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Me F/32 and my husband m/35 had a disagreement?

2024.05.14 02:19 Justaredditor_peace Me F/32 and my husband m/35 had a disagreement?

So, my husband and I had a little tiff recently. We've been together for 5 years. For the first 4 years, he couldn't travel because of some paperwork stuff— he's from Europe originally. Even though I could travel, I stuck by his side, not wanting him to feel left out. Once he got the green light, we planned a trip to Europe to visit his family. But to be honest, it wasn't a blast for me. We mainly hung out with his family, and I couldn't speak their language. Fast forward to this summer, he wants to go again, but I can't because I'm looking after my sick mom. The only time I could join him is either around new years or next spring or even sumner. I told him it's fine for him to go alone, but I got upset when he booked his ticket. I know I shouldn't have reacted that way, but it felt like he didn't hesitate to go once he could. I told him how I felt, and he got really mad, even calling me names. He seemed guilty about going without me, knowing I could use a break after caring for my mom all year. When I expressed my feelings, he exploded, saying it's over when he comes back. I just shrugged and said okay. Now I'm wondering if I messed up big time or my behaviour was probably selfish.
submitted by Justaredditor_peace to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:19 Fun_Ad4848 I don’t know if this relationship is right for me - I just really can’t tell and the uncertainty is killing it.

Me (18M) and my gf (18f) have been together for 18 months. We’re each other’s first everything. We’ve recently gone through a few-week long mini saga of short lived breakups and now I need advice on what’s right moving forward.
TLDR: Many things about the relationship are great, but there are some things that leave me feeling not completely content. I can’t tell whether these things are meaningful, or whether in reality they are very small things and are not a valid reason to end a pretty healthy relationship.
Here’s the long story:
The breakup saga was first started by me - I broke up with her for reasons that are hard to explain, and were in turn hard to explain to her which made the breakup worse. The best way of describing why I did it was that I felt 70% content in our relationship. Now, 70% content probably sounds pretty good and pretty normal, and it is - a marriage where the couple are 70% content will probably last - but the fact that I am so young and this is my first ever relationship makes it hard to imagine staying in a 70% content relationship for ever and ever. Part of me wants to see what else there is to experience, and that lingering 30% made me constantly wonder whether it was truly the right relationship for me and that’s what made me do the extremely hard thing of breaking up with someone who I love.
It’s probably best that I also try to explain what makes up the 70%, and what makes up that other 30%.
The 70%: She makes me feel loved, truly needed and wanted, comfortable with things that were once insecurities, actually desired, etc. These are all things I struggle to find anywhere else in my life. I have friends, but I don’t really have any close ones anymore - so it’s very rare that I feel like I’m being missed in group settings, or have people who would even notice if I went AWOL for a week. She would most definitely notice. She has such a natural ability to make me feel good about myself and truly loves me for who I am.
Physically, I find her very attractive.
We get along well in general - she’s kind and funny and we more or less share similar interests.
Now the 30%: This is harder to explain. It’s more of a gut feeling that’s come and gone throughout our relationship - it tells me that I’m not completely fulfilled. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly where this gut feeling comes from but I’ll try my best.
I think part of it comes from the actual time we spend together, and what that time consists of. 90% of the time, it consists of me going round to her house, lying in bed with her, being intimate, maybe we’ll watch a movie maybe we won’t, then either I go home or we go to sleep. This gets very repetitive for me - she doesn’t mind it so much. I’ve brought this issue up a couple times before, and we usually have a period of doing other stuff like going out for a walk, baking something, or maybe commit to watching a tv show properly, after I bring it up. But after a while it always ends up going back to the usual routine, almost as if the other stuff isn’t the natural state of our relationship.
Then there’s the things I really enjoy doing, that I don’t feel like we are able to fully do together. For example I’m super into music - it’s one of my favourite things to do (listen to it, go to concerts etc.) and one of my favourite things to talk about with people. She also likes music, and enjoys some of the same stuff as me, but isn’t quite as passionate as I am. We rarely listen together, or recommend each other stuff - it just doesn’t feel natural for some reason and idk why. I think we listen to music in different ways - for me it’s one of my biggest passions, for her it’s something she likes doing while playing games or walking somewhere etc. We both know this, and it’s okay - she doesn’t have to share exactly the same passions as me. But I would really love it if I went over to her house and she was like “Omg you have to listen to this song it’s so good I think you’ll love it” or that sorta thing. Those type of conversations are some of my favourite conversations to have with people, and it doesn’t feel like we will ever really have them.
The same goes for movies - we both like them, but they’re one of my biggest passions, whereas she likes them as an occasional comfort watch. I love watching weird and wonderful stuff, and having weird and wonderful conversations about it, but again it doesn’t feel like those conversations will ever naturally occur with us. Again, like with music, I’d love for us to be bouncing off each other and recommending stuff to each other, but I think she feels under qualified and a bit self conscious to rec me stuff as she doesn’t watch as much as me and knows we kinda have different taste. I feel a similar way - I know a lot of the stuff I watch isn’t really her thing so we don’t really watch it together. We’ll sometimes watch comfort movies together, which is always nice, but I’d love it if we found connect together with other types of stuff too.
So yeah, that’s kinda the 30%. Idk whether those are important things in a relationship, like I said - I’m too young and inexperienced to know. Part of me thinks what really matters is the stuff I noted in the 70% section, but another part of me feels like I’m not as fulfilled as I could be. So yeah that’s really the gist of it.
Now for the rest of the story. After I broke up with her, I came running back - I decided I made a mistake. She eventually agreed to get back together, but then a week or so later broke up with me - she said she wanted to experience more since she is still so young (sounds familiar). I understood, and kinda felt the same way, so the breakup felt kinda right to me (partly also because we were now going out on good mutual terms, and planned to stay friends so hadn’t really faced the hard part of a breakup yet). She said she still wanted to see me regularly (and be intimate with me). I told her I wasn’t sure if that would work, as it just sounded like us going on as normal except we’re allowed to see other people too which I knew wasn’t sustainable and would hurt one of us or both. I didn’t want to never see her again though, and definitely wanted to stay in contact to some extent, so I agreed to meet up with her. We agreed before seeing each other that no matter how good it felt to be with each other again we were not to get back together. So we saw each other a couple times, and it felt great. She has now decided that she in fact doesn’t care to experience thing a with anyone else, and wants to commit to relationship with me again. I’m not so sure. I’m conflicted. While I did have a really great time with her, I’m aware all those feelings are being amplified by the fact we broke up and are now regaining what we almost lost. And I’m also aware of the fact that this fresh excitement will ware off and that 30% that I discussed will return.
The question is does that 30% even matter? That’s what I need advice on. At the moment I’m leaving her in limbo as I can’t decide whether I want to commit to a full on relationship again, which is unfair on her, as she’s sure she does (note that she said she’s never felt the 30% that I claim to feel). I just know I’m not certain about it all, so I’m scared to commit to long term just for it to not be right and I have to hurt her all over again. Oh it’s also worth noting that I’ll be moving 300 miles away in a few months for university, so our relationship would become long-distance. So yeah, any and all advice is appreciated.
submitted by Fun_Ad4848 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:19 MyDogAteMyButtplug At my wit's end with my insurance after a leak

