Cvs pharmacy application print out

Pre-pharmacy: Getting Info, Getting In, Getting Acclimated

2014.03.19 16:53 spazzyjessie Pre-pharmacy: Getting Info, Getting In, Getting Acclimated

A great new place to share stories, gain insight, request assistance, and share feedback throughout the journey to pharmacy school.

2010.11.29 14:36 Mr45 All things NFA

A community of hobbyists interested in NFA items, history, and news. We seek to expand general understanding of the laws collectively referred to as the National Firearms Act and their implications for gun owners and citizens of today. Silencer, SBR, SBS, DD, AOW, and MG posts are all welcome here. Content suggesting non-compliance or discouraging NFA ownership will not be tolerated.

2011.12.24 05:18 Flargus Blender 3D: Help and Questions

For help with Blender problems, also consider visiting or

2024.05.14 12:28 InevitableCorgi6369 FBI Fingerprints

I finally got admita yesterday, so I’m beginning my paperwork process. Since I am in Germany, I will be sending the FBI my fingerprints. I am online and trying to fill out the application and pay, but everytime I try paying it says “missing fingerprints”. Does this mean I pay after they’ve obtained my prints or what am I doing wrong?
Thank you!!
submitted by InevitableCorgi6369 to SpainAuxiliares [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:21 rweninger Nextcloud Upgrade fron chart version 1.6.61 to 2.0.5 failed

