tolerances of parts of the plane and given that is the most important contributor to reducing RCS the lack of all these features means that the game’s RCS has no real connection with how real RCS works. Lastly, I don’t expect there to be a accurate system implemented. This is due to the massive computing power needed to model the subtle interactions of radar waves with all of these factors. As mentioned before there is a reason faceting was used heavily in early stealth aircraft despite it being less than optimal. It would take several months of using 1970’s supercomputers specially programed to just do this calculation to get a RCS model for a given aircraft shape. Even then it had to have data from real world RCS testing added to achieve this. While computing power has exponentially increased since then the ability to actively simulate a planes RCS in real time, is still well beyond anything a desktop computer can do. Especially given you would need a completely custom engine just for that part. And none of what I have said touches on other parts that can contribute to RCS like degradation of RAM coatings, or the fact that the exhaust from planes in afterburner shows up on radar (this is due to the lower density of hot air coupled with changes in the airs natural radar absorbing properties due to being at a different temperature). So for everyone out there, don't worry about or look too far into the RCS of your stealth plane be as creative as you want. That being said it is possible that IR reduction could be better simulated in game and might be a possible thing to have added. Real RCS will likely be limited to at best massively approximated stand-in values. Though there is a way to achieve a real world stealth parameter which is visual stealth, ie cammo or other tech that reduces a aircrafts visual signature. Along with some tech (like the hole material that is fictional but renders the plane truly invisible)
Implementing the \"hole\" surface material to a plane in real life
On a side tangent I want to point out that the exhaust phenomenon is something that has effected all stealth aircraft and the main reason the A-12 and SR-71 had no real RCS reduction since the massive amount of air the moved through the planes engines meant they were usually spotted at the maximum range of whatever radar they flew near. And while on the A-12 they tried to eliminate this through a combination of using a cesium fuel additive(which did absolutely nothing), and plasma stealth to shield the air intake so the fan blades would not reflect (which apparently worked ok but used a enormous amount of power, led to airflow disruptions that made the engine both less efficient, even more prone to flameouts, and caused the formation of nitric acid and other corrosive compounds the hurt the engine.). For the reasons I just showed the cesium and plasma stealth systems were disabled on the A-12 by the time it entered its brief service and not used at all on the SR-71, which instead used it’s extreme speed, altitude and what can be argued was the most extensive ECM suit ever fitted to a aircraft at the time, to ensure that any missile that got close could be jammed.
Hope this helps people.
submitted by The_Lucinator to flyoutgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:10 PilotN00b New to filing, noob questions

--TLDR; second paragraph- buddy statement questions.--
I've been out for 6 years and never filed. My plan was to join the Guard right after or a year down the line, but the recruiter (during the out-processing mandatory recruiter meeting) told me I could not file or I wouldn't be able to join. Fast forward to now... I'm almost 40, I tried joining the Guard and it didn't work out with my contracting job (long story) and it's time to do this thing. I'm worried because as a flier with clearance I didn't want to admit to any of my issues or get them recorded which is nothing new. I did at the very least mention everything during the medical out-processing exam. I have some visits and records of some things...others are just hearsay in the eyes of the VA...so my question is about buddy statements. I'm sure these are asked and answered often but I've searched around and it's all starting to get a little overwhelming.
Do I need one for each 'ailment' that has no official record? Should I also get buddy statements for things I do have record of? Can it be the same person? Can my wife attest to PTSD/mental health things even if I met her after the military? Are they helpful? Can I submit my claim and add buddy statements later while I gather them? General question- does it help or hurt to add as much as I can think of ie: allergies, ED, other things that can't be proven?
Thanks for any help. I don't wanna get boned.
submitted by PilotN00b to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:09 PinkSputnik Trying to find an ultra trail shoe like the gel nimbus 25

Started doing ultra trails a little over a year ago after doing road based marathons etc. Really enjoying it.
Living in London, most of my training runs are concrete/asphalt based (outside of Greenwich Park and hampstead heath), and I'm really enjoying the Asics Gel nimbus 25 for my long steady runs in terms of the feel of the sole. The fit is not what I need for trail running ie they aren't fitted for down hill runs.
I do also run in nike pegasus for interval stuff (great fit) and saucony axon 3 for my 5-10km type runs (also good fit, but not great for long runs over 20km).
So I'm looking for a trail shoe that has the sole/feel of the gel nimbus 25, but a fit that is more like the pegasus and Axon 3.
Target race is a 24 hour, that I'm training to get 100 miles, and has a mix of hard trail as well as wood chipping lined down hill sections.
submitted by PinkSputnik to RunningShoeGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:09 Olaarta Somehow i fixed my "chronic" ulnar nerve pain / sidepressure pain in one moment