Hello and thank you in advance for any advice you might have. I don't know how to proceed and no one seems willing to help me.
I live in a co-op in NYC and have HO-6 insurance with Lemonade.
In May of 2023, the apartment unit above me had a leak in their kitchen in the middle of the night, and my kitchen was severely damaged. I know it doesn't mean anything, but the supebuilding contractor both came by immediately afterwards and pointed out that the cabinets would all need to be replaced due to water damage and that I should inform my insurance company and get estimates.
I informed my insurance company and the building manager. The building manager works for a large property management firm and handles the co-op/master insurance policy. They noted that because the leak started in someone else's unit, their homeowner's insurance would pay out and that the building insurance wouldn't have any responsibility, which makes sense to me.
At first, my insurance was helpful. They immediately paid out for my belongings that were damaged and sent a field adjuster to survey the damage. Field adjuster said that there was $7K of damage but that this would really just be enough to pay for deposits for contractors and that they would look at estimates that my contractor provides and make me whole.
My insurance paid out the $7K that the field adjuster noted. My contractor said that damage to the kitchen is closer to $90K.
My insurance is pushing on the building to pay but the building says they have no responsibility. The unit owners above me seem amenable to paying through their insurance, but I was told to go through my insurance as they have a duty to make me whole. My insurance is demanding a denial letter from the building insurance before they will continue this claim, but the building manageproperty management company are dragging their feet for some reason.
All I want is a letter from the building insurance saying they aren't responsible so my insurance pays out, but that seems to be impossible to get.
This has been going on for a year now due to delays from the field adjuster, contractor estimates, the building manager, and my insurance company. I just want me cabinet doors to close and my drywall to not be peeling off.
How can I get my insurance company to actually do their job and pay for this claim? I don't care how they subrogate or get their money back. The unit owner filed with their insurance and is expecting to pay, but my insurance is caught up trying to get the building to deny the claim. How can I get the building insurance/property manager to actually respond? Do I need to call a lawyer--that seems like a whole new can of worms that I'm not prepared for?
I skipped over a bunch to keep this short, but I'm happy to answer questions and elaborate if there is any missing information. I'm really just at a loss for what to do.
Thank you for reading.
submitted by MyDogAteMyButtplug to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:18 K6370threekidsdad My daughter said she wants a mum.

My nearly 3-year-old daughter called me Mama yesterday many times. Because when she hanged out with her peers in playground, the other girl kept calling her mum. Then my daughter asked me if she could call me “mama”.
I asked why? She said “because I want to”.
I replied: yes you could. But Mama is usually a woman, I am a man, so calling Dad would be more accurate.
Anyway, then we had a conversation and she said she wanted a mum. I said you can called whatever you want but it wouldn’t change the fact that I love you.
Although I know she just said it because she saw many peers have mums and it doesn’t mean she is not happy with two dads, but I still felt a little frustrated at that moment when she actually said that she wanted a mum. But I know it is a good sign that she started exploring and thinking.
We actually started teaching her about our two dad’s family before she was 2. And I am sure she is happy to have 2 dads, and she knows our situation very well. I also told her about the story about our egg donor and surrogate.
But because all of her friends and kids in child care have mums. And everyday she watches cartoons, listened kids’ songs and stories, and talks to other kids, there are so much information about mum. It’s inevitable to for her to notice that almost everyone has a mum.
Especially for girls, they like playing “dad and mum” games and are very curious about women being pregnant. So girls are more likely to start to explore and get confused about no-mum family, and then she is curious about what it is like to have a mum.
Now our plans are to bring her hanging out with other gay dad’s family more, and probably talking more about advantage of having 2 dads( we used to just tell her that 2 dads families are same good as other families). I hope those actions can help.
But we just cannot change that gay dads families are extremely minority in our society. I think this is a big challenging thing to us. We have some gay dad’s friends but they are living different suburbs.
Any suggestions or similar experiences?
submitted by K6370threekidsdad to gaydads [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:17 alx33904 Seeking a room to sublet for the month of August.