I am not sure if I want to solve this issue actually, I just want to vent.
iX, what do you think yourself when you print out this error message to a "customer"?
I mean your installation of Kubernetes on a single host is crap and using helm charts that utterly break in an atomic chain reaction that way doesnt make it trustworthy. I am on the way to migrate nextcloud away again from TrueNAS to a docker host and just use TrueNAS as storage.
I dont care about sensible data down there, at the time of posting, this system isnt running anymore. Sorry if I annoy somebody.
[EFAULT] Failed to upgrade App: WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is insecure. Location: /etc/ranchek3s/k3s.yaml Error: UPGRADE FAILED: execution error at (nextcloud/templates/common.yaml:38:4): Chart - Values contain an error that may be a result of merging. Values containing the error: Error: 'error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: invalid leading UTF-8 octet' TZ: UTC bashImage: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: bash tag: 4.4.23 configmap: nextcloud-config: data: limitrequestbody.conf: LimitRequestBody 3221225472 occ: - #!/bin/bash uid="$(id -u)" gid="$(id -g)" if [ "$uid" = '0' ]; then user='www-data' group='www-data' else user="$uid" group="$gid" fi run_as() { if [ "$(id -u)" = 0 ]; then su -p "$user" -s /bin/bash -c 'php /vawww/html/occ "$@"' - "$@" else /bin/bash -c 'php /vawww/html/occ "$@"' - "$@" fi } run_as "$@" opcache.ini: opcache.memory_consumption=128 php.ini: max_execution_time=30 enabled: true nginx: data: nginx.conf: - events {} http { server { listen 9002 ssl http2; listen [::]:9002 ssl http2; # Redirect HTTP to HTTPS error_page 497 301 =307 https://$host$request_uri; ssl_certificate '/etc/nginx-certs/public.crt'; ssl_certificate_key '/etc/nginx-certs/private.key'; client_max_body_size 3G; add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15552000; includeSubDomains; preload" always; location = /robots.txt { allow all; log_not_found off; access_log off; } location = /.well-known/carddav { return 301 $scheme://$host/remote.php/dav; } location = /.well-known/caldav { return 301 $scheme://$host/remote.php/dav; } location / { proxy_pass http://nextcloud:80; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade; proxy_request_buffering off; # Proxy headers proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port 443; # Proxy timeouts proxy_connect_timeout 60s; proxy_send_timeout 60s; proxy_read_timeout 60s; } } } enabled: true fallbackDefaults: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce persistenceType: emptyDir probeTimeouts: liveness: failureThreshold: 5 initialDelaySeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 1 timeoutSeconds: 5 readiness: failureThreshold: 5 initialDelaySeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 2 timeoutSeconds: 5 startup: failureThreshold: 60 initialDelaySeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 5 successThreshold: 1 timeoutSeconds: 2 probeType: http pvcRetain: false pvcSize: 1Gi serviceProtocol: tcp serviceType: ClusterIP storageClass: "" global: annotations: {} ixChartContext: addNvidiaRuntimeClass: false hasNFSCSI: true hasSMBCSI: true isInstall: false isStopped: false isUpdate: false isUpgrade: true kubernetes_config: cluster_cidr: cluster_dns_ip: service_cidr: nfsProvisioner: nvidiaRuntimeClassName: nvidia operation: UPGRADE smbProvisioner: storageClassName: ix-storage-class-nextcloud upgradeMetadata: newChartVersion: 2.0.5 oldChartVersion: 1.6.61 preUpgradeRevision: 89 labels: {} minNodePort: 9000 image: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: nextcloud tag: 29.0.0 imagePullSecret: [] ixCertificateAuthorities: {} ixCertificates: "1": CA_type_existing: false CA_type_intermediate: false CA_type_internal: false CSR: null DN: /C=US/O=iXsystems/CN=localhost/ can_be_revoked: false cert_type: CERTIFICATE cert_type_CSR: false cert_type_existing: true cert_type_internal: false certificate: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDrTCCApWgAwIBAgIEHHHd+zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADCBgDELMAkGA1UEBhMC VVMxEjAQBgNVBAoMCWlYc3lzdGVtczESMBAGA1UEAwwJbG9jYWxob3N0MSEwHwYJ KoZIhvcNAQkBFhJpbmZvQGl4c3lzdGVtcy5jb20xEjAQBgNVBAgMCVRlbm5lc3Nl ZTESMBAGA1UEBwwJTWFyeXZpbGxlMB4XDTIzMTIxNjA3MDUwOVoXDTI1MDExNjA3 MDUwOVowgYAxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRIwEAYDVQQKDAlpWHN5c3RlbXMxEjAQBgNV BAMMCWxvY2FsaG9zdDEhMB8GCSqGSIb3DQEJARYSaW5mb0BpeHN5c3RlbXMuY29t MRIwEAYDVQQIDAlUZW5uZXNzZWUxEjAQBgNVBAcMCU1hcnl2aWxsZTCCASIwDQYJ KoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAKPRN3n5ngKFrHQ12gKCmLEN85If6B3E KEo4nvTkTIWLzXZcTGxlJ9kGr9bt0V8cvEInZnOCnyY74lzKlMhZv1R58nfBmz5a gpV6scHXZVghGhGsjtP7/H4PRMUbzM9MawET8+Au8grjAodUkz6Jskcwhgg9EVS5 UQPTDkxXJYFRUN1XhJOR4tqsrHFrI25oUF6Gms9Wp1aq0mJXh+FIGAyELqpdk/Q8 N1Rjn3t4m2Ub+OPmBLwHOncIqz2PHVgL574bT/q+Lc3Mi/gQsfNi6VN7UkNTQ5Q2 uOhrcw4gtjn41v0j7k9CsUvPK8zfCizQHgBx6Ih33Z850pHUQyNuwjECAwEAAaMt MCswFAYDVR0RBA0wC4IJbG9jYWxob3N0MBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMBMA0G CSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQAQG2KsF6ki8dooaaM+32APHJp38LEmLNIMdnIlCHPw RnQ+4I8ssEPKk3czIzOlOe6R3V71GWg1JlGEuUD6M3rPbzSfWzv0kdji/qgzUId1 oh9vEao+ndPijYpDi6CUcBADuzilcygSBl05j6RlS2Uv8+tNIjxTKrDegyaEtC3W RoVqON0vhDSKJ3OsOKR2g5uFfs/uHxBvskkChdGn/1aRz+DdHCYVOEavnQylXPBk xzWQDVt6+6mAhejGGkkGsIG1QY7pFpQPA9UWeY/C/3/QdSl01GgfpyWNsfE+Wu1b IS3wxfWfuiMiDbUElqjDqiy623peeVFXrWlTV4G4yBG/ -----END CERTIFICATE----- certificate_path: /etc/certificates/truenas_default.crt chain: false chain_list: - -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDrTCCApWgAwIBAgIEHHHd+zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADCBgDELMAkGA1UEBhMC VVMxEjAQBgNVBAoMCWlYc3lzdGVtczESMBAGA1UEAwwJbG9jYWxob3N0MSEwHwYJ KoZIhvcNAQkBFhJpbmZvQGl4c3lzdGVtcy5jb20xEjAQBgNVBAgMCVRlbm5lc3Nl ZTESMBAGA1UEBwwJTWFyeXZpbGxlMB4XDTIzMTIxNjA3MDUwOVoXDTI1MDExNjA3 MDUwOVowgYAxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRIwEAYDVQQKDAlpWHN5c3RlbXMxEjAQBgNV BAMMCWxvY2FsaG9zdDEhMB8GCSqGSIb3DQEJARYSaW5mb0BpeHN5c3RlbXMuY29t MRIwEAYDVQQIDAlUZW5uZXNzZWUxEjAQBgNVBAcMCU1hcnl2aWxsZTCCASIwDQYJ KoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAKPRN3n5ngKFrHQ12gKCmLEN85If6B3E KEo4nvTkTIWLzXZcTGxlJ9kGr9bt0V8cvEInZnOCnyY74lzKlMhZv1R58nfBmz5a gpV6scHXZVghGhGsjtP7/H4PRMUbzM9MawET8+Au8grjAodUkz6Jskcwhgg9EVS5 UQPTDkxXJYFRUN1XhJOR4tqsrHFrI25oUF6Gms9Wp1aq0mJXh+FIGAyELqpdk/Q8 N1Rjn3t4m2Ub+OPmBLwHOncIqz2PHVgL574bT/q+Lc3Mi/gQsfNi6VN7UkNTQ5Q2 uOhrcw4gtjn41v0j7k9CsUvPK8zfCizQHgBx6Ih33Z850pHUQyNuwjECAwEAAaMt MCswFAYDVR0RBA0wC4IJbG9jYWxob3N0MBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMBMA0G CSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQAQG2KsF6ki8dooaaM+32APHJp38LEmLNIMdnIlCHPw RnQ+4I8ssEPKk3czIzOlOe6R3V71GWg1JlGEuUD6M3rPbzSfWzv0kdji/qgzUId1 oh9vEao+ndPijYpDi6CUcBADuzilcygSBl05j6RlS2Uv8+tNIjxTKrDegyaEtC3W RoVqON0vhDSKJ3OsOKR2g5uFfs/uHxBvskkChdGn/1aRz+DdHCYVOEavnQylXPBk xzWQDVt6+6mAhejGGkkGsIG1QY7pFpQPA9UWeY/C/3/QdSl01GgfpyWNsfE+Wu1b IS3wxfWfuiMiDbUElqjDqiy623peeVFXrWlTV4G4yBG/ -----END CERTIFICATE----- city: Maryville common: localhost country: US csr_path: /etc/certificates/truenas_default.csr digest_algorithm: SHA256 email: expired: false extensions: ExtendedKeyUsage: TLS Web Server Authentication SubjectAltName: DNS:localhost fingerprint: 8E:68:9D:0A:7D:A6:41:11:59:B0:0C:01:8C:AC:C4:F4:DB:F9:6B:2C from: Sat Dec 16 08:05:09 2023 id: 1 internal: "NO" issuer: external key_length: 2048 key_type: RSA lifetime: 397 name: truenas_default organization: iXsystems organizational_unit: null parsed: true privatekey: -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEvQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKcwggSjAgEAAoIBAQCj0Td5+Z4Chax0 NdoCgpixDfOSH+gdxChKOJ705EyFi812XExsZSfZBq/W7dFfHLxCJ2Zzgp8mO+Jc ypTIWb9UefJ3wZs+WoKVerHB12VYIRoRrI7T+/x+D0TFG8zPTGsBE/PgLvIK4wKH VJM+ibJHMIYIPRFUuVED0w5MVyWBUVDdV4STkeLarKxxayNuaFBehprPVqdWqtJi V4fhSBgMhC6qXZP0PDdUY597eJtlG/jj5gS8Bzp3CKs9jx1YC+e+G0/6vi3NzIv4 ELHzYulTe1JDU0OUNrjoa3MOILY5+Nb9I+5PQrFLzyvM3wos0B4AceiId92fOdKR 1EMjbsIxAgMBAAECggEAS/Su51RxCjRWwM9TVUSebcHNRNyccGjKUZetRFkyjd1D l/S1zrCcaElscJh2MsaNF5NTMo3HIyAzFdksYTUTvKSKYzKWu7OVxp9MGle3+sPm ZXmABBRbf0uvFEGOljOVjbtloXXC7n9RZdQ2LZIE4nNCQkGmboU6Zi6O+6CQmEOQ 9iyYJ8NyXtjDT2sVOpysAj3ga6tdtSosG7SQuo41t20mw6hbl08LhQP9LfZJyKCR 0x1cYny+XHifB6JQAt8crzHYpKaJc2tZd4dXJ1xDnm2Aa/Au5uEA01P/L3hf41sI cUmBhVf1z5m9yBsyaZnW6LzaR5tQwpnPWPEcNfuwLQKBgQDM1o8vwKCo435shpGE zCdqbvK4+J0XYmbgEwHId8xr9rzZ852lAhs6VO2WQQVMGUoWRaH44B3z1Jv9N5Qa 4RUwnTb1MERfzEjRwUuIWjtz34yAXko0iU3M0FYpIxDuKVJNOEO1Doey0lTUcIYQ sfRUVxxJZ3hpDo7RhPSZpwyBtwKBgQDMu8PFVQ5XRb90qaGqg+ACaXMfHXfuWzuJ UqgyNrvF6wqd9Z0Nn299m7EonE6qJftUqlqHC62OCBfqRBNkwOw40s7ORZvqUCkP 7WsWuJu4HqhS2we8yKRuqj520VP537ZeqnK64mDxDKBvL9ttCujbxy01WFWcdwkO sSAViAK7VwKBgQCAeNG1kYsyYfyY9I2wTJssFgoGGWftkroTL9iecwSzcj1gNXta Usfg/gNFieJYqEPfVC0Sev5OP7rWRlWNxj4UD4a4oV1A+E9zv1gwXOeM9ViZ6omA Cd3R55kik+u6dBA6fl9433Qco+6wjyKGthYYD8qd/1d2DLtmjY0cEbm2YQKBgH4/ Zuifm5lLhFVPaUa5zYAPQJM2W8da8OqsUtWsFLxmRQTE+ZT19Q1S3br6MDQR+drq tapDFEHaUcz/L6pYoRIlRKvEFvI1fiy5Lekz66ptFUUKlcnfPC6VwrEIQi16u33C w77ka/0Y2THXJAsoyBEG0KTtlNVIPgiWRv+gAHc/AoGATOlO6ZVhf0vWPIKBhajM ijWTNIX/iCNOheJEjLEPksG4LVpU16OphZL2m0nIyOryQ0Fmt7GHUfl3CXFhTH/P G47PzH+mLCQLp5TUIeNRQWScWNGGsf9J+MtwpxHMzUymDJySR4aot0bH3fge0MO1 QccFxNbLODRmJuYbSQB1HZQ= -----END PRIVATE KEY----- privatekey_path: /etc/certificates/truenas_default.key revoked: false revoked_date: null root_path: /etc/certificates san: - DNS:localhost serial: 477224443 signedby: null state: Tennessee subject_name_hash: 3193428416 type: 8 until: Thu Jan 16 08:05:09 2025 ixChartContext: addNvidiaRuntimeClass: false hasNFSCSI: true hasSMBCSI: true isInstall: false isStopped: false isUpdate: false isUpgrade: true kubernetes_config: cluster_cidr: cluster_dns_ip: service_cidr: nfsProvisioner: nvidiaRuntimeClassName: nvidia operation: UPGRADE smbProvisioner: storageClassName: ix-storage-class-nextcloud upgradeMetadata: newChartVersion: 2.0.5 oldChartVersion: 1.6.61 preUpgradeRevision: 89 ixExternalInterfacesConfiguration: [] ixExternalInterfacesConfigurationNames: [] ixVolumes: - hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/ix-applications/releases/nextcloud/volumes/ix_volumes/ix-postgres_backups mariadbImage: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: mariadb tag: 10.6.14 ncConfig: additionalEnvs: [] adminPassword: d3k@M%YRBRcj adminUser: admin commands: [] cron: enabled: false schedule: '*/15 * * * *' dataDir: /vawww/html/data host: charon.weninger.local maxExecutionTime: 30 maxUploadLimit: 3 opCacheMemoryConsumption: 128 phpMemoryLimit: 512 ncDbHost: nextcloud-postgres ncDbName: nextcloud ncDbPass: XvgIoT84hMmNDlH ncDbUser: ��-��� ncNetwork: certificateID: 1 nginx: externalAccessPort: 443 proxyTimeouts: 60 useDifferentAccessPort: false webPort: 9002 ncPostgresImage: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: postgres tag: "13.1" ncStorage: additionalStorages: [] data: hostPathConfig: aclEnable: false hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/ncdata ixVolumeConfig: datasetName: data type: hostPath html: hostPathConfig: aclEnable: false hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/ncdata ixVolumeConfig: datasetName: html type: hostPath isDataInTheSameVolume: true migrationFixed: true pgBackup: ixVolumeConfig: aclEnable: false datasetName: ix-postgres_backups type: ixVolume pgData: hostPathConfig: aclEnable: false hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/pgdata ixVolumeConfig: datasetName: pgData type: hostPath nginxImage: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: nginx tag: 1.25.4 notes: custom: ## Database You can connect to the database using the pgAdmin App from the catalog
Database Details
- Database: \{{ .Values.ncDbName }}` - Username: `{{ .Values.ncDbUser }}` - Password: `{{ .Values.ncDbPass }}` - Host: `{{ .Values.ncDbHost }}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local` - Port: `5432``
{{- $_ := unset .Values "ncDbUser" }} {{- $_ := unset .Values "ncDbName" }} {{- $_ := unset .Values "ncDbPass" }} {{- $_ := unset .Values "ncDbHost" }} Note: Nextcloud will create an additional new user and password for the admin user on first startup. You can find those credentials in the \/vawww/html/config/config.php` file inside the container. footer: # Documentation Documentation for this app can be found at # Bug reports If you find a bug in this app, please file an issue at header: # Welcome to TrueNAS SCALE Thank you for installing {{ .Chart.Annotations.title }} App. persistence: config: datasetName: null domain: null enabled: true hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/ncdata medium: null password: null readOnly: false server: null share: null size: null targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /vawww/html/config subPath: config nextcloud-cron: nextcloud-cron: mountPath: /vawww/html/config subPath: config type: hostPath username: null customapps: datasetName: null domain: null enabled: true hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/ncdata medium: null password: null readOnly: false server: null share: null size: null targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /vawww/html/customapps subPath: custom_apps nextcloud-cron: nextcloud-cron: mountPath: /vawww/html/custom_apps subPath: custom_apps type: hostPath username: null data: datasetName: null domain: null enabled: true hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/ncdata medium: null password: null readOnly: false server: null share: null size: null targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /vawww/html/data subPath: data nextcloud-cron: nextcloud-cron: mountPath: /vawww/html/data subPath: data type: hostPath username: null html: datasetName: null domain: null enabled: true hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/ncdata medium: null password: null readOnly: false server: null share: null size: null targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /vawww/html subPath: html nextcloud-cron: nextcloud-cron: mountPath: /vawww/html subPath: html postgresbackup: postgresbackup: mountPath: /nc-config type: hostPath username: null nc-config-limreqbody: defaultMode: "0755" enabled: true objectName: nextcloud-config targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/limitrequestbody.conf subPath: limitrequestbody.conf type: configmap nc-config-opcache: defaultMode: "0755" enabled: true objectName: nextcloud-config targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /uslocal/etc/php/conf.d/opcache-z-99.ini subPath: opcache.ini type: configmap nc-config-php: defaultMode: "0755" enabled: true objectName: nextcloud-config targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /uslocal/etc/php/conf.d/nextcloud-z-99.ini subPath: php.ini type: configmap nc-occ: defaultMode: "0755" enabled: true objectName: nextcloud-config targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /usbin/occ subPath: occ type: configmap nginx-cert: defaultMode: "0600" enabled: true items: - key: tls.key path: private.key - key: tls.crt path: public.crt objectName: nextcloud-cert targetSelector: nginx: nginx: mountPath: /etc/nginx-certs readOnly: true type: secret nginx-conf: defaultMode: "0600" enabled: true items: - key: nginx.conf path: nginx.conf objectName: nginx targetSelector: nginx: nginx: mountPath: /etc/nginx readOnly: true type: configmap postgresbackup: datasetName: ix-postgres_backups domain: null enabled: true hostPath: null medium: null password: null readOnly: false server: null share: null size: null targetSelector: postgresbackup: permissions: mountPath: /mnt/directories/postgres_backup postgresbackup: mountPath: /postgres_backup type: ixVolume username: null postgresdata: datasetName: null domain: null enabled: true hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/pgdata medium: null password: null readOnly: false server: null share: null size: null targetSelector: postgres: permissions: mountPath: /mnt/directories/postgres_data postgres: mountPath: /valib/postgresql/data type: hostPath username: null themes: datasetName: null domain: null enabled: true hostPath: /mnt/Camelot/Applications/Nextcloud/ncdata medium: null password: null readOnly: false server: null share: null size: null targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /vawww/html/themes subPath: themes nextcloud-cron: nextcloud-cron: mountPath: /vawww/html/themes subPath: themes type: hostPath username: null tmp: enabled: true targetSelector: nextcloud: nextcloud: mountPath: /tmp type: emptyDir podOptions: automountServiceAccountToken: false dnsConfig: options: [] dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst enableServiceLinks: false hostAliases: [] hostNetwork: false restartPolicy: Always runtimeClassName: "" terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30 tolerations: [] portal: {} postgresImage: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: postgres tag: "15.2" rbac: {} redisImage: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: bitnami/redis tag: 7.0.11 release_name: nextcloud resources: NVIDIA_CAPS: - all limits: cpu: 4000m memory: 8Gi requests: cpu: 10m memory: 50Mi scaleCertificate: nextcloud-cert: enabled: true id: 1 scaleExternalInterface: [] scaleGPU: [] secret: {} securityContext: container: PUID: 568 UMASK: "002" allowPrivilegeEscalation: false capabilities: add: [] drop: - ALL privileged: false readOnlyRootFilesystem: true runAsGroup: 568 runAsNonRoot: true runAsUser: 568 seccompProfile: type: RuntimeDefault pod: fsGroup: 568 fsGroupChangePolicy: OnRootMismatch supplementalGroups: [] sysctls: [] service: nextcloud: enabled: true ports: webui: enabled: true port: 80 primary: true targetPort: 80 targetSelector: nextcloud primary: true targetSelector: nextcloud type: ClusterIP nextcloud-nginx: enabled: true ports: webui-tls: enabled: true nodePort: 9002 port: 9002 targetPort: 9002 targetSelector: nginx targetSelector: nginx type: NodePort postgres: enabled: true ports: postgres: enabled: true port: 5432 primary: true targetPort: 5432 targetSelector: postgres targetSelector: postgres type: ClusterIP redis: enabled: true ports: redis: enabled: true port: 6379 primary: true targetPort: 6379 targetSelector: redis targetSelector: redis type: ClusterIP serviceAccount: {} workload: nextcloud: enabled: true podSpec: containers: nextcloud: enabled: true envFrom: - secretRef: name: nextcloud-creds imageSelector: image lifecycle: postStart: command: - /bin/sh - -c - echo "Installing ..." apt update && apt install -y --no-install-recommends \ echo "Failed to install binary/binaries..." echo "Finished." type: exec primary: true probes: liveness: enabled: true httpHeaders: Host: localhost path: /status.php port: 80 type: http readiness: enabled: true httpHeaders: Host: localhost path: /status.php port: 80 type: http startup: enabled: true httpHeaders: Host: localhost path: /status.php port: 80 type: http securityContext: capabilities: add: - CHOWN - DAC_OVERRIDE - FOWNER - NET_BIND_SERVICE - NET_RAW - SETGID - SETUID readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsGroup: 0 runAsNonRoot: false runAsUser: 0 hostNetwork: false initContainers: postgres-wait: args: - -c - echo "Waiting for postgres to be ready" until pg_isready -h ${POSTGRES_HOST} -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -d ${POSTGRES_DB}; do sleep 2 done command: bash enabled: true envFrom: - secretRef: name: postgres-creds imageSelector: postgresImage resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi type: init redis-wait: args: - -c - - echo "Waiting for redis to be ready" until redis-cli -h "$REDIS_HOST" -a "$REDIS_PASSWORD" -p ${REDIS_PORT_NUMBER:-6379} ping grep -q PONG; do echo "Waiting for redis to be ready. Sleeping 2 seconds..." sleep 2 done echo "Redis is ready!" command: bash enabled: true envFrom: - secretRef: name: redis-creds imageSelector: redisImage resources: limits: cpu: 500m memory: 256Mi type: init securityContext: fsGroup: 33 primary: true type: Deployment nginx: enabled: true podSpec: containers: nginx: enabled: true imageSelector: nginxImage primary: true probes: liveness: enabled: true httpHeaders: Host: localhost path: /status.php port: 9002 type: https readiness: enabled: true httpHeaders: Host: localhost path: /status.php port: 9002 type: https startup: enabled: true httpHeaders: Host: localhost path: /status.php port: 9002 type: https securityContext: capabilities: add: - CHOWN - DAC_OVERRIDE - FOWNER - NET_BIND_SERVICE - NET_RAW - SETGID - SETUID readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsGroup: 0 runAsNonRoot: false runAsUser: 0 hostNetwork: false initContainers: 01-wait-server: args: - -c - - echo "Waiting for [http://nextcloud:80]"; until wget --spider --quiet --timeout=3 --tries=1 http://nextcloud:80/status.php; do echo "Waiting for [http://nextcloud:80]"; sleep 2; done echo "Nextcloud is up: http://nextcloud:80"; command: - bash enabled: true imageSelector: bashImage type: init type: Deployment postgres: enabled: true podSpec: containers: postgres: enabled: true envFrom: - secretRef: name: postgres-creds imageSelector: ncPostgresImage primary: true probes: liveness: command: - sh - -c - until pg_isready -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -h localhost; do sleep 2; done enabled: true type: exec readiness: command: - sh - -c - until pg_isready -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -h localhost; do sleep 2; done enabled: true type: exec startup: command: - sh - -c - until pg_isready -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -h localhost; do sleep 2; done enabled: true type: exec resources: limits: cpu: 4000m memory: 8Gi securityContext: readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsGroup: 999 runAsUser: 999 initContainers: permissions: args: - -c - "for dir in /mnt/directories/; do\n if [ ! -d \"$dir\" ]; then\n echo \"[$dir] is not a directory, skipping\"\n continue\n fi\n\n echo \"Current Ownership and Permissions on [\"$dir\"]:\"\n echo \"chown: $(stat -c \"%u %g\" \"$dir\")\"\n echo \"chmod: $(stat -c \"%a\" \"$dir\")\" \n fix_owner=\"true\"\n fix_perms=\"true\"\n\n\n if [ \"$fix_owner\" = \"true\" ]; then\n echo \"Changing ownership to 999:999 on: [\"$dir\"]\"\n \ chown -R 999:999 \"$dir\"\n echo \"Finished changing ownership\"\n \ echo \"Ownership after changes:\"\n stat -c \"%u %g\" \"$dir\"\n \ fi\ndone\n" command: bash enabled: true imageSelector: bashImage resources: limits: cpu: 1000m memory: 512Mi securityContext: capabilities: add: - CHOWN readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsGroup: 0 runAsNonRoot: false runAsUser: 0 type: install type: Deployment postgresbackup: annotations: pre-upgrade hook-succeeded "1" enabled: true podSpec: containers: postgresbackup: command: - sh - -c - echo 'Fetching password from config.php' # sed removes ' , => spaces and db from the string POSTGRES_USER=$(cat /nc-config/config/config.php grep 'dbuser' sed "s/dbuser ',=>//g") POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(cat /nc-config/config/config.php grep 'dbpassword' sed "s/dbpassword ',=>//g") POSTGRES_DB=$(cat /nc-config/config/config.php grep 'dbname' sed "s/dbname ',=>//g") [ -n "$POSTGRES_USER" ] && [ -n "$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" ] && [ -n "$POSTGRES_DB" ] && echo 'User, Database and password fetched from config.php' until pg_isready -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -h ${POSTGRES_HOST}; do sleep 2; done echo "Creating backup of ${POSTGRES_DB} database" pg_dump --dbname=${POSTGRES_URL} --file /postgres_backup/${POSTGRES_DB}$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S).sql echo "Failed to create backup" echo "Backup finished" enabled: true envFrom: - secretRef: name: postgres-backup-creds imageSelector: ncPostgresImage primary: true probes: liveness: enabled: false readiness: enabled: false startup: enabled: false resources: limits: cpu: 2000m memory: 2Gi securityContext: readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsGroup: 999 runAsUser: 999 initContainers: permissions: args: - -c - "for dir in /mnt/directories/*; do\n if [ ! -d \"$dir\" ]; then\n echo \"[$dir] is not a directory, skipping\"\n continue\n fi\n\n echo \"Current Ownership and Permissions on [\"$dir\"]:\"\n echo \"chown: $(stat -c \"%u %g\" \"$dir\")\"\n echo \"chmod: $(stat -c \"%a\" \"$dir\")\" \n if [ $(stat -c %u \"$dir\") -eq 999 ] && [ $(stat -c %g \"$dir\") -eq 999 ]; then\n echo \"Ownership is correct. Skipping...\"\n fix_owner=\"false\"\n \ else\n echo \"Ownership is incorrect. Fixing...\"\n fix_owner=\"true\"\n \ fi\n\n\n if [ \"$fix_owner\" = \"true\" ]; then\n echo \"Changing ownership to 999:999 on: [\"$dir\"]\"\n chown -R 999:999 \"$dir\"\n \ echo \"Finished changing ownership\"\n echo \"Ownership after changes:\"\n \ stat -c \"%u %g\" \"$dir\"\n fi\ndone" command: bash enabled: true imageSelector: bashImage resources: limits: cpu: 1000m memory: 512Mi securityContext: capabilities: add: - CHOWN readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsGroup: 0 runAsNonRoot: false runAsUser: 0 type: init restartPolicy: Never securityContext: fsGroup: "33" type: Job redis: enabled: true podSpec: containers: redis: enabled: true envFrom: - secretRef: name: redis-creds imageSelector: redisImage primary: true probes: liveness: command: - /bin/sh - -c - redis-cli -a "$REDIS_PASSWORD" -p ${REDIS_PORT_NUMBER:-6379} ping grep -q PONG enabled: true type: exec readiness: command: - /bin/sh - -c - redis-cli -a "$REDIS_PASSWORD" -p ${REDIS_PORT_NUMBER:-6379} ping grep -q PONG enabled: true type: exec startup: command: - /bin/sh - -c - redis-cli -a "$REDIS_PASSWORD" -p ${REDIS_PORT_NUMBER:-6379} ping grep -q PONG enabled: true type: exec resources: limits: cpu: 4000m memory: 8Gi securityContext: readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsGroup: 0 runAsNonRoot: false runAsUser: 1001 securityContext: fsGroup: 1001 type: Deployment See error above values.`
submitted by rweninger to truenas [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:57 Mobile-Actuary-5283 CVS Availability