Somehow i fixed my
Firstly im not english and i will write quite a bit, so hope what i write is understandable.
I have had pain a long time, especially felt when pushing arm sideways supinated. i know alot of people have this problem, and i thought it was chronic by now. I got diagnosed by my doctor after having an ultrasound, and i had a version of Cubital tunnel syndrome. This week i magically fixed it in a wierd way in a 10 minute timespan. it seems like my CTS was just my nerve getting stuck in a position around the insertion point of the flexor carpi muscle, and it have been reliably stuck there for a long time. I have therefore had this "achy" and "inflamed" feeling at the spot showed by the first picture, as well as alot of sidepressure pain. Even just pushing the arm a little sideways supinated has been hurting for many many months, especially flaring up every time i armwrestle.
How i magically fixed it:
Believe me, i have tried alot of things, and especially the ulnar nerve flossing, which is this variation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieH5q3gt3yo
But this time i sat in my office chair and just started doing the nerve flossing again(the same as in videolink) as my arm was very achy at that point. I tried looking both ways while doing the exercise, and i started feeling small "pops" while releasing and pronating / supinating the arm. i had felt this before. On my second set i felt a big "pop", but area was still achy, all though i felt some immediate relief. Afterwards i sat in the exact position shown by the second picture for 2 hours (with a computer mouse in my hand), but with arms completely straight so the load is on the elbow. I also sit abit above my table.
This of course hurts a bit when you have this pain, as many of you may know that have had this pain. I decided to do this because i know it is optimal to have straight arms, and years of computer use has probably helped to cause this(is what i thought), so i did it even thought i feel some unease in my elbow doing it. After doing this for 2 minutes i heard another weird pop while working with the mouse, and pain immedietaly went away. i was somewhat shocked so i pushed a bit down on my elbow etc to figure out of it still hurts. It now hurt a lot less, so i kept pushing it a bit at times until another now small "pop" came yet again after maybe 7-8 minutes. I felt immediate relief in my pinky and ring fingers. I then decided to just sit like this now, in this exact position (second picture) for almost 2 hours. After the two hours i took my arm up and tried pushing it sideways supinated. NO PAIN, but elbow a little bit sore.
My theory now, without having talked about it with fysio or doctor, is that the side pressure from armwrestling (in a hook in my case) can pinch the ulnar nerve with the wrist flextion tendon connecting to the elbow, or potentially other soft tissues. nevertheless I finally feel strong again, and this worked for my specific case, where the pain is at the place shown in the first picture. Many times this seems to be fixable, and it is most likely an impingement of the nerve that you have to get into the right position to let loose.
second picture
first picture
submitted by Olaarta to armwrestling [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:58 dooderdoood Desktop to Remote Helpdesk

I have been working a desktop support role for 3 years for a hospital group. I am also going to WGU for software engineering and expect to pursue SWE as a long term facet of my career.
At the same time, the wife and I have gotten sick of living in Indiana and want a move to somewhere closer to friends in North Carolina near the coast. Would it be a detriment to my resume to "drop down" to a remote helpdesk position for the time period of completing my degree so we can have the flexibility to move around? Has anyone else here been in the same boat?
I also should add I am not sure if I have done enough or learned enough so advance in infrastructure ie sysadmin. My desktop job has been pretty sanitized to other ralms of advancement where any advanced issue already has a team built for it and only they have the rights to fix the issue.
Also as stated above, I am not looking to advance in infrastructure and want to learn more about programming and SWEing so I'm not looking for tips on bettering my skills in infrastructure.
submitted by dooderdoood to ITCareerQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:48 supnerds360 In game/engine aim training

What is the role of in engine training?
In my limited experience I have personally found it to be far more impactful than using kovaaks. ie. For a 3 week period of training I actually experience the benefits and confidence.
There are several old school vids on how to develop good Tac FPS aim in engine. Wilsoncs2 basically sums them up in this video.
Here's what I've been focusing on. I will change sensitivity to varying extremes to develop arm/fingertip/wrist - Varying DIY tracking drills in an empty server. Close and long strafes - bot range activities (apex/cs2) - combined movement and aim drills - basic drills shooting bullet holes in the wall for microcorrections and varying flicks - reflexive flicks or head tracking with left click disabled in deathmatch or range
VDIM seems very unrealistic to me in terms of time commitment unless you have a lot of time or wish to not play your game for a while. I do see the value in coaching/self coaching to determine weaknesses in aim and focusing on those with specific drills in kovaaks. But I am starting to believe that, in terms of time spent, going for voltaic ranks loses out vs. in game engine + deathmatch.
Just a thought, wonder what you folks think. Perhaps i am being a bit binary here
submitted by supnerds360 to FPSAimTrainer [link] [comments]