My names Alexandra, I'm now looking to sublet a room for the month of August. I live in NJ and I'm planning to move to Boston at the end of the summer, potentially 9/1. I've had a difficult time attempting to find roommates and the right apartment/ location, from all the way down here in NJ, so I'm pivoting and I figure I'll come up for the month in order to be around in person to ( fingers crossed) meet my potential house mate candidates in person as well as see some apartments.
I'm looking to spend $1000-$1200 Max for room for the month, and I don't care too much what neighborhood , just so long as there is street parking, the common space is clean and people are friendly.
If you have a room free for the month of August, please leave a comment or send me a private message.
submitted by alx33904 to bostonhousing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:17 BulkyCalligrapher329 Lost my close friend(25F) and future girlfriend(same person) in an accident

I didn’t know that I’ve always felt a little lonely even though I enjoyed some beautiful solitude as an introvert, I never wanted to date, marry, or get involved in any sort of sexual relationships either. It felt complicated because of the relationships I’ve seen growing up. But a girl sneaked her way in subtly yet coercively, even thought I kept pushing her away. Brought me some distress of getting out of my comfort zone and made me learn how to adapt to change better. This distress soon converted to joy and belonging, as I noticed how it had brought me what I unknowingly craved. Growth and connection, a start of maintaining and expressing that. I was happy and alive again. She fell for me, but I only saw her as a close friend until later when I actually processed my emotions, I wasn’t as evolved as her I joked. We confessed to each other after some back and forth and misunderstandings. It hasn’t even been a month after my confession and I lost her to a tragic accident. Now I’ve lost a close friend, lover, and a someone I looked up to. I’m scared to be lonely. I feel misunderstood by everyone. We had so many plans, I was supposed to take her out on a date soon, we hadn’t done anything sexual yet but we talked about it and being a virgin I was scared yet excited as I finally could trust someone. I yearn for her presence, her touch, holding her hands, hugs, cuddles, and tiny pecks apart from her voice and adorable goofy gimmicks. (She would be laughing at me for being so dramatic and call me a grandma for using the word ‘yearn’ lol). My days started with her good mornings and ended with her good nights, we texted all the time, everyday for three years now. I miss her would be an understatement.
I need your guidance and help please,
  1. I’m scared to be lonely again, but nothing is able is (and I don’t want it to either) replace her presence. I’m scared to rationalize it and forget her or feel it and go back to the depression, she with love and effort pulled me out of.
  2. I’m not in the city we lived in and am staying with my parents for a bit, it feels like I’m a little better as we have no memories here but I still cry almost everyday. I’m scared to go back to our city but I need to graduate my undergrad.
  3. Since we were in early stages could this be an attachment or was it love? What do I call us? We weren’t just close friends but we weren’t in a romantic relationship officially either.
  4. Why is the universe so cruel? I miss my previous self, will I ever escape this sadness and hurt? Why must I go through this loneliness, am I doomed for it? She made my life alive and now she’s the one who’s is dead. I wanted to love her after all that she had been through. Now I can’t even remember her without feeling this hurt in my heart.
submitted by BulkyCalligrapher329 to widowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:17 moss1243 Optima Hybrid (2014) is giving me an HEV system alarm?

The traction light is also going off. This is while the car is in park, and I haven't driven it in a week or so. I'm thinking the battery in the trunk needs replacing or tinkering, I don't know much about cars, you could convince me to buy blinker fluid. I drove it fine last week on a ~250 mile trip, but now it's angry at me. I've made the trip a bunch of times and haven't had an issue with the battery in years. Granted, it is 10 years old and I don't do much to care for it
submitted by moss1243 to kia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:16 Pdelag Keep or Dump

I’m going to be inheriting my grandpa’s 1997 Ford Ranger XLT 4.0 automatic transmission here soon and am wrestling with putting the money into it to get it running/road worthy again.
To give a little backstory, I was basically raised in this truck. All childhood memories of him and I are mostly spent in or around it. He’s 90 now, and for the past 5-10 years it hasn’t been cared for very well, and has mainly been forgotten about outside. I’m not a car guy or mechanic, so I would likely need a lot of help fixing it, but want to do a lot of it myself. Here’s a few issues I know are wrong with it,
• speedometer is not working
• transmission is slipping, probably needs replaced
• gas pedal sometimes gets stuck while accelerating or does not return to original position.
• odometer stopped working years ago at 168xxx, but has not really been driven that much. My guess is still >200,000
• leaks gas from right behind the gas cap when you fuel it
Looking for suggestions, or if my emotional attachment to it is maybe worth putting the money into it. I would hate to see it go, but considering replacing a transmission would probably cost more than the truck itself, I’m conflicted. Let me know your thoughts!
submitted by Pdelag to fordranger [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:13 Terrible-Molasses880 SSI for autistic sibling

My parents are arguing about their custody/living situation for my brother and how that will change when he turns 18. They intend to collect SSI for him then as well (assuming he is eligible for it but based on my research I think he will be). Neither of my parents are financially responsible and I doubt my brother would ever see or benefit from that money. Is there a way I can could have it directed to me since he will eventually be under my care and so I can be sure they don’t take advantage of it and him? I doubt either of them would agree to this outright. We currently live in Louisiana but I am going away for school and both of them plan on moving in the next few years.
submitted by Terrible-Molasses880 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:12 smallcapsteve Biden Signs Ban on Imports of Russian Nuclear Reactor Fuel