Caremark mail order is no longer covering certain GLP-1 meds (Zepbound was never carried in the first place, but they won't carry Wegovy and Mounjaro as of May 15th). They gave very little prior warning. I still don't have official communication from them about this change. I found out on these threads.
At the same time, I am finding a handful of CVS stores outright stating they are no longer going to even TRY to order Zep. Even the ones I have used before that still have active orders that are in process but out of stock. My refill for 7.5 was sitting at one CVS since 4/2. I called them yesterday to do my weekly check if it will be filled anytime soon and the once-pleasant pharmacist said: "major national backorder indefinitely -- call your dr for an alternate med. We are no longer ordering these."
I then went to another CVS where I have filled before that has been pretty decent and they said that they haven't heard anything impacting stores nationally so it must be a store-by-store decision as of now. But she said she wouldn't be surprised if more stores adopt this approach. And all the customers who used Caremark mail order now must fill at retail -- and many of their plans ONLY allow you to fill at CVS (like mine). So that means more traffic will flood the remaining CVS stores that are trying to order making it harder to claim the few boxes that come in here and there.
FWIW -- none of the CVS stores I spoke to were optimistic. It is unfortunate that this is the only pharmacy I can fill at per my plan.
Has anyone else had any issues with their local CVS stores starting to refuse to fill? Or is this just a temporary store-by-store thing?
submitted by Mobile-Actuary-5283 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:36 Khorde__the__Husk BattlePostings Game Rules

i like Warhammer 40k, but 40k doesnt afford you the abilty to let you play your own custom character or faction if it isnt up to certain specs in tournaments(lore strict rules). and running an army battle in dungeons and dragons is overly complicated unless you ignore a bunch of rolls and rules.
i propose a blend of both. who's cannon takes place in the cosmos of perspective.
(you make your own faction cannon. )
each unit type has user generated has one data sheet, each named character you have would have their own data sheet.
the models can be 3-D printed or kitbashed, but they must be at 1/36 scale. essentially one infantry= one of those cheap plastic army men standing at 5 cm tall.
from here, this was typed up before today, by a few months. there is no campaign.
but i would imagine a new fandom in table top roleplay would be born regardless
A tabletop rpg for diy, model painting, kit bashing, 3-DPrinting, and plastic army battling enthusiasts.
all parts of this game are user generated, with the exception of the rules. Though u/Khorde__the__Husk sent this to a bunch of redditors for help in balancing the game and setting up basic play structure.
Things to note:
· You must have one “advisor” per two warlords in the session. Advisors, act as the game master to make sure no one is cheating. If there is confusion on what kind of weapon a unit has in their hands or equipped to their armor, the Advisor has final say. The advisor is supposed to keep the game fair.
· In theory you could have as many players as you want, but no more than four is recommended because turns consist of multiple phases that are meant to organize the battle strategy for each player.
· Players are encouraged to kit bash, 3-D print, or purchase traditional plastic army men. For the sake of scaling, follow the scaling of the image below. But you must have your own general. It is recommended that your general be unique, make it yours. Have fun.
· Players can make their own campaigns and lore. Such attempts are encouraged. For the purposes of release, you can follow the campaign I have written.
· For any session, you will need a handwritten or typed general’s reference stats Dossier, 1D20, tape measure, and an army of which you will fight with. (painted)
· When rolling on a check, higher is always better. 20 is always a success
· Your armies stats are fixed and defined in this document. Your general’s stats are dictated by the roll of a 1d20. These stats are:
o morale
o Movement speed
o Accuracy
o Health points
o Punch
· Turns are split into phases.
o bombardment
o Movement
o Attack/counter attack
· The different types of units are:
o Infantry
o Armor
o Airborne

· We play at a 1/36 scale. All models are at that scale.
make your own terrain and cover. kitbashing, 3-D printing encouraged. terrain is the battleground, the floor the pieces and obstacles stand on. obsticles can be anything. debris, nature, etc. obstacles are cover. if an attacking piece can see the defending piece in its entirety, the defending piece is in the open. if the defending piece is partially seen by the attacking
· Ability checks logic below:
20=crit hit/sucsess
1=jam(gun)/woopsie(melee)/crit fail
To succeed , a unit must roll their combined ability score. This is their base ability +general ability. Debuffs such as kickback only are applied to whatever you rolled when you roll for an ability check.
Regardless, the fundamental rules of this game will apply to your creations. these are an assortment of rules designed to keep the game fair and guard against unfair players(referred to as God-Emperors or God-empresses) and hopefully combat power creep.
Now lets expand upon these ideas so you can have fun kit-bashing and army smashing quicker.
GENERAL’S (named character) STAT DOSSIER
Your army’s stats are based on your general’s stat Dossier. The leader of a nation is oft a good indication of how high of a quality their army’s going to be.
The first thing you should write is your general’s name, then write their bio. Their bio includes their background, their homeland, what politics are involved (if any). It is not recommended that you write a novel, you have a game to play. What are the weapons that your general will have on their person? What are their character traits? How will those traits affect how the game is played?
The next thing to do is to make a picture of your General that resembles the piece you kit-bashed for your general to be. It can be menacing, wholesome, serious or whacky. As long as the design choices resemble what your army has for their design and your general’s character traits. It doesn’t have to be hand drawn. A photo of your piece will suffice. no general may have a skill number higher than 16.
what good is a king without a kingdom?
each type of unit gets one ARMY STAT DOSSIER. you can have as many scout infantry you want, but you need a dossier on how they are deployed, what weapons they use, and most importantly, THEIR STATS. make sure your unit type description is comprehensive including what styles of combat they are trained for. this could influence your decisions on how you play. give them lore for shits and giggles. no unit may have a skill number higher than 15.
this is the list of weapon types and their ability modifiers.
when attacking bare handed, you go by your unmodified stats.
Now comes the part with the dice. You only need 1d20. This is to reduce the confusion.
· Morale
Rolled by 1d20, checked by 1d20 per unit.
Morale is basically moral law. How far will your troops go to follow your orders? If your morale over a given unit is 1, the unit in question is shell shocked for one whole turn, to be marked with a yellow slip. If your unit is shell shocked, it is traumatized to where it cant follow any orders on the next turn. If for some reason the morale hits 0, that unit defects and must be marked with a red token. Units that defect are now under control of your enemy. If defected units hit 0 authority again, it simply dies. Suicide. Cowards way out.
The Morale that your general has over friendly units is base unit morale +the general’s modifier. Your general’s base Morale is the number you rolled the 1d20 for. If for any reason your general’s morale score goes below 0, the general must rally all nearby troops (within 30cm) to protect the general for one turn on the next turn. If your general’s morale hits zero, you get shell shocked, and your general cannot take action for one turn and if your general was within line of sight of any other allied unit, the observing unit cannot take action either.
· Movement Speed
Rolled by 1d20, measured by cm on a measuring tape or meter stick because inches suck.
Movement speed is how much ground a given unit can cover. Unless your object has a punch score higher than the hp of an obstacle, or can fly, you will have to go around the obstacle. There are exceptions. If the obstacle is below the knee of an infantry unit, the infantry or whatever can climb over at the cost of the individual unit climbing modifier.
The base movement speed of your general influences the movement speed of your troops. To find a troops total movement speed:
Your unit’s base movement speed + your general’s base movement speed = total troop movement speed. See army stat dossier or named character stat dossier.

· Accuracy
Rolled by a 1d20, checked by 1d20 per unit
Accuracy must be rolled every time a unit attacks an enemy unit.
Accuracy is basically the chance of your selected troop hitting their targets. Different weapons and vehicles have different accuracy modifiers(aka kickback or x-range), and different types of troops have different base accuracies. Accuracy can affect enemy/friendly Health points or morale. If a shot hits near enough to a troop, or makes a kill close enough to another troop, the troops affected must undergo a morale check with the exception to nearby friendlies of any troop who gets an enemy kill.
Explosives and artillery have an area of effect. any troop within the inner blast radius (with the exception of troops behind sufficient cover) is dead. Any in sufficient cover, or within the outer blast radius must make a morale check. Sufficient cover is a piece of the environment which has an assigned hp that is higher than the punch of an explosion.

Small arms fire requires line of sight for targeting. The path of bullets is a straight line, keep this in mind when deciding collateral damage. Friendly fire is a thing and it is a war-crime. If you want to play nightmare mode, your general gets summoned to a military court tribunal and executed if three friendly troops or more die as a result of friendly fire that occurred by your command.

Melee combat can only be conducted during movement phases. If its melee vs gun there is the variable of line of sight. If the melee unit is within line of sight, the gun unit has advantage. If the melee unit is outside of line of sight of the gun unit, the melee unit has advantage.
To find your troop’s accuracy:
general’s base accuracy+ troop base accuracy- kickback. The higher the accuracy the better.

· Punch
Punch is how much damage a unit causes to another unit or object should they pass their accuracy check. Different weapons pack a different punch. Remember to add their bonus to the punch check roll.
When attacking an obstacle or object, units must roll against the hp of the object. If the roll lands on a number that meets or beats the hp, the object or obstacle is destroyed.(marked with red sticky note and can be traversed as if the object was destroyed. Bullets pass thru within reasonable trajectories, no ricochet)
When attacking units, whatever is rolled is subtracted from the victim’s hp. The victim can only move at half of their normal movement speed afterward.(treaded, wheeled, and airborne vehicles excluded from the debuff even if they are hit. They are treated as obstacles with the addition of the passed accuracy check requirement.)
· Health points(hp)
Health points are what determines how close your units or general is to kicking the bucket. In any game mode, If your general kicks the bucket, you lose. If you have no units other than your general, you lose and your general must go into hiding. each unit and general may have no more than 10hp. powercreep is bad
Unit Classes are determined by how big the individual unit is, and how it traverses the battlefield. The smallest and most common all the way to the biggest and most intimidating of units are all fit into several categories by what they look like. To solve disagreements on what class your unit is, the advisor has final say. Disagreements should be easy to avoid if you design your units properly. It would be useful to stick to a theme. Candy punk, steampunk, horror, medieval, sci-fi, and historical designs are all fine, you could even come up with your own. A theme will be better for discerning friendlies from you enemies. At the same time, make your units discernable enough that players and especially advisors can easily determine what classes your units are.
· Your general/warlord, whatchacallit
Your general is the most valuable unit because it is what you have to control your forces. Without a wise and strategic leader, your forces will fall into disarray and you will lose the war. You can only have one general, and you made it yours. Kitbashing and 3D printing would likely be your most common means of gaining a general. They must take resemblance of the general on your general stat dossier they can swim in water terrain for two turns before they drown.
· Infantry
The easiest to acquire and kit bash. This allows for vast hordes of infantry, or small fireteams, or something in between. Find your play style. Your infantry should be as tall as the plastic green army men in the image below. These men and women are the bravest of them all.
they can swim in water terrain for two turns before they drown.
· Armor
Mainly made up of vehicles and smaller mechanical suits, must be land based. Expect tanks, jeeps ,Humvees, calvary mounted animals etc. here is an image I ripped for scale as to the largest example of armor you can have. Not my drawing. Its basically the largest tank ever built replace the man in the image with one infantry and you have your scale. Or 0.283333333 m* 0.283333333 m *0.5m
these machines will break down in water terrain.
· Airborne
Airborne units can only fly. They can drop bombs, airdrop armotroops, and attack up to one target per gun that the aircraft is equipped with(within range) as they move. Their biggest weakness is anti-aircraft weaponry and enemy aircraft weapons. How big can an aircraft be?
2.44 meters. X 2.44 meters by 0.60 meters is your maximum for all airborne units.
any airborne that fly like a plane have a +4 to their movement stat but can only bomb ground units 15 cm in front and attack any unit that is in front of it
anything that flies like a helicopter does not have this buff or debuff, they can shoot at any target, but can only use missiles for up to 15 cm on ground units.
Naval vehicles can be big or small, but they can only operate in the designated water terrain area. they can carry troops, they can fire artillery, depth charges, missiles, torpedoes, and submarines can hide below water for three turns before air runs out. but they can be spotted by sonar. if a submerged vessel is within 10 cm of an enemy surface or submarine vessel, the enemy vessel can act as if they know where the submerged vessel is even if the submerged vessel is still submerged.
· B.A.M. ‘s
Big Ass Machines are basically giant robots and massive land ships. These can be Game breaking depending on how you build them and how big you build them. They can fire upon one target per weapon. how big Can these be? They cannot be more than 1.5 meters tall or take up a ground area larger than 4 meters. Players are not allowed to use functioning motor vehicles including, but not limited to cars, trucks, busses, etc. rule of thumb, if you can ride it, you can’t play it. It might as well be just fan art. The maximum distance these can move at any time is 2000cm. to move these, they must make a special movement check. War machines of that size can get stuck easily, so subtract your general’s movement speed from your final roll on each check. If they are larger than the specified limits, you’ve built a giant immobilized obstacle for one turn.
Mobile terrain essentially is a whole battlefield or obstacle of its own. The biggest difference is that anything other than B.A.M. compatible units that are attached to the B.A.M'S can’t be removed from the B.A.M.'S. Artillery such as main guns can’t move, only rotate. same with S.A.M.S. , C.R.A.M.S., and anti aircraft weaponry.

Guns and RE’S(ranged explosives)Require a reload period(one full turn) every so often. Dual wield is an ability that is only applicable to infantry equipment . dual wield only applies when two identical weapons are in both hands of a single unit. Range is how far a weapon can fire before a debuff is added to your accuracy roll. For every 10 cm beyond the stated range, an x-range debuff of -1 is added.
Overheat can only occur on weapons that are labeled with overheat. Every time a gun with overheat is about to fire , a coin must be tossed. If the coin lands on heads, the gun overheats. Overheating will cause the unit to explode. The explosion will deal 1d20 damage to anyone/anything within a 6 cm radius. You only need to roll once.
Cone is a special debuff. Weapons with cone Can only fire at sequential targets within 25 degrees of original target.
im having trouble with deciding the individual weapon stats. so ive decided that i am going to leave those up to you. (the moment i hear people are getting into fights IRL, i will be putting in an elaboration which will settle all disputes regarding equipment and artillery... and i wont be happy about it.)
players are encouraged to record their battles in battle reports and post it online in their relevant subreddits. if they win/lose, then the player is encouraged to come up with a lore reason for any change in tactics, named characters(generals), or stats.
an army is considered overpowered if they can take out all opponents in as little as 10 turns. they must be nerfed if this happens. dont forget to add a lore reason for this occurrence in the battle report.
unlike overpowered, underpowered armies can be taken out in 10 turns. they must be buffed if this happens. dont forget to add a lore reason for this occurrence in the battle report.
this is sci-fantasy/high fantasy, battles are supposed to be epic and economically exaggerated.
write the name of the weapon, the type of weapon.(melee or gun) and its accuracy and punch modifiers.(bare hands is melee and equal to. magic is gun)
spells must be vetted in good faith by advisors prior to the game to prevent game breakage. spells may not kill units or generals in one blow. spells effects can only last one turn unless its a healing spell. healing spells cannot heal more than 5 health points at a time per unit. write out the spells you have for your units and have them vetted by an advisor, advisor will determine gamebreakability of the spell. if spell is determined to be game breaking, mid game, the advisor will have the offending spell removed and the turn undone. at wich point the offending player effectively must alter their strategy in the spirit of good sportsmanship.) There are three approved arcane focuses, wands, staves, and hand casting, (one must not make them look like the caster is going to punch something, have them hold an orb or something.)
(the moment i hear that people get into IRL fights over spells, i will make a list of approved spells and a LONG LIST of forbidden spells. and no one will be happy. )
Dont be a dick, be a good sport, and have fun.breaking thegame intentionally is a dick move. advisors are encouraged to post their reports of game breaking spells so it may help me in the event Khorde__the__Husk has to revise the rules.
submitted by Khorde__the__Husk to Battlepostings [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:59 gnarlysnowleopard Need advice on a) 2FA token backups (selfhosted and google drive) and b) using Windows Hello with fingerprint authentication for user and admin accounts in Windows 11

I am trying to improve my cybersecurity habits while finding solutions that work for me. I have three main devices that I use to login to various sites, namely my phone, my laptop and my desktop PC. I use Google Password Manager and let it generate secure and unique passwords for most sites and I unlock it via the fingerprint reader on my phone and laptop, which works super well for me. I might buy a fingerprint reader for my desktop PC as well soon, because it is my preferred method of logging into sites and into Windows. I have tried Bitwarden after several people suggested it to me, but I did not like the user experience and want to stick to Google Password Manager. I have two topics I would like some advice on:
a) To better secure some of my more important accounts I want to add an additional layer of security by installing a 2FA app on my phone. I'm currently trying out 2FAS but I am willing to switch to Aegis if it works better for my use case. Since my password manager is tied to my main google account I do not feel comfortable with backing the 2FA tokens up to that same account and decided to back it up to my secondary google account. That one can be recovered using my primary google account, but I thought it would still be better to keep it on separate accounts. It is also encrypted with a password that I keep on a piece of paper in my house and will also probably keep it at a close family members house. I am building an unRAID server soon that will be running nextcloud among other applications, so I would also like to keep a second backup of the 2FA tokens there, so that the one on google drive isn't my only backup. Is it possible to just somehow mirror the one from google drive to nextcloud? Or somehow create a separate backup once a day that automatically uploads to nextcloud? Would this be secure enough or do I need to also directly print out 2FA backup codes and physically store them somewhere? Also: I saw that 2FAS lets me sync 2FA tokens to a browser extension to also be used on my laptop and desktop PC, but I wonder if this would just defeat the purpose of using a 2FA app in the first place?
b) I currently only use local admin accounts for both my laptop and desktop PC, both running Windows 11. I heard that it's a lot safer to use separate admin and user accounts, so I had the idea to tie both the user account and the admin account to Windows Hello with my fingerprint readers. That way I use my finger print to login to my user account, to unlock Google Password Manager, and to confirm actions in windows that require admin rights. Is this okay to do or am I overlooking something here? I do sometimes install cracked software, and while I'm trying to do my due diligence in only using trusted sources for that, the risk of infecting my Windows computers with malware is non-zero.
I understand that my cybersecurity habits aren't perfect, but I'm trying to not let perfect be the enemy of good here.
submitted by gnarlysnowleopard to cybersecurity_help [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:51 Antique_Cry_7629 Stolen car

I have rented car from Hertz and took loss damage waiver to my rental car. I went to cvs to print something out the car was still working. When i got back my rental car has stolen. I have called to police officer and filled out report and i led hertz know. Does loss damage waiver cover everything i am so concerned. Please could someone help me out
submitted by Antique_Cry_7629 to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:55 Candid-Beach1433 Will I be allowed