President Joe Biden on Monday signed legislation banning the import of Russian enriched uranium, starting a 90-day countdown until limits on shipments of the reactor fuel take effect.
Biden’s signature also unlocks some $2.7 billion in spending, previously approved by Congress, to build up domestic uranium supplies for US nuclear plants. That money was contingent on the federal government imposing limits on Russian uranium imports.
The move, which comes as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine grinds into its third year, carries risks. Russia is America’s top foreign source of the fuel, supplying about a quarter of the uranium used in US reactors, according to Energy Department data. Russia makes about $1 billion a year from those sales. Cutting off that supply could raise uranium prices 20%, according to Jonathan Hinze, president of nuclear fuel market research firm UxC.
But the legislation lets the Energy Department issue waivers allowing the import of Russian enriched uranium until 2028 if no alternative source is found or if the imports are determined to be in the national interest.
There’s also the possibility Russia could retaliate. In December Tenex, a Russian state-owned uranium supplier, warned American customers that the Kremlin might preemptively bar exports of its nuclear fuel to the US if lawmakers imposed a ban.
Fletcher T. Newton, president of Tenex-USA, Inc. said in an interview the company “fully intends to honor all of their contractual commitments in the United States.” But Tenex, he said, has no control over whatever action the Kremlin might take.
US nuclear plant owners have been planning for a ban. A spokesman for Constellation, the largest U.S. nuclear plant operator, said the company has worked with suppliers to secure enough fuel to power their operations into 2029, with contracts extending beyond then.
But analysts say there may still be smaller plant operators that haven’t fully prepared for the disruption. And fuel supplier Centrus Energy Corp., which is based in the US but relies on Tenex for the majority of the uranium it delivers, warned in its most recent annual report that a ban would pose “a significant risk” to the business.
“While we have other sources, they are not sufficient to replace the Tenex supply,” the report said. The company plans to apply for waivers.
The US was once a leading supplier of enriched uranium but lost its edge in the industry decades ago. The country now has just one commercial enrichment facility in New Mexico, owned by Urenco Ltd., a British, Dutch and German consortium. Centrus, based in Bethesda, Maryland, began production in October at a pilot project in Piketon, Ohio, and eventually expects the site to supply as much as 900 kilograms a year of specialized, highly enriched reactor fuel to be used in a new breed of advanced reactors.
Centrus also has secured approximately $900 million in conditional sales commitments to support a plan to produce conventional, low-enriched uranium reactor fuel, Chief Executive Officer Amir Vexler said Wednesday on an earning call. The company intends to compete for billions of dollars in funding the Energy Department will make available to support domestic enrichment, he said.
The Energy Department plans to use the $2.7 billion to help rebuild the domestic supply chain by creating a guaranteed buyer of American-made reactor fuel. Companies that could benefit from the spending include ConverDyn, a joint venture between Honeywell International Inc. and General Atomics that provides uranium conversion services, and Global Laser Enrichment, owned jointly by Silex Systems LTD and and Cameco Corp.
“To reduce – and ultimately eliminate – our current dependence on Russian uranium for civilian nuclear power reactors, the most important step the US government can take is to invest in US commercial enrichment,” the White House National Security Council said in a statement.
submitted by smallcapsteve to UraniumStonks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:12 HearnFelhorn Keyboard finally died. Looking for a similar but quiet replacement.

My keyboard finally died after ~9 years of use today. I had a Razer Black Widow Ultimate (2014). I liked the feel of the keyboard and was looking for a similar one that was quieter but I am not knowledgeable about keyboards to know what would have a similar feel. I’m looking for a full sized or tenkeyless replacement. I don’t know if keyboard latency matters much but I do play a decent amount of first person shooters like Hunt: Showdown and Destiny, but I also play a ton of rpgs. I don’t care if it has rgb or not and would prefer it be a black keyboard but I am not picky on the color. It can be wired or wireless. I was hoping it would be under $200 with $250 being the max I would want to spend.
Any input or suggestions would be appreciated
submitted by HearnFelhorn to keyboards [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:12 Lil_Chlamydia Question about mental health

Hey everyone. Not sure if this is an appropriate place to ask this but I have a question about missing work due to stress and feeling like my mental health is deteriorating. I'm 20, 21 on May 15th, and this is my first and only job that I started when I turned 18. I'm a landscaper, construction side of landscaping though. I have a lot of personal issues right now, some of which my boss knows of. Ive worked with my dad at this company, he's the one that got me hired on, but he was arrested at the beginning of February because of some things in his past catching up. Since then, I've had to take on caring for 2 of my brothers, a 16 yr old and 11 yr old, on top of managing bills and sending my dad commissary money. I've had problems with depression since I was 14, I have medication but I don't like to take it because it upsets me that I have to take medication to not feel empty. Since February though, I've had a lot more responsibility thrown at me, at both work and home. I've started driving my dads (companies but my dad drove it home) one ton work truck. I hate driving it, but it's my only way to and from work, and I have two people that I drive around to jobs and am responsible for, but not in charge of, if that makes sense. I work between 10 and 13 hours a day, whether it's rainy or sunny. I really feel my mental health slipping. Which I've always had this empty feeling but I've never felt everything slipping away. I'm just so stressed out and so tired. The last time I was gonna miss a day because all this stress and everything, which was about a month and a half ago, my boss called me at 6:30 and told me I need to come to work because I have stuff I need to do. It was raining that day, usually we won't work when it rains but since that rainy day he's had me coming in on every rainy day. Sorry for the long read, I just want advice. I'm very overwhelmed with everything and how it all was thrown at me so suddenly. I know that this is stuff people deal with on a daily basis, but I wasn't ready for any of this. I don't plan on having kids, yet I'm having to take care of my 2 brothers. I can't save up money because I have to use it to take care of my brothers, so my whole trying to "get set up while I'm young" or "get out on my own" thing has been halted.
Just to clarify, by missing work I mean missing no more than two days, I could afford to miss two days and still have a paycheck that's enough to get groceries for my brothers.
submitted by Lil_Chlamydia to work [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:11 mellycat12 PIP - I Need Help

I’ve been with my company 6 months. 3 months ago I got a new boss and we do NOT click. He’s never done my job a day in his life, is micromanaging me to the point that I can’t be productive and just generally seems not to care for me while giving me the distinct impression that he thinks I’m an idiot (I’ve been a top performer at 2 direct competitors but admittedly I’m off to a rough start here)
Had a 1:1 last week where I actually felt like we made progress for the first time. Said he wanted to have a more open / transparent relationship with me and see where he can help me. I said that would be fantastic. Even followed it up with a quick note saying I appreciated that conversation. Felt positive and not riddled with anxiety for the first time in MONTHS.
The very next morning, I’m hit with a PIP. No mention of this at ALL during our 1:1. Found out when a document was shared with me & haven’t spoken to anyone since (this was Friday, I’m on planned PTO today).
I’ve never been in this situation before - it’s absolute bullshit that he was talking to me about being open & honest knowing full well he was about to blindside me and turn my world upside down the next day…..right??? Seems like a face to face conversation is the least he could do.
How would you handle this? Very new territory for me.
submitted by mellycat12 to sales [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:11 Illustrious-Radio-55 One time asbestos exposure is considered low risk, but does this apply to me?