At the time of filling the application form i tried again & again to upload a copy of my physical photo, but for some reason it was saying not valid not valid everytime, so I tried again by cropping my aadhar card photo and it worked. Now the problem is that I don't have any physical copy of my aadhar card photo ( as they take one on the spot while making ). At the time i wasn't aware of this " SaMeToSaMePhOtO " rule, so will I be allowed if I showed my physical photo or I have to take print out of my aadhar card one. Has anyone has faced this issue last year, if so what did you do?
submitted by Candid-Beach1433 to CUETards [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:36 confusedrxtech Patients really don’t get how bad our system is

I mean for real though. It’s one thing for the people to come through for pickup saying, “I’m picking up for Josh,” and not knowing that the entirety of the healthcare industry is run by last name, first name basis. Not only that, they don’t realize that this software was around before the dinosaurs and that breathing in its direction crashes it. They don’t realize how slow it is. When I’m on the phone with a patient asking for refills, they don’t realize it takes 3-5 minutes to refill 5 rxs because you can’t select more rxs than appear on a a screen at a time, it takes minutes to communicate with insurance, and if you go in for a refill without hitting alt+C on every screen open on your screen then you can’t refill. You literally have to back out of the program in its entirety, if you don’t remember their dob you have to ask again just to get to the second list of rxs needing refills. It crashes processing COBs, you can’t refill more than five patients rxs without getting a screen saying “maximum number of patients open” and by god you cannot do a single thing to a patients rx without closing out and hitting refresh 97 times before you’re able to update the rx again. Even if it goes from reviewed to printed or printed to filled, you have to refresh each time it does that. If you update insurance half the time the rx stores itself or goes back to printed. If I’m changing a TPR rx from brand to generic I have to put in the brand two to three times before I can switch it to no substitution, and as I’m doing that I have another screen pop up saying generic not covered, or to override with 9991, or it does it over and over until I have to cash it out, get it F4’d and then ctrl+M to change the manufacturer or from brand to generic. Yes, I know the generic isn’t covered that is why I’m changing it to brand. It shouldn’t be this time consuming. Without the trick that works 75% of the time, if I’m working on a ready status rx and putting a secondary on there, I’ll have to delete the rx, put it back in, run it as a cob, and get the rx ready all over again wasting everyone’s time. If I have 30 F1’s, 20 of those are “rx cancellation notice, rx transfer request, patient adding photo of insurance card” etc before I get to actual prescriptions needing to type. Those should automatically print out. If the computer can make an entire profile for a patient based off the info on the rx, it should be able to differentiate between rxs and scam faxes we get and automatically print them. Also, we have a dedicated screen just for TPRs. Why on earth do they appear in the F1’s as well. Among the litany of other issues I can think of these are just a few. We are fighting an uphill battle. Never worked in another pharmacy so I don’t know how prevalent these issues are throughout other retailers, but Jesus Christ it’s terrible.
Patients if yall are on here please cut us some slack. As much as I wish I could get this phone call over with our software is shit and we can’t do anything about it but let it run its course. And for the love of god, give us your DOB and last name. Not your first name.
submitted by confusedrxtech to WalgreensRx [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:58 Crowiswatching I’m gonna be rich!

I wish to acknowledge the receipt of your email in response to my proposal, I would like you to understand that I’m a Man of social status therefore I will not involve myself in a transaction of this nature and magnitude if I haven’t done my assignment thoroughly. I have been working in the banking institution for a very long time and I do understand the modalities associated with banking ethics. In the banking sector, those that occupy key positions always enjoy some benefits which people outside the banking world cannot imagine. Under the oath of employment, information of this nature which I have made available to you are meant to remain within the shores of the banking institution. An opportunity such as this does not come all the time but when it does, it is with all pleasure that it is being embraced by whoever the opportunity is opened to, therefore one thing that is paramount in transactions like this is “TRUST and “TRANSPARENCY”
I would like to assure you that there will be no risk involved as my position in the bank guarantees this, thus, anything I say concerning the transaction in line with the laws/banking policies will be followed by the bank Executives. Before we can proceed further I will like you to understand that this transaction can be successful only if we work together and as such you are to adhere strictly to my instructions as all instructions that I will be giving to you subsequently will be in accordance/compliance with the laws/laid down rules to apply for the deceased's fund as the Next of Kin, In proceeding further, I want you to assure me that you will be honest during the transaction and as soon as the funds are transferred to you by the bank, we would share the money EQUALLY and PEACEFULLY either by meeting in person or through bank to bank transfers. My personal instinct directed me to contact you and I sincerely hope it was not a wrong thing to do.
I shall direct you on the process of having the funds released; we shall start by sending a formal application to my Bank for the release of the said fund as the Next of Kin to the deceased. I will send you the text i.e the format for which you are to construct the application. Thereafter the bank will request from you the relevant back up documents to your claim according to the demand of our probate law for transfer of funds. Once you have provided the Bank with the required documents, they would be under legal obligation to transfer the funds to a designated account which will be provided by you. Upon this laid-down structure, there will be no form of Risk or illegality in carrying out this proposal.
It is important we have a mutual understanding because I know we will surely enjoy the benefits of this in no distant time.Kindly find below my full contact details in case of necessity:
  1. Name: Mr. Mark Edward Tucker.
  2. Occupation: CEO and Group Chairman of HSBC Holdings plc
  3. Date of Birth: 29 December 1957 (age 66)
  4. Religion: Christian
  5. Marital Status: Married
Sequel to the above content I really do hope you are someone I can trust to help achieve this. I will want you to immediately provide me with the following details.
  1. Your Complete Names:
  2. Your Address:
  3. Present Occupation and position:
  4. Marital Status:
  5. Age:
  6. Religion:
Please provide me with accurate answers to the following below:
Have you handled transactions of this tune before?
Have you had an international transaction(s) before?
Specifically, have you had any business transaction with an individual or company that resides in Italy?
As soon as I hear from you with the required data above as well as receiving your reassurance that I can put my trust in you most especially when the funds has been released to you by the bank thus enabling us share the money in the ratio(50/50)as agreed, I will send you the Text of Application for you to contact my bank for the release of the funds in the account of (Late Mr. Fabian Alexander) to your account as his Next of Kin.
Endeavor to have all the requirements in (SECTION I and II) above sent to me immediately as I will have to key them into the deceased's account file so that it will be an easy go through with the bank's executives with respect to verification when they receive your application.
I await your swift response.
Sincerely, Mr. Mark E Tucker. CEO & Group Chairman of the Executive Board Of HSBC Bank.
This email is only sent to the intended recipients and addressees in confidence and not for external circulation. *
submitted by Crowiswatching to scambaiting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:16 DevTheDumbass Thousand Sons Cultist Conversions / Prints Advice

Thousand Sons Cultist Conversions / Prints Advice
I personally don't like the look of the normal chaos cultists and I'm not a big fan of using Tzaangors as it may be a bit confusing.
So I was looking around for inspiration via either 3d printing or kitbashing as right now both are an option.
I came across the Dawn Of War 2 Retribution Elite Mod. They were exactly what I'm looking for, hooded figures with a touch of Tzeentch. As cultists should be. So firstly a began looking for 3d prints but couldn't find any models that fit the vibe I was looking for.
I then began a short rabbit hole of model extraction from video games into printable files but I'm not the best modder or anything like that and the application to do so was hidden behind a paywall so I strayed away from that.
So next, I looked at official models to see what I could muster. I liked the hooded look of the Aledari Rangers but their hoods were a bit revealing and getting an Eldar head out of those hoods seemed annoying but I don't know if the hood is a separate piece so it's an option.
Then I found the Astra Militarum Tempestus Scions and they look like they may fit perfectly within' a Thousand Sons army so buying 2 of those boxes is another thing I'm looking at.
Turning my eyes to Age Of Sigmar. I found 2 Warcrys that may do the job. The Jade Obelisk and The Cypher Lords. The obvious issue being their lack of guns and the kitbashing it would take to have them carry the guns.
So, is there any advice my fellow Thousand Sons players can point me towards? What do you guys use for cultists if you have any in your army list. What would you use if you don't? Any advice or guidance towards 3d files that may be what I'm looking for?
submitted by DevTheDumbass to ThousandSons [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:10 FunLife3349 Cashier asked me if I was diabetic

New experience - wondering if this has happened to anyone before. I was so very close to finally getting my hands on 5mg after dozens of pharmacy calls and spaced out doses. I finally found a Walgreens, and when I presented my discount card (I pay the $550 out of pocket) they asked me if I was diabetic. I told them no, I’m pre-diabetic- and before I mentioned any other diagnoses he walked away.
After some conversation, the pharmacist comes to me and says my prescription transfer from CVS was missing an ICD10 code and they can’t use my discount card. I asked if CVS needed it, and they said they don’t know their policies.
My doctor is out of office and I don’t know this code, it’s not on any paperwork.
submitted by FunLife3349 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:36 mojitojenkins Is it worth it to do research if I plan on going into industry?

I am a graduating senior who has no internship experience. I really dropped the ball and honestly have never even done a leetcode question. I had some significant medical issues that caused me to take two years off of school, and it was a big enough challenge adapting when I returned.
As of right now, my only option that I have for this summer is an unpaid research position in a robotics lab. I would get experience working on computer vision/ML and also some hands on experience working with 3D printing and mechanical stuff if I'm interested. If I make significant contributions, they are happy to put my name on the paper they will be publishing at the end of the summer.
My concern is that it will take up a lot of time and I have heard that research is only useful if you are trying to go to grad school. If I didn't take the research position, I would probably spend the summer grinding leetcode and sending out applications. Will doing research just delay my preparation for interviews and add nothing to my resume?
submitted by mojitojenkins to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:22 WomansRights2024 AID ACCESS EXPERIENCE @ 7 Weeks

My experience with AID ACCESS I paid $110.00 letting them know I couldn’t afford the whole $150.00 they asked if I could donate $110.00 and that was more within my budget. I paid with a master card through a check out pharmacy website.
I received the pills within 3 days via FedEx I am in a red state so everything was discrete on the package I was a bit scared. I never ordered prescriptions on the internet before. The pills were prescribed to me with a label and a printed log with instructions came inside the package Super easy to read!
I took my 1st pill of mifepristone on 05/12/24 @ 8:35am I felt totally normal no symptoms on the first day after taking it.
It’s now Monday 05/13/24 and I took 4 ibuprofen’s at 830am and I drank a liquid IV At 9:00 am I took 4 tablets of misoprostol I put two tablets on each side of my cheeks for 30 mins till they dissolved. I then swallowed the remainder of the pills that were leftover there was no taste to the pills just chalkiness. Literally after 40 mins I had a feeling I had to poop so I ran to the restroom and a blood clot came out I also vomited all over the place. My cramps started to get pretty intense. At 1140am I passed another blood clot that I believe was the tissue my cramps were intensifying but they were bearable. At 2:15pm I started feeling really light headed so I took an iron supplement as I was bleeding a lot more. My cramps are worse but nothing I couldn’t handle especially since I already am used to having bad cramps when I get my period. I started getting hot flashes at around 3:00pm but I had great support from my sister washing my head with a wet cold rag! My Bleeding and cramping has been coming and going throughout the whole day it’s now 6:15pm and I am still passing clots but the cramps aren’t as bad!
Things I bought for comfort was a heating pad, Gel Advils they work quicker and I bought iron supplements along with liquid IV+ to keep me hydrated along with my fav snacks. Oh and Topo Chico it helps with the nausea!
submitted by WomansRights2024 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:44 WondrousBread Improving dimensional accuracy of 3D printed parts

I have an Ender 3 V2, Sprite Pro Extruder, Klipper, etc.
I've recently noticed an issue which might have been occurring before but has only recently become apparent. I'm prototyping some car parts, and when I design something with a particular dimension in Fusion 360 (eg. a 6mm diameter hole) I find it's always a bit undersized on the 3D print. For example, I just measured one at 5.8mm.
This doesn't sound like a lot, but I am printing these parts as a prototype before ordering SLM aluminum prints for an automotive application. The final part will need to be as accurate as possible to that dimension (a small filter basket needs to fit inside the 6mm hole) and is going to be in contact with fuel. It wouldn't be safe to use a part that isn't within tolerance, and it would quickly become expensive to re-order if my first batch doesn't come out right.
I can always oversize my 3D print designs. However, the SLM printed aluminum might not be subject to the same shrinkage as my current materials (PLA, PETG) so oversizing it would just result in a final part that is too large.
Does anyone have suggestions for improving the accuracy of the printed parts?
submitted by WondrousBread to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:19 Objective-Morning-38 Day 4

I felt sick around 4 weeks before, suffered from a nasty flu for about two weeks on the third week i had recovered. My stepdad asked me to create a website for his company. interestingly, i did it a ease. I find it very interesting. now i am back to the usual routine.
DRDCEWMEC- i have found out new ways of recording the CBT techiniques on to my fitnes pal so that i am not only recording the diet and excercise but also making notes for the CBT.
As for today i woke up inthe morning aorund 11am. I realise the situation at my rented house. the outside environment is very difficult for me to sleep. I thinking moving outside of here and moving to a larger also quieter apartment would deemed to be neccessary for me in the near coming future. So from now on my routine has changed to sleep at 12am so that i am wake up around 8 to 9 am then i will start my day. today i woke up 11am then i had two coffee i took the usual supplements following the CBT strategies.
CBT; 1. meditation 2.diary 3. supplements including omega three, multivitamin and vitamin d3 4. sleep music 5. sleep tea 6. sleep perfume 7. cold room 8. lavender shower gel and shampoo (from 1 to 6 are active and 7 and 8 are passive). another classification is that the diary belong the the D and the other 7 are the CBT which belong to the C.
After i took the supplement i went to the gym. I realised i had no groceries left so i took the supplements with two cups of coffes and one mug of milk and i developed very bad diarroeah around 4-5 times. very good for losing the weight that is the good side.
later on the day i completed my food diary and then read sunzi, 33 strategies of the war and 36 military strategies of chinese warfare. One thing i learned most today is the ending strategy. Most ppl when they declared a war with others, they did not end with good terms and they will resume back to the original enenemies for no reason. Robert greene state that if you know/ analysis the situation, most often this is because of either of conflicting interest or the way of human behaviou human nature. very often there is nothing we can do about it. e.g. if this business or coroperation is against this someone's interest then obvious both you and him cannot come into terms. on the other hand let's say if he who can longer come into terms or taking advantage of you then he would hate you if you do not delater the ending strategy. From the famous quote the kindeness does not necessarily breed kindess in return in this world by Robert greene. The pp who do not understand this principal would struggle greatly.
Application: recently my roomate had trouble with me using the shared bathroom with him. he is claiming that he find it too difficult to share with me because he would like it to be more available with him . we had two shared bathroom one upstairs right next to me and one downstairs. I orignially agreed with him that it is ok for me to go downstairs if it is not too urgent but if it is then obviously i had to rushed to the one closer to me. Despit having repeated conversation i have devided to use the ending strategies.
There are a lot of ppl in this world who do not understand the society. they sort of live the world of their own in the example of my roommate he only considers for himself that if the bathroom near him is more available to him then it would be conveient and beneficial but he forgets to consider that what might seems convinient for him would also be conviniet for the others. this brings the key to advancing social skills, being a ppl person simplys means considerate more about others not only yourself. From the famous saying fit yourself into other ppl's boots. interestly, there are a lot of ppl in this world who does not understand this despite many years of repeptive failure experiences. in this situation because i had conversation over and over, i would not need to talk to him again. simply because if he does not get this principal then no matter how many times i expalinning to him it wouldn't make any difference. so what's the point really? so now it's the time to use the ending strategy. this is 1. the issue with the interest 2. the nature of the room who does not understand the common principles in life despite many times of repetitive explaining. the best practice now is to leave it there.
another learinig point of this strategy is the learn how to end the failure. in the past i had also experience failures and like many ppl i had learn to dealt with my failure 1. being hopelss and despair - thinking this is the end of the world and now there's nothing i can do 2. having negative thoughts and action about the society - blaming, accusing, being extremly defensive about yourself think everything happened is the fault of society 3. find nothing positive about the past failure experience and fallen into constant cycle of regreat.
what Robert said in his book as 1. Do not treat failure as failure but as a lesson to sucess so you need to know that both failures and success is in a constant cycles of repetition that is a common norm. what you need to do is to deeply analyse your failure and learn something useful out of it. this is also expalined in Rober kiosaki book do not just let life pushes you around instead learn something out of it which makes you stronger and smarter everyday 2. instead of being negative all times you should start learning some postitives out of it. this is greatly illustratd by the chinese philosophy so Ying and Yang. No matter how bad something gets as long as you are still alive there must be a corresponding positives. in other words if something is really happening terrible to your life then after you analysed it very carefully then there must also be at least one correponding huge positive. e.g. for my i graduated from pharmacy shcool becuase of my condition i cannot become pharmacist in the past i always thought of how other ppl in this society always descriminat me but on the other hands i have also learned the fundamental rules and algothrim of the society which is a key thing to master in order to thrive in this society. at the same time i als found my passion in tech, web desigh and cyber and going to pursue a carrere in this field. imagine if i never experienced these failures then how could i possibly learn and self develop and figure out my true passion. 3. feel extremely excited about failures since i just told you failures in life is inevitable and yuo know that failures taught us how to succed failures taught us how to thrive and strive better in life and in this society, failure has taught me how to fucntion better and accpeted better in this society, failure has taught me the importance of finding your target, do not be afraid, action and immeditate execution and the importance of long lasting perseverance. then now why are you afraid and why you are running away?
submitted by Objective-Morning-38 to u/Objective-Morning-38 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:52 Kitchenknif3 When was this added? What’s happening?

When was this added? What’s happening? submitted by Kitchenknif3 to CVS [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:51 adventurepaul E-commerce Industry News Recap 🔥 Week of May 13th, 2024

Hi - I'm Paul and I follow the e-commerce industry closely for my Shopifreaks E-commerce Newsletter. Each week I post a summary recap of the week's top stories, which I cover in depth with sources in the full edition. Let's dive in...
STAT OF THE WEEK: Kohl's sales have shrunk by $2.3B since 2019. During that same period of time, the company lost 1.3M customers who no longer shop with the retailer.
BigCommerce is exploring a sale after attracting takeover interest, according to sources who chose to remain anonymous due to the confidentiality of the information. The sources said that BigCommerce asked investment bank Qatalyst Partners to solicit interest from potential buyers that include private equity firms, but that the discussions are at an early stage and no deal is certain.
Squarespace announced that it will be going private in a $6.9B all-cash deal with private-equity firm Permira, who agreed to pay $44 per share (a roughly 30% premium). Although Squarespace never lost 90% of its share price like BigCommerce, it has experienced a tumultuous time on the market since its IPO in May 2021 — opening around $49.50 and at times trading in the low $20s. Shares rose nearly 13% to $43 in pre-market trading upon release of the news.
ByteDance filed a lawsuit in US federal court seeking to block the new law that would force the sale or ban of the app within the country. The lawsuit challenges the law on constitutional grounds, also citing commercial, technical, and legal hurdles, as well as opposition from Beijing. Legal experts say the legal battle will play out in the courts in coming months and likely will reach the Supreme Court.
OpenAI unveiled its newest model, GPT-4o, designed to turn ChatGPT into a digital personal assistant that can engage in real-time, spoken conversations and interact with users using text, screenshots, photos, documents, and charts. The new version of ChatGPT also has memory capabilities, which means it can learn from previous conversations. It will be available to both unpaid and premium customers alike. OpenAI also announced that it would be launching a desktop app with the GPT-4o capabilities, giving users another platform to interact with the technology outside of a web browser.
Amazon launched in South Africa last week, marking its first marketplace in sub-Saharan Africa, and bringing its total number of marketplaces worldwide to 22. To launch the new marketplace, Amazon is offering free delivery on first orders and on subsequent orders above R500 (about $27), access to 3,000 pick-up points, status updates via WhatsApp to track orders, 30 day refunds, and 24/7 customer support. The marketplace was supposed to launch in the country in 2023, but got delayed due to changes in priorities within Amazon.
In an unlikely partnership, Instacart is partnering with Uber Eats to expand into the restaurant delivery business. Instacart will add a new tab for restaurant delivery to its app in the coming weeks, the listings will be provided by Uber, and the food will be picked up and delivered by Uber Eats drivers. Customers will receive the same prices on both apps and Instacart will receive an affiliate commission on orders. It's a strange partnership though given that Instacart and Uber Eats actively compete on grocery delivery. Are they planning to merge? Uber says no.
Apple's advertisement for its latest iPad Pro sparked criticism for showing an animation of musical instruments, paint cans, cameras, record players, and other symbols of creativity being crushed by a giant machine, with the output being the new iPad Pro, which the company says is the thinnest Apple product ever. In this context, “crushing” was supposed to symbolize “consolidating” and “compacting” — with the visuals meant to showcase how the new iPad Pro puts the power of all these tools into the hands of creators in one thin device. However online commenters criticized the ad as insensitive and as symbolizing a “destruction of the human experience.” The ad hit the web on Tuesday, and by Thursday, Apple issued a mea culpa and apologized for the campaign.
Google is encouraging merchants to enable conversion annotations on their Google Shopping ads, which offer social proof that highlight a product's popularity. Conversion annotations like “best selling” or “3K shopped here recently” would provide visual cues about a product’s popularity or sales performance directly in the ad unit. Annotations like these are par for the course with e-commerce retailers including Amazon, Walmart, and Temu, which all employ similar tactics. They can provide valuable info for shoppers and also help with conversions. However they also open data privacy concerns, given that Google is not the actual retailer or marketplace selling the items, so a merchant would have to share this purchase history data from their e-commerce platform with Google — which technically most already do by giving access to GA4.
Shein is attempting to join the National Retail Federation as it pursues regulatory approval to go public in the US. The company believes that NRF membership would boost its chances of receiving SEC approval. However so far, Shein has been rejected numerous times. An anonymous source familiar with the matter said someone with heavy influence at the NRF is strongly against the Shein's admittance. However board members who spoke to CNBC said that Shein's membership application hadn't come up in meetings, and that they aren't involved in deciding which companies are granted access.
Amazon is leading the way with selling home goods, capturing 18.8% of consumer home furnishings spending, compared to Walmart's 7.3% market share. Notably, Amazon’s gains in the furniture category come in spite of the company’s decision to phase out two of its three furniture brands last year.
Stanley, which is projected to do $750M in sales this year, up from $73M in 2019, after seeing its water bottles become a status symbol thanks to TikTok, is now expanding into trendier accessories. The company is launching a line of bags called the All-Day Collection which include a mini cooler, backpack cooler, and Quencher Carry-All, designed for someone to sling their Stanley over their hip.
Jack Dorsey left the Bluesky board and deleted his account on the service he helped kickstart, claiming that Bluesky was “literally repeating all the mistakes” he made while running Twitter. Dorsey says he never intended Bluesky to be an independent company, but rather, an open source protocol that Twitter was supposed to be the first client of. He also confirmed that he is financially backing Nostr, another decentralized Twitter-like service popular among crypto enthusiasts and run by an anonymous founder.
Amazon is deploying 50 electric trucks in California, which it claims is the largest EV fleet in the country, as part of its mission to eliminate pollution from its global operations. The trucks will be integrated into first-mile operations, moving goods from container ships at the ports to fulfillment centers, as well as middle-mile operations, transporting packages from fulfillment centers to delivery centers.
Wix launched a new tool called AI Portfolio Creator, which allows a user to upload and organize large-scale image collections, select the type of portfolio they want, and then have the AI tool sort and generate a portfolio with clustered images, recommended titles and descriptions, and personalized layout options.
Amazon is now requiring all dietary supplements to be verified by a third-party testing, inspection, and certification organization — which is something that not even the FDA requires. Amazon is the largest supplement retailer in the US ahead of Walmart and Target, and its new requirements are expected to put more pressure on the industry, which is being scrutinized more than ever.
Alibaba is revamping its flagship retail website Taobao for the first time in seven years with a focus on providing a smoother search and buying process. The website overhaul comes ahead of the 618 sales event, China's second-largest annual shopping event. A few weeks ago I reported that Eddie Wu, the CEO of Alibaba Group, would now be directly overseeing its domestic e-commerce arm which includes Taobao and Tmall Group, and it sounds like he's hitting the ground running with his new responsibilities.
Amazon is hosting its first-ever Amazon Book Sale, a new shopping event starting on May 15th that offers up to 50% off print best sellers and up to 80% off Kindle Books. The six day shopping event will exclusively run in the US, and Prime-membership is not required to take advantage of the deals.
FTX reported that nearly all of its customers will receive the money back that they are owed, two years after the cryptocurrency exchange imploded. The company owes about $11.2B to its customers and estimates that it has between $14.5B and $16.3B to distribute to them. The caveat is that customers will receive the USD value of their holdings at the time of the exchange collapse, and not the actual crypto holdings themselves, which means that they'll miss out on all gains during the past two years during which BTC went from around $16k to now over $60k. Better than nothing though, that's for sure.
800,000 consumers in Europe and the US were duped into sharing card details and other sensitive personal data with a network of fake online designer shops operated from China, which comprised one of the largest scams of its kind with 76,000 fake websites created. The scammers used expired domains to host its fake shops in order to help avoid detection by websites or brand owners, and more than 1M orders were processed in the past three years alone.
Beyond Inc, which owns Bed Bath & Beyond, Overstock, and Zulily, reported that its Q1 net loss swelled to $72M from $10M a year ago, while its operating loss widened to $58M from $8M. The company's active customers grew to 6M, up 26% from nearly 5M a year ago, however, its average order value dropped to $173 from $220 a year earlier.
TikTok will begin automatically labeling AI generated content when it is uploaded from certain platforms like DALL.E 3, Adobe Firefly, Photoshop, and Microsoft Copilot. TikTok will also start attaching Content Credentials to content, which will remain on the media when downloaded, allowing other platforms to read the metadata.
eBay is testing an Add To Cart button in search results that opens a Quick View window, allowing buyers to skip the listing page. Technically the button should probably not be labeled “Add To Cart” since it doesn't perform that action, but rather, displays a quick view window with three buttons: Buy It Now, Add To Cart, View All Details. Sellers are worried that buyers will miss crucial details in the product description that may lead to increased returns and negative feedback.
Amazon is planning to launch its fleet of drones in Tolleson, Arizona, but the city's extreme temperature is hampering its efforts. Drones can't operate in temperatures exceeding 104 degrees Fahrenheit, a temperature that Tolleson crosses for a full three months of the year.
A US district judge dismissed X's lawsuit against Bright Data, a data-scraping company accused of improperly accessing X system and violating X terms and state laws when scraping and selling data. The judge basically said that if X owned the data, it could perhaps argue that it has exclusive rights to control it, but then X wouldn't be able to enjoy the safe harbor of Section 230, which allows the platform to avoid liability for third-party content. Can't have it both ways!
Nintendo is discontinuing its X integration for the switch on June 10th, which means users will no longer be able to post screenshots or videos to the platform from their device. The drop in support also affects games like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which had game-specific options to send out tweets. Microsoft Xbox dropped support for X in April 2023 and Sony Playstation dropped the service in October 2023 due to the increase in X's API access fees.
Amazon claimed that its recordable incident rate — a metric that comprises all injuries requiring “more than basic first-aid treatment” — at its US warehouses has improved by 24% since 2019. However the National Employment Law Project challenged Amazon's injury data in a report last week, claiming that Amazon's overall injury rate in 2023 was 71% higher than that of other employers in the sector at 6.5 cases per 100 workers.
Amazon Ads announced three new advertising formats for streaming TV including shoppable carousel ads, interactive pause ads, and interactive trivia ads. Amazon did not say when the new ad types would officially launch, but noted that it will formally present them at a presentation on May 14th.
Meta is rolling out an expanded set of generative AI ad tools that can create full image variations with text overlays, expand images to fit across different aspect ratios, and generate alternate versions of headlines and other ad text. The features will become available globally to advertisers by the end of the year.
Square introduced a tool called Square Kiosk to allow self-service ordering at fast food restaurants. The device is a combined software, hardware, and payment solution that allows customers to select exactly what they want with customization options, upgrades, and add-ons.
The European Parliament announced new measures to make packaging more sustainable and reduce packaging waste in the EU, including reduction targets of 15% by 2040 — which sounds far away but is only 16 years away?! As part of the new rules, the EU will set maximum empty space ratios for e-commerce transportation, ban certain single-use plastic packaging types, and beverage distributors and take-away food will have to offer consumers the option of bringing their own container.
Indians who pre-ordered Teslas in 2016 are giving up and seeking refunds of their deposits after Elon Musk canceled another visit to the country last month. Disillusioned Tesla enthusiasts in India say they will now buy a car from the company only if they see it in a showroom, or they'll buy a different electrical vehicle from a company that actually exists in the country.
Target is limiting its Pride Month collection to select stores this year instead of rolling out the merchandise nationwide like it typically has for the past decade, due to backlash the retailer experienced last year. Last May customers in certain stores knocked down LGBTQ+ merchandise displays, angrily approached store employees, and posted threatening videos on social media from inside the stores.
E-commerce spending from Jan 1 to April 30, 2024 rose 7% YoY to $331.6B, according to Adobe Analytics. One trend Adobe identified during the period is a shift of online spending to purchasing the cheapest goods across personal care, electronics, apparel, home & garden, furniture, and grocery.
Plus 7 seed rounds, IPOs, and acquisitions of interest, including Shopify's acquisition of Peel, a tool that integrates with a merchant's tech stack including Klaviyo and Recharge and helps them analyze their sales data to improve customer retention.
I hope you found this recap helpful. See you next week!
PAUL Editor of Shopifreaks E-Commerce Newsletter
PS: If I missed any big news this week, please share in the comments.
submitted by adventurepaul to ecommerce [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:46 adventurepaul What's new in e-commerce? 🔥 Week of May 13th, 2024