One time asbestos exposure is considered low risk, but does this apply to me?
So I found out three months ago that a renovation we did 7 years ago exposed us to asbestos.
We pulled up over half a small/average size room worth of vinyl sheet floor that likely had asbestos because it was from the 70s. My dad also sanded the black adhesive under floor for about 30 minutes while we were there, he probably sanded for a bit over an hour total though while we were outside waiting (the machine was brutally loud). He sanded maybe 1/5 of the floor in that room. The door to outside and window were also open so the room had some ventilation at least, and the sander had a built in vacuum and bag to contain the dust (though im guessing the asbestos got through it because how small the fibers are).
The vinyl floor also could have had a high percentage of asbestos in it as the layer under the vinyl pattern looked gray/white. I think in total we may have spent up to 5 hours pulling this floor off tear after tear, but I guess it’s still not as bad as just sanding asbestos 🥲. The good thing is that we weren’t around the sander for too long, but even then tearing up the floor the way we did is something I wish never happened. We also swept up the debris and put in a container and then into the trash, possibly putting some dust into the air again.
My exposure was probably less than 4 hours, and my brother and sister less than 30 minutes, but what I hate is that we were young when this happened. Im pretty much certain nothing will happen to my brother and sister with only 30 minutes, but I worry for me and my parents. My parents were about 40 when this happened so im hoping if it ever affects them they will be 70 or 80 or even 90 and its not like its cutting their lives short, but my exposure at 14 is something I fear will be my end even in 30 to 50 years.
The thing is, I know I have ocd now and I think im over exaggerating and im wrong, but I cant stop thinking about this stupid day 7 years ago. I want to just stop, so I want this to be my last post about this day and then I can just move on. So I just want to know if what I hear everywhere will apply to this particular situation, it was only a few hours of exposure but feels like a bad type of exposure because of how much we damaged the asbestos materials and even sanded them. What level of exposure would this be considered, moderate or heavy?
I dont plan on smoking and I will always be careful with construction and renovation from now on as well as with radon and other lung cancer causing things. Ill be careful with my health in general and see how far it gets me, but I need to stop obsessing about this. So I just want to ask one last time now that iv’e figured out roughly how long I was exposed for ( a few hours). Can I just consider this a low risk event and move on with my life, should I be getting my lungs checked in 10 to 20 years?
I just want to be responsible about this, and move on with my life while knowing ive done everything I can. If I need to get checked in the future I will do it, but I want to do the right thing and take of myself and my family. After that, I can let go easier and move on with my life.
submitted by Illustrious-Radio-55 to asbestoshelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:10 Manic-xpressive What kind of lawyer do I need

My house had a ton of damage from a windstorm. A remediation company packed up the whole house of furniture and put it in storage. When we moved from the hotel into a rent house, we asked for some of our furniture, to supplement what the furniture rental company had brought that our insurance company contracted with. Everything was badly damaged. It took a lot of time and their communication was terrible, but after months, we got those things back from being repaired. Several months later, we had the rest of our furniture brought back when it was time to move back into our house. So much of our furniture was just, “missing”. A French door refrigerator, a full size sofa, 3 large living room chairs, a queen size bed was missing the rails and the mattress/boxspring, and the footboard was badly broken, an armoire, 4 dressers, an antique loveseat/setee, a lot of peices were missing for our kids bunk bed(full over 2 twins) and all of those mattresses. The fireplace screen, some end tables, the base to an enormous library unit (they brought only the shelves that go on top). For weeks we got put off with no plan or resolution. They sent people back to pick up damaged pieces but nothing about the lost items. At 23 days I was told that the top pets at this location (Peter) would be taking over on handling our problem. At 25 days I asked for his contact info and reached out to him because he had not. He basically said that the insurance company issued a payment for $11k for storage and pack in, and that he wouldn’t seek further payment from me. I sent him a list that I had already sent Edwin of everything that was missing and that replacement cost would be around $23k. That was a Friday. Today, the person who told me that he wouldn’t be handling it anymore (Edwin) texted me that he found my lost furniture and wants to schedule bringing it to my house. I have of course had to buy beds to replace what was missing. My kids are school age and couldn’t sleep on the floor for a month. The other bedroom furniture was replaced too. After the assurance from Peter that the last $11k was to be kept for our problem, we spent the weekend getting more replacements. Today is Monday and now they think they have found all of our missing items and want to deliver with no money kept for damages. I think this is wrong. I need help knowing what my rights are. What kind of lawyer deals with this? Any help is appreciated
submitted by Manic-xpressive to LawSchool [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:09 Adventurous_City_839 B.D.U interview for Kstyle news: Won Mnet “Build Up” B․ D․ U will officially debut in the first half of this year, “It was a dream-like experience… I will save up the prize money”