Hi - I'm Paul and I follow the e-commerce industry closely for my Shopifreaks E-commerce Newsletter. Each week I post a summary recap of the week's top stories, which I cover in depth in the newsletter. Let's dive in...
STAT OF THE WEEK: Kohl's sales have shrunk by $2.3B since 2019. During that same period of time, the company lost 1.3M customers who no longer shop with the retailer.
BigCommerce is exploring a sale after attracting takeover interest, according to sources who chose to remain anonymous due to the confidentiality of the information. The sources said that BigCommerce asked investment bank Qatalyst Partners to solicit interest from potential buyers that include private equity firms, but that the discussions are at an early stage and no deal is certain.
Squarespace announced that it will be going private in a $6.9B all-cash deal with private-equity firm Permira, who agreed to pay $44 per share (a roughly 30% premium). Although Squarespace never lost 90% of its share price like BigCommerce, it has experienced a tumultuous time on the market since its IPO in May 2021 — opening around $49.50 and at times trading in the low $20s. Shares rose nearly 13% to $43 in pre-market trading upon release of the news.
ByteDance filed a lawsuit in US federal court seeking to block the new law that would force the sale or ban of the app within the country. The lawsuit challenges the law on constitutional grounds, also citing commercial, technical, and legal hurdles, as well as opposition from Beijing. Legal experts say the legal battle will play out in the courts in coming months and likely will reach the Supreme Court.
OpenAI unveiled its newest model, GPT-4o, designed to turn ChatGPT into a digital personal assistant that can engage in real-time, spoken conversations and interact with users using text, screenshots, photos, documents, and charts. The new version of ChatGPT also has memory capabilities, which means it can learn from previous conversations. It will be available to both unpaid and premium customers alike. OpenAI also announced that it would be launching a desktop app with the GPT-4o capabilities, giving users another platform to interact with the technology outside of a web browser.
Amazon launched in South Africa last week, marking its first marketplace in sub-Saharan Africa, and bringing its total number of marketplaces worldwide to 22. To launch the new marketplace, Amazon is offering free delivery on first orders and on subsequent orders above R500 (about $27), access to 3,000 pick-up points, status updates via WhatsApp to track orders, 30 day refunds, and 24/7 customer support. The marketplace was supposed to launch in the country in 2023, but got delayed due to changes in priorities within Amazon.
In an unlikely partnership, Instacart is partnering with Uber Eats to expand into the restaurant delivery business. Instacart will add a new tab for restaurant delivery to its app in the coming weeks, the listings will be provided by Uber, and the food will be picked up and delivered by Uber Eats drivers. Customers will receive the same prices on both apps and Instacart will receive an affiliate commission on orders. It's a strange partnership though given that Instacart and Uber Eats actively compete on grocery delivery. Are they planning to merge? Uber says no.
Apple's advertisement for its latest iPad Pro sparked criticism for showing an animation of musical instruments, paint cans, cameras, record players, and other symbols of creativity being crushed by a giant machine, with the output being the new iPad Pro, which the company says is the thinnest Apple product ever. In this context, “crushing” was supposed to symbolize “consolidating” and “compacting” — with the visuals meant to showcase how the new iPad Pro puts the power of all these tools into the hands of creators in one thin device. However online commenters criticized the ad as insensitive and as symbolizing a “destruction of the human experience.” The ad hit the web on Tuesday, and by Thursday, Apple issued a mea culpa and apologized for the campaign.
Google is encouraging merchants to enable conversion annotations on their Google Shopping ads, which offer social proof that highlight a product's popularity. Conversion annotations like “best selling” or “3K shopped here recently” would provide visual cues about a product’s popularity or sales performance directly in the ad unit. Annotations like these are par for the course with e-commerce retailers including Amazon, Walmart, and Temu, which all employ similar tactics. They can provide valuable info for shoppers and also help with conversions. However they also open data privacy concerns, given that Google is not the actual retailer or marketplace selling the items, so a merchant would have to share this purchase history data from their e-commerce platform with Google — which technically most already do by giving access to GA4.
Shein is attempting to join the National Retail Federation as it pursues regulatory approval to go public in the US. The company believes that NRF membership would boost its chances of receiving SEC approval. However so far, Shein has been rejected numerous times. An anonymous source familiar with the matter said someone with heavy influence at the NRF is strongly against the Shein's admittance. However board members who spoke to CNBC said that Shein's membership application hadn't come up in meetings, and that they aren't involved in deciding which companies are granted access.
Amazon is leading the way with selling home goods, capturing 18.8% of consumer home furnishings spending, compared to Walmart's 7.3% market share. Notably, Amazon’s gains in the furniture category come in spite of the company’s decision to phase out two of its three furniture brands last year.
Stanley, which is projected to do $750M in sales this year, up from $73M in 2019, after seeing its water bottles become a status symbol thanks to TikTok, is now expanding into trendier accessories. The company is launching a line of bags called the All-Day Collection which include a mini cooler, backpack cooler, and Quencher Carry-All, designed for someone to sling their Stanley over their hip.
Jack Dorsey left the Bluesky board and deleted his account on the service he helped kickstart, claiming that Bluesky was “literally repeating all the mistakes” he made while running Twitter. Dorsey says he never intended Bluesky to be an independent company, but rather, an open source protocol that Twitter was supposed to be the first client of. He also confirmed that he is financially backing Nostr, another decentralized Twitter-like service popular among crypto enthusiasts and run by an anonymous founder.
Amazon is deploying 50 electric trucks in California, which it claims is the largest EV fleet in the country, as part of its mission to eliminate pollution from its global operations. The trucks will be integrated into first-mile operations, moving goods from container ships at the ports to fulfillment centers, as well as middle-mile operations, transporting packages from fulfillment centers to delivery centers.
Wix launched a new tool called AI Portfolio Creator, which allows a user to upload and organize large-scale image collections, select the type of portfolio they want, and then have the AI tool sort and generate a portfolio with clustered images, recommended titles and descriptions, and personalized layout options.
Amazon is now requiring all dietary supplements to be verified by a third-party testing, inspection, and certification organization — which is something that not even the FDA requires. Amazon is the largest supplement retailer in the US ahead of Walmart and Target, and its new requirements are expected to put more pressure on the industry, which is being scrutinized more than ever.
Alibaba is revamping its flagship retail website Taobao for the first time in seven years with a focus on providing a smoother search and buying process. The website overhaul comes ahead of the 618 sales event, China's second-largest annual shopping event. A few weeks ago I reported that Eddie Wu, the CEO of Alibaba Group, would now be directly overseeing its domestic e-commerce arm which includes Taobao and Tmall Group, and it sounds like he's hitting the ground running with his new responsibilities.
Amazon is hosting its first-ever Amazon Book Sale, a new shopping event starting on May 15th that offers up to 50% off print best sellers and up to 80% off Kindle Books. The six day shopping event will exclusively run in the US, and Prime-membership is not required to take advantage of the deals.
FTX reported that nearly all of its customers will receive the money back that they are owed, two years after the cryptocurrency exchange imploded. The company owes about $11.2B to its customers and estimates that it has between $14.5B and $16.3B to distribute to them. The caveat is that customers will receive the USD value of their holdings at the time of the exchange collapse, and not the actual crypto holdings themselves, which means that they'll miss out on all gains during the past two years during which BTC went from around $16k to now over $60k. Better than nothing though, that's for sure.
800,000 consumers in Europe and the US were duped into sharing card details and other sensitive personal data with a network of fake online designer shops operated from China, which comprised one of the largest scams of its kind with 76,000 fake websites created. The scammers used expired domains to host its fake shops in order to help avoid detection by websites or brand owners, and more than 1M orders were processed in the past three years alone.
Beyond Inc, which owns Bed Bath & Beyond, Overstock, and Zulily, reported that its Q1 net loss swelled to $72M from $10M a year ago, while its operating loss widened to $58M from $8M. The company's active customers grew to 6M, up 26% from nearly 5M a year ago, however, its average order value dropped to $173 from $220 a year earlier.
TikTok will begin automatically labeling AI generated content when it is uploaded from certain platforms like DALL.E 3, Adobe Firefly, Photoshop, and Microsoft Copilot. TikTok will also start attaching Content Credentials to content, which will remain on the media when downloaded, allowing other platforms to read the metadata.
eBay is testing an Add To Cart button in search results that opens a Quick View window, allowing buyers to skip the listing page. Technically the button should probably not be labeled “Add To Cart” since it doesn't perform that action, but rather, displays a quick view window with three buttons: Buy It Now, Add To Cart, View All Details. Sellers are worried that buyers will miss crucial details in the product description that may lead to increased returns and negative feedback.
Amazon is planning to launch its fleet of drones in Tolleson, Arizona, but the city's extreme temperature is hampering its efforts. Drones can't operate in temperatures exceeding 104 degrees Fahrenheit, a temperature that Tolleson crosses for a full three months of the year.
A US district judge dismissed X's lawsuit against Bright Data, a data-scraping company accused of improperly accessing X system and violating X terms and state laws when scraping and selling data. The judge basically said that if X owned the data, it could perhaps argue that it has exclusive rights to control it, but then X wouldn't be able to enjoy the safe harbor of Section 230, which allows the platform to avoid liability for third-party content. Can't have it both ways!
Nintendo is discontinuing its X integration for the switch on June 10th, which means users will no longer be able to post screenshots or videos to the platform from their device. The drop in support also affects games like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which had game-specific options to send out tweets. Microsoft Xbox dropped support for X in April 2023 and Sony Playstation dropped the service in October 2023 due to the increase in X's API access fees.
Amazon claimed that its recordable incident rate — a metric that comprises all injuries requiring “more than basic first-aid treatment” — at its US warehouses has improved by 24% since 2019. However the National Employment Law Project challenged Amazon's injury data in a report last week, claiming that Amazon's overall injury rate in 2023 was 71% higher than that of other employers in the sector at 6.5 cases per 100 workers.
Amazon Ads announced three new advertising formats for streaming TV including shoppable carousel ads, interactive pause ads, and interactive trivia ads. Amazon did not say when the new ad types would officially launch, but noted that it will formally present them at a presentation on May 14th.
Meta is rolling out an expanded set of generative AI ad tools that can create full image variations with text overlays, expand images to fit across different aspect ratios, and generate alternate versions of headlines and other ad text. The features will become available globally to advertisers by the end of the year.
Square introduced a tool called Square Kiosk to allow self-service ordering at fast food restaurants. The device is a combined software, hardware, and payment solution that allows customers to select exactly what they want with customization options, upgrades, and add-ons.
The European Parliament announced new measures to make packaging more sustainable and reduce packaging waste in the EU, including reduction targets of 15% by 2040 — which sounds far away but is only 16 years away?! As part of the new rules, the EU will set maximum empty space ratios for e-commerce transportation, ban certain single-use plastic packaging types, and beverage distributors and take-away food will have to offer consumers the option of bringing their own container.
Indians who pre-ordered Teslas in 2016 are giving up and seeking refunds of their deposits after Elon Musk canceled another visit to the country last month. Disillusioned Tesla enthusiasts in India say they will now buy a car from the company only if they see it in a showroom, or they'll buy a different electrical vehicle from a company that actually exists in the country.
Target is limiting its Pride Month collection to select stores this year instead of rolling out the merchandise nationwide like it typically has for the past decade, due to backlash the retailer experienced last year. Last May customers in certain stores knocked down LGBTQ+ merchandise displays, angrily approached store employees, and posted threatening videos on social media from inside the stores.
E-commerce spending from Jan 1 to April 30, 2024 rose 7% YoY to $331.6B, according to Adobe Analytics. One trend Adobe identified during the period is a shift of online spending to purchasing the cheapest goods across personal care, electronics, apparel, home & garden, furniture, and grocery.
Plus 7 seed rounds, IPOs, and acquisitions of interest, including Shopify's acquisition of Peel, a tool that integrates with a merchant's tech stack including Klaviyo and Recharge and helps them analyze their sales data to improve customer retention.
I hope you found this recap helpful. See you next week!
For more details on each story and sources, see the full edition:
What else is new in e-commerce? Share stories of interesting in the comments below (including in your own business) or on shopifreaks.
-PAUL Editor of Shopifreaks E-commerce Newsletter
PS: Want the full editions delivered to your Inbox each week? Join free at
submitted by adventurepaul to ShopifyeCommerce [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:45 Mari-xoxo CVS: “On Hold” changed to “Action Required?”

As the title says, my CVS app had my 7.5mg listed as “on hold” since the prescription arrived in early April. Today, I went and checked and now it says “action required.” Is this a good sign by this being a potential PA required or am I going to be disappointed with another ‘out of stock’ answer. It says to “call pharmacy for options” but they’re very understaffed and not responding to calls well. I’ll get through to them… eventually.
I don’t know if this matters - I also tried to restart at 2.5 recently and that prescription is now “on hold.” When I called, they said it’s on hold bc it’s unavailable (when it’s been in stock for weeks, but that’s a shortage rant for another day). Maybe the system only allows one medication dosage to be “on hold” at a time and this is why the 7.5 has “action required?” TIA
submitted by Mari-xoxo to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:53 googlestaffsupport My experience with scabies

I first noticed an itchy red mark on my waist in March 2023.
It's hard to remember exactly but it felt like the itching started very suddenly. At night, it got so bad I'd struggle to sleep and after a shower the itchiness would flare up pretty badly. I didn’t have bumps, it was more like a rash or hives. I thought maybe I was having a reaction to something.
After a while with no improvement, I started to google “itchy skin” and eventually went to see a pharmacist and told them I thought I might have scabies. I got poor advice looking back on it. I was told to do one permethrin application and see if it helped - I bagged up all my clothes for three days and cleaned my room.
At the time, I was living in a large house-share and didn’t tell my housemates I was doing the permethrin treatment. I was hoping it wasn’t scabies.
The treatment didn’t help and I tried to manage the symptoms instead with antihistamines and Eurax (an anti-itch cream), thinking I must be allergic to something. I contacted my GP on and off for months but was told to keep trying the anti-histamines and hope it would clear by itself.
My doctor would ask if I’d tried a scabies treatment and of course I said yes, not thinking that I’d only really completed half a treatment at best. They suggested it could be lichen planus amongst other things.
I started getting fully fledged bumps and bites by the end of the summer. I went back to my GP and they prescribed me a steroid cream and prednisone - which would give me some relief for a day or two. I now know that’s probably the worst thing you can do, as it interferes with your body’s natural defences to the scabies mite.
Finally, after a particularly bad flare up at Christmas, and having noticed large dark bumps on my genitals, I panicked and went to a sexual health clinic in January. A doctor told me I had scabies within about ten minutes.
I started my first (proper) permethrin treatment the same day, bagged everything up for three days and repeated a week later. I had a horrible reaction to the cream this time with intense itching and a delayed, blotchy red rash across my torso.
My housemate also started his treatment but we were a week out of sync. He’d had a nightmare back and forth trying to get a prescription and it didn’t help that there’s an ongoing shortage of permethrin. He ended up paying privately and the cost was exorbitant.
The treatment didn’t work. We tried again. I unbagged my clothes three days after my last application and within a day had new itchy red bumps. I was so disheartened.
It started with a few new bites and built up but I wanted to believe I had post-scabies so badly that I tried to ignore it for a month, just to see if it would clear on it’s own. It didn’t and I went through the process again of contacting the doctor, asking for a prescription, trying to find a pharmacy that stocked permethrin and starting the treatment for a third time.
I finished my (hopefully) last treatment about a month ago. Touch wood and a prayer to all the gods that this is finally the end, more than a year after it started. This time I bagged my clothes and left them for a bit over two weeks. I still have some clothes in bags - the psychological scarring is real!
I’ve noticed bumps pop up here and there but they clear within a few days. I’m using a steroid and anti-bacterial cream, plus Eurax and a daily anti-histamine, to manage them. It hasn’t been a linear recovery. Every time I notice a new bump or itchy spot I panic a little. The itch is no where near as bad as when I had full throttled scabies though and I can sleep again.
The gaps between bumps and strange skin reactions is getting bigger but I’ve noticed the hotter weather and certain types of clothing can trigger it. The worst part has been the constant worry and fear that I’ve still got scabies. Thankfully, I feel like things are improving.
Hands down this has been top three worst things that’s happened to me in a while - and some shit has gone down. I feel for everyone going through something similar.
This subreddit has helped me learn that post-scabies is most definitely a thing. I really appreciated it when people would remind me that it does get better and you can get rid of scabies. It’s also caused me a lot of stress and worry and I’d suggest taking a break from this forum when you’re really feeling the pinch (or itch).
My advice - you have to be your own advocate when it comes to healthcare. I was fobbed off for months and suffered unnecessarily for longer than I needed to.
I love nature, but man, fuck scabies.
TL;DR: I've had scabies for over a year and finally think I'm in the clear. It's possible to get through it.
submitted by googlestaffsupport to scabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:31 Jeddit_101 Publishing Resume Review

Hi guys. I have been applying for roles for around 5 months in the publishing industry, which is a notoriously difficult industry to both break into and progress through. I was hopeful to have some of you guys have a look at my current CV.
Context - I work as an editorial assistant at a scientific publisher. I am currently looking for roles at trade (book) publisher, and I am looking to either get a job on the same level (i.e editorial assistant) or a little beyond that (Such as Assistant Editor which is a mixture of admin and editing, and Editor, which focuses on writing and copyediting books). Both of these roles are within my experience and capabilities based on my own industry research.
Here are some things I think about when considering altering my CV, and I would love some feedback on:
  1. I have tried to keep it to one page, and I'm worried it might look a bit cramped, and make people think it is longer to read than it actually is (543 words)
  2. I am concerned that the highlighting on my job titles and in the tables actually draw the eye away, rather than making those points stand out.
  3. I don't know if I am championing my transferrable skills as well as I can, especially in the 'Editorial Assistant' section which is obviously the most important part considering the roles I am applying for.
Ofc, any other advice is happily accepted (and fyi, I do tailor my CVs and cover letter to each role I apply for - the one I have included is a general one I use when tailoring applications.)
submitted by Jeddit_101 to Resume [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:01 CantaloupeLeading646 tracking token usage programatically in python

i'm struggling to find an answer to this question -
i'm writing a small application that utilizes RAG with a mistral model, the main script looks something like this:
from langchain_community.document_loaders import TextLoader from langchain_community.document_loaders import PyPDFLoader from langchain_mistralai.chat_models import ChatMistralAI from langchain_mistralai.embeddings import MistralAIEmbeddings from langchain_community.vectorstores import FAISS from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter from langchain.chains.combine_documents import create_stuff_documents_chain from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate from langchain.chains import create_retrieval_chain from import LocalFileStore from langchain.embeddings import CacheBackedEmbeddings from time import time from dotenv import load_dotenv import os
if __name__ == "__main__": load_dotenv() api_key = os.getenv("MISTRAL_KEY") loader = PyPDFLoader("paper1.pdf") text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size = 2000, chunk_overlap = 300) docs = loader.load_and_split() # Split text into chunks documents = text_splitter.split_documents(docs) # Define the embedding model embeddings = MistralAIEmbeddings(model="mistral-embed", mistral_api_key=api_key) store = LocalFileStore("./cache/") cached_embedder = CacheBackedEmbeddings.from_bytes_store( embeddings, store, namespace=embeddings.model ) # Create the vector store initial_time = time() vector = FAISS.from_documents(documents, cached_embedder) # Define a retriever interface retriever = vector.as_retriever() # Define LLM model = ChatMistralAI(mistral_api_key=api_key) # Define prompt template prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template("""Answer the following question based only on the provided context:
Question: {input}""")
# Create a retrieval chain to answer questions document_chain = create_stuff_documents_chain(model, prompt) retrieval_chain = create_retrieval_chain(retriever, document_chain) response = retrieval_chain.invoke({"input": "What were the two main things the author worked on before college?"}) print(response["answer"])
is there any function i can run from a main script to track my usage in dollars? everytime the script runs it will print out how many dollars i have left or something like that.

submitted by CantaloupeLeading646 to LangChain [link] [comments]