The winning team of Mnet's survival program Build Up'',HunMinJayBit'', will embark on a new challenge as a vocal group, BDU.
BDU members JAY CHANG, ONE PACT, Bitsaeon (MONT), Seunghoon (CIX), and Kim Min-seo recently held an interview at the OSEN building and talked about their thoughts on winning Mnet's ``Build Up.''
Build Up,'' which recently ended airing in South Korea, is a survival program in which talented singers who are confident in their vocals and love singing, regardless of genre, collaborate to create the best four-member vocal boy group. Jay, Bisseon, Seunghoon, and Kim Min-seo, who worked together asHeungmin Jaebit'' on the program, overcame fierce competition to win and will debut as a four-member group, BDU.
The four members said, As our first official schedule, we took a profile picture.We are preparing an album for the first half of the year, so we have received the songs and are listening to them.''They added,We will soon start living in the dormitory.'' I told him about the current situation.
When asked about his thoughts on winning, Bisseon said, I'm very happy.I was happy because I won first place for the first time in my life, and I'm glad that there are other members who can do it together.Everyone worked hard inBuild Up.'' , I'm glad that I was able to achieve a result that feels worth it even though I worked so hard. I would also like to thank all the fans." Seunghoon continued, ``I couldn't believe it at the moment I won.It would be great if I could win, but that wasn't my goal, so I'm grateful that the group was formed.I cherish the stage.'' I felt satisfied that I was able to do this because I practiced while thinking about it.I would also like to express my gratitude to all the fans who have supported me from the beginning."
Jay also said, I was happy to appear on the showBuild Up,'' meet some wonderful friends, and stand on a great stage.I'm happy to be able to sing as BDU thanks to the fans.'' From now on, we will do our best to show only our cool side to the fans who chose us."
Kim Min-seo said, I didn't expect to win either, but it felt like a dream and I was so happy. I had an experience that I'll never have again, so I think it's an important memory that will stay in my life. We're happy to be able to work together. Since you've supported us, we need to repay you, so we'll do our best." BDU is an abbreviation forBoys Define Universe,'' and it means that four people, each with different personalities, will come together to create a new universe. For two years, they plan to release music and albums as well as conduct various activities including touring in Korea and globally.
In particular, the winning team of Build Up'' will be awarded a prize of 100 million won (approximately 8.9 million yen). The members revealed that they have not yet received their prize money, but plan to divide it equally. Bisseon said,The prize money has a lot of meaning and is precious money.I want to give back to the people who helped me and put the rest in my bankbook and just look at it.''
Jay also said, I want to give back to the people who supported me and save money for the rest,'' and Seunghoon said,I don't care about the amount, but it's the first time I've won first place, so I think it's a waste to spend it.'' The money means so much to me that I haven't thought about it yet." Kim Min-seo said, ``I also feel like it would be a waste to spend it.Even if I actually receive a lot of money, it would be a waste to spend it because it was money from winning 'Build Up,' so I would like to thank all the people who supported me. I think I'll buy him some food and save the rest," he added.
HunMinJayBit, which was formed by Jay's selection of members, has emerged as a group with solid talent, visuals, and ability as an all-rounder. Regarding the selection criteria for the members, Jay said, ``I wanted to create a group with all-rounders who can do a wide range of things.Since I'm from the same company as Bisseon, I've been watching him for a long time, and I've seen him sing in a variety of genres. I had watched a lot of them, and I thought we would get along well with each other, so I chose Seunghoon right away.He showed a new side from the beginning to the end of the show, so I think Minseo was exactly what you would call an all-rounder. However, he continued to show that he was a trainee.I felt that he had a lot of potential, and I chose him after seeing his growth.Even though I wasn't the first to choose him, I had high hopes for him. I'm very happy that I was able to choose the members who will do it."
When asked about his future plans, Seunghoon said, ``Although there are no specific dates yet, we are planning to release an album in the first half of the year, and are making various preparations.This year's goal is to release two albums. We're planning to perform music that makes use of our vocals, which is our strength. No matter how difficult the songs are to dance to, we'll be performing them using handheld microphones."
Regarding the group BDU, Bisseon said, We are the main vocalist in each group, but each group has its own color and style, so I think I've only shown a limited style.This time, I'd like to introduce the main vocalist, a person who likes singing. Now that we have come together, we would like to do a variety of activities on stage and music where we can showcase our individual vocals.Although we all have different colors, there is a synergy that emerges when we come together. So, when our fans listen to it, we want to give them high-quality music that will make them think that we are the winners of vocal survival." The members have appeared on various survival programs such asBOYS PLANET'', PEAK TIME'', andYG TREASURE BOX'', but what prompted them to try out for another audition program?
Kim Min-seo said, Originally, I was a trainee, but I was rejected from the debut group, so I decided not to become an idol.However, I wanted to do music, so I was alone for about a year. I was struggling, but there were many difficult times, and I was unsure about things, so I think I needed some inspiration.At that time, the opportunity to appear onBuild Up'' came and I received the offer. I said I would do it right away, and I worked actively on it." Jay said, WhenBOYS PLANET'' ended last year, there was a part of me that doubted whether I had been able to show them enough.When the opportunity for Build Up'' came, I thought I would be able to do it well enough. I decided to appear on the show because I thought I could prove my vocal ability.'' Seunghoon said,I gained a lot from appearing on 'YG Treasure Box' six years ago.At that time, I was able to hit high notes. I wasn't able to do it, but I was able to hit high notes throughout the show.When I heard that ``Build Up'' was a vocal show, I wanted to try my hand at that.''
Bisseon also said, I recently appeared on a survival show, and I thought I would never do it again, but when I heard that it was a vocal survival show, I wanted to try it. Although there was some pressure, I took on the challenge because I thought that regardless of whether I got a good result throughBuild Up'' or not, the experience would have a positive influence on my singing in the future.'' Except for Kim Min-seo, who was a trainee, Bisseon belonged to MONT, Seunghoon belonged to CIX, and Jay belonged to ONE PACT, and they were already active as an idol group.
Seunghoon said, All the members supported me. They told me to come on the show and show what I wanted to show, and they encouraged me to do well without getting nervous every round.'' I was able to do so well because of that kind of support.'' Jay also said,From the beginning, the members supported me very hard and gave me a lot of advice.They supported me and wanted me to show it to the world, so I was able to give a lot of my strength.'' talked.
Bisseon said, At each new round, I shared with the members how to present the stage and received a lot of advice.I received a lot of strength.When the winning team was announced at the end of the final, the members also "I was there, but it felt strange. They were happy together." When asked about the most memorable reaction, Seunghoon said,One of the things that was a little difficult for me while appearing on ``Build Up'' was that people looked at me in a slightly negative way after I decided to appear on this show.'' There were some people there who were our fans, so it was mentally tough for me," he said. ) The painful feeling started to feel rewarding. It was a great opportunity for people to get to know me and the team, and I felt like I was accomplishing that goal. I felt better, and I think I've enjoyed it more since then," he said frankly.
Finally B․ D․ When asked about his goals as a member of the U, he said, I definitely want to go to the award ceremony at the end of the year, either this year or next.It's a place where I can show off my vocals, so I definitely want to go.'' I want to show it to you.'' Bisseon expressed confidence,I want to hold a solo concert in Korea during B․D․U's promotion period and fill a large stadium.''
Next, Jay said, When I was young, I dreamed of becoming a singer because of the songs of various singers. I would be happy if B․D․U could be a group that had that kind of influence.'' Kim Min Seo said, I would be happy if our music made it onto the charts. Our goals are big and we want to rank No. 1."
submitted by Adventurous_City_839 to buildup [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:08 Writing_Impressive Issues with Department Over Policies

Hello there,
Fourth year teacher, untenured and in my first year at my current school. I've been having issues with my department over my own classroom policies. I teach at a very conservative and extremely small rural school. When I started, I was really excited to be joining the team. However, my other members of my department (who have both been teaching over 25 years+) have criticized my pedagogical approach at almost nearly every turn. The following is a list of what they have communicated to me over the course of several department meetings: 1). I should be assigning homework (I don't like the idea of homework outside of incomplete classwork. I personally believe my students have enough on their plate.) 2). I should be using a textbook (I teach history and I want my students to spend more time reading sources like a historian, not just blindly accept what is in the textbook) 3). I shouldn't take late work without docking students (I personally believe that my grade should measure student knowledge more than their behavior) 4). I shouldn't be starting an esports club at our school because students don't need more distractions and we already have trouble fielding sports teams because of how small we are. 5). I'm defensive if I try and explain my approaches to teaching.
I have had to backtrack what I said to the students at the beginning of the year (giving homework and docking late points) to appease these other members of my department and show that I'm flexible and being a team player. This has caused some students to say I have lied to them, even when I couch the terms in "it's a community expectation."
I talked with my administrator and they just encouraged me to bend the knee to their expectations saying that "they care." I'm not opposed to constructive criticism and feedback, but it feels honestly more like an attack. I honestly feel unwelcomed by them at this point.
My question is am I wrong for trying to defend my pedagogical approach? What should I do to try and mend the relationship between these colleagues of mine? I'm open to suggestions.
submitted by Writing_Impressive to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:08 GGbot510 Is my Gf (22F) losing interest in me(23M)?

First couple months, she was all over me. Texting, sending selfies, missing work and classes to be with me. Super intimate too.
Recently, it has slowed down. She still text me, but less frequent. Went from every hour to maybe 2-3 times a day. We don’t talk on phone, even since the start of the relationship. Sometimes she responds right away, other times she takes couple hours. Even when I know she has seen the text and is free. She completely stopped sending me selfies even after I asked her to keep sending them. We see each other maybe 2 times a week so texting is only means of communication.
She’s still open to meetup whenever she is off. But it’s usually me who initiates the plan. However she does initiates sometimes. It’s super rare for her to cancel the plan but she does often delay it. Saying she wants to stay in bed longer or hang out with her sister first. (To giver her some credit, her grades did start dropping and did almost get fired bc of me. She works 5 days a week too.)
When we do hangout now, she usually tired and cranky. She hates the heat and blames her mood on it. Which makes sense since it’s always 100 plus degrees here. But she always seems happy and full of energy at work. She says it’s because she feels comfortable with me and doesn’t feel the need to “lock in”. Not sure what that mean. Is this sign she is losing interest? I tired giving her space, but she cried and said it’s scaring her and thinks I don’t care about her.
Gf used to be all over me. Texting every hour and sending pics of her. Now it’s 2-3 times a day and no more pics. Shes always tired when we meetup but makes sense bc she hates the heat and it’s been super hot recently. I can’t tell if she’s losing interest or not. I gave her space but she ended up crying and saying she hates when I’m distant with her. What do I do? Is she losing interest?
submitted by GGbot510 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:07 Babababonfire505 Grommets for Ski Bag (Thick Material)

Grommets for Ski Bag (Thick Material)
My ski bag zipper go mangled beyond repair by TSA. I don’t want to replace it as they are expensive and money doesn’t grow on trees. Plus who doesn’t enjoy being resourceful in our throwaway world?
I was thinking of forgoing the zipper completely and putting grommets the entire length on each side of the zipper and using a heavy duty shoelace(s) and cinche it up tight for travel. Its thick material, one side is like a synthetic canvas, the other side is tarp material with a layer of insulation between. Uncompressed I’d guess about 3/16” thick, compressed maybe down to an 1/8” or so.
My question to the community is, is this a decent plan? And most importantly, what kind of grommets and grommet tool do I need for material like this.
Thank you in advance for reading and your responses :)
submitted by Babababonfire505 to sewing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:07 Subject-Bear7821 Chance Me- Biology Major

Hey y'all! I'm trying to see if I have a good chance getting into UT Austin with a biology major. Here are some of my stats so far ( I am currently a junior) Culmatively I am taking 13 APS over the course of my high school career.
Weighted GPA: 5.2, Unweighted GPA: 4.0 Rank: 29/477
  1. Austin Youth Symphony Orchestra (all four years of high school)
  2. Varsity Choir at my public school (all four years of highschool)
  3. President of a non profit organization called HWARANG
  1. President of HWARANG Medical Committee
  2. Student Council Administrative Director
  3. Will be co-founding a club called "The Brown Bag Project"
  1. Created a project called Project Care (reached over 5,000 individuals- placed 5th in regionals)
  2. HOSA Regional Qualifier
  3. DECA State Qualifier (2 years)
  4. Shadowing a dentistry
  5. Working at Camp Camp
  1. Presidential Volunteer Service Award (Over 100 hours in one year)
  2. AP Capstone Diploma
I plan to do things over the summer and during senior year. Let me know what my chances are looking like please :-)
I also may major in Bio-Chem or something else in the science (let me know if I have a good chance in the science majors in general, because I know how competitive biology is)
submitted by Subject-Bear7821 to UTAdmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:05 JesseRayPalacios Narcissistic "Mother" lied and prevented me from seeing grandmother on Mothers Day....Oh, and she's stealing from my grandma too.

My "mother" is a vile, awful person who has committed heinous and despicable acts. I have a long post on my full story on another subreddit on my profile if you want more context. To make an extremely long story short, I grew up in an unstable household. My dad wasn't around and my mom was unwilling to work to support us. I was pawned off to my grandparents who lived with us, and they were more parents to me than my actual parents were. Everything my mom has done has been to fuel her ego, and as with many narcissists, to seek validation to reinforce her nonexistent identity outside external validation. She needs validation constantly on how young and beautiful she looks, how rich and great she is, and how she is an excellent and caring mom. Yet a good mother wouldn't have had me and my siblings and grandparents living in a former drug house infested with millions of roaches, rats, black mold, and on again off again running water and electricity. A good mom also wouldn't have sat around having parties and drinking while I, at 15 years of age and two senior citizens, broke our backs trying to sell and rent party supplies and carrying an 800 lb bounce house to customers that wanted to rent them. I worked at 15 like a Victorian boy instead of going to school trying to make ends meet because my parents wouldn't. My "mother" has done everything evil you can think of, from scamming and stealing from innocent people, catfishing other men (while with my stepdad), pretending to be my sister online for validation and money, forcing my sister to be a model and hook up with much older men for the promise of advancement (she was 17 and these men where in there 30s or older), spies on my widowed sister-in-law, had me living in deplorable conditions and having me eat old food infested with roaches and rat droppings, conducting illegal gambling business and money laundering, and much, much, much more. I have been going to therapy and am currently doing emdr to undo the damage that my evil "mother" has done. She is a master of manipulation, love bombing, and buying people's love, loyalty, and affection. I, for the second time, have gone no contact with her.
Now that there's some context, my grandmother means everything to me. She lives in a convalescent home and my mom has control over her. I wanted to see her on Mother's Day. My mom asked if I was going to come to lunch. I said we were visiting my wife's mom, then coming to the house later at 5. She said that was not going to work because they were going to eat at 1. I said, OK well, if we can't do the restaurant, then take her to the house, so we can all visit her at 5. She said she couldn't do that, and why couldn't we just go to eat with them and then, IF there's time, we could go to my mother-in-law's house for a little bit. I said no, everything has been arranged already, and as usual you don't inform anyone of plans and expect everyone last second to cancel theirs and do yours. We were going to make my mother-in-law a priority, however, there was time for both. She got mad and said she would not be bringing my grandma to the house and I guess that was it. I said, well, I guess it is. On Mother's Day, I called my grandma, and she was upset and crying, asking why I hadn't seen her, and that she had come to visit the house. My mom took her to the house after lunch and didn't tell me. Neither did any of my other family. She said that she wanted to come back home and didn't want to live at the facility. She is fairly healthy and in reality, doesn't need to be at the facility. After talking to her, I confronted my mom and said that I explicitly told you that I wanted to see Grandma, and you said you were NOT bringing her to the house. You did bring her to the house and intentionally did not tell me. Because I did not bow down and follow your commands like everyone else, you deliberately orchestrated this, so I would not see her in an act of revenge to spite me. There was no reason you couldn't have called or texted and told me you were bringing her, especially after I told you I wanted to see her, even if it was at the last minute. It was an intentional act. She just said you are always talking shit about me. I told her it's not talking shit if it's true. She then hung up. This is what she does. If you don't follow the Führers command, bow at her feet, and tell her how wonderful and gracious she is, she will seek vengeance and do things to spite you, to bring glory for herself.
My grandma told me that my "mom" mistreats her, and is collecting pay from the government pretending to be her caretaker (when in reality my mom does absolutely nothing and has no job whatsoever. She dedicates her life to crime, fraud, and scams. She ran an underground casino with my stepdad and when they got busted my stepdad took the fall) but instead dumped her in a conversant home and does not care for her at all. Besides all that, my grandma also stated that she takes all of her social security money and keeps it. This is not surprising because my nephew, who is technically an orphan, having lost both parents recently, is under the custody of my horrible "mother" and he had some kind of inheritance left for him. When my "mother" discovered this, she swept in and wiped it clean. Her greed is deplorable. Wherever there is money, the Sheriff of Nottingham will do anything to get every last coin wherever she can get it. She even charges people $5 to use the washing machine. The most important thing to my "mother" is herself and her endless black hole of needing to be validated and praised, along with the endless black hole of greed. It is her entire identity. I am so enraged, and I can not let these things happen. When will my "mother" face consequences for her actions? She cannot continue to commit evil acts and not only get away with them but also prosper because of it. One of the worst parts, however, is that everyone, even if they have their problems with her, always goes along with what the dear leader says and continues to enable her by telling her she's a good mom and that they appreciate her. She needs to face consequences for her actions, but I don't know what to do. She can't continue to harm people and get away with it. I need help.
TLDR: My "mother" is a vile evil woman who has stolen from my grandma and nephew, committed crimes and exploited people, had me working at 15 to support the family while she did nothing, and lied to me so I wouldn't see my grandma on Mother's Day. I have a long post on my full story on another subreddit on my profile if you want more context.
submitted by JesseRayPalacios to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:05 ChargeWeak8363 Erewhon

i’m sorry if this has already been posted or talked about, but i’ve been at work all day and haven’t been able to check reddit. (btw… what is jaclyn’s job now? lol) anyway i saw her IG post about erewhon coffee. as soon as she said erewhon my eyes rolled into the back of my head. i KNEW as soon as she moved to california she’d be hyping up that boujee ass grocery store and Nobu. Jaclyn… i work 2 jobs and take care of my sick mother and get paid and still can’t afford Erewhon. never been there and don’t fuckin plan on it. Jaclyn is not one to read the room. people can’t afford groceries or gas in this economy yet she’s probably buying a $17 coffee and $500 on 3 bags of groceries. and then says she doesn’t wanna show off her house cause it’s “bragging” BITCH THAT IS BRAGGING. just shut your mouth. get fucked.
submitted by ChargeWeak8363 to jaclynhillsnark [link] [comments]